How to attach furniture with a film. Required tool and material

Serves as a special place apartment. In the kitchen, the hostess prepare food, they are going to all their family, discuss household moments And resting for a cup of coffee. But the moment comes when a person has a desire to change something, refresh the repair or give the old kitchen headset a new color.

But not everyone has the opportunity to acquire a new one. Therefore, "update" kitchen furniture is possible with the help of new decorating techniques called decoupage.

Decoupage is done using such materials:

Any firm materials are used to decorate furniture and space. Allows you to transform the kitchen, change the stylistics of the interior, add diversion in the design and refresh the kitchen. How to update your own hands? We find out by reading the article.

Replacing the facades and the door as one of the options for updating the kitchen headset with their own hands

Refresh kitchen set You can use replacement. The facades are called doors, lockers and all accessories associated with them. on old, you give the kitchen new appearancewhich will not allow you to distinguish the old kitchen headset from the changed.

In order to update the old cabinet with their own hands, it will be initially necessary to remove the doors from it, unscrew the kitchen handles from the loops. Next, put new facades to the places of the previous one. New facade parts are sold in a ready-made form or ordered to order. It all depends on the wishes of the hostess and sizes of the kitchen.

It is better to acquire processed parts. When buying raw facades, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time on their stripping and painting.

The replacement of facades is mainly produced in the case when they have broken.

If the old facades are in the "working" state, then the update technique is used to update them with the help of sweater.

Decoupage with their own hands at home is created with the help of sweater materials. Common decouphage is paper, paint and vinyl film.

Vinyl self-adhesive finish: Updating the old headset and countertops under marble and not only

Update kitchen even a person who does not have skills in decoupage. The main thing is that you need to update the kitchen set self-adhesive film - a wish. Initially, the color and drawing are selected, similar to the stylistics with the interior of the room. Self-adhesive film is sold in building stores at an affordable price. Therefore, the cuisine will not incur more significant cash costs.

The self-adhesive film is made of vinyl. This material is moisture-resistant, protects furniture from water and hot temperatures, as a result of which the service life of furniture increases. Assortment of drawings, ornaments and colors is diverse. You can choose a film with a pattern of stone, wood or just an ornament. It all depends on the wishes of the hostess and in common. The choice is another plus of self-adhesive film.

Such materials are prepared for decorating:

    Vinyl film for pasting furniture.

  • Centimeter.

  • Building scraper.

To preliminarily predefined furniture or a centimeter. For the convenience, the facades are removed and removed from the cabinets.

To update the kitchen headset, all surfaces are prepared according to the next step-by-step instructions:

  1. SO shot of doors Twisted handles.
  2. All surfaces are washed with a weak soap solution, after which they wipe dry.

In order for the decoupage of the old furniture with their own hands, it seems exquisitely and neatly, the surface must be smooth.

The measurements are removed very accurately, because then the measurements will have to cut the film, and in case of an error it will not completely cover the surface. After measurements, the film is cut for furniture pasting. In order to enclose the kitchen set by self-adhesive film after "cutting" a sheet of films apply to the decoration element for checking. If the sizes match, the color self-adhesive film is applied with a pattern up. To update the old kitchen headset with your own hands with the help of a vinyl film, we smoothly we join the lower adhesive tape and glue the sliced \u200b\u200bfragment in parts. Do not immediately try to glue the entire sheet. Air will fall under the vinyl material, and the drawing will take "bubbles". It is not aesthetic and spoils the entire appearance. Therefore, we glue slowly.

In the course of gluing, we spill the surface with a scraper in order to avoid the formation of bubbles. If nevertheless they appear, you do not need to handit off the drawing and start everything from the beginning. To eliminate the "bubble", it is enough to pierce it with a thin needle.

Decoupage takes no more than three hours of work. If fragments were crooked - they will have to be ripened and glued again.

When gluing on the glass, the surface is preventing with detergents. It is harder to glue the glass, so it is better to choose glass surfaces without patterns. So the drawing will fall smoothly.

Paint decoration: Decoupage secrets on a tree

In the absence of a film, you can use the paint. The paint update takes longer, but it also looks very original.

Kitchen headset will need such accessories for decoupage:

  1. Smallozing sandpaper.

Decoupage of kitchen furniture with paint involves staining parts headset in monophonic or multi-colored colors. It is not necessary to paint the entire surface, it can be done partially.

Do you want to update the old cabinet, furniture or interior in the apartment? It is self-adhesive film that will embody your goal in reality! Undoubtedly this a budget option You will have to do with the soul. Doors, chaul with ease, you can make the wood effect, and decorate the cabinet with fashionable patterns. With the help of a self-adhesive film, glass products can be improved. Read on, and you will learn all the secrets about this wonderful material, how to decorate your favorite interior items, how to properly glue a self-adhesive film on the furniture so that there are no bloats and irregularities.

What is self-keeper?

