Kitchens for a 5 meter kitchen. Interior design of the kitchen in Khrushchev (real photos)

The owner of an apartment in Khrushchev more than once had to think about redeveloping the kitchen area. Indeed, due to the lack of free space (standard 5.5-6m 2), a problem arises associated with the arrangement of furniture or with the selection of the design of this room. But, despite the deficit of squares, at the right approach you can successfully transform the room, bringing in it notes of coziness and comfort.

The layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev does not always allow you to successfully place furniture. Therefore, redevelopment is considered a great way to enlarge a small room. By getting rid of the wall, the purpose of which is to separate the residential part of the house from the kitchen, it will be possible to visually make the kitchen larger.

Some hosts for the branch kitchen area install a bar counter, and then use it as dining table.

It is worth noting that ideas for redeveloping a kitchen can be different.

Therefore, with the right approach, there are many possibilities for transforming this room.:

  • At the first stage of the work, it is not worth developing the design of the room. Experienced craftsmen recommend drawing up detailed description the proposed changes in the room, taking into account the zoning of the space.
  • When starting the separation of zones, you should decide on the purpose of the future premises. If this room becomes a place to receive guests, it is important to take care of the allocation of some space. But if this room will only be used for cooking purposes, you can do without the arrangement of the eating area.
  • Thanks to the correct redevelopment and successful design solutions in the arrangement of rooms, both rooms will become not only cozy, but also functional.

A successful renovation will ensure free movement in the kitchen, even despite its small size. The division of the room into two parts will not violate a single picture of the style design, thereby respecting the overall interior.

Design small kitchen v Khrushchev e (video)

Methods for converting a small kitchen in Khrushchev

After the renovation works on redevelopment of a kitchen with a size of 5.5 sq. m, you need to take care of choosing a method for transforming this room.

There are several methods to increase the space.:

  1. Functional method... The size of the kitchen can be expanded with the correct and rational arrangement of the main pieces of furniture. It is worth choosing furniture that is small in size and follow the decrease in the distance between all interior elements.
  2. Planning method... This method implies that the redevelopment is carried out by eliminating the wall connecting the kitchen to the living area. Thanks to the application of this method, it is possible to increase the area by 1.5 or 2 meters.
  3. Aesthetic method... This approach allows you to apply unusual design... Experienced craftsmen, through various experiments, choose the solution that is optimal for increasing the space. The result of applying the aesthetic method will be interesting design and a significant expansion of the kitchen space.

Even small kitchens can be transformed and enlarged. To do this, it is necessary to use absolutely the entire space of the room. Do not disregard a niche or even an angle, perhaps they are the ones who are able to add such necessary centimeters.

Kitchen design 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

But what if the owners of the apartment cannot use the planning method, and the kitchen space needs to be expanded? If you follow the advice of the designers, good decision will increase the room with a window opening. It is known that thanks to sunlight such an illusion is easily created.

For correct design the kitchen should take care of:

  • Furniture selection... Better to choose custom-made furniture. By giving preference to such interior items, you can free up a little space, because the dimensions of such furniture are 20 cm less than the standard one.To avoid a visual decrease in the room, it is recommended to choose light shades in the interior, as well as use mirror surfaces. Some kitchens are small and rectangular, in such rooms it is better to place all the furniture along a long wall. And for the dining table, you should allocate a place by the window.
  • Built-in technology... For premises of 5.5 sq. meters to solve the problem will allow the use of special built-in equipment. In addition to increasing the space, these interior attributes make the room attractive and comfortable.
  • Decor... When selecting colors for repairs, it is recommended to choose light colors. It is worth remembering that dark shades, as well as heavy materials, can visually reduce an already small kitchen. Curtains should be light and transparent, they are necessary for the penetration of sufficient light into the room.

  • Lighting... It is important that the light is bright, but not irritating to the eyes. For such purposes, there is a wide selection of small luminaires. Some owners prefer to install special halogen lamps in the ceiling or decorate the room with floor lighting.
  • Doors... The interior of the apartment is considered to be fully decorated in compliance with all style features rooms. Sometimes, instead of doors, an arched opening is installed between the kitchen and the living room.

But if you do not want to clean the doors, sliding doors will be a good solution. They are relatively inexpensive and can save space.

