When to cut faded tulips and daffodils for the winter. When to prune tulips after flowering? Is it possible to cut faded tulips

Tulips are very beautiful and delicate flowers that symbolize the beginning of spring. These spring plants serve as a decoration for houses, summer cottages, garden plantations, city flower beds and parks. The tulip belongs to the Liliaceae family and is a bulbous perennial plant. The plant reaches an average height of 10 cm, its stem is straight, and most of the classes and varieties release only one bud.

To date, breeders have bred varieties that produce three or more flowers. It is worth noting that tulips have a very diverse color; they can be crimson, white, yellow, burgundy, purple and even black. These flowers have a fairly short flowering period. Many are interested in the question - what to do with tulips after they have faded, how to care for them further?

Tulips are beautiful

When tulips bloom

Tulips, which are intended to be grown in a park or garden, have an active flowering period in the second half of April and lasts until May. Many are engaged in the cultivation of flowers for the purpose of further sale, therefore, tulips can be found on store shelves throughout the year.

Growing up for realization

With the onset of spring, florists begin to create amazing bouquets using these flowers. By using different technologies Growing flowers in a greenhouse can achieve early tulip flowering, but mid-spring is still the optimal time for flowering plants.

Caring for tulips after flowering outdoors

After the culture begins to fade, you need to resort to removing wilted peduncles. This procedure is necessary in order not to allow the plant to waste energy to ensure that the seeds are finally ripe. In this situation, due attention should be paid to the bulbs of the plant - if they have received all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities and have reached the peak of their ripeness, then in the next season they will give lush and large flowers.

Note! Removing a faded tulip flower must be done before all the petals fall off. Depending on what kind of plant, this procedure is resorted to after 5-8 days after blooming. You only need to cut the buds, without touching the stem of the stem and foliage, since their removal will lead to poor maturation of the bulb.

After the tulips have bloomed, they need to provide increased watering, which should last at least two weeks. During this time, the plant intensively accumulates nutrients from the soil, namely:

  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • copper and zinc.

The main nutrients for tulips are cobalt, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. The culture absorbs these compounds with the help of the root system from the soil, as well as with the help of foliage. The air contains nitrogen, oxygen and carbon, which is necessary for the active life of the plant.

Tulips have faded, what to do next with them

Florists who are just starting to grow tulips often make mistakes, one of which is that the bulbs of the plant remain in the ground throughout the summer.

Note! For the summer, only bulbs of varieties of red shades can be left in the ground, and even then not all.

This fact is due to the fact that tulips that were left in the ground, buds decrease over time, and the stems become shortened and thinned. When “babies” appear on the mother's bulb, it goes deeper into the ground, and pushes the “babies” to the surface of the earth. By the next year, gardeners are already getting the flowers of these very "babies", and not the mother's bulb, which was buried in the soil.

Faded tulips

You should pay attention to the aerial organs of tulips: as soon as the natural process of drying of the leaves begins, and the stem can be easily wrapped around your finger, the bulbs must be dug out. Experienced florists it is recommended to use a bayonet shovel for these purposes, with the help of which the earth is pushed deeper than the level at which the bulbs sit.

After digging the bulbs out of the ground and before starting drying, you need to disinfect them. This measure is necessary for the prevention and control of pests and diseases. The processing scheme looks like this:

  • in a container with running water rinse the bulbs, then soak for 30 minutes in a solution of karbofos (open and use a four percent substance), you can also hold the bulbs for 10 minutes in hot water;
  • choose a shaded and dry room, provide good ventilation and lay the bulbs in one layer to dry;
  • the drying procedure should last 5 days, after which the tulip bulbs will be sent for long-term storage.

The dug out bulbs must be cleaned of soil residues, roots and old scales, then sort by size and separate those "kids" that will easily move away. The next step: you need to take a trellis pot, pour the culture bulbs there and place in a dry place (an attic or shed will be optimal).

Important! Cover planting material It is strictly forbidden, as this will contribute to the release of ethylene bulbs, which can destroy the "kids".

The place where the bulbs are stored must be good ventilation, the presence of weak scattered light is also required. Optimum temperature storage is a mark of 20 degrees above zero until the onset of autumn, after which the temperature must be reduced to 17 degrees and adhere to this mark until the very landing in the ground. Once every 7 days, it is imperative to inspect and touch the planting material for the timely detection of diseases and pests.

