Deren white - conditions and ways of cultivation of shrub. Deren Peppercut: Proper landing and competent plant care

Derenna Pepperconde - decorative shrub With bright and large leaves. Due to its high and magnificent krone, tightly dying with the particle leaves and beautiful white inflorescences, it is often used as a living hedge and garden decorations. The shrub has an extraordinarily strong and durable wood, and he received his name to her thanks to her. Motherland deresses are forests of Siberia, it can also be found in China, Japan and Korea. The dend is perfect for any soils, frosting and unpretentious in care.

Derennolisnaya - a shrub of an empty shape, which reaches a height of up to 3 meters, grows up to 3 meters in width. It will remove the forming trimming, so it can be given any form. Deren is a decorative shrub, his durable branches, painted in a brown-red color and motley leaves, make it unusually attractive and popular in landscape design When creating colorful and bright compositions. Green leaves of the plant, depending on the variety, can be bordered with yellow or white border, highlighting the dend among other garden plants. The period of flowering plants falls on May-June. It blooms with white flowers collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches up to 5 cm. In the fall, after flowering, the turret forms white-blue inedible berries. The culture of frost-resistant and unpretentious in care, often a shrub of the dend is used for landscaping the northern regions of the country.

Popular species of deres

Deren white

Spacious shrub with many indigenous offspring, which are easy to rooted. The leaves at the variety are solid, motley - with white border, in the fall of foliage acquires a reddish-purple shade. Flowers Deren White in June, Little Flowers white color. The plant is shadowfully.

Deren Kauza

The appearance of the deresant with large leaves of the elliptical shape, painted in a dark green color from above, and below - in a greenish-bluish shade. In the fall, the leaves change the color on the bright yellow color. Shrub spreaded, the main branches of which form a long lush cron. Deren Cone blooms at the end of May with beautiful yellow-green flowers with 4 white bracts, diameter up to 10 cm. After flowering, in the fall, scarlet edible berries are formed, tasty taste.

Deren red

Fall shrub, reaching 4 meters in height. It has a branched crown with diluting shoots that can be painted in different colors: from green to purple and red. The leaves of a rounded shape, bright green, have small hairs on the surface, the color of the leaves is paler below. In the fall, the foliage is painted in a bloody-red color, hence the red name he got his name. Inflorescences - shields, in diameter 7 cm, consist of small white flowers, which are numbered up to 70 pieces. The time of flowering variety is 15-20 days. In the fall, numerous small fruits of black color with a pea size appear.

Deren Male or Kizil Ordinary

Shrub, and sometimes a church with the leaves of the egg-shaped shape of a light green color from above, and below - the shade pale. This is a long-lived (lives up to 250 years), growing in the mountainous regions of Crimea, Caucasus, Europe and Malaya Asia. Flowers with small yellow flowers with bracts that appear before the leaves. Flowering time - 15-20 days. After flowering, brilliant fruits appear with a pleasant, some tart taste of red shades. The magnitude of the fruit may be different (up to 3 cm long).

Deren sibling

Shrub, reaching 2.5 meters in height, has similarities with a dere white. This species is characterized by hanging red shiny shoots, easy to rooted. Leaves I have a green color. Blooming begins at the age of 4 years. Inflorescences with dairy color flowers 5 cm in diameter. Time bloom is May. Frigs white with a blue tint.

Derente flowering

The species is common in the east of America. It has an empty thick crown of green foliage, it is painted in the fall in the red tone.

Derenna Peppercut, varieties

Decorative shrub dender Pepper is a few varieties that differ externally.

Elegantissima variety - concave leaves, gray, along the edges have a white edging.

Sibirica Variegata -Popular grade with bright red branches and flat green leaves with white edging.

Gouchaultii - a massive variety of the grinding variety with leaves having a wide yellow kaima, which in the sun acquires a pinkish tint.

Cream Cracker Elegant and attractive variety with leaves decorated with edging cream color. Krone shrub is directed up.

Also there are compact and low-grade varieties of the gripped with yellow-green branches, the height of shrubs does not reach 1.5 meters.

