How to build a hut on the street. A-frame house

The kids are madly in love with secluded corners where you can dream up or play an exciting game. For this reason, children often build homemade houses from scrap materials: pillows, bedspreads, chairs. You can make your child's leisure time fun with a handmade children's hut.

But first, it is advisable to decide where the structure will stand: on the street or in a room. The list of materials used and dimensions will depend on the choice.

Wigwam in the house

In the cold season, a wigwam is an excellent option for playing in the room. It is one of the attributes of a children's room, decorated in. A house made of textiles in the form of an Indian hut can be made using:

  • strong wooden rods or slats, connected by a rope at the top, and open at the bottom in the form of a polyhedron;
  • textile cover or fabric triangles attached to a frame made of rods.

The stability of the structure will be provided by the transverse rods attached to the bottom of the wigwam.

Such a hut will be indispensable if you use it to store numerous toys.

House - tent

If the area of ​​the children's room does not allow placing a hut on the floor in it, you can make a removable awning over the child's bed. This option will allow him to independently transform sleeping place into the play area.

As a frame, you can use narrow bent metal-plastic tubes, connected with tape. Textiles stretched over tubes will serve as a roof in an improvised tent. A homemade house is easy to install and fold without the help of adults, which kids will certainly appreciate.

Cardboard option

For kids, you can make a small cardboard house. Among the advantages of this design:

Parents just need to use a couple of large boxes, scissors, glue and tape so that the house takes on the desired shape. Following the child's fantasy, you can build princess castles or fortresses for a knight. And it doesn't matter that the structure is fragile. This is more than offset by the pleasure of creating and playing it!

Summer house

For happy owners suburban area or private territory the choice will no doubt be made in favor of the street. This will not only allow the child to spend more time in the fresh air, but also hide from the scorching sun.

It is better to abandon the idea of ​​building a play house for your beloved child in an open area, and give preference to a flat area in the shade.

Traveler's hut

Older children can independently make a structure from available materials at hand: ropes, sheets and pegs. To do this, it will be enough to perform the following steps:

  1. stretch the rope between the trees;
  2. put a sheet or bedspread on top;
  3. Pull the edges of the bedspread and secure it to the ground with wooden pegs.

Such a house, made by hand, will give the kids double pleasure. Blankets or pillows will add comfort, and themed attributes: a flashlight, binoculars, a flask and a backpack will help you feel like a hero of a fascinating story.

Dream tent

Young ladies will love summer house in the form of a tent. To build it you will need:

  • gymnastic hoop;
  • a long piece of fabric or sheet;
  • rope for fastening.

The hoop will serve as the basis of the construction, and a long fabric attached to it will serve as the walls. The hoop is suspended from a tree branch with a rope at such a height that the edges of the fabric reach the ground. The roof can be made from a separate piece of fabric by sewing it to the hoop around the circumference. In this case, to hang the structure, it will be enough to use a strong tape sewn to the center of the dome.

"Living" house

Fans of adventures and wanderings will be delighted with the "live" hut. Long flexible branches will help make a child's dream a reality. Having acquired a sufficient number of them, a circle should be drawn in the place designated for construction. Then everything is simple: the branches are dug in vertically along the outlined circle with thin parts up. Tilting the resulting structure conically to the center, it is enough to firmly fix it from above.

Planting along the perimeter of the frame climbing plants, you can make a "live" hut, which every season will delight its young inhabitant.

A playhouse for a child is not just another toy or whim. A private space in the form of a hut will allow kids to develop their imagination and enjoy an exciting game, and older kids - to dream.

photo:, avk78, iriana78, nkrivko, zuzulicea, tan4ikk, iriana88w, tory

Building shelter in the forest, along with obtaining fire, food, and water, is the foundation of survival. The shelter must protect from adverse weather conditions such as wind, rain, snow. In the cold season, the shelter should have, if possible, thermal insulation properties. For the construction of a shelter, they use traditional for a particular area and season. In the Arctic, these are snow blocks, in the forest it is naturally a tree, branches, leaves. There are several types of forest shelters, differing in complexity and construction time. It is most convenient to build a hut-type shelter in the forest.

A felled tree for cover doesn't take long, especially if you have a small hatchet. The density of the branches and leaves of such a tree may not be enough to protect from the wind, so prepare and weave additional branches. Pay attention that such a tree does not completely fall on you. You can also cut or cut down a small tree of sufficient length and tie the base to a branch in the tree.

The lean-to hut is a canopy. It allows you to protect yourself from the wind if you set it up against the wind, and also serves as a shield that reflects heat from the fire. If there is a sleeping bag, then such a shelter can be used from late spring to late autumn. It is convenient to build such a shelter between two trees, between which a supporting rail-crossbar is fixed, to which the rafters are attached at an angle of 45 ° - 60 °. On these rafters, several poles are fixed parallel to the ground. Now the resulting frame of the hut must be covered with vegetation. For you can use branches with leaves or spruce branches, which must be laid in a tiled manner, that is, the lowest level is covered first, then higher, overlapping the lower one. So all the water will flow down the roof of the hut with a sufficient density of the roof surface.

