Bulk floors Knauff technology. Super-floor System Knauf: Dry screed in German technology

To date, the Knauf system is the only worldwide, where wet processes are not applied. But the most important lack of a concrete screed is absolutely all of her species - in the fact that it is possible to live in a room with such floors only on the age of 28, and not before. While the national teams are ready for operation on the second day. This is such an interesting technology offered the German manufacturer to the whole world. You can easily master it!

So, the fields of KNAUF OD 13 are the guardless and easily mounted design of dry assembly, designed for the device in public and residential buildings, where there are:

  • Increased overlap sound insulation requirements.
  • There is no possibility to conduct "wet" finishing processes.
  • Limited time performing all works.
  • It is necessary to seriously lift the floor level.
  • It is important to reduce the load on the overlap.
  • It is necessary to cover the technical networks with a dry way.

Moreover, the fields of KNAUF can be arranged both on concrete and on wooden coatings. But for them there are their requirements for the premises on the bottom:

  1. Dry, normal and humid mode.
  2. Non-aggressive medium, with moderate and weak intensity of mechanical effects.
  3. There are no fire resistance restrictions and floors of the building, as well as engineering and geological and climatic conditions.

Also superfield KNAUF is officially allowed to equip in wet premiseslike showers and bathrooms, but only with proper waterproofing. In this case, in the place of the floor joint with the walls, lay the waterproofing tape "KNAUF" or "FLEXENDICTBAND", and cover the entire surface with waterproofing.

All team bases of floors kNAUF technology They are divided into such types: Alpha, Beta, Vega and Gamma. Let's consider their differences Read more:

  • Alpha - Design for smooth overlap.
  • Beta is a design on a substrate from heat-insulating rapid fiber materials, but also to smooth overlaps.
  • Vega is a design on the substrate, which is an aligning layer of dry fridge.
  • Gamma is a construct from a combined substrate from sound and heat-insulating rapid fiber materials, also according to the leveling layer of frustration.

But remember the main thing: KNAUF-floors are designed to operate indoors, where the temperature is not lower than 10 ° C and the humidity is about 60-70%.

If you are just going to make a floor tie and want to learn more about different kinds Materials and ways of carrying out works, we advise you to read a short libez on the device of the screeds with your own hands :.

What is the advantage of this technology?

Here are the main advantages of the "Superflace" from Knauff:

  1. Excellent speed and quality of work at home.
  2. No uncomfortable "wet" processes.
  3. Considerable savings due to the fact that the building design can be made more lightweight.
  4. The ability to "breathe" the design, absorb moisture during excess and give up with a lack of.
  5. No limitations of fantasy in different architectural solutions.
  6. Environmental purity and favorable microclimate.
  7. Full compliance with strict international standards.

So, just one square centimeter of the fields Knauf withstands up to 360 kg of weight. But in the garage such a coating is impossible - a heavy moving technique is able to move and break the sheets.

Installation of the CNAUF Floors - from A to Z

Preparatory work

So, first of all, we prepare an old basis. Under the elements of the floor KNAUF can also be mounted plumbing communications - but only before filling the clay.

Before making Knauf-floor, you must carefully prepare concrete surface. So, all the gaps and gaps between the plates need to be seal cement mortar M500, after which it is thoroughly cleaned the whole area of \u200b\u200bgarbage.

If there are minor irregularities to 5 mm on such a floor, then such floors need to be aligned with the same corrugated cardboard. But fill the local irregularities up to 20 mm better than special "repair" mixtures. Well proven itself, for example, "Vetonit 4000".

It is necessary to reconcile the level, but not in the farm level, and I do not want to buy an expensive tool for one-time use? Tell how to make a laser level with your own hands from inexpensive and affordable details :.

If there are potholes even more, then they are better to fall asleep clamzite in the shallow fraction. They can also align the inclination of the base, if there is such. But if you are going in front of the device dry screed and insulate the floors polystyrene foam slabs, then it is necessary to align with a putty or a sandy cement mixture.

After preparing the floor, it is necessary to pave the waterproofing layer - after all, the ceramzite does not like to touch with humidity. Therefore, the prepared base is made by plastic film with an adhesive on adjacent bands at least 20 cm. The walls of the edge of the film should be higher than the future collection of at least 2 cm. This is important to provide vapor barrier. Instead of the film, you can also use corrugated or paraffinated paper, pergamine or modern vapor barrier "Lightofol".

For a concrete base, the film is more suitable, but for wooden coatings - Only the lining paper, laid by the brass. If, on the basis of you, communications are laid in the corrugation or pipes, then also to put the film under them - so that no empty cavities remain.

