Prayers To make her daughter married. Conspiracies for the rapid marriage of the daughter and the marriage of the Son

In care of the successful and happy marriage of the daughters will be good if the mother will read the Orthodox prayer so that the daughter soon got married. There are so stronger prayers, and there are many of them.
1) For example, Christian prayer so that the daughter married, facing the wonderworker Great Saint Nicholas.
"Oh, all-in-law Nicholas, waters of the preserved lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in a rabid quickly assistant! To me, I am sinful and sad in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrey Moyya, in all lives, a business, word, thoughts and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul, Muya Pomping by the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creature Trears, eliminate the air solarms and the eternal torment: and always glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and died and forever. Amen".

3) Help your daughter get married, you can as follows. Buy a large church candle and two icons: Personal Daughter and Guardian Angel. In the evening, off the table with a white tablecloth and put the icons on the table. Between them, put a photo of my daughter, and next to put a candle. Light wick and tell me out loud 3 times a conspiracy to marriage:

The longing will leave, the joy will come, loneliness will leave, happiness will come, the grief will break, luck will remain, the envy will not multiply, the troubles do not worry. I send the grief, troubles, failures from the slaves of God (the name of the daughter) away, I call the skies, happiness and love for the servant of God (the name of the daughter) urge. May it be so!

After that, the candle is hiding and remove all items in its place. Repeat the ritual for three days and your daughter will definitely find your happiness and marry!

4) It is important to know for a successful conspiracy: read the conspiracy to the marriage of the daughter only with its full agreement. Ask a girl to close your eyes and focus, clean the mind from all extra thoughts. After that, read the conspiracy, periodically splashing on the head of his daughter with holy water from any wooden dishes. Conspiracy words are mandatory to rewrite for themselves to some compact sheet to be convenient to take it with you and memorize.
Conspiracy to marriage daughter
Lord God, you drive into the house of my items - Udaltsov will beat them, they do not stick to them anymore! No need of lags, no thieves, only the faithful and remote my daughter in the cover! Those who do not like, will be relieved, and the daughter is faithful - the only thing! Words are fulfilled! Amen.
5) Try to use ancient plot. He has two very important advantages. First, it should not read the conspiracy, but her mother. The very same bride herself can not know anything at all about how Mom cares about the personal happiness of her daughter. Secondly, the conspiracy is not addressed not to some particular young man, namely, who is prepared by the fate of your daughter's groom. This means that it cannot harm such a plot. He just makes the narrowed a little hurry, stirred him, will break his heart young man from premonition of love.
So, if you are ready, then it is necessary to go out early in the morning open place (Better in the field) and, turning to the East to meet the sun, to pronounce three times:
"Over the sea ocean, in a copper city, a kind well done is sitting in the iron terme. He was chained in ten chains, put on ten doors. Only the Word of my good well done from the captivity and I will grab my narrowed. I speak my native Mother (name His Name), lovely well done for the love of the Red Maiden (name the name of the daughter). Without it, he does not walk without it, he does not have fun. Without it, he is not life in the parent home near his father with his mother. Let him be in a dream and reveal. And On the day, and at noon, and in a dark midnight. And without her, he would not have seen joy and did not find mercy. My word is an end, but the love of the Red Maiden (the name of the daughter) is the beginning. "

This conspiracy, as you already, probably, understood difficult. He is strong, so before reading it, some preparation is required. Three days before reading the conspiracy must be fast. In the morning, before getting out of the house, you can not eat and talk to anyone. It should be silent on the road. And if, due to necessity, you still say any words, then - what can you do! - It is necessary to postpone the reading of the conspiracy until the best times.
Unfortunately, native moms are not always ready to take care of their daughters. Often, girls have to do everything themselves. If you are in this position, then know: the grooms in Russia were made to pray on November 10 on Neonil and Paraskeva. It can be seen, the prayers had success, the cherished date was preserved in the memory of the people. Try, maybe you will help.

6) the rite "successfully give away the daughter of marry"

Objects required for the rite
Icons: "Holy Trinity", "Guardian Angel", "St. Nicholas Miracle Miracle Mir."
"Candle in a candlestick before each icon.
Candle daughter.
Black prayer canvas.
Generic towel.
Communication sequence
On the table, covered with a generic tablecloth, put the icons with a semicircle.
Before each icon, put a candle in the sub-candle.
In the center of the table, put a generic towel. Put your daughter's candle on it.
On the floor, the black prayer cannon.
Stand in the center of the canvas.
Call to help the Holy Trinity, guardian angel, St. Nicholas Wonderworker.
Light candles. Read the prayer "Our Father" - 4 times.
Prayer "Our Father"
See earlier.
On the left Hang the generic towel, take the candle to the daughter.
Stand up to the eastern side.
Make a candle in front of me the godfather and bow.
Read the plot. So do along the sun on 4 sides of the world.
Read the conspiracy on each side of the world.
Conspiracy "For a successful marriage"
From the royal pane
From Boyarsky threshold
The road flew to my house.
On the way that goes
Grooms and Shata
The genus of royal and boyars
Noble, merchant,
Business and master.
On the road of the royal to the threshold to my
Go grooms for the daughter (name),
The grooms are rich
Lucky yes beautiful,
And one of them narrowed yes lucky,
He is prince among princes
Boyar among boyars,
Merchant among merchants
Master, Lucky,
Pasty and notable.
That groom goes to the threshold
My daughter under the crown will lead.
My daughter is saving,
Married to be lucky enough.
Word his secret will strengthen the cross and a bow,
The case will strengthen the generic towel.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
When the candles can do, read thankful prayer.
Daughter's candle wrap in the generic towel. At forty days, put the towel in the blade.
Your daughter will very successfully marry, the husband will love her, and it will be in prosperity.

