Zamioculcas: detailed instructions for plant transplantation. Possible problems during the reproduction of zamiokulkas

Zamioculcas or "dollar tree" attracts lovers indoor plants for unpretentiousness and ease of care, the only thing that can cause difficulties in growing is the transplantation of zamiokulkas at home.

In order not to make mistakes when growing and transplanting a plant, you need to know its main features and the rules for caring for it.

Zamioculcas is an evergreen herb with thick tubers and fleshy pointed leaves. Mature plants can bloom with proper home care. The flower is shaped like an ear of corn and hides in the axils of the lower leaves. For its resemblance to a palm tree, it is called the emerald palm tree or the Zanzibar pearl.

Essential factors for proper cultivation

Indicators Spring Summer Autumn winter
Temperature regime + 21-29 o C + 18–20 о С, critical limit +15 о С
Humidity Spraying, washing leaves for a bright gloss, well put in the rain Does not matter
Watering Abundant, but infrequent. Avoid overflow and stagnation of water in the pan, otherwise root rot and stem rot are possible. May shed leaves during dry periods Soft water when the soil is completely dry, no more than 1-2 times a month.
Lighting A bright place, in the shade the leaves will shrink. In strong sun, leaf burns are possible, the light should be diffused As bright diffused light as possible
Fertilizer Fertilizers for cacti - once a month, do not overfeed Not recommended

However, even with the observance of all agrotechnical methods of cultivation, the plant may begin to "wither". One of the reasons for this is the delay or absence of the dollar tree transplant.

How to understand that Zamiokulkas needs a transplant

There are several signs by which it is clear that the plant needs a transplant.

  • The roots do not fit in the pot, they are cramped;
  • Deforms and cracks landing capacity from growing roots;
  • The soil is very compacted, not loose, poorly air-permeable;
  • The plant stops growing;
  • The water-storing tuber begins to grow;
  • Leaves curl, wither and dry.

There are 3 obligatory transplants:

  • after the purchase;
  • annual transplantation of young plants;
  • transplanting old plants every 3-4 years.

Zamiokulkas transplant after purchase

A post-purchase transfer is a must. If this is not done, the plant will die. This is due to the fact that plants are transported from other countries and a special transport substrate is used for transportation. It does not contain any nutrients, does not allow water to pass through well and is not intended for further plant growth.

In addition, there are no drainage materials in the shipping container; holes in the bottom of the container take on this role. As a result, roots can grow in them, which will lead to their deformation during subsequent transplantation.

It is not necessary to transplant immediately, but after 2-3 weeks. This is necessary for the plant to adapt to a new environment. It is advisable to place the flower in a room where there are no other plants for temporary quarantine.

Important! After the purchase, when transplanting, the roots must be completely freed from the substrate.

When is the best time to replant

The most the best time for transplanting for both young and mature plants - spring, the most favorable months are March and April.

Experienced growers wait until the end of the flowering of the plant, and only after that they begin to transplant, otherwise the plant will drop all flowers.

Young plants are transplanted annually, as their growth is intensive for up to 3 years. It is necessary for them not only to change the size of the container, but also the soil due to its depletion.

Mature specimens try not to disturb them so often, especially since the growth of the plant slows down with age, so they are transplanted every 3-4 years.

If the moment is missed, a transplant can be carried out at the beginning of summer.

Some indoor plant lovers believe that autumn transplant possible without much discomfort for the flower, although experts believe this is incorrect. During this period, the flower prepares for a state of dormancy for the winter and all processes in the plant are inhibited, therefore, there will be no good survival rate.

Transplant methods

Any houseplant requires a transplant. Transplants are:

  • planned;
  • emergency.

Scheduled transplants are necessary when the soil is depleted, the pot is small or the flowers have stopped growing.

An emergency transplant is carried out if there is a suspicion that root decay has begun or that any diseases or pests have been detected.

According to the method of transplantation, 2 types are distinguished: the actual transplantation and transshipment.

Transplanting is moving to another pot with the complete elimination of old soil.

