How to make a template for the rafters of the valley. Installation of rafters: the specifics of sawing and installation rules for the rafter system

The rafter system is the "skeleton" of any roof structure. The reliability, quality and durability of the roof made directly depends on the correctness of its manufacture and installation. If desired, with arrangement rafter system you can handle it yourself. Do you want to know how? Check out the following guide!

There are layered and hanging rafter systems. According to statistics, layered structures are most often used. When arranging such a system, they run into the Mauerlat. The function of the central part is performed by a simple ridge run. To increase the strength of the system, support beams are installed.

In the case of hanging rafters, the structure of the system is completed with additional posts, which contribute to the optimal distribution of the load over the entire area of ​​the roof structure.

Take an extra pair of nails and fix the angle set between the planks. At this point, the template is ready. Additionally secure it with a crossbar. To ensure that the set slope angle of the roof slope does not change under the influence of loads, fasten the crossbar with self-tapping screws.

Be extremely careful when creating your template. Even the slightest deviations can damage the entire structure.

Next, we make a new template for preparing assembly cuts on the system elements. Use 0.5cm plywood. Use a 2.5cm plank for reinforcement. Select the dimensions of the grooves taking into account the cross-section of the used rafters.

By using ready-made templates make cuts and start assembling the farm.

Video - Gable roof rafter system

Truss assembly order

The structure includes support legs and connecting components. The farm resembles a triangle. Do the work in the sequence shown, and finished structure will be able to adequately endure all incoming

The farm can be done on the ground with a further rise upward or directly on the roof. The first option is simpler and easier to carry out.

We assemble the rafter truss in the following order. First, we cut the prepared material to the right size, we join the bars with the upper edges and fasten them with screws. To prevent the appearance of cracks in the bonding points, we pre-drill holes in the bars with a diameter of a little smaller fasteners.

We also use a crossbar to connect the rafter legs. We fix it half a meter below the upper attachment point of the elements. The crossbars will help to increase the rigidity of the structure and eliminate the risk of deflection. We fasten the crossbar in the recesses, previously equipped in the rafters by means of cutting.

If necessary, the rafters are cut at an angle, if this is required by the features of the roof structure being equipped.

Installing a roof truss

We install roof trusses in the following sequence:

  • we mount extreme farms;
  • we fix the central trusses.

When installing extreme farms, we adhere to the following important rules:

After the installation of the extreme trusses is completed, we proceed to fixing the central and subsequent structures, if their placement is provided for by the project. Optimal step installation of trusses - 100 cm.

To secure the central rafter triangle, we use temporary jibs. After the visor is installed, the jibs can be removed. The recommendations for fixing the central and other trusses are the same as in the case of the extreme structures.

After installing all structural elements, we proceed to fastening the lathing and further arranging the roofing system: moisture, heat and vapor insulation, as well as the installation of the selected finishing coating.

Happy work!

Among the main stages in the construction of a roof, the device of its frame - the rafter system - is considered especially responsible. This is due to the fact that during operation the roof is under the influence of very serious constant and periodic loads - snow, wind and others.

Rafter fabrication and subsequent device supporting structure Is the cornerstone of roof construction. In fact, it is a supporting "skeleton" that takes on all the loads that the roof experiences. Thus, it is the rafter system that largely determines the level of protection of the building from all kinds of influences.

Types of rafters

The extreme importance of the supporting structure dictates a special approach to the choice of its type, material of manufacture and others. important details... All of them are determined at the design stage of the structure.

Roof trusses are usually made of wood or metal. In rare cases, they are made of reinforced concrete.

Metal trusses come to the construction site ready-made, factory-made. They are lifted with a crane and then fixed by welding.

The manufacture of rafters from wood according to the method of execution is more diverse:

  • they come ready-made, made in the factory;
  • the structure can also be assembled on construction site from individual elements factory-made;
  • fabrication of a rafter system directly at the facility under construction from elements cut on site.

The use of blanks manufactured at the factory requires the utmost compliance with the project, since it will be very difficult to remake the finished trusses or change the dimensions of the parts, and in some cases it is simply impossible.

On a note

Nevertheless, such a solution has an undoubted plus - with properly erected walls, installing a frame is no more difficult than assembling a children's designer.

Prefabricated products are mainly used in the construction of complex roofs. For example, this is how the frame is assembled above the bay window. As for the pre-fabricated buildings, during their construction, the trusses are supplied in a set.

