Warm plinth - a budget heating system with your own hands. Warm skirting board with your own hands Warm skirting board homemade

To the level of comfort in own home most people are very attentive, while the microclimate is one of the main evaluation criteria, an indicator of comfort. In many private houses individual heating allows you not to feel inconvenience. But build effective system, using a warm water baseboard - it is possible in a city apartment. At the same time, owners of private houses find such a system attractive because it is very economical.

What is a warm skirting board

A warm plinth is a system of fairly thin radiators, which are located in the lower zone of the walls of the rooms along the perimeter of the room. This construction of the system makes it convenient for a number of criteria, if we consider the laboriousness of installation and the need for certain large-scale repair work. In particular:

  • a hot water heating system can be installed, practically without interfering with the existing infrastructure of inlets and coolant supply. This is especially valuable in apartments;
  • warm water skirting board is possible without big problems connect instead of standard heating radiators. At the same time, installation is possible in houses of any type (with a loop supply or with a return flow mixing system);
  • to modify the heating system in a house or apartment, you do not have to dismantle and create screeds or carry out other expensive and long-term renovation work... Unlike the underfloor heating system, the skirting board does not have special requirements for the installation and location of radiators;
  • warm water skirting board, providing efficient heating, is able to play the role of an element of interior decoration. The design includes decorative panels, responsible manufacturers offer a variety of colors and designs;
  • to increase the efficiency of heat transfer, you can choose the standard sizes of radiators that provide a good microclimate in a room with a certain length of the circuit and the degree of insulation. At the same time, the complexity and volume of installation work practically do not change.

Warm water skirting boards are easy to install; to carry out all operations to build the system, the contractor does not require special buildings and skills. The usual set of tools is enough: adjustable wrenches, a punch or impact drill, a screwdriver, a hammer, marking devices.

What are the advantages of circuit heating systems

If we compare the classic radiator system, underfloor heating and the contour skirting board, the latter shows several noticeable advantages that make it attractive in the eyes of consumers. For example:

  • the heat dissipation possessed by a warm water baseboard is higher than the classic radiator system. This is due to the fact that the amount of the coolant is small, it moves at high speed. Therefore, the temperature drop at the inlet and outlet of the long loop is smaller. The radiator in the far corner of the room is always colder than the one at the entrance. This does not happen with the water circuit of the plinth;
  • without clearly localized points of energy return, hot water skirting boards bypass the classic radiator system in terms of the room heating rate;
  • Unlike underfloor heating, the skirting board provides air curtains, which can be important in rooms with drafts. The heating circuit installed at the bottom of the walls creates a constant upward air flow. Walking along the walls window openings, in the area of ​​the door - it neutralizes the cold streams going outside.

In the competition of three systems, you can immediately weed out the classic radiator room because of its low efficiency, clear localization of energy return zones. Warm skirting and floors can only compete indoors different sizes... The first is ideal for relatively small rooms, shows the best results in rooms with drafts. Underfloor heating has proven itself well with a large floor area.

How a warm skirting board affects the condition of structures

Warm skirting can become optimal system heating in rooms with a low degree of thermal insulation. It shifts the dew point to the outside of the walls. It works like this:

  • in an insufficiently insulated room, when air falls from the outside, the wall cools down;
  • if the amount of heat coming to the structure (slab, masonry, layer monolithic fill) not enough for warming up - condensation falls on the surface, mold forms, in rare cases frost (in corner rooms the problem is more noticeable);
  • a warm plinth installed around the perimeter of the room heats not only the air, but also partially the wall on which it is mounted;
  • upward stream warm air gives off heat to the structure.

As a result of the operation of the heating circuit system, the amount of heat increases dramatically, designed to solve the problems of the dew point located inside the room. By heating the wall, a warm skirting board eliminates ice, mold, harmful to health, and other problems in the room.

To achieve the same result with a radiator system or underfloor heating, you will need to spend a large number of energy, frankly overheat the room so that the air in its volume raises the temperature of the wall.

High panels of warm skirting boards show themselves especially well in the fight against problem walls. Having an increased area, such radiators often do not have an increased volume. They are also built of thin tubes, have a heat exchanger made of plates of large dimensions (width, height), but often of shallower depth. On the mass market, a variety of products in this class can be purchased from a variety of manufacturers. They can become an interesting detail of interior decoration.

Basic design principles

If we consider the creation of a warm plinth in a separate room, the work is carried out according to a simple scheme and understandable principles.

  1. The product is sold as radiators. Inside the system of thin plates pass copper tubes... Radiators of the same brand have the same dimensions in terms of height and depth, they are offered different lengths... Each standardized element of the heating system has a certain heat transfer capacity.
  2. Plastic or copper pipes are used to connect individual radiators into a single circuit.
  3. The set of elements of the basic system includes transition and clamping nuts, as well as elements for fastening to the wall. A soldered connection may be provided.

The radiator for the warm skirting board is mounted in a system of wall and decorative strips. The installation process itself is as follows:

  • with help laser level the middle line of the passage of the warm water baseboard is marked. It is calculated so that it is located in the middle of the radiator and its wall mounting plate. The installation of the latter must be calculated very carefully. It is desirable that the distance from it to the floor allows you to close the gap with an ordinary plastic skirting board;
  • v the right places walls (depending on the position of the technological holes), drilling is done and plugs for fastening screws are installed;
  • mounted radiator wall strips and fixing plates that will hold the heat exchanger;
  • in accordance with the installed structural elements, connecting pipes are tried on and cut off. In this case, length tolerances must be made in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, depending on the connecting fittings for fixing and waterproofing;
  • radiators are installed starting from the inlet of the circuit;
  • each subsequent one is connected by pre-cut tubes to the previous one.

At the end of work on the last radiator, the output is looped back. To connect the upper and lower pipes, either a finished part can be offered, or a connecting pipe can be used.

