The gaps of a two-rolled door. Features of the installation of swing (biscuit, bivalve) doors

Installation of duplex interior doors - Performing a task for a knowledgeable master. Not to say that this is the same as the installation of a single door, but you can't call this task. The principle of the assembly of the box is the same, the appointment is the same. Hound the door frame for 45 degrees, its assembly. Installation in the doorway. In the box and door blocks, alignment of gaps, installation of door accessories. But still repeat once again, it is better to perform such installation experienced Master. Installing a two-dimensional interior door - affordable repair, Important stage in repair.

Installation of two-dimensional interrooms - Performing a task for a knowledgeable master. Not to say that this is the same as the installation of a single door, but you can't call this task. The principle of the assembly of the box is the same, the appointment is the same. Hound up 45 degrees, its assembly. Installation in the doorway. Cutting loops in box and door blocks, global leveling, installation of door fittings. But still repeat once again, it is better to perform such an attachment to the experimental master. Installing a two-dimensional interior door is an affordable, important stage in repair.

For guaranteed quality, be sure to contact the specialists working exactly in this segment. For high-quality, it is important to thoroughly know the specific model of the door, the features of its behavior that can manifest themselves, including over time, in different conditions operation.

To consider all this can only an experienced specialist. And to perform installation and make control measurements are possible only by the appropriate tool.

Good repair, first of all, means that all work will be performed qualitatively, with a guarantee, and get rid of the owners from many problems.

Installation of interroom doors is recognized as one of the main stages of repair work. Doors need not only to choose correctly - and it is not easy when they are highly diversity, but also to establish so that there are no flaws.

If the technology of installing interroom doors will be broken, then you are doomed to whole line Problems. Moreover. Because, for example, the skew to the door will cause not only irritation, but difficulties - it is not easy to close and open it. Will not please the creak, an inaccurated embedded lock and a peashed handle. In a word, the correct installation of interroom doors is a prerequisite condition that must be taken into account.

And who can do it right? Only one who is constantly engaged in it, knows all the subtleties of work. Installing interior doors Ekaterinburg is a city where there is a specialized firm with extensive experience. Works should begin with advice on the choice of the door and end turnkey surrender. Of course, there is such an option as. But to decide on it, you need to be competent enough in the matter, confident in your abilities.
Preparing for installation
Works that will be discussed below nothing but peculiar. Of course, there may be some deviations when working, but in general, ordered services for installing interroom doors include just such a list of works.

Any doors are put in the opening. Usually, the perfumes are made of standard sizes and the same standard doors are manufactured under them. Therefore, additional materials for installation will not be required.

But sometimes the opening does not correspond to the dimensions that are indicated in the bottom (construction standards and rules) and then it falls with it. Used for such purposes the mounting bar, you can take a board from the wood array, Fiberboard or GVL sheets. With their help, the punishment is waging, leaving only the gap for the foam - its layer should not exceed 20 mm. The opening should be processed on each side, no more than 40 mm. If you do not comply with the specified size, then the junction that is formed between the main wall and the element that has decreased by the disc, will not blocked by the platband.

If you enter B. right size It does not succeed and it is necessary to increase the opening of more than 40 mm from the other side, that is, the output from the position is to install interroom doors with.

DOWERS are panels that have different thicknesses, a different way of mounting. They are made of both wood and fiberboard or MDF plates, can be made of veneer. Install them is easy - in front of the installation of the door, doctors screw to the door frame. They can even fix the curvature of the wall - cut off with it.

The cost of installing interroom doors includes such works as checking the floor level. This is done like this: the level is applied inside the patch, parallel to the walls, clearly in a horizontal position. On each side of the workpiece put points - the manufacture and installation of interroom doors will be held with the benchmark on them. The size of the floor to the point will show - as far as the side in the box will differ in height. But this difference should not be more than 3 mm.
Not just a box for the door

And to approach this question in all the rules. It does not matter at the same time, whether it is the installation of sliding interroom doors or, or the installation of two-dimensional interior doors. For any kind of doors, the box means a lot. Its assembly is better to produce in a horizontal position. After the assembly, it is installed in the prepared earlier. The party on which the door loops will be installed especially carefully, using a plumb. The loops are crashed both into the box and in the door leaf, before the latter canopy.
Do it yourself?

Do I need to do the fact that it is much better from professionals? Independent installation of interroom doors, of course, it is possible, but no one can guarantee the quality. The process is a complex, time consuming, it is not possible to make it unable to do it, we usually need an assistant.

If you decide that the installation of interroom doors yourself is real for you, then purchase for this full set required tools and other necessary things. Experts believe that besides dyeing and hammer, you will need a saw for work with a tree, which is small, walled teeth. Do not do without a tool that will need to make a closure at an angle of 45-90 degrees. We need bars that are used as spacers and wedges. Mandatory plumb, mounting foam and silicone-based sealant. The rest is all done according to the instructions and depends on your skill.
Everything should be according to the rules

Already after the foregoing, it became clear that the doors should install the master. Then the installation of locks into interroom doors, and the installation of the handles to interior doors will not cause any problems or complaints. But, nevertheless, there are things that do not interfere with knowing the customer.

Before making a decision on the installation new door, Make sure that all works are finished in the room, all the works associated with painting and plaster are dried and the moisture constant.

After installing the doors, you should not perform work that lead to enhance moisture, namely, fill the floors, plaster, putty. Do not fit and work related to painting, primer, laundering wallpaper. New doors should not be protected if such works are conducted in the next room.

If still repair work We are needed, then the door canvas is better to remove, and the box is protected by polyethylene film.

Careful foam. Mounting gaps, and this distance from the wall to the door box should not be more than 5mm, they are filled with foam immediately after installing the doors. IMPORTANT: Foam should have a low expansion coefficient in order for the box during its expansion.

The door box should have additional attachments in the opening, which is done by anchors or self-drawing. All its elements are installed only by level, and not on the wall.
Proper operation - Pledge of durability

Everything loves care and attention. Installation of interroom doors, the price of which depends primarily on the material from which they are made requires not only compliance technological process When they are installed, but also compliance with the rules of operation.

Interior doors are afraid high humidity, so watch it to do not exceed 70 percent.

Try to close the door and discovered carefully, there were no mechanical damage, and these are usually chips, honeyes.

Whether the door from the effects of acids, alkalis, solvents.

So that the door leaf always looked beautiful, use those tools to care for it that are designed for this.

The contaminated surface of the door can be wiped with a special napkin for furniture.

And, of course, interior doors are not at all suitable for installation in the bath, sauna, pool and indoors, which is not heated, where the floor is cement or earth.
What about?

Sale and installation of interroom doors includes many moments that impose a compensation for the total cost. First of all, the price will depend on what door will choose. Other wood doors are more expensive, and doors made from chipboard or MDF, much cheaper.

Installing the lock in the interroom door is also one of the components of the pricing. It all depends on what kind of castle you will prefer.

And, of course, it is important to know which company, and at what price provides services and guarantees quality. Try to clarify in several places, how much is the installation of interroom doors and make sure that there is a difference. And quite significant. If you get to our store, then make sure how much we value each client, what a flexible discount system is designed to be satisfied.

We can get a discount. Yes, and the starting price varies and different. But the quality is always the same. As with the guarantee that we give to all work we have.

Stages of the installation of the interior door:

Build box.

Will the box for the door with the right or with the left direction of the opening? Spread the components of the box in order, according to the necessary direction of opening the door.
Before assembling, the side boxes must be tied in accordance with the clearance you need between the floor and the door of the door, considering the flooring. In residential premises, the recommended gap is 10 mm. Next, parts are connected by self-draws.

Installation of loops

When installing loops you need to pay special attention At distances A and V. In the event that the seal is present in the door frame, then A \u003d B. If the door frame goes without a seal, then the distance is it necessary to perform one and a half millimeters more than in, so that the door canvate does not concern the action.
1. Box of interior door.
2. Door canvas.
A. The distance from the edge of the loop to the River on the box.
B. Distance from edge of the loop to the edge of the door canvase.

