Homemade from plastic PVC pipes with their own hands. How to make a greenhouse with your own PVC pipes

Polyvinyl chloride pipes are practical materialwhich can easily serve to create a greenhouse. The construction of such a design in the garden plot involves following the technology of work with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves.

Greenhouse from PVC pipes: pluses and cons of material

Polyvinyl chloride is good material For water supply pipes. Products are characterized by efficiency, but especially noteworthy of them. universal application. PVC elements are often used to create greenhouses on garden sites. This is due to the characteristics of the material.

PVC pipes have a complex of advantages compared to other materials. It is due to the fact that polyvinyl chloride products do not rot like wood, and are not subject to corrosion like metal. The main advantages of PVC pipes for greenhouses are as follows:

  • lightweight material;
  • simple installation technology;
  • the ability to create any forms;
  • durability and low price;
  • lack of the need for painting frame;
  • light assembly and simple pavement of pipes.

Polyvinyl chloride products possess the disadvantages. The essential light of the elements of the PVC framework requires the organization of high-quality consolidation of the foundation, the establishment of the foundation. IN otherwise The greenhouse will be unstable, and with sharp gusts of the wind increases the risk of design deformation. And also negative features of the pipe when used for the greenhouse are expressed at a lower service life than when using metal profiles.

Greenhouse Dimensions and Drawings

Before creating shelter for growing garden crops You need to create a drawing. Pre-determine the necessary design sizes. Depending on the type of plant, the height and shape of the frame are selected. The arched version is in demand, which involves the installation of arcs from pipes. Mini greenhouse can also be made from PVC elements, but it costs to provide reliable base, After all, the construction can damage the strong wind.

Arches can be angular or semicircular. The first option requires a more thorough calculation of parameters, that is, the lengths of each element. For a semicircular greenhouse, you need to calculate the length of one arch, taking into account its necessary height. To do this, also take into account the width of the structure. For example, with a greenhouse width of 3.5 m, the arches will be needed, the length of which is 5.5 m. The design height will be about 1 m, but it is important to take into account the dimensions of the plants that will be grown inside.

Little greenhouse, the length of which does not exceed 3 m, does not require the creation of a foundation, but the light wooden frame will ensure reliable fixation of the pipes. For greenhouse, the greenhouse needs a drawing, as well as the correct development of the design of doors and forces. At the same time, the distance between the arches or racks should not be less than 80 cm.

Selection of material

To create a reliable greenhouse, only qualitative materials. PVC pipes, fittings, frame elements should not have cracks, traces of rotting and corrosion, deformation. Otherwise, the arch and the base of the greenhouse will not be strong enough, and it is impossible to create a large shelter for plants from such material. Work on the construction of a greenhouse involves the following materials:

  • pVC pipes with a diameter of at least 2.5 cm. Elements must be pre-cut into parts on the necessary dimensions;
  • self-tapping screws 20 mm in the amount of more than 100 pieces;
  • clamps for fixing greenhouse films;
  • fittings and tees for connecting pipes;
  • dense film or agropol for the greenhouse;
  • steel rods, wooden boards 50x100 mm.

PVC pipes with a diameter of less than 2.5 cm can be used when building a greenhouse to create short slats or crossbars. It is impossible to do from such a material the basis for which strong products are optimal. When choosing pipes should pay attention to the wall thickness. Very subtle options are not suitable, as they quickly deform.

How to calculate the amount of material

When calculating the number of pipes, it should be considered the length of each arc, additional crossbar. All parameters of these elements are folded. It turns out the total length of pipes. Next, you should consider the size of the largest parts, for example, the length of the arches. PVC pipe segments should not have a smaller size than the length of the arch. The material is cut according to the features of the design drawing.

The number of films should be defined depending on the area required coating. In the middle of the greenhouse, you should not make the seams and therefore the material should be solid, and connect the edges best on the sides. Self-tapping screws and metal plates for fastening should be selected with a margin.

We are building a greenhouse with hand

The greenhouse is easy to build with your own hands, it is important to know the technology and observe it.


The manufacture of a greenhouse from PVC pipes does not require complex tools, but all devices must be high-quality, sharp and accurate. This will significantly reduce the installation time and improve the reliability of the structure. The list of tools includes the following items:

  • roulette I. building level;
  • hammer, hacksaw, screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for working with metal;
  • apparatus for welding PVC pipes.

All tools need to be prepared in advance, and should also be cutting the pipes on the segments of the required size. For wooden elements The frame is mandatory with antiseptic composition or staining, which will prevent damage to the material.