The roots are completely cleared of soil, washed, pruned, if necessary, and placed in a new container with fresh potting soil. With this method, the plant is sick for a long time.

Transshipment is a method in which a clod of earth is not disturbed, the plant is moved to a larger pot, and all gaps are covered with earth. With this method, the plant does not get sick, it quickly grows root system and leaves.

Zamioculcas are transplanted only by transshipment. An exception is the transfer from the transport mixture. This is dictated by the fact that the roots of the plant are very fragile and can be deformed with another method of transplantation. For less damage to the roots, a clod of earth is poured abundantly with water before transshipment.

Preparing for transplant

In order for the zamioculcas transplant to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures.

Pot selection

  1. The size of the pot should be 10-15% larger than the previous one, it is no more than 3 cm in diameter. The root system should fit freely in the pot, but there should be no voids. You cannot choose a pot with a margin, since in this case the plant stops growing the aboveground part. It will begin to form new leaves only when the root system fills the volume of the new container completely. In addition, alkalization of the earth can occur.
  2. The pot must be stable, as with further growth the weight of the plant increases rapidly.
  3. The container must have drainage holes.
  4. The most comfortable shape for a zamiokulkas pot is a wide flowerpot with a narrowed bottom.
  5. The pot can be earthen or plastic.

Clay pots

Plastic pots

pros Minuses
When transplanting, you can cut the pot They retain moisture for a long time, root rot may begin
Low price Possible overheating in the sun due to the structure of the plastic
Various colors, the ability to match to any interior Rapid deformation from overgrowing roots
Easy to wash and clean Air access is limited by artificial material
Lightweight, easy to carry Lungs, may topple over, damage to the plant will occur

Soil preparation

Basic requirements for the soil:

  • Should be light and loose, with good air access;
  • Possess drainage properties (the earth is mixed with fine expanded clay or screenings);
  • Soil composition: sod land, leafy soil, peat, sand in equal proportions, or a soil mixture for cacti and succulents, it is possible to introduce a small amount of humus;
  • Do not use clay soil, this leads to decay of the roots due to its poor permeability;
  • Do not use very nutrient soil, the plant can get sick due to an overdose of fertilizers in it;
  • Disinfect with boiling water or roasting in the oven before transplanting.

Transplant process step by step

  1. Prepare in advance a new container, drainage, soil mixture.
  2. Spill the plant with water 24 hours before transplanting so that the clod of earth is moist.
  3. When using a new clay pot, soak it in water for several hours so that it does not take water from the soil, disinfect the plastic pot.
  4. Pour expanded clay into the pot with a layer of 2-3 cm.
  5. Pour prepared soil. It is advisable to warm it up to 25-30 degrees, this will reduce stress for the plant.
  6. Carefully remove the dollar tree from the old container.
  7. Conduct a thorough examination of the root system. Remove damaged or rotten roots, divide overgrown roots for further propagation.
  8. Lower the zamioculcas into a pot, spread the roots and cover with soil, tamping slightly, while the tubers should be slightly on the surface (0.5 cm).
  9. A small amount of expanded clay is placed on top of the soil.
  10. Do not water the plant for 2-3 days.

Carefully! Zamioculcas leaves contain poisonous cell sap, so you need to be careful and work only with gloves, allergic reactions are possible.

Plant care after transplant

After transplanting, the plant must be at rest for some time in order to adapt to new soil and to the new volume of the pot. Then the usual care is resumed. Zamioculcas does not like increased attention and excessive care.

The dollar tree enjoys well-deserved attention from flower growers not only for the splendor and brightness of the leaves, but also for the fact that it reduces the symptoms of depression, improves mood. blooming zamioculcas attracts a man to the house of a single woman, and promises the girls a quick wedding.

Zamioculcas - slow growing evergreen from the Aroid family. It is a real long-liver, able to decorate a room for 7-10 years, while not requiring frequent transplantation. Thanks to easy care behind zamiokulkas at home, it can be placed not only in a residential area, but also in an office, foyer of public institutions.