At an angle of forty-five degrees, the ends of the crossbar are trimmed in such a way that during the assembly, the distance between vertical racks was 5 mm more than the width of the door canvase.
The gap from the installed door to the floor is made 10mm. On the loop box there is a distance down from the lower groove 200mm + 10mm. Before cutting the box, you need to check the floor with a level. It is applied between points where the box stands are located. You need to check the floor throughout the radius, which will go installed the door. The foundation level drops will help you adjust the cutting length of the racks. All parts of the box installed by the interior door on the screws are assembled. The door block is ready and can be started.

Installing the box.

Put collected box In the mounting point and set it down using mounting wedges smoothly in the horizontal and vertical directions, the upper wedges must be at the level of the joint and stale parts.

The correct size of the wedge must be 20mm longer than the depth of the box profile. Place the box in height so that its lower edge coincides with the level of the surface of the first floor. (By the time of installation of the door frame, the floor covering, for example, laminate must already be on the floor. The threshold will facilitate compliance with the installation technology of interroom doors. If you are going to reconstruct the floors in the future, it is necessary to remember it to correctly determine the size of the clearance under the door.)

In order to fix the lower part of the box with wedges, align the loop side, check the construction level in two planes. Next, measure the distance at the top and bottom of the box, taking into account 5 mm on the gaps, for example, with a width of the web 800 mm, the distance should be 805 mm. With a wedge, fix the opposite side of the box. Put the spacer strictly opposite the lower wedges, rigidly.

Installing the door leaf.

The door block is installed in the doorway of the room on the wood screw. The use of large anchors to install interroom doors will not be an appropriate solution.

It will be enough to consolidate the door frame in three places. Depending on the size of the door frame, additional attachments may be needed.

Fastenings need to be hidden under the opposite bar of the door lock and loop.
Insert the assembled box of interior door in the doorway. I exhibit vertically looped rack. Fix the rack of wood screws. Then hang and strengthen the door canvas. If the loop rack is fixed vertically, it will be motionless in any position. Next will need to secure the lock rack. On the doorway, we derive the same gap between the vertical racks and the crossbar. There is a gap of 3-4mm between the lockable stand and the door. A greater gap of 4-5mm will not look completely neat. Also making a smaller gap will be risky. During the operation of the interior door - years after 5-7 due to temperature and moisture drops, the possible sediment of the building and wear of the loop, the gap is quite possible to decrease. In this case, the installed interroom door will not be easy to close and open.

If the walls are not wooden, before fixing the racks of interior doors, it is necessary to prepare mortgages for screws.

Between the door frame racks and the wall are installed wooden spacers four, five pieces on both sides. The gap between the box and the wall is filled with the mounting foam.
It is necessary to avoid the mounting foam on the details of the door block. When the mounting foam dries, it leaves traces on decorative surfaces. A cleaning substance can spoil the surface of the door coating. The time of frozen of various mounting Pen is from one to three hours, the complete drying of the mounting foam is a day. When foaming foam, consider its subsequent expansion one to five.

Using the assembly foam selected for interior door and the corresponding method of filling, you can not be afraid negative influences Foams on the details of the door block.

Installing a challenge.

Measure the distance from the edge of the box to the edge of the wall, cut the challenge to the size of the distance with the groove with the help of a hacksaw or electric jig. Insert the dotted element in the groove and swing at several points. Wait for full foam drying.

In the case when the maximum width of the standard voluntary element produced by the factory (230 mm) does not fully overlap the width of the opening, the connecting plate is used, which allows you to connect several quantities (diagram). In addition, the connecting bar allows you to arrange the opening without installing the door frame (scheme).

Installing platbands. Installation of bivalve interroom doors independently.

Installation of single interroom doors and the installation of double interior doors are the same with small differences.

Before hanging the cloth with a lock and handle, you need to set up the level and secure the rack of the box, to which the canvas is exposed. Then the second rack is pressed at the top point. The door leaf with a rigle (latch fixation of a double door) is hung. The second rack is exhibited in such a way that both canvases were exactly in the same plane, and are finally fixed.

One screw is attached to the crossbar. The mounting space is calculated in such a way that the restraint of the riglel is closed.

Double interior doors - Benefits

Starting to modernize the interior of the owner of the apartment in advance plans the options for purchasing doors, even before the campaign to the store, the modern creative buyer is usually already determined with all the requirements for the future purchase. Approximately known material, color, shade, wishes for glazing, accessories, hinges and of course to the overall type of doors. Part of the buyers, as a rule, the main thing is to consider the functional quality of the door, the part on the first place is the uniqueness and harmony of the design.

Ideally, the door must have a number of mechanical individual characteristics with all its beauty and uniqueness, which largely depends on the optimal choice of the door type for this room, the opening mechanism is very important, because there are a lot of doors, except for the standard swing type.
In non-poor private houses and cottages, with large living rooms and halls optimal decision There are two-dimensional interior doors. Interior doors of this type, be sure to become not just part of the interior, and its key point, the choice of the style of the surrounding interior will be completely dependent. These doors are not cheap but at sufficiently high ceilings they are hardly the only solution in the desire to emphasize the sophistication and wealth of the house. Such doors give the room a kind of status, it has long been a formed style that modern designers be played in a new one, without fear of a wide variety of stylistic combinations.

Unlike other types of interior doors, double-handed doors have two sash, which opens with the same ease of ease both inward and out. The specific convenience of two-dimensional doors is that when opening-closing, the position of the body of a passing person does not change, it can go straight through it without deviating to open, as it happens with single-door doors. Interior dual-sided doors are an excellent choice for those who want to have increased sound insulation in the apartment. With a dense closure, the outsiders will not be fastened and there will be no loud music in the neighboring room, nor a home theater. Such doors are equipped, as a rule, special seals located throughout door jamb.

Among interior dual-sided doors, swing and sliding models are distinguished. Classic standard view possess swing doors This principle of their opening is used for a very long time. Such canvas look very solid and expensive and create a special unique mood, especially in large halls and living rooms. Sliding two-sided doors appeared not so long ago, they use a modern sliding opening mechanism and allow you to save such a necessary useful area. They are often used in ordinary small typical apartmentsTo revive the interior and give repair dear and solid look.

Most modern manufacturers Doors, for example, the company "Volkhovets", produce models that can be used as duplex. To do this, you need to purchase two canvas of any single model and set the sliding mechanism equipped with rollers from durable material by which with a slight force and can be moved by metal guides. Handles for these doors do not differ much from the handles for standard single-door doors. In addition to the aesthetic advantages of sliding doors, their indispensable advantage is the lack of problems with movement and layout of furniture.

Bivalve interior doors installation.

First, in order to establish bivalve interior doors in your apartment, there must be a corresponding way.

What kind of work is talking about: if you have chosen the door width seventy centimeters, then the thickness of the two doors should be added to the thickness of the throat and the gap between the doors and bricks of the lubrication - about 6 - 8 millimeters. Installing interior double doors
Installation of bivalve interior doors does not require any special operations - standard lodge assembly, mounted canopies.

But marrying collected door With a lodge or not, it depends on how you prepared the doorway - you can adjust the dimensions of the doorway when installing the simpleness of the sizes of the future door with a lodge.

Then it will be possible to save on the mounting foam, and the pillars of the lodges are consolidated to the profiles of the movement with special screws.

Installing interroom double doors begins with the right location Picture on the door, if it, for example, deaf.

On the the following photos You can see how we choose the location of the pattern on the doors - in the form of a jug or in the form of a feud.

Be sure to put a piece with the doors in the level so that the doors do not open or not closed on their own.

If you mounted bivalve doors with a lodge in the fitted doorway, it remains to fix it with screws.

And if there are gaps between the racks and opening the wall in the wall, then mount the doors with a lodge you need to mount the foam.

For foam to stick to the wall better, before giving the wall, it is necessary to moisten a slightly so that there is no dust.

So that the foam does not squeeze the gaps between the britches of the jet and double doors, you need to insert into all the gaps of the pieces of cardboard from the packaging of doors.

Thus, the cardboard will fill all the gaps and will not give the bricks to surpasses the doors.

After the foam dry at least six hours, you can start the installation of a good boards and tickets.

An indicator of burglary resistance of the entrance doors. How to determine the best?

