How to process wooden paths in the country. Do-it-yourself paths from boards in the country: materials used, exemplary examples and arrangement

The striving for beauty is inherent in man by nature. Therefore, decorating landscape design and equipping a personal or summer cottage, we try to create things that are not only practical, but also beautiful.

Take a garden path, for example. Its purpose is purely utilitarian - to provide a passage - to the house, gazebo, terrace, veranda, backyard buildings or between the beds in the garden. However, even in this case, using fantasy, you can get something completely unique.

Garden paths in the country or personal plot can be executed from various materials:, sandstone, stone, concrete, brick, and even from cork from plastic bottles... But, what could be more natural than applying for the device of the path in the garden natural wood... And in all its diversity.

Wooden paths near the house can be implemented in the most different forms and types. The main thing is that paths or paths made of wood can be made with your own hands, without spending a lot of money.

Types and types of paths made of wood

Various options depending on the wood used.

Wood saw paths

A saw cut, cut, dice, block, stump or log are different names for the same source material (ends of logs). The peculiarity of paths made of wood cuts is that they are always partially dug into the ground.

Detailed instructions for self-production moved to a separate article.

As the name implies, these paths are made of planks that can be ordered or used after construction waste. To give the desired shape lumber, it is processed from all sides on a machine or manually using an electric planer.

Planks or beams can be located in the ground, lie on its surface, or be something like masonry. The latter is often used where there is a high occurrence. groundwater... In any case, treating the boards with linseed oil, or coating waterproofing, as well as the installation of a layer of waterproofing (from film, geofabric) under the walkway will significantly extend its service life.

Penetex will allow you to give the wood the desired shade.

The principle is similar to the construction of a boardwalk, the difference is in lumber. The timber is more expensive, but more stable, reliable and durable. Both continuous laying and intermediate laying are possible, when sand, gravel, pebbles or granite screenings are poured between the timber.

Paths from wooden panels (garden parquet)

The materials used are shields made of boards or composite material... The most popular option is decking garden parquet (garden covering, tiles), which can be made of larch, pine, thermo-birch, WPC.

Curly wooden paths

Wooden blanks are given a certain shape. But this process is quite laborious, therefore it is the least common. The difficulty depends on the chosen shape, for example, geometric figures(rhombus, circle, square and others) can be made without special equipment, but something more sophisticated (wedge sheet, abstract polygonal figures) will require skill in carpentry and carpentry and the presence of an electric jigsaw. The principle of laying out such a track is similar to the previous ones.

Tree bark paths (mulch)

Such tracks belong to temporary tracks, since mulch or cedar shells quickly deteriorate (caked) and will need to be poured periodically. In addition, the use of mulch always requires the use of curbs that will prevent it from scattering.

Another disadvantage is that the mulch reaches for the feet of the residents of the house and their pets and spreads throughout the site.

Walnut shell paths (decorative garden paths)

Pine nut shells are used. Such conditionally wooden paths in the garden they perform rather a decorative function, because the shell breaks quickly under the weight of a person. But on the other hand, such a design allows you to beautifully separate the flower beds and individual zones of the landscape composition.

Paths of branches, trunks of small trees or bamboo stalks

Another of the types decorative track using wood. They are created more as an aesthetic element in the garden, as they are less practical in comparison with boardwalk or log paths.

As you can see from the photo, even a simple wooden garden path has so many varieties that your eyes run wide.

In addition, in addition to single-level garden paths from a tree (located in one plane), it is possible to arrange multi-level (multi-tiered) in the form of steps.

It is difficult to cover all areas in detail within the framework of one article. Nevertheless, they all have general principles of construction, so we will consider them.

How to make a wooden garden path with your own hands

Below are instructions for building a walkway made of wood (from boards, beams, panels and cuts). All of these types of paths have general principle devices with minor differences.


