Fungicides for plants harm or benefit. Types of fungicides, an overview of the most effective drugs and their description

Each vegetative season, robes and gardeners are fighting for a crop. Complicates their task the fact that plants suffer from variousdiseases and pests. People use against themfungicides for plants, list of drugsthis group is extensive and constantly replenished. How to figure it out in such a variety of chemicals? Are they universal and help solve all the problems?


Consider the most popularfungicides - list of drugsand their characteristics, but first need to know their classification. This will facilitate the choice and subsequent purchase of a suitable fund.

Depending on the chemical properties

By chemical nature, fungicides share:

  • on inorganic;
  • organic.

A group of inorganic drugs includes:

  • copper-containing - burglar liquid, burgundy liquid, twist and copper behind;
  • sulfur-containing drugs - colloidal sulfur, lime-sulfur decoction;
  • mercury compounds.

Organic fungicides for plants refer to various chemical compounds. Heterocyclic compounds occupy a leading role, these are various nitrogen-containing derivatives. Many organic drugs are effective against pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the action on the causative agent

On this basis, drugs are divided:

  • on protective (prophylactic);
  • medical.

Protective fungicides prevent the infection of cultures with phytopathogens that provide negative influence on the root system and metabolism.

Phytopathogens are different pathogens of diseases. They distinguish biologically active substances that, in turn, negatively affect the development of plants.

Attending fungicides are drugs that cause a blow to phytopathogens that have already implanted in vegetable tissues. Harping contact fungicides cannot penetrate the tissue and have a local action. They are divided into electoral and solid effects. The first suppress the reproductive and vegetative organs of the mushroom, and the means of continuous action also suppress its resting forms. Therapeutic systemic drugs penetrate inside the plants, spread through vessels, stop new foci of infection and destroy phytopathogens.

For use

Fungicides for use are divided into the following varieties: For the processing of the soil - soil. They are brought immediately into the ground to disinfect it, especially this is relevant for soil in greenhouse and greenhouses. Fuligants are usually used - these are drugs in the form of gases or vapors.

For routing seeds - use drugs that are struggling with diseases and infections propagating seeds or in the soil. For planting plants in the growing season - mainly the fungicides of protective action that prevent diseases. For processing plants located alone. Have a contact eradicating effect, destroy the wintering pathogens of diseases and pests. Since substances are strongly damaged by the green parts of the plants, they are used early in the spring before the waking up the kidneys, in the fall and winter.

Depending on the nature of the distribution inside the plant tissues

On the distribution of the substance in the tissues of fungicides are:

  • contact;
  • system.

After treatment with contact preparations, they remain on the surface of plant parts. Contact with the causative agent, the active substance causes his death. The effectiveness of drugs depends on weather conditions, duration of action, concentration. Systemic preparations penetrate the inside of plants and spread through the vascular system, suppressing the pathogen in the exchange of substances or influence directly on it. Efficiency depends on the speed of the actual substance inside the culture, as well as from the weather (it affects a lesser extent).

Most system fungicides have preventive and therapeutic properties.


Fungicides are by their nature:

  • chemical;
  • biological ( biogenic origin).

Chemical fungicides are distinguished by an unstable effect, after the termination of their action, the processed area is again populated by pathogenic microorganisms. It would seem that plant processing and soil on a regular basis will help solve the problem, but all chemical substances Toxic, so it is constantly prohibited to use them. The composition of biological preparations includes various strains of microorganisms that destroy the harmful microflora. They have a persistent prolonged action, non-toxic, but effective only at the beginning of the disease or in preventive purposes.

Review of effective drugs


Biological preparation with growth stimulantfor plants . It is used to rout seeds and process vegetative vegetable, grain plants, decorative and indoor crops. They also process potatoes, strawberries and apple trees.

"Abiga Peak"

A drug contact action From fungal diseases. The active substance is chloropusary copper. Use for the destruction of fungi on the vine of grapes, vegetable and fruit crops, colors and plants of drug importance. With the correct dosage moderately toxic.


The biological preparation is used as soil fungicide and to treat plants from fungal diseases - mildew, phytoophulas, rust and others. In addition, it reduces soil toxicity after using chemicals. The relevant substance is the useful soil microflora.


Biological preparation of protective contact against fungal diseases. They are treated with agricultural crops. In addition, it stimulates the growth of plants and increases their immunity.


Biological fungicide with a protective effect from fungal and bacterial diseases,with proven efficacyfrom pulse dew. Fits most of allfor colors - carnations,rose and berry crops. Used for processing planting material - Seeds, seedlings.

Bordeaux mix

One of the most popular and strengths against mushrooms. Suitable for the processing of bashev, citrus, vegetable crops, fruit and decorative shrubs. It helps to cope with phytoofluorosis, various spotnesses and rotches, as a pass.

"Bon Forte"

Comprehensive fertilizerfor room plants with contact action. Used as feeding, growth stimulator and therapeutic agent. Affects the causative agents of mildew and other fungal diseases.


Contact chemical preparation with an active substance chlorotalonyl. Proceed with grain - oats, wheat, vegetables and potatoes. Destroys pathogenic fungi, causing a phytoftor, leafy spotty potatoes and false tormentous dew. It is most effective as a prophylactic agent. Well maintained on plants, it is not washed off with precipitation and water when watering.


Fungicide of contact and system action intended for processing seeds and bulbs before planting or cleaning for storage. Effective against causative agents, which will be pulled on the surface of the seed material, as well as penetrating inside.


The drug of contact-system protective and therapeutic action is aimed at suppressing phytopathogen. It is used to treat plants from pasta, gray rot, mildew.


Biological preparation with fungicidal and antibacterial properties. Processing indoor and garden plants. Successfully copes with a kayla, fusariasis, spots and phytoofluoro.


Biological preparation is designed to fight root rot. Used to protect indoor and garden plants. Tablets are added to the soil before planting seeds.


Fungicide of chemical nature, which is used for treatment and eradication, as well as for the prevention of diseases of vegetables and grapes. It has a stimulating effect, it is allowed to use during the harvest period.


Fungicide is designed to combat false torment dew on vegetable crops and with a phytoofluoro on potatoes. Active substances are well suppressed spores of mushrooms. Effective at the first manifestations of diseases.


Contact drug. They are treated with the soil, treated seeds and treated plants. The most effectively established itself in the treatment of rot, fusariosis and mold.

Copper Kuner

Contact preparation for combating fungus on bone, seed fruit, berry cultures. But only trees are treated in a state of rest. It is a bordeaux fluid component.


Another biological preparation inlist of fungicides. Suitable for indoor and garden plants. It does not destroy pathogens, and helps cultures to fight them yourself, that is, it increases their resistance to pathogens.




It is considered a universal biological preparation. Its active ingredients are bacteria that, falling into the soil, begin to settle on the roots of plants and synthesize antibiotics and enzymes. It is these substances that prevent the development of root rot. Also "Planries" increases the immunity of plants.


Chemical preparation designed to process gooseberry, currant, strawberries and raspberries. It protects plants from the most common diseases, such as a pair, spotty, powdery dew.

"Profit Gold"

Contact-system chemical fungicide, well-protecting plants from fungal diseases. Consists of two active ingredients. One of them is quickly absorbed by the tissues of the plant, the other remains on the surface. Processing is carried out non. flowering plants And after harvesting.


