Growing a plenty rose. Landing and care for curly roses

Ecology of life. Manor: Special admiration for gardeners has always caused plenty rose with its long branches, covered with luxurious flowers. This is a real find for a landscape designer, which allows you to create blooming arches, columns, arbors, fences.

Special admiration for gardeners has always caused plenty rose with its long branches, covered with luxurious flowers. This is a real find for a landscape designer, which allows you to create blooming arches, columns, arbors, fences.

Despite the huge lets reaching 5-6 m in length, all the varieties of plenty roses are shrubs. It would be possible to think that in this case, landing and care for them is similar to other types of roses, but everything is not so simple. Long vacations impose special obligations on the owner of such luxury. Therefore, to achieve a real aesthetics from the plenty rose, you need to know how to properly care for her.

Planting time: Spring or autumn?

All kinds of "Queen of Flowers" are considered quite capricious, are no exception and plenty roses Care for which it is necessary to think through the smallest detail. And you need to start with right choice Landing time. It is best to wind up this event to the May warm days.

In this case, you will be confident that until winter, the plants will have to strengthen and will not die during the cold. Bushes of plenty roses with sleeping kidneys can be planted before the kidneys will be blossomed on the trees, as soon as the soil warms up to 10-12 °. In the event that you bought a seedling in a greenhouse (that is, with leaves), it is necessary to plant it only after the blooming of the kidneys on the trees.

You can also plant bushes in August-September, but then there is always the risk of the death of the plant, if it does not have time to come across the onset of frosts.

Place for landing

Plot for planting plenty roses should be well lit in the morning. This is important, since it is that the morning warm sun dries dew on the leaves and will not give a chance of fungal diseases. The fully open area is not so preferable, since the half-hearted sun rays can cause "combustion" of gentle petals and even drying the entire plant.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the selected place is protected from the cold northern and northeastern winds, and it was also not at the corner of the building, where drafts constantly walk - a delicate plethoric rose does not like this, its development will be inevitably oppressed.

Soil for plenty roses: What should be considered?

Plenty rose It develops normally only on hydrogen-permeable soils. This means that rain (or watering) water should freely go deep into the earth and not linger in the roots zone. Otherwise, the rotation of the root system and the death of the plant from the lack of food is inevitable.

Therefore, if the groundwater on your site is too close to the surface of the Earth, roses should be planted only on elevations. However, if this is not possible, you can enter differently: dig a hole to a depth, not reaching the level of groundwater, and then concrete the bottom or put there a large flat stone.

Such a precaution will not allow the soil waters to "get there" to the root zone and damage them, in addition, the rod roots will not break away and their bulk weight as it grows not vertically, but horizontally. After that, a sufficient layer of fertile soil is poured onto a stone or concrete, where the plant is subsequently planted.

Best of all the plenty roses grow on fertile loams - they are enough water and breathable to ensure good nutrition of the root system. Heavy clay and light sandy soil are not suitable for rose growing. At the same time, if there is such a soil on your site, you should not despair.

You can improve the position by adding sand into clay soils, and the sandy to dilute clay. This adjusts the permeability of the soil for air and water, but does not add fertility soil. To improve this indicator, this indicator should be made in the soil of humus or humus.

Distance between plenty roses

When landing, it is necessary to ensure a distance of 0.5 - 1 m between roses in a row and 1-2 m between rows. In the event that the landing is carried out near the gazebo or wall of the house, the distance between the plant and the scene should be at least 0.35 - 0.5 m.

It is possible to divide the garden into several zones with a pick-up, scattered with plenty roses on both sides. Plants are planted in a chess order so as not to shade each other. At the same time, the distance between them is preserved in 0.5 - 1 m, as with a conventional landing scheme. Such a shirma will be decorative all summer, even when the plenty rose is wondering.

Preparation of a seedling for landing

Before starting to land, the rose bush must carefully examine and remove all the broken, rolled and faded parts of the root system. Disinfection sections are powered by poured charcoal to prevent the wound injection. Next, the roots are preferably dipped into a mixture consisting of clay with an admixture fresh Korovyaka (10%) and phosophobacterial. 3 Phosophobacterial tablets are pre-dissolved in 0.5 liters of water, and then this composition is 9.5 liter of the bolt. Corobyan can be replaced with heteroacexin, adding 1 tablet in 10 liters of boltushki.

With a spring landing, seedlings of any variety of plenty roses are pruning. At the same time, two developed kidneys are left on severe shoots, and on the weak one. If the landing is made in the fall, the pruning is still produced in the spring, after removing the bushes winter shelter.

Landing and care for a young seedling

To begin with a hole, the sizes of which should provide free placement of the roots, and the root neck is defined at least 10 cm. A similar measure will protect it from winter cold, as at such a depth of ordinary shelter (for example, under a spruce noodle), The temperature does not fall below -2 degrees. Also the shrimp of the root neck in the core vacation roses will contribute to education large number Additional roots.

Khollik pour into the hole fertile land, around which the roots are evenly painted and fall asleep them, if possible, not leaving emptiness. After filling the mink of the earth, it is trambed with your feet. Correspondence plenty roses for better survivities are watered with a mixture of phosphorodobacterin and heteroacexin.

During the growing season, the rose rose needs regular irrigation, feeding, removal of weeds, dried flowers and weak branches.
Already after removing the winter shelter with the onset of spring heat, it is triggered, last year's plant residues are removed, spray roses with pesticides, frustrate the ground around the plant, make the necessary fertilizers.

Proper creation of plenty roses

Pleet roses need proper trimming, the purpose of which is the formation, obtaining long and abundant flowering, recovery of the crown. Pruning also helps to obtain a solid plant cover with new shoots.

Trimming is carried out after the plant completely blends, that is, at the end of summer. First of all, sick and damaged branches are cut. Strong annual shoots are not deleted. Old shoots are deleted if new replacement shoots appeared on the branch. That is, pruning is produced in such a way that instead of old shoots come new, annuals. Two-year-old shoots are not cut - it is on them that the bulk of colors will be concentrated next summer.

Garter of plenty roses

When forming a plenty rose, it should not strive to all the main branches grow up. It may occur so that all the flowers and leaves are "relocated" into the upper part of the plant, and this will not add to it aesthetic.

Therefore, to avoid such trouble, you need to try horizontally the main branches. Then they will soon appear vertical side shoots growing up. A similar principle of formation of a fusing rose remarkably disguises a trailing or a wall, as well as provide luxurious and long-lasting flowering.

It will be interesting for you:

Caring for plenty rose in winter

In winter, any roses, including the plenty, require shelter. It is important to know that there should be airspace between the shelter (film, tol, spruce laps) and the plant. If there is an opportunity, the vacuum of roses are removed from the support, remove rotten, sick shoots, as well as all the leaves.

After that, the branches are wrapped with twine and attached to the ground with wooden or metal studs. From above, the shoulder is covered with tale, film, leaves or spruce sweets. Approximately you can also cover the plenty rose directly on the support, for example, if it sees the arch. In this case, the initial support is tied up with a burlap, a tone or film, and then shelted with a sweetheart.published

Pleet roses, like bush, are among the most popular forms in garden design. True, the purpose of them is completely different: if the bush species are grown as soliters or bright accents, The plenty are most often used for designing arbors, pergol, arcade racks, or, like wild grapes, let them go on the walls of buildings.

Pleet roses (Rosa X Hybrida Hort) refer to the rosaceaea family. This species combines all curly varieties of roses and was derived from 2 wild rose groups: R. Multiflora Thunb and R. Wichuraiana Crep.

