How to clean a cesspool - options with and without pumping. How to remove sludge from a sump How to get rid of sludge in a drain pit

The device of the drain pit and the principles of its functioning. Reasons for the rapid filling of the reservoir. Methods for emptying the container from the contents.

The content of the article:

A drain pit is a reservoir that is designed to accumulate sewage. After filling it, the contents must be deleted technical means... In the absence of high-quality maintenance, the storage device malfunctions, sewage fills the tank faster than at the beginning of its operation. Consider what to do if the drain pit fills up quickly.

Features of the functioning of the waste pit

A drain pit is a bottomless reservoir dug into the ground. The walls of the container in loose soil are reinforced with brick or concrete partitions, in clay soil you can do without them. Coarse gravel and cobblestones are poured at the bottom to prevent siltation. A sewer pipe is brought to the pit, through which wastewater flows from the room into the storage.

The scheme of the functioning of the waste pit consists in the settling of insoluble solid inclusions (toilet paper, feces, etc.) at the bottom of the pit and the drainage of purified water through the walls and bottom. The structure is being built in places with a low level of groundwater, otherwise it will quickly be filled with external liquid. The depth of the pit should not exceed 3 m. With such dimensions, the pump hose for pumping out sewage can easily reach the bottom of the pit.

After accumulation a large number sediment it must be removed mechanically... Depending on the intensity of the use of the sewage system, the procedure is performed every 2-3 months. Site owners know from experience what the frequency of filling the hole is, and if it has changed, there is cause for concern. Rapid filling of the reservoir paralyzes life in the house, basic amenities become inaccessible to residents. An unpleasant putrid smell appears in the house.

To avoid shortening the intervals between cleaning procedures, perform regular and periodic maintenance on the drive. In the first case, the drain pit is cleaned once a year, in spring or autumn, using a sewer machine. Thus, the prevention of clogging of the drive is carried out, and if it is observed, there will be no problems with filling the pit. Periodic maintenance of the reservoir is carried out to protect the reservoir from flood waters and winter freezing.

When the pit fills with waste faster than desired, the cause of the problem should be found. There may be several of them:
  • Liquid does not escape through the walls due to silting of surfaces. A similar problem arises if the pit is not cleaned for a long time. Feces, household waste, solid inclusions settle to the bottom and over time create a dense crust that impedes the drainage of water into the ground. Fatty inclusions present in the effluent clog the pores in the soil and make it waterproof. Silting up the filter layer is an inevitable process that cannot be eliminated. But if you control the contents of the drains, the frequency of cleaning can be increased.
  • The cesspool is operated more intensively than after its arrangement, therefore the amount of wastewater increases, and they do not have time to seep into the ground on their own.
  • An error in calculating the volume of drains from the house, which is why the pit was dug in a smaller size. To rectify the situation, another hole is being dug nearby. Both accumulators are connected by overflow pipes. In this case, they form a system that resembles a traditional septic tank. Solid inclusions settle in one reservoir, liquid flows into the second, which then seeps through the walls.
  • Runoff does not flow out due to freezing of the soil. The problem is solved by warming up the frozen sewage.
  • The drain hole fills up quickly due to the rising water table. Most often, water enters the reservoir after intense precipitation. There are other reasons: poorly organized surface drainage; decrease in the filtration properties of the soil; deterioration in the evaporation of moisture from the soil after asphalting the site. Consequence of hit ground water silting, accumulation of fecal waste, the appearance of an unpleasant odor becomes in the drive.

How to restore the operation of the drain pit?

It is imperative to clean the drive, but this process is difficult and unpleasant. At the first stage of solving the problem, it is necessary to find out why the drain pit is quickly filled, then it is cleaned. The work can be done manually with improvised means, but it is better to use modern ways waste disposal. Today, the procedure is performed using special devices, devices and complexes, so the role of manual labor is minimal.

Technically cleaning the pit

To free the drive from dirt, a special technique is used, with the help of which the process takes place quickly, remotely, with a minimum spread of odor.

