How to install corner rafters on a hip roof. Hip roof rafter system: design and installation

The roof protects the building from the penetration of unfavorable atmospheric conditions into the premises. To guarantee the reliability and strength of roofing structures, it is necessary to choose the right type of roof and know all its structural elements. The rafter system takes over the load from the cover and snow cover. Most often, a hip roof becomes the most optimal option. But what is she like?

What is hip

Design hip roof is a four-slope system. In the center of which there is a ridge or just a point of connection of the slopes. Roof slope - inclined surface,

This type is best suited for covering buildings that are close to a square, that is, have a large width. When erecting there are no gables, the walls around the entire perimeter are of the same height. The optimal slope value in degrees will be a value from 20 to 45.

Its main parts are:

Structural elements of the hip roof

The device of the rafter system of the hip roof presupposes the presence of the following elements:

Hip roof elements
  1. Rafter legs (rafters)- the main supporting structures (available only for rectangular hips) are inclined beams resting on one end on the Mauerlat, and on the other on the ridge girder.
  2. Narodniks- rafter legs, supported by the upper and lower ends on the slant legs. The Mauerlat also often acts as a lower support. These elements are the main structural parts of a square hip roof. At rectangular shape the buildings in the plan are used in conjunction with conventional rafters, the step and section are the same.
  3. Slant legs- diagonal rafters that form end slopes. At the lowest point, they rest on the corner of the building. They usually have a larger section than ordinary rafter legs. They are supported by the wives.
  4. Ridge ledger- a horizontal beam located in the central part of the building (absent in the case of a square structure). The design of the hip roof assumes the presence of racks along it (with a gable roof, the support occurs on the pediments). It is the upper support for inclined beams.
  5. Mauerlat- a beam installed along the edge of the wall with inside... Provides the bottom support for the rafters, evenly distributes the vertical component of the load along the walls and perceives the horizontal (spacer). In squared or log house The upper crown of the wall structure serves as a mauerlat.
  6. Braces- inclined racks supporting rafters, slant legs or crossbars. Intermediate supports make it possible to reduce the cross-section of the bearing elements. Rafter system hip roof involves the installation of struts at an angle of 60 or 45 degrees relative to the horizontal plane.
  7. Racks- vertical intermediate supports.
  8. Sprengeli- horizontal beams laid diagonally into the corner of the building. They provide support for the post installed to support the slant leg. This design transfers the load to the perpendicular walls and is used when it is not possible to install the rack on the floor. For example, in the middle reinforced concrete slab it is impossible to install a support post, since the plate can withstand a certain load, in which the main component is the mass of furniture, equipment and people.
  9. Skirmish- a horizontal element that tightens the rafters without letting them move apart can be located at the level of the Mauerlat or higher.
  10. Lathing- boards or bars of a small section, laid perpendicular to the rafters on top of them. They serve as the basis for roofing material. A do-it-yourself hip roof is often erected with the installation of a sparse lathing (through one board), but you need to remember that in especially critical places (valleys, cornices), the lathing is solid.
  11. Counter grill- bars or boards of small section. In the construction of the roof they are not always used. Installed over the rafter legs, parallel to them under the crate. They are needed to raise the sheathing above the insulation between the rafters, thereby providing the necessary ventilation gap.
  12. Filly- boards attached to the lower end of the rafters, providing the necessary overhang of the cornice.

Some of these elements are missing in the structure of a simple roof, the mandatory structures for the hip are:

  • wives;
  • slant legs;
  • mauerlat;
  • lathing.

Preparatory work

Before making a hip roof, you need to make several design decisions, namely:

Table for calculating the pitch of the rafters of the hip roof
  • rafter pitch;
  • section of rafters and slant legs;
  • the angle of inclination of the roof.

The pitch of the rafters depends on the purpose of the roof space and the width of the building. The greater the span of the rafter leg, the less you will have to take a step. If the roof space is to be used as attic floor or a heated attic, additional insulation will be required.

Warming is carried out using three types of materials, depending on which the step is selected:

  • rigid slabs mineral wool- rafter pitch 58 or 118 cm;
  • expanded polystyrene (foam or extruded) - rafter pitch - 60 cm;
  • polyurethane foam (foam) - any step.

Installation diagram of rafters in accordance with the roof windows

These values ​​are due to the convenience of the workers. If we take a step of the supporting structures of 58 cm when using mineral wool, then a convenient installation of standard 60 cm wide slabs will be ensured.

The manufacturer recommends that the thermal insulation material be a few centimeters wider than the distance between the rafter elements when clean, this will ensure the most tight fit and prevent the appearance of cracks and cold bridges. The purpose of the size 118 cm provides for laying the slabs in two strips across the width.

When using expanded polystyrene standard width 60 cm installation with a spacer is not required. The material is held between the supporting structures by means of glue, special nails and the bottom lathing. The gaps between the wooden elements and the slabs of the heat-insulating material are filled polyurethane foam or a sealant.

Polyurethane foam in the form of foam removes the requirements for the pitch of the rafters. The material can take any form given to it, which provides freedom of action in this matter.

If installed roof windows, their sizes must also be taken into account. The distance in the light between the inclined beams is taken 4-6 cm more than the width of the window. If roof insulation is not provided, a convenient rafter pitch is chosen, usually 1 meter.

Leaning the rafter legs on the sprengel

The cross-section of the rafters is taken by the calculation, but in the general case, the following values ​​can be specified:

  • 5x15 cm for spans up to 3 m;
  • 5x20 cm for spans up to 4 m;
  • 7.5x17.5 for spans up to 5 m;
  • 7.5x200 for spans up to 6 m.

The values ​​are given for a rafter pitch of 0.9. With increasing distance, it is required to increase the cross section. The section of the slant legs is also taken a little more.


A do-it-yourself hip roof is a feasible task, but you need to know the main joints of structures.

The connection of the rafter legs at the top point depends on the type of rafters. They may be:

  • layered;
  • hanging.

The slabs from above are supported by the crossbar. For this, a cut is made in the horizontal beam. Fastening is done with nails.

Hanging rafter legs provide for the absence of a crossbar. They are most often used when it is necessary to organize a free layout and the absence of a central wall. In this case, there is no support under the junction. The inclined beams are fastened together with nails. Additionally, at the junction, wooden plates with a thickness of 22-25 cm are provided on both sides of the rafter legs. These pads are pulled together using studs or bolts.

To secure the rafters at the bottom point, a cut is made in the Mauerlat. Sloped elements are installed and secured with nails or metal corners. Narodniks to the nipple elements are joined end-to-end, in one level.

