How to roll out the warm floor of water. Warm floor of water, do it yourself - Step-by-step installation instructions

Warm floor is widely used as additional heating in many modern houses. This heating technology was widespread not only because of the obvious comfort, but also due to energy savings. This article discusses the features of the installation of such a system with their own hands.


The warm water floor is a pipe system laid according to a special scheme. This scheme chooses the owner of the house directly. From the boiler, the hot heat carrier circulates through the pipes, its temperature regulates thermostats. After cooling, the liquid moves back to the boiler, renewing the process. The collector is a node for heating control, which combines different streams of heated fluid.

The boiler works not only on electricity, but also on gas, solid or liquid fuel. Many models of boilers included a circulation pump. Installation technology requires preliminary pump power: floor heating requires high electricity costs.

The operational term of the system depends on the quality and reliability of the selected pipes. It is customary to use both PVC and metal-plastic pipes due to the long term of their service. Nevertheless, tenants prefer to use the second option. Metal-plastic pipes are more reliable, work well on bending and can take any form.

The collector-mixing unit, in addition to the distribution of the coolant in contours, performs a number of the following functions: controls the water consumption, adjusts its temperature, and also removes air from the pipes.

The design of such an instrument includes:

  • Collectors equipped with overlapping valves, balancing valves and consumption accounting device;
  • Operating automatic air vent;
  • Set of fittings connecting separate elements;
  • Drainage cranes for drain;
  • Fastening brackets.

The system can be applied independently and connect, which is not difficult, but economically.

Water warm floor is put in three stages. Such a "cake" consists of a reflective substrate, a contour of heating and finishing coating. A film with a mirror spraying can protect the contour from heat loss, so used as a screen.

The reduced device differs significantly from floors with electric heating. Water warm floor has a complex structure and will cost more in the installation process, but will allow to save during operation. Adjusting the heating of the TVP is more difficult. Initial heating of electric floors longer than water.

Electricity should be made by the main source of heat with a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room, while in large rooms it is more expedient to use the water system.


Pipes made of plastic or metal are immersed in the cement screed. Under the action of the pump on them, the coolant moves heat from the boiler. It warms the screed and moving back to the boiler. Due to convection, the temperature of the screed is transmitted to the surface. If VTP is the only source of heat, then the degree of heating regulates the boiler.

If the water heating only complements the radiator, the temperature balancing is carried out by a mixing unit. Cold and hot air is mixed in the specified proportions. As a coolant can act as ordinary water and antifreeze.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before making a decision on the installation of a TVP, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the weak and strong sides of this heating system.

Among the positive remarkable:

  • Efficiency.When compared with electrical heating, water is cheaper to maintain. This system is most profitable to install in a private house.
  • Comfort.The heated air is distributed over the entire surface of the floor. This eliminates the possibility of obtaining thermal burns and provides pleasant sensations.
  • Safety. The device is hidden under the floor plates, which minimizes the risk of injury.
  • Ecology. Electrical system Heating creates an unsafe electromagnetic field. TVP does not produce such a field, so does not break a healthy microclimate in the room. This system fully complies with sanitary and hygienic standards.

  • Aesthetic appearance. The complete absence of bulky structures does not interfere designer ideas, does not make an imbalance in the interior and does not accumulate dirt and dust.
  • Alternative heating system allows you to significantly expand useful Square Premises.
  • TVP works absolutely silentTherefore, it does not have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the apartment - for the inhabitants of greater cities This item is especially relevant.
  • Heated floor prevents the formation of dampnessTherefore, it is preferred to use in the bathroom.

Do not forget about the essential drawbacks:

  • Mounting complexity. Before laying, it is necessary to neatly align and prepare a rough surface. The coating includes three layers, each of which requires accounting for all the subtleties of the installation.
  • The impossibility of laying a TVP in small corridors or on the staircase spans without additional installation Radiator.
  • The difficulty of eliminating faults. Even for partial repair of the system, the sexual disassembly will need.

  • Water system is preferable to install in a private house. Due to possible leaks, as well as the risk of pressure surges in the central heat supply system, this system is not recommended to be mounted in high-rise buildings. In the process of mounting the "Pie" substrate can significantly drain the slabs of the overlap, and this is dangerous for the houses of the old building.
  • With prolonged heating, such a floor can significantly cut the air, so it is better not to sharpen in initially dry rooms. Humidity can be fill in the installation of aquarium or buying home plants.


Water floor - multicomponent system. To date, the "Wet" technology is often used: "Wet" construction processes are used for the flooring, for example, the fill of the cement screed. The process of laying dry floors is much easier, but they are used, for the most part, in wooden private houses.

Such a floor is stacked in several ways:

  • The first method is the most popular - concrete screed.

  • The purpose of the following method is to install contours within special holes in polystyrene foam. The grooves have to be cut independently. This is a little lengthens the installation process.
  • Laying in trenches inside the sheets of plywood is predominantly used in houses with wooden flooring.

In the typical design of the "cake" of the coatings at the first method of laying the base serves a concrete slab overlapping or soil. The main requirement is stability and strength. A film of vapor barrier from polyethylene or pergamine with a thickness of about 0.1 mm is placed on top of the base. The next layer is insulation. It should have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and high mechanical indicators, so preference is given to an isolator from extruded polystyrene foam.

New layer - screed from a mixture of cement with sand and adding a plasticizer to achieve the required mobility and reducing the ratio of water and cement. Pipe contours and wire mesh are immersed in the mixture, cell pitch - 50x50 or 100x100 mm. The optimal height of the screed over the pipes to ensure the uniform distribution of heat and increase the strength of the design - 5 cm. But it is also allowed to lower it up to 3 cm.

To compensate for the thermal expansion of the screed at the borders of the heating circuits and in places of contact with the walls, the damper tape is mounted with a thickness of at least 5 mm. The finishing layer can be represented both in the form of ceramic tiles and other types of coating: linoleum, laminate or carpet.

It all depends on the functional zone of the location of the floors. It is important to know that fire hazardous types of coatings require strict compliance with the heating mode.

Installation of contours can be made differently.

Consider some options, their pros and cons:

  • "Snake" is the easiest performed, but less common installation of contours. The disadvantage is the temperature difference around 5-10 degrees over the entire surface. Hot fluid when moving from the collector and back cools, so the center of the room is usually cooled than the walls.
  • Installation of pipes "snail" is quite complex in the installation, but helps to ensure a uniform temperature distribution around the perimeter of the room. Direct and reverse movement of the coolant proceeds inside each other. This method was widely distributed.

  • Mounting systems are made to combine. To maintain the desired mode of heating room, builders advise to lay edge zones in the first way, and in the center of the floor, put the pipes on the spiral.

STEP STOCK - the required distance between the circuit's turns. It has a direct dependence on pipe diameter. The uneven ratio may cause emptiness or overheating, disorders of the integrity of the heating system. Competently selected step size can reduce the load on the collector. The distance it varies from 50 to 450 mm.

A step can be both constant and variables, the functional areas of the room affects it. For rooms with rigidly regulated heating requirements, changing the contour step is unacceptable. However, the correct selected size can be smoothed the temperature difference.

How to choose pipes?

Requirements for pipes depend on the conditions of their operation. The main criterion is a high protection against corrosion. The material should not be collapped with time, from high temperature or chemical composition coolant. It is necessary to choose pipes with a special "anti-oxygen barrier", which prevent diffusion processes on the boundary of the material walls.

The use of welded pipes from any material is unacceptable in the installation of closed contours. Steel, galvanized or stainless pipes are suitable only to move the coolant from the boiler to collectors. The connection of the pipes is a vulnerable TWP location, so the perfect contour is stacked from a single cut pipe. The material of such pipes should be plastic, resistant to crack formation and capable of saving the specified form.

The outer diameter of the pipes should reach 16, 20 or 25 mm. It is important not to forget that the narrowing of the contours is aware of an excessive load on the equipment, and a significant expansion takes the screed due to the raising of the floor.

Concrete has a significant pressure, so the pipes should be chosen by high strength. Walls must cope not only with external load: the pressure of the coolant pressure can reach 10 bar. Also, the material must withstand the temperature to 95 degrees to ensure the safety of the system.

Common mistakes are to choose pipes with an inner rough surface. Hydraulic resistance in such systems is large enough, which leads to the appearance of undesirable circulating liquid noise.

Only some types of materials correspond to the above conditions:

  • Polypropylene pipes. This material is characterized by low cost. Among the mechanical characteristics of polypropylene, low heat transfer and lack of plasticity can be distinguished. Pipes from such material are not suitable for the installation of warm water floors. Even after time-consuming welding, such a system will remain unreliable.
  • Copper. This material has good thermal conductivity and high dynamic strength. In modern samples, a special polymer film is applied to the inner surface, which increases their mechanical properties. Among the existing flaws, you can allocate the complexity of installation and high cost.

  • Steel corrugated pipes.Fitting compounds of structures from this material are considered reliable and allowed when installing TVP. Stainless steel It works well on the fold and does not give in to corrosion, and the polyethylene inner coating gives the contours of additional strength. Unfortunately, this material Not yet received widespread in the field of installation of warm floors due to its novelty.

How to choose and install a collector?

The collector-mixing unit performs many of the most important functions, therefore the uninterrupted functioning of the entire heating system depends on its competent selection. The choice of the device is better to entrust to those skilled in the art, but if you wish to make a purchase yourself, it is necessary to rely on some principles.

Feeder collectors must be equipped with balancing valves. They can be installed flow meters, but their presence is not necessary. Inverse nodes must be equipped with thermostatic valves or overlapping valves.

In any manifold there must be an automatic air vent. To remove air or drain the coolant, drainage cranes are provided.

Individually selected for each system fittings provide the correct connection of the collector with pipes. And the fastening of the mixing unit with the observance of the required distance between the axes is made at the expense of special brackets. The collector group may include a thermostat. If you wish to fully automate the heat-regulation, preference should be given to systems with electromechanical servo drives on the valves. However, they require additional installation of mixers.

The entire collector complex should be located in a specially equipped cabinet installed in a niche or open. So that the air removal is carried out correctly, the cabinet must be located above the floor level. The wall thickness, as a rule, reaches 12 centimeters.

Calculation and design

The calculation of the future gender is made to procurement of materials. Pre-draw the drawing of the installation of pipes: in places location of furniture or existing plumbing, they do not advise to lay out contours. Each round occupies no more than fifteen squares of the area, and the pipes should be chosen approximately equal length, so large rooms must be divided. If the room is good thermal insulation, then the optimal laying step is 15 cm. With a decrease in temperature in winter to -20, it is necessary to cut up to 10 centimeters. Middle pipe consumption for each square meter Rooms at a step of 15 cm - 6.7 m, with a step 10 cm - 10 m.

The flux density is equal to the total heat loss in the room to the laying area with a deduction distance to the walls. To calculate the averaged temperature, take the average value at the inlet and outlet from the contour. The difference of these temperatures can not be more than 55 degrees. The length of the contour is equal to the heating area divided by the installation step. The resulting result adds distance to the collector box.

The calculation is made individually for the premises depending on their purpose and dimensions. The required value of the power is detected based on the obtained data on the planned temperature, heat loss and the upper floor coating layer. If in the room weak enclosing structures, the base is resurrected by granite or marble plates.

After calculations, the drawing is performed, reflecting the mutual location of the pipes of pipes, taking into account that the contours should not intersect. It is forbidden to lay pipes close to the walls, you need to retreat at least 10 cm.

Preparatory work

Installation of the floor can be carried out only in a fully finished room. Communications are pre-conducted, windows and doors are installed, the niches are mounted to install the collector shield. The base under the laying must be aligned, the differences should not exceed five millimeters. IN otherwise High hydraulic indicators will have a negative impact on the system - the padded tubes will "be delivered".

Old floor must be dismantled, and the surface is to dissolve. If the base plate of the overlap has exceeds more than 5 mm, then it is poured with an additional cement screed. In rooms with different levels, it is impossible to make uniform heating. Next, the surface is purified and laid waterproofing. The waterproof layer prevents the penetration of moisture from the lower levels into the floor heating system.

Laying of waterproofing is optional in the case when extruded polystyrene foam is used. Also, its position does not play a decisive role: the insulating layer can be put both below and over the insulation.

It should be borne in mind that in the second case, on top it is necessary to lay a mounting grid. Waterproofing should cover 20 cm adjacent walls. For the reliability of the seams are fixed by scotch.

On top of the waterproof material on the walls around the entire perimeter of the room glue the damper tape with a thickness of 5-8 mm and a height from 10 to 15 cm. The top edge of the tape should be trimmed after the final fill with the screed. If there is a desire to make such a coating yourself, then you should not forget to fasten it to the wall.

The next stage of construction is the laying of thermal insulation. The choice of the thickness of the leaf insulation depends on the floor of the room: for the first floor - from 23 to 25 cm, and in the rooms of the second and third floor it is possible to restrict ourselves to 3-5 cm. To increase the connection of the joints of the coating of the joint, it is possible to shift.

Final step Preparatory work - the device of the reinforcement grid. Such a design is necessary for subsequent fixation of pipes. The diameter of the rod is 4-5 mm, and the cell width is selected depending on the value of the circuit laying step. Mesh layers fasten together with wire.


When installing, it is recommended to use a special device for unwinding the bay. When pipes are removed, the rings in the material arises voltage significantly complicating the subsequent operation. The bay is customary to turn. Further on the EPPS layers (insulation) produce marking the trajectory of the installation of future contours in compliance with the step.

First set a manifold. Pumps and mixers are connected separately. Pipes must be protected by corrugation. Significantly save the replacement of corrugations with thermal insulation of a suitable diameter.

The contour assembly should be started from the most distant parts of the room parts. All intermediate pipes must be enveloped with thermal insulation of foamed polyethylene. This method will help to preserve and maintain the thermal and energy balance for a long time. Then the end of the pipe "remove" from the EPPS and is allowed along the outlined contour, without covering it with insulation. At the end, the pipe will be cooked in the heat insulation and lead to the reservoir.