How to fall asleep and smooth dry backfill?

Ceramzite itself, which is used in the band, is wonderful heat insulation material. It must be taken by the shallow fraction, 2-4 mm, but it is impossible to take the sinking from a major - such floors will cover.

Before laying clay sand, set lighthouses laser levelAfter which you can use a trapezoidal rule.

It is important that the dry screed with the walls does not touch, and therefore along the walls around the perimeter, the contour insulating tape is 10 cm wide and a thickness of 10 mm from mineral wool Either a polymer at least 8 mm thick. The edge ribbon will have to compensate for deformation extensions.

Fucking inspeels just pour onto the floor and align the railhouse with the railhouse - as in photo instructions. Start from the wall that is opposite to the input. Turning the clamzite is manually needed.

To get the perfectly smooth floor when aligning, various lighthouses use. Read more about this in the analysis of all possible options For any screed :.

What sheets are better to cover?

Let's immediately understand how the plates of GCL differ from GWL. We are talking about two materials, which today are successfully used at.

So, GLK is plasterboard sheet. All edges are lined with cardboard, except for the end part. In order for such a material, the binding components add to the gypsum. And the cardboard itself is adhesive with plaster thanks to special adhesive additives. It is well cut and bend. Although the prefabricated floors use much less frequent than other species.

But the GWL is a dry-fiber leaf, absolutely homogeneous in its composition. It is considered stronger than GLC, and more suitable for the arrangement of the collection floor. In contrast to GLK, GVL is not made by pressing gypsum, through reinforcement of cellulose from grinding waste paper, and with special additives. Such material is more durable and more fire-resistant. But GLC will cost you cheaper.

The manufacturer for today offers only two sheet formats for the collection floor: EP, because Floor elements of 1200x600x20 and small-format LITS GVLV. The first type is the two glued grounds of moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheet with false and thickness of as many as 2 cm. But GVLV is a little format quality and environmental pure Material For premises with high requirements for sound, thermal insulation and fire safety. Work with so much more convenient due to light weight sheets, and for home use The best will not come up with.

And - this is new products from the company Knauff. Such material is impregnated by a moisture-repellent hydrophobic substance that protects well from steam and water. Distinctive feature such sheets - green color. Therefore, if you do a dry tie there, where there is a risk of water from entering this material:

What pleases, the surface of such floors is absolutely suitable for all existing species outdoor coatings. You can even mount the warm floor system. But on the GWL plate it is better to put only water underground floor.

Different Knauf-sheets are on the edge - with a straight, PC, and with a folded FC. Understand what you are buying, you can on special markings on back side: List type, edge type, standard and parameters are indicated.

Knauf sheets are treated with a hydrophobizer, are well ground and saturated from challenge. When installing such sheets, the manufacturer himself advise the material in advance in the room where the floor will be filled. And for convenience you can cut. And when appliance, we definitely remove the chamfer from the sheets - 1/3 of the sheet thickness.

And now clarify more, exactly how the sheets of GVL are attached. So, laying the first layer is carried out from the door, with a gap in the joints of not more than 1 mm. But if you use heat-insulating plates, then from the opposite wall, with a displacement of the junctions of at least 20 cm.

Now we cover the entire first layer of adhesive composition. Apply glue sequentially on each sheet without skipping. In total, you will leave about 400g / m 2.

Sing the second layer across the 1st, with a gap of no more than 1 mm. It is important that top lists She covered the cross-shots of the lower ones. Speaking from the seams glue, remove the spatula. Each sheet of the 2nd layer is also creating as special screws for GWL styled. Screws use with anti-corrosion coating.

But pay attention: for the sheets of GLCs go some screws, and for GVL are completely different. In the latter - double thread and adaptation for self-charge, which helps the screwing shore into a sheet of 12 mm and more from there not to get out due to some unexpected operational loads.

Checking finished floors

After laying the superf. Cut the surplus of the film and tape.

The minimum thickness of the leveling layer should turn out about 2 cm. And usually the floors in the room on this technology are rising only 4-5 cm.

How smooth the floor turned out, check with the help of the level and control two-meter rail. You need to make at least 5 such measurements.

An example of testing for strength:

What problems may arise?

So why, with all the advantages of such a floor design, all builders did not switched on it? Because there are rumors that such a floor asked, rushed and in general collapsed in a couple of years. They say, it's all about the central vibriate load, while there are almost no walls. And allegedly, there is a noticeable "coverage", because the ceramzite is bulk material Over time, everything will be lost.

