How can an old table be restored? We are restoring an old round table with our own hands

To add gloss, exclusiveness and chic, to make an unusual accent in the interior, you can use original table... Moreover, no one will guess that this piece of furniture used to be an unprepossessing ruin.

Restoration methods

There are many ways to improve, decorate and restore old table... But before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the future "canvas" - remove the old coating, sand it, screw in all the nuts and screws (so as not to stagger or dangle), putty, stain (if necessary) or varnish. Then start decorating. Conventionally, all methods of decoration wooden table can be divided into two groups:

    Surface painting, including self-painting, painting through a stencil or using stamps;

    Surface gluing special materials - wallpaper, self-adhesive film, decoupage with napkins or interesting clippings, gilding, photo printing, the use of mosaics or tiles.

The glass table will have to be updated a little differently. It is quite possible to glue it with wallpaper, film or make decoupage from the inside.

You can also paint the glass surface with special paints and get an interesting design.

How to upgrade a glass table?

Beautiful glass coffee table quite often can be found in modern apartments. As a result improper care glass top loses its attractive appearance.

The legs are loose, chips and scratches appear on the glass. If there are scratches on the tabletop, in which a nail can fit, then it is better to give the table to a special workshop, dispose of or replace the glass with a new one.

If the damage is not so terrible, then you can try to reanimate this piece of furniture.

You can get rid of the glass countertop from scratches at home both by handymen (toothpaste, soda, transparent nail polish) and special means(GOI paste, car polishes, means for polishing precious metals).

First you need to clean the surface, then gently rub in or apply the composition to the scratch. Do not overdo it, otherwise you may get several more instead of one scratch. Wait a little for the compound to set and clean the glass again.

To get rid of scratches, use the most common, non-gel toothpaste... Soda is dissolved with water to a state of gruel, approximately in a ratio of 1: 1. GOI paste must be used proven, real. Transparent varnish will not completely eliminate the problem, but only partially. At a certain angle of illumination, it will be noticeable that there were scratches in that place.

Loose table legs are also subject to repair. Usually, the table legs are attached with special glue. This glue can dry out over time. It can be removed and replaced with new adhesive. If the legs are attached to screws, self-tapping screws, then they can be unscrewed and replaced with new ones.

Now the table can be given a completely new sound using various decorating techniques:

    Paste the table with seamy side decorative film... Do not bubble when wrapping the table. It is better to glue the film a little, gradually pushing back the substrate. If bubbles do appear, then you can pierce them with a needle and smooth them out;

    Make decoupage. To do this, you need pictures (for example, from napkins or on rice paper, or images specially prepared for this), PVC glue or special for these works, brushes, a file, varnish for decoupage. The necessary equipment can be purchased in shops for creativity and scrapbooking;

    Paint with stained glass paints. Acrylic contour, stained glass paints, cotton swabs and napkins, alcohol for degreasing the surface, a sketch of a drawing, scotch tape - this is a set of items that will be needed for this work;

    Fix the backlight around the table perimeter, led strip;

    If the design allows you to make a mini-garden, an aquarium or a bright composition of stones, shells. When the table has a small box, which is covered with a table top on top, then you can put a pallet on its bottom and plant succulents (plants that do not need frequent watering) there. Or decorate the box with shells, stones, or other items.

How to restore a wooden table?

A wooden table can be made from MDF or chipboard, or from solid wood. In any case, the restoration of the old table at home will take place in several stages. Let's take a look at all these steps.

    Preparatory- check all fasteners, disassemble the table and re-fasten, clean the surface.

    Removing the old coating. Sometimes it may only be necessary for this special composition which removes varnish, paint. But most often you also have to use coarse-grained and fine-grained sandpaper, grinder. It is necessary to sand along the grain to avoid the formation of new scratches.

    Sealing cracks and chips. To do this, you need a putty for wood or a polyester analog. After filling, re-sanding. At this stage, you can stop and not carry out further work (except varnishing), cover the wood with wood stain, which will give the table a new color and look. For example, turn oak table in imitation of wenge or other wood species. But when the damage is significant, the next step is necessary.

    Primer and subsequent puttying. Without a primer, the varnish will lie poorly and unevenly. For wood will do alkyd or shellac primer.

    Giving the final design. At this stage, painting, pasting of the table is carried out. If the table is painted, the paint should be applied in at least 2 coats.

