Tips on the best way to clad the facade of the house. Materials for exterior decoration of facades of private houses

The final stage construction country house- finishing, it includes, among others, works on facing the facade. The range of finishing materials is huge, and for the right choice you need to consider their characteristics and features application.

What is the cladding of the facade of a country house for?

Most modern building materials have excellent thermal insulation properties and high strength, but their appearance unassuming... Therefore, the facade cladding is included in the project of a newly built country house.

Modern materials allow you to build a house in any style, regardless of the wall material. In addition, it is not uncommon for homeowners to resort to facade finishing when restoring and renovating old houses - this allows you to give them a new look.

Facade cladding carries not only cosmetic effect besides, she protects the wall material from harmful factors: sun, wind, moisture, improves thermal insulation characteristics building. In general, a properly executed wall decoration will extend the service life of the building.

Types of modern finishing materials for the facades of private houses

The choice of modern facing materials is diverse; when choosing them, the following factors are usually taken into account:

  • protective and thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to external influences and service life;
  • application area;
  • the complexity of finishing work;
  • price.

All materials used for cladding facades have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the task of the developer is to find the best option for your home.


This popular type of decoration most often used for decoration of walls made of bricks and building blocks.

The advantages of plaster:

  • protects walls well from atmospheric moisture, creates an additional heat-insulating layer;
  • increases the fire resistance of walls;
  • the plasterer is vapor-permeable, which ensures good moisture removal from the inside of the room;
  • work can be done independently;
  • different types of decorative plaster differ in price, it is easy to find an affordable option;
  • plaster can be combined with other types of finishes, choose any color scheme and texture.

Application of decorative plaster.

The disadvantages include rapid destruction of the plaster layer in case of improper application and operation of the building.

Types of plaster:

  1. Mineral plaster based on cement and additives - the simplest and cheapest option. Its advantages include strength and high moisture resistance. Mineral plaster is sold as dry mixes and has an unattractive grey colour, however, it can be easily painted in any shade facade paints... Service life - from 3 to 10 years.
  2. Acrylic plaster- a ready-made mixture with various decorative textures based on resins, it is distinguished by its plasticity and resistance to moisture. The area of ​​application of acrylic plaster is walls insulated with polystyrene. The service life is from 10 to 15 years.
  3. Silicone polymer plaster- the most expensive of its analogues, it is distinguished by high quality coating, durability and resistance to dirt. It does not absorb dust and does not collapse when exposed to chemical compounds, therefore, buildings located near cities and highways can be finished with silicone plaster. The finish will last at least 25 years.
  4. Silicate facade plasters based on liquid glass, they are distinguished by good vapor permeability, they are often used for decorating houses from gas silicate. It is flexible, easy to apply, allows you to create various textures, is not afraid of dirt and dust and retains a fresh appearance for 20-25 years.

Designers often use plaster in combination with other finishing materials: stone, decorative bricks and tiles. This trick allows you to refresh the facade, create accents, for example, on window openings, columns or corners.

Facade decoration with natural or artificial stone

The stone can be used not only for decoration, but also as self-finishing... This type of finish is not cheap, but durable and allows you to give your home a rich look.

Natural stone is a heavy material, therefore, walls made of bricks or blocks that can withstand the weight of the cladding are trimmed with it. The stone is irregular and requires adjustment and grouting.

An alternative to natural is artificial stone. It is lighter and much more affordable, imitates different types of stone, easier to mount on the surface of the walls. Like natural stone, it does not burn and does not collapse from moisture.

Clinker tiles and thermal panels

This type of finish is a ceramic tile imitating clinker brick (see photo). Cladding bricks are a good way to clad walls in and of themselves, but they are usually fixed during the masonry stage. Clinker tiles can be used for renovation and restoration of old buildings making it more versatile.

Clinker thermal panels combine two functions: insulation and decoration. Due to their size, the time for finishing works is significantly reduced, and the appearance of such a house does not differ at all from a brick-built building.

Clinker tiles have a natural color range from sandy to dark brown, they has strength and moisture resistance, does not burn, does not contribute to the development of mold. This finish is durable, with correct installation will last at least 50 years.

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware tiles are an artificial material that does not shrink, is moisture-proof and durable.

It can be attached with special glue, like finishing stone but the moisture resistance of porcelain stoneware will promote moisture retention inside the walls. Therefore, porcelain stoneware tiles are more often used in ventilated facades.

This method of finishing involves attaching a lathing made of a metal profile to the wall, on which porcelain stoneware tiles are mounted with the help of special fasteners. Between the tile and the wall leave a ventilated gap or a layer of fiber insulation is laid, which allows moisture to be removed from the walls.

The richness of colors and sizes of porcelain stoneware tiles make it a popular finishing material for country houses. Service life - at least 25 years.

Repairing a ventilated porcelain stoneware facade is very simple: the damaged tiles are removed and replaced with a new one.


Siding - polymer or metal finishing panels used in ventilated facades.

With their help you can to decorate new houses or restore old ones buildings from any material. Vinyl siding has more natural and muted colors, metallic - brighter. There are varieties finishing panels imitating wood or stone. Fastened to a crate made of a bar or a metal profile.

Advantages of siding:

  • affordable price;
  • easy installation;
  • resistance to atmospheric moisture;
  • does not require painting, does not rot;
  • can be used for wall decoration from any material.


  • in case of improper fastening, thermal deformation is possible;
  • vinyl siding is not durable, it can be damaged by impact;
  • light shades of siding quickly get dirty.

Wood trim

Wood - the most environmentally friendly material... Due to the ability to "breathe" wood finishing is possible both for wooden buildings and for brick and block houses. Like siding, fastening wood trim performed according to the ventilated facade method.

The frame is made of bars, between which you can lay insulation plates. Everything wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic, and the finishing material itself is recommended to be painted or coated protective equipment for wood.

Finishing wood can have various shapes: block house - imitation of a rounded log, imitation of a bar, planed facade board.

Advantages of wood finishing:

  • natural breathable material;
  • wood can be mounted on any walls, installation does not require special skills;
  • the tree is easily painted in any, including natural shades;
  • the price of materials is reasonable.