A few tips for increasing the kitchen space in Khrushchev

In a small kitchen, it is better to refuse oven... Instead, you have to do just the hob. An excellent solution would be a transformed hob, which, after being covered with a lid, is used as an additional work table.

For those who cannot do without an oven, it is better to purchase an oven similar in size to a microwave.

Place under the sink should be taken with a dishwasher or washing machine(if it differs in relatively small size).

Instead of the usual vertical refrigerator, today many people prefer horizontal models. They are placed under the work surface, thereby not freeing more space in the kitchen.

All kitchens in Khrushchev have a window with a window sill. Instead of flowerpots, this surface is recommended to be used more rationally. After all, it can be used as an additional work surface.

Kitchen layout design in Khrushchev 5 meters (video)

Kitchen in Khrushchev with dimensions of 5.5 sq. m is quite possible to increase and make it more cozy and comfortable. Thanks to the redevelopment of the premises, it will be possible to significantly expand the space of the room and emphasize the overall interior favorably. Not a single centimeter of this room should be ignored. After choosing the right furniture and taking into account the advice of designers, it will be possible to transform the kitchen and make it spacious.

The layout of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 meters (photo)

Owners of a small-sized Khrushchev have to think about changing the design of the kitchen space. Usually, the design of a Khrushchev kitchen is 5 square meters and this is small enough to accommodate all the necessary items on the square. Even for experienced designers, sometimes the renovation and arrangement of this room becomes difficult task. How to choose a convenient, practical design of a small-sized kitchen, the rules for decorating the interior of this room, the numerous options presented in the photo below, will help in this.

For those who live in Khrushchev, the organization of the living space has always represented and represents main problem... This is especially true for the kitchen room, since this room is the smallest. How to place everything you need on 5 square meters, yes, it is a difficult task, but everything can be done. Before you start developing your design, remember a few important rules for organizing space and arranging furniture:

  • the general arrangement of kitchen furniture elements in 5 squares should be thought out so that during cooking, the distance between the stove, sink and refrigerator should be reduced;
  • the work surface must be between the stove and the sink. Its width should be from 80 to 120 cm;
  • it is recommended to place an area for towels, boxes for the necessary things near the gas stove;
  • the gas stove is recommended to be installed at a distance from work surface 20-30 cm;
  • if the family has small children, then a protective barrier should be installed on the stove. This novelty will allow you to protect small households from burns, from fire;
  • the stove should not be installed too close to the window, the draft from the window will blow out the fire. But you shouldn't put it next to the exit from the room either. According to the rules of ergonomics, all elements in a 5 sq. Kitchen are installed depending on the location of the gas stove and it is important to remember this when carrying out repairs;
  • the distance between the sink and the work surface should be 20-30 cm. The size of the height of this kitchen attribute depends on the height of the hostess herself, the main thing is that it is comfortable;
  • all household appliances should be placed side by side, for example, a microwave oven can be installed on the windowsill, and an electric kettle can be placed on top. If you have a toaster, then it should also be placed next to these elements. Also, the microwave can be put on the refrigerator;
  • the working surface should be located at such a height that the hostess does not get tired of the back while working.

It is advisable to purchase a small kitchen set. Above should be installed cabinets with doors, and below with drawers.

But the rules are rules, but how to make the interior of the room functional? Khrushchev does not always allow you to install many items, but, despite this, you can organize everything even in such a small area.

Decoration of surfaces and work area

For any housewife who spends a long period in the kitchen, the main thing is the correct organization of the working area. But besides this, when repairing, it is necessary to correctly select Decoration Materials.

Work zone

The working area is a place that consists of kitchen stove, refrigerator, sink, a set of kitchen furniture, and, of course, the place where food is prepared. When choosing kitchen appliances for such a small area, you will have to think carefully about which of the items to give preference to and which to refuse. When choosing, you should remember some rules:

  • stove - you can save on it by choosing a hob and adding a mini-oven to it;
  • when choosing a microwave, you should give preference to the mini-option;
  • the place under the sink can be filled with a washing machine or dishwasher;
  • instead of a vertical refrigerator model, a horizontal option should be considered;
  • the dining table must be convertible or folding;
  • the window sill can be an addition to the work area.


Kitchen renovation consists of wall decoration and apron design. This is the place that is located between the wall cabinets, the surface of the table, the sink. It is advisable to make an apron from a tile covering. Now there are many photos showing how this zone is designed.

