Application of plaster grid. Types of reinforcing nets for plastering of internal and outer walls When you need a grid under the plaster

Anyone who engaged in the walls of the walls, knows that when applying a thick layer of plaster, the material may not withstand its own weight and begin to flap from the wall surface. To this not happen, the reinforcing grid is used. It is fixed on the wall and takes part of the load.

In what cases need a grid

If shuttering walls are produced without a grid, there is a possibility of peeling the material under the action of its own weight. Thanks to the reinforcing grid, a monolithic plate is created that can withstand any loads. For plastering various thicknesses, different grids are created for a certain load.

The use of the mesh makes it possible to form a durable layer of solution, on which, even with long-term use of the room, cracks will not appear. This result is unable to achieve without the use of the described products.

It is worth noting that even with the wrong kneading or non-compliance with the temperature level, the grid contributes to the preservation of the integrity of the plaster. There are special grids for the facade that are not subject to corrosion.

Types of grid

In the building materials market, you can find many varieties of grids that are applied by plaster. In order not to be mistaken during the choice, it is worth considering the main types of products and their features:

To choose from the proposed options, it is enough to determine in what conditions the grid will be used. If you need to stack the facade, it is better to buy metal or fiberglass products with large cells. When applied to the inner walls, a plastic mesh can be used.

How attached plaster grid

To understand how to secure the mesh on the wall correctly, it is worth considering the two most popular types of grids - fiberglass and metallic. Secure the first named type of products is much easier, since for this you only need to screw several screws at an equal distance from each other. Such attachments are enough to reliably hold the grid.

In order for the grid to keep it more reliably, it is worth it to roll it over the entire width of one piece, without sharing the product into several. At a distance of about two meters from each other during installation, vertical lighthouses are installed. After the grid is suspended on the self-tapping screw, the stucked plaster seals it to the wall, so additional elements Fastenings are not needed.

The process of installing the metal grid is somewhat different. This is due to the fact that under its own weight, such a product is not able to securely hold on the attachments. Also cells metal nets They are big and needed additional mounting with a mounting ribbon.

To secure, you only need to cut off the part of the mounting ribbon in such a way that it can completely close one cell. After cutting the mounting ribbon, it is fixed on the wall with self-draws. Calculate the distance between the mounts is necessary so that the grid does not sane in any segment of the wall.

Surface preparation

Before starting shuttering walls, it is necessary to clean the surface from pollution and old finishing materials. After finishing work There should be no surface on the surface additional MaterialsSince they can cause the detachment of plaster.

After cleaning the surface of the walls, it is necessary to apply primer. Such formulations increase the strength of the wall and improve the quality of the clutch. They also prevent the appearance of mold and corrosion. Primer contributes to the rapid surface drying and contributes to the best absorption of the compositions that are applied after it.

Applying plaster

After preparation of the surface and fixing on it, the reinforcing grid occurs plastering in several layers. To properly apply the composition to the surface, you should consider the features of creating different layers:

The first layer. The plaster is usually superimposed in two or three layers, which depends on the material of the walls. On concrete, for example, it is necessary to apply three layers. The first one is called "spray". The plaster at this stage has a sour cream-like consistency and is attracted to the surface of the wall in an arbitrary order. The composition can be smeared, but the patch allows you to speed up the process. After applying plaster on a certain section of the wall, you need to rinse the tool. After the package, the composition of the two-handed spatula is taken up.

Second layer. After the first layer is completely dry, you need to knead the plaster, the consistency of which should remind the dough. Then you need to draw the composition on the wall and, taking half-sash, smear it in the horizontal and vertical direction. It is after applying the second layer the reinforcing mesh is completely covered by plaster. If she still stands out on the surface, you need to apply plaster again.

Third layer. At this stage, it is necessary to level the composition more accurately so that no errors remain on the walls of the walls. Before applying the finish layer, you need to moisten the surface of the plaster.

This plastering technology with a universal grid and can be used when working with walls from different materials.

The final stage of work

After the plaster is completely dry, it must be prepared to secure the finishing materials. For coloring and sticking wallpapers, it is enough to polish the surface with emery paper. If there are noticeable irregularities on the wall, you need to start using the largest paper brand. For convenience, the segment of the product is clamped on the grater. Grinding is made by circular motions with a little effort so as not to make new defects on the surface.

