Liquid linoleum: laying technology and price order. Liquid linoleum - disassemble all the advantages and disadvantages of the coverage of bulk floors

Self-leveling floors

Do you know that the floors can not be flat, and pour? This coating is called - "bulk floors", or, as they are still dubbed, "liquid linoleum". It turns out that externally, the bulk gender is really very similar to the linoleum, and to the touch resembles a smooth tile: monolithic, smooth, without seams and gaps. It happens different colors, among the shades, neutral calm tones are dominated - lettuce, gray, beige, light brown. Thickness of bulk floors of different types - from 1 to 7 mm, but recommended by specialists the optimal thickness of the coating for the dwelling is 1.5 mm. Why? Do in the residential room floor thinner - impractical, thicker - uneconomical, as it will take large quantity material. But about it - then.

So, from the point of view of chemists, the bulk sex is special seamless polymer coatings. There are several types of floor coatings, which are called bulk or industrial:

Methyl methacrylate (methyl methacryl resins);

Epoxy (from epoxy resins);

Cement-acrylic (prepared from dry construction mix and the so-called "liquid component");

Polyurethane (based on polyurethane).

The first three types of bulk floors are more suitable for industrial premises. And for residential, the fourth species is used - polyurethane floors. Why? Of course, all kinds of floors are safe for health, but polyurethane, besides the fact that the most durable and wear-resistant, also the easiest - the floors from it are extremely elegant. And besides, such a floor looks very good: due to the shine and variety of color. Therefore, our conversation will go exactly about polyurethane bulk floors.

So, the bulk seamless floors are most often used where elevated requirements are imposed on the floor: chemical resistance and resistance to abrasion (including in conditions of high humidity), the need to ensure antistatic protection or special hyenic requirements. First of all it is, of course, industrial premises And offices with high patency, television studios. But residential premises are suitable: kitchens, bathrooms, cottages, glazed loggias. Or, for example, you can "lay" such floors in the garage and workshop. It is believed that the main minus when using a bulk sex in a residential room - a poor selection of colors. But, first, on sale there are at least 12 coloring of the bulk sex, which, you see, not so little. Secondly, producers of bulk floors have come up with an additional and very original decorative special effect; on the fresh coating so-called chips are applied; - Colored pieces of pieces acrylic paint, of different shapes and sizes. Chips, when they lie in a bank, look like large bright confetti, and applied to the floor, give the depth and similarity to natural materials, for example, marble or granite.

Options for bulk coating: ordinary and with "chips". But the most interesting in bulk floors, in addition to all the most advantages and properties, is the process of their device! And what is curious, if you wish, you can personally be involved in this sacrament, something similar to the Shaman's ritual.

To become a happy owner of a bulk sex, you will need: two cans with components are small and large, electric drill with a nozzle and rule. It is clear that most importantly - cans with components for future bulk sex. In a large bank - component "A". Small filled with component "B". Accurate chemical composition These components producers of bulk floors are kept secret. Coating technology is the same for all types of bulk floors, only components and properties are different.

So, proceed. We take a small jar and overflow its contents into a big one. But to achieve the desired result (that is, for curing the composition) this is not enough. All components need to be thoroughly mixed with an electric drill with special nozzle. After a few minutes, the working mixture of components is ready for applying to the surface. And all? Not. Before you begin to "manufacture a" bulk sex, you need to thoroughly prepare the surface - align, eliminate potholes, cracks, etc., to sharpen them, to cubs the base ... in general, primed base (it can be concrete, stone, tile , metal and even a tree) must have a uniform gloss on the surface and not absorb liquid. Only after that you can pour the polyurethane "cocktail" to cover it and the rule and needle roller to distribute it throughout the floor area.