This work is most often done inside the apartment. The selection of the coolant and the return flow is carried out at the appropriate points of the heating riser. All that needs to be done is to cut off the existing radiators, dismantle the pipes and lay a warm baseboard. In a private house, the system is more complicated, but the given order of work is carried out in each room for equipping a separate heating circuit.

Detailed installation instructions:

Climate control and additional equipment

When installing a circuit heating system, especially if you are making a warm water baseboard with your own hands, it is necessary to create a regulation structure and install some additional nodes. The presence of the latter is especially important. If a warm plinth is made in an apartment and connected to heating risers, it is important not to violate the operating parameters of the centralized heating supply system.

Adjustment system

To regulate the amount of heat entering the room, in the simplest case, it can be used shut-off valves... A conventional tap installed at the inlet to the circuit can change the amount of coolant pumped per unit of time. This is convenient in conditions of stable water temperature in the circuit and the climate outside: you can increase or decrease the circulation several times during the season "by eye".

Automated systems are more functional. In this case, a thermal head is installed at the output of the circuit. Such a valve, roughly speaking, controls the temperature drop and shuts off the circulation at the set values ​​of the water that has passed the heating system.

Thermal heads with external sensor temperature. They receive a signal from small devices located inside the room, which determine the microclimate indicators and set the heating operation mode.

Externally controlled thermal heads can also receive data on the air temperature outside the building in order to increase or decrease the heat transfer from the skirting board accordingly.

Circulation pump

Equipping a warm plinth circuit in an apartment is a necessary step if the heating system of the house is built on a flow-return circuit with mixing. In such a structure, the gravitational principle of the movement of the coolant is applied. It is deprived of a warm water baseboard. Therefore, forced pumping of water through the system will be required.

In apartments with a through circulation circuit (heating radiators without a mixing tube between supply and return), the use of your own pump for a warm plinth will allow you not to influence the pressure indicators existing in the centralized heating system.

There can be several circulation pumps in one circuit of a warm plinth. This is done on long routes, especially if you want to avoid installing bulky components and pipes are not located strictly horizontally. It is also advisable to seek the advice of a hydraulic specialist. The presence of many turns of the circuit increases the total liquid resistance and requires the installation of one or more pumps of a certain capacity.

Construction of a heating system for a private house based on a heating boiler

If the apartment has heating pipes and the plinth is connected to a centralized system, the work is not very difficult. In a private house or apartment with its own heating boiler, collectors are used to power individual circuits of the rooms. This is the same class of equipment that is used to construct warm floors.

With its help, both the temperature of the water in the baseboard and the amount of heat that enters each room are set. You can purchase and install:

  • systems on a two or three-way valve;
  • a manifold equipped with flow meters for each circuit.

It is rational to use a system with centralized temperature control. In this case, temperature sensors are located in each room, the readings of which affect the operation of the collector flow meters.

The most sophisticated systems are built using weather sensors that determine the nature of the climate outside. They simultaneously affect the flow meters and the temperature of the coolant entering the skirting boards.

The manifold-based system is very functional, easy to use and durable. Today it is possible to purchase any complex installation for a warm water baseboard. Collectors are offered with 6,7, 10, 12 circuits, equipped with automatic air vents and other devices that prevent emergencies.

The history of the emergence and improvement of heating structures for dwellings goes back centuries. Today, there are many ways to create a comfortable indoor temperature.

These are central heating radiators, mobile electric heaters, air heaters, underfloor heating and much more. Among all this variety, attention should be paid to such heating devices as a warm electric skirting board and a warm water skirting board. In this article we will try to convey to the reader the concept of what a warm skirting board is.

The principle of operation of warm skirting boards

The essence of the very idea of ​​heating with warm skirting boards is that the heating system is located along the perimeter of the room near the floor. The heated air in the convector rises slowly along the walls. Due to this, the entire volume of the room is warmed up.

Such a system of warm skirting boards, equipped with a thermostat with a temperature sensor, maintains a constant air temperature inside the room, does not form condensation on the glass of the window sashes, and prevents the appearance of dampness and mold on the walls.

Heat from convectors will not affect furniture

Warm skirting boards practically do not take up much space. Despite the high power indicators, you can safely place furniture and other interior items near the convectors. The surface of the convectors does not heat up to a dangerous level of temperature that could cause burns.

The trading network offers for sale two types of warm skirting boards. This is an electric skirting board and a warm water skirting board. Let's take a look at each heater.

How to make a warm plinth with your own hands, powered by the mains? Having the skills to work with electrical engineering, you can assemble an electric warm skirting board completely independently.

The heater consists of two horizontal copper pipes. A silicon-insulated power cable runs through the top tube. A tubular electric heater is threaded into the lower copper tube. The whole system is controlled by a thermoregulation unit via an air temperature sensor.

Heating element - conventional heating element

When the temperature inside the room drops or rises, the heating elements periodically turn on and off, thus ensuring a constant temperature regime.

Purchase a set of warm skirting boards based on calculating the length of the heaters, turning angles and other related elements. The heating element itself is a tubular electric heater (TEN), enclosed in a copper sheath.

In turn, the copper pipe is threaded through the body made of ribbed thermal reflectors (radiator). Electric heating modules are produced in several standard sizes. Depending on the length of the electric heater, its power changes, which can be seen from the table:

Heating element length
1 700 140
2 1000 200
3 1500 300
4 2500 500

From heating elements of different lengths, installation of a warm skirting board is possible on any area, any configuration.

Installation of an electric skirting board

Install the heating element 3 cm from the wall

Only a person with extensive experience in electrical work can assemble your floor-standing electric heater by hand. Calculating the dimensions of heating elements, making radiator nozzles, installing connecting cables is a very difficult and responsible job. Therefore, it is easier to buy ready-made heating elements for warm skirting boards.