Currently, when the deficit of goods does not exist, people want to acquire the best possible. This also applies to such an important thing as entrance metal doors. Appearance is, of course, it is good, but needed and reliability, and therefore burglar resistance of the doors. Before proceeding with the selection of goods according to this indicator, it is necessary to understand that the burglar resistance of the door must correspond to the same characteristics of the room itself. After all, the heavy metal door in the ruins can finish the last, and not to protect it. It should be noted that there are domestic regulatory documents that provide for 13 levels of hacking of doors. It is not possible to consider them now. Let's just say that for ordinary apartments Or houses use input metal doors with a level of burglary from 1 to 4th.
Read more about burglary levels

The door of the 1st class with the help of mechanical effort, the cracker will open in about 5-9 minutes, while the fourth-level opening does it takes a period of 20 to 35 minutes. This data is very approximate, in real lifeUnlike testing, unforeseen circumstances may be present. In addition, additional protection in the form of systems of active or passive riggers can be installed from persistent hackers. The advantages of the doors with a 3M level of burglar resistance include the impossibility of opening with simple manual instruments, the 4th class can boast bulletproofiness.

Additional arguments about burglary

As for the prices of products, they are for the first four classes of doors depend on the decor adorning the input metal doors, and can fluctuate in large limits. SECRETS OF OPENDING Specialists are advised to ensure that there are two locks of different types of opening in the doors. Based on the last approval, it can be said that the door with any level of burglary resistance itself, even in a closed state, does not protect against penetration. Obstacles for non-crumbling visitors create riglels - metal deposits, do not be whom, metal doors open freely for everyone who wants to enter. Ordering the doors at the "Steel M" factory you are guaranteed to receive reliable protectioncorresponding international standards Hack resistance of inlets of metal doors.

Types of bivalve doors and their advantages

Double doors are a wonderful design of a non-standard doorway, a way to ensure the safety of the entire housing and the subject of the facade decoration.

At the moment, the leading manufacturers create a huge range of double-handed doors performing many functions and tasks.
The design of double doors may include: two movable sash, or one deaf and one movable, which are quite often installed in apartments. Such doors are very convenient in operation, they provide the convenience of loading and unloading works, and also allow to carry out and bring large-sized objects.

In the manufacture of metal bivalve doors, the MDF, an array can be used as finishing materials. natural tree, veneer, powder spraying.

At the moment, there is a huge range of such doors of various shapes and colors, allowing you to create an original and aesthetic interior.

Depending on the method of opening, double-handed doors are classified on:

Swing doors;

Retractable doors.

Swing doors are highly popular, thanks to convenience in operation, simple design, durability and high sound insulation. Such doors are able to emphasize the status of the owner and become an integral element interior.

Retractable doors - more complex mechanisms, in the production, which apply advanced technologies and innovative equipment. The main advantage of such doors is the savings of free space, thanks to modern door opening mechanisms, they are recommended to be installed in small rooms.

The scope of application of double doors.

If the entrance door has a width of the opening of more than 110 cm, pay attention to the inlet metal bivalve doors in which the second flap can be opened if necessary. Believe it, it is very convenient and practical, especially if you have vacation home, wide input opening in the apartment, and especially, in cases where you plan to often carry overall objects.
Entrance double doors can be installed in conventional dwelling, office, industrial or public spaces. Basically, in all such cases, doorways differ in their dimensions from standard sizes, and bivalve hardware The best way to fit into these frames. In addition, this type of product is very often used in the vestibule or entrance.

Bivalve doors are very attractive in terms of design. Having massive identical sash and a pleasant eye symmetry, they allow you to perform individual drawings and maximize the input part of your home or office. More bivalve or even one-and-a-half metal doors, if necessary, can be used in wide openings in multi-storey housesFor example, if you want to burn part of the tambura or "pocket" for several tenants. In such cases, the installation of a steel bivalve partition will help achieve housing security, while maintaining the width of the passage.

Consumables for installation doors:

Mounting foam balloon, at the rate of 1-H balloon for 2-3 door blocks.

Wooden wedges and struts (as a strings can be used by a cross section of 40 * 40, 40 * 30, 40 * 25).

Self-tapping screw box 50 * 4.

To install interroom doors, needed:

A hammer
Hand saw
Two Waterpas - Long (about 1800 mm) and short (about 500 mm)
Straight corner
Universal screws, such as 5x80
Wedges (from plastic or solid dry wood)

According to the method of opening there are various types door structures. Still, it is swing doors that are traditionally used in the arrangement of residential premises. Such a historical attachment of mankind is quite understandable: the swing doors are well preserved heat, protect against the penetration of cold, noise, smells and dust, are functionally convenient. Modern swollen interior doors are made from different materialsThey have a variety of shape and decoration. Perhaps their only minus is that they grind part useful Square. In order for the swing door to work normally, it did not open spontaneously, it was easily closed easily without a paste, did not creak and did not scratch the floor, the correct installation is necessary. Knowledge of the installation rules of the interroom swollen door will not interfere with the customer if the master is invited to install, and it is simply necessary when performing work with your own hands.

First of all, the door must be chosen correctly. It is best to go to the store for buying along with a specialist in installing the door. When choosing an intercommercial swing door, several factors have to be taken into account: ecology, quality, design, size, side opening, material.

What are swing doors photo

Form of the canvas:

  • rectangular
  • arched
  • strengthened
  • with Framuga.

By the number of sash:

  • one-
  • two-,
  • four-
  • one and a half times.

The number of flaps is determined by the width of the doorway. In the standard mounting opening, the door with one cannol is installed, wide with two. Two-faceted swing doors have two canvas of different widths.

On dimensions:

When choosing a door, first of all take into account its size with a box. The height and width of the door box should be slightly smaller. The finished doors of domestic production have standard dimensions: width from 60 to 90cm, height 2m. For the finished factory door, the opening is brought into line with the dimensions of the door block, and, on the contrary, the door to order is performed under the size of the opening.

The opening should be wider than the canvas on the double thickness of the door frame plus the gap between the opening wall and the box. The height of the canvas other than the same parameters also depends on the presence of a threshold. For import doors, the height standard is 1981mm, and the width of the canvase varies depending on the manufacturer's country.

In France, we produce one-board doors wide from 690 to 890mm wide, bivalve - 1530mm, semi-fire - 1330 mm, and 2080mm height. Single-bed doors of Spanish production have a width of 600 to 1000mm, bivalve - 1200-1400mm and height of 2000-2030mm.

Door boxes are also selected from different widths, which depends on the walls of the doorway. 108mm width box is suitable for opening in a brick wall thickness of 75mm, for a wall of wooden Bruschev 100mm thick with dry plaster finish is better to install a box of 120mm.

By the design of the web

  • deaf
  • violent
  • milled,
  • glazed.

Deaf, swing doors are solid-missy and frame. Door canvases are made from rails, wooden bars, fine-flow or solid aggregates made of polyurethane, plywood, veneer, spiral chips, insulating and solid fibreboard. For decorative finishes, milling, thread, veneer, glass and metal inlaid are used.

Written doors

Most often, violent swing doors are installed in the residential room. Pilented doors are also made of wooden massif and woodcuting materials - decorative MDF panels. They represent wooden frame And fililers inserted from wood, glass, fibreboard, and other materials inserted into it.

There are smooth and convex (profiled) panel layout. With an even layout over time between the fillets and bars, the strapping appears a gap due to the natural shrinkage, therefore, inter-invalid swing doors with profiled layouts are preferable.

Molded doors can be massive, mazonite, strain. Deep cutter is used on a thick material. With an increase in the thickness of the canvas, heat and noise protection properties are improved, the door acquires a good and solid look.

Swing doors with glazed

Glazed swing doors visually expand the space and add light. Glass can occupy almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe door leaf, only part or to serve figure decorative element. The glasses themselves for interior opening doors also have different types: embossed, smooth, matte, transparent, colored, engraved, stained glass, mirrored. Swing glass doors less durable and unsafe.

They do not have enough heat and sound insulation. To reduce the likelihood of injuries and improving the functionality of glazed doors, a thick tempered glass is used or choose a canvas with a small area of \u200b\u200bglazing. Majonite doors are made of pressed wood with fine fractions. Facial surface covered with veneer veneer wood breeds. Majonite doors are strong enough and durable.

Plastic doors

IN modern interior Plastic doors are increasingly used. They differ in light weight, diverse color gamut and stylish design. At the plastic door, the canvas cannon are rounded, there are no usual ribs. Additional advantages include: Opening in both directions and disguised door hinges. Doors of this type are painted or covered with an additional layer of plastic.