In order to carry out pipes in the insulation, there was no work, builders advise to pre-cut into the trench material. If the insulation is placed in two layers, then communications should be allowed through them. In cases where in places of the future laying of warm sex, communications are hot and cold water supply, they are customary to fasten in a beam under EPPS plates.

The cavities and emptiness after installing the contours must be eliminated by the mounting foam.

Installation rules

Directly, the installation of pipes is in several stages.

  • 10-15 m of the discharge pipe connects to the selected collector output.
  • The pipe goes according to the intended path, fixed with brackets on direct areas every 30-40 cm, when turning - 10-15 cm. You should avoid chances and stresses.
  • With a breakdown of the bracket, it must be duplicated at a distance of about 5 cm.
  • After completing the bypass and final output of the pipe on it, special isolation is put on. The end must be connected to the feeder to the collector.
  • Contour length data must be fixed for subsequent balancing.

Before performing the fill of the screed, it is necessary to conduct hydraulic tests of installed contours. The hose connected to the sewage will be supplied to the collector. It is practically using a hose from a transparent material so that the movement of the air particles is viewed. To the output from the contour you need to connect therapy pump.

  • The collector leaves one not overlapping the contour, open automatic air drains.
  • Water turns on and on the attached hose is viewed its movement and output of air bubbles.
  • The drain crane is overlapped after the full purification of water and the output of all air.
  • The circuit is turned off and the cycle is repeated with all pipes.

When leakage detection, pressure should be reduced, and eliminated faults. Properly laid heating system - Airless pipe system filled with purified coolant.

The test of the crimping pump implies the discovery of all heat-mall circuits and the pump feed crane. The pressure is set to twice the system's operating pressure - about 6 atmospheres. Its value must be monitored using a pressure gauge. After half an hour, the pressure increases to 6 bar. Between approaches, conduct visual analysis of pipe connections. After the defects are detected, the pressure is discarded, the disorders eliminate.

If the faults were not found, the system is started for a day at a constant pressure of 6 bar. The indicators of the pressure gauge should decrease no more than 1.5 bar. When this condition and absence of pipe leaks are considered competent and reliably laid.

To the contours able to withstand high pressurewithout straightening, they must be fixed.

There are several ways to fasten the pipes of water warm floor:

  • Tightening clamp. The material from which it is manufactured - polyamide. This type of fasteners got widespread due to easy use. Approximate consumption: 2 pcs per 1 m.
  • Steel wire for fasteners.
  • Fixation with a stapler is a convenient option for quick installation of the contours to insulating plates.
  • The U-shaped bar from PVC is called fixing trac. Such a fastener is used to hold pipes with a diameter of 16 mm.
  • Polystyrene mats.
  • The distribution plate from the aluminum sheet is used if the laying is made on the wooden floor. It is able to evenly distribute the temperature over the surface.

Execution of tie

After testing pipes, it is necessary to fill the system with a screed system. The brand of concrete should vary from M-300, the aggregate is a rubbing fraction from 5 to 20 mm. Pouring should cover pipes at least 3 centimeters. it prerequisite As for the uniform distribution of heat along the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe floor, and to obtain the desired strength. From the calculations it follows that with a thickness of 5 centimeters, the square meter of the coating will reach weights of 125 kg.

The heating time of the screed and the inertia of the TVP is directly proportional to its fill. If the thickness of the material obtained reaches 15 cm, the system will need to recalculate the thermal regime. Also on the value of the heat heating indicator affects the thermal conductivity of the screed. The strength characteristics of the screed must be elevated, since this coating during operation is experiencing not only mechanical loads, but also under constant temperature pressure. To achieve high physical and mechanical characteristics, components such as fiber and plasticizer are added to the concrete mass.

The plastic modifier is used to reduce the water-cement ratio, which leads to an increase in the strength characteristics and increasing sliding. These properties are extremely important when laying a screed. Similar characteristics of the material can be obtained by increasing the water content. But such a decision may affect the strength of the screed. The plasticizer is produced in both dry and liquid form.

Thanks to the addition of fiber to concrete, the durability of the material increases and the service life increases. Fiber opposes abrasion and increases the strength characteristics during deformation. The microfiber of such material is made from basalt, metal or polypropylene. For a tie of a warm floor in the apartment, preference should be given to the last material. It is recommended to add at least 800 grams of this material by 1 m3.

Before the fill, the room must be cleaned of unnecessary items and pollution.

You can pierce only once, so it should work quickly. It is necessary to limit the penetration into the room of cold air and the straight rays of the sun.

Cook cement mortar You can independently with the help of tools such as a building mixer or concrete mixer.

Dry base - Portland cement is mixed with washed sand in a ratio of 1: 3. A third of the entire mass of the cement test accounts for water, but the addition to the mixture of modifiers can reduce its consumption.

The time and technology of preparation of the cement test depends on the tool used. A mixer first in small revolutions mix dry ingredients, and after the water is gradually poured with soluble plasticizers pre-added to it. Zack time - from 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the power of the device. The concrete mixer is first filled with water, and after it is introduced dry components and mixed within 4 minutes. You need to know that Fibre is forbidden to throw into a drum without prior disdain.

The finished solution has a homogeneous consistency and color. Material must hold the shape, and when compressed, highlight water. Concrete must be plastic, otherwise the laying will not work.

Start the fill with stripes from the far room wall. In the process of laying the screed, you need to ram, avoiding the occurrence of recesses. Some grades of cement are allowed in the joints of the slabs - they can be adjusted upon completion of the process. High-quality coating should not be flashed. When maintaining the temperature in a room of 20 degrees and comply with all laying rules, the surface will begin to solve 4 hours later.

The floor is inspired after a couple of days: this time is enough to coating hardened. The screed must be cleaned regularly and set for 10 days after work. Fully floor will freeze only 28 days later. Until this time, turn on the TVP is not recommended.

On a wooden floor

In wooden coating homes, the heating floor can be divided into several types:

  • Single-layer structures.Based on the thickness of the boards and the nature of the supporting structures, such systems are asserted into lags, the boards are laid on the beams, while maintaining a distance between them about 0.5 m.
  • In two-layer structureson top of the boards, the layer of insulation height is about 80 millimeters high. The additional layer of the insulator is allowed between the clean and black floor, leaving the gap of 4 mm. Due to this distance, the air will be able to freely circulate, preventing the destruction of the material.

Before laying water floor wooden designs Require a detailed inspection for damage. The violation of the integrity of the wooden base is the system of carrier elements, lags and overlaps, prevents the laying of the TVP. The slots must be filled with thermal insulation.

It is necessary to first get acquainted with the state of the lags on which the floor is mounted. Warm floor as an independent design lay on top of the carrier wooden carcass at home.

To estimate the state of the floor, a visual inspection of the surfaces of the boards is carried out, check the state of the wood structure. It is important to replace the rotten and cracked boards. If the distance is between carriage elements Exceeds permissible, you need to add lags. The surface of old boards is far away so that irregularities are not exceeded 2 mm.

This system does not use the substrate, so it is necessary to carefully prepare the future surface to laying. On lags, it is custom-made plywood or boards sheets, forming a raised floor - the base for the heat insulator. Next, the design is covered with a steam-protected film so that the heat generated by the contour came up. The insulation thickness is not more than 10 cm lifts the gaps between the lags. And on top of the construction placed an additional layer of the insulator.

Installation of pipes "Snake" in this case is not possible. First, the boards of a special configuration with grooves measuring 20x20 mm are stacked. The edge of the boards is spinning for a comfortable installation of pipes. The water floor contours are laid directly into the prepared grooves without any special difficulties. Pipes are selected with a diameter of no more than 16 mm. To obtain the maximum heat exchange, you can wrap the contour foole, the edges of which are fixed with brackets to the boards.

The tree has a bad thermal conductivity. Therefore, when the placement of the room with the installation of the TVP is carried out, metal plates are mounted on top of the pipe system. Such a "battery" should cover the entire floor area. At the final stages of the design, it is necessary to make sure that the flap of the mixing unit is located above the floor level, and the selection of the materials of the finishing coating corresponds to sanitary and hygienic standards.

Running system

After 28 days from the beginning of the fill, the screed can be started to start the system. Balancing is carried out using consumer goods and balancing valves on the collector. The pumping node is installed, the collector is connected to the feed line. All valves open and all water floors are connected. The circulation pump is included.

First, on the mixer set the maximum temperature without connecting the boiler. The moving heat carrier should not be the warme of air indoors. The system sets the operating pressure of 1-3 bar. Then overlap all the contours, except for the longest, and fix its flow. Similar operation is carried out with the second in length of the contour. Consumption is aligned using a balancing valve. The readings of each pipe system should not differ from each other.

The floor test with the heating of the carrier can be started only when the flow in all circuits will be the same. At the beginning of the test, the minimum temperature increases by 5 degrees every day.

In the mixing unit, the temperature indicator is 25 degrees and the circulation pump is connected moving in the first speed. In this mode, the system should work for about a day. In the course of operation, circulation monitoring with subsequent adjustment. Every 24 hours, with an increase in the temperature of 5 degrees, it is necessary to compensate the difference of readings on the feed and reverse collector.

The speed of the circulation pump is increased by the difference of values \u200b\u200bat 10 ° C. Maximum possible temperature collector - 50 degrees. Nevertheless, experts recommend considering the temperature setting options in the range of 40-45 ° C. The pump must function at minimal speed.

The change in the temperature regime can be felt only after a few hours of smooth operation of the water floor system. To obtain the desired heating of the floor, you will have long and painstakingly set the indicators of balancing valves and thermal heads.

Significantly facilitating the task of filling the floor by cement tie will help the installation of beacons. In the role of lighthouses, the profiles of PN 28 * 27 / UD 28 * 27 of drywall, which have a smoothed surface and the necessary rigidity are mounted. Lighthouses are attached to the height of pure floor without taking into account the finish coating. The guide profile of lighthouses should be located on a solid support: a dowel and screws are suitable for fasteners sufficient sizes.

Begroes - special screws for concrete, which do not require additional installation of the dowels, will become better decision. They reduce drilling diameter, keeping the surface. Lighthouses are fixed at a distance of 0.3 meters from the walls. The optimal distance between devices is 1.5 m.

Installation occurs as follows:

  • At a distance of 30 cm from the entrance to the room, the installation lines of future devices are watched.
  • Lines are divided into segments, multiple 150 cm, the lanes at the entrance can be slightly less than the rest.
  • With a step of 40-50 cm on the floor outlined the location of the lighthouses.
  • At the given instrument, the perforator is done by the desired holes and installed brazen.
  • Lighthouses are fixed on coppid hats, and their position is aligned construction level. Guide profiles are fixed by cement screed mortar.

Common mistakes

A number of errors made not only by newcomers, but also by professionals were highlighted. If they are taken into account, anyone can collect a full-fledged safely functioning system of water heating floors.

The most common error is the installation of a pipe with a length greater than the maximum permissible. The length of the contour should not exceed 70 m. Otherwise, the constructions appear problems of circulation of the coolant, which creates cold zones, increases energy costs.

Replacing the damper tape analogs or its complete absence leads to the destruction of the coating of the screed. The resulting condensate at the joints of the floor and wall surfaces has negative impact on a concrete cloth.

Error choosing the installation method. Best choice All beginners when laying floors - the way "snail". Do not put the pipes with a complex geometric pattern, it can lead to problems in the further operation of the structure - the appearance of cracks in the material due to increased internal pressure.

In addition to the nuances above, there are several tie fill rules:

  • If you put the tile as the final coating, then the tie must make a thickness of 3 to 5 centimeters, distributing the pipes at a distance of 10-15 cm. If this is not done, then the thermal gradient will feel. This phenomenon of alternation bands of different temperatures was called "Heat Zebra".
  • Under the light end layer, for example, laminate, the screed should be made as thin. The reinforcement layer is stacked over the warm floor to achieve the necessary strength characteristics. Such a system will significantly reduce the path from the surface of the contour to the floor covering. Under the laminate or linoleum does not fit the thermal insulation material.

In Teplice

TVP today is the most efficient and economical solution for soil heating in greenhouses. This statement is true only in the case when the greenhouse is located at a distance of about 15 meters from central system Heating at home. Otherwise, it will be necessary to acquire a heating boiler and pumping installation. The small area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse will allow you to combine pine heating with radiator.

The contours of the pipes are mounted directly into the ground to the depth necessary for one or another type of plants. The average value approximately reaches 40-50 cm. Each contour serves as heating its ridge. Preference should be given to polyethylene pipes, since the metal after processing with an anti-corrosion agent reaches high temperatures and can damage the root system.

The first stage of installing the heating system is the production of trenches at the depth of the future design. The trench is lined with a layer of polyethylene film, providing waterproofing. Then the insulator is laid and the film is sharpened again. Such a sequence prevents condensate condensation.

Between the pipes and insulating coating are layer of wet sand. The compacted mass should be a thickness of at least 10-15 cm. The concrete screed in the greenhouses is not used. To protect the contours from mechanical damage, the sand massif is covered with slate or metal plates. The thickness of the upper layer of fertile soil is advisable to make at least 35-40 cm.


After the tie, the finishing material is finishing the finishing material. Tile and laminate for many years remain leading goods in the building materials market. Installation of laminate on cement screed Requires accounting for some features. Unlike laminate flooring on the cold floor, under the heating coating it is not customary to lay insulating material. It is also necessary to leave a 10-15 cm gap at the edge of the walls for air circulation.

Paul cannot be covered with cold material: it is necessary to preliminarily add the laminate to the room so that its temperature becomes room. Sheets are recommended to decompose, and not to keep in stacks: so the surface will warm evenly.