Mother's prayer to make her daughter married

About love, happy marriage, children, romantic relationships almost every person in the world dreams, especially girls. It is enough to experience the delights of mutual relationships and the soul is transformed, becomes kinder, happier, sincere.

Mothers who have loved love necessarily wish to feel her daughter. Even on the basis of the dry calculation, successfully give the daughter to marry to all family members. Believers to implement the conceived will help prayer about marriage daughter. To get married daughters, ask for help of heavenly forces, for example, turn to Nicholas-descendants, Matrona, Virgin.

Prayer helps even if before you did not consider yourself a believer, because sincere appeal to higher power It will be noticed, it is rated if it comes from the heart.

Love - the victim, giving someone a small portion positive energyYou commit a good act making happier, first of all, yourself. If the daughter has long been dreaming about good marriage, At first, listen carefully to her opinion, do not rush to the conclusions, only after its consent, proceed to the case.

Reading Prayer Case Not easy

Before praying the matron, realize the need to appeal to the highest forces. The daughter may be too young, inexperienced in family matters, it is quite possible, she is not yet ready, or does not want to marry at all. Prayer must be pronounced with complete confidence that now is the time to ask for help of higher strength. Prayer should not have evil intent, the actions should not expose the integrity of families, because there are cases when girls fall in love with married men.

When reading the prayer of the Virgin, Matrey try to learn the words by heart, believe me, learn a few simple offers It is quite simple, the effect of reading learned words is much better. When holding a ritual, remember the goal, it is impossible to be distracted, thinking about outsiders. In order for the mother to successfully concentrate, imagine the image of your daughter, what a happy it will be in marriage. It is not necessary to conduct a ritual in the church, however, it is better to go there for a better result, even if you have not been there for a long time. If you do not know who to turn to the daughter get married, stop at the Matron. So that the procedure came out successful, donate some of the money church.

Heavenly forces will help you find a soul mate

Mother's Prayer about a successful marriage of his daughter read before the icon Blessed Virgin Mary. The most famous icon depicting the holy is called "unfavorable color", ideal to read the prayer next to it. She will help to find the most worthy spouse, the main thing is to pray correctly, without distracted by the goal. The Mother of God will help and get rid of "love dependence" when the girl is a mistress of a married man.

One of the best prayers about the prosperous marriage, which the mother can be carried out is to appeal to the blissful matron. Light three church candles, mentally concentrate on the successful marriage of the daughter, think that her spouse becomes her, first of all, another, ally.

If you are not in the church, try to pretend to imagine the image, visualize happy daughter, married.

Matrona is not the only assistant and performer of plenty of help in marriage, try to contact Nikolay the Wonderworker.

What result should expect

Sincere, clean, good prayer Matron will not remain not heard by heavenly forces. Therefore, the result will necessarily be, and equal to the efforts, both from the mother, and from Chad. It is worth understanding that the highest forces do not give anything, even if praying. It should be expected that your daughter will fall into a situation where the right decision will allow her to gain happiness, coming out married.

Popular Prayers for Children:

Prayer To make a daughter married: Comments

Comments - 8,

My wife and I always wanted our daughter with happiness, so that she married her love, but she was always somehow some, forgive me, goats that did not appreciate her. Lee's joke, she was already 27, and she walked everything in girls, of course, she began to think that something was wrong with her, damaging who brought. Here's a mother and decided to go to the church, pray for the Blessed Virgin. There was a few months, we already began to lose hope, but then a month later my daughter met a good young man, that's a month ago they played a wedding, she was so happy, yes And we too. After that, we have strengthened in faith, because there is something that we cannot comprehend. Prayers really help if they come from the heart!

i am Muslim, I really want that my daughter would marry a man of his faith that was a good husband for her daughter, whatever was a good father for future children, holy help,

I have an adult daughter, meets a guy, meets, everything is fine, three years passes, they are preparing for the wedding and instantly everything breaks down. It is already lasting ten years. Perfor marriage is simply impenetrable wall. It is simply impossible to explain what is happening. She loses faith in the opportunity to marry, have a loved husband and a strong family. I will send a good and reliable friend and my daughter's husband to get married and gave birth to children.

I beg you, the Holy Matrona, about the happiness of the beloved daughter Danara. Help her not to make a mistake with the choice and removed from her wrong people. I went marriage with a bright and wedding life for God's laws. Will be the will of yours. AMIN. Blessed Starius Matron Matrona, defend my daughter from a detrimental marriage and give her a chosen one. Not rich, not married, not walking, not drinking, he does not hit heavy hand, and a good and loving. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen

Help the saints of my older daughter get married

Help please my adult daughter to find your female happiness and marry your loved one

Saint Mati Matrius! Help in the name of the Father and Sons and the Holy Spirit, find my daughter, the servant of God's Victoria is a baptized Veronica to find his female happiness, her husband faithful, pious, for a long and happy life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Holy Nicholas, please all you help, help and me, not to refuse to have my request, the mind of the Lord God about the soon happy marriage of my daughter. Thank you so much for your help and low bow.

