Insulation perlite. Loose insulation: types, application The use of perlite for wall insulation

The raw material for the production of perlite is volcanic rock, which, when heated, can increase in volume (swell). As a result of heat treatment of perlite aluminosilicate water-containing rocks of volcanic origin, a non-toxic, non-combustible, lightweight and highly effective insulation material is obtained - expanded perlite.

Application area

Due to its high physical and technical properties, this material has found wide application in different industries:

  • metallurgy,
  • energy,
  • construction,
  • agriculture,
  • medicine,
  • food industry,
  • oil refining,
  • production of cryogenic equipment.

Perlite as insulation is able to withstand temperatures ranging from -200 ° C to + 900 ° C. The material has a high moisture absorption capacity - it can absorb liquid up to 400% of its weight. Perlite is chemically neutral to the action of weak acids and alkalis, does not contain heavy metals. The ecological purity of the insulation allows it to be used in the insulation of residential buildings without risk to human health. This material is not only completely safe for humans, it does not cause allergies and contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house. In addition, this material is quite simple and easy to work with.

The low bulk density of the material (100kg / m 3) explains the high acoustic properties of the insulation produced from it. Plaster mixtures with the participation of expanded perlite sand also play the role of insulation.

A plaster layer with a thickness of 3 cm in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics is equivalent to a 15-centimeter brickwork... The high heat and sound insulation qualities of the insulation are well manifested in the construction of "floating" plank and concrete floors, asphalt floors, for leveling and improving the sound insulation characteristics of ceilings between floors, between walls and floors, in the insulation of the pipeline system.

The neutral pH of perlite excludes the formation of corrosion of pipelines and electrical wiring located in the floor area. Perlite is especially popular as a heater in the implementation of "warm" floor systems, since it is not prone to expansion when heated, does not shrink, and is absolutely non-combustible. In addition, it does not grow thin and does not arouse interest in insects and rodents. To increase the sound and thermal insulation properties concrete solution, perlite is also added to it. Such a wide field of use of this material perfectly confirms its high physical and technical properties.

Variants of using expanded perlite as insulation

  • Perlite sand (backfill insulation)
  • Roof insulation

Backfill perlite insulation

One of the effective solutions to lighten the construction of a house, along with increasing its heat-conducting characteristics, is the use of backfill insulation based on perlite sand. This step allows you to reduce heat loss by almost 50%. The backfill can be used in the space between the outer and inner wall clack, interior cladding and wall clack, in all voids in the masonry.

The largest amount of perlite in world practice is used in the manufacture of molded heat-insulating products (over 60%). The binder is bitumen, cement, gypsum, liquid glass, clay, lime, polymers. Given the high hygroscopicity of perlite, materials based on it are best used for internal insulation, however, there are techniques that allow the use of heat-insulating materials based on foamed perlite in external insulation.

Thermal insulation boards are widely used for the insulation of residential and utility buildings. The thermal conductivity of the material reaches 0.118 W / (m- ° C).

The main advantages of using perlite boards are low weight and high sound and thermal insulation characteristics... In addition, the structures insulated with this material are reliably protected from decay, are not damaged by rodents, and are not affected by mold and fungi.

Perlite sand, dry mixed with cement or gypsum, is dissolved with water directly at the construction site. The resulting composition is used to fill cavities in brick, concrete, walls, grout cracks and seams. Expanded perlite is used in the preparation of adhesive and putty mixtures, self-leveling floors, solutions for carrying out renovation works, in the device of "warm" floors, etc. The thermal conductivity of the mixtures on average is 0.2 W / (m- ° C). By the type of binder, pearlite compositions are classified into cement-pearlite, gypsum-pearlite, lime-pearlite.

Roof insulation

Perlite bitumen is especially popular in thermal insulation of roofs and ceilings. With its participation, high-strength insulating layers of the required shape are created. In addition, the material can be combined with bituminous cover layers and insulation boards. It is not necessary to warm up bitumen perlite before application. Thermal conductivity of bitumen perlite leaves 0.067 W / (m- ° C). Using perlite as insulation, you choose a safe, economical, durable, non-combustible material with high physical and technical characteristics.

In many countries of the world, perlite backfills are used in the creation of warm sloped roofs. In addition, such an effective heat insulator as perlite concrete is used in the insulation of the roof. It has high wind and fire resistance, and in tandem with perlite-magnesia heat-insulating plates it acquires high thermal resistance.

For the insulation of the roof and the building as a whole, heat-insulating plates, convenient for installation, are widely used. In order to insulate the house everyone could afford, regardless of the budget, the manufacturers provided wide choose products. But in such a variety, it's easy to get lost. If every builder is familiar with insulation made of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, then less popular products made from organic raw materials or based on the mineral perlite raise a lot of questions.

When choosing a heater, you need to take into account several key qualities at once that a particular type of material possesses. With such a huge variety, it is impossible to classify all types of thermal insulation on one basis. As well as it is impossible to draw up a universal algorithm for choosing a suitable option.