Choosing a place for landing Dye Peplard

After making the decision to put in my home, the dend is Pepling, it is worth considering that the plant grows remarkably and develops anywhere: both on solar, well-lit territory and in a half. The varieties with bright leaves feel better on the sunny side, in the shade of the leaves will lose their little coloring and become green. Considering that the plant is spreading and growing rapidly, it is undesirable to plant it near high coniferous trees and other shrubs. It is best to plant a plant in sandy or clay soils that pass well water. Suglinki I. clay soils Unwanted landing. The soil should be fertile and nutritious, as well as moistened.

Landing dend Pepperconde

The landing of the dye of the gripped on a permanent place is produced in spring. Although the shrub is undemanding to the soil and special conditions of growth, perfectly transfers freezing, after all, it is necessary to plant it when the air and soil warm up. So a young plant adapts faster, crept and prepare for the upcoming cold.

The planting process of a seedling should take into account some nuances:

  1. In advance prepared landing pit added organic fertilizers: Compost or humus.
  2. If the landing is selected swampy plot or soil, with highly located groundwater, I need drainage.
  3. By purchasing a seedling for landing, choose a plant by age up to 4 years.
  4. Saplings with frying roots should be put for several hours in a bucket with water so that the roots will be poisoned by moisture.

Adult transplant Dereney Pepling

Transplantation to a new place Adult bush deresy - stress for the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant only in extreme cases.

Causes for transplanting Deres:

  1. Selected inappropriate place for landing. The planting of the seedling is dended in the wrong place, for example, in the shade, can lead to the loss of decorative leaves. They will acquire a green shade. In order to return the decorativeness and beauty of the leaves, the bush will have to transplant the sunny side of the site.
  2. The soil is incorrectly selected. Deren prefers fertile and moistened soils. On dry and poor soils, he will lose its attraction and stop growth.
  3. Unsuccessful neighborhood. Deren grows quickly and occupies a large area on the plot. So he can squeeze his neighbors. It remains to make a choice - remove the neighboring plants from the site, leaving the bush to the trunks or transplant it to a more open place where he can calmly grow up.

How to transplant bush deres

Adult bushes better replant late in autumnWhen the plant will reset the leaves. Such a transplant for the deresses is less stressful, as it will have more time to acclimatization. If the transplant time is selected - spring, it should be produced before the swelling swelling.

Shrub shrub with land, carefully, so as not to damage the spreader root system. The boundary of the root system is determined by the outlines of the crown. Pinch the root follows in a circle, with extreme caution. The dug shrub is placed on the film, wrapping into it com from the ground, and deliver to the new planting place. The transplanted plant must be abundantly pouring, and the soil to be processed by humus.

Transplanting alive hedge

For transplanting alive hedges, the trench for landing is root in advance. It should be 1.5-2 times the root system of transplant shrubs. At the bottom of the trench, a layer of fertile nutrient soil mixed with a humus, compost, is recommended to add mineral fertilizers to the soil.

How to care for the shrub after transplant

For active growth, the shrub needs regular watering. If the transplant is carried out in early spring, In the first days, actten a bush from the bright sun, as with increased evaporation of moisture, shoots can dry.

The reproduction of the dend is Peplarovny

The reproduction of the dend is carried out in 2 ways: slower - seeds, and fast - grain, seedlings and cuttings.

Reproduction of seeds

This method of reproduction has a 100% successful result. Seeds should be taken from a plant older than 3 years. Sow seeds in the winter, when the ground is enough. Seeds are affected not at the same time. Before planting in the spring, the seeds necessarily need hardening for several months. Substrate (sand, sawdust, moss) is prepared for landing seeds, the volume should exceed the seed material 3-4 times. It is necessary to shift the seeds with the substrate. Hold out at a temperature of 5 degrees of heat for 2 months. For each square meter The site sow 5-14 seeds to depth no more than 5 cm. Shrub will reach standard sizes Only in 5-8 years. This method of reproduction is quite long and painstaking, rarely used by amateur gardeners.


Peppercut dend - decorative plant And for the breeding of the variety it is recommended that the method of drawing is recommended to maintain the characteristic and decorative properties of the maternal bush.

During spring trimming An adult bush shoots can be used as a material for reproduction with cuttings. On a healthy strong cutlery there should be 7-9 developed kidneys. Stalks are placed in the container with nutrient soil and placed in the greenhouse. During the summer, the cuttings are fed by organic and mineral fertilizers, fiercely. Already in the fall, the seedlings are rooted and will be ready for landing into an open ground.