  • Edged boards, beams, garden parquet, saw cuts (the type of wood is chosen arbitrarily, for example, pine, oak, larch, poplar)
  • Material for borders, sides (wood, concrete, metal)
  • Sand, gravel, pebbles (to backfill the pad and fill in the gaps)
  • Coating and roll waterproofing, for imparting color - pinotex of the desired shade


  • Chainsaw
  • Electric planer
  • Hacksaw
  • Roulette
  • Shovel
  • Hammer, mallet

Technology of the device of paths and platforms made of wood

  1. Marking the path (using a tape measure and a rope with pegs, mark the desired trajectory of the future path. The width of the track is set arbitrarily, optimally 0.5-1 meter)
  2. Substrate preparation (on the marked strip you need to remove upper layer turf. The depth of the indentation depends on the selected track material. 20-40 cm is enough)
  3. Arrangement of a gravel-sand cushion (the bottom of the dug ditch is covered with a layer roll waterproofing or just a film. This will eliminate the penetration of moisture and unwanted growth of weeds and grass. A layer of sand or gravel is poured over the waterproofing, which will serve as the basis for laying and will act as a drainage system)
  4. Installation of the curb (if the sides are provided, then they are installed along the edge of the trench)
  5. Styling road material(boards, beams, boards, wood cuts) Beforehand, the lumber must be cut to the required length and processed: the surface of the boards and beams can be trimmed with an electric planer. After that, it should be proliferated, treated with a wood preservative, coating waterproofing or bitumen.
  6. Laying lumber on a pillow (laying is carried out taking into account the planned location, i.e. with or without gaps. Roughly, the distance between boards, beams or stumps can be within 5-8 cm)
  7. Laid down wood material you need to align (seal), for this it is better to use a mallet, not a hammer. Thanks to its rubber base, the likelihood of damage to lumber (cracks, dents) is excluded
  8. The space between the lumber (gaps) is covered with pebbles, gravel or other loose elements.


Now you know exactly how to make wooden paths from saw cuts with your own hands easily and simply. They are functional, beautiful and have a lot of other advantages, and most importantly, they will perfectly fit into the landscape design of the site. country house or cottages

Paths give your garden a neat, finished look. In our time, when people strive for environmentally friendly products and materials, garden paths made of wood are more relevant than ever.

Asphalt is boring in the city and, choosing what material is best for the path in the garden, you want something natural and at the same time unusual. We tried to consider the merits of the most popular materials.

Design and purpose

First of all, it should be noted that the path must always lead to a certain place. Psychologists say that a path that leads to nowhere or rests against a fence can cause internal discomfort. Therefore, initially you should draw a sketch of the site, on which you indicate the main parameters of the projected zones and apply the exact location of the paths.

Garden paths are like arteries in the body. It is not at all necessary that they are all the same size, plus the material for garden paths can be combined depending on the functional load and type. So, garden paths made of concrete or paving slabs are more suitable for paths with a high functional load.

Wooden garden paths or plastic garden paths will not be able to support the weight of the car and will quickly become unusable in areas between the house, garage and summer kitchen... But they are the best fit for arranging the site. The beauty of such trails fits perfectly with most types of landscape design.

It is also important how to make paths in the garden. Square parallel-perpendicular lines of regular shape are now used extremely rarely. Their advantage is only in the simplicity of the arrangement.

It is quite inconvenient to overcome right angles with a wheelbarrow, hilling the beds. Plus, the rectangular configuration visually makes the area smaller, so in landscape design such are used infrequently and only in large areas.

The best option are rounded, arched shapes. In some cases, straight lines can be used, but they are laid diagonally. Unlike a square, a diagonal arrangement visually enlarges the area.

Important: I want to warn against unnecessarily winding paths. Intricate labyrinths will subconsciously irritate, there is always a desire to go directly. Therefore, it is better to make the arc smooth for ease of movement.

Paths laid in summer cottages or on the territory of private estates are conventionally divided into several types.

