How to feed seedlings - we make up for the lack of nutrition. All fertilizing for tomato seedlings: types of fertilizers, when and what is better to feed How to fertilize tomato seedlings at home

Today, quite a few people in our country are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables on their personal plot. It's no secret that vegetables and fruits from your own garden are much healthier for the body than purchased ones. To get a high-quality harvest, you need to monitor the formation of plants from the moment they are sown. The health and strength of crops is almost always ensured by regular feeding, you can rarely do without it. Before feeding tomato seedlings, so that there are plump stems, namely, they are the key to the future harvest, it is necessary to consider the main options for organic and mineral fertilizers, and then choose the best one for a particular case.

The need for additional nutrition

Most often, for sowing tomato seeds, a special soil is used with the addition of all the necessary for correct growth components, which means that additional nutrition for seedlings is required only after transplanting to a permanent place of growth. Folk remedies for feeding tomato seedlings suggest that for a high-quality harvest, you need to prepare the beds in advance. To do this, even before the winter cold, the area where the tomatoes are planned to be planted should be saturated with humus or manure.

If necessary, add here:

  • dolomite flour;
  • lime;
  • sawdust;
  • peat.

Before feeding tomato and pepper seedlings, it is necessary to correctly determine what exactly the plants need. The lack of a particular element can be recognized by the appearance of the seedlings. When the leaves after transplanting bushes suddenly stop growing and turn pale, and sometimes become covered with dull spots, this indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Its overabundance leads to a riot of green mass of crops to the detriment of the harvest.

A large amount of phosphorus in the ground is indicated by yellowing and falling foliage from the bushes, and a sign of a lack of this element is the appearance of a purple tint on the leaves. An excess of phosphorus can also provoke foliage curling if, at the same time, the seedlings lack potassium and nitrogen.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they have plump and attractive fruits? The quality of the crop is largely influenced by the amount of potassium and phosphorus in the soil. It is important not to overdo it in additional plant nutrition, as an overabundance of nutrients often makes the situation worse.

First feeding

The first fertilization should be carried out no earlier than the first true leaves of the plant appear above the ground. At this time, tomatoes need to be strengthened root system, with which complex mixtures for feeding tomato seedlings such as "Krepysh", "Agricol-Forward" or "Nitrafoska" will do an excellent job.

After that, the gravy is repeated with a similar, but less concentrated, composition with the addition of potassium permanganate after 10 days. At this point, many are wondering how to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plump, since their exhaustion becomes noticeable already at this stage. Pouring the seedlings with the "Athlete" preparation or a superphosphate solution (1 tablespoon for a quarter of water) can help.

Additional food after a pick

It must be carried out only after two weeks from the moment of picking the plants. At this moment, feeding tomato seedlings with serum from superphosphate and potassium sulfate will be ideal. For cooking on a bucket of water, it is enough to add 1 tbsp. l. each component. You can replace the composition with a solution of nitroammofoska.

After another 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated. The last pouring should be done no later than 15 days before transplanting into open ground.

A permanent place of growth

After transplanting tomato seedlings into open ground or a greenhouse, the plants need time to acclimatize, and in order for everything to go as comfortable as possible, it is forbidden to load the seedlings with additional fertilizing for a week and a half. In general, all subsequent fertilization should be carried out strictly when necessary, as evidenced by the condition of the plants. It is also important to know that when planting tomatoes on poor soil and abundant precipitation, the entire period of growth, the amount of substances for additional nutrition must be doubled, but at the same time a lower concentration of them must be added once.

In order not to burn the bushes, all standard dosages should be reduced by 1/3, but they should be performed more often.

Frequently used organics

Fertilizing tomato seedlings with a mullein is most often used in private farms. It is best to add the substance in the fall, during the preparation of the beds. To nourish already growing bushes with a solution, the mullein must ferment well, otherwise the roots of the plants can simply be burned. To normalize the substance, the mullein must be filled with water and left in the sun to ferment for several days. After that, the solution is diluted in a large number water and is applied strictly under the root of each bush.

Top dressing tomato seedlings chicken droppings should also be made with an already rotted mixture. It should be cooked in the same way as mullein infusion.