If you choose to follow the last option, to make and assemble the rafters yourself, first you need to study all the terminology associated with the roof, so that confusion does not inadvertently lead to unpredictable negative consequences.

Main components of the rafter system

The main component roof structure considered a farm. She represents flat design in the shape of a triangle. What elements it consists of and the number of components in the frame structure depends on the characteristics of the roof, say, type or dimensions.

Let's note some of the main components:

  • Rafter legs (rafters) - they are stuffed with a crate, on which the roofing is laid. The truss is formed by two beams. When connected in a skate, they form a triangle. Their slope coincides with the slope of the roof slopes.
  • Tightening - this crossbar, which holds the rafters horizontally, which does not allow the rafter legs to part to the sides under loads. Tightening is necessary in the construction of hanging rafters.

  • The grapple is used in inclined rafters. It connects the rafters horizontally, increasing the stability of the truss.
  • The crossbar resembles a tightening, but it works on a different principle - instead of stretching, it contracts. The crossbar secures the rafters in the upper section.
  • The stand additionally fixes the rafters horizontally.
  • The brace provides additional stability to the system. This element is installed at an angle.
  • Fillets are used to lengthen the rafters when creating overhangs.

The sequence of actions when installing the rafter system

Working at height is not very conducive to numerous fittings, therefore, the roof structure must be carefully thought out in advance and calculated. This will greatly facilitate the installation of the roof.

The rafters are of the same type by design, so in order to get out of timber rafters it is advisable to use a template. Knowing all the required dimensions, it is not difficult to make it. This should be an exact horizontal copy of the truss, which is formed by the rafters in the vertical plane. It can be done in several ways.

The template for the rafters can be made for such roof parameters as its slope and the dimensions of the structure.

With the help of a similar device and a pencil, typical cuts are marked on the workpiece in the following sequence:

  • The ridge part of the rafter leg. The template is applied to the workpiece and a cut line is drawn.
  • Slope length. Taking the lower point of the ridge part as the starting point, set aside a distance equal to L (the length of the slope), and mark point C. Then apply a template and draw a horizontal line of the shelf of the rafter tooth.

  • Tooth marking. Along the line obtained, a segment CA is laid, which is equal in length to the thickness of the beam that forms top harness in the construction of the wall. Then, according to the template, line AD is drawn, which should be parallel to the "ridge" cut. It is obvious that point D will be located on the lower side of the future stop. Thus, an ACD triangle is obtained, which in fact will be the rafter tooth.
  • Overhang marking.

Having marked out one rafter, the rest are made using a technological rail to which the control points are transferred.

You can use another option.

  • To make a template, use inch boards. They must be 100 - 150 mm longer than the projected rafter length. This makes it possible to adjust, if necessary, the connection points with the harness.
  • The two planks are stitched together at the top with a nail or bolt. This connection will not impede their free rotation around the connection point. The resulting design will resemble a pair of scissors.
  • A rail is installed in the middle of the future tong and the design height of the trusses is marked. Another mark, affixed above, marks the height of the tooth, that is, the length of the vertical that connects the base of the tooth and its top.
  • Now you can define the angle of inclination of the ramp. To do this, the "scissors" are set with free edges in such a way that each board rests against the corner of the socket of the future tooth.
  • The connection point and the top mark on the rail, which determines the total length of the rafter leg and the tooth, are aligned.

  • The height of the tooth is plotted from the top of the lower corner of each rafter. The blank of the template is lowered the roofs down, then the tooth is sawn out according to the markings.
  • Further, the workpiece is returned to the roof again, then the teeth are inserted into the corresponding slots. It cannot be ruled out that the top of the template and the mark on the rail will not coincide. In such cases, you need to pull out the fixing nail and correct the position of the apex. The mark must be re-marked.
  • After the fitting of the tops is completed, a vertical line of their future joint is drawn on the boards.

The rafters are cut both on the ground and on the floor of the house. Both options have their pros and cons: it is certainly more convenient to work on the ground, but the assembly on the roof allows you to try on the finished part on the spot, and, if necessary, correct errors.

Truss assembly procedure

It is recommended to pre-assemble the end trusses without connecting them capitally. The point is what exactly they provide correct geometry roofs, therefore, their installation must be treated especially carefully: the pair must be measured out many times, and, if necessary, adjusted.

The correctness of the installation is checked as follows. The bottom corner of each of the temporarily fixed trusses is connected with twine to the top of the opposite corner. Thus, diagonals are formed on the plane of the slope. Now you can check the geometry of the ramp.

