Types of plastic corners for slopes. Plastic corners on slopes - color and white options, types of corners, installation

Such decorative element, like a plastic corner, has, among other things, an important practical significance... Its main task is to protect corners as well as materials exterior decoration from mechanical damage. Such materials for walls include wallpaper, slopes for windows and window openings, arched structures (arches), and sometimes baseboards. Today we will take a closer look at how to glue a plastic corner, what kind of glue to make, what types of this are structural element, and what size is better to choose.

main destination

As noted above, the main reason for attaching a protective PVC corner for wallpaper, arches and tiles on the corners of the walls is not only a decorative function, but also the protection that it gives for certain construction or finishing materials in the interior of apartments and houses. With the help of this design, you can protect various vulnerable spots from damage that can be caused by impacts from pieces of furniture. different sizes, careless handling of household appliances, and sometimes overly playful children and pets.

Attention! If you decide to stick a decorative plastic corner, then be sure that this mounting element will not only provide safety for wallpaper, PVC panels and window slopes, but also make the interior of the room more "finished" and attractive. So let's take a closer look at the gluing process.

Types of plastic corner

It should be noted that in terms of its purpose, as well as in appearance, this fastener may be different. The following types can be distinguished: external, internal, perforated, colored, decorated "under a tree". In addition, some of its types can be used for work on the ceiling.

Advice! If you are not satisfied with the color of the PVC corner and you want to paint it, then you should use the same rules and instructions as when painting other PVC surfaces.

As for which size is better to choose: look according to the situation, guided by both aesthetic and practical considerations.

How to stick correctly

Before fixing the corner, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory work... To start, plastic material needs to be cut and fit. This can be done with a sharp knife, or sturdy metal cutting scissors, as their household counterparts can be easily damaged during the cutting process. Take into account the fact that working with a knife is fraught with danger, therefore, it must be performed extremely carefully, in compliance with all necessary safety measures.

In addition, trimming work can be done with a grinder. Note that it is recommended to use a metal threading disc in this case. Take into account the fact that it depends on how smoothly and efficiently the trimming was performed. overall quality work.

Do not forget! You don't need to use silicone to hide the imperfections of uneven trimming. The fact is that after some time, places covered with silicone can begin to become covered with dust, spoiling the overall appearance corner, as well as the place that was closed to them. If the work is performed not by you, but by hired specialists, then we also recommend that you closely monitor how they do their work.

Think for yourself: after all, it is better to have a small but even gap along the entire length of the corner than a dirty one, and not always neatly covered with silicone or acrylic sealant. The point is that this fastener can have different colors and be colored.

The most common color options are:

  • Black.
  • Gray.
  • Transparent.
  • White.

How to glue and what glue to use

So, what is the best glue to glue plastic corners? One of the most optimal options are the so-called "liquid Nails". With their help, you can firmly and reliably glue this decorative element not only in all rooms, but also in the bathroom or in the kitchen, which, as you know, are places with high humidity, requiring all fasteners to be made with increased resistance to such difficult conditions. By the way, choose liquid nails that will become transparent after installation. In addition, it is allowed to use acrylic sealant corresponding color.

In addition to purchasing glue, you will need to buy a special gun with which you can apply liquid nails to the work surface. Care must be taken when applying glue: apply the glue in a thin wavy line, closer to the middle seamy side corner. In this way, you will significantly reduce the likelihood that glue residues, when pressed, will fall on the decorative face. In those cases, when the remnants of the glue nevertheless got on the front side or on the wallpaper, you must first wait for them to dry completely, and only then carefully remove them with a sharp knife, scalpel or blade.

Now a few words about how to properly fix the corner while the glue dries. If, when working with level and flat surfaces (for example, window slopes) you will experience less problems, for example, when mounting on arches that have a curved silhouette, certain questions may arise. In order to fix the corner, in such cases, it is advisable to use scotch tape. different types(choose in each specific situation based on your conditions). The most common types of assembly tape are:

  1. Painting.
  2. Packaging.

Look useful video instruction:


In our case, of course, the most correct solution would be to use masking tape. With its help, it will be necessary to fix the corner. It is necessary to remove the adhesive tape the next day, provided the glue is completely dry. By the way, many are wondering: how to bend a corner. In fact, in arched structures this is not required, since it is soft enough, and it will take on the shape of the arch itself (unless, of course, they are too sharp).

