How the azure is different from paint. Protective lazuries for wood for exterior

Tree is soft, easy to do any processing, but very durable material. A house made of planed timber or a rounded log, wooden gazebo, bath, staircase, linked room wall-tagged wall, boardwalk, garden benches, debris, and many other buildings are traditionally erected from wood. Favorite and sometimes indispensable in construction country cottage or dacha house Wood has a porous surface, easily absorbing moisture, from which hesitates and moldsheet. Under the rays of the Sun, it dissolves and cracks, it is easily flammable, and bug-bugs can easily eat a wooden building. To prevent the destruction of the wooden surface, it is coated or impregnated with various protective penetrating or film-forming compositions.

Protective impregnations for wood

Finishing stage finishing work Wooden structure is the protection of wood from the devastating effects ambient. Modern penetrating impregnations, which include a variety of lazuries, more effectively retain wooden surfaces.

A distinctive feature of the impregnation for a tree of lazuries is a silky-frosted scratch-resistant and non-burning coating of any wooden surface. For the impregnation of the wooden surface with the azure, pre-primer is not required and the finish coating of paint or varnish.

Types of lazuries for wood

The impregnation for wood is slightly different from the application area and are divided into three groups:

  1. Liquid flowing thin-layer lazuries are easily sprayed and penetrated deep into wood, without forming the film on the surface. Not peeing, such a azure during subsequent repair does not cause inconvenience. It is recommended for coloring street easily deforming buildings: arbors, fences, plates from boards.
  2. More dense medium-layered lazuries are used to protect the moderately deforming elements from wood: window shutters, door Kosyakov or frame baths.
  3. Divorcecable thick-layer lazuries form a water-repellent film on the surface. The perfect, similar to the lacquer coating for interior decoration and non-deforming external elements of the construction: doors, gates, windows.

Azure for interior decoration

Lesing (transparent) tree azure for internal work used when coating new or peeled from the old paint layer of parts from natural wood, eg, window Rams and door shocks, female, ceiling beams, railing and stairs, wall panels. As well as when painting furniture elements and decor from MDF, chipboard, natural veneer or plywood.

Tree azure for interior decoration It is produced on a water basis. Alkyd resins and waxes of transparent impregnation give the elegant lacquer view of the surface covered, while masking its minor defects, while maintaining naturalness and emphasizing wood texture. Added in impregnation Pigments strengthen helping harmoniously add interior decorative painting. Environmentally friendly colored lazuries on a water basis are used to dye children's rooms and furniture, toys and wooden dishes.

Tree azure for outdoor work

Decorative finishing with high protective features based on alkyd resins or with the addition of natural waxes and oils perfectly protects wooden surface from destructive impact sunlight, precipitation, temperature differences, without losing its properties over 10 to 25 years.

The colorable, non-burning azure in the sun when finishing the facades of the building or technical buildings on the site allows you to draw a natural color of wood or give the surface a noble shade of the tree of valuable rocks.

Preparation of the surface for impregnation of azure

In order for the wooden surface to look attractively at least 10 years, before applying it, it must be carefully prepared.

Sometimes for cleaning, it is enough to rinse the wooden water jet of water under strong pressure using, for example, sandblasting. A layer of old crawled paint coating Carefully removed with a scraper or metal brush. Patterned threads on shutters, staircase railing or fence is more convenient to clear the dusty dish-shirt.

Large chips and cracks are better to sharpen mastic in the color of wood. The perfectly smooth surface without scratches and bursaves is formed after grinding emery paper or grinding machine.

If necessary, remove the old azure from the wood surface covers special chemical means For etching. Ink, markers and other graffiti are washed off by an aerosol solvent without chlorine, methyl alcohol and ammonia. Footprints remaining after washing are removed by grinding.

The washed and ground surface must be wiped with alcohol or turbidar. When detecting resin or fatty spots, it is necessary to clean the surface more thoroughly. To increase operational deadlines wooden buildingsConducting the azure is recommended clean and dry surface.

Color variety of lazuries

Industrial lazuries are produced ready for use. If desired, they can be diluted with water, but not more than 15% of the total volume, mix and process the surface. The color of the coating may vary depending on the density and shade of wood and the amount of layers applied. Before painting the entire area, it is advisable to test the color on a small piece.

