Carving on kitchen doors. Where to buy carved furniture fronts

Wood has always been, is and will be the most demanded material for furniture production. Reliability, practicality, environmental friendliness, originality of shades - all these characteristics make wooden facades for the kitchen valuable and, most importantly, a good purchase.

Facade of natural material will emphasize sophistication and help create an atmosphere home comfort to the kitchen. Let's look at the main advantages of wooden facades, compare this material with the more affordable and popular MDF and find out the intricacies of making furniture.

Manufacturing features and the most expensive wood species

For the manufacture of facades, a variety of wood species are used - both deciduous and coniferous. Wood can be divided into two types:

Hard - this includes apple, walnut, acacia, beech, maple, ash and oak.
Soft - this includes cherry, pine, spruce, cedar, poplar and chestnut. Such wood requires delicate and careful processing.

Solid oak is considered the most durable - it can withstand almost all the "whims" of the kitchen. True, the price of such furniture will be a couple of times higher than softer pine. Pine is most often used for the production of facades, as well as alder, ash, apple and beech. The most expensive façade is black cedar, the wood of choice for luxury kitchens.

Facade manufacturing process consists of several stages.

  1. First you need to select the blanks. Here important point the moisture content of the wood will become - it should not exceed 10%.
  2. Next, the workpiece is subjected to machining and impregnated with an antiseptic - this way, it will not rot.
  3. Finished cabinet facades are varnished - it protects the material from exposure to sunlight, temperature extremes and high humidity... At this stage, the facades are painted. Furniture set for the Renaissance or design direction can have artistic painting in the form of pastoral scenes, flowers or graceful landscapes.

Wood versus MDF: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of solid wood facades are obvious. The main one is the naturalness of the material. Although the wood undergoes special processing, toxic impregnations are not used in production, which means that the furniture will be environmentally friendly and absolutely safe.

Three virtues of wood

Worth noting the following pluses wood facades:

  1. Kitchen from natural wood will look expensive, emphasizing the status of the residents.
  2. Solid wood facades for the kitchen are distinguished by their durability and reliability - they will stand for decades and will not lose their beauty. One example can be cited as evidence: remember what pieces of furniture are kept in museums? These are products made of natural wood, which have retained both the natural beauty of the material and artistic painting, and at the same time have not lost their attractiveness over time.
  3. Wooden facades will always remain at the peak of popularity.

Cabinet facades can have decorative elements- pilasters, arches. In the photo, we could see vivid examples of elegant headsets, because wooden furniture does not always look massive and cumbersome.

Thanks to modern technologies, from pine, cherry and even oak, you can make a real work of art and paint it in the most daring shade. Such advantages make wooden facades a really worthwhile and unsurpassed acquisition.

But let's look at cons of this material.

  1. The first thing worth noting is the high cost compared to other products, especially when it comes to rare and exclusive wood species.
  2. It will be difficult to choose a facade original design with curves or waves.
  3. As a rule, cabinet doors have standard dimensions, which makes it difficult to choose the size of furniture. For a small kitchen, you will have to make do-it-yourself furniture facades.
  4. It is also necessary to note such disadvantages as the influence of sunlight and the "whims" of the kitchen in the form of steam and moisture. Wood can absorb odors, and the texture of the solid wood can change its properties under the influence sunlight... But the life of facades can be prolonged if they are properly looked after and do not use abrasive cleaning agents.

MDF - what is the advantage?

Looking at the cons of solid wood, a completely reasonable question may arise: is there an alternative to this natural material?

The main competitor of the tree is MDF. In fact, MDF facades are also made of natural material, only not from solid wood, but from wood shavings, which is pressed under high pressure and at high temperature... At the exit, you can see a homogeneous mass from which the facades are made.

The main advantages of MDF are:

  • Low price compared to natural wood products.
  • Durability. MDF facades will last a long time and will not lose their original appearance.
  • Possibility to choose products with fine workmanship. Due to the fact that the MDF facade is made of shavings, it will be easier to give it both a rounded and a more intricate shape, to repaint it in the desired color. You can choose cabinet doors with carved patterns and drawings, and you can also choose products on which decorative painting is applied. In the photo, you could see various examples - furniture sets in rich colors, kitchen facades with wood finishes of expensive species.