Laminate gives good expansion and durability. However, its thermal conductivity is significantly lower than that outdoor tile. In some samples, chemical compounds may be present, which are evaporated under the influence of heat and harm the health of their owners.

Heat floor with electricity or water. Both ways are imperfect, and have pros and cons. Oh, and in this article we will talk about how to make a warm floor with the help of water and pipes, or rather how to make a water warm floor with your own hands and what is needed for this.

Principle of operation of water warm floor

The coolant is heated in two ways:

In both cases, a decrease in the coolant temperature is required: the operating parameters of the radiator system, for which these sources are created are in the range of 65-95 ° C, while for a warm floor, only 35-55 ° C is required. This range is explained by the fact that the temperature of the water heating floor, according to SNOP, cannot be above 30 ° C. Agree that at a warmer floor, it will be unlikely to be nice.

To achieve the desired temperature, the hot heat carrier before serving in the pipe is mixed in with cooled water from the "Retail". So get the desired temperature, and then, through a warm floor collector, enters the pipes.

This is all the mechanics of the operation of water underfloor, but there are some technological nuances that increase its comfort and simplifying adjustment.

Temperature adjustment

In order to be able to maintain a comfortable temperature of the warm floor, there is a special device - the thermostat, or as it is also called the thermostat. This device works in a pair with sensors measuring floor temperature and coolant.

Water heating Pie

Now let's talk about the structure of the floor heated: so that you know what and in what order to do with it with your own hands. Water warm floor is a multilayer design. The approximate scheme is shown in the figure.

On an even base (the height difference is not more than 1 cm per 1 m 2), thermal insulation is first. The choice of material and its thickness depends on the initial insulation of the floor and on which the room is at the bottom (if it is). The task is to achieve minimal heat leaks. Then heating will be economical (you will pay little for it, and there will be warmth in the house / apartment). Therefore, when choosing a material and its thickness, it is better to take characteristics with a reserve: in this case there will be no worse. If at the bottom of the heated room, sufficiently thermal insulation in 20-30 mm, if at the bottom of the basement, or the soil, requires a solid thickness from 50 mm and more, in the northern regions the thickness of the insulation can be from 100 to 150 mm.

Device "Pie" water warm floor

On the perimeter of the room, a damper tape is rolled or a tape heat insulation material is stacked, a foam, polystyrene foam or other leaf insulation (thickness of about 10 mm), can be used on a strip of 10 cm (thickness of about 10 mm), and a mineral wool cardboard can be used.

This measure is needed first to ensure that due to temperature expansion, there are no cracks on the perimeter of the floor, as well as to reduce heat loss through the walls and foundation.

After the pipes are laid, you can proceed to the fill. The composition uses special - with additives that increase thermal conductivity. In some cases, to increase the strength of the structure, additional protection of pipes from mechanical loads, they laid the reinforcing mesh, and only then poured the solution. The concrete layer should be such that the pipe was at least 3 cm of solution. Only with such thickness the floor will not "walk" under his feet and its temperature will not have pronounced heat / cold bands.

And there is another nuance: the fill of the warm water floor with a solution should pass when filled with pipesthat is, under pressure. Then they accept "workers" sizes and with further operation problems will not arise.

The most unpleasant moment in all this is long term Drying screed. It should pass at least 28 days after the fill so that it will acquire its final strength. But it is possible to start further work within 7-10 days if the average daily temperature was higher than + 17 ° C.

All the time, while concrete gains strength, it is impossible to turn on the warm floor. The temperature rise will cause the appearance of cracks, which will negatively affect the thermal conductivity of the floor and its durability. So patiently wait until it dry naturally.

The beacons for filling the screed - for many floor coverings, the floor should be perfectly smooth. Please note: thermal insulation is installed around the perimeter. Its height is higher than the height of the finished floor, after the screed dry is dryly cut off with a knife. As a substrate for thermal insulation, a model with marking, such as the one that produces the company "Valtec" (Valtec)

These are only the main layers of water underfloor cake. Often, at the bottom under the heat insulation, the hydrobarrier is placed (dense polyethylene film). It will be the protection of the lower rooms in case of leakage. The heat-insulator is often recommended to lay the heat transfer coating - so that heat is not going down, and reflected up. But it should be remembered that the aluminum foil or foil materials are useless to labeled the aluminum foil: in a month or two, the foil is destroyed and turns into a duch. If we use a heat transfer coating, then metallized. It is very similar to foil, but made of other metals that feel good in cement-sandy solution over the years. As we see, the installation of water warm floor is not easy, with a large number of components and components.

System Parameters

To make a warm water field with your own hands, you need to know a few more features and rules, without which it is impossible to do.

What to use pipes

The pipes for warm water can be used as follows:

All these types of pipes can be used both in the screed and in the flooring systems. Moreover, laying the bay of pipes without connecting inside the floor. If the lengths of one bay are not enough, you can make several contours, each of which is derived.

Pipe parameters: Diameter and Length

The length of the pipe in one contour depends on the diameter: the smaller the diameter, the smaller length can be used, but too long the contour is unprofitable. And not only because the meter of such a pipe is more expensive, but also because there is too much water in the system, and it becomes too inertial and ineffective. With any material of the pipes, it is recommended to use diameters from 16 mm to 20 mm. Such a section is enough to heat any household premises.

  • When using metal-plastic pipes of 16 mm section, the maximum loop length is 100 m, but it is really better not to do more than 60-80 m.
  • When using pipes of the same material, but a cross section of 20 mm, a maximum can be laid 140 m, and real - 100-120 m.

Approximately the same loops use for other materials. If it is not enough for the placement of the declared number, there are several contours, each of which is raised to the appropriate input / output of the collector.

If there are several contours, the damper ribbon is rolled not only around the perimeter of the room, but also separates the contour. And one more nuance: In order to make it easier to maintain the same temperature at several circuits, the contour is advisable to make the same length.

Pipe laying diagrams and step

Water warm floor without tie

Warm floor with a screed has several significant drawbacks:

  • it has a greater height - the thickness of the water warm floor is 8-10 cm, depending on the layer of heat insulation,
  • a lot of weighs (cement-sandy layer thickness of at least 4-5 cm over the entire area has a solid mass);
  • the screed will dry for a long time;
  • has low maintainability.

All these shortcomings lead to the fact that many people are looking for options for a warm floor without a screed. Such an opportunity is this -. They do not require "wet" works, have a small weight and height, quickly mounted. Therefore, they are often used in houses with wooden floors (they cannot be tailored due to its high weight) or indoors with a small ceiling height, where to lose 10 cm on a warm floor device is unacceptable.

Flooring flooring systems are two types: polystyrene and wooden. In both cases, these are plates in which there are special grooves for laying pipes. Polystyrene plates are a well-known high density foam, in which the grooves for pipes are molded. Wooden systems are made of chipboard or OSB. Since these materials have low thermal conductivity, for an increase in heat transfer in the grooves and metal plates with similar grooves are stacked on the plates, pipes are already fixed.

After mounting the pipes, you can immediately begin to lay the solid coating - laminate, parquet or board. Using soft coat Requires a hard base - plywood sheets, chipboard, etc. They are placed directly on top of metal pipes, fixed, and from above rolling the carpet or put the glue with a warm floor without a screed under the tile of the tile can be put immediately on metal plates, but it is necessary to use a special composition for a warm floor.

As you can see, do it yourself even easier than under the tie - the principle is understandable, the work is not the most difficult, the materials will go wrong and much. Moreover, you can not only mount the finished plates of polystyrene or DVP, and do everything yourself. It will take time more, but the money will require less.


Warm water floor with their own hands - a sophisticated for execution, but real. Of course, you will spend more time - everything needs to be understood, digest a lot of information. But everything will do everything yourself, and by the mind, and not how faster or more convenient, and how often hired workers do. Also save a pretty decent amount - the services of builders are completely silenced.

Warm floors are considered in our understanding of a more modern heating system than radiator heating. However, this is not the case - they appeared much earlier. Stubborn historical facts It is suggested that the warm floors were successfully used during the times of ancient Rome, in Korea, and in Russia, too. True, only furnace heating was used, since the transportation systems of hydrocarbons in the pipes did not yet exist. In the modern world, the most economically successful countries are widely used by heating with warm floors, and this is done not only for considerations of obvious comfort, and the fact that such heating allows saving energy resources, the demand for which is growing every year is taken into account.

This type of heating is the cheapest pleasure. Accessories and work are very expensive. That is why any maternity owner may have the idea to make a water warm floor with their own hands. Why not? Especially since the experience of both successful and unsuccessful implementations is already enough to give specific recommendations. The goal of our article is to give specific advice to those owners who are going to make warm water floors, but at the same time they save their money and eventually got what they wanted - comfortable and economical heating.

Why is it a water warm floor?

Of course, it is easier to be implemented, they are easier to manage, but the cost of energy makes their own adjustments - in operation this type of heating is much more expensive than water warm floor. It will take place only 4-5 years and the warm water field will pay off with interest, but only with the condition that it will be made competently and correctly. It is about this that the authors of the article and want to say to our readers. Matching colorful catalogs with expensive equipment, and based only on the experience of people who were able to realize warm water floors in their home.

Most heating systems are currently used as a source of heat natural gas - and it is completely logical, since this type of fuel costs cheaper than others. And this trend will be maintained for several more decades at least. Therefore, the warm floors are best realized precisely water, the coolant in which heats the combustion energy natural Gas. But for this you need to comply with a number of conditions.

Water warm floor

Warm water floor is a complex multicomponent system, each part of which performs its function. Consider its device in the following figure.

Typical design of "Cake" of warm water floor

Such a view outdoor heating It is called "wet" because in its arrangement used "wet" building processes, namely the fill of the cement-sand tie. There are still so-called dry warm floors, but they are mainly done. As part of this article, we will consider the "wet" warm water floors, as they are much better, at least their installation and more difficult.

Warm water floor is mounted on a stable and durable base, which can be a concrete slab or soil. On the base, vapor barrier from a polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 0.1 mm is stacked. The next layer of "cake" is the insulation as it is best to use extruded, which has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, high mechanical strength and reasonable value. A cement-sand screed is equipped over the insulation, in which the plasticizer is necessarily added - for the mobility of the mixture, ease of laying and reducing the water-cement ratio. The screed is preferably reinforced with a metal wire mesh with a cell pitch 50 * 50 mm or 100 * 100 mm. In the same place inside the screed tubes of a warm floor with circulating coolant circulating in them. The height of the tie over the pipes is recommended to do at least 3 cm, however, the practice suggests that it is better than 5 cm and the strength will be higher and the heat distribution on the floor will be more uniform.

In the place of the walls of the walls to the screed, as well as the damper tape, which compensates for the thermal expansion of the screed when it is heated, is laid at the boundaries of the walls of warm water heating. The finishing floor covering should be intended for working with warm floors. Best exit - This is a ceramic or porcelain stoneware, but some other types of coating are laminate, carpet or also can be used with warm floors, but there should be a special icon in their marking.

Such coatings, however, require a clear observance of the heat regime, which is achieved by the use of automation - special mixing nodes.

Requirements for the premises, where heating with warm water floors will be implemented

The most intelligent stroke in construction is when the heated floor pipeline is laid at the layout stage. It is very successfully used in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Canada, and, and in other economically successful countries, where energy carriers are very expensive and therefore, it is precisely an outdoor heating that is 30-40% more economical radiator. It is quite possible in the finished room, but it must meet certain requirements. We list them.

The most proper pipeline of the warm floor is the one that is laid at the construction stage of the house
  • Given the significant thickness of the warm water floor - from 8 to 20 cm, the height of the ceilings in the room should allow you to mount such a heating system. It is also necessary to take into account the magnitude of the doorways, which should be at least 210 cm.
  • Floor base should be strong enough to withstand a heavy cement-sand tie.
  • The base for the warm floor should be clean and smooth. The irregularities should not exceed 5 mm, since the differences strongly affect the current of the coolant in the pipes, they can lead to importing contours and an increase in hydraulic resistance.
  • In the room where warm water floor is planned, all plaster works must be completed, windows are inserted.
  • The heat loss in the premises should not be more than 100 W / m 2. If they are more, then it is worth thinking about insulation, and not to give the environment.

How to choose a good pipe for a warm floor

About the pipes of warm water floor is written in detail in on our portal. Obviously, for a warm floor, it is better to choose pipes from stitched polyethylene - pex or pert. Among Pex pipes should be preferred by PE-XA pipes, as they have a maximum stitching density - about 85% and therefore have the best "effect of memory", that is, the pipes after it stretching, always seek to return to their original position. This allows you to apply axial fittings With a supervision ring, which without fear can be meditated in building structures. In addition, at the dawn of the pipe, it is possible to restore its shape to the heating problem of the construction hairdryer.

Pert pipes do not have the effect of memory, so only collet fittings are applied with them, which cannot be meditated. But if all the circuits of the warm floor are made by solid pieces of pipes, then all connections will only be on the collector and it is quite possible to use PERT pipes.

In addition, manufacturers produce composite design pipes, when between two layers of cross-linked polyethylene is located aluminium foilwhich is a reliable oxygen barrier. But the heterogeneity of the material, the difference in the coefficients of the temperature expansion of aluminum and polyethylene can provoke the bundle of the pipe. Therefore, it is better to choose the PE-XA or PERT pipes with a polyvinylethylene barrier (EVOH), which significantly reduces the diffusion of oxygen into the coolant through the pipe wall. This barrier can be located in the outer layer of the pipe and inside, surrounded by layers from PE-XA or PERT. Of course, it is better that the pipe, in which the Evoh layer is located inside.

For heat-mall circuits there are three main pipe sizes: 16 * 2 mm, 17 * 2 mm and 20 * 2 mm. Most often use 16 * 2 and 20 * 2 mm. How to choose exactly the "right" pipe.