With the help of a mobile strip on the rule, you can adjust the thickness of the applied coating: the closer the plank to the floor, the coating turns out thinner, and vice versa. Needle roller helps remove bubbles that have arisen on liquid surface. We have already said that the filling floor thickness recommended by experts is 1.5 mm, but if desired, this figure can be increased to 5-7 mm. All these works need to be carried out at a room in the room not lower than + 5 ° C and not higher than + 25 ° C and relative humidity of about 60%. Otherwise, the bulk sex will be longer "grab". On the fresh floor (for beauty) you can apply the color "chips" already known to us, and after 12 hours to cover with a transparent protective varnish. Then to wait another 24 hours - and that's it. The new bulk floor is ready "to use."

By the way, the producers warned me that the bulk sex will not dry, moisture is afraid: its components react with water. That is why it is important to ensure that the surface on which the bulk coating is to be applied was dry (that is, the moisture of the surface itself should not be above 5%). Specialists in this case use the device for measuring humidity. But if the initial surface preparation is made in all the rules, then after 12-20 hours (after drying the coating) and in the next four dozen years no humidity bulk semi It will not be terrible. Bulk floor with "chips" at first glance does not differ from the granite

The bulk floor is not afraid of strikes - so that you will not be dropped, dents and cracks will not. He also nipple the temperature differences (which is why you can "pour" it on the balcony or on country veranda). According to experts, it is non-toxic and "hard-absorbing" coverage. Moreover, all sorts of bulk coatings, both in Europe and in Russia, undergo compulsory certification. And the bona fide manufacturer will never refuse to demonstrate all the necessary certificates for their products. The imported floor for residential premises will cost at least $ 40 per sq. M, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is less than 500 sq.m. In general, the variation of prices for bulk floors cooked from imported materials is from 8 to $ 100 for square meter. The cost of stackers is $ 8-10.

Comparative analysis

Each floor cover has its own "for" and "against". Compare bulk floors with other floor coatings that have the same purpose, like a polyurethane floor: Linoleum PVC, laminate and tile are also put in the kitchen, in the bathroom or on glazed balcony. So, the household PVC linoleum and the bulk floor are very similar. In one Moscow store, where the bulk floors are made, I was told that visitors often ask: "What is your unusual linoleum?" But the external similarity is perhaps the only thing that combines these two types of coatings. The first difference is the service life. High-quality PVC linoleum will withstand 15-20 years. And the correctly made bulk sex will serve 40 years. But, I will emphasize correctly. (I ask you to remember this remark, we will come back to him.) In addition, the Linoleum has a grace design. And yet, the linoleum can be easily removed if necessary - roll into roll and replace the new one. With a bulk coating, such a focus will not pass. Remove such a coating is a problem. But on the other hand, why, if we do a good, high-quality bulk sex?

Now laminate. Laminate, as we have repeatedly told, is a special multi-layer board based on Fiberboard, can imitate natural materials - Wood, stone, marble ... Laminate is a beautiful modern flooring, but serves compared with the bulk sex, alas, less - about 12 years old. In addition, laminate, unlike the bulk gender, is still not recommended to put in the premises with high humidity.

If we compare with the ceramic tile, which is traditionally put in the kitchen, in the bathroom and on the balconies, then here the bulk sex also has certain advantages: the lack of seams (which means there is no place to get fungus and bacteria) and higher strength.

So, what are the main advantages and disadvantages of bulk outdoor coatings?

Pleasant appearance, shine, color monolith;

Durability (minimum 40 years);

Moisture resistance and high chemical resistance (it has a value when using a bulk sex, for example, in the garage);

Hygienic and simplicity of cleaning - you can wash ordinary waterwithout treating special compositions;

High adhesion (adhesion) with any base, lack of seams and gaps;

Fireproof (hard-flameable and "hard-body" material), non-toxicity;

Easy device - the bulk floor can be made independently for half a day (12 hours).


Related design compared to traditional species coatings;

Moral aging, that is, the bulk floor is just bored with its owner. But in this case, the coating can be updated - apply a new layer of another color;

Some types of bulk coatings are yellowing under the action of ultraviolet rays;

Time-consuming preparation of the base under the coating - need careful alignment, putty;

It is difficult to remove from the basis if necessary;

Artificial material;

Needed strict control humidity coverage on which "flooding" floor

Thanks modern solutions There is a huge number of room design variations. Recently, the idea of \u200b\u200blinoleum in liquid form began to spread at high speed, and if you decide to get acquainted with this qualitatively new type, then you will certainly discover new borders in designer skill. So, liquid linoleum is a novelty of recent times, which gives you the opportunity to create a stylistry of the room in any direction, depending on the personal preferences of the owners.