Division bush

Well-born trunca bush can be searched by the method of dividing the bush, dividing the root with young processes. The division method is performed in spring period. Maternal bush digs up, the root is freed from the ground. Then the sharp knife is divided into parts. The resulting young plants are transplanted into the prepared landing pits, a fertilized nutrient mixture.

Reproduction with chains

Derennotnaya has a sprawling crown with falling shoots. To get a young plant with grains, shoots can be pissed to the ground with a metal bracket and sprinkle its land. This method of reproduction is carried out in spring. During the year, escape is well rooted and ready for a twice in a new place next spring.

Caring for the derength of the Peppercut

He deresses a voyage unpretentious in care, it perfectly tolerate drought, frost and adverse weather conditions. The main rule of plant care is trimming and regular watering. Periodically, the plant can be fed. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are used (200 grams for each bush), and in summer - organic fertilizers (5 grams of compost or chicken litter under the bush). If bushes are used as a living hedge, it is recommended to cut them at least twice a year, in July and August.


Watering young bushes is carried out regularly and moderately every day, adult shrubs can only watered in dry hot days, just 2 times a week. For each bush, 20 liters of water are enough. Excess moisture can lead to fungal diseases. If the soil does not have time to dry, it is necessary to cut the frequency of watering. By autumn, watering decreases.


The dend is griming normally normally and develops at a temperature of 15 - 20 ° C. Heat tolerates well, just to increase the shrub watering. It is frostable, in the shelter for winter there is no need.


Regular trimming is the main element of a plant care. The dend is remarkably pruning and from its crown you can create beautiful shrubs of a rounded shape. It is worth noting that the beauty is dereres and lies in his unusual motley foliage, so when trimming it is desirable to keep his natural shape, only slightly adjust. When trimming, old, dry and sick shoots are removed, incorrectly growing branches that interfere with the formation of the crown. Trimming is needed regular. In winter, pruning is not spending. After trimming, the shrub very quickly lets new young shoots. If the shrub is used in the form of a hedge - it is attached to it.

Diseases and pests Derene Peplard

Shrub is not attractive for pests because of its unpleasant taste. Mostly, the dend of the Pumplings suffers from Tly, which is able to destroy the plant or spoil it decorative View. To combat Tley there are 2 ways:

  1. Mechanical. The pests are washed off with a jet of water from the hose. This method only partially eliminates the Tly and is not effective.
  2. Chemical. Special preparations for spraying shrub or people's method (solution economic Soap).

Also, the dend is susceptible to fungal diseases to prevent them, it is necessary to temporarily stop watering to give soil and dry the roots. When infected with fungal infection, the diseased plant is processed by Fundazole.

Derenna Peppercut in Landscape Design

The shrub looks great as a single bush, and in a group with other types of dend. Because of its ability to change the color of the leaves, the dend is often used in bright compositions. Little shrubs look beautifully under krons high trees, creating spectacular compositions. The shrub is remarkably adjacent to roses, juniper, barberry and viburnum bulge.

Derenn is widely used to create alive hedges, which requires regular molding and trimming. The dend is growing quickly, so without proper care, shrubs will turn into thickets incorrect form. If yours country cottage area Or the garden needs a motley and bright spot and decoration - be sure to put the dend the pigtail.

Shrub dend Peppercut - Wonderful garden culture, reproduction and care for which does not represent special difficulties for beginner gardeners. This unpretentious plant needs only in minimal care: watering and pruning. Paying a little of its time and care, he pulls the owner with a luxurious view, beautiful shape and elegant motley foliage and will decorate the garden.

Derenn Mount, photo

White dend with more than 20 different speciesis very common sadroom culture In Russia, like many others. To the most famous species These are the following varieties:

  • Elegantissima, which is considered one of the most famous winter-hardy shrubs growing up to 3 meters long. The leaves of this white dend have a sisovato green shade with white bordering. By the fall, they become a little pinkish.
  • Siberian. Beautiful shrub tall of about 1.5 meters with coral branches and juicy green foliage. We emphasize the beauty of the plant's bark, which has a bright red shade, which looks contrasting winter time - Red stain surrounded by snow-white snow.
  • Aurea, growing up to 2 meters long. Among all varieties has the widest leaves. This variety blooms with small creamy and white inflorescences.
  • Sleeper. Beautiful shrub tall of about 2.5 meters. It has a beautiful spreader crown. The shoots have a red color, and the foliage pleases with bright golden stripes and border.
  • Crim Cracker, capable of growing up to 3 meters. Soothes from this grade purple-red, the leaves have a light green shade. And it blooms this white dend with inflorescences of tender creamy color.

