Mdf or ldsp: which is better for the kitchen? MDF or chipboard - which is better? Furniture from chipboard and chipboard.

The first thing we pay attention to when buying furniture is its price and appearance... However, before paying money to the cashier, it is advisable to find out what it is made of. After all, each material has its own technical characteristics, and some of them have a limited scope. V furniture production for a wide range of buyers, MDF and chipboard boards are often used, which are constantly causing controversy, which is better. The long-term presence on the market of these materials suggests that both of them are needed. It is only important to know where and how to apply them.

Comparison of panel production technology:

MDF boards have a finer fraction of wood. Technological process here it is more improved, especially with regard to the appearance of wood fibers, which impart strength to the sheets. In their manufacture, the dry pressing method is involved, as well as other binders that make construction material environmentally friendly.

One side of MDF is also covered with laminate. The front of the plates can be decorated with PVC foil, plastic or painted. In any case, it will always be smooth. Thinking about what to choose chipboard or MDF in the area of ​​high humidity, we take into account the huge advantage of the latter in this area, from which we conclude which kitchen will be better.

Pros and cons of MDF and chipboard

Such a wonderful material as MDF is not without its drawbacks. It is very sensitive to various types of mechanical damage. Impacting from a heavy object can dent the surface. Another disadvantage is rapid combustion near open flames. This property must be taken into account when placing pieces of furniture in the same kitchen. Due to its fine structure, MDF is more plastic. If you need to cut curly elements, it fits perfectly.

Which furniture is better, made of chipboard or MDF, can be judged from the reviews of the masters working with these materials. The disadvantage of chipboard is the fact that, due to its loose structure, a screw or a nail is very poorly held in it. And about repeated twisting in the same place is out of the question. The main fasteners are corners. Although MDF is more dense, its coefficient of resistance for pulling out fasteners is also not high.

If we take into account the cost of materials, structures made only of MDF will cost much more. To beat the pricing policy, many are very wise. Without thinking about what is better for MDF or chipboard, they order the main part of the furniture body (which hides inside) from chipboard, and the front part from MDF, including interior doors... The service life of both types of panels is not very long. Therefore, which furniture is best suited for the home, we decide for ourselves.

MDF and laminated chipboard are the most relevant materials used in furniture production. They are similar in technical specifications, appearance, composition, but at the same time have some differences. To the question "Which is better: MDF or chipboard?" There is no definite answer. These materials are used for the manufacture of furniture for various purposes, are used in different areas, so which version of the material to choose in this or that case directly depends on the goal.

Similarities and differences between MDF and laminated chipboard

Chipboard and MDF are materials based on wood. Despite the external similarity of these two materials common in the furniture industry, they have a number of cardinal differences.

Technological features of laminated chipboard and MDF

Chipboard is a chipboard with a laminated coating. The basis of chipboard is made from small wood shavings or sawdust, which are held together by means of formaldehyde resins. Laminated chipboard has a unique coating - a paper film impregnated with melamine resin, which is applied in a special way, which makes it possible to practically fuse the film with the chipboard board.

Chipboard without laminated cover

Laminated chipboard

MDF boards have a more homogeneous structure. In their production, finely dispersed wood shavings, resembling wood dust, which is mixed with an adhesive - lignin and paraffin. As a result, slabs of dense material are obtained, on which a decorative coating is subsequently applied.

MDF roughing plate

Laminated chipboard is a fairly hard material, besides it is loose, therefore, the possibility of fine processing is limited.

Laminated chipboard

Furniture made of laminated chipboard includes exclusively straight parts, without curly elements, milling and other decorative lotions. Basically, this is austere furniture with a modest laconic design.

MDF, in turn, is a soft material, easy to process. Exquisite is made of MDF. carved furniture, surprising with its beauty.

Operational features of laminated chipboard and MDF

Chipboard is famous for its endurance to high operational loads. Due to the laminated coating, the material is practically not subject to mechanical damage - cracks, scratches. Only the appearance of chips along the edges of the chipboard, untreated with a special edge or having its damage, is possible. With proper care, chipboard is able to delight with its functionality and aesthetics for a considerable amount of time.

Laminated chipboard is characterized by fire resistance and high temperature resistance. This material can be used in the manufacture of furniture sets, place it near heating elements and this will not affect the appearance and performance of the chipboard. Also, thanks to its unique composition, laminated particle board is not subject to the natural decay process.

However, chipboard cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. If the integrity of the structure is violated, as well as with constant exposure to water, the material swells, becomes loose and begins to crumble, which negatively affects the appearance of the furniture and its functionality.