It is not difficult to complete a single-slope hut to a double-slope hut, thereby providing wind protection on both sides and greater thermal insulation. To do this, we build two lean-to huts on the same pole and crossbar. If we finish building the rear pediment, that is, the rear wall, then we get a full-fledged shelter, which retains heat quite well and protects from the wind from all directions.

In order not to build up the rear wall, you can fix the supporting rail at an angle to the ground. Due to the fact that only one end of the supporting rail needs to be fastened, and the other rests against the ground, the supporting log does not have to be fastened to the tree trunk. It can be secured with criss-cross poles. In a similar way, in fact, a shelter made of a fallen tree is arranged. The disadvantage of such a shelter will be the ability to sit closer to the move.

The above types of shelters are built if you do not have an awning or other material with you. If an awning or a parachute is available, then you can build similar shelters, only instead of a vegetation cover, use an awning. This option will provide better wind and moisture protection, because when laying vegetation, it is more difficult to ensure the density of the laying.

It can also be combined - the inner layer is made of vegetation cover, and an awning can be used as the outer layer. This combination will provide both wind protection and better thermal insulation.

Simple shelter huts made of awning and two or three poles.

Situations on the hikes are different. You can stay in a forest belt for the night without a tent and you need to be able to provide yourself with a solid shelter for the night. Finding a place to live on any hike is very important. V winter conditions- especially. We will tell you how to build a hut in a forest belt.

How is the construction process going

Shelter will protect you from various negative impact external environment... We are talking about a blizzard, blizzard, rain and any other unfavorable natural conditions. In a forest belt, you can easily erect a hut of this type. All the building materials necessary for this are located nearby.

Dwellings have their own classifications by type. They may be:

Standing separately.

Attached to another building.

Located on a recess.

There is also a division by type of structure:

It is impossible to start construction at random. First you need to choose a suitable zone for this. If you see gorges, coastal areas of rivers, as well as the foothills of mountains, then avoid them. They are not suitable for the construction of a structure.

If you are located in a forest with mountains, then you do not need to build a separate structure. It is better to make it in such a way that its structure is attached. The mountain will represent one or more erection walls. The entrance should be located in the direction from the cliff.

Be sure to dig small holes around the hut. These depressions are needed exclusively for water, which will flow there due to natural precipitation.

If you are traveling in an ordinary forest, the choice of location is based on other reasons. Pay attention to what kind of weather is set at a certain time. If the air temperature is low, then it is necessary to erect a structure in a small depression, which you must find on the ground. If it rains, stop on a hillock.

For the construction, you must have special tools with you: a rope, a knife and a hatchet of any size. In the absence of the first, spruce will come in handy, namely, their roots.

Single slope

This type of dwelling is very similar to an awning. It shelters travelers from gusts of wind and provides them with warmth. The latter happens due to the amazing properties of heat reflection from the flame of the fire.

Another structure is located below. It should be positioned so that it is parallel to the floor. All parts must form a grid. And the entire base must be provided with thermal insulation. Use plants for this, you need to overlay the structure with them. This will allow you to protect your shelter from rain, strong gusts of wind and other unpleasant weather conditions. Use for these purposes either trees with huge leaves or needles. The branches must be placed in an ascending order from the bottom up. It is better not to go in the opposite direction. By branches waste water will slide down. Inner part the premises will not be affected. The foliage will not let moisture through.

Take a few logs not big size... Place them on the ground. Place poles on top and place some dense branches on top. The improvised bed is ready for further use.


This type of hut is not very different from the previous one. The same one-pitched one is taken as a basis, and an additional side is added to it. To create the latter, additional crossbeams, poles and various branches are used. The erection algorithm is as follows:

You will need to find a couple of uprights, small diameter rods, and a long pole. All this will be used to create support.

Place the uprights inside the surface. They need to be inserted into the ground in such a way that they stand fairly stable.

The pole is placed directly on the racks.

Small branches should be tilted slightly in relation to the pole. They will serve as a support.

The structure needs to be overlaid various plants... These may include leaves, grass, and more.

Be sure to follow the sequence of laying the protective material. This will provide you with protection from the rain. The water will flow in the right direction - from the awning, not towards it.

It is imperative to light a fire near your home.


This type of structure is erected using fresh poles. They must be of great length. In the future, they are subjected to careful processing. Anything unnecessary, including branches and leaves, is removed with a hacksaw or any other tool.

The design must be tapered. It is better to cover the upper part with some vegetation to provide thermal insulation. If you want to be able to make a fire right inside the building, make the latter as large as possible.

Don't forget about the extractor hood. Be sure to leave a hole in the ceiling so that all negative vapors and smoke go out there. Make the fire as small as possible. Do not use any wood other than those with leaves. They do not give off sparks, which means you will protect your structure from fire.

Shelter in the recess

This structure is a hybrid of a hut and a dugout. Try to find a medium-sized hole in the forest, or make a hole yourself. At the top of the future structure, you will need to place various branches that will provide you with warmth. And in the inside - to overlay the walls in the same way. This should be done if you do not have a sleeping bag.

The erection of this structure is very convenient. You only need a few hours of free time and a minimum number of items, and in return you will receive reliable protection at night, as well as at sub-zero temperatures... Master the construction of huts at home so that you don't have any problems with this outdoors!

