If hibiscus fell ill: diseases of the Chinese rose, methods of treatment. Do you know enough about why the leaves of a room Chinese rose turn yellow? The main causes and methods of treatment

This plant is native to the tropics, so its analogue, indoor hibiscus, should be kept in conditions close to tropical ones. First, the plant is light-requiring. It will not die if placed in an insufficiently lit place, but it will bloom weakly, or it may not form flowers at all, so it is best to keep it on a sunny windowsill, but it is still better to shade it from the hottest midday sun. Secondly, for hibiscus, care includes abundant watering in the spring summer period and moderate watering in winter, but the earthen lump should not dry out too much. The temperature is good, moderate, without sharp fluctuations, in winter it is not lower than +12 degrees. When the temperature drops, watering should be reduced. The Chinese rose also responds well to spraying the leaves, especially if the air in the room is too dry and warm.

If the above conditions are violated, especially with a sharp change in air temperature or lighting mode, hibiscus has the ability to shed buds, flowers and even leaves. The plant may also react to too much fertilization. In a state of forced dormancy, a Chinese rose can be from one to three months. Don't throw the plant away. It must be watered once a week and loosened. upper layer soil. During this time, the hibiscus will take a break from stress, give new leaves and continue to grow.

put it in the washer when you wash. But at least there will be a scent!

If you regularly feed the soil, spraying and does not help, buy "EPIN" - try it, it is a "strength" restorer after winter ...

Watered constantly? So sometimes hibiscus is "offended" if it is slightly dried or poured.

Transplant to another land, place closer to sunlight.

Hibiscus love the sun, frequent constant watering, spraying the leaves, do not turn during flowering, change the ground every spring.

If you have a large plant, root the scion in water as a reserve.

Look at both sides of the leaves and in the ground, maybe you will find them. I have simple earthworms gnawing the roots of hibiscus, and in the garden the ants built their houses in hibiscus pots, the plants barely moved away after transplanting.

In any case, your plant benefits from transplanting in good land, but first you need to fry the purchased soil in the oven for 20 minutes at 100 degrees in a ceramic pot, so that you do not bring the infection with the earth.

May your plants be healthy!

Here are my last years hibiscus, now after the vacation, not many survived, but I will start new ones, they take root so easily by cuttings!

Most likely this is an overflow. If the lower leaves turn yellow and there are not many of them, then just dry them for a few days (you can spray them), and if there are a lot of yellowed leaves, then you need to transplant - examine the roots, cut off the rotten ones.

Hibiscus is a rather hardy plant that can forgive some errors in care if they are not systematic, but if the plant is not watered regularly and the soil is allowed to dry out, placed in a room with dry warm air and not sprayed, kept in a draft, then first you will see as the buds fall. Then the leaves will begin to wrinkle, and then the leaves will completely fall off. The same consequences can occur with a sharp change in temperature. Monitor soil moisture. Spray the plant. Feed during growth and flowering. It is important not to overdo it with watering. Waterlogging of the soil is no less harmful and can also cause leaf fall, and the roots can also rot. Hibiscus responds to all errors in care: excessive or insufficient watering, high concentration of fertilizers, sudden changes in lighting or air temperature by dropping flowers, buds and leaves. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease, give the plant a rest, water it once a week and slightly loosen the soil. Usually after a couple of months, the hibiscus begins to form new leaves.

Most likely a sharp change in temperature and humidity.

Hibiscus is a rather unpretentious plant to care for, grown both in open ground, and at home. Large leaves adorn the bush all year round, thanks to which it looks decorative not only during flowering. Unfortunately, sometimes the crown begins to turn yellow. And in order to return the foliage to an emerald rich color, it is necessary to understand what reasons caused the change in the color of the crown.

What causes hibiscus to turn yellow?

Tightness is not always a cause for concern. Change in color and dropping of one or two leaves occur periodically and represent a natural process of renewal. If yellowing affects large quantity crown, which means that the hibiscus feels bad and needs emergency... The reasons that cause this condition are different.