Step-by-Step Guide: Greenhouse Making

Before you start assembling a greenhouse from PVC pipes, you need to prepare a framework. Wooden boards It is written according to the length and width of the greenhouse, and then treated with an antiseptic. After drying, it is possible to fasten the basis with nails. Plot for the greenhouse also need to prepare and align. Next steps are as follows:

  1. In the corners of the installed frame, you need to lean the reinforcement rods with a length of 50 cm. This is necessary to comply with the exact diagonal of the design.
  2. Segments of reinforcement in an amount equal to the number of arches must have a length of 70 cm. Elements should be driven off outside Frame, observing the distance between them at least 80 cm. Armature is necessary for the stability and reliability of the Arch. Next, you need to create arches by welding pipes with tees and crosses made from PVC. For extreme elements, cut off two identical segments, connect them to the tee, to which to attach the central crossbar to further.
  3. Finished arcs are installed on reinforcement rods located along the long sides of the frame. Pipes should be inserted into the valve on the one hand, and then bend manually and pasted from the other edge. PVC material is flexible and therefore it is easy to bend it with their own hands without the use of tools. At the same time, it is important to do it carefully, because you can damage the middle, which is bonded by a tee or cross.
  4. Next, you need to make a central bar to secure the design. Little greenhouses with one small bed do not need such an element, but for high designs it's necessary. The direct PVC pipe should be cut into segments, the length of which is more than a distance between the arches by 2 cm. The obtained elements are welded to tees and crosses in the middle of each arc. After this base, the arches fixes to wooden frame With the help of clamps made of metal stripes.
  5. If necessary, you can make a frame door frame from wooden bars. To do this, at the end of the greenhouse you need to install two segments of reinforcement, defining the borders of the door. Further, the frames are narrowed from bars, which is then attached to the reinforcement and the base of the greenhouse.
  6. In addition to the door frame, you need to make fixing elements. To do this, carefully measure the height in the locations of their location and make a design from bars.

Video: making a greenhouse with their own hands

PVC pipes are a good material for creating a greenhouse. There are many options for the manufacture of shelters for plants and therefore it is important to choose the optimal technology.

Ways to create such things like a bow from polyvinyl chloride pipes Very much, on the Internet, you can find the most sophisticated ways, but first of all, I want the manufacturing process to be simple, comfortable and not troublesome, including no time and effort. Here with such ways and it is worth meeting. Consider the three simplest and understandable way Manufacturing onions independently.

Method number 1.

With the help of the first method it is quite possible to make interesting Luc, the design of which is not disassembly. In comparison with multiple tips and concepts of manufacturing process, this option is perhaps easier than everyone. The main nuances in the creation of Luke is the presence construction equipment, such as a technical hairdryer.

For the manufacturing process it is necessary to arm:

1. Polyvinyl chloride pipe, having parameters of length about one and a half meters, and a diameter of about 2.5 cm.

2. Technical instrument hairdryer.

3. Narrow hand saw, Flomaster and measuring tape.

4. One long piece of wood and two pieces having a length of about 80 cm.

5. Device for drilling process with a metal rod and aluminum paper (see).

6. Coloring agent for making decorative properties.

7. Scotch and gloves of any variety.

So, at the initial stage of the production of onions, it is necessary to make the markup of the pipe from polyvinyl chloride. Using the measuring tape, you need from two endings of the pipe to measure a 30 cm long section and 60 cm, followed by an emptying designation. For these purposes, for the convenience of the process, you need to use the felt-tip bright color. Next, it is necessary to determine the central point of the pipe with the maximum accuracy, for this you need to measure 75 cm from any end of the pipe. Fill the marker mark. Then, to determine the site that will be taken under the handle, you need to measure 8 cm from the central point in both opposite sides. Naturally, fix the marker marks.

The next stage of the production of Luca involves the creation of a pipe strain from polyvinyl chloride. For this, in order to convenience, it is necessary to create an auxiliary element that will help heat the pipe. A piece of aluminum paper needs to be bend so that two perpendicular planes are formed. Simply put, creating an angle of 90 degrees.

Next, the process of deformation and creating bending itself. To achieve what you need, you need to take the PVC pipe and one end to close the corner element from the foil. Showing care and accuracy, focusing on the pipe markup, you need to heat the pipe, which is located at a fixed point of 30 cm. Using in this case a technical hairdryer, the heating process will pass quickly and fragile. Need to take into account good resultIt is necessary to try to heat the entire alleged pipe of the pipe. When heated, turn the pipe.

Uncovered bow out PVC pipes - step 4

After visually it is clear that the pipe site has become soft, to ensure that it does not lose the right temperature and simply do not cool, you need to wrap it in aluminum paper. Not losing time to prevent coolness, you need to do all similar actions with another end of the pipe. If it becomes visually noticeable and sensitive to the touch that the first heated area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe began to cool, it is necessary to heat it additionally, resorting to the help of the same technical hair dryer.

It is very important to understand that in the process of heating the pipe from polyvinyl chloride, it is necessary to try to prevent when the surface of the pipe will begin to be covered with bubbles, black bloom or lose its color. Otherwise, this will indicate that the heating process occurred too quickly and unevenly.

After dividing the final part of the pipe to equal participation, with the subsequent markup with the help of a marker, it is necessary to hold the line from the central point of the pipe to one of the edges of the deformed ending. The correct slope is the position inside the bow below.

Having retreated from each of the ends of the pipe a distance of 3 cm, you need to fix it with the help of a marker and to drain rounding the endings of the future onion. According to the battered rounded line, it is necessary to cut everything too much. By analogy of the process with the second end of the pipe, it is done all the same.

To hide ugly cuts using a technical hairdryer, you need to heat them and after they become enough elastic, bend the edges of the pipe into the inner part of the future onion. Another end need to be processed in the same way. Alternatively, sections and their edges can be made by a grinding skin.