Bulbs that infect yellow or white spots should be thrown away immediately, as this symptom is the first warning sign of a putrid infection. Before planting tulips in the fall, you need to process the bulbs using a manganese solution for this purpose.

When and how to properly prune tulips after flowering

Experienced growers advise to pick off the foliage of the plant with your hands, and not cut it off, and only after it has completely turned yellow. This procedure should be carried out 6 weeks after the tulip has finished blooming. If the leaves are problematic to come off - this indicates incomplete ripening of the bulb, you need to wait a bit until the foliage can be easily pulled out of the ground.

Pruning tulips after flowering

If the foliage is torn off prematurely, the development of the bulb will stop, which, in turn, will negatively affect the flowering in the next season. In order not to lose sight of the place where the bulbs are located, you need to leave the stem as a mark. When planting tulips with other flowers such as irises, appearance the beds will not be spoiled by dry stems and leaves.

Tulips after flowering: what to do and what to feed

As mentioned above, tulips, after they have faded, need to be watered and fed abundantly. After the removal of wilted peduncles, fertilizers must be applied over the next 2 weeks, since it is during this period that an increased accumulation of nutrients occurs.

Fertilizers must be applied over the next 2 weeks.

Many people ask themselves what to feed tulips with? It is worth immediately excluding those fertilizers that contain chlorine and nitrogen. In order for the plant bulbs to be better stored, the culture needs to provide a sufficient amount of potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing must be applied under the bushes of plants (use no more than 40 g of fertilizer per 1 square meter). Also, when fertilizing, the use of an aquarium, crystallin or solution can help.

Planting and caring for tulips outdoors in spring after flowering

Many gardeners say that it is possible to plant tulips in the spring season, if it was not possible to do this in autumn due to weather conditions or for any other reason. But lush bloom in this case, you should not expect, because immediately after planting, only a few seedlings are capable of blooming. Planting tulips in spring has several key points:

  • before planting the bulbs, they must be placed in the refrigerator overnight, and then soaked in a light manganese solution for 30 minutes;
  • as soon as it comes down last layer snow, the bed must be prepared for planting: dig it up with a pitchfork and make furrows, maintaining a distance of 30 cm if the bulbs are large, and 15 cm if children are planted;
  • before planting, shed furrows using a hot manganese solution;
  • if the soil is very heavy, it can be improved by adding loose fertile soil, river sand or compost;
  • as for drainage, it can be strengthened and coarse washed sand can be poured onto the bottom of the grooves (the length of the layer should be 3 cm);
  • bury large bulbs into the ground at a distance of 15 cm, and children - by 7 cm, then slightly press them into the ground, fill them up and fence them with a rake or pitchfork.

Note! For planting tulips, you need to choose only those areas where there is enough sunlight, drainage and there are no drafts. It will be optimal to use slightly alkaline or neutral soil, where you can add wood ash and rotted compost.

You need to take care of tulips immediately after the first sprouts appear from under the ground. Plants that have not sprouted must be destroyed so that they do not harm other flowers. The tulip belongs to the group of moisture-loving plants, but its root system is not able to feed groundwater because of its unique structure, therefore it is imperative to water them in a timely manner. The frequency of watering depends on the soil in which the plant grows. Watering should be regular and abundant throughout bud formation and flowering. On average, 1 sq. m it is recommended to use no more than 40 liters of water, but make sure that it does not fall on the foliage, otherwise this will lead to burns.

Do not forget that the soil needs to be weeded and loosened regularly. It is best to carry out this procedure after the planting has been watered - then the earth will be moist, and the weeds will be easily removed. By the way, with regard to weeds, they provoke depletion of the soil and deprive it of nutrients. It is for this reason that it is imperative to fight them. Loosening the soil is necessary in order to retain moisture in it, as well as prevent weeds.

Loosening of the soil is necessary

Special attention should be paid to diseases and pests that can cause significant harm to tulips, and in some cases even lead to death. The greatest danger to this plant is represented by the variegation virus, which is characterized by spots, stripes and streaks. No effective means the fight against the virus does not exist today, so in order to avoid such an unpleasant disease, you need to buy bulbs only from trusted sellers.

After the plants have been cut, the tools must be disinfected after each tulip so that the dangerous virus is not transmitted to other plants along with the sap. A culture that has been infected must be immediately dug out along with that lump of soil on the roots, and then burned. Pour a strong manganese solution into the pit.