  • First, the brand in this matter matters and it is necessary to pay attention to it. The most famous manufacturers: REHAU, TECE, KAN, UPONOR, VALTEC.
  • Secondly, a lot can "tell" the labeling of pipes, it should be carefully studied and should not be ashamed to ask more questions to the seller-consultant.
  • Thirdly, the qualification of the seller-consultant helps a lot when choosing a pipe. Do not forget to demand certificates of compliance, ask about the presence and prices of fittings, mixing nodes, collectors and other equipment. It is necessary to know about what bays sell the pipe, by how many meters so that later in the calculations it takes.
  • And finally, if the PE-XA tube is selected, then you can spend a small test. To do this, a small segment of the pipe must be stirred, and then warm up this place with a construction hairdryer. High-quality PE-XA, and PE-XB pipes should also recover the original form. If this did not happen, so that it would be written in the label - it's just not a PEX pipe.

Warm Paul Design Principles

One of the most important stages in the arrangement of warm water floors is their competent calculation. Of course, it is best to entrust it to experts, but already enough experienced experience says that it can be done independently. On the Internet you can find a lot of free programs and online calculators. Most famous manufacturers provide their software for free.

water warm floor

To begin with, it is necessary to determine what temperature should be at the warm floor.

  • In residential premises, where most of the time, people spend standing the floor temperature should be in the range from 21 to 27 ° C. This temperature is most comfortable for the legs.
  • For work premises - offices, as well as residential rooms, the temperature should be maintained in the 29 ° C area.
  • In the hallways, lobby and corridors, the optimal temperature is 30 ° C.
  • For bathrooms and pools Temperature floor should be more - about 31-33 ° C.

Heating with warm water floors is low-temperature, so the coolant must be supplied at more low temperaturesthan in radiators. If water can be supplied in the radiators at a temperature of 80-90 ° C, then no more than 60 ° C in the warm floor. In the heat engineering there is such an important concept as fall of temperature in heating circuit . It is nothing but the difference in temperatures between the feed pipe and the reverse. In warm water floors systems, 55/45 ° C, 50/40 ° C, 45 ° C and 40/30 ° C are considered to be optimal modes.

Very important indicator is (loops) of warm water floor. Ideally, they must be all the same length, then problems with balancing will not arise, but in practice it is unlikely to succeed, so it is customary:

  • For pipe with a diameter of 16 mm Maximum length 70-90 m.
  • For pipe with a diameter of 17 mm - 90-100 m.
  • For pipe with a diameter of 20 mm - 120 m.

Moreover, it is advisable to navigate not to the upper border, but on the bottom. It is better to break the room for a larger number of loops than try to achieve circulation by a more powerful pump. Naturally, all hinges should be performed by pipes of one diameter.

Pitch layout (laying) Pipes of a warm floor - Another major indicator that is made from 100 mm, up to 600 mm, depending on the heat load on the warm floor, the appointment of the room, the length of the contour and other indicators. Step less than 100 mm make PEX pipes It is almost impossible, the probability is just to break the pipe. If the warm floor is equipped only for comfort or additional heatingYou can make the minimum step to make 150 mm. So, what is the layout step to apply?

  • Indoors where there are external walls, in the outdoor heating make so-called regional zones where pipes are stacked with 100-150 mm increments. In this case, the number of rows of pipes in these zones should be 5-6.
  • In the centers of premises, as well as in such where there are no external walls, the laying step is made by 200-300 mm.
  • Bathrooms, baths, paths near the pools stacked with a pipe with a step of 150 mm across the area.

Methods of laying the circuits of a warm floor

The contours of water heat can fit differently. And in each way there are advantages and disadvantages. Consider them.

  • Laying the tube of the warm floor "Snake" It is more simple in the installation, but its essential disadvantage is that on the floor will be at the beginning of the circuit and at the end a tangible temperature difference - up to 5-10 ° C. The coolant, passing from the feed collector to the inverse of the warm floor design, cools. Therefore, such a temperature gradient arises, well tangible legs. Such a laying method is justified to apply in boundary zones, where the floor temperature should decrease on external Wall To the center of the room.

  • Laying the pipe of the warm floor "snail" More complicated in the implementation, but with this method, the temperature of the entire floor will be approximately equal, since the feed and reverse is undergoing in each other, and the difference is leveled by a massive tie tie when performing the calculated installation requirements of the laying. In 90% of cases, this method is used.

  • Combined Warm Paul Pipe Play Methods Also applied very often. For example, the boundary zones are laid by snake, and the main area of \u200b\u200bsnail. It can help correctly split the room on the contours to distribute with a minimum of remnants of the pipe bay and provide the desired mode.

In each of the ways can be applied variable laying step When in the edge zones it is 100-150 mm, and in the indoor of 200-300 mm. Then it is possible in one room to provide requirements for more intense heating of edge zones, without applying other methods of laying. Experienced installers most often do this.

Laying of the heating circuit "Snail" with a constant step (left) and with variable naked (right)

To calculate the contours, it is best to take advantage of a special and very easy-to-use software. For example, the famous Valtec manufacturer, which distributes its program for free. There are also simpler programs to calculate the layout of the contours that count the loop length, which is very convenient. For example, the program "Snail", which also extends free of charge. Those who are not very friendly with the computer can make the calculation of the contours on their own, taking advantage of millimeter paper on which on the scale to draw the plan of the room and already on this sheet a pencil "decompose" the contour and calculate their length.

When dividing premises on the contours of the warm floor, the following requirements should be followed:

  • The contours should not move from the room to the room - all the premises should be adjusted separately. Exception can be bathrooms if they are located nearby. For example, a bathroom next to the toilet.
  • One heating circuit should not heat the room with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 40 m 2. If necessary, the room is divided into several contours. The maximum length of any side of the contour should not exceed 8 meters.
  • On the perimeter of the room, between the premises, as well as between the individual circuits, a special damper tape should be laid, which, after filling, the screed will compensate for its thermal expansion.

Selection of the type of heaters for a warm floor and its thickness

The insulation for warm water is obligatory, because I would not want to spend my money on heating the Earth, the atmosphere or unnecessary building structures, but the floor is exactly the necessary, which should take the lion's share of heat from the heating circuit. For this, the insulation is used. What kind of types need to be applied? Among all their diversity, the authors of the article recommend that only two of them should be paid attention to.

  • Extruded expanded polystyrene (EPPS). This material has low thermal conductivity, high mechanical strength. Epps is not afraid of moisture, it practically does not absorb it. Its price is quite accessible. This insulation is produced in the form of plates standard sizes 500 * 1000 mm or 600 * 1250 mm and thickness 20, 30, 50. 80 or 100 mm. For good docking plates on side surfaces there are special grooves.

  • Profile heat-insulating high-density polystyrene foam. There are special round or rectangular bolsters on their surfaces, between which it is very convenient to lay a pipe without additional fixation. The fastening step is usually 50 mm. It is very convenient when installing, but at the price they are much higher than plates from EPPS, especially in eminent brands. They are produced with a thickness of 1 to 3 cm and sizes 500 * 1000 mm or 60 * 1200 mm - it depends on the manufacturer.

Epps plates may have an additional foil layer having additional marking. Plate marking The case, of course, useful, but the presence of foil only increases the cost of the insulation, and there will be no sense from it for two reasons.

  • Manufacturers declared reflectivity will not work in an opaque environment, which is a screed.
  • Cement mortar is a strong alkaline environment that is perfectly "eating" insignificant (in several dozen micron) aluminum layer before its froze. It is necessary to realize that foil plates are a marketing stroke and no more.

The authors of the article recommend applying for insulation of plates from EPPS. Saving compared to profile mats will be obvious. There is enough difference in the cost and fasteners, and a lot of money will remain. Recall the folk wisdom that saved money is akin to earned.

What thickness should the insulation in the construction of a warm water floor cake? There are special and complex calculations, but you can do without them. If you learn a few simple rules.

  • If the warm floors will be made on the ground, then the thickness of the insulation must be at least 100 mm. It is best to make two layers of 50 mm and put them in mutually perpendicular directions.
  • If the warm floors are planned in the premises above social Floor, then the thickness of the insulation is at least 50 mm.
  • If the warm floors are planned over the rooms heated below, then the thickness of the insulation is at least 30 mm.

Additionally, it is necessary to foresee the fastening of EPPS plates to the material of the base, since when pouring the screed, they will strive to emerge. For this purpose, the plate dowels are ideal. They need to fix all the plates in the fields of joints and in the center.

For fastening the pipe to EPPS, special harpoon brackets are used, which reliably fix the pipe. They are fastened with an interval of 30-50 cm, and in places turning the pipe from PEX, the step must be 10 cm. Usually it is calculated that 500 pieces of harpoon-bracket are required on the bay of 200 meters. When purchasing them, it is not necessary to chase over the brand, as it will cost several times more expensive. There are very high-quality and inexpensive brackets of Russian manufacturers.

Choice of the collector-mixing node of the warm floor

Water floor collector - the most important elementwhich takes the coolant from the highway, distributes it in contours, adjusts the flow and temperature, balances the loops of the contours, contributes to the air removal. Without it, no warm water floor will cost.

Collector's choice, and if you spend a more correct - the collector-mixing node better to trust the specialists who will select the necessary components. In principle, it can be collected independently, but this is the topic of a separate article. Just listed which elements should be in order not to be mistaken in the choice.

  • First, it is directly the collectors themselves that can be equipped with various reinforcement. They must be equipped with tuning (balancing) valves with flow meters or without them, which are placed on the feed collector, and there may be thermostatic valves on the opposite or simply overlapping valves.

  • Secondly, any collector to remove air from the system should be equipped with an automatic air vent.
  • Thirdly, and on the feeder, and on the reverse collector should be drainage cranes for draining the coolant from the collector and air removal when the system is filling.
  • In the fourth, for connecting the pipe to the collector, fittings should be used, which are selected individually in each case.

  • Fifth, for fastening collectors and providing the desired center distance, special brackets are applied.

  • Sixth, if a separate riser for warm floors is not equipped in the boiler room, then a mixing unit must be answered for the preparation of the coolant, including a pump, a thermostatic valve, bypass. The design of this node has many implementations, so this issue will be reviewed in a separate article.

  • And finally, the entire collector-mixing unit should be located in the collector cabinet, which is installed or in a niche, or open.

The collector-mixing knot is placed in such a place so that all the lengths of the highways from it, to the hinges of the warm floor, were approximately equal and the main pipes were in close proximity. The collector wardrobe is often hiding in a niche, then it can be placed not only in cabinets and boiler rooms, but in dressing rooms, corridors, and even living rooms.

Video: What calculations are needed in front of a warm floor device

Installation of water warm floor with his own hands

After calculations and purchases of all necessary components, it is possible to gradually implement a warm water floor. Initially, it is necessary to outline the places where collective cabinets will be placed, crushed, if necessary, a niche is also made through building structures. All rolling and drilling work must be completed before the next step.

Installation of insulation

Before this stage, it is necessary to prepare the premises for this - to endure all unnecessary, remove the entire construction trash, replace and spend the floors. The room must be absolutely clean. When mounting the plates, it is necessary to be in shoes with a flat sole, as heels can damage the surface. We list the sequence of actions when installing the insulation.

  • First of all, the clean floor level is littered on the walls using laser or water. All irregularities are measured using a long rule and level.
  • If irregularities exceed 10 mm, they can be completely aligned with pure and dry sand, which should be dissolved later.

  • If the warm floor is made on the ground or above the ground floor, the waterproofing film is spread with the adhesive adjacent strips of at least 10 cm and coming to the wall. The joints of the joints are glued with scotch. As waterproofing it is quite suitable polyethylene film 150-200 microns.
  • Starting from the far corner of the room, the process of laying plates of EPPS begins. They fit close to the walls of a marked surface up.
  • The plates of EPPS must fit tightly with each other with the grooves that are available on their side surfaces. When laying each plate, it should be tight to the base and be in the horizontal plane, which is checked by the construction level. If necessary, under the stove sweeps sand.

  • If obstacles are obstacles in the form of protrusions, columns and other elements, then after preliminary markup, the stove is cut by a construction knife along a metal line. At the same time, the EPPS must be put on some non-solid foundation so that the knife does not fill, for example, a piece of plywood or OSP.
  • When laying the next row, it should be borne in mind that the stakes of the plates should not coincide, but to go aims, like brickwork. In order, if the Epps remained from the last latter, a part of at least 1/3 of its length remained, then the installation of the next row should be started with it.
  • If laying of the second EPPS layer is planned, it should be carried out in a mutually perpendicular direction with the first layer.
  • After laying thermal insulation, it follows using a perforator with a long brown and a hammer to fasten the plate dowels on each junction - on each joint and in the center of each EPPS stove. The joints between EPPS are stuck with a building tape.

  • If after mounting the insulation, cavities or cracks remained, then they can be scored by the trimming of Epps and blew mounting foamBut you can do it later, after installing pipes.

After that, it can be said that the insulation installation measures are completed. Although EPPS plates are sufficiently density to withstand the weight of an adult, it is still necessary to observe precautions when moving. It is best to use wide boards or pieces of plywood or OSP.

Installation of warm water floors

It has come the most responsible and difficult moment - installation of pipes of a warm floor. At this stage, it is necessary to be particularly attentive and neat and here without an assistant can not do. It is also desirable to have a special device for unwinding the pipe, since it is strictly forbidden from the bay pipe with rings, since it will be very strong voltages, which will complicate or make it impossible. The main rule - the bay must be twist, rather than removing the pipe from the stationary bay. In principle, this can be done manually, but it is much easier to the device.