In order for the transitional section between the deformed edges and the base of the onion was smoother, it is necessary to slowly heat the transition site, focusing on a mark of 30 cm and about 4 cm on its both parties. In the process of heating the pipe, it must gradually expand and the transition site itself will become smooth. This time can be used (while the section is heated) to create a bend of the end of the product. Regarding the base of the bow, the bends must come forward. In the same way, it is necessary to create the bending of the second end of the pipe. As a result, at the end of this stage, a smooth tube should be obtained with the presence of endings curved forward.

Next, you need to warm up the segment of the pipe from the mark of 30 cm to the initial line of the handle. After the procedure you need to be bending into the inner side of the bow and give cool. On the opposite side you need to repeat the procedure. As a result, the features of the future onion should begin to see.

And at the final stage it is necessary to make a bending of the handle. This process is necessary for the convenience of bite use. According to the already familiar principle, it is necessary to warm up the plot allotted for the handle, the technical hairdryer and to hold it between the legs, creating it the type of ellipse. Skinny parts of the ellipse should be perpendicular to a person holding a bow. At the same time, it is necessary to lift the opposite parts of the bow, while achieving changes in the position of the handle, it should bend into the inner plane of the bow.

Complete the production of Luke with the process of creating places for the tight tight tight of the Capron thread or the twine. Recovering from each end of the onion about 2 mm and from the front part about 1 cm, in the outlined mark, it is necessary to make the appropriate holes. The diameter of the hole should be about 5 mm. After that, a special saw must be cut down the groove with a tilt, located on the edge of the bow to the drilled hole. Naturally, from the other end of the onions it is necessary to repeat the process.

To give the bow beautiful external viewWith the help of coloring substances you need to apply their layer on the surface of the bow, thereby reorganizing it. Color you need to choose, according to your desires. If before applying the paint, it is a bit to treat the surface of the onion with an eyeline, it is possible to ensure the ease and quality of application. paint texture. Scotch tape or another, it is necessary to wind up the ends of the onions (focusing on a mark of 30 cm) and the area under hand.

Now you can use the product created by your own hands.

Method number 2.

As it has already become clear, this place will be destroyed under the handle. We must not forget that all sizes are given approximate, if the palm is much more, then the markup should be carried out, given the size of the human palm. Otherwise, keeping the bow will be just inconvenient.

With the help of construction equipment, you need to warm up one side of the pipe from the initial line of the handle to the very end. After the pipe from the polyvinyl chloride has become softened and flexible, you need to put it in a predetermined design of the board.

In the case of using a pipe from polypropylene, the board will not help create a clamp and deform it. In this case, besides the boards, you need to use more rigid and durable materials and devices, for example, an iron corners and a tool with which it will be possible to press the pipe. After clamping one part of the pipe, you need to get it. All specified actions must be done with the second part of the future onion.

Next, you need to proceed to the formation of the handle. Protecting his hands with gloves or any cloth, after heating the desired part, you need to create a convenient place in which the bow is supposed. In the case of using polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to repeat steps to create a handle using more rigid tools. It is necessary to try not to overdo it, it is very few.

Then, it is necessary from each end of the pipe to measure the section of 15 cm long. Using any tin can, you need to put one end with a measured point to it so that the point that defines the segment of 15 cm is located strictly through its center. From this point on, you can start working with a technical hairdryer, bringing the pipe to flexibility. By bringing to the desired state, the softened segment must be spinning around the circumference of the container.

It is important to note that it is necessary to show attentiveness and not to rearrange. In case of strong overheating of the product from polyvinyl chloride, it will begin to change the color, turn yellow and lose its quality properties. If the pipe from polypropylene is cut, it simply scores.

Building a fastening for a stretch thread, you need to cut down the bilateral recesses at the ends, controlling the depth. Do not make them through. As a guide, the same rope from polypropylene and capron will fit. Alternatively, you can try and cotton. If any other rope is available, which has no properties to draw, not doubting, you can use it.

For the manufacture of arms for onions, you can buy wooden narrow specks made by factory. To view the arrow, it is recommended to use a natural feather, when shooting it does not injure your hand. The length of the rails must be chosen so that it is enough for the tension of it. In order to avoid sliding arrows on the thread, you need to cut through their deepening ends. To ensure good engaging in objects, opposite arms ends must be well sharpened and driving with hard material. Now you can enjoy.

All three methods of manufacturing onions from PVC pipes are considered, and the choice of the simplest and convenient remains only for you.

Greenhouse country plot Not only is his decoration, but also allows you to get a harvest of environmentally friendly vegetables for the whole family.

To achieve this goal, a greenhouse made of PVC, built with their own hands. Not always standard designs offered by the market are suitable for the area in size and form.

One of the popular ways to arrange this is a simple structure - make it yourself. This uses various materials, structures, installation methods.

Don't need a greenhouse? We offer to familiarize yourself with the article -.

Types of greenhouses

Devices for the organization of closed soil can differ significantly from each other. It depends on many factors, including from the form of structures, materials for its manufacture, seasonality of use, the presence of heating and its mind.