When a heating set of skirting boards has already been purchased, they begin preparatory work.

Knowing that the heated skirting board should not heat the walls, but the air, the fixings are made in such a way that the heating electrical elements are at a distance of at least 30 mm from the walls. The skirting board should be 140 mm high.

An electric heater is mounted in several stages:

  1. I install the back box at a height of 4 - 6 cm from the floor. Lead the power wires to the junction box.
  2. At a convenient height, a switch with a thermostat is mounted on the wall.
  3. For the entire height of the skirting board, a protective tape 3 mm thick is glued to the walls.
  4. Markings are applied to the walls for fastenings under the heated baseboards.
  5. Drill holes for the dowels in the places where the fasteners are to be installed.
  6. Screws are screwed into the dowel through the technological holes in the brackets.
  7. A thermal heating module is hung on the installed brackets.
  8. Connect modules electric wires parallel.
  9. A residual current device (RCD) is connected to the system.
  10. Connect the air temperature sensor.
  11. Make a control switch on the electric skirting board. If a malfunction is detected, fix it immediately.
  12. Install the plinth lining.

The skirting board is made of enamelled metal panels or plastic. The cladding should not reach the floor surface 20 - 30 mm. There are horizontal slots on the top of the panels. This design ensures the constant movement of air masses from bottom to top. The plinth facing, in addition to its function of the duct, plays a protective role against accidental mechanical influences.

Work related to the supply of electricity to the plinth, connection to an electric meter, installation of a thermoregulation system is best entrusted to a specialist.

Installation of a warm skirting board ensures complete electrical safety. The joints of the wires with the contacts of the modules are covered with heat-shrinkable tubes. The tubes protect the contact surface from moisture. For more information on installing a warm skirting board, see this video:

Despite the protection from moisture, experts warn that electric heaters should not be installed in rooms with high humidity.

More often, such systems are installed in private houses.

The assembled warm water skirting board with your own hands can create special comfort in living quarters. If we look at the water skirting board from a constructive point of view, we will see compact modules "stretched" in length.

Private households or public institutions are most suitable for the installation of a plinth water heating system. The necessary conditions for the installation of warm skirting boards - this is the presence of a gas boiler and a central water supply.

In some cases, boilers operating on solid and liquid fuel... You will also need a reserve tank (water tower) to replenish the water level in the heating system.

Plinth convectors with water heat carrier are installed around the perimeter of the room. Modular liquid electric heater can be of various lengths. In the corners of the room, the modules are connected with special corner pieces than filling the fully heated perimeter of the room. Thanks to this arrangement of plinths, the room heats up more evenly than when heating with conventional water radiators.

If you decide to install a liquid heating skirting board system connected to central heating, you will need to obtain permission from the appropriate utilities to install this equipment.

Otherwise, you can be fined and forced to dismantle the heaters.

Pipe with hot water connected to a gas boiler

The skirting board design is pretty simple. The upper pipe, as a rule, leaves the gas boiler system, passes through the entire perimeter of the heated area and goes into the lower return pipe. The lower pipe returns the cooled heat carrier to the gas boiler.

The pipelines are built into the bodies of the finned heat transmitters. Due to the ribbed structure, the heat transfer surface increases many times over, which significantly contributes to the active circulation of heated air masses.

To install a warm plinth for water heating yourself, you must have sufficient experience in installing plumbing equipment. Talking below about the features of installing a warm water baseboard, we are addressing just such people. This will help when choosing one or another home heating system.

The principle of heating a room with a liquid converter plinth is no different from heating with other devices.

Cold air enters through the bottom groove of the skirting board body.

Passing through the heat exchanger, hot air rises slowly, spreading evenly throughout the entire volume of the room.

According to the laws of physics, the cooled air masses go down, thereby displacing the heated air up. Continuous circulation of the medium evenly heats the entire room.

Installation of plinth water heating system

In building supermarkets, you can always purchase the ready-made system of water heating for skirting boards you need. With even a little experience plumbing works, you can easily make a warm plinth with your own hands. For more information on heating with warm skirting boards, see this video:

After the corresponding marking of the attachment points of the brackets and their installation, the liquid modules themselves are mounted (see above installation electric skirting boards). Unlike electric heaters the installation of liquid modules requires careful control of the tightness of the piping connections.

It is better to entrust the installation of the heating system of skirting boards to specialists.

Testing of assembled skirting boards

Air molecules are much smaller than water molecules. Practice shows that checking the tightness of joints is more effective by creating a high pressure compressed air inside the pipelines.

With the help of a compressor, an air pressure of about 5-6 ar is created in the pipes of the underfloor heating. All connections are covered with soapy water.

Bubbles will appear where leakage occurs. Leakages are eliminated and the entire system is retested for tightness.

The structure of the skirting boards is no different from the cladding of electrical modules. The boxes are usually made of thin-sheet enameled iron.

Manufacturers, meeting the wishes of consumers, make skirting boards of various colors. Basically, the assortment is dominated by hulls white or with a surface imitating valuable wood species, natural stone or genuine leather.

The history of the emergence and improvement of heating structures for dwellings goes back centuries. Today, there are many ways to create a comfortable indoor temperature.

These are central heating radiators, mobile electric heaters, air heaters, underfloor heating and much more. Among all this variety, attention should be paid to such heating devices as a warm electric skirting board and a warm water skirting board. In this article we will try to convey to the reader the concept of what a warm skirting board is.

The principle of operation of warm skirting boards

The essence of the very idea of ​​heating with warm skirting boards is that the heating system is located along the perimeter of the room near the floor. The heated air in the convector rises slowly along the walls. Due to this, the entire volume of the room is warmed up.

Such a system of warm skirting boards, equipped with a thermostat with a temperature sensor, maintains a constant air temperature inside the room, does not form condensation on the glass of the window sashes, and prevents the appearance of dampness and mold on the walls.