But even those who are professionally engaged in the prefabricated floors for quite a long time, still do not advise to lay ceramic tiles on the prefabricated floors or install a heavy cast-iron bathroom. But, at the same time, such people are categorically acceptable to compare floors of Knauff with a conventional screed - the first must be applied where there is expediency, and the usual concrete will not replace them with all its advantages in strength.

In addition, if there was no technological disorders when laying the KNAUF-Floors, then no bending, no compresses will arise in twenty years. Here, for example, a rather subtle moment: if you use a clay filling of not the calibration, then, of course, the settlement may occur. That's why the stories that Knauf-floors were rushed somewhere - this is just a testimony of The fact that laying technology was broken. After all, clayzit, like any bulk base, you need not just throw a shovel, but seal, to rub, how to trambed the sand when the foundation is sinking.

You will crept the old boardwalk, falls out of the shield parquet board on lags?

Then we go to you!

Floors in such apartments are ideal for mounting dry screed Knauf!

The overlap is already adapted to the floor alignment thickness of at least 7 cm and dry knauff screed It is done without additional costs to change the floor level. Dry Canyaf floor screed will not increase the load on overlap, by weight it is similar to the panel floorboard on the lags with sand.

Why? The answer is simple!

Panel floors in such apartments are poorly docked and have a lot of holes, pour concrete screed It is much more complicated here and more expensive, as well as there is a risk of pouring neighbors.

Our dry floor screed cannouf strong, reliable and does not creak under the legs.

Everything negative feedback About the dry duzhka Knauf is associated with the use of low-quality materials and not skillful installation. As soon as self-taught masters, who did not undergo training with an experienced master master, flooded the Internet with its services on the laying of the dry screed of Knauf and determine the reputation of this quality floor.

We equalize the floors of the dry tie CNAUF technology for more than 15 years.

A frequent consumer error when searching for a master is the minimum price for working with materials.

Our price for work with materials is a golden middle.

1. We do not have crazy cheating from individual masters, with Internet exchange, avito, etc.

2. Fast delivery qualitative material On the day of the order, and the result is durable, smooth dry band screed Knauf.

3. Any clay molding to choose from: Compavit, Keraflor, Serpukhovskaya, Knavel Krasnogorsk, RDStroy.

4. We carry out the installation of a dry screed best masters Moscow. Introduction on the installation of a dry screed for at least 10 years.

5. Warranty on the installation of 3 years. Payment in cash and on non-cash settlement.

High-quality dry tie of the floor Knauff begins with storing material in stock. We only work with conscientious suppliers and constantly control the quality of Tigaph Tiguf materials.

Knauff screed

By the way, the Knauf screed will significantly add to you insulation from shock and air noise (from 30 decibels) per square meter.

Often in such houses, especially in block, carrying ability concrete slabs 400 - 450 kg / m², which is lower than the standard value of 600 kg / m².

Knauff's screed will help keep the shield board noise insulation, because even though it creaked, but due to the sand, dust and air gap suppressed noise no worse than the knauf screed.

Concrete slabs under wooden floors Very uneven, and the drop in the level reaches 15 cm. Knauf screed can align the differences of up to 30 centimeters. We have a lot of experience in alignment of the floor with a tie of Knauf, above the allowable Tiguf technology.

10 cm thick cement screed will weigh 200 kg per square meter. Knauf screed is easier three times and with a thickness of 10 cm weighs only 60-70 kg per meter square.Screed Knauf by german technology The alignment of the floor here only wins, its weight depends on the density of the ceraimsite swelling.

Knauf screed will hide all your wires and heating pipes, the main thing is to lay the backfilling layer above 1.5 cm. In many houses by decision of the Board, Knauf - the only permitted method of alignment of the floor in the apartment, due to light weight and quick access to communications .

Our company provides a guarantee of 3 years to all work performed.

We have a screed Knauf Price per square meter Work without material from 300 rubles.

Superfield Knauf Price per m² Work with materials from 1100 rubles with delivery and unloading.

How to work with us?

Montage Dry Shrews Knauf

If you need to install a dry screed of Knauff, you leave us a request by phone, form or sending the estimate by clicking on Knauf. I contact you and define the readiness of your sex on the installation of the dry screed of Knauff. Before starting work, before installing a dry screed of Knauff, you must complete plasteringSo that the edge ribbon fits tightly to the wall. You must dilute the entire electrician in a rigid corrugation or tubes so that the subsequent installation of the dry screed of Knauf did not damage the wiring. Claiming back will be 1-1,5cm above corrugations at the highest place of installation. It is necessary to take into account before starting the installation of a dry screed of Knauf and breed the wires on floor lowlands. After discussion and clarify the above conditions, we stipulate the day of measurement.