If there is a markup on the upper side of the plates, it is simply wonderful, then laying pipes will be very simplified. And if not, it is not necessary to "be conducted" to purchase a foil thin insulation made of foamed polyethylene with applied markup. There will be no sense from him. You can apply markup on your own. To do this, marker on the upper side of the plates are made marks at the distance of the required step of the contour, and then the paint thread is fighting the lines - you can make markup in a short time. After that, you can read the tracks of the circuits of a warm floor.

heavy-floor screed

The collector cabinet is attached in the intended place and the collector is mounted in it, while without a pumping mixing group, it will be needed later. When entering the collector, when leaving it, as well as at the entrance to, each pipe must be protected by a special corrugation. However, the corrugation from eminent producers is a breathtaking money, so it is quite acceptable to replace it with the thermal insulation of the corresponding diameter. Also, the pipes should be protected when transitions from the room in the room and from the contour to the contour.

The installation of a warm floor pipe should be started from the zones that are most remote from collectors, and thermal insulation from foamed polyethylene must be dressed on all transit pipes, which will ensure maximum energy preservation to the destination point, and does not "confuse" heat along the road. Further, the pipe "emerges" from the plates of Epps, already "naked" bypasses all its warming circuit and "overtures" back and already in the heat insulation follows to the collector. The transit pipes themselves are placed inside the plates of EPPS, for this, the passages of the passage are preliminarily cut into them.

If the thermal insulation consists of two layers of EPPS plates, the first layer is first fit, then all communications are laid, including the transit pipes of the warm floor, and then the second layer is adjusted and trimmed on the spot.

In addition, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of the warm floor, pipes can go to radiators, as well as highways of hot and cold water supply. If there are several pipes, they can be fixed in a beam or plate dowels or a perforated metal strip and dowels. In any case, they should not be behind the top surface of the EPPS plates so that from above can be unhindered to lay the circuit of the warm floor. All cavities are placed by the mounting foam, which, after frozen, is cut off flush from the surface of the insulation plates.

On the perimeter of the room where the warm floors will be, a damper tape is pasted on the walls, which is designed to compensate for the thermal expansion of the screed. The tape is like a glue layer, and without it. When purchasing it, it is not necessary to chase the brand and overpay several times more. Now there is a decent damnation tape of Russian production in all senses. If there are no tapes at all, then this is also not a trouble - it can replace the foam of 1 or 2 cm thick, glued to the wall on liquid nails or the mounting foam.

The damper tape should also be installed between the rooms and different contours. For this, a special tape with T-shaped profile is produced. And in this case, it can replace a thin foam glued with mounting foam or glue.

Installation of pipes is made as follows:

  • With the bay, 10-15 m tubes are wrapped off, the thermal insulation and the corresponding fitting for connecting to the collector are dressed.
  • The pipe is connected to the appropriate collector output.
  • According to the previously marked tracks, the pipe is stacked and harpong-brackets is attached in direct areas after 30-40 cm, and on the turns after 10-15 cm. The pipe should be bending carefully, without chances.

  • When laying, do not try to attach the pipe at once, and it should first decompose on approximately 5-10 m highways, and then fix brackets. The pipe should lie on the insulation without tension, there should be no effort that tries to pull out the EPPS braces.
  • If the bracket for some reason flew out of its place, then it is mounted in the other, at a distance of at least 5 cm.
  • After bypassing the entire circuit of the warm floor, the reverse tube returns to its feed and with it next to the collector. If necessary, heat insulation is put on it.
  • By arrival to the collector, the pipe connects to it corresponding to the fitting.

  • Near the corresponding loop of the warm floor on the wall, as well as also on paper, the length of the contour is necessarily recorded. This data is necessary for further balancing.

Similarly, all contours are laid. At first it will be difficult, but then, after one laid "snail" everything will be clear and work will go without problems. When moving on already padded circuits, it is necessary to bed under your feet or knees of boards, faeer or osp.

Walking in shoes on pipes is not recommended. It is better to organize such "paths"
Video: Laying of a warm floor pipe

Installation of reinforcing grid

Disputes about the feasibility of the reinforcing grid are constantly. Someone says she needs, others claim the opposite. There are a lot of examples of a successful embodiment of a warm floor without reinforcing grid and, at the same time, there are examples of the unsuccessful sale of a warm floor with reinforcement. The authors of the article claim - reinforcement will never be superfluous, but only correctly performed.

The Internet is replete with examples when a metal mesh is placed on the insulation and fixes, and then a warm floor pipe is fastened to it with the help of plastic screys. It seems that it is convenient, but this is not reinforcing, but simply putting an absolutely useless mesh under the screed, to which money was spent. Reinforcement is when the grid is inside the screed, and not under it. That is why the authors recommend putting the grid on top of the pipe.

For reinforcing screed, a metal mesh made of wire with a diameter of 3 mm cell size 100 * 100 mm is quite enough. The grids from the reinforcement are not recommended due to the fact that the reinforcement has a corrugated surface and when installing can damage the smooth surface of the pipe. Yes, and it is not worth spending extra money on excessive strength of the screed, because it is assumed that the warm floor is mounted on a sufficiently strong base. The grid is stacked with an overlap per cell and binds to either knitting wire or plastic clamps. The sharp protruding ends must be bought off so that they do not damage the pipe. Additionally, the grid is attached to the pipe in several places by plastic clamps.

Instead of a metal mesh, plastic can be used, which will perfectly rein the screed and save it from cracking. Stop the plastic mesh is more convenient, as it goes in rolls. Application plastic mesh Practically eliminates pipe damage, and its value is significantly lower.

After laying the grid, the question arises again about the protection of the pipes, because, moving into the shoes on a metal grid, you can easily damage it, and the pipe is therefore recommended again to move only on boards, plywood or OSP. But there is still a very competent solution that will avoid damage to the pipes when pouring the screed.

The cement mortar is prepared - the same as it will be when laying a screed (1 part of the cement M400 and 3 parts of sand) and in the laying process, "blooms" are made from the solution that are slightly performed for the surface of the grid - 2 cm is sufficient. These "flames" are made with such frequency (30-50 cm), which will allow in the future to put on them boards or phanels and completely safely move. Another plus of this approach is fixing the grid, because when walking it, it seeks to bend, and this can damage the welds.

"Lyapki" from the solution will fix the grid and will help to safely move

Filling out contours. Hydraulic tests

This operation must be carried out even before filling the screed, as it is easier to fix it with a hidden malfunction immediately than after the floors are flooded. To do this, the hose is connected to the drain nozzle on the collector and is displayed in the sewer, as there will be a lot of water through the contours of heating. It is best if the hose is transparent - it will be easy to track the output of air bubbles.

To the input of the feed collector, which must be equipped with a shut-off ball valve, plug water through the hose or pipe. If the quality of tap water is low, then it is worth filling the system through a mechanical filter. To any other output associated with the circuits of the warm floor, the crimping pump is connected. It can be a free output manifold exit, the yield of returns from the collector and other places - it all depends on the specific implementation collector node. In the end, the tee can be screwed into the ball cut-on faucet, and the system is filling through it, and crimping. After testing, the tee can be removed and connect the collector to the feeding line.

The system filling is made as follows:

  • The collector overlaps all the contours of the warm floor, except one. Automatic air vents should be open.
  • Water is supplied and its purity and air output is controlled along the plum hose. On the internal surface Pipes in production can remain technological lubricant and chips, which must be washed with flowing water.
  • After all the air came out, and the water flows absolutely clean, the drain crane overlaps, and then the washed and filled circuit overlaps.
  • All these operations are done with all contours.
  • After washing, removal of air and filling out all contours, the water supply faucet overlaps.

If leaks are found at the filling stage, they are eliminated immediately after pressure reset. As a result, it should be filled with a clean heat carrier and a monitoring system of warm water floors.

To test the system, a special tool will be required - crimping pump that can be rented or invited experienced Mastershaving such a device. We describe the sequence of actions during crimping.

  • Fully open all the contours of the warm floor connected to the collector.
  • Clean water is poured into the capacitance of therapy pump, the pump feed faucet opens.
  • The pump hits the pressure in the system two times more than the working - 6 atmospheres, it is controlled by the pump pressure gauge and on the collector (if there is a pressure gauge).
  • After lifting the pressure, a visual inspection of all pipes and connections, which, in principle, should be only on the collector. The pressure gauge pressure is also controlled.
  • After 30 minutes, the pressure again raise up to 6 bar and again inspect all the pipes and connections. Then after 30 minutes these actions repeat. If leaks are detected, they are immediately eliminated after pressure reset.
  • If the leaks are not detected, the pressure again raise up to 6 bar and leave the system for a day.
  • If, after a day, the pressure in the system fell no more than 1.5 bar and no leakage was detected, then the heat-mall system can be considered properly mounted and hermetic.

When lifting pressure in the system, the pipe in all the laws of physics will try to straighten up, so "shooting" of some brackets is possible in those places where "familized" with them. Therefore, "leaps" from the solution will help to keep the pipe in place. In the future, when the screed is filled, the pipe will be securely fixed, but when pressure tests, poorly fixed pipe can be given unpleasant surprises.

Video: Filling system with heat carrier

Video: Covering system of warm floors

Installation of Mayakov

The fill of the tie of the warm floor should be carried out on pipes under operating pressure. Considering that in most closed heating systems, the working pressure must be in the range of 1-3 bar, you can take the average value and leave pressure 2 bar in contours.

As a lighthouses, it is best to use the guide plasterboard profiles of Mon 28 * 27 / UD 28 * 27. They have sufficient stiffness and a smooth upper surface, which is very useful when moving the screed.

Lighthouses must be installed at the level of pure floor minus the thickness of the finish flooring. To secure them very often use simply mortar pillows, for which the guide profile is placed, and then it is removed by level. But this approach has a disadvantage in the fact that if the lighthouse rose below the required level, it is necessary to get it, put fresh solution and exhibit.

It is best if the lighthouses from the guide profile will be under it to have a tough support and can serve as a dowel for concrete and the screw of the corresponding length. It is preferable to use special screws along concrete - braided, which do not require the installation of a dowel, and, it means, the drilling diameter will be less. If a dowel is required to drill a hole with a diameter of 10-12 mm, then 6 mm is sufficient for heat. The top surface of the screws screw should be at the level of the surface of the future screed.

Screws on concrete - braided

Lighthouses should be located at a distance of no more than 30 cm from the walls. There should be no long distance between the beacons, since the solution suggests to settle and the pit may form on the ready-made screed. Optimally 1.5 m, then a construction rule of 2 m is used to align the screed. When installing beacons, the following is made:

  • From the walls located on the left and right of the entrance, two lines are watched at a distance of 30 cm - it will be the position of extreme lighthouses.
  • The distance between these two lines is divided into equal parts so that it does not exceed 150 cm. It is desirable that one of the bands occur directly to the entrance to the room. If necessary, the band, which comes to the input may be smaller.
  • On the floor, the lines of the position of future lighthouses are stuck. They make the location of napillates with a step of 40-50cm.
  • The perforator with the corresponding heating of the brown is drilled by the holes to the specified depth.

To exhibit copper caps in the same plane, it is best to use the laser level. If there is no herself in the arsenal of his home master, it does not matter, now this very useful tool can be rented, especially since it will be required for only one day.

Laser level - indispensable assistant When marking and installing beacons

On the wall made a marker of lighthouses. To do this, the thickness of the finishing flooring is taken from the thickness of the finishing floor surface pre-battered on the wall. The laser level is set at this mark, and then screwing or unscrewing brazen, their caps are set at one level. If you enjoy with this operation a regular construction level, it will take much more time, and the error will be higher.

Further, the guide profiles are stacked on the caps of the copiers, the construction level is checked correctly. To secure beacons, a cement solution is used in its places as the same formulation as for a floor screed (1 part of cement + 3 parts of sand).

Lighthouses are removed from copper caps, and then slides are made from the cooked solution slightly higher than the height of the screed. It is enough to do them after 1 meter, as the beacon and it will already be securely fastened on the hats. Further, the profile is stacked and pressed into the solution, and its excess is immediately removed by the spatula. Finally, the level of installation of all beacons is checked.

At the same time, you can check the correctness of the installation of all damping tapes, separating the premises and contours and, if necessary, strengthen them with a solution.

water warm floor

Video: Installation of beacons for a heap screed

Warm Filling

Increased requirements are imposed on the tie of warm water floors, because in addition to the mechanical loads that portened by it, it also experiences temperature deformations. And usually the cement-sandy solution does not go here, the concrete mix must be modified by plasticizer and fiber.

The plasticizer is designed to reduce the water-cement ratio, increasing the mobility of the mixture and increase its strength when drying. Mobility When laying a heating floor screed is extremely important, as the solution should be tightly "clay" pipes and easy to release air bubbles outward. Without the use of plasticizer, the only way to increase the mobility of the mixture is to add water to it. But then only part of the water will enter the reaction with the cement, and the rest will evaporate for a long time, which will increase the time of setting and pouring and reduce the strength of the screed. The water-cement attitude should be exactly the way that will allow the screed to grab. Usually, 1 kg of cement requires 0.45-0.55 kg of water.

The plasticizer is produced in liquid and dry. It is necessary to apply it exactly as the manufacturer recommends, and nothing else. All sorts of "substitutes" in the form of liquid soap, washing powder, PVA glue is not allowed.

Fiber is designed for dispersed reinforcement of a concrete mix, which makes it possible to significantly reduce or virtually eliminate the formation of cracks, increase the strength and resistance of abrasion, increase the strength to bending and compression. This is achieved by the fact that the microfiber fibers are distributed and fasten the screed throughout the volume of the concrete mix.

Fiber is metallic, polypropylene and basalt. Polypropylene or basalt fiber is recommended for tie. Add it according to the manufacturer's recommendations, but it is recommended to use at least 500 grams polypropylene Fiber on 1 m 3 of the finished solution. To get a mixture with the best properties, add 800 or more grams per 1 m 3.

You can find ready-made mixtures for pouring the tie of the warm floor from well-known and not very manufacturers. The composition of these mixtures already includes a plasticizer, fiber, and other components. With undoubted convenience of their use and high quality, the cost of the finished screed will be significantly higher than the solution cooked independently.