When using PVC pipes, the following structures are usually suited:

  • wounded - the construction is adjacent to one or two walls of the building, residential or technical;
  • greenhouse with two slopes in the form of a house;
  • polygonal, having loaven roof;
  • arched - with a rounded dome.

Wounded structures

Usually they are installed at the wall from the southwestern or south side of the building. In this case, it is a battery of thermal energy, heating around during the day and giving it into cool night time.

This allows you to smooth the daily fluctuations in temperatures, which has a beneficial effect on plants.

The disadvantage of such greenhouses is permanent action on the air wall high humidity The inner atmosphere, which can contribute to its premature destruction.

This can be avoided, plastered the surface and paints it with waterproof paint. You can use tubular brackets in the form of a glass to fasten the greenhouse frame to the wall.

The internal size of the pipe must correspond to the outer diameter of the frame of the frame of the frame so that it is free to enter it. The connection must be fixed with the screw perpendicular to its axis. Metal bracket must be painted to protect against corrosion.

As a coating for such a greenhouse, it is advisable use monolithic polycarbonate. It is transparent, which makes the structure with an additional decoration of the exterior of the site.

Double types

This is the most common form for closed soil devices. Popularity is explained by a simple frame shape, which can be performed with your own hands when using pipes and PVC fittings in standard version.

Such a frame is durable, durable and sufficiently resistant to wind and snow influences. Such frames provide a low reflection coefficient, and this contributes to the optimal heating of PVC greenhouse under the influence of sunlight.

If you install the slope for more sharp angle, it is possible to achieve an arbitrary gathering of snow masses from the roof, which allows you to get rid of the need to periodically clean the winter.

But this is possible only on a hard coating that does not be flexing from the load. This property has window glass or cellular polycarbonate.

Two-tight greenhouses are equipped with doors and vents for ventilation. Through them produced warm wet air accumulated under the roof.

If the side walls of such a greenhouse are installed with a slope, lighting in the morning and evening clock will be higher. This somewhat complicates the design, but in medium latitudes such a solution will be justified.

Arched structures

No doubt are the most popular forms of structures for the device of closed soil. The design is distinguished by durability, good stability and easy to use mounting. In addition, the preparation of the place for its installation does not require complex solutions.

Thanks to the use of PVC lightweight pipes, the greenhouse frame is easy enough to move it without disassembly to another place, which improves the possibility of optimizing crop rotation.

The versatility of the material allows you to choose any size and configuration of the structure.

Arched form The greenhouses are demanding of its location in space. The structure must be oriented his axis from the south to the north. In this case, in the morning and evening hours there will be a maximum number sunlight.

In the daytime, the dome of the greenhouse is most highly illuminated, where the refraction of the rays is not so significant.

Dome buildings from PVC pipes

This design can be considered an arched execution option. Such a form ensures the unhindered gathering of snow from blood, which facilitates service in winter.

In addition, this form is better suited for growing highly growing plants. Ventilation B. dome Teplice Much more efficiently, given the reduction of space in the upper part of the structure.

Make a greenhouse from PVC pipe with their own hands is easy, because the assembly technologies are used during installation for water supply systems. At the same time, the same fittings are used.

Selection of place and site preparation

The efficiency of its use largely depends on the choice of the location of the greenhouse. We have already indicated the importance of orientation for the parties to the Light. But it is also important that it is in a well-lit place, not being darkened by the growing rustic bushes or trees.

In addition, the playground on which the structure of PVC pipes is installed should stand on a strictly horizontal platform. The durability of the structure depends on this. If its skews occurs, the conditions are created to shift the coating of polycarbonate or glass, followed by its destruction.

In the sizes of greenhouses from PVC pipes up to 6 meters in length, it can be installed on the basis of wooden bar. It needs to be put on a flat area since autumn, and in the spring additionally check on the horizontal and observance of the form.

As a rule, this is a rectangle and sufficient to achieve equality of diagonals. After performing this operation, the base must be additionally fixed to the soil anchors.

When installing a wooden base under it, it is necessary to plug the drainage layer of a sandy-gravel mixture with a thickness of 10-15 centimeters. This will allow you to more actively remove excess water from under the greenhouse.

To install a greenhouse from PVC pipe, more than 6 meters long to use capital ribbon foundation . This is especially important for soils subjected to seasonal swelling.

Calculation of the need for materials for greenhouses from PVC pipes + drawings

To determine the number of materials, it is necessary to develop a drawing of a greenhouse from PVC pipes for manufacture with your own hands.

In order not to perform tedious calculations for each part separately, it is better to use millimeter paper to perform the drawing. This will allow, with a certain scrupulousness of execution, to obtain true dimensions by measurements. Accuracy with this method of execution is sufficient to perform the calculation.

It should be borne in mind that all handling materials are produced in standard lengths. Therefore, when designing, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of their rational cutting to prevent unnecessary waste.

Standard dimensions Some materials:

  1. PVC pipes of 20-25 millimeters are produced in lengths 1, 2, 3 and 6 meters.
  2. Wood timber bar coniferous rocks - 4 or 6 meters;
  3. Polycarbonate Cellular thickness 4, 6, 8 millimeters is available in sheets of 2.05 widths with a length of 4, 6 or 12 meters.
  4. The film polyethylene thickness of 90-200 microns is sold in rolls, the width is from 1 to 3 meters. When installed, welding width is allowed. For this, a fairly homemade iron and aluminum foil.

