Technology inserting plastic windows in a wooden house. Mount plastic windows in a wooden house

Before starting direct installation, you need to hold a number preparatory events:

  • dismantling the old window (if replacement);
  • cleansing the opening of dirt and remnants of construction waste;
  • make the necessary measurements and calculations;
  • drawing up the drawing and fixation of the measurement parameters of the opening;
  • align the contours of the side opening parties if the hole has wrong shape;
  • alignment is performed using putty or sealant;
  • decide on the design and functionality (the number of sash, their size, which of them will be opened);
  • determine the manufacturer and color of the product.

Only after the execution of all of the above manipulations, we order a window at the manufacturer, taking into account individual wishes.

Stage No. 2. Installation

Once the windows are delivered and necessary preliminary work, You can start directly to the installation. Tools:

  • drill;
  • construction level;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • kiyanka;
  • pliers;
  • anchor plates and bolts;
  • key to adjust windows;
  • foam assembly;
  • wedge struts;
  • pulverizer with water.

Important! Installation plastic window in wooden house It is not recommended to spend during strong wind and for low temperatures (not lower than -10 degrees).

Planning: Purpose, Types and Design

The placade is a design in the form of a box, which is made of three or four boards and are installed around the perimeter inside the opening.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window has fixed independently of the main design of the wall and has a floating nature. The window system is fixed using grooves on the side, which are planted on the spikes protruding the end of the logs and the bar.

For fixing and sealing, the covers apply only the pass, flanutin or a fiber insulation. In no case by the assembly foam.

Attention! From above, leave a gap at the calculation of wood precipitation.

Thus, the shrinkage of the walls of the wooden structure does not affect the window and the more it does not hurt it. Depending on the fixtures, you can classify the plates for the following varieties:

  • in spike This design is characterized by the presence of spikes, which is mounted on the side parts of the placade, and the groove that is located in the logs of the opening;
  • to the mortgage bar. The base of the fastening is considered a bar, which is placed in the groove in the ends of the opening and passes through the racks of the placade;
  • in a deck. The spike is located on the ends of the window opening logs, but the groove is in the racks of the placade.

The box is a floating mechanism that excludes the deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of climb installation.

Calculations are worth producing with high accuracy, since even a minor error can lead to the deformation of the box of the window or leakage of the design. Moreover, correct installation - This is the key to the quality of the plastic window.

How to make a soup (check)

The design can be two types: complex and simple. The simple obosyachka is the system described above, with bars and grooves. Complex design It is performed somewhat differently: in the opening of the window, the comb is peaked on which the boys with grooves is worn. This option is more reliable. When shrinking the walls, the comb can slide and does not allow deviations vertically, excluding pressure on the box of the window.

The placade is usually manufactured from the bar. With the help of the chisel on a tree in the center of the bar, the grooves of 0.5 cm are knocked out, and a spike (0.5x0.5x, 25 cm) is cut from one end. From the end logs of the opening, the comb with spikes 0.5x0.5 cm. To do this, you can use a saw or a chisel.

Important! Marking Comb - important moment. The quality and reliability of the design depends on the accuracy of the markup.

After the ridge is ready, proceed to the installation of risers and the formation of the design of the opening between them. The bars are set according to the level of the gaps on the shrinkage of the walls (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm on top). Frame from BRUSIV is strengthened with the help of grooves with the main web walls and voices among themselves. The left gaps are sealing palauls or other fibers. That's all, now you can start installing directly plastic frame. You can see the process in this video in more detail in this video:

Stage number 3. Installation in the cooked opening

After necessary preparatory work And mounting the souls, you can start setting the window.

Attention! Installing plastic windows in a wooden house without a cluster - the wrong option.

To begin with, we carry out the size check and the location of the parallels, the gaps between the casing and the frame. The margin of marking should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill. After making sure that the reserve correspondence to these indicators, proceed directly to the installation of a plastic frame.

Fix the window with special fasteners that are sold in any construction store. They are metal plates with holes.

The installation of the plastic window should be made by level. If you neglect by this factor, then you risk getting a construct with a slope, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic tasks of the window.

Tip! Before installing the window removed the sash. Thus, the design is facilitated and it is much more convenient to mount in the opening.

After the window has secured in the opening, you need to fill the gap mounting foam. To avoid displacement of the design during a fission, put the bars that will retain the position of the frame without deviations. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Fixing the window in the casing is performed with caution. In this case, you need to choose correct location Splitting screws. In no case can you fix the window in the ridge zone!