You definitely need to wonder when growing flowers in open ground: when the tulips have faded, what to do next? If you properly care for the plant and follow the rules for storing the bulbs, then next spring you can admire the abundant flowering of this beautiful ornamental plant.

The ringing spring marches rang out on garden beds, bulbous crops that delighted flower growers after a long winter bright colors, completed their procession. The flowerbeds of faded tulips with drooping leaves look depressingly sad. Many try to plant annual seedlings in place of faded bulbous flowers as soon as possible.

But annual crops require frequent watering, which harms the bulbs that mature in the soil. It is too early to dig up the bulbs; not to dig them up is harmful to their development. This article is all about how to care for tulips after they bloom.

June: what to do with tulips

After flowering, they are handsome, drooping and looking untidy. But at this time, the formation of a replacement bulb and baby takes place in the ground. If during this period it is wrong to take care of the plantings, you can lose many varieties.

After the final wilting of flowers, it is necessary to remove all peduncles on the plants. They do not stop watering the plants for another 10-15 days. The top of the plants withers most quickly when high temperature... Watering should not be stopped at this time, especially if the plants are with green leaves. You can not carry out frequent abundant watering, it is enough to keep the soil in a slightly moist state.

At this time, it is useful to carry out the last feeding, make phosphorus-potassium compounds at the rate of 30 g per 1 m2. It is strictly forbidden to use preparations with a high content of nitrogen and chlorine for feeding mature tulips.

How to increase the decorativeness of a flower bed

When the aboveground part of the tulips withers, the process of growing bulbs continues underground, it is not recommended to water such beds abundantly. I would like to quickly bring the flower garden into proper form, increase the decorativeness of the flower beds, for which they often use portable containers with planted summer houses. It is not recommended to prune yellow leaves if they have not completely wilted, otherwise the process of baby formation may completely stop. It is best to bend the leaves to the ground and cover them with decorative materials.

The soil around the pots can be mulched with colored bark or peat, which will not be difficult to remove when digging out tulips in the middle of summer.

In the period from late spring to the digging of the bulbs, the flower beds will regain their finished decorative view... You can put decorative on the mulch garden figures that can be easily removed if necessary.

Looks great in a flowerpot on a leg geranium, petunia, lobelia, nasturtium, tuberous, arabis, ampelous forms of snapdragons, levkoi.

When watering containers, water from the drainage holes does not spread over the flower bed where tulips form the bulbs, so you can not be afraid of rotting of young bulbs and children.

How not to lose your baby

If tulip bulbs are not dug out for several years, they go deep into the ground, are lost, deprived of the opportunity to germinate through a huge layer of soil. In order for the varietal baby not to be lost and the bulbs not to be buried, some measures must be taken since autumn.

In autumn, when planting tulips in the ground, you can use special containers with bottom holes that limit the growth of the baby. In the summer, you just need to dig up the container, not a single onion will be lost.

If many tulip bulbs are planted in the autumn months, choose upper layer soil, dig a pit (depth up to 20 cm), line the bottom plastic mesh for windows, bringing its ends to the surface. Pour a layer over the mesh fertile land and the tulip bulbs are laid out with an interval of 5 cm. After the tulip has bloomed and a dormant period, the net is pulled out of the ground, lifting all four corners at the same time. All tulips and the baby will remain in the mesh bag, will not be lost or injured by sharp instruments.

When to start digging up the bulbs

You can start digging the bulbs only after the aerial part of the plants has thoroughly wilted, but it is best to carry out a trial operation by digging out several bulbs from different parts of the flower bed.

The scales of the bulb should be covered with dark brown spots, baby should be fully formed. Mature bulbs show mature roots.

The basic rules should be followed:

  1. They start work on a sunny day, if it starts raining at the scheduled time for work, the work can be completed, but the bulbs are immediately washed and laid out for airing.
  2. You need to dig the ground carefully - remember that the nest with the baby can be at a considerable distance from the central stem.
  3. Special attention should be given to sick, rotten and mummified bulbs, such material is immediately disposed of and burned.
  4. Healthy bulbs are processed in a solution of potassium permanganate and dried. If there is a fear that the tulip bulbs are affected by rot, it is worth discarding the diseased bulbs and treating the planting material with preparations for rot and fungal infections.
  5. To save varietal characteristics tulips, it is worth digging them up annually.