This plant is very unpretentious, which is a huge plus for novice gardeners. The shrub does not have any special requirements for the soil (growing well and rooted both on sandy and drowned soils), calmly refers to drought, strong frosts, resistant to many diseases and is not particularly attractive for insect pests.

White dend in the garden

And yet, despite this, some events when landing and further care you need to be carried out. Start should be started with a landing site:

  • On sunny plots, the white dend develops faster, and its leaves acquire juicy bright shades.
  • Poor on useful microelements of the soil Before planting shrubs, it is advisable to help - this will allow bushes faster to take care and get used to the new place.
  • If your site is near the reservoir, be sure to make drainage to exclude the rotation of the root system of the shrub.

It remains to find out how landing seedlings is carried out. First of all, the acquisition of plants in the natural markets, that is, out of hand to hand, threatens to buy a white man's buying at all of the varieties that you expected. Therefore, it is better to spend some money and buy a sapling in the nursery.

Second moment - always inspect young tree before the purchase. The bark should be clean, without damage. In addition, it is better to purchase a 4-year-old seedling - such shrubs are much faster and rooted.

4-year-old seedling


  1. Having determined the landing site of the shrub, dig a hole to the size of a little big than the diameter of the earth coma.
  2. Fall in the well nutrient mixture, which should consist of a sheet of land, humid and mineral additives. Since the shrub can grow in one place enough for a long time (about 25 years), at the beginning of growth it is necessary to provide it with full nutrition, and after adding feeding.
  3. Lunka with a plant fall asleep soil, tamper it and felt well.

If you put a landing in the fall, you don't need anything else. But when spring landing Be sure to inspire the shrub, which will avoid moisture loss.

So, only young plants should regularly water, and adults need to watered high quality only in the hottest summer days. Watering seedlings need every day during the summer, and adult bushes - just every two weeks. Approximately 20 liters of water contribute to each plant. Feed the white dend is not needed if you spent high-quality soil preparation before landing. But if you want to make blossoms of jerking more abundant, and the leaves are bright and juicy, you can hold a shrub twice a year.

White Derena blossom

In the spring, add mineral fertilizers to the soil (approximately 200 g for each bush), and in the summer, use the organic organic (5 kg of compost or chicken litter for each plant). The most important event is pruning. White dend is remarkable with his crown you can create the most real miracles, turning it into a beautiful shrub that will become a wonderful element of your garden. Follow multiple our recommendations:

  1. Arm yourself with a sharp secateur and saw.
  2. Remove old and sick shoots.
  3. After that, we remove ugly growing branches that prevent the decorative formation of the crown.

Maintain a beautiful shrub crown need round year. By running this process, you will have to form a crown for a long time and painstakingly in the future. The only time when work should not be done - winter. When circumcised large number Things to worry should not - shrub very quickly will let new shoots.

Moligious spectacular appearance of a vapor is attractive at any time of the year. In summer, the shrub is covered with a dense cap of the motley sheets, and in the winter the view is pleasing to the bright crimson branches.

Deer became welcome guest In the gardens, parks, they are attached to the alleys, use as a living hedge. Hard wood branches and caused, probably the name of the shrub.

What is still a picturesque bush, whether to grow it easily without special knowledge. How tolerates trimming, transplant and with what crops is combined in design.

Derenten Peppercut - Aboriginal Forests of the Siberian and Far Eastern Asian Region. This is a leafy shrub of the Kizylov family, in nature reaching a height of 3 meters (coverage is also 3 meters).

Numerous reprehension splashing branches are durable and painted in brown, reddish. There are also low varietal varieties, up to one and a half meters high, whose branches of a yellow-green koller.

The leaves are large, green, with white or yellow border, highlight the plant among others. Inflorescences with a diameter of 5-6 centimeters have a white color. Plant blooms twice a year. White-bluished berries, inedible, are formed in autumn.

