Facing and biological growth stimulants for plants. Stimulants of growth and development of plants at home

Not so long ago, summer houses began to use stimulants and growth regulators more actively for growing plants. Today we will find out what it is for substances as they affect the development of plants and how useful to achieve one or another result.

In any plant there is a certain set of phytogormones, each of which is responsible for its own process in the vital activity of the plant. An example of those can be called the most famous gibberliners, cytokinins and auxins. Each of the phytohormones mentioned is the definite process. Thus, Gibbersellin is responsible for the flowering of plants and fruiting, the auxins regulate the formation of the root system and metabolism, and cytokinins are responsible for the growth of kidneys and shoots.

Due to the highlight of scientists from the hormones of plants, it was possible to most successfully approach the improvement and some transformation of agrotechnics, in which special substances that are analogues of phytohormones can now be involved. These are growth stimulants and regulators.

Where do growth stimulants get?

At the moment, the most popular method of producing special substances, positively affecting plants and supplying them for growth and development. This is the release of special elements and substances from bacteria, mushrooms, coal, peat, algae and other natural donors. But there are synthetic analogues that differ little from natural.

Application of growth stimulants

Using one or another stimulator, you can get absolutely different resultsAfter all, the synthesized phytohormones are reflected at different stages of development and systems of the vital activity of plants. In addition, it is necessary to correct, recordly and purely "prescription" use to get a significant result. But what is interesting, applying such drugs, you will always get positive changes.

The maximum effect can be achieved at twofold use, but only instructions on the acquired preparation will help to determine the correct dosage and the application period.

Remember, do not change the intervals of making regulators or change the norms of the application, because the oversaturation does not mean a positive result.

Popular growth stimulants

We decided to point out to you the most famous and popular stimulants, which relies the majority of summer houses when growing seedlings and young plants. We really hope that this list will be useful for you and will help grow not only the bright greens of cultures, but also a good crop at the end of the season.

Heteroacexin Stimulator (Indolyluxus Acid)

This growth stimulator is considered the most famous, since the first was led in a modern laboratory. The treatment of plants by heteroacexin increases the amount of phytohormon auxin and has a positive effect on the root formation.

It is possible to process seeds, it is significantly increased to the germination. If you treat young cuttings, we get the maximum suitability of the planting material.

In addition, the drug is very convenient to restore roots when transplanting seedlings.

The drug is made on the strict instruction, under the root of the plant, in the form of aquatic solution.

Rose Stimulator Kornin

Korninn is not much different from the previous drug, but acts on the plant longer, which allows you to systematically gain root power and get enough of gradually without sharp jerks in development.

The corneverin should be made in the same way, in the form of a proper cooked aqueous solution, under the root of the plant.

Stimulant growth stimulator

Relatively new drugwhich also stimulates the root formation. It is characteristic of what is brought through extra-corner subordinateIt is more comfortable more often than watering the root concentrates.

Standard allows you to seriously improve the operation of the root system at the cellular level, due to which it becomes the most susceptible to the necessary nutrients. It is noticeably transformed after applying the drug plants and begin to develop hard.

Standard copes perfectly with its task in the open and closed soil, but even better its effect when used with full mineral fertilizer.

Zircon Stimulator with Fongicidal Activity

The drug is directed to the root formation, but at the same time actively increases the immunity of plants to a variety of mushroom infections. That is why the zircon is increasingly choosing modern dackets, because it has a double and very useful effect.

An interesting fact is to increase the impact on root systemWhen used with the above-mentioned means. But be extremely attentive, read the instructions and follow the advice of specialists before applying funds.

Epin Bioregulator and Stimulator

Increasingly popular on the shop windows of specialized shopping points Epin becomes a preparation with a unique effect on plants. It is said that having tried it once on their own beds, a practical dachanik will always have a stock of funds in his Saraich.

And why not, after all, epin not only displays the plants from stress after a transplant, but also has many other positive characteristics. The tool improves the tuber formation, stimulates immunity to phytoophluorosis, significantly increases the nutritional value of potato roots, reduces the content of nitrates and salts of heavy metals. In addition, it is necessary to understand that the drug significantly increases the germination of seeds, mainly peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, and also improves protective functions, contributes to an increase in the number of fruit strings, accelerates maturation.

Experts advise Epin, if it is necessary to increase the energy of plants, protect seedlings and adult cultures from negative atmospheric phenomena, neutralize the impact of pesticides, improve the quality of plants and increase the harvest.

