Installation of coaxial and separate smoke removal systems. Types of smoke removal systems Smoke removal from the boiler TV fuel

The emergence of the fire is dangerous not so much by the presence of an open fire, how much smoking the premises. Even a small focus of fire can cause the appearance of such a number of smoke, which will be problematic with the conclusion of people, difficult. The presence of burning products in the air makes breathing, disorientates in space, causes panic. These threats require the availability of relevant ventilation systemsexercising effective smoke removal, as well as contributing to the operational solution to those who have arisen. Such systems exist, they are actively used in different buildings, industrial workshops or other facilities.

The smoke removal system is a specialized bundle of ventilation equipment designed for the operational conclusion of combustion products from the premises, exemption from the smoke of the people's evacuation paths and contributing to the right organization of measures to eliminate fire.

The main section of the coverage of the system is the stairwells, elevator mines, corridors along the path during evacuation. The following functions are performed:

  • Reduces the possibility of spreading fire.

  • The amount of smoke is reduced.

  • It is possible to normal fire extinguishing.

  • The air temperature is reduced.

  • There is control and notification of the emergence of fire.

  • Opening hatches, valves, windows for the effective output of combustion products.

Smoke removal complex - an extended and complex system acting on different schemes, giving the possibility of redistribution of air flows as needed.

Design and device

Smoke removal ventilation consists of the following nodes:

  • Smoke removal fans. Exhaust extract or influx fresh air In the smoked rooms.

Opinion expert

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! In any case, all possible means allowing as soon as possible Eliminate the smoke and restore the normal microclimate in the premises corresponding to the sanitary standards.

Equipment included in the complex

Smoke removal fans use devices with appropriate characteristics. Operating conditions require a high category of heat resistance - from 400 ° C to 600 ° C. Working wheels can be manufactured from of stainless steel or possess protective coatingProtecting from the effects of aggressive combustion products.

The ducts of smoke removal are made of carbon or galvanized steel and have increased requirements for tightness - category "H" (normal execution) or "P" (dense).

Smoke farming hatches used for the system have a normally closed position, open on the command from the sensors or from the control panel. All elements should be designed to work at high temperatures and in an aggressive environment.

Calculation of smoke farming

System calculation is a complex multi-stage task. All possible gases and combustion products are determined - from existing corridors, staircases etc. to new, additionally installed. The magnitude of the channels or volumes of the premises is calculated by the performance of the fans, the number of smoke valves is determined by the number of rooms and corridors, as well as firepart valves. Some single calculation technique does not exist, since the configuration of the premises and air ducts for the output of smoke can be different.

The method of calculation is complex and requires the participation of trained specialists. If for any reason online calculators are not suitable for solving issues that have arisen, then you should contact a specialized organization and order the calculation of them. The experts will be examined by experts. possible paths The output of combustion products, determining the procedure for evacuation of people, etc. All these calculations should be based on the requirements of SNiP, correspond to fire and sanitary standards.

Opinion expert

Heat engineer and ventilation RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! An independent calculation of the smoke removal complex is a high risk of achieving errors originating from the lack of experience.


The established combustion product output system is operated in accordance with the requirements of standards or SNiP. A schedule of equipment checks is drawn up, all the necessary measures to maintain all elements in working condition are manufactured. The complexity is that the system does not work constantly, the idle equipment has a high probability of failure. The responsibility of the complex is large, savings on service, control events are unacceptable.

Smoke farming systems are often more importantly Fire extinguishing, because even with a small focus of burning, not threatening any material values \u200b\u200bor people, the magnitude of smoke can be critical and entail difficulties in the implementation of fire extinguishing measures or even human sacrifices. Poisoning products of combustion causes panic, disorientation, when a person does not understand, in which direction he should run. Responsibility is high and requires an appropriate attitude from leadership and personnel.

How the smoke valve works

Recently, you can hear a lot of discussion about the possibility of installing mounted 2-contour boilers in apartments. multi-storey housesboth existing and new buildings. The advantages of such heat supply are evident - individuality in everything: in the choice of boiler, in temperature hot water and heating, in calculating gas, independence from neighbors and thermal networks. But there are both restrictions on their installation, especially for existing homes.

