Adjusting gas supply at the GWS boiler. Setting up and adjusting the gas boiler with your own hands

For heating and hot water supply apartments and small private houses with one bathroom, two-circuit gas boilers are usually used.

IN large houses With multiple sanitary premises for heating more often use single-circuit gas boilers with a cumulative boiler for cooking hot water. Such a system provides more comfortable use. hot water in the House.

In the apartment of a new house with agricultural heating Installed two-round gas boiler Protherm Gepard 23 MTV. Next, consider setting the power of the boiler on the example of this apartment.

Gas boilers of the Protherm GEPARD series are almost a complete analogue (simpler version) of the PROTHERM PANTHER (Panther) boilers. This article describes in detail the adjustment, adjusting the gas boilers of Protherm Gepard and Protherm Panther.

It should be noted that the company that produces the boilers of the Protherm series in another plant produces gas boilers of the famous trademark Vaillant. Vaillant gas boilers are located in a higher price category due to the use of more qualitative materials For the manufacture of heat exchangers. But according to the design, other applicable details, the settings of the service menu, the Vaillant brand Gas boilers are very similar to the PROTHERM boilers.

Described in this article, the principles of adjustment, power settings It is also suitable for gas boilers of many other brands and manufacturers.

The internal device is two-kinning gas boiler PROTHERM GEPARD 23 MTV and Panther 25.30 KTV (Panther)

Reasons for tact (impulse work) boiler in heating mode

The instruction manual states that the useful thermal power of the PROTHERM GEPARD 23 MTV boiler is adjusted from the maximum 23.3 kw. to the minimum 8.5 kw. Factory power setting in heating mode installed on 15 kw.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment that the boiler is heated is 60 m 2.. Heating devices (radiators) of the total maximum thermal power 4 are installed for heating kw.

How to determine the maximum thermal power of the heating circuit in the house or apartment

How to determine the maximum thermal power Heating circuit? On the sites of manufacturers and sellers of radiators we find the thermal power of each radiator installed in the house. In the catalogs of manufacturers of heat transfer of radiators, it is presented in 2 modes: 1) 90/70/20 degrees and 2) 75/65/20, you need to watch the heat transfer by the parameter "75-65 / 20". The sum of the capacities of all radiators connected to the boiler, and will be equal to the maximum thermal power of the heating circuit. For an apartment from our example, this value was equal to 4 kW.

The installers installed the boiler and included in the work, "forgetting" performing commissioning. The boiler was launched to work with the factory setting of maximum power in heating mode 15 kw.

Obviously, the heating system having the maximum capacity of only 4 kw., I will not be able to take the boiler thermal energy Power 15. kw. The power of the boiler burner within certain limits is regulated by automatic. But a huge difference in the capacity of the boiler and heating devices It leads to the fact that the automation of the boiler is not capable without additional settings to bring the power of the boiler in line with the needs of the heating system.

The big difference between the power of the gas boiler and the power of the heating devices, among other minuses, leads to cyclicity of the boiler.

By the way, about other disadvantages of too powerful boiler. In the service manual of the PROTHERM GEPARD 23 MTV boiler, its efficiency is indicated in heating mode: 93.2% at maximum thermal power (23.3 kw.) And 79.4% when working with minimal power (8.5 kw.) Imagine how to decrease the efficiency, if this boiler is necessary to work with a power heating system 4 kw. Note that the two-round boiler for the year most of the time operates in heating mode, with minimal power. At least 1/4 part of the gas spent on heating will literally fly useless to the pipe. It will be the payment for the installation in the home of the too powerful heating equipment and DHW.

Tips on "How to increase the efficiency of the gas boiler" You can find if you read this article to the end.

Excessive cyclicity, impulsiveness of work or, as they speak in the people, "boiler tact" It manifests itself in the fact that the burner of the boiler after switching on is quickly disconnected by reaching the desired temperature in a straight pipe at the outlet of the boiler. But the radiators do not remain fragrances to this specified temperature - the water heated in the boiler simply does not have time to walk to heating devices. That is, the boiler produces thermal energy per unit of time more than the less powerful heating circuit is capable of take. Therefore, the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler is growing rapidly and it turns off earlier, without having to heat the radiators.

After a short time, the circulation pump submits to the heat exchanger, the remaining cool water from the reverse pipeline of the heating system and the burner is turned on again. Next, everything is repeated again.

The high-power heating system has an increased pipe diameter and the volume of radiators, which means there are lower hydraulic resistance. IN large systems Water flows not exactly as well, it flows faster, with a large consumption (liters per second). During the rapid passage through the heat exchanger of the boiler, every liter of water has time to warm only degrees for 15-20 About S.. And to heat this liter to a given temperature, water in the heating system must pass through the heat exchanger several times.

In the heating systems of low power pipe thinner, smaller radiators, hydraulic resistance higher and water flows slower. If the same power heated slowly the current water, then the water that fell into the heat exchanger immediately, at a time, heats up degrees at 40-60 About S., immediately to the maximum temperature, and the boiler will turn off. And the water remaining in the system, not reaching the boiler, it remains cold, until the next cycle of tact. What happens in the boiler if its power is not adapted to the heating system.

The flame size (burner capacity) in the boiler controls the electronics by a complex algorithm where the time from the start of the burner, and the temperature value, and the rate of temperature change in the heating circuit, and the temperature difference in the direct and inverse tube are taken into account. I don't know all the subtleties of the regulation algorithm, but automatics, without additional service settings, does not provide the normal operation of the boiler at the power below the minimum, which is indicated in the technical specifications.

In a properly configured heating system, the temperature difference in direct and inverse pipe should be no more than 20 About S..

Tact reduces boiler service life and increases gas consumption

Anyone, not even being a mechanic and an electrician, knows that the most difficult mode of operation for equipment is the moment of startup, the inclusion of mechanical and electrical equipment. During the start period, there is the greatest wear, most often refuses to work. Increasing the number of launches as a result of cyclicity, the resource of work has the most expensive parts of the boiler - gas and three-way valves. circulating pump, Fan outgoing gases.

For ignition at the time of launch, the maximum amount of gas is supplied to the burner. Part of the gas, until the appearance of the flame, literally flies into the pipe. Permanent "re-centering" burners further increases gas consumption and reduces the efficiency of the boiler.

