Concrete tiles do it yourself. Paving tile do it yourself - the simplest way to manufacture paving slabs

1. Modern materials and technology allow many blanks and decoration Materials To repair the house and landscaping the household plot do it yourself.
Now you will not surprise anyone artificial stoneMade at home. In our article we will tell about how to make paving slabs with your own hands. Makeable manufacture paving tile, has a number of undeniable advantages, among which:

- Savings. Tile made with your own hands will cost you much cheaper than the purchase of already finished tiles. Of course, it is not necessary to save a lot on
Materials themselves.

- Strength. With the independent manufacture of paving slabs, it is quite possible to achieve a sufficiently high strength of the elements, however, you must admit that
For laying in places of travel or parking car, this tile is still not suitable.

- Exclusivity. You independently determine the form and drawing of the elements, which allows you to realize your creative ideas, and the site acquires unique

- Ecology. For independent production Tiles do not produce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, because it does not require the use of special equipment,
In addition, the material from which such a tile is manufactured is also environmentally friendly.

- Durability. When complying with the manufacturing process technology, the tile will serve you for many years.

Materials required for the manufacture of paving slabs

2. For the production of paving slabs, only the most qualitative materialsSince the tile must comply with the increased requirements of wear resistance and strength.
Therefore, we use the cement M-500 brand. It is the cement of this brand that can provide the necessary quality after frozen.
In addition, we need:

  • - Sand;
  • - water;
  • - Colutory (if you plan to give a special tint to the tile);
  • - plasticizer (this ingredient you can find in any construction store);
  • - Lubrication for forms. It is produced in the ballots - it can also be purchased at the building materials store. The lubricant will not allow the sealing of the product and the form - which will significantly simplify the procedure for extracting the finished form;
  • - fine-sided crushed stone.

Required tools and equipment

3 . For the manufacture of paving slabs with their own hands you need the following equipment:

  1. - Concrete mixer or construction mixer;
  2. - Vibrating table. Of course, you can do without it, but in this case you will have to independently break the edges of the forms of rubber Cyans filled with
    In order to eliminate bubbles of air from a flooded mixture. Otherwise, it is impossible to guarantee high strength of products;

  1. - Forms. Here the rule is: the more your set of forms, the faster the case will go. you can use ready formsOr make them alone: \u200b\u200bfrom wood or metal.
    Do not use too complex forms - stacking such a tile will not be simple;
  2. - Finally, the racks that forms will be laid. It is extremely important that racks had a strictly horizontal surface, otherwise you will get curves elements,
    Use them is very difficult.

Paving tile manufacturing technology

4. When materials and equipment are ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of a mixture for tile. The mixture is prepared immediately before the fill in the form.
Thoroughly mix a large portion of sand and cement in proportion 1 to 1. Yes, before using, do not forget to sift the sand through the sieve - it should not
Be trash, foliage, stones, etc.

When sand and cement are mixed, add water, and without stopping the concrete mixer - 2 parts of rubble. Next is added plasticizer and kel.
The mass fraction of the plasticizer is usually 1-2% of the mass of cement, the coller is 5%.
When the mixture is sufficiently mixed, we produce forms, processing them with pre-lubrication. As a rule, it uses the usual Soviet shovel. Loading forms should be made by
One level. To do this, we recommend to make special marks inside forms. After loading the concrete in the form, it is necessary to ensure the elimination of air bubbles from not yet frozen

For this, a vibratory table is used (vibrations should not be too strong) or simple kiyanka - She is cutting for shapes. Quality of finished product
Directly depends on the correct and qualitative execution of each stage of the work. How qualitatively the current stage is the elimination of air bubbles
- Directly reflected on the strength of your tile.

Now you need to "mature" concrete. He must capture and dry - it will take at least 2? X day. What would prevent the cracking of concrete in the drying process
Tightly cover finished products polyethylene film.
Finally, we will tell about the technology for extracting the finished tiles from the forms. This is a responsible stage of work, during which it is important not to damage both the tile itself and the form -
If you plan to use it further.