In the same cases when the angle work surface is quite sharp (for example, 45 degrees), or the radius of the arch is small, you can cut the plastic corner into several parts and fix each of them separately in the way described above, carefully joining them.

Along with abundance building materials, the market is constantly replenished with new elements that greatly simplify the implementation of renovation work and at the same time give an improved appearance to the home, both inside and outside. We will talk about one such element today - these are slope corners. It helps to emphasize the line of the slope and give it a complete look. Since there are a lot of options for plastic corners, you need to figure out which elements to use for this or that case.

Finishing slopes with corners

Varieties and features

Finishing plastic slopes corners

Plastic corners are an irreplaceable element of decoration and decor. Their installation does not require much effort, and after the installation is completed, it is quite possible to hide the defects of the plaster. Decorative elements perfectly complement the design of the entire room, but this is not yet the most important function that plastic corners perform.

Before you buy a corner for slopes, you need to know in what cases you should use it:

  1. For window slopes inside the house
  2. From the outside of the building, when it is necessary to protect polyurethane foam and for a favorable appearance
  3. Door slopes also need decorative corners.
  4. For arched openings
  5. Can be used to protect the corner of the wall after wallpapering
  6. In order to fix the corners that appear with the help of drywall, and which are to be sealed in the future
  7. In the production of furniture
  8. For forming seams when using ceramic tiles
  9. Finishing the outside and inside seams during plastic sheathing
  10. Draping the joint when finishing the building with siding

Decorative plastic corners

Thanks to this list, which undoubtedly can be continued, it becomes clear that the plastic corner is widely in demand in the conditions of construction and facing work. For the production of a profile, a pvc sheet is used, which, after strong heating, bends the floor to the desired angle. Thanks to this pvc way the bar remains smooth and free from cracks. L-shaped pvc corners are most often used in installation works, they trim the corners of the slopes on the windows and doors. The sizes of the corners will tell you where it is best to use them.

PVC building corner

Due to the detrimental effect of atmospheric precipitation, it is advised to use profiles for outdoor work, the dimensions of which start from 20 mm. While indoor conditions are less severe, smaller units can be installed. Plastic parts are suitable for plastic panels, window slopes and lining.

There is a huge number of advantages, which will emphasize all the need to use decorative plastic corners for the slope. Some of them are listed below:

  • Low weight does not weigh down the slopes
  • There are many forms and varieties of pvc corners
  • Colored plastic strips can be combined with different decors
  • Convenient to cut - this is especially pleasing when the installation is done independently
  • Installation is possible both with self-tapping screws, and on glue or putty
  • The lines become crisp
  • Such corners can last up to a hundred years.
  • Low cost allows the elements to be used by everyone

Plastic corners for finishing slopes

For arches, unequal plastic corners are used. Thanks to this section, they are pliable and easy to attach. Sectioning one side makes a bend of the desired radius. PVC planks are used for outdoor and internal works, for the first the angle is 90 and 105 degrees.

Important! Recently, a self-adhesive corner for slopes has become popular. In addition to eliminating the need to purchase glue, they are easy to bend and unbend. Interesting feature in the fact that the material is sold in rolls.

Corners and their importance in plastering slopes

Plastic slope with decorative corner

During the plastering works with slopes, corner processing is of particular importance. The method of applying plaster is known to everyone, but correct finish corners and slopes - no. Using this element you can achieve remarkable results. For plaster, the corner serves as a beacon and can be plastic or metal. Such reinforcement does not allow the plaster to crumble and allows the corner to be pulled out as evenly as possible.

When working with these elements, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Install the plaster strip over the entire length of the surface edge
  • Corners are exposed using a level or lighthouse rail - I think everyone is familiar with how to work with it
  • Such elements are not decorative, therefore they must be hidden under a layer of plaster.