To resist the roof to wind loads trying to tear it off, wire twists are provided that connect the lower end of the rafters to the wall. In the wall, the twist is fixed on a ruff (fastening device).

When constructing walls from wooden materials, staples can be used instead of twists. Twists or staples are installed on each rafter leg or through one.
If you build the rafter system correctly with a competent selection of the section and pitch of the rafters, the roof will last a long time.

Suburban areas are not large. Therefore, many people build houses with a small area and increase living space by creating additional living quarters in the attic. This is possible if the device of the rafter system of the hip roof is performed correctly.

Such a roof is made in the form of four slopes. Two of them are the classic side ones in the form of a trapezoid, and two more are triangular at the ends of the roof. Unlike hipped roof, where all four slopes converge at one point, the hip has two peaks connected by a ridge.

Hip roof with four slopes

It is the lateral triangular pediments, which are performed with a slope, and are called hips. The gable roof also has triangular end gables, but they are located strictly vertically; at the hip roof, these slopes are inclined, which is a distinctive feature of this type of roof.

Gable hipped roof

A hip roof is called if the end slopes, starting from the ridge, reach the outer wall, that is, to the cornice. But there are options when the slope is interrupted and in one place goes into a vertical plane. Then such a roof is called half-hip or Dutch.

According to the method of installation and the use of various materials, such roofs can be classified as complex structures. In general, the structure of the hip roof consists of a Mauerlat, ridge beam, rafters - angular, short and intermediate.

Mauerlat is a wooden beam mounted around the entire perimeter of the house at the very top of the walls. It serves to correctly transfer and distribute the loads exerted by the wind, snow cover, the weight of the roof and on the load-bearing walls of the building itself. This element is a connecting upper rail for walls made of piece materials - bricks, concrete blocks.

Mauerlat hip roof

For walls made of logs or beams, the Mauerlat is not suitable. Its role is played by the upper rims of the frame.

The ridge beam is the main element of the rafter system, which connects all the roof slopes into a single structure. It should be of the same cross-section with the rafter legs. V otherwise in the future, there may be a skew of the entire rafter structure and the roof as a whole.

Corner rafters, also called in a different way slant or diagonal rafters, are the basic strength parts that connect the corners of the building box with the ridge beam. For their manufacture, you will need a board equal in thickness to the ridge bar. At one end it is attached to the ridge, with the other it rests on the Mauerlat. Depending on the roof project, a different number of such rafters is used, but not less than four.

Hip roof corner rafters

Short rafters can be of different lengths, but when assembling the roof structure, they are all brought out at the same angle and are located parallel to the intermediate rafters. When the necessary calculation of their number is made, first of all, the area of ​​the entire roof is taken into account. One end of the short rafter legs is connected to the corner rafter, and the other rests on outer wall building.

The central rafters are installed with the upper end on the ridge beam, with the lower end resting on the load-bearing walls of the house. As a rule, their calculation is as follows: three on one side of the roof and the same amount on the other, but when designing rafter systems for houses of a large area, an increase in their number is allowed.

Intermediate rafters are elements mounted on the ridge on one side, and on the Mauerlat on the other. On hip slopes, they are usually not used, since the entire area is covered with short rafters. The calculation of the cross-section and the number of intermediate elements is based on bearing capacity rafter structure and type of roofing material.

At large sizes the building will require the installation of additional reinforcing elements in the form of struts and vertical struts supporting the ridge beam, and truss structures to prevent the diagonal rafters from sagging.

The rafter systems in these types of roofs are made in various versions. For example, if the hip slope does not reach the ridge, as a result of which a vertical small pediment of a triangular shape is formed at the top, then such a roof is called Dutch.

Dutch hip roof

Hip roofs also stand out. All four slopes have the same shape, and there are simply no side gables in such structures. Hips in this version are triangular surfaces, the slope of which is made at the same angle with other slopes. As a rule, such systems are used for buildings that have a square-shaped area in the projection. In the group of hip roofs there are semi-hip roofs, hipped roofs, gable roofs, multi-gable roofs and gable roofs.

Hipped roof

In addition, there are broken roofs, consisting of slopes different sizes, the angle of inclination of which is different. Such structures are very complex in the device, it is also difficult to make their calculation. Therefore, they are not often found, but it should be noted that they have a very attractive appearance. You can evaluate the effectiveness of roofs with a broken structure of the rafter system in the video, which also tells about the features of their construction.

The device of hip rafter systems begins with the development of their project. A correct and competent project will allow you to assemble the roof in a short time. Optimal choice the angle of inclination of the slopes is determined depending on the climatic conditions:

  • In an area where windy weather prevails, the angle of inclination should be less, this will reduce the load from the wind on the roof.
  • With more snowy winters the angle of inclination of the slopes, on the contrary, is increased so that ice and snow do not accumulate on the roof.

Hip truss system project

When choosing the angle of inclination of the rafters, accordingly, the calculation of the required amount of material is carried out. And if for the lathing in almost all cases the calculation is based on the total roof area, then the number and cross-section of corner and short rafters are calculated separately, depending on the selected type of roof.

In addition to the climatic features of the region, when choosing the angle of inclination, the type of roofing material is taken into account:

  • If typesetting material is used, for example, slate or metal tiles, then in order not to increase the load on the rafters, it is better to make the angle at least 22 °.
  • When using roll coatings, the number of layers is taken into account. The more there are, the less you can make the slope of the slopes.
  • The device of a larger angle of inclination of the slopes allows the use of roofing material - corrugated board, but the height of the profile is taken into account. In this case, the angle of inclination can vary from 20 to 45 degrees.

The choice of the angle of inclination of the roof by material

The correct calculation of the angle of inclination of the roof begins with determining the end axis of the building on the upper trim. After that, it is necessary to mark the middle of the ridge bar, at this point the central rafter leg will be located. Then it is necessary to determine the location of the next intermediate rafter, for which the distance is measured, corresponding to the calculation of the distribution of the intermediate rafter legs. In most cases, it does not exceed 70–90 cm.

The length of the rafters is determined so that their lower end protrudes 40-50 cm above the outer wall, and the upper end rested against the ridge beam.

A similar calculation is carried out on all four sides of the roof to calculate the location of the intermediate rafter legs on the ridge bar. An example of them correct location shown in the photo.

When designing hip roofs, you can use two types of rafters - hanging and layered. Hanging ones rest only on the walls of the building, transferring all the spacer loads to the Mauerlat. If an attic is supposed to be installed, then additionally it will be necessary to install screeds made of metal or wood, which are laid on the load-bearing walls of the building and subsequently serve as the basis for the overlapping device. The photo shows how the mansard hip roofs with a hanging rafter system are arranged.