As for the disadvantages, then the whole problem is that models made of MDF "come" to us from abroad, which makes them a little cheaper than wood products, but the quality and durability of products in comparison with wood products are lower.

Most often, buyers are faced with such a dilemma: choose a furniture set with carved doors from practical MDF or invest a little money and purchase furniture fronts made of pine wood.

You can dwell on a kind of alternative: choose a paneled facade, where MDF can act as an internal filling. For example, the harness is made of solid pine, and interior- from a simpler MDF. Such models will cost less than solid wood products.

We make a facade with our own hands

Is it possible to make a solid and beautiful facade for your headset with your own hands? Of course, it is possible and even necessary if the cost of the finished product scares you off.

We will make a paneled pine facade with our own hands. What does "paneled" mean? Such a door will consist of a frame consisting of wooden planks and an inner filling - a panel. This type of facade is less prone to deformation in the event of moisture or drying out of the wood.

So, first you need to select and clear a tree for harvesting. We dry all slats thoroughly so that the moisture content is no more than 10%.

Cutter schemes
  1. Next, you need to measure the future cabinet and draw a drawing. For one door, you will have 5 elements: 2 vertical pine beams, 2 crossbeams and one panel.
  2. You will now need a jigsaw. With it, with your own hands, you will cut out the beams and racks according to the drawing.
  3. You will also need the "help" of a milling machine. You need to cut grooves 5 wide and 9-10 mm deep on the side cut of each plank.
  4. Form 9x5 mm spikes at the ends of the beams.
  5. Now you can start cutting the panel. It can be made of MDF or chipboard.
  6. The surface of each pine plank must be sanded, and the edges must be sanded with sandpaper.

In fact, you have completed the main stage, and now the furniture blanks can be assembled.

  1. First you need to insert the panel into the grooves. vertical bars pines, then put on the lower crossbar and connect the spikes with the sidewalls.
  2. The top bar can now be secured. If you did everything right with your own hands, you will not have gaps and distortions.
  3. Next, you need to disassemble the structure, grease all the grooves with glue and reassemble. After the glue dries, the doors should be treated with an antiseptic and varnish.
  4. Then the pine facade can be painted and decorated, fittings and hinges can be attached.

Thus, you can do it yourself with natural wood facades of any size. Regarding the decorative part, photos of finished products will help you here. You can paint a panel from MDF in the most bright color, or you can use painting or self-adhesive film.

Knowing how to make a facade, you can even repaint the doors over time. How to do it?

In the photo, you probably saw wood products, where there is a painting, drawing, or just the furniture has a catchy color. You can paint the facades with your own hands. To do this, you will need interior or alkyd enamel.

  1. The entire base of the door must be sanded with sandpaper.
  2. Then the surface is treated with a primer.
  3. Using a roller and a brush, paint is applied or the facade is painted.

If you want to repaint old facades, you will need to remove all accessories and cover with tape the places that you do not plan to paint. If you need to complicate the texture, you can use glizal. Of course, it is better to entrust artistic and complex painting to a professional, and you can paint the facades in a single color with your own hands.

Extending service life: tree care features

Most of all, wooden facades are afraid sharp changes temperature and humidity. So in the kitchen you need to maintain their optimal level.

The ideal humidity is no more than 75%, and the temperature is no less than 15 and no more than +25 degrees.

Wipe off dust from surfaces with a damp and soft cloth. You can use plain water and soap or a detergent with a natural composition.

Prohibited as cleaners for any type of wood - from pine to oak - alcohol and all powders, as well as cleaning agents with a chemical composition. From time to time, the furniture set can be coated with wax.

Carved wood facades

In the modern world, the facades of kitchen and other furniture are mainly made of modern materials, which does not always allow making kitchen furniture in an individual unique style. To make the interior of the kitchen unique and individual, the designers basically have to play with colors furniture and its placement in the space of the room. However, handmade wooden carved facades for a kitchen can radically change not only the interior of the kitchen, but also make it completely individual and unique. Advantages of carved furniture fronts

Carved facades for handmade furniture allow you to simultaneously solve two problems - they give an individual style to the kitchen space and preserve its functionality thanks to the use of modern fittings. Moreover, carved facades for furniture make it much cheaper in comparison with completely wooden furniture made to order. A similar situation is due to the fact that standard kitchen furniture is taken as a basis, which is made of inexpensive modern materials and decorated with handmade facades.