In favor of the widespread distribution of the Dörin, his frost resistance and unpretentiousness of the soil, care. It is used for landscaping urban landscapes even in the northernmost territories.

So that shrub thickets take the desired outlines, the crown is formed by trimming. In winter, the so-called living barriers, delicate, then the red color of the bark goes to the front edge.

In addition to the voyage there are other types of spectacular fading: offspring, white, red, coza.

Varieta of the Peppercut Dörena

Purple branches have a rich color and green leaves with white edge. Autumn sometimes they become red-pink.

A two-meter bush has concave pale leaves, covered with a wide white strip.

Green large leaflets around the edges painted yellow. In the fall, the bore acquires a red roller.

The reprehensive derene of this variety has leaflets with cream edging.

Twisted leaflets dark or brown-green are a feature of this species.

High shrub with yellow boding of green leaves. Under the influence of the spring sun, the kayma pink.

Choice of place, landing and transplantation

Peppercut turden is a rather large-scale plant if it is not formed. Therefore, it is not worth it to plant close to other shrubs or high trees.

It is necessary to illuminate or half supper, but the shady area will serve to lose the varnish, the leaves will become ordinary, green.

The soil must be loose, fertile and draned, not overporn.

How to plant

In order for the plant well to survive, its landing is produced in the spring, when there are no frosts, and the soil warmed up. For survival, this is the first condition, so the derene will grow, increase the root system and prepare for winter.

  • Dig a hole, fill it with humus, can and compost;
  • The seedling for landing should be taking no older than 3-4 years;
  • If a root system Heat, put a seedling a few hours in a pelvis with water.


Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the location of the adult. This occurs for various reasons: if the previous place has a detrimental effect on his decorativeness, or the neighborhood with it became unsafe for other plants (it quickly grows).

The transplant is for a large stress. It should be done carefully and for all the rules:

  1. Better, if it is autumn, time after foliage discharge. In the spring, the procedure is carried out very early until the kidney swolley.
  2. The root shrub system is branched, carefully, swing it in a circle, given that the root processes occupy a large area.
  3. The land comes are neatly placed in the well, fall asleep with loose soil, plump and watered.
  4. The surroundings of the landing to climb by humus.

In this method, you can transplant not only a single copy, but also to arrange a whole living fence. To do this, smooth strip the required length, pull the trench, its width and depth must exceed the volume of the root system to 2 times.

To bottom to lay a loose humus or compost, and then install plants at the required distance. Put their land, compact, pour and inspired. Now regular watering and shelter from the bright sun during the week is needed.

How to trim

The landscaped designers, the grinding is one of the favorite cultures - it can become the central site of the site, to fit into any park ensemble.

This extraordinary shrub can be trimmed by forming many different figures from it. The laborious process of trimming is produced twice a year - in the spring and at the end of summer. Initially, it is necessary to remove the old lifeless branches by spilivation, as well as excess piglets. The stalks sticking out in the unnecessary direction are removed.

The shrub easily tolerates the spill, on the site of remote shoots with an enviable speed, new stems grow up.

For the arrangement of the arches, the design of the gate, the creation of smooth landings in fences, trimming is achieved by obtaining columns, arcs, spheres and hemispheres, as well as all sorts of geometric shapes.

In order to avoid growing on other areas of the estate, forming trimming is carried out necessarily and regularly. Giving a beautiful, original shape to the deresy, will make it possible to prevent the type of site in unique.

How Dehrena is breeding

There is an opportunity to plant the turden by seeds - this is a rather long process so that the Kush Doros is up to standard sizes, it will take to wait until 7-8 years. Therefore, it is rarely resorted to this method, although the germination of seeds is 100%.

It is better to multiply the shrub vegetatively - it is quickly, simple and efficiently.

Spring bush division

  • Born bushes dig up;
  • The root is freed from the ground;
  • A sharp clean knife cut a bush;
  • Plant into the prepared holes, sprinkled with a humus, watered.


  • In the spring, when cutting the branches, the cuttings are harvested with 7-9 good kidneys;
  • Plant sprigs into a fertile substrate to a greenhouse (either to the ground or under a plastic bank);
  • In the summer, seedlings are watered, ventilated and feed the fertilizers;
  • During this time, the roots will appear, in the fall, new trees can be placed at a permanent place.