On corners, polylines or other complex shape roof measurements are made on all flat planes available on it.

In order for the roof to serve as long as possible and fully fulfill all the duties assigned to it, it is necessary, among other things, to correctly assemble the rafter system. You can do it yourself. However, before starting the main stage of work, it is necessary to decide on the type of roof and the rafter system itself, to choose a suitable and quality material, and also draw up a plan in accordance with which the rafter system will be erected.

The type of system depends on the shape of the roof of the house. At the design stage, the features of the entire system and the structure of the roof in particular should be taken into account. After the preparation and fastening of individual elements, the rafter system is mounted directly. This work involves the implementation of a set technological stages... Doing everything according to the instructions, you will not encounter any significant problems, and the finished rafter system for the roof of your house will be of the highest quality.

Drafting a roof system

When drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the type of roof of the house. An individual rafter system is prepared for each roof type. For example, a rafter system for mansard roof will be absolutely different from the system for hip roof... Therefore, at self-fulfillment work must be sure to take into account these factors.

However, there are a number of requirements that are universal for any type of roof. When designing the rafter system and the roof itself, consider the following important points:

  1. If the roof is insulated, then all installation work should be thought out so that they can be performed as conveniently, easily and quickly as possible.
  2. When installing insulation, you need to think about the further arrangement of the rafter legs.
  3. It is important to take into account the weight of the roof structure and calculate the power of the rafter leg in accordance with this parameter.

The rafter system should be assembled from high quality and durable wood. It is important that the procurement, drying and storage of the material is carried out in accordance with the rules. It is best to use resinous beams. Resin is a natural antiseptic, so the wood will be under additional protection, and the finished rafter system will last as long as possible.

If the roof of your house is hip, the rafters should have a different section. The strongest rafters should be installed where several bars join. When choosing material for end rafters, you need to be especially careful. The joint between the planes quite often becomes one of the main problem areas. Such areas are characterized by the least strength in the entire system and can leak.

Preparing the timber before work

To build a reliable rafter system, you need to use a fairly thick beam. Suitable material section 10x20 cm, 10x10 cm, 20x20 cm, etc. Where the rafters must have a particularly high strength, for example, if the structure provides for the presence of rafters, the beams must be spliced. It is best to use a bar with a length of 400-600 cm. It is best for rafters that an already matured bar is suitable. This ensures that the timber does not change in size after the roof is erected.

Before proceeding with the construction of rafters and waterproofing, be sure to consider such points as protecting the wood from fire and pests. First, the timber should be impregnated with antipyretics. Such processing leads to a decrease in the flammability of the wood. Secondly, the material is necessarily treated with antiseptic compounds, thanks to which it will be prevented from rotting.

These measures should be taken long before the final installation of the rafter system. This way you can consistently process each structural element, paying special attention to those that may be damaged in the future. Devote Special attention joints. Protective compounds It is most convenient to apply with a brush. Use a fairly wide, long-haired tool. Don't forget about personal protection. Be sure to wear gloves, a respirator and safety glasses.

It is recommended to apply protective compounds in a double layer. The wood must be dry before processing. You can, of course, not wait until it dries completely. But if you want the material to saturate as best as possible and serve as long as possible, take your time and let it dry completely before applying the next layer. You can start installing the roof truss system only after protective equipment will be well absorbed and the material will dry out completely.

In the process of doing this work, you will need several simple tools, work with which does not require special skills and training, namely:

  1. Axe.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Chainsaw or hacksaw for wood.
  4. Yardstick.
  5. Building level.
  6. Electric drill.
  7. Metal staples from 20 cm.
  8. Nails 8-20 cm long.
  9. Nail puller.
  10. Pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for installing rafters

The procedure for installing a rafter system for a house with your own hands is as follows. First, the Mauerlat is laid. It is a timber that serves as the basis for the rafter system. Lay the Mauerlat on top of the walls around the perimeter of the building. Special mounts are used. They must be installed in increments of up to 1-1.2 m. To further increase the moisture-proof properties, roofing material must be placed under the Mauerlat. You can use other waterproofing materials that are convenient for you.

The timber is laid next to the studs. Places for creating holes are marked. After all the necessary holes have been drilled, the studs should be threaded into the Mauerlat. This must be done in such a way that the pins protrude slightly. There is no need to make a large protrusion, a few millimeters will be enough. Mauerlat is additionally fixed with washers and nuts. After completing the fixing of the Mauerlat, you can proceed to the next stage of work, in which you have to fasten the rafters with the mounted Mauerlat.