Heat from convectors will not affect furniture

Warm skirting boards practically do not take up much space. Despite the high power indicators, you can safely place furniture and other interior items near the convectors. The surface of the convectors does not heat up to a dangerous level of temperature that could cause burns.

The trading network offers for sale two types of warm skirting boards. This is an electric skirting board and a warm water skirting board. Let's take a look at each heater.

Electric warm skirting board

How to make a warm plinth with your own hands, powered by the mains? Having the skills to work with electrical engineering, you can assemble an electric warm skirting board completely independently.

The heater consists of two horizontal copper pipes. A silicon-insulated power cable runs through the top tube. A tubular electric heater is threaded into the lower copper tube. The whole system is controlled by a thermoregulation unit via an air temperature sensor.

Heating element - conventional heating element

When the temperature inside the room drops or rises, the heating elements periodically turn on and off, thus ensuring a constant temperature regime.

Purchase a set of warm skirting boards based on calculating the length of the heaters, turning angles and other related elements. The heating element itself is a tubular electric heater (TEN), enclosed in a copper sheath.

In turn, the copper pipe is threaded through the body made of ribbed thermal reflectors (radiator). Electric heating modules are produced in several standard sizes. Depending on the length of the electric heater, its power changes, which can be seen from the table:

Heating element length
1 700 140
2 1000 200
3 1500 300
4 2500 500

From heating elements of different lengths, installation of a warm skirting board is possible on any area, any configuration.

Installation of an electric skirting board

Install the heating element 3 cm from the wall

Only a person with extensive experience in electrical work can assemble your floor-standing electric heater by hand. Calculating the dimensions of heating elements, making radiator nozzles, installing connecting cables is a very difficult and responsible job. Therefore, it is easier to buy ready-made heating elements for warm skirting boards.

When a heating set of skirting boards has already been purchased, they begin preparatory work.

Knowing that the heated skirting board should not heat the walls, but the air, the fixings are made in such a way that the heating electrical elements are at a distance of at least 30 mm from the walls. The skirting board should be 140 mm high.

An electric heater is mounted in several stages:

  1. I install the back box at a height of 4 - 6 cm from the floor. Lead the power wires to the junction box.
  2. At a convenient height, a switch with a thermostat is mounted on the wall.
  3. For the entire height of the skirting board, a protective tape 3 mm thick is glued to the walls.
  4. Markings are applied to the walls for fastenings under the heated baseboards.
  5. Drill holes for the dowels in the places where the fasteners are to be installed.
  6. Screws are screwed into the dowel through the technological holes in the brackets.
  7. A thermal heating module is hung on the installed brackets.
  8. Connect the modules in parallel with electric wires.
  9. A residual current device (RCD) is connected to the system.
  10. Connect the air temperature sensor.
  11. Make a control switch on the electric skirting board. If a malfunction is detected, fix it immediately.
  12. Install the plinth lining.

The skirting board is made of enamelled metal panels or plastic. The cladding should not reach the floor surface 20 - 30 mm. There are horizontal slots on the top of the panels. This design ensures the constant movement of air masses from bottom to top. The plinth facing, in addition to its function of the duct, plays a protective role against accidental mechanical influences.

Work related to the supply of electricity to the plinth, connection to an electric meter, installation of a thermoregulation system is best entrusted to a specialist.

Installation of a warm skirting board ensures complete electrical safety. The joints of the wires with the contacts of the modules are covered with heat-shrinkable tubes. The tubes protect the contact surface from moisture. For more information on installing a warm skirting board, see this video:

Despite the protection against moisture, experts warn that electric heaters should not be installed in rooms with high humidity.

Warm water baseboard

More often, such systems are installed in private houses.

The assembled warm water skirting board with your own hands can create special comfort in living quarters. If we look at the water skirting board from a constructive point of view, we will see compact modules "stretched" in length.

Private households or public institutions are most suitable for the installation of a plinth water heating system. The prerequisites for the installation of warm skirting boards are the presence of a gas boiler and central water supply.

In some cases, boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels are used. You will also need a reserve tank (water tower) to replenish the water level in the heating system.

Plinth convectors with water heat carrier are installed around the perimeter of the room. Modular liquid electric heater can be of various lengths. In the corners of the room, the modules are connected with special corner elements, which fill the completely heated perimeter of the room. Thanks to this arrangement of plinths, the room heats up more evenly than when heating with conventional water radiators.

If you decide to install a liquid heating baseboard system connected to central heating, you will need to obtain permission to install this equipment from the appropriate utilities.

Otherwise, you can be fined and forced to dismantle the heaters.

Water converter design

Hot water pipe connected to gas boiler

The skirting board design is pretty simple. The upper pipe, as a rule, leaves the gas boiler system, passes through the entire perimeter of the heated area and goes into the lower return pipe. The lower pipe returns the cooled heat carrier to the gas boiler.

The pipelines are built into the bodies of the finned heat transmitters. Due to the ribbed structure, the heat transfer surface increases many times over, which significantly contributes to the active circulation of heated air masses.

To install a warm plinth for water heating yourself, you must have sufficient experience in installing plumbing equipment. Talking below about the features of installing a warm water baseboard, we are addressing just such people. This will help when choosing one or another home heating system.

Functional principle of water skirting boards

The principle of heating a room with a liquid converter plinth is no different from heating with other devices.

Cold air enters through the bottom groove of the skirting board body.

Passing through the heat exchanger, hot air rises slowly, spreading evenly throughout the entire volume of the room.

According to the laws of physics, the cooled air masses go down, thereby displacing the heated air up. Continuous circulation of the medium evenly heats the entire room.