If your floor is ready, the next day you come to you a master technologist on the installation of a dry screed of Knauf, it makes metering the room and the thickness of the middle layer of the ceraimsitic backfill. During the measurement, I send you an estimate for the installation of a dry knauf screed, it reflects the cost of work, the materials of their delivery and unloading to the object. We correct the estimation with you and deliver materials the next day, urgent delivery is also possible.

Montage of the dry screed of Knauf performs a master who made me out, which eliminates the problems with the "spoiled phone", like such: "I don't know anything, I did not say anything, I do it, as I can, in those. The task of this is not, ", etc.

We have an individual approach to each client

Work with us quickly and just

Professionalism, coherence in work and accurate calculation

Dry screed Knauf Calculator

If you decide that you need a dry screed Knauf, our calculator will accurately and quickly calculate the cost of working with materials per square meter.

For the repair of the floor, you need a dry screed Knauf, the calculator will help calculate the cost of work and material with a margin of 5% per meter. For right calculation Dry screed Knauf, in the calculator field, you must enter the exact area of \u200b\u200byour gender and the prejudded layer of claying sweeping. With a thickness of the backfill layer above 8cm, an additional enhancement GVVV is required. Next, choose in the calculator dry screed Knauf options for the crash, ours or on your own, as well as the distance from the Moscow Ring Road, if it is. I click on the button to calculate and the calculator gives the estimate to the materials of Knauf, delivery, unloading and installation of a dry screed.

To calculate the cost of work and material for metr² Square click on the Knauf dry screed calculator

Consider the main options for mounting the column floors from moisture-resistant GVL.

Bulk floors Knauff technology

Bulk floors Knauf laying technology with their own hands.

If you decide to make a bulk floor, read our instructions independently:

If there are cracks and holes in the concrete floor mounting foam, not to fall asleep with sand or construction garbage. This will add your bulk fields of noiseisilation.

Before mounting the bulk, the polyethylene film is spread or vapor insulation membrane With a plant on the wall. On the perimeter of bulk floors, KNAUF is installed edid ribbon.but if the walls are curves, with highlights from old screed, The gap between the floor elements and the wall is better to fit.

Crimsitized filling, for bulk sex, scatter along the wall of 1.5 meters wide, ranging from the doorway. Guides are laid on the backbone and align on the laser level. The distance between the beacons is falling asleep with dry backfill and tighten the trapezoidal rule with cutouts on sides equal to the thickness of the guides. Further, the guide rules rearrange and the procedure is repeated until the end of the wall.

Bulk floors

Outts of GWL are placed on the leveled surface of the clamping swelling. They are needed for mounting a bulk gender, on them the master will move to laying the GWL along the wall.

Installation of bulk

Now we put the elements of the GWL floor, we cross the grooves and tamper. After the flooring of the second row, we climb, we tamper and equalize the elements of the floor, tighten the screws on the GWL in increments of 10 - 20 cm to taste. When the aligned surface of the dry backfill ends with an exhibition of guides and the procedure is repeated.

Here, in principle, all the technology of mounting a bulk sex with their own hands.

It seems that everything is simple, but because of dust and back pain, on the weight of the slabs, far from every qualitatively can lay the bulk floors of Knauf with their own hands.

Superfield Knauff Technology Styling

KNAUF-SUPERPOL technology laying by floor elements and low-informant GVLV.

KNAUF Superflare Styling Technology Suitable for alignment of reinforced concrete and wooden overlaps. Superfield-KNAUF is suitable for laying any flooring, even a porcelain stoneware and withstands up to 500 kg / m² of distributed and 200 kg of concentrated load. Knauf Superfol Logical alternative to sandbetone.

If the level of clamping swelling is higher than 8 cm, then your KNAUF superplate must be increased by 2500 * 1200 superlists with a thickness of 9.5mm or 12.5 mm, cutting sheets for easy installation in half, you can also use a small-format sheet of GVVV, but then the cost of material for meter square It will not be much more expensive. The enhancement sheet of GVLV, for the installation of the Superflare Knauf, can be laid from above and below the floor elements. The Practice of the monoton of Superflate Knauf showed that the reinforcing sheets is better stacked from below with a large layer of clay, in this case, the load coming from the grooves of the floor elements is better distributed on the dry backfill and the superflet almost does not shrink.