How to build a hut in the forest

Everyone should know how to build a temporary shelter during a hike. After all, you do not always have a ready-made tent or a sleeping bag with you, and a roof over your head is the main thing, in addition to food and water extraction, what a person thinks about in the forest, especially if the trip takes place in winter nature. You can learn more about how to build a hut in the forest with your own hands.

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands

A shelter in the forest must protect from wind, rain or snow. It is easiest to build a hut in the forest, since all the materials necessary for this are present. There are three types of temporary shelter: a free-standing hut, an attached one, and also built in a recess. In addition, by design, they are hipped, single-pitched and gable. Before you start building a hut in the forest, you need to find a suitable place. It should not be a depression in a narrow gorge, a river bank or the bottom of a canyon, or at the foot of a mountain.

If you need to make a hut in a mountain forest, you need to choose an attached type shelter, one or two sides of which will be made of wood or parts of rock. The installation is carried out in such a way that the entrance looks in the direction opposite to the vertex. Around the perimeter of the makeshift tent, you need to dig depressions for the drain of rainwater.

If a hut needs to be built in a flat forest, the location must be chosen based on the weather conditions. In cold, dry weather, you need to choose a place in a depression, and in rainy weather, on a hill. In order to build a shelter, you need an ax, rope, knife. If there is no rope, spruce roots are an excellent substitute. Other tools are not so important, and usually nothing else happens to you except for the above.

Shed hut

Shed hut

Another version of a lean-to shelter is being built near a broken tree. It is necessary to find such a tree so that the break is at a height of no more than two meters above the ground. The part of the trunk lying on the ground is covered with long branches as roofing, the ground under the trunk is also covered with branches.

Gable hut

One of the options for a gable hut can be built if you add the second side of a rail, transverse beams, covered with spruce branches or branches to the above-described single-slope shelter.

The second version of the gable type consists of a sequence of actions:

  • You need to find two strong racks, thin rods and a long rail as a support.
  • The uprights are set in the ground for about a third of their length.
  • A horizontal rail is installed on the racks.
  • The floor is tilted to the rail with thin branches that serve as rafters.
  • From above, the rafters are covered with branches with foliage, spruce branches, grass.
  • The covering material is positioned from the bottom up to prevent the penetration of water inside.
  • At the entrance to the hut you need to place your fire.

Tent hut

The tent hut is built from young, thin, long poles, which are chopped off from excess branches and foliage, and are installed in a cone. You can attach them both to each other and around the tree trunk. From above, it is covered with grass, branches. If the tent hut is made large, a fire can be placed inside it. For smoke to escape, leave the uncovered part on top. But at the same time, the fire should not be too large; when kindling, use only deciduous wood so that there are no sparks.

Shelter in the recess

A temporary shelter built in a recess is a cross between a dugout and a hut. To do this, you need to find a small depression in the ground or dig it yourself. On top of the shelter, thin branches with covering material (spruce branches, grass, reeds, leaves) are mounted; inside the structure, the surface of the earth must be covered with the same, if not sleeping bag.

How to build a hut in the winter in the forest

In winter, you can also build a hut to protect from snow and wind. The main thing is to have a warm sleeping bag with you in winter. To build a winter hut, you need to find a suitable place on a hill, clear it of snow to make a small depression. Next, you need to prepare the necessary amount of coniferous spruce branches and poles. The foil should be cut from the lower branches of the trees. Poles can be used from old, dry trees; they do not have to be young trees. With a part of the chopped coniferous spruce branches, you need to lay out the floor of the future structure in such a way that there are no protruding branches. Poles are installed on both sides of the future hut, and they are laid on top of the frame additional supports, in places where the load is applied, the poles are tied with a rope. Then, on top of the frame, spruce branches are laid in dense rows without gaps and cracks. On the sides, the hut should also be well covered with coniferous spruce branches, in parallel with this, covering the walls with bricks of snow, if it is dense. The entrance to the shelter can be covered with hanging spruce branches. Such a structure will be warm and spacious enough to spend the night.

Thus, having no means at hand, except for an ax, a knife and a rope, one can easily build a temporary shelter for spending the night in the forest, as well as shelter from snow, rain, and wind. It's good if you have some kind of covering material with you - tarpaulin, polyethylene, dense fabric, then the task will be somewhat simplified. If not, spruce spruce branches, grass, wide and dense branches will serve as a heat and moisture protective material. In winter, dense snow is also good. thermal insulation material... More detailed step by step instructions you can watch the video on how to build a hut in the forest.

How to make a hut? Do-it-yourself huts from branches: instructions, photos

Many nature lovers sometimes stay overnight in the forest. In this case, you can get a job sleeping in a car, in a tent or in a sleeping bag. but the best option will spend the night in a hut built from improvised means. In the fresh air with a pleasant scent of wood, in fine weather, a comfortable atmosphere for sleeping in this simple structure is created. But many people have a question about how to make a hut. Instructions for the construction of this structure will be provided below. More on this later.


The hut is a universal short-term shelter. It is used for overnight stay, protection from the sun, strong winds, temperature and atmospheric changes, precipitation in the form of rain and snow.

Varieties of hut

There are many variations of this structure. However, there are three types simple huts... Namely:

  • freestanding;
  • attached;
  • huts in the recess.