    Final coating with varnish or wax. Varnish and wax should be covered in several layers.

This refurbished polished table will last for years to come.

Written or magazine, children's or toilet - regardless of its purpose, it will become an interior decoration, because you spent so much time on it and put your soul into it.

How to recolor?

Table staining is the most popular restoration method. What could be more laconic than a white table? Only black. Therefore, the choice of paint (acrylic or oil, enamel) is very important. How long the restored table will serve depends on what paint the repair was made, or rather on its characteristics.

To choose a paint, you need to understand where and how the table will be used, what materials it is made of.

    Water-based acrylic paint suitable for heated rooms, withstands moisture well. Dries quickly. Can be washed off with water during application. But after drying, it does not lend itself to water. Alkyd compounds are considered more reliable.

    Oil paints are losing their popularity due to an unreasonably high expense.

    Wood enamels attract with their glossy surface and high performance. In addition, nitro-enamel paints set quickly.

The paint was selected and purchased; further repair of the table presupposes its coloring.

The surfaces must be pretreated, cleaned, removed the old coating, removed scratches and chips, putty, primed, protect decorative inserts, for example, made of glass, with tape. And only after the primer has dried can you paint.

To give an even color, the paint is applied in several layers. The first layer is actually rubbed into the surface.

Two or three layers are enough for a rich color to show through.

To apply an additional pattern to the countertop, you can use pre-prepared stencils or the most common tulle. When the base color has dried, the tulle (or stencil) is fixed and the pattern paint is applied. You can do this with a brush, but it is better to use a sponge or spray paint. Ready product, to give more aesthetics and strengthen the surface, varnish.

To give a graphic pattern (lines, zigzags, rhombuses, squares), you can use scotch tape. Mark the future drawing with adhesive tape, apply the first color with paint. If necessary, repeat the procedure with other colors. Varnish the finished worktop.

If it is necessary to achieve the effect of aged wood, then first a special composition is applied to the treated surface (cleaned, sanded and primed).

Patination can be done with a dark stain. Then the first coat of paint is applied to the wood. Then a second layer is applied lighter and more liquid paint... When the paint is dry, we go over the surface of the sandpaper. The desired effect has been achieved.

The table is ready for finishing with varnish.

We update the plastic table

Many are afraid to start decorating plastic table because of its material. In fact, a plastic surface is a more rewarding material for restoration. It does not require preliminary and lengthy processing.

The maximum is getting rid of scratches and chips. Well, if the surface is even, then it is enough to sand it just a little to roughen it up, the paint or soil could adhere better, or degrease it for further work- gluing films, wallpapers, tiles, mosaics, eggshell or decoupage.

To decoupage a plastic table, you will first need to process the table top. Sand it, put acrylic primer. Then think about how you will arrange the pictures. Make small sketches of their future location. Usually napkins or drawings on rice paper are used for decoupage, but for these purposes you can use any clippings and even pictures printed on a printer.

At the end of the work, the tabletop is varnished.

For a spectacular decoupage, you can use fabric. For decorative purposes, cotton material with a bright pattern is suitable. The decoupage procedure is the same, only PVC glue is applied immediately to the entire fabric.

Decor options

The restoration and subsequent decoration of the table is a very time-consuming process. But the result is worth it, because you can get an exclusive designer item with which memories are already associated. Furniture decor can be completely original and at the same time very organically fit into the concept of using the object and the room.

A laconic design is suitable for a book-table or folding table. It can be dyed one or two colors. And you can give nobility and accentuate the natural structure of the tree.

Extendable table you can decorate with drawings that may appear only when the tabletop is disassembled as much as possible. And of course, if this kind of table is used as a dining table, you can use kitchen themes in its decor - images of food, fruits and vegetables, cutlery. Kitchen table can be decorated with tiles and mosaics. This will be a very practical solution.

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How to update an old table: 10 ways to restore and step-by-step instruction to action

To this day, in many houses, there are still Soviet magazine, dining and writing tables. The design itself is made soundly and efficiently, but appearance years have not been spared. Let's take a look at 10 ways to restore such furniture at home, and craftsmen will receive a master class on restoring tables with their own hands.

How to update a table with your own hands - 10 ways

Really ways to update old furniture much more, we have chosen 10 options that a home master can easily master.