Flexible long shoots raise or arcuately climb, small leaves are hard, small flowers are reached in a diameter of 2.2-5 cm, the petals are simple or terry. Flowers are collected in large inflorescences. The aroma is weak or no absent. The color of petals can be white, pink or red. It blooms once, but long (approximately 30-35 days). Flowers are located along the entire length of shoots. The varieties of this species are distinguished by winter hardiness, and therefore it is suitable for rigid dry shelter.

The bloom in most varieties of plenty roses occurs once, and comes early in the early summer, while there are only last year's screens. Therefore, these plants are so important to experience wintering well to keep last year's whites.

By description, the plenty roses are very similar to the bush. They have the same beautiful and saturated leaves. The shoots have a length of 1.5-5 m, which allows you to warm up pretty high objects.

How to put a plenty rose (with video)

Usually, the plenty rose is planted on the sunny side of the house, to most of the day she got sunlight. Sunlight is important not only for current flowering, but also for the formation of new strong shoots responsible for flowering next year. Nevertheless, it is desirable to plant them in those places where a couple of hours a day they will be able to be in the shade, which will make a period of flowering longer.

Each of the gardeners who love to breed beautiful flowers At its suburban area, you should know the following. Rose does not like stagnant water, so the groundwater should be filled at a depth of no more than one and a half meters. A pit for landing roses must be made in a special way and carefully ensure that it is 0.5 to 0.5 meters. It is important. Further, a portion of the carved soil is lowered to the bottom, and roller sand and a bucket with humus are added to a slide. And it would be quite good if the owner of the summer cottage took over the purchase of such fertilizers like superphosphate.

In the hole it must be put in the proportion of 3-4 tablespoons. Based on the fact that the elongated paragraphs of the plant will need to competently put on the winter period, planting the plants close to each other do not need.

Sodle seedlings must be crossed by 30 centimeters, and then soak root in liquid clay. In addition, Rosa loves such a simple fertilizer known to each novice gardening, like a cow manure. In the village, where the shepherd displays cows for a walk, there will be no problems with him. In addition, manure sells specialized companies that work in this area.

Landing the plenty roses is made so that the root neck is covered with a layer of the Earth about 10 cm. If several roses bushes are planted next to, then the distance between them makes at least one meter. If the rose is inhabited for landscaping the fence or wall of the house, then the distance from the landing site to the support should be about 45 cm.

It is advisable to mulch the soil under roses with sawdust, grass or straw. During flowering, it is important to remove faded flowers on time so that the flowering period lasted longer.

On this video, it is shown how to plant a plenty rose:

Below is described how to grow plenty roses in the country and how to care for these flowers.

How to grow plenty roses in the country and how to properly care for them in the garden

The plenty rose is distinguished by drought resistance, and it is necessary to water it no more than once a week.

It is necessary to feed the rose 3-4 times over the season of vegetation or infusion of a cowboy, or a complex fertilizer for roses.

Because of the big weight of the rose branches, she needs a rather durable support, better wooden (prevents freezing plants in winter). In regions with cold winters, roses requires shelter. With the onset of frosts from minus 5 ° C, shoots removed from the supports, laid on the ground. It is better to put on dry leaves or snapper, these materials and stream. Film is stacked on top of such natural protection. In the spring shelter is removed and returning a rose on the support.

When placing the branches of roses on the support, it should be remembered that the shoots need to be fixed not vertically, but horizontally, obliquely or spiral, then the plants will be directed not to the growth of shoots, but on the formation of flowers.

When leaving the plenty roses in the open ground trimming is a necessary event. This is the key to a healthy appearance and abundant flowering. In the spring it is necessary to trim the frozen and weak branches, and after flowering it is desirable to cut those shoots that beat away, which will be an excellent incentive for the formation of new replacement and rejuvenation of the bush.

This plant is especially beautiful in blooming video. But for growing plenty roses in the middle latitudes of Russia, a lot of effort should be attached. Planting plants is carried out early in spring. For this, the gardener on its plot should choose a certain place. It should be not very cold, but not a hot plot located under the right sunlight. If we talk about what the soil is optimally suitable for such a rose, it is best to start a sublibory and fertile soil on the site.

Thus, in order to grow with plenty roses as much as possible, pleased with its sophistication and beauty, it is necessary to hold a number of manipulations:

  • put a sapling in the right way;
  • seedly feed the seedlock;
  • hide on winter cold;
  • on time to open in the spring - with the onset of heat;
  • crop competently.

When growing plenty roses in the open ground, it is necessary to carry out prophylactic struggle with pests and disease diseases.

Landing and care for plenty roses are shown on this video:

How to multiply the plenty roses with cuttings

Shining is a method of known and amateur, and a professional. The question of the reason for such popularity rightly arises. The answer lies in the amount of plants obtained and the high probability of rooting. Escape is selected 10 days after flowering, on which there should be about three kidneys ready for growth.

Before multiplying the plenty roses, the cuttings must be prepared. It is done in advance. Cherenkov width should vary from 0.5-0.7 cm, length - from 16 to 20cm. From above, the slice should be straight, downstairs at an angle of 45 degrees. The beveled slice under the kidney below is necessary to have a root from the kidney. At the next stage, the cuttings need to be used in the Rosto-ray solution "Korniner" or "heteroaceuxin" within 12 hours. Finally, the sapling must be put into the soil with a mixture of land and sand.

It is also possible to reproduce cuttings and water. After it is worth covering future roses with a can or in the case of using water to be sealed. This is done to preserve the desired degree of humidity around the plant.

With the reproduction of plenty roses it is important to observe the following conditions: Permanent air temperature from 22 to 24 degrees; sufficient lighting; Do not remove the film or the bank before rooting.

Push roses on the rosehip in order to more quickly and cheaper to get earthiness seedlings. And roses of the cornesological property to such a result can only be given in three years. It is less beneficial for manufacturers due to the rise in prices for seedlings due to the increase in their cost. Corresponding roses are obtained by carrying out a cutting cuticle having three kidneys. And in order to instill a rosehip, only one kidney is used. This is more profitable for the manufacturer.

The following section of the article is devoted to how to choose plenty roses suitable for the climatic conditions of Russia.

How to choose plenty roses: plants winter hardiness

It is worth considering that in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, the length of the shoots on the bushes is more compromised, and the bloom is not so long and abundant. The main lack of plenty roses in this zone is the need for their shelter for the winter, for which every year, late in autumn, the plenty has to be removed from the supports, bent in the ground and stole.

Another secret when breeding the plenty roses is the right selection of varieties. From numerous varieties offered in firms and shopping centers, not everyone will grow well and take plenty of blossoming on your site. Sometimes you have to try a lot of varieties to pick up the most suitable for this place. However, for real lovers of colors, these difficulties are not a barrier. Often and in our relatively harsh zone can be seen garden compositions With abundantly blooming roses.

Culture of plenty roses in Europe has about 200 years. During this time, dozens of varieties and shapes of plenty roses are derived, however, European varieties did not receive widespread in our country, as well as the culture of plenty roses, due to the insufficient winter hardiness of European varieties in Russia.

Until today, it was not possible to choose a single reliable, wintering variety even for the south of Chernozem, where the short-term winter frosts are not rare to -28 ... -30 ° C.

In the conditions of frosty winter, European variety bushes, the entire above-ground part is distorted to the level of snow, while only powerful, developed bushes, who have been well overwhelmed by the shoots of previous years of development can give a great decorative effect. None of these varieties in our conditions of natural leaf fall. Leaves remain green to frosts, and then frozen. Unbearable annual shoots during the winter frost die, becoming a "gate" to penetrate the fungal, viral infection and usually lead to the death of the entire bush.

Wintering in Russia, such roses can only under the shelter, for which shoots are needed to remove annually from the supports, linake, clean from foliage, cut off the non-devented shoots and to cover the snack, burlap, spunbond. Since the shelter procedure is complex and time-consuming, covering roses varieties do not have perspectives in mass landscaping.