Also, carved wood facades in a special way can come in handy in case overhaul premises. If the furniture in the rooms or kitchen area is still quite usable, but has lost its appearance- carved facades can effectively update it and you do not have to spend money on the purchase of all the furniture, it will be enough just to install new facades and the furniture will acquire a second life.

Where to buy carved furniture fronts

You can buy carved wood facades without any problems in many furniture stores... However, in this case, you will be offered standard variants, which may not always suit you in terms of execution, size and quality of thread. One of the fundamental activities of the RusRezba company is the manufacture of carved facades for furniture. A professional and experienced team of wood carvers is able to transform the facade of any piece of furniture into a real masterpiece, skillfully decorating it with delicate wood carvings. To buy a handmade carved facade - contact us at the phone numbers indicated on the website, and we will make a quality consultation, we will guide you on the cost and timing of all work.

Carved facades for the kitchen are especially popular, and this is quite justified. Many housewives spend most of the day in this room and want the kitchen to fully meet not only their requirements for functionality, but also their taste. Carved facade kitchen furniture can create a unique interior that any hostess can be proud of.

The facade is the face of the kitchen, and its quality completely determines how this room will look. You should be fully aware of this moment, setting yourself the task of making them yourself. You need to understand that you will have to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands no worse than the craftsmen in production. One can even say more - manual work must be of high quality, otherwise there is no point in it. Is that so, for the sake of sports interest - will it work or not? But this is a waste of money and time. This work must be approached theoretically prepared and grounded in practical skills in using the tool. The last moment will have to be mastered on your own.

Do-it-yourself kitchen facades photo

Do-it-yourself kitchen facades: timeless wooden classics

In order to make really beautiful wooden facades for the kitchen with your own hands, electric jigsaw and there will be few skills in working with wood - at least you will need a high-quality and, most importantly, professional, highly accurate manual milling machine and no less high-quality and high-precision Circular Saw... This, so to speak, is a necessary minimum, which cannot be avoided - one should not forget about the so-called auxiliary "small things", which, in fact, turns out to be very important. These are all kinds of attachments and discs for tools, adhesives for wood, grinding tools, vices, clamps - if all this is not available, then it will be at least unreasonable to take on the production of furniture facades from wood.

How to make facades for a kitchen photo

If we talk about the technology itself for the production of wooden facades from wood, then the process of their manufacture can be represented as follows.

You can see the principle of making a wooden facade with your own hands in this video.

Basically, that's all. It should be understood that the technology described above for solving the question of how to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands may vary depending on the facade itself and the material used for its manufacture. For example, the inner insert into the frame can be made not of natural wood, but of plywood - for painting, this will be an excellent option, which greatly simplifies the work.

How to make facades for the kitchen: a simple option from furniture chipboard

Facades from furniture chipboard You can do it yourself in two ways - one is generally elementary simple (it will only require you to install facades), and the second is a little more complicated and provides for a full-fledged cutting and manufacturing of doors for furniture. Let's take a closer look at both of these options. Let's start with the simplest.

If we talk about pasting the ends of the chipboard with tape, then this work will not seem difficult. For this purpose, a special hot melt glue is used. Alternatively, you can purchase edging tape with glue already applied to it - it can be of two types. This is milamin, which is essentially paper as well as plastic. Naturally, it is better to give preference to the second option. Such tapes are simply glued on with an iron, and the excess tape is simply cut off with a very sharp knife.

Making kitchen facades with your own hands: glass and glass inserts

Glass, of course, is a good material with high aesthetic characteristics, but it is very difficult to work with it on your own, and if we talk about a completely glass facade, then, one might say, it is impossible - here it is necessary special equipment, without which you can not do in any way. That is why, approaching the question of how to make glass facades for the kitchen with your own hands, you need to consider only two options.

In principle, this is all, today there are no other technologies for the manufacture of glass facades. One could also talk about the glass inserts themselves, but this is a separate topic, and we will cover it in another article.

