It is a design of two. Sliding formwork - construction technology

The telescopic crown is a design of two parts: primary and secondary. It is used mainly for fixing the primary part serves a cap from metal. The secondary crown is fixed on the frame of the prosthesis. When connecting two parts, a strong design is formed. With it, you can form a solid fastening of prostheses, which will simultaneously be easily removed.

Varieties of telescopic crowns

This mechanism was first tested in Germany at the beginning of the last century. With its name, the telescopic crown is obliged to resemble with a telescope. Its components in the same way move relative to each other. For practical century history this design I managed to prove my practicality, ease of use and good aesthetics. Nowadays, telescopic crowns can serve as excellent alternative option Prostheses on implants.

There are two varieties of this design - cylindrical crowns and conical. Basically, they differ in appearance. The very first samples of telescopic crowns were made by masters with cylindrical walls. They are characterized by a sufficiently dense planting. Today, this design is advisable to use only among patients with absolutely healthy gums.

Crown Telescopic conical is an improved variant of cylindrical. Its main advantage is the lack of influence of the errors that are possible at the production stage. This design does not allow skew or jamming when fixing the prosthesis. The main disadvantage of an improved system is the possibility of disconnecting crowns when contacting food.

Advantages of telescopic crowns

What kind positive sides Can be noted in the application of this design?

  1. Chewing load is evenly distributed on all teeth and gums.
  2. Lack of influence on diction and bite.
  3. The ability to install on implants.
  4. Long service time.
  5. Easy to use and care.
  6. Saving tooth health for a long time.

This is not all the advantages of telescopic crowns. Everyone may note positive parties to use the design.

Disadvantages of telescopic crowns

Among the main disadvantages of this design, a long production period and high cost can be noted. However, negative moments are fully reimbursed by the above-mentioned crowns.

Indication testimony

The use of telescopic crowns is advisable in the following cases:

  • the presence of periodontalism and tenting support teeth;
  • there is no financial opportunity to establish implants;
  • tooth too little for castle bureaucratic prostheses.

The need to use this design is still determined by the doctor.

Telescopic crowns: Production Stages

The production of the design described in the article today is possible in two ways: stamping and casting. The first method is considered the simplest. However, when using casting, it is possible to get more attractive appearance Product due to the processing of modern materials.

The manufacture of telescopic crowns begins with the sharpening of the patient's teeth under the inner part of the structure. Then the specialist removes the cast and sends them to the laboratory. There, the techniques have already made models on them and make caps. It is very important to check the parallelism of the walls of the supporting teeth so that the design of exactly sat down. After fitting the caps of them form a gypsum cast for casting the future model. The outer crown is made taking into account the gap by 0.5-1 mm. According to the resulting impression already make outdoor design.

Cost and service life

The telescopic crown is considered relatively expensive pleasure. Its cost may vary from 5 to 11 thousand rubles. If we talk about complete prosthetics, the final price will depend on simultaneously several factors (material used, the number of support teeth, etc.). It is not possible to correctly call it.

On the telescopic crowns Characterized by a small service life - not more than 10 years. To increase it, you must periodically visit the doctor and control the work of the structure.

The device of a special electrical circuit with passing switches is a design of two or more products interconnected electrical wires and including himself lighting. Externally, this version of execution is no different from the standard one. The main thing a distinctive feature Performs the design of its contact group. Standard models Provide only closure and opening of the electrical circuit. In this article we will look at the device, appointment and principle of work passing switch Sveta.

Operating principle

The basis of the functioning of the passing models is the switching of reverse electrical conductors. The principle of operation is as follows: When the position of the keys changes, the opening of the same circuit occurs, and, at the same time, the closure of the other. Carefully having examined the schemes below, you can understand how the light switch works:

Because of this contact device, the passage switch would be more correct to call the switch. However, since the term is used for a long time, the introduction of official changes can only lead to an additional confusion. It can also be called a flip, cross and duplicating.

Application area

The use of the passage switch allows the consumer to control both the only source of lighting and a whole group of lamps from a number of different places. This means that the application is advisable in the territories with a significant area: at the stadium, in a large concert hall, tunnel, underground transition, basementor in private multi-storey houses With stairs I. long corridors. Denote by the example of life, for which this version is needed.

The consumer who rises to the second floor of the house includes a lamp on the first floor, when using the passage switch, you do not need to return down to turn it off. This allows the tenant at home to disconnect the light from the second floor. We were told about such a light control of the light in the article.

Very often, the switch is placed in the corridor, or in a long span, he has such a name "passing". Also, duplicate devices can be used to control in any territories.