Significant disadvantages include:

  • low fire resistance;
  • susceptibility to decay;
  • the need for periodic processing.

What material is better and cheaper for outdoor decoration of the house?

Having considered the description of facing materials, one can draw conclusions and make a choice. For cladding the facade of a wooden house, it is better to use a ventilated facade made of siding or finishing wood. Such decoration will allow the house to "breathe", it not afraid of shrinkage and seasonal deformations, is in perfect harmony with the style of a wooden house.

Plaster, finishing stone or tiles, as well as ventilated facades with any finish, are excellent for decorating a house made of bricks and blocks.

When using waterproof materials arrangement of effective exhaust ventilation is mandatory inside the house, otherwise high humidity, condensation and mold cannot be avoided. Over time, this can lead to the destruction of the walls.

Finishing the facade of a private house: instructions

Each type of exterior wall decoration has its own technology, the main stages of which are given below.

Plastering rules:

  1. Walls before application finishing plaster cleaned of mortar residues, close up cracks and sinks, level the seams.
  2. When applying plaster on top of the insulation, it must be well fixed.
  3. If the intended plaster layer is more than 10 mm thick, it is necessary to fix the reinforcing mesh on the wall.
  4. To obtain an even coverage, beacons are set up.
  5. The solution is mixed strictly according to the instructions on the package, in the amount that can be used at a time.
  6. Ready solutions must be thoroughly mixed before use.
  7. The prepared wall is primed.
  8. The first layer of plaster is applied by spraying, the subsequent leveling layers are applied with a spatula and leveled with a rule, and curly spatulas and rollers are used to create decorative textures.
  9. If a layer of paint is applied over the plaster, the plaster must be dried well, and for better adhesion and reduction of paint consumption, it is recommended to pre-prime.

Ventilated facade installation rules:

  1. It is not necessary to remove the old covering from the walls if it provides a strong anchorage to the frame.
  2. It is recommended to close the wall with a wind and moisture-proof vapor-permeable film.
  3. The frame of the ventilated facade is made of a metal profile or wood, depending on the facing material, fixing it with screws or nails.
  4. Insulation can be placed between the frame posts.
  5. The cladding material is attached to the frame using special fasteners or self-tapping screws, nails.
  6. If necessary, the cladding is treated with fire retardants, color scheme and a protective compound.

Rules for cladding with stone, clinker or tiles:

  1. Level the wall with cement mortar.
  2. Primer the wall to improve adhesion.
  3. The facing stone or tile is placed in a special mortar suitable for this type of finish.
  4. After the glue dries, grout the joints.
  5. To improve its appearance and performance, natural stone can be coated with a special varnish. This will provide shine and lack of white bloom from salts.

Facade cladding with clinker tiles.

Facing the facade of a country house - guarantee of its beauty and durability... Having chosen the material they like, the homeowner will be able to realize his ideas and make the house a real cozy family nest, give it charm and uniqueness on long years.

Surely all owners of private houses will agree that today, more than ever before, it is important how to decorate the facade of the house. Chasing a home's stunning looks and exclusivity is perhaps pointless.

In any business, it is important to observe the golden mean and facade decoration is also no exception. Without an objective assessment of the quality, you should not choose budget material. Of course, carrying out these works will not be cheap in any case, however, you can choose a material that, with the same strength characteristics, will cost much less.

Competent approach to the choice of material

In order to make the right decision that will be profitable from the financial side, it is important to define as precisely as possible the criteria that identify both the advantages and disadvantages of a particular material for decoration.

Pay attention to the finished facade. Of course, how presentable the cladding is, largely depends on your personal preferences, which means that your own opinion cannot be objective. Consider the following parameters materials used:

  • Resistant to visual defects and color fading.
  • If you are thinking of purchasing an imitation product, compare how similar it is to natural raw materials.
  • The number of textures and variations offered.

The cladding material must be durable. It will be very frustrating if the relatively inexpensive facade needs annual renovations. But, if the material you like has a long service life, then you are on the right track!

It can be seen that the choice of facade material is not easy. Having considered the pros and cons of different facing materials, you can understand which material will be more reliable and durable.

Types of panels for facade cladding and their features

There are 2 main types of panels for finishing the facade of the house, namely:

  • Sandwich panels.

The polyplane consists of three layers. Upper layer made of varnished aluminum. Outwardly, it resembles plaster or wood. The polyplane protects the surface of the walls of the house from steam and heat. Polyurethane foam is the inner filling of the panel, which provides thermal insulation. The inner layer consists of a doped foil and plays the same role as the first layer. The polyplane is mounted vertically using special locking profiles called "Dolphin". The joints are practically invisible, which protects the walls from precipitation inside.

Sandwich panels are intended for facade finishing, they also consist of three layers. The upper and lower layers are made of metal sheets, and between them there is a heater. The parts are joined together by hot pressing. Thanks to this, the material is reliable, strong and durable. As insulation material in the manufacture of sandwich panels, foam plastic, mineral wool, fiberglass and polyurethane foam can be used.

When choosing an insulation material, it is important to take into account the thermal conductivity coefficient, because the higher it is, the worse the material retains heat.

This facing material can be smooth, decorative profiled or regular profiled. Sandwich panels are simple, inexpensive and quick way facade finishing. Its small weight will not exert a load on the foundation. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the vulnerability to damage to the appearance and freezing at the joints.

Reliable stone

Everyone knows that stone is the strongest and most reliable material, the durability of which can be envied. Natural and artificial stone can be used for cladding. By the way, the latter in appearance and quality is not inferior to its natural counterpart in anything, as evidenced by the photo.

The breed, texture, size and color of the stone are a matter of taste and the choice here is simply huge. It should be borne in mind that houses with a facade trimmed with granite or diorite look monumental and austere. While houses finished with travertine or marble look more natural and less austere. Whichever stone you choose, the stone facade will look original. Frost resistance of the material in our country should be a priority, in view of the harsh winters that occur in our latitudes.

Natural stone is expensive, while its artificial counterpart is much cheaper. The texture, color and shape of artificial stone can be very diverse. Advantages of the material: wear resistance, lightness and resistance to corrosion.