So, the main problem is the supply of boilers with gas, since initially a gas supply system was designed in homes, calculated only on gas stoves. Returning the house gas pipeline can be the efforts of the tenants themselves. This problem is solved, although it is difficult to organize from the point of view of the abilities of each of the tenants. To shift the gas pipeline is also relatively not difficult: all pipes of the gas pipeline are packed outside, and the intersection with the walls is performed in the sleeves. So the design is not very spoiled.

Another thing is to remove combustion products from boilers. A number of difficulties arise here, which in some cases is almost impossible in some cases. For example, for boilers with an open combustion chamber in kitchens of existing high-rise buildings, an individual chimney and air flow for combustion of gas is not provided. And on boilers with closed chamber Combustion I. coaxial chimney (For a separate chimney, nothing is also provided), that is, in the emission of combustion products through outdoor wall In the kitchen, the neighbors complain. And there is from what: the neighbors from above get a good portion flue gases, Neighbors from below - dripping condensate in winter, and if someone dries underwear, then it will be tasty smeared with smoke gases. Thus, a limited number of supplies qualitative warmth existing high-rise buildings:

· Replacing existing speakers or boilers, if they were, new;
· Installation of house thermal items with quarter heat meters;
· Electric boiler and boiler, if allowed intramaneal power grids and personal finance;
For new buildings there will be no problems if we all foresee and design. Next we look at all possible options smoke removal from hinged boilers like with atmospheric burnerand with fan.
There are several options for the supply of air to the boiler for the combustion process and removal from the flue gas boiler. When choosing one of them, it is necessary to take into account the performance of the boiler, the safety of tenants and all existing regulatory requirements.

The optimal solution for the consumer preparation of heat in new multi-storey houses is the installation of boilers with an open combustion chamber, since in the built-in brick chimneys The kitchen creates a good natural thrust for smoke removal (except for the 9th floor, if there is no technology). In this case, the influx of air into the kitchen should be ensured, taking into account the needs of the boiler. I must say that in many projects there is still no influx of air in residential buildings, and the phrase is written "The inflow is unorganized, through lootability in the windows and doors." With modern hermetic glass packages there are no looseness, and through the outer doors, it is unlikely that tenants will delight the influx of outdoor air in the amount of 3-fold air exchange for the kitchen (with gas stoves) and 2 times - for bathrooms. The ideal solution For the tributary is a hole under the kitchen window, behind the radiator with which it is heated in winter. Kitchen is production room With gas and water, so the supply hole in it is simply necessary. And the question is resolved.

If there is a task to eliminate the air intake for burning from the room, it is possible to install boilers with a closed combustion chamber and a fan. But here it is necessary to provide a number of events. The fact is that the operation of the fan in such boilers is controlled by a differential press service, which will include the fan only when the pressure drop between the nozzles of air intake and the flue gases will turn out to be in the range of 52 - 62 Pa. This is done for the safety of the smoke removal system, since if the pressure drop on the pressure and suction nozzles will not be provided, it may negatively affect the operation of the fan and, as a result, on the entire smoke removal system and supplying air to combustion.

Below are possible solutions for smoke removal for boilers with a closed combustion chamber. According to the principle of operation, they can be divided into two types: coaxial chimney and separate chimney. The best of these two is coaxial, since the trim air is heated of the flowing flue gases, which necessarily affects the efficiency of the boiler (efficiency - 92%) and on environmental indicators (NOX - Class 3). The installation of such a chimney can be performed in two ways:

* output coaxial pipe (MAX - 3 m), immediately for the outer wall of the room, in which the boiler is installed (Fig. 1);
* Connecting a coaxial pipe to coaxial chimney built into inner wall Buildings (Fig. 2). Such chimney for our case is suitable only for the 9th floor, as it has a height limit (max - 5 m), due to the power of the fan.

Fig. 1 version of smoke removal C12

Fig. 2 options for smoke removal C42

Smaller chimney is less effective. In private houses, it is applied less often, since, according to DBN B.2.5.20-2001 "Gas supply", the room in which the boiler is installed must have an outer wall, and in it the window. Once there is an outer wall, it is easier to establish a coaxial chimney, without departing from the box office.