For roof insulation, several types of slabs can be used at once.

What general properties are important when choosing

The main properties that matter when choosing a suitable insulation:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • rigidity;
  • application temperature;
  • water and vapor permeability;
  • flammability;
  • safety in terms of ecology.

Assessing thermal conductivity, materials of different classes are distinguished. They are repelled from the reference value of the thermal conductivity of air - 0.025W / (m / 0С). Ideally, the insulation board is as close as possible. Average indicators for materials used in civil engineering are 0.029-0.021 W / (m / 0С).

Insulation materials are distinguished by rigidity:

  • soft;
  • semi-rigid;
  • tough;
  • increased rigidity;
  • solid.

Insulation of walls and partitions can be carried out even at the stage of capital construction

The temperature range at which plate-like insulation retains its properties also changes. If you plan to use the material in an extremely hot or cold environment, be sure to make sure it is suitable for this.

Water has a high coefficient of thermal conductivity. If the insulation gets wet, all of its insulating properties are lost. It is important to understand how susceptible the material is to water in order to arrange the correct waterproofing. The vapor permeability indicator is very important, because vapors are constantly present in residential premises, which can cause condensation.

The weight of the insulation must be taken into account even at the calculation stage load-bearing structures... If you are insulating an already constructed building, try not to overload the frame. The flammability of the material is taken into account for the safety of the house and its inhabitants. If the flammability index is high, more attention needs to be paid. fire safety.

External insulation of a private house

What types of insulation exist

Thermal insulation boards are classified according to different characteristics. The main difficulty lies in the choice of insulation according to the type of raw material. Raw materials are used:

  • organic (wood, peat, expanded polystyrene and others);
  • inorganic origin (mineral wool, basalt wool, perlite-cement slabs);
  • mixed type (based on asbestos, with the addition of cement and others).

Organic materials are environmentally friendly, do not emit harmful vapors during decomposition, but when heated, they actively interact with oxygen and burn. Inorganic raw materials will not be damaged by fire, mineral fibers can withstand very high temperatures. The worst thing that can happen to them is that they begin to melt and sinter.

By design, thermal insulation in the form of slabs is divided into the following categories:

  • for insulation of foundations;
  • walls;
  • ceilings;
  • floors;
  • roofs.

According to these parameters, the choice becomes obvious. Many manufacturers produce lines of their materials with an indication of the purpose, so that it is easier for the buyer to navigate.

Types of thermal insulation by type of raw material

home distinctive feature insulation boards - the raw material from which they are made. This issue should be considered in more detail in order to understand which materials are suitable for home insulation, and which are best not to use in your situation.

Often, according to the calculation, several layers of insulation are required.

Popular and easy to install mineral wool

Thermal insulation boards, which are widely used in construction, are mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. These materials have earned such popularity for their high thermal insulation qualities, low price and ease of installation.

Mineral wool slabs have their own advantages over other heaters:

  • they do not burn;
  • pass steam well;
  • fibrous structure provides good sound insulation;
  • light mats;
  • the material is environmentally friendly.

But those who are faced with the insulation of houses with mineral wool in the form of slabs note some inconveniences associated with this. Basalt wool requires very good waterproofing. The ingress of water threatens the failure of the entire layer. Mold may appear, stains from moisture protrude inside the room and affect the state of the interior decoration.

Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool

Mineral wool is often used for insulation attic floors, walls and roof of the attic. The main thing is to take care of reliable waterproofing.

Lightweight and practical foam

Polyfoam or extruded polystyrene foam as thermal insulation is not inferior to basalt wool, but has a number of distinctive properties:

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • It has a light weight;
  • easy to install and suitable for all types of surfaces;
  • vapor permeable.

Signature expanded polystyrene sheet with embossed surface

Styrofoam is often used to insulate attics and roofs, but it is not recommended to use it in internal insulation... This is due to the fact that when the foam plates ignite, they emit a large amount of poisonous gas, which is very dangerous for people. Expanded polystyrene burns well to provide people with an escape route in case of a possible fire, other types of insulation are used around openings - windows and doors.

The use of wood raw materials as insulation

The thermal insulation properties of wood, or rather sawdust, have been used in construction for a long time. When resins and additives in the form of an antiseptic, fire retardant and others are added to wood chips, an insulating material is obtained - chipboard.

Chipboard is used not only for the manufacture of cabinet furniture

If, together with wood shavings, other fibrous plant materials are used - reeds, straw, dry stalks of cereals - another material is obtained - wood fiber insulation board - DVIP.

To add moisture resistance to these materials, apply cement mortar... A mixture of a chip component with a cement binder forms fiberboard or wood concrete (depending on the fraction of chips). Used for external wall insulation. It is better not to use materials in basements and other damp areas. They pick up moisture easily and are prone to mold.