Most quick way cleaning the drain pit - call of the sewer truck... She is equipped vacuum pump, tank and hoses, so the liquid is not only pumped out, but also transported to the place of disposal. The customer only needs to organize the driveway to the drive. Before pumping out, thoroughly mix the contents of the pit with a pole with a hat that resembles an oar. After removing the liquid fraction, it is necessary to inspect the inside of the drive. If you find a solid sediment on the bottom and a greasy layer on the walls, wash them with a jet warm water while brushing the surfaces with a stiff brush. If this is not done, then after pumping out, the drain pit in a private house will quickly fill. To remove the hardened layer, pour the sediment with water and leave for a few days to soften, and then remove the mass with a pump. Add the microbes that decompose the hard fragments to remove the hard crust. The preparations marked "Intensive" have proven themselves well. They contain colonies of organisms that are able to process solid elements in the shortest possible time.

If the walls are loose, there is a danger of their being washed out by strong jets of water. In this case, work is carried out with a bucket, a shovel and other improvised means.

Also suitable for cleaning sewage suction machine... This is a high-power device that easily handles solid sediment. Many models have special attachments creating great pressure water, allowing to break up large inclusions.

You can pump out sewage fecal pump, without calling the sewer truck. The device easily sucks up liquid with impurities and is designed for such work. The contents of the tank are pumped out to a pre-prepared place. If the container is filled frequently, you can install a pump that automatically turns on as needed. From inexpensive models one can note the unit Aquatica 773411, which raises sewage from a depth of 5 m to a height of 12 m. It has long term operation, capable of operating in automatic mode. For gardeners, we recommend the Chinese pump Spirut V180F, which not only pumps out feces, but is also used to water the site.

You can also use to clean the tank. golden method... Unlike the previous method, an ordinary household pump is used to pump out feces, in which a funnel with a mesh with 1-2 mm cells is put on the inlet pipe. The liquid is pumped into a hole dug nearby. Due to the lack of large fragments, it is quickly absorbed into the soil. All that remains is removed by hand with a bucket and a shovel. After cleaning, inspect the condition of the bottom and walls of the tank. If necessary, cover the base with rubble or cobblestones to cover the clay layer.

Cleaning the storage device with biologics

To clean the drives, microorganisms are often used that feed on organic matter... Bacteria help to solve the problem of quickly filling the waste pit at a qualitatively new level. It is enough to add them to the water according to the attached instructions and pour them into a container with feces.

Bacteria very quickly recycle paper, fats, particles of vegetables and fruits, etc., decomposing them into gas, water and light inclusions, while the volume of waste is reduced. They restore the porosity of the soil, dissolve fats and eliminate silted surfaces. A harmless liquid substance with a neutral odor remains in the pit, which can be removed with a pump.

Note! Plastic, films and other artificial materials cannot be decomposed.

The biological agent is a complex of enzymes and live bacteria. They are sold in a liquid or powdery state, in a concentrated form, so very little is needed for the drug procedure.

For similar purposes, use anaerobic microbes able to live and reproduce without oxygen. Before use, dilute the drug in water, after which the dried cultures of microorganisms "wake up". Study the instructions for activating the biomaterial: some drugs must be insisted, others can be poured into the pit right away.

For the processing of faeces are also intended facultative saprophytic bacteria that naturally live in the soil. They are able to reproduce with and without oxygen. In the package, they are in a state of suspended animation. After activation, they begin to look for dead organic matter, which is used as food.

Important! When choosing microorganisms, consider the purpose for which they will be intended. There are facilities for dry closets, cesspools, sewerage systems.

Biological product "Microbec" is intended for the decomposition of fecal waste in a pit. It allows you to maintain a high permeability of the walls of the drive. Means "Vodograi" decomposes feces and organic waste - peeling potatoes, fat, etc. After processing, a disinfected odorless liquid and harmful impurities is formed, which can be used to water the garden.

To make microorganisms work as efficiently as possible, create the following conditions for them:

  • In a waste pit, the liquid should cover the solid sediment by several centimeters. Pour several buckets of water into a container if necessary.
  • Bacteria are active at a temperature of + 4 + 30 degrees, so create appropriate temperature conditions.
  • Protect the pit from chlorine, manganese and other antibacterial agents that kill bacteria.
  • Use the drug in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. For example, some substances cannot be sprayed, you only need to pour into one place.
Biologics can be used for a long time, they will not harm the site. The bacteria present in them are already in the environment.