Before laying the finish layer on top, floor elements can be wrapped in PVA. Superlists or a small-format sheet are scrolled by self-drawing on GBL 30mm in a step of 15-20 cm. In this case, the design of the GWL, the KNAUF superflake, it turns out more monolithic due to glued sheets and a large quantity of self-tapes. This method of installation of the superplate is good because the elements of the floor can be stronger than the laying, and single sheets with a strong shrinkage can break.

In each case, the ways of mounting the Superflare Knauf we recommend based on the needs of the customer, the premises of the room and the subsequent floor covering.

The device of the finishing layer from GVL is necessary when laying tile tile, porcelain stoneware, linoleum and carpet for giving dry lands of greater rigidity.

Installation of the Column Paul Knauf Little Formate Sheet

The installation of the first GVV layer is made by a small-format dry-fiber sheet 1500 * 1200 * 10 mm or 1200 * 1200 * 10 mm, for a better high-quality traaming along a dry claying sweeping. Removal dust and remnants of dry frighting drying gypsum plows, comb or roller. The subsequent layer of GVV can be laid in a small-format sheet or superlist KNAUF 2500 * 1200 * 10 mm for the larger area of \u200b\u200boverlap of the seams of the gypsum.

When laying dry floors KNAUF to increase strength, especially with a large leveling layer of clay, only superlist 2500 * 1200 * 12.5 mm. For high-quality tamping leveling dry backfill, the first layer of gypsum fiber 2500 * 1200 * 12.5 mm should be cut into two parts.

Installation of a dry knauf floor screed with noise insulation

Consider two variants of the device of noise insulating floors of KNAUF using extruded polystyrene foam.

1st option. Before laying a bulk floor, a preliminary leveling of the base is required: a cement tie device or a fill of self-leveling bulk floors. After completely drying the screed, the base of the floor is laid by vapor insulation and polystyrene foam. Moisture-resistant gypsum fiber is placed in two layers, applying a small-format sheet or superlist Knauf.

2nd option. As an alignment layer, a dry clay fusion is used. A small-format leaf of GVVV and tamper lined by lighthouses. After installing the GWL, the KNAUF scrolls are placed on or glued by extruded polystyrene foam. The device of the noise insulating screed of KNAUF is completed by laying floor elements 1200 * 600 * 20 mm or two layers of the GVL superlist.

Procedure for working with us:

1. Leave the application by phone. Or calculate the cost of mounting the column floors in the calculator and send.

2. We carry out dismantling with the removal of garbage into the container and measure the middle layer of the ceraimsite swelling the day after the application.

3. Delivery of materials for CNAUF screed, 1-2 days after measurement and signing the contract. (Prepayment for shipping 5-10 tons / rubles).

4. Installation of CNAUF combined floors from 20 to 60 m² per day (depends on the size of the room and the composition of the brigade).

Result: You get smooth, light, ramped bulk floors from moisture-resistant GWL.

The bulk floor is the cost of mounting GVL Price per m² Square work with material and delivery from 1000 rubles.

The cost of mounting the combined floor of the KNAUF depends on the area and thickness of the middle layer of dry fridge from the clay.

Dry screed Knauf is the saving time and nerves

Knauf's divent floors solve many problems and tasks when dealing with a screed apartment. Colored floors hide all communications: electrician, heating, sewage, etc.

Superfield Knauff will solve problems with the insulation of the floor in the apartment, at the low value of the material and installation of national flooring.

The budget of the cement screed with noise insulation will increase almost two, compared with the installation of dry floors from the GWL and the cost of tie materials KNAUF.

If you decide to make the center of Paul Knauff yourself, you can buy a dry backfill and moisture-resistant gypsum fiber. The price of clamping filling depends on the volume.

If you decide on a tie in a residential apartment, the bulk floors of Knauf will allow you to avoid not only wet processes, but also once again to endure furniture. Dry screed from GWL reduces the time to align the floor in the apartment.

Dry floors Knauf is the fastest solution while leveling and repairing floors in the apartment, cottage and office. The wet screed or installation of plywood on lags will cost you 30-50% more expensive than alignment of the floor with GWL plates.

Dry clay molding keraflor.

We produce installation of national floors of KNAUF for more than 14 years and use the Belarusian ceramic filling of the keraflor and compavit.

In the device of the prefabricated floors, the elements of the GVL fellow have to be traaming, and the Keraphlor clamzit fishing faction is best suited.

We are a flexible price policy.

Floor screed Price per square meter, the cost of materials and work you can calculate in the calculator of the dry screed of Knauf.