Remember the surface properties of this zone:

  • the coating should be comfortable and easy to clean;
  • have a beautiful and stylish look;
  • must have high resistance to cleaning and detergents;
  • withstand high humidity and temperature drops.

Numerous photos will help you decorate the apron stylishly and aesthetically. It can be a bright place that attracts attention, or, on the contrary, it is made in neutral and calm colors.

Choice of finishing materials

Walls as well as other elements of the kitchen should be combined and harmonized with the overall design. For their design, you can use different types of material, the main thing is that the material is of high quality, durable and has stylish design... It is better to give preference to light colors, but if you wish, you can experiment with bright colors, making the room so that it gives strength and energy.

For the floor, you can use any materials parquet, laminate, linoleum. But it is best to give preference to porcelain stoneware, which can withstand all the loads available in the kitchen. One requirement is color. By color flooring should be combined with the interior of the room.

It is better to whitewash the ceiling or make tensile structure... The main thing is that it is light. White makes the room larger. A mirror or glossy surface will look beautiful.


First of all, you need to decide how the design of the kitchen room will be decorated, be it corner kitchen or square, it is necessary to arrange everything so that each item complements each other and is in harmony with the interior.

When renovating a 5 sq m kitchen in Khrushchev, many designers suggest using useful secrets:

  • doorways can be removed or expanded;
  • the dining area can be moved to another room or made compact;
  • it is desirable to use corner furniture. Corner furniture occupies less space and has good roominess;
  • the sink needs to be used convenient and small. To increase the functionality of this item, you can purchase a wide cutting board and install on the surface of the sink;
  • the refrigerator should be chosen narrow, roomy;
  • hooks can be made on the surface of the wall next to the sink, on which frequently used kitchen utensils are hung. And items that are used less often are best placed in lockers.


Renovation of this room also consists of a choice of lighting. Lighting in the kitchen of 5 square meters is important criterion the interior and functionality of this room. The visual perception of the entire working area of ​​the room will depend on how it is selected and installed. Fortunately, the electrical market offers many options for lighting fixtures of various modifications and functionality.

The type of workplace is influenced by the way of placement and the combination of lighting fixtures. Above the working area, you must set the most intense lighting fixture, and a softer light with a low intensity can be used to illuminate a common space. Many photos show the types of placement of lighting fixtures in the kitchen area.

One more important point- this is the choice of a suitable lighting device for the kitchen in Khrushchev:

  • halogen lamps - these devices are highly efficient. They emit bluish lighting. But they can distort food;
  • lamps with fluorescent light - have high efficiency and powerful lighting. This option is suitable for illuminating the work area;
  • an ordinary light bulb is inexpensive option... The lighting fixture has a fairly bright illumination, but has a high power consumption;
  • decorative type LED strips - this option is suitable for decorating a room. They have low functionality.

Furniture selection

When choosing furniture for a small kitchen room with an area of ​​5 square meters, it is necessary to consider important condition- all the necessary items should fit, but at the same time they should not interfere. Features of furniture for a small kitchen space:

  • there must be a corner cabinet. Below are photos with options for this design;
  • you can make a wide window sill, which can later be used for a work surface. In this place, you can store various household appliances - a microwave oven, a toaster, for this it is enough to change the curtains to roller or Roman ones;
  • Availability drawers will allow you to remove various utensils, food products in them. They can be installed not only in the closet, but also under the table, under the chairs;
  • It is advisable to use the entire space of a small kitchen of 5 sq m. Tall cabinets fit perfectly into the design of a small kitchen room. At the top of these structures, you can store items that are rarely used, and you can put the heaviest and largest ones on the bottom of the cabinets;
  • a good option would be folding furniture, for example, a folding table or folding table, folding chairs. These items can be picked up by first looking at the photo;
  • installation of a bar counter will allow dividing the room into zones and make it more spacious.

On small space several installation options are possible kitchen set:

  • g-shaped - most often such corner sets are installed in such a way that there is a door on one side, and a refrigerator on the other;
  • n-shaped - furniture is installed on three sides, thus creating a working triangle refrigerator - sink - stove;
  • with vertical block at the doorway - all tall objects are located in the far corner of the room;
  • without a refrigerator - with this option, this technique is carried out onto the balcony or into the corridor;
  • in one row is the simplest type of layout.