Method number 1: painting

Painting is deservedly considered the easiest and in an accessible way home restoration, for example, even a child can take a brush and paint the countertop, but we will talk about the technical side of the process later, and now we will try to choose a suitable paint.

Which paint to choose?

Illustrations Recommendations


Oil paints have been used to paint wood for over 100 years. You get a strong and durable coating for an affordable price. Most formulations give a glossy sheen.

But Oil paint does not allow air to pass through and eventually fade in the sun, plus it can dry up to 2 days and all this time will exude a pungent odor.


Acrylic paints are now hitting records in popularity. They are water-dispersed compositions based on acrylic resins.

These compounds are odorless, dry quickly enough and are absolutely harmless in the environment. In addition, acrylic is not afraid ultraviolet rays and has excellent vapor permeability.

In fact, the only negative is the relatively high price.


Alkyd paints have a high film strength and provide a water-repellent effect. The price of the compositions is reasonable.

But the alkyd coating has low abrasion resistance, so these compounds are not suitable for countertops in the kitchen, but a bedside table or a small coffee table in the living room will last for a long time.

Alkyd paints are applied only to dry wood (up to 12% moisture content), in otherwise the coating will flake off.

Enamels for wood surfaces

Enamel is not a type of paint, but rather a separate direction. There are acrylic enamels, alkyd enamels, nitro enamels and a number of similar compounds.

Enamels are matte, semi-matt and glossy. All of them are distinguished by their high strength and wear resistance of the coating. In the line of any type of paint, enamel is in the top position, it is more expensive, but the quality there is incomparably higher.

Most types of table restoration at home provide for preliminary staining with one or another composition, therefore painting is considered the basis.

Method number 2: art painting

Many home craftsmen are afraid of this method of restoration. Indeed, real art painting requires serious professional skills and talent. But no one asks you to transfer the plots of great artists to furniture, and it is not so difficult to draw a few flowers.

In addition, work with stencils and some types of applique work are classified as artistic painting. Agree, it will not be difficult to paint a curbstone or tabletop using ready-made stencils. You can find the right stencil at any book market, and sometimes even at the hawkers in the underpass.

Method number 3: craquelure

According to the definition, craquelure refers to a finish covered with a chaotic network of small cracks, as in an old painting. Now this effect is achieved through the use of special craquelure compositions, they are one and two-component.

  • One-component compositions are applied over the paint and upon contact with air, cracks form throughout the entire coating area during the drying process. They are cheaper and easier to work with. But a solid mesh looks only on plain furniture without painting or patterns.
  • Two-component craquelure varnishes are more practical, they can be used for partial finishing. First, the main component is applied over the entire area, and then in the right places it is coated with an additive, which causes cracking. Moreover, the grid is formed without clear boundaries, as if in a natural way.

Craquelure looks great when combined with decoupage technique. In this case, translucent pictures, cut out of thin paper napkins, are glued to PVA, after which all of this is covered in solid or fragmentary craquelure varnish, as a result you get an old piece of furniture.

Method number 4: mosaic

Mosaic paintings have been known since time immemorial, ideally smalt is used to create an ornament, but this material is expensive and it is too expensive to decorate an old table with it. Plus, smalt mosaic elements have different sizes and thickness, respectively, only professionals can work with them.

In our case, arranging a mosaic on an old table can be much cheaper. There is now a wide variety of tile and glass mosaics in hardware stores, the price there is reasonable. Also, combat is great for home mosaics. tile and even chaotically broken old CDs.

As for the technology of arrangement, the old countertop is usually cleaned to wood and covered with several layers of acrylic primer, and when the primer dries up, a mosaic is glued. At the amateur level, they use liquid nails or some kind of super-glue, each element is glued separately.

Professionals act differently, they take dry tile glue, dilute it with water and apply it continuously on the countertop with a notched trowel, after which they lay out the mosaic elements. The process is quick, but it's hard to lay out the pattern without experience.

If there is no time to lay out each element, then you can buy ready-made mosaic canvases. There small tiles initially fixed to fiberglass and all you have to do is glue it to the countertop with tile glue, and then wipe the gaps. Fast, high quality, but not exclusive.