When the wall becomes homogeneous, you need to change the brand and continue the grout. If the surface is stained, you need to take P120 paper. During the whole process it is worth using glasses and a respirator to protect against dust.

Since in the corners to polish the surface is quite difficult, it is worth working either without a grater, or using bars with sharp angles. If you want to facilitate and speed up the work process, you can purchase an electric grater. But to handle the walls of one apartment to buy such a product is unprofitable. After grinding, you need to dream with a brush dust.

Applying plaster under wallpaper and painting

Before starting work, determine exactly how the room will look like, and what will be used as finishing materials. If wallpapers are selected, you need to define their type and thickness in advance. If they are thin, you need to apply several layers of leveling plaster. This will allow you to shove wallpaper without irregularities and bubbles.

For the room in which wallpaper will be pissed, it is better to purchase ready-made dry mixes, since when using them, you can cook more high-quality plaster.

If plastering the wall surface occurs before painting, you should carefully prepare the wall, without leaving even small irregularities on it. The whole process is performed in several stages:

  • first, the leveling layer is finely applied;
  • then, if necessary, there are two more layers to eliminate defects;

Grid for plastering walls is a metal or polymer product that is used to strengthen the surface created by means plastering. In most cases, it is not required, but for external work or rough alignment of very damp walls reinforced grid For plaster just needed.

First you need to decide on. If it is less than 2 cm, then it is possible to refuse the reinforcement, since the solution will be able to hold onto the wall independently. For a layer thickness of 2-3 cm, light products based on fiberglass or polymers are required. They will significantly increase the service life finished coatingAnd also prevent his cracking. For a layer thickness of 3-5 cm, a metal grid under the plaster is recommended.

On a note! If after all measurements it turned out that it is necessary to apply a layer thicker than 5 cm, it is better to refuse to shock and use drywall for alignment.

According to the technology - layer of plaster can not be more than 5 cm, but some masters make 8 cm, while strengthening each layer of the reinforcing web.

In independence from the layer, the reinforcing grid is necessary when finishing surfaces from lightweight cellular concrete (gas and foam blocks).

Types of plaster grids

The modern building market offers the following types of plaster grids:

  1. Masonry. It is made of plastic, and the cell size is 5 mm. It is suitable for finishing works on brick surfaces inside and outside the room. This product is destroyed under the influence of alkaline media, so it is not recommended to use it with cement plaster. Another name is a painting mesh.
  2. Universal shallow. The cell size is 6 mm, and polyurethane is used by the manufacturer. This product is perfect for relatively small layers of plaster -20-25 mm. Such products can be used only for internal finishing works, and they are suitable for any type of mixtures.

    Universal Reinforcing Watery with Square Cells

  3. Universal average. All indicators are the same as the previous species. Cells in this case are not square, but rectangular with a size of 14x15 mm.
  4. Universal large. Rectangular cells with parties 22 and 35 mm. Well suitable for designing surfaces in large spacious rooms, such as warehouses or production shops. The product can also be used for external work, perfectly tolerate temperature differences and mechanical loads.
  5. Flusket. These products are made of fiberglass. Square cell with a side of 5 mm. The product perfectly tolerates high, low temperatures, as well as their sharp differences, atmospheric influences. In addition, this material does not react with chemically active substances, so it is considered one of the most better options To work with cement-based mixtures. The grid is suitable for internal and external works.

    Plaster grid of fiberglass

  6. Plurima. It is made of polypropylene. The main advantage is a small weight, so that with the material just work. Cell rectangular with 5x6 mm sides. The product does not react with chemically active substances. Can be used outside and indoors.
  7. Armaflex. Reinforcing Mesh for Wall Plasterings this type It is made of polypropylene, but it is more dense than the previous view. Cell rectangular with 12x15 mm sides. Such material is used when the thick layer of plaster is required. Well suited for external work.