The distance between the arcs of the greenhouse from PVC pipes is selected depending on the coating material. For the film, it should be 0.7-0.75 meters.

If the coating is performed by a polycarbonate with a 10-12 centimeters styling sheets, then it is necessary to provide for each sheet of support at least 3 arches, that is, the distance between them should be: (2.05 - 0,1): 2 \u003d 0 , 97 meters. The number of sheets is determined by a given greenhouse long.

Separately calculates the number of materials on the end walls. The carrier design is made of a wooden bar with a size of 50 x 50 millimeters and is stitched with the material of the main coating using 35-20 millimeters with a thickness of a thickness.

The design of the end walls should provide doornery The width of about 90 centimeters with a height of 1.8-2.0 meters to make it convenient to use the garden car. In the upper part of the end wall you need to foresee.

If polycarbonate is used for coating, its mount is made in two ways:

  1. By imposing a screed across the body of the greenhouse. This item is made of galvanized steel strip with a width of at least 40 millimeters with a thickness of 0.7-1.0. The length of the strips must exceed the frame of the frame approximately 0.5-0.7 meters, which are needed to form a clamp. The stretch is made by a pin M10, the length of which is 20-25 centimeters using two nuts with washers.
  2. Fastening to the arches with sliced \u200b\u200bscrews with special compensating washers with an installation step 250-300 millimeters.

To install doors and the vessels, you will need canopies for 2 pieces per item. Below are drawings of various options for sizes.

Connection of pipes and fittings when assembling greenhouses

For assembly, greenhouses are applied pressure pipes from PVC and the corresponding fittings - couplings, corners, tees and crossmen.

When a set of details are needed, they need to be checked for compatibility. Normal fitting should be put on the pipe, plunging at least 2/3 of its own length.

Adhesive connection

The glue compositions for PVC as the main component contains precisely this material, diluted with a special solvent, which holds it in fluid state. As additives, additives of various kinds to improve adhesion and make the composition of the desired consistency are used.

After applying glue on the parts, there is a mixing of the long chains of PVC molecules, and as a result of the evaporation of solvents, the mass is thickened. The material of both parts is mixed, forming a monolithic durable node.

By purchasing glue for PVC, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the instructions for use in which there are instructions on the method of preparation for gluing and the proper conduct of the process.

For room temperature The tilt time of glue is about 4 minutes. At a temperature of 40 degrees, it is reduced to one minute.

The part of the natural value is cut from the pipe with special scissors. They are arranged in such a way that they do not leave at the end of the burrs.

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Cut can be performed by any saw with small teeth (Handling for metal), but after that you need to carefully remove burrs, which may adversely affect the combination of parts when gluing.

Before bonding the surface, the connected parts must be prepared in a special way. The main goal is degreasing. The gluing can be produced in the outdoors if the weather allows. The air temperature should be within 5-35 degrees.

It is important to remember that the brush for applying adhesive masses should be made of natural bristles, otherwise synthetic material It will also be dissolved and it can damage the strength of the compound. Often glue manufacturers include a brush of delivery.

The gluing of the parts is performed in the following order:

  1. Perform fitting pipe and fitting for compliance. Mark the border marker of glue.
  2. Clean the details from burrs and gross damage.
  3. Degrease glued surfaces.
  4. Apply adhesive with a special brush.
  5. Combine the details, putting on the fitting on the pipe. Turn the parts to an angle of about 90 degrees and set to the desired position. This operation should ensure a uniform distribution of glue on the surfaces.
  6. Details must be hard to hold for 15-20 seconds.
  7. Depending on the ambient temperature, drying time and the final grasp of glue will be up to 4 minutes.
  8. Excess adhesive mass From the surface of the parts, it is necessary to remove the vehicle.
  9. The glued parts cannot be moved within 15-20 minutes.

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When gluing parts from PVC, the following defects may occur:

  1. Partial non-flux occurs with uneven applies of glue and, if there are gross damage on the surface. In addition, it can bring the loose layer of glue - time after applying to the combination of parts no more than 12-15 seconds.
  2. In the production of work in conditions of minimally permissible temperatures, it can lead to a soft pectoite, which indicates insufficient glue polymerization.
  3. Porous adhesive layer is formed with uneven applies of glue. The reasons for this can be contaminated in the gluing area, poor mixing of the adhesive mass before applying, involuntary offset on time drying.

Bonding is the main method of assembly. However, when the greenhouse framework is erected, there is no need for the tightness of the compounds. Therefore, when performing such work, a method of assembly using metal fasteners is often used.

Build a frame of PVC pipes on the screws

The nature of the loading of the elements of the carcass of greenhouses from PVC pipes allows its assembly using fasteners. This method even simplifies the assembly process. The scope surface is not an obstacle to drilling, if you use the simplest conductor.

When installed, you may need a drilling at the installation site. With PVC pipes, it does not represent problems. It is enough to leave a deep label in the right place, which is easily performed by a sharpened triangular pin of any metal. In this case, the drill will not slip toward the slope surface.