Mansard hip roof with hanging rafter system

Reinforced rafters are used if they have support in the form of columns or internal load-bearing walls... When designing the system, alternation of two types of rafters is allowed. Where the inner walls play the role of supports, layered ones are attached, and in other places they are hanging.

Fastening of rafters is mainly carried out by means of saws (saddles). But their depth cannot exceed a quarter of the width of the rafter board. In order for the gash to be the same on all legs, it is necessary to make a template. In addition, the elements of the rafter system are attached using metal corners, self-tapping screws, and nails. Fastening can also be done with staples, bolts and studs.

Fastening the elements of the rafter system of the hip roof

When installing the Mauerlat, do not forget to lay a layer of waterproofing along the top of the walls. If the walls are lined with bricks, then embedded parts are installed in the last rows of masonry for further fastening the Mauerlat. Such fasteners can be made in the form of vertical studs or bolts, installed in increments of no more than one and a half meters.

Hip roofs are complex structures, but this does not in the least reduce their popularity. Despite the complexity of the construction, they make it possible to arrange additional living quarters in the attic space, and if you carry out a high-quality one, you can use it in the winter.

Hip roofs attract with an impressive list of convincing advantages. These include a spectacular shape, uniform heating and reliable protection houses from precipitation. Due to the absence of gables, the hip structures are not afraid of significant wind loads. Compared to dual-slope options, there is much less reason to fear deformations.

The list of advantages can be continued, but their flow is slowed down by a very weighty circumstance: the rafter system of the hip roof does not please with the simplicity of the device. However, the complexity will not stop an independent builder if he is familiar with the nuances of the construction of a hipped frame.

Hip roofs differ from gable counterparts in that there are no vertical gable walls in their design. The place of the pediments was taken by triangular slopes located at the ends, significantly reducing the real and visual volume of the roof.

The economic effect of the volume reduction is a moot point. When cutting large-sheet material into hip slopes, costs, on the contrary, increase. For example, laying a profiled sheet or will force you to fork out for the purchase of a coating one and a half times more than for the arrangement of a standard pitched structure.

The purchase of material from the category of piece will reduce the construction budget, because you will not have to spend money on sheathing the ends of the roof.

By analogy with any of the building structures, the hip roof can be conditionally divided into simple geometric shapes... In the simplest version, without mates and valleys, it has two pairs of symmetrical slopes: two triangles and two trapezoids. On this basis, the hip roof received the parallel name "hipped roof".

In full face, its section resembles an ordinary triangular gable roof. In profile, the structure has a trapezoidal configuration, which can also be divided into a rectangle with two mirrored triangles on the sides.

The shape of the trapezoid depends on the architectural preferences of the owner. It is determined by the ratio of the length of the eaves overhang to the length of the ridge. The part of the structure, limited by a rectangle, is constructed in accordance with hanging or layered technological roofing standards.

Replaced hip gables are installed at a certain angle to the horizon, because they must adjoin the inclined sides of the trapezoid. It is in their device that the main snag of the hip rafter system lies, because it will not work with the usual pitched method. After all, the ridge run does not completely cover the ramp. Therefore, the rafter legs of the hips and the triangular parts of the large slopes associated with them literally have nothing to rely on with their upper heels.

They will be supported by special rafter legs connecting the ridge girder with the corners of the structure. If you look at the hip rafter structure from above, then the slant rafters will look like diagonals.

The direction of the installation became the reason for obtaining the second technological name - "diagonal". Naturally, the rafter legs of different lengths will rely on the diagonals, because they are installed perpendicular to the eaves of the roof. They have their own name - wives.

Summarizing the information, we get that in the construction of the rafter frame for the hip roof, the following will be involved:

  • Ordinary rafter legs supported by the lower part on the Mauerlat or on the floor beams. In accordance with the type of support, they can be hanging or layered.
  • Diagonal rafters connecting the corners of the roof and the edges of the ridge girder. Note that they are used not only in the arrangement of convex corners of hip roofs, but also in the construction of concave corners of valleys.
  • Narodniks forming the plane of the hips and parts of large slopes adjacent to the rafters.

The installation of hanging and layered rafter legs is carried out according to the rules according to which it is being constructed. We will deal with their diagonal counterparts and with rafter half-legs-freaks.

Diagonal rafter legs

Taking into account the diagonal arrangement, it is easy to guess that the length of the slings is greater than the length of ordinary rafter legs. In addition, they serve as supports for the wives. In view of this, the overhead rafters are loaded one and a half times more than ordinary counterparts. Therefore, it is customary to make them paired of two boards with a section equal to the same size of material for ordinary rafter legs.

The pairing of roof rafters simultaneously solves three technical problems:

  • Allows you to increase the load without risk due to the double cross-section of the supporting element.
  • Provides the ability to obtain a diagonal structural element of any length without sections weakened by building-up.
  • Eliminates the need for a targeted purchase of rafters.

Due to their length, diagonal rafters need additional supports, the number of which depends on the length of the rafter leg.

Supports for diagonal rafters

Regardless of the scale of construction, any scheme of the hip roof rafter system includes supports to strengthen the diagonal rafter legs. If the design size of the miter is more than 9m, i.e. it covers a span of equal meters, its stability is provided by two additional supports. For smaller spans, one support located in the upper span is sufficient.

As a support for the diagonal rafters, the following can be used:

  • Rack installed vertically directly on the floor. A piece of waterproofing is laid between it and the ceiling if the rack is to rest against a reinforced concrete slab.
  • Brace... It is installed, as it should be for braced rafters, at an angle, the size of which is allowed to vary from 45º to 53º. The slope value does not play a special role. It is important that the strut itself supports the rafter in the most loaded area. The lower heel of the brace is resting on the bed.
  • Sprengel... It is a T-shaped short beam from a bar, turned upside down. It is used in the device of large spans that require two or more reinforcing supports. The truss is installed so that its base is perpendicular to the oblique rafter. Place it at the bottom long span closer to the corner of the roof. Instead of a truss, a conventional short strut can be used.

Additional supports are made, again from a double board or bar, installed at the most loaded points.

A video review will introduce the nuances of the device of supports for the hip roof frame:

The nuances of supporting the rafters

The upper heel of the diagonal rafter rests on the ridge girder different ways... The choice of method depends on design features rafter system:

  • In rafter structures with one purlin along the central axis of the roof, the diagonal rafter legs are supported directly on the purlin console.
  • In rafter systems with two girders and plank rafter legs, the diagonal rafters are supported on a truss, which in turn rests on both girders.
  • In truss frames with two girders and rafters from a bar, in addition to a truss, a sinker is used - a plank shorty that sews ordinary rafter legs in the ridge area. The thickness of the reinforcing short stack is from 5 cm or more.