On the side of the opening

Depending on the side of the opening, the right and left swing doors are highlighted. The opening side determines the location of the door loops. It is possible to distinguish the right-hand door from the left-hand-sided way: if you get up from the door from the side, in which it is replete, then the right door loops are located on the right, the left door is on the left. There are pendulum doors with swinging canvas. They will be revealed in both sides, inward and outward the premises, returning to its original closed position. For glazing swinging cavities, transparent glass uses for security reasons.

The procedure for installing interroom opening doors

  • Determine the floor level if the door is installed indoors with an incomplete finish.
  • Insert the door frame into the mounting opening and secure the wedges. Carefully check the vertical location of the racks and the horizontal placement of the upper crossbar.
  • The magnitude of the assembly gap between the box and the walls of the opening on both sides should be the same.
  • Under the bottom ends of the racks of the box to put pieces of cardboard or organity.
  • Measure the distance between the side racks above and below. They should be equal.
  • After that, fasten the doorframe in the opening of anchor bolts that allow you to adjust the vertical racks.
  • Insert the cloth into the door frame, align it, observing the gaps, and make the markup under the loop.

  • Special cutter or chisel cut down the doorway on the end of the door canvase and on the box on the thickness of the loops.
  • Disassemble loops, lubricate and secure self-taverns to a box of a loop with a sleeve, to the door of the door - with a leg.
  • Wear the door on the loop and adjust to the desired position.
  • Tightly close the door and fill the emptiness between the slopes and the door-box of the mounting foam. After drying the foam, cut the surplus with a sharp knife.

Using the stub, trim the platbands at an angle of 45 degrees and fix on the box with finish nails. The platbands serve as a decorative frame that hides the design of the box, a layer of mounting foam and uneven walls of the doorway.

Check the correct installation of the interroom swollen door. If the door of the door in a semi-open position is motionless, opens and closes without effort, then the installation is made correctly.

Required tools and materials

To mount the swollen interior door, you will need:

  • Door block.
  • Circular Saw.
  • Installation wedges.
  • A hammer.
  • Nails and selflessness.
  • Chisel.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Building level.
  • Mounting foam and silicone sealant.
  • Drill.
  • Corolnic

Preparation of the doorway

Typically, assembly loops are made in standard sizes, and doors, respectively, make doors. In such cases, additional materials for installation doors are not required.

But sometimes the sizes of the opening do not correspond to the construction standards and rules (SNiP). Too large, the opening is coating, using a mounting bar, a wood board, a drying sheet (GVL) and a fibreboard (Fiberboard). Leave the clearance for foam not more than 20mm. The opening is close to each of the parties no more than 40mm, otherwise the junction between the wall of the opening and the skeleton bar will not be closed by a platband.

If you have to build up the doorway more than 40mm on both sides, they use good.

Dogs are called wood panels, DVP, MDF, veneer of various thickness and in different ways Installation. Their installation is no difficulty.

Measure the distance from the edge of the box to the wall. A knife or an electric bike cut off a challenge of the same length taking into account the groove. Insert a good in the groove and fix the mounting foam in different places, waiting for the full foam drying.

If the maximum width of the standard factory dog \u200b\u200b(230mm) is less than the thickness of the wall of the opening, use the connective plank, which allows you to connect a few of the sobers and arrange the doorway without installing the box.

When preparing the doorway, you must check the floor level. The construction level is applied horizontally inside the mounting switch parallel to the walls. On the walls of the side, on both sides, marked marks to which orient when installing the box. The distance from the floor to the label shows the difference between the side of the box in height. This difference should not exceed 3mm.

Installing a broken interior door

The installation of a new interior door is proceeded after the completion of repair works associated with paint and plaster so that the walls are dried and normal humidity. It is undesirable to carry out such works and in the adjacent room.

If repair work is impossible to postpone, then the door canvas are removed, and the box is closed with polyethylene film.

Installation of interroom attempting doors are made using a plumb and a square. Before starting the work, the position of the vertical wall is checked and the dimensions of the doorway are determined.

  • The construction level is checked by the floor throughout the radius of the door leaf movement. The detected flooring drops are taken into account when adjusting the length of the side racks.
  • On the door canvas, a sharp knife and the square mark the place of attachment of canopies.
  • Next, the milling is made a socket under the loop and drill holes for screws.

  • Composite parts of the box are unfolded according to the direction of opening the door.
  • Vertical box racks need to be tightened, observing the necessary gap from the floor to the door canvase, taking into account the thickness outdoor coating.
  • According to the standards for residential premises, the clearance under the door is 10mm. After assembling the door box, the upper ends of the racks cut off and prepare the grooves under the loop similarly to the door web.

If there is a seal in the door box, the interval from the edge of the loop to the gunner on the box is the same as to the edge of the door canvas. On the frame without a seal, the distance to the River makes 1,5mm more to eliminate the touch of the door canvase. The slice at the ends of the crossbar is performed at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • The distance between the side stands of the box should exceed the width of the door cloth by 5mm. All parts of the door box are fastened with screws.
  • The assembled door box is placed in the prepared opening and expose it using mounting wedges accurately in horizontal and vertical planes.
  • The upper wedges are installed at the crossroad level of the crossbar and side racks.

According to the rules, the length of the wedges should be 20mm more than the depth of the box profile. The lower edge of the rack is combined with the surface of the fine floor. Installation of the interior swing door is carried out after laying a clean flooring (laminate, linoleum, parquet).

Compliance with the installation technology is simplified if there is a threshold in the door block. If in the future the floor is renovated, it is necessary to correctly determine the clearance value under the door.

The loop rack of the box is equalized, check the construction level in two planes. Measure the distance at the top and bottom of the box with the addition of 5mm on the gaps. Assembly wedges fix the opposite box rack. Paste the strut accurately in front of the lower wedges.

The door canvas is hung on a fixed loop rack. If the door box stand is fixed strictly vertically, the canvas will be resistant in any position. Next strengthen the castle rack. On the doorway, there is a gap between the side racks and the transverse crossbar.

A gap of 3-4mm is observed between the lock resistant and the door blade. A greater gap looks nonethetically. Little gap leave risky, as due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity, shrinkage of the building, loop wear is possible to reduce the gap and the emergence of the problem with opening and closing the door. For concrete I. brick walls The opening before mounting the racks of interior opening doors is pre-prepared mortgaged for screws.

The door blast is mounted in the opening of the wood screw. The use of large anchors requires professional experience.

It is enough to secure the door frame in three places. Additional fasteners are applied depending on the size of the box. Fasteners are closed with a retaliatory bar of the door lock and loop.

The gap between the box and the wall of the opening is sealed by mounting foam. The clearances from the wall to the door frame should not exceed 5mm, they are filled with foam immediately after installing the doors. Mounting foam requires accurate circulation. It is important to use a foam with a low expansion coefficient to avoid block deformation.

It is necessary to exclude the entry of the mounting foam on the surface of the door block, during the drying of the foam leaves the traces. A cleaning agent can spoil the decorative coating of the door. Throat time different species The mounting foam is 1-3 hours, complete drying - day.

When filling the foam, its subsequent extension occurs 5 times, therefore, the mounting foam is intended specifically for the interior door and the appropriate fill method to prevent the curvature of the door block items.

The final stage of installation of the door block is the installation of platbands. The platbands mask the slots between the box and the wall and give the doors tidy and completed.

Measure the desired lane of the platband. Put the platbands (with the exception of the platband with the "beak") with a knocking using a stouch or a snake saw at an angle of 45 degrees. Fasten the trimming of finish nails in advance drilled holes 1,5mm diameter. The platbands with the "beak" are inserted into the grooves of the box (part of the "beak" above is pre-removed) and fixed on liquid nails.

Installing the door block of the finished assembly

Manufacturers plants produce interroom swap doors assembly, which greatly simplifies mounting work. In the door kit enters the canvas, the finished box, stop, loop, locking plank, platbands. Door platbands Already washed at an angle of 45 °.

The door block is installed after complete drying of the plastered surface or finishing with dry plaster, but before laying the flooring and plinth. Before the start of operation, the direction of opening the door and, accordingly, install the door frame. Better if the door declines towards exiting the room.

The door box is collected from the upper crossbar and side racks. To do this, place three parts of the door frame on the floor. First do the door stop - it is a planka inside the box to limit the turning door after the closing. Insert the assembled door frame into the mounting opening so that it occupies the central position.