Method number 5: self-adhesive film

The self-adhesive film is mounted on the countertop in a maximum of an hour. Now in this market there are countless options for decorating films, ranging from monochromatic coverings to imitations of wood, stone, and even reproductions of paintings by famous artists. Plus, the ornament can be ordered for a reasonable price.

The installation technique itself is not complicated, but the main requirement is considered to be a perfectly flat, polished base. I will tell you how to polish the countertop later, and the film is glued in 3 stages:

  1. After you have polished the countertop, dust is wiped off and a couple of layers of acrylic primer are applied to the surface, with each layer applied after the previous one has dried.
  2. Now we need a soap solution, you can dissolve a bar of soap in water or use a dish detergent. The solution is applied with a sponge to the worktop.
  3. The foil is glued from the edge of the countertop. The protective paper is removed gradually as the strip is glued. From under the part of the film that lay on the countertop, air is immediately expelled along with soapy water... It is convenient to expel the air with a plastic wallpaper spatula or rags.

Method number 6: decorative tape

Scotch tape is sold in stationery stores different colors and shades, you need to buy it in an assortment and stick it on the tabletop according to the principle of wallpaper. Although, to be honest, colored tape is more children's option... The child will be interested in the process.

  • First, the countertop is polished and degreased with any alcohol-containing solution, for example, cologne.
  • If the plane is pasted over solid, then the first strip is glued according to the previously drawn straight line, it is better to start from the edge of the countertop.
  • Subsequent strips are glued end-to-end and immediately rolled with a rubber seam roller. It is a rubber wheel with a handle, 25 - 30 mm wide.

In use, decorative tape is inconvenient. This coating will only look good if you don't use a table at all. If, for example, to equip in this way desk teenager, then the ribbons will begin to fly off in a couple of weeks, and there is simply no point in strengthening the colored tape with varnish.

Method number 7: epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a two-component compound that when bonded liquid components turns into hard plastic. For decorative purposes, transparent epoxy is used. You've probably seen transparent keychains inside which there are small objects, so this is epoxy resin.

With epoxy, you can quickly restore cracked and cracked countertops. You only need to connect the components according to the instructions on the package and pour the composition into cracks and potholes.

In addition, the decorative effect will increase significantly if, for example, silver with a phosphor (a composition that causes a glow in the dark) is added to a transparent epoxy. True, after the composition has completely hardened, the countertop needs to be sanded and polished.

Method number 8: decor under glass

Decor under glass can hardly be called restoration as such. The point is that a superstructure in the form of a flat box with a height of 50 - 100 mm is attached to the tabletop. The top cover of this box is made of glass, and any decorations are poured inside, for example, seashells, colored stones or small souvenirs.

Method number 9: painting through tulle

In many rustic styles a patterned tablecloth on the table is considered a mandatory attribute. With the help of white and some kind of contrasting paint, in a couple of hours you can equip the decor for a tulle tablecloth with your own hands. This is one of the options for stencil painting.

  • You need to find a piece of old tulle, preferably without holes.
  • Now you need to paint the countertop white.
  • When the paint is dry, lay out the tulle on it and make sure that the pattern looks adequate. So that the fabric does not accidentally move, it is advisable to fix it with pushpins under the table top.
  • Then take a can of nitro enamel with a contrasting paint and evenly apply the composition over the tulle. After 15 minutes, the tulle can be removed, and after half an hour the table is ready for use.

Method number 10: gold leaf (gilding)

V classic styles fragmentary gilding of furniture is often performed. At the amateur level in budget option you can use gilding paint, but the view will be mediocre.

Potal is the application of a thin layer of gilding to the surface. The technology resembles working with a simple carbon copy, only instead of a layer of transfer paint, there is gilding. The master attaches a stencil to the surface, and then applies it to the right places A "gold" carbon copy and rolls it. The effect of gilding is much higher here.

When working in the potal technique, after applying a gilded layer to the surface, it is necessary to cover this surface with several layers of transparent varnish so that the gilding does not wear off.

The sequence of the restoration work

About the final phase and decorative effect we talked about each type of finish, now we will analyze the technique of preparing the table for decoration, which, by the way, is common to all methods of restoring old furniture.

Determine the degree of wear

To determine the level of wear and tear of furniture, it is advisable to completely disassemble it. Then carefully examine each structural element. In addition to obvious potholes, scratches and cracks, we are interested in the places of delamination. facade cladding and places eaten by bark beetles.

