How to make a forged gate with your own hands. Wrought iron gates: photos, sketches, ideas Wrought iron gate frame

Wrought iron gates and wickets for home and summer cottages are offered to your attention. The catalog of our site contains photos of forged gates, wickets and their detailed characteristics... The price of forged gates is notable for its affordability due to serial production and well-oiled technologies, and the quality meets international standards or even surpasses them in many ways. You can purchase any products in our company at the most low prices thanks to the service joint procurement... Buy wrought iron gates and wickets at a low price is acceptable for people who value their time and money.

Artistic workmanship installation of wrought iron gates from a profile pipe counts, depending on the wishes of the customer to make for minimal money excellent quality installation of wrought iron gates, modern flowing lines or the solid simplicity of a traditional solution. You can verify this by looking at the photo installation of wrought iron gates in our photo gallery - a standard inexpensive drawing on the facade of the gate - we will be happy to select the option you need installation of wrought iron gates... A similar business card should be done on professional quality that our craftsmen are capable of making installation of wrought iron gates of any complexity while maintaining an acceptable price. Decorate your home installation of wrought iron gates has become a good form for wealthy people. If the plot is quite large, then many solutions for landscaping and additions are required and a forged gate, made in the same style as installation of wrought iron gates. installation of wrought iron gates in combination with forged lanterns, they will perfectly suit the architectural composition of the building, present its visual continuation and give a certain kind of stateliness of the structure. If you need to make forged products or installation of wrought iron gates, then you can safely contact us for help at any stage from the beginning of the design to the selection of performers.
We work for you at low prices to give you the opportunity to enjoy excellent quality at a great price. Price for installation of wrought iron gates- the first thing the buyer thinks about. There is an opinion that they are unreasonably expensive. But, you can buy graceful installation of wrought iron gates inexpensively on our website at an affordable cost (from 7000 rubles). As you can see, you can turn your plot into a gorgeous estate at the lowest price!

Information on the installation of wrought iron gates

Order installation of forged gates- We set the gate with our own hands.
Installation of wrought iron gates with your own hands is a reality! Minimum
special skills, maximum desire and effort - amazing

Installation of wrought iron gates- SpecMetallMaster
Installation supporting structure Since the pillars are for gate- the basis of all
structures, they must be made taking into account all technologies and ...

Installation wrought iron gates... The gate is the first thing you see when you enter
any private territory and from what impression their appearance makes,

The decision to install forged gates on a suburban area indicates good taste the owner. If the manufacture and installation are carried out independently, this indicates the professional training of the performer. But you can find a more gentle option - buy forged parts in a store or order from a master.

Wrought iron swing gates

Fencing - important element any suburban area... This is primarily related to the safety of the property, but it also carries an aesthetic burden. One of the popular solutions in the manufacture of a fence is the use of metal structures decorated with forging elements. A special place in such a fence is occupied by a gate and a wicket, being the hallmark of the site and an indicator of the status of its owner.

Forged elements add sophistication to even simple gates

Advantages and disadvantages of wrought iron gates

Art artistic hand forged is gradually becoming a thing of the past. This is due to the complexity of the job and the need a large number locksmith tools. Therefore, the cost of the products is very high.

Fencing in this style has certain positive qualities:

Of the shortcomings of forged products, the following points can be noted:

Preparatory work, design

To install correctly swing gates, you need to take into account a number of circumstances:

  1. The distance from the gate to the nearest building should provide free space for opening to the inside of the site. If this condition is not met, an outward-opening design option should be considered.
  2. Outside sash should not block the sidewalk on the street.
  3. When open, the gate must not impede the vehicle's maneuver when entering the site.
  4. For any direction of opening of the gate, it is necessary to make devices for fixing the leaves so that they do not move under the gusts of wind. V otherwise property damage or personal injury could occur.

The gate must open freely inside the site

If none of these conditions are met, then you need to think about another design, such as rollback devices. Having decided on the design of the gate, you need to complete a draft design of this structure. This requires:

  1. Select the material for the manufacture of the gate.
  2. Calculate the need for types and sizes of metal profiles.
  3. Draw up a material sheet with prices for materials in the region, estimate the costs of manufacturing and installation. It also includes auxiliary materials and tools that will have to be purchased.
  4. Do the same with support pillars to install the gate.