Purpose of liquid type linoleum

If you hold a parallel comparative analogues between the rolled linoleum and a liquid product, then we can conclude that one thing is one thing - the integrity of the entire canvas. There is a remote similarity in external indicators, but if you touch the surface, you can understand that it is not. This liquid material in contact is incredibly similar to if we consider the remaining parameters, it is worth noting that there are differences in all directions. If there is a need for a detailed reflection of the essence of this raw materials for the floor, you can express.

The first manufactured linoleum was used strictly for the purpose of industry. The developers set themselves the goal of creating a solid solid base for flooring, which would not be susceptible to abrasion and could easily be operated in economic buildings - manufacturing, warehouse facilities. Then the designers came the idea to decorate simple unattractive floors with a pattern, and the number of people who wished to use advanced material for the design of the home increased significantly. Moreover, the increase in the number of the consumer of this product occurred within the framework of geometric progression.

Varieties of bulk products

Modern market space and competing manufacturers offer several forms and types of bulk floors that are classified according to fillers and happen:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • polyurethane;
  • smolny.

Basically liquid bulk linoleum Used for industrial target, although polyurethane products are used for high-quality designer design residential buildings. It is not surprising, because the material is distinguished by durability, ease, thanks to which there is the possibility of simulating a natural coating without prejudice to his own wallet. The product thickness also varies, and this indicator I fluctuates in a small range of 1-7 mm, but if we follow the recommendations of the repair workers, for the traditional load it is recommended to choose a layer of 1.5 mm layer. This value is enough for unhindered operation of the coating for subsequent decades.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid material of linoleum

Comparing this type of material with other elements, it is worth noting that there are enormous differences between it and other types of floor coatings. Consider its positive parties.

  1. The strength is large enough, because products are traditionally not subject to mechanical influences. This positive feature gives material superiority over, ordinary linoleum, .
  2. An important advantage that has a liquid linoleum is its price. It is quite optimal for all the convenience and advantages that can be obtained by giving preference to this material.
  3. The first feature as the main advantage allows this product group to have in fact a universal scope of use. It is personal accommodation, industrial facilities, warehouses, shops, airports.
  4. Waterproofability - This floor of a high-quality polymer is characterized in that it includes a layer that contributes to repulsing the water, so the product withstands the direct fluid ingress, and this property allows it to dominate.
  5. Lack of seams in the coating. Regardless of the configuration indicators and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, this species Products will provide a smooth and smooth floor without junctions, and this is a certain plus in terms of aesthetic indicator.
  6. Abundance design solutions: Compared to classic variations, there is a large space for creative work, because it is possible to issue unique individual solutions within any solutions. You can choose, as well as pick up the drawings of any subject.
  7. Fire resistance is due to the fact that the coating is related to the group of non-combustible elements, so this type of finish with all courage is operated on social and industrial facilities.
  8. Lack of toxicity is another indisputable plus. If rationally observe the features and technology of application, as well as the preparation of the material, it will be 100% compliant with all safety standards for health not only adults, and children.
  9. Easy to care procedures makes raw materials indispensable even for the most lazy people. You can wash it with any household chemicals. The smooth surface of the material makes it easy and easy to deal with different species Pollution.
  10. Long service life - This indicator is achieved due to the high characteristics of the strength. Plus it or minus - decide for yourself, because many believe that the floor can be bored for such a long time. On the other hand, you do not have to spend money and time for his smoker.
  11. Definitely: if you decide to buy liquid linoleum, you will not regret. But in order not to come across various pitfalls, you must consider in advance and negative moments In the use of the material. This is a relatively high price and complexity that may occur when mounting. It is also not sufficient wide selection Products as part of color. Is it worth choosing a linoleum, each person decides himself, and many who used and enjoys them give best Reviews and recommendations.