This is a drug narrow orientation. It protects the plants of the parish family from alternariosis, sugar beets from pulse dew and fruit trees from the past. Quickly penetrates the tissue and has a long protective ability.


The chemical preparation is equally well suppressing mushrooms and microbes. They are treated with grape vines, vegetable and floral cultures, fruit trees. He quickly prevents infection, stops the growth of mushrooms and dispute. It is allowed to apply it during the flowering period of cultures.



Chemical preparation with a systemic and contact action. Used for prevention and treatment fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, vineyards from fungal diseases. It is characterized by speed, you can use with any weather. Malotoxic.


Chemical systemic drug, designed for preventive purposes and plant treatment, including room, from mildew, series of spotting and rust. Quickly absorbed by the culture, so the precipitation does not matter for it. The active substance accumulates in the soil, processing them is carried out no more than once every 3 years.


Highly efficient fungicide against pulse dew, spotty and gray rot. It quickly penetrates the plant and applies to vessels, preventing new defeats.


Chemical preparationfor garden But protects basically young shoots and leaves, has a local action, does not penetrate all the fabrics. Treats to them trees and shrubs in the garden, copes well with a monilial burn.


The chemical preparation that copes with the most resistant phytoofluorosis races. It acts locally to the lesion foci, has resistance to adverse weather conditions and long-term protective ability. The active substance is associated with natural plant wax and forms a film.


Preventive remedy for processing vegetable, garden, indoor and greenhouse plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. Also, they are treated with bulbs and seeds. Reduces the risk of developing phytoophulas on the site.


Biological fungicide, designed for the prevention of rotors, anthraznosis, "black leg" and moniliosis. It includes an antibiotic, which also helps protect plants from bacterial diseases. It is permissible to usefor orchids and other plants located in the room. "Phytolavin" process grain, vegetable crops, currants, potatoes and hops.


Systemic chemical drug with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The active substance penetrates the plant tissue through leaves and roots. Effectiveto combat fungus. Very toxic. Used to process seeds.



Biological preparation used to process indoor, ornamental and vegetable crops. Well protects representatives of family, pumpkin and crucical, berry and flower cultures well. Suitablefor processing coniferous plants.

Before choosingfungicidal drugs, you need to accurately determine the disease and be sure to consider the type of plant. The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions that the manufacturer usually places on the package. There are also containedwarnings about toxicity and information about what protection measures are needed when working with this means.

Kirill Sysoev

Cornish hands do not know boredom!


The pathogens of many diseases in plants are fungi. Special chemicals are capable of suppressing their propagation, which are called fungicides. They show two forms of activity: fungicidal (the destruction of fungus) and the fungistatic (partial suppression of development). These substances perform one of the varieties of pesticides - chemicalsused in the fight against pests and diseases of plant crops.

Fungicides for plants

The term "fungicides" is formed from two Latin words: "Fungus" (mushroom) and "Caedo" (kill). From the name it can be understood that they are chemicals intended for the fight against pathogenic mushrooms causeing diseases in plants. Fungicides are preparations that show two types of properties:

  • protective - fungicidal (the destruction of fungus) and fungistatic (suspends the development of the dispute and mycelium of the pathogen);
  • preventive - prevents infection of cultures.

Fungicides are included in the pesticide group together with insecticides, bactericides, nematicides and acaricides. All these substances belong to the category of pesticides. Fungicidal properties show:

  • sulfur and its compounds, such as barium and calcium polysulfides;
  • metal salts, including copper, cadmium and mercury;
  • salts of dithiocarbamic acids;
  • derivatives of phenols;
  • triazole derivatives, imidazole.


Exist different classifications Fungicidal funds. The criterion for the selection of species is the goal of processing the plant. With this, there are fungicides:

  1. Protective. Apply to the processing of healthy crops in order to prevent diseases.
  2. Medical. Used for treatment after the disease detection.

Depending on the composition, fungicidal preparations are divided into organic and inorganic. The first consist of special microorganisms, which, after performing their functions, decompose in the soil. Inorganic include chemical compounds:

  • copper;
  • gland;
  • sulfur;
  • mercury;
  • nickel;
  • manganese.

Another classification shares the fungicides for types, taking into account the principle of operation:

  1. System. The active ingredients of the compositions of this category are absorbed into the vascular system of the plant, in the future moving through its structures. For this reason systemic fungicides For the garden act for a month.
  2. Contact. Show activity on the part of the vegetation, where they were applied.
  3. System-contact. They are considered more effective with respect to protection against fungi. Some components have a contact effect, and the other is systemic.

Fungicidal action

The active ingredients of fungicidal agents interfere with biochemical reactions in mushroom cells or block the enzymes that they are controlled. There are different groups of fungicides with certain properties:

  • triazoles, pyrimidines, morpholines, piperazines - block the biosynthesis of ergosterner - an integral component of the fungus's cell membranes;
  • phosphorodorganic - suppress the formation of a lipid that is part of the membrane of the causative agent cell;
  • hydroxypyrimidines and alanine derivatives - inhibit nucleic acid synthesis;
  • antibiotics (blasticdine, cycloheximide, keygamicin) - suppress protein synthesis.

Fungicidal drugs

This type of pesticides are produced in the form of suspensions, powders, concentrated solutions or tablets. Each drug has an instruction that is observed when spraying. It is recommended to use fungicidal agents with freshly prepared. So their anti-grapple properties will be more pronounced. Different forms The release of this type of pesticides has a certain purpose:

  1. Powders are often added to the ground during leakage or dissolved with water, and then used when watering.
  2. Other categories are shown for processing tubers, seed.
  3. The largest group of fungicides is used in the period of active growth of crops for the processing of green parts.
  4. Another group of drugs is used to prevent damage from grain reserves or vegetables on vegetables and granaries.


Modern fungicides are a systemic group. They move along the vascular system of plants, protecting and new increments that appeared after processing. The main objective of the application is the treatment of already sick crops, but it is possible to use in preventive purposes. Among systemic fungicides, the following means are allocated:

  1. Glyocladin. The drug of biological type used for the prevention or treatment of root rot in room and garden crops and vegetables. During the seeding, it is necessary to put 1-4 tablets into the soil. The protective effect is preserved for 1-1.5 months.
  2. Quadris. The active substance in the composition is azoxystrobin. Available in 1 l vials, 6 ml packets. Effective with respect to drone spotting vegetable crops and grape vine, false or real pulse dew, phytoofluorosis. The drug is capable of protecting peas, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, lawn. It is recommended to use it extremely careful to protect indoor plants. Fitotoxic tool for individual apple trees.
  3. Mikosan. Biological remedy used for garden and indoor crops. The substances in the composition do not destroy the fungus, but help more effectively fight it, stimulating the production in the tissues of lectins. Rationally use the micosan in the early stages, when some stains appeared on the leaves. To soak the planting material, it is necessary to dissolve 100 ml of means in 10 liters of water.
  4. Planries. It is considered one of the most effective means against fusariosis, verticillosis, gray rot, ascohitosis, alternariasis, formos. The tool is completely biological with unique composition From bacteria that actively populate the root system, enzymes and antibiotics produce in it. They suppress the development of root rot. Additionally, bacteria increase the overall immunity of vegetative crops. The average rate of consumption is 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water.
  5. Forecast. Fungicide from the category of chemicals used to protect the gooseberry, strawberries, strawberries, currants and raspberries from spotting, paste, mildew. The rate of consumption is 1 ml / 1 liter of water. The working fluid is spent in the amount of about 1.5 liters per 10 square meters. m.
  6. Raek. The peculiarity of this fungicide is a long period of protection against pasta, mildew and kokkomicosis. The action is observed after 2 hours after fragmentation. The tool is used in relation to fruit cultures. Available in two types: ampoules 2 ml of substance and bottles of 10, 50 or 100 ml. The working solution consists of 1.5-2 ml and 10 liters of water. It is necessary to handle culture to them no more than 1 time in 14 days.