Remember that the complete dissolution of solid inclusions by microorganisms to the level of carbon dioxide will not occur; the liquid will have to be pumped out with a pump or a sewage machine.

Remember! If microbes constantly inhabit the sewer pit, leave 30% of the sediment during cleaning so that they quickly regain their numbers.

Cleaning the sewer pit with chemicals

Chemicals can be used to restore the porosity of the walls. They have one big advantage over biological drugs - they are able to function all year round, in frost and heat.

The most commonly used substances are based on formaldehydes, nitrate oxidants and ammonium compounds. Their features are shown in the table:

FormaldehydeCan be used all year roundThey are very toxic, they destroy the vegetation around the pit, the water after them must be taken out of the site
Nitrate oxidantsSite drug safetyExpensive enough
Ammonium compoundsDissolves all fat deposits on the walls and recycle sludgeThey work only in the warm season

The most popular among users are nitrate oxidants based on nitrogen. They contain surfactants, which are present in preparations for cleaning dishes, so they easily cope with organic dirt. However, they cannot decompose other household waste.

Note! Water purified with nitrate oxidants can be used for irrigation.

Sewage pit cleaning by defrosting sewage

If the drain pit fills up quickly due to freezing of the drains, measures must be taken to defrost them. You can melt the ice a large number hot water. But there are other ways as well.

It will take copper wire capable of passing 2 kW, a middle hook and a metal pin 25 cm long. Hammer the pin in the center of the frozen opening, attach a copper wire to it. Connect the other end of the wire with a hook to the electrical network. The result can be seen after 48 hours. After defrosting, remove the pin. At severe frost need heating sewer pipe, especially near the pit.

Create a drainage system to drain ground water from the drain pit. Dig a trench with the bottom below the bottom of the drive. The width of the ditch is 15 cm. Pour crushed stone on the bottom, put a perforated pipe wrapped in geotextile on it. It should tilt away from the pit and drain water into a ravine or temporary collection point. Put coarse gravel on top again and cover it with earth. Drainage can be arranged without corrugated pipes... To do this, dig an inclined trench and fill it with sand, brushwood, and a large stone. To drain precipitation from above the structure, along the perimeter, also build a drainage ditch.

What to do if the drain pit fills up quickly - watch the video:

A cesspool is considered a convenient and economical way to solve the problem of household waste disposal. But even such a simple structure requires maintenance, which consists in its regular cleaning. Ignoring the rules for using the drive leads to fast filling reservoir and additional costs for the restoration of its functioning.

For the removal of wastewater and their further transportation into the ground in the private sector, sewage treatment plants - septic tanks are widely used. Here, water mixed with household and biological waste goes through several stages of purification and only after that it drains into the ground. However, it is still common to find cesspools as a reservoir for sewage. Such a homemade tank needs no less maintenance than a septic tank, especially if the cesspool is quickly filled and the outflow of water from it is difficult.

What to do in this case, how to solve the problem and why this happened, we will understand below.

Usually, cesspool they call exactly the reservoir that is simply dug into the ground, but neither walls nor a sealed bottom are built, and even more so they do not install a septic tank in front of it. The scheme of operation of such a pit consists in the settling of heavy particles of debris (feces, toilet paper etc.) to the bottom, and drainage of clarified water through the walls and bottom of the pit. It is noteworthy that at first, the drain pit for sewage is working properly. That is, water partially leaves it into the soil. The rest of the sludge must be pumped out or cleaned out. As a rule, the frequency of pumping out wastewater from the pit, depending on the intensity of use sewer system is once every two to three months. Sometimes more. But the problem arises when water does not leave the reservoir and threatens to spill back into the sewer. Why? It is not always clear.

Important: the drain pit needs quality maintenance to run smoothly. The bottom and walls of the pit should be thoroughly cleaned once a year.

