Projects of houses with a nation floor and garage. Projects of single-storey houses with attic and garage

The rapid development of the new real estate market has put forward projects of houses with an attic and garage to leaders in private construction. The multifunctionality of the structure in combination with the savings factor provides him with well-deserved popularity in wide circles. The advantages of the cottage with the garage and the attic and the design features will be discussed.

Distinctive features of the house with a garage and an attic

Rational use space small plot Helps the project of the structure with an attic. Practical solution Provides extension of living space without reducing land. The presence of personal vehicles generates another popular reception of saving free space - the choice of the project of the house with the garage.

Such a solution is accompanied by a mass gain:

  • Combining two functional zones Reduces project costs and construction work. In many respects, this is promoted by a single capital wall and part of the foundation.
  • Saving the cost of garage heating. The immediate intimacy of housing provides maintenance of a comfortable temperature.
  • The arrangement of the internal entrance allows you to move from the house with an attic to the garage, without going outside. This is especially important in the period of bad weather.
  • The compact construction project allows you to efficiently save free space of the land plot.

The set of presented factors is a favorable soil for the development of various projects of houses with mansard roof and garage that take into account all the nuances of construction.

Key points of design

Before choosing typical project Or make an individual order, you need to decide with a multitude of key moments. In addition to the attractive exterior of the building, the following items deserve attention:

  • major construction material;
  • combination with surrounding landscape design;
  • orientation on the outlines of the site;
  • the need for the number of floors;
  • roof design;
  • internal layout.

Plans are compiled by a team of specialists consisting of architects, engineers, designers. This makes it possible to eliminate technical errors and inaccuracies of calculations in the project.


Houses with attic and garage from various materials are erected:

  • brick;
  • foam blocks or aerated concrete;
  • wooden bar;
  • with wooden frame.

Advantages and negative moments are present in each option.

Project brick house With an attic, supplemented with a garage - this is a classic genre. Pros:

  • durability;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • well keeps warm.

But the construction of a housing of bricks with an attic and garage involves serious investments and durability construction work. Therefore, most people are useful to explore less cost projects, such as a house of foam blocks or aerated concrete. The benefits of choosing are obvious: when saving everyone positive qualities Brick buildings, cottages from aerated concrete blocks are much faster. In this case, the process of interior decoration is facilitated.

Housing projects with garage and attic, made from a bar or based on wooden carcass. Among the advantages are high rates of construction and relatively low material costs.

Comment! The choice of material has an influence climatic zone and the characteristic of the soil. A project developing a project must necessarily take these factors and brings them to the notice of the Customer.

Matching the size of the site and outlines of the house

The need for a large living area with modest size of the site forces to contact the project of a two-story cottage with an attic completed garage. But daily movements for stairs are not too much. The presence in the house of older people or with restrictions in movements pushes to learn with the attic and garage.

Features have plans for narrow sections. In a similar setting, it is better to stay at an option with one deaf wall, that is, with the complete absence of windows and doors. This will make it possible to build a cottage with an attic in close proximity to the border of the site. Along the longitudinal walls there are buildings for household needs.

The house layout involves the living room and bedrooms at the end of the building, it will provide the maximum natural lighting of the rooms, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic. The entrance is planned from the end or a frontal one. The location in the draft garage is also provided for the frontal.

Tip! The presence of a lively highway is forced to take care of the additional green fence of the porch or the terrace, it will reduce the noise and reduce dust streams.

Prior to the preparation of the project of the cottage, which has a garage and attic, we think over the laying of engineering communications: the conduct of lighting, gas, water and wastewater.

Selection of roof shape

The roof design has a significant impact on the expansion of the living area due to the equipment of the attic. Comfortable finding in the attic is possible at the height of the room 2.5 m. The project with a lower roof creates inconvenience when moving, excessively high ceilings increase the construction estimate and the further cost of heating the cottage and the garage and the attic.

The roof improvement has several solutions:

  • Located in the project gable roof Allows you to fully use 2/3 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic.
  • If you stay on the cottage project with a garage, where the roof shape has broken design, 90% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic will be at your disposal.
  • For convenient operation of the attic space, the height of the roof lifted at least 1.5 m.

The roof of the garage can be one whole with the roof of the house, but practical to choose the option when the upper part of the garage serves as the basis for the farm terrace.

Internal planning

Internal layout is made taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The number and purpose of the rooms, the arrangement of the attic depends on the composition of the family and the preferences of the owners. Special attention in the housing project with attic and garage deserve two questions: the design of stairs and the presence of the move in the garage directly from the house.

Important! Comfortable I. safe operation The stairs are possible in compliance with the project of all ergonomic standards and requirements.