Choosing a material

To carry out restoration work, you will need the following materials:

  • Putty for wood, you can use parquet compounds.
  • Primer for wood. The composition is selected with an eye on the paint or varnish with which you plan to cover the furniture. For example, under acrylic paint acrylic primer is used, under alkyd paint, alkyd, and under the oil must be primed with linseed oil.
  • Finish paint or varnish.
  • For cleaning metal from rust, the composition WD-40 is used.
  • A set of emery in the range, from large to velvet.
  • You should not take a separate antiseptic for a tree, it is easier to choose a soil with an antiseptic effect.

Step-by-step instruction

Illustrations Recommendations
Step 1

First, you need to remove the old coating. This can be done with a large emery or a construction hair dryer.

It is not advisable to use chemically active removers to remove paint, they can irreparably damage old furniture.

Step 2

All deep potholes and cracks are cleaned and expanded with a knife or chisel, after which they are primed and putty.

Step 3

All parts are sanded. Start with medium grit emery and work up to velvet.

Step 4

Cover the table with soil and leave it to dry completely.

Step 5

Apply at least 2 coats of topcoat or varnish. It is better to work with a spray gun, in the absence of a spray gun, brushes are used.


The methods and instructions for the restoration of old furniture listed by us have been repeatedly tested in practice and are guaranteed to work. The video in this article shows the process step by step. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

November 24, 2018

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An old table, if it is still functional, can easily be converted into a new one. The result may even exceed your expectations, because the new table will be brighter, more original and, most importantly, positively charged with your creativity. Stock up on inspiration simple materials and forward, to embody ideas!

A note before starting: in almost all cases, the table needs to be prepared for the transformation. Wipe it with a sandpaper, clean it from dust and degrease it with alcohol or special means.

Paint in stripes

Painting is one of the fastest and most effective techniques in furniture decor. To make it more interesting, we suggest making the table striped. Masking tape will help you to do the job: paint the table in the main color, and then glue strips of adhesive tape and apply a couple of layers of a different color. Peel off the tape - the effect is ready. Can be repeated many times to make stripes of different colors and widths. Do not forget to cover everything with varnish for reliability. TIn the same way, you can create zigzags, for example.

Paint with slate paint

The table painted with a special slate paint will be laconic black or dark green. But now you can leave notes and draw with crayons right on the table. And how much more convenient it is to play board games where you have to write down the glasses! The table itself can serve as a field for tic-tac-toe or a gallows.

Cover with foil

The film also may not be simple, but slate or even with the effect of a white marker board. Above a table with a pattern of triangular pieces of film, as in the photo below, you will have to tinker a little longer, but the result will be very stylish!

Stripes with multi-colored tape

A striped table can be made not only by painting. Lines of decorative tapes or electrical tape of different colors and patterns will make the table bright, shiny and elegant. This is perfect for a nursery or add a touch of mischief to an adult interior.


Ceramic tiles or mosaics will make the countertop not only beautiful, but also very practical, because the tile is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. The principle is the same as with walls: tile adhesive plus grout. You can take the whole tile, or you can beat it for the effect of the Spanish mosaic. You will find more creative ideas from the remnants of tiles.

Paste over with pages of books

Pick your favorite book and give it a second life: glue each page to the table with PVA glue. Several layers of varnish (preferably from a spray can) will make the surface smooth and ennoble the color. It is a good idea to take dictionary pages or sheet music.

Romantic lace

A simple technique will help to make the countertop more elegant - coloring through lace. To do this, you need to take a lace napkin or tulle, which you do not mind ruining, put it on the table on top of a base layer of paint and apply a different color on top. It is better to use a sponge or spray paint so that the image is not smeared by the movement of the roller.


An old table in your home is more than just a piece of furniture. In a sense, this is a story, a memory of ancestors, a symbol of the long-term stability of the home.

The old table can be restored, giving it a second life, and saving yourself a lot of money to buy a new table.

The ideal balance between careful attention to the history of one's own family and the needs of everyday household comfort is provided by the restoration of the table with your own hands. Indeed, you should not rush to throw away the old table found in the attic - good repair is able to breathe a second life into a dilapidated object, saving its owner's money for buying new furniture.

Perhaps such a renovation will also give new aesthetic sensations at the sight of unusual shapes and silhouettes, will delight you with the pleasant warm texture of solid wood, cleaned of dirt and layers of outdated finishes.