Classic plaster

This type of finish is popular mainly due to the low cost of decorative and cement-sand plaster. In addition, this finishing material allows you to improvise with color, pattern and texture. It enhances the home's insulation and fire resistance. The coating dries quickly, is not afraid of water and shock. Traditionally, plaster of cement and sand is used for plastering the facade, but along with it, decorative (bark beetle, lamb) and facade (acrylic, silicone) plaster are also used.

The cement-sand mixture consists, as the name implies, of cement and sand, as well as chemical additives. It copes well with temperature extremes and high humidity... Acrylic plaster is the cheapest option for decorative plaster. It fits well on polystyrene foam, moisture resistant. With sharp temperature changes, there is a high probability that it will crack. Silicone plaster is more expensive. It is made from silicone resins. She is not afraid of direct sunlight, moisture resistant and durable. However, it should be borne in mind that the result of the work largely depends on the qualifications of the plasterer. In order for the coating to always look presentable, it must be looked after.

In a nutshell, it is described as a puff pastry. There is an air space between the facing material and the insulation. In fact, this is a hinged structure installed at a certain distance from the wall, which allows you to decorate the facade of a wooden house in this way.

The ventilated façade allows air to pass through. Moreover, excess moisture is discharged into the ventilated area. Ascending air currents bring it out.

For a ventilated façade, the cladding material can be different variants... For example, it can be a lightweight aluminum composite sheet or heavyweight granite slab and other materials. The ventilated facades are characterized by high energy saving properties. They provide good noise and sound insulation. It is not necessary to decorate the walls before installing the ventilated facade, while the hinged elements will hide all their irregularities and defects. If you want modern and inexpensive cladding, then choose a ventilated façade.

Is siding good or bad?

The siding used to decorate the exterior walls of the house is of two types - basement and vinyl. In the arrangement of residential buildings, aluminum siding is extremely rarely used. The main advantages of the material are ease of installation, safety and easy maintenance. The main drawback is that outwardly the material looks very artificial.

Although siding manufacturers claim that it can last more than 45 years, in practice this is far from the case. In fact, it becomes brittle after frost, is prone to fading and is unstable to deformation. Unfortunately, you can often see that siding loses its positive characteristics after 5 years and becomes outwardly unattractive.

If you decide to install siding in the cold season, then you must take into account that it is different high rate thermal expansion.

This is a multi-layer facade structure. Every part of it plays an important role. It consists of 3 layers: a reinforced base layer, thermal insulation and a decorative layer. With the help of a reinforced layer, you can even out the curvature of the walls and fix the thermal insulation material. First, a mesh is installed on the facade, on which an adhesive composition is subsequently applied. Expanded polystyrene or mineral wool is most often used as thermal insulation.

The decorative layer is made of mineral or silicone plaster. It protects the interior of the wet façade and externally decorates the house.

See how to glue polystyrene foam:

Facade decoration with block house

A lining imitating a rounded log is called a block house. The material is environmentally friendly because it is made from natural materials. A significant drawback is the high cost and comparative fragility, it is not refractory. All defects characteristic of wood may well appear on the block house.

Externally, the house, finished with a block house, looks very presentable. If you decide to purchase this material, then make sure that it is sufficiently dry, in otherwise it may start to rot after installation.

Since the block house is made of natural wood, it must be periodically covered with special protective compounds and open with varnish or paint.

The better you take care of your block house facade, the longer it will serve you.

Quality and durability of facing bricks

Ceramic cladding bricks are made of clay using a special technology. It is very durable, has good sound insulation, frost resistance and low moisture absorption. Clinker bricks are fired at higher temperatures than their ceramic counterparts. physical characteristics clinker brick is also higher than that of ceramic.

The material has a wide range of colors, shapes and textures. The only drawback is the possible appearance of efflorescence. But for the most part, residential buildings finished with clinker bricks have looked presentable for many years. In order not to have to strengthen the foundation, brick cladding must be planned even during the design process of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of facade tiles

It is not afraid of moisture, it is reliable, durable and durable. If the facade tiles are laid with high quality, then they will provide a presentable appearance of the house. If adhesive solution is chosen correctly, then the facade tiles will serve for more than one decade, without losing their original properties.

Among the disadvantages of ceramic facade tiles, it is worth noting the high fragility before laying, the need for preliminary and very thorough preparation of the surface of the external walls of the house and the straight seam.

This article looked at many home decoration options, including those finishing materials that are relatively inexpensive for the homeowner. The main thing is that your chosen home cladding will please your eye for more than one decade. If you have any questions on the topic, then write comments.


Nowadays, the owners of private residential buildings have access to unique technologies for creating high-quality facades, which allows not only to give the building an attractive look, but to provide its walls with reliable protection from wear and tear for many years. Let's talk about how today it may look like and what is the difference between the decoration of the facades of houses with modern materials, photos and advice from experienced specialists.

The construction and subsequent decoration of the facade of one-story residential buildings today can be performed with a variety of materials for external work. They have unique properties, individual service life, unique aesthetics, relevance of use, level of demanding care. The technologies for using each of them in practice also differ from each other, which is important to consider when selecting a specific material.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is very often used to decorate the external walls of private buildings today. These unique mixtures provide a person with the opportunity to realize the most non-standard design fantasies, to give the house an interesting, original look. Decorative facade plaster differs in a wide selection of color shades, textures, methods of application to the base.

Today, on the shelves of hardware stores, you can find several types of decorative plaster mix, with which you can create a unique project of the facade of the house:

  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

Different types of decorative plaster mix demonstrate different properties: the level of sound and thermal insulation capacity, resistance to negative factors: fire, precipitation, ultraviolet study, and so on. Therefore, the owner of the building has the opportunity to choose the most suitable option for the conditions of the specific area where the house is located.

Installation of plaster is characterized by certain specifics, depending on the type of the selected mixture, as well as the nature of the base. The stages of work are as follows: preparation of the base, its priming, installation of beacons, spraying the first layer of the mixture, installation of a reinforcing mesh, organization of the second layer of the mixture, grouting and giving the base a specific texture, painting the facade.