Replacing windows in a house is a frequent and not new phenomenon, and everyone understands that unfinished slopes do not bring harmony and beauty to general form... It is to simplify the finishing process that elements are perforated with a mesh. They are easy to use and the process of plastering with them becomes easy and quick.
Correct installation such a corner is that a small amount of mortar should be applied to the edge of the slope. Then install the putty corner and press it into the mortar and check the verticality using a level. The squeezed out mixture is removed with a spatula, and the work then stops for a while, until the solution sets. Then the plastering process takes place, and the corner must be completely hidden under the right amount mixtures. In the process of this installation, the corner strip allows you to display the most even slope angles.

In addition to pvc corners, there are elements of cork, wood and bamboo. The latter are able to perfectly fit into the interior of any room and even make it even more attractive. In addition, they are also environmentally friendly. The only drawback is that they are much more expensive than others and need further staining. However, for someone the opportunity to do wooden corners colored and giving them the desired shade is more an advantage, not a disadvantage.

Of course, you can entrust all the work to qualified specialists who will complete the task quickly and you will not have to delve into the installation technology, but in this case, you will not be able to save money. If you are used to carrying out repair and finishing work in your house or apartment yourself, then you will definitely have at hand the necessary list of tools for trimming and installing plastic corners. These are:

  1. Assembly glue - in professional language it is customary to call it liquid nails
  2. Masking tape - as a last resort, ordinary scotch tape will do.
  3. Silicone sealant - used in rooms with high humidity
  4. Pencil and hacksaw - you can use metal scissors

We glue a plastic corner on a slope

Before buying, you can consult with the seller in the store, he will tell you which item is better to buy. However, if you carry out the work yourself, you make all the measurements yourself. Just in case, purchase material with a margin - I think I won't want to run to the store again if something happens.

Important! Never stick plastic elements on the wallpaper. If the material is attached not to the wall, but to the wallpaper, then it will not be possible to achieve the required strength. All irregularities must be removed, nails pulled out. In the future, the surface is subject to degreasing.


Slope trim with plastic corners

Undoubtedly, the process of installing plastic corners requires certain skills, but with proper adherence to the technology of gluing and surface preparation, you can achieve an excellent result yourself. A variety of colors and sizes will allow you to choose the most suitable option and give the slope a complete look with it. And the corners with a special film, which is removed after the installation is completed, will protect the decorative element from mechanical damage during installation. Measure correctly and cut the planks the necessary tools in order to avoid microcracks.

May 8, 2017
Specialization: Master in Construction plasterboard structures, finishing works oh and styling floor coverings... Installation of door and window blocks, decoration of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Need to strengthen window frame or a slope around it? I'll tell you about existing types corners, for what purposes they are used, and how to quickly carry out repairs with their help on their own. And as a bonus, I will describe the area of ​​their application.

Types of products

Option 1 - flat window corners

This type of product was widely used during the period when windows were made of wood. The main features are as follows:

  • Used for frame connections... If you need to fasten the frame elements in one plane, then this type is needed. Rigid metal allows you to securely fix the structure with minimal cost time;
  • May have different sizes ... Most often on sale there are standard sizes 50x50, 75x75 and 100x100 mm. Other parameters can be ordered if necessary. Most often, 2-3 mounting holes are made on each side;

  • There is different types coatings... You can find fixtures coated with white or yellow zinc, oxidized parts, or even untreated products. Although the latter type of products is much cheaper, I do not recommend using it because of increased corrosion.

Choosing flat mounts, Special attention pay attention to the thickness of the metal. To ensure rigidity, it must be at least 1 mm.

Option 2 - corners for lintels

If you are making window partitions from a corner, then consider a few important nuances:

Illustration Description

Size and thickness... To ensure reliability, it is worth using elements with a size of at least 32x32 mm and a thickness of 4 mm or more.

What corner do experts use over the window opening? The minimum parameters are 50x50 mm to ensure the highest strength of the opening.

Jumper length... To ensure rigidity, the length of the elements should be 20-25 cm longer than the opening in each direction.

If the products are placed on aerated concrete, then cutouts are made for them in blocks, the photo shows just such an option.

Amount of elements... With a wall thickness of up to 40 cm, two lintels are placed. If the thickness is greater, then three or even four elements can be stacked.

The amount also depends on the load, if the weight that affects the jumper is large, then it is better to play it safe and put the frame with a margin.

You can make a full reinforcement of the opening... In some cases, the corner is used to create a rigid frame for the opening. The design option is shown in the photo, it is difficult to do it yourself, since you need a welding machine to work.