    Reinforcing Product - Armaflex

  8. Sintoflex. It is made from polypropylene in two versions. Cell dimensions 12x14 or 22x35 mm. This product is chemically inactive and distinguished by a relatively low mass. It can be applied during the work inside and outside the building, but more suitable for the first.
  9. Metal mesh for plaster. It is metal rods that are connected by welding in places of contact. The sizes of cells can be different, as well as the scope of use. Great in cases where you need to hold a considerable weight.
  10. Galvanized grid. The same as the previous form, but is additionally protected from corrosion. The size of the cells can be different, used for external and interior decoration. This species The most popular in the domestic market.

Galvanized mesh for plaster

Mesh selection for plaster

Before answering the question: what mesh is better to use, you should pay attention to the layer of plastering, which will be applied. Through a laser level or manual tools, the walls are found out, the thickness of the lighthouse and a bit of stock are added to this value. As a result, it turns out needed thickness layer.

For small layers, light polymer or fiberglass products are used for large - metal grids for plastering walls or reinforced polypropylene materials. The greater the layer, the larger there should be a cell. If for 2 cm sufficiently light mesh with a cell of 5 mm, then for 5 cm better suitable The product with the size of the socket is 3-5 cm.

The thicker layer of plaster, the more cells should be

You should know! If it is supposed to use cement mortar, the material must be resistant to alkalis, for gypsum Solutions The grid can be any.

Last but you need to pay attention to the cost. It is not recommended to buy expensive heavy-duty products just in case, they never take themselves.

The construction market offers a large range of plaster grids, but to acquire expensive products is not always justified

This material For plastering walls can be used with a layer thickness from 3 to 30 mm. The cell size should be from 5 mm and more, and the density of the product should vary from 110 to 160 g / m2.

First of all, you need to cut the product on the items. The dimensions of the fragments depend on how many people work (two it is easier to apply most of them), exactly how is the material (along and across). It is also important to leave 15 cm of reserve to form an adhesion with other fragments. After preparing the elements, it is necessary to apply the first layer of solution. It is applied to it with a mesh and bleed it in the surface, after which the subsequent shocking is carried out.

Installation of fiberglass material by blending in solution

In some cases, the masters fasten the product directly on the surface to be processed with screws or screws, and then plastering is carried out on the grid. This method can only be used when decorative work And the layer thickness is not more than 1 cm. If the layer is thicker, the network will be too close to the wall itself, so the plaster will remain unreasted.

Ideally, the applying of the reinforcing material under the plaster of the walls should look like this:

  • Fragments of the required length are cut.
  • The first layer of finishing material is applied, it is smoothed by the sizes of the grid.
  • Through the hats of the self-tapping screws, which were spoiled to mount the lighthouse profiles, the grid is superimposed.
  • Next processes the following fragment of the wall and so to the end. At the same time, the canvas must be laid.
  • After that, mounted lighthouses and apply plaster on the product.

Installation of a fiberglass mesh under the plaster

On a note! The plaster should be evenly distributed throughout the area, while stretching the material follows from the center to the edges. When smoothing the edges of the grid, you must hold them with a rule or a wide spatula.

Installation of metal mesh

Mesh plaster metallic are used when it is planned to apply a significant layer of material. Masters recommend choosing galvanized products with a cell of 10-12 mm. This material is easily cut by special scissors, weighs a little, and also does not rust.

Reinforcing wall metal productsIt is important to remember that they are previously degreased, after which they are washed with water and wipe.

Installation of a metal reinforcing mesh under the plaster

Installation Instructions:

  • First of all, the product is cut with scissors for metal processing on the fragments of the required size. It is important to take into account the fact that if there are rusts on the surface, then the grid is applied by a solid fragment along each of them.
  • Install in the perforator of the borne by 6 mm and drill holes over the entire wall, retreating from the corners, floor and ceiling by 20 cm, and the pitch of the holes is 30 cm. Their depth - a little more than size Dowels.
  • Mounted dowels in the holes, after which you press the surface with a partner together with a partner and secure it with self-draws. To increase the density of contact, the product with the wall of its edge is fixed mounting foam. The next canvas should be a mustache with installed. If the material is lagging behind the surface, you will have to make several additional holes.
  • At the end of the wall mounted lighthouses and shockturing.

Installation of beacons on the reinforcing canvas

If the layer of plaster will be greater than 3 cm, then it is necessary to additionally reinforce the surface. Suppose, the first layer of 2 cm with a grid was applied, after it drying onto the coating, another mesh is fixed, after which the plaster layer is again applied and so with each additional layer, except for decorative.