Installation of plinth water heating system

In building supermarkets, you can always purchase the ready-made system of water heating for skirting boards you need. Having even a little experience in plumbing work, you can easily make a warm plinth with your own hands. For more information on heating with warm skirting boards, see this video:

After the corresponding marking of the attachment points of the brackets and their installation, the liquid modules themselves are mounted (see above the installation of electrical skirting boards). Unlike electric heaters, the installation of liquid modules requires careful control of the tightness of the piping connections.

It is better to entrust the installation of the heating system of skirting boards to specialists.

Testing of assembled skirting boards

Air molecules are much smaller than water molecules. Practice shows that checking the tightness of the joints is more effective by creating a high pressure of compressed air inside the pipelines.

With the help of a compressor, an air pressure of about 5-6 ar is created in the pipes of the underfloor heating. All connections are covered with soapy water.

Bubbles will appear where leakage occurs. Leakages are eliminated and the entire system is retested for tightness.

Facing skirting boards

The structure of the skirting boards is no different from the cladding of electrical modules. The boxes are usually made of thin-sheet enameled iron.

Manufacturers, meeting the wishes of consumers, make skirting boards of various colors. Basically, the assortment is dominated by white cases or with a surface that imitates valuable species of wood, natural stone or natural leather.

Central, electric, air - various systems heating, invented and developed today, allow any owner to choose the best option for your home. But along with proven systems, there are new products on the market that immediately attract attention. A striking example is a warm skirting board. In Europe, this option for space heating has been known for two decades and is actively used both in residential buildings and in offices. The system is quite simple - a metal plinth is mounted around the perimeter of the room, inside which a heating element is located. Heat is generated by heat radiation. Like any new product, the installation of such a system by professionals is not cheap. But the availability of materials and ease of installation will allow anyone to make a warm water baseboard with their own hands.

Plinth plinths

Technology fundamentally different from traditional systems heating, from the outside looks like a regular decorative element... She received national love thanks to her filling:

  • A warm plinth with your own hands is equal in thickness to a traditional analogue, but the height is slightly more - 12-15 cm. This is done for the convenience of installing the heating system inside the element.
  • The decoration is mounted at the junction of the floor and walls along the entire perimeter of the living space, organically fits into any interior.
  • The principle of operation is simple - electricity or a heating medium heats the tubes, and they, in turn, give off heat to the outer aluminum casing.

Important! To create a warm plinth with your own hands, only non-ferrous metals are used, which avoids the appearance of corrosion and maximizes the thermal conductivity of the plinth.

The pros don't end there:

  • Installing a warm skirting board allows you to get rid of inconvenient batteries - the dream of many owners. Nothing will stop you from making any idea of ​​an interior designer come true. Ugly batteries do not have to be hidden in cabinets, behind screens or curtains.
  • Such a system allows you to increase the service life of your furniture, because, for example, a cabinet next to a conventional converter, due to the hot air, quickly dries up.
  • A warm plinth with your own hands can be both a full-fledged heating method and an auxiliary one. This element can be placed not around the entire perimeter of the room, but only where additional heating is needed. This saves energy costs without compromising the efficiency of the device.
  • The innovative heating system can be installed not only in new apartment, and not only during the renovation. Its installation is possible even months after the completion of construction and repair work.
  • Do-it-yourself warm skirting board can be used in any room. They are suitable for living rooms, bedrooms and offices; they perfectly warm glazed verandas, terraces, winter gardens, balconies and loggias, can be installed in the bathroom and toilet, safe even for a child's room.

Another great advantage of DIY warm skirting board is that it does not create a “heat cushion” under the ceiling. The entire space of any room warms up evenly:

  • Standard heating systems work in such a way that hot air will certainly rise upward. In this case, drafts on the floor are possible. If the room is small, then this is not so noticeable. But, for example, in country houses the difference is quite large.
  • The skirting system works in such a way that heat is transferred not only into the space, but also into the walls. This advantage will come in handy for the owners of private houses, whose walls often freeze through, and for residents corner apartments high-rise buildings.

Important! There are not so many disadvantages of a warm plinth with your own hands:

  • This system cannot be completely turned off like a battery, no regulator is provided.
  • The cost of this novelty can not yet be called budget.

But many people prefer this particular system, and not a warm floor, because you do not need to cook for installing a warm skirting board concrete screed The modular design of the system is highly mobile. At any time you can take and move it to another room.

Plinth device

As we already said, a warm do-it-yourself skirting board looks like a collapsible metal box of three aluminum strips with a total height of 14 cm and a width of 3 cm:

  • A heat exchange heating module is fixed inside the aluminum cladding on special brackets-holders. These are two copper pipes with brass plates tightly mounted on them.

Important! Copper is known to have high heat dissipation and high corrosion resistance, but it has a high price. Aluminum also transfers heat well, but it costs much less. Therefore, the combination of copper + aluminum is used in many heating devices and has proven to be effective.

  • The heating modules are connected to each other using crimping nuts or fittings designed for copper soldering.
  • The water supply from the boiler is reliable polymer pipes, usually polyethylene.
  • To connect the heat exchange modules in the corners and loop the loop, special swivel pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are used, and corner connectors are also used.
  • From the visible part, decoratively, the joints of the aluminum profile at the corners and ends are closed with plastic elements - corner or end caps.

By the way of heating, a warm do-it-yourself plinth is divided into water and electrical systems:

  • Special low-temperature heating elements are inserted into a warm electric baseboard. They heat up to a maximum of 60 oC. This power will be enough for residential premises, because one running meter produces about 180-280 watts.
  • Warm plinth water works on the basis of a single heating circuit. If there are several circuits, it is worth connecting a manifold or comb. You can use the most common model or with flow meters - the owner decides this issue himself. Heating modules with a water heating method are recruited based on the required power at a specific thermal head of the system.

Important! First of all, it should be remembered that the maximum length of the circuit should not exceed 12 meters. When planning a system with a warm plinth with your own hands, this point should be taken into account.