    Features of preparation and operation

    As part of modern construction stores, you can make a choice of two varieties of floor coatings - with one component and with two.

    1. Single-component products are used for preparatory events bases for any type of material. In a different way, these items are characterized as self-aligning screed. They differ high rates Strength, and with these products you can create a perfect smooth type surface.
    2. Two-component compounds are used exclusively for finishing coating arrangements. If we consider the composition, it is possible to distinguish epoxy floors, cement-acrylic and products made on the basis of polyurethane.

    Such distinctive features It is only indicated that in the course of the selection, it is necessary to have the most attentive attitude to the composition and type of material. Before creating conditions for the formation of a qualitative basis, it is necessary to hold a number of events.

Liquid linoleum - This is a floor covering in liquid formwhich consists of a polymer and hardener with the addition of resin. A feature of such a material is that there are no joints, attachments and seams. It also does not require the presence of glue and arrangement of thresholds when switching from one room to another, you can pour the floor immediately in several rooms.

The polymer floor called Liquid Linoleum was originally designed as a base for industrial premises and warehouses. But at some point, the developers decided to make the floor with the original, and put a beautiful pattern under it. This led to an increase in the use of this material.

Wear resistance - main plus for technical premises

This is explained by the fact that it turns out not only original and beautiful, but also durable. The minimum life guaranteed by the manufacturer is 30 years.

The liquid floor consists of a polymer, hardener and resin. Depending on the type of resin, the composition is:

  • Epoxy;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Methylmethacrylov;
  • Cement-acrylic.

This material allows you to create beautiful patterns.

Most often in everyday life, polyurethane floors are used because of their aesthetics. Other types of coating are usually fill in public and industrial premises.

The main characteristics of such sex can be attributed:

  • More than 10 color neutral shades;
  • 1-7 mm layer thickness for industrial floors, 1.5-2 mm for apartments and houses;
  • The cost of linoleum depends on the thickness of the fill.

To lay such a coating, it is necessary to carry out a complex process of preparing the base of the floor. In this sense, the usual linoleum is better for laying. It is best to produce liquid flooring on a concrete so that there is a better clutch with the basis.

Previously the base is cleared of dust, grounds. After drying, you can move to the styling process.

The process of laying in the room

You can also mount the bulk sex on:

  • Tile;
  • Metal;
  • Wood.

The only requirement is smooth, clean surface.

Using a wide spatula and roller, the material is applied to the surface of the floor as paint. After drying during 24 hours, it is still necessary to give time (a couple of days) in order to finally froze, and there are no traces left before the furniture time.

Interesting way Fill


The self-leveling mixture more and more conquers fans who give him preference instead of ordinary linoleum. Even high level Price on dry mixtures does not stop from buying. True, ultimately such spending justify themselves.

The price of works on the pouring of the liquid linoleum affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the state of the base for laying. But in general, it fluctuates in the range of 220-6,000 rubles / m2.

The bulk floors on the market are represented by the following manufacturers: it basses, prospectors, Ivsil, Litokol, Bergauf. Products of each of the firms have advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the parameters important for liquid linoleum. These include: drying speed, efficiency, scope of application, convenience in work.

Dry mix Bergauf Boden Zement

Drying time is an important parameter because in some rooms increased humidity. Bergauf Boden Zement is 6 hours, the basis of 2-2.5 hours, Ivsil Tie Rod-III - 4-6 hours, prospectors - 4 hours, Litocol - 3 hours.

The optimal version with the ratio of the consumption of the material - the value of the brand will be primary by Soundline T-45. Its flow rate is 1 m2 is 13 kg with a layer thickness of 10 mm. At the same time, the Bergauf Boden Zement will need 17 kg to cover the brand. Moreover, the cost of this manufacturer is 1.5 times higher.

Bests Soundline T-45

Easy to work is approximately the same in all manufacturers. It is important to understand which surface can be applied this or that bulk mix. So, it is primarily applied to the floor with a mineral base.