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly and what are the reasons for the poor outflow of water, you can find out from the material below.

Reasons for the malfunctioning of the pit

If you notice that the drains have stopped leaving the drainage pit through the bottom or its walls and at the same time the tank is filling up quickly, then the most common reason for this is that the cesspool is silted up. Feces and all of the insoluble fat ends up in the drains and settles to the bottom of the tank. If there are a lot of such impurities, then over time, organic sludge turns into a thick crust that does not allow water to pass through. In addition, insoluble fat clogs the porous structure of the soil and prevents the outflow of water.

You can solve the problem by thoroughly cleaning the day and the walls of the pit. They do it as follows:

  • They call a flusher truck and pump out all the water.
  • The remaining silt is washed away with a high pressure of warm water, while working with brushes along the bottom and walls of the pit. Bacteria can be used as a sludge softener, which will not only neutralize the crust on the walls and bottom of the pit, but also reduce the volume of sludge.
  • The softened organic matter is pumped out again with equipment, again washing the drain pit.

Important: in addition, it is necessary to flush the sewer system pipeline in order to remove fat deposits on its walls.

Important: in order to prevent siltation of the pit as a result of grease entering the drains, it is advisable to install grease traps on all sinks and kitchen appliances that work with water. They contribute to better system performance. The ideal option is to use a septic tank on the way from the house to the drainage pit. In a septic tank, waste water is purified by 70-95% and drains into the ground already in a safe for environment condition.

On the use of bacteria

Sump maintenance bacteria play important role... Thus, biological microorganisms cope with effluents at a qualitatively new level. The use of bacteriological preparations is simple - it is enough to add the preparation to the cesspool in accordance with the instructions and ensure a constant flow of water into the storage tank. Since it is water with organic matter that is food for bacteria.

Important: if the bacteria in the pit are constantly used, then when cleaning the tank it is necessary to leave 1/3 of the sludge as food for the bacteria.

The use of bacteria preparations has the following advantages:

  • Sludge liquefaction and its reduction in volumes;
  • Elimination of an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • Cleaning inside pipeline;
  • Restoration of the porous structure of the soil and liquefaction of insoluble fats;
  • Prevention of siltation of the walls and bottom of the pit.

Important: all biological products, in spite of the identical principle of operation, differ according to the task at hand.

Microbec. The main task of the drug is to neutralize fecal waste in the collector. The use of such a bioadditive in a waste pit reduces the frequency of pumping out waste water and improves the permeability of the pit walls.

"Vodogray". The drug dissolves in the pit not only feces, but also inclusions such as toilet paper, food peel, fat. Most often, such a drug is used for street toilets. Thanks to such a preparation, the processed sludge can be used as compost for fertilizing horticultural crops.

Important: you need to buy biological products for a cesspool based on the desired result. In this case, the instructions for use should be strictly followed for a reliable and productive work funds.

Chemical preparations against siltation of the pit

In the fight against poor outflow of water from a septic tank, chemical preparations can also be used. Formaldehydes, nitrate oxidants and ammonium compounds are used as a basis for such agents. All of them quite effectively dissolve sludge and fat deposits on the walls of the septic tank. But there are a number of features for the use of chemicals for cleaning the pit:

  • So, formaldehyde agents kill the soil for at least 7-10 years. That is, even a weed will not grow near the septic tank during this period. Therefore, formaldehyde preparations are rarely used.
  • Ammonium-based preparations work only at positive temperatures. But they effectively eliminate unpleasant odors from the septic tank, dissolve all silt and fatty deposits on the walls and bottom of the tank.
  • The most the best option from chemicals in the fight against poor outflow of water, products based on a nitrate oxidizer are used. Sludge dissolved with such a product can be used to fertilize the vegetable garden and orchard.

If the pit fills up quickly

Rapid filling of the drain pit may not be associated with silting of the walls and bottom. The reason for the early filling of the reservoir with drains may lie in the small volume of the reservoir. It is possible that the sewer system began to be exploited more intensively and this increased the volume of wastewater. As a rule, the owners of the private sector simply bury the drive and decide to make a new one.