For the best warm and sound insulation three types of insulation are used at once

Cork has incredible thermal insulation properties. At the same time, you can remove the bark from the tree without harming the plant itself. Lightweight and resilient slabs are made from the bark of the balsa tree. However, the price for them is so high that in practice this material is rarely used.

Cork insulation is practically not found on sale

The solution to the problem is perlite-cement slabs

A perlite-cement slab stands apart from all this variety of plates for insulating buildings. This insulation is made from raw materials that are fundamentally different from expanded polystyrene, basalt wool or natural wood. The basis of the material is expanded perlite.

Warming with perlite in the form of granules has been used for a long time, however, due to the high probability of subsidence and wetting, builders, until recently, preferred other heat-insulating materials. Perlite gained popularity when it began to be produced in the form of slabs based on a cement binder.

Such a material is obtained from a mixture of cement and perlite.

The main advantage of thermal insulation based on perlite cement is its fire resistance. This is the reason for such a high cost. Other advantages of perlite cement boards:

  • low thermal conductivity - 0.07-0.12 W / (m / 0С);
  • high strength;
  • steam permeability prevents condensation;
  • well resistant to weathering;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • provides sound insulation.

Despite the high strength during operation, it is easy to damage the pearlite pits during transportation - they crack from shock loads. Therefore, the material should be transported carefully. It is advisable to additionally secure it with transport straps.

Packaging will protect perlite-cement products from damage

The field of application of heat-insulating perlite-cement slabs is industrial construction. Their properties are ideal for thermal insulation of objects with elevated temperatures, equipment, boilers, furnaces, pipelines, since the plates can withstand heating up to 600 degrees.

Fire protection for a building

For the construction of civil buildings, this material is indispensable in the insulation of baths, saunas, boiler rooms, as well as as a heat-insulating layer in a multilayer structure. outer wall.

Manufacturers and production features of panels for insulation

The production of thermal insulation boards from different materials is different in technology. Each type of raw material requires different equipment, different techniques are used. The cost of the finished product directly depends on this. Each manufacturer has its own proprietary "recipe for making" insulating materials but there are common technological nuances, the same for everyone.

In hardware stores, the choice is very large

Production technology of slab insulation

Foam plates are made as follows: expanded polystyrene is doused with hot steam in closed rectangular molds. As a result of the foaming of the raw material, high pressure inside the mold and the granules form a rigid plate.

Basalt wool thermal insulation is made from rocks under the influence of high temperatures - up to 1500 degrees. Basalt melts, turning into a hot fiery mass. After that, the raw material is subjected to centrifugal force in the centrifuge. As a result, the finest basalt fibers are formed. The resulting stone strands are mixed with a binder to form slabs.

Insulation based on wood chips is made from waste from the woodworking industry. Shavings or sawdust are sorted by size. The binder is resin and adhesives... The raw material is pressed into molds and then cut into slabs of the required size.

Perlite - fire protection and insulation

To understand the production process of perlite cement slabs, you first need to understand what it is - perlite. Perlite is a rock of volcanic origin. The mineral is crushed and subjected to sharp heating to the maximum high temperatures.

Perlite slabs with different compositions

Perlite contains bound water microparticles. Evaporating, water vapor creates high internal pressure and perlite grains literally explode from the inside. The mineral processed in this way is called expanded perlite and is white granules, similar to foam particles.

In order to obtain a rigid heat-insulating plate from a bulk material, perlite granules are combined with a binder - Portland cement mortar. The resulting mass is formed into rectangular slabs measuring 50 × 50 cm.

In addition to these components, other additives can be used in the manufacture of perlite-cement slabs - clay, limestone, shale, sand, gypsum, resins. Each of these additives affects the properties of the insulation, such as weight, fragility, strength, hydrophobicity, as well as the final cost of the product.

Description of different manufacturers and comparison of their products

There are a lot of manufacturers of thermal insulation materials on the market, both foreign and domestic. Some specialize exclusively in one type of insulation, others produce a wide range of products.

The latter includes the Russian manufacturer TechnoNikol. With a huge assortment of mineral wool and expanded polystyrene boards, you don't have to worry about insulation. The German company Knauf produces not only thermal insulation, but also other building materials. Knauf has offices and production lines all over the world, including in Russia. The KnaufInsulation line of insulation boards is produced on the basis of basalt wool.

Comparison of materials of different brands by key characteristics

URSA is a European brand that produces polystyrene foam boards in Russia. URSA has long established itself among the professional builders for the high quality of its products. The Ukrainian brand SYMMER produces polystyrene foam boards. The product line is wide enough. You can choose products different thickness, with a flat or L-shaped edge. Their low price makes them competitive in the market.

Products made of perlite cement are extremely fragile, and it is almost impossible to transport them over long distances. Therefore on Russian market mainly local producers are present - Elan, TeploIzolit Ural, RosMasterStroy. Prices for heat-insulating perlite-cement slabs are about the same for everyone, as is the quality of the products themselves.