  1. Soon Analogue of the drug is rake. The rash, oidium, flies, mildew. The solution is prepared from 2-5 ml of composition and 10 liters of water. The operation of the working fluid after processing is preserved for 1-2 weeks. For people and animals, the speed is non-toxic, and for birds is completely harmless.
  2. Tanos. Fungicide based on cymoxanile. The substance penetrates the inside of the tissues of the leaves, therefore it has therapeutic effects even after 1-2 days after infection. Used to protect tomato, sunflower, potatoes, onions. The form of release is water-soluble granules. In the working solution, they are stable for washing due to the ability to bind to natural waxing of plant crops.
  3. Topaz. The composition includes a penneconazole in proportion of 100 g / l. The drug has an emulsion concentrate form. Fungicidal activity The agent shows with real mildew, sulfur and rust in vegetable, ornamental, fruit crops and grape vines. From the first two diseases shows a concentration of a solution of 2 ml on 10 liters of water. With a torment, the amount of emulsion increases to 4 ml. For 1-2 weeks accounts for 1 processing. Topaz is moderately toxic for humans and animals and is not dangerous for fish and birds.
  4. Fundazoll. The basis of the means is benomyl at a concentration of 500 g / kg. Fundazoll is a waste-spectrum against most fungal diseases of leaves and seeds. The drug is compatible with many pesticides, growth regulators and fertilizers. The sign of this is the absence of precipitate after mixing. Fundazol is represented by the wetting powder of creamy or white color. On 1 liter of water requires 20 g. Processing must be carried out no more than 2 times a season. The effectiveness of the means is greater at higher temperatures.
  5. Horus. Based on ciprodinyl, the concentration of which is 750 g / kg. It is water-dispersible granules. The remedy protects fruit seeds from alternariasis, moniliosis, pasta, and grapes - from rotten berries, fruit bone cultures - from moniliosis, curlyness of leaves, kokkkikosis. 2 hours after applying, the chorus is no longer flushed with rain. The drug is more effective in cool crude weather. At a temperature of more than 25 degrees, its activity is reduced. The last time to process the plants can be 14-30 days before harvest. Depending on the disease and the type of culture, 2 g of the chorus is divorced in 5 or 10 liters of water.
  6. Celestical. It is considered particularly effective for mildew, gray rot, spottedness. The advantage of the means is that the risk of rain is minimal, this is due to the rapid penetration of the active component in the tissue of the leaves. The form of the release of the purestone is the emulsion of high concentration. The working fluid is prepared from 5 liters of water and 2-4 ml of means. Processing them is carried out during the growing season in order to prevent or at the first symptoms of infection.


The principle of action of contact fungicides is to protect only those parts where they are applied. Preventive properties do not possess these drugs. Their activity is very dependent on precipitation, the number of working solutions, chemical resistance and duration of action. Popular in the category of contact fungicides are:

  1. Agate. In addition to protecting plant crops from diseases, helps to increase yield. Agat has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, increases the germination of seeds. For the purpose of prophylaxis, it is possible to use fungicide for indoor plants. A remedy in the form of a fluid paste in jars on 10 g. One spoon is enough for 3 liters of water. Spraying spend 3-4 times a season with breaks in 20 days.
  2. Albite. In addition to fungicidal actionThe drug contributes to the growth and development of cultural landing. Heals only early fungal lesions. Use concentrate paste is necessary for watering soil and spraying patients with plants. It is possible to make them soaking seeds before planting. For the preparation of the solution you need to dissolve 1-3 ml of concentrate in a small amount of water, bringing gradually volume to 10 liters.
  3. Bravo. It is used if wheat, potatoes, peppers and other vegetable crops are affected by fungus. Fungicidal activity exhibits chloroalonyl in the composition. It helps to get rid of phytoofluorosis and medipality. Protective action lasts 12-14 days. The rate of consumption is 2.3-3.1 l / hectare for cucumbers, potatoes, wheat, 3-3.3 l / ha - for tomatoes and onions.
  4. Bactophyt. This means are carried out by treating fruit and berry crops, carnations, roses to protect against pathogenic microorganisms, including mildewing dew. Bacotophyt is recommended to use chemicals when there is no possibility. It works better in cool weather, even during frequent precipitation, but you need to apply one day before the rain. Repeat processing in 5 days. The rate of consumption is 2 g / l of water.
  5. Bona Forte (Bon Forte). This composition is part of the integrated care of home plants older than one year. Treatment includes 3 stages: treatment and prevention of insects, feeding fertilizers, stimulation of green mass growth and immune system. Effective Bon Forte with fungal infections, rust, mildew. To prepare a solution, you need to dilute 1 ampoule 5 liters of water. The tool cannot be stored.
  6. Gamiir. This biological preparation based on Bacillus subtilis is necessary for the treatment and prevention of diseases in room and garden plants. Special activity is manifested with respect to sheet spotting of bacterial origin, malievable dew, phytoofluorosis, fusariosis. The watering solution is prepared from 1 tablet and 5 liters of water. For spraying it is necessary to take 2 pieces.

  1. Maxim. It is used to protect plants from diseases and disinfection of the soil. It helps to get rid of the root rot, fusariosis, mold. Available in 2 ml ampoules. One thing is divorced in 1-2 liters of water. Soil can be watered or sprayed. The bulbs, seeds, tubers immediately before planting are rolling with a solution. Use the working fluid is necessary within 24 hours, so it must be spent all right away.
  2. Strobe. Crezoxim-methyl as part of a pesticide at a concentration of 500 g / kg is effective against pulse dew, black spottedness, rust, brushes, roasted shoots of shoots. 10 liters need to add 3-5 ml composition. Use the tool only for prevention. If there is fungal dispute, the drug will not be effective. The solution is suitable for soaking seeds of houseplants.
  3. Triphodermin. It has a biological impact. Showing for the prevention of root system infections in room colors and decorative crops. A solution of the drug can be mashed seeds, watering. Such procedures help to prevent root rot, risoctonyosis, phytoofluorosis. The form of release - powder in a bag of weight of 10 g. It is diluted in 10 liters of water. It is possible to store the solution up to 1 month in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than 5 degrees.
  4. Trico. Judging by the reviews, effective against the root rot and sulfur. A means of suspension is sold. About 25 g of it is bred 1 liter of water. It should not be too warm. The finished mixture is used for irrigation and spraying of foliage. For a person, trihophycot is lowly toxic, so it can be applied at home.
  5. Phytosporin-m. A representative of microbiological drugs intended to protect garden, indoor, greenhouse and gardening crops from bacterial and fungal diseases. Forms of release: paste, powder, liquid. The processing of them is subject to bulbs and seeds before landing or culture in the future. Phytosporin is incompatible with drugs that have an alkaline reaction. It can even be frozen, from this property properties do not change.