Search winter-hardy species The plenty roses and the removal of non-contemporary roses for the conditions of Russia is one of the relevant and interesting tasks.

The work on the removal of winter-hard-resistant non-juice roses for Russian gardens is currently conducted by Cand. S.-H. Sciences, head. The Department of Research and Innovative Developments of the Rossoshan Zonal Experimental Station of Gardening in Voronezh. A. I. Sychev.

Removing varieties of winter-hardy revenue roses (with photos)

Taking into account that genetic material for the removal of varieties of winter-hard-resistant roses should be searched among little curly species roses or hybrids with frost-resistant species as one of the parents.

The attention of the researcher attracted roses Cordes - a cultored new group of roses, created in the middle of the last century by the German breeder of Roses V. Cordes.

The basis of the new group of roses was the spontaneous hybrid of the Vihuuraian and roses wrinkled roses (R. Rugosa.).

Hybrid called "Max Count" (MAX GRAF) Refers to the climers, it takes plenty of places with simple colors, but does not be fruit due to the genetic remoteness of the parents. At the bushes of this variety, grew in Kordes in the nursery, the kidney mutation occurred, as a result of which the number of chromosomes doubled and two fetus began on the matrous branch. One of the seedlings grown by their seeds of these fruits turned out to be a tetraploid and became the founder of a new group of roses. Thanks to the carrier rose genes, carrying frost to -40 ° C and more without shelter, Cordes roses are much more winter-hardy than old varieties of plenty roses. However, Vihuuraian rose genes do not allow Cordes roses to winter in Russia without shelter.

This statement applies to the most winter-hardy from the Plenty Roses Cordes - the variety "Flammantz" ("Flammentanz") - The best red plenty rose for the climate of Russia grown in the underfloor culture. Bright red semi-world flowers of this variety are collected in small inflorescences. The first color of the variety at the beginning of the summer is extremely abundant, and during the second wave of flowering at the ends of the shoots, 40-50 flowers are formed.

Rose "Flammantz" can be used as a genetic basis for removing winter-hard-resistant non-juice roses. To do this, it is necessary to increase the winter hardiness of its offspring by 6-7 ° C, expand the paint palette and enlarge the shoulderness.

Thanks to the tetraploidosis, Cordes roses are easily crossped with modern tea-hybrid, floribunda and claying, hybrids with "Flammantz" have large terry, semi-world and simple flowers collected in small inflorescences predominantly red, raspberry and pink color. The flowering of them is usually one-time, but some hybrids have the ability to be inconvenient re-blossom. In winter hardiness, they significantly exceed tea-hybrid roses, but slightly inferior "Flammantz". One of best hybrids Received the name "Nostalgia". This is a high-spirited plenty rose with shoots up to 4-5 m with large dark red terry flowers.

I did not succeed attempts to cross the "Flammantz" with winter-hard-resistant park roses, for example, a variety of winter-hardy roses of the Kolyachest (R. Pimpinellifolia) - "Fryulingsgold". Most hybrids turned out to be a bush type, with light flowers with a "weak", thin texture of petals and a low winter hardiness. Pollination of "Flammantz" Dusty Rosehip

Rosa VihuuraianaR. Wichuraiana."), Right from Korea, the south of Japan, China more often grows as a raw plant. The plenty shoots of this species are covered with brilliant evergreen small foliage, which she transmits its varieties. The winter hardiness of this species and bred varieties are even lower than that of roses is multi-flowering.

The most common variety of "Excelselza"Excelsa.») Frosts are damaged at -18 ... - 20 ° C. However, despite the need for annual shelter, this rose is universally grown in middle lane Russia as one of the most stable, unpretentious and abundant blooming plenty varieties.

Pleet roses from the Klymers group are most often plentyful clones of common small-resistant tea-hybrid roses, floribunda roses, remote roses and in winter hardiness differ from them. The shoots of these roses are frozen at -15 ... -20 ° C.

IN last years New winter-resistant roses of Canadian selection were delivered to our country. One of the plenty roses, "William Buffin" ( "William Buffin"), after three years of tests in Rossoshi showed a higher than that of the "Flammantz" winter hardiness.

The search for winter-resistant species among wild ramplars was crowned by finding the find that grown in the north of China, in Korea, and quite ordinary in the southern Primorye Rosa Maximovich ( R. Maximowicziana.).

Rosa Maximovich is a shrub with climbing or creeping shoots of 5-6 m. Leather leather, shiny, decorative, consist of 7-9 pairs of leaves, 2-4 cm leaves long, remind the evergreen leaves of the Vihuraian rose leaves. In nature, Rosa forms thickets on the rocky and sandy soils along the seaside slopes and in the floodplains of the rivers not further 20-40 km from the sea coast. It is very important that the development of Maximovich's rose is fully stacked in the growing season of the middle strip, the autumn there is a natural leaf fall, and in September the fruits completely ripen. Fully winter-hardy rose in RosSoshi, in Moscow (GBS) and in the south of Western Siberia.

Maximovich rose flowers with a diameter of 2.5-5 cm, are collected in shovel-blurred inflorescences of 5-7 pieces, cream-yellow petals. The shoots of Rosa Maximovich are afraid in Voronezh and in the Moscow region right on the supports, without shelter, in the spring there are no damage, in the summer the bushes are abundant. In Moscow, Rosa Maximovich at 10 years old reaches a height of 2.6 m, the diameter of the bush is up to 3 m.

On these photos showing varieties of winter-hardy plenty roses:

Rosa Maximovich goodly tying fruits when polluted its pollen of plenty diploid varieties of small-bedal roses.

Among the hundreds of seedlings from pollination of the pollen of Tauzendshon varieties, Ave MariaAve Maria.") And the nameless local roses breeder allocated specimens with decorative flowers and, more importantly, the timely completion of the growing season.

The most interesting seedlings from the family of Rosa Maximovich × Tauzendshon.

They differ in strong plenty growth (up to 5 m in length), have terry or semi-world flowers. various build, Forms of petals, coloring and blossom terms. The size of the flowers is small, which corresponds to the size of the colors in the Rambler group, however, the flowers are collected in the brush from 3-5 to 20-30 pieces. There are seedlings with fragrant flowers.

Check out the photo of varieties of plenty roses, the description is given above:

How blooming plenty roses of different groups

According to the global classification, two groups are allocated among the plentyful roses:

Ramblerians (Ramblers.) I. klamera (Large Flowered Climbers.).

The first group includes wild species from the Synstylae section and closely related to them garden forms. As a rule, it is powerful, with elevation heights up to 3-6 m, once blooming views at the beginning of summer, with small simple flowers in multi-flowered inflorescences. The second group includes complex hybrids, long-term selection products with large flowers and repeated (removable) blossom.

Roses from the group of Ramblerians are the most winter-hardy and promising for the introduction to Russia. An analysis of the pedigree of modern European plenty roses - Rambler showed that two wild species from China and Japan were used as the initial genetic material.

See how blooming the plenty roses of different groups on these photos:

First - Multi-Deck Rose or Polyanth (R. Multiflora.). In mild winters, it is good in Russia in Russia without shelter, but when frosts up to -30 ° C, the shoots are frozen to the level of snow. In the old guidelines for gardening, the varieties of this rose are called among the most winter-hard-resistant roses for Russia, with the aim of obtaining beautiful varieties with a rose, a multi-flowered rose was crossed with non-dimensional removable, tea-hybrid, tea roses, so the varieties have a lower winter hardiness.

In our country, the old varieties of roses are common, such as TauzenshonTausendschon."). Multi-deck rose varieties are retained with large-scale bubble tops.