The rafter leg is set in a suitable position and fixed to the Mauerlat. For this, galvanized steel brackets are used. Additionally prepare mounting brackets and self-tapping screws.

The bracket will prevent the rafters along the Mauerlat from moving. The brace is also designed to prevent them from moving. By the same principle, using brackets, the rafters are mounted to the ridge part of the roof. In order to further strengthen and fasten the ridge part of the roof, you can use a rail. It should be connected to the opposite rafters in the form of the letter "A".

For the most reliable connection of the rafters to each other, studs can also be used. Studs of at least 8 mm are suitable for this work, if ondulin and other lightweight roofing materials are used for the roof. If you choose ceramic tiles and other heavy materials, longer studs should be used, from 10-12 mm.

To prevent the rafters from moving, it is better to use 2 studs at once per attachment point.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to lengthen the timber. If such a situation arises, overlap the beams using high-strength studs with a diameter of at least 1 cm.

Recommendations for fastening the rafter system with the Mauerlat

Sometimes situations arise when the length of the rafters is not enough. This usually happens when erecting a T-shaped roof. But it can also occur under other circumstances.

In such cases, in order to prevent or even completely eliminate the sagging of the roofing along its length under its own weight or the weight of atmospheric precipitation, it is necessary to thoroughly work on strengthening the roof. It is better to do everything right and "conscientiously" at once. The intention to fix defects "sometime later" in the future can lead to problems that will require a much more significant investment of time, money and effort.

To fix this problem, you can resort to one of two available ways... In accordance with the first of them, a girder is installed in the middle of the rafter system, due to which an even distribution of the load will be carried out. Or you can resort to another method. In accordance with it, the installation of additional cross beams and spacers are installed. Thanks to such a system, all incoming load will be distributed quite efficiently.

The second method of load balancing is more practical and efficient. It is he who is most often used in the construction of mansard roofs.

After finishing installation works all rafters on the roof should be cut. Cut them to the level of the eaves. After that, if there is such a need, it will be possible to carry out waterproofing work.

Thus, in self-arrangement rafter system there are no particular problems. By doing everything yourself, you get a great experience and save a lot of money on the services of third-party craftsmen. You just need to follow the instructions in everything, strictly follow the established requirements and rules, and you will definitely be able to create a durable and reliable rafter system. Happy work!


The roof has great importance for the integrity of the whole house. Therefore, many are interested in how to properly assemble the rafter system so that it is reliable, and soon it does not have to be repaired. There are many types of roofs, some of them can be seen in the photo, but the most popular are lean-to and gable structures... Let's figure out how to make the truss system correctly.

Roof types

Before moving on to how to make a rafter system, you need to understand what the common types of roofs are.

A pitched roof is the simplest one, even a person who does not have much experience in construction can cope with its creation. However, this type of roof is used mainly in the construction of outbuildings. For residential buildings, gable or mansard (broken) roofs are usually made. These structures are more complex, but you can easily cope with them on your own if you know how to make gable roof rafters and follow all the recommendations of specialists (read: "").

The most reliable roofs are hip roofs, they can withstand even huge loads. They are recommended to be done in those regions where there is a lot of snow and often blows. strong winds... But their design is also very complex, so it is better to entrust their construction to professionals.

The hip (hipped) roof is used in the construction of square buildings; by its design, it is a type of hip roof.

The most difficult roof is the cross. During its construction, complex structural elements- valleys (gutters). These diagonal auxiliary rafters are installed as additional elements... During the construction of such complex roof haste is unacceptable. In the area of ​​the grooves, the bulk of the snow accumulates, and the reliability of the roof depends on how to make the rafters in these places.

Each type of roof consists of rafters and a roof covering. The rafters are the supporting part of the roof, and the roof surface is the enclosing part.

Types of rafters

Before you put the rafters, you need to know about their design features and decide on the installation option.

There are two types of rafters: layered and hanging .

Hanging rafters - these are inclined beams mounted on supports with different heights. The support can be the outer walls of the house (in the case of shed roof) or both internal and external walls (with a gable roof). Rafter legs do not have to be laid in the same plane opposite the slopes. They can be mounted alternately on a ridge girder. The alternating laying of the rafters in the ridge area makes it possible to create a rafter truss. For this purpose, all the details are linked together into a single rigid structure.

Materials for rafters

As for the rafters made of boards, they are not heavy, and they are convenient to install. You can easily work with this material on your own without resorting to outside help... Many experts advise against making connections with nails - it is better to use self-tapping screws. If the work will be carried out with nails, do not forget about the linings and inserts.