Varieties of models

  • By type of wiring, the models are distinguished for external and.
  • Contact terminals inside the case, depending on constructive executioncan be performed with screw clamps, and can also be clamping springs.
  • Depending on the number of keys, switches are distinguished with one key, with two keys, as well as with three or more.


What makes a single-color passage switch and a device with multiple keys? The device with one key consists of three contacts; It includes one introductory terminal and two weekends.

The duplicate switch device is already with two keys the following: six contacts, that is, two input terminals and six output; With three - nine: three entrance and six output terminals, and so on.

The conventional designation on the conventional circuit breaker is a circle from which the branch of the M-shaped or t-shaped form is coming. M-shaped branch means to turn off in an open version, T-shaped - in hidden design. The number of branches means the number of keys.

Duplicate switches are depicted using the same figures, however, to distinguish them from standard devicesThe branching of the M-shaped and T-shaped shape is applied from two opposite sides of the circle.

It is possible to use the passage switch in electrical circuits as usual. As you know, in your idea, these switches should be used in a pair. If you start exploiting it without a pair, then it can serve as a regular switch, just interrupting the chain and shutting down the light. However, in this case, the feasibility is lost and the essence of the application itself is this type execution, because the main feature The passing switches are their principle of operation based on switching.

There is also a way to control light sources, like wireless light switching. To control the light use a special console. The remote allows you to turn off / inclusion using a radio signal, directing it on the control relay connected to the lighting device. This event requires installation power blockwhich is received by the control command. The block is placed next to the light source, or in places where the wires are suitable for it.

So we looked at the device, the principle of operation and the purpose of the passage switches of light. We hope the information provided has been useful for you and interesting!

Now tourists are often wondering what they are going to hike: the usual, proven carimat-foam or an innovative self-adhesive rug? Some do not understand why in the campaign need a whole "inflatable mattress" (however, almost no similarity with the mattress)? Others wish outside civilization to have at least some comfort, let it even be just sleeping placeBut how convenience feels a traveler who took advantage of this miracle mat.

The founder and, to this day, the leading manufacturer is the American Corporation called Cascade Designs, also known under the therm-a-reest brand (this mat is sometimes called in honor of the firm - thermar). Soon other foreign companies began to produce them, and in particular: TRamp, Pinguin, Hannah, Terra Incognita and our Russian Nova Tour.

A self-step rug is a design of two layers. The inner layer consists of open-porous polyurethane foam, and the second is a hermetically closed nylon or polyester sheath. This filler has freely open pores, swelling from the air during the laying of the rug. The enveloping material is closely connected to the filler, which, in turn, does not allow to produce air from this shell, and does not suck water inside.

In order that the rug has gained its shape and scored air, you only need to deploy it and unscrew the valve cover.

In total, these actions are necessary minutes 5 - 25 minutes, the truth will be necessary to apply the forces of their lungs, and in winter The inflation process takes much longer. In the event that suddenly you have little time, the opportunity is and much faster to inflate the rug, with the help of a pump or, again, the forces of your lungs.

Just a purchased self-adhesive rug is much slower than already used, and more subtle products have already been harder.

Questions for transportation

For transportation, the rug must roll on the ground, then open the valve and, as possible, to turn it more, gradually squeezing air from the porous structure. Then you need to twist the valve and place the mat in the case.

Storage rules

The best mat is preserved and, while not losing its properties, in the expanded position and with the promoted valve.

Or, without having such an opportunity, let the rolled, but not tight and, also, with an open valve, otherwise you risk after improper storage to get unsuccessful to use the product (in a tightly folded position with a closed valve, the rug can start flaws). And most importantly avoid premises with high humidityAnd then soon there will be a need for drying the entire product.

Features of washing thermarst

In order to wash the rug quite enough for a warm driver and a regular sponge, but if you think it needs a more thorough wash, then use soap mortar. The valve must be swirling. And after washing it is sure to dry on fresh air, open valve down.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of such rugs.

Perhaps, first of all, we turn your removal on the advantages of self-stepped rugs.

The self-adhesive rug perfectly keeps heat, thanks to which you are not afraid of tourism in winter time Years, the test will be in the other - in the cold air it is harder to inflate it.

The second advantage lies in comfort, plasticity and convenience. Sleep on it is a pleasure, make up the feeling that you are in your warm bed, recalling you about home comfort. This is the quality for which such mats loved travelers very much.

  • It also has resistant to loads, pressure.
  • Compact enough.

But still there is a reverse side, that is, flaws, now let's talk about them.
In handling of rugs, it will be worth reminding about accuracy, they can easily puncture. From this it follows that it is necessary before disseminating the thermarsh to the ground, it is necessary to remove all the fragments, spines, branches, if any. IN otherwise It can be damaged and he will not be inflated. And best of all, all the same, such a rug should be treated in shelter, that is, in a tent.