These are not the only options for solving the question of how to make facades for the kitchen with your own hands? There are a lot of options, but for their implementation you will need necessary equipment... I completely forgot - there is another relatively simple method that allows you to independently make a kitchen facade. Strange as it may seem, but these are roller shutters that have been gaining popularity lately. The principle of manufacturing such facades is very simple - again, you are measuring inner size cabinet or pedestal and order roller shutters according to them. Then there is only their installation. Such facades are great for wall cabinets, but not for pedestals - this is their disadvantage.

An abundance of new forms, bright facing materials, the variety of options for individualizing kitchen furniture turns pleasant moments of interior design into real torments of choice. For those who will not agree to exchange warmth and luxury natural wood for fashionable plastic and aluminum, manufacturers will offer wooden facades in hundreds of designs. The payment for naturalness is high, but there is also an alternative - a combination of solid wood with other materials.

Natural wood, especially from valuable hardwoods, is an expensive material. And when looking at the variety of proposals for wooden facades in different price segments, doubts creep in: are all products really made of solid wood?

Wooden furniture: luxury and warmth

Relief is visible on a wooden surface

In fact, there are several options for the production of wooden facades. The doors of the headset can be made:

  1. Timber is the most expensive material. Solid bars are spliced ​​together using the groove-thorn method. The connection is reinforced with an adhesive layer. Mostly hard woods are used.

Solid wood doors with contrasting one-piece insert

  1. Furniture board. More accessible than an array. Small pieces of wood by pressing are glued together into a single piece.

  1. Combined material: the frame of the paneled door is made of solid wood, and the insert (panel) is made of veneered chipboard, glass, glued board.

  1. Veneered facades: MDF or chipboard plates, glued laminated timber from inexpensive softwoods, cladding - natural veneer are used as the basis.

The price of wooden facades for the kitchen directly depends on the cost of materials and the complexity of their processing. Spliced furniture boards are cheaper because there is practically no waste left in their manufacture.

Only a master can determine the material of manufacture "by eye"

The most affordable are combination doors. The shade of the decorative layer of wood and the inserts are selected so that it is impossible to visually distinguish the material from wood and slab.

Furniture veneered with precious woods can be more expensive than furniture made from inexpensive solid wood.

Natural wood kitchens: types of facades and production features

If earlier wooden facades were associated exclusively with a classic kitchen in a traditional format (doors with a panel, cornices and showcases in the upper tier), today among the factory products there is furniture for modern laconic kitchens: with blind doors, curved shapes, in unusual textures and shades ...

Solid wood furniture in a loft interior

Pros and cons of wooden kitchen facades

Wood is an expensive and capricious material. Despite the complexity of processing and the need for special care, kitchen facades made of wood have undeniable advantages:

Chic kits for country houses

  • Durability. When choosing high-quality hardwood products, you can safely expect that several generations of the family will admire the furniture.
  • Environmental friendliness. In processing, only harmless PVA glue is used, adhesives based on synthetic resins are not used. Wooden facades cannot become a source of fumes harmful to health, even if a polyurethane-based varnish is used for the topcoat.

Wooden furniture after a few years can be renewed by removing the top varnish layer. One of the main advantages is the possibility of restoration and repair. Small chips, scratches, cracks are easily repaired at home, and after professional restoration, even a specialist will not find traces of defects.

Naturally, wood furniture fronts are not without drawbacks. The kitchen is a room with the most unsuitable conditions for natural wood. Constant fluctuations in temperature, hot steam, high humidity are factors that must be taken into account when choosing facades.

Advantage: furniture can be restored repeatedly

So that the furniture does not lose its attractiveness, install a powerful hood, give preference to an electric oven and hob which does not dry out the air. Monitor the humidity level - the indicator should be stable all year round.

The temperature in the room should not exceed 24 o C. Headsets with tinted lacquered doors should be protected from too bright light from the window so that the surface does not burn out with spots.

Material requirements: what kind of wood are kitchens made of

Regardless of what breed the kitchen furniture is made of, the material must be evenly dried. Be sure to check the moisture content: the wood should not contain more than 10% moisture.