Layout kitchen space in Khrushchev, sometimes it does not allow to successfully place all the furniture and household appliances. For this reason, sometimes you have to resort to redevelopment, this method helps to slightly increase the space of this room. In this case, you can remove the wall between the kitchen and the living room or balcony, which will make the room larger as a result. And if you correctly design the design, you get quite stylish and practical kitchen area... For example, photos of kitchen redevelopment are suitable.

But still, do not forget about important nuances layouts of this room:

  • at the first stage, you do not need to develop a design, it is better to make a detailed description of the proposed changes, and you also need to take into account the zoning of the space;
  • when separating zones, it is necessary to consider which of them will be used more often. If this room will serve as a place for receiving guests, then it is necessary to allocate a small place for this. If this room will serve as an area for cooking, you can do without an area for receiving guests;
  • when carrying out repairs, use all the space, niches, corners, the place under the windowsill. Thanks to this, you can install those items that previously did not fit in this room.

When making repairs, do not forget to make a beautiful wall covering, apron. When installing furniture, use every corner, free space.

Owners small kitchens when planning repair work, one has to ask the question: how to make the space as rational and convenient as possible? A small area obliges you to save literally every useful centimeter, but you really want to fit everything you need and useful at hand, at the same time, so that the interior turns out to be beautiful, stylish and not boring. If you do not know how to optimally organize the design of a 5 sq. m, distribute furniture, appliances, work surfaces for cooking and washing dishes, then the information below will definitely come in handy.

Little Tricks for Magnification

Interior decoration for small-sized Khrushchevs is a difficult task due to limited possibilities. It is quite problematic to turn around on five square meters, so it is worth thinking about visual techniques, which will help create an expansion effect, add more light and air, and correct imperfections. It is useful to pay attention to the following design techniques:

  • Use only light colors when choosing a material for finishing floors, ceilings, and furnishings. Purely- White color too easily soiled, but sandy, beige, pale palettes will come in handy. Too rich, dark tone will narrow the already small area, but it will be completely uncomfortable to be in it. If you want to avoid monotony and boring in the room, use bright accents for decor, textiles, utensils, but get carried away strongly big amount not worth it.
  • When purchasing curtains, avoid dark colors so that they do not hide extra sizes and did not tire with their appearance. Light translucent fabrics made from a natural base will look light and airy. Alternatively, use blinds on the windows.
  • Try to use textiles and decor to a minimum, so as not to clutter up with unnecessary details.
  • For decoration on the wallpaper, patterns of medium size are selected, avoiding large and too small images.
  • Furniture should be functional, ergonomic, lightweight, and not take up much space. You can consider options with a folding design of chairs, or products with a transparent plastic seat, as well as a dining table with a transparent table top.
  • Glossy surfaces, mirror reflective texture will contribute to the visual addition of volume.

We design a practical and convenient design

First of all, it should be convenient to cook food, all objects and planes for cutting are located in an accessible area. Competent planning of the design of a small kitchen 5 sq. m is done using the following practical solutions:

  • It is not necessary to use sharp, contrasting transitions in finishing. It will not look comfortable and aggressive in a small area. For the floor, you can choose a homogeneous monochromatic material, the installation of which is best done diagonally.
  • Choose cabinets that store dishes and necessary accessories, follows from tall models, with a large number of shelves, drawers to save useful space. Let the doors of the products open to the side, or up, without taking up a free passage when opening. The width of the cabinets is preferably narrow.

How to choose the right layout option

Any housewife dreams of absolute convenience in cooking, receiving guests, in the family circle. How to achieve the optimal balance so that every detail is appropriate, being in the accessibility zone, and does not interfere with working with other objects. The functional arrangement of furniture implies correct zoning dining and work area, to prevent unnecessary clutter with furniture. Expand as much as possible a small area of ​​five squares by using the balcony, niches and recesses, adjacent premises, removing the front door.

To determine the appropriate type of furniture layout, study the shape of the room, taking into account the location of the window opening. Next, analyze the presence of all its components, because they should fit compactly and functionally into the surrounding space. You need to get a visual picture finished repair... You can do this using examples from the Internet, or by hiring a designer, but the easiest way is to sketch on paper with a regular pencil, with a scale commensurate with natural. Experts bring to your attention some of the most popular successful solutions, which you can read about below.