The heel of the diagonal rafters for landing on one of the listed upper stops is trimmed in fact. Fastening is done with nails. If necessary, the fixation can be strengthened with wire twists or metal clamps.

The lower heels of the braces can be resting against the corner of the Mauerlat or a specially installed corner beam. You can just lean on them. Fasten the diagonal rafter legs with metal staples, nail strikes over a wooden lining or corners.

Narodniks and methods of their device

Noddies form the hips and triangular portions of large rays. The top of the half-leg rests on a slant rafter, the lower heel on a Mauerlat, a cut-in beam or a timber floor beam.

The installation of the monitors can be carried out:

  • Through cutting... In the slopes, nests are chosen so that the half-legs of adjacent slopes are not located opposite each other. It is recommended that the distance between the cuttings is at least 20 cm. Therefore, in the installation step, the nests are allowed to move so as not to cut down the nests at one point.
  • By installing cranial bars, serving as supports for half-legs. Bars 50x50mm are built up along the lower edges on both sides of the diagonal rafters. Their presence allows you to abandon the cuts, significantly weakening the bearing element.

The second option is easier to work with and preferable due to the increased rigidity of the structure. In addition, it absolutely does not oblige to change the pitch of the half rafters: they can be located opposite each other. To the Mauerlat or beams, the beams are attached by the same method that was used to install ordinary rafters.

Elementary hip rafter system

The easiest way to crown a suburban property with a four-slope structure is to purchase and install prefabricated roof trusses. However, it is much more interesting, useful, cheaper to do it yourself with a hip roof and a rafter system suitable for it.

Especially if it is planned to erect it over a small outbuilding, a gazebo or summer kitchen... On simple constructions it is even worth practicing before making efforts to more responsible objects.

Note that in the example below, there is no overlap, no fenced attic, and no insulation. Snow practically does not linger on the slopes, i.e. on the rafter legs, the minimum load by their standard measures acts. The principle of separation between the natives has not been preserved.

All nodal connections are made with a nail surf and metal corners. The contractor will need a 5 × 25cm board for the manufacture of rafter legs and girders, as well as moisture-resistant plywood for the construction of a continuous sheathing, because the building is planned to be covered with bituminous tiles.

Stage 1: Modeling and design

Regardless of architectural complexity building structure she needs a project. It will help you determine the optimal shape and save you from buying unnecessary materials. For a simple hip roof with a standard rafter system, super-complex drawings are not required, but at least a simple sketch is necessary.

Instructions for simplified design:

  • We measure the width / height / length of the building. According to the data, we draw the profile and full face of the structure on a sheet of paper on a scale, for example 1:50. This means that all sizes will need to be divided by 50. the wall of a house with dimensions of 5 × 2.5 m on a homemade drawing will be depicted as a rectangle with sides 10 × 5 cm. If it comes out too small, you can choose a larger scale - 1:40, 1:25, etc. It is advisable to duplicate the finished sketch a couple of times in stock.
  • We choose optimal height the roof and the angle of its steepness. To do this, on one of the duplicates of the sketch, draw several options for the outline of the roof. We determine the most successful and measure the angle of inclination of future slopes with a protractor.
  • We mark the installation points of the layered rafters on the sketch double, this is a step. We need to divide both walls into equal segments. It is not necessary for the installation pitch under the hip and pentagonal ramp to be the same. In the example, the distance between the rafter legs on both walls of the building is 20 inches, which is 50.8 cm. In fact, the installation step can vary from 0.4 to 2.1 m. However, note that too often installed rafters will increase the consumption of material at times, and too rarely will force the structure to be reinforced with an additional counter-lattice.
  • Let's decide on the length of the skate. Let's draw it on a duplicate template, taking into account that the ridge beam should connect a whole number of pairs of rafters. Set aside from both edges long walls equal distances.
  • We transfer all the results to the main sheet and calculate how much material is needed. We count the length of the rafters by outside parties taking into account the length of the eaves overhangs of 40-50 cm. We calculate the consumption of plywood by the number of solid panels per each plane of the hipped roof.

By the number of rafters, we calculate the number of fasteners. We will need nails in literally all nodal fasteners. There should be a pair of corners for each rafter leg. Do not forget to buy a board with a small margin in case of flaws in our own work.

To install a hip roof on brick and foam concrete walls, you will need a block for the construction of a Mauerlat. It is not needed if the installation of the rafter system is carried out on wooden walls.

Stage 2: Construction of the main part of the hip roof

First of all, we will build auxiliary scaffolding on the basis that between the plane of a homemade stand such as a high bench and a ridge run House master in full growth.

The start of the installation of the rafter system for the future hip roof is the device of the ridge part of the structure:

  • We nail the walls of the building adjacent to the hips along an auxiliary board, one edge of which should coincide with the central axis. Pull a lace between the boards, repeating the central axis.
  • Trying on a pair of rafters to the end of the building. They should intersect right under the lace. In fact, we outline the cut lines of the upper heels, not forgetting that there will be a 5 cm thick run between the rafter legs.
  • According to the templates obtained, we prepare layered rafters.
  • We install rafter legs in pairs according to the marks of the main part of the system. Temporarily fasten with one nail.
  • We install a ridge run between the upper heels, which previously rested freely on each other.
  • We nail the rafters to the girder.
  • We attach the bottom of the rafters to the Mauerlat or the upper crown of the house with metal corners.

We dismantle the auxiliary boards, we no longer need them.

Stage 3: Construction of Hip Rays

We fasten the hip part of the rafter system in the same way: the lower heels with corners to the Mauerlat or to the upper crown, we fasten the upper heels with nails. We work in the following sequence:

  • We try on the first slant rafter to the ramp, mark the cut line in fact. The bottom of the rafter must pass exactly through the corner markup point.
  • Saw off the marked excess. We nail the diagonal leg to the ridge console, fix the bottom with corners.
  • We do the same with the other three bevels.
  • We fill the hip slope with wedges, having previously tried on every detail to the intended place and sawing off the excess.
  • Install the pentagonal ramps.

At the end of the work, the rafters are screwed through one with wire twists to the wooden plugs laid in the walls or to the second crown, so that a strong gust of wind does not break the structure.

There is a way of laying twists from annealed wire into the masonry even during the construction process for the subsequent fixation of the rafter system. There should be three more rows on top of the wire strand brickwork or two rows of foam blocks.