Some cyclicity of the gas boiler is provided by the normal mode of its operation. For example, temperature control indoors without a thermostat or using a two-position thermostat occurs due to periodic inclusion and shutdown of the boiler burner.

The task of regulating the power of the boiler is that To eliminate excess cyclicity - a tact caused by the lack of adaptation of the boiler settings to the heating system.

To eliminate boiler tact, it is necessary to equalize the boiler power and the heating circuit

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Reduce the power of the boiler burner to the level in which the automation can provide a normal operation of the boiler with an attached heating system.
  2. Increase the maximum power of the heating circuit, by installing additional radiators Or replace existing on more powerful.

You can immediately apply both methods. Reduce the difference between the boiler capacity and the heating circuit by replacing and installing more powerful radiators. And then, the remaining difference is compensated by the boiler power adjustment.

The second way is more costly, but sometimes it has to choose. The fact is that in order to save the builders, radiators are often installed in the house without a reserve of thermal power. As a result, to maintain indoors necessary temperaturesIn frosts have to be served in radiators heating water maximum temperature, more than 75 About S.. At such a temperature on radiators, decomposition (combustion) of organic dust particles and in the rooms appears nasty smell. Moreover, heat The coolant reduces the service life of polymer pipes and other parts of the heating system from plastic and rubber.

Sometimes, the power of radiators is simply not enough to maintain the necessary thermal regime Even at the maximum temperature of the heating water. Before engaged in adjusting the boiler power, I recommend to determine the need, and, if necessary, increase the power of radiators by 30 - 100%, at least in the coldest rooms.

At the top - the standard temperature of the radiator operating in systems with plastic pipes. At the bottom - the maximum radiator temperatures for comfortable soft heat. To switch from a standard mode to a soft heat (size) of the radiator, it is necessary to increase by about 2 times.

The main advantage low-temperature heating is the possibility of application modern technologies. This is about condensation boilers, solar collectors and thermal pumps. They require the system a low temperature of the heating water.

In the event of replacing radiators, it is necessary to take into account that the built-in boiler expansion tank It is designed for the volume of water in the heating system no more than 50 liters at the GEPard boiler, and 70 liters at Panther. If the amount of water as a result of the installation of new radiators will be greater, then it is necessary to install an external expansion tank.

The external expansion tank is connected to the reverse line of the heating system closer to the boiler. Built-in expansion tank, in this case, it is better to derive from action.

Buy radiators in your city

Heating radiators

How to adjust the power of the gas boiler burner

The useful thermal power of the gas boiler can be reduced by reducing the gas supply to the burner. Do this by changing the settings of the gas valve.

Honeywell Gas Valve ProTherm Gepard (Panther) - work scheme.
EVS1 - Safety electric valve; EVS2. - electric drive control valve; Vm - The stepping motor controls through the gas flow control valve.

In modern boilers "Protherm Gepard" and "Protherm Panther". Basic settings honeywell gas valve Change with a stepper electric motor. The stepping motor control is made from the boiler control panel through the service menu.

It should be noted that the manufacturer in some versions of Protherm Gepard gas boilers (Panther), Vaillant, instead of the Honeywell gas valve, sets the SIT 845 SIGMA gas valve. Settings for the maximum and minimum burner power This valve is made by rotating adjusting screws located on the valve body. About the features of the SIT gas valve adjustment read below, on page 2.

Electromechanical devices of the boiler (electroclaps, stepper and conventional electric motors, sensors) are controlled by the microprocessor of the electronic control board in accordance with the laid program. Settings of the boiler operation program can be changed on the control panel using the two menu - the publicly accessible and hidden service menu.

Access to the Profherm Gepard boiler service (Cheetah)

PROTERM GEPARD boiler management is made from the control panel through a publicly available Custom menu. About how the owner manage the boiler is written in the operating manual.

On the control panel, you can call another, the hidden menu is a service, intended for specialists. The service menu becomes available on the display screen after entering the code.

Press and hold the Mode (1) button for about 7 seconds; View of the display will change - a digit appears 0 . - Use buttons + or (2), enter the code, number 35 . - Confirm the code input by pressing the MODE button (1). After that, the display shows the 1st line of the menu in the form of the characters intermittent on the screen: d. 0..

- Use buttons + or d. **.

- Press the "MODE" button to proceed from the menu indication of the menu line d. **»To the value of the parameter (the" \u003d "symbol and the parameter value) are alternately displayed on the display. - Change the values \u200b\u200bof the displayed parameters using the + or - (3) buttons on the boiler panel. - After 3 seconds after the change, the new values \u200b\u200bare automatically confirmed. To return the display in the original state, press the "MODE" button for 3 seconds. After 15 minutes of idleness, the display returns to the operating mode yourself.

Access to the service menu of the PROTHERM PANTHER boiler (Panther)

ProTherm Panther Boiler Control Panel has some differences from the Protherm Gepard boiler. The boiler control panel has a hidden service menu that becomes available when entering the code.

To access the Protherm Panther boiler service menu, you must: Press and hold the MODE button (1) for about 7 seconds; View of the display will change. - Via button left + or (2) Enter the access code to the service menu - the number 35 in the left half of the display. - Confirm the code input by pressing the MODE button (1).

After that, the display shows the 1st line of the menu of characters d.00 With the menu bar number in the left half of the display, and the numeric value of the string parameter is in the right half of the display. - Via button left + or (2), enter the number with the required menu string number: d. **.

To change the parameter value in the menu bar: - Change the values \u200b\u200bof the highlighted string parameters using buttons on the right + or (3) on the boiler panel. - After 3 seconds after the change, the new values \u200b\u200bare automatically confirmed. To return the display in the original state, press the "MODE" button for 3 seconds. After 15 minutes of idleness, the display returns to the operating mode yourself.

Commands of the service menu and the procedure for setting the power of the Protherm Panther boiler (Panther) are similar to those shown for the Protherm Gepard boiler.

Description of some commands of the service menu

Line d.00- Maximum heat output (useful power) of the boiler in heating mode, kw. Range of possible parameter values \u200b\u200bfrom \u003d 9 to \u003d 23, factory setting \u003d 15 (for Protherm GEPARD).