That's all, the process finish with complete fossi of the opening. We put on the sash and give foam to dry.

We presented the right way Mounting windows from plastic in a wooden house. This process can cause difficulties, so if you are unsure in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, the installation of a plastic window with its own hands is a significant savings. We offer to watch a video installation of the window installation with your own hands:

Nowadays, with constantly increasing prices for "life", our head is attended by all thoughts on the conservation of heat in your home. Everyone knows - metal-plastic windows retain about 25% of heat, and therefore they will help you save us a lot of money with the onset of cold weather.

Installation of a plastic window in a wooden house is not cunning. Almost every person can do it, having in its assortment the usual tools located in every garage. Installation with your own hands will help keep money and nerves, as workers in the house - not always to good. Consider the process in more detail.

Choose a plastic window for a wooden house

First of all, you will need to carry out accurate measurements of the window niche. Moreover, accuracy must be up to a centimeter, without "approximately". If measurements are less - you have to beat the wall, if more - close the space between the window frame and the wall. When installing PVC windows in a wooden house, the clearance should be as little as possible. But it should be borne in mind that the tree has a property expanding, absorbing moisture. Subsequently, the window opening can be deformed. After all the measurements are made and recorded in your leaves - go to a specialized firm for the manufacture of plastic windows.

When choosing a new window, it is worth emphasizing your attention to 4 components:

Double glass. Glass is the most important component modern window. About 65% heat loss passes through it. The most popular double-glazed windows are two-chamber, in the chambers of which there is gas having a minimum thermal conductivity. Now popular windows with an additional film. The assortment has a transparent and prechange film. It additionally reduces the return of heat through the glass. The windows with a darkened film is better installed on the sunny side.

Profile. An important role, in the structure of the plastic window, playing profile. Profile characteristic is determined by the number of aircases that serve to reduce thermal conductivity. Their number is significantly reflected on the thermal conductivity of the window. If your wooden house is in place, with increased level Noise (for example, near the highway), then the six-chain profile with double double glazing will provide elegant sound insulation in the house.

Furnitura. It must be made of high-quality metal. Furnitura takes considerable overload, especially when the mechanism is applied rotary window With ventilation. Furnitura, made of poor-quality metal, serves you a small amount of time. With further long operation There are such troubles like sash sowing, poor closing and not tightness.

Sealers. Also, it is worth paying attention to the seals. They must be made of a special material, which remains elastic under any conditions, be it frost or heat. Ordinary rubber loses its elastic properties with a decrease in temperature, and during prolonged exposure - cracks and crumbles.

It's all necessary to consider before installing a plastic window in a wooden house. If you correctly pick up all these items, then your eurowindow will not let you down and will store homemade warm. And remember that expensive is not always good. It is always necessary to select the golden interlaced.

Removing the old window and preparatory work

It is better to do without hurry, but first-class. Specialized workers make everything quickly, but they do not bother over the quality of the implementation of dismantling. Very often, they leave broken walls, broken old frames and glasses.

Performing all the work on the installation of windows in a wooden house, you do not need to rush. You can make everything much careful, leaving all the elements in the preservation and suitability for recycling. They will come in handy for giving or garage.

Extraction of the old window is carried out in the following sequence:

1) Remove the sash.
2) pull out the frame.
3) Remove the windowsill and sings.

Manufacture of window clusades in a wooden srub

This step can be missed, but in the future there may be serious problems. The placade will prevent the window opening of the window opening. The material must be dry and durable, the thickness of the board - more than 4 cm. Otherwise they will be deformed with the opening. The width of the placade must correspond to the thickness of the wall.
Methods for performing a clusade:

  • Schip-monolith.
  • Lining timber.
  • In a deck.

The most difficult and reliable is the first type of placade. But newcomers who do not have special skills to install windows, prefer to make a cock with a lining bar. This requires in the middle of the window opening to make furrows.

You will need a circular saw, ax, chainsaw or chisel. Optimal size The furrow 5x5 cm. On the bar, the same size, the edged board is placed and attached by self-draws or bolts. If the ship-groove is used, the T-shaped timber is cut into advance, and inserted into the furrow. Final stage The laying of the mounting foam is considered between the casing and the wall. As foam has a property to collapse under action sun ray, Outside, it is necessary to close the foam of the windproof membrane, inside - vapor insulation.