Now more popular are bright, almost white, shades of wood that are not always obtained by applying a transparent coating. In order to brighten the wood surface, many manufacturers offer a whitening azure, which changes the shade of a tree without hiding its fibrous texture. Sometimes the clarifiers are used over the impregnation several years ago to change the interior of the room. Such coatings are usually unstable to sunny ultraviolet and high humidity. Therefore, after one or two layers of clarifying lazuries, it is recommended to apply a classic protective composition.

Change the color of the lazuries for the tree can be added by the pigment. For this, the color is mixed with a small amount of lazuries, stirred and added in small portions to the main container with impregnation until the desired shade is obtained. Professionals using wood pigmentation can create an illusion of an old tree, gold or silver patina, mimic a web or a cosmic landscape, without hiding the naturalness of the fibrous structure of a wooden coating.

The process of coating azure

Dry and purified wooden surface will dry faster and will retain aesthetic look at the humidity of the product not more than 15% and the temperature is not lower than +5 degrees Celsius. Before use, the capacitance with the azure must be shaken, mix thoroughly thoroughly.

A roller azur is applied, a rigid brush or a sponge along the fiber thin layer, neat rubbing over the surface. For better protection of wood, it is recommended to cover the products with a zurine at least 2 times. Each next layer must be applied after full absorption of the previous one.

Usually the azure makes every 10-16 hours, sometimes you need more time, 22-24 hours. With cold wet weather, impregnation dries longer. In a dry warm room, 7-8 hours is enough for complete drying of the coating.

Working instruments after completion work is washed with white alcohol or solvent. When lazuries get into the eyes, it is recommended to rinse them with water and consult a doctor.

Advantages of lazuries for wooden coatings

The advantages of high-quality decorative lazuries for wood belong:

  • Strengthening the surface of the tree while maintaining its texture.
  • Reliable protection of painted internal and external surfaces From the effects of sun rays: wood does not turn yellow and does not fade.
  • Basketless impregnations have high vapor permeability, due to which excessive moisture from the tree evaporates and fungi, mold, rot, are not formed.
  • The main mass of impregnates has antibacterial additives in its composition, preventing the appearance of pest insects.
  • Penetrating deep into the wood, over time it does not peel and does not crack.
  • When working with the azure, time is significantly saved, as it does not require pre-primer and finishing decorative painting.

Today in trend and there is a good justification - the tree is environmentally friendly, practical, aesthetic and fitful in work. But without the treatment with special impregnating compositions of wood is short-lived, as it is susceptible to rotting, damage to fungi and mold, destruction under the influence of the sun, wind and rain. Manufacturers of paint products filled the market with high-tech LCMs with antiseptic, priming properties and ensuring wooden designs aesthetic appearance.

Temobirja technology often hear such a question from its customers: what is the better azure or wood for wood? In this publication, we will try to explain to the reader the benefits of the LCM of both groups, recommend this or that product for a specific situation.

What is better azure or wood for wood

It is impossible to answer this question is definitely. Coat with oil or coloring a tree with azure - dependent on the result that the master wants to see, on the operating conditions of the coating, on how important the durability and aesthetics are.

Photo 1. Planken bevelined under oil

The main difference Lazuri from oil - the presence of the first beautiful glossy film, while the oil gives the surface of the mattness.

If the goal of the master is the achievement of the matte effect, then it needs to buy oil LKM:

  • renner YS M300 hydro-oil, C100, A300, etc.;
  • gnature protective oils;
  • similar products to Teknos.

If desired, it is necessary to get an attractive hebrons, you need to buy azure, for example, a decorative composition of the class premium Remmers HK-LASUR CLASSIC based on a solvent. We will talk in detail about the characteristics of different lazuries.

As a rule, for a constructive and street elements Aesthetics is less important than strength and durability. In this regard, for external work, the optimal option is the oil whose service life is long. If it is planned to cover the structures indoors, it is more expedient here tree lazuries. However, it is used for outdoor work. The thick-layer lesser composition lines and hides all the flaws of the rogue, make the surface perfectly smooth and shiny.