MDF, in turn, is versatile. This material is great for making furniture for absolutely any purpose. The dense structure allows for fine processing, allowing you to give a different shape. Despite the thickness of the MDF boards, the material can be bent, as well as apply a pattern or rusins ​​on it. This possibility guarantees a huge variety of color and texture solutions of the material.

Variety of MDF facades

Unlike chipboard, MDF is less susceptible to moisture, but at the same time, this material swells, warps, loses its shape under the influence of high temperatures. Decorative coating at the same time, it flakes and bubbles, which ultimately leads to a change in the appearance of the furniture. It is not recommended to install furniture products made of DMF near heating elements: stoves, ovens.

MDF, unlike laminated chipboard, is more environmentally friendly material... In its production, formaldehyde is used in negligible amounts and during operation, the material does not emit any harmful substances... It can be used to make furniture for any area of ​​your home, even a nursery. An undeniable advantage MDF, like laminated chipboard, is resistant to various fungi and rotting.

Differences in the cost of materials

Chipboard is a cheaper material compared to fiberboards. This is due to production costs, material structure, and its diversity. In most cases, laminated chipboard is used for the manufacture of economy class furniture. Thanks to the dense structure of MDF, it is possible to give the furniture the elegance that is characteristic of expensive luxury furniture.

The above features make it possible to understand that when choosing a material, one should take into account not only the quality characteristics of materials, but also the operating conditions of the furniture from which it will be made.

The general appearance of the kitchen depends not only on the cladding of the walls and floors, the facades and the furniture installed in it play an important role. They must meet special requirements. The choice of their material is not an easy task. Perfect option- solid wood products, but not everyone can afford it. It remains to choose from more available materials... The most popular in recent years are MDF and chipboard. They are practically in the same price range. The choice of one of them will depend on their characteristics.

Material selection criteria for kitchen sets

Each of these materials can be objectively evaluated only by considering their properties and resistance to an aggressive kitchen environment.

You should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Appearance... The aesthetic perception of the facade plays an important role. After all, a lot of time is spent in the kitchen, and if the color is not "to your liking" or the texture does not suit, then everyday contemplation will only upset.
  2. Environmental friendliness... In the area of ​​the slab, a high temperature almost constantly prevails and if the selected material of the facade of the furniture, when heated, will emit harmful substances, this can adversely affect the health of the whole family.
  3. Persistence... In the kitchen, unforeseen circumstances regularly arise: oil splashes from a hot frying pan, constant opening of drawers, several times within a short period of time, accidentally falling cutting objects that fly through can scratch the surface of the furniture. Considering this, the material for the kitchen set must be resistant to chemical, mechanical and thermal influences from the outside.
  4. Ease of care... Nobody wants to spend all theirs free time for washing kitchen surfaces, so those that are able to withstand dirt are selected. And in case of scratches or chips, they could be easily restored.
  5. Price... She is the main argument when choosing any product. But you should not chase after cheap materials, if you compare the duration of operation, it turns out that it is more profitable to buy facades at a higher price. They will be able to stay in the kitchen for a long time, and the cheap ones, due to their exposure to various influences, will have to be changed soon.

But this view also has its drawbacks:

  • constant moisture can lead to delamination of the material;
  • afraid of high temperatures;
  • leaving requires some effort.

Everything types of MDF used for facades kitchen sets from some you can even order doors to this room or even floors.

How to install kitchen apron from mdf can be read

Application of laminated particle board

This material is often used for the manufacture of cabinet furniture. This is a type of chipboard - chipboard that has been laminated. With good performance characteristics Chipboard can be purchased relatively inexpensively. Thanks to the lamination process, ordinary chipboard acquires a number of improvements:

  • beautiful view;
  • reliability;
  • moisture resistance, it is achieved using a special melamine resin, which is pressed directly into the structure;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • limited supply of harmful substances from the material to the outside.

How to install film facades for the kitchen can be read in this

In the photo - kitchens from laminated chipboard:

During chipboard production formaldehyde resins are used to bond the chips together. They are very toxins and release harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Chipboard is often used for the manufacture of frames kitchen furniture, its facades and countertops. A reliable option is to use aluminum frames in which this option is placed. This provides it with protection from delamination and swelling. Available in two material thicknesses - 16 and 18 mm. The last option preferable, but its cost is higher. Read more about it in the article.

What is the difference between MDF and HDF can be learned from this

Abundance of colors and ease of maintenance, as well as the resistance of the surface of the material to various external influences- these are the main advantages of laminated chipboard... But at the same time: its edges can swell from moisture, fastenings can loosen over time, they have a rustic appearance in comparison with MDF and after a certain period their surfaces begin to be difficult to clean from greasy stains and food splashes.

Right choice

Both of the materials described above are widely used for making kitchen facades... Which one is better to choose for everyone to determine independently, in order to help a little with this, we will summarize their differences in a table, and then when comparing their properties, you can make the right choice.