On the basis of the drawn up documents, purchase and deliver all the necessary materials to the site.

What material to choose

The main structural elements gates are sash and pillars. Given the weight of the structure, you can offer the following materials:

  1. For pillars - galvanized profile pipe with a size of 100x80x6 mm. It is better to use seamless, but this is a rare material; you can also use electrowelded with a wall of at least 2.5 millimeters.
  2. Cement, sand and gravel for concreting pillars, including from the calculation of filling the inner cavity of the pipe with a solution.
  3. Brick for facing pillars.
  4. Galvanized sheet 0.5–0.7 mm thick for the manufacture of pillars tops.
  5. Profile for assembly of casement frames. Usually, for this, profile pipes with a size of 20x40x2.5 mm, an angle of 45x45 are used, round pipes with a diameter of 40 mm, preferably seamless.
  6. Materials for the door leaf. If a blind structure is preferred, then the blade can be made of cold-rolled sheet steel with a thickness of 1.2–2.0 mm. This material has a higher surface quality. For transparent structures, filling with rods of various profiles and sizes is used, a strip for making twisted elements.
  7. Forged parts can be ordered for individual production according to your own sketches and during installation of the sashes, weld them to the canvas.

When purchasing metal, you should pay attention to the steel grade of profiles and sheets. Decisive has a carbon content in the metal, which determines such an important quality for work as weldability. Recommended grades from st. 0 to st. 20. These indicators can be checked with the seller according to the quality certificate for metal. Experienced home master can roughly establish the suitability of the metal for welding with a simple file by tracing it over the sample.

Photo gallery: steel rolled products of the "fence" assortment

Popular material for gates is cold rolled steel sheet For the manufacture of gates, a rolled profile is used. High strength material is required for the door frame Round or square steel bars are used to make forged elements

The procedure for calculating the need for materials

The basis for calculating the need for materials is the preliminary design of the gate.

Actually, they consist of two identical flaps in a mirror image. In practice, the width of the gate is chosen in the size of 3.8–4.2 meters. That is, the width of one sash is 2 meters. If a pipe of 20x40 millimeters is chosen as the material for the frame, then 2x2 + 2x1.8 meters of material will go to the sash. With a sash height of 1.8 m, 7.6 m of pipe will be needed. In addition, to strengthen the structure on the sash, it is necessary to install stiffening ribs, which are made of the same material. They are installed approximately 40 centimeters from the bottom and from the top contour.

Further strengthening of the frame is made with corners made of sheet steel with a thickness of 2 millimeters. The size of the corner is approximately 15x15 millimeters. One sash will need 8 such parts. The weight of one part must be multiplied by their number.

To calculate materials, you need a graphical display of the object.

When drawing up a project, it is very important to take into account the cutting of material with minimal waste. Therefore, before starting its development, it is advisable to find out what size material the local market can offer and use this information.

Table: running meter weight of some shaped pipes according to GOST 8645-68, kg / meter

We give the weight of the sheet metal that may be needed for the manufacture of the gate, kg / m2 (here the first indicator is the thickness of the sheet):

  • 1,5 – 11,77;
  • 2,0 – 15,70;
  • 2,5 – 19,62;
  • 3,0 – 23,55;
  • 4,0 – 31,4.

In the manufacture of gates, various square or round rods, strips and other materials can also be used.

Data on the weight characteristics of any metal product can be found on the Internet. The recalculation is necessary, since prices are formed according to the weight parameter.

The design of the door leaf also depends on the size of the metal available on the local market. So, the gap between the horizontal additional stiffening ribs in size should be close to the size of the sheet. And if this place is covered by a lattice, then the total of the lower and upper gaps should be close to this parameter.

The lattice is made of pieces of square or round high-quality metal with dimensions of 12-16 millimeters, arranged vertically. The distance between them is determined by the designer and is 10-15 centimeters. The calculation is done as follows:

  1. The opening width of a two-meter sash is 2000 - 80 - 10 (the size of the profile and the width of the gap between the sashes) and is equal to 1910 millimeters.
  2. Divide the result by 15 (the number of openings between the bars of the grating) and get the total: 1910: 15 = 127 mm.
  3. The number of rods will be one less, that is, 14 pieces.
  4. The need for a profile will be 14 x L, where L is the length of one bar.