Before the fill of the screed, it is necessary to remove all the extra items from the floor, if necessary, the surface is needed. It is also necessary to prepare the entire tool and dishes to knead and transport the solution. All the work on the pouring of the tie of the warm floor in the room should be made at a time, so it is desirable to have two assistants: one is preparing a solution, the second is wearing, and the chief executor lays and smash the screed. All windows must be closed in the room, the screed must be limited to the effects of drafts and direct sunlight.

An independent preparation of a heap screed solution should only be carried out by a mechanized manner - the quality of the solution must be high. A concrete mixer or construction mixer can be used as auxiliary mechanisms. No shocks on a drill or puncher here are suitable here, no matter how many "truthful" sources say.

The basis of the solution is the portland cement of the brand not lower than the M400, which should be dry and with storage time not more than 6 months after the release date. Sand should also be dry, washed and sifted. River sand will not fit - it is too correct. For a screed, the ratio of cement to the sand should be 1: 3 by weight, but in practice few people weighed sand and cement, and the universal measurement method is taken - bucket. Considering that the density of the construction sand is in the range of 1.3-1.8 t / m 3, and cement during transportation of 1.5-1.6 t / m 3, then you can not be afraid to measure cement and sand buckets, since quality The mixture will be quite valid.

Water in the composition of the solution should be about a third of the mass of cement, that is, an approximately 15 liters of water is needed on 1 bag of 50 kg of cement. However, the use of a plasticizer reduces the water-cement ratio, so when preparing a solution with water, you need to be very careful - it is better to not be discolored and then adding than to pour.

The technology of preparing a solution with a mixer and concrete mixer is slightly different. The mixer must be stirred on the low turns of dry cement, sand and flocculation polypropylene or basalt fiber and then gradually add water with a plasticizer dissolved in it. In the concrete mixtures of the gravitational type, which the absolute majority, stir dry cement and sand is difficult (dry cement is sticking to wet blades and drum), so it is first pouring a part of the water with a plasticizer, and then the cement is added first, then the sand, then also portion of cement And the remaining water. Fiber is added gradually. One piece along with water, the other with sand. At the same time, Fiber can not be thrown into the drum of concrete mixer lump, and it is necessary to divide on the portion and flush before the bookmark.

The cooking time in the concrete mixer is usually 3-4 minutes, and a mixer is a little more - 5-7 minutes. The readiness of the solution is determined by homogeneous color and consistency. If you take a lump of a solution in hand and squeeze, the water should not be released from it, but at the same time the solution should be plastic. If you put a solution with a slide on the floor, then it should not be very spread, but only a little to settle under its own weight. If there is no cuts in it, they should not be broken, but should keep shape.

Laying the screed begins with distant corners of the room and is conducted by the lighthouses. Only after the completion of one band, the next one is put up and the next one, the process will end with the entrance to the room. In the level of alignment, do not try to perfectly align the surface of the screed on the lighthouses. The main thing is that there are no failures in the screed, and small influx and traces from the rule are easily corrected later.

After 1-2 days (it all depends on external conditions) When on the screed can already be walking, it is necessary to clean it with the surface. Initially, a damping tape protruding from the screed is removed and the construction rule is removed, and then the construction rule is taken and the sharp end is pressed against the beacon plane. In the direction from ourselves, short, but energetic movements are cleaned until lighthouses are completely broken. Then the trash is cleaned, the screed is moistened from the sprayer and is covered with a polyethylene film.

The next day, the beacons can be carefully removed, it is possible to unscrewed, and the formated grooves are wiping with a solution or tiled glue. The screed is moisturized and covered, it is recommended to do daily for the first 10 days after the fill.

Balancing of heavy floor contours. Commissioning

After full ripening of the screed, and this is at least 28 days, you can start balancing the circuits of a warm floor. And in this process, flowmeters on the collector will help. That is why it is necessary to acquire a collector with balancing valves and flow meters.

The fact is that the loops of the warm floor have a different length, respectively, they have a different hydraulic resistance. Obviously, the "lion's share" of the coolant will always go along the path of the least resistance - that is, along the shortest contour, and the other will get much less. At the same time, in the longest circuit, the circulation will be so sluggish that there is no speech about any heat unit. In a competently composed project of warm floors, consumption is always indicated in each circuit and the position of adjusting valves, but if the warm floor is made on their own, then a simplified, but active technique is suitable.

  • If the pumping node is not yet connected, then it is installed. A warm floor collector is connected to the feed and return highway.
  • Full all the contours of the warm floor are opened, the balls of feed and returns are open at the input. Automatic air vent valves must be open.
  • Included circulating. The maximum temperature is put on the head of the mixing unit, but the boiler does not turn on, the coolant should circulate room temperature.
  • Pressure in the entire heating system is communicated to the working (1-3 bar).
  • All the contours of the warm floor are closed, except for the longest. The position of the flow meter on this circuit is noted and recorded.
  • Fully opens the second in length of the contour. If the flow in it is greater, the balancing valve is spinning until the consumption is lined with the longest.

  • Further, all the contours are sequentially open in the order of their length, the balance of the valve is adjusted.
  • As a result, consumption in all circuits should be the same. If this is not the case, you can correct the adjustment on the contours, not the touch of the longest loop.

All of the above operations are completed correctly and flow meters show that circulation in contours occurs, it is possible to begin testing a warm floor with a heated coolant. It is necessary to start at low temperatures - from 25 ° C, and then every day gradually increase the temperature by 5 ° C, until the coolant is supplied to the contours with its operating temperature. What a sequence of actions at this stage.

  • A temperature of 25 ° C is displayed on the thermostatic adjusting valve of the mixing unit, the circulation pump is turned on at the first speed and in this mode they give the system of day. This monitors and corrected circulation of flow meters.
  • After a day, the temperature rises to 30 ° C, and the system of warm floors is left for a day. Controlling flow and flow rate and returns.
  • On the next day, the temperature rises another 5 ° C, to 35 ° C. It is already much closer to the operating mode of the warm floor, so it is already worth adjusting the temperature difference between the feed and reverse collectors. If it is in the range of 5-10 ° C, then this is normal, and if more, then you should increase the speed of the circulation pump for one level.
  • The maximum temperature to which the temperature can be lifted in the feed floor collector is 50 ° C, but it is better not to do it, but to check on operating modes - 45 ° C or 40 ° C. Similarly, the temperature difference is checked for feeding and reverse. The pump should work at the lowest possible speed so that the temperature difference is up to 10 ° C.

The correct adjustment of the heated floor is impossible to evaluate immediately, since such a heating system is very inertial. Must go through a few hours to feel the change in temperature mode. Therefore, everyone who has made independently a warm floor should be armed with patience and gradually bring the system to such a mode that would provide the desired floor temperature taking into account the coating. To do this, you will need to "play" with the settings of balancing valves, the thermal heads (if they are equipped with a collector) and the speed of the circulation pump. The main thing is that the water warm floor system made by its own hands works.

Find out how, having studied the instructions with the photo, in a special article on our portal.


Stubborn statistics suggests that the system of warm water floors beyond obvious comfort gives more substantial energy savings. The same statistics suggests that the number of successful independent realizations of such heating is growing every year. All technologies are already worked out, the market is flooded by any components, for every taste, color and wallet. The necessary information is always in open sources, specialists can always ask the Council. The team of authors hopes that this article dispelled the original fear and made it possible to understand the readers that it is possible to make a water warm floor with their own hands possible.

Video: How to calculate and make a water warm floor with your own hands

If you decide to put the water field with your own hands, let's say right away, this task is not simple, but in any case, you can cope absolutely with any task set for yourself, it is enough to be aware of how to implement it. If you have enough money to order installation from specialists, we recommend using their professional services. But during the crisis, when each penny on the account, it will be more expedient to use your strength. In this regard, the topic is very relevant the topic of creating warm water floors with their own hands.

Immediately it is worth noting that warm water floors are better installed in a country or private house. The apartment is quite problematic to connect a warm floor system to riser, and the very possibility of apartment owners in high-rise buildings appeared only with the beginning of the construction of the so-called "elite housing", where the project is provided for the project.

In the usual "Khrushchev" or panel house, you will most likely not get permission to install, you can find out everything by contacting your LCR. Quite another thing if you already use heating system And make a decision yourself, as in which volume it is necessary to give your apartment.

Floor floor

The warm floor of the installation type can be divided into 2 types:

  • grazing;
  • concrete.

The flooring is divided into a wooden installation system and polystyrene, and concrete laying implies that it will be filled with a concrete tie surface of the floor. The flooring is different from the concrete fact that all wet processes completely eliminate, so that several times the speed of the installation of warm floors increases.

Installation of a warm floor

Before you start independent installation Warm floor, you need to get acquainted with the maximum of information. For starters, let's look at possible systems for installing such a floor a little more. IN modern construction Such a system is the most common installation system, the circuit pipes are closed with concrete solution and no additional heat separators are no longer required.

Installation technology is guided by the following stages that need to be followed:

  • Coating with an insulating material of the draft surface;
  • Installation of reinforcement grid and installation of pipeline circuits;
  • Conductressing the work of the system;
  • Pouring concrete solution;
  • Cutting floor covering.

Separation of the room

The room is divided into sections. The number of such sites will depend on the geometry and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The limit area of \u200b\u200bone heated area should not be more than 40 m 2, in addition to this, the ratio of all sides of the room should be at least 1: 2. To markup such requirements are connected with the fact that the screed will be significantly expanding under the influence of temperature and to get rid of cracking concrete screedThis must be compensated.

Surface coating insulating layer

At a pre-purified base, you need to put the thermal insulation layer. Due to this thermal insulation layer, heat losses emitting floors are not allowed. Heat will go in heated room only up. In the construction of thermal insulation in construction, a variety of materials can be used, which are allowed for use for these purposes. The most common construction thermal insulation material is a foam. Must have such a heat insulating layer with a thickness of up to 15 cm depending on the thermal mode of the rooms and the amount of heat loss.

Between sectors and throughout the perimeter of the room, a damper belt is placed serving to compensate for the thermal expansion of the concrete screed used. From above heat insulating material Polyethylene film is placed.

Reinforcement grid and pipeline installation

Place the reinforcement grid with a cross section of 0.4-0.5 cm, with a cell size of 15 × 15 cm. It is possible to double reinforcement, in which the second layer of the grid is installed on top of the mounted pipeline.

Next, begin the installation of the pipeline of the warm water floor. Depending on the project used, the pipeline is set in increasing no more than 30 cm and the circuit of installing the circuit of the pipeline is selected. With the help of special plastic clamps, secure pipeline to the reinforcement grid, on the compensation seams on the pipeline is put on corrugated pipe To protect against damage.

Some standard circuits are allowed: double snake, spiral with shifted center, snake and ordinary spiral. When laying a pipeline along outdoor Wall, It is necessary to reduce the distance between the pipes to avoid temperature drops on the surface, the bulk of the contour along the wall should be held. There above the heat loss. The estimated consumption of the pipeline on the 1M 2 mounted on the surface at a step in 20 cm will be approximately 5 perm.

Upon completion of the installation work, it is necessary to crimp the system under the operating pressure on the detection of mechanical damage. After crimping, a concrete screed is poured, while the system should be under the operating pressure of at least within a day.

During all other installation work on the pouring of the concrete solution, the system should also be under pressure.

The solution is poured with a thickness of up to 70 mm, using for this special mixes For water warm floors or sand-concrete M-300. After the concrete solution is dry, it can be started to lay the floor covering of the floor with linoleum, laminate or ceramic tiles with excellent thermal conductivity.

Pressing system

Tests of hydraulics of pipes of floor heating systems are performed in accordance with the existing requirements.

Before carrying out such tests, the contours of the pipelines must be filled with water, and the air is fully displaced. Tests must be carried out before the fill of the concrete solution.

During the fill with concrete solution, the pipeline should be under pressure of at least 3 bar. The tightness of the test must be made by pressure exceeding the working 1.5 times.

The visual inspection of all available connections occurs, while it is necessary to fully make sure that all the locking elements are closed behind the collectors and in front of it. When testing air, you need the time that will be enough to return to temperature ambient Temperature compressed air. All manometers used in the system must transmit reliable readings with an accuracy of 0.1 bars.

Connecting system

To connect the pipe to the general pipeline of the hot water supply or to the boiler, you need to install distribution nodes for each room or one large node for several rooms. Of course, it is necessary to make this node that this node does not interfere with the placement of furniture and movement. One way to hide such a node is to drown it in the wall.

In order to install a warm water floor with your own hands to the collector, you need to make a niche in the wall directly for the collector itself or put the collector wardrobe in the same niche. Two rowers are accommodated in this closet and all contours used for heating rooms are supplied. The ridges are different. Some are sold with cranes available in them. To the distribution comb, the most important requirement is its compactness.

Do not forget that before each pipeline at the entrance on the ridge is obliged to stand a crane.

Such cranes are intended to two goals. First goal: Full overlap of a separate system circuit; The second goal: to regulate hot water supply, which makes it possible to change the temperature in each heated room.

The temperature in sectors does not necessarily change manually. The autoremore temperature in the sector is allowed to make special adjustment thermal valves. The principle of their work is quite simple. The valve is set to the necessary temperature mode, and the thermal head determines the necessary degrees. This is done through the use of thermobalone with paraffin. Paraffin expands and narrows under the influence of temperature, increasing or reducing the bandwidth in the crane.

Pouring tie.

When a water warm floor is installed, you can mount the top screed. Before filling the pipeline, filling it with water optional. He is tough enough thanks to his excellent characteristicsBut it is necessary to submit pressure to the entire system before the fill. For the second concrete screed, you need to install special lighthouses.

If a layer of a concrete screed, which pour over the pipeline, does not exceed 7 cm, then the beacons can be installed on the cement solution. If it is above this value, then install the beacons for such a concrete solution will be very difficult, since the concrete solution will "swim".