  • The most common can be safely called paths mounted from rigid block material or from concrete.... This includes garden paths made of stone different kind and configuration, paving slabs, brick or concrete screed... Such designs are distinguished by enviable longevity and endurance. But the cost of arranging such paths is usually quite high.
  • In some cases, the hosts prefer soft cover, this includes gravel, crushed stone, small pebbles, sand or tree bark... The only advantage of such a coating is its low price and ease of arrangement. But often these options are abandoned over time. Since, due to the fine fraction, the soft underlying material is gradually spread throughout the entire site.

  • Wooden garden paths are now experiencing their rebirth, in our mighty country this material has been used for at least 200 years, but with the advent of asphalt it was undeservedly forgotten.... The relatively low durability of these structures is compensated for by exceptional beauty and naturalness.
  • Currently, plastic modules for garden paths make up worthy competition for wood.... Plastic can emit any material, including wood, plastic garden paths are easy to fit with your own hands and serve for a long time. The only serious disadvantage is artificial origin, not every person, escaping from the city, wants to walk on plastic.

Subtleties of mounting wooden paths

Before you make a garden path out of wood, you need to decide which structure you want to assemble. The most common material now is wooden blocks, stacked vertically with a cut up. But sometimes you can find garden paths made of boards, the installation instructions are a little simpler here, although about everything in order.

Ring flooring

The flooring of rings or wooden blocks is especially beautiful, because the pattern on each ring is unique and such a coating lasts much longer than ordinary boards... Such material for garden paths is also attracted by the fact that old, fallen trees can be found in the nearest planting, so the price of such a structure will be minimal.

Experts recommend using deciduous types of wood for these purposes, of course oak is best, but larch or aspen is not much inferior to it. Conifers are considered less strong and, despite the abundance of resin, quickly deteriorate.

The height of the ring ranges from 100 to 250 mm. Rings that are too thin, especially those made from the barrel large diameter, can quickly break. Since a lot of material is needed, it is better to use a gasoline or electric saw for cutting. It is advisable to remove the bark from the trunk, since there can be many pests in it, and it will become an obstacle for the impregnating protective composition.

To save time, we recommend that you start treating the rings with a protective solution right away. As a rule, drying oil or oil processing is used for this. The substance should be heated to a boil and the workpiece should be immersed in it for a couple of minutes, after which the workpiece should dry out.

There is another way of processing. Cold drying oil is applied twice to the workpiece. After the tree is dry, its lower part, which is in the ground, is dipped in boiling bitumen and dried. The bituminous film will more reliably protect against rotting and pests.

Tip: if you want to artificially age the material, then there is a simple folk method... The tree needs to be covered copper sulfate.

While the material is drying, you can equip the pit for laying. The excavation depth will vary depending on the height of the rings. Keep in mind that the flooring should rise 2 - 3 cm above the ground, in otherwise it will gradually silt up. The size of the drainage pad under the posts is in the region of 100 mm.

When the pit is ready, the bottom should be well tamped and covered with geotextiles, and technical polyethylene is also suitable for bedding. If there is clay below, then you can do without bedding, you just need to tamp it well.

To make the tree less damaged, a drainage layer of 100 mm of sand or gravel is laid and compacted. While you practice preparatory work, the protective layer on the wood will dry out and you can start laying.

In order for the laying to be as dense as possible, immediately prepare the cuts different diameters... The natural gaps between the workpieces are filled with sand or sawdust. To seal the gaps, the surface of the track must be periodically moistened.

Important: it is advisable to completely exclude direct contact of wood with the ground. Experts recommend equipping the curbs in order to protect the flooring from the sides and prevent the drainage layer from washing out.

Using the board

Garden paths made of boards are a little easier to mount. In this case, the preparation of the wood and the pit is carried out in the above described way. A bar is used as the material itself rectangular section with dimensions 150x250 mm.

Such blocks are laid directly on the drainage and the cracks are filled with sand. The gap between the blocks must be at least 5 mm so that they do not crack in winter cold.