Features of installation of plate thermal insulation

Thermal insulation materials in the form of plates are mounted according to the same principle, regardless of the type and company of the manufacturer. But there are some nuances for each of them that will need to be taken into account during construction works... The exception is perlite-cement slabs. The process of their installation is significantly different from other types.

Installation of mineral wool and expanded polystyrene plates

  1. Like all other processes, the installation of insulation boards begins with surface preparation. Walls, ceilings, floors - everything that will be insulated is released and cleaned. It is important that all "wet" work - plastering, painting, priming - is completed before insulation begins.
  2. Next, a layer of insulation is laid. When it comes to the external insulation of the building, first fit vapor barrier material... If insulated from the inside - waterproofing.
  3. The next layer is insulation. The foam is attached to the vertical elements of the building with dowels. Mineral wool boards are usually used for horizontal surfaces. They fit between structural elements.
  4. Then another one is laid insulating layer... At this stage, with external insulation, waterproofing is laid, with internal - vapor barrier.
  5. Finishing touch- finishing. Outside, the insulated building is plastered and painted. Siding and any other types of exterior decoration can be used.

On horizontal surfaces, the mats are laid directly on the frame

Installation diagram of mineral wool thermal insulation

Laying perlite-based slabs

Expanded perlite refractory boards are laid as follows:

  1. Preparatory work consist in cleaning the base, if necessary, the surface is treated with sandpaper.
  2. The surface is then primed for less adhesive consumption and better adhesion.
  3. Perlite-cement tiles are small in size and are laid by hand in the same way as ceramic tiles for a bathroom. Tile adhesive is used.
  4. With a notched trowel, the adhesive is applied in a layer of 0.5 cm to the surface where the thermal insulation will be. Do not apply glue to a large area at once, after 20 minutes it will lose some of its properties.
  5. The board is laid on glue and leveled with building level... The gaps that are left when laying the tiles for beauty are not allowed. Elements are stacked back to back.
  6. Perlite cement passes steam well, so the vapor barrier layer is missed.
  7. The heat-insulating layer is fastened with a fiberglass mesh.

Products can be of different thickness - from 30 to 70 mm

Notched trowel for better grip

When choosing a heat-insulating material, you must first of all focus on the conditions in which it will be used. It is possible to insulate a residential building or part of it without much difficulty with your own hands, but an experienced professional should be engaged in the installation of such fragile and heavy slabs as perlite-cement, since in the case of refractory protection this process is very responsible.

Video: roof insulation with PIR plates

The raw material for the production of perlite is volcanic rock, which, when heated, can increase in volume (swell). As a result of heat treatment of perlite aluminosilicate water-containing rocks of volcanic origin, a non-toxic, non-combustible, lightweight and highly effective insulation material is obtained - expanded perlite.

Application area

Due to its high physical and technical properties, this material has found wide application in various industries:

  • metallurgy,
  • energy,
  • construction,
  • agriculture,
  • medicine,
  • food industry,
  • oil refining,
  • production of cryogenic equipment.

Perlite as insulation is able to withstand temperatures ranging from -200 ° C to + 900 ° C. The material has a high moisture absorption capacity - it can absorb liquid up to 400% of its weight. Perlite is chemically neutral to the action of weak acids and alkalis, does not contain heavy metals. The ecological purity of the insulation allows it to be used in the insulation of residential buildings without risk to human health. This material is not only completely safe for humans, it does not cause allergies and contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house. In addition, this material is quite simple and easy to work with.

The low bulk density of the material (100kg / m 3) explains the high acoustic properties of the insulation produced from it. Plaster mixtures with the participation of expanded perlite sand also play the role of insulation.

A 3 cm thick plaster layer is equivalent to 15 cm brickwork in terms of its thermal insulation characteristics. The high heat and sound insulation qualities of the insulation are well manifested in the construction of "floating" plank and concrete floors, asphalt floors, for leveling and improving the sound insulation characteristics of floors between floors, between walls and floors, in the insulation of the pipeline system.

The neutral pH of perlite excludes the formation of corrosion of pipelines and electrical wiring located in the floor area. Perlite is especially popular as a heater in the implementation of "warm" floor systems, since it is not prone to expansion when heated, does not shrink, and is absolutely non-combustible. In addition, it does not grow thin and does not arouse interest in insects and rodents. Perlite is also added to improve the sound and heat insulation properties of the concrete solution. Such a wide area of ​​use of this material perfectly confirms its high physical and technical properties.

Variants of using expanded perlite as insulation

  • Perlite sand (backfill insulation)
  • Thermal insulation boards
  • Roof insulation
  • Dry mixes

Backfill perlite insulation

One of the effective solutions to lighten the construction of a house, along with increasing its heat-conducting characteristics, is the use of backfill insulation based on perlite sand. This step allows you to reduce heat loss by almost 50%. The backfill can be used in the space between the outer and inner wall clack, interior cladding and wall clack, in all voids in the masonry.