But before proceeding to the description of the course of restoration work, let's see how you can perform them in the best quality.

Materials and tools required for the restoration

For work on restoring and updating the old table with your own hands, it is recommended to stock up on tools and materials from the following list:

Hand tools for restoration.

  • electric drill, wood drills;
  • a set of chisels;
  • face planer;
  • hammer;
  • nail puller;
  • screwdrivers (flat and Phillips);
  • clamps;
  • jigsaw (manual or electric);
  • pliers and round nose pliers;
  • hacksaws (for wood and metal);
  • assembly knife;
  • a set of files;
  • measuring devices (ruler, square, tape measure);
  • felt polish;
  • set of brushes;
  • joiner's glue;
  • acrylic varnish, stain.

Restoration of a wooden table: the order of operations

The restoration begins with the removal of old varnish and paint.

Before proceeding with the implementation of this plan, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire table and its most hidden corners and crevices. This is done in order to correctly assess the general technical condition of the subject and plan the total amount of work.

Almost any cardinal table restoration begins with its disassembly. As a rule, the older the object, the more of its details require serious instrumental intervention. In some cases (if, for example, a tabletop for a very long-term operation severely warped) certain parts to be restored is simply pointless - it will turn out to be too expensive and ineffective.

Then it is better either to independently make a product that is completely out of order, or to order a part from specialists on the side. If the damage from time and from improper storage turned out to be not so destructive, then the old structure should be carefully strengthened. This means, in particular, that the existing not very strong joints must be tightened, and strongly loosened joints must be disassembled, then cleaned and re-twisted or glued.

It has been noticed that in furniture one of the most affected components over time is the paintwork.

The varnish is ripped off the table to the very base.

Therefore, often, when they begin to renovate an old wooden table, you have to deal with ripping old paint(which may be stacked in several layers) from table surfaces.

If there are too thick coatings or large areas of damaged surface, it is recommended to use a drill with a metal brush attachment to remove the paint, or grinder... After the old paint has been completely removed, the next stage of preparation is carried out.

It consists in degreasing the cleaned surface. This can be done by wiping thoroughly wooden parts a soft cloth soaked in special solvents suitable for this coating, alcohol or acetone. At the same time, obvious defects are sanded with emery paper or a grinder.

However, old damage (potholes, scratches, chips, etc.) cannot always be removed by grinding. High-quality restoration presupposes the obligatory putty of the surfaces of the old table. It should not be forgotten that after the putty has completely dried, all surfaces to be treated must be sanded well again.

If possible, it is advisable to process the old wooden parts separately, after carefully separating the tabletop and underframe. The table top is sanded again, after which it is painted with a paint suitable for furniture and covered with 2-3 layers of colorless varnish. This operation is carried out without haste, with keeping each layer of paint and varnish until they are completely dry.

in the presence of faults, these places are glued and pressed tightly against each other with a clamp.

The other part of the table - the underframe - often requires even more attention than the tabletop. After many years of operation, it can have cracks in parts and serious fractures. If the owner of such a rarity nevertheless decides to restore it, then he should first disconnect the legs from the underframe using the appropriate tools.

Fracture points for further connection of the dispersed parts must be glued. Then, using clamps, these parts are pressed tightly against each other. Sometimes, for better tightening of the cracked parts to each other, you can use self-tapping screws, which come in handy in inconvenient places where it is difficult or impossible to install a clamp.

After the glue has dried (after about 12-15 hours), the self-tapping screws are removed from wooden elements table. The tabletop and underframe are connected to each other either with glue or by providing a removable connection, which will be very useful in small apartments.

The restoration of the table ends with varnishing of the wood details. But before that, they must be opened with a stain. To avoid drips, it is better to do this with a piece of soft foam rubber. After the stain dries wooden surfaces tables are primed with transparent varnish (primer) and lightly treated with a thin sandpaper.

How can “specialized” tables be restored?

When updating tables, you should always take into account their purpose and where they will be located in the future:

The table for the nursery can be decorated with photographs and drawings.