Often, the owners go the simpler way, using wood from pallets. It is also treated with a protective solution, but the length of the board on the pallet is 1m and it is better to cut it in half. Beams from the same pallets are laid as guides on both sides. The whole structure is installed on gravel pad and, if possible, waterproof.

Advice: at the moment, the industry produces the so-called garden parquet. Of course, it cannot be called 100% natural due to deep impregnation. polymer varnishes, but it has a decent look and lasts a long time. It fits in the same way as the circles.

In the video in this article, you can trace the intricacies of styling.


Wooden garden paths are capricious material and require constant care... Such a flooring must be processed from above at least once a year. protective compounds... If the instructions were followed in full, then such material will serve for garden paths for about 10 years.

For those who own a summer cottage, the improvement of the site is of no small importance. Laying paths made of asphalt, concrete or stones is possible, but it is very costly. Wood - this is what can replace the above materials, and it will cost much less. Finding out how to make wooden paths in the country with your own hands will be interesting to many.

Creation of wood flooring on summer cottage due to several reasons.

  1. A hard surface on the ground makes movement around the site comfortable. After the rain, footpaths and even sidewalks made of lumber will allow you to walk through the summer cottage without getting your shoes dirty.
  2. In addition to the fact that the summer resident will remain in clean shoes, the soles will not cause pulling apart wet ground on a personal plot.
  3. For caring for the garden and harvesting, paths made of boards are laid between the beds.
  4. In some cases, small wooden sidewalks are arranged near the house, on which tables and seats are placed.
  5. Wooden paths in harmony with the natural landscape adjoining territory earth.
  6. And finally, it is simply economically beneficial.

All methods of arranging garden passages are similar in one thing - in arranging a base for wooden coverings. Wood, like any natural material of plant origin, is subject to decay and destruction. To stop these processes, you need to prepare the basis for wood covering.

The base device is performed in several stages:

  1. site marking;
  2. excavation;
  3. filling the base.

Site marking

To complete this stage of work, you will need a cord, tape measure, wooden pegs, a hammer and wire.

  1. Make up detailed plan backyard territory if there was none.
  2. The axial lines of the tracks are applied to the drawing.
  3. Determine the width of the aisles. To ensure comfortable movement and not create difficulties for two people walking towards each other, the path is planned to be made with a width of at least 800 mm.
  4. The center lines of the tracks are marked on the site, hammering the pegs into the ground. You can immediately fix the width of the tracks with the same pegs.
  5. The axial markings are dismantled and transferred to earthworks.


A so-called trough is prepared - this is a shallow trench (100 - 150 mm). The depth of the ditch depends on the height of the fertile soil layer and the weight of the wood paving elements.

Base filling

  1. The trench is covered with a layer of washed sand, 50 - 70 mm thick.
  2. The sand is thoroughly rammed. To do this, you can use a piece of log with a nailed double-sided handle.
  3. The second layer is made of crushed stone, gravel or granulated slag with a thickness of 80 - 100 mm.
  4. If the soil with increased level groundwater, between the layers of the backfill it is better to lay a waterproofing made of roofing material, polyethylene film or geotextile.

Further work depends on the type of wood cover of the path.

The paths can be made of different types of wood. For laying transitions, wood is used in the form of various lumber.

Popular coatings:

  • longitudinal saw cut;
  • boardwalk;
  • cross cut of trunks and stumps;
  • timber;
  • pallets;
  • garden parquet (decking);
  • tree bark (mulch), nut shells.

  • For coatings, longitudinal cuts are used that are loose along the logs on the sawmill. It can be a regular unedged board.
  • Cuts impregnated with an antiseptic are laid on a crushed stone base.
  • So that the boards from walking do not disperse to the sides, the cuts are reinforced with stakes driven into the base. In some cases, metal crutches are used.
  • The cuts can be cleared of bark and planed with a plane or treated with a thickness gauge.