The more your area, the cheaper there will be a price of dry ceramzitic backfill, gypsum and the cost of mounting of dull floors KNAUF.

We work in Moscow and Moscow region

Aprelevka, Balashikha, Bronnitsy, Vidnoe, Golitsyno, Dedovsk, Dzerzhinsky, Dolgoprudny, Domodedovo, Railway, Zhukovsky, Zvenigorod, Ivanteevka, Istra, Klimovsk, Korolev, Kotelniki, Krasnoyarmeysk, Krasnogorsk, Krasnoznamensk, Kubina, Lobnya, Losino-Petrovsky, Lytkarino, Lyubertsy, Moscow, Mytishchi, Noginsk, Odintsovo, Podolsk, Pushkino, Ramenskoye, Reutov, Roshal, Sergiev Posad, Solnechnogorsk, Old Kupavna, Troitsk, Fryazino, Khimki, Chernogolovka, Chekhov, Shchelkovo, Shcherbinka, Elektrostal, Electrogen, Jubilee, Yachrome,

When any repairs touches the floor plane, then the main issue for tenants and builders is the question of the same floor to align.

Modern market building materials Dynamically reacts to the problem of flooring devices and almost annually builders offer new technologies or mixtures. Floor laying options are now several dozen market. One of the latter effective methods Alignment of the base of the floor - Knauf - Superfield. An important difference in this "dry" screed is that this is a whole technology consisting of several building materials and processes.

The advantages of this technology are as follows:

  • It is used both on concrete and on a wooden base with floor level drops up to 10 cm.
  • Small weight of finished design.
  • Installation speed. The area of \u200b\u200babout 50 kV / m is processed within 2 business days and after 24 hours after the laying of the superf can be processed finish finish: laying the laminate, parquet and tile, string linoleum.
  • Strength - the design of the superplate is able to withstand a load of 20 to 40 kg per 1 cm / sq., Depending on the material of the finishing coating.
  • High thermophysical and sound insulation properties.
  • In space under a superf floor, you can make installation of communications.

So, about everything in order.

Superfield system

Laying is performed quickly and in several stages. First, it is necessary to carefully remove the base of the floor from any garbage and process all the discovered clearances and gaps between the wall and overlapping.

On a concrete base polyethylene filmFor wooden floors instead of film, you should use a special lining paper, and you need to put it.

It is important to take into account that the edges of the film and paper around the perimeter should enter the walls by 15-20 cm.

On top of the film around the perimeter, the edge ribbon is fixed, which compensates for deformation extensions and increases sound insulation qualities of the new screed. After laying the entire system of the superflet, the surplus of the film and the edge ribbon is cut along the contour.

Following, the film is poured on the basis of a fine-flow clay, a layer of at least 20 mm. Like a bulk mixture, it is a bit "dust", so it's better to work in a mask.

In order to dissolve clamzite sand, before laying the sheets of the superflet, it is necessary to make the lighting of lighthouses, clearly exhibited by the laser level, and the backstage is aligned with the trapezoidal rule.

Elements of the system "Super Poll"

The elements of the system "Super Place" is a drying sheet (GVLV), which has a high moisture resistance and durability, is not for reason, this material is called a superlist. Unlike conventional drywall, there is another production technology here: the gypsum dough is pressed with fibers of flushed waste paper.

For the superplate, the German manufacturer offers two sheet formats: the so-called floor elements (EP), the size of 1200x600x20 and a small-format sheet of GVLV. The difference between sheets is that EP is made by bonding two moisture resistant hypus fiber sheetsAs a result, folders are formed, the total thickness of such an element is 20 mm.

If you decide to use small-format sheets of GVLV, they need to be laid in two layers with a dispersion, sicking with a PVA glue and fixing screws for gypsum fiber sheets.

The main stages of laying superlists

Laying the elements of the floor starts from the angle opposite to the doorway, and at the first sheet, the fold must be cut to ensure an even adjoining sheet to the wall.

To step down on the backfill, moving from the window to the door, use "islands" from drywall or dry-fiber sections, they allow you to move along a dry backfill without disturbing the integrity of the smooth layer. The fold is applied glue, so the elements are bonded among themselves. The place of contact in the fold of two sheets must be pulled by special screws for GWL.

If you use small-format sheets of GVLV, they need to be laid in two layers with a dispersion, sicking with each other PVA glue and also fixing screws for gypsum fiber sheets.

As a result, the surface acquires the perfectly flat plane to which any finish floor covering lies, be it laminate, parquet, tile, linoleum, etc.