Ash feeding

Excellent provides a large number nutrients tomatoes and seedlings Regardless of where it comes from: from the stove, after burning fallen leaves or after a fire right on the site of future beds, it contains potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Since an overabundance of these components can also lead to negative consequences, add ash better in autumn when digging or directly into each hole when disembarking. In the first case, it is necessary to distribute ash in the amount of 0.5 kg for each square meter, and in the second - pour 2 tbsp into the grooves. l., but no more.

Yeast addition

Fertilizing with yeast for tomatoes gives an excellent result, accelerating the growth of green mass and obtaining good harvest... A solution is used for periodic watering of the bushes of plants already at the place of constant growth. To prepare it, it is necessary to dilute live yeast in warm water in an amount of 10 grams per 10 liters. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add a little sugar to the mixture.

Feeding with yeast is carried out only under the root, while other mixtures can be used for spraying.

Acceleration of ripening

How to feed tomato seedlings so that there are a little plump and plump fruits ahead of time? Iodine is perfect for this. For irrigation, only 4-5 drops need to be added to a bucket of water, and even less for spraying, but the effect is immediately noticeable. The substance should not be used often, as iodine can burn plants. One preventive spraying per season or treatment in the event of diseases is enough.

Nitrogen source

Despite the fact that nitrogen is very important for plants, its excess is no less dangerous and feeding with urea of ​​tomato seedlings should be carried out only in cases of urgent need, since this element accumulates nitrates in large quantities in fruits. Urea should only be used to feed already mature bushes. Watering or foliar spraying can be done, which gardeners recommend more often. To normalize the growth of tomatoes, it is enough to add a substance in an amount of no more than 20 grams for each square meter of the plot.

Liquid ammonia is also rich in nitrogen. Ammonia fertilization of tomato seedlings can also be carried out at the picking stages. For this, the bushes need a concentration of 20 grams per 8 liters of water when pouring. You can also use ammonia to prevent the appearance of a bear on the site. In this case, the concentration of the substance should be increased to 10 ml per 10 liters of water and dosed, 0.5 liters each, into the previously prepared hollows.

Potassium permanganate and other folk remedies

To strengthen the green mass and prevent the falling of female flowers, tomatoes should be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate no more than 1 time per month.

V summer period supermarkets offer Exotic fruits bananas at a very attractive price. Few are aware that their peel can be used as a powerful source of potassium for tomatoes. The skin of one fruit must be insisted in a liter of water for 2 days, after which use the composition for watering the bushes.

You can prepare the nutritional composition by insisting eggshells in water. You can use the mixture after the appearance of its characteristic bad smell.


Among the wealth modern drugs for feeding cultivated plants, gardeners still prefer proven means, including:

  • superphosphate;
  • nitroammofosk;
  • "Strong Man";
  • "Ideal";
  • "Epinom".

It is important to prepare solutions based on these substances strictly according to the instructions, since exceeding the dosage can contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits. All preparations are used both for irrigation under the root of plants and for spraying in case of an emergency need for nutrition.

Foliar application

Such dressing differs from conventional gravy only in the speed of delivery of nutrients to the plant. The fact is that it takes a lot of time for the bushes to get food from the soil, and the green mass immediately absorbs everything that comes, and providing tomatoes not only emergency assistance, but also a high concentration of fertilizer. That is why, when preparing solutions for spraying, the amount of drugs in relation to water must be reduced.

In order not to harm the tomatoes, you need to follow the following instructions to prepare the mixture:

  • heat 1 liter of water, but do not boil;
  • add 1 gram of substance to uncooled water;
  • let the mixture cool;
  • spray the leaves, fruits and ovaries with a solution.

For each plant, you need to allocate at least 10 ml of the resulting solution.

Top dressing during flowering

If during active growth tomatoes need all the nutrients, then already adults flowering plants emphasis should be placed on certain components. It is best to apply fertilizer at this time by spraying in order to accelerate the receipt of nutrients by the bushes.

It is best to use complexes at this time:

  • kemiru;
  • nitroammophos;
  • diammophos.

You can also use individual substances, spraying tomatoes only with boron, phosphorus or potassium. It is advisable to apply organic fertilizers under the root, but strictly dosed so as not to burn the root system.


Fertilization alone is not enough to get a good harvest. Tomatoes need a lot of space for active growth, therefore, immediately when planting in a permanent place, small seedlings should be placed at a distance of at least 45-50 cm from each other. Also, do not overdo it with watering, otherwise the fruits may crack, losing their marketable condition... With heavy and regular precipitation, additional moisture can be completely abandoned.