Self-adhesive film is a vinyl or plastic film with decorative decoration (Color, pattern, texture) on one side and adhesive layer on the other. The glossy paper base protects the glue layer from dust and damage until its use. After cutting paper surface It is removed, and the film is transferred to the desired surface.

Self-adhesive film is capable of incarnating any design solutions And create good protection for any interior items. It is universal, and also has easily more than several advantages:

  • Good reaction to environmental impact.
  • Large service life.
  • Large spectrum of expensive color reproduction effects.
  • Excellent contact with any type of foundation.
  • Good moisture resistance.
  • Easy and ease of care.

Below we will consider the types of such material, how to glim the self-adhesive film on the furniture.

Types of film based on material underlying

  • Polyvinyl chloride.
  • Polyester.
  • Propylene.

These materials are sufficiently available, reliable and safe. Paper, natural and synthetic fabrics are also used to produce a film.

Types of film in structure

According to the structure of the canvas, these types of film distinguish:

  • Single-layer. This material includes multicomponent mixtures that include polyvinyl chloride resin and various plasticizers. As auxiliary substances also use stabilizers and pigments. Next, all substances are mixed into a homogeneous mass, which, in turn, is formed into the film.

Important! Physico-chemical properties and film rigidity directly depend on the type of plasticizers added.

  • Two-layer. Two separate canvases, the basis and cover are manufactured for the production of two-layer coatings. For the base, fabric or paper is most often used, and for coating - polyvinyl chloride resin. For manufacture use various methods molding. As a result, more plastic canvas are obtained, which facilitates convenience in applying them.

Important! Specifications Such materials are somewhat lower than the single-layer film.

By the type of surfaces of the canvas

The attractiveness of the decorated surface and its combination with the rest of the interior items directly depends on the quality and type of surface of the self-adhesive film. Distinguish the following types:

  • Glossy - relevant for darkened rooms.
  • Matte - perfectly harmonizes with a room where a lot of light.
  • Mirror - suitable for any premises, including bathroom.
  • Transparent - used for decoration of glass surfaces.
  • Holographic - for any surfaces to create an original effect.

Decorative film features

The current market is provided wide selection self-adhesive films different surfaces. The range allows you to accurately select the desired coating to solve the task. So, all self-adhesive films are divided into two versions.


The standard option is present in a monophonic version of various color palette and includes such types of imitation:

  • Imitation valuable breeds Woods.
  • Imitation under the stone.
  • Ceramic tile.
  • The cloth.
  • Canvas.
  • Tapestry.
  • Children's scenes.

Special purpose

  • Under velor.
  • Gold, metallic, silver.
  • Imitation of cork cloth.
  • Dense films for furniture, countertops, window sills.

Methods for using self-adhesive film

It is often used by such material in design, construction, as well as for outdoor and internal advertising. We can say that absolutely any items can be decorated with self-adhesive film.

Film for work surfaces

With constant load and frequent use, basic work surfaces may fail. This concerns kitchen tables, countertops, as well as furniture in the office.

Important! The tightening of the film will allow to avoid rapid damage, which is marked by the profitability of the material.

Self-adhesive film for furniture

Furniture pasting with their own hands - a rather interesting process:

  • Using film coating, you can give the solidity of the room using the texture natural wood or stone.
  • Film with fabric imitation is suitable for a more modern target direction.
  • You can safely use a film under velor, which will add some charm and coziness to the room.

Film for children's room

To create a decorative coating of walls with children's drawings, such a material is perfect. At the same time, at the request of the child, it can be easily changed on any like drawing.

Important! We want to note that the drawing film will help the child in development without prejudice to the interior. It can be drawn, washing previous drawings. A good idea, is not it?

Film for bathroom

A self-adhesive film is perfect for the walls of the walls, since the material is moisture-resistant and prevents the formation of mold.

Important! If you use a mirror cloth, you can visually expand the space of the bathroom.

Film for doors

Application in this spectrum is widely used to give an expensive effect, as well as in order to benefit:

  • Such a coating can protect the surface from moisture, which is extremely important for wood doors.
  • Also, such a canvas is protecting scratches and cracks.
  • Shades of such coatings are diverse, which will allow you to perfectly harmonize with the rest of the range of rooms.

Important! Self door leaf You can close the film imitating wood, and glass is transparent, with the effect of broken glass.

Self-adhesive film for windows

Such material is mainly used to protect against sun ray in room. The canvas of varying degrees of tinting will greatly cope with this problem.

To protect the windowsill from crumbling, a dense film with a protective coating is often used, thereby protecting itself from unplanned expenses. Also film is also used in production window profiles. The most common option is imitation of natural wood. As a result, it looks expensive and very affordable in the cash equivalent.

Glass Film

Application of the self-adhesive film will allow protecting fragile surfaces from chipping or complete destruction, as well as increase their resistance to shocks. For door inserts and countertops use a film with a stained glass pattern.

Important! Such a film can safely use both fragments and to create unusual and attractive patterns on the surface according to the individual idea.

Technology of applying self-adhesive film for furniture

Apply such a material on any surface is simple enough. You do not need specialists, so you can easily make this simple process. We will reveal all the subtleties, how to glue a self-adhesive film on the furniture.