Each type has its own construction features, which have a lot in common. They depend on the time of year, weather conditions and type of terrain.

How to make a hut with your own hands?

First you need to choose a suitable place for the construction of this temporary shelter. It cannot be installed in narrow gorges, on river banks, at the bottom of canyons. Because there may be floods, floods or sudden rainstorms. The danger is the creation of a hut under the rocks that hang over the parking lot, as well as at the foot steep mountains... When choosing a parking space, the cardinal points must be taken into account. Let's consider the main options for location.

  1. How to make a hut in a mountain forest. For a given area, the specified attachment type structure is well suited. This means that one of the walls or even two walls will be made of wood or stone - part of the rock. In this case, you should try to avoid precipitation. That is, do not put a hut in hollows with obvious traces of water flows. Since if it rains, a stream of water will flow down. Otherwise, the rules for installing the specified structure are the same as for a tent. The entrance to the hut should be on the opposite side of the top. Grooves should be made around it around the perimeter so that the water can drain in case of rain.
  2. How to make a hut in a lowland forest? The answer to this question is pretty simple. In a forest where there is a plain, it is possible to build an in-depth, classic or side hut. In this case, the place is chosen, focusing on the weather. This is important. In cold weather without rain, it is necessary to find such a depression, which will serve as a place of temporary refuge. When it is rainy - the specified structure is placed on an elevated place.

Choosing the type of hut

1. Classic hut. A structure of this type is made in the form of a fireplace for cooking. In this case, two poles or branches are installed vertically. The third is laid horizontally on them. The dressing is done with improvised means: flexible twigs, stems of herbs, vines.

In this case, there are still several types of installation. For example, 2 poles or even branches, cut with a knife, are set to each other at an angle at the exit from the hut and the back wall with a distance of 2-2.5 meters. This is not difficult to do. Then the main rail is laid horizontally on them. The next option is the wigwam. In this case, you can lay the poles in a circle at an angle to each other in the form of a fire pit, and also use a living growing tree as a fulcrum for them.

2. An attached hut. This also includes the wigwam type around the tree. In this case, there can still be a hut, created on the basis of poles, which rest on a rock in a mountainous area. The walls are made in the same way as for the indicated classical structure.

3. Recessed hut. This type the building looks like a classic one in a hollow or represents a cross between a dugout and a hut. That is, when only the top (roof) is covered.

The main principles of construction

Before you make a hut with your own hands, you need to know the following:

  1. Location.
  2. Hut type.
  3. The basis of this structure should be several poles with sharp ends, sunk into the ground. One of them is installed as a load-bearing ceiling beam.
  4. The poles of the walls of the hut are installed with a slope of 45-60 degrees. Except when one wall is vertical.
  5. The roof must be stitched with branches (poles) in several tiers parallel to the ground along the perimeter between the installed beam and the ground. Then it will be easier to lay spruce branches or branches.
  6. In deciding how to make a hut, it is necessary to correctly lay the spruce branches on the base of the pole. In this case, it all depends on the individual desire. This should be done so that the upper part of the lower spruce branches is laid under the corresponding side of the layer on top. This is done in the same way as when installing tiles. Then the raindrops will roll down freely.
  7. Instead of spruce branches, branches with large leaves, as well as polyethylene with a tarpaulin, will also go.

Internal arrangement of the hut

Construction of a hut in the forest

In this case, there are also some nuances. Experienced travelers know how to make a hut in the forest. In this case, you can build a shelter different types... The most simple option considered a classic hut. Any lying tree will do for the construction of this structure. It will serve as a kind of skeleton for the hut. The branches of this tree will become a retaining means for those rods with which the roof is created. Before you make a hut, the photo of which is provided in the text, you should remember that before starting this process you need to make sure that the lying tree does not crush you. Next, you need to cut off with a knife or tear off the excess branches that are inside the structure with your hands. This is important for convenience. The resulting branches are folded so that the roof slope of the hut is formed. It depends on the thickness of the laid layer whether raindrops get inside the structure. With a tree lying, you can build both a one- and two-slope hut, depending on what position it is in. A lean-to hut can easily be completed to the second specified option. Let's take a closer look at this later.

Construction of a lean-to hut

This process is not difficult. The simplest lean-to shelters begin to build from a frame, and a film or tarp is attached to it from above. The lower edges are pressed with stones or a log. This shelter serves as a screen. From the spruce branches, you can make a lounger like a bed. The fire should be built at a distance of about one meter from the lounger. This is important. Firewood is thrown into the fire at night. At a temperature of about +5 degrees, you need to stock up in advance 2-3 dry thick two-meter logs. They can be used to make a Nodya bonfire. To do this, two or three logs are placed on top of each other with embers between them. This ensures warmth throughout the night.

Gable hut

In this case, there is also nothing complicated. You can use any available means in the form of spruce branches, reeds, hay, grass or straw. You need to start with the preparation of thin rods, a support rail and two strong flyers on the base of this structure. In this case, you need to have some skills. The flyers are installed by vertical strong driving into the ground for a third of the length so that they do not stagger. On top of them, a strong horizontal rail is installed, on which thin rods are laid with an inclination in the form of rafters. Then the material is laid on them from bottom to top. This should be done so that the top row overlaps the bottom one. The back and side walls of the hut are covered in the same way. A fire with a heat shield is made at the entrance to this building. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the specified heat shield must be inclined towards the inlet.