The boardwalk path is made in the following order:

  1. For the device of a garden path, boards are used with a thickness of 25 - 30 mm. To safely move heavy loads on a trolley on the floor, the thickness of the boards is significantly increased.
  2. On both sides of the trench, logs from a bar of 100 x 50 mm are placed on the edge. For increase bearing capacity constructions put another lag in the middle of the track.
  3. Lags are wrapped with roofing material or other type of waterproofing.
  4. Between the lags, transverse spacers are installed from a bar of 40 x 40 mm., With a step of 1.2 - 1.5 m.
  5. The joints of the timber with the lags are fastened with nails or screws. The timber is also wrapped with waterproofing.
  6. After that, the trough is filled up (see earthworks).
  7. Boards 150 mm wide are stuffed onto the logs with nails. A gap of 5-10 mm is left between the boards. This is done so that moisture from rain does not linger on the surface of the passage.
  8. All lumber is treated with antiseptics before installation.

Often after construction wooden houses unused logs remain (short trims of logs). If logging was carried out nearby, you can find cuttings of tree trunks, uprooted stumps.

  • Armed with a chainsaw, the waste wood is turned into disc-shaped cuts. If there is at home Circular Saw, then this will help to prepare lumber to cover the aisles right on the personal plot.
  • The cuts are prepared with a thickness of 30 - 40 mm.
  • A trench for the track is made about 100 mm deep.
  • The depression is filled with washed sand.
  • Cuts of various sizes are laid on the base so that the gaps between the wooden "dimes" are minimal.
  • The wood is driven into the sand with a rammer so that the immersion in the sand of "dimes" is maximum.
  • The garden path will last for more than one year. From time to time, you will need to change rotten and cracked fragments and add sand.


Optimal dimensions timber for yard passages - 50 x 150 mm. The length may vary. In principle, a timber construction is not much different from a flooring made of boards.

A timber, as a more "powerful" lumber than a board, requires laying on logs. Lags are dug into the ground in such a way that the surface of the track protrudes slightly or is level with the ground.

In addition to processing with protective impregnations, the timber is covered with a tinted stain. Lumber from conifers wood takes on a dark noble shade.


Used pallets more than once can be purchased at any warehouse. A pallet is a ready-to-use piece of boarding with joists.

Sometimes the owners of the site alter the pallets, rearranging the boards on the board denser. In order not to waste time and money on the foundation, the pallets are placed on a rubber conveyor belt, digging the logs into the ground.

As in previous cases, the wood is impregnated with antiseptics, and crossbeams wrapped with roofing material.

Garden parquet (decking)

Abroad, garden parquet is called decking. Parquet is rectangular or square tiles different sizes... The surface of the deck looks like a set of planks (lamellas) fixed on a lattice base.

The tiles are equipped with a locking system for interconnection. The surface may appear solid or with gaps between the lamellas. On garden parquet with gaps rainwater does not linger and quickly goes into the ground.

Installation garden parquet does not require the device of a special base. The lower part of the deck is made in the form of a lattice with sharp legs. When laying tiles, the parquet is pressed into the ground with supports. By changing the places of the elements, the desired pattern of the track or site is achieved.

Often, lamellas from tropical trees are used for the top layer of parquet. More cheap parquet made from coniferous wood.

Decking construction will cost much more than the above options for creating garden paths.

Tree bark (mulch), nut shells

On sale on the market building materials You can find waste products from the woodworking industry. This is the crushed bark (mulch) of trees - soft wood material often used for the device of transitions around the personal plot.

Mulch track device

  • along the entire path, the top layer of earth is removed, 50 - 100 mm thick;
  • boards are dug in along the trench on both sides. This is necessary to keep the crumb of bark within the passage;
  • the space between the curbs is filled with mulch. The bark is leveled and tamped;
  • the bark perfectly permits water through itself, so the path dries quickly after rain.

Walnut shell lane

At enterprises Food Industry shells of various nuts can be purchased. The technology for making a garden walkway is identical to the method for making a bark walkway. The shell also does not retain moisture in its mass. The only drawback of this design is that you can't walk on it with bare feet.