Check with the help of a building level and a square. The correct position of the parts of the box vertically, horizontally and adherence to the perpendicular between them. If necessary, put a seal.

In places of contact, the box with walls of the opening is put on plywood pieces and again control the vertical of the side racks. The box is naked to reinforcing bars with nails of 65mm without a hat, if the wall is made of wood, or screw 65mm screws, if the wall is stone. Remove the bar and check the horizontal position of the upper crossbar again.

The loops in the finished door sets are already attached to the frame. To hang out the door, the fastened parts of the loops are separated by driving the axis, and fasten into the grooves cut on the door. When the door hinge is on the loop, the lining is placed under it, and connect the coaxial parts of the loops. Adjust the position of the locking plank for smooth opening and closing the door.

Complete installation work by installing platbands around the box. First, the top platband is applied above the door. Check its position horizontally and nails a 37mm nail. The first nail is driven at a distance of 75mm from the corner. The second nail is clogged at the same distance from the opposite corner. The interval between the following nails 150mm.

Next attach side platbands to the frame, carefully performing the joints of the bevelled at an angle of 45 ° ends with the upper platband. Start the side elements from the top angle. Do the same on the other side of the door.

Last Step: Fastening of door handles in the opening manufacturer provided by the factory manufacturer. Lastly execute decorative decoration Boxes and close up the uneven edges of the wall around the goat.

How to install a broken interroom door in a wall of timber

Installation of the door block in the wall of BRUSIEV is characterized by some features. In the framework of the partition on the site of the intended passage, the vertical bar is removed and the hard support structure is constructed, which performs the role of the door frame. Thus, the doorway is limited to two vertical bars, nailed from the inside.

In the upper part of the opening there is a short crossbard, which is naked between reinforcing bars. Between the ceiling timber and the top of the strapping are fixed short bars. They are support for dry plaster above the door.

The installation of the door box starts with the attachment of two bars. After that, the seal is set to 6mm thick around the perimeter, two reinforcing timber 5 cm wide and the door. Reinforcing bars attach outside of each external doorway timber. Outer bar stick to the foot and nail to it the second timber with nails of the circular cross section with a length of 10 cm. The interval between nails 40cm.

To install the upper part of the strapping, the bar is harvested by a cross section in 10x5cm. The length of the bar is equal between reinforcing bars. Blocks put in place with a gap of 6mm. This clearance is designed to seal over the door. Barbaged K. vertical bars nails of round cross-section 10 cm. Nails are clogged on top and bottom at the end of the bar.

Then install the backups. Screw the bars with a length equal to the interval between the upper strapping and the ceiling timber. Attach the backups with nails of the circular cross section with a length of 10 cm to reinforcing bars. On the last stage The arrangement of the doorway is cut off the section of sexual bar between the auxiliary reinforcing bars. The door block during installation should be approached by the dimensions of the door leaf.

How to properly shorten the door leaf

Sometimes after purchasing the door block, it turns out that it is necessary to shorten the door canvas. Fitting a new door, especially plastic better entrust to specialists. The door leaf of a wooden array or MDF is shortened by a fine-grained hacksaw or manual disc electron. When working with a circular saw from the back side of the canvas, the board is fixed to obtain smooth, without burrs, the lines dug.

The lower part of the strapping of the lung door leaf (with filling) is made of an array or solid bar, taking into account possible shorting. If the site from the bar is narrow, then cut the web for the necessary size, and the coconed bar is inserted into the open cavity.

When shuffling the Pilencot door web should be followed by the proportionality of the dimensions of all parts of each other in order not to distort appearance Doors.

How to change the height of the door hide

The change in the height of the doorway is usually required after laying the floor coating. If the upper gun is sufficiently sufficient, then there is a washer between the Baututa of the detachable loop. Roaming surfaces of canopies are lubricated. If the upper gap is small, then the top quarter of the door box is trimmed. It is much easier than shocking the door canvas. The top quarter of the box is grinding to the door easily closed.

How to install glass pendulum doors

Glass doors of pendulum type are often found not only in public buildings, but also in apartments and private houses. Pendulum glass doors are inserted into the prepared opening without a door box. The device with the rotation mechanism is at the top of the doorway and on the floor.

Such a design of glass hinged doors allows you to install the canvas of significant dimensions without fastening to the walls.

When installing glass pendulum doors with low support From the hinge or the closer, it is necessary to check the coaxiality of the upper and lower support, which is very important for the uniform distribution of the load on the rotating mechanism and its long-term uninterrupted operation.

There are design of glass-type glass swing doors with side mount loops. Most often such a kind glass doors Install in the dining room, hallway, hall, living room, as partitions in the shower.

When mounting the pendulum doors, it is necessary to remember that the radius of the coverage of the blade is held on both sides of the door. It should provide free space for the movement of the door leaf and prepare a flat surface of the floor.

How to install bivalve interior doors

For apartments and cottages with spacious living rooms and halls the optimal choice There are two-sided swing doors. Interior doors of this type are a sample classic style, give the interior solemn and solid look.

Bivalve doors have two doorways that open the same easily inward and outward. The distinctive convenience of two-dimensional doors is that when they open it, you can go straight, without retreating aside, as in the case of single-layer doors.

Interior double-type double doors are usually equipped with special seals throughout the door jamb. Such doors provide good heat and sound insulation and protection against strangers.

Installation of bipoly interior doors has some differences. To calculate the length of the transverse crossbar of the double-hearted door, the width of both wastes is measured and added 6-7mm per gaps.

Expose the level of the vertical box of the box, the door canvas hang out, on which the lock and the handle will be. Then at the top point is pre-fixed the second side rack. Door canvas with the Rigel (latch-fixer double-handed doors). The position of vertical racks is installed so that the doors can be strictly in the same plane.

Before installing and final fixation of a double swollen door, carefully align the doorframe. The transverse crossbar is fixed in one screw. The mounting space should close the rigleel's response. It is necessary to gently apply a mounting foam, since in the process of solidification, its volume increases 5 times. After the installation of the hinting doors is completed, the smoothness of the opening-closing is checked and adjust the locking bar.

Automatic swing doors

In modern housing construction, automatic swing doors appeared. The main advantages of the automatic type doors: versatility, reliability and durability. The design of the automatic doors contains mechanical and electrical components. Automatic doors open from light touch, smoothly closed, work silently. They are simple and convenient during operation. The opening time of the sash is 12-15 p. In order to avoid the failure of the drive V.Zone, the sliding door flaps should not be obstacles.

Care rules for interroom bypass doors

Purchase and installation of interroom attempting doors require significant financial spending. The price of the door is determined by different factors: material, design, decorative finish, equipment, sizes, manufacturer. Doors out valuable breeds The tree is the most expensive, skeleton doors with MDF are much cheaper.

The pledge of the durability of doors is the right installation, normal microclimate indoors and gentleproof.

Interior doors spoil from high humidity, permissible level humidity no more than 70%. Interior doors made of array and wooden composites are not suitable for the arrangement of baths, saunas, pools, buildings without heating or premises with cement and earth flooring.

To care for interior doors, specially intended means and napkins for furniture are used. It is impossible to use acids, alkalis, solvents. The door should be protected from mechanical damage to avoid the appearance of chips, loss of sections.

Interroom swollen door good quality With proper care for many years, the attractive appearance and functional properties will save.

Swing doors are different in design and list of materials used. They really seek away. A block of such doors is compiled from the door frame, which is fixed in the doorway of the wall, as well as one or several cavulsion, which are placed on the box.

Design of swing doors

Interior disintegration doors on Abris contour can be rectangular or arched. Over the inner filling, swing doors can be made up of solid material array, or being panels, panel and stuffed with different fillers of greater or less density. Swing doors by the number of canvas can be four-fold, double, one-time or one-bedroom.

In addition, the left and right doors distinguish: depending on the side that the door opens. Also, this parameter depends on which side the door loops will be. Right-sacred or left-rate doors are easy to find out: if you become at the side of the door, in which they swallow, then the right door of the loop (awnings) will be on the right. The left is the left. There are also doors with swinging canvas. They are able to open in both separate premises.