Manufacturers use only proven raw materials

For the manufacture of custom parts for one headset, wood dried in various ways is not used: in the future, the material may behave unpredictably. Array is processed protective equipment that penetrate deep into the fibers. Impregnation is absolutely invisible on finished products, but perfectly protects furniture from moisture, fungus, insects.

Oak: refined texture and excellent performance

The most common hardwoods for kitchen facades are beech, oak and ash. The lightest is beech. Almost white wood is easily tinted in any shade, and the pattern has a pronounced pink tone. Solid oak is prized for its interesting texture with deep patterns. It is often tinted in unsaturated golden shades that emphasize the natural beauty of the wood.

Bright tone and beautiful texture: cherry

Among the popular species are sweet cherries. The material is much softer than oak or beech, but connoisseurs of rich natural patterns choose this array.

Ash detail in enamel and patina

Budget facades from softwoods they are made from cherry, birch, alder. The most affordable are pine or spruce.

Doors made of inexpensive wood are tinted for an expensive species

Soft woods are more susceptible to deformation and cracking. Therefore, it is better to choose hard rocks for kitchens. Protect soft wood furniture from impact.

Panel facades: solid spliced ​​timber doors

Fashionable wood fronts for kitchens in a modern style - solid. The main decoration is the natural pattern, texture and tone of the wood. It is the lack of decor in the form of panels, carved onlays, cornices that gives such headsets their elegance. Designers recommend hiding even external fittings, equipping sliding and hinged doors with sensor sensors.

Solid blind doors without threads and panels

The material of manufacture can be different. The most expensive ones are facades made of spliced ​​timber of expensive species: oak, walnut, beech. Exotic rare species are also used - rosewood, wenge. But the price of furniture can become sky-high.

Wooden kitchen with blank facades

Available facades- from cherry, alder, sweet cherry, coniferous wood. Solid glued board products are more durable. If blind kitchen doors seem boring, there is an alternative: factory solid facades with false panels. The finished doors are milled to create a traditional "paneled" look. It is also possible to order hand carving on panel board products.

Paneled doors: manufacturing features

Wooden facades with a panel are a classic that never goes out of style. The door structure is assembled and glued separate parts:

Doors with classic and grid infill

  • Straight frame details, milled on one side for an insert and decorated with a molding - a decorative rounded cut.
  • Insert with a thin perimeter section that connects to the frame groove.

The parts are connected together by the glue method. Finished facades are clamped on special machines until dry.

The price of products depends on the material of the frame and insert. It is advisable to choose hard wood for the frame.

Panel material:

  • MDF is used in curved facades, because it is difficult and expensive to bend the shield to the desired shape.
  • Wood grill. Slats of any species are used: the element is not subject to stress.
  • Inexpensive softwood insert.
  • Glass or stained glass - often used in the manufacture of doors for the upper tier of furniture.

Doors with glass, grill, standard insert

The paneling part is also made of expensive wood, but the price in this case increases. Available option: hardwood frame and inexpensive veneered or glued MDF insert.

Luxurious carved facades: handmade or high-precision computer technology

The most expensive and difficult to manufacture are carved wood facades. Until now, the workshops offer hand carving. Every detail of the wood pattern is cut and polished by hand. Such furniture is unique, and at the request of the customer, the craftsmen will transfer any pattern to the doors.

On an industrial scale, manual decoration was replaced by the work of high-precision milling machines. The whole process - from drawing to the completion of the carving is controlled by computer programs.

Thread types on kitchen facades:

  • Carving along the contour of the frame.

Geometric pattern along the contour

  • Openwork carved inserts.

  • Carving on solid facades.

3D wood facades

A novelty in the furniture market is textured solid 3D facades. Such doors are made from solid wood or MDF plates. Body waves, honeycombs, asymmetric patterns are created with special milling machines.

Textured products are not veneered. Decor options - painting, toning, varnishing. Facades with a volumetric texture are ideal for modern urban interiors.

Finishing options: toning or painting

Classic options for the design of wooden facades - toning and varnishing. Facade impregnation with special dyes (usually alcohol-based) does not completely cover the surface. The composition is absorbed unevenly, emphasizing the natural pattern, giving the wood the necessary shade. After the tint layer has dried, the product is varnished.