Both types of garden passages are short-lived and are temporary structures. To keep them in working order, the tracks must be regularly updated with fresh material.


Solve the issue of creating environmentally friendly and comfortable passages through the backyard territory of the dacha, or own home not difficult. You can always choose a design that meets the tastes and wallet of the owners of the site.


Garden paths winding in the grass, trampled underfoot, have one significant drawback - when it rains, they turn into slippery mud paths. Garden paths made of wood are devoid of this drawback, and the low cost of the material allows you to significantly save.

Cheapness is one of the main advantages of wood flooring, but it is far from decisive. Many homeowners prefer exactly the paths in the country made of wood because of their decorative look, which fits perfectly into, and it is very pleasant to walk barefoot along such a path - the wooden paths in the country house do not heat up as much as the stone ones.

From boards and a round saw, you can make the most different combinations decking, both in a strict modern style, and in a natural forest. Many do not dare to do such experiments, since wood in contact with moist soil is short-lived, but when the right approach and adherence to technology, garden paths made of wood can last for several decades.

The material is often at your fingertips - these are old logs, and various boards that were left without work, and thick branches obtained after tree pruning. Quite often they roll around and slowly rot in the barn - so why not benefit them! Preparing the boards for installation is very simple - cut them into pieces of the same length. The same must be done with the cuts - so that the track is durable, the cuts are made up to 15 cm thick. And then the technology of creating paths in different cases significantly different!

If you value your time and at the same time want to get a beautiful and high-quality paved path, think about purchasing this one.

To begin with, the boards need to be treated with antiseptic compounds or a solution of copper sulfate, however, a specialized antiseptic will cope with its task more efficiently.

When the boards are dry, you can start installing them. Under the path, you need to dig a small trench up to 20 cm deep. So that weeds do not grow in the trench in the future, we cover the bottom with geotextiles, and on top we make a 10-cm embankment of gravel or rubble. In the process of filling the trench with stones on the sides and in the center along the pit, install the bars - the boards will be nailed to them. This design will fit into almost any interior design.

The second option is to lay the boards directly on the gravel cushion, "sinking" them between the stones. In this case, the boards can be arranged chaotically, which will give the paths a natural look. In any case, try to lay them so that they do not touch the soil - such contact will significantly reduce the life of the wood. The advantage of such tracks is that after some time, the elements that have failed can be completely replaced.

Logs should not stand idle - they can be used to make original and textured garden paths. Wooden cuts are laid in a dug trench up to 40 cm deep. Geotextiles are laid on the bottom of the trench, and then a sand cushion is poured in a layer of 15-20 cm. Prepared cuts are started to be laid on top. Wood preparation consists in processing antiseptic agents and bitumen. Bitumen is melted in a metal container and immersed in it with the lower part of the saw cut.

Every person who has suburban area wants his dacha to be furnished and well-groomed.

The internet is full of articles with different options improvement summer cottages with a photo of beautiful garden paths, but it is not clear how to do it all yourself.

The services of designers are quite expensive, but meanwhile I would like your garden to be something different from others. Original garden paths will give any garden an original look.

DIY garden paths

To equip the site with garden paths will not require large cash costs, especially if the dacha has materials suitable for this.

You just need to turn on your imagination and carefully examine the contents of the attic and other places where suitable elements for making paths can be stored.

Exists great amount options for garden paths, the choice depends only on the taste and capabilities of the owner of the cottage.

How to make a garden path with your own hands

The easiest way is to make a gravel path. To make it, you will need:

  • Pebbles or expanded clay;
  • Geotexit or compacted film;
  • Sand;
  • Frames made of wood or concrete (bumpers) for paths.

First you need to think over the design of your garden paths. The walkway should be conveniently and harmoniously located.