Photo 2. Sunny color - oil Gnature 245 Hartöl

In turn, less aesthetic oil will provide wood on the street maximum protection against negative external factors, and the finest film does not crack under the influence of the Sun and mechanical damage. For external work, you can use a thin layer azure.

Why need a azure

Despite the whole list positive qualities Woods making it popular in construction and finishing, she has vulnerable places:

  • high porosity, which leads to absorbing moisture and rotting;
  • exposure to fungal lesions and the development of mold;
  • the relative softness of individual rocks than their briefness is due;
  • a tendency to the emergence of unattractive blue;
  • cracking;
  • damage to the beetles-edges.

The azure has antiseptic properties, deeply penetrates the structure of the wood and strengthens the fibers. As a result of this treatment, the tree (timber, log, board, plaque) is prevented from all negative factors from the outside, it becomes stronger, more durable and more beautiful.

Types of lazuries for wood

Based on the basis, wood azure is oil, water-soluble and with an aggressive solvent. Water-based products are safe for health, so they are used for processing wooden elements in children's rooms, baths and saunas, residential premises. The solvent lesing compositions can have toxic effects in the form of allergies on the human body, so more often they are bought for use on the street.

Taking into account the preparation of the necessary effect lazuri divided by Thin layer, thick-layer and intermediate.

  • Thin layer Tools have liquid consistency and penetrate into the structure of the fibers. They are often used to process elements that are unstable to deformation - a stake, lining for the trim. If a thick-layer product is used here, the film will crack and peel. The thin layer azure does not form the film at all, but only drinks wood, improving its technical and aesthetic qualities.
  • Tolstoyloy The azure is more thick, therefore freezes on the surface of the film. This type of material is used to dye door blocks and other elements that are not terrible. And also often used for interior decoration (lining, imitation of timber, block House, etc.)
  • Medium-line (intermediate) The azure in thickness is between the first two species, well absorbs and forms the thinnest air-permeable film. It is used to process a constructive with easily pronounced deformation.

Photo 3. Thin-layer azure Renner YM M349 on a constituent larch plankin

Photo 4. Tolstoy-layer Wohnraum Azure Remmers on Block House

The company "Lesopierza" offers a azure for any purpose

Our company has its own painting workshop, therefore the technology of wood processing LKM to our specialists are known thoroughly. Greatly familiar with them and lazuries from different brands with different compositions and technical characteristics. Self best options Translucent tools for staining wood are presented on the pages of our catalog:

  • Symphony "Nordic SAUNA" - a protective agent for bath and sauna on an acrylic basis.

A water-soluble product can be smoked by adding the desired pigment to it, so it turns out colored azure for wood. After drying on the surface, a pleasant touch and a wear-resistant film appears.

Photo 5. Handling in the sauna Symphony "Nordic SAUNA"

Photo 6. Protective equipment for bath and sauna from symphony

  • For external work is offered decorative azure Premium Class Remmers HK-Lasur Classic.

The agent is made on the basis of the solvent. Such impregnation will provide designs maximum protection against negative manifestations of nature.

  • For internal works, take the wax azure of the same manufacturer - Remmers Wohnraum-Lasur.

The substance is manufactured on the basis of flax and natural resin, so it is safe for the body and provides wood protecting protection.

Photo 7. Samples of wax straps Remmers Wohnraum Lasur

Photo 8. Wax Azure Remmers Wohnraum Lasur

  • White Azure for Tree from bee Wax Gnature 471 BIENENWACHSLASUR is also suitable for internal work, but is not suitable for flooring materials.

In addition to wax it includes natural oils. Such tree azure dark oak will turn into a gentle bleached.

Photo 9. Azure with bee wax Gnature 471 Bienenwachslasur, color "Heaven

  • Universal oil azure Gnature 425 Holzschutz Öl-Lasur is used for work inside and outside, but, like the previous product, is not suitable for the floorboard.

This substance includes natural resins and natural oils. The azure has high resistance to aggressive manifestations of nature, makes the texture more expressive and aesthetic.

Photo 10. Posseed on pine planene oil-zezure Gnature 425 Holzschutz Ol Lasur

  • For staining imitation of timber, lining and block house, we recommend buying a Renner YM M349 azure.