Should be ready that the comfortable rise is provided by a large angle of inclination, but this design takes a lot free space. The exit from the current situation will be a project where practical storage room, a book rack or other form for the placement of household items is provided under the staircase. Compactity has, but it does not differ convenience. In addition to the form, the width of the steps and the height of the sticky is. All this should be discussed before the preparation of the project.

If you wish to have an entrance to the garage directly from the house, in the project it is necessary to consider the presence of a tambour, which will prevent the penetration of the smell of fuel in the cottage carbon monoxide, as well as reduce the noise level. Especially such a decision will appreciate the owner of the house with the garage during bad weather. But the only entrance to the garage from the street eliminates many problems and is considered more rational. Which option to choose is to decide the owner.

Project options

The plan of the house with an attic has a lot of variations. Practically provide in the project to arrange a veranda or terrace. The presence of a balcony will add cozy places for summer holiday Freshly air.

The following interesting projects deserve attention:

The projects under consideration were developed taking into account all SNIPs, but each of them is permissible to make changes to different levels:

The study of a large number of different projects will help you choose optimal option for own construction Housing with attic and garage. Professional companies adapt the typical development under your region will provide recommendations on the need to replace one or another item.

The foundation is possible to replace if necessary for a more rational and correct (geodetic conditions of the site or its drops), and the layout of the house may vary according to the individual desire of the customer. Any cottage or house in our catalog can be changed according to your wishes. Projects of houses with attic and garage are not fully developed, the finished documentation includes the architectural section and constructive, but engineering systems are always designed separately - it is much more economical. We are ready to design engineering systems immediately when buying a cottage project or after it is already built.

Cottage projects are always developed by several specialists - this is an architect, designer and engineer. When developing, all the nuances of future construction are taken into account, for example, the remoteness of the garage from children's rooms and bedrooms, the boiler room is always placed under non-residential premises if the fireplace is done, so that the company of people can compete and conveniently accommodate people, etc. Depending on the possibility of connecting certain types of communications, ready-made projects of houses with an attic and garage can be changed, for example, to move the boiler room to gas pipe did not go half at home, displaced kitchen or bathroom to sewage pipe It did not go under all the foundation, the living room can also be moved or expanded to be constantly illuminated by the Sun, etc. All this happens when the cottage is very like, but it needs to be finalized, taking into account the peculiarities of your site. For this, the general plan of the site is further developed, on which you will see landing at home, the parties of the world and will be understood from where will go Water and gas where sewage can be where additional buildings (if available). If you do not find a suitable house in our catalog, we are always ready to design a house by individual order And to develop all the necessary documentation is the architectural section, constructive and engineering systems.

  • Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:15
  • romario.
  • It's no secret that the car requires a garage.

    However, at present, not every car owner can afford this room, to the same way to be not far from home.

    In case the owner has a personal site or a private house, Many people think about how can I build a garage attitudes in a private house?

    Garage with attic in a private house

    Many will have a question, why do you need a garage with an attic in a private house? The garage can be built inside the residential premises and do not complicate the task.

    Answering this question, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of the garage with the attic.

    It is clear to everyone that the garage inside the residential premises is an excellent solution, and most importantly it is very convenient.

    There is no need to create separate heating for your garage: the price of the pressure pipe in this case will be quite acceptable.

    However, you should turn special attention Safety during construction:

    • First, in any garage there are definitely flammable fuel and lubricants.
    • Secondly, when the engine is working, the garage accumulates a large number of Exhaust gases. In this case, it is possible that gases can penetrate at home and spread over it.
    • In order to avoid this problem, you can set the exhaust.
    • And finally, if you have not big cottageThe garage indoors will deliver a lot of noise, thereby deliver a number of inconvenience to your households.

    So you should decide whether to build a garage inside the residential premises or it is better to create it separately.

    The main advantages of the garage with the attic can be attributed to what is probably not one man will not give up recreation in the garage. Therefore, in the attic you can create, for example, billiard room.

    Also the owner of the house can make his own there personal Area Or a workshop where he will feel like a full owner, where there is no entrance to female people.

    In this case, the garage with the attic will be separate from the residential premises, and this will not allow women to make any objections.

    Also beautiful garages with an attic perfectly suitable for children or adolescents, where they can spend time with their friends, while not interfering with adults.

    In the attic you can also arrange a room for guests where people or friends who have come to visit can be placed.

    To another plus of a garage with an attic can be attributed, the case when you are engaged in the construction of the main house. During this period, the hosts of the house may temporarily live in the attic.

    After solving the main issues, it is necessary to think about every detail of the draft garage with the attic. How well you will work out every trifle, your future structure will depend on.

    Usually, at the beginning of construction, it is necessary to determine the area, which will naturally depend on the number of transport, which will occupy the garage and also from its destination.

    Based on these parameters, also size door openingsThe height of the ceilings and other characteristics will be different.

    Some people choose a house with a garage and an attic, which is built from a bar or choose. Others may not arrange the location of the stairs.