Installing a window frame in the house

Before the final fastening of the frame, first of all, it is necessary to make a fitting of the base in the window opening. If you are inconvenient to use the construction level - you can use a plumb. Then, with the help of wedge-shaped stations, fix the frame in the window box. This will help to avoid moving the frame horizontally, and facilitates the further final fastening.

To properly install windows in a wooden house, you should install fasteners. The gaps between the frame and the opening should be within 1 cm. Most often, anchor plates are used. They are fixed to the box with self-draws, a length of about 3 - 5 cm. At the end of all installation works, the gap between the frame and the window box should be filled with the mounting foam. If the gap is more than 2 cm, then the gate should be divided into several stages. Foam drying time - 10 - 12 hours.

Installation of window sash in the house

After mounting the frame, we install the sash. The sash is the movable component of eurowindows, thanks to which it is opened or closing it. It is fixed on special hinged-moving elements (loops) frame.

If the frame is exhibited correctly and in terms of the level, the flaps will fit perfectly. Nevertheless, nuances with gaps and locks may occur. They can be adjusted with a cross-hole screwdriver. The main rule of the installation of sash is to do it evenly. If the side should be lifted / omitted, then turn the bolts equal to the number of revolutions. After each manipulation, you need to open / close the sash, try changing the changes.

Installation of fittings, slopes, window sills in a wooden house

The frame was put, the flaps were screwed and gave assembly materials Clear a little. Now we approached the final stages of the window installation instructions in the wooden house with their own hands. It remains to finish some strokes and you can celebrate victory.
First, you need to choose and install the correct window sill. There are several common types of windowsill

  • Plastic. Very light and relatively durable multi-chamber view of the window sills, which are covered with PVC film from above. There are many color Gamm. and imitation different materials. But consumers prefer standard white color or "under the tree".
  • Wooden. Wooden window sills React to moisture drops and as a result of which they can be deformed. The dignity of wooden window sills - naturalness and appearance. At the same time - coating with a special protective layer.

Consider how to install a wooden window sill in Siruba.

Step 1. Processing Materials. To begin with, it is necessary to process our windowsill moisture protective compositionwhich will protect it from the premature appearance rot and damage the windowsill. The window opening must be cleaned of dust and mud deposits, and, if possible, to process the composition as the windowsill.

Step 2. Mounting of the window sill. Wooden window sill is attached to the nails, which must first be scored in the lower bar of the box. After placing the window sill in terms of the level, with the help of wedge strokes, tighten the screws, with the front side of the window sill, until it stops. All empties that remained should be seen by foam. After drying - cut over.

Choose a tree carefully for the manufacture of the window sill. It should not be overpowered and have chips and cracks. Wooden window sills fit well under any log house. And also will serve as a good shelf for various plants or small things.

After full mount The windowsill - go to the installation of wooden slopes. The process of mounting the slopes of windows from the inside is fully identical to the installation of slopes from the outside, and will not be any problems during the work.

This is the final chord in the installation of windows in an old wooden house. Consider all the processes step by step.

Step 1. Side panels. For starters, secure the side panels using self-tapping screws. It is desirable to arrange the attachment points of the panels where the decorative corner will be installed, which will close all the screws. So we will retain the aesthetic type of panels at the maximum. Then, along the same analogy, we perform the finishing of the upper open window.

Step 2. Sealing seams.All seams and joints of the panels are wicked by a sealant, to prevent moisture penetration. Additionally, it can be treated with moisture equipment.

Step 3. Installation of corners. After all the seams and joints dried - we will install decorative corners. They can be attached with the help of "liquid" nails, construction stapler or foam. All work on the installation of windowsill and slopes should be carried out after a complete drying of the structure. And this means that you need to wait at least 12 hours after mounting the window.

If you perform the installation for the first time, the process may seem quite complicated. It is better to immediately watch the video how to install plastic windows in a wooden house. The main feature of wooden structures is their environmental friendliness. Wooden bar It has the property "breathe", grow old and satisfying. This is the main reason that makes it difficult to install windows and doors in a wooden srub.

Shrinkage occurs due to the loss of moisture of wood. It is especially noticeable to the first 4 years. Mounting foam and need to compensate for the minimum shrinkage. Making a cock, we make the window opening independent of the walls. The obosyachka limits the movement of the log of vertically, thereby ensures a normal, uniform shrinkage and does not interfere with the breathing of the log.