The design of the door leaf, which is compiled from the wood array, can consist of both different rocks and from a single piece. If the door is made up of different wood breeds, then pieces of rocks should be carefully selected in accordance with the technical and operational properties in the process of manufacture of the web. The scored canvas are typically facing veneer, which is made of valuable wood wood. Veneer also undergoes the processing of enamels and nitrolakes.

Door canvas can be filled with rails, wooden bars Either to be decorated with fine-pass or solid fillers of plywood, veneer, spiral chips, polyurethane, solid fibreboard or insulating fibreboard.

Most often, violent doors apply in the residential interior. They can be both deaf and styled panel glazed. In addition, the glass of fillets can be reinforced, patterned or transparent. Swinging canvas - exception. Based on safety reasons, they should be supplied with only transparent stools.

Maisonite doors are made of extruded wood. Such wood fractions should be finely dispersed. Maisonite doors are pretty durable and durable. The front surface is fried by a veneer from valuable rocks.

Relatively recently plastic doors appeared in the interior. They differ in essence, unlimited color scheme and modern design. Plastic door door leaf is rounded. Consequently, the door is devoid of traditional Röbembers. The plastic door has additional benefits: the possibility of opening in both directions and visible lack of door loops. Such doors are either stained, or are separated by a stretch of 2-3 plastic layers.

Luxury doors produce only under the order. However, cheaper versions can be purchased in stores. In the process of buying a door, it should be noted that the size of the doorway must be somewhat exceeding the size of the door. Therefore, there should be a 0-2.5 cm0 cm between the wall and the box during the installation. This gap can subsequently be cemented or fill the heat and sound insulation material.

When installing the door frame, use a plumb and a carbon. First, do the door stop - the bar, which is inside the box. She will prevent the door turn after its closure. After that, the nests are cut for door loops. Now you can hang the door and install platbands. Lastly, work on the decorative framework of the box and shuttering the uneven edges of the wall around the day.

Most of these works can be avoided if you buy doors assembled by the factory. Such doors are equipped with ready-to-install door stop and finished door frame. Also included you will find a lock bar and loop. Door pads are already cut off at an angle of 45 degrees.

The doors are installed in place after plaster or after drying the plastered wall. However, the door must be installed before placing the coating on the floor and the installation of the plinths. Before starting work, decide which way the door will open. The door frame is set depending on this solution. It is best if the door opens towards the exit from home or apartment. Such outputs should be considered even balconies and loggias.

Before installing the door frame, you need to collect side and upper strapping. After that, you can install the box in the doorway. In order to install the box, three parts of the door box should be laid on the floor. Then the door stop is installed. Through nails are connected to the upper and lateral strapping. Nails should be round in cross section.

In the same way, the left and upper strapping is installed. Between the two side strapping at the bottom of the door frame, a bar is nailed with a cross section of 5 x 2.5 cm so that they remain parallel during the entire time installation of the door. Now you need to install the collected door frame in the doorway and gently place it in the center. It is necessary to make sure that all elements retain strict rectangle. The perpendicularity of the elements and the verticality of the installation is also checked. Check out the horizontal of the upper strapping through the level, the coated or a plumb. If necessary, make a seal to align the door frame in the required locations.

To properly install and secure the door frame, it is necessary in places where it will come into contact with the wall, put pieces of plywood under it. Now again check the verticality of the side elements. Attach the box with nails with a length of 6.5 cm without a hat to reinforcing bars (if the wall is made of wood). If the wall is stone, then instead of nails, screws should be applied. Remove the priest bar and check the horizontal of the upper strapping. Correct its position if required.

Standard door height - 1981 mm. The width of such a door can be different. It depends on the standards of the manufacturer.

Factory doors come with loops that are already attached to the door frame. To hang the door, it is necessary to disconnect the fastened pieces of loops and install them at pre-prepared places. In the process of performing this operation, it is necessary to disassemble the loops, remove the axis, and then screw the corresponding parts of the loops in the recesses that are cut into the door. In order to install the door in the door frame on the loop, it is necessary to put the lining under it. After that, parts of the loops and the axis are inserted into place. If there is a need, you can adjust the locking bar. Consequently, more smooth closing and opening the door will be ensured.

To complete the installation, you need to kill the platbands around the door frame. To do this, install the upper element of the platbands above the door, then check this element to horizontality and nails nails in 4 cm long. Nails must be oval in cross section. The first nail must be scored at a distance of 7.5 cm from the corner. After that, they score the next nail at the same distance from another corner. Between corners, nails should be removed from each other at a distance of 15 cm. Side elements Nail to the frame. The correct connection of their ends is checked. The ending, naturally, should be bevelled at an angle of 45 degrees. The endings must carefully lie down to the top of the platbands. Side elements are nailed, starting from above. The same operations are repeated for the other side of the door. After that, it will only be equipped doorknobs in the appropriate holes.

Installing the door in the framework of the wall from Bruusyev has some features. So, if the partition frame must be provided, then you need to remove from the frame, at least one vertical timber. At the site of this timber, you need to mount a hard support structure, which is called the door frame. Consequently, the doorway will be limited to a pair of vertical bars. These bars should be nailed from the inside. The box is limited to a short cross. The crossing is nailed between reinforcing bars. It is also called the upper strapping. Brief bars that are strengthened between the ceiling bar and the upper strapping will serve as a support for dry plaster, which will be nailed over the door.

Installation of the box is recommended to start with the mounting of two ordinary bars, which are far away enough from each other. After that, it is necessary to equip all parts of the box and door: a seal around the perimeter with a thickness of 6 mm, two reinforcing vehicles with a width of 5 cm and the door assembly. Reinforcing bars must be applied to the outside of each external straw bar. Outer bar press foot. Come to it the second bar with nails of 10 cm long (nails must have a round cross section). Nails clog every 40 cm.

In order to establish the upper strapping, it is necessary to cut off the bar with a cross section of 10 x 5 cm. The length of this bar must be equal to the distance between reinforcing bars. Barrier Install in the place with a gap of 6 mm. This gap will also serve for sealing over the door. To vertical bars, approach the barn robes with a round cross section of 10 cm long. Nails score from above and below at the ends of the bar.

After that, install the backups. To do this, cut off the bars of such a length, which is equal to the distance between the upper strapping and the ceiling timber. Subscribe the backups with nails with a length of 10 cm (round section) to reinforcing bars. To complete the manufacture of the doorway after the development of the wall in place, it is necessary to cut off the part of the sex bar, which is located between the inner sides of the auxiliary supporting bars. The door frame during installation should be in accordance with the exact dimensions of the door canvase.

As a rule, the door is purchased. Therefore, it is possible to produce accurate calculations in advance.

Sometimes it is necessary to protect the door leaf. After all, after purchasing the door block or when repairing it turns out that the door leaf is too high. If the door was recently purchased or was completed to order, it is better to entrust the work of fitting the door to specialists. This is primarily related to plastic doorrow. If the door is made in the form of a solid array, then work can be successfully performed independently.

The door canvas are shortened with hacksaw, equipped with small teeth. You can also use manual electric copies. However, in the latter case, attach the chalkboard on the reverse side of the door canvase. So you will get off, which will be smooth and without sowing.

The lower part of the strapping of the lung (with filling) of the door leaf is performed from an array or a solid timber, taking into account the possibility of shuffling. If there is not enough of this plot from the bars, then the web is permissible to cut to the desired size. The opening cavity is subsequently closed by BROs, which insert into the glue. In the process of shortening the panel door, do not forget about the proportions of sections of such a door. After all, overly shortening the door from below, you can break the harmony not only the canvas, but also the interior as a whole.

Changing the height of the doorway landing

Most often, such a need arises after placing the carpet flooring. If the gap between the upper part of the door leaf and the entrance is sufficient, then a washer can be located between Baututa (canopies). Nevertheless, rubbing surfaces should be thoroughly wedged with oil.

If the upper gap is too small, then the top quarter of the door box can be compatible. It is more convenient than it is to trim the door leaf. After all, after trimming, the height of the canvas will remain irreversible. The upper quarter of the box should be carefully grounded for free door closure.

The bivalve version of interroom doors is usually used in two cases - a large doorway and small premises. In comparison with one web, they occupy much less place in open. There is another reason for this choice - bivalve interior doors look very elegant, especially modern models products. Their canvas can be swollen and sliding. There are still swinging models, but they are used extremely rarely. How to install a bivalve interroom door? Installation of bivalve products is easy, but it requires a certain sequence and knowledge.