Especially popular today is the bark beetle facade, which is distinguished by its unique aesthetics, originality, and non-standard appearance. Externally, the facade takes on the appearance of a surface that is eaten away by a bark beetle. The specifics of working with a bark beetle is quite simple: the effect is achieved through the use of a trowel, as well as the choice of a specific direction in the process of mashing dried material. The project of finishing a residential building with a bark beetle is presented in the photo below: its high aesthetics, brevity and originality are difficult not to appreciate.

Clinker bricks and tiles

Clinker bricks and tiles show extraordinary strength and resistance to negative environmental factors. Modern finishes clinker houses will not be cheap, but such options are able to provide the outer walls of the building with reliable protection for many decades. The project of finishing the facade of a private cottage with clinker is shown in the photo below.

Clinker bricks and tiles are created using a unique technology using environmentally friendly raw materials, therefore, such finishing materials in no way harm human health or the environment.

Today construction and Finishing work the private sector outside large cities are actively carried out using clinker, the design styles of which can be varied. Such facades are able to mimic the aesthetics that other types of materials have. For example, they are made of the same shape and color as brick, natural stone and the like.

Therefore, with its help, the structure can be given a varied look and high aesthetics, successfully fitting the curtain facade into the surrounding landscape. It is worth noting the easy installation of this material, which can be handled even by a person without much experience in performing construction work.

Clinker brick

Porcelain stoneware

In previous years, such finishing materials were used for facing horizontal and vertical planes on the first floor of houses: basements, steps, door and window openings. Today, garages, swimming pools, facades of private houses are decorated with it.

This is a very durable finish. Very high moisture resistance and strength of porcelain stoneware, its resistance to abrupt change temperature regime, aesthetic qualities. The color possibilities of porcelain stoneware are very wide: such materials provide the buyer wide choose shades are also varied in the styles in which they can be applied. The project of the facade of a country house made of porcelain stoneware is presented in finished form in the photo below.

Today, the most popular options for such cladding for private buildings are as follows:

  • structured - the project of a facade with such a cladding is distinguished by the most presentable appearance, since the material is able to imitate any texture. For example, wood, stone, leather or fabric;
  • processed varieties: glazed, polished, satin and matte tiles.

Installation of porcelain stoneware on the facade of the dwelling is carried out in the following sequence of operations:

  • leveling the surface of the base, eliminating stains, cracks, chips on it, priming the facade;
  • covering the base with an adhesive;
  • numbering of porcelain stoneware slabs, their sequential installation on the wall;
  • mashing of end connections and joining of groove-comb type connections.

Facade cassette is a panel made of durable metal, inside of which a filler with specific properties is placed. Cladding of this kind is often rectangular in shape and is made from aluminum, steel, and so on.

In order for the curtain facade to acquire high resistance to various destructive influences, its surface is coated with zinc, special polymer compounds, and polyesters.

In order to understand how a house looks like with a similar cladding, pay attention to the photo below. Installation of metal cassettes from the outside of the walls is carried out by means of substructure elements. The project for performing operations is simple. But first, the walls are thoroughly cleaned of the previous finish, and they are leveled only if there is a significant deviation from the vertical. If the surface of the outer wall is free from defects, it is not necessary to level it. The design styles of this finish are very diverse.

The hinged facade with metal cassettes allows, if desired, to fill the space between the walls and the cladding with heat-insulating plates, fixing them with disc dowels. Therefore, buildings finished with metal cassettes and insulation material can become warm, cozy and durable.


The project of finishing the outer wall of country houses with siding has become popular in the domestic market quite recently. This trend is explained by the many positive parameters of the material: low cost, excellent strength and big choice color shades.

Thanks to the wide variety of colors, shapes, textures of siding, homeowners can give them the most unimaginable design with unique properties. It is difficult to find two buildings that are exactly the same in appearance, which would have been trimmed with siding.

Installation of siding for external walls of buildings is not complicated by difficulties, since the material is easily installed, and the project provides for the implementation of work in short terms... You can apply this finish for walls made of various building materials, timber, bricks. Finishing the facade of a wooden house with siding looks absolutely unsurpassed, laconic and attractive, which is confirmed by the photo below.

Natural and artificial stone

Natural stone of various shapes has long been used to organize the facades of buildings for different purposes... Construction today uses it very widely, because the material has unique properties: high durability, resistance to mechanical stress, high humidity, sunlight and other factors that affect the walls of the house in a destructive way. To be convinced of the high aesthetics of residential buildings with natural stone cladding, take a look at the photo below. It is actively used by many styles in the design of facades.

The main disadvantages of the facade design with the use of such material for exterior decoration walls, is its high cost, as well as the significant weight of the cladding. Therefore, natural stone has limitations in its scope. The technology does not imply its use for decoration frame house with thin walls.

An equally good option for organizing the facade of a residential building is finishing with artificial stone of various shapes. The project can be varied, as shown in the photo below. Natural materials are much more expensive than artificial stone, but, as practice shows, its performance parameters are no less high.


Such options for organizing the facades of residential buildings are distinguished by high operating parameters and unique appearance. With the help of such material, you can give a private house a high aesthetics, an expensive appearance, which is confirmed by the photo presented to the attention of the reader below. A curtain facade of this kind is mounted quite quickly and easily: the technology of work is simple and can be carried out even by a person without experience in such matters.

Species diversity pros Minuses
Polymer coated metal Long service life, resistance to ultraviolet light, temperature drops Low thermal insulation properties
Wood fiber panels Naturalness, environmental friendliness, light weight High flammability and tendency to swell from moisture
Vinyl Practical, light weight Brittleness at low temperatures
Thermal panels Light weight, high frost resistance Toxicity of components
Sandwich panels Light weight, wear resistant Fragility if handled carelessly
Fiber cement facade systems Self-cleaning ability, high frost resistance, durability, strength Low impact resistance, high water absorption
Stone and porcelain stoneware High frost resistance High cost, substantial weight
Glass panes Resistant to wear and tear, original aesthetics Complex installation, high cost

That is, the design of such cladding is very diverse, which expands the decorating styles in which it is relevant.