So we figured out how to set the window in a wooden house. Nothing is difficult in this. Everything is elementary simple and understandable if you do everything mounting work on proven technologies and by simple step-by-step instructions.

It is known that wooden windows In the houses raised from the timber, rightly considered the safest and a practical decision, favorably affecting the microclimate in the housing room.

The fundamental in the submitted case is that when it is dried, the window system and walls behave monotonously. The decisive role here is played by their installation according to technology.

Features installation of windows in a wooden house

Assembling windows in the structure of timber has certain features. As you know, wood gives a density. In the houses of chopped logs or during the first 5 years, the dewushka is about 10-13% of the height of the structure, while gives a shrink no more than 2%.

If there is a warping of window structures, the formation of interventic gaps in the walls or cracking of the glass package is observed, this indicates a violation of technology in the installation process.

  1. In houses of chopped wood, rounded log, planed or profiled bar window support is advisable to install after shrinkage of the house (no earlier than 1.5 years after the construction).
  2. The installation of windows, after the construction of a cut, is not rationally due to the absence of the possibility of calculating the shrinkage of the walls. This indicator Depends on the humidity of the timber.
  3. In houses from glued timber, installation of windows is allowed immediately after The construction of the walls and installation of the roof of the house.
  4. The installation of windows must be carried out solely by sliding compounds - support bars and tissue. The blockage of window blocks and the designs of the sinks to logs or bruster is categorically prohibited. Dense fastening during the drying leads to a violation of the integrity of the window modules and the walls of the structure. In fact, the window system should be balanced separately to the wall.
  5. In the upper part above the window boxes it is necessary to provide a shrink stock - slots at 6-7 cm. Opports of spare gaps can lead to poor closure of windows or interventional gaps in the walls.

Wooden windows mounting scheme

Preparation of window opening

Before mounting the box, prepare a window hole. The opening should be rectangular shape Without cracks, recesses, distillations and other flaps. From all its surfaces it is necessary to remove the construction trash, dirt, dust and layers.

To further avoid the distortion, the accurate measurements of the external, internal and side sides of the opening are required.

In the case when the skew is essential, and it is not possible to correct it, it is recommended to expand the windows parameters in such a way that highest level The outer opening exceeded the width of 2.5-4 cm, and the height is 1-2 cm.

Expansion makes it possible to install an additional profile on the window. This will warn the appearance of slots between the box and the hole in the zones of maximum skew.

In addition to the extension of the size of the opening, there is such an option as an increase in parameters. window Rama.


Special design, which is wooden box without lower crossbar, the purpose of which reliable fastening The windows and the preservation of the shape of the window frame, regardless of the degree of shrinkage of the house, is called a casing or a soup.

Distinguish several types of this design:

  1. Whole. It is made of specially treated solid material.
  2. Glue. Separate components are performed from the set of boards connected by micro hydroeners and glue. All burrs and small bitches are removed.
  3. Mixed. Part of the placade is made whole, and the other with the use of glue. Upon completion of the installation, the souls are covered with varnish. This species Suitable for using big sizes.

The chassis is made in size of each window. At the same time, if the inner cladding is planned, the sample can be done under it. When cladding on both sides, the sample is not performed.

An assembly of the cluster can be started after the preparation of the window opening.

Its manufacture is performed as follows:

  1. Based on which adjoins the window hole, the grooves are pulled out. They insert a bar of the same size that performs the role of the side of the cluscle.
  2. First placed the timber at the bottom of the openingthat warns the shift of the side elements.
  3. Under the ram fit the seal From linen pacles.
  4. In the recess placed sealing material And mount the side boards.
  5. The final stage is Fastening the top of the design board.
  6. Over the stacks leave space for drying wood and fill it with a seal. So in the process of drying, the logs on the window hole will not affect the load.