Preparation of opening

Before you start installing the door, it is prepared by the opening for it. If there is a need to dismantle the old door box, then this is done with the help of a nail and a hammer and screwdriver. Then the opening is cleared from the residues of plaster and foam. Depending on the material of the wall, the grinder, chainsaw or perforator is used to expand it. It is possible to reduce the space to the necessary sizes using lumber or plaster.

The walls should be prepared for finishing finish and the maximum aligned - the door frame should not be driven under their curvature and knock out the plane.

Calculation of the doorway

There are doors bivalve interroom sizes which are not suitable for an existing opening. The calculation of its width is carried out according to a simple scheme - the width of one canvase is plusing, the gap between it and the bar and the thickness of the box. The resulting amount is multiplied by 2 and 4-5 mm for mortgages is added to it. For example, take the most common width of the door of 600 mm and the thickness of the box is 25 mm. (600 + 3 + 25) x2 + 4 \u003d 1260 mm. Similarly, its height is calculated. But here you should consider the gap between the door and floor - 10-20 mm. 2000 + 10 + 25 + 15 (gap between the box and the door) \u003d 2050 mm. When building a threshold, the height of the door is cumbers, the double thickness of the box and the gap between it and the canvas multiplied by two.

Build door box

Assembling finished boxes

Modern models of doors are available complete with fasteners and details of the box, ready for assembly. In this case, the work will not require special efforts. It is necessary to determine the side of the opening of the canvas, measure the length of the racks, taking into account the irregularities of the floor and the prepared opening. In accordance with its height, cut off the bottom of the racks. Then install the drums into the holes located in the end sections on the side racks of the box. Tighten the details until the fit and fix them with corner brackets. To do this, there are special grooves on the back of the box.

Door blocks can be sold fully prepared for installation, with landing grooves for loops, and can be without them. In this case, you will need to make a number of action on their clipping - this process will be described below.

Installation of the box with your own hands

When collecting the door frame, it is primarily necessary to adjust the timber under the size of the canvas. Its dimensions are a double width of the canvas plus 6 mm on the gaps. When calculating the height of the box to the dimensions of the door, 10 mm is added for the lumen below and 3 mm - from above. The top bar and the ends adjacent to it are cut at an angle of 45º.

Next, the door frame is going - its corners are fastened with three self-draws, the length of which should reach the center of the second timber. Two of them screwed up at an angle with a side rack up, the third is located between them, but screwed from above.

Installation of loops

On the door, the location of the fastening devices is noted. To do this, 20 cm is measured on the shelter end and loop is applied. Its circuit will be bored with a pencil or a sharp knife and in this place the groove is selected for the necessary depth. It can be done using the chisel, but in order for the excavation to be neat, it is better to use the mill - it will allow you to work more accurately and quickly.

Through the hinge plate applied in the grooves, places for the screws are applied and the guide holes are drilled for them. Their diameter should be 1-1.5 mm less than the corresponding sizes of screws. In the same way, an excavation for a rigle is made on one of the flaps.

Then the doors are superimposed on the box, on the side bars it is planned for the loops and in the same way as on the canvases, the groove is made for them. There are modern fastening and rotating devices that do not require such work. But the loops of the butterflies from the masters of the "doorway" do not use much popularity - too many complaints and they prefer tested mechanisms.

Loops are installed on both door flaps and racks, and on one of the canvases - Rigel.

Installing the box in the doorway

When installing the assembled door frame in the opening, the accuracy of its horizontal and vertical is checked using the level and plumb.

To the wall, the design is attached long screws (8-10 cm). First of all, side racks are fixed. Between them and the wall can be installed wooden spacers.

The formed space around the perimeter of the box is filled with the mounting foam. It is necessary to take into account the degree of its expansion - one to five. Details of the door block must be protected from foam. After its drying, the excess and the gap is neatly removed with a platband. The door leaf is hollowed in place and a hole is drilled at a slight angle for a shut-off regeneration plate.

Installation of sliding interroom doors

Installation of guides

The interior door sliding double photos of which can be found on the Internet - a good alternative to swing models. They liberate the space, which is very important at the small area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment.

In the case when it is planned to install bivalve interroom doors with your own hands, you should pay special attention to the material of their manufacture. If for wooden doors Enough one guide, then a heavy glass product will require the installation of two structures. And the lower one of them is better planning in advance so that it is possible to deepen it into the floor. In any case, it is attached to finish finish floor to his concrete base. The horizontal guide is checked by the level.

In order to determine the place of the upper guide that is fastened to the first, the door leans to the imaging and the horizontal line is performed along its upper edge. It should be borne in mind that 10-15 mm should remain between the floor and the blade. You can immediately put the gasket of the desired thickness under the door.

Wooden bar to which the guide will be mounted, should be located strictly horizontally, otherwise the doors or will not open or will spontaneously move away to the side. It is attached to dowels or self-drawing - depending on the material of the wall. In addition, there are models with a guide that is attached to special brackets or to the ceiling.

Rates from the wall of 2-3 mm, the guide is installed on the lower edge of the bar with screws. It is set strictly by level.

The next step consists of attaching roller mechanisms to the door. At the top end, the canvas is measured from both sides of 20-50 mm, and brackets are screwed screws. If the lower guide is installed, then in the lower part of the door there is a groove depth of 18 mm. Its width should be 2mm more than the bottom rail made in the form of a flag or knife. Since it is not easy to carry out this process at home, it is better to choose a lower guide, consisting of a P-shaped profile or two regions.

Snake web

Rollers with supporting screws are inserted into the upper guide. At its ends, limiters are installed. The canvas is installed on the Lower Rake checkbox and hangs on the brackets to the screws. Fixing nuts are slightly twisted. The rotations of the screws on the brackets the door is adjustable vertically taking into account the gap above the floor. The second door is hosted in the same way. Then with aid wrench The nut is finally tightened, and the canvas are blocked on the rollers.

The final stage of installation of sliding doors is the installation of accessories and a decorative plank, a masking rail guide.

Sooner or later you have to change interior doors. The procedure is not so complicated to hire a specialist. If there is at least some skills in handling a saw, level and plumb, you can spin several screws - cope on your own. When replacing, before installing the interroom door, the old one needs to be dismantled. And here there are also features. All subtleties are in the photo and video with detailed instructions.

Interior doors make from different materials. Moreover, the material and door canvases are distinguished. Door canvas happens:

  • From fiberboard. These are the cheapest doors. Represent wooden frameto which laminated fiberboard is attached. They are distinguished by low sound insulation, fear of high humidity, are easily damaged.
  • From MDF. It is much more expensive, but also qualitative characteristics are much higher. They are better at sound insulation, they are not afraid of moisture, stronger and more durable.
  • Woods. The most expensive doors. Make out different varieties Woods - from pine to oak or more exotic rocks.

Door boxes are made of the same materials. The worst choice is the boxes of the Fiberboard, even under their weight begged, and the door can be mounted on them - the judge flour. So try to take or MDF or wooden. There is another material: laminated wood. It is good because you do not need to handle and paint, but the service life depends on the quality of the film.

Dimensions and equipment

Interior doors are produced standard sizes, it is a pity that the standards in different countries differ. For example, in our country, swing doors make a width of 600 - 900 mm in 100 mm increments. In some EU countries, the norms are the same - in G. Yermania, Italy and Spain. In France, others are standard. There are the most narrow doors of 690 mm and then with a step of 100 mm.

Is it important to the difference? If you change only only the door leaf without a box, then it is important - you will have to choose from your segment or completely change with the box. Interior doors of such a standard, as in our country, the choice is much more, as in France - are many times less.

What the width of the door is needed depends on where they are going to put them. If we talk about standards, the following values \u200b\u200bare recommended:

  • in residential room width from 60 to 120 cm, height 2 m;
  • bathroom - width from 60 cm, height 1.9-2 m;
  • the kitchen width of the door leaf is at least 70 cm, height 2 m.

If when replacing the door, it is decided to do more / less when the door is replaced, it is not necessary for this permission, but it is necessary to remain in the limits specified for each room.

How to determine which width to buy doors? Measure the door cloth, which is available and you will know what you need. If there are no doors, find the most narrow place in the opening, measuring it, you can find out which width you need a door block. This door canvas + door box. So the outdoor dimensions of the door frame must be less than the measured value. For example, you have it turned out 780 mm, look for a block with parameters 700 mm. Wide in this opening do not insert.