Such structures are often used where the walls are loose and it is impossible to fix the window block well.

If you do not strengthen the opening, then problems may appear when the plastic window does not close or does not open due to the skewed frame.

Option 3 - PVC corners

These are the corners for window slopes. With their help, neat frames are made. Key Features this option are as follows:

  • Variety of sizes... You can find options different widths, which allows you to choose the best solution under any opening. Most often, elements are used with a size of 25x25 mm or more. There are also asymmetric products, they are well suited for the places where the frame joins the slope;

  • Various color solutions ... In addition to the white corners, you can also find products in a different color. Some options mimic natural materials- wood, stone, etc .;

  • Ease of installation... Plastic corners on the windows are attached with glue. You apply liquid nails to the surface and press down on the elements. No drilling required. The structure can be easily repaired, for example, if the lower or top corner moved away, then it can be carefully glued without tearing off the entire element.

Option 4 - corners for external slopes

If you need to make slopes on the facade to be plastered, then a special type of product is used. Their features are as follows:

  • Availability plaster mesh ... Elements for slopes plastic windows of this type are made with a mesh protruding 100 mm in each direction. It is needed to reinforce the plane and strengthen the plaster layer;

  • Various execution options... In addition to the double-sided design shown above, you can also find a one-sided version. It has an adhesive strip for fastening to the frame and a rubber seal that covers the joint;

  • Ease of use... The element is simply cut to the required size, after which the protective layer is removed and the element is glued - the installation instructions are extremely simple.

Option 5 - window sill corners

This type of product is used if you need to stiffen the window sill. When choosing, consider several aspects:

  • Product size... Depends on the width of the sill board you are using. The wider it is, the more fasteners are needed. You can find angles from 25 to 250 mm and even more;

  • The rigidity of the elements. The angle should not bend under loads, so the thickness of the metal has great importance... There are products with stiffening ribs, they have the highest deformation resistance;

  • Installation features... If you need to fasten to the wall with dowels or self-tapping screws, then the window sill itself is screwed with short screws. When choosing fasteners, you should take into account the diameter of the holes on the corner.

The corner can be used as the main fastening element and as an additional one - to increase strength.


You have learned all the information about the corners used on windows, and you can choose the necessary fasteners without outside help... The video in this article will help you understand the topic even better, and if something is unclear, ask in the comments.


Today it is the most popular decorative element for finishing PVC windows.

How to properly install plastic corners with your own hands? And what are the nuances when installing plastic corners?

How to fix plastic corners?

First, we note that before directly installing the plastic corners on the windows, it is necessary to paste over the braid with wallpaper, paint, etc. That is, you can start fixing them only after finishing all the finishing work.

For mounting a plastic corner you will need the following tools:

  • assembly glue (liquid nails)
  • masking tape (tape), and in a room with high humidity - silicone sealant
  • scissors for metal, or a hacksaw
  • pencil
  • directly PVC corners

Window decoration with plastic corners consists of several stages... Let's consider each of them:

Surface preparation for gluing PVC corner

1. Remove all protruding parts: curtain nails, wallpaper, even any bulges on the wall. To do this, knock off some of the plaster.

We cut off the wallpaper near the slope - to make it easier to tear them off if you plan a repair

2. Remove the wallpaper from the corner of the wall. Otherwise, you will not glue the plastic corner on the wall, but on the wallpaper, which is wrong.

Cut the wallpaper to such a width that there is no gap between it and the plastic corner.

3. Degrease with a mild solvent, or so-called. white spirit that part window slope, on which the plastic corner will be attached.

Preparing a plastic corner

1. Attach the plastic corner to the wall and mark it with a pencil (on top and between the side slopes).

First nuance: the side corners are measured after gluing the top one. And the lower one - after installing the side ones. So it is less likely that there will be gaps between their edges.

Sometimes the outer sides of the corners are cut off after installation.

2. Carefully make cuts along the resulting marks using metal scissors. Trim the inner sides of the corners at a 90 degree angle. And the outer ones are 45 degrees.

Second nuance: if you have any excess left on the plastic corner, then cut it off with a hacksaw.

Third nuance: the corners should be strictly straight, and the width of both sides should be the same.