Fiber cement
Sandwich panels
Glass panes
Thermal panels

The wet method of finishing facades has gained respect among owners of private houses due to the minimum number of cold bridges characteristic of alternative methods cladding. But this is not the main plus of the wet facade. It is also worth noting the fact that such a finish contributes to the removal of the dew point outside the boundaries of the dwelling. Therefore, the problem of condensation is eliminated when there is a large difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures.

Installation of a facade on a wet type requires certain skills from a person. It implies the following operations: preparation of the base, installation of profiles, thermal insulation, reinforcement of the base, organization of the layer of plaster mixture, giving the layer of plaster mixture an actual texture (for example, using a trowel if finishing with bark beetle is used), painting of dried plaster mixture. In this case, it is very important to select the type of plaster mixture for the outer layer, since the finish must be distinguished by high vapor permeability and resistance to wear.

Note that a wet facade can be created using other materials for the outer layer: siding, facade panels, and so on. The photo below shows the façade with a wet finish.

Which is better to choose

If the construction of a house is carried out by hand, its owner must choose the materials for creating the facades. Which cladding from the ones described above is the best fit in a particular case depends on many factors. Namely:

  • the type of building material from which the structure was erected;
  • climatic conditions, characteristic areas where the house is located;
  • the size of the budget for the purchase of cladding and the performance of cladding works;
  • the complexity of the installation of a particular facade;
  • taste preferences of the owner of the cottage.

The photo below shows images of the most popular facades for residential buildings today.


How to make the facade of your home attractive and original.

Photos of examples of facades decorated with modern materials

A selection of photographs with options for the design of facades with modern materials.

Finishing options for the facade of the house are quite different. The price can also affect the choice, and you should also pay attention to the material for making the frame, think about energy saving and not miss the design.
About what to decorate the facade and will be discussed in this article. This can be influenced by several factors, first of all, the implementation of the foundation, if it is powerful, then it can withstand the load.
But it may be necessary to make an increase. This is a serious question.

Before buying a material, you should first figure out what requirements we put forward for this work and then think about how to decorate the walls of the facade. After all, the frame can be made of quality material and insulation was carried out.
But there are also premises that require additional insulation and then you should pay attention to completely different materials. Therefore, when choosing, in addition to aesthetics, we also pay attention to the following things.

  • Facade cladding also has weight. This should not be forgotten.
    If this indicator is large enough, then you should pay attention to the foundation, which must withstand the weight of the entire structure. If it is weak, it will need to be reinforced.
    And this is money and time. Then the choice should fall on plastic panels, not a stone.
    They are simply lighter and do not require foundation reinforcement;
  • The coating should protect the walls from external influences, this will insulate the house and increase the service life of the materials;
  • It is necessary to pay attention to fire safety. This is especially true for buildings that are made of wood.
    In such a structure, the indicator should be at a height;
  • Pay attention to the maintenance of the material, it can be quite high;
  • The base plane should also be taken into account, if there are strong errors, then this should be corrected. In this option, frame structures are better suited, which are attached to any wall and at the same time level it.

Facade finishing materials

Based on the above indicators, a choice should be made. In retail, there are many finishing materials that can be applied.
Look at the design too. Pick up a photo and decide on the look.

Attention: Do not dwell on exactly one type of material. After all, you can also combine. Separate the walls and plinth, for example.
Apply different materials.


This type of finish is quite common. It is based on either cement mortar or decorative plaster.
When performing work with this material, figures of various types are often used, and this can be done completely with your own hands. There are several options for making this material.


  • Cement plaster, which is made on the basis of cement and sand. It is used for large drops temperatures and high humidity.
    She perfectly withstands these indicators. Only such material does not make the room warmer.
    The coating protects the frame of the house from external influences, but rather weak as a heater;
  • Acrylic plaster, which is the most attractive in the price range. It will not let moisture through.
    It can be used when insulating a house with polymers. There is also a significant drawback, it reacts extremely negatively to temperature changes and can crack;
  • Silicone plaster based on silicone resin. it polymer coating which is water-repellent, it does not allow water to pass through.
    It perfectly tolerates temperature extremes and is resistant to ultraviolet rays. This is a durable material that will last for more than one year. But it is the most expensive in this segment;

Attention: Decorative plasters are the most cheap stuff finishes. With their help, you can imitate almost any more expensive material.
You can give any color and structure.

After plastering the surface, it is painted and here it should be said that it is better to give preference to acrylic material, it is more resistant to temperature extremes. Provides a quality coating with good vapor permeability.

Facade stone

The types of finishing of the facades of cottages and other premises using this material are quite large. This is probably the strongest and most durable material.
And the price is quite different, natural material can also be used, but if it turns out to be high in price, then artificial substitutes can be used, and they are in no way inferior to natural ones in terms of indicators.


  • With this type of finish, you should immediately pay attention to the foundation, which must withstand the significant weight of the structure. If it is weak, then additional reinforcement will be required;
  • Nowadays, there are several textures and colors. of this material... There are plenty to choose from;
  • The stone is natural, it is a durable material. It perfectly tolerates high humidity and temperature extremes.

Attention: When choosing this material, you should take a quality certificate and look at the frost resistance indicator.
How many cycles does it endure. In our climatic conditions this is extremely important.

  • Artificial stone, which is much lower in price than natural. There are already many more elements of different textures, colors and shapes.
    Moreover, it has an extremely important advantage, it is not heavy, therefore such a powerful foundation is not required for installation.

Thermal panels for facade decoration

Such finishing panels form an almost finished facade.
And there are many reasons for this design:

  • This is the best option for insulation. The construction is based on expanded polystyrene, which has a fairly high density.
    V summer period it keeps you cool indoors and out winter time prevents the release of heat;
  • This design is also supported by its weight, which is not high. Therefore, there is a high probability of installing such a structure and not on a very strong foundation.
    Moreover, the elements have high strength, which guarantees a long service life;
  • This design does not harm human health at all;
  • Installation of panels can be performed on any surface. Dowels are used as fasteners, which make the connection quite reliable and durable;
  • Not complicated installation, also attracts the consumer. It can be done in any weather and with your own hands and without resorting to outside help.
    And this significantly reduces the cost of work;
  • There are many colors and shades of these products available in retail. You can also choose a texture, panels with the use of clinker tiles are in the greatest demand;
  • The price of the material is not high and almost anyone can afford it.