Installation of skirting boards

The main element of the system, the skirting board, can be obtained in two different ways.

For the first, you will need copper unannealed tubes. The most suitable diameter for these purposes is a maximum of 20 mm. It is also worth stocking up on roofing copper - there are no special requirements for the material.

The order of work is as follows:

  • Roofing copper sheets are cut into strips 15 cm wide - this is the most optimal size... These works should be carried out using a grinder.
  • The edges of the resulting strips are flanged along the entire length, while the bending angle should be right. The shelf width should be about 7-8 mm.

Important! Strips should not be made longer than 3 meters, otherwise you yourself complicate the work, longer workpieces are simply inconvenient to mount.

  • Copper tubes, the ends of which are slightly bent to the side, are soldered to inside housing. Bends should be done, again, for the convenience of installing a warm skirting board.
  • Standard hoses or sleeves are attached to the pipes with ordinary clamps for supplying the coolant. Their diameter should not exceed 12 mm.
  • Do-it-yourself warm skirting boards are attached to the wall using conventional mounting clips, selected according to the diameter of the tubes.

In the second case, in order to make electric warm skirting boards with your own hands, standard aluminum profiles can be used that are used when installing drywall. Assembly operations in this case are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First, on the base of the workpiece, small holes are made from below and from above, which are necessary for attaching the profile to the walls.
  2. Then the copper tubes are laid inside the profile and secured with aluminum wire.
  3. After that, the entire resulting structure is mounted on the wall in such a way that the tubes are located one above the other.

Important! For assembly selected fragments in a single system, it is most convenient to use standard connectors. As the front panels of a warm plinth with your own hands, you can use the same profiles, painted in tones corresponding to the walls.

Quality and manufacturers of warm skirting boards

On the market building materials eat like European manufacturers systems, and domestic. With prices and quality as usual:

  • Europeans are beautiful, reliable, expensive;
  • domestic ones - cheaper, but worse done.

Important! The difference is not only in appearance... There is a problem with the occurrence of squeaks and clicks in the system during sudden heating and cooling. This problem is typical for the combination of two metals; different thermal expansion provokes the appearance of such an effect. Europeans have been producing such equipment for decades and have learned how to deal with it. So far, ours are only striving for this.

The best results were achieved by two manufacturers.

Mr. Tektum

The most popular today is the “Mr. Tektum ”. The heating system of this brand is assembled and manufactured in Russia. This is the best option in terms of price and quality. Due to the fact that the elements of the system are not imported, but manufactured locally, the price is much lower than foreign counterparts.

Among the main advantages are the improved thermal and hydraulic characteristics of a warm plinth with your own hands. They are based on the manufacture of an aluminum box of a special shape, the presence of swivel angle pipes, corrugated stainless elements and accompanying fittings.


The heating system of the Ukrainian company "Termiya" deserves attention due to the possibility of more efficient energy saving. Products of this brand differ from others in that they have balanced heat transfer and low thermal stress. What does it do?

First of all, after the installation of a warm plinth, the room warms up evenly and does not allow the formation of stagnation of warm air near the ceiling. Low thermal stress makes it possible to arrange furniture as you want, and not based on the position of the plinth. Furniture items do not overheat and do not affect the overall heat distribution in the room.

Important! Heating savings, according to monitoring, range from 20% to 40%.

General scheme of work

Before installing a warm skirting board, it is worth calculating the required power of the system and determining its type. The number of modules that will heat your room depends on:

  • general thermal insulation of the house;
  • total glazing area;
  • climate of the region.

The general installation of a warm skirting board, regardless of the type chosen, is a fairly simple process, which can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Before installation, mark the installation line of the panels, the warm plinth should be located at a height of 1 cm from the floor.
  2. A back panel is applied to the reference line and markings are made for the mounting holes, which are then drilled with a perforator.
  3. The panel is fixed with self-tapping screws with plastic dowels or glue. On the back of the strip there are stops that provide the required gap of 15 mm between the wall and the device.
  4. A heat-insulating tape is glued between the wall and the heater body, its edges are neatly cut off.
  5. Fastening brackets for convectors. For this, dowels are used, the installation step is 40 cm. A fluoroplastic gasket is inserted into each bracket.
  6. For the corner connecting elements of a warm plinth, they prepare and install the upper parts of the corners in advance with their own hands.
  7. Hinged panels of warm skirting boards.

Features of the installation of the electrical system

Do-it-yourself installation of a warm electric skirting board has its own characteristics. Outwardly, such a system does not differ from a water system, but the filling is completely different:

  • Inside heating element a heating element is inserted into the lower copper tube, and a heat-resistant power cable with silicone insulation is laid inside the upper copper tube.
  • The power supply of such a warm plinth with their own hands is switched by a thermostat with an air sensor, which, by turning the system on and off, supports required temperature in room.
  • A characteristic feature of the electrical system is its complete electrical safety. The contact points are first insulated with heat-shrinkable hoses to protect them from moisture, and special boxes protect them from mechanical stress.

Important! Despite such protection, the electrical system is still not recommended to be installed in a room with high humidity, as, indeed, any electrical appliances.

  • The electrical system of the warm plinth with your own hands has a heating element power of 200 W per running meter and is connected to a standard power source. As a rule, this is an outlet from the installation box at a height of 4-6 cm from the level of the "finished" floor.

Important! As practice shows, such a system is most often connected where it is possible to supply power. required power... It is also popular at facilities where a local solution to the problem is needed. additional heating eg on damp corner walls where there is a risk of mold or condensation.