How to store bulbs until fall

After digging, the tulip bulbs are sorted according to varieties and parses, after which they are dried in partial shade in the air. So that the tulip planting material is well preserved until autumn planting, the bulbs are laid out in boxes with ventilation holes.

For about a month, the bulbs are dried at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, humidity up to 70% in rooms with good ventilation. Gradually, the storage temperature of the planting material is reduced:

  1. August- set the temperature regime up to 20 ° C.
  2. September- the temperature is lowered to 15-17 ° C.

Compliance temperature regime is fundamental to the development of tulips on next year, because flower buds and the formation of peduncles occurs just in the last summer months.

Do not neglect the visual inspection of the bulbs, so you can immediately notice rotten and diseased specimens that must be immediately destroyed.

Already in September-October, tulips and the baby are again planted in flower beds in the garden, so that in early spring enjoy a colorful carpet of charming spring flowers grown from our own bulbs.

Tulips are very beautiful during flowering, but this period does not last long. In just a few days, the flowers begin to wither and look less attractive. Not all growers know how to care for tulips after flowering, and make annoying mistakes when trying to immediately cut or dig up the bulbs.

What to do after tulips bloom

Caring for tulips after flowering is pretty simple. The main rule is that flowers cannot be cut or dug out immediately. It is recommended to water and feed the plant well for several weeks. This feature is due to the fact that when the flower fades, tulip bulbs continue to accumulate nutrients for about three weeks. Digging up prematurely deprives them of this opportunity, therefore, next year tulip blooms may be less abundant.

After the final wilting, the peduncle is carefully removed. This will allow the plant not to waste energy on the need for seed ripening. It is impossible to cut the leaves immediately, since when they are removed immediately after flowering, the development of the bulbs lags behind. It is necessary to ensure that the tulips are adequately watered and fertilized.

At this time, many gardeners have a desire to remove yellow leaves, but you shouldn't. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to simply press them to the ground or plant perennial plants with tulips to give the flowerbed an aesthetic appearance during this period. You can decorate a flower garden during this period, having previously planted daffodils or phloxes with tulips.

Tulip leaves will wither within a few weeks. naturally and they can be cut off. In order not to lose the place of planting the flowers after the leaves have dried, it is recommended that you first make guide marks by which you can easily find it.

Do daffodils need a haircut?

Diverse in shape, flower size, color and also resistant to unfavorable conditions unpretentious daffodils inhabit many gardens near Moscow. The wild bloom in May pleases summer residents, but what to do with the leaves after it ends? Cut or not?

We proceed from the nature of the plant. Root system narcissus - perennial. The roots live off the bulb, which grows from the inside and on which, in turn, babies appear, giving life to a new plant. The more nutrient reserves the bulb retains, the more energy the plant will have for flowering next year. And this process of food accumulation is directly related to the leaves. As long as the leaves remain green (sometimes even until August), there is an accumulation of nutrients in the scales of the bulbs.

Hence the conclusion: you cannot cut the leaves of daffodils immediately after flowering. For a better future, you will have to endure an unattractive present. Moreover, try to maintain soil moisture both during bud formation and during flowering, up to the wilting of the leaves.

So that drying leaves do not spoil the harmony of your flower garden, consider this feature of bulbous plants even when planting and combine daffodils with other perennials: daylilies, hosts, heucheras, astilbe and brunners, which, growing by the summer season, will cover the withered foliage with their green "wings".

There is an interesting and very effective design reception: the slightly drooping leaves of daffodils that have fallen to the sides are collected, like hair, in a bun and braided, which are then laid on the ground. And the beauty of the garden, and the benefits of the plant.

When to prune daffodils after flowering for the winter?

When the plants have faded, they need to be fertilized. Choose fertilizer with a high percentage of phosphorus and potassium. Now you need to wait until the leaves are completely dry, then remove them and loosen the soil. There is an opinion that daffodils are unpretentious and do just fine without covering before winter, but it is erroneous. In particular, plants need this if they were planted in the second half of September. it late boarding, because, before the arrival of cold weather, the flowers do not have time to fully adapt and may not survive in the frosty, snowless winter.

The most vulnerable to frost are varieties of daffodils with large flowers... To protect them from freezing, cover the flowers with dry fallen leaves, peat, dry grass, wood ash or special materials for mulching (for example, agrofibre). The soil must be mulched before the frost hits. How to properly mulch the soil, you can learn from the article: "Rules for mulching the soil." You can remove the mulch layer only in spring, when there will be no outside sharp changes temperature and risk of frost.