Installation of windows

Installing the window is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. On the bottom of the opening laid waterproofing and sealing material.
  2. Install the window frame and fix Its with the help of linings or wedges of wood.
  3. Using building level Or plumb, adjust horizontal and vertical. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the actual horizontal and vertical, and not on the side of the window opening.
  4. On each side of the opening, with a 50 cm increments, drill holes.
  5. By self-tapping screws Fix box.
  6. Perform insulation space between the box and the wall sealing material.
  7. Next mounted frame. It is installed in the grooves of the box and attach to it by screwing.
  8. The blocks of windows are installed using loops (disconnecting and non-united). The difference between them is the ability to remove the hinge. The detachable is convenient in areas where there is no possibility of raising the window framuga. Smooth fastening of loops contributes to even hanging the window framug. Their mount is carried out with the help of screws.
  9. Locking the sash is performed by means of a shut-off or spiing. After checking the opening and closing of the fraumuga, the frame should be consolidated using nails.
  10. Next, go to the installation of window sills. They are mounted from the inside so that the side edges enter the walls by 4.5-5 cm on both sides.
  11. Immediately before installation using a lime-gypsum mixtureAlign the lower part of the window opening.
  12. The windowsill fixed through wedges. After laying heat insulating material It is finally fixed.
  13. Installation of ties is performed with outside Opera - on the entire width of the layout of the frame in the base.
  14. The gaps between the base of the base and the box, as well as the upper and side sides of the windows are covered with a platband. It is desirable as a platband to use the same type of wood from which the house was built.
  15. All parts of the platband are connected to each other. For this use spikes, nails or glue solution.
  16. Pre-mark placement Fasteners (step is 10-12 cm).
  17. So that in the process of fastening the platbands they did not shiftThe design can be placed on glue.
  18. The final stage is the fixation of concubizians with nails or self-tapping screws, and closing the slots between the base and platbands of the sealing material.

  1. For the manufacture of placades, the wood is used by the moisture content of at least 10%, in otherwise Cracks are formed inside the design over time.
  2. In the manufacture of the stacks categorically prohibited Apply metal fasteners.
  3. As a sealing material, an construction foam cannot be used when assembling. In this case, wood fastenings, which prevents its natural drying.
  4. In the process of installing windows, it is important to correctly perform holes for them. Optimal distance From the window sill to the floor accounts for 85-90 cm.
  5. Specialists do not recommend installing windows without mounting the souls, even if the house was built many years ago, and the log house completely dry. This is due to the fact that throughout the entire period of operation, the tree has a tendency to dry.
  6. To ensure greater efficiency and retention of heat wooden windows It should be set closer to the outside of the window hole.
  7. As a material for the windowsill, you need to choose solid wood. The longest operational period has a glass side of a glued tree, the smallest service life has a windowsill, made of a solid array (as a rule, the product is carried out).
  8. The windows of the window hole must be 90 degrees, and the diagonals should be varied more than 10 mm. If the hole at base exceeds the allowable value, it will be necessary large quantity Sealing material. If you do not ensure the evenness of the angles, the box is possible.
  9. It is important to correctly calculate the depth of the landing of the window in the opening so that the dew point is an isolate, equal to 10 degrees, took place in its inner part. Then condensate formation on inner side The windows will not.

Thanks to its operational characteristics, PVC-material windows have gained particular popularity among the population. They are mounted in the buildings and structures, erected from concrete, brick, wood. Insert plastic windows in a wooden house need to perform certain rules.

Important Nuances of Montaja

Starting installation, you need to prepare an inventory that will be required: a construction level and a plumb, and also know how to insert a plastic window. Installation of the PVC window must be installed, strictly observing the placement in the level plane. This will provide proper work All elements, sash will not spontaneously close-open.

The installation technology of the PVC window suggests its correct placement in the level plane.

By purchasing structures from plastic, you need to buy additionally special mounting attachments. Frames are fixed in the stitching of wood structures, applying screws and special attachments. Observing technological process and correctly performing the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house, you are guaranteed to get window blockswho will serve for a long time.

Fastening the window frame is made using anchor plates

If dismantling the sash, the design will become much easier and it will be easier to move, but the mounting metal plastic windows In a wooden house alone, it is still not recommended. To pull out the sash, you need to remove the pins from the loops.

How to install PVC double-glazed

Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house with their own hands is made in stages:

  • preparatory measures before installation;
  • installing PVC windows;
  • control-checking location in space;
  • play foam.

To understand how to install plastic windows and in a wooden house, and from a bar or cut, consider each stage more.

Execution of preparatory work

First of all, you need to remove exact dimensions, measuring the opening, and order window construction At the verified manufacturer. For this, the company's representative, which is engaged in the manufacture of plastic frames, is most often invited. You can remove the size and independently. After that, they are determined with the color of the design and the completeness of the accessories necessary for the operation of the window.