On a note! If a spacing-exhaust metal network is used, the layer of plaster depends on its thickness. With a rod thickness of 1 mm and less - 5 mm of plastering will be enough.

If a large layer of plaster is planned, it will be rationally to apply several layers and each subjected to reinforcement

It is important to remember that the durability of repair depends on the quality of the materials used. It is not worth buying cheap products of unknown origin, but also the purchase of expensive products of Western production is also not always justified. In this case, it is better to stop the choice on the products of domestic enterprises.

Grid for plaster inland walls Allows you to finish the premises better. Such a technology prevents the separation of the solution from the surface, makes the coating more solid and increases its operating time by two times.

Stuccoing on the grid - what is it and why you need?

Stucco on the grid is one of the ways of finishing the walls. This method is needed to enhance the facing layer on uneven surfaces. Basically, it is used for the external surfaces of civil buildings and industrial structures. This is especially true for new, still giving houses. But sometimes the premises are treated in this way. At the same time, the types of reinforcing material for external and internal works should be distinguished.

The cellular material may be fiberglass, polymer or metallic. It all depends on where it is applied. To nets under inner plaster Presented their requirements. Such a material must have a resistance to alkaline effects. For this reason, it is impregnated with a special solution. If this is not done, then cracks will appear on the facing. This means that the basis has decomposed, and plaster layer lost strength.

In addition to the impregnation, the grid for plastering inner walls is obliged to maintain strength and elasticity. According to SNiP, its density must correspond to the parameters 150-170 g / m2. This will give her the opportunity to withstand mechanical, wind and other loads, tested by the building as a whole. Usually to protect the walls of the first floor by builders when performing plastering A metal mesh is used.

What is the mesh for plastering inland walls

Plastering layer on concrete, brick and wooden facades It cracks and peeling. In order to avoid this wall, reinforced with a grid. There are 4 types of metal grids:

  • Woven grid - flexible and incredible durable material. By its structure consists of a woven wire of different sections. Ideal for finishing walls with your own hands. It has 1 × 1 cm squares with zinc coating. Sold in construction stores rolls.
  • Rabita or wicker grid Suitable for strengthening multi-layer plaster. Size cells 2 cm.
  • Welded grid with square cells spot welding Crossing wires located perpendicular to each other. The production comes low carbon, polymer coated or galvanized steel wire. It is intended to prevent cracking of the finishing layer during the actively precipitation of the walls. For the prevention of cracks in the plaster, a mesh with 2/3 cm cells is used. For sale in rolls 1 meter width.
  • The unusted grid is made by pressing from sheet metal. First hole holes, and then stretch the sheet to obtain diamond-shaped cells located in a checker order. Apply under a small layer of solution. Rolls can be different lengths, but standard width 1 meter.

Under a completely thin layer, a polymer mesh or a fiberglass element is used, most often, when it is necessary or, as it is also called, "Venetian". This type of material has increased resistance to various kinds of chemical effects and does not spoil the final coating by stains during operation. Methods for fastening such grids may be different. If the wall is concrete or brick, then it is possible to apply a little solution on it and put the reinforcing material into it. On wooden or porous surfaces, the network can be fixed using a stapler.

Preparation and start of finishing

Before proceeding with the walls of the walls, you need to cook everything you need: tools, remove the garbage, think and decide which kind of mesh is best used.

IMPORTANT: Metal mesh is best suited for applying a solution with a thickness of 3 cm. The chapter is used in reinforcing previously not subjected to plaster walls.

So, after you have prepared everything, you can start performing five steps.

  1. Measure the height from the floor to the ceiling. Displays the mesh and with the help of scissors for metal, cut the required number of cloths.
  2. Scatter and attach to the printed surface with nails or screws the grid. At the same time, do not forget that the canvas must go with a width of 10 cm.
  3. Prepare. Add an antiseptic to it so that there are no mold on the plaster.
  4. Press the preliminary layer of the solution to the craftsman, then crumple it with the rule. Give fresh plaster to grab, then apply an aligning layer. Because it is more subtle, it should be squeezed directly with Hacker. To do this, take a small amount of the mixture on working surface Tool and, pressing it to the wall, stretch upwards. If the grid is visible, then repeat the procedure.
  5. Let me dry, then whatever the irregularities with the spatula and set these places to the gravity. After hardening, perform a finite editing of irregularities with a shallow eye or moistened with water with a sponge.