How to shove a self-adhesive film on the furniture?

So, to stick the film, do the following:

  • Prepare the surface, clearing it from various contaminants, if necessary, cover with a primer or varnish.
  • Cut the film strips or figure items of the desired size.

Important! If you have the opportunity, it is better to take a canvas with a small margin, to avoid lack of material.

  • Next, it is necessary to remove the bottom protective layer, rolling the film over the surface, while pulling slightly.

Important! The irregularity of the film application can be corrected immediately after applying.

To obtain a qualitative result, we will introduce you to the basic recommendations for each process:

  1. For processing glass surfaces, use a combination of water with a detergent for washing dishes. This will remove dust and degrease this surface.
  2. If a wooden surface without varnishing, before applying to coat the base of the primer.
  3. When gluing the film, it is necessary to smooth the surface, which will eliminate the swolves under the film itself.
  4. When finishing the walls, use glue for wallpaper to fix the self-adhesive film for a long time.
  5. If you need to go round the corners, before applying, you need to warm the canvas with a hairdryer to make it more plastic.

Now you know how to punish a self-adhesive film for furniture for quite a short time.

How to kill a wardrobe with self-adhesive film?

Self-adhesive film will help in the restoration of your old cabinet. You can say, give him a second life. How to enclose the closet self-adhesive film quickly, efficiently and stay with a satisfied end result?

Despite the simplicity, this work has a number of features. You need attention, accuracy and patience.

To work, we will need:

  • Adhesive tape.
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • A sharp knife.
  • Roller or rocket to smooth film.
  • Primer, putty, as well as sandpaper - for stripping the surface.

Here are the main advice to apply a self-adhesive film to your beloved, but an old cabinet:

  • If there are grilled sections of the cabinet, they need to be laundered. After that, wash and dry all the details.

Important! We do not recommend scraping the old cabinet coating by sandpaper, since when sticking the film in cracks will remain air. If the old coating peel or crept, naturally, it will have to be removed.

  • Choosing a wardrobe film, preference is better to give a thinner structure. This will provide ease in its application, as well as a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

Important! The choice of color is behind the owner of the room itself, because only he is the creator of his space. Variants Most: Unsutament Classic, Abstraction, Positive Children's Drawings. We want to pay attention to the fact that the film of light tones is quickly contaminated, and the dark is more durable. Therefore, dark shades will be as impossible by the way.

  • Before applying the film, it is advisable to disassemble the cabinet if there is such an opportunity. This will allow the film to close all the surfaces and joints that will hide the color of the former coating.

Important! If there are knobs, shelves in the design, then they should also be removed, and then fasten into place.

  • It is necessary to glue the film immediately smoothly, otherwise there may be a skew, and then, pressing to the part and rubbing a soft cloth to squeeze bubbles, it will be difficult to fix something.

Important! Ploying the cabinet, it is necessary to separate the film from the substrate gradually, two or three centimeters.

  • It is completely worth tightening the film of the hole for the handles, bolts, shelves. It can easily pierce or cut through after the completion of work. You can install new handles and locks, thereby adding novelty to your favorite closet.

Now you know how to enclose the cabinet with a self-adhesive film. It does not take much time, and the end effect will delight you and your guests.

How to enclose the wardrobe with wallpaper?

After repair, you have remained wallpaper that sorry to throw away? We will tell you how to use them in your interior. You can enclose with an old cabinet, thereby radically improving its appearance. You will immediately kill two hares with one shot, reagreeing slightly rubbed furniture. For such a process, no special skills need, and how to do it - we will tell now.

You probably heard that wallpaper decorate various interior items. Products get a second life, thereby prolong the life of its operation:

Important! We want to note that such canvases have a significant relief and frequent pattern, which will help to hide defects on the surface of imperfect furniture.

  • If you have left paper wallpaper, then, be sure after pasting you need to apply a couple of lacquer layers, which will give some gloss and protect the canvas from moisture.

We collect the necessary materials

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare such tools and materials:

  • Emery paper - to prepare the surface of pasting.
  • Rule, roulette, corner - for measurement.
  • Pen, pencil, marker - for lines and boundaries.
  • Knife, scissors - for cutting wallpaper.
  • Primer and putting on a tree - to prepare the surface to the sticker.
  • Roller, brush, spatula - for applying the compositions.
  • Ragged for smoothing and removing glue.
  • Glue for wallpaper or plow glue.

As you can see, the list is large enough, but the final result is worth it. Include your creative fantasy by adding the author's lept, the only one of its kind.

We begin preparatory work

Before you have a closet with wallpaper, it is necessary to make a surface suitable for such a process. Therefore, it is necessary to draw the following actions:

  • First of all, it is necessary to disassemble the cabinet, remove all the fittings from it.
  • The next stage you need to sand this surface, thereby remove the entire layer of varnish from it. Empty paper will help, but it will take quite a lot of time and effort.