When the manufacturer delivers products to the object, you need to perform the following steps:

  • if it is decided to replace installed windows In the old opening, first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the design;
  • after that, the dust is clean, dirt and remove the garbage, which got into the opening from dismantling;
  • it is worth aligning the opening if its geometry is broken.

Having finished the preparation, insert a plastic window into a wooden house with your own hands.

Fastening the window design in the prepared opening

The first install the windowsill, it will be the base for the glass package, so it is necessary to put it strictly in terms of level (horizontally). For the strength of the fastening, there are livers on the boxes of the box about 8 mm in depth. Adjustment is carried out with the help of plastic plates or skimps. Fastening comes by self-drawing to the bottom of the box. When screwing down, it stands under the screw of the self-supest puck, it will exclude surface damage.

The windowsill install strictly horizontally

The next stage will be proper installation pens. A film that protects the designs should not be removed, it protects them from damage when the windows are installed. When mounting the handle you need to put horizontally. When they collected all the fittings, the installation of metal-plastic windows begins.

First you need to set the PVC frame in terms of level. The two-chamber bars put the frame and align horizontally using a water level. After that, go to the alignment vertically.

Having received the ideal parameters in the water level, fix the frame with self-reserves to the scene, applying mounting fastenerswhich specifically bought in the store. It is important not to get a screw in the crest of a log where the opposite is installed.

Fasten the frame with the help of screws

After mounting the window element, we get 2-centimeter gaps around it for mounting foam.

Before applying the mounting foam, you need to hang out the sash so that the frame profile does not happen after the marking and did not damage the window. It is important to remember that it is possible to use foam only with a closed sash.

Control and marking design

After hanging out the sash, you need to check how the glass windows opens and closes. If the window that is open is half, does not close and does not move on, it means that the frame is considered to be true and the alignment is made correctly. Closing the sash, produce foaming foam for installation and leave for full fixation for a day.

Why is the plastic window for plastic windows in a brusade house?

To get high-quality PVC windows in a wooden house, it is necessary to strictly observe the features of the installation, that is, making installation to a special frame (base). The need for such a design is due to the characteristics of the structures of wood. Unlike the building from stone (concrete or brick), the wooden panel house is unstable for a long period.

The plane prevents the deformation of the frame when shrinking at home

The building will be sitting in the first five-year plan after its erection. In this case, drying the walls of up to 6 cm. This an important nuance need to consider when installing a plastic window in frame house. It is clear that it is not necessary to insert a plastic window in a wooden house, it is impossible to create a design for the opening, which has a cluster name, also say - the opposite. Its direct purpose is to prevent the impact on the wall shrinkage of the walls, so the opposition:

  • strengthens the opening;
  • carries the load;
  • prevents shrinkage.

The stack looks like a box made of thick boards. The design in the side stand on the groove is attached, and the fasteners are not used. Over the opposite, the shrinage of shrinkage compensation is left for wooden house . There are several options for its installation:

  • the log is cut into the groove where the bar is stacked. In the last element of the mortgage bar, screws are screwed;
  • in the frames on the sides of the design, the grooves are cut out, from the end of the log in the opening, spikes drink;
  • in the end of the logs there is a groove, on the side racks of the box there is a spike.

Variants of the device Obcat

To come out quality design, It is necessary to comply with the installation technology of plastic windows in a wooden house. To begin with, fold the crests of the insulation and fasten with its brackets or minor cloves. This stage is necessary to insulate the house and eliminate the screens. Then the lower placladin of the placade is then mounted, and the boards are stuffed on the ridges (side racks of the souls), the upper jumper is laid into the upper groove racks. After collecting the box neatly connect it with self-draws, it is important that they do not get into the log.

The slots that are visible in the opening after installing the cluster, you need to fill the packles or insulation. Then occurs standard installation Plastic windows in a frame house or litter.

The gaps close up with insulation or pacles

The compensation clearance is filled with flat horses, pre-wounded palaulies. When the walls are shrinking, they are gradually knocked out. To do this, remove the upper platband and, knocking down a half, put it back.

The final stage in the glazing of the structure of the tree

The finishing finish after installing PVC windows into logs is made in the same way as wooden, that is, after installing the frame design and insulation, platbands are made of wood. When ordering PVC windows in a wooden structure, it is worth seeking an option under the texture of the tree, this will allow them to harmoniously look at the background of the condensed structure.

Many PVC design manufacturers offer not only classic white option Coloring frames. You can order any shade that the customer wishes. Colored plastic frames will cost a little more expensive, but will become more suitable option For a home made of natural material.