Thermal insulation boards

The largest amount of perlite in world practice is used in the manufacture of molded heat-insulating products (over 60%). Bitumen, cement, gypsum, water glass, clay, lime, polymers act as a binder. Given the high hygroscopicity of perlite, it is better to use materials based on it for internal insulation, however, there are methods that allow the use of thermal insulation materials based on foamed perlite in external insulation.

Thermal insulation boards are widely used for the insulation of residential and utility buildings. The thermal conductivity of the material reaches 0.118 W / (m- ° C).

The main advantages of using perlite boards are low weight and high sound and heat insulation characteristics. In addition, the structures insulated with this material are reliably protected from decay, are not damaged by rodents, and are not affected by mold and fungi.

Dry mixes

Perlite sand, dry mixed with cement or gypsum, is dissolved with water directly at the construction site. The resulting composition is used to fill cavities in brick, concrete, walls, grout cracks and seams. Expanded perlite is used in the preparation of adhesive and putty mixtures, self-leveling floors, solutions for repair work, in the device of "warm" floors, etc. The thermal conductivity of the mixtures on average is 0.2 W / (m- ° C). By the type of binder, pearlite compositions are classified into cement-pearlite, gypsum-pearlite, lime-pearlite.

Roof insulation

Perlite bitumen is especially popular in thermal insulation of roofs and ceilings. With its participation, high-strength insulating layers of the required shape are created. In addition, the material can be combined with bituminous cover layers and insulation boards. It is not necessary to warm up bitumen perlite before application. Thermal conductivity of bitumen perlite leaves 0.067 W / (m- ° C). Using perlite as insulation, you choose a safe, economical, durable, non-combustible material with high physical and technical characteristics.

In many countries of the world, perlite backfills are used in the creation of warm sloped roofs. In addition, such an effective heat insulator as perlite concrete is used in the insulation of the roof. It has high wind and fire resistance, and in tandem with perlite-magnesia heat-insulating plates it acquires high thermal resistance.

Perlite as insulation: types and applications

The raw material for the production of perlite is volcanic rock, which, when heated, can increase in volume (swell). As a result of heat treatment of perlite aluminosilicate water-containing rocks of volcanic origin, a non-toxic, non-combustible, lightweight and highly effective insulation material is obtained - expanded perlite.

Using perlite as thermal insulation

Home insulation with perlite. Types and properties.

If sand from rocks of volcanic origin is passed through a high-temperature furnace, you get swollen sand, or perlite. In addition to the production of perlite solutions, perlite is used as a heat-insulating material for floors, floor slabs and for insulating brick-lined walls. The process of warming is carried out by filling perlite in the opening between the wall and the facing brick. The insulation process boils down to the fact that between the wall of the building and facing wall space is left for filling the insulation. The width of the space for the perlite backfill depends on the need for the insulation effect. The width of the backfill gap of 10-15 cm is quite enough for the insulation effect to be the highest.

The technology of filling the perlite heat insulator is not complicated at all. Together with the construction load-bearing wall and facing masonry after every 3-4 rows, the perlite is backfilled and tamped. Perlite has a high water resistance, therefore, when insulating with perlite, it is not required additional waterproofing over the entire surface. Perlite insulation is also used to insulate flat roof ceilings, floors or floors. For backfilling of perlite insulation, a crust is made with diffusion-permeable gypsum board or chipboard. A layer of perlite sand is covered with a layer of at least 1 cm. As a coating of the perlite layer, not films are used, but kraft paper, corrugated cardboard or fiberglass. If the floor is insulated with a high humidity coefficient, drainage pipes are laid under the layer of perlite backfill, through which the collected moisture will be removed.

It is used for insulation and insulation of combined, flat roofs and other waterproofing, insulation works. For thermal insulation of technological equipment associated with electricity or high-temperature places, carbon perlite is used. This material is characterized by high bending strength. In home building, it can be used to insulate electrical wiring, fireplaces and chimneys.

In addition to these types of perlite materials, other types of perlite plates are produced, in which lime, clay, gypsum, water glass, basalt fiber and others are used as binders. In addition to slab perlite, fibrous heat-insulating material based on perlite and basalt fiber, and even pearlite, high-temperature bricks, is also produced.

Home insulation with perlite

If sand from rocks of volcanic origin is passed through a high-temperature furnace, you get swollen sand, or perlite. In addition to the production of perlite solutions, perlite and

Perlite - a new word in the insulation market

Today, perlite is recognized as one of the most effective thermal insulation materials in the world. It is produced by firing at high temperatures hydrous volcanic glass. The result is a biologically pure, non-combustible, lightweight, free-flowing insulation.

Due to its unique physical and technical properties, including the possibility of using perlite at temperature fluctuations from -200 to +900 ° C, the material has found wide application in various fields.

Nowadays, the USA is one of the largest producers of perlite, as well as its consumers.

It is used as a heat-insulating material for the production of backfill insulation, floor bases, for insulation of roofs, pipelines, chimneys and other structures (for example, swimming pools).