Features of caring for zamioculcas at home

The plant is flowering, but its inflorescence looks like a small and inconspicuous ear of corn, which does not represent decorative value, therefore, the zamiokulkas can be conditionally classified as decorative leafy species. Its structure has interesting feature, all the life force of a flower lies in the tuber, which is also the main stem. In it, the plant accumulates moisture, so it is not at all afraid of a short-term drought.


The plant is native to sunny Africa, therefore, for a flower such as zamioculcas, care should involve a well-lit place. Rooms with windows facing the south are most suitable, however, it is unreasonable to place an adult specimen on the windowsill, the bush can reach a height of up to 1 meter. It is better to put the pot on a special stand near the window. The plant tolerates direct sunlight well, but in the summer, at noon, it is recommended to shade it. Zamioculcas is so unpretentious that it can grow even near a window facing north, but in this case, the color of the leaves will be noticeably paler.

For external resemblance to a fat woman (" money tree") Zamiokulkas nicknamed" dollar tree».

Air temperature

The flower is able to grow well with different conditions content, but a warm microclimate is preferable. Optimal temperature conditions:

  • in summer - from +22 ° C to +28 ° C,
  • in winter - from +16 ° C to +18 ° C,
  • critically low indicator - +12 ° C.

Immune to drafts and temperature extremes, therefore in summer time you can fearlessly take it out onto the balconies, open verandas or terraces.

Air humidity

African flower zamioculcas - home care does not require the creation of a humid, tropical microclimate. The plant will thrive in dry indoor air. Sometimes it is recommended to rinse the dust off the leaves with a warm shower or wipe them with a damp cloth. It is possible to humidify the air by spraying only in extremely hot summer days to freshen up the plant a little.

Watering zamiokulkas

Perhaps watering is the only procedure that a florist should pay close attention to. The flower needs abundant, but infrequent watering. Between the procedures, the earthen lump should have time to dry out. It is better to skip watering once than to over-wet the soil. The tuber is able to accumulate a sufficient amount of moisture, even if the tree has shed all the leaves, it is able to live for a long time. Thus, zamioculcas is trying to keep itself alive by minimizing its moisture consumption as much as possible. As soon as watering resumes, the tree will regain its former beauty. And excess moisture can be detrimental to the flower; in the sour soil, the tuber quickly begins to rot.

The composition of the soil for growing zamiokulkas

To grow a "dollar tree", it is enough to purchase a universal soil mixture or prepare it yourself:

  • sheet land - 1 part,
  • sod land - 1 part,
  • fibrous peat substrate - 1 part,
  • medium-grained sand - 1 part.

At least a third of the total volume of the pot should be occupied by drainage, the root system requires good aeration.

When organizing the care of zamiokulkas at home, it is better to give preference to stable, massive ceramic pots. Clay is good for air permeability and thus prevents moisture stagnation. And given that the tree grows impressive in size, it can overturn a light plastic container.


For better growth and development, the flower needs to be fed regularly. Suitable universal formulations based on minerals, intended for the cultivation of decorative foliage plants. Fertilizer can be applied to the soil when watering, or a solution of a weaker concentration can be prepared for spraying. Top dressing frequency: every 2 weeks from March to October. With such care for zamiokulkas, its leaves will be dense and shiny, saturated green.

Planting and transplanting zamiokulkas

Given that the flower grows extremely slowly, it does not need to be transplanted frequently. Young specimens are recommended to be transplanted 1 time in 2 years, and even less often - 1 time in 5 years for adults. During the procedure, it is important not to damage the tuber, therefore it is better to use the transshipment method. It is enough to change the substrate and the upper layers of the soil. When planting zamiokulkas, you should pay attention to the tuber, it should not be deeply immersed in the soil, it is better if a small part of it protrudes on the surface. A complete transplant is recommended only if pests are found in the ground or the plant is sick and the root system must be carefully examined.

Do not worry if the lower leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow and fall off, this is natural for adult specimens and is not a sign of poor Zamiokulkas care.

Features of reproduction of zamiokulkas

There are many ways of reproduction, in conditions indoor floriculture there are two more popular:

  • division of the tuber,
  • growing a cuttings.