Important! You can put on a shurtpers drill or a barrage a certain nozzle and then go through the surface. Remove the lacquer will help and construction Fen. To do this, it is necessary to heat the surface and a spatula to remove the former protective layer. After that, it is necessary to launch the surface. If your furniture is not processed with anything, we recommend using the skin with a zero, for the effect of roughness.

  • At the next stage, we remove all dust from the sandpaper and give furniture a little rest.

Important! Place the wardrobe is necessary if there are irregularities and surface defects. By the way, relief wallpapers are able to hide small irregularities. Deep defects will have to equalize with a putty using several layers.

  • You probably know that after drying the putty, these places need to be counted them with the overall surface of the cabinet. To help come, of course, sandpaper.
  • For the best hitch with wallpaper, it remains only to brand this surface.

These preparatory work will undoubtedly help you to stick the wallpaper to your cabinet qualitatively, thereby improve the final result.


Now proceed to the closet itself. So, it takes place in several stages:

  • Before starting, it is necessary to make billets from wallpaper residues. For this, the desired surface is thoroughly measured, the dimensions are transferred to the wallpaper material. Next, cut out the patterns according to the size of the cabinet.
  • After - we wash the prepared surface with glue. When applying glue, try to gradually align the cloth to avoid bubbles and the formation of bubbles under the wallpaper themselves. Agree, it is not difficult to do it.

Important! For such work, it is better to use the construction glue PVA, as it glues the materials better, in contrast to the wallpaper.

  • We recommend using dry rags to align the web and remove excess glue.
To content

To transform the situation in the house, it is not necessary to buy new furniture at all. In this place you can update the old items by changing their appearance, for example, you can finish the finish of the old cabinet. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to have some special knowledge and skills.

Give furniture a new view using wallpaper. The only one should familiarize yourself with some nuances of work to fulfill its highest quality. Therefore, then we will look at how the closet is decorating with wallpaper.

Choice of wallpaper

The use of wallpaper is the simplest and at the same time a cheap way to decorate furniture. Possigible, material for this should be used quality, otherwise all work will be done in vain. As for the choice of color and texture, it all depends on the individual preferences and interior of the room.

If the walls are decorated in bright colors, it is desirable to pick up a wicked wallpaper brighter. In this case, the inner wall can be saved by material in the tone of the wall coating. If there is a drawing on the walls, the furniture is better to decorate one-time.

Often the furniture is covered by the same wallpaper as the walls or part as a special designer reception Interior design. Also, you can apply the canvas with a pattern for marble, wood or other material.

Interesting I. unusual solution - Use photo wallpapers on the closet. Moreover, you can buy self-adhesive web, which will significantly simplify the pasting procedure. Of course, the choice of drawing in this case depends solely on your imagination.

When choosing a material, you should think about its operational qualities. It is desirable for him to hold wet cleaning, especially if you are going to update. Ordinary paper wallpaper should not be considered as an option, as they quickly come into disrepair if they are not covered with varnish.

If the furniture has defects, it is best to use the coating saturated color With small patterns or drawings.
This will allow to hide irregularities.

In the photo - the scenery of the cabinet wallpaper

Cabinet salary

Required tools and materials

To decorate with your own hands the cabinet with the help of wallpaper, in addition to the coating itself, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • Sandpaper;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Putty knife;
  • Tree primer;
  • Putty on a tree;
  • Brush for applying glue;
  • PVA glue.

So that the furniture really looked like a new one, it is necessary to replace it with accessories - handles, locks, etc.
Even if the price of the parts is relatively high, they still make sense.
For example, modern handles completely change the perception of even the oldest furniture.


This work consists of several stages and begins with the preparation of the surface of the product to pasting.

It is performed in that order:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the entire old fittings from the cabinet, moldings, if they are available, dismantle the shelves, etc.
  • If the wardrobe is lacquered, then it is necessary to remove the layer of varnish. You can do this with the help of sandpaper. If there is a construction hairdryer, then it will be much faster with it.

In this case, the varnish is heated with a hairdryer and scrapes with a spatula. However, at shutdown, the surface will still have to sand to remove the surfaces of the coating.

If the furniture is not lacquered, it is enough just to give the surface of the mattness "walking" on it by sandpaper.

  • Then the surface must be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can wipe it with a wet sponge and dry.
  • Next, it is necessary to inspect the furniture on the subject of surface defects. All chips and cracks must be embedded with putty. If the chips or cracks are deep, then it will have to apply it in several layers.
  • After that, the sheplicated areas must be stuck in shallow emery paper.
  • In conclusion preparatory work You should apply primer and dry the surface.

On this preparation is completed, now you can save the cabinet with wallpaper.

Sticking wallpaper

Further instructions for decorating the cabinet wallpaper look like this:

  • Work should be started with the pattern of the cabinet parts on the canvas. To do this, you need to carefully measure all the items of the product and perform the relevant drawings.
  • Then the cloth must be carefully cut.
  • After all the details are ready, you can enclose the cabinet with wallpaper. To do this, the glue is applied to the surface and then the canvas are applied. The most important thing is to stick the material exactly.
  • Glued canvas need to smooth out.
  • When the product is completely saved, it is necessary to wait for the drying of the glue.
  • At shutdown, you need to install accessories and other product details..