As for how to build a rafter system, it is better to use cuts to connect the racks with a run or a bed.

Do-it-yourself installation of the rafter system, in detail on the video:

Connection options for the rafter system

The rafter system can be connected in three ways:

  • struts;
  • racks;
  • at the same time with struts and struts.

How to make the rafters correctly depends on the span between the outer walls. A beam of 10x10 centimeters is used to create ridge run... Lezhen and Mauerlat can be made from logs by cutting them into two edges, or by taking a beam of 10x10 centimeters.

When decorating the ridge knot, it is necessary to nail special clamps made of steel strip with large nails to the Mauerlat and the girder, taking into account. It is possible not to use steel clamps, but then twists of thick wire with a diameter of 6 millimeters are needed.

Regarding how to make a brick or stone house, then a Mauerlat must be laid on the masonry. To secure it securely, it is recommended to put a piece of log or timber about 50 centimeters under each rafter leg. Then they are attached with clamps to metal hooks that were previously installed 30 centimeters below the Mauerlat.

Many people have a question about how to make roof rafters wooden houses... Rafters in wooden buildings are placed on the upper crown of the wall. A plank truss can be created with a crossbar or with spans (6-8 centimeters). Its structural elements are equipped as follows. A single tightening is made using boards, the thickness of which is equal to the thickness of the rafters. For double tightening, thinner boards (from 40 millimeters thick) are used. For the deadbolt and overlays, take 30 mm parts.

How to determine the cross section of the rafters

Before placing the rafters correctly, you need to decide on their cross section.

This parameter depends on:

  • span dimensions;
  • estimated load (wind force, weight of snow cover and roofing material);
  • step and angle of installation of rafters (roof slope).

There is a dependence of the cross-section of the rafters on the length of the rafter leg.

It is expressed in the following:

  • at a step of 300 centimeters, beams with a section of 10x12 centimeters or boards with a section of 6x14, 8x14 or 4x18 centimeters are used;
  • at a step of 400 centimeters, beams with a section of 10x16 centimeters or boards with a section of 6x20, 8x20 centimeters are used;
  • with a step of 500 centimeters, beams with a section of 10x20 centimeters or boards with a section of 8x22 centimeters are used.

Roof covering must be selected taking into account the slope of the roof. Also, the choice of material for the roof depends on financial capabilities. The larger the slope angle of the roof, the more funds will be required to create the roof - this is due to the increased consumption of materials. However, steep roofs are better for deflecting rainwater and snow, so they are more reliable and do not require repairs longer. But given the huge selection of roofing materials on the market, this will not be difficult.

Creation of a truss system for a bath

As for how to make the rafters for the bathhouse, it is better to choose a gable roof - then the building will have attic which can be used to store brooms and other bath accessories (read: ""). Thus, it is desirable to create a rafter system under a gable roof, it is easier and more practical.

Building a new home is a difficult and complex process. This is especially true of the design and installation stage of a gable roof, which should protect residents from rain and snow. Thanks to modern technologies installation of many parts and structural components of the building can be done independently, without hiring a team of specialized workers. When the owners of the house decide to install the rafter system with their own hands, you should learn about all the nuances, as it is correct installed roof save time and money.

What does it consist of

Everyone knows that a gable roof has the shape of a triangle, consisting of two rectangular halves evenly inclined to each other, secured by a rafter system from the inside. Consequently, the effect of a natural and off-line cleaning surfaces under the influence of gravity from rain, snow, hail, leaves and dirt without the participation of external forces. Before you make a rafter system, you should know its main structural components.

The rafter system consists of several components:

  • Mauerlat- a bar with a cross-section of 100-150 mm, installed on load-bearing walls along the perimeter of the building to distribute the load created by the rafter system.
  • Skate- a beam that connects all rafter legs in one line together at the very top of the roof to maintain structural stability and stability during strong wind loads.
  • Rafter legs- a bar or board with a cross-section of 100–150 mm, which is installed at an angle on the Mauerlat, creating the shape of an isosceles triangle. Thus, the entire load transmitted from the roof and the entire structure to the Mauerlat and load-bearing walls is evenly distributed. Depending on the mass of the roofing material, the rafter legs are installed with a step of 60–120 mm from each other.
  • Overhang- part of the structure protruding from the wall by 400 mm to create a drainage from the walls of rain or melt water.
  • Sill- a beam with a cross section of 100-150 mm, which is at the level of the Mauerlat parallel to the ridge to create additional support for the weight transferred to it from the roof pillars.
  • Braces- tightening to form solid construction for large spans.
  • Filly- boards that are installed as an extension of the rafter beams to form a roof slope in the case of short rafter legs.
  • Racks- a bar with a section of 100-150 mm located in a vertical position between inner walls or lie down and the junction of the ridge with the rafter legs, to transfer and distribute the entire mass of the structure.
  • Tightening- lower beam - a crossbar connecting the two lower ends of the rafter legs to prevent the entire structure from moving to the sides.
  • Lathing- boards or beams for strengthening the rafter system and installation roofing cake.