The main features of the layout of the corner 5-meter kitchen

Not sure where to start your long-awaited renovation? Initially, get rid of everything unnecessary, cumbersome, use little things to a minimum. Refuse products that do not perform practical functions, because your task is to achieve optimization, specificity.

Improve the existing window sill by expanding with a table top, constructing a bar counter. A free surface for work, a dining table, and an additional practical area are organized on it. You can exploit the place under it by building several shelves, cabinets for storing accessories, dishes, and various utensils. You can even mount a washing machine or other household appliances under the windowsill to save every corner.

Wall cabinets make great use of verticals. In the highest places you can store items that you rarely need to use. It is better to purchase the lower pedestals shallow, with dimensions smaller than the standard ones.

Special attention should be paid to functional fittings, various modern fixtures equipped on the headset: rotating structures corner cabinets, sliding panels, folding cutting boards. For a large family it will become ideal solution a transforming dining table, at which the whole family will fit, but when folded, it will not interfere with movement along the aisle with its dimensions.

From technology, it is advisable to choose narrow long models, a compact refrigerator, built-in household appliances.

Metallic color prevails in the interior, it is fundamental. It is complemented by companion colors: yellow, black and white, brown, notes of red.

What is the U-shaped furniture arrangement

In this layout, headsets, storage system, various techniques put about three adjacent walls. Suitable for square and rectangular shapes. The symmetrical layout looks traditional and will fit into the classic style of the interior. The hob, preferably also a refrigerator, is arranged side by side to provide convenience and save time during the work process. Tall pencil cases should be placed in distant corners, this will visually make them less intrusive. A refrigerator, cabinets with a built-in oven are located at the window, or at the entrance. In the latter case, the configuration increases the length of the corridor, forming corners, reducing the useful centimeters.

Advice. The role of the center of the composition will be perfectly handled by an effectively decorated hood, with a modern or classic decoration. She will focus on herself, making small mistakes. small room in 5 sq. m inconspicuous.

In the u-shaped layout in the corners between the parallels, corner storage systems can be equipped, in the form of boxes, thereby using all the hard-to-reach parts. As a result, a great working triangle will be created with the correct use of all components. In the adjoining living room, you can organize a through distribution opening, which will simplify table setting for guests.

Don't forget about correct lighting in this kind of layout. A full-fledged light should include not only ceiling lighting, but also be placed above the countertop, sink in the form of spotlights, or hanging elements.

Corner sink: important nuances

A good solution would be to arrange a sink corner type... The advantages of saving space are undeniable, and you will appreciate the comfort. The dimensions of the product are determined individually, taking into account the free area in the corner. By design, it can be a variety of models - straight, oval, round, modern design, consisting of two bowls of different depths, but it is important that the product is made of durable, wear-resistant material and combined with general interior... When choosing and installing a sink, consider the following:

  • You need to know how many dishes on average you plan to wash at the same time in order to guess with the size of the product. If the choice is made for a large family, then it is better to stop it on deeper models, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid inconveniences.
  • Pay attention to the temperature conditions indicated in the instructions. The product is exposed to certain loads, including defrosting food. To prolong the life, do not neglect technical characteristics products.
  • When installing a washbasin in a corner, it is necessary to provide for its strong protection against impacts in order to avoid mechanical damage.

Attention. The round shape of the sink may not be quite a good choice, since pans with long handles are difficult to fit into it. Better give preference to popular rectangular models.

Position this product with a right or beveled inner corner. With the direct version, difficulties may arise when opening the doors, therefore, the design of the modules is chosen as a folding one, connecting two facades with hinges. Questions with elements can be solved individually.

A beveled corner will take up more space, but it will also give the hostesses more roominess inside. With excessive depth, inconveniences arise, because it becomes harder to reach the apron, which complicates cleaning and washing.

Design options for a corner layout without a refrigerator

The corner L-shaped organization is considered the most rational. Along the 2 adjoining walls, install the necessary headset and equipment, ending with a window, a doorway. One of them remains free, without interfering with the movement of residents. Alternatively, a folding bar counter on consoles is attached to it, which is convenient to fold as unnecessary. Chairs also choose ergonomic - folding models.

The refrigerator is the largest item among the rest; it is often taken out into the corridor or into the insulated balcony. This causes some inconvenience during operation, but it also gives its advantages, freeing up precious centimeters for use for other purposes.