    Thus, each owner chooses a project that matches its preferences.

    A lot of an important point In the process of creating a garage with an attic, there are questions regarding the heating of the room.

    Also, many are interested in whether there is a balcony and how the men's windows are located. Do not forget about how to ensure water to your building, as well as solve questions with shower and bathroom.

    Once you have thought of these items, you can start creating a plan of the future garage, this is done with the purpose of you so that you can seek help at any time to specialists who will develop a standard or individual type of project.

    Be sure to decide on the choice of material from which the garage is planned.

    In the case of contacting specialists to develop a project, the cost, of course, will be high, but it is worth it. As you will give all step-by-step plan Performance of the construction process.

    So, if you decide to build a garage with an attic, where it will be basement, Or create, then in the construction process there may be some questions where documents received from specialists will give you a detailed and solid response.

    During the preparation of these documents, designers must know the type of soil, where construction is planned, are there any communication, availability groundwater And others, very important details.

    Usually the project must be coordinated with the project office. Otherwise, all claims or any questions will be presented to you, and only you will personally be responsible for the construction of a garage with an attic.

    The house with the attic allows you to effectively use a small area area. In addition to rationality, mansard decorates private vacation home. Quite often on the attic floor there are bedrooms and recreation areas.

    The lower floor can be re-posted in such a way that on one foundation with the house there is also a garage for the car, and even for two.

    The advantage of the garage combined with the house is that:

    • the car is in a warmer room, because at least one of his wall is adjacent to the house;
    • it is more convenient to bring / endure things from the car;
    • an additional place to store the necessary car owner affiliation is appeared;
    • savings on the fill of the foundation and material for the walls.

    The above factors indicate the demand of such layouts, therefore various projects of the house with an attic and a garage are offered.

    You can classify projects in different waysbut they all include 3 sections

    1. architectural;
    2. Engineering;
    3. constructive.

    We offer to familiarize yourself with some of the projects.

    The size of the plot for the construction of such a house.

    Draft single-storey house with attic and garage for two cars

    If the house is often guests, or the family owns not one car, then for them projects have been developed one-storey houses With the attic and a garage for two cars, the photos of which are presented below.

    The plan and dimensions of the land plot, and the location scheme on it at home.

    Material prepared for WWW.Site site

    The proposed projects are designed to meet all the requirements and standards of construction and communications.

    Naturally, each of them provides changes in accordance with the proposals of a specific customer.

    • minor changes. May include changes in the size of windows, doors or location location. In this case, in any of the proposed projects you can make adjustments and proceed to construction;
    • significant changes. Relate to redevelopment, type overlap, room height. Here the project will act as a reference point. If you do it yourself, you will need to get acquainted with additional regulatory literature, which regulates certain decisions;
    • significant changes. Affect transfer carrier structures and changing engineering solutions. This entails the development of a new project.

    The projects presented on this page are examples, we do not develop and do not make changes to existing projects. Materials are informational.

    Designing a house with an attic and garage must be studied as many projects as possible. This will provide an opportunity to develop a detailed project, as well as to take into account all the nuances so that the stage of construction does not arise or problems that will affect the operation of the structure or even make it impossible to build it.

    Project small house with garage and attic often an important stage The owners of their sites. Many wish to have a comfortable and comfortable dwelling, located outside the city, away from his bustle, but close enough. However, before construction, it will be necessary to choose the right draft of a small house with an attic and a garage, it is most in demand for a family having an average wealth. The article will tell you how to create a project for your site.

    Constructive features of such buildings

    The house with a garage and a small area of \u200b\u200ba small area is quite convenient. modern project. In it on the first floor there is a garage, and on the second zone for living.

    This option is perfect for dacha house or a small suburban structure, where you do not need to have a large free space above the residential premises. In addition, you can perform a house project with a garage and an attic of 10x10 to one floor, where the balcony will be used as non-residential premises, for example, as a attic.

    The advantages of such a design:

    • Savings when calculating utilities. The heating system is arranged throughout the building, and this will significantly reduce heat loss. Do not need to lay extra pipes For water supply and sewage - in the garage there is no particular need to arrange a washing.
    • Safety. Built-in B. small house The garage is very convenient: it can be reached directly from the dwelling. The place where the car is stored will have maximum protection against foreign penetration.
    • Saving space. The project of the house with an attic and garage of 10x10 one-story or two-storey is popular thanks to a small area occupied on the site. Similar architectural solution I will like the owners of the courtyards of up to 6 acres, which I want to build a house with a terrace, bath, and maybe even a swimming pool. At the same time, the use of residential area is much less. The garage is easily combined with a boiler room or an additional underground parking is satisfied.
    • With the temporary absence of its transport, It makes sense to consider the project of the house of 10x10 with an attic and garage, and the garage room is used as a home workshop, which increases the convenience in the presence of light and water here.
    • Save funds to arrange roofing, foundation(cm. ).