When drying glue, it is necessary to exclude in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts.
Otherwise, the finish can be corrupted.

On this cabinet decor with wallpaper completed. As practice shows, this technology Allows you to achieve a much better result than when painting furniture. Especially if the work does not do a specialist.


Cable pasting with wallpaper requires primarily accuracy. However, as we found out, there is nothing difficult in this work. Therefore, to update the furniture under the power of each home craftsman, the main thing is to choose quality material and comply with a certain sequence of actions.

From the video in this article you can find out additional information Regarding furniture finishing with wallpaper.

Unfortunately, good furniture worth a good money.

Not all they have. Order a set of designer furniture under the kitchen or bedroom not for everyone to pocket.

How to make old furniture facades attractive?

How to completely change the appearance of the boring? How to hide small irregularities and scratches? Furniture fabric comes to the rescue. It is a simple and inexpensive way to finish, with which you can update the appearance of the furniture.

For furniture pasting, a self-adhesive film of different configuration is used.

Most often use multilayer material.

It consists of several layers - upper layer - Plastic film with a pattern, below - paper, then a layer of glue and the baseable base.

The second option is a single-layer film. It completely consists of plastic with a pattern, followed by a layer of glue and a broken substrate.

The substrate may be different. Most often used paper based on paper, sometimes - with the addition of plastic fibers. The material with the addition of fibers is better reversed, it is stronger and with it to stick the film easier.

On the substrate, usually a metric markup scale is applied - with its help you can pre-cut the film under the desired, without resorting to the measurement by a ruler or roulette. Finally, the film is usually trimmed by a scalpel, a model knife or a razor.

The adhesive composition that is used in the sticker may vary different manufacturers. It hits well with a tree, most types of plastic or paper, has some thickness that allows you to drive out "bubbles" from under the film when pasting, what will be told next.

The composition is non-desarmed - usually when water intake under the glue layer, it can lose clutch strength.

But after drying, in most cases, the strength is restored, if a complete lag occurred.

This property is used when a "wet" sticker.

The material of the top layer of the film is polyester, PVC or polypropylene.

Polypropylene is easier to glue, it is a little thicker and can smooth out the minor irregularities of the furniture facade, close minor chips and cracks on the veneer.

Sometimes it is produced in the "foamed" execution, creating a soft, pleasant surface of the film, unfortunately, is not very strong. Polyester is a thinner material, but also more durable. Casting them is characterized by increased durability and wear resistance.

It is suitable for professional pasting of a new or almost new injust-made furniture ,. An excellent option for those who just want to change something in new furniture, but I do not want to spend big funds on it.

Furniture pasting pVC film Most common. It stands around in the middle by the properties between the polypropylene and the polyester, the most versatile and on sale most often you will meet it.

Preparatory operations

The first thing to be done, starting to pasting furniture with a film with your own hands - remove all protruding parts and minor items that are possible.

Need to remove all the handles decorative elements, Moldings, unscrew metal edges, locks and latches, remove all the wires that were fixed on the surface of the furniture or the door, which is expected to be saved.

After that, the surface must be carefully cleaned from contaminants. It is best to wash it with soap, and then water.

Wipers and other alcohol based liquids can also be used. It is extremely undesirable to wash the surface with gasoline, White spirit and other synthetic solvents based on hydrocarbons with a "large" molecule.

They can leave tracks on the surface that will not be noticeable, but will react with glue and then the film will fall off. If you used them - wash water with soap.

Be careful - too a large number of Water on the surface of the door or furniture can lead to deformation or lagging layer of veneer and furniture.

After that, it will be necessary to sharpen all the small irregularities and defects of the furniture surface. Split epoxy plate on wood. Sometimes you can find acrylic woodcut on wood. It is cheaper, but much less durable.

If the repair is limited - use it. After the surface of the past, it should be sanded with a shallow sandpaper to flush with the rest of the furniture facade and clean the surface with a dry cloth to remove dust.

If you plan to use a glossy and especially mirror film - you need to align the facades so that the reflection in them is correct, without distortion.

For this purpose, the surface of each furniture facade is thoroughly checked according to the rule rule, and the surface is underpocked.

Only epoxy replacement is used - acrylic, in this case, with full leveling of the facade will lag behind, it will be more suitable for embedding scratches and chosel.

It should also be paid to the fact that all the doors in the overall furniture facade are on one straight line and hung straight. Otherwise it will be noticeable on the glossy film. Align the doors with a loop adjustment.

After the preparation is made, begin to cut the film. Conveniently every detail on the facade to mark the defined digit right on. Use a graphite pencil, not too soft - the tags will hide the film.

But the markers are better not to use - they are able to stick through the surface of the film. Also put vertical shooters to then check the direction of the glued film.