Violation of irrigation regime

Hibiscus is a plant that loves water, but does not tolerate moisture accumulation. The formation of a cold swamp at the root system leads to the fact that the foliage begins to turn yellow, and then it can completely fall off. This can be prevented only by a well-functioning irrigation scheme, focused on the state of the earthen coma and temperature. Both overdrying and waterlogging of the substrate must not be allowed.
During hot seasons, if the soil becomes dry quickly, the plant may need to be watered daily. When the leaves turn yellow, spraying should be carried out. In summer and spring, the crown is usually moistened daily. In the cool season, this is allowed only once a week, and watering should be reduced by regularly checking the moisture content of the earth in the flowerpot.

Hypothermia and overheating

Hibiscus, which is native to the tropics, does not tolerate both very low and too high temperatures. Optimal mode the limit is considered from +18 to +30 degrees Celsius. In hotter conditions, the plant begins to lack moisture, which becomes the main reason that it sheds foliage, thus trying to cope with "thirst".
Too much low temperature does not lead to the death of the flower, but the leaves begin to turn yellow, and, therefore, it is not recommended to put the hibiscus on a cold windowsill. The pot should not be left next to heating devices which dry the air, which leads to a moisture deficit.

Excess sun or blackout

Sun-loving hibiscus leaves are sensitive to aggressive midday rays, which can leave burns on the crown. They appear as white rather large spots. Sun baths are shown to the plant in the morning hours, when the rays most delicately affect the plant.
Lack of lighting is also detrimental to the flower. Quite large hibiscus leaves need a lot of light, but it should be gentle, not bright and aggressive. Lack of light can cause both a change in the color of the leaf plate and a complete loss of the crown.

Drafts and relocation

Through ventilation is detrimental to hibiscus. He is under severe stress from gusts of wind. This is because drafts dry out the foliage. She begins to lose not only her color due to lack of moisture, but can also begin to fall off.
It is better to immediately install hibiscus for permanent residence. The flower is quite sensitive to any movement. If the pot is put in a new place, the foliage can instantly react to the change by turning yellow.

Overfeeding and underfeeding

If hibiscus is not transplanted for a long time, not fertilized or fed in small quantities, this can provoke the development of chlorosis. It is manifested by the gradual acquisition of areas between the veins. yellow color... To make the crown green, transplant and apply fertilizer.
The saturated yellowness of the leaves, which is not accompanied by falling off, indicates alkalization of the substrate. This is most often triggered by watering the hibiscus. tap water... To avoid this, the water must not only be defended, but also acidified.
Excessive fertilization is equally dangerous. And if in moderate amounts phosphorus-containing dressing stimulates flowering, then in high concentrations it only hurts. An excess of phosphorus leads to an instant yellowing and wilting of the rose.

Diseases and pests

  • Shield. It manifests itself as visually noticeable brown areas on the leaf plates, as a result of which they change color and fall off. To get rid of the scale insect, the affected areas are sprayed with Actellik.
  • Spider mite. Yellow dots appear at the feeding sites of the pest, and a thin cobweb appears between the individual parts of the hibiscus. The foliage begins to turn yellow and dry out. Treatment consists of rinsing the leaves with soap and water. If this does not help, insecticides such as Vertimek and Fitoverm are used.
  • Scratch. It is characterized by a white bloom along the veins of the foliage. A special oily composition is on sale against this pest.
  • Aphid. This harmful insect provokes yellowing and foliage folding. Both larvae and adults are fairly easy to spot. Most effective drugs Fitoverm and Aktellik are against aphids.

If the pest is detected in a timely manner and appropriate measures are taken, the plant can be quickly healed and saved.

Viruses infecting hibiscus

Often the plant suffers from viruses. May be affected by himself planting material, and the substrate in which the flower grows. Hibiscus is susceptible to two types of virus:

  1. Bronze. At first, specks of golden color form on the leaves, which then darken. The plate eventually becomes wrinkled and rough.
  2. Annular spotting. This viral disease gets its name from the characteristic yellow rings that appear on the leaves.

Hibiscus infected with the virus, unfortunately, cannot be saved. The specimen must not only be removed, but also destroyed, including the substrate. This is required to be done with the appearance of the first symptoms.


To return the rich green color to the hibiscus, it is necessary to analyze how much proper care provided to the plant. The rose may not have enough feeding, lighting, watering, or, conversely, has been introduced into the substrate a large number of fertilizers, root system flooded, and the sun's rays burn the crown. If specimens of other species are adjacent to the flower indoor plants, hibiscus should be regularly examined for damage by harmful microorganisms.