How soon to get married?

What is it, women's happiness? Cozy house, Favorite spouse, little children. Probably, it is about this that almost all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are dreaming, especially those of them who have not yet met their narrowed. And if you consider yourself to such girls, you will help you a prayer for marriage! As such prayer aimed at marriage, there are no canonical collections.

However, many are known that the Most Holy Mother of God always helps girls in their requests regarding family happiness. Therefore, praying for family happiness, it is necessary to contact the Most Holy Virgin.

Icon of the Mother of God

Samoa strong icon For those who dream to meet a man and marry him, the icon of the "unfavorable color" of God's Mother is considered. This image symbolizes love, which should always live in the human heart.

The marriage can also ask for young girls who want to meet the most suitable guy to make a marriage and the start of living together, and divorced women, and widows. Also, prayer words are considered effective to get rid of sinful dependence on a married man. Reading them, you free your heart for new Love And let go of everything old.

You can seek help on only girls and women dreaming about marriage. Effective are considered to appeal to mothers who pray for the speedy marriage of daughters. After all, it is not in vain that there is nothing stronger than the maternal word, her requests.

Therefore, if you want to marry your daughter, you can safely use prayers and requests facing the holy. Important condition - Your daughter should not be against, because the prayer is not a solution to any problems, and if the girl does not feel ready or does not want to marry in principle, it will not be able to do it for a prayer.

It is also worth remembering that it is not worth praying for engaging in the life of engaged, married men, as you can put on my grief. And in general, it is believed that a married man and requests for him is a sin!

Mother's prayer about daughter

These magic words are read by the mother, who wants to marry his daughter. For greater efficiency, it is worthwhile to guide the righteous lifestyle, not to die, do not envy, serve alms.

Words are read early in the morning, several times a week:

"The Most Holy Mother of God, refuge sinful and the intercession of Christians!

Saws and defend to you in the misfortunes of resorting,

We will hear our moaning, plenty and requests, your ear is screaming to our words!

Do not remove from the requests of ours, the tear and teaching of your slaves!

Whether we are a patroness mother, your version will help

For life, quiet and serene we go all, we ask her about it.

Maria, mother intercession, cover us with his petition,

From enemies and enemies to protect, soften evil hearts and thoughts!

For her daughter, Slava God (name) please, about happiness her family!

Time to the harbor quietly, the spouse is faithful to the reward

For all the efforts, for requests, good things!

On the path to the right to direct, commandments to fulfill help,

On the terrible court for her implit!

The text of the prayer is repeated seven times, on which the rite is considered completed. Naturally, this ritual is performed only if the girl is baptized.

Prayer for yourself

If you dream of marriage, then prayer for marriage will help you with this. Read magic words can all girls and women of any age. By the way, you can perform the rite and then when you are alone, and when there is a man with whom you would like to connect your future life.

It is not necessary only to perform a magic ritual per person whose heart is occupied by another attachment or official marriage. After all, in such situations everything can turn around the opposite.

"Lord God, I will send my Word to you to help your assistance!

Happiness great mine depends on you, from your will, from the command!

Directions my soul, fill it clean, because you will please!

According to your commandments, I want to live, in good and light!

From pride and vague me, they will be removed on the way to the right way!

I ask about the happiness of the family, about the groom worthy, about the love of eternal!

To wait for us a family, the sorrows do not know, the kids give birth!

After all, you said yourself, not good man alone to be,

One live yes wander! And he created to help a woman,

Wife, custodian of the hearth, the mother of his children!

So I want my wife and mother to become, my husband read

Yes, love to surround, take care and defend!

My prayer from the heart of the maiden hear, you send you, you are delighted!

Give me a spouse honest, kind, pious!

So that in consent and happiness will free with him to fulfill!

Magic words need to repeat seven times. It is recommended to fulfill the ritual every day, early in the morning, before you feel! Ideally - every day should begin with this prayer.

At a time, when applying to God for help, it is not recommended to resort to other types of magic, to make bad actions, drink alcohol and the like. The girl should show that she is ready for marriage and will be a good wife.

Prayer Saint Catherine

Holy Catherine - the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria Egypt, incredibly beautiful and clever girl who decided to devote her life to the Lord. Sincere appeal to this saint is unlikely to remain undisclosed, especially if marriage is what you want most.

"Holy Catherine, I will send my voice to you, I will pronounce my prayer!

About female happiness begging you, I ask you about the restraint feelings!

Beyond me before the Lord God

Sleep the word for me, my well-being is asked!

He will not refuse the virgin, about marriage dreaming,

About happiness, about the spouse, about children -

On the fulfillment of the presenter, the purpose of human!

By the way, he listened to your word, grace my sleeping me!

Appeal to Saint Catherine is repeated three times. It is believed that you can contact her for help several times a week, while the girl will not meet a suitable guy and will not make marriage with him. It is very important to believe in virtue of the holy and to help the Lord.

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Prayer for marriage daughter

Orthodoxy is not just religious rites, but a holistic system of worldview. Faith should not end with the service. It affects all spheres of life, including on the family. The marriage must have a blessing starting from the fact of dating. Therefore, there are even special prayers for marriage daughter. After all, every mother dreams that daughters are lucky with a satellite.