Despite the fact that tulips with the arrival of spring can be found in almost every garden, not everyone knows how to care for tulips, starting with the appearance of the first tender shoots and until the moment when all the flowers wither and the stems dry up.

Caring for tulips from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first buds

Tulips are quite persistent and unpretentious. perennial plants, however, mistakes in caring for them throughout the growing season may well lead to problems such as rotting bulbs, an abundance of blind (non-opening) buds, as well as curvature of thin stems, giving the impression that they are lying on the site.

Tulips are quite persistent and unpretentious perennials.

The first thing you need to take care of in order to significantly increase the chances of getting healthy tulips with flawless flowers: choose a suitable sunny place for planting tulips with loose fertile soil and. If you do not pay attention to the sorting of planting material, the selection of the most quality bulbs and their pre-planting processing, in the future you will hardly be able to avoid the damage of tulips with diseases, which means that the trouble will noticeably increase.

Video about tulip care in spring

The appearance, size of flowers and the health of the tulips themselves will depend on which bulbs you plant in the flower beds. Therefore, choose bulbs that are large and free from rot, firm and smooth.

Delicate shoots of tulips appear from under the snow from about the twenties of March to mid-April, depending on weather conditions and on the characteristics of the variety. In the event that you mulched the planting of bulbs for the winter, it is recommended to remove the mulch after the snow melts - this way the earth will warm up faster and the tulips will start blooming earlier.

The appearance will depend on which bulbs you plant on the flower beds.

What is required from a gardener after tulips sprout:

  • At the stage of germination of tulip sprouts, they should be carefully examined in order to immediately determine which bulbs did not germinate, which plants showed signs of disease. The revealed "marriage" must be dug up and immediately destroyed, otherwise the diseases can spread to the rest of the tulips.
  • Around the small sprouts of tulips that have appeared, the ground is gently loosened, increasing the access of the necessary oxygen to the roots and helping to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the ground. In general, caring for tulips in the garden implies regular loosening of the soil throughout the growing season, and especially after watering and rains.
  • Before flowering, tulips should be watered fairly sparingly, but the soil should never dry out.
  • The first feeding is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground. During this period, tulips especially need nitrogen for rapid growth and the formation of leaves. For feeding, you can use nitroammophos or crystallin with the addition of microelements in tablets.
  • The next top dressing is not mandatory, but from the introduction of a complex mineral fertilizer when unfolding the second or third leaf, tulips will benefit more than harm.

The first feeding is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground

  • During budding, tulips absorb nutrients from the soil most efficiently and are in dire need of potassium and phosphorus for the normal formation of a peduncle with buds. Top dressing at this time should contain more phosphorus with potassium and less nitrogen.
  • When the buds begin to bloom, you can re-feed the tulips with full mineral fertilizer.

Top dressing must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots or burn the leaves, so it is best to combine it with watering or spend on a rainy day. The first top dressing should not be scattered over the snow, as it comes off unevenly. It is more expedient to make top dressing in the form of solutions.

Basic actions during the flowering of tulips

When the buds begin to open one by one, and magnificent flowers appear on the flower bed, tulips require special care. They need to be watered abundantly, spending 10 liters of water per one square meter so that moisture penetrates to the roots, and the water should not be cold. When watering and applying dressings in sunny weather, moisture should not get on the leaves, and even more so on the flowers in order to avoid burns.

During abundant flowering tulips need to be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the proportion of nitrogen should be minimal, or you can do without it altogether. Trace elements such as boron, zinc, manganese will be useful - they have a beneficial effect on the condition of tulips in general and on the development of bulbs.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

During the flowering of tulips, experienced florists carry out a variety cleaning (transplanting impurities of other varieties to preserve the purity of a certain variety) and phyto-cleaning (removing diseased plants from plantings). Blooming tulips need regular inspection so that plants infected with diseases can be immediately destroyed. The viral disease of tulip variegation is especially dangerous.

It is incurable and is transmitted with plant sap when cut, therefore garden tools need to be disinfected with alcohol or potassium permanganate. During the budding and flowering of tulips, it is easiest to identify.

Do not forget to loosen the soil between the tulips after each watering to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil and at the same time destroy weeds that are highly undesirable for tulips.