The need for metal for twisted or bent elements is determined in the same way on an individual basis.

Tools and equipment for the manufacture of forged gates

To make a forged gate with your own hands, in addition to a variety of tools, you will need metalworking skills, including blacksmithing. However, decorative forged elements designs can be ordered externally.

Table: basic tools for gate assembly

Photo gallery: sash assembly tool

Bulgarian - a universal tool for cutting and stripping metal The safest way to connect parts is by welding A square is required for accurate positioning of parts during assembly Clamps are used to fix parts

Step-by-step instructions for making a gate

First, pillars are installed to fasten the doors and wickets. As already mentioned, a 100x80 mm pipe serves as the basis for them.

Installation of pillars

To install the pipe, you need holes in the ground. Their depth should be more than the freezing point of the soil by 30-40 centimeters. Further:

Further continuation of work - at least three weeks after the final hardening of concrete and masonry mortar.

Swing wrought iron gates on powerful stone pillars look great

Sash manufacturing

Work should begin with the installation of the slipway on a relatively level area. For him you will need wooden bar sizes 100x100 or 100x50 millimeters. The requirement for this device is horizontal flatness. Further:

Photo gallery: a variety of decorative forged items

Floral ornament is a common decor option Craftsmanship allows you to create unique pieces Forged hinges are part of the decor The original forged handle will become a separate decoration of the gate. Forged details lend wooden gate old entourage Forged composition is effectively combined with metal gates

Sash installation

You will need several assistants to install the doors, and if the gate is too heavy, you need to use a crane. Work order:

  1. Weld canopies on the side rack.
  2. Arrange between the pillars wooden stand according to the height of the gate.
  3. Install the sash in place manually or with a crane, temporarily fix it with jibs.
  4. Weld the counterparts of the awnings to the embedded parts on the posts. The awnings are installed with the pins up.

Install the second sash in the same way. The distance between them at the point of closing should be 20–40 millimeters. Thoroughly clean weld joints and treat them with corrosion protection agents.

Video: making forged gates with your own hands

Finishing work

A gate finish is essential to protect the metal from corrosion. In our case, only passive methods are considered in the form of applying to the surface protective compounds... To do this, apply:

  1. Nitroenamel - until recently was a popular remedy, but now there are more effective ones. Its disadvantage is the fragility of the layer that cracks during vibration.
  2. Alkyd dyes are the most popular formulations due to their high consumer properties. The disadvantage is the high cost.
  3. Bituminous compounds - one layer is enough for reliable protection metal from corrosion. They are used only in closed places, as they give the surface an unaesthetic appearance.
  4. Silicone enamels. Resistant to temperature changes. They have an excellent appearance and are durable.
  5. Rust converters. Metal protection occurs with the formation protective film when the composition interacts with rust. Produced on the basis of phosphoric acid.

The protective coating can be an element of the decor of forged gates.

Forged gates- the product is complex, but it is impossible to recognize them self-production impossible. The market offers quite a variety of forged parts, from which beautiful and durable gates can be assembled. There is no shortage of other materials, and the manufacturing technology is quite simple for a home craftsman.

Do you want your site to look beautiful and dignified? Wrought iron gates are just such an option. Installing a beautiful wrought-iron fence is very sophisticated and prestigious.

The only drawback of forged gates is their high cost. The solution to this issue is the manufacture of forged gates with your own hands. Installation of such a fence is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

If you love tinkering, then if you want and have a little blacksmithing skills, you can become the owner of the gate - the envy of friends and neighbors. So, in what order to make a forged lattice and forged gate hinges?

What do we have to do?

Before starting work, you must understand the basic principle in accordance with which the gate decorated with forging is made. The essence of this principle is the assembly of a single pattern from separate elements.

Do not be shy! Such work requires great accuracy and scrupulousness of execution. And the desire to work, of course.

Professionalism and working skills will not hurt, but in this situation they do not play a decisive role. Forged parts can be ordered (they will be made according to your sketch).

Ready-made items are also on sale. If you want to make the fence yourself, you can make the parts yourself.