Stimulants bud and maritime

These drugs are used to accelerate the flowering of plants and receiving seeds. The preparations contain gibbersellin. Processing is as follows:

  • Before the bootonization of the plant, if you need to speed up the flowering;
  • After stock formation, if you need to accelerate fruit formation.

Rules for the use of growth stimulants

As for each applied on cottage plot drug, for the indicated we are spelled out certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to remember forever that use should occur strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the preparations can give a reverse and very unpleasant effect. Let's consider a simple example of the use of stimulants for growing crops:

  • Before sowing seeds in the soil, extinate them in Kornvin or heteroacexin for 6 hours. Seeds will give much better and abundant shoots;
  • When the seeds rose, it is necessary to strengthen the seedlings and its root system. To do this, it is advisable to apply spraying with an epinoma or zircon;
  • While transplanting seedlings to open ground, prepare the corneum solution and treat it the roots of seedlings, which will allow each plant to root well. Twice a month spray plants on the garden with a solution of the story. This will allow not only to speed up rooting and growth, but also will strengthen the seedlings, will allow it to adapt. In addition, seedling earlier will give bloom.

Use growth stimulants for destination, Lay the correct sequences from phytogormon, follow the instructions of the drug, be sure to study the rules of growing healthy seedlings, follow the agricultural engineering and thanks to this, get a really good harvest.

Bona Forte Bona Forte Growth Bioregulator - ensures the development of the root system, speeds up the growth of the ground part and lush flowering, contributes to the adaptation and development of young and transplantable plants. It is highly effective in combating stress in transplanting, diseases, a sharp change of the usual conditions. Description of the drug


preparation for stimulating the root formation. Contains β-indolyloxus acid. Produced in tablets. Properties: Causes accumulation and enhanced exchange organic substances, promotes the regeneration of parts of plants into a new individual, stimulates the formation of roots in Chenkov, speeds up the rooting in seedlings and adult plants, increases the growth of the apparent roots, improves the fire of tissues when vaccinated, improves the accessibility of seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, trees and shrubs during transplantation, increases the germination Seeds and bulbs, accelerates their germination. And also prevents the fallout of the strings and leaves, significantly increases the viability of the generative bodies, increases the yield of seeds from fruits and harvest, increases the reproduction coefficient of bulbs and their mass, has a stimulating effect on flowering duration.

The processing of bulbs is carried out in solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) within 24 hours and increases and accelerates the formation of the root system and the children-bulk. Treatment of the root system of transplantated plants and seedlings: 2 Tablets of heteroacexin are dissolved in 10 liters of water, the resulting solution is treated with the root system of the plant before transplanting and after a transplant. Before boarding the root plant system is immersed in a solution to the root neck for 18-20 hours. After transplantation, the land is watered by the remaining heteroacexin solution. The use of heteroacexin does not replace organic and mineral fertilizer. No rooted cuttings are kept in solution (2 tabs. On 10 liters of water) within 10-16 hours. This drug is small toxic for humans and animals (III hazard class).


  • Gumat sodium - sodium salts of humic acids. When dissolved in water, humic complexes are formed acting in the role of biologically active substances. Activates the activities of the soil-forming microorganisms, accelerates and regulates the metabolism in the tissues of the plant. Increases resistance to disease and exposure adverse factors. Spray according to the instructions 2 weeks 3-4 times.
  • Humat potassium - potassium salts of humic acids. Stimulates the germination of seeds, the growth and development of plants, accelerates flowering and fruiting. Increases resistance to diseases and affects of adverse factors. Spray according to the instructions 2 weeks 3-4 times. Dissolve 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • Humat + 7. - This is an organic microfertilitation that contains humats and 7 of the most important trace elements in the form of complex compounds with humic acids. Composition in%: humat - 40, nitrogen - 1.5, k - 5, Cu - 0.2, Mn - 0.17, Zn - 0.2, Mo - 0.018, CO - 0.02, in - 0, 2, Fe - 0.4. Packaging - Package with powder 10 G. Application: 1 g of drug to dissolve in 10-15 liters of water, water from calculating 4-5 liters per 1 kV. meter. Plants are watered during the period of active growth 3-4 times at intervals of 2 weeks. Details: how to breed, with which and when to apply in the garden and on the room colors:

Gibbersib for marks

The drug, stimulating the formation of uncertains, as well as is used to prevent precision precision, acceleration of maturation, increasing the early and general crop and resilience to diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Contains sodium salts of gibberllinic acids. Hazard class III. It is produced in the form of a powder in a polymer package packing of 0.1 g (0.1 g of gibberllinov), this is designed to spray 30-40 m2 green mass of plants.