For this, the tile in the form is laid in warm (but not hot! The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees Celsius) water.
After removal, the tile is stored and covered with a heat shrink film. After drying, the product is ready to use.

As you can see, the manufacture of paving slabs does not work with their own hands, requiring special skills. If you adhere to the technology described above,
You will be quite able to make high-quality and beautiful tiles.

5.Videos: production of paving slabs with their own hands

Creating things with your own hands takes a lot of time. However, you get two indispusive advantages: The results of labor become unique and saved money. Paving tile in this case is no exception. Mostly homemade tile Used for tracks on panstones, dachas. The process of laying a large area of \u200b\u200bentrance to the gate is even longer, and only silent passersby will be evaluated.

To work, you will need:
  1. Trowel, spatula, level;
  2. Molds for the solution;
  3. Drill with a mixing nozzle or concrete mixer;
  4. Place for drying tiles;
  5. Cement, sand, water, dyes.
Before starting work, you need to decide on its volume. Based on this, we select a mixing container. Perhaps it will become a neighbor or rented concrete mixer, or everything can do with a plastic basin and a bucket. It is also necessary to find out what form will be optimal for your finished product: ready-made forms are sold in building supermarkets and cost inexpensively. If you bother completely, the form can be made of wooden bars and rails. It is usually height to 7 centimeters. The fancy of the forms always remains at the discretion of the designer-builder. However, there are also two cornerstones: with a big form it is hard to work because of weight and not versatility, it will take even more time to lay a small tile. When the forms are ready - you can start kneading the solution. As in other construction moments, ready product And its characteristic is directly dependent on the components. For durability it is better to use cement brand 500. Brand 300 can deliver you trouble for relatively short term Tile services, although in favor of this cement, the cost says. Sand must be sifted from excess garbage. Water into the solution is also better pouring clean. You can use reinforcing elements - rods, wire, grid. To give tiles even greater originality, you can take an inorganic dye that will not surf sunny rays. For cleanliness of the product and more bright color Gray cement is recommended to replace on white. Again, its price is slightly higher. Now the ingredients are ready. It is necessary to mix them in such a proportion: 3 pieces of sand and one piece of cement. Weep water with parts, completely stirring the solution. By consistency, it should be like a dough, be plastic. Forms are filled with a solution completely or two parts when using reinforcement. A wide spatula is cut off the excess solution from the top of the shape, occasionally climbing it for better shrinkage of the solution in the volume of the form. A good help for creating paving slabs will be vibrationtol. The solution with which you fill the shapes under the action of vibration will evenly distribute all over the volume, turn out of air education. Such a tile will serve longer.

Following important moment - Drying tiles. The slower it occurs, the less likely the occurrence of cracks in the tile itself. Therefore, after pouring the form, it is better to cover with a plastic film or placed under a canopy. If temperature external environment High, then the forms periodically need to moisturize with water. You can remove the form after 5 days, the tile itself will dry another three weeks to become the most stronger and durable.

Tile can be finished. Now you can develop a place for laying. Here, too, you need to be attentive to avoid stagnation of water and sending a level. In this case, the tile, created by its own hands, will serve quite a few years and will get to the next generations.

The technology of production of paving slabs with their own hands has been mastered for a long time and everything is improving every year. The finished products in their characteristics and quality are not inferior to the shop, and sometimes superior to it. So why overpay a considerable amount of money for a cat in a bag when you can make a good paving slabs at home. This does not require acquiring expensive equipment and tools, of course if you do not want to produce it on an industrial scale. The pledge of high-quality pavers is the "right" solution and skillful hands.

Technology production of paving slabs

Despite all the simplicity of production technology, there are some nuances that should be explored before proceeding to the manufacture of tiles on their own. First of all, you need to choose and master the method of manufacture suitable for you.

Vibrolic paving slabs

Such a tile production technology provides continuously working vibrotole on which hesitates sand-cement mixturelaid in special forms.

After a complete lunch and frozen the mixture of the shape shift into a warm place where they should stand at least 12 hours.

The finished product is flat and smooth. Such a tile is easy to remove from snow and sand. It has a bright, rich color, and the form of its manufacture is practically limited.