The scattered crown of a nourishing dend makes it easy to get from the maternal bush with a tank.

  • Discount, flexible escape and leans;
  • You can pin it to the ground with a metal bracket or steel wire;
  • Sprinkle with humus, pour;
  • Spring manipulation will allow to root a branch for autumn;
  • Crop this stem before the winter and the next spring to transplant to the prepared place.

How to care for the dere

Care lies in watering, feeding and pruning. Fertilize the plant a couple of times a year, in the spring mineral set for shrubs, and in the summer it is enough to be made under the bush of humus so as not to swept the priority part (and for nutrition to nutrition).

Watering young, just planted bushes need moderately, but daily. But adult bushes can carry arid weather, they are enough for one watering a week. Autumn sometimes watering is reduced.

Only young rapts, an adult instance of frosty, can be covered for winter, and does not need insulation. It would be problematic to cover, for example, a long living elevation.

The pests do not like this unpleasant shrub taste. If you see that the branches and the leaves struck the failure, then process the planting solution of the household soap. Fungal lesions are removed by fungicides.

Place in landscape design

The voyage variety is the decoration of any manor, demanding at all not so much attention to his person.

The shrub is planted as a living hedge and give him a special form. It is remarkably embedded in the composition with juniper, barbaris, pink bushes.

FROM blooming plants, low and middle-graad shrubs, even with coniferous individuals, the dend will look spectacular.

Along the barriers, embellished bushes will set the tone to the entire area, being a kind of contour.

With the help of a voyage dend, you can designate zoning the territory. Another one indisputable advantage It is that on a bevelled lawn or in the rocky garden, a bush can become a reference. After all, this many years of unaccepting shrub is also good in solitary landing.

"Deren" from the Latin language can be translated as "horn". Plants belong to the Kizylov family, among which the genus Dosil is highlighted (from Latin Cornus). It includes from 30 to 50 species that are divided into turpentine on botanical features, SWIDA, Bentamidia (Benthamidia), Hameperiklimum (ChamaepericlyMenum). The most popular is the derene and Svidin. In antiquity, the fruits of plants Hippocrates recommended use to treat the stomach.

These shrubs have a rather durable and at the same time heavy wood. To date, gardeners have about 50 varieties of this plant, which are mainly growing in the northern edges and occasionally - in the central part of Africa. The varieties consist of both deciduous shrubs and evergreens. In addition, the plant is distinguished by frost resistance, excellent grows even in the conditions of the city. The reproduction is made using cuttings or seeds, as well as for this process, you can use root offspring. Most species are used as a great element for landscaping.

Kush Derna

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

The plant can be used as an impeccable element in landscape design, as it blooms almost all year round and has beautiful shooting shoots, painted in bright green, yellow, red and crimped shades. In the summer, the foliage of shrubs seems to be perfectly, in particular - the volatile varieties.

It is a very convenient plant for use in landscape design. He is unpretentious and can grow in any of even the most non-fermented soil, it can grow both under the open rays of the Sun and in a half. In addition, this shrub of a small growth.

For the design of the garden, the following varieties of plants are used:

  • silver-bordered. It has a red bark, the leaves are painted into creamy-white color, a plant at a height reaches about three meters;
  • a haule has a pink or yellow-white leaves;
  • kern leaves yellow;
  • the sleeve achieves about two meters in growth, has also bronze-yellow leaves during dissolving;
  • Siberian is a low shrub whose bright red shoots, and the leaves are painted in light green color, perfectly suitable for our latitudes;
  • ceselinring has black-red shoots.

The design is good as a plant for group landing or living hedge decor. In addition, it can be used as a soliter on the lawn, shrubs can be cut.


Exist different types These plants. They have different appearance and color. Let us dwell on each grade separately.


It is a claimed subspecies. It often grows as a shrub on the territory of the Russian Federation, the PRC. Reaches a height of 3 meters. The branches of this plant are quite thin, and the color is coral red, in some cases it can be black and red or red-brown. Shrub has leaves dark green. Small sizes Flowers are going to small inflorescences. Blooms twice: in the first numbers summer period, and in the fall. Only when he reaches two-year-old agemay bloom.