Who pray for marriage

In church tradition, there is some conditional division on the spheres for which one or another holy "answers". Never forget the main points:
  • always first turn to God;
  • remember that other heavenly patrons can also be prayed.

But who, nevertheless, is able to send a decent satellite to the maiden, to whom the mother should read the prayers about the marriage of the daughter? After all, many today complain that beautiful, successful young woman lives alone. Of course, parents are hard to watch.

Before starting any prayer feat, you should visit the service, reassure in bad thoughts, words and actions.

  • Jesus Christ is like a caring shepherd, he blessed people to marry, have children, take care of each other.
  • Saint Nikolai - the case is widely known when he helped several girls to find spouses. Since then, the reverend is treated with similar petitions.
  • Saints Ioakim and Anna - after a long tens of years, infertility, the Lord highlighted them to take the Mary's daughter to her family - the future of the Virgin. This is great happiness. Their example teaches to take patience, not to lose hope.
  • Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia - Spouses together adopted suffering for Christ, supported each other, showed loyalty, resistance. Such reliable relationships today will rarely meet.

There are other patrons of marriage that can help - you can choose yourself. This does not affect the result, because the power of the saints take the Lord.

Prayer to the Lord God about marriage

"Oh, all-selling Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I love you all soul and with all my heart, and to fulfill you in all of your holy Will. Control the same, oh my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you alone, for you are the creator and my God. Save me from pride and vague: mind, modesty and chastity let them decorate me. The idleness is opposed to you and gives rise to the vices, feed the hunt for hardworking and bless it. Alone the law of your law commands to live people in an honest marriage, bring me, the saint, to this, consecrated to you, the title, not to facilitate the lust of my, but for the fulfillment of your destination, for you told you: it's not good to be one and, creating He his wife in the assistant, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the land. Hear a humble prayer for mine, from the depths of the Maughish heart you are distinguished; Give me a spouse honestly and piety, so that we are in love with him and in harmony glorify you, the mercifulness of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

What do not need to do

Many, instead of reading prayers for marriage daughters, are conspired on the Internet and spend at home magic rituals. They show their behavior full of their mistrust to God. Didn't it promise to take care of people, remove any cargo with their shoulders? Does the Lord are unable to cope with your problem?

Remember that instead of help so you can bring serious trouble. The spiritual world is not a toy, he does not forgive mistakes. His laws are impartial - opening the unfamiliar door, then you do not need to be surprised that something unsightly appeared from there. Many have paid for negligence physical and mental health. Is this mother should wish to her child?

How to help your daughter choose a couple

It should be understood that everything starts with acquaintance. It is necessary to help the daughter to make a correct objective opinion about a person. Will they live for many years to live together when the first love will pass?

It should be obsessed with how the future groom refers to its loved ones: whether the attention shows, patience, can the concessions or insist on his. The prayer for a safe marriage of his daughter will not be beneficial if the girl has no correct concept of marriage. And you should take care of it.

Orthodox understanding of the marriage goes against the one who today is inspired by young people from glossy magazines pages. it consumer attitudeWhen the spouse see a way to solve their own problems. But the feeling of its value as a person should not come from outside, this is an internal state over which it is necessary to work.

Be sure to pay attention to the community of spiritual values. This is a very strong lever defining a person's deeds. Only unity at all levels can be the main durable family.

  • Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about marriage daughter
  • Prayer Matron about marriage and personal life - read here
  • Maternal prayer for daughter -

Prayer to the martyrs Adriana and Natalia, so that the daughter married

About the sacred binary, the martyr of Christ's martyr Adriana and Natalia, the Blessed of the spouses and the kind of sufferers! To hear us, praying with tears, and lower all the well-consuming souls and the body of our own, and the pray of Christ of God, and it raises us and makes it the grace of yours, and they will not die in Gresh. To her, the martyr and the martyr! Attach our prayer prayers, and save your prayers from the glad, destroying, coward, flooding, fire, hail, sword, invasions of the interemphetics and internecine branches, from sudden death and from all troubles, seals and diseases, and with your prayers and the concept of strengthening , I will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesh applies any glory, honor and worship, with his original father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

daughter prayer about marriage.

Prayerto daughter got married; Prayer Peter and Fevronia about the family . Prayer about marriage daughter.

3 Prayer Ksenia about marriage - Text. . daughters

Another rule is: many moms whose daughter can not find a worthy soul mate, can contact the Matron with prayer about marriage.

Any girl dreams of a lot to fall in love with a man, to successfully marry him, give birth to children and live happily. But now the world is full of lies, betrayal and debauchery.

Prayerto daughter got married; Prayer Peter and Fevronia about the family . Prayer about marriage daughter.

Nature made people such that they first appear care for their children. Girls are considered more vulnerable to external factors and they need more parent heat and love.

3 Prayer Ksenia about marriage - Text. . to get rid of loneliness and getting married; Mothers can also ask happiness for their daughtersso that they find a good husband

The power of maternal prayer is indisputable. It so happened that the girls are weaker in their natural nature, so they need more protection. That is why in Orthodoxy, much attention is paid to the mother prayers about the daughter.