Line d.01 - the time of the elevation of the circulation pump in heating mode, min., Select a value between 2 and 60 min.. Factory setting \u003d 5

Line d.02. - time delay after working in heating for anticyclation, min.. Protects from frequent on-shutting down the burner in heating mode (this function is not applicable in DHW mode). Select a value between 2 and 60 min.. Factory setting \u003d 20 minutes. This delay (called anticycling time) protects against a quick retaining in heating mode after stopping the burner at a given temperature or by the TA room thermostat command. It depends on the temperature setting of the coolant: - at 80 ° C.It is installed for 1 minute and is not regulated. - at 20. ° can be configured from 1 to 60 minutes using the parameter d.02. In the service menu. At intermediate temperatures, between 20 ° C. and 80. ° C., The value of the delay varies in proportion to the range of 1 min. to the established B. d.02. parameter.

The dependence of the time of anticyclation from setting the value of the parameter in the string d.02. and heating temperatures

Line d.18. - mode of operation of the circulation pump; Options for working mode: \u003d 0 - with burner: The pump is working with the burner. \u003d 1 - continuously; RT thermostat: The pump is turned on by a room thermostat team. \u003d 2 - Constantly in winter: the pump is working all the time the boiler is in winter mode. Factory setting \u003d 1.

Line d.19 - speed of the circulation pump; Options of the operating mode: \u003d 0 - the burner works; The speed in the heating mode is automatically selected, the maximum - in the DHW mode, is minimal - if the burner is disabled \u003d 1 - min. Speed \u200b\u200bin heating mode, max. - In DHW mode \u003d 2 - automatically selected in heating mode, Max. - In DHW mode \u003d 3 - Max. Speed \u200b\u200bin heating and DHW mode. Factory setting \u003d 2. With each start of the burner in heating mode, the pump is turned on at a limited rate of at least 30 seconds. If the temperature difference between feed and the return reaches 20 OKThe pump switches to the maximum speed before turning off the burner (even if the temperature difference decreased). The same cycle occurs at the next ignition.

Line d.35. - shows the position of the 3-way valve, heating / DHW (read-only); \u003d 99 - hot water \u003d 0 - heating \u003d 40 - average position

Line d.36. - shows the display of hot water consumption measured by a duct sensor, l / min. When parsing hot water (read-only)

Line d.40 - shows on the display the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler, in the direct pipeline of the heating system, About S.. (only for reading)

Line d.41. - shows the temperature of the water temperature at the inlet to the boiler, in the return pipeline of the heating system, About S.. (only for reading)

Line d.44 - Monitoring the ionization current. This parameter informs that the ionization current is in the optimal range. The displayed value is not a real current value! Range of values: 0 - 10. In the range: \u003d 0 - 4 - the ionization current is sufficient - the flame is in stock; \u003d 4 - 8 - ionization current just below a sufficient level - there is a possibility of loss of flame; \u003d 8 - 10 - ionization current does not correspond to a sufficient level - there is no flame.

Line d.52. - setting the minimum power of the boiler burner by offset by the minimum position of the step electric motor of the Honeywell gas valve. Range of possible parameter values \u200b\u200bfrom \u003d 0 to \u003d 99. The smaller the value of the parameter, the weaker the intensity of the combustion of the gas.

Line d.53. - Setting the maximum power of the boiler burner by offset of the maximum position of the step electric motor of the Honeywell gas valve. The range of possible parameter values \u200b\u200bfrom \u003d 0 to \u003d -99 (negative values \u200b\u200bwith a minus sign). The smaller the value of the parameter, the weaker the intensity of the combustion of the gas.

Line d.62. - Lowering the heating temperature at night. Setting range 0 - 30 About S.. If you connect a timer to the boiler or even a manual switch, then you can switch the boiler in two modes: day or night. In the night mode, the heating temperature setting is reduced by the value specified in D.62. Those. The temperature of the heating water and the temperature in the house is higher, and at night below. You can configure on the contrary.

Line d.67 - Displays the time between the inclusions of the boiler. This parameter displays the cooling time in minutes before turning on the boiler. The countdown of minutes begins at the time of turning off the boiler due to the exceedment of the maximum installed operating temperature of the heating water on the boiler control panel and the room regulator is constantly closed. This parameter is of importance for the anticyclic function of the boiler when the cooling time before the next inclusion is calculated based on the tuned temperature of the boiler's heating water and the configured anti-cycling time interval in the D.0 string.

Line d.70 - Setting the position of the three-way valve. In this mode it is possible to establish the position of the three-way valve, regardless of the requirements for heating in a particular circuit. Three-way valve position: \u003d 0 - Valve is controlled based on standard requirements from the control system; \u003d 1 - three-way valve installed in the middle position for emptying the boiler (and heating, and DHW); \u003d 2 - the three-way valve is set to the heating position.

Line d.71 - Set the maximum temperature in the heating system. Select a value in the range from \u003d 45 to \u003d 80 ° C. Factory setting \u003d 75 ° C.

Line d.88 - Protection against hydrowarders in wiring cold water (for KTV and KVV boilers). The ability to change the parameter leads to the elimination of the reaction to the hydrodar, which are found in some cases in the cold water pipelines. For example, at the time of closing automatic valve in washed tank toilet (or washing, or dishwasher) In the pipes of the water pipeline there may be a pressure leap (hydrate). The consequence of this could be the false response of the flow sensor (turbines) water waterwhich will lead to a short-term unwanted activation of the GVS boiler. Factory setting \u003d 0 - activation of the ignition process to heat the tap water with a flow rate of 1.5 l / min. Changing the parameter to value \u003d 1 - activation of the ignition process to heat the tap water with a flow rate of 3.7 l / min. In this case, the flow rate must be at least 2 seconds.

Line d.90 - Identification of the connected room sensor. With this parameter, it is possible to make sure that the room regulator is properly connected, or the connection is working properly. room regulator and boiler. ATTENTION: This description refers only to regulators supporting EBUS-communication. In the event that a regular knob is connected with a switch, this function cannot be used. Display: \u003d 0 - Controller is not connected or not communicated with the boiler; \u003d 1 - The controller is connected and there is a communication between it and the boiler.