To assemble the greenhouse, it is enough to use standard M6 bolts with a comfortable head shape. For their installation, the holes with a diameter of 6.5 millimeters will be needed. Together with the bolt it will take the appropriate nut, the standard washer and the spring washer - Grover. Caution needs to be shown when tightening - PVC pipe is not distinguished by high compressive strength.

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Independent fill of the foundation

The reference base for the greenhouse is also necessary, as for any other structure. Only in this case it works somewhat differently.

Heaven itself, especially made of PVC light pipes, has a slight weight and large sailboat. If it does not strengthen it well, it may well go to "walk" in neighboring sites.

Watch video - Benefits of concrete foundation

How can you arrange a foundation for greenhouse:

  1. The reference base from a wooden bar is established if it is planned to keep a greenhouse in this place for 2-3 years. However, it is possible, not shifting this construction, just replace wooden base.

It uses a ram 150x50 or 120x100 millimeters for it. Before it laying, it is necessary to align the site and remove the turf from the location of the support base.

It is necessary to arrange a drainage layer of a mixture of sand with a gravel with a thickness of 120-15 centimeters. The super drainage is to lay waterproofing from the rubberoid to one or two layers.

Lay a bar on the frame of the frame. The resulting rectangle check on the equality of diagonals, fasten the sides with each other. Before laying, the material needs to be treated with an antiseptic, it will increase its service life.

It should be noted that antiseptic machining does not guarantee long time Greenhouse operation, it will have to either be transferred in a few years, or change support.

Fastening the base to the soil can be produced different ways. Most often pruning fittings 80-90 centimeters long, driven into the ground. But the screw anchors are more reliable. It is more expensive, but more reliable.

On it poured a layer concrete solutionwhich establishes the first angular block. It must be carefully set up the horizon using the construction level. Then pull the cords and put the remaining blocks around the perimeter. Time setting malanted solution It is about 7 days, after which it is possible to continue the work on the installation of the carcass of the greenhouse from PVC pipes with their own hands.

  1. Brick foundation on concrete base It is installed in the presence of loose soils on the site. For the device, under the greenhouse, it is necessary to open the trench in the ground with a depth of 40 centimeters and width 20. By its bottom, it is necessary to make a drain layer with a thickness of 15-20 centimeters. It must be tamped and shed water to better seal. Install the reinforcement in the number of two lived in 5 centimeters from the subfocation, using a broken brick stand. It is advisable to install a formwork, aligning its top edge along the horizon.

Pouring concrete to produce in one right, continuously. At the same time, the M12 anchor bolts should be installed at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters one from the other.

After complete rejection of the concrete, put a brick belt in two bricks around the perimeter.

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After the week, you can start installing the carcass of the greenhouse.

Other methods of manufacturing the foundation for greenhouses are used using other materials. Their choice most often depends on the availability and type of balance of main construction on the site.

Step-by-step instruction for assembling a carcass greenhouse

Kits for greenhouses different sizes Sold in the construction markets. The attached instructions give a complete picture of the order of their assembly and installation.

But not always their designs and sizes satisfy the buyer to match the place of installation. Then the greenhouses from PVC pipes of the desired size They are made with their own hands.

But the main techniques of assembly and installation from this do not depend, since the components are the same.

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When assembly, the following connecting elements are used:

  1. A glass is a plastic product with an inner diameter corresponding to the outdoor pipe size. Fasten to the base with a self-tapping screw through the bottom. The tip of the arch is inserted into the hole and is fixed with the screw.
  2. The tee is a connecting element with three holes. When assembling the arch, perpendicular coaxial holes are used, designed to install longitudinal ribs in the process of mounting the frame. Used only for the manufacture of extreme arches.
  3. Cross is used for the same purpose when installing intermediate arches, to which the longitudinal ribs are bored on both sides.

Fastening of mating parts can be made on glue or screws. The second method is more often used, as the greenhouses are set, as a rule, in early springWhen the outdoor temperature may be insufficient for a reliable adhesive connection.

When installing the greenhouse directly on the ground arches can be installed on the pins.

For the manufacture of pins applies reinforcement steel, the diameter of which is selected depending on internal size used for pipe frame. The length of them is 0.6-0.8 meters, into the ground is divided into a depth of about half a meter.

After installing all the arches around the perimeter of the frame, boards are installed wooden box. Their size is 40-50x120-150 millimeters. The mount is made directly to the arches using a metal strip by self-tapping screws.

Watch the video

The installation of the framework on the prepared base is practically no different from the described procedure for greenhouses from PVC pipes when mounting the ground.

Mounting doors for greenhouse

For a normal greenhouse, two doors are needed, which are installed on both end walls. Their main purpose - provide convenient service indoor space Constructions.

Therefore, the width of the opening should be at least 90 centimeters, which allows the free passage of the garden car. The height should be about 1.8-2.0 meters.

In addition, the passage device must be sealed enough to ensure the preservation of the microclimate at night.

In addition to the door in the greenhouse are installed several velocity vessels. They are needed to remove warm wet airwhich is assembled in the upper part of the structure and are harmful to seedlings and greenhouse plants.