One-row organization principle

The most affordable, simple solution is a single-row layout, in a straight line. In this case, the headsets, appliances, work areas are located strictly in one line along one of the long walls. Minimalism often contains such a simple arrangement without cluttering the atmosphere with unnecessary items. The refrigerator is placed on the opposite side, or completely removed from the room, getting the maximum benefit from the convenient placement of the stove, sink, necessarily separated by a table. You should not focus on the work area, it is better to make it unobtrusive, not contrasting in color. Try to distract attention from her with bright details and decor from the opposite side.

Important. If the refrigerator is left as part of a single-row arrangement of the headset, then the dimensions of the oven and stove should not be more than 45 cm.

The subtleties of performing a two-row kitchen

The double-row set and appliances are organized on two parallel sides to maximize the use of work surfaces. Access to the window and the place near the entrance remains free, not cluttered with objects. Storage units can be high without weighing down the walls. On the one hand, we compactly fit the sink, the hob, dividing them with a countertop. Opposite them we fit a narrow refrigerator. As a result, an ideal working triangle is organized, as comfortable as possible for the housewives. The dining area is best done by the window, using the window sill as a table top. In addition, it will be pleasant to dine and observe nature on the street. Be sure to pay attention to the distance between the two parallel facades. Its size ranges from 1.2-1.5 m, but not less, otherwise free movement between it will be difficult.


Minimalism is characterized by laconic, understandable forms, correct geometry, a minimum of decorations and decorative excesses, so it will fit your 5 squares of the room very well. Modest sizes will require competent zoning using color, material. In minimalism, there should be clarity and clarity, at first glance, everyone should understand where the area for cooking is located, and where you can dine, drink coffee. Initially, it may seem that the room looks empty, but in fact, all the details are carefully calculated, functionality and ease of use are taken into account to the maximum.

The style combines modern natural and artificial materials such as durable plastic, steel, glass with wood, ceramic tiles, natural stone... Stretch glossy options are suitable for the ceiling, or ordinary plaster, plasterboard sheathing. Light colors of coatings are preferred: white, light gray, pale sand. Unacceptable fabric ceilings with patterns, photo prints, painting.

The walls are perfectly aligned, covered with a single color from a cold palette, without drawings. In some cases, one of the walls is accentuated with wallpaper in the dining area.

The severity of the design is compensated by comfortable, modern built-in household appliances. Deaf facades form a single plane made of plastic, wood, without glass doors. Facade color of the same tone, decor is unacceptable, graceful carving. Steel, chrome-plated handles look great on the cabinets, allowing you to conveniently open the structure. The hood takes on the role of an accent; it can be made original and effective. The design of the chairs is dominated by the office style, complemented by unusual structural elements.

Hi-tech style

Hi-tech style, intersecting with minimalism, includes the most modern trends in the field of science, design, technology. It is characterized by maximum practicality, clarity in lines, bright personality, excellent illumination of objects. In such an interior it will certainly not be boring, thanks to spectacular ideas. For a small room is optimal solution clearly demarcating. The composition is dominated by straight lines, forming a strict geometry without frills and intricacy. The leading materials are durable plastic, tinted and transparent glass, steel elements.

The most modern pieces are chosen from furniture, with a model appearance. The tabletops are usually made of glass and the chairs are made of plastic.

Classic style

The classics do not lose their popularity, thanks to their sophistication, beauty, restrained luxurious atmosphere of the interior. This solution will fit perfectly into the modest dimensions. Before renovation, keep in mind that classic is not a cheap pleasure, since finishing with natural expensive materials is preferable here. In rare cases, plastic and metal will only find their place if they mimic natural finishes.

Walls classic style cover with light tones of beige, brown, sand, cream. White color is often found, but it is too easily soiled, you will have to spend more time cleaning. Sheathing used wood paneling, gluing paper, textile wallpaper with plant ornaments, geometric stripes, medium-sized cells. For smooth walls, you need lush decoration.

V small room beautiful, rich looks arched shape doors, arch at the entrance. Such details will visually increase the modest dimensions.

Household appliances, work panels assume a symmetrical arrangement. Corner headsets irreplaceable in a small area. The apron is designed to be combined with the tabletop, or in contrast to it in color, material.

Furniture should be with a touch of luxury, with twisted legs, covered with gilding or decorative aging effect.