The crate is laid according to the finished rafter system. In case of application soft roof, as in the above case, as a covering, the crate is made solid from inch, plywood or similar boards. A gap of 3 mm is left between the boards or boards. For rigid materials, the crate is built from a bar with the recommended step in the instructions.

Construction of complex hip roofs

The principle of the structure of hip roof frames with a more complex architecture is not much different from the example given. The sequence of work is exactly the same. True, layered rafter legs are still wiser and safer to fix with the help of cuttings.

It is highly desirable to use supports for diagonal rafters. And before the installation of the ridge part, support frames are installed with a bed at the bottom and a ridge run at the top. Another change in the angle of inclination of the slopes when supported by a cut should be taken into account at the design stage.

How to build a more complex rafter system for an interesting hip roof, see the video:

The hip-type rafter system is more complex than the usual frame gable roof, but you can figure it out with its device. The four-slope design is in many cases preferable, it looks more interesting both over houses and over gazebos and other household buildings. The described construction option will help to master the basics in the construction of hip structures, and with a successful result, the continuation will surely follow.

Hip roof is often used in architectural solutions country houses built in European style. Its design is not only reliable, but also very aesthetic. And taking even its simplest version as a basis, you can diversify it with various elements that will become a kind of decoration for the entire structure and a sign of the sophistication of style.

A do-it-yourself hip roof, which needs to be selected or prepared in advance, can be done independently, but one master clearly cannot cope with such a volume and complexity of work.

What is a hip roof?

The most widespread a simple scheme of a hip-type roof consists of four slopes, two of which are in the shape of a triangle - they are called "hips". They are located at the ends of the building and connect the ridge to the cornice. Two frontal planes in the form of a trapezoid have a large area and a slope, which is also located from the ridge to the cornice.

Hip roof - top view

It should be noted that there are half-hip roofs - they are also referred to as the Dutch type. In this case, during construction, the eaves of the end slopes are located much higher than the frontal ones. Installation of such a roof, as a rule, is carried out in cases when a living room is arranged in its space.

Basics of hip roof construction

The traditional hip system consists of certain nodes and elements that are always mounted in the same way and are the basis for more complex roofs of this kind. This figure shows just such a structure, which includes the following details:

1 - Corner rafters or ribs are always placed at a lower angle than the same, but intermediate elements of the system. For such a roof structure, both for side and intermediate rafters, boards with a cross section of 50 × 150 mm are suitable.

2 - Short rafter legs are not fixed on the ridge, but on the corner rafter board. They should have the same slope as the intermediate rafters.

3 - The ridge in this case has the same cross-sectional size as the rafter legs.

4 - Rafters that converge and join at the corners of the ridge on three sides are called central rafters.

5 - Intermediate rafters are the legs that connect the ridge and the harness, which runs along the top of the structure, and forms a cornice.

In the following diagram, in addition to those already mentioned, you can see the device of other structural elements.

  • After the rafters, you can consider a rack that supports the ridge and is installed at the junction of two beams. These elements are not always used, sometimes they are simply replaced with other retaining parts, for example, in cases where the space under the roof should be free, if it is planned to arrange a room in it.
  • The brace is the element that holds the rafters together. Most often, it also acts as a floor beam.
  • The filly is mounted to the installed rafter legs to increase the overhang of the roof, which will provide protection from precipitation for the gap under the roof and the upper part of the walls.
  • The wind beam is attached to the rafters obliquely from the side of the roof that is considered windy. Sometimes it is installed on both trapezoidal slopes.
  • Narodist or short rafter leg is used only in hip construction and attaches to the corner rafter.
  • Mauerlat is present in any rafter system and is a bar that is attached around the entire perimeter of the walls of the building.
  • The sprengel is another part of the system that gives it rigidity and relieves stress from the walls. It is installed diagonally relative to the corners of the building and fixed to the Mauerlat.
  • The braces are installed under different angles to the rafter legs, depending on whether the attic will be used to create an additional room.
  • Rib, diagonal or side rafters can be installed on either one end side of the roof or on both sides, depending on the intended structure.
  • Runs in given case, the distance between the fastening of the rafters to the ridge beam is called - it will depend on the weight of the selected roofing material and the expected snow load in the area of ​​construction.

Stages of work on the installation of a hip roof

If a hip structure is chosen for the roof of the house, then work on it must be carried out in a strict sequence:

  • Any project begins with drawing up a diagram of the rafter system.

  • The next step is the calculation of all parameters, which will depend on the width of the distance between the walls of the house and the presence of capital partitions inside the structure.
  • Further, according to the calculations, the necessary materials are purchased and the tools necessary for the work are prepared.
  • This is followed by preparation for strapping walls for roof truss installationsystems - flooring waterproofing material.
  • The walls are marked for the installation of the rafter system.
  • The most important stage - installation the entire system in accordance with the project.
  • The final stage - device roofs.

Roof layout preparation

The roof scheme can be different - it will depend on the imagination and capabilities of the owner of the house, as well as on the location of the walls of the building. When drawing up a diagram, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the more complex the roof structure is, the more material it will need for it, and the installation of the system will also take longer.

If the design is very complex, then the best option would be to seek the help of professionals who will help you correctly calculate the thickness and number of elements necessary for the reliability of the system. Of course, it will take some time to draw up such a project and certain financial resources will be spent, but it is better to use the development of specialists than to act at random and get an unreliable design.

Calculation of system parameters

If a decision is made to rely on one's own strength, then, when making calculations, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • The reliability of the load-bearing walls and foundation of the structure, over which the roof will be erected.
  • Type of rafter system (layered or hinged).
  • The size of the cross-section of rafters and bars for other elements of the system.
  • The angle of inclination of the slopes and the distance of the run between the rafters.
  • Dimensions of elements such as protrusions and openings for chimneys, ventilation, windows.

To calculate the exact proportions of the structure, you can use specially developed formulas for this, which will make the roof reliable and durable. Designation of parameters in formulas:

S is the total area of ​​the roof slopes;

h is the height of the system from the floor to the ceiling;

d is the length of the lateral or diagonal rafter legs;

e is the length of the intermediate rafters;

a - the distance between the rafters along the length of the building;

α is the angle of inclination of the slope;

b is the distance between the rafters from the end hip side.

The formulas for calculating the device of a simple hip roof are as follows:

  • Ridge height:
  • Length of intermediate front rafters:

  • Length of end, hip rafters:

  • Roof slope area:

Having calculated the main parameters of the system, you can, based on them, purchase materials for construction.

Materials for the construction of the roof

For the installation of the rafter system, you will need not only well-dried quality wood, but also metal fasteners, as well as roofing nails, screws and anchor bolts.