Criteria MDF Chipboard
Structure soft solid
Environmental friendliness absolutely harmless, as it is natural can not be used in children's rooms, hospitals, is contraindicated for allergy sufferers
Color spectrum only certain colors a wide range of color solutions
Price the price is more expensive, as there are few domestic manufacturers more accessible
The weight heavy compared to analog light weight
Moisture resistance does not react its edges absorb water, then swell
Fire resistance difficult to react to fire, but when ignited it emits harmful substances flammable quickly but burns slowly
Presence of microorganisms and mold sometimes a fungus may appear on its surface resistant to both pests
Density has a high rate of this property, is reliable and resistant to any impact density value is lower

After comparing all the characteristics of MDF and chipboard, we can conclude that each of them has found its own niche of application in the kitchen spaces. The first one has an attractive appearance, high performance properties, but is distinguished by a high price and a poor choice of colors. Chipboard, on the contrary, is presented in a wide colors, and also has good properties, but is used more as a budget analogue.

What material for furniture mdf used can be found in this

The difference between chipboard and MDF is, first of all, in the use of different raw materials in their production. Although both types of boards belong to the group of wood-based materials, their components and production technologies are not similar to each other. The strength characteristics, environmental friendliness and structure of the plates depend on the manufacturing process.

The abbreviation Chipboard stands for chipboard. The material is produced by hot pressing of pre-mixed woodworking waste, including:

  • bark;
  • wood chips;
  • sawdust;
  • remnants of rejected products, etc.

To the resulting mass is added adhesive composition containing resins and formaldehydes hazardous to humans. But modern technologies allowed to obtain relatively "clean" class E1 slabs, although they are not recommended to be used in children's rooms. After pressing, the material is cooled and cut into pieces according to standard sizes.

By density, chipboard is divided into three groups:

  • with low rates - 350 ... 650g / m3;
  • with average indicators - up to 750kg / m3;
  • with high rates- up to 800kg / m3.

The external unpresentability of chipboard boards is improved by grinding or laminating.

MDF in the Russian interpretation cannot be deciphered. This is just the sound of the letters of the Latin alphabet MDF, which are an abbreviation of the phrase "Medium Density Fibreboard". Translated from English, the phrase sounds like "medium density chipboard."

The composition of MDF includes fine wood shavings, crushed to a state of flour, which ultimately provides the boards with a perfectly smooth surface. The production process involves bonding the components by dry pressing. Paraffin or lignin released when the wood is heated is used as a binder. This factor assumes the environmental safety of the material.

The density of MDF boards is close to that of wood. On average, it ranges from 720 to 870 kg / m3.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that MDF is the leader in the positions discussed above, chipboard boards still occupy a larger segment of the furniture market. The main advantage of chipboards is their low price, so manufacturers continue to make headsets from this material, thereby reducing the cost of finished cabinets. Often there are combined options for furniture, when the body is made of chipboard, and the facades are made of MDF. This solution allows the production of headsets with an improved design, making them more affordable for most consumers.

TO advantages of chipboard can be attributed:

  • availability of choice;
  • pliability to rough machining;
  • relative moisture resistance;
  • sound and heat insulation properties.

Disadvantages of chipboard:

  • formaldehyde resins cause health problems;
  • "Open" ends contribute to the saturation of the slabs with moisture and the subsequent destruction of their structure;
  • re-screwing the screws is not possible;
  • thin decorative processing cannot be performed due to the looseness of the chipboard.

Advantages of MDF:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • high density;
  • resistance to temperature and humidity changes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • preservation of hardness while reducing the thickness of the sheet;
  • lower cost compared to wood;
  • smooth surface;
  • the ability to perform fine decorative processing.

Disadvantages of MDF:

  • high price relative to chipboard;
  • lack of established production in Russian regions.


If the material component when buying furniture is not fundamental, the choice should be stopped on MDF. The material has more features and improved characteristics. To save money, while maintaining the visual appeal of the headset, it will help combined option making furniture. Namely - the body is made of chipboard, and the facades are made of MDF.

The first thing to consider when choosing furniture for the kitchen is its functionality. But attractive appearance is equally important. Moreover, you need to take into account the price of furniture. Many people want to get high-quality and beautiful furniture... But which is better: MDF or chipboard for the kitchen?

Material for the facade of the kitchen

The materials for the arrangement are as follows:

  • Chipboard;
  • wood;
  • frame;
  • aluminum profile.

If everything is clear with wood or aluminum, then the abbreviations of laminated chipboard and MDF raise questions for many. These materials are widely used in modern furniture production.

The creation of materials such as chipboard and MDF allows the development of a wide range of products for the home, including the kitchen. Which is better: MDF or chipboard?