In addition to the construction industry, the use of perlite is considered promising in areas such as metallurgy and cryogenic technology.

Properties and benefits

The material begins to melt only at a temperature of 1260 ° C. Indicators of flame spread and the presence of combustible elements in the composition are zero. If you fill the voids formed during the installation of 20 cm thick concrete blocks with perlite, then the fire resistance of the object increases from two to four hours.

If you process the material with a water repellent, then the water absorption indicators of perlite will decrease several times. The voids in the walls, filled with prepared perlite, create an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the internal partitions.

However, such insulation will show excellent results only if the walls are of good quality.

Since the backfill perlite insulation fills all voids and mortar joints, the transmission of sound waves through the walls becomes less. A wall block of 20 cm, filled with such insulation, even exceeds the existing standards in sound insulation.

Perlite is economical. It has excellent heat and fire resistant properties at an affordable cost. They do not need special skills or equipment to fill the existing voids in the masonry.

In addition, such insulation will not lose its heat-shielding properties over the years and will not "settle" in the wall blocks.

Comparison with other materials

Tests have officially proven the advantage of perlite insulation over other materials. Thus, masonry with perlite insulation is more than 20% more effective than masonry insulated with expanded polystyrene inserts.

Also, perlite is 12% more effective than polystyrene foam granules, which are too light, create difficulties during filling and can form unfilled voids. The "fluidity" of perlite insulation completely excludes such a development of events.

If you choose between vermiculite and perlite, it is better to give preference to the latter. It has a closed pore structure and lower thermal conductivity, despite the fact that the characteristics of both materials are similar.

Insulation features

Insulation should be arranged as follows:

  • The insulation is poured directly from the package (bag) into the wall from above with a convenient interval (but not more than 6 m).
  • Before installing the window sills, you need to fill up the cavities under the doorway and windows (if necessary, tamp it).
  • Holes in the wall, through which insulation can spill out, must be sealed before starting work.
  • For the installation of drainage systems, copper, fiberglass or galvanized steel can be used.
  • During operation, the insulation must be dry.
  • Insulation must be used in the voids of the wall masonry (external and internal), as well as between outdoor masonry and finishing inside.

Heat insulator perlite: features of insulation and material properties, advantages over others

Thermal insulator perlite: comparison of characteristics with other insulators, unique features, aspects of use.

Modern insulation: expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite and expanded polystyrene

Which one is better to choose to increase the level of floor insulation in a private building, without overpaying? This question asked by many buyers who do not have the proper knowledge in the field of construction and reducing the level of heat loss of the building. Expanded clay as floor insulation has long lost its relevance. He was replaced by vermiculite, perlite, expanded polystyrene. The choice depends on technical characteristics the building itself, the climatic region where it is located and the personal preferences of the property owner.

Characteristics of expanded clay

Expanded clay is made from low-melting clay, which undergoes a number of treatments, including multiple heating at various temperature conditions with different speed... If the production technology is maintained correctly, then the output is a product of different fractional composition. Each particle of expanded clay is a closed capsule, the body of which consists of baked clay. Inside, expanded clay has a porous structure, thanks to which it is able to reduce the level of heat loss in a building.

Fractional composition of expanded clay:

  • 0.05-0.1 cm - small fraction, used for leveling the floor and for the manufacture of building blocks;
  • 0.1-0.2 cm - middle fraction- relevant as a heater for the floors of the house, in particular for floors;
  • 0.2-0.4 cm - large fraction, excellent insulation for heating mains, garage floor and other technical buildings.

For thermal insulation of the floor, it is recommended to use expanded clay of various fractional composition. This is due to the bulk compaction of the material and eliminates convection air currents in the thickness of the layer. Foam clay for insulating wooden floors is suitable only in its pure form. By concrete base expanded clay is part of the floating floor screed.

The advantages of this type of building material:

  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity - it lies in the range from 0.10 to 0.18 W / (mK). With a decrease in the fractional composition, the thermal conductivity of the foamed clay increases, since the number of pores containing air, the main heat insulator, decreases;
  • environmental safety - expanded clay is carried out on the basis of natural materials, and therefore does not affect the health of living organisms;
  • sound insulation characteristics - with an increase in layer thickness, the level of sound insulation increases;
  • frost resistance - backfill insulation able to endure up to 15 freeze / thaw cycles without losing its technical characteristics.


  • water absorption - it lies in the range of 15-20%, plus everything wet expanded clay dries for a long time, which negatively affects its properties;
  • tendency to dust formation.

To provide normal level thermal protection of the house, a layer of expanded clay up to 50 cm thick is required, which significantly reduces useful area at home. That is why, despite a number of advantages, the popularity of expanded clay as a heater is decreasing every day. Vermiculite, expanded polystyrene, perlite come to replace it.