More adapted to our climatic zone The mixtures are primary and prospectors. This means that such mixtures have more long term Services than similar floors of foreign production.

The bulk polymer floor has a number of advantages compared to other materials. These include:

  • No joints and seams;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Stroke resistance;
  • Safety.

Bulk floor does not require thresholds

The polymer coating does not have seams and joints, since it fills the entire room, forming a one-piece surface, which eliminates the use of liquid welding to connect linoleum. At the same time, the laying of liquid floor is quite simple, you do not need to customize the drawing and lay out sheets, if the room has protrusions and niches.

The liquid floor can have a thickness of up to 1.5 mm, and itself is a good protective layer, which makes it a durable coating.

Polyurethane flooring in the dentist

Bulk linoleum is safe: does not support burning, does not highlight harmful substancesWhat makes it an excellent material for use in medical and children's institutions.

The coating uniqueness is that even formed dents and cracks can be eliminated. To do this, it is enough to pour the surface with a new layer of the mixture and align.


The liquid linoleum has only a few flaws. One of the minuses is that it has a small range of colors for home, garage, household premises. Although 12 colors are not so little. To replenish the shortage of colors, manufacturers are replenished with decorative effects.

Scanty gamma colors - one of the minuses

After pouring the mixture from above, lay different shapes colored parts from acrylic paint (chips). In the container with the mixture, they look like confetti, and on the floor after the fill the surfaces give the surfaces with natural stone or marble.

Back to the disadvantages include a long process of surface preparation.

How to make liquid linoleum

  • Capacities with the desired composition;
  • Roller, brush;
  • Electric drill.

To obtain a solution for filling the floor, you need to place the contents of a smaller capacity in a large jar. Then, with a drill with a nozzle, mix everything well. The bulk floor is ready for laying.

It is important to prepare carefully the base of the floor, otherwise after filling the liquid linoleum on its surface, bubbles will appear that will be difficult to remove.

Major points in the work:

  • Preparation of the floor surface;
  • The preparation of the bulk mixture;
  • Fill;
  • Alignment;
  • Drying.

When pouring, a special needle roller is used, which evenly distributes the mixture on the floor, and does not give to form air bubbles. It should be remembered that it is necessary to work with liquid linoleum at a temperature of +5 - +25 degrees.

In order to decorate linoleum you can add decorative elementswhich are glued to liquid nails. They are glued to the fill of the liquid floor.

Outdoor coatings on modern market Presented apparently invisible. Have you ever heard that the floors do not fill, but pour? Such a flooring is referred to as a bulk floor or a liquid linoleum.

Indeed by appearance The bulk polymer floor resembles a linoleum, and to the touch, similar to smooth tiles. It differs from other coatings by monolithium, smooth surface, does not have seams and gaps. Color shades are varied: the liquid linoleum fluctuated polymer floor can be bought mainly neutral calm tones - salad, gray, beige, light brown. The battery service time is more than forty years. There is no need for liquid linoleum carpets. The floor is magnificent in beauty and thermal indicators, light and exquisite. In addition, it is a bulk polymer floor safe for health, which makes it possible to actively use it in residential buildings. True, the cost of bulk polymer floor "Liquid Linoleum" can not be called cheap.

Liquid linoleum can be mounted on concrete, cement screed, ceramic tiles, wooden base. The surface must be smooth. This can be monitored using a level in all horizontal directions. A permissible deviation is considered 4 mm. To prepare the floor it is necessary:

Dismantle the plinth;

Via grinding machine or metal brush get rid of the old coating;

check wood coating on humidity, it should be no more than 10%;

Clean all cracks and stick to the floor large emery paperTo ensure more durable adhesion between layers, then lay large cracks with a construction mixture;

Remove dust and trash industrial vacuum cleaner and wash the floor with a cleaning powder in order to degrease;

Check by level horizontal.

At the end of the surface preparation, it must be primed. Porous and dry surfaces are loaded several times to completely closed pores. Primer is applied with a wide brush or roller. The next layer is only after the complete drying of the previous one. After a day, the floor "poured" the foundation. The flow rate of the liquid linoleum liquid polymer floor in the residential premises is 1.5 kg / m 2 with a coating thickness of 1 -1.15 mm.