When plastering using polymer species Grids should apply a solution from the middle to the edges of the canvas, as if you stick the wallpaper and drive air from under them. The networks of polymeric materials are elastic and stretch. When working with them, it is necessary to observe accuracy and ensure that bubbles do not occur. Now, depending on what plaster was performed, you can or paint it, or do decorative cladding.

Facing plaster

The greatest distribution was painting walls. Before you begin to perform this type of cladding, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface: remove all cracks, make sure that the layer of plaster is durable and does not lag behind the wall surface. After putty dry, it is necessary to process the plane in front of the painting water primer.

Carefully treat the choice of paint, which is going to paint plaster.

Remember: Fresh plaster, as a rule, has an abrasiveness of alkali, therefore it is extremely undesirable to use compositions containing solvents. Consider that the plaster must be protected by synthetic primer before applying organic soluble paints.

For staining walls, it is best to use a roller. Processing the surface must be carefully, not to leave spaces and after drying the coating should be punished again. For painting facades, acrylic, alkyd and latex formulations are best suited.

No less popular finish interior premises Wallpaper. In order for they do not dug, you need to properly prepare an plastered surface. Remove the entire old wallpaper material from the walls and make sure that the plaster holds well. Then the purified surface should be washed with water and inspect whether there are no cracks. If you find them, they will need to sharpen and give time to dry. After that, process such places with a fine-grained skin.

The choice of wallpaper glue depends on the type of wallpaper and the surface on which you are going to stick them. Usually on rolls there are instructions with recommendations, which glue is best to use. In general, the technique of pasting plates of plastered walls is not much different from the equipment for other surfaces.

By ignorance, how to do one or another type of repair, you can not only spend a lot of strength and time, but also to spoil expensive materials. We hope that the data in the article advice will help you correctly repair and avoid many mistakes.

During the construction of buildings and production different species Finishing works are becoming increasingly distributed to the use of metal meshes. In order not to make mistakes with the choice of reinforcing metal grid, you need to understand in advance in advance in all the advantages and cons of its use. Knowledge of the features of the species of this material will help make the right and conscious choice.


Watching facades of buildings or interior rooms with the help of decorative compositions is one of the most common and cost-effective finishes. A wide variety of high-quality mixtures, distinguished by a variety of colors and textures, allows you to be confident in the attractiveness of the lined surface.

The only drawback is not very high strength of such a finish. Special reinforcing materials are applied to increase its reliability and durability. Their use helps to exclude the appearance of cracks with the inevitable shrinkage or a new structure, improves the adhesive bases and plastering mixtures.

Strengthening structures are made from various materials, as a result of which they acquire specific properties that determine the scope of their application. Most often, when performing plaster works:

  • polymer;
  • plastic;
  • fiberglass;
  • metal grids.

The choice of one or another species, first of all, depends on the intended thickness of the plaster layer. It should also be paid to the finishing materials and the composition of mixtures for decorative coatings.

Reinforcing metal mesh

Such material is the most versatile reinforcing product. Its basic functions are to strengthen and protect the plastered surface from mechanical damage. He warns the possibility of cracking the plaster layer due to sharp drop temperatures. The layer of draft finish is obtained more even and smooth, better prepared for the conduct of finishing finishing works.

Reinforcement with a metal grid helps additionally strengthen not too durable and reliable designs.

In the production of building materials of this species, wire or metal bar are used. Depending on their thickness, the grid is divided into the following categories:

  • lungs;
  • medium;
  • heavy.

Advantages and disadvantages

To date, the range of plaster grids is very diverse. Steel are accessible to the use of polyurethane, plastic and glass coolers. But the most popular remain those manufactured on the basis of metals.

This is due to a variety of features of their technical characteristics:

  • The metal grid has a special strength that helps it withstand serious loads. If a thick layer of plaster is required to align the large surface area, it is better not to save and acquire exactly such a reinforcement material.
  • Its use is possible when working on any bases and with different compositions of rough finishing solutions.
  • Applying the plastering layer is not limited to its thickness. When working with subtle or light bases, it is possible to apply a minimum formation to 20 mm. If it is necessary to align the surface height levels on vertical wall, It is permissible to apply a solution with a thickness of more than 50 mm.