Where to begin?

Can I get to work? Do not hurry! Do not be like the lovely Cinderella, who was eager to go to the ball in a shabby dress, an old cap and wooden shoes. Be patient.

To all blacksmith work preceded by a sketch. Remember that sketch and rough sketch are not synonymous. The drawing must certainly be drawn to scale.

Put everything on the sketch required sizes... Such a drawing is a kind of basis, a canvas for a future design.

Installing the pillars

Materials are available, the sketch is ready. Further work, at first glance, quite prosaic. This is the installation of pillars on which the entire forged structure will be mounted.

To prevent the sashes from sagging, the pillars must have a decent bearing capacity. The best option for their manufacture - metal pipe(subsequently, it is covered with bricks).

The installation of the pillars is carried out in the following order.

  • Marking the points of the location of the pillars. Pits are being prepared. The depth of each of them should not be less than 1m.
  • The pillars are being installed. Installation is accompanied by checking the perpendicularity of the posts (it is best to use a plumb line). Most important point! If a mistake is made at this stage, the installation of the entire door structure will be incorrect. Experts advise against using pipes with a thickness less than 100 mm. The best option is pipes with thick walls. The pipes are laid with crushed stone.
  • Cooking cement mortar(ratio of cement and sand 1: 3). Add water, mix with a drill with a special nozzle.
  • Pour the solution into the pit, remembering to constantly monitor the pillars for correct installation.

The installation of the pillars is complete. Now it remains to wait until the solution hardens. Be sure to outline the places where the loops will be fixed.

The next stage is cutting the elements of future gates, with their subsequent forging and flexible, in accordance with the sketch. You probably guessed long ago that each fragment is part of a complex forged pattern. Are all the elements ready? Wonderful!

And now, on a strictly horizontal surface, you can lay out the drawing you like ( great option- lay out the drawing in the collar frame). Now you can see how our design will look, so to speak, "live". Installation of a forged structure from separate "puzzles" is completed. Now let's start assembling.

Assembling the structure

The next stage of work is the most difficult. This direct connection parts among themselves. The connection is made by welding. The secret of success: neatness and neatness again! In no case should you be in a hurry, otherwise the result of our work may turn out, to put it mildly, not quite what we expected to see.

Weld seams should be in the most unobtrusive places. Do not forget to subsequently cleanse the seams from slag (if this is not done, cracks may form in the welding places). Welding beads are cut using a grinder and a metal circle.

The result of our work is an openwork lattice. Its installation is completed by welding it to the gate frame. Advice from a specialist: you should not weld the grating to the frame, as they say, tightly.

If you leave minor gaps, it will give the impression of a three-dimensional drawing. Structure processing procedure sandpaper will be greatly simplified.

We hang the gate on the pillars. Installation of the structure is over.

At the end of the work, it is important to carry out anti-corrosion treatment of the gate (the residues of the substance are removed with a soft rag).

The final stage is painting the gate. The gate is preliminarily degreased and primed.

That, perhaps, is all. Admire the piece own hands... You have created this masterpiece yourself!

Long gone are the days when gates were made of wood. Currently, any owner strives to put a gate made of metal. Metal structures have a lot of advantages over wooden ones: they can serve for decades, do not require special maintenance and perform their main function (protecting the territory from the intrusion of uninvited visitors) much better than wooden structures do.

In the Alois forges you can order production and installation metal gate any type - for a fence or for a garage. Our master will measure and offer several gate options that are most suitable for your conditions. We will do all the work quickly, efficiently and not expensively.

As for the design, you can choose from us standard variants such products or order products with an exclusive design, for example,.

Installation of swing metal gates

Swing gates, when opened, move inside the site, freeing up the entrance for a car or an entrance to the site for a pedestrian. If this product is intended for a garage, then the doors will open outward.

Swing gates are cheaper than sliding gates (the second type of metal gates, which will be discussed later). Due to the simplicity of design and installation, their cost will be on average 20-30% lower.