Secrets of choosing a color scheme for a small room

To be successful when developing a design in a small room, be sure to attract light colors that visually expand the atmosphere, move the ceiling upward and push the walls of the room. The effect will be emphasized by the glossy finish of the facades, interspersed with mirror chips on the ceiling, glass areas on the cabinets. A certain color should flow smoothly into another, more saturated one, but do not use any contrasts. Bright elements are used in small quantities, only to give an accent in one of the areas. Forget over large drawings on the wallpaper, choose plain materials with a shallow texture.

In a room with a north-facing window, use some warm shades of yellow, sand, beige, brown to fill the atmosphere with warmth, home comfort. If the room is too hot in summer, and the windows face south, cold tones of blue, olive, turquoise, aqua, gray will prevail. To organize a competent color design more than three colors are not recommended.

The bottom of the front of the headset is made 2-3 tones darker than the top, so that the length seems longer. But this is an optional condition, there can be a lot of options, how to put together a general composition.

Specialist recommendations for interior improvement

It is the main goal of any owner to successfully complete the repair so that it becomes much more convenient to use it later. To raise functionality you can, if you listen to a few secrets, implementing them in ideas. To expand the atmosphere, consider opening the door or removing it entirely. The opening can be made to the opposite side. If the door is completely removed, making an opening in the form of an arch, then the illusion of combination will be created, which will increase the feeling of spaciousness. However, for this case, it will be difficult to keep odors around the apartment from cooking dishes, so a powerful hood will be needed.

If you have an adjoining balcony, you can attach its area to the project. The additional area of ​​the loggia will successfully accommodate hob... An interesting option is to use the window sill between the balcony and the room as an original dining place. You can equip a mini bar with holders for fruits, glasses, cups, which will also save space. Another trick - you can replace a large stove with a hob with 2 burners, unless of course you cook a little and the family is small.

Take note of the available instructions and recommendations in order to competently, competently plan the repair, the recommendations received and unlimited imagination. It is then that the interior will become original, very comfortable for the whole family and pleasant to appearance.

A miniature kitchen in an apartment can be stylish and attractive, but it also requires a solid approach to furnishing. Thoughtful design is essential for developing space in a small room. Quite often, the kitchen is 5 sq. m, if you try, it becomes more interesting and original than those whose square meters do not create problems for the designer. The following photographs are evidence.

Kitchen design 5 sq. m

The kitchen in the apartment is often not very convenient and small. Renovation requires good planning. The miniature kitchen is 5 sq. m furniture should not take up all the space. Even large but cluttered rooms look smaller than they really are. This is why it is so important that the room is limited space was freed to the maximum. The most difficult thing is a good arrangement of the space and size of the equipment, which should be functional and comfortable. By organizing small interior kitchens 5 sq. m, choose light colors finishing materials that optically increase the space. It is worth considering white, light shades of gray, warm wood tones.

Kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq. m: important rules

Avoid filling cupboards from top to bottom in a small apartment kitchen.

Use wall-hanging and hooked shelves and organizers. They allow us to use the walls and free up the work surface, so we have more space at our disposal.

If you decide on white or beige cabinets, you will make the kitchen in the block more voluminous. Smooth, glossy facades also reflect light, enhancing the impression of the space.

Kitchen combined with the living room 5 sq. m: photos of interesting ideas

If the kitchen in the apartment is very small, it is worth considering opening it to the dining room or living room. Blurring the line between a room adjacent to a miniature cooking space is the most obvious way to expand its space. Install furniture across a kitchen width of 5 square meters. m. In very narrow room place one row of cabinets or an L-shaped kitchen set. If you want to have two rows of cabinets in a small kitchen, remember that the distance between them, that is, the passage, must be at least 120 cm.

Kitchenette in the apartment

If the kitchen is 5 sq. m is open to the living room, then you can plan its location more freely, because the walls are no longer a hard constraint. An added benefit of a combined kitchen is the ability to maintain eye contact with people in the living room, which is especially important when there are small children at home. When organizing a cooking room in combination with a living room, you must choose furniture accordingly. The fronts of the kitchen cabinets should be tailored to the living room furniture so that the entire area is consistent. It is also worth introducing the traditional boundary between the kitchen and the hall, for example, in the form of various floor coverings.