  • In preparation for plastering a metal base, you can fight the reinforcing mesh to it, which will ensure greater reliability of the entire design.
  • For cutting out of a solid canvase of individual pieces of free configuration, enough use hand tool, for example, scissors for cutting for metal or bodies.
  • Fastening such reinforcement does not require high time and strength. To create a solid compound with the base, it is enough to fix the grid only in several places.

The main disadvantage of this type of material is its considerable weight. It is possible to strengthen it only on surfaces capable of withstanding the total weight of the metal mesh and finishing leveling mixtures. Do not make reinforcement on surfaces from drywall or hollow bricks.

Types of reinforcing metal grids

Reinforcement grids are used both for plastering and creating cement screeds or concrete pillows. In their production, metal blanks are used, the thickness of which depends on the intended load on the lined surface. They differ in the size of the cells. For plaster works, easier options are used, the wire thickness of which does not exceed 1.5 mm and with the size of the cells up to 30 mm.

The most popular dimensions of products according to GOST:

  • 10x10;
  • 25x25 mm.

Manufacturers offer customers rolled and leaf reinforcing grids. Each of these species is convenient in its use. When finishing work in areas having a greater length, it is better to use rolled reinforcing grids. It will require additional efforts in stretching and fastening, but will significantly improve the quality and appearance The finished coverage - it will be more even, as a solid piece of canvas is used when working, characterized by the lack of seams and lining.

For artificial stone It is necessary to select small coating size.

The technology of fastening the mesh differs depending on the base of the surface. To metal it is enough to weld with the device for welding work. If the grid is quite thin, then on wooden base It is conveniently attached to an industrial stapler shooting large brackets.

To secure thicker reinforcements, they will need selflessness or nails. On the base of brick or concrete, the reinforcing material can be attached using a dowel with washers.

Currently, several species received the greatest distribution on the market:

  • welded;
  • woven;
  • non-exhaust all-metal;
  • rabita.


This material is becoming increasingly popular among buyers due to relatively low prices and very high quality, it can also be used at any stages of construction or finishing. Most often welded grid Apply for the following types of work:

  • strengthening the foundation of the building;
  • reinforcement of brick walls and various blocks;
  • when finishing work on carrier surfaces;
  • when installing the heat insulating layer.

Metal rod is made different diameter By welding them. At the same time, the distance between them can be quite different. The weight of the grid compared to other species is small.

Special attention It should be paid to the material from which it is made. Optimal is the use of stainless metals and their alloys, since the corrosion appeared leads to early destruction of structures.

The main disadvantage of this type of plaster reinforcement is weakness welded seams - They may have breaks and the appearance of rust. Than less size The cells, the higher the probability of destruction, since these seams are more. In addition, the grid, a long time stored in rolls, is deformed, which significantly complicates the subsequent work.


Metal grid of this type is universal building material. It is a cloth of intertwined wire with the same cross section. It is produced on specialized weaving machines made of stainless and low carbon steel, brass and other non-ferrous metals. It is possible to use in the production of painted steel threads. Cells can be different sizes and forms, such as square or rectangular.

In construction, a large application has received a stainless woven gridmade from the material of the same name. Most often it is used as fittings to prevent cracks or sieving appearance bulk materials In the manufacture of sand and cement mixtures.

Sustainable all-metal grid

On the building markets It can be found under the name "Skip" or abbreviation CPVS. This type of grid is made from a solid sheet metal, the thickness of which can reach 2 mm, but the plates are most often used to 1.5 mm. The manufacturing technology is to cut the clearance and further stretching the material. As a result, cells arranged in a checker order are formed. This attaches finished product Special strength and flexibility. When deforming one or more cells, the rest of the canvas is not subjected to further destruction, but it is quite difficult to restore after storage in rolls.

This product is manufactured without using plastic protection, which can cause it corrosion. The use of galvanized alloys significantly improves the anti-corrosion properties of the material, which is especially important in the aggressive medium of compounds for plastering. At the finishing stages of the finish, the tracks of rust do not appear. Also significantly increases the shelf life.