The composition lies exactly, forming on surface light gloss. Renner YM M349 has a water base than the following qualities: no unpleasant odor, Capacity for rapid drying, environmental friendliness.

Photo 11. Ground imitation of larch timing

Photo 12. Condition under the YM M349 Azure from Renner

How to apply a tree azure

With the process of applying the lazuri, even a beginner will cope. Pre-emery paper with grain grain 80-150 needs to open the pores closed as a result of rings. Intermediate grinding (scotch braith) will remove the pile from wood and make it relatively smooth. For uniform application, use a brush, roller or pneumatic sprayer.

If not one is planned, and several layers of lazuries, the previous layer must dry well. Time recommendations The manufacturer places on the label, for each product they are different.

This article - best instruction For those who want to "paint" something wooden, but not at all disassembled in paints and varnishes. Or perfectly disassembled in impregnation and antiseptics, but sometimes does not know how to correctly respond to particularly meticulous "diplomas". How to understand how much a qualitative or another means for wood? We told what the manufacturers are silent.

At least once in life, everyone will face what will need to buy lacquer for the floor, repaint the shelves or worktop, update the appearance wooden doors. If with ordinary paints And the varnishes are increasingly less clear, they navigate in all antiseptics, soils and impregnations, and even different manufacturers, it is very difficult.

To begin with, we will understand the terms.

What is impregnation and veil, what is oil and azure?

Impregnation - This is any means that soak wood to improve and preserve its properties. This can be called anything: from an antiseptic designed to protect the tree from bioprovilation, to a substance that gives color - after all, all these compositions impregnate wood.

Morilka - This is a substance that is treated with wood to change its color, imparting certain decorative, protective or primer characteristics. At the same time, the verses are often called substances that perform only one of the listed functions.

That is, these concepts are somewhat blurred, words impregnation and morilka can be synonymous, but sometimes it is fundamentally different materials. It is easier to deal with terms azure and butter.

This is a decorative transparent agent, staining and emphasizing the structure of the tree and protecting it from harmful effects. Cote d'Azur can be different: for example, in the Belinka manufacturer's lineup there are 4 lazuries for different needs and applications: LASUR and TOPLASUR, INTERIER and EXTERIER.

This is the usual natural (read: safe) oil, sometimes with the additive mineral, which is used to protect the tree without changing its natural look. Oils are indispensable for such hardwood solid wood like: oak, tick, larch.

The best way to understand which means for wood you need

And so you need to treat some wooden surface. Get confused in sentences just because different manufacturers Often under the same name proposed completely different compositions.

Select a tool for wood will help a simple rule: Think exactly what qualities you need to give specifically to your wooden product or design. If some kind of function is your tool for wood (or complex of funds) does not carry it a bad means.

Consider more.

What kind of wood outside the premises is good?

What is important for the design that will stand in the open sky? Let's say it is a wooden shop, gazebo, facade of a house or fence. So that the tree on the street served for a long time, you need:

  1. we take it from natural phenomena: be sure to ultraviolet and moisture - the main factors that destroy the structure of the wood;
  2. protect the tree from fungi (mold) and from certain insects that are breeding in the tree;
  3. give the tree a beautiful appearance and color that will be saved as long as possible.

What kind of wood is better to use in the house?

What qualities are important to preserve wood interior door, furniture objects or lining, which are trimmed with kitchen walls? We need:

  1. Of course, a beautiful appearance and the ability to repaint, for example, a surface of pine into a fashionable rosewood;
  2. Safety, because I do not want to inhale substances harmful to health;
  3. Moisture protection if the tree is used in the bathroom or in the kitchen;
  4. Protection against fungi, which will necessarily appear under the action of moisture;
  5. Harmony in the house - increasingly psychologists and designers to maintain feelings of peace and comfort are advised not to use brilliant glossy surfaces in the interiors (the Council is controversial, but still matte lazuries and paints in the house look more pleasant).

Output: Pick the tool for the tree on the basis of its functions, and not out of the name.

How to choose an effective complex of materials for wood: secrets about which manufacturers are silent

But there is another problem: most often just one means is not enough: it is almost impossible to accommodate all problems in one bank. Often, a complex of primer is required plus versions, or from the tinting agent plus varnish. How to choose this complex to supplemented each other, and each of them was really effective? Though again, think about what properties you want to give a tree, and on the basis of this pickyly choose each material.