Features of the installation of the water system

Before starting work on installing a warm water baseboard with your own hands, it is imperative to determine the number of sections of a water heater. When calculating, it should be borne in mind that the length of one plinth should not exceed 12 m, otherwise, you can provoke large heat losses:

  1. Work begins with the withdrawal of plastic pipes from a heat source - an individual boiler or a central heating system. To do this, measure the distance from the distribution source to the first section of the warm plinth with your own hands. Then cut the pipes to the required length and connect them to the heating system through the floor or wall.
  2. Prepare heating radiator- remove the two outer lamellas and put the connecting nuts on the copper pipes.
  3. Use fittings to connect the copper pipes to the outgoing plastic pipes. Attach rubber gaskets between nuts and fittings. Install swivel tubing at the gussets and ends of each circuit.
  4. Apply heat-reflecting tape to the inside of the bezel. Using brackets and self-tapping screws, fix the panel to the upper and lower rear strips.
  5. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the peculiarity of a warm plinth with your own hands. ... This system is effective in homes with permanent residence... At least with constant heating at low temperatures and periodic increase to a comfortable level. The fast heating mode is not their area of ​​application, the power is not so great. Otherwise, as you have seen, the system is quite simple installation and exploitation.

In our market, a novelty in solving heating problems has become a new system that provides heating - a warm skirting board, although in Europe it has been known for two decades and is considered quite effective there. A metal plinth is mounted along the perimeter of the room, and a heating element is located inside it. Heating is carried out here due to thermal radiation. This system can supplement heating with radiators or even be the only source of heat in a private house or apartment.

  • How warm skirting works
  • Warm skirting board construction
  • Warm skirting systems classification
    • Water warm skirting board
    • Electric warm skirting board
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a warm skirting board
    • Advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Installation of a warm skirting board
    • Preparation
    • Installation process using the example of a warm plinth water system
    • The nuances of installing electrical panels
    • Option number 1 - from roofing copper
    • Option number 2 - from aluminum profiles

How warm skirting works

A warm skirting board has the simplest principle of operation: electricity or a heating medium heats the tubes and their fins, and they emit heat, heating the outer aluminum body of the skirting board.

The case, evenly heated along the entire length, creates a peculiar thermal curtain... The air slowly rising along the walls heats them up, giving them its warmth. A screen is created near the walls and windows, which prevents heat from leaving the room, and the heated walls gently radiate heat into the room, heating it up. As a result, the heat from the warm skirting boards is distributed more evenly around the perimeter of the room, which means that the room warms up more evenly along the height.

Video about the principle of action of a warm skirting board:

Warm skirting board construction

Outwardly, this device is a metal box with dimensions of 30x140 mm. Such a box is mounted directly on the wall, replacing the classic wooden or plastic skirting board... On the upper side of the box there is a gap through which heated air flows along the wall, rushing up. Aluminum panels are heated to 40-70 degrees, while a comfortable temperature is set in the room.

From conventional radiators located at some distance from the floor, this design it compares favorably with the fact that the skirting board is capable of heating the lowest level of the room.

Inside the box there are special brackets on which a heating element is attached, consisting of a pair of copper tubes, where brass plates are fixed. Copper tubes have an inner diameter of only 11 mm and a wall thickness of 1 mm. The heating modules are connected to each other by crimping nuts or by means of copper soldering, and special copper or polyethylene swivel tubes are used in the corners.

The coolant, which is most often ordinary water, enters the circuit through the supply pipes from the distribution manifold. It is advisable to complete the distribution manifold with shut-off and drain valves, flow meters and automatic air traps. In addition, it is useful to add a water pressure gauge and a thermometer to the warm baseboard, with which it would be possible to control the entire system and it would be easier to control its parameters.

Warm skirting systems classification

Like the underfloor heating system, warm skirting boards can be:

  • water;
  • electric.

Water warm skirting board

Despite the name, not only water, but also heavy alcohols can circulate through the pipes of this circuit. For a running meter of a plinth to fill the tube, 0.34 liters of coolant is consumed, whose operating temperature can fluctuate between 50-85 degrees. Temperature control is carried out automatically or manually through the manifold. The water skirting board perfectly adapts to both centralized and autonomous heating systems, while it can even serve as the main source of heat in the room, and not only as an additional one.

The length of each circuit of a warm water baseboard cannot be longer than 13-15 m, therefore, if the perimeter of the room exceeds this value, then several successive autonomous circuits must be installed in it.

Electric warm skirting board

A warm electric skirting board is heated by heating elements with a power of 200 W per linear meter of module length. At the same time, the operating temperature does not exceed 60 degrees. All heating elements included in the system are connected in parallel with each other. Their operation can be controlled through a wall-mounted electronic or electromechanical thermostat with a built-in ambient temperature sensor.

The heaters are laid in the lower copper tube, and in the upper there is a special cable with a heat-resistant sheath. The voltage from this cable is transmitted to the electric heaters located under it, which are sections with a length of 0.7 to 2.5 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of a warm skirting board


  • When using a warm skirting board, almost all restrictions on the arrangement of furniture in the room are removed, as soon as its location close to the walls can lead to its overheating and drying out.
  • A warm skirting board helps to create a comfortable microclimate in the room, and the slow air currents along the walls do not raise much dust. The volume of the room will warm up more evenly: the ceiling is not too hot, and the floor is not too cold.
  • Constant heating of the walls will finally rid them of mold and dampness, and if such heating is used in rooms with a large glazing area, then condensation will not form on the windows.
  • Due to the small cross-section of the tubes, a large volume of the coolant is not required, which reduces the cost of its preheating. The coolant circulates more intensively, due to which the heat loss of the system can be reduced by 5%. It also leads to a decrease in the thermal inertia of the system, which responds more quickly to any adjustment of the operating mode. In the electric version of the warm skirting board, it is possible to save energy.