Strong Orthodox Mother's Prayers about Daughter

There are many strong orthodox prayer Mother of her daughter. Prayer appeals are distinguished by miraculous force and are considered overalls. With their help, you can support your bloodstream at different stages of life. Sincere Mother's Prayer, which comes from the depths of the soul, allows you to install an invisible protective shield over your daughter, which can not be punched or negative. A strong prayer for her daughter needs to be created daily, and in this case the mother can be confident that her daughter will successfully cope with any difficulties and will bypass all the troubles.

Prayer for daughter and protection over it

Strong prayer per daughter, which allows you to put reliable protection, addressed to Jesus Christ. You can take it, both in the temple and at home. At the same time, it is necessary to pray before the icon of the Savior under burning church candles. It is very important to fully focus on prayer phrases and fully realize them. Nothing and no one should prevent prayer about her daughter.

"Lord our almighty, Savior of the human race, the Son of God Jesus Christ hear motherful prayer About the daughter of their slaves of God (own name), for the sake of the prayers of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Your Mother. In your power, I will hire my and anywhere. I ask you to let my sins, free and involuntary, for I repent of I sincerely in my relegations. Let them not harm my daughters, the servant of God (the name of the daughter), and she will not suffer punishment for them. To mention, Lord, my daughter is true for the path, help her to live on the commandments of God and not give in to the devilish temptations. And Kohl will sin it voluntarily or unwittingly, I ask you to judge it not by lawlessness with the overall, but in the great grace of the Lord. Bless, the global Lord, the great man of a daughter my daughter for life is prosperous and happy. Let not hurt her evil people Neither your affairs nor thoughts. I believe in your goodness, Lord, and glorify all the good deeds in my prayers. Amen".

Sincere maternal prayers always hear Mother of God. Therefore, in any difficult situation, you need to contact it. As a rule, assistance from this holy comes immediately.

Strong prayer sounds as follows:

"The Most Holy Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, Mother of God's Lady Virgin Mary I am a sinful slave of God (my own name) I call for your help. Rope from heaven your eyes on me and hear my maternal molib. Blessed you are in your immaculate conception and blessed your fruit. Your son became the Savior of the human race. I ask you, the Most Holy Mother of God, save my daughter from the devilish temptations of sinful. I do not allow the bloodstream to go from the true road and disrupt the commandments of the Lord. You have known maternity, you understand my spiritual torments and you will not leave my Molub without an answer. I believe in the Lord God, I glorify his goodness and accept the will of the Most High. Amen".

Maternal Prayer for Daughter's Happiness

In order for the daughter to gain his everyday happiness, mother must pray for her daughter. The strongest is the special prayer directed by the Most Holy Mother of God.

There are special rules for reading such prayer and they must be followed:

  • It is necessary to pray for the happiness of the daughter in the early morning when none of the households can prevent you from.
  • It is necessary to wash, dress up and get up before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary on your knees.
  • Be sure to have an Orthodox cross at this moment.
  • Pronounce prayer words follows, looking at the flame burning church candleswhich first must be lit in front of the icon.

The prayer text sounds as follows:

"Clean and immaterial Virgin Mary, the Great Hall of the Virgin, the Queen of Heavenly. I appeal, the slave of God (own name) to you with my sincere request. Please hear my maternal Molub and protect my daughter from all bad. Let them not harm her unkind men and will not be badly influence. Flew, Mother of God, my desire and help to make my daughter happy. Give her the opportunity to experience real women's happiness in life and know the huge true love. Yes, so that she brought her vitality and was mutual. Let it be for her family lifeThe husband will be loving and caring, and children smart and obedient. Fences, the Most Holy Mother, my daughter from ailments, hunger and cold. Help Do not collapse her with the way true and live according to the commandments of God. Ask for forgiveness, Mother of God, in front of the Lord, the glorious and for my sorts, so that my daughter had to bear punishment for them. I all my life in prayers to glorify your goodness, and our Lord to glorify. Amen".

Mother's prayer about pregnant daughter

To the Most Holy Virgin, you can also handle a prayer for a pregnant daughter. If maternal prayer will be ascended every day, it guarantees successful pregnancy. In addition, the prayer appeal will strengthen the Spirit of his daughter and calm her, which means that childbirth will be light and the child will be born healthy.

Prayer in this case sounds as follows:

"The Great and Most Holy Mother of God, who gave the world of the Savior of Jesus Christ. I ask you, the slave of God (own name) help for my daughter's slaves of God (the name of the daughter). You, the Most Holy Mother of God, you understand the nature and connection between your mother and tea, so I pray you about helping to successfully endure your daughter's child and resolve from the burden. Let a healthy baby appear on the light and bring with him a happy sense of maternity for my daughter. I fall to the image of yours, Virgo Maria, and pray to take the child holy baptism and has encountered all the benefits of our Lord. The silence of his son, forgive us all the free and unwitting germs so that we can pray to him a great man and to glorify his name until the end of their days. Amen".

Prayer for the daughter of Matron and Nikolai Wonderworker

Highly strong prayer Is the appeal to the Holy Starce Matron of Moscow. This holy in life appreciated the relationship between parents and children, so, being in heaven, it will definitely hear prayer and respond. Prayer petition The happiness of the daughter needs to read in an early dawn in front of the Holy Star. It is allowed to read not every day, but only in cases where internal necessity arises.