Comparative characteristics of warm floors and radiator system heating

Everything is enough just with radiators - with a source of heat, which is located on the wall, the room is formed quite noticeable and not very pleasant temperature difference. Let's deal with why. As we studied at school, warm air up rises, while the cold air is rapidly lowered.

Side location heating elements leads to the fact that the warmest room in the room is only close to the heat source, then the heated air goes upstairs, and the already cooled falls to the base of the floor.

So it turns out that the legs are flawed, but there is nothing at the top, and even the constant circulation of air around the room will distribute dust and forms opposed drafts. And all this leads to countless health problems.

Heating in the house is an integral engineering network. Of all possible systems Floor heating, warm water heating enjoys the greatest demand, and this despite the complexity of its installation. Thanks to the warm floor in the room, you can create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. In this article, we will consider general recommendations on the installation of warm water floors.

As arranged

The warm water floor in the assembled form is a layered structure also known as "heating cake". Its thickness depends on several factors:

  • The thickness of the insulation used.
  • The thickness of the draft and finishing leveling screed.
  • The diameter of the heating circuit.

The device of outdoor heating includes a boiler, a submersion assembly, a collector, heating circuits and other auxiliary equipment.


There are 3 types of warm floor systems:

  1. Concrete . Heating contours are poured with a concrete tie, which in addition to the protective and leveling function performs the role of heat accumulation.
  2. Nastyl . Mostly, this system is implemented in wooden houses on lags. These are all those cases where it is impossible to equip the concrete screed or the overall weight of the screed will not endure overlap. Also this technique is used in panel houseswhere the slabs of the overlap are unable to withstand heavy loads.
  3. Wooden . Such a system is used in the same place, where both the flooring, only with one difference: the heating contours are mounted between lags under the flooring, which is stacked on top of the lag.

The flooring and the wooden heating system can be the main only in the case when the room and the whole house is well insulated. That is, common heat loss should not exceed 40 W / m 2. Otherwise, when the heating is disconnected, the room will be very quickly cooling. In the case of a concrete screed, everything is different, the screed itself is a heat battery, so a comfortable temperature will be maintained for some time in the room. Thus, the floor or wooden system with poor insulation can only serve as an additional heating to the main radiator system.

Tart of warm floor

Under the cake meant all layers included in the design of outdoor heating. Depending on the selected system, its composition may change slightly.

Concrete system cake

Warm concrete cake thickness may vary. Below is a cake scheme with an indicative size of the thickness of each layer:

Consider the sequence of laying the heating cake of the concrete system:

  • Draft base. Screed poured on the plate or soil. In the latter case, sand and crushed stone with a total thickness of up to 60 mm must be attacked and trambed.
  • Waterproofing. It is necessary if groundwater is locked nearby.
  • Heat insulator. The main task is to eliminate the bridge of cold and heat leakage. For example, it is possible to use polystyrene foam with a thickness of 20-115 mm with a density of 30-40 kg / m 3. Especially the thickness of the insulation should be big, if under the floor there is a unhepal basement or soil. If it is decided to use special mats (made from insulation) with bugs, then it is important to consider that their thickness is 30 mm. To give the heat insulating layer needed thickness, in addition to mats, polystyrene foam is stacked.
  • Polyethylene film. Located two layers. The film thickness is at least 150 μm.
  • Reinforcement grid. It is necessary to give a high strength screed in cases where its thickness will exceed 60 mm and high load is expected on the base. For example, the diameter of the rods of the mesh can be from 3 to 5 mm, and the size of the cells of 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm.
  • Trumpet. Pipe laying step is 100-300 mm. The pipe is fixed to the reinforcing grid with special plastic clamps. Where the compensation seam will be equipped, the corrugations are worn on the pipes.
  • Finish concrete tie.
  • Substrate.Under laminate, parquet or other facing material.
  • Facing.

Pie of the flooring system

The feature of this method is that after the end of the installation, the flooring system is immediately ready for operation.

The cake of the flooring system consists of such components:

  • Chernovaya Pol.
  • Mats with bobies. They are without insulation. In this case, the thermal insulator is purchased additionally. The total thickness can be from 30 to 70 mm. Existing buses will allow reliably to fix the pipes.
  • Trumpet. Its installation is carried out in a special aluminum plate. It is important to note that no pipe is suitable for the heating system. It should have a special coating that prevents creak.
  • GVL or other flooring.
  • Substrate.
  • Facing layer.

It is worth separately mentioning the layer that is located between the pipes and facing material. The type of substrate may differ, depending on the method of finishing. If you plan on the floor to lay ceramic tiles or linoleum, then a plate of moisture resistant drywall in two layers is placed on top of the pipe. However, after a while, drywall under the tile can be cooled, so you can consider alternative substrates: moisture-resistant plywood, glass-magnesium sheets or chipboard.

Pie wooden system

Consider 6 methods of laying a warm floor on wooden lags, which are implemented without a screed:

1st way.

50 × 150 mm boards are stacked on the wooden floor with a pitch of 600 mm. Between lags, it is harder mineral wool 100 mm thick. The heating pipes are unloaded from above. In the appropriate places in the lags, holes for the passage of the pipe are performed. Top of the lag holds plywood and finishing material. The minus of this technique is that a airbag is formed between plywood and the pipe. This adversely affects the thermal conductivity.

2nd way.

Between installed lagami The thermal insulation layer of polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc. is applied. A chipboard, osprement or plywood is mounted on top. After cutting plates from chipboard with rounded corners. They will later form a heating circuit. The resulting plates are screwed to the already existing base with a step larger than the pipe diameter by 4 mm. Next is the foil as a reflective layer. The heating tube is mounted on top. Finally, the surface is closed with laminate. This method is not suitable for parquet, since the base is quite moving.

3rd way.

This method is quite laborious. There is also a heat insulator between lags. After the board is taken, equal to the pipeline. In one corner, the grooves along the entire boards for laying the pipe. Initially, the foil is hardened in it, and after the pipe. Then the facing material is mounted.

4th way.

In this case, special aluminum plates with grooves for laying pipes are used. They are attached to lags. But in this case, on top of the plates it is recommended to lay a tight material, for example, a chipboard to prevent pushing. And only after that the finish finish is placed.

5th way.

Falsefol is mounted between lags. Between the beams are laid out the thermal insulation layer. On top there are sheets with bobbies in one level with the top of the lag. In places intersection of lagows, there are small grooves, and a special corrugation is put on the pipe. This is important, since due to linear expansion, the pipe can be thrown about the tree. The substrate and finishing material is stacked on top.

6th way.

This method is one of the simple. Pipes are placed directly into the insulation, namely in polystyrene. The space between the upper part of the lag and the pipe can be pumped by plaster, which will act as a heat battery. However, you can fall asleep and clean dry sand.

Video: Wooden Cake Production

Where you can install

The floor heating system can be mounted in different rooms. However, in each individual case it is important to take into account some features.

  • In the apartment. In urban apartments where used centralized system Heating, mount warm water floor prohibited. Modern new buildings already have separate risers and exits in each apartment to implement such heating. On the other hand, some at their own risk are introducing a similar system in their apartments. For this, they even developed a number of schemes due to which the connection to the central heating system is carried out. However, this causes a number of difficulties. The floor level increases noticeably. It may be a problem in low ceilings. In addition, there is a risk of flooding neighbors. Therefore, all materials used should be reliable and high quality. If the house has a panel overlap, it may not withstand an additional load, so many are resorted to alternative heating - electrical. Connection from the central system requires significantly reduced the temperature of the coolant. In the heating system, on average, the coolant has a temperature of + 60 ° C. For outdoor heating, it is too much, since it is usually enough + 30 ° C. If you want to get a formal installation permit, then you should contact municipal farm And to solve questions at a personal level.
  • In a private house. As for private houses, here the situation is much easier. Installation is the easiest way at the construction stage of the house, or rather, before the fill of the screed. An important requirement is the arrangement of high-quality hydro and thermal insulation. Also, the heating cake should include a special reflective material. If you do not fulfill these requirements, there will be essential heat loss. In a private house, a mixing unit is equipped, an additional circulation pump is set, which will evenly distribute thermal energy throughout the floor. However, with all the advantages, it is important to take into account the disadvantages of this solution. After the manufacture of outdoor heating and fill the finish screed, the heating cannot be commissioned on average for 4 weeks. Although plasticizers are added to the screed for quick drying, it should still dry by naturally. This minus is insignificant and temporary.

  • In the garage. It should be engaged in the arrangement of the garage at the stage of its construction. In the ready-made garage, fulfill these works will be problematic and at the same time expensive. The main condition for the floor in the garage is the ability to withstand high loads. Medium weight a passenger car equal to 3.5 tons. Considering this, the screed must be made of durable concrete. Moreover, after the fill of the concrete screed, it is impossible to turn on the heating. If suddenly the heating system will fail, it will be problematic to correct the problem, in the worst case, all coverage in the garage will have to completely dismantle. After eliminating leakage, the floor covering is re-mounted.
  • Bathroom. Bathroom, this is the place of constant accumulation of moisture. For this reason, the presence of such heating will be an excellent solution to prevent the formation of dampness, mold and fungus. To improve heating, it is necessary to raise the floor level by an average of 110-130 mm.


First of all, it should be solved, there will be a warm floor main or additional to radiator heating. It is important to take into account the nature of the floor covering. Ceramic tile Different with a high thermal conductivity coefficient. As for the tree, this indicator is significantly lower. Therefore, the power of the selected heating system will depend on the type of coating.

In addition, the calculation is taken into account and the configuration of the heated room. One heating circuit should not exceed 120 meters. After that, possible heat loss are determined, which are calculated based on the following:

  • what material built house (blocks, wood, brick, etc.).
  • glazing type (double-glazed windows or profile).
  • average air temperature in your area.
  • are there additional sources of heat.

Video: Calculations of outdoor heating

Video: Calculation of the temperature of the warm floor


The key link of the outdoor heating system is pipes. The length of the contour directly depends on the diameter of the pipe. The following data are known:

  • Pipe Ø16 mm - up to 90 m.
  • Pipe Ø17 mm - up to 100 m.
  • Pipe Ø20 mm - up to 120 mm.

The diameter of the pipe is larger, the less hydraulic resistance in it. If the room has a small area, then one contour is usually enough. However, if with a pipe diameter of 20 mm on the entire area of \u200b\u200bone room, 120 m is not enough, it is better not to add length, but to make 2 contours. It is better that their length is the same with a difference of up to 10 m.

An important role is played by the Pipe laying step, which can be 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm. If we are talking about large rooms, such as a gym, then the step can be in the range of 35, 40 or 45 cm. However, near the big windows It is recommended to make 10 cm.

Consider in the table separate zones:

These figures recommended. The selection of this or that step also depends on the pipe used. If this is a metal-plastic, then bend it without damaging the step with a small radius is extremely difficult. Therefore, if the scheme of styling a snake, then the perfect step is 15-20 cm.

If the area of \u200b\u200bheated room is from 50 m 2 and more, then the recommended pipe diameter is 16 mm. Even with a well warmed house, it is recommended that the pipe pitch is not more than 15 cm with a pipe Ø16 mm. The thicker the pipe, the big expenses are expected. This will especially affect the purchase of fittings and other materials. larger diameter. The project should be with a pipe Ø16 mm.

In some cases, the pipes Ø20 mm are used. However, such costs are often unreasonable. After all, the volume of water in the system is significantly increasing, for heating which will require more thermal energy. Plus to all, bending the similar diameter is difficult.

When designing, it is important to take into account the following nuances:

  • First, install partitions, and then determine the number of contours. In one room there should be one contour.
  • The collector must be in the middle at home. If this is not possible, the problem of the difference between the length of the contours is solved by installing flow meters. Due to this, the coolant flow will be uniform.
  • If you want to install two collectors, then each should go a separate pump.
  • The overlap between the first and second floor is necessarily insulated. It is necessary to not warm the overlap itself.

The process of designing the warm floor is complex and responsible. Therefore, many use the services of specialists or special programs.

Laying circuits heated

There are several pipe laying schemes:

  • Snake.
  • Snail.
  • Combined.

Each of them has its own technical features that consider further:

  1. Snake . This scheme has several obvious drawbacks. When entering the room, the temperature of the coolant and the floor is high. The further, the floor is colder. This is explained by the fact that the coolest coolant is returned through the return. When installing such a scheme, special skills are needed. If metal plastic is used, then the installation step is often made 20 cm and more, because Bend the pipe to a smaller angle is difficult. However, a step can be reduced to 10 cm, but at the edges it is necessary to make small rings, which is a time-consuming process. Often, such a laying scheme is used when it is necessary to align adjacent contours zones. Also, such a method of laying pipes Suppose if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is very small, up to 6 m 2.
  2. Snail . Its principle is that, in the first place, the outline is paced around the perimeter of the room with a gradual narrowing to the center. Back the contour returns to the starting point. In this case, if you planned a step between a pipe 20 cm, then the contour is placed in a step of 40 cm. On reverse the tube is placed between the already laid and forms a step 20 cm. This laying scheme is one of the effective. This is explained by the uniform distribution of thermal energy throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Moreover, it is possible to strengthen the zones near the outer wall or large windows to reduce the step distance. For such a scheme, there are practically no restrictions on the form and size of the premises.
  3. Combined . Here it is implied to combine the two above-mentioned pipe styling systems. For example, one part of the room can be lined with a snake, and the other is snail. There is also a function of combining water outdoor heating with electric. However, in this case, electrical heating will serve as an additional. This is especially effective in the early autumn and late spring, when the water heating is not reasonable.

Video: Layout hinges of the heating circuit


Heat insulation must be high quality and safe for others during operation. The selected heat insulator must comply with such requirements:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Strength.

Therefore, choosing the insulation, it is important to take into account its technical characteristics. Below is several types of insulation, which are successfully used in heating cake.