For the manufacture of the door, a wooden bar of 50x50 millimeters is used. The rectangular frame of the door is separated by the cross. The obligatory element is the drive, which gives the structural stiffness. The connectivity of parts is additionally enhanced by corners made of galvanized steel.

The door canvas is performed from the same material as the main coating of the greenhouse - film, polycarbonate or window glass.

Watch video - Installation of doors

Installing the door to the place of use is performed using standard door canopies in the number of two pieces.

The doorway on the end walls is formed in the process of making their skin. For this most often used wooden barsEven if the main material of the frame is the PVC tube.

Installation of the coating - polyethylene film or monolithic polycarbonate

To separate the premises from the outer space is made in several ways:

  • installation of a cell or monolithic polycarbonate with a thickness of 4 - 8 millimeters;
  • coating polyethylene film Thickness 90-200 microns.

It should be noted that the use of the film costs at times cheaper, but it is necessary to change it, as a rule, annually.

Watch the video

But the polycarbonate, if he is high-quality (you need to fear the Chinese fakes), it can serve up to seven years, after which the material begins with the wear of the outer surface.

Before installing polycarbonate sheets to the top ends, the arches need to install the adhesive sealing tape itself.

The sheet is installed in such a way that the internal cavities are located vertically. This does not accumulate moisture in voids.

For installation, special fasteners are used, taking into account the material properties, to work with which only the standard tool is needed.

Watch video - Installation and fasteners of polycarbonate

The thermoshaba and an elastic sealing ring is installed under the screw, and its head is protected by a cap. It should be remembered that this material has an increased coefficient of thermal linear expansion. Therefore, the hole under the screw should be 1.0-1.5 millimeters more diameter Screw.

The distance between the attachment screws should be no more than 400 millimeters.

The joints and adjoining of polycarbonate coating are performed using doborny elements.

The procedure for making polycarbonate installation is as follows:

  1. Sheds with leaf end walls of the greenhouse.
  2. Extra parts are cut on the framework. To do this, you can use the ordinary construction knife.
  3. Cut openings under doors and windows.
  4. The first sheet of polycarbonate is imposed and attached. At the same time you need to perform a ot of 8-10 centimeters.
  5. Next, the remaining sheets are followed and attached.

Installation of the film coating is performed in the following order:

  1. The head walls of the greenhouse are trimmed with film. At the same time, the edges on the edges of the door and fittings, it is attached to the layers of 15-20x40 millimeters and nails of 60-70.
  2. By forming a frame, the film is fastened with a construction stapler as a temporary measure.
  3. The film on top of the frame is set after the sealing of the ends. It is placed in such a way that it remains to fall on the lower wooden base to which they are attached to the planks. If the greenhouse is installed directly on the soil, the edges need to be fed under the base of the frame and pour out the ground.
  4. The edges of the film are wrapped on the end sides and are attached to the straps together with the previously installed film on the end wall.

Pros and Cons PVC

The material has a number of positive qualities in the following:

  1. Fast and easy installation and disassembly designs.
  2. The structure in a disassembled form takes a little space and has a little weight.
  3. The construction of the greenhouse from this material does not require possession of special skills or skills and is available for building with their own hands.
  4. Availability and low cost of materials for building greenhouses.
  5. High strength and resistance to external factors.
  6. The service life of the PVC frame is estimated at least 10 years.

Even with a great desire to find explicit flaws in the design of the greenhouse from PVC pipes is not easy. It is believed that they are dangerous to put in the region with strong winds.

But it equally refers to any materials. And the solution is alone - the installation of additional stretch marks and rigid ribs. For durability is also not recommended in such conditions to use soft Material For coating.


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P arnik, or, simply speaking, the greenhouse is an integral component of any country area or garden. This construction protects plants from the adverse environmental impact. Although the greenhouse is not heated, it is still warm inside it. This factor is provided by materials from which the greenhouse is made. So, pipes from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are widely used as a frame. Let's find out how to make a greenhouse with your own PVC pipes.

PVC pipes

  • Strength. Such pipes will not break under huge severity. Studies have shown that one element of PVC average size is able to withstand weight up to 500 kilograms;
  • Elasticity. As you know, for the construction of the greenhouse, you need to create arches from pipes. Metal I. wooden materials make it quite difficult, while PVC pipes easily bended to fit form. Arcs for the greenhouse with their own hands with ease are made only if you use PVC as the source material;
  • Durability. All products from polyvinyl chloride do not break down dozens of years. Therefore, the greenhouse will be a reliable refuge for your plants for many years.

If you decide to make a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands, then polyvinyl chloride is the best material existing today.

Video: Greenhouse options for cottages

What is needed in order to independently build a greenhouse?

The construction of a greenhouse is a fairly fascinating and not complex process, the main stages of which are presented in the photo below.