For paving tracks, it can be realized any designer idea On your site. A qualitatively laid out tile can give the focus of any of your construction on the site, especially this is an excellent solution to get away from the boning asphalt.

From an industrial point of view, the manufacture of vibrolite paving slabs is a fairly cheap process, which is superbly suitable for private application.

Vibropressed paving slabs

The technology of manufacturing vibropressed paving slabs is as follows.

  1. The concrete mixture is placed on a continuously vibrating bed in a special shape (matrix).
  2. Then made in the form of a matrix special blank (punch) under high pressure, like piston, begins to put pressure on the mixture.
  3. After a complete seal, the matrix and Punson rises up, and the finished product remains on the bed. This method is fully automated and requires minimal human participation.

The surface of the product is carbonated and porous. Such a tile is capable of withstanding heavy loads, resistant to severe frosts, suitable for places of large cluster of people and car movements.

Despite the fact that there are compact installations that allow you to place such equipment on home plotThe cost of them is still high.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that for private needs it will be enough vibrolyant paving slabs.

There is no need for the ability to withstand large loads, since neither the crowd of tourists nor the vehicle will not move on it. Therefore, in this article we will look at the manufacture of paving slabs using vibration technology.

Paving tile manufacturing techniques

The feasibility of buying equipment or take it for rent depends on the scale of the planned manufacturing.

If you need to cover the tile of small areas of your site makes sense to take necessary equipment For rent, if the grandiose work is coming to lay paveled tracks, messages, various sites, it makes sense to think about its acquisition. In a word to solve each of you.

Necessary work equipment

Bring a mixture of concrete to the desired consistency manually is very difficult. An alternative can serve as a powerful drill with special nozzle For the kneading solution.

However, it is worth working for such a tool for a long time, periodically need to give him time to rest from the load. The ideal option Will be a tested electric concrete mixer.

The main element of production without which it is not necessary. To date, you can buy vibrotol in any store specializing in the sale construction equipment.

The initial price of them starts from $ 300. But it is not worth a hurry, very simple from the girlfriend. To do this, you will need (electric motor, metal sheet, corners, metal plates and springs).

Local couliabs manage to use for these purposes the usual washing machineBy putting it on high spin speed.

Molds under the mixture. You can also make the necessary forms using the material that is available in almost everyone on the plot (plywood, metal plate, plaster, and so on).

Forms manufacturing options for paving slabs

You can purchase ready-made forms on any construction market, the price of them is not much big, so it is essential on the budget that it does not affect.

Vibrostol do it yourself

Sick phased production of vibrotol for future forms. The main task to get a smooth surface of the upper platform. Required Material And the tool that will take:

  • Vibration Maker;
  • Metal sheet thick from 5 mm. (top pad);
  • Metal corner either profile trumpet (frame);
  • Springs (depreciation);
  • Welding machine, electrodes and Bulgarian.


Metal corners or pipes weld the usual frame suitable sizes. It is important to monitor that the opposite pipes are the same size.

Using the same material welded a rectangle. On the one hand, the metal sheet is welded on one side, with another reinforced platform for the vibration motor with slots for fastening.


For vibratetol, it is better to use a platform vibration motor. It is installed on the prepared base and is tightly clamped with bolts.


The final stage is the connection of the frame with a frame, pre-inserting into the landing bowls between them the springs. The table is ready to use.

The composition of the solution for paving slabs

The composition of the solution for the manufacture of paving slabs must contain the following components:

  • Cement M-500;
  • Sown river sand;
  • Crushed stone (fractions not more than 10 mm,);
  • Fibrovolok;
  • plasticizer;
  • Concrete dye (optional);
  • Clean water without impurities.

Must be crumbly without the maintenance of lumps and extraneous impurities. Remember that cement is a binding component, therefore the strength of the tile will depend on its quality.

Sand Like cement should not contain extraneous impurities such as clay or algae. There is an easy way to check the sand on the content of clay in the composition.

Sand need to tightly squeeze hands in a romoc, fix for a few seconds and dismiss, look at its condition. If the sand does not scatter, the explicit sign of the presence of clay components in it.