  • From metal elements, you will need to purchase corners and fasteners of various configurations, which will help make the structure more reliable and strong.

One of them is the sliding mount. It is installed at the bottom of the rafters, thus securing them to the Mauerlat. By installing it, you can eliminate the risk of deformation of the roof system when the load-bearing walls shrink.

Another long-standing fastener is the staple. They connect various parts of the system, for example, rafters and floor beams or a Mauerlat, if the roof is being erected, for example, on a building that has long been shrinking.

  • For the manufacture of wooden elements you will need:

Special attention- the quality of wood for the installation of the system

- for laying the Mauerlat you will need a bar with a cross section of 100 × 150 mm;

- the rafters and the ridge are made of a bar with a section of 50 × 150 mm. Builders engaged in the construction of truss systems recommend installing the entire system from a bar or boards with the same cross-section - this gives a guarantee of the strength and reliability of the building;

- on top of the rafter system, a crate of boards is stuffed, the cross-section of which should be 25 × 150 mm.

When choosing wood for a rafter system, you can rely on a table compiled specifically for this. It shows the permissible length of the rafters (in meters) made of coniferous wood (larch, spruce, cedar, pine), depending on its quality, the section of the timber and average size snow load in the region.

VarietyCross sectionDistance between rafters in mm
mm300 400 600 300 400 600
1.0 kPa1.5 kPa
Higher38 × 893.22 2.92 2.55 2.81 2.55 2.23
38 × 1405.06 4.60 4.02 4.42 4.02 3.54
38 × 1846.65 6.05 5.28 5.81 5.28 4.61
38 × 2358.50 7.72 6.74 7.42 6.74 5.89
38 × 28610.34 9.40 8.21 9.03 8.21 7.17
1 and 238 × 893.11 2.83 2.47 2.72 2.47 2.16
38 × 1404.90 4.45 3.89 4.28 3.89 3.40
38 × 1846.44 5.85 5.11 5.62 5.11 4.41
38 × 2358.22 7.47 6.38 7.18 6.52 5.39
38 × 28610.00 9.06 7.40 8.74 7.66 6.25
3 38 × 893.06 2.78 2.31 2.67 2.39 1.95
38 × 1404.67 4.04 3.30 3.95 3.42 2.79
38 × 1845.68 4.92 4.02 4.80 4.16 3.40
38 × 2356.95 6.02 4.91 5.87 5.08 4.15
38 × 2868.06 6.98 6.70 6.81 5.90 4.82
2.0 kPa2.5 kPa
Higher38 × 894.02 3.65 3.19 3.73 3.39 2.96
38 × 1405.28 4.80 4.19 4.90 4.45 3.89
38 × 1846.74 6.13 5.35 6.26 5.69 4.97
38 × 2358.21 7.46 6.52 7.62 6.92 5.90
38 × 2862.47 2.24 1.96 2.29 2.08 1.82
1 and 238 × 893.89 3.53 3.08 3.61 3.28 2.86
38 × 1405.11 4.64 3.89 4.74 4.31 3.52
38 × 1846.52 5.82 4.75 6.06 5.27 4.30
38 × 2357.80 6.76 5.52 7.06 6.11 4.99
38 × 2862.43 2.11 1.72 2.21 1.91 1.56
3 38 × 893.48 3.01 2.46 3.15 2.73 2.23
38 × 1404.23 3.67 2.99 3.83 3.32 2.71
38 × 1845.18 4.48 3.66 4.68 4.06 3.31
38 × 2356.01 5.20 4.25 5.43 4.71 3.84
38 × 2866.52 5.82 4.75 6.06 5.27 4.30
  • In addition, it will be necessary to buy roofing material, insulation and a vapor barrier film, which is laid on the rafters under the crate. A soft covering is traditionally chosen as a roofing material for a hip roof structure - it is easier to fix it on a complex configuration of such a rafter system. Under such a roof, it will be necessary to make a plywood flooring.
  • You also need to purchase for wood processing before installation.
  • You may need 4 mm steel wire to secure some of the elements in the load-bearing wall.

Prices for various types of timber

Tools for the job

It is necessary to prepare in advance not only all the necessary materials, but also the tools, since without them the work cannot be carried out. To install the rafter system you will need:

  • A hammer, preferably with a nailer.
  • Electric screwdriver.
  • Mallet - a rubber or wooden mallet. It is sometimes required for some leveling and fitting operations for timber elements.
  • Wooden lath 1.5 - 1.7 m long for bringing individual units to one level.
  • Marker or pencil for marks.
  • Jigsaw, hacksaw and power saw.
  • Construction level, plumb line.
  • Roulette and ruler.
  • Chisel for gouging grooves.
  • A plane - it is better to have both an ordinary and electric option, since at a height it is more convenient to work with a conventional tool, and large planes can be processed below using an electric one.

Installation work

The figure shows a simplified diagram of a hip roof, which can be guided by when installing the system.

The work is carried out in stages and without any rush, with careful thought over each step, since the structure of the hip roof is quite complex.

The first step is to prepare the preparation of the wood by treating it with an antiseptic solution and drying it well. When the material is ready, you can start installing the system.

  • The installation of the system begins with the installation and fastening of the Mauerlat along the perimeter of the load-bearing walls. It must be placed on a layer of waterproofing material.

  • After installing the Mauerlat, the markup is performed on it, according to the previously performed calculations. To make the markings as accurate and noticeable as possible, bright markers are used or beacons are driven in certain places.

It is very important that the distances marked on one wall are identical to the markings on the opposite wall, otherwise the floor beams and other elements will be laid unevenly.

The key to success is correct markup
  • Next, the floor beams are laid. They can be mounted on walls next to the Mauerlat or on a fixed beam below the wall surface.

  • Then the Mauerlat is fastened with ties, which helps to relieve the load from the load-bearing walls.

  • After the floor beams have been laid, experienced craftsmen it is advised to cover them with plank flooring, without fixing them to the beams. Such a flooring is needed for comfortable and safe work.

  • The next step is to install the racks. They are fixed on puffs or floor beams.
  • The racks are fastened from above with a ridge beam, and the central rafter legs are attached to it from the end hip sides of the roof.
  • Further, intermediate rafters from the frontal roof slopes are marked and screwed on.

  • This is followed by diagonal rafters that connect the ridge and the corners of the building. If necessary, additional racks are installed under them.

  • On diagonal rafters, beads or short rafters are fixed. They are installed at the same distance between themselves as intermediate ones.
  • Depending on the design, other supporting or reinforcing elements can be built into it, for example, struts or trusses, as well as a wind beam.
  • If the rafters are installed and end on the Mauerlat, then they are extended additional elements- "filly", and they will create a canopy over the wall.