What else is important to know about the system "Super Poll"

With this technology, you can apply insulation to improve the insulation of the room. Also under the elements of KNAUF - the superflet is possible installation of plastic or metal pipes Heating and plumbing communications. It is important to note that laying and crimping communications is performed before the clamping stage of the clay.

If laying of linoleum is planned to be placed on the floor, the plates of the plates and fastening of screws must be aligned with a putty fumen of the GW. For other finish flooring, such treatment is not needed.

Indoors C. high humiditywhen the floor is assumed to lay ceramic tile Or porcelain stoneware, you need to protect the sheets from moisture. Before facing, it is recommended to apply Flakentiht waterproofing.

In general, you can add that the superflare system helps to align the base, equip the flat and high-quality floor in the apartment, reducing the time costs at times, especially compared to cement screeds. This German technology greatly simplifies the flooring in the premises of a complex configuration.


You can learn more about this system by looking at the roller.


KNAUF-SUPERPOL - element of the floor produced in the factory. It is glued from two little format sheets who are not afraid of moisture. Their sizes reach 1200x600x10 millimeters. There is a displacement of sheets relative to each other in directions by 50 millimeters.

Description of material

Superfield presents rectangular sheets with a straight or folded edge. Them front side Well polished. The production of the material is carried out by the method of semi-dry pressing of the mixture. It contains a gypsum substance, flushing cellulose waste.

Technical features

Knauf-Superfield makes it possible:

  1. Reduce the number of waste during the installation process.
  2. Reduce load on overlapping, which is important in the event of the reconstruction of old buildings.
  3. Complete floors of floors in rooms with a complex configuration.
  4. Reduce the time of work on finishing.
  5. Enlarge sound- I. heat insulating properties Floor.
  6. Reduce the time of technological breaks.

Also read the materials:

The length of the material is 120 centimeters, the width is 60 centimeters, the thickness is 20 mm. The element weighs about 18 kg. His squeezed area equals 0.72 square meters. Heat fiber coefficient is less than 6.2 W / m2. According to Brinell, the hardness is more than 20 megapascals. When compressed, the strength is more than 10 MPa.


  • KNAUF-SUPERPOL is a reliable, easy installation and modern coating For sex. It solves many problems.
  • Excellent noise insulation is achieved.
  • The desired level can be made without the use of complex mechanisms.
  • You can easily change appearance floor, without changing the design.
  • The element is mounted one by one, the entire floor can be put in 8 hours.
  • Each element weighs a bit.
  • Surface after smooth.

Scope of application

Installation of the product is carried out when the prefabricated bases of floors in public, industrial or residential buildings and premises. Standard gypsum fiber sheets are used in buildings with normal or dry humidity characteristics. GVLV can be applied in normal, dry or wet buildings. Knauff sheets are actively used as an element of the superf.

Features of preparatory work

Stacking technology for the presented floor type with their own hands should go with some rules.

  • Prepare rooms - inspect the floor, the corners of the room for cracks, free the space from all over.
  • If defects have discovered outdoor surfaceshould get rid of them.
  • If the installation is carried out in a greenhouse, kitchen or shower, put the film from polyethylene around the perimeter. About the walls of its edge should be higher than the height of the floor design. When working with sand, apply leveling rules.
  • Installation of the coating starts from the wall where the door is installed. If you have to work on the other hand, special islands are required. The walls finished lamellas are cut in place of pairing. The following row leads from the same place.

Important! So that the waste was minimal, the installation of the next row from the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece should be installed.

Installation technology requires care. The displacement of the butts of the ends should not exceed 250 millimeters. If everything is done correctly, the floor will serve securely in the continuation of several decades.

Installation implementation

Installation of the presented floor is relevant in some cases. Conveniently apply it when:

  • terms of work should be limited;
  • lagged larch;
  • there are plates of the floor surface of more than 40 millimeters - the apartments of the old fund;
  • it is required to carry out the installation of the water supply system or the end of the repair work;
  • it is necessary to install the floating floor at low ambient temperature.

Installation of a dry band screed "Knauf" (video)

System installation work

First of all, the floor area and its horizontal level are measured. Used building level. On the wall serve serifs, which show the deviation of the base from the horizon.

The square meter of the coating is placed 50 kg of clay (with full removal of the previous one).

Tools and materials

Floor installation technology involves the use of the following materials and tools:

  • Super pva glue;
  • construction Scotch;
  • system elements;
  • polyurethane foam sealant;
  • screws;
  • vaporizoation;
  • failure clay.