Vermiculite - an alternative to expanded clay

Vermiculite is a bulk thermal insulation material, which is also made on the basis of environmentally friendly raw materials - vermiculite concentrate or hydromica. Raw materials swell under the influence of high temperature and depending on the parameters technological process the output is material with a different fractional composition, bulk density and positive characteristics.

Insulation classification by fractional composition:

  • vermiculite M100 - coarse fraction (4-8 mm) - high-quality insulation;
  • vermiculite M150 - middle fraction (1-3 mm) - a structural element of building materials;
  • vermiculite M250 - fine fraction (up to 1 mm) - a wide range of applications.

Depending on the size of elementary particles, vermiculite changes its bulk density and thermal insulation characteristics.

The advantages of vermiculite over expanded clay:

  • bulk density - foamed hydromica with the same layer thickness has a bulk density of 65-150 kg / m³, while as expanded clay 150-800 kg / m³. In the first case, the load on the floor is less;
  • thermal conductivity - vermiculite boasts a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.048-0.06 W / (mK)), compared to the same indicator of expanded clay (0.10-0.18 W / (mK)). This makes it possible to significantly reduce the thermal insulation layer when insulating floors, thereby it becomes possible to save useful space at home.

At the same time, vermiculite loses to expanded clay in its hardness. In the first case, it is 1-1.5 MN / m² on a scale, in the second - 0.3-6 MN / m². Expanded hydromica has a high water absorption. The cost of vermiculite is 4 times more than expanded clay.

Perlite as insulation

Perlite is a multifunctional material, 70% of which is used in construction to obtain various structural elements... These are slabs, asbestos-perlite-cement, silicate-perlite, bitumen-perlite and much more. Perlite is an acidic volcanic glass that swells when heated abruptly to 1100 ° C. The result is a material of different fractional composition:

  • fraction 0.16-1.25 mm - construction material;
  • fraction 1-5 mm - agroperlite;
  • fraction 0-0.16 mm - perlite filter.

Perlite and its benefits:

  • it is an environmentally friendly product based on natural ingredients;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0.043 ... 0.053 W / mK, which can compete with the above-described thermal insulation materials;
  • not flammable;
  • not prone to saw formation;
  • low cost.

However, it must be remembered that perlite perfectly absorbs moisture (up to 300%). By this, he loses to vermiculite and expanded clay. At the same time, perlite does not change its technical characteristics in the presence of moisture, which characterizes it only from the positive side.

Expanded polystyrene in the market of insulation materials

Expanded polystyrene is a gas-filled material obtained on the basis of polystyrene and its derivatives by foaming them. As a result it turns out bulk material with a closed cellular structure. Expanded polystyrene can be extrusion and in the form of a plate, or it can be sold in the form of individual granules (non-pressed insulation). In this case, it can be compared with other bulk products (perlite, expanded clay, vermiculite).

Slabs are in high demand as an insulating material, the main construction material which is expanded polystyrene. They win in all respects if expanded clay, perlite and vermiculite are put in one row.

Advantages of expanded polystyrene:

  • high compressive strength - it lies in the range of 0.05 ... 0.1 MPA;
  • low thermal conductivity - 0.042 ... 0.038 W / (mK);
  • static;
  • expanded polystyrene is able to withstand up to 50 freeze / thaw cycles without losing its technical characteristics;
  • low coefficient of water absorption - it is only 2-3%, which makes expanded polystyrene indispensable for warming the floor in the house and basements.

Expanded polystyrene is easy to install, durable, does not change its properties under the action unfavorable factors environment. Disadvantage: high cost compared to other thermal insulation products.

The choice of thermal insulation materials depends entirely on the financial capabilities and taste preferences of the buyer. However, regardless of the type of insulation chosen, it must be certified without fail.

Expanded clay as insulation

Characteristics of bulk and plate heaters: expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, expanded polystyrene. Comparison and benefits.

When heated to high temperatures of 1000-1150, the rock swells, forming a mass 10-12 times larger than the initial volume. Expanded perlite sand is a highly effective insulation material that has good thermal insulation functions, and is also a completely environmentally friendly substance.

This sand differs in that it contains from 2% to 5% bound water... Due to its chemical nature, this building material is inert, biologically and chemically resistant.

Specifications and properties of perlite sand

Expanded perlite sand is a high-quality building material that has the characteristics of all the most effective insulation materials. It is stable, inert and lightweight. In addition, it is highly resistant to temperatures. The most common is sand according to GOST 10832-91.

Perlite sand has the following strong qualities:

  • Thermal conductivity. Expanded sand has a high thermal conductivity due to the fact that it consists of 99-100% glass, and the percentage of porosity reaches 85% in some places. In addition, it directly depends on the bulk density, which can be from 30-40 to 350-400 kg / m3. Temperature, moisture content of the material, type and porosity also affect thermal conductivity.
  • Sound absorption. Sound and noise insulation is an integral part modern building materials... Now production technologies are aimed at increasing sound insulation and reducing sound permeability. So, in silicate materials, the effect of sound absorption is achieved due to two parameters: the porosity of the material and its structure. Porous glass systems have the highest sound-absorbing effect. The fact that perlite sand has the greatest soundproofing at the lowest bulk density is quite justified. If you strive to create the most soundproof room, then perlite sand with a bulk density of 30 to 50 kg / m3 is perfect for this task.
  • Water absorption. Expanded perlite sand is a very moisture-consuming building material. The volcanic rock from which this material is produced has the finest capillaries. The latter also absorb liquid. In other words, this sand should not be used in places with high humidity.