The kitchen needs furniture to withstand temperature fluctuations and high humidity... Cabinet doors are constantly subject to mechanical stress, they are opened wet hands... Therefore, the facade is usually made of MDF, and the side walls and shelves are made of laminated chipboard. This is due to the nature of the materials.

and MDF

Chipboard is laminated chipboard... It is obtained by pressing sawdust. But first they are treated with formaldehyde resin. Then it is laminated - covered with a paper film impregnated with melamine resin. A water-resistant chipboard plate is made by paraffin or its emulsion.

The predecessor of chipboard appeared in the 40s of the last century. For its decoration, not only lamination is used, but also plastic, veneer, acrylic and even artificial stone.

MDF is a dried shavings obtained by pressing. Before that, paraffin is added to it. They make the material durable. Sawdust used for MDF production, very small. Therefore, the product obtained from it is much stronger and denser. There are not so many resins harmful to humans in such products. Such a plate appeared in the 60s of the last century.

So which is better, MDF or chipboard for the kitchen?

Advantages of waterproof laminated chipboard

Perhaps its main advantage is the low cost of laminated chipboard. The price of a sheet ranges from 220 to 400 rubles. It depends on the thickness, which can be from 8 to 25 millimeters.

Products made from this material tolerate moisture well and high temperatures, with which furniture made of chipboard is often found in the kitchen.

The price also depends on the type of decor.

The color range of products made of LDPC is wide enough. It often repeats the colors of different wood species.

Disadvantages of laminated chipboard

Firstly, it is stiffness, because of which it cannot be milled.

Due to the presence of various resins, the chipboard board belongs to toxic materials. This indicator depends on what kind of resin was used in its manufacture. The least harmful substances are found in E1 class plates.

Nevertheless, even countertops are created from chipboard. Chipboard is covered with HPL-plastic, which is also called laminate, using postforming technology. Special attention pay attention to the quality of the seams. If it is bad, then moisture gets to the sawdust, the tabletop board swells and loses all its qualities. Chipboard countertops are often not very high quality.

Benefits of MDF

The material is easy to process with milling tools. It turns out a patterned embossed surface.

Various colors of PVC foil can give furniture a modern and stylish look. She is not afraid of the effects of acids and household chemicals... Various enamels are used to decorate furniture.

Products from MDF are fire resistant. They do not swell with moisture. We can say that the material is much closer in its characteristics to wood than chipboard. Surface MDF kitchen(gloss) beautiful and original. The use of special effects (mother of pearl, chameleon) makes it possible to obtain beautiful and original products. And if we take into account the presence of all kinds of colors, then there are ample opportunities for manufacturers to create beautiful and original products for kitchen.

Disadvantages of MDF

Higher price than laminated chipboard products.

The coating can peel off at temperatures above 75 degrees.

Frame facades

Frame facades are used. Frame made of MDF profile complemented by inserts from laminated chipboard, metal, glass. The frame is finished with PVC foil or veneer. Their advantage is their low price and the ability to create a large number different options design.

Disadvantages - fragility, difficulty in care. Frames are sometimes loosely connected, which leads to the wobbling of the product.

Processing of ends of products

The postforming method consists in the fact that it is already bent at two ends. Others are trimmed with decorative edging after being cut to size.

Most often, all four ends are treated with PVC, acrylic or aluminum rim. The color of the edging can contrast with the color of the furniture.

The softforming method consists in processing the edges of the workpiece with rounded cutters outward. Decorative film in place of the cut, they are glued end-to-end.

MDF with enamel

Very effective products can be obtained by decorating MDF products with enamel of various colors. First, the surface is primed, painted, dried, sanded. The next layer is applied, then a few more.

After processing the last layer, the surface is varnished. After drying, polish again.

The advantage is a beautiful appearance, the disadvantage is the high cost compared to plastic or film coating. Such furniture can fade in the sun, leaving fingerprints on it. Backside the doors are usually white. In addition, from mechanical shock, chips appear that cannot be repaired.

What's better

So which is better: MDF or chipboard? Wouldn't it be nice for the kitchen to produce all furniture from MDF, not just facades? Yes, it would be stronger. But much more expensive. Therefore, they often use just such a complete set.

MDF has a higher density. This will not only extend the life of the products, but also allow you to decorate them with various carved patterns and decorative ornaments.

The furniture created in this way has a beautiful appearance, the facade does not lend itself to destruction. Of course, this furniture is not as durable as wood, but with normal care it will serve the owners faithfully for a couple of decades. And during this time, it is possible that new technologies will be created that will make it possible to produce more quality furniture... Kitchen from MDF reviews collects different. Basically, consumers like the look, but they are not satisfied with the quality of the countertop.