Polystyrene foam

If you have a concrete screed, then expanded polystyrene is the perfect option. It happens two types:

  1. Smooth.
  2. With bobbs.

The second option greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of laying pipes. Also, polystyrene foam is divided into 2 types:

  1. Conventional foam.
  2. Extruded polystyrene foam.

If you compare heat engineering properties, then the extruded polystyrene foam is higher.


This material in all parameters is suitable option. Among its positive properties can be allocated:

  • For sharp drops Temperatures Cork does not change in volume.
  • Environmental.
  • Under the weight of the concrete screed is practically not deformed.
  • Although the material has a small thickness, it is characterized by high-quality thermal insulation.

However, the explicit minus of this insulation is the price. Its cost is higher than other materials almost 3 times.


Penofol or foamed polyethylene is often used when mounting a warm floor. It is represented in the form of a rolled foil material with a thickness of 3 to 10 mm. For the convenience of laying pipes, a markup is applied to the foil surface. If you live on the first floor and under you the soil or unheated basement, then this insulation will not be enough. It is necessary to combine with expanded polystyrene.

It is better to choose a foam with a metallized surface, only not from aluminum. This coating is not interacting with a negative medium of a liquid solution, which is capable of corrupting a conventional foil.

Mineral Wat and Eco


There are several types of collectors that are used during installation work:

  1. Collector with exits for Euroconuses. One of simple types Collector. It is a pipe having internal and external threads to connect heating contours. However, to introduce it to a warm floor system will have to buy a large number of Details for full configuration.
  2. Collector with outputs for connecting contours and adjustment valves. Often these are Chinese collectors who are sold in stores. They have one explicit drawback - after a while, from under the handles, water can start leak. This is explained by the low quality of the coolant. They can be repaired, it is enough to replace the rubber gasket. Such collectors are not intended to complete with additional regulatory automation. They will be ideal for homes with a small area, where the contours have the same length.
  3. There is also a collector for connecting metal-plastic pipes. It has adjustment cranes and fittings. Such valves can be equipped with a servo, whose work will be regulated by the thermostat installed in the room. Fittings themselves are also known as Euroconuses, which consist of 3 details: Euroconus, crimping ring and a cape nut. Also, the Euroconus has a sealing ring.
  4. In cases where the length of the contours is different, and manually adjust the adjustment is not possible, it is recommended to purchase a collector with flow meters and servo sockets. On some collectors, they are covered with blue hats. Due to this, you can regulate the temperature of the coolant in each separate circuit. However, you can combine - buy a collector for feeding with flow meters, and the return - with conventional valves for manual adjustment.

As for the mixing unit, it is necessary in its set:

  • Safety valve. It gives a signal to mix the coolant at high temperatures.
  • Circulation pump. Thanks to this device, the system is heating the room evenly.
  • Bypass. Prevents overload.
  • Trigger valves and air.

Special attention should be paid to the special valve, which is two-way and three-way. Each of them has its own differences and use goals.

Two-way valve . In its set, it has a thermal head with moisture sensor. If necessary, the supply of hot water overlaps. As a result, water in automatic mode is mixed. Mainly, such valves are introduced into the heating system, where the area of \u200b\u200bthe residential area does not exceed 200 m 2.

Three-way valve . The supplied valve defines two indicators at once: balancing bypass crane and bandwidth characteristics. It occurs in mixing hot and cooled heat carrier. Often, the three-way valves are equipped with a servo drive controlled by thermostatic and meteocontrollers. The mixing process is carried out due to the presence of a special damper inside the valve, which adjusts the fluid supply. A similar valve is used in warm-aluminum systems with a large number of contours.

Also, the collector and the mixing unit is equipped with street temperature sensors. They allow you to adjust the temperature of the coolant, pushing away from the temperature of the street. Although this adjustment can be performed independently, the presence of such sensors allows you to adjust the optimum temperature.

Installation of a warm floor

The installation process consists of several consecutive steps. Acquaintance and compliance with technology will allow you to independently produce all installation work.

Waterproofing and installation of damping tape

First of all preparatory work. For this, the old screed is completely removed. If the difference in the room is more than 10 mm horizontally, then it should be leveled. To do this, you can pour a draft self-leveling screed with a thin layer.

The next stage of preparation is the installation of a damper tape. It is necessary to compensate for the linear expansion of the screed when it is heated. If you do not use it, then a short time, the screed may crack. The damper tape is fixed around the perimeter of the entire room to the wall using the self-adhesive layer or tape.

Laying insulation

The next step is the installation of the insulation. The selection of insulation and its installation method depends on the type of room and the use of heating. If you have the first floor and there is no heated basement, then insulation should be impressive. The layer of claymps is poured and the polystyrene foam is used with a thickness of up to 100 mm.

As for the laying method of the insulation, then when using traffic jam or foam, everything is simple enough. it sheetworkswhich glued together with Scotch. If polystyrene systems are used with grooves, their assembly is also not related to special difficulties. Between itself, the insulation is joined with special grooves.

However, it is not always possible to use similar insulation. Often the most affordable - foam. In this case, its laying should be made of jack. It is desirable to glue it with each other, for example, by mounting foam. Upon completion of insulation, the entire area should be covered with insulation.

Consider the sequence of floor insulation using polystyrene:

  • Step 1. The first sheet is placed in the angle of the room so that both sides fit tightly to the corners of the walls.
  • Step 2.. Further, the sheet is put on the jack, one to one is tightly adjusted.
  • Step 3.. If you need to get around the angle, column or other obstacle, then polystyrene is easily cut by a sharp knife.
  • Step 4.. The next row needs to be laid with a slight offset, exactly half of the sheet.

If you planned warming in two layers, then the second layer of the insulation should be seized across with respect to the first. Due to this joint, they will not coincide with each other. Increasing a special film with marking for mounting pipes.

If the heating is installed on the wooden floor, the mineral wool is used as the insulation. She stacked between lags. When installing width, mats should be a little wider distance between lags. This will allow you to tightly lay thermal insulation and prevent the appearance of cold bridges.

Video: Preparation of the base, laying of thermal insulation and reinforcing mesh

Installation of pipes

When the insulation is made, the installation time of the warming circuit comes. In this process, it is important to accurately calculate the laying step, the contour length and the number of outputs on the collector. However, before this it is worth discussing the issue of choosing a heating tube.

How to choose a pipe

There are several types of pipes used for warm water floors, each of them is in different price categories. The cost of a pipe depends on the manufacturer.



Approximate / average price per meter

Connect pipes with special fittings, forming a solid and hermetic compound. However, when installing them easily damage them. Consider water temperature up to 120 ° C. They are sold by bays, which greatly simplifies the installation and delivery process.

When heated metal plastic trumpet Not subjected to deformation. The pipe is flexible and retains the shape after bending. Little weight simplifies the process of assembly work.

These are expensive pipes that are used extremely rare. They have the lowest level of bending radius. The service life is 50 years. Operating pressure from 400 atm.

Laying pipe

At the stage of laying pipes without assistant, it is not necessary to do. The pipe on the warm floor is sold by bays, so one will be unwound, and the second to hold the bay. The laying method depends on the system you chose. If the choice fell on special mats with bugs, then the work is greatly simplified, the main thing is to observe the installation step. If a film with marking is laid on top of the insulation, special clips are applied to fastening the pipe. How to be if there is no such markup? It can be done independently. To do this, use a folding cord with paint.

When installing pipes, it is unacceptable to be interrupted. One contour should consist of one whole piece of pipe. Staying begins with the farthest zones. Very convenient when thermal insulation is made in two layers. In the first layer of insulation, transit pipes and the necessary engineering communications can be placed.

The process of installing the pipe consists of several stages:

Stage 1. - Cut off the bay 10-15 m. One thing is put on the fitting and connect it to the installed collector.

Stage 2. - The pipe is connected on the reservoir to the feed.

Stage 3. - on the markup, the pipe is fixed to the heat-bracket insulation. If the plot is direct, then enough space 40 cm. On the corners of the interval is reduced to 15 cm. When flexing, be extremely careful not to break the pipe.

Stage 4. - In the course of laying, make sure that the pipe is not in voltage. It must be free. Otherwise, the voltage will constantly pull out the brackets.

Stage 5. - If the bracket flew out, then retreat from the previous place for 5-10 cm and re-fix the pipe.

Stage 6. - When you offset the entire contour, the pipe is supplied back to the collector and with the fitting connects to the return.

For proper balancing, it is important to have information on the length of each contour. Marks can be made on the collector itself, for example, assign a digit to each contour or the name of the room where it is sent. Relevant notes can be made on a piece of paper. Do not keep everything in my head. Plot of pipes near the collector should be insulated, otherwise there will be strong floor overheating. Moreover, it is recommended to insulate the pipe through one, i.e. The insulation is put on the flow, and the reverse is left untouched. Thus, the return will not be heated from the feed.

Several methods of fastening pipes can be distinguished:

1 method : tightening clamps.

2 method : Soft steel wire.

3 method : Special Stapler and Locks.

4 method : locking truck.

5 method : mats with bugs.

6 Method : Aluminum distribution plate.

Video: Laying of a warm floor


Often, the first layer of reinforcement is placed on top of the insulation. In this case, the mount will be carried out using nylon fumes. Separate parts of the mesh interconnected by knitting wire. The size of the reinforcing mesh cell depends on the selected step you. The grid must have Ø5 mm. In addition, a layer of reinforcement is also stacked on top of the pipes. This is explained by the fact that the mesh underlying the bottom will not give any effect.


Under the crimping it means a process that allows you to make sure that all mounting connections are sealed, and the pipes do not have any defects. This process is performed immediately before the fill of the screed.

Cooking can be made in two methods:

  1. Water.
  2. Air.

Pressing water

All contours must be completely opened and connected to the collector. The system is filled through the squeeze, pressure is created up to 2.8 atm., At least 2 atm. At the same time, the coolant must first be up to the mixing unit.

  • All caps are closed on the return on, they often have blue.
  • After serving the crane opens.
  • In the process of filling the pipes with water, a hissing sound can be observed, it is air leaving through the crane of Maevsky or automatic air vent.
  • Now opens a crane on the return. So, it will be possible to lower the air through the drain tap on the reverse collector.
  • The filled outline closes on the return and the next one opens.
  • Finally, the valve before the feed collector is closed, and the crane in front of the reverse collector opens.

Fill in the system with water and having lowered the air, it is necessary to inspect the design to detect leaks.

Pressing air

At the time of the heap processing process, the automatic air vent is removed and the plug is twisted on its place. To work, a compressor or a car pump with a pressure gauge is required. Pressure during therapy air should be three times more worker. Therefore, create air pressure up to 5 atm.

Such pressure should be created only in the system of the warm floor, and not in the track connecting the boiler and the collector. It is explained by the fact that some boilers are calculated only for pressure up to 3 atm. Therefore, this area is checked later separately.

So, when the system is injected up to 4 atm., Leave the cranes closed for a day. Pressure should not fall. Although the minimum deviation will be, since when downloading the compressor slightly heats up the air, which will be cooled later. To make sure the tightness, in all the joints you can walk with soap solution.


When it comes to a finishing screed, it is important to provide several important conventions:

  1. From the system it is impossible to drop water, and hold it under a given pressure of 1.5 atm.
  2. Include heating is prohibited.
  3. Make temperature seams.

Temperature seam completely eliminates the probability of cracking of the screed. Dampfer tape is used as a temperature seam. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room can be divided into 20 m 2 (this is necessary if the area of \u200b\u200bone room significantly exceeds this indicator). The pipe, in the plot, where it passes through the temperature seam, be sure to strengthen the corrugation.

To fill the screed, it is recommended to use special additives that will improve the technical characteristics of the screed. In addition, a plasticizer is added to the concrete that prevents the screed cracking when it is cooled / heated.

Composition composition:

  • Concrete and screening - 1: 6.
  • Concrete, sand and crushed stone - 1: 4: 3.5.

Plasticizer and other additives are flooded by mixing concrete mixture. The proportion is determined based on the manufacturer's instructions outlined on the label.

For the residential premises, the thickness of the finishing screed is 50 mm, for factory premises up to 100 mm. At the same time, it is important to consider the following property of a screed - heat accumulation. The screed is thinner, the less time it will keep warm. If it is too thick, then it will take more thermal energy to warm it. Therefore, the optimal screed thickness is 70-80 mm.

Before the fill, make sure that there is a pressure of 1.5-2 atm in the warm floor system. Include heating in the process of solidification of concrete is prohibited.

The process of making a screed for beacons is as follows:

  1. Metal lighthouses are exhibited by level.
  2. Lighthouses are installed not on the pipes. You can lay out a thick solution in the form of a holloch, which are installed beacons.
  3. Smoothed concrete rule. At the same time, it is important to make sure that air bubbles completely left the body of the screed.
  4. The next day, when concrete has not yet grabbed, it is necessary to remove beacons, clean these places and pour them with a solution.

Video: Fill screed


Enter the operating temperature should be gradually. First set the temperature indicator up to 25 ° C. After every day, raise it at 5 ° C. If antifreeze is used as a coolant, the increase is carried out at 5 ° C, and if water, then at once 10 ° C. it important requirementSince you can avoid sharp and uneven overheating, as a result, the screed cracks.

So, commissioning is performed as follows:

  • Make sure that all cranes on the collector are open and coolant circulation is carried out in all circuits.
  • The thermal head of the mixing valve is installed on the minimum temperature indicator.
  • The circulation pump is included with the boiler turned off, since the pump on the boiler will be interfered.
  • From time to time it will be necessary to burst the accumulated air.
  • With the help of flow meters, check the circulation of the coolant for all circuits.
  • Next, you can enable heating.

Video: Filling system

Prices for water warm floor

The cost of work, depending on your place of residence, can change slightly. In average prices correspond to reality. Prices can be viewed in the table below.