  1. Children's table. It is recommended to glue clippings from bright glossy magazines or children's pictures to its surface after removing old paint from the countertop and sanding it. Then all this is covered with 4 layers of acrylic varnish.
  2. Restoration dressing table. Original decision it can be a reworking of an old toiletry table under a sink stand. A hole is cut in the middle of the table so that a sink fits into it, but without significant protrusions above the surface of the table. Ceramic tiles can be glued to the remaining space on the countertop.
  3. Kitchen table. You can paint an old piece of furniture with some bright paint. A film is glued to the painted countertop, which, for example, imitates beautiful lace. At the same time, the film can not be glued to the table top, but attached from below with special brackets.
  4. Updating the writing desk. You can cover the old countertop with some eye-catching wallpaper. To give the furniture freshness and solidity, wallpapers that imitate the texture of wood of any kind are well suited valuable breed... To give the composition a sense of integrity and completeness, the table legs can be varnished in wood tones.
  5. Coffee table. With this option, it will be in good harmony with a bright pattern with geometric elements. It is better to choose some dull paint for the background, which is recommended to be applied to the countertop with a spray gun. The geometric pattern is applied to the dry painted surface with a brush or special masking tape. Fragments between stripes can be filled with paints of bright colors.

The kitchen table can be decorated using decoupage technique.

If the table legs are detached from the underframe, it is worthwhile to mark in advance exactly where the particular leg was. Install each leg in the place where it was before the repair.

Covering the table with a white primer, one must be prepared for the fact that then almost all defects will become visible on its surfaces.

To provide furniture surfaces with maximum durability, the lacquer coating must have at least 3 layers, made paint roller, 5 layers - with a spray gun and 10 layers - with a cotton swab.

Grind wooden countertop follows along the wood fibers. If you do this across the grain, there will be noticeable small risks on the countertop.

Taking on the restoration of old furniture with your own hands, it is worth thinking about the fact that this process is not only an opportunity to save your money, but also an excellent chance to reveal your talent as a master of home design.

Remember, I told how I dreamed of a round table? And how long did I think and search? And then the “old underframe” practically found me. Beautiful, about the middle of the last century.

And now, after a month, the table is ready, took its rightful place :) and makes us happy :)

And today I will show you how the restoration process went.

Let's prepare the tools. I have it small Sander, plus separate sheets of sandpaper of different numbers for self made... All kinds of brushes, napkins, etc. :).

Let me remind you how I got the underframe. It was purchased at the auction "hammer".

First, I sanded off the entire old coating - it was an old varnish and it (surprisingly) gave in to sanding well.

I processed large planes with a machine, and all round parts, depressions, small parts by hand.

First with coarse sandpaper, then smaller. and then very small.

The work took about three evenings :). As a result, I got this kind of beauty.

After the entire underframe was sanded, I thoroughly vacuumed it, wiped it with a damp cloth, dried it well and once again checked the smoothness and uniformity of the entire surface. Making sure it's ready for finishing got to work :).

Prepared cover and brush. In my choice for the coating, this time I stopped at “JOHNSTONE`S Satin Woodstain Protective semi-matt coating”.

Before starting work, I filtered the composition through a nylon into a clean disposable bowl. To clean the brush, I prepared a solvent in a separate jar. She also kept a rag soaked in solvent on hand, so that in case of an error, she could quickly fix it.

She laid a large sheet of covering material on the floor. She turned the underframe upside down. And she began to carefully apply "paint".

There is no need to rush during the staining process. You can't put a lot of paint on a brush. Paint or varnish should not run over the product, otherwise there will be smudges, which will then dry out and ruin the product.

It is necessary to cover at least 2 times with a time interval of 1 day (or follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the paint and varnish material).

So, the underframe is ready, now we proceed to the countertop.

We bought a round pine worktop with a diameter of 100 cm. I also sanded it well. But due to the fact that the pine soft material to achieve smoothness you have to work hard. After each fumigation, I wiped the tabletop with a damp cloth, thereby lifting the nap of soft fibers. And she was satisfied only after the villi stopped rising.

Using a level, we installed the tabletop on the underframe and secured it with dowels and special glue on wood.

After it “stuck” I applied the first coat of paint.

The next day, when the coating was absorbed and dried, I sanded the countertop again with the finest sandpaper. And I applied another coat of paint. A day later, I wet the tabletop with water and sanded it "wet" again.

So it turned out for me 4 layers, until the surface began to completely satisfy me. It turned out to be perfectly smooth and even.