In multi-storey residential buildings, as mentioned above, the emission of combustion products next to neighboring windows is undesirable. It is recommended to use one of two possible methods:
· Air fence for outdoor wall, and the emission of combustion products - into the built-in chimney (Fig. 3);
· Air fence from the built-in ventkane and the emission of combustion products - in the built-in chimney (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3 Options of smoke removal C82

Fig. 4 variant of smoke removal C42

If preference is given exactly the C82 variant, then it is impossible to not pay attention to the height of the chimney, since in addition to the pressure loss in length and from local resistances, There is a natural thrust formed in chimney due to the difference in density and air temperature at various heights from the ground level. The performance of such a chimney must be carefully calculated in order for the pressure drop in the differential press service to get into the operating range, otherwise the boiler will not turn on. Obviously, calculate the loss of pressure in the chimney with an accuracy of 1 pa (0.1 mm of water. Art.) It is quite difficult and the likelihood that the calculation conditions will coincide with the actually constructed chimney far from 100%. To do this, many manufacturers of mounted boilers offer special diaphragms as an additional option, the installation of which, depending on the chimney configuration, will allow the press transit to get the necessary pressure drop and turn on the boiler.

With version C42, the natural traction is excluded, since the air flow and the emission of smoke is carried out from one height - the roof. Here only there are pressure losses along the length of the chimney and from local resistances (shaped parts). At the same time, the maximum allowable height of the air ducts is reduced due to increased resistance. This case is similar to the embodiment with the integrated coaxial chimney (option C42), and for 9 floor house such chimney It can only be installed on 8-9 floors due to limited fan power. At lower floors, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the chimney to reduce its resistance, or increase the power of the fan.

With a separate chimney, an increase in the fan power will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler, since the air exchange in the boiler, and, consequently, the consumption of combustion products will increase, and together with them will be thrown into the atmosphere large quantity Heat.

Summing up our arguments, we concluded that to meet the warmth of the heat of the tenants of new multi-storey houses, without prejudice to the surrounding, it is possible to install both boilers with an open combustion chamber and "turbo" boilers. Moreover, for each type of boiler, only one version of the solution of air supply to the boiler and the removal of combustion products is acceptable. But, in the same case, without an additional chimney in the kitchen can not do. And if the kitchen also extract from gas stove It is provided, then on each such kitchen we get three channels in the wall: one ventilation and two chims. Word behind constructors.

There is one more option of considerable heat supply both in existing high-rise buildings and in new buildings - these are condensate boilers with coaxial chimney in the outer wall of the kitchen. As you know, their environmental indicators meet the most stringent international standards, and the temperature of the flue gases is less than 50 ° C. It is unlikely that the neighbors will feel something, even with open windows. The possibility of installation in existing high-rise buildings, along with their effectiveness and environmental friendliness, is another factor justifying the unusual cost of condensate technology.

According to the site

Separate smoke system involves division into two separate channels - flue gases and air intake for combustion. The system combines two types of elements - single and double-dry insulated chimneys.


The separation system of smoke removal is used to supply air to burning and removing flue gases from household gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber, where the temperature of the flue gases does not exceed
200 Co. Installation allowed permission or overpressure up to 200 pa. The most popular area
Applications - Apartment buildings with individual (quarter) heating.

All in contact with flue gases The elements of the system are made of high-quality, resistant to corrosion of the AW-6060 and AB-46100 aluminum brand by extrusion or casting, and seamless. The elements of the system are manufactured with a thickness of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm., Circular cross section. Variants of diameters 60, 80 and 100 mm. FROM outside chimney elements painted in white color (9016 RAL catalog).

The insulated elements of the separation system of smoke removal Conti are coated with Foniteck insulation layer, 8 mm thick., Based on melamine resin. An external, coating layer is made of aluminum and also painted in white. Applied in conditions low temperatures, P. outdoor installation chimney and / or air duct. Insulated chimneys can be installed both inside and outside the building on the outer wall.

The elements of the separation system can be used in conjunction with the elements of the coaxial system. Own and external control of production by an independent test institution guarantee constant compliance with high product quality standards.

During the design, local and federal construction standards and rules should be observed, as well as the rules for installing gas-wide equipment.

The chimney should provide a complete removal of flue gases from the boiler into the atmosphere, and the air duct is the supply of the required amount of air to burning gas. The air fence should be made directly outside the building.