Line d.96. - Setting the boiler to the parameters installed at the factory. In case the setting leads to incorrect operation or failures, it is possible to restore the factory settings of the boiler. Setup: \u003d 0 - Replacing the settings from production will not be performed; \u003d 1 - Return to the factory settings will be returned. Note: When you enter the setting of this parameter, the "0" parameter is always displayed on the display.

How to eliminate boiler tact in heating

Adjusting the maximum power of the heating of the GEPARD or PANTHER boiler through the service menu

At the first stage In the service menu, as described above, we find a string d.0, press the "MODE" button and look at the display value of the boiler power parameter, kw. In our example, the factory setting \u003d 15 was visible. It is necessary to establish a new value of the boiler power, equal to the power attached to the boiler heating devices. This setting will work only in heating mode.

If the power of the heating system corresponds to the working range of the boiler

The maximum power of the heating system in the house can enter the operating range of the boiler power specified in the instructions. For example, the total maximum power of radiators in the house is equal to 11 kw. PROTERM GEPARD 23 MTV boiler operating capacity range is within 8.5 - 23.3 kw.

In the service menu, as described above, we find the D.0 string, press the "MODE" button and look at the display value of the boiler power parameter, kw. For example, the factory setting will be visible \u003d 15. Button "-" Set a new boiler power value \u003d 11.

I recommend to try the boiler power to set for 20 - 30% less power Heating contour, for example, D.00 \u003d 9 kW. This power should be enough to compensate for thermal losses of the house, since the power of radiators is usually chosen with some reserve.

Increase anticyclation time

In the second stage, Increase the anticyclation time in the string d.02. Service menu.

Factory setting D.02 \u003d 20 minutes. According to the graph (see above), we determine that, for the temperature of the heating water specified on the display, 70 About S. , the re-launch of the burner is possible after 4 - 5 minutes, not earlier.

In line d.02. We establish a new value of anticycling time, for our example is the maximum possible, \u003d 60 minutes. The D.67 string displays the time in minutes before the next boiler turn on. Burges in the burner have become a duration of about 10 minutes. Twice more than with factory setting, which is still too often.

An increase in anticycling time leads to the fact that the burner is turned on later, at a lower temperature of the heating water. From the boiler in the contour of heating, heat flow is reduced.

In this way, picking through the service menu settings for the power of the boiler and the time of anticyclation, It seeks the duration of the cycle between the inclusions of the boiler burner was at least 15 minutes. That is, the boiler should turn on for one hour no more than four times.

I note that not all the brands of gas boilers have the ability to adjust the time of anticycling. In this case, you have to select only the boiler power settings.

On some brands of gas boilers, the rotational speed (performance) of the circulation pump is set manually, the switch on the pump. To reduce the boiler boiler, the pump speed is recommended to increase.

Setting the GEPARD or Panther gas boiler, below the minimum

In the third stage Setting up minimum boiler power, by magnitude, below indicated in the instructions.

This setting is needed not in all cases, but only if the first and second stages do not bring the desired result. As in our case, when at the first stage, the "-" button set the new value of the boiler \u003d 9 (the minimum possible setting corresponds to 8.5 kW.). Newly installed magnitude of the maximum power of the boiler heating (8.5 kw) It is still very different from the power of the heating devices (4 kw).

It should be noted that the setting of the boiler power according to the procedure described below is useful and in other cases, as it allows you to configure the experiment heating power Boiler in accordance with the real power of the heating circuit. Real power usually turns out to be less than the calculated one.

Before carrying out work on setting the minimum burner power, need:

  • Fully open thermostatic and other valves on radiators, and room thermostat Install at the maximum temperature. Thermostat, manager warm floors, set up to the maximum permissible temperature so as not to overlay the floors.
  • In the custom menu of the boiler, set the maximum working temperature that the owners are set in the frost, adding another +5 ° S.. It is usually no less than 65 ° S.. If the owners do not remember it, or on the new boiler in the menu set the maximum temperature setting 75 ° S.. The burner of the boiler should automatically turn off at a temperature of 5 ° S. More, i.e. at 80. ° S..
  • The heating circuit is cooled to the heating water temperature below 30 ° C.

Next, run the burner in heating mode, select the string in the service menu d.52., Press the "MODE" button and see the display of the position of the position of the step electric motor of the gas valve in the factory mode of minimum power.

After removing the front cover of the boiler visually observing the magnitude of the flame in the burner. In our example, a factory setting was highlighted on the display, the number \u003d 72, and the height of the flame in the burner was quite large.

Button "-" Set the new parameter value in the string d.52,for example \u003d 20. After 3 seconds after the change, when the new value is automatically confirmed, we observe a significant decrease in the height of the flame in the burner. This suggests that the useful power of the boiler with the specified setting will greatly decrease.

Next, observe the temperature growth in the direct pipeline of heating at the outlet of the boiler. Typically, the temperature rise stops, reaching some value, less than installed, for example 52 ° S. . The boiler works, and the temperature does not grow (or varies very, very slow). This means that the balance of power between the boiler and the heating system at this steady water temperature is reached. At this moment, you increase the parameter in the D.52 of the service menu, set a new value \u003d 30 - the temperature starts to grow again and again stops, for example, by 63 ° S.. Again, add the value of the parameter in the row d.52 \u003d 35 and so select the parameter until the temperature stops at the value, slightly more maximum, for example 77 ° S. . Thus, the balance sheet of the boiler and the heating circuit is achieved at the maximum operating temperature. The boiler power will be installed at the level, minimally necessary for working with an attached heating circuit. In this case, the cycling of the boiler will be minimal.

If the radiators are bad warm up in height, the temperature difference in the direct and inverse pipe at a maximum temperature of more than 15-20 °, then increase the pressure of the bypass valve. How to adjust the bypass valve below. The temperature of the water in direct and reverse pipeline can be seen on the display if you enter the service menu, the rows of D.40 and D.41.

In the case of adjusting the bypass valve, the gas valve setting in the D.52 string must be repeated.