Gibbersib for the wound applied not only to increase the gonds and, accordingly, the crop of cucumbers, pepper, tomatoes, but also for spraying homemade fruit exotions and citrus.

The working solution must be used on the day of preparation. Spraying to produce in the morning or in the evening in dry mad weather. Spray plants in the phase of bootonization and flowering, vegetables at the beginning of flowering 1, 2 and 3 brushes. The multiplicity of application is 2-3 times, intervals of 7 days.

Consumption standards

  • cabbage 0.1 g of powder for 1.5 liters of water
  • peppers, tomatoes and eggplants 0.1 g of powder on 1 liter of water
  • cucumbers 0.1 g powder on 2 liters of water
  • citrus 0.1 g of powder on 1 liter of water

Another stimulator of growth (germination of seeds) and blossoms based on gibbersellinic acids - - read more about the application on garden and indoor colors, making norms for vegetables.


The drug is produced in tablets, contains arachidone acid. Stimulates the natural immunity of plants to diseases, especially phytoofluorosis, alternariasis, mildew, perronosporosis, gray rot, bacterios. After processing, stability is preserved for 1-2 months. It has an anti stress action. It is consumed - 0.3 - 0.45 g by 2-3 liters of water. Spray flowering plants Before dissolving buds and then 20-30 days after.


Multipurpose stimulator protective reactions, growth and plant development. It is a mixture of ethyl esters of fatty acids and urea. The effect of the drug is based on stimulating the immunity of plants to disease. The drug is absolutely harmless to humans and animals. The drug is intended mainly for garden cropsbut applied to indoor plantsas a prophylactic agent from various diseases. Effective against phytoofluorosis, alternariasis, different species Parsh, black legs, real and false mildew, gray and white rot, etc. Diseases.

Used both for processing seeds and during the growing plant vegetation. After processing, increased resistance to the complexity complex is maintained within one month.

Immunotocyte is available in the form of pills blue (purple) color. One tablet is enough to treat 0.5 acres of vegetative plants by spraying. The tablet dissolves in 10-15 ml of water (1 tablespoon) with stirring for 20-30 minutes. The resulting concentrate is diluted with water depending on the processing goal. The working solution is used during the day and compatible with insecticides (decis, karate, fenasine, etc.).

Treatment of seeds and tubers: 5g seeds are soaked and kept in a concentrated solution (1 tablet on 10-15 ml of water) for 3-24 hours depending on the culture, seed size.

Spraying of vegetative plants: For processing of 0.5 acres of plants, a concentrated solution is diluted with 2 liters of water and spraying is performed by the resulting solution.

It is impossible apply the drug during the rain or in front of it; Simultaneously with biopreparations and potassium permanganate (manganese). With very strong plant infection, the concentration of the drug is increased by 1.5 times (1.5 tablets for 0.5 acres of plants).


Kornin in formation stimulator. Analog heteroacexin. Contains indolylmalaic acid, at a concentration of 5 g / kg. Available in bags of 5 g in the form of a wettable powder (SP), there are larger packaging for use in gardening.

Korniner is used to accelerate the formation of roots in Chenkov, bulbs, seeds, dulenok mother bushes. The drug is suitable for use on household colors and garden plants.

Application Kornin

  • Korniner is good in that it is possible to use it in a dry form for duddering cuttings before rooting in vermiculite or soil.
  • In the form of a solution - 5 g on 5 liters of water - watered seedlings under the root after landing. Repeat in 2 weeks.
  • The bulbs and clubnellukovitsa amarylline, hypiperstamums, freesia, gladiols, tulips, lilies and other bulbous soak in the solution before planting for 16-20 hours. It does not need to immerse the bulbs in the solution completely - only with the Don!

The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (III hazard class).


Stimulator root formation. Contains rational oxoxic acid. Kreacin increases the germination of seeds, stimulates the growth of plants, contributes to disease resistance, increase in yield, cold-resistant, increasing the strength of tubers and bulbs, reduce the content of nitrates and the content of carbohydrate fruits, i.e. Improving taste.