Ventilated facade

This is a simple hinged structure that attaches to outside facade. An air gap is provided in it between the insulation and the trim, which provides good ventilation.

Attention: In this design, excess moisture is removed to the ventilation area, from where it is removed to the outside by means of air currents. This design allows walls to breathe completely.


  • Many materials can be used as finishes. From heavy granite slabs to lightweight aluminum structures.
    This finish perfectly copes with the issues of heat and sound insulation, increases energy-saving properties;
  • The advantages include the preparatory complex of works. You will not incur high costs in this matter.
    There is no need for serious surface preparation and the evenness of the walls is not so important. Moreover, you can perfectly hide all defects of the base plane with such a finish.

Siding decoration

Many people make decoration with this material.
And this is not a tribute to fashion, but due to simple practical thoughts:

  • No preliminary finishing of the base plane required:
  • Additional surface insulation can be performed immediately. The material has special grooves that allow the walls to breathe.
    True, it is worth mentioning the disadvantage, with temperature drops, it can be quite easily damaged by external mechanical stress;
  • On installation, you can apply to various parts premises are different siding. For finishing the basement, the basement version is more suitable, which is thicker and more durable.
    It can also be made for masonry. For wall siding, polyvinyl chloride material is more suitable, which better tolerates external influences;
  • All items are not falsely removed and will replace if damaged. It won't be difficult;
  • A significant disadvantage of the panels is their sensitivity to ultraviolet light, the plane burns out with direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But it should be said in modern production many manufacturers have started making additives that make this sensitivity less noticeable;
  • It is possible to use wood siding, this is the most expensive material. But it is not durable;
  • There is also metal siding, which is the most durable. It is perfectly used even for cladding industrial premises.

The facade is wet

This is a multi-layer structure and should not be classified as a budget building. At its core, such a coating has three layers: in the first, reinforcement is made and it is the base, after which the installation of thermal insulation is done and after that the facing material.

  • The first layer essentially ensures the flatness of the base plane and insulation is attached to it. It is applied using a mesh of reinforcing and adhesive composition;
  • The second layer is made using insulation. At this time, materials based on mineral wool are most often used;
  • As finishing material decorative plaster is used. It acts as a protective and finishing material;
  • This finish is not bad, but it shouldn't be called durable. Moreover, leaving you will cost money.
    The coating is easily damaged by mechanical means and repair, although not expensive, takes time and effort.

House decoration with block house

This material appeared on the sales market relatively recently, but interested the consumer.
There are reasons for this:

  • You do not need painstaking work on preparing the base plane. These are whole blocks that are not so difficult to fix.
    Everything is quite possible to do with your own hands;
  • It is a durable material and makes good resistance against external influences;
  • Excellent appearance that will set the building apart from the crowd. Moreover, you can always clean up the damage and, moreover, it does not take much time;
  • It is lightweight and therefore you do not need to reinforce the foundation. And this is important;
  • This structure allows the walls to breathe and at the same time serves as insulation.

Now you decide for yourself how cheaper it is to decorate the facade of the house, although here the price is probably not so important as the quality and durability of the structure. Therefore, first of all, watch the video, read the reviews on the application materials.
And then make your final choice. On our site there is detailed instructions on the installation of any of the listed materials.

Exterior decoration of the house, the options of which in a large assortment are presented on a modern construction market, is able to transform the walls of any building, both old and new. But, Besides, properly installed material will perfectly protect surfaces from the influence of external factors, preventing their erosion and destruction.

In the event that the house is only being designed, it is recommended at this stage to foresee in advance what and how its walls will be formed. If a decision is made to protect and update the facade of the old building, then this issue needs to be approached more responsibly, since you will have to select the finish not only for its aesthetic and quality characteristics, but also for compatibility with the material of the walls. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the various finishes to make it easier to determine the correct choice.

At what stage of construction is the facade finishing carried out?

Before proceeding to the consideration of various facade finishing materials, it makes sense to immediately determine at what stage of construction work on their installation should be carried out. This is also important because the finish installed at the wrong time can be damaged during the installation of other building elements.

  • So, firstly, finishing work is carried out only after window and door blocks are installed and fixed in the openings of the house.
  • Secondly, almost any structure within the first year after construction shrinks, sometimes quite considerable, which can significantly damage the facade finish. Therefore, the final finishing activities are recommended to be carried out after this period.
  • After one year of shrinkage, before starting finishing, all surfaces of the structure should be checked for verticality and horizontalness. If there are significant distortions, the wall may have to be leveled with plaster or lathing, depending on the material from which the house was built and on the chosen finish.
  • It is recommended to carry out facade work at moderate temperatures, from about +5 to +25 degrees, at which the materials are in their natural state, without expanding or contracting.
  • Some of the finishing materials are heavy, so they will significantly increase the load on the foundation, and this factor is especially important to take into account when decorating an old house. If doubts arise on this issue, then it is best to invite a specialist who can calculate the possible additional load on the foundation of the house and its admissibility.

Facade plastering

Brick facade decoration

Brick cladding is the only finishing method that can be carried out before window and door frames are installed in the openings, so this approach builds another solid layer of the wall, and when installing frames or boxes, they will not damage the finish in any way.

Quite often, between the main wall and the facing layer of brick, an insulating material is laid, for example, such as mineral wool, or the gap between them is filled with polyurethane foam, expanded clay or vermiculite backfill.

Artificial stone can be of regular and irregular shapes and is made in the form of tiles or fragments of "wild" stone with chaotic chips on the outer surfaces.

If a stone is made and laid in strict accordance with the existing technological recommendations in this regard, then it is difficult to distinguish it from natural. True, the artificial material will have to be tinted periodically, and, possibly, covered with a special facade varnish.