How do-it-yourself huts are built from branches?

Let's take a closer look at this process. Before making a hut out of branches, you need to prepare:

  • large knife or ax;
  • tree branches;
  • strong rope;
  • stakes from thick branches.

First you need to decide on the form and materials of construction. It is considered optimal gable version, that is, in the form of a tent. To do this, you need to prepare 6 thick branches about a meter long with a diameter of 5-7 cm. In this case, two of them should be slightly shorter. These branches will form the basis of the frame of the hut, serving as the back and front walls. After choosing a level place, the stakes are installed, digging them into the ground in the form of two tripods, one against the other. The distance between the stakes will be the length of the hut. In this case, the tripods should stand to each other with one side of the imaginary triangle. Then thin twigs or rope are horizontally attached to the formed empty walls. Climbing plants can also be used in this case. There are many of them in the southern regions of Russia. The vertical distance between the branches should be about 20 cm. These cross-members will be used to fasten the sheathing branches.

In general, nature itself tells you how to make a hut with your own hands in the forest. Correctly laid branches will screen each other. The crown of the tree will provide shelter from the rain. Walls are also being erected. In this case, you should take fluffy branches or spruce branches with conifers... After that, it is necessary to break them off so that a hook forms on the broken end. It is needed to subsequently attach the branch to the crossbars. In this case, it is necessary to begin the construction of the walls from the lower side. This must be done in such a way that the upper branches are overlapped on the lower ones. Then the raindrops will roll down. If you wish, you can lay the floor from the branches. As a result, the question of how to make a hut out of branches can be solved very simply.

Construction of the specified structure for children on a tree

Many of the children thought about how to make a tree hut. In this case, everything is also quite simple and straightforward. At the right approach you can build a hut for children and grandchildren on a tree. If on a summer cottage there are 2 trees next to each other, then a good structure will turn out between them. This does not take much time and building materials... Before making a tree hut, you need to stock up on the following devices and tools:

  • plywood sheets: one with a thickness of 18-20 mm and two - 8-10 mm;
  • bolts;
  • timber with dimensions 50x150 mm and 50x100 mm;
  • a hacksaw or circular electric saw;
  • galvanized nails;
  • roofing material;
  • birch bark.

At the heart of the structure of the hut, 2 boards of 50x150 mm should be used. In this case, they are attached to two thick trees. In this regard, there is nothing difficult. It is necessary that the diameters of the tree trunks be about 20 cm. Then the bottom of the hut with side walls, as well as the triangles for the brackets, are cut out of a sheet of plywood. It will take a lot of patience and meticulousness. Further, triangular sidewalls are assembled from pre-prepared and sawn half-wood bars. After that, they are bolted together. Then the process of joining the assembled triangular sidewalls with a ridge bar will follow. It should have a cross-section of 50x100 mm. After that, it is necessary to connect the indicated sidewalls with the two bars below. Next, using brackets, the resulting frame is attached to two support boards with a section of 50x150 mm, which are already fixed to the trees in advance. Now we need to take the bottom, sawn out of plywood. It is necessary to drill holes for nails in it. After that, you need to nail the bottom to the lower beams and logs with galvanized nails with large heads. Now we need to think about the construction of a roof and hatch windows. Best of all, in this case, you get a multi-layer roof. This will ensure reliability. In 1 layer, plywood with a sheet thickness of 8-10 mm is used. The second can be made of roofing material or glassine. And for the third layer, birch bark will go.

After reviewing the above, everyone can decide for themselves the question of how to make a hut out of boards, branches and other improvised means or building materials, as well as find out what types of these structures exist.

How to build a hut

We all love to relax in nature. And it doesn't matter where exactly we want to rest, in a flat forest, or in rocky mountains. Naturally, when planning your vacation, you know in advance where you will spend the night, in your car, in a tent or sleeping bag. However, there is another option for an overnight stay.

This option is convenient because in it you will not only feel protected, but will also be able to breathe fresh air in a pleasant atmosphere. This option is the construction of a hut. This article will show you how to build a tree hut.


The hut is a universal shelter that is built for a short time. First of all, it is constructed for an overnight stay, as well as for protection from snow, prolonged rain, temperature changes, strong wind, and the scorching summer sun.

There are these types of huts:

How to make a hut in the forest with your own hands

First you need to find a suitable place to build a hut. This place should be safe for your life. We do not advise you to build a hut on the banks of a river, in narrow gorges, at the bottom of a canyon. Because in the event of flooding or heavy rain, this place may become unsafe. Also, do not build a hut under sagging rocks, and near steep mountains.

You can build a hut without any tools. However, you will need standard set for work:

It is noteworthy that these tools, most likely, you will always have with you. They will significantly reduce the time of the robots, and the process itself will be more enjoyable.

As you can see in the photo, most huts can be built with a simple twig weaving technique. In order to do quality roof and walls that will be reliable in all weather conditions, you just need to use those materials that are in the forest at almost every step, these are branches, bark, moss, leaves, grass. Having collected all these materials, you can make a good do-it-yourself hut.