Depending on the presence or absence of some structural elements, two types of rafter systems are distinguished - these are hanging and layered rafters, as well as their combination.

  • Hanging rafters- they are installed when the height of the outer walls is less than 10 meters with a decent thickness and with the absence of internal partition walls. This kind of structure should be supplemented with a tightening at the base of the rafters.
  • Sliding rafters - installed when the height of the outer walls is more than 10 meters with the presence of internal columnar supports, on which a bed or a support beam is placed.

When you have chosen the type of rafter system, you can proceed to the calculations.

For correct calculation the size and shape of the roof should adhere to certain rules.

Note! Any gable roof must have an angle of 5 to 90 degrees, otherwise the installation will be very difficult and with further problems during the operation of the house.

In the case of frequent and heavy rainfall in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe construction, you can create sloping roof where the upper part has a gentle slope, and the lower one has a sharp slope. When choosing an angle, you also need to think about the wind speed - what sharper angle roof, the more it will look like a ship's sail. Thus, you need to select the average size and height of the rafters, taking into account all weather factors and the mass of the roofing cake.

We find the area of ​​one roof slope:

Area of ​​the ramp = Length of the ramp multiplied by the width of the ramp


Slope width = Wall length + Ledge length multiplied by 2

The height of the ramp in this case is equal to the length of the rafters.

The number of rafters will be calculated using the formula:

The number of rafter legs is equal to double the width of the ramp, divided by the step between the rafters.

Now we calculate the permissible load:

The weight of the roof is equal to the sum of the weight of all layers of the roof per 1 sq. M. You also need to add 10% of the resulting figure.

To the obtained value, we add the load from the influence of factors external environment and the angle of inclination of the roof. Depending on these data, you should select the material to create the rafter system.


In the case of concrete or brick walls Mauerlat is being installed. If the structure consists of logs or timber, then the top of the wall will play the role of the Mauerlat.

On concrete or brick construction metal rods are mounted in the top with a step of 1–1.3 m with a transverse diameter of 1 cm and with a thread applied to them, and after they are completely installed, a Mauerlat is placed on top. You should also create a waterproofing layer between the Mauerlat and the wall to prevent moisture and water from entering. Walls made of foam concrete blocks at the joints must be additionally reinforced and filled with 200–300 mm concrete.

To obtain a structure with a decent margin of safety, a Mauerlat is used in the form of a bar with a cross section of 150 mm. It is installed on threaded rods in the area of ​​the upper edge of the walls (a special channel for the Mauerlat) on the waterproofing layer. For long rafter legs with a huge mass, you can install additional support with an emphasis on the beds.

Now you can proceed to the installation of rafter legs with a combination of layered and hanging systems. To do this, you should take beams with dimensions of about 50-70 x 150-170 x 6000-In9000 mm and make an initial template of one rafter leg, along which the rest of the rafters will be created in the future.

Once you have received the required number of rafter legs, you can begin installing the rafters on the Mauerlat. Additionally, connect to the ridge beam with nails and to the floor beam with self-tapping screws. In the case of installing a layered system, it is necessary to install the supports under the rafters with a step previously determined at the design stage. Upon completion of the installation, the rafters are connected to the ridge at the top of the beams using brackets, bolts or metal corners.

Now it is necessary to stiffen the structure by installing the lower tightenings and the upper crossbars. If there are frequent high winds and storms in the area, the roof can be reinforced with diagonal braces using simple planks.

After that, the lathing is installed along the horizon and the installation of the roofing cake is carried out. For the lathing, a dry timber without cracks and knots is used, which they begin to install near the ridge with a direction from top to bottom. This is how the installation of both sides is carried out until a good surface rigidity is obtained.

Thus, a roof truss system for a garage or a small building is created without the involvement of a team of specialists and with decent money savings.