It is important to know that when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, top dressing is best done with mineral complexes, since organics can behave unpredictably under microclimate conditions. To get a rich and high-quality tomato crop, you need to follow all the recommendations at once and not get hung up on only one direction.

After planting seedlings, try to take care of it as correctly as possible, then you are guaranteed a good harvest!

Seedling picking is the transplanting of young plants from a common container into pots bigger size ... This is done at an early stage, when 2-3 true leaves are fully formed.

Experts believe that picking contributes to the development of roots, makes the plant stronger and stronger.

Since during the period of active growth, the seedling begins to require a sufficient amount of soil volume, nutrients and oxygen. The root system is actively developing, requiring everything more space in the container.

What happens if you don't dive:

Therefore, the feeding area is increased for young shoots by replanting larger pots of about (500 ml in volume). This gives the seedlings an incentive for the development of the root system and is the key to health. Also, picking promotes the development of lateral roots, facilitates subsequent planting in the ground, helps to select strong plants and get rid of weak ones. If necessary, picking will help slow down the growth of seedlings.
Next, consider how you can feed the tomatoes before the pick, during or after the pick, so that the plant stems are plump and strong.

We offer you to watch a video about what tomato picking is and how to properly fertilize a plant before transplanting:

How to feed a young plant before transplanting

Do tomatoes need it in the early stages for seedling growth?

Young seedlings require quite a lot of nutrients.... Since all forces at this time are aimed at growth, development of the root system and building up green mass. A healthy plant can only grow on fertile, fertilized soil. Usually, experts recommend carrying out the first feeding after the first true leaf is completely formed, sometimes a little later.

The amount of dressings depends on the quality of the soil into which the seeds are sown, and the soil into which the shoots will be transplanted after picking.

If plants are deficient in nutrients, it is very easy to notice by the appearance of the shoot.

Signs of nutrient deficiency:

  1. Lack of nitrogen is manifested by yellowing of the lower layer of leaves after which they fall off. In this case, an excess of nitrogen is manifested by the yellowness of the entire green mass. A solution of urea or ammonium nitrate will help here.
  2. If the plant lacks phosphorus, then the lower part of the leaf turns purple with veins. To eliminate this problem, superphosphate is used (read about what types of phosphorus fertilizers are for tomatoes and how to use them).
  3. With a lack of potassium in the soil, young shoots shrivel and if you do not fight this, then the fruits will ripen unevenly.
  4. With a lack of iron, plants suffer from chlorosis, yellowing and curling of leaves are observed. Iron chellate is perfect here.

Homemade fertilizer recipes

If you decide to feed the seedlings before picking, then the best way for the first feeding - copper solution. It will reliably protect young shoots from late blight.

To do this, 1 teaspoon of concentrate (microfertilizer with high copper concentrate) is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Then the shoots are watered abundantly. The rest of the solution can be stored as long as necessary.

For subsequent dressings, they are well suited as chemical compositions and organic fertilizers prepared at home.

Recipe number number 1:

  • 2 liters of water.
  • 1 g of urea.
  • 8 g superphosphate.
  • 3 g of potassium sulfate.

Recipe number number 2:

  1. Dissolve 5 g of bread yeast in 5 liters of water.
  2. Stir well.
  3. Insist for 24 hours.

The yeast infusion should not be stored. It is used immediately after preparation.

You can learn how to prepare a yeast-based fertilizer for tomatoes, as well as the pros and cons of such fertilization.

Recipe number number 3:

  • 2 liters of water.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon wood ash.

Mix and infuse for 24 hours, then strain.

Recipe number number 4:

  • 2-3 parts of dry banana skins (read how to use banana skins and other organic matter for feeding and proper growth of tomatoes).
  • 1 part water.

Pour banana skins with water and leave for 3 days. Before feeding, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 3. All the recipes described are used for root dressing.

How to fertilize:

  1. The soil should be well moistened before fertilizing.
  2. Most convenient way feeding with a syringe, since the plant is still very young and tender.
  3. It is advisable to add about 3-5 g of solution from a syringe under each bush.
  4. The second feeding is allowed to be carried out no earlier than two weeks after the first.