Depending on the basis, its weight can vary. Distinctive feature It is refractory and the possibility of using on any surfaces. The ability to withstand large loads allows you to use it during the reinforcement of a concrete screed.

The main tasks of the CPVS:

  • protection of plastered ceiling and walls from mechanical damage and sharp air temperature fluctuations;
  • warning The appearance of cracks due to technological disorders in the process of finishing work;
  • significant progress of the warranty service life of plaster.


It is the most common in the use and most popular material among the masters of the whole world. The use of this grid is not limited to its presence in fences - it is actively used as a reinforcing canvase.

Plaster as a way to protect and refuel the facade has a thousand-year history. In some cases unique effect acquired world fame and significance of the brand, if you remember venetian plaster, imitating marble cladding.

But for any finishing layer of solution cement-sand mixture inevitable were cracks and collapsions detached fragments. Plaster mesh helped solve this problem.

What is a reinforcing grid?

Flexible, openwork, knitted or woven - it creates a monolithic framework frame.

Present plaster grid can be considered common once method of lamb wall Under the stucco, with the help of thin narrow dugs, laid cross-stroke - the so-called "duncar". Until now, among the ruins of pre-revolutionary and Soviet buildings, you can see the naked skeleton of a wooden reinforcement.

The creation of new materials and construction technologies allowed replace time-consuming process wall sheaturing very fragile wooden dranco on fast I. reliable way Strengthening roughing stucco different species Facade mesh.

Does the grid in the plaster, its advantage:

  1. Improving the effect of clutch of different materials.
  2. Protection of excessive hygroscopic masonry material (aerated concrete) from moisture penetration.
  3. Hardening corner elements and stakes of structures when removing window and doorways.
  4. The formation of a monolithic frame that ensures the durability of the walls and the strength of the cladding.
  5. Insurance from internal stress of walls with sudden drops of temperature and humidity.
  6. Restoration of cracked fragments of the facade.
  7. Reinforcement of waterproofing.
  8. Achievement of a respectable type of finishing work.

What requirements presents to the GOST 3826-82 plaster grid:

  • density in the range of 150-170g / m²;
  • corrosion resistance and alkalis effects;
  • low weight (not complicating building loading system);
  • resistance to stretching with permissible flexibility and tensile strength;
  • identity of cells (alternating and magnitude);
  • the presence of accompanying documentation on tests conducted in independent laboratories.

Reference: The plaster grid is also successfully used in the preparation of screeds, fill the floors for the device "warm floor", when installing insulation of attic rooms and roofs.

How to produce?

Materials, as well as making methods, several.

Metal (sheet or wire):

  • wicker from wire spirals (chain grid - by the name of the creator, German Karl Rabita Mason);
  • woven The grid is created from wire threads along the type of weaving weave base and duck, allows the use of wire of any section, gives the product the necessary flexibility;
  • welded - fixes the welding area of \u200b\u200bthe crossing of the wire, forming a cell square form; Used to prevent wall shrinkage;
  • twisted (Magnier) - wire twisted in such a way that forms 6 coal cells, the main advantage is the resistance to high T◦;
  • non-exhaust (CPVS) - It turns out of sheet metal (thickness 0.5-1.0mm) by cutting under the press, which, when tension, form diamond cells, is most convenient for cutting and transportation.

Metal grid is worth choosing with galvanized coating or polymer spraying. So she will serve longer.

From polymers (plastic):

  • armaflex (with enhanced nodes) - ultra-duty;
  • plurima (with cells 5x6) - chemically inert;
  • sintoflex. - with medium and large cells, lightweight, resistant to chemical exposure.

Universal (polyurethane) with cells of 3 species:

  • small (6x6);
  • middle (15x13);
  • large (35x22).

Fiberglass - fine, ultra-durable, without restrictions in application. The grid is woven from fiberglass with other components and is impregnated with polymer solutions for the purchase of chemical resistance.

Fluster used for:

  • strengthening the base layer;
  • giving strength to finishing elements from soft materials;
  • reinforcement base under finish finish tile.

Important: Each type of grid is designed for a certain thickness of the plastering layer and features of operation. Incorrectly selected reinforcing layer may lead to cracks, irregularities, detachal of the entire coating together with the finish finish.