In our example, the burner heats water to the maximum temperature 77 About S. With a minimum parameter value in the string d.52.equal \u003d 28 (the factory setting was \u003d 72). With a smaller value of the burner parameter, it could not heat the water to the specified temperature. And with the greater value of the burner heated water to 80 o C and the automation of the boiler turned off the burning.

It should be noted that the above method of adjusting the gas valve, which allows the experiment to balance the power of the boiler with the power of the heating circuit, is missing in the recommendations of the manufacturer of boilers. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the article, successfully implemented when setting up autonomous Systems Heating with gas boilers.

Factory Gas Valve Calibration

Honeywell gas valve. 1 - fitting for measuring gas pressure at the exit to the burner; 2 - Fitting for measuring pressure at the entrance.

Manufacturer of boilers prescribes The minimum power calibration on the gas valve is as follows:

In a row D.1, the service menu set the parameter \u003d 9, which limits the boiler power at the minimum level specified in the instructions. Turn on the boiler to work in heating.

The pressure gauge tube is attached to the upper stacker at the outlet of the gas valve. Before connecting, it is necessary to unscrew the locking screw on the fitting to the join.

Call string d.52. Service menu. And changing buttons + and The value of the string parameter d.52.Install at the gas valve outlet minimum pressure specified in the boiler instruction manual. For example, for the GEPARD 23 MTV boiler, the minimum pressure in front of the burner is 1.5 mbar or 15.5 mm.

This setting will ensure the operation of the boiler with the minimum power specified by the manufacturer - 8.5 kw. For an obvious question, what to do if the power of the heating contour is less attached to the boiler, the service instruction manual of the response boilers does not give.

In our example, after setting up and installing in the string d.52. Parameter \u003d 28, pressure measurement at the outlet of the gas valve before the burner showed the amount of 4 mm.

Readers in the comments ask the question: "Are such a significant reduction in gas pressure on the burner?" Is not dangerous for the boiler? " There are many boilers different protectionbut no protection from low pressure Gas on the burner. From here we conclude that the low pressure in itself is not dangerous for the boiler. It is important to ensure stable ignition and sustainable gas burning, since there are appropriate protection on boilers.

A homemade master can roughly estimate whether the factory, gas valve settings, without resorting to the gas pressure measurement on the valve.

For this, in the line D.00 menu set parameter \u003d 9 and include boilers in the minimum power of heating. Record the testimony of the gas meter. After 15 minutes (1/4 hours), the meter readings are again recorded and the gas consumption is determined during this time. For example, the gas consumption was determined by the meter 0.289 m 3/15 min. This value is multiplied by 4 and receive gas consumption per 1 hour in the minimum power mode 1,156 m 3 / hour. Compare the resulting value with the data of the factory instruction. For example, regulatory flow Gas in the minimum power mode for the boiler Cheetah 23 MTV is 1.15 m 3 / hour. Gas consumption according to the meter testimony approximately corresponds to the factory norm. We conclude that the setting of the gas valve in the minimum power mode meets the requirements of the factory instruction. If not, the gas consumption is adjusted by changing the parameter in the D.52 string.

Similarly, according to gas consumption, you can estimate the setting of the gas valve at maximum power, switching the boiler to the DHW mode.

Power 23.3 kW. corresponds to the maximum pressure at the exit of the valve 85 mm.

U - shaped pressure gauge

A simple pressure gauge for measurements on the gas valve can be made from a transparent plastic tube, filling it with water and bent in the form of the letter U. One end of the tube is put on the valve fitting, and the other is left open. The ruler measure the difference in water levels in the branches of the tube. The measured distance and will be equal to pressure in the water column milieters - mm.

On the gas valve fitting, you can tight the tube inner diameter 8 mM.. For the tube of another diameter, you will have to select an adapter.

At the end of the measurements, do not forget to carefully wrap the screw on the measuring fitting and control its tightness.

LUNA 3 Comfort HT Guide for Technical Personnel

31 gas wall boilers

Setting time setting (sec) 10

Adjusting the power of the MAX boiler (100%) - min (0%) during configuration
gas valve

Typology of the boiler (installation of the DHW circuit)
1: The device works only on heating
2: The device works for heating and on DHW
4: with preheating

* These parameters differ depending on the boiler model. For full List Parameters
see instructions for service functions.

22. The procedure for transferring the boiler to another type of gas and settings


To adjust the gas valve, activate the parameter 677 as described below in Chapter 22.1 and perform
sequentially the following operations:

1) adjusting maximum power.

Measured in smoke-free

the pipe during the operation of the boiler at the maximum power corresponded to the given in Table.1. Otherwise
case Turn the adjusting screw (V) located on the gas valve clockwise to
reduce content Co.

And counterclockwise to increase it.

2) adjusting minimum power. Check that the contents of the

Measured in smoke-free

the pipe during the operation of the boiler at the minimum power corresponded to the given in Table.1. Otherwise
case Turn the adjusting screw (K) located on the gas valve clockwise to
increase the content of SO

And counterclockwise to reduce it.

gas pressure measurement point for feed

gas pressure measurement point on the burner





signal input from the fan.

adjusting gas pressure screw

advance adjusting screw.

In the case of the transfer of the boiler to another type of gas, with
natural on liquefied (propane), before conducting
the above-described gas valve adjustment procedure,
it is necessary to carry out the following operations:

Turn the adjusting screw ( V.) located on

gas valve clockwise. Number of turns
should be equal to the value given in Table.3;

Set using the AVS climatic regulator

77 Parameters 608 and 611 Powerful
ignition. The procedure is described in ch. 21.
The specified values \u200b\u200bare shown in Table 3.

Fig. sixteen

16.1 Setting the gas valve.

NOTE: In case the heating system consists of one low temperature zone ("Warm floors")
set the "CHSL" parameter \u003d 45 °, as described in paragraph 30.

Enter the programming feature of the electronic board parameters, as shown in paragraph 21.

scroll out the list of parameters and select the parameter Of 555.0.;

Set the parameter Of 555.0 \u003d 1then press the button OK(the function will be activated);

Full technical description Eurosit Gas Valve 630

To date, this is the most common gas valve installed on non-volatile gas boilers of Russian and imported production. Below we provide yourto the attention of the detailed information on this device, which, in our opinion, can be quite useful not only for professionals. Information provided by SIT Group.