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall: reasons for what to do

Chinese hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is a plant from the malvaceous family, which has long been known in room culture... The Chinese rose is decorative with bright red inflorescences, juicy green foliage, which when improper care turns yellow and falls off.

Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow: the main reasons

Hibiscus leaves may occasionally turn yellow, but this is not dangerous, the flower goes through all stages of development and seeks to rejuvenate. Massive yellowing and falling foliage in an indoor flower signals problems that urgently need to be addressed.

Source: Depositphotos

Hibiscus leaves are rich in color

Yellowing of leaves chinese rose occurs for the following reasons:

  • Lack or excess of light. Straight hitting the sheet plates sun rays burns the surface of the sheet. Exposure to intense light destroys the green pigment in the leaves of the plant, causing them to turn yellow and then brown. Its lack also harms the culture, as the synthesis process is inhibited. nutrients.
  • Excess or lack of watering. Hibiscus prefers moderate soil moisture. V winter period water the culture every 2 weeks. Intensive watering will provoke rotting of the root system and the general wilting of the flower. Disadvantage - causes leaf fall and wilting.
  • Air humidity. Rose loves humid air, dry indoor air will cause yellowing of foliage.
  • Lack of space. A small pot provokes excessive compaction of the root system, which interferes with the development of the culture and leads to dropping and yellowing of the leaves. Transplant adult hibiscus into larger pots as needed.
  • Temperature. Hibiscus is a tropical species, so keep your room at +18 ... + 30 ° C. Cold windowsills and drafts are not suitable for this look. Temperatures above 30 ° C lead to overdrying of the soil, so water the flower more often during this period.
  • A change of scenery. The plant prefers to be in one place in a pot. The constant rearrangement of hibiscus from place to place causes it to lose its decorative qualities.
  • Nutrients. The lack of nutrients leads to chlorosis, which is expressed in the yellowing of the leaves. The leaf color changes from green to yellow gradually. Fertilize Chinese rose from spring to autumn with complex fertilizers once a week, in cold weather - once a month. It is important not to overdo it with feeding - hibiscus does not react well to an excess of phosphorus and turns yellow.
  • Pests. Yellowing and curling of leaves can cause aphids. The problem is solved by treating the plant with Fitoverm.

If you take care of an indoor flower and fight diseases in time, the plant will bloom brightly.

The Chinese rose, if properly maintained, will delight you with its decorative effect and will decorate the windowsill.

The Chinese rose is often planted on garden plots... Thick and lush crown of bright green leaves - truly worthy decoration in a flowerbed with flowers.

As hibiscus grows and develops, yellow leaves may appear and fall off - this is a natural process for its rejuvenation.

But if yellow leaves too much has appeared - this is a sure sign that the flower does not like something in caring for it. It is important to analyze how you care for the plant and find mistakes. Hibiscus is a grateful flower, and if created for it favorable conditions, he will quickly please with his flowering.


In the photo below, you can see yellow spots on hibiscus foliage, as well as other signs of yellowing.

Improper watering

First of all hibiscus reacts by yellowing leaves to improper watering ... This plant loves water, so water it abundantly and often.

In hot summer days you can water the hibiscus every day.

It is important to maintain a balance and not overdo it. The flower can shed its leaves if it is flooded with water and the roots will be like in a swamp.

Wrong temperature

Do not forget that the Chinese rose is, first of all, tropical plant so it loves warm air. The best option the temperature in the room will be maintained at least 16-18 ° C... The flower also does not like too high a temperature, so on summer days it is recommended to put it in a cooler place if the thermometer rises above 21 ° C. Incorrect lighting And again it is necessary to find the golden mean... Hibiscus loves to bask in the morning light, but it must be protected from the afternoon sun.

The scorching rays of the sun can burn the delicate leaves of the hibiscus, which it will eventually shed.

In insufficient light, the flower can shed its leaves. leaving a few leaves for themselves, which need a small amount of chlorophyll, produced by hibiscus under this light.