How to breed cutacin

  • For soaking seeds of cucumbers 1 tablet is dissolved in 100 ml of water, soaked for 5-10 hours per day before sowing.
  • For spraying cucumbers in the phase 2-4 of the leaves and the beginning of the bootonization of 1 tablet on 3 liters of water.
  • For soaking the seeds of tomatoes and peppers, 1 tablet is dissolved in 200 ml of water, soaked for 5-10 hours a day before sowing.
  • For spraying of tomatoes and peppers in the phase of flowering of the first brush of 1.5 tablets on 3 liters of water.
  • For spraying colors and indoor plants, 1 tablet is dissolved in 3 liters of water.
  • For the processing of tubers and bulbs (potatoes, amarylline): 1 tablet on 2 liters of water - minus soak, the bulbs dock in the Don.
  • To withstand cuttings and soaking the root system 1, the tablet is dissolved in 2 liters of water.
  • To increase the yield of apples and pears, improving the drainage of fruits, increasing iron and ascorbic acid in them, reduce nitrates, carry out a spraying after 4-5 weeks after flowering at the rate of 15 tablets on 10 liters of water - consumption per 100 m2 green mass (2 wood) .

Stimulator Narcissus

The preparation contains chitosan (50%), succinic acid (30%), glutamic acid (20%). Concentration: 80 g / l. The manufacturer of Agroprom-MDT, is available in bottles in the form of an aqueous solution.

Stimulates the production of phyotoallems by plants that increase the stability of plants to bacteria, fungi, including causing root rot. Renders good action In the fight against gallic nematodes. When spraying, it spreads through the tissues of the entire plant and prevents the spread of pathogenic fungi within 20-30 days.

The mechanism of action: contributes to the rapid formation of the wound periderma (tightening the wound, sections and layers), causes the thickening of the cell walls, destroys the cell walls of phytopathogen, stimulates the production of proteins and peptides - inhibitors of proteinases of pathogenic fungi.

Narcissus stimulator finds wide application on the vegetable cropsoh: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, leaf-leaf and decorative greenery, well established itself on colors, indoor plants and fruit exotions, better than many other stimulants showed themselves to acclimatize plants after purchasing or transplanting in open ground.


  • for processing seeds and cuttings: 5 ml per 1 l
  • for watering under the root of seedlings and adult plants: 25 ml on 10 liters of water
  • for spraying plants: 50 ml on 10 liters of water


Growth regulator based on polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of Vitamin F. contains arachidone acid. Unsaturated fatty acids are already acting in extremely small concentrations (hundredth lobes of a milligram) and are rapidly transformed into other compounds, without causing harm neither plant (because it does not interfere in the hormonal status of the plant).

The drug "Obereg" is designed to increase the stability of plants to diseases and stress, stimulating their growth and development. Enhances the immunity and vital activity of plants. Plants are becoming resistant to diseases, sharp drops Temperatures and other stress. The germination of seeds, the growth and development of plants is accelerated, the yield increases and the yield of early products. It is used for processing vegetative plants, as well as seeds, bulbs, tubers of vegetable, berry and fruit crops.

How to breed a stimulator charm: The contents of the ampoules dissolve in 5 liters of water (or 5 drops of 0.5 liters) and mix thoroughly. Prepared solution to use for 1-1.5 hours (for spraying or soaking seeds).

Soaking seeds for 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on the density of seed peel).
III hazard class. Practically non-toxic for mammals, little toxic for fish and birds.

Stimulator seedlings

Immunity stimulant based on polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic acid) operating in extremely small concentrations (hundredths of a milligram). The drug seedlings is designed for preset processing of seeds, tubers and bulbs of vegetable crops. Active substance polyunsaturated fatty acid natural origin Enhances the immunity of seeds and bulbs, accelerates their germination, strengthens the growth and development of seedlings. Resistance to diseases increases, sharp change shifts, laptop of moisture and other stress, yield and output of early products.

How to breed: The contents of the ampoules dissolve in 0.5 liters of water or 10 drops per 100 ml of water and mix thoroughly. Prepared solution to use for 1-1.5 hours (for spraying or soaking seeds).

Pre-sowing seed treatment: Soaking seeds for 30 minutes - 1 hour (depending on the density of seed peel).
III hazard class. Practically not toxic for mammals, small-toxic for fish and birds.


The zircon stimulator is a mixture of hydroxycric acids. The growth regulator, the root formator, the inductor of flowering and disease resistance, is derived from vegetable raw materials. The application of the zircon provides: - an increase in the germination and acceleration of seed germination (especially substandard); - growing growth and development of plants for 5-10 days; - increase in yield by 35-60%; improving the quality of the products obtained; - reduction of the accumulation of heavy metals; - stimulating fruit and root formation; - protection of plants from frost, drought, excess moisture, lack of illumination. Zircon accelerates the beginning of the flowering of decorative crops, increases the yield of elite products. The use of zircon sharply reduces the degree of damage by many diseases, for example, phytofluorosis, peridosporosis, bacteriosis, fusariosis, gray rot, puffy dew and others. The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, useful insects And the bees (IV class of danger) is not accumulated in soils, does not pollute the soil and surface water, not phytotoxic.