Varieties of plenty roses: photo, titles and description

Among the most common varieties of plenty roses can be allocated as follows:

"Aglaya" (Aglaia.) It has large flowers assembled into large inflorescences, terry petals, straw-yellowish color. Rasky kuste blooms abundantly.

"Alberik Barbier" (Alberic Barbier) It has small buds yellow color. The name of this variety of plenty roses was given French breeders that brought out this form. Flowers are large, collected in small inflorescences, petals terry, creamy yellow color along the edges and yellow in the center. Fragrance fragrant. Shiny leaves of beautiful shape, dark color. The plenty bush blooms, starting with June.

"American Pillar" (American Pillar.) There are open large flowers reaching in diameter 7 cm collected into large inflorescences and located on strong shoots. The petals are notahn, carminno-pink, white eye, golden stamens. Leather leaves of large size shiny. In describing this variety, plenty roses should be especially worth mentioning their height and power - strong bushes reach a height of 6 m, they bloom abundantly in the period from May to June.

"Blaise" (Blaze) It has large flowers of a cupid form collected into large inflorescences. Petals semi-grade, bright red. The fragrance is weak. Leather leather. A strong bush with an empty crown blooms abundantly and reused. The variety is multiplied with Che2Forning, vaccination and giving.

"Vartburg" (Wartburg.) It has small flowers collected in large inflorescences, terry petals, raspberry-pink. Fragrance fragrant. A high-spirited bush with smooth shoots devoid of spikes, blooms abundantly.

"Gayavata" (Hiawatha.It is characterized by small flowers reaching in diameter of 3.5 cm, which are collected in inflorescences of 10-30 pieces. Petals are notahn, carminno-red, in the center are white. Leather leaves shiny. A strong bush reaches a height of 3 m, bloom comes later than the remaining varieties of this species.

"Dorothy Perkins" (Dorothy Perkins.) It has small flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm, assembled into large inflorescences. Petals dense-terry, bright pink with salmon sump. Large leaves shiny, dark green color. Strong plenty bush blooms in June.

"CRMSON REMBLER" (Crimson Rambler.) It has medium size flowers assembled into large pyramid brushes. The petals of bright raspberry-red, when flowing, acquire a bluish shade. Leather close-up light green color leaves. The bush is strong, plenty.

"Plenty Minnehaha" (Minnehaha.) Differs with small flowers collected in inflorescences. Petals terry, pink color. The aroma is weak. A high-resistant bush reaches a height of 3.5-4 m, it blooms once in the end of spring - the beginning of summer, it is breeding with cuttings and gods.

"Feylyhanblau" (Veilchenblau.) Posses small flowers A cupid form. Petals semi-grade, bright purple. Fragrance fragrant.

Here are a photo of varieties of plenty roses, which is described above:

Pleet Roses in Garden Design and Photos of Plants at Flowering

Vertical gardening is essential in the design of the garden. And it's not only a decorative effect, but also in the ability to divide the area into zones, hide from the curious neighbors or disguise the unsightly structure.

There are many plants that are used in vertical landscaping, and a rose is played among them among them.

Pleet roses in the garden design can be used very wide. For example, arrange an elevation, a wall of a building or a gazebo. You can braid the arch, pergola over the wicket, bench or track or decorate the retaining wall. It is possible to land near the special supports installed in flower beds, parisades, on lawns.

Moreover, for each composition, it is necessary to choose the varieties that are most suitable on the texture, terrain and color of flowers and other decorative features.

Pleet roses are first-class plants for vertical landscaping, for decorating walls, decorating public places and recreation sites. In China and Japan, these plants are used in landscaping for many centuries.

See how the plenty roses look like in the garden on these photos:

For the successful breeding of these plants, you need to know about one of their features: the more evenly illuminated the whip, the more flower kidneys are formed along the entire length of escape. And although modern varieties Flower is quite evenly, you can not forget about this nuance. How to care for plenty roses in the garden to achieve optimal lighting? You can make it possible, placing the scourge horizontally or at least with a slight inclination.

If you know about this property, then thanks to the competent garter and the formation of the woven, you can increase the number of flowers, which will significantly affect the overall decorative effect.

Grades with flexible shoots, such as Super Excelsa, Super Dorothy, It is worth using for decorating the arches and pergola, pillars or obelisk.

When forming the screamers, it is possible to be tied up to the arc snake or simply wrap around the spiral around the pillar or obelisk. This simple technique will allow Rose to bloom abundant.

Large-flowered roses of Flamentanz, With which there are more powerful shoots, it is preferable to decorate wide decorative lattices: it is convenient to launch a fan's scourge.

If the grade has a good fracturing ability, then it is possible to achieve uniform flowering and trimming. To do this, shoot cut into different heightthat stimulates their growth.

In addition to the usual options for using plenty roses, there are not quite standard. You can use a rose for decorating the old fruit tree. In this case, it is best to land from the south side, finding a place between wood roots and retreating 50 cm from the trunk. You can also wear a root limiter (for example, a piece of old linoleum or plastic) and a cutting of a wide pipe or a plastic bottle without a bottom for point irrigation and feeding roses. Next, the shoulder should be tied to the trunk in the planned direction.

Another interesting reception is the use of plenty roses as a soil plants. Especially winning it will look on the slope. Soothes can be simply put on the ground, and even better to lift slightly and secure on low arcs. The flower river flowing down the slope will affect the imagination of all your guests.

Varieties of plenty roses, well-growing in width and having rigid shoots, such as Rozarium Ueesenare suitable for a solitary landing on the lawn. They can be given to the desired forum (form) with trimming, as in the case of scars.

How low plants can be formed and some stripped varieties english roses. To care for plenty roses correctly, as advised experienced flowerflowers, It is necessary to maintain the length of the shoots, moderately cut down and form the scourge on the support. As a support, wide screen or obeliski will be suitable.

For this role, such varieties are good as:

Crown Princess Margaretha.

Gertrude Jekyll.

A Shropshire Lad.

The Pilgrim and others.

As for the companions for the plenty roses, the best of them are Clematis. When selecting Clematis, it is necessary to achieve harmonious combinationsUsing the addition of contrast in form or color. It is also necessary to take into account the flowering time of both species; It is clear that they should bloom at the same time. Finally, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the growth of selected varieties of both roses and Clematis. Typically, Clematis are developing faster, therefore it is preferable to first fall down a rose, give it at least a year to rooting and height and only then plant Clematis nearby.

It is necessary to withstand a certain distance between the pleate rose and Clematis, at the same time if the rose should be directed to the support, then Clematis is enough to help only at the very beginning. And then this topworn will perfectly cope with itself, using rose as a support.

As you know, in the middle strip and roses, and Clematis must be stolen for the winter. In this regard, they are often arguing which Clematis is preferable - the second or third group of trimming (read more about it in the third chapter), which of them are more convenient to cover together with roses. It seems to many that the varieties of the third group will suit much better: for the winter of the screamers you can simply cut at an altitude of 20 cm, it is not necessary to disperse anything and shoot with roses. In fact, the varieties of both groups can be approached. The fact is that many clematis of the third group are very powerful, high, with a lot of shoots and not every plenty rose will withstand such a neighborhood. Sometimes it is worth choosing elegant and modest clematis of the second group. Yes, and it is not so difficult to stream them: it is enough to trim the shoulders at the meter level, trim the foliage and cover Clematis along with a rose.

The bottom of the plenty rose can be taken out with age. To decorate the bottom, you can sit around the roses of another group, such as soil or floribunda, or companyon plants suitable in color.