Calculation of smoke removal system

The calculation of the separation system of smoke removal should be determined taking into account local conditions, the characteristics of the boiler and the geometry of the chimney. The calculation is reduced to checking conditions for pressure and temperature. The pressure condition is that the incidence of chimney inlet, under all weather conditions and on all modes of the boiler operation, should be sufficient to overcome the resistance of the boiler, chimney and ensure the inflow of air for combustion. The temperature condition limits the minimum temperature internal surface chimney. It should not exceed 0 ° C. Not execution of this condition during the period negative temperatureswill lead to the frost of condensate inside the chimney, narrowing the working section and the possible emergency stopping of the boiler. Confirmation that the minimum temperature of the inner surface of the chimney exceeds the temperature of the point of dew water vapor in combustion products is not required, since All elements of CONTI chimneys are made of moisture-resistant materials providing maximum corrosion resistance.

Schemes of separate smoke removal

Horizontal output through the outer wall (chimney).

The chimney is removed horizontally, through the outer wall, without installing the chimney. The air duct is also displayed horizontally through the outer wall. You can apply standard kits.

Vertical conclusion through the roof.

The chimney is removed vertically, through the roof. When passing through the roof, a vertical terminal is installed. The air duct is derived horizontally through the outer wall.

Application: Individual houses.

Vertikalnyth conclusionon wall.

Chimney is excreted vertically on the outer wall. At the same time, for the installation of the chimney, it is necessary to use insulated elements of the separation system of smoke removal. The air duct is derived horizontally through the outer wall.

Application: Individual houses. the collective chimney (with an individual duct).

The chimney is connected to the collective chimney in the mine. The air duct from each boiler is displayed horizontally through the outer wall.

Connection to collective chimney (with a collective air duct).

The chimney is connected to the collective chimney in the mine. The air duct is connected to collective ventilation.

Application: Apartment houses.

Multichannel chimney (with an individual duct).

An individual chimney from each boiler is displayed vertically up in a shared mine. The air duct from each boiler is displayed horizontally through the outer wall.

Application: Apartment houses.

Multichannel chimney (with a collective air duct).

An individual chimney from each boiler is displayed vertically up in a shared mine. The air duct is connected to collective ventilation.

Application: Apartment houses.

Multichannel chimney (with the connection of the duct to the chimney mine).

An individual chimney from each boiler is displayed vertically up in a shared mine. The air duct connects to the same mine (the air fence is carried out from the free space in the mine).

Application: Apartment houses.

Chimney (vertical section)

Chimney is a vertical channel for creating thrust and removal of flue gases from the boiler and chimney up to the atmosphere. The chimney must have a vertical direction and not to have narrowings. It is forbidden to remove chimney through residential premises. The nodes of butt compounds of chimneys should be located outside the design of the overlap at distances that ensure the convenience of their installation, maintenance and repair. In the lower part of the chimney there must be condensate collectors and a device for cleaning and revision.

When installing chimneys in the mine, it is necessary to take into account the following minimum dimensions:

Minimum indents to combustible materials

The minimum indent to combustible materials for single chimneys is 50 mm, for warmed - 0 mm.

Vertical chimney terminal

When removing the chimney vertically, above the roof, the following distances must be observed:

In all cases, the height of the chimney

above the adjacent part of the roof should be

not less than 0.5 m, and for homes with flat roof - not less than 2.0 m.

Chimney (horizontal section)

The chimney is a horizontal channel for removal of flue gases from the boiler to a chimney or out through the wall of the building. Installing the chimney through the outer wall of the building, without using the vertical chimney, is possible only in individual houses.

When designing the chimney, try to minimize its length. It is advisable to use no more than 3 turns by 90 °. If you need to control the flue gases and the condensate removal in the chimney, the corresponding elements are provided.

Horizontal smoke terminal

When installing a horizontal terminal, you must observe the following distances:


Air duct - canal for air supply to the boiler. The air duct is displayed in the shaft (Ventkanal) or through the wall. In the latter case, depending on climatic zoneit is possible to use warmed CONTI elements to avoid the formation of condensate during low temperatures external surface Air duct pipe.

Similar to chim response, try to minimize its length. It is advisable to use no more than 3 turns by 90 °. The end element of the duct must be equipped with a tip to protect against garbage and birds.

Condensate removal

During the operation of the smoke removal system, condensate is possible on the inner wall of the chimney. At the same time, it is very important to avoid condensate into the work area of \u200b\u200bthe boiler, because This in turn can lead to the destruction of its active elements. To remove condensate, it is necessary to provide installation of condensate collector. Condensate collector is allowed not to be installed in cases where confirmation was obtained that the temperature of the inner surface of the chimney wall in the mouth will be higher than the temperature of the dew point.