Decking of roofing material

The structure of the roofing "pie" of the hip roof
  • Before proceeding to the next step on the installation of the elements necessary for the roof, it is necessary to mark the location of the openings of the windows, the holes through which the chimney and ventilation pipes will be brought out, an entrance to attic room or exit to the balcony. They are framed with additional slats, stuffing them around the perimeter of the planned openings.
  • Then the roofing "pie" is installed on the rafter system. The work is done in the following sequence:
  • On top of the rafters, a vapor barrier film is stretched and fixed
  • Further, on top of it, lathing slats are screwed onto the rafters.
  • Insulation is laid between the slats, which is covered with windproof materials (for example, a dense plastic wrap).
  • Then, the fixing of the counter-lattice follows.
  • The next step will depend on which coating material is chosen. If, for example, a metal tile is used, then it can be screwed directly to the slats of the counter-lattice. When choosing a soft roof, it is imperative to lay plywood or OSB sheets under it.

Complex nodes of the hip roof system

I would like to sharpen attention on complex nodes of the rafter system, the installation of which always raises many questions.

  • can be carried out by several types of rigid mountings:

- with the help of metal corners installed on both sides of the rafter leg;

- nails driven at an angle through the rafter into the Mauerlat;

- special brackets;

- sliding fasteners.

  • The connection of the rafter legs on the ridge bar can also be carried out in different ways:

- by overlaying them on top of each other over the timber and fixing them to each other with bolts;

- device on the rafters of special grooves for rigidity when installing them on the ridge;

- fitting the rafters at the selected angle on the ridge and fastening them with wooden or metal plates on both sides.

  • Another very difficult knot is the connection of the ridge bar with the rafter legs. These elements must have reliable mating and fastening, since the durability of the hip side of the roof depends on this.

- The ridge bar is placed on the racks and fastened on both sides with overlays made of boards.

- Diagonal ones are cut at the desired angle and fixed to the ridge beam and intermediate rafter. In the same way the second rafter is also mounted, going to another corner of the house.

Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

Fasteners for rafters

Video: secrets of the construction of a hip roof

If there is no experience in erecting such a complex architectural element of a building as a ditch, then it is recommended to use the help of qualified specialists. Moreover, this moment applies not only to the hip structure of the roof, but also to all the others, since any type of this structure has its own characteristics with complex connecting nodes.

It must be remembered that the long-term service of the entire structure will depend on the reliability of the covering of the house, therefore, its construction must be treated with maximum responsibility.

It is difficult to name a more important part of the building than the roof. It is chosen taking into account weather conditions and materials, which should ensure its durability and reliability. It goes without saying that the attraction appearance the roof also plays an important role. With all the variety of today's choice, the unusualness of hip-type roofs deservedly puts them in one of the first places in making any of the private houses attractive.

What it is?

The hip roof consists of two sloping surfaces, which are trapezoidal, plus a pair of shorter slopes, which are made in the form of an inclined triangle.

The main difficulties in arranging traditional hip roofs occur at the stage of erecting rafter structures, which consist of an oblique, ordinary and external rafters.

Hip roofs have excellent wind load resistance and generally high performance.

At the design stage, you need to comply with:

  • of choice optimal material for arranging roofing structures;
  • determining the intensity of precipitation, typical for the place of construction;
  • setting average and maximum wind resistance indicators.

Taking into account the above indicators, it is possible to calculate the optimal value of the angle of inclination of the slopes and the heights of the roof structure.

To perform calculations and draw up a project, you can use the services of a specialist or pick up projects in open source... Having the proper skills, the mentioned activities are carried out independently.


The roof in question is designed in a peculiar way. A larger ramp is used on any roof, but a shorter ramp makes it worth looking at.

The design of the roofing system is such that the slopes do not compensate for the vertical projection of the building in length, and the remaining free area is filled with two short hips.

If you try to draw up a diagram of a hip roof structure yourself, you need to use a marking strip and Pythagoras tables.

The support for the rafters of the hip-type roof is the so-called "Mauerlat" and ridge beams.

The composition of the roofing "skeleton" is as follows:

  • Support base (Mauerlat). It is made of 100x150 mm or 150x150 mm timber. It depends on the structural features of the house. The Mauerlat is fastened horizontally with four jibs, which give rigidity to the entire structure. Mauerlat is made of thick timber and is attached to the upper end of the wall with a hairpin or dowel.
  • Racks installed along the central axis of the floors along their long sides and strengthened with temporary supports. Subsequently, ridge beams are attached to them. Their height is chosen depending on the slope angles. Accordingly, the racks are the higher, the smaller the angles between the rafter legs.
  • Ridge bar- these are the upper horizontal beams that lie on the rack and serve as rafter supports. Ridge beams are attached to the rack, they serve as supports for the main rafter.
  • Main rafter has a support on a Mauerlat and a ridge bar and is fixed to them with special galvanized steel plates.
  • Diagonal, or a slant rafter extends from the end of the ridge beams to the corner of the buildings. The temporary strut mount is removed when all diagonal rafters are installed.
  • Narodnik It is attached from below to the Mauerlat, and from above to the nesting rafters. They are used as a continuation of the plane of the main slope. They have intermediate distances, as well as between the rafters.

  • Sprengel. It goes from the Mauerlat jib to the diagonal rafter and provides roof reinforcement.
  • The brace. It is needed to strengthen the wind resistance of the roof. Theoretically installed from the windward side (from the "wind rose"). In practice, the brace is used on either side.
  • Lathing. They are carried out inside along the rafter leg and determine the base of the roofing "pie". Structures of truss systems include some important elements with strictly defined functions for each.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Compared to gable roof the hip resists the wind to a minimum. Because of all the inclined slopes, the wind does not press on the pediment.
  • The structure has great rigidity due to the presence of an angular rib that connects on the support beams of the ridge.
  • There are protruding overhangs that additionally protect the walls.
  • Great aesthetic appeal.


  • complex calculations and installation;
  • high cost;
  • small attic space;
  • lack of an attic;
  • sunlight penetrates only through special windows.


Considering the types of hip roofs, it is necessary to take into account their varieties, the choice of which affects the construction of rafter systems.

  • Classic type. The diagonal ribs rest on the support beams of the skates, the overhangs are at the same height. The pediment is triangular, the slope is trapezoidal.
  • Hip type. There is no ridge support beam. The diagonal rib is closed by the ends at one point, an ordinary short rafter adjoins the ribs. This is how roofs are built if the building in elevation is a square.
  • Half-hip type. The gables are vertical; window openings are installed in them. There are two varieties of the half-hip type - Dutch and Danish.
  • Broken hip type(attic four-slope). It is the most difficult during construction, since the slopes are of different areas and have different angles of inclination. This type allows the rational organization of the internal under-roof space and allows you to give the roof an unusual appearance.