If you are interested in the directly diagnosis of malfunction of the boilers of AOGV with imported blocks, we bring to your attention "

So. What is Eurosite 630, in fact? This is a multifunctional gas supply controller with a modulating thermostat and the full modulation function of the main burner. Eurosite a non-volatile device, which makes it unique to solve problems of any kind, say, the operation of the boiler from the Gazagolder or from cylinders on liquefied gas, without usesources of electricity. The valve is available in various versions and without any additional difficulties is used in gas convectors, gas boilers, grills and other than the most diverse gas console equipment requiring accurate temperature control.

Basic technical capabilities

In brackets we give the designation of a function that will help in understanding the two operating schemes below.

1. Control knob with positions "Off", "Ignition", "Temperature". (MS)
2. Flame thermo-electric protection system (speech about thermocouple) with gas supply lock to the main burner after shutdown(Lock is available after turning off the boiler, i.e. means protectionfrom extraneous inclusion, such as children). (GM)
3. Maximum gas flow setting device (RQ) or, optional, pressure regulator. (PR)
4. Screw setting the minimum gas flow rate. (by pass)
5. Modulation thermostat with a complete shutdown function of the main burner. (TH)
6. Gas output to the ignition burner with a gas flow setting screw. (RQ)
7. Input filter and filter of the ignition burner. (FL)
8. Fittings for measuring gas pressure.
9. Gas supply, optional, side or bottom.
10. Options gas connections Multifunctional regulator: Pipe with external thread or attaching a pipe with a nut with a seal.

Two working schemes (with pressure regulator and without pressure regulator)

Technical data Valve Eurosite 630 (standard EN 126)

For reference. The EN 126 standard extends to the control devices with two or more functions, one of which is blocking the gas supply.

Joining 1/2 ISO 7
Working position - any
Gas used (family) - 1.2 and 3
Maximum Gas Inlet Pressure - 50 MBAR
Regulator setting range from 3 to 18 MBAR
Working temperature ambient from 0 to 80c
Pressure regulator (optional) - class. FROM
Resistance when cutting and bending - group 2
Thermoelectric protection system (using)
Ignition time less than 10 seconds
Reset time less than 60 seconds
Estimated glass ignition cycles - 10,000
Manual reset system: Estimated number of reset cycles - 10.000


The thermostat characteristics with the full turning off function of the main burner are shown in the following table and graphics:

Gas consumption


Rosge of the ignition burner

Make sure the control knob is in the "Off" position, turn the control knob to the "Spark" position. Press the control knob and set fire to the ignition burner by holding the control knob for a few seconds. (Fig. 1)

Release the control knob and make sure that the ignition burner is on (Fig. 2). If the ignition burner went out, repeat the ignition procedure. If all other attempts to start the ignition burner did not led, faulty either, or the chain between and the interrupter is broken.

Temperature selection

Turn the control knob to the position corresponding to the selected temperature (Fig. 3)

Starting position

When you turn the control knob from the position corresponding to the selected temperature, to the "Spark" position main burner. Gasnet, and the ignition burner remains lit. That is, in fact, this position puts the boiler, like a "car for idle." Does the boiler work? Yes. Heats? Not.

IMPORTANT! This mode allows you to cool the boiler with the necessary sharp change in the operating temperature of the boiler with a greater smaller. IN otherwisewithout cooling, thus, the boiler can easily "crush" a cylinder of a modulation thermostat (in Russian, (like the Zhukovsky boiler)

Turning off the boiler

Turn the control knob to "Off". (Fig. 4)

ATTENTION! Restarting the device after unexpected emergency shutdown can be made approximately one minute after the boiler is turned off. Because the rotation of the handle to the "pilot" position only after cooling the flame control thermocouple. (i.e., the handle must bounce up, and not to remain pressed). While the thermoelectric flame control device is in a blocking position.


Eurosit 630 gas valve complies with applicable safety standards. Installation on gas-consuming equipment must be performed in accordance with the specific requirements existing for this equipment.

Firstly The compliance with the requirements for thermoelectric protection must be checked. Now we will explain what we are talking about. Those who have ever seen, especially widespread in cases with the automation blocks with economy in domestic gas boilers, where the electromagnetic valve button is tied with a tape or anything is fixed in the pressed position so that the boiler worked. A malfunction here in 90% is obvious - a thermocouple faulty or its bad contact with the solenoid valve. The thermocouple replacement procedure usually takes 2-3 minutes. But for some reason, - no. The button is tied, and when the stamp is redeeming for any reason (and how many of them), the gas flow into the house is always open, which is called, the ladder.
Compliance with gas pressure requirements. Here we are talking about availability. This applies to themselves understand, the valve works on the liquefied gas, whether it is a Gazagolder or cylinders.
The requirement at first glance is simple, but the practice shows sometimes completely different. Moreover, it is already here even not so much about Eurosite Gas valves 630, how much about gas valves, for example ,.

Small but useful retreat

When the requirement for the specified pressure is not performed, you know what happens? SIGMA 845 gas valve is installed on huge quantities Wall and floor gas boilers. Moreover, boilers are not suiced, serious, energy-dependent, with control boards, electric vehicles, etc. What we have? Usually that's what. The guys came to do heating. Made. Work should be passed? It is necessary. Boiler, for example, Baxi outdoor. Gazgolder is there, the reducer at the output is. Krutat, thrust, and what shows the pressure gauge at the exit, no one understands. It seems there should be 2750 Pa or about 300 mm water of the water, and there is three orders of magnitude, which is needed. It is impossible to see anything on this. Boiler or gives an error "no gas" or does not start at all. Or will work half an hour, and then everything. Who is to blame when "no gas"?
Of course, the gas valve! In the end, you know what they do? Remove from a completely new boiler valve, begin to blow there on all sides. Hence it sinks, it does not fit there. Outcome - full panic! Buying the most common with the factory setting of 300 MBAR to the great amazement of all, it turns out, solves the problem !!! It is clear that Eurosite 630 such a requirement also concerns. But it is non-volatile, there are no fees there, there will be no mistakes for us, but it will affect the consumption. And the flame of the stobnant ... When you see a pillar of a pillar of a flame, the height of centimeters 15, you will understand what it is about.
It is very important to carefully deal with the requirement of gas pressure. Now go to the mechanics.