In the climate of the middle band, we are not so easy to grow plenty rose. So that it appears in all its glory, she needs to provide favorable wintering conditions. Planning the flower garden, it is necessary to immediately foresee where you will lay these, in general, rather big roses for the winter. To avoid disappointment, when choosing a variety of plenty roses, pay attention to its winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and precipitation. Read on the Internet reviews about him left by rosewood from your climatic zone. Examine agrotechnical requirements, the most important of which is competent pruning. In addition, powerful plenty roses for lush flowering We need timely and balanced feeders. Do not forget to tapping the scourge in time. Undesirable to use hard wire for these purposes, I use plastic choms or twine from natural material. At the same time, it is impossible to raise the scourge to the support too tight.

It is often recommended to disembark the plenty roses with a slight bias in the other side where it is planned to lay the screens in the fall. In fact, it does not matter; I did not notice the difference in bending between those roses, which was planted on science, and planted straight. If the variety is flexible shoots, it is easy to lay it at any landing. And in order to burn roses with rigid escapes, you always need to make an effort.

Saw rose at the fence or wall of the house, take care so that the air is well circulated between the plant and the wall. In addition, remember that many materials are very hot on hot days, and it will be bad to affect colors. Therefore, roses need to be attached to a decorative grid, which should defend from the wall at least 10 cm. And the last one. If you decide to decorate the holiday with a rose wall of the house, pay attention to where the water flows from the roof: it should not pour on a rose.

If you have plenty roses, landing and care for these truly beautiful flowers are not more difficult than the rose bush, and the decorative effect is much higher. For vertical landscaping, they fit perfectly. Wood can be mastered both small garden structures and columns, walls of buildings, fences, arbors. And surprisingly, the plenty roses are combined with almost all the colors and plants that grow in the garden.

Before starting to grow any plant, it is necessary to find out what it represents, to know its features and how it is for him to care.

By the way. Pleet roses are so multi and diverse that they did not combine them in general form. Pleets can be both varieties of roses and plants from the family of rose hips.

This category includes all curly roses that have flexible shoots from two to twelve meters long and more. They grow the arc along the vertical surface, or they are sprinkled horizontal.

All representatives of roses that have long swinging stalks in international Standa refer to various groups. The classification is movable and is in the system of systematization, since new varieties and hybrids are constantly displayed through complex multistage crossings.

Council. Although the plenty roses are called curly, to the group curly plants According to botanical standards, they do not belong because they do not have worn and other fastening mechanisms. They all need to be tested to the support.

Table 1. Classification of plenty roses by groups.

GroupDetailed description
Coloring stems saturated green up to 12 meters. Plants have many spikes. Main leaves, glossy.
Color shades are bright and varied, but the rosettes themselves are rarely larger than four centimeters in diameter. But they may not only be simple, but also semi-maritime, and terry.
The fragrance in pink flowers is weak, they are valued for high decorativeness and frost resistance - even the most severe winter will be survived under the easy shelter of the plant.
Most often they are called Liazing. Stems do not differ long - reach no more than four meters, but much more powerful and less flexible than that of Rambler.
Large flowers that can be a diameter of four to eight centimeters, as part of small inflorescences.
Frost resistance of climber is high enough, they are successfully winter under the shelter.
Also, the group is distinguished by a general sign - high resistance to mildew.
The main feature is large ten-centimeter flowers, which can be combined into inflorescences or grow single along five-meter shoots.
Winter hardiness can be considered high, but only new varieties.
Historically, these plants were grown in southern areas, because they did not always wear frost well.
A group of roses Banks is evergreen. Stems can be wrapped up to 12 meters, but rose rose is grown most often.
Main leaves, glossy.
Middle size flowers, lush, can have both mono color and combined from several colors.
Plant blooms once a season, a duration of about a month, in the first month of summer.
Plants that belong to the Kordes rose group distinguishes a small length of the wolf - only three meters.
Color range is rich and diverse.
Flowers are large - on average about six centimeters.
Hybrid varieties of roses belonging to the Cordes group are distinguished by winter hardiness and immunity to many diseases of roses.
Right from East Asia. Includes hybrids that occurred from wild Asian varieties.
Flowers are abundant, up to four centimeters, a variety of colors.
The difference from the rest of the plenty roses is a very powerful root system that allows roses to grow even on the rocks.
One of the few groups whose colors do not have absolutely no smell.
It is afraid of reduced temperatures and is practically not grown in cold conditions.
The plants of this group can not be grown in the house and even the greenhouse, as they can reach them 15 meters.
There are many flowers, but they are not large, but are collected in lush bulk inflorescences, and there are the most unthinkable colors.
Rose Lambert is about hundreds, and they are quite popular in the world, because they are distinguished by resistance to diseases and good varietal immunity.
It is usually growing with a bush, whose scourge is about 2.5-3 meters.
Flowers gradually, periods, but abundantly. The flower diameter is about five centimeters.

Three popular species

Of all the existing groups, the most popular are rabbers, clawimimers and clayming.

The first loves for the fact that the bloom in rose-ramblers is plentiful, the record number of flowers is responsible for it - in inflorescence there may be up to one hundred pieces.

The inflorescences are formed on last year's shoots, are located along the entire length of the climbing stem, it is increasing gradually, so the overall flowering period of Rambler has about one and a half months, usually in the first half of summer, once.

Clyambers bloom abundantly and almost always, with good conditions and care, twice a year. The first bloom falls at the beginning of the summer and lasts about three weeks. Second after summer trimming, comes in a month and a half.

Claming the formation of flowers occurs on all shoots, and last year and new, so bloom is abundant and almost all varieties repeated twice per season.

Table 2. Sorts of plenty roses by groups.

RamblerAmerican Pillar, Red Parfum, Bobbie James, Brewood Belle, Goldfinch.
ClimberRosarium Ueesen, Dortmund, Ilse Krohn Superrior.
KlamingBreath of Life, Santana, Compassion, Sally Holmes, Gloriya Day.
Banks.Lutea, Lady Banks, Rosa Banksiae.
CordesLaguna, Alchymist, Aloha, Flamentanz.
MultifloraGhislaine de Feligonde, Geschwindt.
VishuranaKoronation, Glen Dail.
Lambert.Frau Karl Druschki, Shverin, Munhen.

How to plant a pins

After the desired variety is defined, the time of purchase and landing occurs, but you must first prepare the soil and choose the optimal time. Read more about the preparation of land for seedlings can be found.

Roses are not the most whimsical of the colors, but the character of these beauties is quite capricious, and the plenty varieties are doubly.

Important! Landing and care for plenty roses should be carried out by certain rules, Only in this case can be guaranteed high viability in combination with fully manifested decorative qualities.

Step 1 - Select Place

For the plenty rose, the place on the site is not as easy as for a bush. Like all representatives of the family, she loves the sun, but only in the morning. The sun should be a lot to dry on the leaves of the morning dew, and the leaflets have nailed by life. After that, at noon, the bush of the plenty rose must be priented. The scoring day sun burns leaves and flowers, they dried, and the plant will lose decorativeness.

Council. You will also need a rose protection against wind, especially if it blows from the north and northeast. It is because of the winds and permanent drafts that the plenty roses are not recommended at the corners of buildings.

In size for the plenty rose, the square is given from the half-meter to the meter, depending on which the variety is the plant.

Step 2 - Time Selection

For a moderate climate, two options for landing time are possible - spring, starting from the middle and to the end. Autumn - from late September to middle of autumn.

It is better to give preference to autumn landing. The rooting must pass to the frosts, the young seedling for the winter is hidden, and in the spring immediately after awakening it is touched into active growth.

Step 3 - Soil Preparation

In not drained soil, the plenty rose will not grow. Also does not like the plant of high groundwater, sandy and clay soils.

The best option is loam. If it is not, the available soil is necessary to correct, adding sand into clap or vice versa before getting the desired result. Correction area - two cubic metersSince the roots at the plenty roses can go deep into and on the parties exactly on such a distance.