Dry air

This can be fixed easily with a simple spray bottle with water. You can simply spray the indoor air and directly the leaves of the Chinese rose. You can put a small container of water near the flower pot so that it evaporates. Many people use cut-off mineral water bottles. They are comfortable and take up little space.

Soil chlorosis

Why else indoor flower shedding foliage? The reason may be a situation in which the acidity of the soil changes. When the formation of chlorophyll in the leaves is disturbed and the activity of photosynthesis decreases, the plant suffers from chlorosis. Most often, this leads to watering the plant with non-settled water. The introduction of the necessary fertilizers with magnesium and the adjustment of the acidity of the soil helps to correct this situation.

Frequent change of location

Hibiscus doesn't like being carried from place to place. and may react with yellowing of the leaves. Sometimes, in order for the plant to stop blooming or shed its leaves, it is enough to turn it the other way.

Experienced growers say that you need to turn the plant gradually by 15 degrees, giving the flower time to get used to the new location.


The most common reason why hibiscus leaves turn yellow and then fall off is the presence of pests on the flower. Very often, pests are not visible to the naked eye. In order to identify the cause, you need to take a magnifying glass and carefully examine the leaves from both sides.

  1. Shield... In this case, brown spots can be seen on the leaves. What to do? It is necessary to spray the plant with a solution of Actellik insecticide.
  2. Aphid... Aphids can be detected with a magnifying glass. A characteristic feature the fact that the plant has been attacked by these pests are folded yellowed leaves. Fitoverm can help.
  3. Spider mite... The appearance of a problem related to spider mite usually associated with the dry air in which the flower is located. Thin cobweb threads can be seen between the leaves. You can use folk way fight against spider mites - process the leaves soapy water(you need to use laundry soap). The drug Vertimek also helps.

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Look after it beautiful flower- a Chinese rose is not difficult at all, you just need to create the conditions necessary for its maintenance. Everything is quite simple - the main thing is to be attentive to your pet: protect it from drafts, provide moderate but regular watering, pick up a pot the right size... Rest assured that then hibiscus will bloom luxuriantly in your home.

To understand what to do if hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off, it is necessary to study the conditions of its maintenance. Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, a systematic violation of the rules for caring for it often leads to a deficiency of nutrients, the development of diseases - the main reasons for the wilting of the plant.

To date, developed great amount medicinal, sanitizing drugs, methods traditional medicine, allowing you to successfully revive the Chinese rose at home. But in order to begin the process of therapy, it is necessary to find out why the leaves of the hibiscus turn yellow.

The periodic fall of several leaves of a plant indicates its natural development, the need to remove unnecessary dead elements is not a cause of alarm. The long process of wilting is a cause for concern, indicating violations of the rules of care and the need for rapid remedial measures.

The main reason for yellowing and falling leaves is a violation of the rules for watering hibiscus. Maintaining a balance of soil moisture is important: the Chinese rose does not tolerate dampness and dies from a lack of water. In the warm season, frequent, almost daily watering is required in small amounts, in winter time- as needed. In this case, you need to independently check the condition of the soil in the pot and pour moisture into it only if it is dry. Watering with tap, alkaline water, leading to yellowing of the leaves, is unacceptable. Use filtered liquid diluted with a small amount of citric acid.

Leaves may turn yellow due to temperature fluctuations. Optimal maintenance of indicators of the thermometer column in the range from + 18 ° C to + 30 ° C. Excessive temperature leads to leaf fall - so the plant can more easily cope with the difficulties of keeping conditions. Cold is the cause of the yellowness of the flower. In order to prevent these consequences, you should not install a pot with a plant near a heater or a draft, on a windowsill.

To maintain the health and harmonious development of the Chinese rose, the balance of sunlight is important. Its overabundance leads to the appearance of white spots on the surface of the leaves and a gradual wilting. Lack of natural light is the reason for the yellowing of the flower due to the disruption of the process of photosynthesis.

Hibiscus requires admission fresh air, for which it is recommended to take it out into the open during the summer, avoiding direct sunlight. This factor is the reason for the "withering" and leaf fall. For the same reason, it is not recommended to keep it on the windowsill. You should not move it often, it is better to determine a permanent place in the house.