Mechanical connections

Never allow damage to sealing parts! Never relax assembly screws! Avoid pushs, drops, shocks on the valve, etc. And further. Never remove the labels pasted on the valve! The information that is listed there is very important to us with you, as the replacement, if that we will find it? At the valves, of course, there are differences, but this is later. It will be next. Remove caps protecting from dust only during installation. Make sure that the gas flow corresponds to the direction indicated by the arrow on the regulator housing. Take measures to make foreign materials in the valve during installation. Especially in all holes, it loves to climb the packaging foam. Just lipot to everything!
The plant indicates that some EUROSIT 630 performances can be supplied without certain details. This note, of course, first of all is written for us, but you will not hurt it either.

So, together check the presence of the following components in Fig. BUT:
- Screw setting minimum gas flow - 3
- screw setting the maximum gas flow (it is sometimes called) - 2
If no screws, insert the screws into the corresponding holes 14 and 15.

Connection Gas.

1. Use the pipe with a thread with a diameter of 3/8 ". It is also possible to connect the tube D12 mm using a sealing ring and nut.
2. The valve has two openings of the input channels 10 and 12 and two openings of the output channels 11 and 13. The holes that we unused are needed to close the plugs.

Connecting the passionate

This is an output 8. In this hole, usually the regular stammer with a diameter D1 / 4 is worst. This is usual standard option configuration. But it is possible to insert and tube with a diameter of D4 mm, D6 mm with
Cone seals and appropriate nuts. At the end of the work, we definitely check all compounds for tightness.

Installation and adjustment parameters. Full list For professionals

1. We check the input and output pressure using the gas pressure measurement fittings 6 and 7. After measuring the pressure, it is carefully muffled.
2. Setting the maximum and minimum gas consumption is performed only with a cold thermobalone.
3. Setting the maximum gas flow (execution without pressure regulator) Fig. BUT
Turn the handle 4 to position 7. Fully wrap the screw setting 2, and then gradually turn it out until the required gas flow rate is achieved. ATTENTION! After complete
Wraping Do not turn the screw more than two complete turns.
4. Disable the maximum gas flow function. Complete the screw settings 2 fully, and then turn it into two turns and fix it. Disconnection can also be replaced by screw
Settings 2 plug. In this case, the plug must be fully wrapped.
5. Setting the maximum gas flow (execution with pressure regulator) Fig. A. Turn the control knob to position 7. When turning the screw settings 2 clockwise gas consumption
6. Disconnect the pressure regulator function. Completely wrap the screw setting 2 clockwise.
7. Setting the minimum gas flow rate. Slowly turn the control knob clockwise to the position of the minimum power (as close as possible to the main burner switching position).
When turning the screw setting 3 counterclockwise, the gas consumption increases.
8. Setting the gas supply to the stall. When turning the screw 5 clockwise - gas flow drops.
9. Disable the gas supply setting function to the stall. Completely wrap the tuning screw 5, and then turn it into two turns and fix it.
10. Changing the type of gas. Set the gas pressure value at the output from the gearbox or use the finished gearbox, with the factory setting. We remember that the separation or decomposition of the flame is categorically misunderstood at the maximum and minimum gas pressure according to the maximum.

Repair of the Gas Valve Eurosite 630

The manufacturer is allowed only one species repair work - Replacing the magnetic block. This usually occurs when the thermocouple is fully working and also all the chain from
Thermaller to the interrupter. All other works, and especially the work of the class "Kulibin + 0.5 ppm" or "who in which is much" is categorically prohibited.

Now about the difference between Eurosite 630 blocks. How do they usually differ among themselves?

Blocks differ mainly only by the temperature regime maintenance range. Standard mode of operation of gas boilers from 40c-90s. Although, on boilers with a capacity of 11.6 kW, valves were found with a range of temperature maintenance ranging from 40c to 72c. It does not affect the operation of the boilers, therefore, the valve 0630068, which supports the range of 40c-90c practically solves any task.

To quickly assess the situation, give a list temperature modeswhich can be listed on the label of your block. Attention!!! Do not confuse with the ambient temperature! Such data is also on the block label. Be careful!

The temperature range of the EUROSIT GAS valve 630: Link to full on our website.

Sizes and data of the Block of the EUROSIT 630 block are below

Private construction is gaining strength, and with it there is a growing demand for modern equipment Heat supply, smoothly providing consumers with thermal energy for heating at home and water heating for household needs.

A gas boiler - central Gas Heating Systemcreated for such purposes. Being one of the most economical devices, it, nevertheless needs to be correctly configured, ensuring proper fuel consumption and reliability of its operation.

Equipment selection and configuration

Issues of exploitation of the system of heat supply of a private house, unlike centralized Systemsfully fall on her owners. And one of the tasks that you have to decide is a question proper selection gas equipment.

Experience in operating systems shows that the correctly chosen boiler should work not less than 30% Heating period.

The average value of the power consumption of the boiler on square meter heated premises ( with ceiling heights up to 3 meters) is About 100 watts.

Practice shows that installing a boiler or burner too high power can create many problemsrelated to overpowering gas, difficulty selection of temperature in heated premises and reliability of the system.

After selecting and installing the heat supply system, as well as each time it starts the following adjustments are held:

  1. Full Warming up the boiler.
  2. Full Opening SHIBERAchimney.
  3. Flame exhibition burner maximum power(The flames should consist of blue and yellow segments).
  4. Overlapping gas supply crane on deletion yellow segment of the flame.
  5. Check automatics of security and operating modesboiler.

Important!Setting right color Fame gas burner It has key value for total gas combustion Without the formation of soot, settling on the walls of the furnace and chimney, which reduces the efficiency of the system and increases consumption gas fuel.

How to adjust the power of the burner

If the burner is much superior to the power boiler, she can lack, air intake through the seats and from the supervision. Flame burning in this case becomes unfinished, and the flame burner turns yellow.

Incomplete combustion of gas fuel causes Skipping of firebox and chimney combustion products, and part of the energy is dissipated into the surrounding space, increasing fuel consumption.

Photo 1. The shut-off crane helps adjust the supply of gas in case of problems with the boiler.