Small kitchen in the apartment: good design

When you cannot combine a 5 sq. m from the living room, or this solution does not suit you for various reasons, we can still have a fashionable and functional room for cooking. Special attention should be given to the selection and placement of furniture. Kitchen cabinets with light, sleek fronts will be the best. Tall constructions will provide a large volume storage facilities, and open shelves will add lightness. In a small, closed kitchen, all elements of a purely decorative meaning should be minimized. Kitchen design should be well thought out. Regardless of whether a room is miniature or large, narrow or spacious, when planning an interior, you should know several universal principles that will protect you from serious mistakes.

Small kitchen 5 sq. m - practicality and beauty 2 in 1

If you want to make the most of the very small kitchen space in your apartment, remember that every room with floor-to-ceiling furniture seems even more compact than it actually is. And in a small kitchen 5 sq. m this is especially noticeable. Better to choose cabinets in different levels.

Kitchen furniture and doors

In a very small kitchen block, you need to choose a custom sliding door. Low cabinets with glazed fronts and illuminated from the inside are recommended in accordance with the current fashion, not only for small kitchens. They are increasingly being used in kitchens open to the living room. If someone already decides to install top cabinets in a small kitchen, it would be good if their facades are made of frosted glass or translucent plastic. Transparent kitchen furniture located at eye level creates the illusion of space and a sense of depth. Sliding doors are especially recommended for small kitchens of 5 sq. m, which take up very little space.

Wide kitchen countertop- an excellent choice for a kitchen of 5 sq. m

A practical solution in a miniature kitchen is to increase the width of the countertop to 80 cm. Thanks to this, under the wall you can place compartments for storing convenient working tools: knives, spoons and other kitchen utensils necessary for preparing and consuming meals. By expanding your work surface, you get more space under the cabinet, which can now be 60 cm deep. The added 20 cm is also a place to store essential items. The extension of the base cabinets allows you to store more kitchen utensils in them, while the functional, pull-out shelves and drawers allow you to make the most of the space.

The kitchen for a family should be spacious, but our desires do not always coincide with the possibilities, therefore, we should equip the area that is available as comfortably and practically as possible. Even the kitchen is 5 sq. m can sparkle with new colors if you think over its design, choose suitable finishing materials and furniture. A room can easily become comfortable, functional and safe. The advantage of the kitchen is 5 sq. m is not its size, but even on such a miniature area, you can create an excellent room for use, which will decorate the entire apartment. Make sure of this by looking at the photo gallery of this article.


Kitchen in Khrushchev 5 - 6 sq. m - photo design with refrigerator

Today, the organization of an ergonomic layout is becoming more and more relevant - it is important that kitchen furniture and household appliances not only reflect a single style, but also be conveniently placed in the kitchen space.

Small apartments in Khrushchev have a fairly close space in kitchen... To create the most convenient and functional design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev in a small area 5 - 6 sq. meters, our professional designers furniture factory Folk cuisines from Loreto have developed a mass interesting ideas and individual design- kitchen furniture projects, which are widely represented in our catalog photo design, and fashionable interior small-sized kitchens 5 - 6 sq. m with different kinds household appliances, these are kitchens with: gas water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.

Arrangement of a small, small-sized kitchen - ideas and options

Accommodation refrigerator in a small kitchen Khrushchev has always caused certain difficulties.

Fridge is the largest item on kitchen, giving him space on scarce kitchen 5 - 6 sq. meters, consider the most common three options.

  1. At the entrance to kitchen... This is not the right place. In this case, it will not be possible to put a full-fledged even a small corner kitchen set with the right amount furniture cabinets. This arrangement refrigerator in Khrushchev even without this small space will hide.
  2. In the corner - opposite the kitchen furniture. Plus in this version, that more space and opportunities are allocated for development design and interior small kitchen in Khrushchev with enough items. The downside is the limited space for eating, i.e. dinner Zone.
  3. Fridge place in another far corner - at the end of the kitchen unit, thereby leaving more space for placing a dining table or bar counter, well, and even enough for kitchen furniture. To make it convenient to use refrigerator, its door should open from furniture to the window, i.e. access to content refrigerator will be the most free

Fridge it is advisable to place the kitchen set as close as possible to the working area, so that during the cooking process you can easily reach every point without making unnecessary movements, moving in a small space.

There is such a thing as the "triangle rule": ideally fridge, washing and gas stove should be located at an optimal distance from each other and in this form. In order to ensure ergonomics and functionality small kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator, stick to this rule strictly.