    However, such compact buildings also have disadvantages:

    • Very low level of noise penetration into residential premises. Often, all noises from repair work In the garage room will be heard in residential rooms.
    • Not too good security cottages. In the garage, it is usually stored a lot of different fire hazardous substances.

    Tip: For security purposes, you cannot combine wooden house With the utility room, where Tosol, gasoline and others will be located, fuel lubricants.

    By drawing up a project of any residential building, it is necessary to consider:

    • How many people will live in it constantly.
    • Features of its future owners. For example:
    1. elderly, it will be difficult for many times a day to climb the stairs;
    2. children Availability big roomEven if she is on the attic, very much.

    In addition, it is immediately necessary to determine which approximate price There will be all the construction, which depends on the project and the choice of materials for construction:

    • Frame houses have a smaller value. Their construction can be performed with their own hands with the invitation of a small amount of assistants.
    • Houses and cottages from concrete blocks or bricks will be more expensive, but also the reliability of them is much higher - they will serve many generations of heirs.
    • The projects of wooden buildings with a garage and attic, which differ in environmental purity, and in their reliability are no worse than the other options.

    With any project of a residential building with an attic and a garage, it should be provided in it:

    • Rooms for use during the daytime. It is best when they are spacious enough and are located on the lower floor. These are such facilities like:
    1. living room;
    2. kitchen;
    3. combined bathroom;
    4. utility rooms of different kinds;
    5. cabinet.
    • For the attic remains, most often, only the bedrooms. Its territory is usually less area first floor.

    An exemplary plan of the house can be seen in the photo.

    • Often, during the planning of the house, the placement of the terrace, wardrobe rooms, mini saunas are scheduled. For this, quite enough will be at home, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 120 square metersAnd with the comfort of living in it will be able to a family of 5 people.
    • The correctly chosen mounting scheme, between storeic floors, will allow all the attic space to use without significant inconvenience.

    Tip: If there is a beveled ceiling on the attic floor, when it starts from the floor, at the level of 1.5 meters, it takes close to the wall to mount the built-in wardrobe or put a bed that save space.

    • The project should be clearly planned to accommodate a comfortable staircase on the attic floor.
    • Calculations of load on overlapping for the second floor.
    • The heat insulation device for walls and ceilings. Such a decision will save on conducting roofing work. If the thermal insulation is performed by a solid layer on the entire ceiling, then the overlap can not be too warm.

    How to build a house with a garage and an attic

    For example, the construction and layout of the house with a garage and a residential attic with their own hands from foam blocks is considered.

    Typical construction technology includes conducting such works:

    • Foundation device: Construction of basement or basement.
    • Walling.
    • Arrangement of attic.
    • Construction of roofs.
    • Perform finishing work.

    For a relatively light structure from foam concrete, you can arrange a ribbon foundation.

    For this:

    • It is planned and placed a plot.
    • A trench is digging in size equal to blocks of blocks.
    • Planned formwork, for filling the base.
    • It is stacked from sand and crushed stone pillow with a layer of 20-30 centimeters, which depends on the depth of the freezing of the Earth and the size of the foundation.
    • The waterproofing layer is stacked.
    • Armature is prepared before the fill of the foundation to give the design greater rigidity.
    • In the corners of the structure, the binding is made, and then the wire all over the perimeter of the building is welded.
    • A ready frame is poured with a solution.
    • The mixture remains for sinking about 10 days, which depends on the season and the characteristics of the climate of a particular region.

    The walls can be erected from the blocks of aerated concrete, foam concrete, concrete blocks, used wooden logBut in this case there is a fire safety.

    Installation instructions:

    • Waterproofing the base or location of the foundation and walls.

    • The first layer is constructed from a rounded timber.

    Tip: Such technology should be used when building stone houses or small brick buildings with balcony or veranda.

    • Racks and other elements for stiffness structures are mounted on top of the bar. They are located strictly to the foundation at right angles.
    • Install additional elements For strength.
    • Concrete blocks are put.
    • Wall decoration is performed. Facades can be covered clinker tileshaving excellent resistance to external aggressive factors and easily sink.

    When the roof is erected:

    • Develop drawings, taking into account the desired height of the ceiling of bedrooms or terraces and other features of the premises.
    • The roof frame is constructed using stropile designconsisting of inclined beams that rest on the outer part of the wall and carrying beamlocated in the center of the construction.
    • Lower rafting boards are stacked, they will be overlapping between the roof and the first floor.

    Tip: To increase the reliability of the design on the wall, it is necessary to arrange an additional reinforcing belt.

    • The coating is performed at its discretion.
    • After the end of all construction works, doors are installed ,.

    What project of the house with a garage and attic to choose for your site, how to do everything building stages Show video.