But there is a simple solution to this problem. You can simply make another hole next to the first and connect both overflow pipes. In this case, the total volume of the storage will increase several times, and the system itself will already be a kind of septic tank. That is, water from the first chamber will overflow into the second chamber already in a clarified state. Which is much more environmentally friendly.

Freezing of the pit in winter

It happens that the pit fills up quickly, because the waste water does not leave the pit into the ground as a result of strong freezing of the soil. In this case, you can also get rid of the problem, although you have to work. The pipeline itself for liquefying the effluents in it can be insulated with a special heating cable. It is wrapped around the pipe and the net is turned on. It is easy to do it with your own hands.

Important: it is better to use a self-regulating cable that will equalize the temperature in all sections of the collector, depending on its changes.

It is also possible to warm up the sludge in the pit of a private septic tank. To do this, you will need a long electrical wire with a plug for connection to the network, a metal pin with a length throughout the depth of the pit and hot water... You need to act this way:

  • First, it is necessary to warm up the sludge if possible hot water... That is, just pour it into the pit. If possible, the drains in a private septic tank can be heated with a construction hairdryer.
  • Now we heat a metal pin on one side over a fire and drive it into a layer of silt, deepening the metal into the ground.
  • A wire stripped from one side is wound on the end of the pin sticking out of the pit, and its plug is connected to the network.
  • The principle of operation of such a heater is that frozen ground works as a good conductor of current, and the already unfrozen ground limits the flow of current. Thus, the sludge in the septic tank is heated and water flows out of the pit. Accordingly, the pit no longer overflows.

Important: this method of heating wastewater and sludge can take from 12 to 24 hours.

Let's take the most typical situation as an example. The cesspool is new, everything goes into the ground, and there is no need to pump out at all. But a year passes, the second, the third. And suddenly, the pit begins to fill up and demands to be pumped out.And you have to pump out. At first less often, then more and more often. What to do? How to return to that state of the pit, when everything went into the soil and there was no need to pump out?

There is a simple solution. After the machine has done its job, you need to pour the product into the pit Dr. Robick 509.
It was created to eliminate long-standing problems with sewage: it liquefies thick masses, dissolves fossils. At the same time, it removes the smell. It even unclogs the pores in the ground, allowing liquid waste to seep into it easily. Gradually normal operation of the sewer or drainage system will be restored. After that, you can pour out the composition Dr. Robick 109, which will already maintain a cesspool or sewer in an acceptable condition. For a cesspool with a volume of about 3 cubic meters, you need 1 bottle Dr. Robick 509... And then, after about a week, 1-2 sachets of 109, which will work for 30-40 days.

Waste containing detergents... As a result, soap deposits and build-ups accumulate on the pipes. They can be removed with a drug Dr. Robick 809... Usually, products based on live bacteria cannot cope with soaps and powders, and on the contrary, they are "afraid" of them. But the enzymes included in the 809 composition are not afraid of soap and foam. They easily clean the walls of pipes and cesspools from soap deposits. All Dr. Robik products can be used together without restrictions. Therefore, to completely clean the pit from silt and dirtiness, you can Doctor Robik 509 and 809 fill at the same time. Dr. Robik's products are economical, effective and safe for the health of people, animals and plants.

One of the most common problems faced by the owners of sewage tanks is their siltation. If you know what to do if the cesspool is silted up, then it will not be difficult to eliminate this problem. Biological, chemical and mechanical means can be used as methods of dealing with this nuisance.

The most striking sign of siltation of the bottom of the cesspool is a decrease in the volume of the tank. Subsequently, the filling rate of the waste tank increases, and there is a need for frequent pumping out. The second "symptom" is the accumulation of fatty deposits on the walls. They also reduce runoff and interfere with the normal settling of waste.

Other signs of siltation:

Mechanical cleaning

It is also called the golden method. To perform this type of sludge cleaning, it is necessary to prepare a fecal or drainage pump, a brush for cleaning a pit, a reservoir for pumping out liquid (you can dig an additional pit) and a hose of the required length (for submerging the pump).