White dend can grow on various soils, it perfectly transfers frosty winter and sultry heat. It is often used in the construction of decorative structures in the northern and secondary Russian latitudes.

This plant has already long been used as a decorative shrub, since from the very beginning this variety has high decorative advantages. The main advantage is the leaves and bright color shoots. However, flowers with fruits also have a beautiful color. White was among the more than one hundred varieties. Its selection is usually carried out to eliminate decorative varieties. The grade white is divided into white-prempting and golden pilot. To date, breeding varieties are often engaged in Germany, so he received such widespread in this country.

The following plants are distinguished:

  1. The shape of the sleeper was removed about the century ago in the sleeper. In growth up to two meters. The shoots are painted in brown and red. The leaves have a wide uneven yellow edge color. Do not bloom.
  2. White Elegantissima either, as it is also called, Argentomarginata is very popular among numerous gardeners. In the height of 2.5 meters. Shoots of bright red color. The surface of a leaf of a sisovato green. It is fruit and is a dense bush.
  3. Siberianic has numerous bright coral-red shoots, growth reaches 1.5 m. It has green leaves. This variety, like a sleeper, is customary to call Variam. Today it is widely used in the decor.


Mostly grows in China and Japan. It is a high leaf falling shrub-tree, which reaches 9 m. After the dend begins to bloom, cocoons appear on it. In the autumn period acquires a bright red color of the leaves. This plant is growing perfectly in shading, and the soil must be slightly with an acidic reaction. It can withstand frosts up to minus 29 degrees. This shrub perfectly tolerates winter, so it can be safely planted in our latitudes.


  • Milk Wei, like Aurea - reaches 6 m and gives great amount fruits;
  • Gold Star has leaves with a yellow pattern;
  • Schtterling reaches approximately 6 meters in height.

Red, like Aurea, grows mainly in the territories of underols and mixed forests. In addition, it can be seen on the outskirts of rivers and lakes. It grows mainly on the bottom of the don to the Baltic States and in other places. This grade is also customary to call Svidia Blood-Red, which received its name thanks to this color. Reaches 4 meters. It has a branched crown. Flowers with fluffy inflorescences, which includes about 60 pieces of small colors of dim white color. Blossom lasts about 3 weeks.

Red, like a vigorous, can be planted in almost any soil. It grows perfectly even in the conditions of the city and during drought. It can be cut. Today, it is quite often used in the Garden Decor.

Possesses the following decorative forms:

  • greenshest, who has green shoots and fruits;
  • Mitch - has a pale yellow shade shoots and leaves;
  • dark red, respectively, has dark red shoots and motley foliage.

Growing and care

Pepling or quarantus is a "grateful" plant, which is unpretentious to illumination, the peculiarities of the soil. Landing is possible alone, but it looks more spectacular. Landing Brown, like any other varieties, is carried out with the help of seeds, cuttings, root offspring. Among the gardeners it is customary to collect seeds during maturation, because they bloom for a very long time. It is usually planted at the end of autumn or spring, sitting on the depth of about 4 centimeters. For example, Sibirica trim is very simple. You only need to trim it up. It's easy and easy if there are at hand required tools. Pruning is usually carried out by scissors.

If you want to get a rapid version of the decorative bush, then he needs to give the right form. The care is simple. They are planted in their garden for their bright foliage. They look compact and beautiful, care for them implies the annual cutting with the third part of the shoots. It is necessary to start care when the trunk of the Brown variety or any other will reach the age of at least three years. Initially, care is cutting out the weakest and old branches, then those that are knocked out of the shape of the bush.

If you want to give a plant beautiful viewThe departure involves giving certain forms of brightly colored shoots. A bush must be trimmed at a height of 5 cm from the base. Care and pruning are carried out constantly, after the plant reaches three years: without a similar trimming, the bush is shared in the lower area. Shrub, which decorates the central area of \u200b\u200bthe garden, is better thoroughly cutting in such a way that the poverty retains a miniature and excellent appearance. Such trimming is carried out twice throughout the year - in the autumn and spring periods.

Trimming shrubs that are chosen due to their bright foliage is carried out once a couple of years in the spring. This needs to be done until the leaves appear. With the help of trimming in plants, the copyright will be much more branches that are painted in red.