How to breed zircon

Presense and pre-sowing

Preparation of a working solution: plant seeds are soaked in a zircon p-re (1-2 drop of zircon on 300 ml of water) 8-16 hours at room temperature. Cuttings (Roses, Sakura, Tui Western, etc.) - 1 ml (ampoule) zircon is dissolved in 1 liters of water, soaking the cutting time for 14 hours. Bulbs and clubnelukovitsy flower Plants To accelerate flowering, 20-22 hours are soaked in a solution of 1 ml of zircon in 1 liter of water.

Spraying of vegetative plants

The working solution is prepared: fruit - 1 ml of zircon drug on 10 liters of water, berry - 12 drops and shrubs-18 drops on 10 liters of water. Spraying spend uniformly wasting leaves. The working solution is stored no more than 3 days; Do not allow an alkaline environment! Spraying fruit and berries and shrubs are carried out in the phase of bootonization, and vegetable - before the formation of fruits.

To accelerate flowering 1 ml of zircon is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Spraying plants are carried out before the formation of buds.


Stimulator EcOSIL - aqueous emulsion 50 g / l of triterpene acids. This is a new biopreparation, growth regulator with fungicitis properties, inductor immunity of plants. Besterns in the composition of the active substance ginseng are obtained from the Extract of the Wood Green Fir Siberian. Ecosile helps to increase cold resistance, stamina to heat and drought, increase the harvest, and flowering (breed 120 drops per 1 liter of water). Enhance the protective functions of plants for diseases and damage to pests (breed 1 vial per liter of water).

Also, the ecosile increases the energy of germination and germination of seeds, stimulates the root formation with green stallion and reproduction of rhizons, tuber and bulbous plants (breed 30-60 drops per 1 liter of water). The drug begins to act within 15-30 minutes after use, the visible effect occurs after 2-3 days, you can spray, dip the root system or water. Hazard class: IV.


Natural bioregulator, growth stimulator and plant development. Contains an epissensinocide. IN indoor flower growing Epin is used as a stimulator of fruit and root formation, to rejuvenate weakened plants, increasing resistance to diseases and pests of plants.
This drug is small toxic for humans and animals (IV class of danger). Do not allow an alkaline environment in the solution!

1 ml of epine is bred by 5 liters of water and stirred thoroughly, spraying is produced in the evening, wetting the leaves evenly. The working solution is stored no more than 3 days. Plant seeds are soaked in epine (4 drops of epine on 100 ml of boiled water) for 12-18 hours. Tubers and bulbs, as well as cuttings withstand in epine (1 drop of epine on 2 liters of water) for 24 hours. Spraying weakened plants that were grown in adverse conditions or underwent negative influence external environmentFor example, plants are frozen, is carried out with a fresh solution prepared at the rate of 7 drops of epine on 200 ml of water, the processing is carried out several times until the plant is completely recovered. You can process all plants in the apartment and processing (spraying) to spend once a month before autumn, and with the onset of rest period (in the fall) processing is better to stop, since Epin is still a growth stimulator, and the rest period for most plants is required.

Do not wait for preventive tools in all cases without exception. First, you need to strictly follow the instructions and properly compose a solution, as well as use fresh solutions. Secondly, it all depends on how much everything is running. There are cases when the disease is already progressing, but it is not immediately noticeable, and then no means may not help.

During the processing of plant growth stimulation and prophylactic agents cannot be used food dishes, smoking, drinking and eat. Processing is carried out in the absence of children, animals and if aquarium is nearby, it is tightly closed and open only when the processed plants are dry. For those who suffer from allergies or skin eczema treatment is better carried out in gloves and gauze bandage. Do not forget to see the danger class of the drug used. After the end of the work, the face, the face and the entire inventory used also need to wash with water with soap. Store drugs need in a dry room, in an inaccessible place for children and animals, take care of fire.

In case of randomly hitting a person, drink several glasses of water, cause vomiting and immediately consult a doctor.

As preventive drugs in suspected of a disease or pest. Makes sense to try and not chemical substances. These are infusions of garlic, onions, tobacco, yarrow and other medicinal herbs, as well as pollinating sulfur powder.

Plant flowering stimulants are phytogormones (gibberllin), which affect culture in a certain way. There are natural origin and artificial. The first is obtained from other plants, as well as from various organic organics, including from peat, coal (sometimes). As for artificial, they have long established stable production.