This is more effective views Fungicides due to a combination of active ingredients with contact and systemic action. They can be used both for treatment and for the prevention of fungal diseases. Among the fungicidal preparations with such properties are allocated:

  1. Alin. Includes the Bacillus subtilis soil microflora, is represented by dry powder and tablets. The drug suppresses fungal infections on plants and in the soil, eliminates alternariasis, risoctonyosis, septorize, root rot, milded dew. On 10 l bucket, it is necessary to use 2 tablets. Such a solution is carried out polyvku. For fragmentation it is necessary to breed 2 tablets in 1 liter. Do not hold more than 3 treatments. The interval between them should be 5-7 days.
  2. Vectra. It is used to treat and prevent pulse dew or brushes from pear and apple tree, oidium in grapes. The active substance is a suspension concentrate of bromouconazole. The working solution is prepared from 2-3 ml of means and 10 liters of water. It is necessary to use up to 5 liters of fluid to a fruit-growing tree, to a growing - up to 2 liters. Re-processing is shown in 10-14 days. The latter should be no later than 10 days before the start of harvest.
  3. Vitaros. It is shown to use when processing planting material (seeds and bulbs) when planting indoor plants and coalds. Vitaros suppresses the fungus not only on the surface of the plant, but also inside. There are ampoules in 2 ml and bottles of 10, 50 and 100 ml. The average rate of consumption is 2 ml per 1 liter of water. In the finished solution, seeds or bulbs are soaked for 2 hours.
  4. Phytolavin. It is a prophylactic drug, used to prevent moniliosis, vascular bacteriosis, bacterial burn, root system rotor, anthrane. It is a water-soluble concentrate in bottles or ampoules. The useful fauna phytolavin does not destroy, easily penetrates in the tissue of cultures, quickly acts. On 10 liters of water, it is necessary to take 20 ml of concentrate.

Compounds made of copper were used as means of protecting plants from infections themselves. Their effectiveness is due to the presence of moisture when applied to organs of vegetative plants. Copper-containing drugs For plants, protective and contact-preventive action. Of the solutions, the active substance is gradually adsorbed by mushrooms until the moment of occurrence lethalish dose. The following drugs have similar properties:

  1. Abiga peak. Contains copper composite at a concentration of 400 g / l, is represented by an aqueous suspension. Refers to the category of contact fungicidal preparations. ABIG peak is active in relation to fungal diseases in technical, vegetable, floral, fruit and decorative plants. Processing must be taken into mad weather, be sure to use the respirator. On 10 liters of water take 40-50 g of suspension depending on the type of plant.
  2. Bordeaux mixture. It is preparing in a special way. About 300 g of lime quench water. The same is repeated with copper vigor. 2-3 l add to lime hot water. Each solution is adjusted to a 5-liter volume. Next, lime through a double gauze is filtered, and the copper vigor is poured into it. The working mixture is actively stirred. It should have a bright blue color - this is a sign of proper concentration. The lack of lime can burn the plant, because it is a neutralizer of acidity. It is possible to store the mixture before the day, under the condition of adding 7-10 g of sugar per 10 liters of solution.
  3. Kurzat R. Provides reliable protection From fungal diseases due to the combination of two active ingredients: cymoxanil and copper chlorokysis. Substances are preventive, therapeutic and protective effects. The composition does not cause immunity in fungi. Protection of plants from pathogens lasts for a month. For honeycomb insects and warm-blooded Rabbles are not dangerous. On 10 liters of water, 30-50 g of wetting powder is used.
  4. Copper vigor. The composition has copper sulfate, which helps in the treatment of diseases in seed, bone, decorative, berry, fruit crops. It is a soluble powder. At 500-700 ml of water with a temperature of 40-50 degrees it is necessary to take 100 g. Stirring, bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters. For cooking you should not take metal dishes. You need to use the working mixture on the same day. It is impossible to mix it with other drugs. Spraying is carried out in the morning or in the evening, when the weather is dry, and the wind activity is minimal.
  5. Ordan. It is a powder of cream or white, packaged in the package of 25 g. It is effective for the treatment of fungal infections in potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, cucumbers and other crops, if they are infected with peridosporosis, phytoofluorosis, malievable dew. Before use, the powder needs to be dissolved with a small amount of fluid, and then bring the volume to 5 liters.
  6. Profit Gold. Refers to the category of contact-systemic, is effective in alternariasis, phytofluoriosis. Antifungal activity is due to Tsimoxanil in the composition. This substance is quickly absorbed by the leaves. Additionally, the composition includes Famoxadon. It remains on the surface for a long time. The drug itself is presented with dark brown granules that have a light specific smell. One bag may contain 1.5, 3 or 6 g. The concentration of the means in the working solution depends on the disease, culture.
  7. Oxych. In addition to chloroksi, the copper includes Oxadixil. Posted by soluble powder. Oxych is used in macrosphorosis and phytoophluorosis in potatoes and tomatoes, false mildew of cucumbers. Effective drug against oomcetov fungi. It is a dangerous substance, so it is impossible to mix it with other compositions. Depending on the culture of 10 liters, 30-35 g of powder are separated.
  8. Hom. He is a representative of the system and contact drugs. The composition includes chloropusi copper. Ham in bags is produced in bags of 20 or 40 g. Activity shows a pear and apple trees with a brush, plum rotes, peach leaf curls and mildu in the vine. The working fluid is prepared by mixing 40 g of substance and 10 liters of water. For indoor crops, 2-3 treatments are shown, for garden - up to 5.

Treatment of fungicides

Processing procedure can be carried out with a solution when plants or soil spray or watered. There is also a method of etching or entering powder into the soil. Regardless of the degree of toxicity of the fungicide, some rules must be followed:

  • put on old unnecessary clothes that would cover the whole body;
  • to protect the face to use a respirator or a medical mask;
  • to wear special transparent glasses;
  • at the end of the procedure, wash hands with antibacterial soap;
  • clothes wash, dry, stroke and remove into a separate box.

Processing of indoor plants

For the prevention and treatment of diseases in room plants, system and contact fungicides are used. Experts recommend paying attention to biopreparations. Use them necessary by the following instructions:

  • depending on the selected drug, prepare a working solution from it, collecting according to the instructions for packaging;
  • it is better to carry out the procedure before irrigation and in the morning so that the day the room is ventilated;
  • the solution is to pour into a container with a sprayer, adjust it to the smallest spraying;
  • evenly disseminately on the entire surface of the plant, without falling on the flowers themselves (it is better to obscure them with a piece of paper);
  • if the procedure is carried out in the summer, then remove the flower from the straight lines sun rayso that there is no burn;
  • on large leaves, flush liquid drops.

Processing of garden plants

Do not start processing on a cloudy day due to the high risk of precipitation. The same applies to highly windy weather when chemicals do not take there. For processing it is worth buying a special sprayer: lever, pump, rechargeable or gasoline. Convenient in use and knapless or wheel pulverizers. Spraying procedure is as follows:

  • put on old clothes and special means of protection;
  • prepare a solution, pour it into a sprayer or sprayer;
  • processing the necessary cultures, evenly distributing the working fluid for each plant;
  • wash the machine, remaining in the means of protection;
  • then remove the clothes, thoroughly wash your hands and face with antibacterial soap, rinse things with soap.