Availability foreign horses While using a cellophane package. If these sounds are unpleasant to you, then it is better to give up from the arguing rug. Thermartes, unlike classic rugs, have a greater weight, and if you went to the hike light, it is better to give your preference to ordinary carimats-foam.

By the way, in a set with such mats always enters the Rubbar, for the repair of the product. And if suddenly you still punctured your rug, then you need to use this set. It includes glue and several, pretty large, patches.


And now we will analyze the most important question, how to choose a self-step rug?

Most chief CriteriaThose who are usually picking up thermarst, this is the weight, which we have already mentioned above.

And then the main thing is not to be mistaken, it all depends on what time you buy a rug. In the cold period, it is better to choose a greater height product (4-5 cm), so that the thermal insulation was perfect, and the weight of these is from 1.1 to 1.3 kg on average.

For the remaining periods, you can choose options and less dimensional, a rug with a thickness of 3.8 cm will completely come down, weighing this can range from 460 to 1000 grams.

More experienced travelers warned that the most useless thermars in campaign are those who have a rubber shell. Rubber, as is well known, has sufficient thermal conductivity, as a result of which we conclude: you can easily freeze at such a rug. And correct, in this case, the material is polyurethane.

Now you know a lot about what sophisticated rugs are, by weight, from which they are made and what structure are, as well as the pros and cons of the thermars.

It remains to mention, no matter how you do not need to use them. Do not use in the role of sled or inflatable Mattress On the sea, as well as in the role of Okala for the fire, he will not work either.

There are many more points: it is impossible to inflate the product with a closed valve, otherwise, from inside overheating, it can be inflated and opened along the seams. We hope that our tips will help you when choosing and operating miracle mats.

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    Interesting deviceI think to take this to the next trip to the sea. And that B. sleeping bag Sleep somehow not ice, the age is visible takes his own)) I read everything for and against, I promise that to use the rug as a santa or how fiercely I will not))


Application in the construction of a sliding formwork has become possible due to the development of technologies and equipment capabilities. The construction of buildings when the sliding formwork is used as its advantages and disadvantages that are taken into account when choosing technology before starting work.
The sliding formwork is a design of two shields that are installed throughout the perimeter of the building. Shields are assembled into a solid structure, bonded between themselves at a certain distance, which will depend on the thickness of the wall fill.
The shield design acquires the necessary rigidity due to a special frame that represents two horizontal passing beams. The frame in turn is attached to the lifting mechanism, which provides a uniform and timely rise of the entire design.

Construction using a sliding formwork is quite specific and requires extracts for many requirements. Such technology is the most justified when erecting several high-altitude facilities that are located nearby. If the need arises to build a single building using a sliding formwork, then it will be justified only if its height is more than 25 meters.
In most cases, this construction method is used to erect simple premises or technological buildings. Since the construction of the building with a monolithic casting makes it difficult to organize window and other technological openings, then such construction is rarely applicable to building housing complexes.
Molding using sliding formwork is most often used to build warehouse, simple buildings, chimneys and other things. The use of this technology allows you to significantly speed up the construction process. In addition, the monolithic structure due to the absence of seams has increased sound insulation properties and improved thermal insulation.

For the construction of walls monolithic buildings Shield sliding formworks are used, characterized by the material from which they are made by other technological nuances.
Shields for formwork are assembled either from metal parts, or from moisture-resistant tree. Interior Shields that contact with concrete is made of sheet steel. When assembling shields, the need for the taper of the filler design is taken into account. During the calculations, the distance between the upper and lower part of the shields is taken about 0.5%.
Shields are assembled on the base of the frame, which is the carrier link for the platforms, flooring and necessary equipment. The whole design is fixed on the struggle rods, which are initially fixed to the elements made to the foundation of the building.
The design of the design is carried out by special jacks that may differ in the type of drive. Rarely applicable is a manual lift drive. This type of jack is though both is the cheapest, but it does not provide a high pace of construction, which is more relevant. Jacks with hydraulic and electrical drive are more efficient.

Technology using sliding formwork

When using a sliding formwork, it is necessary to use concrete mixtures of increased quality. To ensure a continuous injection process, it is necessary to simultaneously ensure timely pouring of concrete in the lower layers, and its liquid state In the upper
Concrete pouring to formwork is carried out continuously. Another layer concrete mix Must be flooded and tamped before the previous grabbing. If for any reason the interruption of the process is required, special additives that slow down the process of frost are added to the mixture.
Each subsequent layer of concrete is flooded with the same thickness, which fluctuates in the range of 10 - 20 centimeters. It is such a thickness that allows you to ensure the aging of the technological process.
If the walls of the building are upgraded into zones with a cold climate, then for ensuring the continuity of the process, a piece of concrete is used. Heating concrete construction It can be carried out using the laying of electric heating cables or with the help of infrared heaters.
In addition to continuously rising formwork, a step-by-step reinstalling of the structure can be used. It consists in torn the panel design from the frozen wall with the subsequent installation at the next level of the fill. In this case, the formwork is constantly moving up and down with the same amplitude to prevent clamping shields to concrete.