What are they needed for?

Stimulants in this case accelerate the formation of flower kidney, increase the immunity of the plant and its resistance in general. In addition, some complexes are able to affect fruit: make them larger, tastier and fragrant. The specific effect depends on what exactly the composition is speech.

When should they be used?

It happens that the plant is too "hung" at rest, it reacts quite sluggish to external stimuli. In such a situation, stimulants can help provoke bloom provided that nutrients Enough, the environment is favorable, and the culture itself is quite healthy. Otherwise, the involvement of such funds can even harm.

The use of the composition is limited in time. As a rule, it is advised to begin to apply it 2 weeks before the alleged flowering and continue until the end of this period. Many formulations can be used even during the development of fruits almost until final maturation. But it already depends on the properties of a separate stimulator.

How exactly is used?

Most stimulants are sold in liquid form, some in the diluted. To use such a means is quite easy: you need to take a certain amount of substance per liter of water, dilute (if it is concentrate), and then peel the green part or to enter the root. Some are used by the same method by which the feeding is used.

Beginner gardeners are quite often asked: is it possible to mix stimulants with fertilizers? As a rule, yes, since these funds do not replace, but complement each other. But it is worth considering that far from everything comes with each other, that is, unwanted chemical reactions. Therefore, if the manufacturer himself does not mean that the simultaneous technique is admissible, it is better not to experiment.

And yes, stimulants and fertilizers designed for plants during flowering and fruiting (they are usually indicated as Bloom) should not be confused. The first are phytogormons, the second is a set of nutrients in which the representative of the Kingdom of Flora is currently experiencing the greatest need.

Are stimulants dangerous for people?

Many gardeners are fundamentally refused to apply stimulants, believing that they are harmful to humans that subsequently such a crop can not be eaten or use in other ways. In fact, even in case of overdose, the risk is primarily for plants. To a person, all these components will not fall, as a part can cut off in the soil, and part - to recycle, say, shrub. In addition, phytohormones are natural substances that are so contained in a variety of cultures. We eat them, drink, and sometimes inhale.

Nevertheless, to guarantee security and for their own peace of mind to use stimulants, it is worth considering carefully. And do not try to achieve better results Due to the increase in the dose! Otherwise, you risk to run still in the process of flowering and instead best harvest Do not get any.

Common mistakes

If you use blossom stimulants long before the plant goes into the appropriate phase, then it will only harm him. Or in best casewill not give any effect. In addition, stimulants are not able to close the errors made by the gardener during the culture of culture. If the food was bad, then good harvest will not be. Similarly, if the plant has been hurt for a long time, if the selection turned out to be frankly unsuccessful, etc.

Stimulants are more auxiliary function, they should not be taken as a miracle tool that can solve all questions. And if it's still in nutrition or in a specific disease, first of all you need to understand this problem, and not try to activate flowering in this way. This is especially true for perennial plantswhere there is an opportunity to correct the situation and go to normal or good performance for the next year.

What should be considered when choosing?

Blossom stimulants can be sold separately or in a complex with nutrients. What and how to apply, strongly depends on the culture, from what has already been used in relation to this plant, on the medium in which it is grown, etc. In this great amount The options presented in the market makes it possible to quietly choose the optimally suitable stimulator for a particular plant.

Resorting to the use of drugs to improve the development of plants, many dackets try to choose exactly the means that in its composition would have as few piece components as possible. Why is it so important? Often can affect the natural quality of fruits. Buying products in the market, many are interested in the naturalness of a vegetable or fruit. Often ask the question of whether they are grown at home or in the fields of agricultural enterprises. Each person wants to eat ripe, bulk, beautiful fruits, but at the same time they should be natural.

Private gardens and daches about factory fertilizers and stimulants of plant growth and do not want to hear. Many are rarely used or not applied at all. First, on their acquisition it is necessary to spend significant funds. Secondly, the quality of the ready-made dubious. Therefore, people use folk stimulants of plant growth, which are preparing independently. All that is needed to create a natural agent is at hand in many dachensons. It is only worth viewing well and you can find a lot of suitable raw materials to implement long-term recipe combinations.

Nettle as growth stimulator

One of the most popular means to improve the growth and development of many cultures - nettle. The properties of this plant were known for a long time. In its composition, a lot of useful trace elements, vitamin K (playing important role In the process of photosynthesis), potassium and calcium, as well as in minor quantities (about 6%) magnesium. In the complex, all these components provide a significant impact on the growing culture growing (especially often used to feed tomatoes and cucumbers).