The greenhouse consists of three main elements: foundation, frame, coatings. These elements are made from the following materials:

  • PVC pipes. It is desirable that their section equals 13 mm, since this size is most optimal to create a greenhouse;

  • Boards. Preferred treated, durable wood, the thickness of which varies from 20 to 40 millimeters. It is desirable to cover them with a transparent varnish before masonry - this maneuver will give strength to the construction;

  • Steel wire. Need to connect pipes with each other. Prepare segments from 80 cm to 1 meter. Their quantity must be twice as bigger than pipes;
  • Coating. For this purpose, you can use a special greenhouse film or polycarbonate sheets. They are strong enough to protect plants from negative environmental factors. In addition, they pass the air, so cultures are not covered;
  • Also need a hammer, pliers, self-tapping screws, nails and another trifle.

To make greenhouses do it yourself from PVC pipes, stock all the above materials in the desired quantity. The larger the size of the greenhouse, the more the materials need.

Article on the topic:

Phased greenhouse instructions

Creating a greenhouse consists of 4 stages:

  • Construction of the foundation of wood;
  • Installation of fasteners for PVC pipes;
  • Installing arches;
  • Covering the greenhouse.

Consider each process more.

Wood foundation

To begin with, it is worth the platform, which is assigned to the greenhouse. With the help of roulette and steel rods, make the corners of the greenhouse. Using the level, you can check how far the surface of the earth is.

Next, in the corners of the greenhouse, dry the trenches (they should be 4) at least 10-15 centimeters depth. There are 4 boards, which serve as a foundation for a greenhouse. These boards should be strengthened with nails and self-drawing. So it will be possible to achieve better fixation and durability of the greenhouse.

Installation of fasteners for PVC pipes

Next, drive the steel bars to the ground. They need to be installed evenly. In order for the length between the rods is the same, count their quantity, divide into two (one batch per side) and measure the length of each side. Then count optimal distance between rods. It is important that they are located opposite each other and that the distance between them is the same. Steel bars are driven into the ground with a hammer. They must stand close to the foundation, that is, to the boards that were installed before.

Also for fixing the arches, you can use special glasses that are attached directly to a wooden base.

Installing Arok.

In order to create arches from plastic pipes, It will take the pipe bender, or a construction hairdryer to warm the pipe and give it an arc form. After the arch is ready, it is worn on a steel rod from two sides and attach to the base with the help of a clamp.

After installing all the arches at the top point with wire, the pipe is attached to the entire length of the greenhouse. This additional ribbiness will give structures strength and stability.

PVC Industry offers a large selection of fittings for pipes, so there are special crosses to impart the design of the presentable appearance and ease of installation.

Collect your hands greenhouse from plastic pipes (photo different models Presented on the network) you can at least some size.

Taking into account the highest elasticity, various lengths and diameter of pipes, various methods Fastening may also be a greenhouse with all the desired shape. More extending such designs:

Greenhouse from polypropylene pipes


Doktor Lektor Writes: So I carry a WFA Wheat five to you, we sell such in the store, only more expensive ...., with a minus truth .... Mogue to solder, but we could not eat .... Saved

Andrei Babichev Writes: The video correctly called - the pipe of PP, and he himself all the time I say PVC), and expensive, the profile of 20x20 is cheaper, and it turns out ready to buy almost the same amount wounds .. This is the situation

Taisiya Povalia writes: before the first snow

Doktor Lektor Writes: Yes Polypropylene collapses under the action of sunlight, but the process of long and his age is enough, while you are smarting a man's crop here and saws on your stupid kits, eternal there is nothing, your brain and liver are also destroyed under the influence of moonshine, but as soon Subzdets will come alone ... knows

MotorBaster hurricane Writes: I wonder, you have to try this to yourself. And what region of shooting?

Plastic pipes used for the manufacture of greenhouses can be purchased with dimensions from 2 to 7 meters. Choosing a long tube, actually avoid additional connections.

The diameter and thickness of the pipe wall are selected taking into account the size of the structure. For medium-sized landlords, small greenhouses from PVC pipes will be relevant, which are quickly and easily collected and disassembled. Photo of greenhouses from PVC pipes with their own hands demonstrate a variety of forms of structures.

Greenhouse from PVC pipes do it yourself for a little money

Also an indisputable advantage of polycarbonate to cover the greenhouses made by their own hands is its durability and durability. By mouncing the design, for long and long years, you can forget about the damage to the arrangement of the greenhouse on its site. When the polycarbonate is selected, pay high attention to its density - less dense sheets are more progressing under the weight of snow, so they will require more care. Greenhouses from PVC profile are optimal option for accommodation on small dumart sites and house territories.

Their construction takes a little time, requires minor physical and financial costs. This species Greenhouses are characterized by low weight, high reliability and durability.

How to Build A Greenhouse


lenya Ku Writes: The film is enough for the season, and the pipes are all

Sasha Kampo. writes: good _ya

Yang Pro. Writes: By the way, the wind holds. Additionally, on top of the film, the fishing net with a large cell threw. The film did not damage not one wind in any place. As already said the pipes from the heat rushed.

denis Fedorov. Writes: What diameter pipe? PVC or polypropylene

Yang Pro. Writes: Made as you. Stone summer and pipes from the heat came. Although the idea is worthy. Maybe it is simply necessary to invest in the pipe pipe. And so well I got. Vintage is normal. After 2 months of operation justified itself. Grown passed at a wholesale price. If they trading themselves, they would pay off for the month.