So that the bulk floor is good spread over the surface, you need to adhere to the proportions specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. Self-leveling polymer floor "Liquid linoleum" you can buy with home delivery. Proper plasticity of the solution is a pledge of good spreading.

Too rare solution can provoke the formation of cracks and chips, breaking the floor and reduce its strength. Therefore, it is recommended to fill the bulk polymer floor to produce specialists.

On the construction market There are many types of floor facing. A liquid linoleum is distinguished by a mansion, which appeared about five years ago. The term is insignificant, but for a short time, many masters have already managed to pay attention to him.

Such material is known and under a different name - the bulk floor. This coating is reliable. It is possible to create original drawings with it than the interior designers skillfully use.

Such a linoleum needs a specific type of installation, differing from the technique of styling other types of coatings. This article will be disclosed:

  1. Information about the types, characteristics of the bulk gender. Their advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Application rules with instructions.

Types of bulk floors

So what materials do liquid linoleum make? These are popular.

  • Methyl methacrylate. Prepare from the same name. It is characterized by high resistance to low temperatures, good tolerability ultraviolet radiation. Can be applied to laying industrial sites and freezing cameras. The material is applied on the street, as it is resistant to the effects of external factors.
  • Cement-acrylic. It is positioned as a very durable liquid linoleum, which includes cement and acrylic compounds. It can be used in industrial workshops with a strong load on the floor. It is not afraid of high moisture and heat, well tolerates temperature differences.
  • Polyurethane liquid linoleum. Comparatively demanded subspecies. Can be used in combination with many compositions. Normally tolerate high humidity, so it can be laid in the kitchen or in the bathroom.
  • Epoxy. This composition is based on. Well copes with the hit of aggressive chemicalsTherefore, it can be used even in laboratory conditions. From the disadvantages there is a low resistance to mechanical effects compared with other subspecies of the composition.

Pros and cons of bulk polymer floor

The bulk polymer floor has both advantages and disadvantages. The privileges include:

  1. High strength. Such a coating will not be erected and will not be damaged in mechanical effects.
  2. Wide scope of application. It is well shown in a residential building, on industrial facilities and in places with an active stream of people.
  3. Moisture resistant. This coating has a solid water-repellent layer. Changes with direct water intake. According to the characteristics, the most likely on the tile.
  4. Seamlessness. The visibility of seams often spoils the overall impression of repair. If you do not want to observe such flaws, then pay attention to the bulk floors.
  5. Designer variations. Liquid, in counterweight rolls, allows you to fully show your creativity. From original drawings up to hand painting or three-dimensional images.
  6. Resistance to high temperatures. The composition is positioned as heat-resistant. He is not terribly burning, so it is often used in industrial spheres.
  7. Harmfulness. All components are non-toxic, and therefore they are completely safe for the health of the wizard.
  8. Easy to care. Wash such floors can be any household chemicalsAnd all the dirt with them rubs off in a couple of minutes.

But liquid linoleum has its drawbacks:

  • relatively high price;
  • difficulty in application;
  • limited gamma colors.

In which rooms use?

Such floors found their use in love. Many still belong to such a material with suspicion, and in vain.

For comparison: laminate and other floor coverings are damaged quickly. Bulk floors, on the contrary, can be installed in the kitchen or in a bathroom without risk to spoil for many years. A stable monolithic surface does not absorb liquid, which means the risks of the material are reduced to zero.

What surfaces can be laid on?

This composition well interacts with most of the flooring. The liquid linoleum is placed on the wooden floor, on concrete, on the tile, porcelain tile and other surfaces.

As you can see, no restrictions in this direction are installed. The only nuance: When laying on any of the types of surfaces, take into account all the manufacturer's recommendations for its pre-processing.

Popular brands

Mostly these mixes are sold in construction stores. For example, liquid linoleum in Lerua Merlin is represented mainly by goods of such brands:

  1. Streamline Chemicals;
  2. Texil;
  3. Epital

Different with the composition and design of the drawings. By technical characteristics Goods of these brands are equivalent to each other - no better and no worse.