When ordering, it is important to correctly make measurements of the opening and not mistaken in the width of the windowsill. An independent installation of the PVC window in a wooden house with the knowledge of all nuances is not such a complex process. Make it under power independently, without resorting to the help of expensive installer masters.

Today, PVC glazed windows are very popular among the population. This is due to good performance design qualities. Plastic windows are installed not only in urban apartments, but also in private wooden houses. Buildings from wood do not differ in rigidity, so the installation of the glass package in such structures has certain features. How to choose and spend the insert of the product from PVC into the window opening of the house from the tree, will tell the article.

Before you buy a glass package, you need to dismantle the old window, to measure the window opening, make a circuit. To prepare the drawing it will be needed roulette. From how correctly the measurement will be performed, the quality of installation depends. It should be borne in mind that in the house of the wood, the opening of the window has parallel slopes.

Measurement is carried out according to such an algorithm:

  1. Defined with the border carrier wall. Plaster on slopes often has a greater thickness. It is amended by a plus in 2 centimeters.
  2. Measure the distance between the side slopes of the bottom and at the top.
  3. Determine the height from the windowsill to the top slope to the left and right.
  4. Measure the width of the opening from the wall to the wall below and on top.
  5. Measure the height from the top of the opening to the oppression on the right and left.

The windowsill width must be equal to the width of the wall. If it is planned to replace the old window design from a tree to a new one from PVC, then the openings are slightly expanding. To change the geometry, the opening is used electrical or chainsaw.

Often, when comparing measurements, the opening windows on the right and left, on top and bottom, the wizard reveals the discrepancy of the results. It is due to the disklood of the existing opening. This is especially characteristic of panel, frame structures.

To determine the exact dimensions, a rectangle is used with the same opposite sides.

Considering the presence old Rama, plasterers and other factors, you need to strive for such indicators:

  • The height of the window should ensure the presence of a gap between the window and the lower slope, which is equal to the thickness of the windowsill. The approximate value is 8-9 centimeters.
  • Standard window width by several centimeters is less than the width of the opening relative to the slopes.

After performing all measurements and drawing according to the rules, you can order a window, fastener and a windowsill. Usually, the manufacture and delivery takes about 10 days. If it is impossible to measure the window opening on your own, then it is better to seek help from specialists. But it is worth considering that the rates for this service are considerable. Photo works can be viewed on the forums.

What do you need for installation?

When the double-glazed windows are made and delivered, it is allowed to start it. This work requires certain skills, knowledge of the rules and installation technology. It is necessary to prepare certain tools to buy special fasteners.

This is what type of tools and materials will be useful for high-quality mount Glass package in wooden and brusade house:

When the glass will be delivered, it must be kept for a while in room temperature. Acclimatization of the product before mounting is important for high-quality installation.

Step-by-step instructions for installation do it yourself

To installation PVC It has been successfully necessary to perform a certain procedure. Usually, the manufacturer attaches to a specific model of the glass detailed instructions on installation. She needs to be clearly followed. First you need to install an opponent or cluster in a mortgage bar. Then stroke the glass.

Inserting windows of plastic in a log house has some ways and features. Installing the design of PVC in a wooden house with their own hands is possible. But this will require the help of the second person: the size and weight of the design is large, to transfer the window alone is difficult.

Often, those people who installed the glass in a wooden house with their own hands, arises a problem with the fact that the windows are sweating, condensate accumulates on them, or, on the contrary, it sneaks from the frame due to insufficient sealing. The reason why it happens, lies in errors made during installation. Therefore, the installation must be carried out responsibly and competently, in warm and mad weather.

The correct installation of the Okosyachki

The opposite is an element of a window structure that removes all the gaps and cracks between the frames and contributes to the preservation of heat in the room.

Does she need? Also, the casing does not allow lateral bars to move horizontally and makes them vertical movement possible. It protects glasses from cracking. The opposite is especially important if the simpleness between the adjacent windows is small. In addition, this element is decorated with a wooden house.

Installation of the doorway sowing has some features. First you need to prepare the opening of the window. It should be a wider frame no less than 10 centimeters. Caseing the magnitude of the gap, it is important to take into account both the thickness of the boards, the seams of the placade. Take into account the shrinkage coefficient of the house from the tree. In the future, the gap is filled with special insulation and closed with platbands.