At this stage (before picking) the plants are still too young and tender. The main thing here is not to overdo it!

What fertilizers and when to feed the tomatoes after transplanting?

In order for the seedlings to be plump, and the fruits to be large, you need correct selection composition for feeding. Also, regularity is important and correct scheme procedures. It is advisable to alternate root dressing with foliar fertilization. In addition, the rules for conducting procedures should be followed.

Root preparations

The first feeding should be applied no earlier than 10-14 days after the pick... The second top dressing is applied in two weeks. The third - as needed. The last feeding of seedlings is carried out 10 days before planting the plants in the ground.

After a pick, the plant actively builds up its green mass, and the following compositions will help in this.

Recipe number 1:

  • 1 tbsp. spoon of urea.
  • 1 liter of water.

Stir the components until completely dissolved and water the plants abundantly. Such feeding contributes to the growth of green mass.

Recipe number 2:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of fertilizer "Nitrofoska".

Stir the ingredients until completely dissolved and water the seedlings abundantly.

"Nitrofoska" is a mineral fertilizer. The main components are phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen in equal proportions. Available in the form of granules.

You can learn more about the benefits of mineral fertilizers for seedlings and adult tomatoes, as well as the types of fertilizing and their use.

Recipe number 3:

  • 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate.
  • 0.5 l of chicken manure.
  • Water -10 l.

Recipe number 4:

  • 0.5 liters of liquid mullein.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon "Nitrofoski".
  • 10 liters of water.

Liquid mullein can be purchased at any gardening store. It is usually sold in 5L containers. According to the manufacturer's information, 1 liter of such liquid replaces 100 kg of fresh manure. You can also buy dry mullein in various packages at the garden store.

Fertilizers according to recipes 3 and 4 should be added under each bush, 200-300 g (about half of a 0.5-liter can).

Foliar spray formulations

Foliar dressing is spraying plants special formulations from a spray bottle... it wonderful way fertilize plants during active growth stages and in case of soil problems.

The main plus is the rapid absorption of nutrients. The second advantage is efficiency in adverse weather conditions.

There is also a minus - the difficulty in selecting the concentration of the drug. If you exceed it, you can get burns on the leaves. In this case, the fertilizer concentration should be 3 times less than with root dressing.

When shown foliar feeding :

  1. Too acidic soil. Root fertilizers in such soil are poorly absorbed.
  2. Plants have a weak appearance with pronounced signs of micronutrient deficiencies.
  3. Before flowering.
  4. For root problems, when the absorption of nutrients through the root is difficult. The reasons may be different: high soil temperature, waterlogging of the soil, lack of oxygen in the soil, damaged roots (during transplantation or due to pests).

Foliar dressing should not be carried out during the day, as the liquid from the leaves quickly evaporates and the effectiveness of the procedure is lost.

Let's consider the most effective recipes.

Recipe number 1:

  • Water - 9 liters.
  • 10 drops of iodine.
  • 1 liter of milk whey.

Recipe number 2:

  • ½ a small bottle of brilliant green (brilliant green).
  • 10 pieces. tablets "Trichopol".
  • 10 liters of water.

Recipe number 3:

  • ½ cup sugar.
  • Iodine 15 drops.
  • 2 liters of milk whey.
  • 10 liters of water.

Read more about the benefits of iodine for feeding tomatoes and how to use it correctly.

Rules for foliar dressing:

  1. Foliar dressing is best done once every 10-14 days.
  2. Under no circumstances should the recommended concentration of substances in the preparation be exceeded.
  3. Monitor the condition of the plants every day, if it has worsened, then the feeding should be either canceled or replaced with another drug.
  4. If the seedlings are in the greenhouse after spraying, the room must be ventilated (read about the main intricacies of fertilizing tomatoes in the greenhouse, and from you will learn how to choose the most best fertilizer for greenhouse seedlings).
  5. Spraying agents must be chlorine-free.

Read more about when to carry out foliar dressing and what drugs.

Experts warn:

  1. Fertilizing plants with mullein more than three times a season is very undesirable.
  2. The soil should not be overly fertilized, as the plants will actively grow greenery, and there will be few fruits.
  3. You do not need to put manure or bird droppings in the holes, this is fraught with a lack of harvest and big green mass.
  4. You can fertilize seedlings only in the morning or in the evening.
  5. After fertilization, the plant should be watered abundantly with settled water at room temperature.
  6. Purchase a soil in advance that contains all the necessary nutrients. It will serve as the main top dressing before planting tomatoes in the ground.