Tuber division can only be carried out experienced florists, while the age of the plant must be at least 3-5 years.

For beginners, the second method is more suitable; cuttings are best cut at the end of spring, in the phase of active growth. They do not require preliminary processing, the shoot can be immediately rooted in a substrate made of peat and sand. For better rooting, the cutting can be covered glass beaker or with a plastic "cap", not forgetting to periodically ventilate the "greenhouse" and moisten the soil. After a while, a small tuber with a bud will appear on the plant. As soon as the young leaves grow, the plant can be transplanted into a pot and the zamiokulkas can be cared for as an adult specimen.

Diseases and pests of zamiokulkas

The worst fungal disease is root rot, it arises due to the systematic waterlogging of the substrate. Despite the moisture in the soil, the plant looks lethargic, drooping, as if it suffers from thirst. It is necessary to immediately remove the zamioculcas from the pot and examine its root system. If the roots become soft, unnaturally dark in color and exude bad smell, then the flower is suffering from root rot. The affected roots must be removed, the decayed parts of the tuber must be cut off and treated with charcoal powder. Treatment and care of zamioculcas at home is carried out with the help of fungicides, but it is not always possible to save the plant.

The leaves of the flower are covered with a special wax coating, which provides a kind of protection against insect pests. Nevertheless, sometimes zamioculcas becomes a victim of scale insects, aphids or spider mites. Pests are not as dangerous as fungal diseases, and can be successfully treated with folk remedies or modern insecticides.

The dollar tree may become welcome guest in any home, however, in families with small children or animals, care should be taken. The sap of the plant is poisonous and especially dangerous if it gets into the eyes, it is better to use gloves when transplanting or pruning a tree.

Video how to care for zamiokulkas

An exotic flower with a funny name became relatively recently known to amateurs of flower growers - in the late 90s, when Dutch nurseries began to offer the first copies of the plant to their customers. In a very short period of time, Zamioculcas has gained immense popularity for its beauty and unpretentiousness.

Zamioculcas care at home

The people are beautiful unpretentious plant managed to come up with several names: dollar tree (dollar, money) and female happiness. Some consider it to be the flower of celibacy. In the natural environment, an ornamental leafy flower grows in dry weather under the scorching sun, therefore, the plant is especially comfortable in our latitudes. Caring for a dollar tree at home is very easy, but you need to plant and grow it correctly.

A home flower is not afraid of drafts and forgives forgetfulness in watering, but he needs good lighting... The plant likes diffused soft light so that the leaves do not get sunburn. The main care for zamioculcas is to withstand 2-3 weeks of adaptation after purchase, and then you can make a transplant. The life span of an evergreen plant is 5 to 10 years. During this time, the flower grows up to 1 meter. It should be remembered that Zamioculcas zamiifolia (scientific name) is a poisonous plant, so it should be placed out of reach of children to decorate the interior.

Zamioculcas - reproduction

With a planned transplant, the reproduction of zamiokulkas is possible by dividing into separate cuttings. For an adult plant, this is not difficult, but it must be divided carefully, otherwise the tuber can be damaged. Separate parts must be kept in the air for some time in order to dry, sprinkle the slices with activated or charcoal, and only then plant. How to transplant zamioculcas? To seat home flower it is necessary in pots with universal soil, and add vermiculite as a baking powder. Young shoots are watered by spraying every three days.

Reproduction of zamiokulkas leaf

You can transplant a plant not only with a shoot, but also with a leaf plate. To do this, in an adult specimen, a leaf should be cut off, dried for several hours, treated with a growth stimulant (Kornevin) and planted in a ready-made light soil. Reproduction of zamiokulkas by a leaf occurs very slowly. After a couple of months, the tuber will form, and the multiplied leaves should be expected no earlier than six months later.