It is very important to pronounce the following prayer words, believe that they will be heard:

"I appeal to you, the slave of God (own name) Matronushka Moskovskaya, Staritsa is blissful. I do not ask for myself, and I draw a plea for your daughter. Rope to me your eyes from heaven, not a hole of your face and forgive me the sinful for the daring request of my. Maternal Molub is creating for his child's beloved. Hear me and stunning the Son of our Lord to bestow my daughter's peaceful peace and love sincere, success in life, wisdom and patience. Ask his Matronushka, about the life of her life in the life of her serious obstacles, so as not to harm her evil spiritsAnd she had the power of the soul to resist the devilish temptations. Let the Lord God appoint her the faithful Guardian Angel, who will accompany her on the life path and protect from the trouble. I believe in your strength and goodness, the Holy Matronushka, I hope for you and thank you. Amen".

It sounds as follows:

"I appeal to you, Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, for the help of me, the slave of God (own name). Slender and protect my daughter from troubles and unclean everywhere: in the field, in the forest, on the road, in the evening and in the morning dawn. Tell me the bloodstream of my true life path and do not let her get away from him, do not give it to the sinful temptations. Moths for the well-being of my daughter in front of the Lord of our, glorious sound well. Let my daughter in my life everything goes back and everything turns out. Thank you, the Saint Wonderworker Nikolai, for your help and I hope only for you. Amen".

The process of childbirth always causes excitement in the soul of any woman. Therefore, it is important for the generic process to morally prepared. Any mother is experiencing for her daughter and therefore seeks to help her with a special prayer. As you know, maternal prayer is always very effective. It allows you to create a special protective shield, which will exclude any unforeseen circumstances during childbirth.

You can ask for help in childbirth, you can holy Matron Moskovskaya.

Prayer handling may sound as follows:

"Oh, the blissful mother of the Matron, hear the prayer of the sinful slaves of God (own name). You are in your soul in the kingdom of heaven, you are prestone before the throne of the Lord. Your body in the ground is soaring, but the power of God you are graceful to people exude. Hear a tear and humble moluba. You will take me in my fears and help my daughter will succeed successfully. Element from my soul despair and give calm. I ask you, Holy Staritsa, to support my daughter, so that she can give birth healthy child. The mind of our Lord, forgive us all our prerequisites, they are committed to our disadvantage, so let them be punished with my daughter. Thank you, Blessed Staritsa and accept any will of God. Amen".

Each mother dreams about the daughter of successfully married. The strongest prayer for such a case is to appeal to Jesus Christ.

It may sound as follows:

"Oh, the global and all-storey Lord, I know the sinful slave of God (own name) I know that the great happiness in my life depends on how much I love you, I accept your will and trust you. So manage the same, Lord, my soul and control my actions and actions. My soul is filled with sincere love for you. My desire is one thing - to please only you and glorify your acts in your prayers, for I understand that you are the creator of mine. I ask you happiness for my daughter, letting her successfully marry and experience the happiness of the family. Fill her life with joy and love, give her wisdom to be able to extinguish conflicts that destroy family relationships. Bring her, Lord, in chastity and modesty to marriage uzam. For you yourself said that it is no one for a person on earth to live alone. A man should have a reliable assistant, and they must live in harmony and Lada, works in the name of the Lord God. I believe in your goodness, for you are, Lord, the great man of man. I only hope for you and I hope to find eternal peace in the kingdom of heaven. Amen".

Daughter's birthday prayer

Especially strong is a prayer on his daughter's birthday. It allows you to reliably protect your child from the sorrows and trouble for a whole year. Before the prayer, which should be pronounced at home, it is necessary to visit the Temple, where you need to put a candle for the health of your daughter.

Prayer is pronounced before the icon of the Savior, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Nicholas Wonderworker. Before them should be lit on the church candle.

The prayer for his daughter should be sent to the Mother of God and can sound as follows:

"The prechistan and the Mother of God, hear the maternal prayer of the slaves of God (own name) for her daughter, the servant of God (the name of his daughter). On the day of her birth, I ask you, Mother of God, will take care of the tea with her beloved. Please preserve it from the evil of anyone and the influence of the devilish. Hear me and swears, the Lord God, the son of your redemption of my free and non-free sins, in order not to bear the daughters of my punishment. Accept, the Most Holy Virgin, sincere repentance in my sins, blessing to my daughter for a long and happy life. Amen".

Samoa effective help The cases when the daughter suffers from loneliness, there will be a mother's prayer about a successful marriage. The saints will not help help everyone resorting to them for help with faith and hope.

It is necessary to pray for a device of personal life first to Christ, as a trustee of our souls, secondly turn to the Mother of God and selected saints, among whom the Blessed Matron of Moscow and St. Nicholas.

Who to pray about a successful marriage?

The people will be heard by assistants in the affairs of the family following the following intercessors:

  1. 1. Successfully married the famous Russian Saint Blessed Matron Matrona.
  2. 2. O. good husband Pray from the icon of the "Pokrov of the Most Holy Virgin".
  3. 3. Help get married a girl be sure to contribute to St. Nicholas.
  4. 4. About happiness married spouses Adrian and Natalia, who in the troubles and joy were together, up to the martyrdom.
  5. 5. Find a decent pair will help Joacim and John - Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I can ask for a personal patron saint of my daughter. In addition, everyone has a favorite, close to him, saints, who have already helped in difficulties.

How should I pray?