The most complete equipment of the interior door - with a box, dignity and platbands

When choosing a door, pay attention to the package. There are three types of assembly:

  • Door leaf. Box buy separately.
  • Doors with box. All complete, but the box in the form separate boards. You have to heat the corners and connect, hang the loops yourself.
  • Door block. It is ready to install the door - a box is collected, hung loops. Just trim in the height of the sidewall, expand and secure.

With the same quality of the door cloth, the price of these kits differ significantly. But the difference in time that spend on the installation is decent.

Step-by-step installation of interroom doors

In general, there are many subtleties. The most common moments will try to describe and illustrate in the photo or video material.

Step 1: Build the Door Box

If you have not bought the door block in the assembly, the first thing will have to collect the door frame. It consists of two long racks located on the sides, and one shorter crossbar at the top - perts.

Connection methods

There are at least two options for how to connect these planks among themselves:

Regardless of how exactly you gathered to connect the elements of the door frame, the first thing makes the racks and perts on one side. Then on the floor they are folded into the box, checking the correctness of the connection. Next, you need to decide on the height of the side parts of the door box.

Determine the dimensions

As folded state, the required length is measured along the inside of the rack. Racks are not always the same: the floor is often uneven and it must be considered. For this we take the level and check how smooth floor is. If it is perfectly smooth, the racks will be the same. If there is a deviation, it must be taken into account: make one of the racks longer. Usually it is a few millimeters, but it happens enough to shine the doors.

When calculating the height, note that the racks should be 1-2 cm longer than the door leaf (including sleep). Under the door make a gap of 1 cm, if under do not assume put the rug. If the rug / carpet / carpet will be better to do it anymore. Do not be afraid to leave the gaps. They are necessary for. Once again we pay attention: the height is measured along the inside of the door frame - from the bottom edge to the heap. Slicing, trying on the stand in the doorway.

Now it is necessary to sprinkle in length and, if necessary, stored on the other side (if the junction is 45 °). The length of the pendant should be such that in the folded state, the distance between the racks was larger than the width of the door canvase. The minimum clearance is 7 mm, but often make more. 7-8 mm are distributed as follows: 2 mm - on the loop, and 2.5-3 mm for compensation gaps. Any interior doors - MDF, DVP, wood - depending on the humidity change their dimensions. To take into account these changes and the gaps are required. And 5-6 mm - this is not always enough, especially in wet premises. For the bathroom exactly leave a little more, otherwise with high humidity they can hardly open.

So, we decided with minimal gaps when installing interroom doors:

  • on the loop - 5-6 mm;
  • at the top, below and on the sides - 3 mm;
  • bottom - 1-2 cm.

After cutting off all parts and made a washed, fold the box on the floor. If you noticed somewhere shortcomings in the docking - eliminate with the help of sandpaper fixed on the bar. The more accurate there will be a coincidence, the smaller the gap.


Regardless of the material of the box and the combination method, the holes are pre-drilled under fasteners - so that the material does not break. The diameter of the drill is 1 mm less than the diameter of the self-press.

The box is folded, exhibit the angles of 90 °. Holding the rack and prodock in this position the drill drill holes. If there is an assistant, he can hold it. If you work alone, put temporarily put up correctly by two transverse bars - closer to the top, and below. This will help not make a mistake and make the correct connection.

If 45 ° was connected at an angle, three holes are made on each side. Two from above - retreating centimeter from the edge, and one side - in the center. Total for each compound requires three self-pressing. The direction of the installation of self-tapping screws is perpendicular to the connection lines.

If connected under 90 °, everything is easier. Two holes drill on top, directing the drill exactly down.

Step 2: Cutting Loops

Most often, 2 loops are installed on interior doors, but it is possible and 3. They are set up with a retreating 200-250 mm from the edge of the door leaf. If the box and door leaf are made of wood, choose a place so that there are no bitch. First fasten the loops to the door canvase. The order of work is:

  • At the selected places we apply a loop, outline contours. The easiest way to do this is a finely honed pencil, but experts advise - blade a knife. So it turns out more accurate and smaller gaps remain.
  • If you have, if not, take the chisel and choose the material on the thickness of the loop. You do not need to do more than the sample, only on the thickness of the metal.
  • A loop is installed in the prepared recess. Its plane should be on the same level with the surface of the canvas.
  • The exhibited loop is fixed with self-draws.

Fixing two loops, put the door cloth into the collected box, set the right gaps: from the loop side - 5-6 mm, 3 mm on the opposite side and on top. By exposing these gaps, the canvas are fixed with the help of wedges. Exhibit exactly in the horizontal and vertical plane (you can use lining, if necessary).

After the placement, place the location of the retaliation parts of the loops. Sometimes it is more convenient to remove the loop already installed, and then install in place. On the markup, too, make a recess. Depth - so that the surface of the loop is on the same level with the surface of the door frame.

Details of the door hide is described in the video.

Step 3: Installing the Door Box

The collected box must be properly inserted into the opening. This is a very responsible task. Before installing the interroom door, knock all that can fall off in the opening. If too dry wall, the surface is processed by primers of deep penetration with the astringent effect. If there are too big holes, they are closed with plaster, very large protrusions are shy. In the prepared opening, insert the interroom door is easier. If you do it yourself for the first time, facilitate your work.

The box without the door canvase is exhibited. It is oriented strictly vertically. Vertical is checked not only by level, but also a plumb. The level is often the error, therefore it is more reliable to check the plumb.

To during installation, the box did not turn, still on the floor, set the temporary struts, in the corners - Ukroswhich give a high degree of rigidity. For the doors to be opened, they are inserted in the same plane with the wall. Only so it will open completely. If the wall is uneven, put the box not on the wall, but vertically. Otherwise there will be problems with opening or closing the door.

How to insert the interior door with your own hands - in the same plane with the wall

After the position is selected, you can fix. Do it with mounting wedges - triangular wooden or plastic bars. First, the wedges put on both sides of the sides - cross, then above the racks. Thus, the position of the box relative to the doorway is selected and fixed. Next, it is checked again the verticality of the racks. They are checked in two planes - so as not to be inclined forward or backward.

Then the wedges are installed below, then approximately 50-60 cm, checking the racks exactly stood smoothly. Opened additionally and the transverse bar - in the middle. Check if there were no box elements somewhere, adjusted if necessary. You can begin to fasten.

Step 4: Fastening the box to the doorway

Fastening methods are also two: through straight to the wall and mounting plates. If the wall allows you and you are not frightened fastener caps in the box, you can attach through. It is reliable.

To install interroom doors, it is enough to spin two screws into cuts under the loop and on the other hand - under the plate of the castle's response. Additional holes are sprinkled in the cut outs. They are done so as not to get into the holes for the fastening of the loops or the response. Make sure that the head of the screws has been drowned and did not interfere with the installation of loops and lining.

Installing interroom doors according to this scheme is shown in the video. There, there are some interesting nuances about the placement of the door box.

If such a quantity of fasteners seems unreliable, drilled through, and the holes are closed with decorative washers selected in the tone. Or there is still a special handle from MDF with removable planks. Fasteners are installed in the prepared groove, and then closes the bar.

The second method is counted, the fastener is not visible. First mount mounting plates on the back of the box. In principle, it is possible to use for drywall, but there are also special - thicker, although when installing interior doors, there are enough plasterboard.

Step 5: Fatitude

After all the gaps are exhibited and the wedges are installed, the slots between the box and the wall are filled with the mounting foam. For better polymerization, the wall is wetted with water from the spray. After extruded with a foam, filling no more than 2/3. Too a large number of Foam can lead to the fact that the box blows inside. Therefore, do not overdo it.

To ensure that the doors of the foam did not forcerate, put struts. But if you do not move with foam, nothing happens.

Struts for fixing the box - with such an installation of the interior door, the box should stand smoothly

After the foam is polymerized (the exact time is indicated on the cylinder) the struts are removed, housing door cloth And check the work of the door. Next go finishing work: and platbands, if necessary - DOWERS.

How to install interroom door do-it-yourself you know. There is nothing superpower, and we tried to describe the main nuances. There is a lot of useful in video - these are recommendations from practitioners.