Step-by-step instruction What to do if a sealed cesspool or septic tank is silted up:

If you do not want to independently clean up the sludge in the pit, use the services of a sewer. Most professional machines are equipped with sewage pumps. This is a device designed to remove sludge deposits.

How the process of pumping out a pit with a sewage suction machine takes place can be seen in the video below:

Mechanical cleaning advantages:

  1. You can do it yourself;
  2. Suitable for cleaning concrete, metal and stone structures;
  3. Affordable and highly effective.

Disadvantages of this method:

  1. Will not help get rid of the unpleasant odor;
  2. Manual cleaning is not permissible for plastic and open pit latrines;
  3. There is no long-term effect.

Chemical cleaning

Is an in a universal way disposal of sludge. Unlike mechanical, it is carried out exclusively independently, moreover, it completely eliminates the problem of stench. To get rid of sludge in this way, compounds of nitrates, ammonium, acids or formaldehyde are used (rarely, since it is highly toxic).

Step-by-step instructions on how to clean a cesspool with chemicals:

  1. Is selected desired view chemical compounds. Experts recommend using nitrate cleaners - they are the safest for the environment and are applicable to open structures;
  2. Metered out the right amount funds. Do not exceed the permissible concentration - this can poison the soil or harm the workers during the subsequent cleaning of the drain;
  3. The compound is poured into a container, after which the pit is closed. For some time, active processes of liquefaction of sludge and solid particles (paper, soap residues, fat) will take place there. On average, complete dissolution of waste takes from 3 to 6 hours (with a volume of up to 2 cubic meters);
  4. Liquid wastewater is pumped out using a drainage or fecal pump into a separate container or pit. If in the future it is planned to use another cleaning option, then the pit is washed clean water.

This method is good for those who do not want to use the servants of the sewers. It is quite economical and easy to implement.

Advantages of dry cleaning of a pit from silt:

  1. The chemicals can be used even in winter. Even though the upper part of the effluent will be frozen, acids can still dissolve it. For example, biologicals do not work under these conditions;
  2. Immediately eliminated bad smell... In addition, it is neutralized for a long time even in the absence of chemical compounds;
  3. This is very cheap way get rid of sludge. For example, a 1 liter Brilliance reagent costs up to $ 7, for cleaning 1 cube of feces this liquid requires 300 ml.


  1. Cannot be used in plastic barrels and septic tanks of open design;
  2. Has cumulative effects. The more cleaning, the longer there is no problem of siltation;
  3. After chemical reagents, it is impractical to use bioactivators for a long time. Chemistry neutralizes bacteria, so if you decide to switch to bacterial cleaning, you will need to rinse the pit well.

Biological treatment

Most effective and in a safe way get rid of silt in cesspool is the purification of the effluent with bacterial preparations. Their principle of operation is very similar to chemical reagents, but they do not harm the environment and waste material.

As bacteria, you can use anaerobic microorganisms (live without oxygen) and aerobic (for normal life it is necessary Fresh air). In the course of its life cycle they recycle sludge, fecal matter and fat.

Step by step instructions for biological treatment silt pits:

  1. The necessary bacteria are selected. For septic tanks and sealed containers, it is recommended to use anaerobic, for open drains - aerobic. In addition, there are different shapes bacterial agents. Concentrated powders, granules, tablets and solutions. The easiest to use are powdered products;
  2. The required amount of bioactivator is poured into the pit. The cleaning process lasts from 3 to 10 days;
  3. After the end of the period of bacteria action, liquid wastewater is pumped out of the pit. It is noteworthy that these effluents do not need special disposal. They can be used as fertilizer or water to irrigate fields, vegetable gardens or orchards;
  4. The container is rinsed with clean water. If further permanent use of bacteria is planned, then a new portion of microorganisms can be immediately placed in the tank.

Dr. Robik (ROEBIC) and SANEKS have become very popular among homeowners. They are safe for the environment and differ from analogues in their affordable cost.

Advantages of the biological sludge cleaning method:

  1. Security;
  2. Can be used to eliminate the problem of siltation in open pits;
  3. Eliminate not only deposits, but also an unpleasant odor;
  4. Liquid effluent after bacterial attack does not need to be disposed of using special methods.