Apply water-based or polyurethane-based varnish. Water-based varnish is absolutely harmless, has no specific smell, dries quickly. But in the kitchen it is better to use classic varnish. The layer will protect the wood from water and stains. The lacquered surface requires care and careful handling: the layer is quickly covered with scratches, and when overheated and from exposure to some chemical substances may darken.

Finish coat: gloss, enamel

Another treatment method is impregnation with special oil. Oil penetrates into the façade to a depth of 3 mm. The effect is a pronounced pattern, a subdued shine and a natural golden tint. Disadvantage - the facade, covered with oil, cannot be repainted, varnished, or changed in color. To get rid of the oil layer, you will have to sand the surface to the depth of impregnation.

Enamel painting - great option for kitchens from inexpensive rocks. There are technologies for creating a matte, glossy surface. Painted facades patinate, applying contrasting layers along the contours of panels and frames.

Veneered facades: an alternative to expensive solid wood kitchens

Veneered facades from furniture manufacturers are an affordable replacement for expensive wood furniture. Outwardly distinguish MDF plate finished with high-quality veneer, it is almost impossible from a solid wood facade. The difference is only visible on back side doors. If a joinery board is used as a basis, then the transition between the veneered surface and the base is absolutely invisible.

Imitation of luxury: types of veneer for the kitchen

In the production of veneered facades, natural veneer of valuable hard species is used. The most common types are oak, maple, and walnut. Products coated with exotic breeds- zebrano, wenge, merbau.

Exotic veneer: Zebrano

Veneer is produced by peeling thin sheets of wood from a solid bar. The strips are dried. Natural veneer is glued to the facade using cold glue and hot methods. In fact, veneer is a fairly durable layer of natural wood. The standard thickness of sheets used in the furniture industry is 3 mm.

But hard and exotic material is expensive. As an inexpensive alternative, a new type of veneer is used - fine-line. This is a natural imitation of valuable varieties of veneer. Raw materials for production are inexpensive soft breeds. Thin sheets are cut from a bar. Special knives peel off sheets of different thicknesses.

The resulting sheets are dried. The dried veneer is painted over in different shades, depending on the color and texture of the breed, the pattern of which is planned to be recreated. Painted stripes are collected in piles by combining several shades. They are treated with glue and dye. The collected stacks are glued together under a press. Subsequently, strips of veneer ready for facing are cut from the glued stack.

Fine-line material

At the stage of finishing, veneered facades are painted, tinted, varnished.

Pros and cons of veneered kitchens

The main advantage kitchen set covered with veneer - affordable price. Furniture will cost a little more than a set of fiberboard covered with plastic. Advantages of veneered facades:

  • Stability of the material. Veneered furniture doors do not crack at temperature drops, do not deform.

Wenge: veneer with a matte finish

  • The surface can be repaired. Chipped areas are restored, the topcoat is restored.
  • Perfect appearance. The veneer is indistinguishable from wood to the touch, but it is devoid of minor defects that cannot be hidden in solid wood products: knots, small cracks, pattern irregularities.

  • Flexibility. Both concave and curved panels can be covered with veneer. Radial doors are made of MDF, which easily takes the desired shape, then veneered.
  • Naturalness and durability. At proper care a high-quality veneered facade can serve for decades.

Solid MDF facades with veneer

The disadvantage of veneer is the need for gentle cleaning. Only special non-aggressive compounds intended for the care of wood and varnish should be used to clean facades. The weak points of the doors covered with veneer are the edge edges.

Design: luxury kitchens with wood and veneer facades

The spacious kitchens of the country houses look luxuriously classic kitchens with wooden facades covered with matte enamel with a contrasting patina. Designers suggest combining several shades in one tier.

Single-storey furniture with solid wood facades

Connoisseurs of traditional solutions will love the kitchen with white fronts and lattice inserts in the upper tier cabinets.

Doors with gratings and curved facades of the upper tier with glass

The lower and upper parts can be tinted in different shades: a lighter tone - for wall cabinets, solid matte gray - for the lower ones.

Natural wood has natural beauty. Even without carved details, gold patina and carvings, wooden cabinet doors look expensive and elegant.