There are also several other types of roofs - one-story, two-story, cuckoo, bay window, L-shaped.

How to choose?

The question of choosing the type of hip roof depends only on the preferences of the owner, or rather, on the thickness of his wallet. For example, gable windows will cost no less than ordinary ones, and metal tiles on the roof of the veranda will be more expensive than other materials.


The rafter system is calculated, taking into account the following prerequisites:

  • Wind loads. The stronger the wind, the more gently the slopes are made, which, in turn, strengthens the entire structure.
  • Precipitation. The more they fall, the more steep the slopes are made, avoiding the excessive weight of snow / rain that collects on the roof and creates pressure on the rafters.
  • Type of materials, of which the roof is made. This must be taken into account at the project stage.
  • Roof insulation. Here, the distance between the rafters will depend on the width of the strip of materials with which the insulation will be made.

The slopes of the slopes of the slopes determine the laying of the rafters. Accordingly, the laying of intermediate rafters is calculated as follows:

  • the upper trim of the end wall is marked with an axial line;
  • then the half-thickness of the ridge beam is calculated and the line for determining the first central intermediate rafter is plotted;
  • then the end of the rail and the line of the marked center of the intermediate rafter are combined;
  • mark the other end of the rail with the inner line of the side wall;
  • get a point, which will be the laying of the intermediate rafter.

The proportion of the length of the rafter and its position is calculated using a coefficient that depends on the angles of the slopes. The lengths of the rafter legs are determined by multiplying the bookmark by the coefficient.

Stages and subtleties of installation

When buying material for a roof, you need to know its total footage. Usually, for this, its total area is conditionally divided into parts in the form of simple geometric shapes and make calculations for each.

Thus, the financial costs for roofing material and construction are determined in advance and the need for arrangement and the exact configuration of the battens are determined.

As a result, a schematic drawing of the rafters will appear.

It is possible to develop a preliminary diagram with your own hands, but it is preferable to trust the drawings to a specialist. It must be borne in mind that a complex roof configuration requires accurate calculations of the rafters and material. All these details will greatly affect the cost and lead time of the installation.

The drawings should include indications of the designation of materials, the location of their installation and the methods of fastening. The most important fragments of the rafters should be taken out in separate drawings and described in detail.

The production of a schematic drawing can become a support for the manufacture of blanks and subsequent installation.


Harvesting rafters is the most difficult and time-consuming stage, because there is:

  • the need to provide a given angle of the rafter leg;
  • different lengths of the rafters (short rafters);
  • the presence of a diagonal rafter (oblique), which is given special attention.

An overhead rafter carries more significant loads than the main one, for this reason it requires manufacturing from a material of higher quality. Also, the lengths of the diagonal rafters exceed the standard ones.

To avoid buying different lumber, splicing (pairing) is used edged boards to get the given length.

Fusion technology has the following advantages:

  • receive continuous beams of a given length;
  • increase the strength of diagonal rafters due to large (doubled) sections;
  • simplifies the calculation and purchase of materials (the dimensions of the length and section are unified);
  • there are opportunities to use boards that are designed to form ordinary rafters

Mauerlat is called wooden beams with a large section (100x100 and 100x150 mm), which are mounted along the perimeter of the house. The highest quality wood is used for it.

The peculiarities of the Mauerlat installation are that the timber is connected along the length with an overlap, and not end-to-end, and it is attached to the wall using many connecting areas with the base of the walls. The joints are reinforced with metal staples.

The Mauerlat serves as the base of the rafter leg and needs protection from getting wet. Therefore, the wall is separated from the timber by a hydro-barrier (roofing felt / roofing felt, etc. can be used).

If the house is brick, (aerated concrete, aerated concrete, wood concrete) Mauerlats are laid on a pre-poured reinforced concrete layer, into which mounting studs are installed in advance. They have a diameter of 10 mm and more and should go beyond the level of the Mauerlat by 25-35 mm with a step of 1100-1300 mm.

A run is called a beam that is installed parallel to the Mauerlat. It works as a base during installation additional support under the rafter leg. Arrangement of girders is an optional stage of work, and it is performed when building a hip roof of a large footage or with a complex configuration.

It is necessary to mount the ridge only by accompanying it with accurate measurement. The roof rests on the ridge beam, therefore it is necessary to install it correctly and check the level of height.

At the stage of installing the rafter leg, there is a difference of opinion regarding the sequence of operations. Therefore, it is possible to distinguish two directions:

  1. Mount the central rafter, and then the diagonal. This is a simpler sequence.
  2. Mount the diagonal rafter, then the rest.

The bottom of the rafter legs is on the Mauerlat. To make the connection rigid, it makes sense to strengthen the connecting nodes with metal elements (bracket, plate, corner).

The diagonal rafter is under significant stress, so it is reinforced using means such as:

  • Installation of racks. They are mounted on the floor perpendicularly.
  • Installation of struts. Corner mounted. The angles are not critical. It is important that the brace reinforces the diagonal rafters.
  • Sprengels are T-shaped short beams turned 180 degrees. They are used with a significant span and are installed so that the bases of the trusses are oriented across the diagonal rafters.

The ordinary rafter is installed in the same way as the central one, which forms the edge of the trapezoid. The lower parts rest and are attached to the Mauerlat, and the upper ones rest on the ridge beams.

Narodnik is made strictly from a whole piece of material. Where it adjoins long rafters, a cut is marked or a support beam is installed. The junction area is reinforced with metal elements.

Narodnik is installed only later than the formed roof frame. This is the last element for installing the rafter device.


The design of the roof and the arrangement of the connections determine the set of tools that must be prepared before starting work.

  • When working with wood, you will need levels, hacksaws, hammers, tape measures, marking laces, staplers.
  • When working with metal, you will need electric drills, riveters, metal scissors.

Tools and consumables must be prepared before starting work, since complex installations of rafter systems involve a lot of work on cutting various materials.

To simplify measurements and the ability to unify the size of parts, it is recommended to replace the tape measure with a measuring rod. Such a plywood structure is most often suggested to be made 50 mm wide.

Carrying out works

The work is carried out stage by stage and there is no rush here. Each step needs to be carefully considered as hip roof structures are complex. In this cut step by step instructions it is also hardly possible to cite, since the views of the masters on certain moments of editing are too different. Only general guidelines are available.