Installation of swing gates consists of several stages:

Measurements... To install the gate correctly, before starting work, it is necessary to perform work on calculating the dimensions and determine the exact location of the gate. To take measurements, you need to take a ruler, pencil and paper, draw a fence plan, taking into account the pillars and other elements of the enclosing structure, and then use a calculator to calculate how much space is left for the gate and where it can be placed. A competent craftsman will take into account the reliability of the structure on which the gate is to be hung, and will also assess the effectiveness of protection. He will also recommend the design, materials, fittings and locks.

Installation of pillars... After all measurements have been made, you can start installing the pillars (supports) to which the gate will be attached.

  • To install the supports, you need to dig a hole in the ground (the diameter of the hole depends, firstly, on the diameter of the pillar, and secondly, it also depends on the selected type of support installation) and install the support in it.
  • For reliable fixation in the ground, it is not enough just to fill the post with earth, it should be concreted with a mixture, which, in addition to concrete, must include small pieces of bricks and stones.
  • In the garage, such gates are hung on a solid metal frame, securely mounted in the walls (if the garage is brick).

Installation of gate leaves... After concrete mix completely hardens, it will be possible to begin installing the gate leaves. To install the gate leaves in the place provided for this, it is necessary to attach special hinges to the supports (they come with some pillars, if they are not included in the delivery set, such hinges can be purchased at any hardware store), and then fasten to them (or weld to these hinges) the sashes themselves.

Primer, painting. The last step the installation of swing gates is a primer and painting of structures in order to extend their service life and improve appearance the enclosing structure. After finishing painting and priming and after the liquids have completely dried, you can install a wicket in the gate (if such an option is provided). It is better to entrust coloring, as well as the whole process of work, to the master. In this case, you will get beautiful, evenly painted doors that will not rust.

Installation of sliding metal gates

Such designs are in rather high demand, which is explained by the presence of automation elements in such systems. It opens and closes the gate, which is undoubtedly convenient, especially if the use of heavy metal structures is involved. Installation of sliding metal gates is carried out in several stages, each of which should be discussed in more detail.

Building the foundation... Sliding metal gates, in contrast to swing gates, need a sufficiently strong underground support that can withstand heavy loads ( total weight sliding gates several times more than similar structures of the swing type). So that the sliding gates serve for a long time and do not fail in the most the right moments, before installing them, it is necessary to make a powerful foundation, for which it is necessary to dig a fairly wide trench with a depth of 1-2 meters under the place of the intended fastening of the gate, and then fill the hole with a mixture of rubble and sand, tamp the mixture and fill the rest of the hole with concrete.

Installation of constipation... So that the gates do not open and close by themselves, but do this only when necessary, on inner sides metal structures, it is necessary to install locks (latches, bolts and other types of locks) and install stops on them so that the gate leaves cannot move freely.

Installation of racks... Gate leaves are usually mounted on special posts that go underground and go into special pipes that rest on the foundation. To fix the rack in the place put for this, you need to dig in this place small hole, the diameter of which should be slightly larger diameter racks, and drive the rack itself there so that it goes into the pipe. After completing the procedure, you can make an oblique cut in the upper part of the structures and fix a shaped latch in this place, which will not allow the lower part of the gate leaf to move when its upper part is moved.

Installation of bolts... Many sliding metal gates, installed using the wrong technology or during the installation of which they were allowed serious mistakes, cannot be closed for a long time, constantly opening. To prevent this from happening, at the end of the installation procedure for sliding metal gates, it is necessary to fix several latches on the gate posts, which will keep the gate leaves closed and thus prevent them from opening.

Installation of this type of door should be carried out exclusively by specialists, especially when it comes to the garage. It is not uncommon for an incorrectly assembled gate to jam like this. There were even cases of death of people who could not get out of the tightly closed room. In addition, any distortions and flaws will sooner or later lead to damage to the automation, and repairs will cost much more than the gate installation fee given to the master.

Only at first glance, it seems impossible to make a forged gate with your own hands. Openwork, graceful beautiful designs are traditionally considered the embodiment of delicate refined taste, genuine craftsmanship and considerable professional skills.

I hasten to reassure you that to make forged gates with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to be a blacksmith's master. It is enough to work as a designer yourself, give free rein to imagination and sketch a sketch of the future gate with all the forged elements: curls, leaves, spears, flowers, balls, hemispheres. All these elements are manufactured by stamping on an industrial scale and are commercially available.