Zamioculcas - flowering

The dollar tree blooms very rarely. This houseplant is valued more for its glossy dark green leaves, and the flowers do not shine with special beauty: light, small, collected on the cob - a characteristic inflorescence for the entire Aroid family. The flowering of zamiokulkas can be seen in the photo on the Internet. Outside, the inflorescence is closed with a 5-8 cm long leaf, which makes it difficult to distinguish. In nature, the ear, after fertilization, first forms brown berries, from which the seeds ripen. When the plant begins to bloom at home, the seeds do not ripen.

Zamioculcas - transplant

The only thing that can cause difficulty for a gardener is a zamiokulkas transplant. The main condition after the purchase is the complete removal of the soil. If the rhizomes are intertwined, then they must be carefully untangled. The pot must be chosen in size larger than the previous one with a hole for drainage. Next, you should mix soil, sand, turf, leaf humus in proportions 1: 1. Transhipment of adult domestic plants should be carried out every 2-3 years, and young ones - every year. During this procedure, do not touch the earthen lump.

Land for zamiokulkas

Flower shops offer flower growers, as a rule, a ready-made universal primer. For those who want to especially take care of their favorite indoor plant, you can prepare the ground for zamiokulkas yourself. The dollar tree prefers growing in loose soil so that water and air can circulate easily in the pot. Dilute the soil, preferably large river sand, small expanded clay or perlite. These additives should make up one third of the total.

It is better to take fertile soil for a flower: forest, leaf, vegetable or garden. For feeding, you can add a little ready-made substrate from the flower shop. Fertilizer for a cactus is also suitable. At the bottom of the pot, it is imperative to arrange a drainage of 2-3 cm from sand, expanded clay or small pebbles. After planting, you can put a small layer of sphagnum moss on top. The covering will be useful and decorative - with it the earth will retain moisture longer.

Zamioculcas - diseases

In order for a houseplant to be beautiful, it is necessary to carry out pest control correctly and on time. As already mentioned about zamioculcas, home care is not difficult, since the plant independently fights some microbial and viral diseases. Even when the leaves of the dollar tree first turn yellow and then fall off, this is a normal process. However, zamioculcas diseases, in which the plant needs treatment, do exist. Leaves may dry out or turn yellow massively from direct exposure sun rays, and the roots begin to rot due to waterlogging.

Sometimes the plant is affected by pests:

  1. Spider mite. The insect is easy to spot - it is a bright red little spider, winding a white, thin cobweb underneath the leaf.
  2. Shield. The pest's body is covered with a shield, which is why the insect is so called. It is difficult to notice the scale insect on the plant, but, having multiplied, it is easy to determine by dark spots at the bottom of the sheet. Gluttonous larvae spread throughout the plant in the form of small worms.
  3. Aphid. Deposits of the pest appear as live white cereals on the leaves. Insects are black, green, gray and white. They feed on plant sap and live on the leaves (underside).

How to water zamioculcas

There are several recommendations for care, watering and maintenance home plant... Sometimes in winter the flower becomes lethargic and stops growing - this is a sign of waterlogging. In the cold period, watering zamiokulkas should be carried out no more than twice a month. The room temperature should not be lower than +16 degrees. In the hot season, zamiokulkas is watered 1-2 times a week, depending on the condition of the soil.

Video: how to care for zamiokulkas

For good growth, zamioculcas must be planted in poor, well-drained soil, which includes sand, small pebbles, perlite or expanded clay, because in nature it grows precisely on such sandy-stony soils. Such soils allow oxygen to freely flow to the roots (mixtures rich in humus remain moist for a long time, the roots stop breathing and quickly rot). From purchased soils, you can recommend soil mixtures for cacti and succulents; it is imperative to add sand, perlite or expanded clay to the universal soil. In heavy soils, zamioculcas gradually degrades.

Transfer produced as the rhizome fills the pot, young plants - every year in spring or summer, adults - every few years. When transplanting, the nature of plant growth should be taken into account: the rhizome of the zamiokulkas, like any stem, has a growth point, therefore, in its direction it is necessary to leave more space... Sometimes the growing rhizome deforms or even tears plastic container, in this regard, it is preferable to choose to stop at clay pot.