There are huts different shapes and size, it all depends on how many people it should fit in, as well as what its purpose is - it will be for you a shelter from the sun or protection from cold and wind. But with all this, you need to consider the type of terrain, weather conditions and the time of year.

Making a lean-to hut

The lean-to hut represents only one wall, made by yourself. This wall should rest on something, it can be a littered tree or a large stone or two trees growing nearby. You can make this wall or visor out of branches and cover it with leaves. This type of hut will serve as protection for you from light rain, scorching sun or other circumstances. However, you will not be able to fully protect yourself from strong winds, snow or rain. Also, this building is not as practical. Since you can have a good rest in it, however, you will not be able to comfortably spend the night there.

In order to build a building, you need two strong logs with branches at the top, 2–2.5 meters long. Drive these logs into the ground at an angle to the base and secure the crossbar at the top. At a distance of 30 cm, you should place branches (poles) that will be pressed into the ground with one end, and rest on the crossbar with the other.

Making a gable hut

A hut of this type is more convenient and practical. A gable hut is made according to the same principle as a gable hut. But the difference is that the poles that are installed from the crossbar to the base of the ground must be installed on both sides. This can be seen in the photo.

One side should be completely covered with small branches or leaves, and the other will be used as an exit. If you have a film or tarp with you, then use it as additional protection from rain and wind.

After you're done with the exterior, move on to the interior. What is meant? You need to take care of the floor covering. Especially if you don't have sleeping bags or other warm things with you. If you have to sleep in cold and wet weather, make sure you do not sleep on the ground. Build something like a stretcher with your own hands and cover them with dry leaves and grass that you can find, or unnecessary things that may be in your backpack.

Remember, if there is a question about preserving your health or even your life, you should not look for the most comfortable views materials. Use whatever is at your fingertips. The main thing is that the material you choose is dry and reliable. But, probably, few of us may need to build a hut in the forest due to different extreme situations... Therefore, in the next part of this article, we will talk about how to help our children build their own hut.


We build the frame: draw a circle on a flat surface. In a circle around the circle, you need to dig in a row of sticks. The upper ends of the sticks need to be connected with rope, tape or wire. However, everything must be very reliable so that your children are safe. At this stage, we can say that the frame is ready.

After making the frame, you only need to sheathe the wigwam with colorful cloth or film, as you can see in the photo.

If you have a summer cottage or your own garden, then do not lose this opportunity to make an original and very beautiful teepe from sunflowers for children. To do this, you just need to plant a few sunflowers in a circle. And when they grow up tie them together. You can only imagine how happy your child will be when playing in such a hut that was built by you.

Let's summarize

There are also other types of huts for children. For example, if you have a lot of trees, think about how to make a treehouse, or how to build big hut from branches for games with friends. You can even make a small hut, in the children's room, from improvised means. Remember: joint work - it always unites the family. Before you build a hut in the forest with your own hands, it is important to think it over, stock up on tools and start working.

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For children, a wigwam (teepee, hut) is a secluded place where reading books, sitting with friends, playing games and sleeping becomes much more interesting. And how stylish it looks in the interior of a nursery, living room or in the courtyard of a summer cottage! Today you can buy a ready-made hut in a specialized online store or from private craftsmen on Instagram. But if you have a free day in stock and a desire to create, then it is best to make a wigwam yourself.

There are several ways to make huts - from the simplest and not too reliable to rather laborious, requiring sewing skills and a sewing machine.

  • We know a way to make a wigwam with our own hands, which looks great, can be opened and closed, can be easily erased, folded and disassembled, but ... done in just a couple of hours and almost without sewing!

DIY master class on making a wigwam

Today we offer you to make such a children's hut.

Materials and tools.

For the frame:

  • 6 wooden planks, 2 to 4 cm thick and 2 m long. Instead of planks, you can take bamboo sticks - they are light, inflexible and look pretty.
  • Twine or other strong rope.
  • Roulette.
  • Drill and drill (optional, but desirable).
  • Sturdy rubber band (not needed if you have a drill).

For the "tent":

  • A piece of cotton or linen fabric 3 m long and 1.2-1.5 m wide. It is desirable that the fabric be dense.
  • 6 strips of fabric (cords, ribbons or ribbons) 30 cm long.
  • Needle and thread to match the fabric.
  • For edging: matching threads and a sewing machine (if available) or self-adhesive tape with iron. If desired, the edges may not be processed at all.
  • For the door: small diameter eyelets + lace or any other accessories (buttons, rivets, laces, etc.).
  • Pencil.
  • Pins.


Step 1. First, we need to "build" the frame of the wigwam. This can be done in two ways:

  • Method 1: Gather all the poles together and tie them tightly with an elastic band, stepping back 10-25 cm from the top edge. Then place the poles wide apart at approximately equal intervals and one wider pass, as shown in the diagram below. Make sure the frame is securely installed.

  • Method 2: In each pole, use a drill to drill a through hole, stepping back 10-25 cm from the top edge. Then tie the poles loosely enough to each other as shown in the following photos.