From the roll roll, the details of pasting are cut. They should be slightly more than the covered surfaces so that then you can cut the cut exactly in size. Casting details are also marked with numbers with back side On the tear-off surface - they must coincide with those put on the facades themselves.

In the presence of the picture, the shooters are noted that coincide with those that put on the details of the furniture facade. Horizontal arrows to put undesirable - they will be located opposite when the film is turned over, and you can get confused. Put.

In some cases, it is required to adjust the pattern on the individual parts of the facade - for example, when a photography sticker with one picture on two doors. Here cutting the place of the joint is made exactly along the border, and the sticker is performed with special care.

If there are plain parts to do so to close the film not only the plane of the facade, but also close the door ends in one piece - cut out just a piece of pieces so that it is guaranteed to have enough for the skewers, there is also a little stock for compensation for error.

Then make cuts around the place. After that, accurately fold all the cut parts in the order in which you are going to make pasting. It remains to take required tool And proceed to the process.

Furniture pasting is two ways. Proper pasting technology

There are two ways of pasting self-adhesive film - dry and wet.

Both methods are correct, dry - does not forgive mistakes, and wet - may not work with the film of some manufacturers that use specific adhesive.

If you apply a wet version - first try it on a small piece of self-adhesive film.

With a dry method, the film sheet is first applied to the surface of the surface, then fixed with a tape so that it hangs freely.

Check that the drawing on the film is located smoothly, as conceived, and the drawing lines were shaked with those sheets that you were stuck earlier or are going to stick. For example, the "boards" lines on the film under the tree on different doors of kitchen cabinets were parallel.

Gradually, take off the substrate and glue the film, smoothing it with a wing for wallpaper or pure foam sponge. Hurry should not be - lean the substrate small sites 10-15 cm wide, smoothly smooth the film.

So you take the entire sheet to the facade details. Check if everything is correct. If incorrectly - you have to delete everything and cut a new sheet, repeat the procedure.

The wet method differs from dry in that before gluing the field of the film to the surface of the furniture on the furniture, they jump with water from the spray. A small amount of soap is added to the water.

The fact is that water under the layer of glue allows not only to drive out "bubbles" from under the film with a wing, but even shifting the entire film a little aside if the sticker was carried out incorrectly.

It is very convenient, but a little longer and not with all kinds of film will be.

After 20-30 minutes, water is absorbed into the glue and the surface of the furniture, and the film will remain glued tightly, it will not be possible to move it.

Designer and domestic tricks - the right choice of material for work

In conclusion, I would like to give a few useful tips to help you choose the film and gently stick it, even if you do not have sufficient experience in painting:

  • Choose a film without a pattern or with no lines and directions. The most difficult thing to stick a photo film, especially if you need to docile several surfaces in one drawing. A little simpler - film with a pattern "into the cell". Even easier - drawing in the form of vertical lines. And the simplest is to glue the film with a "under granite" pattern, "under the sandstone" or other with a similar pattern.
  • Do not be lazy to spend time on. The more time to spend on preparation, the more carefully cut the blanks, or rather everything and spread out in the right order - the easier it will work. Also not be lazy to spend time on the preparation of the workplace and some money - to buy a good tool.
  • In big narrow rooms With windows on the northern side, buy a film on the furniture of light shades - salad, yellow, gray-white, blue, etc. in the room, well lit - the film of brown, gray, dark blue and similar shades.
  • If you buy a film for furniture in the kitchen - do not take white or white sections. Take some sulfur, with splashes of yellow or red spots.
  • If you are not a professional painter - do not take a glossy film and especially mirror. We spend a lot of time on high-quality pasting she, there will be many unsuccessful attempts, and it is not a fact that the result will delight the eye.
  • Do not skimp on trimming. If you're too tightly "cut" the film under the size of the furniture details, then, in case of an error, it may not be enough to completely close the facade and will have to throw out and cut over the entire sheet, or even two. In the end - no.
  • Before buying, approximately count what the piece of furniture is the largest. Buy the film of such a width so that it can close this largest item entirely, and you will not have to stick the film from several pieces, artificially masking joints. For example, when pasting the door width, 90 cm do not use the film with a width of 70 cm - take meter.
  • You can easily get a set of furniture into an empty kitchen in a new building, just bothering with hands old furnitureand then go to her film. Furniture is very cheap selling with hands - several times cheaper than in furniture store. By the way, in this way you can upgrade not only furniture in the kitchen, but also interroom
  • On the surface of the tables can be pasted special protective film.which has increased strength and wear resistance.

On the video, you can see the process of furniture wakes:

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How to Pliste Wall Cabinet: Furniture Restoration Ways

Good old furniture can be updated with their own hands. Cabinet Casting Wallpaper is the most accessible design receipt that does not require skills and attachments. I will tell O. budget ways Restoration of furniture.

The essence of the problem

Over time, the furniture loses novels, looks old-fashioned, does not fit into the interior of the room, has defects: scratches, cracks, chips. You can update the cabinet with your own hands in one day. There are ways of furniture design, even newcomer, without skills and knowledge.