  1. Cannot be used during the cold season;
  2. Very long cleaning period;
  3. Bacteria are much more expensive than chemicals.

if you have Vacation home, then for sure you have equipped an autonomous sewage system, one of the components of which is a cesspool, which acts as a septic tank.

And, as you know, like any technical structure, a container for accumulation Wastewater needs regular care. Most often, for this it is customary to use the services of a sewer truck, which must be done at least once a year.

But there are other ways to clean the waste pit, for example, using a special biological product.

Biological product for cesspools

What is caustic soda and how is it made?

At the heart of many chemicals, intended for cleaning the sewer system, lies precisely caustic soda.

It was she who, in her own chemical properties is considered the strongest base that belongs to alkalis.

Sodium hydroxide or it is popularly called "caustic" is a white powder or granules.

It must be used carefully, because it is a difficult chemical and has toxic properties, corrodes almost any organic matter, and even volatile.

This is what caustic soda looks like

The drug caustic soda functions by carrying out electrolysis aqueous solution sodium chloride.

This process is carried out in three ways:

  1. mercury;
  2. diaphragm;
  3. membrane.

Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)

To special properties of this substance includes non-flammability, non-explosiveness, causticity, hazard class 2.

The sequence and rules for using a chemical

It is known that cleaning the sump with caustic soda is very effective, but in order to achieve good result, you must follow the rules for its use.

For example, you must understand that chemically active agents not only fight against unpleasant odors that have waste, but they can also negatively affect the soil.

With this in mind, do not abuse their use.

Moreover, if you visit the forums where those who have already tried caustic soda communicate, you can find out that it can even negatively affect a person.

Don't overdo it with caustic soda

One of the main safety rules when using chemicals is to ensure the absolute tightness of the pit.

Otherwise, it threatens that insects may appear that will spread the infection outside the septic tank.

Do not forget that the accumulation of gases in a large volume is explosive, respectively, you need to take care of a working ventilation system.

Caustic soda must first be diluted in water

We figured out how to dissolve the fat in the cesspool, now you can proceed to the sequence of use.

To do this, you will need:

  • plastic bucket 10-12 l;
  • scoop or small shovel;
  • rubber / nitrile gloves;
  • glasses and a mask.

It should be noted right away that caustic soda is not poured into the cesspool in powder form, but is preliminarily diluted in water.

First, using a scoop, the required amount of soda is poured into the bucket (from 2 kg to 4 kg), it depends on the volume of the pit.

After that, the powder is poured into 7 liters of water and stirred. As it dissolves, heat is released, resulting in chemical reaction the water in the bucket is heated to 60 degrees Celsius.

When the soda has completely dissolved, the resulting solution can be poured onto the bottom of a sewage pit or septic tank, but at the same time, without removing gloves and a mask.

The period of active action of the composition is 4 minutes, according to the number of washing cycles, there should be 2 of them.

The period of action of the active composition is 4 minutes

Do not forget to observe safety measures, because this agent is a very strong alkali.

In case of contact with the skin, it causes chemical burns, and with prolonged contact, it threatens with serious ulcers and eczema.

That is why it is imperative to use reliable means of protection, in case of contact with the skin, wash off everything with an abundant amount of water or even a solution boric acid (2%).

If the eyes are affected, they should be rinsed with warm water for 5 minutes.

If signs of irritation appear, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

Protective equipment must be used

Effective chemicals for dissolving grease in a waste pit

In the process of restoring normal operation, chemically active substances cannot be dispensed with if, after a few years, you are faced with such signs of poor operation of the cesspool as:

  • silting of the bottom;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • contamination of walls with fractions that are difficult to wash off;
  • fast filling.

It looks like the siltation of the drain pit

Not sure how to clean the grease from the drain pit? Just buy one of the biologics below and you can get your sewer system cleaned up hassle-free.

Now, in addition to caustic soda, the following biological products are widely used for septic tanks and cesspools:

    Septifos preparation

    Scarab drug

    Calius drug

  • Weist Treat;