Peppercut, which is planted as a live fence, should be cut twice during the year: the first time - in July, the second time - in August. As already mentioned, the dend is unpretentious plant, especially the voynatal, so watering is needed only by young shoots. In dry weather, the plant is watered several times a month. Shrub also needs feeding. In order for the plant to have a healthy look, it needs to be placed every year in mineral feeding.

Using this plant for the decor, you can decorate your plot and make a unique landscape that will delight you with your paints all summer.

The dend the pigtaceous will decorate any garden, his bright, bordered leaves in combination with an unusual color of the cortex make the plant unusually decorative. The shrub landing should be provided on the free sector of the garden, - the dender grows very quickly, the free space around the bush allows you to easily carry out periodic inspection of plants and care.

Derenn a variety: varieties and varieties for landing in the garden

The plant name is translated as "horn", which is associated with very heavy and durable wood plants. In the culture, the dend grows in the northern regions of our planet, but is found in the wilderness in the center of the African continent. Total known about 50 species, which include deciduous and evergreen varieties, you can see different types of plants in the photo.

Even the leaves of the junk perfectly decorate the garden

The dend of the grinding usually grows not higher than 3 meters, has a form of a sprawling shrub, but can grow to the size of a low tree. The plant looks very decorative - the bark is painted in bright brown-red tones, has a shiny surface. The leaves of the plant are green, or bordered yellow or white border, which in combination with unusual branches, looks very decorative.

The dend is a pigtaceous blooms from May to June with white flowers, which reach almost 5 cm in diameter, the berries of white and bluish color are formed in the fall. It is impossible to eat berries in food, they are inedible.

The culture is quite unpretentious, the dend perfectly tolerate the forming trimming, thereby becoming very popular for decorating parks and squares and is often used in landscape design to create colorful compositions. Excellent resistance to extinction allows the use of turpenn a vigorous in landscaping of the northern regions.

In the nerd from the kind of deresses, such popular species are distinguished:

Photos of various types of plants transmit inexpressible charm and uniqueness of the color of the leaves.

Planting plants in compliance with agrotechnical requirements

Plant landing should be coincided with the warmth of the year, it is best to carry out the seating in the spring. This makes it possible to strengthen the plant and grow over the summer and prepared to go to the winter.

Young plant

To stimulate the growth in the first year of cultivation, the plant is fed by complex fertilizers, alternate root and extra-green subcords. First wintering young Plant Must be soft, it is useful to cover a bush from frosts. The shelter should not be excessive, since otherwise, during thaws, the plant can prohibit.

Council. The place to landing the dereet can be shadow or sunny, it is only important not to approach the landing towards tall trees. Planted bush should have enough free space For the development of branches.

Care of shrubs and its reproduction

Shrub care does not contain special recommendations. Watering culture is needed uniform without overflows. If necessary, the bushes from pest should be processed, if any will be detected. Hedge From the deresy requires periodic haircuts, sometimes it must be repeated several times per season.

Spinning the dend is very easy, it is worth only to cut the cuttings from an adult plant, which are quickly rooted in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. The plants obtained from cuttings fully retain maternal signs: the color of the leaves, the shape and height of the bush, flowering time. After three years of cultivation, the turret forms berries in which seeds are contained.

Dend requires minimal care

The reproduction of culture seeds is also possible for this, seeds should be sowed into loose soil, and grow them in a greenhouse for about a year. Landing at the permanent place of young seedlings is carried out in spring. Between plants leave considerable distances, as the dend is distinguished by violent growth.

In the first year of life, the dend feed often, using complex fertilizers. IN next years Life Plant fertilize several times per season, while the fertilizer is entered under each bush. The last dressing of the shrub is carried out in the first decade of September.

Regularly examine the plant and remove the pests as soon as they appeared

Deren: diseases and pests

The turret is sufficiently resistant to culture diseases, however, strong harm can cause the plant and fungal diseases. Fighting aphids comes down to the destruction of the pest mechanical method - It is washed from the branches of a jet of water from the hose.

Attention. With a large infection, shrubs should be processed special means from T'li.

Fungal diseases develop on the plant with incorrect leaving, especially when there are overflows. Prevent the development of fungal infections can be compliance with the regime of polishes. With extensive lesions, fungal infections, sick bushes are treated with foundazole, topaz or other drugs against fungal infections.

Types of dere: photo