The most popular reception - pasting wallpaper. Using the trimming of honeycloths, which remained after repair, you decorate the closet and update the interior. You can accumulate the wardrobe with the same canvases or component pieces different species. In any case, your furniture will become an exclusive.

Choice of wallpaper

A good result depends on the quality of wallpaper. Thin paper should not be taken - they quickly twist, they are torn and cause difficulties in the work.

Take vinyl, and better fliseline. This category has a dense, elastic foundation that can reach. Such species are convenient to trim the corners and cut the canvas.

Color, drawing and texture must be harmonized with the setting and selected individually. I offer a few examples:

  • For rooms in light colors, the cabinet is made bright or on the tone of the walls, but with a catchy pattern.
  • Colorful wall cover pattern - the cabinet is necessarily monophonic.
  • In small rooms are used by the reception of one-window. Furniture facade Made in unison with walls.
  • For kitchen cabinets, choose options for marble or wood structure.
  • Lovers of non-standard interiors use photo wallpapers.
  • Self-adhesive wallpaper greatly simplifies the work and relevant to the decor of the facades.

It is important to take into account performance. On the roll label schematically displays moisture resistance, tolerance to UV rays. Large defects, potholes on the outdoor panels manage to "hide" under the canvas with thick color, small pattern, vinyl spraying.

Cabinet salary

Any wardrobe can be decorated. Stocking applied not only on facade panels. Restoration can affect all parts that you will be periodically before your eyes: all internal space, including retractable boxes.

Decor facade, doors and side walls

If partial pasting is planned, the facade cannot be excluded. it central elementwhich constantly in sight. You can exclude updating internal boxes, side walls.

Decorative design has several options: a single coating or alternation of several materials. Many prefer to apply a bulk patchwork. Such a technique consists of alternating different wallpapers, sliced \u200b\u200bwith squares or rectangles. Ready product Pleases brightness and variety.

Color I. stylistic solutions Depend on your taste, desire and general design of the premises. Experiment with shades, contrast, drawing. In a monoton room with pastel walls, make a creative wardrobe with rainbow bright doors.

Decor of the rear wall of the rack

There is no door in the rack, through open shelves The rear wall is visible. An excellent solution will be pasting inner panel. On a beautiful background, any items mounted on the shelves will be wondering: dishes, figurines, vases, souvenirs, etc.

Decorating the rear wall of the rack, choose wallpapers, contrasting with walls. Your task is to designate and highlight the cabinet. I wonder the walls with patterns and geometric pattern.

You can use a factory monophonic fliesline or vinyl, which remains from the repair of the neighboring room. This reception connects the premises and creates a comfort.

If the rack has a sectional construction, then for each part, select different wallpapers. You will succeed large-scale imitation Patchwork sewing.

Decor inside the cabinet: boxes, walls, doors

The facade of the cabinet estimates the guest, only the owner looks into the inside, so not everyone is decorated inner space. If a good appearance is important for the interior, then the filling pleases only households.

Wallpaper you can decorate the opposite side of the door, the shelves, interior walls Cabinet, boxes. Hidden from foreign explosions of the cabinet, will create a neat look. There are no special recommendations here, it all depends on your preferences or the presence of wallpaper residues.

Some like it when the open door is bright red, someone does in tone with outdoor decoration. The predominance in the wardrobe is a monotonous thing, well will complement interior decoration With ornament or with bright flowers. For any options, two colored stripes or a small cell will suit.

Self-tech is applied only on a clean and low-fat surface (alcohol, solvent). If it turned out bubbles, they are poured with a needle and smoothed with a dry cloth.

Required tool and material

  • Rule / Roulette,
  • pencil,
  • brush / roller,
  • scissors,
  • sharp knife
  • pVA glue or bulk,
  • sandpaper,
  • putty knife,
  • wood Plotchevka,
  • primer,
  • napkin / rag,
  • wallpaper.

During the restoration of the furniture, it is advisable to change the handles, lining on the locks. it important moment in the exterior update.


First of all, handles, moldings and other fittings, located on the working surfaces, are dismantled. Free the cabinet from the filling: lingerie, shelves, boxes.

We prepare the surface under pasting - it should turn out to be smooth and matte. By wooden surface Slightly walk the eye.

If the closet is lacquered, then it needs to be cleaned from varnish. This will help sander, Second version - sandpaper and physical effort. In conclusion, remove the dust with a wet cloth and dry.

We look at the subject of defects. If there are chips, damage, cracks - smear the twin. After drying, skin sandpaper and soil. The cabinet is ready for sticking.

Sticking wallpaper

Sticking Process - the final stage And the most responsible, the appearance of the updated cabinet depends on the quality of sticking. The work consists of several stages.

  1. Remove the froze the selected item.
  2. We carry on the canvas, make the pattern or cut off the desired length.
  3. We smear the resulting segments with glue and apply to the selected part. If the basis of the wallpaper is fliseline, then the glue is applied to the closet surface.
  4. For fixation, use a dry rag or roller.
  5. After drying, the next day, install accessories.