Important! Be sure to make a humus or humus to the pit in a pit, no later than four weeks before landing, at least 10 kg per plant. Also well add bone flour.

Step 4 - Sealer selection

It is better to buy roses in the nursery, and not with the hands, it is known to everyone - only this way can be guaranteed a varietal belonging. But besides, you still need to know how to choose a seedlove in the nursery.

The varieties of seedlings of the plenty roses are two species - Corresponding and graft. It is impossible to say that some of them are better, and the other worse. Just care for the core instance will be somewhat different from the plant care, grafted on the riding ridge.

By the way. Already when disembarking, technology is distinguished - the lead is planted deeper than the core sapling, so that the vaccination place is mounted in the soil for ten centimeters.

Two more types of seedlings can offer nurseries - with open and with closed system roots. It is better to acquire a plant with protected roots, especially if the question is not resolved with a place or landing time. A rose with open roots is needed on the second day after the acquisition of a seedling, immersing it for a day roots in a water container, which Kornin can be added.

The process of disembarking

After everything is prepared, you can start the landing process.

  1. The seedlings are removed yellowed and dried leaves, and the above-ground part is cut in such a way that no more than 45 centimeters of the barrel remained after the showering on the surface.
  2. Crop the root system up to 30 centimeters. The sections are sprinkled with charcoal, cinnamon, any antiseptic.
  3. At the graft plants are removed (plugged) all kidneys are lower than the place of the lead, to eliminate the appearance of wild rose riding-stock.
  4. In the prepared pit with a bottom in the form of a hollochka, half a water is poured.
  5. The seedling is placed on a hilly with disrupting all the roots, and the pit is falling asleep with a mixture of soil and manure.
  6. The surface is compacted, formed rOCK. It should be well politically closed by peat.

By the way. Spring landing is characterized in that after disembarking, the plant must be covered with a film by creating the conditions of mini-greenhouse for a more successful rooting.

How to take care of the plenty rose

Having landed a plenty rose, you will have to go through all the stages of care, the pass of at least one can cause the death of the plant.

  1. Watering.
  2. Podrel.
  3. Loosening.
  4. Trimming.
  5. Processing from pests.
  6. Shelter for the winter.

But first of all, even before disembarking or immediately after it, it is necessary to take care of the creation of support for the plenty rose.

Support - grid.

Support - Fence and Gate

Varieties of support

As already noted, the alert does not have a plant, it cannot be clinging for anything, it is neither curly or climbing.

There are many different supports for all groups of plenty roses. They can be metal, plastic, wooden structures of various modifications. These are pergolas and arches, arcs and lattices, fences, gazebos, as well as walls and input groups that can be perfectly reapting with a plenty rose.

Council. If you put a rose with the wall, you need to retreat from it at least half a meter. Apply the guides to the surface of the wall or attach the grille.

If the support is an autonomous design that is not attached to the wall, it is swinging immediately after landing in the well at a distance of 35-50 cm from the base of the bush.

On the supports of the stems are fixed with twine, garden non-metallic wire, plastic fasteners.

Description of the stages of care


Roses do not need frequent watering, but it should be deep, because the roots lie deep into two meters. At least two buckets of water should be poured into every well. Better to give water water To stand up two days before watering. You need to drink plenty roses either in the morning or evening.


If the seedlings are planted in spring, and in the pit it was added enough by humoring, until the end of the summer, the plants do not feed.

At the beginning of autumn, potassium-containing fertilizers contribute to the successful preparation for wintering.

Roses of autumn planting do not fertilize until spring. In the spring, minerals are beginning to bring, alternating with an organica, every one and a half months throughout the season of the growing season. Stop making fertilizers followed in early October.


The moay of the soil around the stem of the plenty rose is carried out two or three days after each watering. It is necessary to loosen to a depth of 12 centimeters. If the hole is closed by peat, from time to time the layer of mulch is updated and plundered.


It is carried out in spring or autumn, as well as at the beginning of intensive growth. Cutting dried outmeal pieces of stem, branches frostbed in winter.

If the rose blooms once, it is worth remembering that the flowers on it are formed only on the runs of the second year, so immediately after branching the branches are removed under the root.

On plants blooming twice, trimming is carried out when preparing for wintering.


Roses have a lot of pests, the main of which can be considered a TRU and custom tick. Most often, they are noticed already when it is necessary to urgently use insecticides. It should be strictly followed by the instructions for their use.

The diseases of the plant are also numerous - cancer, spottedness, rot - this is not a complete list of what can destroy the plenty rose. The stem and leaves affected by the disease are removed, everything is treated with chemicals. If most of the plant is damaged, it will have to dig up with the root and burn.

Swimming roses are indispensable when creating vertical landscaping. Arches and arbors are decorated with this variety of roses, look gorgeous. But in order for a rowing rose to decorate the site, you need to know the features of her landing and properly care for her. After all, bugs during landing and care will not only spoil the appearance of the shrub, but can also lead to his death.

Description of the plenty rose

As the name and description of the plethious roses follows, these plants have long shoots-screens up to 5 or more meters, which have no own wrapping bodies of the type of mustaches. Therefore, they need an auxiliary device in the form of a frame.

These plants are divided into two groups: once blooming and re-flowering. The first is strongly tall liants with very magnificent and abundant blossoms. They have small flowers, are collected in heavy clusters. The varieties of these roses belong to the Rambler group. Flower in June for a month. Inflorescences are large, out of 30-40 small flowers, appear only on last year's shoots. Dead autumn bushes retain an openwork greens. The climber group combines the varieties of large-flowered plenty roses, obtained from rose crossing rambler with Floribund roses and tea-hybrid. They have thicker shoots up to 3.5 m long. And blooming on the shoots of this year continuously to deep autumn, but the flowering is not so abundant.

Repeated or continuously blooming plenty roses have many varieties with large or small flowers, fragrant or not very, drooping or looking up.

Choosing a place for planting a plenty rose

The most important point when the plentyful roses is a right selected place, it should be sunny and well ventilated, and there must be free place To cover roses to wintering. In no case, it is impossible to land with plenty roses on drafts and wetlands, as well as on the spot where roses grew.

It is better if the site will have a small bias, it will protect the soil from the stagnation of rainwater and excess moisture. If the place is selected by the wall, the landing point is digging at a distance of 50-60 cm. From the wall so that the root system is not overwhelmed.

And plants of other types are planted at a distance of at least 50 cm. From the bush of plenty roses. After landing, the stalks of the plenty roses are attached to the support.

Soil for planting plenty roses

Roses are very sensitive to excess moisture in the soil. Stagnation of rain and especially spring melt water for them is completely unacceptable.

Roses are best growing on fertile air and moisture-permeable loam. They do not fit heavy clay and light sandy soils. Before planting roses in clay soil, the garden is pre-introduced, and in sandy - clay. It is better to take clay from the upper layers of the soil and, before making it in the ground, it is desirable to withstand clay in stacks or a pile of at least 12 months. To clay faster acquired the crumbly structure and the necessary chemical composition, it is stirred with lime, and in warm and dry season, several times shuffle.

The addition of clay or sand is adjusted only by air permeability and moisture-setting ability of the soil. For growing strong, high-cleaning plenty roses, rather fertile, rich in humus soil are needed. Improve soil fertility by making a humus, humus. In conjunction with organic fertilizers, long-acting phosphoric fertilizers (for example, bone flour) and pure cultures of soil bacteria are made, processing substances that are not available to feed plants in the compounds digested by them (for example, phosphorodobacterin).

At the site of the landing of roses, they are removed and folded aside the top, the ferry layer of the soil. The podzole is removed from the site or applied to the device of constant tracks. The non-fermented soil layer is used to align the site. On the surface of the nude subsoil, sand or clay, lime, humus, humus, peat and phosphoric fertilizers are evenly distributed. The site is carried out deep steps. Do it at the end of summer.