Mother can pray at convenient conditions, but the best place There will be a temple. There you can put candles, order remembering about health. Pious women file notes for their daughters for the one-year reading of the psalti in all available monasteries. Such. church prayer, read by monks who gave themselves to the Voluntary Service to the Lord, will definitely be heard.

Home should include special prayers in the daily prayer rule. You can read them separately from it, at any convenient time.

Do not worry that mothers who never considered themselves believers and did not attend the temple. Sincere and disinterested desire to help the child will be rewarded.

To recognize the intentions of the bridegroom, to understand a good pair of daughters will help beauticians or experienced priests. Orthodox Church It is on guard of family values, and the desire of the mother to help daughters will find support in the walls of the temple.

Icon "unfading color"

There are selected icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who became famous for wonders promotional marriage. Form God's Mother "Unable color" is one of the examples of real and ambulance in love affairs. It should be read from him next prayer:

Prayer for marriage "unfading color"

Matrona Moscow

Matrona Moscow, providing a close death, gave the will to contact her in any need. She will definitely hear and help. Holy can only pray without evil intent, because it happens that the daughter loves a married man, but the desire to break someone else's family will turn only to trouble.

Prayer Saint Matron:

Prayer Saint Matron

Prayer is better to read in front of the holy. If it is possible, it is advisable to visit the chapel in St. Petersburg in honor of the Matrona in St. Petersburg and leave a note asking in a special place. Many miracles on the intercession of Saint occurs now, they are fixed in a special book at the temple.

Nikolay Rhodes

Nikolay will not see the wonderworker, his blessings and intercession before God are felt by many, even unchurched people. In prayer to it, the main perseverance, faith in the best and clean heart. This saint, according to church legend, helped three poor girls to safely arrange fate, having relived them from a shameful fate.

Samoa strengthened In the case of loneliness, there will be a mother's prayer for a marriage of his daughter, because it is hot and sincerely prays about their own child. Marriage will definitely be happy if the mother asks for this and relies on God's mercy.

Requests to Nikolai Wonderworker is a strong agent. With it, you can pour acquaintances with a pious man so that he become a decent wife of his daughter.

Text of prayer to holy wanders:

"I hope for you, the wonderworker Nikolai, and I ask for your favorite child. Help my daughter to meet the elect - honest, faithful, kind and peaceful. Protect my daughter from the marriage of a sinful, lustful, demonsky and negligent. May the will of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

It is worth remembering that any prayer requires certain efforts. When reading, the following recommendations exist:

  1. 1. For prayers, it is necessary to focus on the sense of words. Do not hurry and just read them. God sees the heart of everyone, it is worth fully conveying herself in the hands of God, trusting his highest fishery about us.
  2. 2. If you read the text scattered, the prayer will not reach the goal, since where is our mind, there is a heart.
  3. 3. This is spiritual work, it is necessary to treat him seriously, and to live as like a Christian.
  4. 4. Significantly strengthens the prayer feeling of the icon to whom we appeal. This is a window in an invisible world, where the saints also look at us. In prayer, we plunge into this other world, we gradually transform graciously.
Peter Paleva April 11, 2018

In Russia, the bride was considered a commodity, the groom performed in the role of the merchant, and the trusted persons were a matchmaker. When matching, they said: "You have a merchant, we have a merchant." The rite was symbolic, often passed without the presence and consent of the girl, The contract parents of the bride and groom concluded in advance. The bride was not only taken to the house as a hostess, it was supplied to her. The choice made the family of the groom, and the girl and her family played a passive role. If the wife did not fit something, it turned out to be irremry or sick, they could return it to the parental house.

Watching in Russia

Today, the world and traditions have changed with an accuracy of donoturn. Parents of girls are exhibiting much greater activity. This is due to the fact that sons may not rush with marriage, but the Babi Age is short: for 10-15 years it is necessary to have to find a decent man and give birth to a child.

Why does the daughter do not develop relationships?

It often happens that adult beauty daughter can not get married. All with it: appearance, mind, education, but does not make up personal life. Causes can be different:

  • Life in the world of illusions. The real world is quite unlike the fabulous, and normal men and relations with them do not correspond to the romantic ideal formed by love novels, poetry, cinema.
  • Royal ambitions, inflated requirements for a man. There is not a single applicant who could comply with such high requirements and standards.

Not a bunch and a queen

  • Inferiority complex. It is formed when the child does not feel welcome and beloved in the family. Since childhood, the girl inspires that it is not good enough, as a result, with wonderful external data, it considers himself a disadvantage: thick legs, drunken nose, freckles, etc.
  • Bad character: Intority, jealousy, snobbery, egoism and many other "Izmov", for which men closes their eyes during the period of love, but do not want to put up with such vices.
  • Self-sufficiency. Smart, independent and successful women do not want to lose freedom.

Self-sufficient woman hard to find a couple

  • Sad past experience. The first romantic feeling of treacherously destroyed. Vera in men, their decency is lost. Fear of another failure prevents normal relations.
  • Crown of celibacy. By the will of invisible, but powerful forces, in the absence of rational explanations, the relationship simply does not add up.
  • Availability of other purposes in life. Career Pinewear, Opera Singer or Ballerina, or Other professional activityrequiring full return, becomes higher family ideals.

Career is more important than family

  • Female environment, example of a lone mom. If you are not married and raise a girl alone, then she unwittingly takes your attitude to a strong floor. And if you do not give men to yourself and go around the tenth road, then do not be surprised if the daughter does not make up serious relationships with guys.