Facade decoration with panels

Facade panels are made of different materials - it can be metal, polyvinyl chloride, fiber cement or wood, so to speak, "for every taste and budget." The panels are produced in different sizes, so it is possible to choose exactly the option that will be most convenient for installation. On sale you can find single-layer and multi-layer finishing boards, therefore, if there is a need, along with finishing, to also insulate the walls, then it makes sense to choose sandwich panels, in which thermal insulation material is prudently installed.

The panels reliably protect the walls from external natural influences, keeping them undamaged for a long time, as they are combined into a single coating.

Modern facade panels have high strength and resistance to corrosion and ultraviolet radiation. They are great for cladding the walls of old houses, transforming them beyond recognition, since many of them imitate natural stone, wood, brick and other finishing coatings.

Polymer coated metal panels

Metal panels are made from aluminum or galvanized steel. Their surface can be smooth, profiled or even textured. The thickness of the metal sheet is sometimes up to 0.55 mm. The surface of the panels can be coated with different polymers - plastisol, glossy or matte polyester, as well as pural.

This type of panel is characterized as follows:

- their service life is 30 years or more;

- pronounced high frost resistance;

- resistance to corrosive processes;

- moisture resistance;

- absolute incombustibility;

- ease of installation;

- variety color solutions;

- resistance to acids and alkalis;

- shock resistance - up to 50 kg / cm².

The disadvantage of these panels is the complete lack of insulation and soundproofing qualities.

Vinyl panels

Vinyl facade panels can be called the most popular material for surface finishing, as they have an excellent appearance and a variety of options offered.

Prices for wooden lining

The panels are assembled together into a single wall cladding, most often with the help of locks or latches, and the cladding is fixed to the wall (or to the frame structure) using dowels or self-tapping screws.

The obvious advantages of this finishing material include the following qualities:

- long service life, about 30 years;

- working temperature from - 50 to +50 degrees;

- excellent water resistance;

- ease of processing and installation;

- light weight of the material - about 5 kg / m²;

- complete inertness to corrosive and biological processes;

- relatively low thermal conductivity - about 0.16 W / m × ºС;

- high resistance of the material and coloring pigments to ultraviolet rays.

The disadvantages of such a cladding can be called the fragility that PVC acquires at low temperatures, so there is a risk of chips and cracks with accentuated mechanical stress.

Facade two-layer thermal panels

Equipped with a layer of polyurethane foam, they have high thermal insulation qualities, since this insulation material has a closed cellular structure, consisting of 96% of air. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer can be from 40 to 100 mm, on top of which it is fixed decorative cladding made of polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride or metal.

The advantages of this facing material include the following qualities:

- rather long service life - from 30 to 50 years;

- high frost resistance;

- low thermal conductivity 0.028 W / m × ºС, which contributes to the maximum reduction of heat loss through the walls of the house;

- low moisture absorption;

- resistance to external influences and the emergence of microflora colonies;

- operating temperatures from - 48 to +100 degrees;

- low weight of panels, amounting to only about 5 kg / m²;

- the cladding requires virtually no maintenance;

- Simplicity is noted installation works... This is all the more important because the execution of one installation operation immediately provides a solution to the problems of both decoration and wall insulation.

The disadvantage of cladding is that the material melts when exposed to an open flame or high temperatures. But, at the same time, it does not contribute to the spread of fire, since it is self-extinguishing.

Facade sandwich panels

Sandwich panels consist of three layers - two rigid outer sheets, which are made of metal, magnesite plate, fiberboard or PVC, and a layer of insulation material laid between them - most often mineral wool or polyurethane foam is used as it.

Such a panel is not only a reliable protective and decorative finish for walls, but also a heater, as well as a sound insulator for the walls of the house. The main performance characteristics this facing material largely depends on the type of insulation material and its thickness:

Some characteristics of wall sandwich panels are shown in the table:

Panel thickness (mm)Specific gravity (kg / m2)Thermal conductivity kW / (m2 × ºС)Fire resistance index GOST 30247-94 (EI)
50 14.1 9.5 0.84 0.78 EI15EI15
60 15.2 9.7 0.71 0.65 EI30EI15
80 16.3 10.1 0.57 0.49 EI45EI15
100 18.5 10.4 0.47 0.4 EI60EI15
120 20.6 10.9 0.38 0.32 EI60EI15
140 22 11.3 0.35 0.287 EI70EI15
150 24 11.5 0.32 0.27 EI90EI15
180 27.8 12.1 0.26 0.23 EI90EI15
200 30.5 12.5 0.2 0.2 EI90EI15
250 37.2 12.9 0.16 0.19 EI90EI15

In this table, some materials and indicators are indicated by letters that have the following meanings:

- MV - mineral wool (usually basalt);

- PPU - polyurethane foam.

Fire resistance index EI - loss of thermal insulation properties and violation of the integrity of the panel. The value shows period duration(in minutes) during which the panel surface not facing the fire remains at a temperature that meets the safety criteria.

Other specifications sandwich panels are as follows:

- the declared operational period is 30 years or more;

- resistance of the cladding to corrosion and fungal infections;

- environmentally friendly material;

Fiber cement facade panels

Fiber cement panels are made from cement with the addition of mineral fillers and cellulose fibers, which make up 10% of the total volume. This finishing material is used for cladding both new and already built houses. The panels are mounted on a wooden or metal lathing, fixed to the wall, and they are usually fastened to each other using groove-comb locks.

The panels can have various reliefs that imitate natural materials - stone, wood or brickwork... An acrylic or polyurethane coating is applied to the surface of the slabs, and sometimes a layer of stone chips is used in addition to it. The panels are produced in various thicknesses ranging from 8 to 15 mm. The mass of a slab with a thickness of 8 mm is 16 kg / m², and in 15 mm it is about 30 kg / m².

Positive traits of this material are as follows:

- the service life of the cladding is at least 20 years;

- high frost resistance of the material;

- inertness of plates to corrosion and biological damage;

- resistance to ultraviolet light, since the composition of the coloring compositions contains substances that absorb Sun rays;

- absolute incombustibility of the material;

- resistance to temperature drops;

- ecological cleanliness of the cladding;

- sound absorption - about 29 dB.

Among the shortcomings, the following points can be highlighted:

- some models of plates after their installation require additional finishing acrylic paint;

- the hygroscopicity of the material is 7%, which can lead to deformation processes;

- not very high impact resistance of panels - about 0.25 kg / cm².