According to statistical data, shrinkage of a wooden house can be up to 30 centimeters. Much depends on the material. During the year after the construction, the shrinkage of structures from the bar is 3-4 centimeters, from the log - 4-6 centimeters, from glued timber - 1-3 centimeters. Premises drawdown Already in the first year, it is capable of causing an attachment to the wints of the wall design. Sometimes wall shrinkage occurs and after 5 years of operation of the structure under the influence of air humidity and seasonal climate change.

After preparation of the window opening, the crest is cut out. For this purpose, it is preferable to use the glued or monolithic timber. This element will be the base under the boat with a groove. During shrinkage, the logs will move inside this groove. It will eliminate the window from excess load.

To make fauces, use a timing segment of 15x10 centimeters. In the middle of the bar must be a groove of 5 centimeters wide more windows. The comb is cut with chainsaws. For the heartbone is used edged board 15x4 centimeters sizes. On each side, the grooves are cut down in it. After installing the windows on the sides of the window opening, fastening the heartbone with self-draws. After assembling the placade, they make all the gaps and make a seal using a jute tape.

Box of plastic window

After the opposite is made and installed, go to the insert of the plastic window. Installation of the window without a cluster is considered a gross mistake. First you need to check parallels. They leave the gaps between the PVC double-glazed windows and a frame of 5 centimeters from above and 2 centimeters on the sides.

It is important to properly install the window design in the depth of the wall of a wooden house. Then on the surface of the glasses, slopes and window boxes minus temperature Condensate will not be formed on the street, which causes fogging glass, wetting window system and interior decoration slopes. The location of the glass unit must be determined by the competent designer, taking into account constructive features walls.

The design is better attached to special elements. They are supplied complete to the glass, and also sold in any construction store. These elements are metal plates with holes. The price is acceptable for them. How much is fasteners, depends on the window model, product quality. Some owners wooden houses Decide to use a self-tapping screw for fastening. Is not the best waySince such parts do not provide proper thermal insulation and tightness of the structure.

Window inserts are carried out using a level. Otherwise, the glass windows can be set crooked. And it reduces performance features Windows and negatively reflected on the aesthetic form of the product.

Before inserting a white plastic window, experts recommend removing the sash. So the weight of the window will become less, the installation will be passed more easily and conveniently. The window is inserted into the opening, align and secure. Then all available gaps close up with special mounting foam. So that the fixation was more reliable, use bars. So during the renovation window will not shift. On this, the installation of a double-glazed window in the window opening of a wooden house ends. It remains only to wear sash and give foam to dry. To improve the protection of a wooden house from bad weather and extend the operational period of the plastic window, you should additionally install the Outlines window outside.

Why better to put the PVC window?

The PVC windows have a lot of advantages over wooden counterparts. The only plus wooden structures It is a more presentable appearance. But recently, double-glazed glass manufacturers offer different colors and products of products. In addition, the frame of the plastic window for the veranda can be littered with a textural film that mimics the tree.

Unlike wooden Ram. Plastic have such advantages:

  • Resistance to aggressive detergent. Plastic is allowed to be purified by the compositions prepared on the basis of acids and alkalis, which remove all types of contaminants. The tree even impregnated with a special protective composition has low resistance to aggressive substances. It is brushing only by wiping with a sponge dipped in soapy water.
  • Resistance to mechanical impacts. Hurt a metal-plastic profile is extremely difficult. But chips on the wooden frame appear often.
    Availability. The price of deaf plastic windows is 1.5 times cheaper than wooden frames. Even designs from inexpensive coniferous rocks It will be more expensive than the product of plastic. But the frame from the noble breeds of wood - for example, cedar, oak, ash or beech - worth a minimum is twice as expensive than PVC window.

Also, the advantages of using plastic windows in wooden houses should include:

In view of the masses positive qualities Benefits, plastic windows establish today an increasing number of wooden house owners.

Thus, in a wooden house, it is preferable to install everything. This is the most affordable, reliable and attractive product. Installation and facing of windows from PVC in the country is not distinguished by complexity. The main thing is to comply with the instructions and work in a pair with an assistant. If there are doubts about the possibility of high-quality installation of the plastic window with your own hands, then you should seek help from specialists. This service is offered different firms engaged in the production and sale of double-glazed windows. But for the work of the wizard will have to pay a certain amount of money. On the other hand, the work is guaranteed to be performed qualitatively, which means that the design will last long. Video independent installation Plastic window can be viewed further.