Further condensate removal is allowed to be carried out in the sewer under the condition of its dilution.
in proportion 1:25, if the total boiler power does not exceed 260 kW. In other cases, its neutralization is required before draining the sewage.

General provisions

Before installing, make sure the integrity of the packaging and the availability of sealing rings. The system elements should be stored in the original packaging, be protected from contamination and moisture. Use tools suitable for aluminum. After installation, next to the combination of smoke and chimney, be sure to set the plate indicating the type of chimney system.

Connection of elements

The elements of the separation system of smoke removal are connected into the socket using sealing rings. In this case, the parts must be set in such a way that the fool is focused on the direction of the combustion product flow. Sealing rings are inserted into the special groove of the termination immediately before installation. When docking the elements is allowed for better slipUse silicone spray.

  • Consistently dropped the collected barrel into the channel, supplement it with pipes to docking with a tee.
  • Fix the barrel of clamps for fastening to the wall, setting them with an interval of 2-3 m.
  • In the wall of the mine, at the installation site of the revision, mount the mine door.
  • At the mouth of the chimney set the tip.
  • Installation of chimney and air duct should be started with the boiler adapter. Adapters are two types: single-block and double-band. Single block are mounted directly on the coaxial pipe of the boiler. When installing double-block adapters, an additional hole of the boiler for the air duct will use.

    Next, depending on the geometry of the installation, sequentially install pipes and knee of the desired size. If necessary, install an element for the control of flue gases and condensate collector. These two elements are installed, as a rule, closer to the smoke nozzle of the boiler.

    Changing the length of direct elements (pipes)

    Direct elements (pipes) of the separation system of smoke derivation of Conti can have a length of 6000, 2000, 1000, 500 and 250 mm. When installing, if necessary, the length of the pipe can be changed. To do this, using a plumbing tool, cut off unnecessary part Strictly from the smooth insert, i.e. The skin must remain not touched.

    It is necessary to cut off the socket only on the end element of the chimney and the air duct when installing the tips.

    Attention! Procheate the insulated elements of the separation system of the Conti is prohibited.

    Final instructions

    The separation system of smoke derivation of Conti is designed and tested, taking into account the requirements for gas containers, corrosion resistance and ease of use. For installation, only the original CONTI elements can be used, taking into account the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. Elements of the system must be protected from sparks, pollution and contact with less high-quality material.

    Virtual particles are abstraction that occurs in the formalism of perturbative quantum field theory.
    It turned out that directly solving the equations of a quantum field, which interacts with another quantum field is usually very difficult. Therefore, people invented such an approach, called perturbative quantum field theory. In the physics of particles (on the same collider), we usually at first, some particles are flying from afar (where their interaction with each other is not enough), somehow interact, and then they will fly away far (where their interaction is not enough). Therefore, people decided that such a process can be described by taking as a basis the theory of free, non-interacting particles (such a theory is easily solved), and then the interaction as small indignation into such a theory as a small perturbation. That is, mathematically decompose the full theory in a row along the connection constant (the characteristic describing the interaction, such as a permanent structure, for example) in the vicinity of free theory. This approach is called the theory of perturbations, or perturbative quantum field theory.

    It turned out that when you do this, then it turns out a very visual picture, then you see in the description of the question. The processes of the interaction of particles in each manner are described as the amount of diagrams, where elementary interactions are in the vertices (which we enter the order of order), and the perturbation (particles) of the free quantum field, but a bit of another kind of conventional particles, fly between these vertices, They differ in that they do not always have E_0 \u003d Mc ^ 2 (or that more correctly e ^ 2 - p ^ 2 C ^ 2 \u003d m ^ 2 C ^ 4). Such internal particles cannot fly out from the diagram, and they are called virtual. In order to, respectively, to get an accurate answer in such a formulation of the issue, it is necessary to sum up all possible charts with all possible quantities that are suitable for the desired process. Really, it is enough to take the amount of a small number of diagrams that make the greatest contribution.
    Since the picture turned out to be very clear, people began to say that the interaction of real particles is their sharing virtual, and generally overstay any process within these most virtual particles.
    Such a picture of law is only half, it is the right in the fact that the scattering of particles is carried out by means of complex interactions of quantum fields with each other. But the virtual particles themselves are not physics, it is a technique for calculating certain quantities. The dignity of her is that it works in very big number Cases. There are other less universal technicians, where there are no virtual particles, for example, a bootstrap. There are cases where this technique is not applicable, for example, when the connection constant is too large or there are all sorts of effects that are not fundamentally falling under the theory of perturbations, for example, instantons. The easiest example of a process where the description through virtual particles does not work is the Schwinger Effect, the birth of electron-positron pairs in a strong electric field.
    Answering specifically to your question, we do not observe a fluctuating vacuum, we see what will be if there is some particles in a vacuum or put some objects. In some cases, it makes sense to describe such processes within the framework of the theory of perturbations, then a clear process can be represented as the fact that the real particles interact with some virtual, which have arisen from vacuum. But since, in essence, the essence of the essence of the elements are not even theory, but the technicians of the calculation of physical quantities in the quantum field theory, I do not think that the question of how many virtual particles is born in vacuum per unit of time it makes sense.