Video: an example of using special cement panels for finishing the facade

Facade decoration with clapboard and siding

Lining for facades is made from different materials and may have various forms, as well as the names. So, such cladding is made from traditional wood, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and metal.

Wooden facade paneling

This type of material is a well-processed board that has a groove and a spike along its entire length on different sides, which act as a lock when mounting the lining on the wall.

Wooden facade paneling is made in different forms, so when choosing it, you need to immediately decide what effect you would like to get after the installation is completed.

The lining is made from different types of wood - it can be oak, larch, ash, pine, spruce, aspen, linden and other materials. The price of finishing directly depends on what wood it will be made of. In addition, the cost depends on the class of finishing material, of which there are four, and each of them has its own quality parameters:

- Ekstraklass is a high-quality lining with a perfectly flat and smooth surface that does not have any flaws.

- Class A lining is also of high quality, but slight irregularities and the presence of one knot per 1500 mm of length are allowed on its lamellas.

- Class “B” is a medium quality material that can have more imperfections, such as dark spots, and up to four knots for every 1500 mm.

- Class "C" - low-grade lining, on which a large number of knots, up to 25 mm in diameter, as well as dark spots and blind cracks are allowed.

When choosing a lining, it must be remembered that this classification applies to all types of wood from which the finishing material is made.


In fact, it is the same clapboard, but unlike it, it is fixed to the surface of the walls with an overlap and does not have tongue-and-groove joints. This material is made of wood, vinyl and metal, can have a polymer coating of various colors, and also imitate the textured pattern of wood or stone.

It should be noted that the shape and method of fixing this material even more reliably protect the wall than traditional wall paneling. This feature is ensured by the fact that each of the lamellas in its upper part, along its entire length, has a slope along which moisture falling on the surface has the ability to drain down the cladding without falling on the main wall or the insulation attached to it.

It is produced in the form of single or double lamellas. In addition, for finishing the facade, especially its basement, panels are used that have various reliefs that imitate more small tiles or brickwork. Distinctive feature siding panels is also a method of overlapping fastening, that is, the upper mounted row is superimposed on the mating locking part of the lower one.

If you plan to install this cladding on a concrete or brick wall, as well as on top of an insulation material, then to fix it, you need to equip the wall with a wooden or metal crate. If you need to sheathe a flat wooden wall, then the lamellas or slabs are fixed to it with self-tapping screws.

Because wooden lining can also be in the form of siding, the table below shows comparative characteristics cladding made of vinyl, metal and wood:

IndexVinyl (acrylic) sidingMetal (steel) sidingWood siding
Raw materials for the manufacture of claddingPolyvinyl chloride (PVC)Galvanized steel with polyurethane coatingNatural wood of various species
Installation work temperatureFrom 0 to +35 degrees - this is due to the ability of the material to expand at elevated temperatures and become brittle at low temperatures.Not limitedIt is not limited, but it is recommended to adapt the wood to the ambient temperature before installation.
Operating temperatures during operation-50 to +50 degrees-50 to +80 degrees-80 to +80 degrees
Ignition temperatureNon-flammable, melting point + 450 degreesNon-flammable, material deformation occurs when exposed to high temperatures+ 300 degrees. For comparison, the burning temperature of a match: + 600 degrees
Fire safetyDoes not support combustionDoes not support combustionHighly flammable material
HygroscopicityNon-hygroscopicNon-hygroscopicHigh, therefore special wood processing is required
Sensitivity to temperature extremesMedium - Panels may “play” due to linear expansion.LowAverage
Surface treatment (optional)Not requiredNot requiredImpregnation with antiseptics and fire retardants is required.
DyeingNot requiredNot requiredCoating with paint, stain or varnish is required.
Color rangeAbout 20 pastel monochromatic colors, as well as imitation of the texture of natural materialsMore than a hundred colors and imitation of textured patterns, as well as several types of decorative coatingsThe range of colors is limited to wood colors, it can be expanded by using dyes.
Color restorationImpossibleIt is possible by using special coloring compositions, but the price for them is quite highPerhaps using special coatings.
Types of surface texturesSmooth, embossed, imitating brickwork, natural wood, stone chips.Smooth, embossed and embossed.Smooth
Use of panels and lamellas of different sizesNot possible for the main finishing material, possible for fittings.Perhaps
MountingLightweight thanks to special mounting areas on the panels for fasteners.Easy to install and secure.More complicated process when installing horizontal lamellas.
Resistance to mechanical stressHigh at normal and low at negative temperatures as the material becomes brittle.Low, possible deformation (appearance of dents) after even minor blows.High
Scratch resistantHigh. Such damage is invisible, since the material is colored throughout the mass.Average. If a scratch is applied, then the metal can be damaged over time by corrosion.High
Sound and thermal insulationAverageLowHigh
Veneer careRequires cleaningIt does not require complicated cleaning, it is enough to wash it with water.Requires periodic maintenance - cleaning and replacement of the protective paintwork.
Weight1.8 ÷ 2.25 kg / m23.9 ÷ 5.8 kg / m2Depends on the type and quality of wood.
Cladding thickness0.7 - 1.2 mm0.48 - 0.61 mm20 - 40 mm
Maximum lamella lengthup to 3 660 mmup to 6,000 mmup to 6,000 mm
Environmental friendlinessThe quality is confirmed by certificates.Natural material that creates a favorable microclimate.
Operational period guaranteed by the manufacturerUp to 50 years with proper installation.Up to 50 years old with proper care.

Another option is a block house, which is made from the same materials as traditional cladding, but differs in its shape, imitating a semicircular cut of a log. Thus, a house sheathed with this type of material looks like log cabin... All the characteristic features of siding presented in the table correspond to the qualities of a block house made of vinyl, metal or wood.

Based on all the data presented in the publication on various facade finishes, it will be possible to conclude which of them is most suitable for a particular structure, erected from a certain material. Probably, at the same time it makes sense to evaluate not only the quality and decorative features of the cladding, but also the possibility of independent installation, since the invitation of the masters always costs a considerable amount.