Thus, the first and all subsequent feeding of tomatoes, both before and after the dive, can be carried out with folk remedies prepared at home. Do not neglect the advice of experts, but at the same time, you should not mindlessly do everything you hear and read about. Important here golden mean... The best teacher is practice. Only after gaining practical skills in working with plants will you understand which tips to take into account and which not.

Useful video

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Growing vegetables seedling method it is necessary to use fertilizer for seedlings. Top dressing has a huge impact on plant growth, but adding additional nutrients requires some knowledge from the grower.

When growing vegetables in a seedling way, it is very important to select not only high-quality seed material and, but also to apply the necessary fertilizers for seedlings in the process of development. Experienced growers know that feeding has a huge effect on plant growth. However, this process requires compliance with the measure. Therefore, before fertilizing seedlings, it is necessary to select the type, shape and composition of the nutrient mixture.

Mineral fertilizers for vegetable seedlings

Top dressing of this type consists of inorganic compounds, mainly mineral salts. Depending on the type of filling, fertilizers for seedlings are simple with one trace element or complex, containing several minerals.

The main minerals that are necessary for the full development of a plant:

  • Nitrogen: ammonium nitrate (35% nitrogen), urea (46% nitrogen), ammonium sulfate (20% nitrogen), ammonia water (20-25% nitrogen).
  • Phosphorus: superphosphate (20% phosphorus) or double superphosphate (40-50% phosphorus).
  • Potassium: potassium chloride (50-60% potassium oxide), potassium salt (30-40% K20), potassium sulfate (45-50% K20).

With a lack of any mineral, the growth of seedlings is significantly slowed down. Its leaves turn light green, become small and begin to fall off. With an excessive intake of mineral fertilizers, the plant can get burned and die. Therefore, before fertilizing the seedlings, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and, in accordance with the declared norms, apply top dressing.

Organic fertilizers for vegetable seedlings

This type of fertilizer contains organic matter... The main advantage of top dressing is that it contains more than one type of mineral, but almost all the necessary nutrients. Such an organic fertilizer cannot be attributed to any one type, since the main mineral elements are already present in it. In addition, other minerals are also contained in different proportions: cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, etc.

Organic fertilizers for vegetable seedlings:

  • Manure... The advantage of using manure is a complete set of all the necessary substances. In addition, after its addition, biological and physical characteristics soil. In it, carbon dioxide begins to be released abundantly, which is necessary for the carbon nourishment of the plant.
  • Chicken droppings... His distinctive feature is tremendous productivity. It includes a large amount of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
  • Compost... This type of fertilizer is easy to prepare for summer cottage... For its preparation, leaves, straw, grass from weeds, potato tops, various kitchen garbage, etc. are used.

The introduction of organic fertilizers for seedlings gives good result, but it can be difficult for a beginner to determine the required proportions. Therefore, before feeding, it is better to get additional advice from a specialist.

Fertilizer for cabbage seedlings

Fertilizers for tomato seedlings

Nutrient dressings are used several times. The first time fertilizers for tomato seedlings are used after picking only after 10 days. It is recommended to water the plants with organic fertilizers, which will enhance the growth of weak senses. The principle for preparing mullein or poultry droppings is described above.

Wood ash, which contains a large number of various microelements, has also proven itself well as a fertilizer for home tomato seedlings.

For 2-3 m² of the sown area, 8-10 liters of liquid, 70-80 g of ash and 15-25 mg of ammonium nitrate will be required. This nutrient mixture can be used 10-13 days after the first fertilization.

Each feeding of any plant must be completed with irrigation. warm water... When applying fertilizers, avoid getting the fertilizer onto the leaf mass. To prevent the appearance of burns on the leaves after watering, it is recommended to sprinkle all plants with water.

Video: fertilizers for seedlings or why leaves turn yellow

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!


People with their own household plots, annually grow vegetables (especially tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers) on their own. Planting seedlings in the ground and watering regularly is not enough to get a good harvest. Plants need to be fed by different means to kill pests, fight diseases, get tasty, fleshy, large fruits. There are several folk ways providing your seedlings with the nutrients they need to grow healthy, vitamin-rich vegetables with ease.