To make a high-quality track, all actions must be performed step by step:

  • Make markings for your future path. If you plan to make it curvy, then draw all the convolutions.
  • Dig in on both sides wooden blocks or concrete bumpers.
  • The top layer of sod should be removed along the entire length of the path, approximately 15-20 cm deep.
  • Geotextiles or dense foil are laid neatly along the path, the edges should be placed under the side of the path.
  • The cleaned surface is covered with a 5 cm layer of sand. After that, the sand is leveled.
  • The prepared surface is covered with gravel.
  • The gravel is compacted using a roller or a conventional shovel.

Garden path made of natural stone

Natural stone is one of the best natural materials... It fits perfectly into the surroundings.

Stone paths are the most durable. This allows them to keep appearance long years. To make such tracks, you will need:

  • Crushed cobblestone or rubble;
  • Some sand.

Garden paths made of natural stone

Marking a track is the first thing to start with.

It is necessary to remove the sod from the entire area designated for the walkway. The depth depends on the size of the largest stone for the path.

Fill the path area with sand, and then proceed to leveling. The thickness of the sand layer should be about 10 cm.

The stones are laid out on the sand. It is necessary to press the cobblestones into the thickness of the sand.

Between the stones, you can leave gaps in which the earth is filled. Many people sow this land with small grass.


If the stone is not very large, then 2-3 cm intervals will be sufficient. In the future, these seams can be repaired with cement mortar.

Concrete garden paths

In order to make a concreted garden path, you can use a garden path mold, which is a plastic frame. This is very convenient device, greatly simplifying the whole process.

Materials required for a concrete walkway:

  • Sand;
  • Crushed stone or gravel;
  • Water,
  • Cement.

How to prepare a place for a concrete path?

This path is prepared in the same way as a gravel path. But the trench for it should be wider in comparison with the dimensions of the finished track - about 20 cm.

  • Remove excess soil from the trench and compact the bottom.
  • Use wooden pegs along the length of the track on both sides to secure the formwork.
  • Crushed stone 5-10 cm thick is poured to the bottom. You should not exceed these figures.
  • To prevent the concrete from cracking in the future, the formwork is reinforced with slats. Rails are installed transversely every 2.5-3 meters.
  • Next, a form for concreting is superimposed on top.
  • The form must be poured with cement mortar as evenly as possible, leaving no empty gaps.
  • After completing one section of the trench, move on to the next, covering the finished gap plastic wrap to avoid debris falling onto fresh concrete.
  • After two weeks of waiting, the formwork must be removed.
  • The remaining areas between the slabs can be covered with soil or grass can be planted there.
  • Those spaces that remain from the trench on the sides are covered with pebbles or laid out with bricks.

Wooden paths for the garden

Wood is the most readily available material for building garden paths. A rich variety of colors and textures of wood allows you to give free rein to your imagination.


Wooden garden paths can be created from treated planks or from simple tree cuts. The ways of laying such tracks are slightly different from each other.

Stump path

Cuts from wood or hemp can be used to create original paths for your garden. When making such tracks, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • The material for laying the garden path must be treated with an antiseptic, since the tree does not tolerate contact with damp earth poorly. Wood treatment with 10% copper sulfate will increase the protective properties of the tree. Bitumen is used for the same purposes. You can purchase material already treated with an antiseptic.
  • Mark out the area of ​​the path and remove the top layer of earth.
  • Dig a trench 30 cm deep.
  • Spread film or geotextile all over the walkway.
  • Cover the film with a ten centimeter layer of rubble.
  • A layer of sand is applied to the crushed stone, which must be moistened and compacted.
  • Now you can lay out the cuts. The remaining gaps between the cuts can be covered with earth or gravel.

A path from boards is prepared in the same way as a garden path from tree cuts, only the boards are stacked vertically.

Whichever option you choose, it is important to carry out all work on garden plot with a good mood and inspiration.

After all, a dacha is a place to restore mental and physical strength. Every corner of its area should please the eye and inspire new ideas.


Do-it-yourself photo of garden paths