Tulips have faded - what to do next?

Unfortunately, the flowering of tulips does not last long, and after a few days, the magnificent flowers begin to fade, reducing the aesthetic appeal of the flower bed. Tulips fade most quickly in hot, dry weather. Nevertheless, even if all the flowers have already withered, continue to water the plantings for another two weeks, since during this time the bulbs are intensively forming underground - thanks to regular watering, they better accumulate nutrients.

To prevent yellowing tulips from spoiling your garden with their dull look, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers - then the fading plants can be dug up together with containers and removed from the flower bed to another place for the bulbs to ripen.

To prevent yellowing tulips from spoiling your garden with their dull look, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers.

Caring for tulips after flowering is based on the following rules:

  • if you plan to multiply the variety you like and grow large healthy bulbs for this, cut off the flower heads on the fourth or eighth day after blooming (when the flowers are ready to crumble), then the bulbs will begin to increase their mass intensively;
  • all fallen petals must be removed immediately, otherwise they will accumulate in the axils of the leaves and rot;
  • you cannot cut off the stems of faded tulips until they turn yellow at all, otherwise the bulbs will stop developing;
  • you can find out if the bulbs are ripe by digging out one of them - the formed roots and brown spots on the scales indicate that the bulb is ready;
  • Dig up the bulbs carefully, lowering the shovel deeply so as not to accidentally injure the roots, try to do this on a sunny day so that you can dry the dug out bulbs outside.

The harvested crop of bulbs is sorted, processed and sent to storage. First, the future planting material is stored at a temperature of +20 degrees, and from the second half of August - at +17 degrees.

Video about caring for tulips after flowering

In the fall, having chosen, the bulbs are planted in prepared beds and watered abundantly. Caring for tulips in the fall also includes preparing the plants for winter. To do this, in mid-October, the planted bulbs are fed with ammonium nitrate, the bed is mulched with a small layer of peat and covered with the onset of cold weather.

Not all gardeners agree that tulip bulbs need to be replanted annually, however, thanks to the transplant, the flowers remain large, beautiful, and they are less susceptible to disease.

Delicate tulip flowers need constant care... Usually, gardeners focus on watering, feeding, loosening and weeding the soil mixture, rarely - transplanting, but they forget about this important stage care, like pruning tulips after flowering. Whether it is necessary to cut tulips after flowering and at what stage, preferably, to carry out this procedure, we have to figure out in this article.

The flowering time of tulips depends on the type of plant. For example, early varieties bloom at the end of March are already full of dazzle at the planting sites, but late varieties open only towards the end of June. On average, tulips bloom in the month of May. These spring flowers are so attractive that you want to prolong their flowering as long as possible, but nature takes its toll - tulips begin to fade. What to do with them after flowering ends?

Proper care for tulips in the period after the end of flowering, there would be pruning and replanting or digging of tulips (with subsequent storage). That is, the answer to the question “ should tulips be trimmed after flowering " will be unambiguous - yes, it is necessary! True, this process has its own nuances.

How to prune tulips correctly after flowering?

You only need to cut off completely drooping inflorescences and leaves of tulips after flowering. Why is that? Chemical processes continue in the peduncle and in the leaves. It is thanks to these parts that the plant is stored nutrients, laying the foundation for the development of new bulbs in the next season. By removing the aerial part of the tulip ahead of time, we risk destroying the bulb itself.

What needs to be cut off faded tulip? A withered tulip usually sheds its peduncle and its arrow, as well as leaves, as soon as it finishes its feeding. Others will have to help. The flower grower should, for a start, mark where each bulb is in the open field, so that then inadvertently not damage them when digging.

The approximate time for cutting and digging tulip bulbs is 2-4 weeks from the end of flowering. We also ask you to note that each flower will individually switch to the mode of energy accumulation, accumulation nutrients and the subsequent period of dormancy - do not expect that all the flowers will bloom at once, and dry peduncles and leaves cannot be removed in one. No, it is rather a painstaking and long process during which the grower gets to know his beautiful flowers better.

How to properly store tulip bulbs after flowering?

Most bulbous flowers have the same storage rules:

  • bulbs are cleared of earth residues;
  • marked: variety, time of collection;
  • placed in a wooden box;
  • are sent for storage in a dry, moderately warm place without access to lighting, moisture, mold and drafts;
  • the air temperature is the same - no more than 17 degrees Celsius;

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