Looking at the sketch, you calculate the number of elements required, including rods, corners and sheet metal, and hurry to the base building materials to purchase them. You do not even have to order a cargo taxi to deliver elements of forged gates - they will fit in the trunk of a car.

There are many options for forged gates, not only in ornament, but also in the type of materials from which they are made.

Wrought iron gates are:

  • Metallic... Completely made of rods, corners and decorative elements various configurations. Considered the most expensive construction
  • Combined... In turn, such gates are subdivided into wooden, polycarbonate and metal profiles, decorated with forged decor. Combined doors are distinguished by their individuality. You will spend less time and money on making them.

  1. We make a sketch, put on it all the dimensions of the future gates. In your design work, you can be guided by the numerous catalogs of forged gates, gates, which are freely available on the Internet. If you are not yet a very experienced welder, we advise you to choose a simpler design project, without unnecessary curls and balls. You can try your hand at making a combined fence with elements of forged decor, different-level peaks.
  2. Assembly of parts. On a flat horizontal surface, collect all the details, referring to the sketch. We strive to get an even drawing.
  3. Welding of forged elements. The most crucial moment, which will require a lot of patience and meticulous work. Welds should turn out to be thin, barely noticeable.
  4. Treatment of seams. Weld spots should be thoroughly cleaned, descaling should be removed. Prime metal special composition, paint the door frame with forged elements in the selected color.
  5. We install swing gates. To do this, carefully weld the resulting openwork lattice to the gate frame.

Installation of sliding gates

Increasingly, owners of private houses are resorting to installing more,. Original decoration there will be forged inserts in a section made of other materials. The door leaf can also be made entirely from forged parts, making the sliding gates unusually light. This will allow a less powerful mechanism to be used as an electric drive, which will reduce your automation costs. It is also important that the load on the moving mechanism decreases, and its service life increases.

You can make a sliding gate leaf from a profiled sheet and several forged decorative elements, if for some reason you do not want to open the area to prying eyes. Attach a profiled sheet to a metal frame using self-tapping screws, then forged elements are carefully attached to it using welding machine with thin electrodes.

Before starting work, make a simple sketch of the insert parts indicating exact dimensions... In this case, the wicket door can be made in the same style.

No less interesting option- sliding gates made of monolithic polycarbonate with forged elements. Monolithic polycarbonate is stronger than honeycomb - combined gates made of it and decorative forged elements will stand unchanged much longer than a structure made of profiled sheet.

It is important to take into account the nuances of fastening: a polycarbonate sheet is attached to the metal frame of future doors from the seamy side, while forging elements should be with front side gate. Very lightweight construction gate, complemented by a wicket with the same pattern, will close your site from prying eyes and decorate it.

You just need to pick up beautiful handles, curly hinges and a lock for the gate. Forged elements covered with patina and bronze handles look stylish.

Professionals advise to start welding with bulky parts, and only then move on to working with small elements. This will add both experience and self-confidence.

After you have welded the sliding gate leaf, painted it, begin to mount the finished section in the opening using welding.

Before starting the installation, you should

  • Buy all accessories for sliding gates, electric drive
  • Prepare a special, deep and durable foundation for the base.

Forged sliding gates are installed according to the generally accepted standard. The installation diagram is attached to the door accessories. It must be remembered that the section of the sliding gates should be one and a half to two meters larger than the opening. For example, for a car 4 meters wide, a retractable section 6 meters wide is used.

Examples of swing gates

Airy and elegant forged swing gates brick pillars.

Forged gates with a wicket, unique in their grace and beauty.

Swing gates and a wicket on brick pillars. Profile frame original design with forged inserts and polycarbonate.

Tips for a master for making gates and wickets from forged elements

  1. When preparing a sketch, dimension all parts to it.
  2. After the welding works clean the seams with special care, free the metal from scale and rust. Degrease the surface, prime it with a special compound for metal. Only after high-quality preparation proceed to painting decorative details.
  3. The drawing on the gate must exactly repeat the decor of the entrance gate - they must be made in the same style.

Your gate is ready. You can not only be proud of the fruits of your work, which passers-by are looking at, but also independently calculate the economic benefits of assembling forged gates with your own hands.