Growing conditions and care

The first thing to remember is zamiokulkas - heat-loving plant. The optimum temperature lies in the range from +18 to +26 o C, it is undesirable to drop below +15 o C. It tolerates heat quite well, on such days it is useful to spray the plant, increase illumination and watering.

Despite the fact that zamioculcas is adapted to long periods of drought, this does not mean that it does not need to be watered. With a lack of moisture, the plant will not be able to fully photosynthesize and will starve, using only its internal reserves, doomed not to prosperity, but to survival .

Watering should be done regularly and abundantly so that the zamioculcas can store water, but between waterings the soil must dry out... The more sand there is in the soil, the better the outflow of water, the more often the plant can be watered. If the zamioculcas turns yellow, this is the first sign of waterlogging. With systematic waterlogging, the roots rot, the disease spreads to the leaves, in severe cases the plant dies rather quickly. With a lack of water small leaves begin to fall off. With prolonged drought, the zamiokulkas sheds leaves, but the rhizome remains to live, so do not rush to throw the plant away, after watering it will release new leaves.

Due to its undemandingness to light, zamiokulkas is extremely popular with phytodesigners. The plant is able to exist even in the most dimly lit corners of the room. However, in a strong shade, zamiokulkas will not grow, for such rooms they immediately select a specimen of the required size, and watering is limited in such conditions. In the light, preferably with some shading, zamioculcas, on the contrary, will actively grow, and the frequency of watering can be increased. It can grow in direct sun, also with more frequent watering.

Success secrets:

    Poor, well-drained, sand-rich, breathable soil.

    Watering is regular, but immediately after the soil dries out.

    Bright diffused light.

    Accommodation at room temperature.

    Top dressing is scarce.

    Strict correspondence between temperature, lighting, watering and feeding. If one of the factors is lacking, the rest also decrease (for example, if there is a lack of light, watering, feeding and the temperature of the content are reduced), if one of the factors is in excess, others should be increased (for example, in the heat they provide more light, increase watering and feeding).

Zamioculcas resists well various diseases and pests... But at all unfavorable conditions may be amazed spider mite, rarely - scabbard or mealybug.

Most frequent problem is an yellowing of leaves zamioculcas. If old leaves turn yellow, it is a natural process of replacing leaves. Adult plant can bear 15-17 leaves.

However, if young, recently grown leaves begin to actively turn yellow, then the reason is most likely excessive waterlogging of the substrate, and, as a result, decay of roots and rhizomes. In this case, it is necessary to remove the plant from the pot, carefully free it from the old soil, carefully examine the rhizome and roots, cut out all decayed parts, sprinkle with crushed coal, actively spray the ground and underground parts of the plant with Oxyhom or Fundazol, dry it slightly and plant in fresh soil.


Zamioculcas reproduces quite easily by vegetative parts. Any piece of leaf (from a small leaf to a whole pinnately-compound leaf) or rhizome is suitable for this. The leaf or part of it is planted in wet sand, perlite or in a mixture of sand, perlite and peat. It is important that the soil is sterile. Placed in a damp greenhouse or covered with a transparent airtight cap. The greenhouse with the plant should be in a warm place with diffused light, perhaps artificial. Effectively use rooting stimulants (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon). The soil should be kept slightly damp. The process of root formation and growth of an underground tuberous rhizome is rather long, lasting from one to several months. The larger part of the leaf was taken for rooting, the larger the rhizome forms, the sooner the young plant will turn into a full-fledged specimen.

You can read more about the technology of rooting cuttings on our portal in the article Cutting indoor plants at home.

Zamioculcas can also be propagated by sections of the underground stem-rhizome. It has buds that are able to wake up and give lateral shoots, i.e. new plants. When a plant at the age of several years old leaves die off and the rhizome is exposed, it is better to renew it.

Zamioculcas is often called the "dollar tree". It is believed that this plant, which came to our homes from exotic Africa, brings to its owner material well-being... Another name for zamiokulkas is "female happiness". There is a popular belief that its owner miraculously becomes desirable for the opposite sex and finds happiness in her personal life. Agree, a good reason to have your own green artifact at home! Of course, you can buy a mascot plant in the store, but it is much more interesting to grow happiness with your own hands. Moreover, they say that in this case the effect of the acquisition will be greater.