Installation of plastic corners on slopes

After installation, the corners are fixed with tape for a day.

1. Apply the adhesive in a thin, dotted layer to inner side plastic corner, closer to the center. The adhesive is applied at intervals of approximately 10 to 15 mm.

3. Press the corner to the surface along its entire length.

4. Fix the plastic corner for a day in two or three places with masking tape / tape.

5. When the glue is dry, carefully remove the masking tape.

So, observing all the subtleties when installing plastic corners on windows, you can correctly attach PVC corners with your own hands without any effort.

In order to properly take care of the interior decoration, it is important to pay attention to every detail. Decorating windows and doorways is no exception in this regard. Decorate openings and will give them an aesthetic appearance decorative plastic corner.

He will not only emphasize the clarity of the lines of the corners, but also hide disadvantages of plaster, if it was used as a finishing material.

What are these products?

This is a piece of hardware intended for decorative finishing window and other slopes, as well as for hiding corner joints when using different materials.

Corners made of rigid PVC by the method of "hot" bending of the sheet using a special technology.

Scope of application

To make the idea of ​​the purpose of the products more complete, it is worth considering this issue in a little more detail.

PVC corners can be used in the following cases:

Advantages and disadvantages

A plastic sloping corner, like any material, has its pros and cons, let's talk about them in more detail.

First, about the advantages of the products:

  • allow you to close the corner joints of various materials;
  • smooth out irregularities and form an angle of 90 ° at the finishing points;
  • service life is 20-25 years;
  • easy to process during installation;
  • you can choose the desired color (corners are produced not only white, but also colored)
  • reasonable price, which favorably distinguishes PVC corners against the background of wooden and metal products.


  • weak mechanical strength- when cutting, the material may crack in the cutting area, products are easily scratched;
  • flammability, heated and burning plastic gives off corrosive smoke and gas.

Types and sizes

PVC corners can be divided guided by two criteria: area of ​​application and type of finish. The main types will be discussed below.

By the nature of the purpose, the products are divided into the following types:

  1. Equilateral. This type is used mainly to give strength to the slopes. Available in sizes from 20x20 to 50x50 mm.
  2. Not equilateral. With their help, they decorate arched openings. Sizes - 5x17 and 20x25 mm.
  3. T-shaped products. Most often used to hide the joints between wall cladding and the slope.
  4. Removable (with a latch). Allow to carry out renovation work without resorting to dismantling the profile. If necessary, it is enough to simply bend it, and at the end of the repair, return the shelves to their place.

According to the type of finish, the corners are:

  • outdoor;
  • internal;

What kind of glue to use?

One of the most effective options - polyurethane glue. It is possible to use both a special adhesive for plastic corners, and any other composition suitable for PVC mounting products.

For light-duty areas, a silicone based sealant can be used.

This glue also used to fix corners to ceramic tiles in the kitchen or bathroom.

Another option is liquid nails. When installing light products it is better to use a colorless composition, and for dark products, any option is suitable.

How to glue plastic corners to slopes?

Installation of corners should be carried out only after finishing work (wallpapering, painting, etc.). Myself the installation process is carried out in several stages.

The first step is to remove all protrusions from the surface, if any, be it plaster, putty, etc. If wallpaper is glued to the wall, you need to remove it in the places where the corner fits.

Otherwise, it will be glued to the wallpaper and not to the wall. The wallpaper should be cut in such a way that after the installation of the corner, a gap does not form between it and the cladding. Next, you need a place for attaching the corner degrease with a mild solvent or white spirit.

The corner must be attached to the wall and mark it with a pencil- above and below on vertical parts and along the edges on horizontal corners, which will be located between the slopes.

It is advisable to measure the vertical elements after gluing the upper horizontal one, and the lower one after installing the vertical ones. In this case the risk of gaps formation is reduced between their edges.

By applied marks cuts are made with metal scissors... The inner part of the corners is cut at an angle of 90 °, and the outer part is cut at an angle of 45 °.

The glue is applied with a narrow dotted line on interior products closer to the middle, at intervals of 1–1.5 cm.

Next you need attach the corner to the surface and press well, and then fix it for a day with masking tape or tape in several places. After the glue is dry, the tape should be carefully removed. This completes the installation.