In the spring of next year, the soil loose. And if the site is distinguished by heavy, clay soils, then it is once again drunk so that improving additives are evenly distributed in the subsoil. Roses return to the aligned landing upper layer Soil, making fertilizers, sand or clay into it. After the rescue to a depth of 20-25 cm. The area is loose.

Under the conditions of amateur gardening to determine the number and nature of improving the soil, folk receptions and signs are used. The mechanical composition of the soil is determined by rolling it between the palms. The acidity of the soil site is determined by weeding growing on it.

Most fully nutrients Digested roses in neutral soils (pH 6.5). Add lime to acidic soil, and in an alkaline - riding peat.

Preparing a seedling of plenty roses for landing

The preparation of a seedling before planting in the spring consists in a thorough examination of the root system - from broken and fallen roots need to get rid of, after which, spend a number of manipulations:

  • sections of individual parts of rhizomes treat fragmented wood coal, which will protect the plantation from the rotation of the resulting wound;
  • make your own hands the so-called batch: mix the clay, fresh manure (the tenth of the entire composition) with 3 phosophobacterial tablets, fill 0.5 liters. water and measure 9.5 liters. the resulting bolt
  • with absence cow manure Add 1 heteroacexin tablet per 10 liter sufficiency. Solid.

The planting of the seedlings in the spring suggests the pruning of the kidneys, 2 formed kidneys are left on strong stems, on the weak - enough presence of one.

How to plant plenty roses in the spring right? To begin, it is necessary to prepare a hole for a seedling, the depth of which should achieve approximately 60-65 centimeters. After that, proceed to careful research and processing of seedlings. This procedure It is followed as follows:

  • cut the roots that were damaged during the transportation process;
  • crouching too long roots. Otherwise, they can break in the well and start rotting;
  • machine seedlings in specially intended nutrient solutions. But do not get carried away, so as not to overlapping the plant;
  • the seedling is extremely careful (in order not to break the roots) goes into the soil about 8 centimeters. After that, it can be carefully bought it, for which enough half of the extracted soil is sufficient.

In the spring planting of plenty roses, it should be borne in mind that the plants will develop more slowly than when landing in the fall. The average lag in development is 10-14 days. In addition, roses will need much more care and attention.

Planting the plenty roses in the spring in the ground will not require the preparation of large areas. Under favorable conditions, plenty roses are developing rapidly. The bushes will delight blossoms next year, if roses landing in spring in the ground was performed. When using these colors as a decorative component of the structure, the landing is produced by retreating 0.5 m. From it. The layout of the plethious roses is 50 x 50 cm. A fertile earth mixture is poured on the bottom of the dug hole with the addition of humus. Do I need to water the plant when it is falling in the spring? Many experienced flower flows are inclined to a negative answer, which is caused by a high moisture content in the soil after melting of snow. But if winter was dry, it is still better to pour roses. After planting, it is abundantly watered and shortening branches up to 20 cm. Roots of the plants should be free to be in the well. They are sprinkled with a nutrient soil mixture, the soil is torn. The last stage of the falling down rose in the spring is her dip. Young plant seedlings are very sensitive to high temperatures and direct sunny raysTherefore, it is better to sprinkle their land to a height of about 25 centimeters. From above, the bush is covered with spunbond, cheese or any translucent materials. Daily shelter is raised for a few minutes so that the seedlings hardened. Gradually, the time of ventilation increases, and after the threat of frosts is passed, completely removed.

After removing the shelter, the seedlings are mulched by any material under hand. This will protect the plants from the loss of moisture and the growth of weeds.

With high cultivation, the pit is placed at a distance of 20 cm. From her. Landing the plenty roses in spring in the ground is performed in such a way that the vaccination place is located below the level of flower beds by 5 cm. The root seedling system is placed obliquely to the support. With the arrangement of the sets near the house, the distance from the wall is at least 10 cm. This will provide a sufficient influx of air, as well as more comfortable plant care.

Sutting off the bushes, retreat between them in the furrow from 0.5 to 1 m., Between the rows you need to put at least 1 m. If the plenty rose is planned to decorate the gazebo or fence, measure 0.35-0.5 m from the breakfast.

Like a rose - it's not particularly troublesome. But at the same time, do not miss sight of several important rules. The main thing is not to hurry!

Pleet rose - spectacular garden decoration, which can disguise any, even the most unsightly plot or high wall. But so that she performed the role decorative plant, she needs to bloom regularly. And flowering directly depends on the conditions of content and the peculiarities of the shrubs. Find out how to put the plenty rose in the spring open sadAnd how to care for her, so that she passes and grow healthy.

Usually, the plenty roses are made in autumn. This time has a lot of advantages: it's still warm on the street, the rooting occurs quickly, the pink shoots have already risen and prepared for wintering, and the next year the bush is growing intensively, like everyone else. But the autumn landing is rarely used in the north, where winter comes early, and the time to rouding the rose almost does not remain. It is also impossible to rent a landing if you have already prepared a sapling.

Features of the planting of the plenty rose in the spring are related to the fact that she needs time for rooting and adapting to new conditions. All this inhibits the growth of the aboveground part. As a result, the bush is lagging behind in developing from other shrubs for about 2 weeks, and it may happen that the stalks will not have time to grow (win). Then winter will be waiting for their death. That this does not happen, after the spring landing rose, you need to provide optimal conditions for content and intensive care. Then it is not only quickly adapted, but also will catch up in the development of other plants.

Best time for landing

The dates of planting the plenty rose in the spring depend on the local climate and the weather, which is impossible to predict. However, experienced flowers still defined an approximate time suitable for this:

  • In the south of the country, roses are planted into the open ground with the onset of April. Deadline - beginning of May.
  • In the middle lane of Russia and in the Moscow region climate is tougher, so the bushes are better to plant from the end of April to the end of May.
  • In the Urals and in Siberia with a harsh continental climate, the landing is desirable to spend from the end of May to mid-June.

It is impossible to be guided only by these recommendations. Therefore, watch the weather and the state of the soil. It should have time to warm up to + 8 ... + 10 o C. Otherwise, roses will be poorly rooted and suited. For landing, you should choose a cloudy and quiet day when there is no bright sun, precipitation and a strong wind.

Choosing a place and necessary conditions

We will tell you what the requirements should be the plot on which you are going to plant a vacuum rose.

Lighting and place

For roses, lighting is very important. They love when the sun shines on them around the clock. However, choose the solar location for the plenty shrub is very difficult: after all, it is usually planted near high fences and walls that close the place at least on the one hand. Then it should be guided by the fact that the morning rays of the sun are most important than the pink bushes. Therefore, choose a plot to which the sunlight will fall at least from the east, and better - from the south-east. Then your beauty quickly gets into growth.

Important! In the first days after disembarking, roses in the ground it will need to be dialed from the scorch rays of the sun. This will help avoid sunburn. When the bush is rooted, the need for shading off the shrub will disappear.


Pink shrub tolerates warmly warm russian summer And even heat under the condition of frequent and abundant irrigation. But in winter it is not very comfortable: most roses varieties belong to the 5th zone of winter hardiness. This means that without shelter, they can survive frosts only to -25 ... -20 about C. Therefore, they need to be stolen for the winter.

Attention! Some varieties can relate to the 4th or even 3rd zone of winter hardiness. They can withstand respectively to -30 ... -35 o C and -35 ... -40 about C. In the first case, the rose will require only a lightweight shelter, and in the second it can not be built at all (with the exception of the Urals and Siberia, where frosts are often lowered below Marks in -40 o c).