Step 2. Now let's take care of the shed of the hut. Spread the fabric on the floor and fold it in half to make a 1.5 x 1.5 meter square (see step A in the diagram). Make sure the fold line is on the left side of the square. Fold the square diagonally by connecting two opposite corners to make a triangle (see step B in the diagram).

Step 3. Let's start cutting. To do this, first draw the markings: draw an arc from the base of the triangle (fold line) to one of its sides, starting about 5 centimeters from the edge of the fabric. Next, draw a second arc about 8 cm in diameter at the very tip of the triangle. Cut the fabric according to the markings and then spread it out on the floor - you should have a rainbow-shaped “tent”.

Step 4. Wrap the fabric with the wrong side out and connect the ends with pins. Mark the places where the fabric touches each pole approximately 20 cm from the floor.

Step 5. Remove the fabric from the frame and seamy side in place of the marks, sew ribbons or pieces of the same twine 30 cm long.

Step 6. Finish all fabric cuts: fold the edges twice and sew (by hand / on sewing machine) or glue them with a special tape and an iron. On next photo the left shows a way to quickly process the upper rounded part of the blade.

However, this stage is not necessary if you want to make the hut artistically careless.

Step 7. Now you need to figure out how to "fasten" the edges of the awning. In our project, we used small eyelets, which were simply laced after installation. You can come up with your own way. For example, buttons, buttonholes, or ribbons work well.

Step 8. Cover the wigwam with an awning, fasten the top, and simply wrap the "doors" back. If desired, they can be set aside and fixed with Velcro or straps.

Step 9. Inside, lay a rug or blanket and throw some pretty pillows. Decorate the outside with fluffy pom-poms, yarn / paper tassels, and / or LED lights. You can put flags on the sticks. Well, that's all, the wigwam is ready!

Thanks to the quick assembly and stowage of the tent, it can be set up outdoors. For example, in a summer cottage, to hide from the sun and mosquitoes. If the awning gets dirty, you can easily remove it, wash it and re-hang it on the frame.

Wigwam decor ideas

If you can choose almost any sticks for the frame, then the choice of fabric should be approached responsibly. After all, how the wigwam fits into the interior depends on its type, and how much the child will love it. Further in the selection, we presented several interesting examples of huts for boys and girls.

The most versatile and safe wigwam is made of white or beige fabric. It will not overload the interior and will be combined with any decor, and there will always be pleasant lighting inside it. True, the white awning will have to be washed a little more often than the colored one.

The white tent can be painted with fabric paints, embroidered with appliqués, or pasted over with tempera stickers.

All kids love secluded corners. Only in solitude can you give free rein to your imagination and go on a fascinating journey through imaginary worlds. That is why children often build homemade houses from pillows, blankets and other improvised means. But if you want your child to feel like a brave traveler or the hero of his favorite fairy tale, give him a hut. Moreover, it is quite easy to make a hut for children with your own hands, but the child will be able to fill his leisure time with exciting games. Today "House of Dreams" will share with its readers ideas for building children's huts, which can be installed both in the children's room and on the street.

We make a hut for children on our own - some interesting ideas

1. Sheet and rope

To make a hut, it is enough to stretch a rope between the trees, throw a sheet over it and secure its edges with wooden pegs or other suitable means. To make the child comfortable, lay soft, blankets or on the ground. And even if there is nothing supernatural in such a "building", a child's fantasy can fill it with an exciting story. A homemade hut for children on the street will present a lot of interesting games and, moreover, will save kids from overheating of the sun.

When choosing a place for a hut, give preference to darkened and level areas.

2. A tent made of gymnastic hoop and fabric

An ordinary gymnastic hoop can be an excellent base for a baby hut. It is enough to sew a long fabric to the hoop and hang it in a horizontal position, for example, to a tree branch at such a height that the edges of the fabric reach the ground. Alternatively, you can simply throw a large piece of thick fabric over the hoop, build a tapered roof and secure the frame at a convenient level. Then, to hang the hut, you only need a reliable strap or tape.

3. A hut made of branches

Probably every child dreams of travel around the world, dangerous adventures and exciting journeys. You can help a child fulfill his cherished dream without leaving the aisles of your own summer cottage. Since brave travelers prefer to sleep not in a warm bed, but in a hut made of tree branches, made with their own hands, the baby will surely be delighted with such a gift.

But how to make a children's hut out of branches? There are some interesting options:

  • Firstly, you can build a hut from flexible and long branches left after pruning trees and. First, collect as many branches as possible and select the largest specimens. In the place of the future hut, draw a circle and dig in the branches around its circumference, tilting them so that they create a conical frame. Install only two branches at a fairly wide distance from each other, because they will serve as the entrance to the future hut. Make sure the branches are set firmly and refill them with the remaining material. It's okay if the walls of the hut are "shining through" - being in such a house, the baby will still feel like, at least, Robinson Crusoe.
  • Secondly, you can make a "live" hut, decorating it with foliage and plants. If you are not in a hurry to build a wonderful house, plant climbing plants around the frame perimeter, for example, grapes, bindweed, etc., which, as they grow, will beautifully braid the walls of the hut. If you want to give your child a holiday “here and now”, just cover the frame of the hut with branches with greenery.