What should be primer for wood: 4 main parameters

Tree primer must be primarily a soil-antiseptic. That is, perform 2 main functions.

1. How the soil should guarantee the adhesion (good grasp) of the finish layers with the basis so that they keep tightly, and their service life will increase, and should also equalize the reasancement of the base, so that you will save at the expense finishing Materials and get an uniform surface of the surface;
2. As an antiseptic, the primer should be deeply penetrating into the wood to protect the tree from the development of a) fungal and b) insect pests (this function is only important for wet premises or on the street, in a dry room you can easily do without an antiseptic).

In addition, the soil-antiseptic for wood should:

3. Be immentable - otherwise it will instantly be useless on the street and in wet premises, simply melt;
4. To be defective - otherwise it will not only quickly lose its properties, but will jeopardize your health as soon as you use it somewhere in a closed room.

Moreover, high-quality primer is obliged to respond to all four of these parameters. It is sad that such a simple test does not pass and half of the brands presented in the market.

7 signs of high-quality lazuries (impregnation)

Azure coatings are applied on a tree for protection, as well as to give it a specific color or shade. It is important to consider the following.

  1. The azure (or impregnation with the properties of a lazuri) should create a very thin film, because in this its advantage: the visible structure of the tree will be preserved, and after time, the surface will not swear, as it happens with conventional paints.
  2. The azure must be safe, especially if you plan to use it inside the house. Carefully read the composition: belinka, for example, indicates the banks of the mixpoths to the last component - you can check each, finding its description on the Internet on the GAS code.
  3. As part of the Lazari should not be antiseptics - it is harmful! The use of them by sanitary standards is allowed only in the soils that will close later with the finish coating.
  4. The best binder for materials on wood is alkyd resins. Acrylic compositions are much less effective due to big size Acrylic molecules: They simply cannot penetrate enough deep into the wood. Carefully impregnate wood with useful substances can only be used in alkyd resin!
  5. The azure must be vapor permeable. Simply speaking: moisture that will penetrate into the tree, should be able to easily get out, otherwise decorative surface cracks.
  6. The azure should be elastic: a tree - a lively transforming from of different factors Material, and the azure must "move" with it not free.
  7. Low flow (1 liter for 8-12 sq. M. m. With a three-layer application) - by itself a huge advantage and the possibility of saving. And even low consumption indicates the use of high-quality fatty resins.

What should be high-quality wood oil

When choosing oils for wood, pay attention to the following points.

  1. Reliable protection without changing natural type: The oil should deeply soak the tree, creating a smooth surface, while maintaining a natural color and a beautiful structure of the tree.
  2. Water-repellent effect, which is especially important for wood outside the premises, as well as the indoors used, where there is moisture.
  3. The oil should not form a film on the surface, thereby it does not block the pores, the surface remains vapor permeable.
  4. Safety for a person should be absolute, because oils are also used for kitchen utensils, for children's toys.
  5. Naturalness: Mineral oils can also include and some additives, but the main component is always natural oil.

Should the oil should give a tree color? Technically, it is possible, but for this you need to add other components that reduce important properties Oils, as a result, such a substance is already difficult to call oil, it's rather impregnating.

Important: If you want to give a tree a color, it will be more correct to use non-oil, but with colored las or, for example, toned varnishes. In the end, the impregnation of oil was invented as the most natural, not changing appearance, a method for treating a tree.

Now you have ready-made lists of important qualities, about which it is worth asking the seller before buying a tool for wood. Use them, and no one can sell you a useless material. Be careful and patient!

Well, if you have a question left, what a means to choose for your case, you can get the answer to it for free.

If you need wood processing, the consumer faces the problem of choosing a paint material. We suggest you pay attention to the azure. it unique view coatings, it combines such useful qualitiesHow: Protection of the surface from small scratches, ultraviolet radiation, moisture. Everything else emphasizes the natural beauty of the surface, some possess antiseptic properties. Let's figure it out in more detail.