Crushed stone preferably acquire a fraction 5-10 mm.

Fibrovolokno Communicates the role of concrete reinforcement. Fiber material is more often a polypropylene. Purchase in the construction market this component will not be difficult.

Component of the concrete, strength and moisture resistance is - plasticizer. Pigment dye is used as needed.

Important! When they knead all the above components, it is necessary to observe a strict dosage and sequence.

The ratio of components in solution

Components Proportions in% On 1 m² tiles On 1 m³ tiles
Cement (M 500) 20% 28 kg. 490 kg.
Crushed stone (fractions 5-10 mm.) 22% 30 kg. 520 kg.
River sand 55% 73 kg. 1300 kg.
plasticizing additive 0.5% of the mass of the solution 45 gr. 1.7 liters
Dye (pigment) 7% of the mass of the solution 650 gr. 9 kg.
Fibrovolokno 0.04 Massive Mass 55 gr. 0.8 kg.
Water 6% of the mass of the solution 8.5 liters 135 liters

How to mix the solution

The sidewalk of the sidewalk is produced in the following sequence:

  1. In a drum with a small amount of water (1-1.5 buckets) add a plasticizer and dye;
  2. We run the concrete mixer and stir the added components within one minute. From this time, the mixer should work continuously until the complete kneading solution;
  3. Then, observing the above proportions, the cement is alternately added, and then sand and crushed stone.
  4. Carefully follow the consistency of the solution in the drum. The solution should be driving, but in no case is not liquid.
  5. The final stage will be adding to the finished solution of fibrovolock. Measure another 2-3 minutes. The solution is ready.

Casting and vibration

  1. In the pre-lubricated (soap or oil solution), the molds on the platform of the vibrationtola are poured by a solution.
  2. The vibration process must be carefully monitored. Once the foam is formed on the surface, this signal to that, the degassing of the fluid is complete and the machine can be turned off.

Usually this process lasts 4-5 minutes. Reducing the solution on the bed can not, the process of its bundle will begin.

Some people are wondering why the vibration of the solution is needed, why it is simply impossible to pour the finished mixture into the form.

The answer to this question lies in the tiny bubbles of air, which are in the frozen concrete. For strong frosts They contribute to the splitting of paving slabs.

Drying and platform forms

IN summer period Drying castings should last at least 24 hours, with cool weather for at least 2 days. In order for the tile easier to come out of the form, it should be immersed in the container with hot water for 10-15 seconds. Molds are well rinsed with water and they are again ready for work.

Important! It is not recommended to put a freshly literate tile in the work. For a durability, it should stand on fresh air Under the sun back all over the week. Only after that the paving slabs is ready for use.

If you have made solutions to make paving slabs with your own hands, we hope that this article will be a good help and help in your work.

  • Homemade tile from Kostya9.
  • Homemade vibration table and tile-homemade from Commander

Homemade tile from Kostya9.

Kostya9 Member Forumhouse

For the embodiment of the idea, specialized network resources were studied on the theme of the forms and forum of the portal, on the topic of the process itself - the necessary equipment, the raw material base, production technology. As it turned out, plastic and other forms in the presence of which you want, the main materials remained from construction, and the existing aggregates require a relatively simple, satisfaction. Unforeseen complications arose only with the acquisition of five hundred and cement - in view low demand Local merchants simply did not have it, I had to go to the next town.


So that the tile is the most durable, under the vibrationtol was redone a circular sawworking surface Replaced with a heavy slab (on the springs from the nine pens), under the stove - vibromotor. Typical concrete mixer for making a solution, ready-made polymeric forms, with imitation of sandstone surface, for drying - old refrigeratorsideways.

The ratio of concrete proportions was also selected on the forum.

In addition to the existing dropout, so river sand and acquired cement the desired brandThe plasticizer required for the tile, the choice fell on SP-1. This is a universal additive, improving the characteristics of the solution, its use increases mechanical strength Concrete, reduces the number of pores on the surface, gives smoothness and increases the efficiency of the vibration. Although dreamed of color tiles, the cost of the dye and white cement, to obtain saturated colorForced to do the natural, gray tint.