Air and humidity

Roses need moderately humid air (40-70%), which in the summer is supported independently. For plenty shrubs does not fit corner location (landing near the corner of the wall), as it does not tolerate drafts. It is best to plant it at a distance of 0.6 m from the middle of a wall or another support on a different plot protected from through wind.


Pink bushes are best suited to light fertile loam with good drainage and neutral reaction. They do not tolerate close-up groundwater: no need to get roots to them, and they can grow to 2 meters deep. If the water is located close to the surface, and the terrain itself is swallowing, then during the construction of landing pit it is necessary to provide a drainage structure. So that the water is not stood in the ground, it is better to plant a rose on a slightly inclined plane.

When choosing seedlings, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The root system should be well developed, healthy and strong. Do not take seedlings if the roots became sluggish, most likely, the bush died for a long time, and it is very weak.
  • Soothes must be healthy and strong. They should not have patients and stems.
  • The coloring of the trunk should be green. If she is gray or brown, passing by such a seedling.

Before planting a drinking rose, you need to prepare to smooth out the stress experienced by it and help it quickly take care:

  1. Soak her roots in the water on one day. You can add a little manganese, to get a light pink solution.
  2. Then I soak it for 3-4 hours (maximum - by 10-12 hours) in the growth stimulator solution (zircon, corneser).
  3. Remove the bush and, if necessary, make it trimming. It will be necessary to remove not only shoots up to 20-25 cm, but also damaged roots to a healthy tissue.
  4. The location of the cut before planting should be treated with a 0.2% solution of Fundazola or other fungicide.

Important! Some nurseries sell seedlings not with an open root system, but with an earthen room. Usually they are packed in biodegradable material. Such bushes can be planted directly in the package without pre-processing roots. But this is provided if you land right after purchase.

Planting process

For planting plenty roses in the spring you will need the following tools, items and materials:

  • gloves (to keep your hands clean and protect them from piercing with spikes);
  • shovel (for digging the landing pit);
  • drainage material (it can be clay, brick brick, crushed stone or other stones of a large fraction), as well as sand;
  • fertilizers Superphosphate, caliMagnesia or sulfate potassium (better granulated, as they will feed the plant during the entire season of vegetation);
  • peat and humus (for preparation of light, loose and nutrient soil mixture);
  • dolomitic flour, wood ash or lime (for the deoxidation of the soil);
  • warm water (for watering) and bucket for it;
  • shelter for shading roses.

After preparing a seedling to land, prepare the landing pit:

  1. Drop the pit in a depth and width of about 0.6-0.7 m. Optimal distance Between wells - 1 m.
  2. If you plant a bush on a swampy terrain, the depth should be more - about 0.8-0.9 m (for drainage facilities). At the bottom of the pit to put a thick layer (15-20 cm) of the brick or large rubble, and on top of pour about 5 cm of large river sand.
  3. Prepare a nutritious and loose mixture. To do this, mix peat and humus in equal proportions. If the soil is acidic, it will additionally be useful to make about 1 kg. wood ash or 500-600 g of lime or dolomite flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Fill the pit with a nutrient mixture by 30-40%. Add a granular fertilizer to it: 2-3 handstone superphosphate and 1 potassium sulfate or calmagnesia.

Plant roses to the prepared pit:

  1. Put the seedling in the pit and distribute it to the roots evenly throughout the volume.
  2. Holding the bush with one hand, the other fall asleep with a nutrient mixture empty space between the roots.
  3. When the roots are sprinkled, pour a bucket of warm water into the pit. Leight carefully, so as not to wash the soil.
  4. Fill in the nutritional mixture to the front, the root neck, it should be shrouded about 10-12 cm.
  5. Seal the Earth in the hole and build a small earth tree around it. It will be needed in order for water to water from watering along the entire surface of the soil, and absorbed directly in the zone of the root system.

Tip! After disembarking the plenty rose in the open ground, print it within 10-14 days, if the bright sun shines on the street.

How to tie a plenty rose

Pleet rose needs a support support. Often it is enough just to land near her, for example, near the following structures:

  • arch;
  • wall;
  • fence;
  • pergola or gazebo;
  • dry tree trunk.

But if the support does not have places for which it would be possible to cling, or it is not at all, then the rose must be taped. To do this, use thick garden twine (be sure to conduct a procedure in gloves and with an assistant):

  1. Collect the screamers into a compact bush.
  2. Ask the assistant to hold the rose in this position.
  3. Garden twine wrap the shrub around and tend it, tapping a strong knot.

Now the plenty rose is tied, but she also needs a support. If there is no lattice surface or small protrusions on the wall, fence or gazebo, for which the plant might challenge, build a rope or wire mesh. You can simply tie a strong rope to the top of the support, and to the bottom end to tie the peg and stick it near the bush. 3-4 such rope supports so that the rose crawled on them up.

Another support option is the construction of a wooden pyramid from thin, but durable wooden bars. In the pictures below, look at how you can tie with plenty roses so that they look beautifully.

After planting a plenty rose, she needs to provide intensive care so that it goes to grow faster, and her shoots managed to grow to a winter hibernation. Care includes:

  • Watering. Water rosa abundantly (10-20 liters of warm water) as needed before the onset of frosts. In the heat and drought, the irrigation rate should be 4-6 times a week, during the rest of the time - 2-3 times. Closer to the frosts of watering should be reduced to 1 time per week.
  • Subordinate. If you have been introduced into the plant pit and granulated fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium content, then during the season there will be enough 2 feeding with nitrogen. Young roses prefer the organic. For this, 2-3 weeks after landing the bush in the ground, adapt to its cow (1 part in 10 parts of water, infused within 7 days). You can also use infusion chicken litter (1 part on 20 parts of water, infused during the week). Such feeding need to be repeated in the middle of summer, but in the second half and the fall of nitrogen it is impossible to enter the soil.
  • Loosening and / or mulchinge. When forming a dense crust, it needs to be broken. But it is necessary to do it carefully not to damage the roots. Instead of the loosening of the soil, it can be covered with a layer of mulch - slices of bark, sawdust, decorative stones.
  • Processing from diseases. In the period of rains spray a rose 1 time per week with a 0.2% solution of Fundazola. During the rest, you can process 1 time 2 weeks phytosporin or zircons for the formation of immunity to fungal infections.
  • Processing from pests. When defeating the bush Tley, treat it soapy solution. When other pests appear, use insecticides (actuar, accomplishing, chlorofos or carbofos). The second processing should be carried out 1 week after the first.
  • Sanitary trim. In the fall, when the first frosts come, the plenty rose needs to be trimmed. For sanitary trim, it is enough to remove all weak, thin, damaged and sick shoots, as well as those that did not have time to mature to winter. It is impossible to leave them, as they perished with strong frosts. The same applies to flowers and leaves, if they did not fall.
  • Forming trimming. It can be carried out both in spring and autumn. The rules for conducting the procedure depends on which group trimming is your rose. If the flowers are formed on the shoots of this year, the old shoots need to shorten much. And if bloom occurs only on last year's stems, then they need to cut only the top. With a mixed type, it is impossible to cut either old nor young shoots.
  • Shelter for winter. If your rose variety is thermal-loving (most likely, it is also), then it is necessary to hide it for the winter. This can be done in two ways. The first is to remove the weaves from the support and covering them with spruce legs and a layer of waterproof material. The second is in the construction around the rose of the frame and wind by its rubberoid or other material. Then the emptiness inside the frame is bore with dry foliage, and the top is covered with a film. In any case, the trunk needs to be dipped or float peat.

Pleet roses look very sophisticated. For proper care They can bloom throughout the summer, forming lush bedspreads from terry and fragrant colors. They can disguise all unsightly sites of the garden and household buildings. They can become a major accent and create a romantic atmosphere. But for this you need to try and give your shrub all your love and care.