Whatever reason did not have a place to be, the fact remains a fact - my daughter is alone, and with this you need to do something.You can analyze past mistakes and think at what stage you inspired my daughter, that she is royal blood and ordinary guys to her do not even or, on the contrary, that it is not beautiful enough and smart. Causes will not help. It is clear that the upbringing of girls is imperfect.

Parents seek to form a unique personality, give a child brilliant comprehensive education. But few of the diaper raises a future wife and mother

But because Continuation of the genus and preservation of a family hearth- The main purpose of the woman. And without satisfying these natural needs, a woman can not be happy. It is impossible to accept the idea that your daughter can remain forever alone, and you will not wait for grandchildren. Output one - it is necessary Act decisive, deliberately and purposefully.

Looking for a worthy son-in-law

How to start looking for a groom for daughter?

In antiquity, young people did not participate in the creation of a family, the decision took parents for them, chose a suitable pair, agreed among themselves, often the newlyweds were not even familiar with each other. And it is impossible to say that marriages turned out to be unhappy. Just the opposite. Parents and professional matchmakers who had rich experience in such affairs pick up a couple with mind: one circle, suitable age, wealth. And today it is customary to marry and marry love. Passionate romantic feeling of love is a bad adviser when creating a family.

Parent blessing

So, if you decide to return to the ancient folk traditions And take the happiness of the daughter in your hands, act as planned and consistently. First draw a portrait of a future son-in-law. We must clearly imagine who exactly you are looking for:

  • Age. Too much difference increases the likelihood of breaking relationships in the future. Choose a daughter's peer or a few years older. There are sometimes happy and unequal marriages, but not long. Choosing a husband should not for a certain period, but for life.
  • External data. Growth and weight is important (determine the allowable range).
  • Education and occupation. Since the options are many, it is easier to use the exclusion method, that is, identify the professions that are definitely not suitable.
  • Character. Consider compatibility with the nature of the daughter.

Mom's dream - perfect groom for daughter

  • Material wealth. Do not think that the richer the groom, the better. Determine the lower border - the minimum income you consider acceptable to create normal living conditions. It is more correct to choose yourself even. Too great property inequality creates problems for parents with modest prosperity. You will not be able to give the same expensive gifts as a matchmaker and you will constantly feel a humiliating position.
  • Hobby. Common hobbies strengthen the family. There is a common circle of friends, friends, and there are no problems with leisure.

Common hobbies strengthen the family

Where are the potential grooms?

After the portrait of the future son-in-law is ready, think Where are the potential grooms today?There may be several options:

  • Take all familiar. Remember, who has the son of a suitable age. It is not difficult to organize a meeting of young people in this case. This option has a lot of advantages: a good familiar family will gladly take your daughter, and everyday problems will be solved easier.
  • Neighbors. We are so accustomed to them that they do not even notice their presence, if they do not violate our peace. It is possible that it is not necessary to go far for happiness. Here it is near, two steps. Look carefully to the guys who live nearby, get acquainted closer, ask familiar about them.

Non-native neighbor - potential groom

  • the Internet: dating sites, interest clubs, social networks, blogs. This option is important for those girls surrounded, which neither at work, nor at home, nor in the circle of friends suitable men. There will be a lot of conventional gray "sand", but you can distinguish gold grains. On the Internet there are forums on which Moms of sons are looking for brides for them. Meet, communicate, and maybe you will begin to get to know the future swash? One head is good, and two better, together it will be easier to come up with and organize a "random" acquaintance.
  • Foreign language courses or spoken clubs. Excellent opportunity And learn language, and find a couple of yourself. In any case, the win-win option.

Spoken club - Great place to meet

  • Marriage Agency. Today, many firms are successfully engaged in walling, especially for foreign grooms. If you agree to let go of the child to another country, then use this proven path. Just carefully choose the agency to avoid deception.
  • Fitness club, gym, swimming pool. Any sporting parties collect guys leading healthy image Life.

Real Men Love Sports

  • Trainings Professionals collect smart, promising men, ready to learn and work on themselves. They are expensive, but it is worth paying not only for useful informationBut for the opportunity to get acquainted immediately with several applicants for the role of the groom.

How to organize a meeting with the bridegroom?

Show the smelting and intelligence, try to Meeting with the applicant for the role of the groomit turned out as natural as possible. If the daughter knows that you specifically set up everything, then most likely, categorically refuses to dating. And so for sure, you can contact the highest forces: holy, angels, the Virgin, read special prayers for the marriage of the daughter, pronounce. Faith works wonders. Therefore, to neglect such powerful forces Do not.

Prayer for marriage does not prevent

Your task is not just to issue a child married, but make her happy. In parallel with the search, help your daughter find and understand, above all, yourself. The desire to like everyone without parsing in the desire to find close relationship brings tremendous harm. Circuit in your own shell, fear of real communication is also counterproductive. The search for a particular person is effective, suitable individually.

Daughter is not a universal toy for men. It is unique, and you need the only and unique young man who can make her life bright and joyful

Happy daughter - joy for parents

Imagine the search of the groom not as an endoral, but as a fascinating and useful occupation, which will allow you to get acquainted with interesting people, Get an unforgettable impression and experience, better know yourself.