When using the wallpaper glue, add a little PVA to it (per 1 liter of art. Spoon). During drying, do not make drafts, with open windows, the wallpaper crackle or disperse on the seams.

Budget restoration of products

You can turn the old furniture to a new one without special investments. Desire, fantasy, skill and knowledge of several ways of budget restoration. About sticking with wallpaper you already know, there are other techniques, you can

  • cloth
  • paint
  • true artificial leather
  • apply the decoupage technique,
  • stick pictures
  • use painting on glass
  • decorative plaster
  • convenient option - self-adhesive and stained glass film.

These methods are suitable not only for a wardrobe, they are used for chest of drawers, bedside tables, bonders, kitchen cabinets, shells, servants, for furniture located in the corridor, hallway.

Furniture, decorated with wallpaper or having a decoupage, tissue surface should be placed in dry rooms. On the unheated dachaThe coating can spoil from excessive humidity.

Application of volumetric drawings

Restoration can be with the effect of the volume image. This is not 3D pictures, but stencil painting and decorative plaster. Today, this method in fashion is often used in the interiors, to create decor elements, wall paintings.

Painted / plastered surface is not afraid of moisture and protects furniture from negative influences. Can be used in the bathroom, toilet, in country houses.

For work, no expensive materials are needed. Square meter decorative plaster Will cost 300 rubles.

At the same time there is a huge range of colors and effects: suede, mosaic, velvet, provence, marble, rustic, milling cutter, etc. internal work Take the silicone and rubber, they do not give cracks.

Decorative plaster

For drawing, you will need stencil, paint, spatula, brush, furniture varnish. The actions algorithm consists of 10 points:

  1. Removes accessories.
  2. We consider the coverage.
  3. In the presence of cracks, we eliminate them with putty.
  4. We pass by sandpaper.
  5. Fix with painting scotch stencil.
  6. We break the plaster and apply it to the spatula.
  7. After partial burrow, remove the stencil.
  8. The injured contour corrected the knife. We leave for complete drying.
  9. The next day, grinding fine-grained n / paper.
  10. Apply paint.

A good effect gives furniture varnish. After applying paints become saturated, the product longer retains the updated view.

Stencil drawing

The plaster is effectively, but requires great effort, it is easier to work with paint. Under the stencil you create a masterpiece much faster. Here are some tips for staining the furniture:

  • The drawing will last longer, if the surface is cleaned from old paint., dust and fat spots.
  • On a white background, the pattern will be more contrasting. For this, the product is painted in white colorAnd then the stencil is done.
  • Additional beauty make gold / silver handles, accessories.
  • The screen image is preferably carried out with the help of aerosol cartridges.
  • The base background can coincide with the walls of the walls, and the drawing is made in contrast.

Polished furniture coloring

Chipboard natural treehaving an arranged polished application, you can paint. To do this, use matte acrylic paints. From the surface, you should remove the top layer (coarser-grained skin), chips / cracks to sharpen, and degrease the White Spirit.

Paint is applied in 2-3 reception. Each layer after drying is polished with shallow sandpaper. At the end of the work, if you wish to get an exclusive, a facade point painting will be done. Thin marker notice the drawing and fill acrylic paint (Tassel used).

How to update kitchen cabinets

The kitchen is different from the room with a microclimate. Here often arises pairs, moisture, the furniture is subjected to aggressive temperatures, fat evaporation. Kitchen furniture, in such conditions, faster losing pristine, require washing or restoration.

Refresh kitchen cabinets can be painted, self-taking film or rathana. Paint should be taken moisture-resistant acrylic or alkyd enamel, oil paint. These compositions have good coating and give a glossy shine.

Before working, the door is removed from the loops if the coupe is dismantled, cleared, degreased. The roller is applied primer.

Start dyeing from the edge and reverse side of the doors. It will be necessary to create two layers. The first tassel, the second painting pad or roller. If the color saturation does not satisfy you - Kraft for the third time.

In this way, not only kitchen cabinets can be painted, but also room furniture (bedside tables, dressers, compilation).

When staining in several layers, the coating must dry, see the instructions on the bank. New fittings are bought for an updated cabinet, moldings, religions.

To update the furniture, you can use the tips of the designers:

  • The wardrobe in the children's room is bright, using children's pictures performed by point painting.
  • Glass / mirror doors of a wardrobe decorate with vinyl stickers or stained film.
  • Chiffonier transform artificial formation, decoupage.
  • The ancient servant is painted in white and apply a contrast pattern. Decorative plaster is appropriate.
  • The cabinet in the living room can be done unique with the help of collage from family photos.
  • On large doors, photo wallpapers are perfect.

Before staining, on wooden facades You can cut the cutter and other decorative elements.


Now you know how to save the budget and renovating the old furniture. Applying any way, you will create a new colorful object in the interior.

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. In the comments, share the restoration experience.

June 15, 2018.

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