    And he is not explained by virtual particles. Take a harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics, it has energy levels, there is a basic condition and excited. If you draw an analogy with quantum field theory, then the main state is a vacuum, and excited states are the states of the quantum field with some number of particles. So, the effect of Casimir arises exclusively due to the peculiarities of the vacuum condition. The vacuum condition in the gap between the two plates differs from the vacuum state outside them. As in the case of light between two plates, it should form standing waves, also in case and with photons between two plates, they must have certain wave numbers. Also with zero modes, vacuum modes in the interval between the plates are less than outside. Because of this difference there is an effect of Casimir. Vacuum modes do not have virtual particles, they do not interact anything about themselves, do not dissipate anything.
    What I said is that virtual particles is an abstraction, it does not mean that the quantum field is something very simple, and there can not be strange effects. I want to add that I do not speak now something shockingly new, all this is in any textbook on quantum field theory, it is simply different from the fact that in the end it turns out in popular sources.

    Effective I. safe work boiler heat units depends on the competent installation of systems air supply and removal of combustion products. When choosing smoke removal systems For the heat generating unit, the calculation is made regarding technical characteristics boiler installation. There are several ways to organize air supply to the combustion chamber and removal of combustion products:

    • for open-type combustion chamber equipment is traditional chimney (natural traction);
    • for installations with a closed chamber, coaxial or separate chimneys are used.

    Selection of smoke removal systems for heating boiler with open-type combustion chamber

    The area and shape of the cross section of the chimney, its height determines the amount of discharge - thrust, which occurs in the pipe due to the difference in temperature and pressure. The higher the chimney, the bigger the traction will be. And, in turn, the deterioration of the thrust may occur due to:

    • insufficient height of the chimney;
    • poor thermal insulation of chimney;
    • lack of air in the combustion chamber, etc.

    The main requirements for chim response is:

    • tightness;
    • fire resistance;
    • corrosion resistance;
    • the ability to withstand multiple temperature differences;
    • easy installation.

    The most popular option for organizing smokers for heating equipment Private households are steel stainless steel structures.

    Selection of the smoke-feeding system for boiler parts with a closed combustion chamber

    Depending on the design heating system from closed type Combustion chambers use one of the following options for air supplies and tap combustion products:

    • coaxial pipelines, air supply in which is carried out on an external pipe, and the removal of smoke and gas - along the inner tube.
    • separate pipelines: air supply and branch of combustion products are carried out in various pipes.

    Selection of smoke farming systems for a gas condensation heating boiler

    When organizing chimneys for condensation heating boilers (design), smoking pipes are made of sustainable plastic.

    Regulatory requirements for the design of chimneys

    When organizing the heating system, in particular, the device air supplies and the discharge of combustion products These activities are carried out taking into account the requirements of a number of regulatory documents:

    • DBN B.2.5-20-2001 "Gas supply";
    • SNiP ("boiler installations. Design standards", "Heating, ventilation, air conditioning");
    • DSTU ("Chimneys. Methods of heat engineering and aerodynamic calculations", "Heat supply of residential buildings with heat generators on gas fuel with a closed combustion chamber ")

    Classification of smoke systems

    According to international Classification There are several types of chimney systems that have the designation B22-23, C12-82, etc. In the smoke removal systems, the air to ensure combustion is taken from the boiler room, and the combustion products are derived outward. In the smoke systems "C" the air is closed outside and the smoke is output. The numbers define the type of camera.

    For the correct choice of the smoke system, take into account:

    • type of heating unit;
    • technical characteristics of the thermal installation;
    • type of air supply system and removal of combustion products and other parameters.