Tinted details in matt lacquered

V modern kitchens instead of carving, complex painting and openwork, the designers play around with a non-standard shape. Solid wood multi-level headsets combined with a bright gloss of metal - a new look at the traditional kitchen.

Curved doors and non-standard form

Even a tiny kitchen will be decorated with wood and high-quality veneer. To focus on the texture of the wood, choose a contrasting shade of the walls and soft warm lighting.

Natural veneer: designer furniture

Details from inexpensive rocks are tinted in dark colors... Headset in japanese style from soft woods with tinted "wenge" - the choice for a city apartment.

Original solution: dark tinted and frosted glass

Experiment! Combine facades made of solid wood, veneered plates with other materials. Dilute the deaf glossy veneered facades of the lower tier with snow-white acrylic gloss.

Lower tier - veneer, upper tier - acrylic

When choosing facades made of wood or veneer, do not try to save on quality. Give preference to factory parts. You will be sure that the doors will not "lead" in a couple of months, cracks will not appear on them, and the varnish will remain transparent and shiny.

Video instruction for the manufacture of a facade made of natural wood

The video shows you step-by-step how to furniture facade made of natural wood on milling table using the Enkor cutter:

Ordering our carved facades - the most advantageous offer!

In this category, there are ready-made products with which you can decorate your furniture today, giving it elements of wealth and luxury. Wooden facades offered by us differ not only in size and artistic part, but also in manufacturability. For manufacturing we use only the highest quality wood. Solid woods such as oak or beech are ideal for the production of carvings. As a successful and optimal alternative to expensive wood, we use MDF - wood, a new material with high technological characteristics and not inferior in basic characteristics to traditional materials.

Our assortment is represented by:

  • Standard facades made of solid wood of various depths;
  • Openwork facades made fragmentarily from separate blanks;
  • The facades are carved in round, oval and rectangular shapes.

As options for the execution of the appearance, various symmetrical ornaments are used, corresponding to the traditional deciduous and floral themes. Custom carved facades can be made in accordance with your wishes. Our craftsmen will be able to convey your artistic idea to finished products, create the image that interests you in wood. You just need to indicate the dimensions and shape of the desired product, show us your own sketch or photographs. Further work already depends on us.

You can buy carved facades, with ornaments, in a classic design, or order facades individually with a thematic pattern right now on our website. We are ready to consider your proposals for the appearance of the facade, discuss the required dimensions of the future product, quantity and material.

Innovative technologies are the key to success in the quality of our facades

High quality, speed of production and high artistic performance are the criteria that define our activity. Our experience and craftsmanship help us achieve good performance.

Wood carving - difficult and time consuming technological process requiring high precision and compliance necessary conditions... V modern conditions for the manufacture of carved products of varying complexity is used the latest equipment... In our arsenal there are universal CNC woodworking milling machines, which are controlled using special software products.

Each movement of the cutter is controlled by the operator using a computer. The 3D modeling mode allows you to create three-dimensional models of future products of the most complex shape and configuration. To order or buy wooden carved facades from us is the most competent and profitable solution. We are always ready to do better for you than you imagine!

Facades- application, features

The interior of any room determines not only the appearance of the panels, floor and ceiling. An important element of the interior of living quarters, furniture has always been and remains, thanks to which our life becomes comfortable, inner space the premises are filled with comfort and sophistication. To give furniture a respectable look, elegance and refinement of forms, wooden carved facades - decorative elements that are readily used today in furniture production - will allow.

Wood carving has firmly entered our life, filling the space around us with artistic meaning, giving individual objects high aesthetic characteristics. Decorate furniture, household items, musical instruments, interior with separate elements wood decor, the idea is not new. Even in the Middle Ages, many carvers successfully applied their skill, skills and efforts, trying to decorate with the help of carved fragments household utensils, give original view musical instruments.

Carved facades were actively used to decorate pieces of furniture, individual elements interior. Wood, possessing high technological characteristics, allows you to create a wide variety of art forms. Using carved elements, you can imagine ordinary, at first glance, furniture in a completely different light. Give the interior a rich and luxurious look. Symmetrical ornament, individual artistic fragments filled with meaning and plot, common options for facades that are used in the manufacture of furniture.