4. Hut wigwam in the nursery and on the street

The wigwam hut is traditional house Indians. The structure is tapered and sturdy. Previously, the Indians built their homes using thick branches, which were then covered with thick canvas. We can also make a children's hut on the principle of a wigwam. To do this, you need to pick up 5-7 flexible but strong rods, and then set them in the form of a polyhedron or semicircle. The tops of the twigs should be connected in such a way that they are aligned like flowers in a bouquet, overlapping each other. At the junction, the twigs must be secured with a strong rope or a piece of fabric.

If you are setting up the wigwam outdoors, dig in the base of the twigs a little into the ground. If the wigwam will be indoors, tie the transverse rods at the bottom of the structure, which will secure the structure.

After that, decorate the wigwam with a cloth. Most often, triangles are formed between the adjacent twigs of the hut, so you just need to cut out pieces of fabric in this shape and sew them around the frame. However, it is much more beautiful if the wigwam hut is decorated with a specially sewn cover, for the creation of which you will need to carefully measure the height of the frame and the width of each of its parts.

5. Gable hut

Having made a simple structure from several wooden slats, you can create a beautiful gable hut or tent hut. The most important thing in this structure is to choose the right fabric. If you are setting up your tent in the yard, it is best to use a tent fabric that does not fade from the sun or deform due to high humidity. If the structure will be in a child's room, cotton or any other natural material will do.

Room huts

If you are not confident in your abilities or just do not want to waste time making a homemade hut, you can purchase finished structure... For example, the Swedish brand IKEA produces beautiful and easy-to-play huts. Such structures are suitable not only for games, but also for. In addition, the branded hut will certainly become the main decoration of the children's room.

As a hut, you can also use a stylized awning or a roof on the bed. This accessory will not only give your kid a world of exciting games, but also provide him with a sound and restful sleep.

Fans of outings and spending the night near a reservoir will find it useful to know about the construction of a hut. After all, sometimes it is not possible to spend the night in the car, there is no tent or sleeping bag available, so in this situation you can make a hut yourself from improvised materials for a comfortable overnight stay. This shelter will protect you from inclement weather. Forest shelters differ in complexity and construction time.

1) How to make a lean-to hut

This is a hut with one slope covered, which serves as a wall. With its help, you can escape from the rays of the sun, strong winds and fine drizzling rain. It can also be used in cooking. In the summer months, you can spend the night in a hut, but this will not be entirely comfortable.

  • You can build a lean-to view from two stakes dug into the ground, their height should be about 2 meters. The ends of these stakes need to be bifurcated in order to establish a crossbar between them. Then put the poles vertically and fix them with an interval of 30 cm.
  • Fasten transverse branches to the installed poles.
  • After the construction of the frame, you need to start building the shelter. This can be done from coniferous branches, leaves, grass.
  • It is better to do this kind of hut near a fallen tree, after making sure that the device is reliable. Cut off branches that stick out and interfere with a comfortable stay in the structure.

2) How to make a gable hut

This type of construction is considered more reliable and comfortable. Its principle is the same, but the poles are established on both sides. In this case, one part will turn out to be completely closed, and the second will include an opening for the entrance.

  • Such a shelter will protect from rain if its thickness is at least 20 cm, and the slope of the pole is 45 degrees from the ground.
  • If you have material for protection, such as tarpaulin or sheeting, you can build a shelter from the existing cover. Then the maximum protection from weather conditions will be provided.
  • To provide heat inside the structure, you can build combined covering, which consists of plant materials available in the forest, as well as an awning. Thereby , heat insulating indicators will increase, and precipitation will not fall inside the structure.
  • For the construction of a hut, you can choose any wood, for example, oak, birch, mountain ash and others. If the weather is rainy, then a ditch and a water channel must be made near the structure.

3) How to make a circular hut

Such a hut is built around a tree, which is the base. A strong and even trunk must be cleaned of branches.
Next, find the poles leaning against the circular base. To make the structure stronger, you need to connect the poles horizontal jumpers. Then we put the covering on the frame.

This is a fairly light type of shelter, which has only one drawback - a tree standing in it will interfere with being inside.

4) How to make a fabric hut

To make a fabric hut you need:

  • thick fabric, which has a size of 3 by 5 meters;
  • two stakes located two meters from each other;
  • rope ;
  • devices for fixing the device to the ground.

First, you need to pull the rope between the wooden stakes and secure them. Then hang the fabric on a stretched rope. Next, you need to fix the fabric against the floor. This is possible with the help of loops on the fabric, and hooks into the ground.

5) How to make a hut from climbing plants

This is the most difficult type of hut. To create it you will need:

  • PVC pipes or long branches,
  • vegetation that winds;
  • rope .

Remember that the hut will only be ready in a few months. Install three pipes in a triangle. Then connect them with a rope. Then sow the seeds around the structure. When the plants begin to grow, they must be laid out on pipes towards the top of the hut., Connecting the ends. Use the remaining fabric to make a roof, and attach a rope to the center. Fix the resulting structure on a tree or in any convenient place for games. This method is distinguished by its mobility, because the structure can be carried.

There are a lot of ways to build a hut, you need to choose a specific option depending on your goals. But a do-it-yourself structure will be much cheaper than any tent. Plus, spending time in a self-built shelter is much more enjoyable.