For the preparation of growth stimulator from nettle, it is necessary to assemble it before the seed appears. It is worth carefully choosing stems. They must be clean, without signs of disease. The plant should be dried not under direct sunlight. Then grind. To get an effective, natural, home stimulator growth, you need:

  • In a small container (one liter) with water, add a handful of dried grinding nettle. Accordingly, there are 10 such parts on the bucket.
  • The solution insists for about 10 days. About every 2-3 days it is stirred. Accelerate the fermentation process will allow the addition of finished food starters or yeast (approximately 1:20).
  • For elimination unpleasant odor It is recommended to add the root of valerian medicinal or one bottle by 10 ml. tincture (you can buy in a conventional pharmacy).

When infusion is ready for use, it is necessary to bring it by watering under the root for about once a week. Sades are recommended for faster assimilation of this growth stimulator, pour water area.

Pretty popular is a nettle combination with many plants. The most commonly used is the ordinary dandelion. Such a stimulator of plant growth, with their own hands made, will allow to provide cultures comfortable conditions Throughout the growing season. Preparing very simple:

  • Coloring dandelions and nettle before the formation of the seed material is slightly dried and crushed.
  • In the cooked container, it is necessary to pour a mixture of dandelion and nettle by filling it with 1/8.
  • Next poured a solution of water with a humate per 1ch.l. / 10l. Up to full filling of the tank.
  • It insist about 5 days. After that, many dackets are improving this growth stimulator by adding ash (10 gr. / 10l.).

In addition to dandelions, nettle can be combined with chamomile, wormwood, mother-and-stepmother, tremendors, sacking bags, thousands of thousands. As can be seen, it is not difficult to make plant growth stimulants at home. It makes no sense to spend money and buy preparations in the store.

Aloe - Best Plant Growth Stimulator

Surely many dacnis have a Vazan Aloe. These plants are therapeutic. It is used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. From the juice of this drug, the plants extract useful substances that have excellent recovery properties. Aloe juice is also used as plants growth stimulant.

Aloe itself relates to the genus of Lily. There are up to 356 varieties of this culture. To prepare a homely, natural biostimulator, it is necessary to cut the juicy leaves of aloe. Plant growth stimulator Many dacms recommend cooking according to the following scheme:

  • It is necessary to rinse the leaves with warm water and put in deep metal container with internal, smoothed bottom edges (bowl, pan, small bucket).
  • Next, take a wooden interpretation and vail the leaves to a homogeneous mass, which has the look of the casher.
  • The next step will be a dosage. Per 1 l. flowing water About 10 tablespoons of Aloe Cashitsa should be added.
  • The resulting mixture is necessary to cover with a lid and insisted in a cool room without access. sun ray. It lasts this period to 7 days.
  • Concentrate, after the expiration, is diluted with pre-prepared water, increasing the volume to 5 liters.
  • Water should be predetermined, then cool to room temperature.

All is ready. It is recommended to grind cuttings, bulbs, seeds, as well as deposit. it excellent stimulant root growth. At home, this biostimulator is prepared, as can be seen, very simply, and according to the properties, it is not inferior to the factory preparations at all.

Iva as a growth stimulator

As an excellent folk agent to improve the growth of the root system of many crops, IVA is used. According to dackets, the infusion completely replaces the famous drug called Korninen. The ventilator of plant growth is not at all difficult. It is enough just to cut the pins of the willow and put them in the water room temperature. The preparedness of the concentrate will signal the formation of the roots on the branches and the rich brown color of the water. In this remedy, seeds can be mashed (for 5-8 hours), as well as display the root system in the cuttings. The infusion of willow is used when planting plants in the ground.

The branches that remained after the preparation of the infusion can be pouring repeatedly. At the same time, the infusion may acquire a gland-shaped form. To make a concentrate, you need to add to it warm water In a 1: 1 ratio. As can be seen, it is not difficult to prepare a growth stimulator with their own hands.

How to choose the right ingredients for plant growth stimulants at home?

What other substances are used to prepare plant growth stimulants at home?

Trying to choose the best stimulants of plant growth, summer houses resort to the use of some unattamous means. We are talking about hydrogen peroxide, yeast, honey and amber Acid. All of these ingredients are the basis for the preparation of natural stimulants of plant growth. Folk remediesAs noted experienced dacnisIt is best to carry out the firmware of the cultivated crops. So the guarantee of flawless quality of the harvest appears.

Use plant growth stimulants made from undergraduated materials can each dacket. It suffices to follow some rules and make a minimum effort.