General characteristics of the methods

There are four ways to propagate zamiokulkas: seeds, tubers, leaves or cuttings. Most often, the plant is propagated by dividing the uterine tuber into parts, cuttings, rooting of leaf plates or a whole branch with leaves.

Zamioculcas is poisonous! Plant it with gloves and do not attract children.

Seed propagation

Do not expect to find seeds - they simply do not exist, since this plant blooms extremely rarely and without them (maybe they are in Africa, but not likely). If you're in luck:

  1. Sow seeds in a container with soil for violets or cacti with a distance of 2-3 cm between them. The soil should be moist, not wet.
  2. Cover with foil and open for airing once a day.
  3. Keep an eye on the moisture content of the ground surface, do not allow the appearance of a dry crust, moisten with water from a spray bottle.
  4. Plant when the first 2 true leaves appear (they grow after the cotyledons).

You will have to wait for seedlings for a long time, at least two months. First, the plant needs to form a tuber, from which the sprout will hatch later.

Reproduction by dividing the uterine tuber

Reproduction of zamiokulkas by dividing the uterine tuber is carried out in the spring, when it comes into a more spacious flowerpot. The tuber is easily divided into parts. You do not need to cut, otherwise you can ruin your pet... You need to make sure that at least one growth point remains on each branch.

In no case should you cut the roots of zamiokulkas

The reproduction process by dividing a tuber consists of the following steps:

  1. After dividing the tuber into the required number of future plants, dry the damaged areas by sprinkling them with charcoal or crushed activated carbon.
  2. Let them air for 2 hours.
  3. After that, plant it in a permanent flowerpot. Choose a container that is at least 20 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height. Pour expanded clay or small stones on the bottom. You can also use Styrofoam balls or eggshell... Do not be alarmed that it will alkalize the soil, the increased acidity is harmful to zamiokulkas. The drainage layer must be at least 1 cm. Use a special soil mixture for cacti or any other light poor soil as soil.
  4. Cover the pot with a jar to create the required microclimate and place them on the windowsill. The plant does not need additional lighting.
  5. Monitor the moisture and water periodically with a sprayer so that not only the roots, but also the leaves receive moisture.
  6. After new leaves appear, remove the jar.

A full-grown adult plant can be admired in a year.


A stalk of a zamiokulkas is nothing more than a complex full-fledged leaf. There are several simple leaf blades on the central stem.

There are several leaves on the handle of the zamiokulkas

The grafting process is as follows:

  1. Cut off a whole leaf and remove 4-5 leaves from the bottom.
  2. After that, dry the cutting in a warm, dark place.
  3. Sprinkle the damaged parts with charcoal.
  4. Can be placed for germination in a container with settled water. In this case, make sure that the water does not stink. You can add a hydrogel that will absorb water, and then gradually give it to the plant.
  5. Plant in a permanent place after the appearance of the first roots 2-3 cm long with a tuber with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm.
  6. Cover with a jar until new leaves appear. Do not raise the hood, so as not to disturb the microclimate, the plant will receive air from the soil.

When grafting the result, you will have to wait several months. Your new pet will take time to grow a basal tuber, which retains moisture and nutrients, and only then will it grow.

Video: reproduction of zamiokulkas by cuttings

Reproduction by leaf plates

It is easiest to get the leaves, but you will have to wait at least six months for the result. Stems with leaves take root faster - the result can be seen in a month and a half. The rooting algorithm is the same for any part of the zamiokulkas:

  1. Pre-dry the sheet plates for several hours.
  2. Sprinkle charcoal over the cuts.
  3. Dip the leaves into the soil at a slight angle by about a third.

The stalk may dry out or wither, but do not rush to throw it away. It is quite possible that a tuber is forming in the ground, and then a new plant will hatch from it.

Further care for the grown zamiokulkas consists in periodic watering and spraying. Young plant it is necessary to transplant into a more spacious flowerpot annually, and an adult - once every 2-4 years.