What is seedling feeding

This is the process of introducing a nutrient solution under the root system of tomato seedlings, pepper, fertilizer that strengthens the plant's immunity, helps to withstand stressful conditions under the influence external environment... To do everything right, you need to be able to recognize what exactly the pepper or tomato needs, how and when to add the solution, how to knead it, etc.

The answers to these many other questions will help novice gardeners get a full harvest. vegetable crops... The benefits of using nutritious folk remedies are obvious - they help seedlings grow healthy, strong, resistant to different diseases and pests. Top dressing is carried out in two main ways: root, foliar.

How to feed seedlings

Before proceeding with feeding, you need to familiarize yourself with the types into which any fertilizer for seedlings of tomatoes and peppers is divided:

  1. Organic. This includes all folk remedies: a solution of mullein, wood ash, chicken droppings, yeast mixture. Such fertilizers are made independently, do not require a lot of time, effort and finance, and have a large percentage of assimilation.
  2. Organomineral. Include saline solutions and organic ingredients.
  3. Mineral. Contains the full range of nutrients necessary for the normal full-fledged growth of seedlings.

The number of dressings, their composition depends on the quality of the soil mixture. Primary feeding is carried out no earlier than 15 days after sowing and the appearance of full shoots. Before diving into the open ground, peppers and tomatoes in early feeding do not need, and after the procedure you need to wait at least a week. Alternation gives very good results. mineral mixtures with organomineral. This top dressing is applied every 7-10 days. It should be noted that an overabundance or lack of mineral nutrition has a bad effect on seedlings:


Oversupply symptoms

Deficiency symptoms

Intensive growth of stems, leaves, the appearance of a rich green color, a decrease in disease resistance

Stop fertilizing with nitrogen, feeding with phosphorus-potassium agents

Decreased root development, stem growth

Add liquid nitrogen agent

The appearance of chlorosis, a decrease in the absorption of iron

Feed potassium either dolomite flour

Decreased stem growth, chlorosis, yellowing, leaf fall

Watering 1-2 times a week with calcium nitrate (7-9 g per 3 liters of water)

Growth retardation, lighter leaves, blemishes and foliage fall

Feed with potash

The appearance of blueness on the leaves, spots, brown tint around the edges, loss of immunity

Water with 1% nitrate once a week

Rapid aging of plants, wilting of fruits, the appearance of chlorosis

Feed with phosphorus fertilizer

Weak plant growth, the appearance of red veins on the leaves

Insulate the windowsill, pour with azophoska solution (5g per 3l)

Folk remedies

There are fertilizers for seedlings of peppers and tomatoes, which are prepared from natural ingredients at home. Experienced gardeners prefer such folk remedies to purchased preparations, since they are not easy great alternative chemicals, but also absolutely safe for future fruits. Most of the means of folk production for feeding seedlings are made on the basis of:

  • bird droppings;
  • ash;
  • eggshell;
  • honey;
  • banana peel;
  • thick from coffee;
  • Sahara;
  • iodine;
  • ammonia;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • potato broth;
  • boric acid;
  • yeast;
  • aloe juice, etc.

The main micronutrients that tomatoes and peppers need are:

  1. Potassium. The element is necessary for the development of the root system; if it is deficient, the plants will die.
  2. Phosphorus. Supports seedlings during flowering, fruiting. If there is not enough phosphorus, the ovary withers and falls off, and you should not expect a full harvest.
  3. Nitrogen. It is an active participant in the process of photosynthesis, helps young seedlings to actively build up a strong green mass.

The main disadvantage of processing, feeding tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies is the inability to calculate the exact amount of trace elements in the mixture. Considering this fact, it is better to reduce the dosage of the applied fertilizer than to exceed it. In addition, it is better to carry out top dressing in the morning, in moist soil and maintain the temperature of the mixture from 220 to 250. To disinfect the soil and fertilize any varieties of tomatoes, use an infusion of a handful of onion peels (peelings) and 3-5 liters of water.


The most popular fertilizer among gardeners is wood ash, which contains phosphorus and potassium, which is necessary for the nutrition of seedlings. The substance protects plants from pests, diseases and nourishes them. Before diving seedlings into the ground, 2 tbsp is poured into each hole. l. ash mixture, and on top - a layer of earth to avoid damage to the roots. At the end of the second week after planting, the first feeding with liquid ash is carried out; to obtain a mixture, 100 g of ash powder must be diluted in 1 liter of water. Such a solution must be poured under the base of the stem, 1 liter each.