The proportions of the kneading were the following:

  • Opening (rubble fraction 0-5) - 38 kg (three declined buckets);
  • Sand (river, washed) - 18 kg (one declined bucket);
  • Cement (M-500) - 17 kg (bucket of fourteen liters);
  • Plasticizer - 80 grams on the ground (divorced by a liter warm water);
  • Water - 8.5 liters (if the weather is hot, another 0.7 liters).

Weathered technology:

  • The first in the concrete mixer is laid out (all);
  • Water flows;
  • A plasticizer is added;
  • The mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  • Cement is added;
  • Again thorough mixing;
  • Added sand;
  • Last mixing (if necessary, water is added).

According to the consistency, the solution is obtained sufficiently thick, resembling wet earth - this is a conscious choice, although many prefer to work with more fluid solutions.


Liquid concrete that liquid dirtno strength.

Pre-lubricated motor Oil Forms (in the corners, tassel) are exhibited on vibrationtole. Pouring with a solution should be uniform.

Treatment time - from three to seven minutes. Vibration should not only compact the mixture, but also drive out air bubbles from it. In the process of forming the form, it is changed in places and rotated around their axis - so that the impact is uniform. As the shrinkage, the solution is added until the form is filled to the end, you can lie with your hand to be guaranteed not to remain emptiness. From the vibrostol, the shapes go for a day with excess (25-30 hours) in the dryer. On the advice of the participants of the branch of the old refrigerator, he drying camera, I was turned out from the Boca, on the "back", it significantly simplified the process of booking and removing the product.

After this period finished tile Easily comes out of the form due to lubrication, and due to the running hydrotation processes that support the raw in the hot condition. If you reap the tile, and it will cool, get it out of plastic will be more difficult - you have to water boiling water so that the plastic is expanded. However, if you disappear for a couple of hours, and a couple of days, and it will have time to cool down, it will be difficult to take out, even applying boiling water.

Hitching a hand on a square tile, Clevero moved to the curly and decided to use the chromium oxide as a dye.

The first test of the addition of the dye is normally, at the rate of 1% of the binder (170 grams per zacks), the result was practically prevented. It was not a color, but a light, almost imperceptible shade, so the dosage was doubled, which gave the desired greens. Like a plasticizer, the dye pre-divorced in water.

Homemade tile from Commander

Commander Member Forumhouse

The tile of its manufacture is shielded and shed, and the courtyard, the tracks to the greenhouses too. Very good and profitable!

And in this case, a homemade vibrationtol was used. Here is a "recipe" for all interested:

  • Motor - Ot washing machine (on rubber shock absorbers);
  • From it - pulley for belt transmission from the engine to eccentric;
  • Eccentric is a former rotor of the electric motor: cut 1/3 with a bacagoque, the clip is sharpened under bearings, holders are welded, the entire design is screwed to the iron sheet;
  • Over the sheet / table - wood flooring 60x60 cm (for tile 50x50 cm);
  • High sides - so that you can make a tile of 6 cm thick.

For household purposes - tracks in the barn, in the garage, along the edges, the commander makes a big one square tile 50x50 cm size, and for decorative tracksreminiscent of sidewalks - curly. Forms, as in the first version, polymer, soft - unlike rigid plastic, they will not break for several years.

The composition of the solution and the proportion of the kneading:

  • Gravel - bucket;
  • Cement - bucket;
  • Screening - 3 buckets;
  • Plasticizer - 2/3 cup;
  • Water.

Water poured into the working stirrer, the plasticizer is added, the following - gravel, after gravel wetting - cement. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add-on. The commander does not add sand, since in the screening a large amount of dust that replaces it and prevents the formation of voids. Forms are lubricated before use palm oil, as the pollution is easily mixed with Karcher. But they are polluted, if you break the technology and not to withstand the tiles of the day, so it is better not to rush.

In most cases, household owners often try to plan the arrangement of tracks on cottage plot. Many are trying to make a large number of gloomy elements belonging to landscape design.

In all cases, the material that is used to build tracks is important. In this case, apply natural stones And wooden sleepers and many other elements. But for such a goal more practical paving tile. It has beautiful external species. Tile materials have good durability and quality.