At the stage of fruiting plants, the flowering stimulator thing is the same as the basic fertilizers. The use of such drugs will significantly raise yields, both for indoor plants and for industrial cultivation.

How to apply blossom stimulants

Blossoming stimulants are actively used in progressive crop for the formation of uncess, increasing the number of inflorescences, and, accordingly, increasing yields. They are natural and synthetic, but identical in composition. From using this or that means, completely different results and all phytohormones act on the plant in the process of its development in different ways.

To get a positive effect of the use of drugs, it is important to comply with the instructions for using the substance.

  • Consuming stimulants of growth and flowering plants as follows;
  • for rapid germination, the seeds are soaked in solution with the addition of a stimulating agent - for example, Epin Extra;
  • during vegetative growth, it is not recommended to use various additives in addition to the main fertilizer for the growing season;
  • the final stage of leaving during flowering period will be watering the plant with the appropriate composition for abundant generation of fruits.

Retrtartans for indoor plants

Houseplants and flowers need feeding, timely care is no less than their garden and garden conifers. During the design period, they need careful care and attention, without additional landing vitamins will not be able to effectively blossom and fruit. For intense genesis of flowers, several conditions are important: lighting, age and necessary nutrient reserves. If these conditions are not fully complied with the addition of phytogormons high by the speedy release of the wound, flowering and formation of the fetus.

The color stage is an important point For the body. Saplings need enhanced nutrition, differing in composition from the feeding used at the growing stage. A large number of Nitrogen, received when planting seeds and germination, during the dissolution of buds prevents the development of a flower. It is necessary to focus on additives with phosphorus, but this is not the only accelerator that is needed for active blooming. Therefore, the creators of stimulating substances are developing the original compositions of drugs that will help get rich wounds, then full-fledged flowers, abundant fruiting.

Stimulants of blossoms of indoor plants containing sugar become loyal assistants in the birth of flowers. Some of them, for example, Top Max, an immunostimulator, Fish-Mix bioflora amplifier consist of organic oils and plant extracts that increase the number of uncellies. These and similar drugs are helping to increase the future harvest, contributing to growth, strengthening immunity, the formation of new buds.

Flowering and fruit of plants

The hormones causing the formation of future colors include Florigen and Vernalin. The first of them, according to the Researcher, Chaylachian, consists of two important elements for blood flow: Gibbelllin and anthesins. Gibbersellin is necessary for those plants that need a long bright period for dissolves. The second form stimulates the blooming of other types of vegetation, for which the duration of the daytime of the day is not important. PhytoGormon Vernalin, at the suggestion of scientists, is needed for domestic plants that remain winter low temperatures. It is produced in germinating seeds or in the tops of adult plants. But the number of natural phytogorms in plants is negligible. Therefore, artificial feeding is very important during the preparation for flowering and fruit.

Vitamin mixes contribute to an increase in yield. Their composition includes along with sugar sulfur, potassium, magnesium, other minerals affecting the formation of fruits.

The flowering and fruit stimulator helps:

  • accelerate the process of ripening fruit;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the content of vitamins;
  • improves the taste of the fetus.

When choosing stimulating agents that contribute to the formation of color, priority remains for organic compoundsbecause they are least harmful to the Flora representatives.

Phythormons formed as a result of metabolic processes affect the growing season, flourishing phase and yield. These are natural exciting substances, to deny the utility of which is impossible. The task of rabbing lies in the provision timely help Weak individuals who lack their own vitamins by entering artificial drugs into the soil.

Do you need growth amplifiers indoor plants?

Buy blossom stimulants or not, solves the consumer. If there are exotic flowers in your farm who are hard to adapt to new conditions, the use of generators is quite reasonable. It is important to remember compliance with the instructions for use, adhere to the recommendations contained in it.

Modern crop production uses stimulants for those individuals who do not have time to mature on Russian expanses. The main condition that will help get plenty of inflorescences: processing should not be carried out at the very beginning of flowering so that there are no empty barriers.

With regular use, stimulants causing abundant blooming and fruits bring tangible benefits and provide:

  • fast harvest with open soil Before the rain and cold period;
  • when cultivating cultures in a closed soil accelerate the ripening of those crops that ripen late;
  • increase the content of vitamins, improving in this way the taste quality of the crop.

Causeing enhanced synthesis of chlorophyll and other pigments, stimulants accelerate the process of the catalysis of growth and flourishing, give the leaves and colors saturated color.

The benefits of applying phytohorms are obvious and indisputable. They are the basis for the active life of landings, an energy charge that ensures their necessary vitamins and microelements.