Price for Fongicides.

You can buy this kind of pesticides in the markets, remove trays on the street and specialized stores for gardeners. Easy to buy them and online stores, ordering and paying for the purchase online. Specific prices for the above-listed compositions are indicated in the table:


Volume, mass

Price, rubles

Having a small experience in crop production, the majority of summer residents are lost, coming in the store to the stand with agrochemistry. Such an abundance of names, types of packages, dosages can be headed anyone. However, you should not fall into panic. Going behind the purchases of the garden protection tools, first of all, you need to imagine what this garden is to be protected. As practice shows, season preventive events On the site opens fungicide treatment.

Fungicides for plants

For the season, the garden and garden come into a huge number of relations in their environment. Plants react not only on weather conditions, watering, feeding, but also on contacts with live organisms: bacteria, fungi, insects and mammals (crots, for example). Most of these relationships are unfavorable. Unfortunately, what is natural for nature, from the dacket looks like an attempt on the harvest. Therefore, an extensive program is carried out to reduce the number of unwanted "guests". The means that use for this purpose make up one large group - pesticides. Each individual subgroup is responsible for its sector. So, insecticides are struggling with insects, herbicides allow you to remove the weed grass from the site. But the treatment of fungicides is carried out in order to destroy fungi, bacteria and prevention or treatment of diseases, they caused.

There are several classifications of fungicides for plants. Any crop, as practicing the active use of agrochemistry, and seemingly reduced external influenceUseful will know the following parameters.

In the origin, inorganic and organic drugs are distinguished. There is a separate list of biological fungicides, but they are worth talking about them separately.

Inorganic fungicides allowed for use in personal subsidiary farms is copper and sulfur-containing drugs. Mercury-containing, but because of toxicity for a person and, often, for plants, the last form is no longer used for plants.

The name of copper-containing fungicides is widely known. The most popular - copper vigor, is also the most commonly used Bordeaux mixture and composite copper.

Copper preparations with constant exposure in increased doses are toxic for humans and warm-blooded animals. The element has the property to accumulate in the ground and in the fruits. Therefore, to work with such substances, you must follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended dose and the frequency of use.

Fungicide treatment - danger to man

Preparations containing sulfur is hammer sulfur, collodic sulfur and lime-sulfur decoction. They have proven themselves as preventive funds against the brush, mildew, ash, ash. The drugs and greenhouses and greenhouses are pollinated by drugs.

Also, some degree of fungicidality also have iron preparations (iron vigor), manganese, potassium.

Organic fungicides

Organic fungicides for plants are funds based on various classes. chemical compounds. There are sufficient varieties of them. The compounds affect the fungus in different ways, so the effectiveness of them in the treatment of one and the same disease on the same plant will differ.

Information about which compound is based on the drug is quite specific. Most easers, if reading the instructions, it is not appreciated. However, to ask the class of the compound of the selected tool still, for example, if it turns out to be not effective.

In some cases, fungi and bacteria can become resistive in the active ingredient, that is, to develop stability. Or a crop can tighten with treatment, and the infection will still happen. Then for achievement good results In the fight against plant disease, you need to apply an integrated approach. That is, alternate drugs, various and by origin, and according to the active substance, and by the mechanism of impact.

Complex plant treatment approach

On sale you can meet the means of which include nitrogen-containing pyrimidine derivatives, pyrazole, derivatives of phenol (chloro- and nitrophenols), etc. The separate class of fungicides for plants is antibiotics of non-medical values. Fitolavin (phytobacteriomycin) and trichothecin received widespread. They have not only fungicidal properties, but also to some extent immunomodulatory (stimulating growth and development of plants).

Separately, it is worth mentioning relatively new, but biological fungicides have already become popular and very popular. They are in their composition bacteriological or fungal culture. The principle of operation of such drugs differs from inorganic and organic compounds. Bacterial cultures and plants with pathogens behave differently. Some strains can be dangerous for pathogenic fungi, because they themselves infect and destroy the pest. Others are a kind of "vaccinating" plant, increase its immunity and make it resistant to the effects of bacteria. Preparations can be used both with preventive and therapeutic purposes, but better act for preventing diseases.

Fungicide treatment

Biological fungicides

Already there are several commercial names: Bactophyt, Phytosporin, Gamiir, etc. At the same time, almost all funds presented in the market are enriched with microelements and, often, humic acids that additionally stimulate the plant and increase its stress resistance and immunity. In addition, in preventive purposes, the use of biological preparations is safe. Such advantages of biological fungicides make them very attractive for organic farming adherents.

Fungicide treatment can be carried out both in preventive purposes and in therapeutic purposes. However, not all means, warning disease, can be actively treated. To avoid infection or minimize the consequences of it, it is worth approaching the processing system: to use a complex of contact and systemic fungicides (about them), as well as pay attention to the active ingredient of the selected drug.

Below are some of the names of fungicides and their active ingredient (class of chemical compounds).

  • iron vigor - iron sulfate;
  • colloid sulfur and hammer sulfur - sulfur (first smaller);
  • copper sulphate is sulfate, respectively, copper;
  • bordeeping mixture contains two active substances - copper sulfate and calcium hydroxide (it is also lime milk or hawed lime);
  • Xom - contains composure of copper;
  • Tyovit Jet - sulfur.

Organic fungicides for plants:

  • amistar Trios, Amistar Extar, Kvadris, SC contain azoxystrobin;
  • fundazol - active substance benzimidazole;
  • vectra preparation - bromouconazole;
  • a number of drugs, among which the famous Rajak, the speed, discor, clean, contain diphenoconazole;
  • Penncoceeb, Ditin 45 - Mankucket;
  • Topaz - active substance Pengoneazole;
  • Agrolecar, the forecast and cleanlore contain one active ingredient - propiconazole;
  • Rusurl - Iprodion;
  • The following group of drugs is a favorite of Ke, Foliant Ke, Forux CE - have a majority of class triazoles, a triadimephone;
  • Equality for the etching of seeds Maxim - Fluudioxonyl;
  • Bravo - chlorotalonyl;
  • Svitch, Chorus - Ciprodinyl.

List of biological fungicides

Separately, it is worth mentioning phytolavin, the active substance of which is the antibiotic group of streptotricins - phytobacteriomycin.

List of biological fungicides for plants:

  1. Alin, Bacotofit, Gamiir and PhytoPorin contain in different proportions of Bacillus subtilis bacteria strain;
  2. Glocladin and Triphodermin - preparations, the active component of which is the fungal culture of Trichoderma Harzianum.
  3. Agat 25 - Pseudomonas aureofaciens bacteriological culture strain.

Fungal diseases - This is quite a serious problem of any gardener. If you find that your plant is affected by fungus, you need to urgently take action, and otherwise save the plant will be extremely difficult. This may indicate gray raid on the leaves of the plant. In this case, special drugs come to the rescue of all gardeners - fonggicides.. What is fungicides, what they happen to how they use - tell me in this article.

Traces of leaf damage to fungal disease

What is a "fungicide"?

First you need to figure out what it is. Fonggicides. - this is chemicals For the treatment of plants, belong to a large group of pesticides. Translated from the Latin language "Fungicide" means "killing mushrooms". They suppress development and destroy fungi harmful to plants.