Entrance metal double doors represent a design of two doors. Most often these are two doors, outdoor and internal, and the outdoor opens on staircase, and internal - in the apartment. In some cases, under the phrase "double entrance doors"Measures a double door, but it is rather an exception than the rule.

It is convenient to install double entrance doors when it allows the width of the doorway and there is no second single-door door to the apartment. There are projects of houses, where the double door is provided with the design, and the architecture of the building contributes to such a choice. Sometimes double doors are installed and in accordance with technological restrictions.

Double door: Increased safety of your home.

For the same reasons, double doors with framugs can be installed. Their advantage is that they can easily overlap the opening of large sizes.

Before you start choosing a double metal door, you should pay attention to the components of the structure. Framuga is a static element of metal doors, which does not open and manufactured from the same materials as the other parts of the double door. Framuga consists of an outer and inner cover. For greater strength, it has rigidity ribs. Also, the fraumuga must have excellent insulating properties: do not pass warm and sound.

Double entrances metal doors can be with a collapsible fraumuga, or represented by a one-piece element. Due to this, such doors can close the openings of different, including non-standard, sizes.

Framuga can be an all-welded with a box of the door - then the metal structures will be uniform. But it can also be removable and attached separately.

The most basic when selecting double entrance doors is the choice of the parameters of the fixed and rotary sash. Because A similar door design consists of two canvases, in addition to the main locking mechanism, the doors are equipped with a special lock, locking the fixed sash. Double doors are no less reliable than ordinary single-holder, because Their design implies a profile door frame. If you want to install the metal and wooden entrance doors at the same time, then you need to thoroughly check their size.

Most often double metal entrance doors are installed in apartment houses To create a tambour before adjacent apartments. A common occurrence in such cases - the installation of the usual is not armored iron Door Without additional protective elements. Therefore, the attacker will not be much difficult to discover such a door, and in the vestibule it is much more convenient to open the locks on the other entrance doors. Therefore, you should take care of security, and carefully approach the selection of a tambourine door.

Tambourous doors serve to control access to the room. In most cases, such doors are not inspected.

If bivalve entrance doors are installed as an external one, then a visor is required over them to reduce the effects on the doors of the sun's rays, the temperature drop and other effects.

Types of double doors

Double metal doors can be installed as independent designOr in a tandem with a wooden single door. The most common installation options:

In addition to this design, double entrance doors can consist of two sash. It's pretty convenient - if you need to put a large house household appliances, The second sash opens, significantly increasing the width of the opening.

Installation double door appropriate with the width of the opening more than 110 cm. They can be installed not only in residential buildings, but also to offices, public buildings or industrial premises - Everywhere, where non-standard doorway width will not allow the usual door. Double doors are often used as driveway.

Depending on the purpose and configuration, double entrance doors are characterized by such parameters:

  • door finish (external and internal);
  • type of castle systems;
  • accessories;
  • insulating characteristics.

Despite the fact that double metal entrance doors themselves already non-standard formthey can have unusual arched shape And finish. Often together S. decorative materials Used artistic forging, giving the doors an elegant and stylish look.

The entrance door decorated with artistic forging will always be unique.

Pros and Cons Metal Double Doors

Consider why dual metal doors are gaining popularity and are increasingly installed not only in office rooms, but also as entrance doors in the apartment.

  1. Double metal doors provide a high security class. Even if one door is hacked, the second will delay the attackers before the arrival of law enforcement agencies.
  2. Double doors provide much better thermal insulation than single. If the entrance doors come out in a tambour, but on the staircase, such a parameter is especially important.
  3. Available cost. Input metal doors are not only more reliable, but also cheaper made by their tree. Almost everyone can afford steel doors.
  4. If you put metal double doors, you do not have to spend money on their service. They will not require additional operating costs other than installation.
  5. Metal entrance doors are durable and reliable. High-quality metal is not deformed under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, it moves well sun rays and physical impact.

These benefits when installing double metal doors are very significant, but there are disadvantages:

  1. Metal in its structure does not support a healthy microclimate in the apartment.
  2. Many consider metal doors too rude.
  3. Compared to wooden, steel doors spend sound well.

Double metal doors will ensure inexhibence to your home.

Thus, the input metal doors are the optimal value for money, they are indispensable for the apartment and reliably protect you and your property.