Popular manufacturers

In the construction and finishing materials market, domestic manufacturers occupy leading positions:

  1. Company "Top House" -20 works in this segment, produces 50 thousand items of goods. Releases Grid "Vertex" for reinforcement polystyrene insulation, Fiberglass grid "Valmiera".
  2. Company "RANNOS" Produces all types of metal grids from wire BP 1, BP 2, steel, surfacing, spring. He is a representative of the Cherepovetsky plant "Severstal".
  3. Company "Heatshop" - The main supplier of CCI-160 reinforcing glass equipment (160g / m² density) in the West Siberian region. She releases "TG-Textilglas" - the grid for work on the layer of the insulation.
  4. Company "Stroykit" (Izhevsk) offers not only metal and fiberglass reinforcing mesh, but also glue for their attachment.
  5. Company "Dr.Gunter Kast" - German representative in the market of specialized glass fiberglass grids. The main production of the plaster grid is located in the city of Southfan.

A plaster grid of 1 meter width to trading enterprises in rolls long 30-80 meters (The weight of the roll is 80 kg) with fasteners and fair elements. Retail is allowed to leave the goods by the Match.

What mesh to choose?

Reinforcing grid N. cheap Material, but saves the cost of owner For subsequent repairs and restoration of lost fragments of the facade. Application of a plaster grid in the facade finish gives him representative view. Therefore, costs are justified.

But acquiring material it is necessary to make sure of his quality, what does it say:

  • the appearance of the product (identity of the size of cells, their alternations, reliability of weaving, the presence of a protective layer);
  • testing a fragment for fermentation, stretching (high-quality grid instantly restores its form and is not strongly stretched);
  • testing for chemical resistance (the result is visible in a day after immersing the grid fragment in an alkaline solution, for example, the economic soap);
  • the accompanying packaging document in which the information on the independent expertise of the quality of the goods should be.

How not to remember the folk wisdom about the miser? Plaster grid -it is not a way to shine with your material capabilities, and the calculated long-term investment on the perspective.

How to calculate the flow?

Conditions that it is necessary to take into account when calculating the material:

  • wall area;
  • possible surface irregularities;
  • metage insulation;
  • nutting the grid (online or bill).

Therefore, for the polymer mesh required 1.1 m² for square. meter Walls, and for fiberglass - 1.15 -1.4m². Specialists recommend providing stock 5% For unforeseen expenses.

Selection of plaster grid depends from the thickness of the finishing layer, irregularities of the walls.

Criteria are becoming:

  • material;
  • cell value;
  • grid weight;
  • method of fastening.

With significant drops of the thickness of the layer On the entire surface of the wall of the complex facade, it is recommended to refuse plaster and replace it with another type of finish.

How to mount a mesh under the stucco for outdoor work?

The technology of mounting the facade mesh is completely under the power of anything, consider the whole process of the detail.

Clean the wall from raid, traces of masonry work. Align the surface. If the chain grid is used - preparatory work And the primer is not needed.

Protect the surface for porous materials (aerated concrete blocks) - primer deep penetration.

Froze The treated surface and harvest cuts of the mesh material.

When working with a chain chain or welded, her box is made immediately on the wall Using a dowel or frame:

  • on the wooden doom (for a wooden house);
  • on metal pins (for brick or concrete walls).

How to glue the reinforcing mesh on the wall video

Polymer and fiberglass put the venge At the starting layer of plaster, while the reinforcing layer is pressed into the solution and is attached to the dowels around the edges.

The starting layer of plaster can be replaced. special glue for fastening the mesh, after drying, the finishing layer is applied. The glue can also be used to fasten the fiberglass to the insulation.

The adhesive layer should be sufficient to place the grid in its middle when indulging. Basis for adhesive fastening must be sucked And the work is carried out at the positive T◦ (not lower than + 5 ° C) On peeled spots and surface pollution.

With essential irregularities The walls need to install beacons (the thinnest layer - 1cm, the thick of it - not more than 5 cm). The solution is applied to the moistened wall, moving upwards.

Finish layer depending on the type of grid and the planned thickness is formed by a wide spatula from the middle to the edges, and, if necessary, in two navigation (with a complete drying of each layer) to flawless wall alignment.