How fungicides have been acting exactly unknown. The overwhelming majority of these drugs act directly on fungi and their disputes, violating the processes of their normal life. Some fungicides violate the processes of the reproduction of fungi, some block the synthesis of proteins and other fungal substances needed for life, and some violate the normal mushroom cell division.

What are fungicides?

There are many different classifications Fonggicides. All drugs according to the method of production are divided into chemical and biological. The first is made artificially from chemical compounds. And the second group is made on the basis of living bacteria pathogenic for fungi. Plus biological in the fact that they are less harmful and toxic compared to chemical. It is because of this, the benefits of natural fungicides are often used by gardeners.

One more classification of fungicides - by the mechanism of action. There are two groups of fungicides:

- prophylactic (they protect plants from harmful fungi);

- therapeutic (diseases are treated).

Leaves affected by fungus

Depending on the active ingredients, there are organic and inorganic fungicides.

Inorganic fungicides contain sulfur, copper, iron, potassium, manganese and other substances in their composition.

Organic fungicidal products are manufactured based on organic substances. They have a number of advantages: such drugs do not contain heavy metals and other harmful chemicals, easily decomposed soil inhabitants and are well combined with other pesticides. But there are organic fungicides and negative sides - they do not differ in resistance and are very quickly washed out of the soil. They also do not differ in particular efficiency and sometimes they lack them in order to cure a patient plant. On the contrary, their inorganic "counterparts" act quite a long time, differ in rapid effects and efficiency.

Fungicidal drugs Apply with different goals. They can be processed directly by the plants themselves (during the growing season or peace), to rinse seeds before planting for the prevention, and you can also process the soil. But exist I. combined drugswhich are suitable for complex processing: seeds, adult plants, as well as soil.

Various fungicides have different localization on the plant. Those fungicides that remain on the surface and act when direct contact with the fungus are called contact, or local. But the effect of such fungicides is dependent on the amount of drug, from chemical resistance, as well as from the weather, because from the surface of plants the drug is easily flushed with rain.

Another group of fungicides is systemic (or intrastable), they spread inside the plant, destroying pathogenic fungi from the inside. These fungicides are no longer dependent on the weather, their effectiveness is determined only how quickly the drug penetrates into the plant.

Mode of application

Applying fungicides can be three different ways.

The first is the dranking of the seed before boarding. This is done either with the help of dry powder, or a solution of fungicide in water.

The second way is spraying adult plants. In this case, the processing is carried out with a solution of a fungicide, it is usually done in spring and autumn (as prevention), as well as when the plant is infected with fungus and you need to cure it.

You can still make a dry preparation or its solution directly into the soil before planting the plant. Such processing will destroy fungi that may be in the ground and prevent plant infection.

All fungicides should be used strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the plant. It also needs to be remembered that many fungicides belong to medium hazard substances. But it is not necessary to worry if you treat the fungicides correctly, they are able to harm only fungi.

That is why it is very important to comply with safety techniques when working with fungicides: Protect your hands with gloves, wear protective clothes, wash your hands thoroughly after work. Also be definitely insulated from the room of children and pets.

List of drugs


The consoleto is an effective systemic fungicide to combat phytoofluorosis, alternariasis and peronosporosis, is produced in the form of a suspension.
The remedy has unique activity against a large number of mushrooms that affect seeds, seedlings, leaves and fruits of plants, and also has a preventive and therapeutic effect.
Easy to use: The drug is divorced by water according to the instructions and is evenly sprayed until the plant leaves is completely wetting.
Begins to act from the first day after processing.

Abiga Peak.

This is a chemical preparation from a group of contact fungicides. In its basis - Copper Copper. This element, released, directly affects the vital activity of the fungus, slowing the processes of its growth and breathing. Also copper does not allow to synthesize with important proteins, which also kills the fungus.

Acrobat MC.

This is a drug with a system-contact type of impact.

Its active ingredients - chemicals Dimetomorph and Mankucket. It is produced in the form of granules, which dissolve in water.

Gardeners use it to combat phytoofluorosis, alternariasis and other diseases.

This natural product, which includes bacteria strains Bacillus subtilis.

It can be found on sale in the form of tablets or powder.

"Alin-b" is used to treat diseases such as phytoofluorosis, malievable dew, pass, gray rot and many others. This fungicide affects the process of life fungus, suppressing them. There is also an increase in the amount of ascorbic acid and a decrease in the amount of nitrates in the crop.

It can be used to treat plants or as a prophylactic agent for plant protection from pathogenic fungi.


Chemical fungicide, the active ingredient of the triadimephone. Available in powder form. Differs in system action.

It will help to cope with such fungal diseases as malievable dew, fucariosis, rust, septoriasis and many others. The triadimephone in the composition of this fungicide inhibits the growth of fungus, and also violates the synthesis processes of the required compounds fungus. Thus, this drug helps compete with diseases.

Bordeaux mix

This is fungicide wide spectrum Actions are intended to protect a wide variety of cultures from fungal infections. It is quite effective, while it is safe for plants. The solution is preparing enough simply, it is held on the plants for a long time, while not losing action.

Available in the form of a water-soluble powder.


This is a drug contact-system action, designed to process seeds before planting.

Produced in the form of a solution in ampoules. The main active substance is tyram + carboxy.

Acts for a long time. The preparation includes a dye, which facilitates the processing process.


This biological fungicide is made based on Bacillus SUBTILIS Bacteria Colonies. It is used for the extermination of fungi both on plants and in the ground. According to the action, it is an analogue of another fungicide - "Phytosporin".

In the sale of "Gamair" exists in the form of tablets and powder.

This fungicide is used both to successfully combat pathogenic fungi and bacteria, and for preventing diseases in garden and indoor crops.


This fungicidal drug is an analogue of another - tripides. This drug is made on the basis of the culture of the Trichoderma Harzianum mushroom, as well as bacteria that have a positive effect on the soil. Glocladin struggles with fungi in the ground, preventing plant infection. The mushroom culture in the composition of this fungicide is multiplied in the soil, thereby suppressing the growth of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The mushroom culture itself is harmless to plants, it is destructive only for pathogenic organisms.

This drug can be found on sale in tablets, as well as in the form of suspensions.

The positive properties of this drug can also be attributed to what it is safe, can restore the soil, and also differs in high efficiency. "Glyocladin" is able to clean the soil from harmful chemicals after the use of pesticides.

Green soap

This is a natural fungicide made on the basis of vegetable oils and animal fats, as well as potash fatty acid salts. Although he is called "green soap", soap this drug is not, but only consists of the same components as the real soap.

This drug is used by gardeners to prevent the appearance of fungi and harmful insects on plants. After treatment, it covers the leaves and branches of the plant, as if film, without giving pests and multiply the fungus on it.

Based on the "green soap" at home is made various solutions For plant treatment.

Green soap should be used only for spraying plants, it is not recommended into the soil.


The effectiveness of action is provided by the basic substances - copper chlorokis and cymoxanil.

Copper Copper works from the inside, covering the plant with a protective layer, preventing infection with fungi and pests. And Cimoxanil, on the contrary, acts from the inside of the plant, quickly spreading on the plant and destroying the fungus.

Together these two components provide effective treatment and plant protection. The drug suppresses the reproduction of the fungus, violates its livelihood, and also has an antibacterial effect.

The "Kurzat" is mainly used to combat phytoophluorosis and mildew.

Sold as a water-soluble powder.