If the curvature indicator of the walls is up to 2 millimeters / mp, it is recommended to use the edge tape. If the sealant is applied above. Its excess is removed using a knife.


After the draft floor is cleaned of dust and debris, steamproofing is carried out. Fall on the walls should be 200 millimeters. Top on the film with plaster put lighthouses - it can be aluminum rails. Their step is 900 millimeters. If the element is put on wooden base Instead of polyethylene film apply:

  • pergamine;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paraffinated paper.

Ceramzit falls asleep between beacons. Roll over its rule. If the layer exceeds 5 centimeters, the backfill should be tumped.

Montage sequence

  • Installation of the floor comes from the corner. The edge that comes with the wall is trimmed. One element in the other is inserted through the spike-groove system.
  • The seams are labeled with glue, connected with screws. The step between them should reach 100 millimeters. Connecting sheet, you should stand on it.
  • The first row should be shown clearly by level. The remaining elements are put, focusing on it.
  • Between the sheets and the wall, the gap of 1 centimeter should remain. It is further worth pouring sealant.
  • At the end of the installation, the floor should be thoroughly speaking.

Some nuances

With the help of the presented design, you can get a very durable floor. However, operation should be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • elements before installation must "get used to" to the room;
  • sheets stored only horizontally;
  • the optimal option is a horizontal layer of clay;
  • in wet rooms It must be a layer of waterproofing.

We also offer you to find out by reading the appropriate article on our website.

Install the system is easy. At the same time, the installation process will cost you much cheaper than the equipment of other systems. The design presented is different high levels Heat and noise protection, allows you to align any surface. The only drawback is the fear of moisture. However, you will definitely not hear the neighbors from the bottom. The system is placed in various production, residential and civil buildings, as well as in the presence of waterproofing, in rooms with high humidity.

Installation of the base of the floor "KNAUF-SUPERPOL" (video)

It is no secret that the foundation of the floor must meet all modern construction standards: durability, reliability, lack of drops in height. Essential factors such as the installation speed, time before laying the finishing coating and how soon it will be possible to walk along the new floor.

Advantages and advantages of Knauf Superfield

Lack of wet processes

Does not require drying. Laying finish coatings - after 2U hours after installing the system.

Easy assembly

Fast I. quality mounting do it yourself.

A light weight

Does not overload supporting structures.


Protects from noise and retain nerves to neighbors.

Heat insulation

Warm material that allows you to feel the beauty of comfort.

Strength and durability Reliability, tested by more than 10 years of exploitation in various premises.


Satisfies the highest requirements of ecostandarts.

Knauf Superflake Design

To the question, is it possible to combine all this in one design, without using a great set different materials, Knauf replies yes. This is possible if the use of light floor designs consisting of floor elements (EP) KNAUF superfield and dry backfills of KNAUF.

What is unique to the KNAUF superf?

The design of the KNAUF-Superfield is a prefabricated system consisting of gypsum fiber sheets (floor elements) and dry clay fading KNAUF.

It is used both on wooden and on concrete bases, Allows you to level large height differences - up to 10 centimeters.

The lower part of the system is a special dry bevel from the small clay, which is laying out on vaporizolation film. From above, floor elements are laid, which have production dimensions 1 200-600 * 20 mm.

For 8 hours 1 person can mount up to 30 square meters of floor - perfectly smooth, ready for any finish coating, be it laminate, tile, parquet board, carpet or linoleum.

There are no wet processes in this technology, so the time is not spent on waiting for the surface drying.

Among the advantages of the KNAUF-Superfield system are also a small weight of the design, which allows it to be used when repairing dilapidated rooms.

Knauf Superfield - Installation and Laying with your own hands

1. With the help of laser level or other means, determine the level of the base, install a polyethylene film on it.

2. On the perimeter of the enclosing structures adjacent to the national base of the floor, install a special edge ribbon.

3. Perform a levery of dry backfill with the help of a set of plates or other devices.

4. Before laying the sheets adjacent to the wall with a special knife, hacksaws or an electric bike remove the fold.

5. Evenly distribute the Special dry backfill of the KNAUF from the calculation of 10 liters per m 2 with a layer thickness of 1 cm.

6. Stay the flooring elements from the wall with doorway from right to left. Cropped side of the element should be facing the wall, and the protruding comb - to the side.

7. On the crest of the laid floor element, apply one or two strips of adhesive mastic. Put the next item and secure it with special self-draws for GVLV.

8. The screed is ready! If necessary, make a putty joint and places for the attachment of self-tapping screws.