  • Due to the fact that the device does not heat up too much, it is possible to save energy costs. Thanks to the possibility of separate regulation for each room, in any of them it is possible to maintain the desired temperature.
  • Skirting boards are very easy to install as they consist of ready-made modules, which only remains to be connected to the heating system or power supply.
  • Moderate heating of the skirting boxes makes them safe for curtains, furniture and other items located near the walls.
  • After installation, the skirting boards remain almost invisible, they can organically fit into any interior style, since the aluminum protective panels can have different colors.


  • The high cost of the structure itself.
  • High energy costs.
  • This system needs constant functioning.
  • Because of low power the warm plinth system is unable to quickly warm up the room, it will warm up the walls for a long time until they begin to give off heat.

The question is logical - which is better to have a warm floor or a warm plinth, because the system of a warm plinth in many ways resembles a related warm floor system, but at the same time requires much less effort and costs during its installation.

In addition, underfloor heating (first of all, water) can not be installed in every room, since it is necessary to prepare a concrete screed for it. There are no such restrictions for the plinth, it only needs that smooth wall... At the same time, the modular design of the system makes it mobile, therefore, if necessary, it can be dismantled and assembled in another room.

Installation of a warm skirting board


  • the climate of the area;
  • glazing area;
  • the quality of the thermal insulation of the room.

For temperate climates, the average power consumption is 100 W / m2. If the dwelling is well insulated, then a cheaper and less powerful system can be installed in it.

To connect adjacent modules of the device, it is advisable to use copper soldering - this method is considered the most reliable, since it allows you to withstand high pressure and thanks to this the system can be connected to centralized heating... If copper brazing is not possible, then threaded fittings are used. Water from the boiler is supplied through reliable pipes from polymers.

Installation process using the example of a warm plinth water system

Typically, a warm plinth is connected through a manifold or manifold.

For the effective functioning of the system, it is necessary that the length of each heating element does not exceed 13 meters, and then the next element, connected separately to the comb, would work.

  1. Lead the pipes coming from the manifold to the installation site of the panels.

  1. Mark before installing the line for installing the panels, bearing in mind that the distance from the box to the floor should be about a centimeter.
  2. Attach the back panel to the marked line and mark the mounting holes, which can then be drilled with a hammer drill.
  3. Fix the panel with self-tapping screws and plastic dowels or glue. The back side of the box has stops providing the required distance of the device from the wall, which is 15 mm.

  1. Glue heat-insulating tape between the skirting board body and the wall, carefully cut the edge of the tape.

  1. Drill 2 holes in the bearing brackets for self-tapping screws, countersink them.

  1. Insert the prepared brackets into the slot of the upper strip in 50 cm increments.

  1. For corner fittings, prepare and install the upper parts of the corner pieces.

  1. Install the plank with brackets to the prepared place on the wall. Attach the brackets with self-tapping screws, drowning their caps.

  1. Break the lower parts of the brackets and remove - they were needed only to maintain the strict parallelism of the installation of the upper bar relative to the lower one.

  1. Insert a PTFE gasket into each bracket.

  1. Prepare the heating module for installation by cutting off excess sections if necessary. To connect the module, it is necessary to remove 2-3 lamellas from the edge. Put connecting nuts, rubber gaskets for fittings and crimping cones on the tubes.

  1. Connect the heating module, tighten the nuts, make a final crimp.

  1. If necessary, make linear and / or angular joining of heating modules.

  1. The completely assembled system must be connected to a manifold and a hot coolant run there.
  2. Stick heat reflective tape on interior cover strip and attach the latter to the brackets in engagement: first slide the upper part of the strip onto the hooks of the brackets, then snap the lower part using force.

  1. You can always choose a decorative cover profile:

A warm skirting board with all the connecting elements is quite expensive, but at the same time it is very effective, and provides new opportunities for interior design.

Video about installing a warm skirting board:

The nuances of installing electrical panels

  • Due to high consumption electrical power, a maximum of 17 modules can be used together in order not to overload the network.
  • The electrical cable supplying the device can be placed outside or inside the wall, covering it with a box.
  • The device is connected to the power supply through a thermostat, which can be conveniently attached to the wall one and a half meters from the floor, and you must leave free access to it. As a rule, the thermostat is installed next to the outlets.

  • Calibrate the instrument before commissioning.

When making a warm plinth with your own hands, you must take into account two possible options its manufacture:

Option number 1 - from roofing copper

In the first case, the structure consists of unannealed copper pipes with a diameter of 12-20 mm and roofing sheet copper with a thickness of 0.4 mm. Such systems are assembled in the following order:

  1. Roofing copper plates must be cut into strips 15 cm wide.
  2. Then fold the edges of the resulting strips at right angles to the base so that the width of the folded part is about 7-8 mm. In this case, the length of the strip itself should not be more than 3 m, otherwise it will be simply inconvenient to work with such blanks.
  3. Then solder the copper pipes to the inner side of the case, bending the ends of the pipes slightly to the side beforehand to make it easier to install the adapters.
  4. The heating medium can be supplied using standard hoses with an internal diameter of 12 mm and fixed with ordinary clamps on the pipes.
  5. After that, homemade skirting boards must be fixed to the wall using mounting clips, which must be selected in accordance with the diameter of the pipes.

Option number 2 - from aluminum profiles

In another version, the design uses standard profiles made of aluminum, the same as used for the installation of plasterboard structures. In this case, the build order is as follows:

  1. First, a few steps must be taken from the top and bottom of the workpiece. small holes through which the profile will be attached to the wall.
  2. After that, put copper tubes inside it and fix them with aluminum wire.
  3. Then the profile, together with the tubes, must be fixed on the wall so that one of the tubes is higher than the other.
  4. To collect all the fragments into a single system, the easiest way is to use standard connectors, for example, fittings. The same profiles can serve as front panels in such boxes, which just need to be painted in a color that is in harmony with the color of the walls of the room.

Would you like to install a warm skirting board system in your home or apartment? Or are you already heating the house in this way? Tell us about your plans or accomplishments in the comments.