Features of expanded perlite sand:

Production technology

At present, the technology of 2-stage heat treatment is widely and rather successfully used, due to which expanded perlite sand with a bulk density of no more than 150 kg / m3 is obtained. The resulting raw material has a predominantly closed type of grain porosity.

Manufacturing is carried out in a shaft furnace, which entails the following advantages of this technology:

  1. Increasing the technological capabilities of perlite sand;
  2. Getting several types of porous structures on the same production line. So, it is possible to obtain perlite with an open and closed porous type, which minimizes water absorption and increases strength;

Expanded Perlite Sand Production Scheme


The most popular perlite sand is used in construction. For more than half a century, it has been used as a reliable and high-quality insulation, both in its original form and in the composition of heat-insulating products. Insulation of floors, walls, interfloor floors and an attic with perlite sand will allow you to keep your home warm and cozy for a long time.

Plaster mixes that use perlite sand as constituent element, are distinguished by their exceptional attractiveness, as well as an increased degree of thermal insulation.

Perlite-based plaster is perfect for finishing rooms that require increased sound insulation, heat-saving indicators and better acoustics.

Lightweight construction mixtures based on perlite are widely used both abroad and in domestic construction. Cavities in blocks, walls and wells, seams and crevices will perfectly accept cement mortar based on this building material. Such a solution is most profitable when laying from a light brick or foam block, the properties of which are close in nature to the structure and characteristics of the composition.

The video shows the preparation of a home-made plaster mixture based on perlite:

Perlite sand on bitumen mastic is an excellent solution for waterproofing and roofing tasks. Mastic is an elastic, astringent substance that has high strength and elasticity.

Agroperlite (perlite sand) with a slightly higher grain fraction is a type of processed rock that is used in agriculture to grow plants. When this substance is added to the soil, moisture is retained and accumulated, which allows the plants not to dry out and constantly replenish their water balance.

Moreover, perlite is a natural leavening mineral that is used to grow juicy tomatoes. This sand is environmentally friendly, as it does not emit various acids and waste.

Examples of using agroperlite

Application of perlite for plants Perlite for greenhouses

Advantages and disadvantages

So, perlite sand of various kinds and the factions possesses, of course, different kinds strengths and has certain disadvantages. However, by grouping them together, you can structure the pros and cons of using perlite as follows:

Perlite advantages:

  1. Non-flammable, has a high temperature threshold;
  2. High heat, sound, waterproofing properties;
  3. Biologically stable and inert, does not contribute to the reproduction of rodents and bacteria;
  4. Durable, environmentally friendly material;

Weaknesses of perlite and agroperlite sand:

  • Such sand is not available in all hardware stores, and its cost is slightly higher than similar products;
  • The sand must be moistened before use, as it is very dusty;
  • Its white and creamy color gives certain difficulties in agricultural business, especially in determining the degree of soil spoilage;
  • Due to the presence of a positive electric charge, it does not take part in ion exchange.

Perlite or vermiculite - what's the difference

First, perlite sand is slightly coarser than vermiculite. In addition, if the vermiculite is whole natural material, then perlite sand is an artificial material obtained by swelling glass. Perlite is neutral to soil, while vermiculite can cause soil acidification if added too much. Both elements make it lighter and more airy, and also stimulate moisture retention for plants.

Photo of packed perlite sand

What can be replaced

Perlite is not an irreplaceable material. In construction, it will be replaced by many varieties of sand, and in the agricultural sector it can be replaced with coarse sand, moss or tree bark. Replacement options are countless. But perlite sand naturally has such exceptional qualities that it is not so easy to replace exactly.

The service life of perlite sand and is it harmful to health

Perlite sand is a versatile and useful, expanded and vitreous material that is used in a fairly wide industrial and economic spectrum. Its prevalence is not impressive, but the price is within reasonable limits, which makes its use economically viable.
Average cost of perlite sand of various fractions

The sand has a white, light and cream color, therefore it is not entirely appropriate in the agricultural sector, but it perfectly serves as a heater or a binder of various building mixtures... Since the sand is environmentally friendly and clean. It can be used in the construction of residential buildings and their insulation. If you close your eyes to the problems with water absorption and some impracticality in crop production, you can confidently evaluate perlite sand at a solid five.

Since one cannot ignore the shortcomings of this building material, an estimate of 4.5 will be quite objective. We hope that our advice will help you more accurately determine whether you should use this building material, after weighing all the pros and cons.