This drug is from the group of contact fungicides. Gardeners use it for the processing of bulbs and tubers before planting, as well as it helps to keep the bulbs from rot during storage.

The active substance of this fungicide - fludioxonyl - in composition is very similar to antibiotics. It kills pathogenic fungi and soil microorganisms, while not affecting the useful soil microflora.

Protects cultures from pasta, various rot, black legs and other diseases.


Fungicide contact system action. On sale in the form of powder, used for spraying plants. Made based on chloroksi copper and oxadixila. It is used to successfully combat the phytoofluoride, macrosporiosis, peronosporiosis on plants both in the garden and in the apartment.

It has a very rapid effect, the effect is visible after a couple of hours. That is why it is recommended to apply for the treatment of struggled cases of fungal diseases.

It is important to remember that "oxych" does not combine with other fungicidal drugs. It is a toxic drug, so plant treatment should be carried out at least 20 days before harvest.


A comprehensive drug that has both a systemic, and contact action. It is based on copper and cimoxanil. Due to the combination of these components, the "Order" performs several tasks at once: Copper Copper is responsible for eradicating fungus, and also has a bactericidal action; Cimoxanil treats a plant, and also protects them from re-infection.

One of the distinguishing features this means It is that it does not cause addiction in fungi. Pathogenic organisms cannot adapt to this drug, which is why it is always effective.


The spectrum of the action "Preview" is quite large. He helps to cope with Pearrosporiosis, of different types Roots with roots, as well as other fungal diseases. Its main difference from other fungicides is the ability to act as a plant growth stimulator. It affects the imune system of plants, protects against subsequent infections. It is used for both garden crops and room colors.

Profit Gold

Fungicide with system mechanism of action. Two active substances in its basis, cymoxanyl and Famoxadon, provide effective treatment from various fungal infections. Cimoxanil penetrates the plant and acts on the fungus from the inside, blocking its development. And the second component is responsible for the impact on the fungus outside. Famoxadon kills the fungus and its disputes, and also forms a thin film on top of the plant. It is such a systematic action that helps quickly and effectively overcome fungus on plants, even in complex cases. The effect of the drug is long.

Gardeners apply "Profit Gold" to combat phytoofluoric, powdery dew, anthracnose and other fungal diseases. Also, this fungicide is used to treat and protect indoor colors.


This drug in action is similar to the "Sorrow". "Rajak" is absorbed by plants, so it facilitates the fight against diseases. Also, the advantages of this drug include the fact that it begins to act very quickly, literally in a few hours. And he is resistant to rain.

The basis of this fungicide is diphenoconazole. This substance directly affects the synthesis of genetic material fungus and violates it. Because of this, fungus gradually dies.

Heals the garden trees and other plants from the paste, alternariasis and mildew.

On sale produced as an emulsion.

Effective contact fungicide. Two operating substances, mefenoxam and mankotheb, effectively fight fungus, protecting the plant and outside, and from the inside.

Mephenoksam penetrates the tissue of the plant, reaches the lesion focus and destroys the fungus. A mankotheb comes to the aid, which acts outside the plant, reinforcing the effect of the first active substance. Together they quickly help get rid of the disease.

This fungicide is effective when dealing with phytoophluorosis, peridosporosis, also copes well with false torment. Quickly decompose in the soil, without harming useful organisms.

This preparation is produced in granules, they are dissolved in water and a solution for spraying plants is obtained.


This is a contact flugicide intended for local treatment of fungal diseases. The affected places are smeared with a solution of the drug. You can also water the land before planting plants.

The mechanism of action: the active substance iprodion stops the reproduction and germination of the dispute, and also negatively affects the development of fungus.

This fungicide is effective against verticelais, fucariosis, phytoofluorosis, powdered dew in various garden and garden crops.

"Roughle" can be used in small doses for preventive treatment Plants. It is also recommended to process seeds before long-term storage.

Available in powder form.


The "speed" is used for the treatment and prevention of pasta, malievable dew, various kinds of spotting, moniliosis, kokkomicosis.

This fungicide can be treated with plants in all phases of development.

The big plus of this drug is its speed.

On sale can be found in the form of an emulsion.


The active ingredient of this fungicide is Tyofanat-methyl. Spreading on the plant, this component stops the growth of fungus, and also blocks sporing processes.

The plant penetration occurs through the root system.

In addition to fungi, destroys both insect pests (for example, TRU), as it has insecticidal action.

TO positive sides This drug also includes: speed operation; the ability to use this drug both for treatment and for the prevention of fungal diseases; economy; Security for people and plants.

This drug will better and faster in the event that it has already been applied earlier as a prophylactic agent.

Available in the form of an emulsion, as well as a water-soluble powder.


This is a biological fungicide, made on the basis of natural components. He became excellent alternative Chemical pesticides.

At the heart of this drug - Trichoderma Lignorium mushroom strain. This mushroom, when hitting the substrate, begins to actively grow and multiply. In the process of its vital activity, it highlights special substances - natural antibiotics. These substances negatively act on a harmful fungus, leading to his death.

To others positive qualities The drug can also be attributed to the fact that it is completely safe for people and animals, does not accumulate in the fruits, and is also able to increase the amount of harvest. In addition to combating fungi, it fruitfully affects the soil, and also speeds up the growth of plants.

The effect of the drug is long enough - it lasts about a month.

Triphodermin is effective against more than fifty different pathogens of fungal diseases.

Produced in the form of powder and suspension.


This natural fungicide is made based on bacillus subtilis bacteria. Antibiotics secreted by these bacteria, destructive effect on pathogenic fungi, striking your plants.

Effective against a variety of fungal nature diseases, among them black rot, rust, root rot, phytoofluorosis and many others.

Practically non-toxic, which allows it to use it for the processing of indoor colors. Its additional action is to stimulate plant growth.

Produced in three forms - powder, paste, solution.


This fungicide is produced on the basis of copper chloroksi.

May act as an analogue of the bordeaux mixture. But the main difference from it (unfortunately, negative) - "Xom" is very easily washed off with water from the plants, so it is not different in resistance.

It is used to combat phytoophluorosis, peridosporosis, spotty.

The mechanism of action of the drug: after planting the plant, the drug, falling on the foci of infection with fungus, penetrates their cells. There, fungicide affects the synthesis of substances important for the mushroom, and this causes the fuels of fungus.

This fungicide is not addictive from pathogenic organisms, so it is always effective in combating them.


"Horus" - fungicide with a system type of action. It is based on Ciprodinyl.

Designed for spraying crops, after treatment, forms a thin layer on plants that protect them from infection.

It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as a pass, cockel, moniliosis, leaf curlyness and some others.

The advantages of the drug can also be attributed to what it is active and low temperatures, not phytotoxic, economical, convenient to use.

Here is given the list of majority of fungicides used to treat and protect plants from fungal diseases. After reading him, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat fungicides, how can they help your plant, and what fungicide is better to choose to save your plants.

Gardeners and gardeners try to raise harvest without chemical additives. But sometimes it is difficult to cope with various plant diseases. You have to resort to the help of fungicides so that the harvest does not die for the root.

Gardening stores are offered big choice fungicides of various focus. But it is difficult to understand them. There are many components to one degree or another affecting the plant and human body.