So, what is the azure:

It is a lesing or translucent paint that has combined all the advantages of impregnation and varnish. The first thing that rushes into the eye is a product. does not overlap wood pattern. On the contrary, the drawing becomes more textured and contrast. It includes the coloring pigment, which is translucent.
This material Does not contain toxic substances. It is manufactured on the basis of water-repellent components, alkyd resins, coloring pigments and organic solvents. The surface after processing - remains breathing, which is not able to achieve when using varnishes and enamels.

The azure can be divided into three types:

  1. Thin-layerThe advantage is the ability to penetrate deep layers of wood and drink it due to a very liquid consistency. This allows you to protect the material from sunlight and moisture. On the surface there is no film. It is used for elements subject to strong shape change. Bright example -
  2. TolstoyloyIt has a thick texture. It does not penetrate deep into the tree, and when applied, it forms a thin film, it is important to note that, unlike varnishes, the film has breathable properties. Feature Tolstoyar Lazuri, the presence of a strong water repellent effect, which provides a tree reliable protection. It is used for the processing of elements, the least prone to deformation.
  3. Medium-line, average in the thickness between the above species. It is applied on materials, with low-heated deformation. Bright example -

High-quality azure for a long time protects the surface from deformation, cracks and peeling. The higher the dry residue indicator, the longer the coating.
Important: There are lazuries for internal and external work. Do not neglect recommendations. If you are interested in high-quality and long-term coverage, you should pay attention to the scope of product and use it clearly for its intended purpose.

Let's look at the basis:

  • Oilit has multicomponent compositions protecting from formation on wood fungi. Removes the appearance of the tree, making the surface of silky-matte, it advantageously emphasizes the texture of the fibers.
  • Having based on solvents, maximum resistant to ultraviolet radiation, demonstrate special resistance to weather conditions.
  • On the water basedCompared with previously listed compositions, differ in high penetrating ability. Have a neutral smell. Recommended for the use of indoors.

The presence of biocidal additives in the composition will effectively protect wooden elements From rotting, blue, insect lesions and termit lesions. On our site you can find products of high quality foreign manufacturers that meet your requirements.

Azure is paint and varnish materialused to protect wooden products From an extensive range of detrimental factors. The azure not only protects the tree well, but also stains it without the occurrence of the film, with the extensive range of shades available.

What is the difference between varnishes and azure?

Lucky consist of polymers and resins, as the solvent dryed, the solvent evaporates and the film appears. And after the use of lazuries, the film does not appear, as it penetrates into the tree and allows it to breathe. Since the tree breathes, it will not be cleaned even after a large period of time.

There is also a difference between the paint and azure, both products contain coloring pigment, but the paint has a film surface and hides the natural structure of the tree, and the azure stains, but since it is translucent, it does not hide the texture. Lucky and azure need periodic updates.

The lazuri includes resins, solvents of organic origin, water-repellent elements and coloring pigments that have high level Resistance to ultravioleti. Due to this composition, the azure is an environmentally friendly product.

Types of Lazuri

Currently, there are such types of Lazari:

  • Thin layer (up to twenty micrometers). It is a very liquid solution that deep penetrates the surface in the surface. Most often, this species is used for trimming, fences and similar products prone to deformation. Since the azure does not cover wood, but drinks it, for good protection against moisture and sun rays, the coating must be updated frequently.
  • Tolstoy-layer (more than sixty micrometers). This species does not penetrate into the tree and forms a thin film. Such azure is beneficial to apply when painting doors, windows and products that are not prone to changes in their form. Unlike the previous species, the thick-layer azure protects well from moisture. The coating partially hides the texture of the tree and looks like a varnish.
  • Medium-modular (from twenty to sixty micrometers). This species is very well suited for wooden products that are slopes to medium degree deformation.

It is also worth noting that the azure can be based on water or solvents, transparent or with pigments. In addition, it happens to biocides or without them. If there are no biocides, then the azure protects better from moisture and rays of the sun, but worse from fungi and mold. In case you need to get the maximum protection against all the above factors, then before using the lazori, it is worth a special protective composition on the tree.

The azure is applied in several layers, each of them should dry around six - twelve hours. Full drying of the lazuries occurs six days later. One liter of lazuries enough to cover ten - forty square metersIn this case, it all depends on what kind of type you use.