You can also carry out foliar feeding by diluting 10 liters of water with 300 g of ash and half a piece laundry soap... Then the mass is boiled for about half an hour, filtered, cooled. It is not necessary to add the last component, but it promotes better adhesion of the mixture to the seedling leaf. The resulting ash solution of the plant must be sprayed from above.

Banana skins

Banana peels are rich in potassium, which is essential for seedlings during flowering. The skin of the fruit must be dried in any way, and then crushed to a powdery state. The resulting mixture is poured when planting seedlings. It is best to dry the crusts on fresh air where the sun's rays and breeze will help. The product must be strung on a string, covered with gauze. Thus, the maximum preservation of nutrients and getting rid of harmful impurities with which fruits were processed is ensured.

You can also use liquid banana fertilizer, obtained by infusing the peel of 2-3 fruits in a three-liter jar of water for at least 3 days. Next, strain the liquid and pour 50 ml under each bush. Another easy way to get a nutritious banana mixture is to grind 1 skin of the fruit with a glass of water in a blender and add 1 tablespoon of soft gruel. l. under each seedling once a month. The organic elements found in bananas not only nourish the plants by promoting abundant flowering, but still effectively fight aphids.

There is another way of feeding - spraying the seedlings with a spray of banana peel (4 pcs.), Eggshell powder (2 tsp), magnesium sulfate (20 g), 1 liter of water. The first component must be dried, chopped, mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Spraying is carried out no more than once in 7 days, the mixture is stored in the refrigerator, and before use it is warmed up to 20 °. A few finely chopped skins filled with Baikal EM1 will make excellent compost. It takes a month to infuse the mixture.

Infusion of bird droppings

Such feeding is very popular among gardeners and is one of the first to be carried out. The mixture is necessary to stimulate the growth of seedlings and if there are no signs of nitrogen starvation, then there is no need to fertilize. The mass is prepared simply - poultry droppings are poured with water 1: 2, covered with a lid, and left to ferment for 3 days. Then the solution is diluted 1:10 and used for root feeding. This method is the most effective, since it eliminates the "nitrogen starvation" of seedlings by 100%.


Plants, like people, extract pure energy from sugar, so the "sweet" fertilizer will be useful for pepper and tomato seedlings. It is necessary to sprinkle with sugar the surface of the earth around the stem, or dilute with 2 tsp. sweet substance with a glass of water, pour the plant solution. You can even use ordinary glucose tablets (sold at the pharmacy), dissolve 1 pc. in a glass of water and apply the liquid for watering the seedlings. This type of feeding should be carried out no more than once a month.


Top dressing of tomato and pepper seedlings with folk remedies can also be carried out with the help of iodine. The trace element protects plants from pests and diseases. To obtain a solution, dilute 10 g of iodine with a bucket of water (10 L), you can add another 10 g of phosphorus and 20 g of potassium. Fertilizer is suitable for root feeding 1-2 times a week, can be added to settled water used for watering seedlings. The main advantage this method- availability and low cost iodine.

One of effective means, which are used for feeding vegetable seedlings, is eggshell. Experienced summer residents, gardeners collect it all winter to scatter it in the beds in the spring. Crushed shells help to loosen the soil, evenly distribute moisture, and reduce the amount of water required for irrigation. The product is 90% rich in calcium carbonate and nutrients necessary for the growth of seedlings.

Root feeding is carried out with a liquid solution prepared in this way: the shell of 3-4 eggs is placed in three-liter jar, filled with water, infused for 3 days in a dark place at room temperature... Do not close the lid tightly. The main signs of readiness folk remedy- its cloudiness, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, which will subsequently scare off various pests. Eggshells also perfectly improve the mineral composition of the soil. Infused liquid is introduced every 12-14 days under the root.


Fertilization of seedlings of seedlings of pepper, tomatoes with yeast is very effective, because it provides fast growth seedlings, strengthening the root system, improving the yield of these vegetable crops. You can prepare the solution as follows: combine 10 g of yeast, 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 10 liters of warm water, stir, let stand for a while. The finished mixture turns out to be very concentrated, so it must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10.