Plan article

Types of fungicides

The name of a group of chemicals takes place from the Latin "Fungus" - mushroom. Preparations are aimed at combating fungal diseases of plants. Special tools are divided into several groups, various in composition and methods of action.

All fungicidal agents are divided according to the composition of 2 groups:


Chemical (inorganic) preparations contain in its composition the compounds of dangerous and safe components for humans and animal components. Sulfur and iron, mercury and nickel, copper and manganese can be contained in various proportions in the form of salts and complex chemical compounds.

These drugs have a fast and persistent effect on the colonies of fungi. But with careless circulation, they can affect human health.


Biological (organic) belong to the least dangerous drugs. Their composition includes various microorganisms, which, under the influence of external factors, oppress the growth of fungus and protect cultural plants from negative activities. A distinctive feature Biopreparations is the absence of heavy metals in the composition and short period of action.

Contact and systemic

By the method of action, the means are divided into contact and systemic.

Specialists consider the drugs of contact action less dangerous for humans and wildlife.. The use of these substances is limited to the surface effect. The drug does not penetrate the plant, and acts only on the surface when contacting the pathogenic flora with a plant.

In the system method of protection, the active components of the fungicide penetrate the plant in the leaves, stems (trunks) and fruits. Over time, the process of metabolism and substances are decomposed and output. Systemic drugs Not dangerous atmospheric precipitation or watering. The active ingredients are absorbed when spraying in a short time and protect the plant from the inside.

The disadvantage of these funds is the resistance of the fungus. Improving immunity against a fungicide of a certain group, it is not amenable to treatment. Therefore, it is not recommended to use drugs with the same components.

For what is used

Basically, fungicides are preventive tools for combating fungal microflora. They are used for:

  • preset seed treatment;
  • processing infected soil sections;
  • preventive treatment of shrubs and trees in rest;
  • protection of plants during the growing season;
  • protection against fungus and mold buildings and vegetable stores.

Methods for using fungicides

Fungicides are produced in various forms Depending on the method of use.

  1. From dry powders and granules, you can prepare working solutions for spraying, watering and soaking seeds. Preparations are bred by water in accordance with the instructions for use, which accompanies each packaging.
  2. No less popular way is to enter powders and mixtures when plowing and landing.
  3. Liquid preparations are sold in ampoules or bottles and are designed to prepare liquids for spraying plants and preparation of complex mixes for seed treatment.

There are also drugs in the form of emulsions. They are distinguished by the increased concentration of active substances.

Characteristics and features of chemicals

Chemicals can be especially dangerous for people with some kidney diseases, metabolism and allergies to components. But when dosage, the multiplicity of treatments and the use of protective individual means avoids problems is not difficult.

Among the chemical drugs to combat mold and fungal diseases of plants, there are practically harmless.


The usual manganese or manganese-sour potassium is used to drive seeds for many years. The weak solution is treated with bowheads before boarding, the bulbs of tulips and gladiolus are etched, soaked seeds for germination.

The drug is absolutely harmless to humans and animals, but effectively protects plants from the argument of fungus. In addition, the content of potassium and manganese in the drug can eliminate the shortage of these elements. The effect of the drug is systemic.

For use is considered the norm of 0.1 g of manganese-sour potassium per 100 ml of water. When used, you need to wear rubber gloves. The drug can dry the skin. A large concentration is able to cause a chemical burn. With frequent use as a fungicide or fertilizer, mangartage negatively affects the growth of plants due to the accumulation of a large amount of potassium in the soil.

Soda calcined

Soda calcined (sodium carbonate Anhydrous) is often used in the household for processing and disinfection of common areas and pipelines. The effectiveness of this fund against fungus has been proven by many years of experience.

In vegetable garden, a solution of soda and economic Soapwhich contributes to the consolidation of the drug on the leaves. Soda is especially effective against gray rot and mildew. An additional sodium carbonate is treated with cultural plants from insect pests. They also save the soil from the acidification. A strongly concentrated solution can be saved from weeds.

The drug is unique and almost harmless if not to use it in large doses. Specialists belong to the category of system agents to protect the garden.

Copper Kuner

Copper vigoros is a universal preparation for processing from fungus, fertilizer and protection against pest insects. The drug is referred to the category of systemic. It is able to accumulate in plants and soil. But when complying with dosages when working with him, KUPP does not affect the health of the person and the warm-blooded representatives of the animal world.

Used, the concentration of which depends on the purpose of processing and a specific culture. Most often apply the drug early spring or fall after harvest.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid known to gardeners from the last century. Prepare it on the basis of copper sulfate and limety milk. The drug is little toxic and effective against most fungal diseases of garden crops.

Basically, the liquid is used for whitewashing and spraying trees. A distinctive feature of the drug is the "Blue Glow" within a few days after spraying.

You will be interested to know, Toms and feedback about the preparation.

Other popular chemical fungicides

Enterprises engaged in the production of chemicals for crop production are constantly developing and improved various means. Among popular chemical fungicides Allocated:

  • Cinnabs, Mankucket, Polycarbocine are contact preparations for the prevention of fungus on plants. The term of their action is no more than two weeks or to the first rain, which blends the substance. The number of treatments per season can reach 5-6. It is recommended to use preparations for greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Systemic fungicides are distinguished by a variety of composition. Anthrakla, Trifmin, Rubican belong to different groups of chemical systemic fungicides. Such a variety is caused by the ability of fungus to get used to, and do not respond to components of funds from one group.
  • Complex fungicides combine the properties of systemic and contact preparations. This is the most profitable option for treating cultivated plants against fungus. Some of them help to further struggle with harmful insects.

Choosing chemical drugs to protect their landings, it is necessary to remember their health and environmental hazards.

Characteristics and features of biofungicides

In nature, even the fungus has enemies. This feature is used in biological preparations. Living microorganisms are able to integrate the fungus cells and inhibition of their growth, gradually destroying the colony and protecting the plants.

Most microorganisms are absolutely safe for humans and surrounding animals and useful insects. Use funds, in contrast to chemical fungicides, you can all season. Practices are recommended to alternate various drugs.

The disadvantage of biological means of protection is the prophylactic nature and validity period. If a plant or soil on the plot is already amazed by fungus, then the biological products will not help.

The most popular fungicides of biologically active composition are:

  1. Produced in the form of powder, liquid and even pasta. It is effective against mold, paste, root rot. Compatible with many pesticides.
  2. Protects from soft rotting and necrosis of the stalk core.
  3. Contains a whole complex of biologically active soil metabolites. It is recommended to use against most fungal diseases in the garden and garden.

Despite the very small danger of biological fungicides, instructions should be followed by the preparation of workers and protection measures.

Advantages and disadvantages of fungicides

The question is what to choose to protect the crop, even before experienced gardeners and gardeners every spring. It is necessary to solve independently, choosing what is more important in each case.

Biologically active drugs are much safer than chemical. But their effectiveness is too small. They are not suitable for the treatment of plants. While chemicals easily cope with any fungus.

Chemicals are more economical. Their price is lower and consumption is minimal. In most cases, no more than two treatments are required for the season. Biological products are very short term Actions and ineffective.

Contact action can affect human health than systemic fungicides. Although, when protecting plants, minimal doses are used by system tools and multiple treatments are not required.

Before deciding which means to purchase, it is worth weighing the positive and negative sides of the drugs. In some cases, you can do without them, observing the rules for the processing of soil and crop rotation.