In this case, the power of the burner can be reduced cover the gas supply craneon omit.

However, if the power is constantly installed on minimum value This will reduce the efficiency of the system and the system adjustment range.

Reference!When choosing a gas burner, besides dimensions of the combustion chamber and torch geometry, it is important to take into account the conformity of passport values minimum and maximum powerand methods of its regulation, as well as gas consumption torch.

High consumption of gas

The cause of high gas flow is often ineffective work Heat Exchangeboiler. The coolant passing through the heat exchanger carries with itself particles of scale and salts, which can be deposited on the inner walls of the heat exchanger, reducing its thermal conductivity and increasing the amount of fuel required for heating.

Usually the problem with the heat exchanger manifests itself Characteristic noiseemanating from a working boiler resembling a whistle or bouffaging similar to boiling kettle.

In this case, it will be necessary manual cleaning Heat exchanger or it flushing with special makeup.

The cause of high gas flow can also be it reduced caloriecaused by its insufficient shower than a gas distributor company. The rate of low heat combustion household Gas must be at least 7600 kcal per one cubic meter In practice, the caloric content of gas can decrease up to 4000 kcal.

Important!When purchasing gas equipment, it is important to take into account composition and minimum gas pressure In a specific gas supply system, equipment worked steadily.

You will also be interested:

Lack of air for burning

Lack of air for combustion of gas can be caused fault of the supervision system. In this case, you need to check settings electronic regulator Temperature and superior as well throttle.

If the burner is lit with cotton, it may mean that the openings of the primary air supply Closed or clogged with dust.

In this case, it is necessary to adjust the flame air regulators Or clean the holes from dust.

If the flame has a significant yellow segment, it may be caused defect burner.In this case, the power of the burner can be reduced by the cover of the gas supply crane on the omission.

Increased pressure: gas supply crane adjustment

When working, the burner may occur situations:

  • flame color burner red-orange or red;
  • the flame burner is knocked out beyond the space allotted by him;
  • flame burner on light upand immediately or after a while gasnet, or lights up with cotton.

These signs may indicate high blood pressure Gas in the gas supply system, since in winter, the gas supplier often increases the regulatory pressure from 200-220 mm waters. Art. to pressure 280 mm of water. Art.

In this case, it is possible to lower the gas pressure:

  • cover the gas supply crane on omit;
  • installation specified in the passport on the burner throttle washer;
  • installation gas pressure regulator.

Important!By acquiring gas equipment, especially import, it is important to consider it work in a specific gas supply system, so on. Each manufacturer produces equipment with its values working optimal and minimum gas pressure.

Weak boiler thrust

Weak thrust can appear for various reasons. If the burner lights up and immediately goes out, or lights up with cotton, it may mean Availability large number Sahi. in the boiler and or in chimney interfering with the creation of thrust.

In this case, it is necessary to check the presence of thrust in the chimney and in the boiler through an observation window, and, if necessary, clean them from soot yourself or contacting a special service.

Weak thrust can also occur when changing the weather, not allowing gases to leave the furnace, and flow into the boiler to the boiler.

In this case, it is necessary reduce the power of the burner cover the gas supply crane on omund, as well as organize sufficient ventilation indoors.

Reference!With weak boiler, it is also important to clarify the design of its chimney, it must comply with the rules SNiP 2.04.05-91and DBNV.2.5-20-2001.


If the boiler power exceeds the size of heated premises, it can lead to frequent disconnection and inclusion of boileron heating, or his tact.

The frequency of the tact can Reach 2-3 minutes.

To avoid tact, it is necessary.

If earlier the boiler adjustment occurred simply - turned the valve on the burner and increased or reduced the head pressure, then modern automation does everything. But it happens in it, requiring automation adjustments. Consider how modern gas boiler functions.

Description and Functions of the Gas Boiler

A simple heater consists of a heat exchanger chamber, gas burners and ventilation. The work of all these systems is controlled by automation.

The gas boiler safety device has a multistage protection system:

  1. With a ignition, it is necessary not only to rotate the gas supply handle, but also hold it for a while until the solenoid valve is triggered (6). This prevents accidental gas leakage in the device.
  2. The reverse thrust sensor (8) responds to the flow of fire from the burner to the room. This can occur with sharp wind gusts, clogged chimney and malfunction of the burner. Thanks to this controller, the flow of gas in the occurrence of the reverse thrust is automatically turned off and people cannot be pulled out with carbon monoxide.
  3. The temperature sensor (7) protects the boiler from overheating, including gas as needed. Thanks to it, the temperature in the heating system is maintained on the mark that is specified by the user.

Control systems in gas boilers are autonomous or energy-dependent. The second requires connecting to an electrical network.

Adjusting the gas boiler

If the automation began to work incorrectly, there were failures in its operation, then you need to find the cause and or adjust the control system, or replace the faulty items.

IMPORTANT! Do not disregard without attention, even if they occur only occasionally. It can cost you and your loved ones.

Consider the most popular problems that can be eliminated independently:

  • "The boiler fell wonderfully in the fall, and in winter it is cold in the house." It is essentially not a breakdown, but just the need to regulate the heating temperature. There is a thermostat in the housing of any gas boiler. It may look like a rotating handle with a scale, buttons with a temperature screen, a scale with a slider on it. Enough to install more important Heating, how at home will immediately become warmer.
  • "When the ignition does not work the solenoid valve, how many do not give to the handle." The most common breakdown, requiring the replacement of the valve.
  • "The boiler burns fine, but after a while there is a cotton and everything turns off." As a rule, here we are dealing with the operation of automation. But what is the reason for "cotton" will have to find out. It is best to invite specialists.

IMPORTANT! Do not glue a faulty em valve and do not encourage it! It is responsible for supplying gas, and if it is fixed, the rest of the automation will be useless. When the burner is resettled or during the reverse thrust, you risk just suffocating.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that all gas equipment is a source of increased danger. You should not unwind anything in the boiler management system yourself, interfere with the operation of controllers, burners and sensors. The gas is invisible and not totable, and it is much more difficult to detect his leakage than faulty wiring or leaking water pipes. If you need to install, replace, repair or adjust the gas boiler, it is better to invite specialists.