How much is it and where to buy?

The bulk polymer floor refers to expensive building materials. The exact price of the composition varies depending on its exact subspecies.

For example, a thin coating of epoxy resin It will cost about five hundred rubles per square meter. The same option from polyurethane is sold in stores for 300 rubles per 1 square. The price of the thickened floor from epoxy starts with thousands of rubles. As you can see, a polyurethane subspecies will be no longer so expensive - from 800 rubles per square meter.

The highest prices are hung on methyl methacrylate floors with a thickness of three millimeters. For one square meter of such a gender, you will have to lay out from one and a half thousand rubles.

Choice of buyers

According to the statistics of building stores, a liquid polymer flooring from polyurethane takes more often than other types. Buyers attracts the price of coating from such a material - it is lower with the same unusual design.

In second place in demand, the coating based on epoxy resin. Such outdoor surfaces Also durable and are not too expensive.

Before preparing the liquid linoleum with their own hands, you need to determine how the bought the bought is the bought. Conditionally divided by the category:

  • One-component. Positioned as a self-leveling screed. Before applying does not need pre-preparation.
  • Two-component is needed for finish finish. Such formulations make from different materials. Survived - polyurethane. Before applying, the base is needed.

Preparation of liquid linoleum is made according to the manufacturer's instructions. Before applying the composition, it is necessary to clean the surface.

Technique laying liquid linoleum

Laying of liquid linoleum is carried out with strict adherence to the following instruction:

  1. We prepare a draft base. Garbage and dust remove it. If the base with cracks and deepening, then it is equalized by poured by self-leveling composition. For complete drying of the floor, 48 hours are removed.
  2. Bashed the base. Two-component bases prepare according to the instructions from the manufacturer. The primer is applied with a roller so that all the plots are carefully worked out. It will help to remove remnants from cover building dust And significantly increase the adhesion of the compositions.
  3. Additional alignment of spacure from epoxy resin. The mixture is mixed, then poured into the floor and roll up with a spatula. If it remains unevenness, they are recommended to stall and walk along the coating of the vacuum cleaner.
  4. We mix the mixture for filling the floor strictly according to the instructions on the package. First you need to produce basic layer white color. We apply the composition for the base and recall. Important: You can move along such a mixture only in the shoe, which is called "paint access". There are special spikes on their sole.
  5. Processing the flooded layer. To do this, you will need a roller with needles. The purpose of the task is to remove the surplus air whose bubbles can remain inside.
  6. Decoration. To create the desired drawing, you need to print widescreen images. On one side of the picture should be a glue layer. It will join the basis of liquid linoleum.
  7. From above on the drawing we fill the finishing layer, it should be transparent. Apply it on the same principle what the base ball.

Try to work quickly. The sluggish process will lead to the fact that the polyurethane material solidifies too quickly, and you will not have time to correct all the shortcomings.

You can use the frozen bulk floor not earlier than in two days after its arrangement. It is necessary to provide the room with maximum protection against vibrations and air flows.

Up to full frost, it is categorically impossible to print the floors. Do not attempt to speed up the curing time with a hairdryer or other devices for heating. This will entail the formation of cracks in the outdoor coating.

One of the main problems when working with such material is the complexity in choosing the design. Therefore, we advise you to see what the liquid linoleum looks like in the photo. Here are several interesting ideaswho really implement in many homes or apartments.

In Moscow, buy liquid linoleum in construction markets. When buying, check the shelf life of the goods and compliance with its storage conditions. Check out the instructions from the material manufacturer. There are valuable advice on proper interaction with the composition. Only so you will achieve an effective result.

To better navigate in proper cooking And applying the mixture, we recommend to explore the video lessons. Visual demonstration of the work algorithm where the masters reveal secrets proper laying Liquid linoleum will help to figure out all the subtleties:

Do you know other solid floor mounting methods? Share them in the comments to the article to help readers find best Method From all offered.