Chlorosis as a cause of wilting

Another common source of plant wilting is chlorosis, a plant disease accompanied by a disruption in the process of photosynthesis due to a lack of iron in the soil. Its symptoms are manifested in the yellowing of the tips and the middle of the leaves, which does not affect the areas of contact with the stem - they remain green. The intensity of the discoloration ranges from deep sunshine to white and indicates the extent of the problem.

The early stage of the disease often does not manifest itself in any way, and the plant looks quite healthy. As iron is removed from the soil, a slowdown in flower development can be observed: a decrease in the number and intensity of shoot growth, a decrease in the number and size of leaves. During this period, there is a gradual death at the beginning of the stems, and after the death of the entire trunk.

In some cases, if there is a sufficient amount of iron in the soil, the hibiscus will still dry out. This contradiction may be associated with the same increased alkali content in the soil, which is the cause of plant nutrition failure and the lack of nutrients. To restore the balance, it is recommended to water the ground with weak solutions of citric, oxalic acids, and an iron chelate composition. Rubbing the leaves with iron sulfate is effective. It is necessary to avoid feeding the hibiscus with fertilizers containing lime.

Leaf pests

Hibiscus is distinguished by excellent health and high resistance to diseases. A common reason the development of violations of its development are pests obtained in the course of contact of the rose with other representatives of the fauna. A common source of wilting is infection:

  • whiteflies;
  • spider mite;
  • aphids;
  • gall midge, etc.

Symptoms of whitefly damage are yellowing and sticky coating on the leaves. The advanced stage is characterized by the development of pale yellow larvae at the base of the leaf. To eliminate the pathology, it is recommended to treat the affected areas with a solution of potassium soap.

The appearance of a spider web, accompanied by yellow large dots and dry leaves, indicates an infestation with a spider mite. For treatment, it is recommended to treat the lesions with soapy water or mineral oil. A feature of the product is the enveloping of the sheet with a thin film that does not interfere with gas exchange, but protects it from the action of a tick.

The swelling and stickiness of young buds indicates the defeat of the hibiscus by aphids. For the prevention and treatment of the plant, it is recommended to periodically process it with soapy water.

The result of damage to the flower by scutes and false scutes is the appearance of characteristic tubercles of various shades: from gray to brown. V initial stage diseases are carefully removed with tweezers, after which the infected areas are treated with mineral oil. For the treatment of volumetric lesions, the use of an insecticide is recommended.

A characteristic feature of gray rot is the thinning of the stems and leaf fall. To prevent the disease, when planting hibiscus, it is necessary to process the sprouts with "Rovral" and try to place them away from each other.

The result of the activity of the gall midge is yellowing and premature dropping of unblown buds. To prevent the further spread of the pest, you must immediately remove the deformed bud and fertilize the soil with a substance from ground pests.


Fertilizer abuse is a common cause of the wilting of the Chinese rose. This plant does not tolerate the thoughtless use of pesticidal dressings. The result of excessive enthusiasm for them is the yellowing of the leaves. To eliminate the risk of flower death, it is necessary to use one form of these fertilizers in minimal quantities. Feeding with pesticides should be done either in the early morning or in the evening before sunset.

Similarly, hibiscus does not tolerate an excess of phosphate fertilizers. Externally overuse of these fertilizers leads to yellowing of the leaves, internally - "blocking" the flower's nutrition system, which does not allow it to consume other nutrients.

You should be very careful about feeding the crop. nitrogen fertilizers... Incorrect application of the additive can lead to leaf burns and gradual death of the entire plant. Observation of characteristic brown spots indicates the oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen and the need for therapeutic therapy. It is necessary to stop any feeding and water the rose only clean water within 2 weeks. As the plant recovers from the crisis, it is necessary to gradually introduce this element in small quantities until the optimal dose for a particular plant is selected.

For feeding hibiscus at home, it is effective to use a sugar solution. To prepare it, you need to mix 0.5 tsp. granulated sugar and a glass of water. The resulting product is poured over the soil as it gets wet. To treat a plant from sunburn, it is recommended to wipe the affected leaf with this solution.

The Chinese rose is one of the non-capricious plants that do not require special care. An essential factor in maintaining it in a healthy state is compliance with the rules of maintenance, reorganization, and feeding. By following these simple principles, the problem of flower wilting can be easily prevented.