Elements of paving slabs that are produced own forcesIn fact, become original additions for the design of garden sites. In this case, they also harmonize well with his home or his stylist.

Creature building materials It is considered a very time-consuming and long enough process. But, if you look at all work differently, this process is more interesting. Today, the paving slabs is considered an exclusive product successfully combined with picturesque paths. It is worth noting that the creation of tiles on its own allows you to significantly save finances, which is important today.

For comparison, it can be said that the purchase of finished tile elements will cost many times more expensive than the independent production of the same material. Products independent manufacture It may not be suitable for the design of sites, which are designed to accommodate more massive equipment, but perfectly decorate the paths and sidewalks.

Such material becomes very good decision For registration of any ideas. If the concreting mixture is done correctly, then the material will be better. In this case, better tile products are obtained.

Relative to the process of cooking elements and design garden tracks, then it can be a pretty good lesson. It allows you to open the creative potentials of owners.

At the time of laying, and even after it, you can get a large number of good emotions.

How to make a tile when decoring sections in the garden: everything is in order

Selection of tools and materials for cooking paving tile - This is a difficult lesson, which is worth performing before the start of all works. A peculiar pavement is created on the basis of dry mixtures, where there is: sand, water and cement.

An important factor is to extract proportionality, which seriously depends on the purpose of the materials. It is worth noting that for the preparation of durable tiles, cement powder with a brand M 500 is used. Save on cement is not recommended.

If we talk about such significant components like sand and water that will be used for the manufacture of mixtures, they must be cleaned of garbage. If suddenly in the sand there is a small amount of solid particles, excluding a tree, then the solution will not suffer from their presence.

Plastic blanks that are used for the manufacture of tiles can be bought at the sales of construction equipment. Form or size may vary in different directions.

It is worth knowing that the forms for the fill are often calculated on 250-300 fills. To speed up such a process, it is necessary to apply not one form, but ten or more.

Sometimes they resort to the use of molds taken from product storage packages. They can also be pretty good with sufficient flexibility and elasticity. With similar tiles, it is possible to simply make a good product.

How to prepare concrete composition

If everything is said above, it is already there, then you can safely begin the manufacture of an attractive tile for decorating garden sites. You can make the kneader using a mixer or concrete mixer.

To note when the volume of water slightly exceeds the permissible value, it is capable of reduced concrete strength. To prevent this, moisture-repellent additives are added to the solution, as well as reinforcing fiber.

The tile of tiled materials in the most extraordinary colors is carried out using selected pigments. They are resistant to oscillations temperature mode. As for the influence of an alkaline environment, these pigments can save right qualities Under any conditions.

In any case, when adding dyes to the composition, you need to achieve a more homogeneous solution. It is worth remembering the proportionality of the dye and the concrete mix.

How is the fill of the solution in silicone forms

Before the fill with mixtures in the form, it will be necessary to cover them using a special composition. Due to this, the adhesion of the solution to the walls of the forms is excluded. As a lubricant perfectly suitable oilmixed with water.

In most cases, for this, a car lubricant can be suitable for this, simple working out. In this situation, the process of unpacking already finished products is facilitated.

In order to increase the strength of the products, it is possible to lay in almost 50% form, a metal grid. They can be placed and the reinforcement or wire.

After the reinforcement, it is recommended to attach the remaining solution into the form. For sealing and deletion large number bubbles that are in the mixture applied practical device, such as vibrationtol. If this device does not exist, then the shelves or racks are used as an alternative. They are folded to the tile and with the help of hammer they apply several shots on racks.

How the product drying is carried out

The composition in forms should be closed using a film produced from polyethylene. All this will be needed to leave at the right time.

You need to check the tile on the readiness of the dew speech on inner side Films. It is worth noting that it is recommended to maintain the appropriate level of humidity, periodically smoeming the tile with water. This is done for several days.

They advise on drying the tile not under the action of the sun, but simply in the shade. As for the drying period, it lasts about 15-20 days.

Video instruction manufacturing paving slabs with their own hands