Proper connection of heating radiator in the apartment. Connecting heating batteries: efficient and inefficient ways

Usually, the heating system in private houses is autonomous, so it is necessary to purchase sufficient power boilers for its organization and determine which heat transfer of heating radiators should be. Then the case remains for small - you only need to connect the heating devices with the boiler with the help of the pipeline and refuel all the heat carrier. Most optimal scheme Connections is a two-pipe, when there is a feed, and the return.

Types of heating systems

Use single-tube and two-pipe options that may have both advantages and disadvantages. The design can be mounted as with lower layoutand top. However, the latter is most often applied, as it is more convenient and practical.

How do you know the principle of work autonomous System Heating consists in constant circulation of water or other coolant from the boiler to devices and back. At the same time, it can move in gravity, or in a compulsory, which is achieved by connecting the pump.

Two-pipe connection option

Consider her features:

  1. The installation instructions for the scheme implies the presence of two separate pipelines to which each of the devices are connected.
  2. At the same time, one plumbing is served, from where hot water comes from, and the other - inverse, which is already chilled water.
  3. Since the paths overcome by the coolant, both in the feed pipe, and in the inverse, are equal, their hydraulic resistance is equally. That is, such a scheme is hydraulically balanced, which makes it use the most optimal.

Proper connection of heating radiators two-pipe system - Diagonal method

Tip: Use In this case, the diagonal method of connecting the heating devices will make the operation of the system more efficient.

  1. However, the schemes can be deadlock, which means that the most:
    • the long way has been doing the cooling water, departing from the latter in the heating device chain;
    • short - runs from the first.

For this reason you have to adjust the feed hot water With your own hands in each of the battery with cranes or use thermostatic valves.


The scheme may be forced (the pump is embedded) and the samoton, the main advantage of the latter is that it does not require the availability of electricity. To do this, the top is done, as in the previous case, diagonally connected.

It is used most often in small residential buildingshaving no more than two floors. Although it becomes ideal in populated areas that have electricity interruptions, it is used not often, which is explained by the need to apply a large number of materials and inestoretic appearance.

Used not only in residential buildings, but also in any other buildings, regardless of their destination. Its organization requires high costs of materials and forces, but still the benefits of such an indisputable system.

Tip: You can easily pick it up for any buildings, no matter how difficult they are.

On one branch, it is possible to locate a large number of heating devices, and it will not require additional installation hydraulic pressure regulators. Water supply and reverse outflow in such schemes are connected separately, which allows you to adjust the heating of all rooms at home automatically. In this case, the thermostators will not have any influence on other devices, and their price is only slightly increase the cost of mounting.

Options for connecting heating devices to the system

We often say words - "Connect" and "attach", implying the implementation of the same action - to connect the radiator with.

However, this approach is amateur, since there is a certain technical difference between them:

  • attach the radiator - To bring a tube tube to it and "Retroof". An example can serve to the radiator side option when the pipes are suitable for the device on one side from above and below, or diagonal.
  • to plug heating device - Create a connection node in which there is a feed or reverse order, as well as regulating ball Valves, valve or other similar items.

There are two main versions of the heating system, on which it depends final assembly heating circuit Houses Go apartments:

  1. The upper - the feeding line is located above the top level of the radiator.
    In this case, use such options for the radiator attachment:
    • one-sided side (bottom and top) - the method is most effective when used in the battery no more than 10 sections. IN otherwise Warming up the long-distance occurs not completely, due to which the efficiency of the device is significantly reduced;

    • diagonal (from above and below) can be two ways, each of which is considered the most effective in this method of wiring. You can use devices with a large than 10, the number of sections and they will all warm up the maximum.
  1. The bottom - the feed line approaches the radiator below, is usually used when installing the pump:
    • one-sided side (from above and below) - in this case, as in the previous one, maximum effect From this method one can only be obtained with the number of sections in heating devices not more than 10, otherwise the coolant simply will not have time to warm them;

    • diagonal (on top and bottom) - the effect is the same as at the top wiring;

The heating system is necessary in order to ensure the most comfortable temperature in the house, which depends on the set of factors. These include the method of laying pipes, and the number of radiators, and the total length of the system, the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, so on.

And, it means that the system is selected for each house individually, so many are wondering - how to connect the heating battery?

Methods of connection

There are ways to connect heating batteries with their own hands, which can often be found in private homes:

  • Unilateral. It is that the feed pipe and the reverse is connected on one side to the first section: the straight line is connected to the top, and the reverse to the bottom.
    In this way, uniform heating of all radiators is carried out. But it is recommended to use this connection when there are many sections or in high buildings with a parallel compound;
  • Saddle and lower connection Ideal for the system in which the pipes are hidden under the floor. At the same time, both main pipes are connected to the nozzles of opposite sections at the bottom. This method is ineffective, since power losses are within 15 percent;
  • Diagonal. Used when there is big system Heat supply with a corresponding number of sections. This method of connection makes a uniform distribution of the coolant and the maximum heat transfer from the instruments.

Place for connecting

In principle, the connection of the heating battery should be carried out in a certain place, in which it is possible to create protection from access of cold air from the street and to warm the room well. That's why often radiators are located under the windowsill.

At the same time, it is necessary to observe a certain distance from the device to the wall - about 5 centimeters, and to the floor - 10 centimeters. If you adhere to these recommendations, the warm air from the radiator will create a kind of thermal veil.

Important. The windowsill should not blame the battery or overlapping it, because it will significantly reduce the efficiency of heat release.
In some cases, radiators are covered with the screen, usually do it when they warm.

Main types of heating systems

To date, there is a connection of heating batteries in a private house for two heating systems: one-tube and two-pipe.

  1. With the first version, water enters the pipes from above (the tank is on the mountainous) and thus applies to pipes.
    This is a fairly common system, but with this option, there is no possibility to adjust the temperature, as additional options are needed.
  2. The second option lies in the fact that warm water It flows on one pipe, and the cooled comes on the other. Batteries in this case are connected in parallel.
    Such a system for connecting heating batteries is distributed in cottages and houses. It is characterized by the same temperature of all radiators, and temperature control is carried out in the feed pipe using a thermostat.

In any case, the diagrams of connecting the heating batteries can be designed by vertical or horizontal system. In the first heating devices are connected to vertical standAnd in the second joined horizontal pipelines.

Any control panel of the heating battery can be connected with the power of the power carrier to the radiator by the lower or side path.

The structure of the radiator

Usually the standard heating device consists of heating element (radiator) and additional parts, as shown in the figure below.

At the same time, the installation is carried out when the thermostat is necessary in the heat supply system. Since many carry out the heating batteries with their own hands, this scheme will be interesting for them.

But before you understand and determine for yourself how to connect the heating batteries in your specifically, you need to familiarize yourself with a variety of videos and photos in our site gallery. They will tell in detail about the pros and cons of a system, as well as help you choose pipes and other additional items.

Naturally, it is better to start the installation in the warm season, then in the cold time not to stay without heating. Therefore, everyone prepare in advance, buy everything in order to quickly make all the necessary work.

The big advantage is that the diagram of connecting heating batteries in a private house may be the most different, and you are not in certain "technical" framework.

When replacing the batteries, do not forget to put the Maevsky crane, with which it is easy to lower the air from the system.
And so that the room is not very stuffy, the valve is installed, performing partial or complete overlap of heat supply.

Shut -ling fittings

It is clear that the shut-off valves when connected plays important roleSince it provides not only the flow of water, but also distributes the radiator coolant. On the nozzles inverse and the feeder adjustment devices are placed regulating and shut-off. Starting valves are required to cut off the water supply to the battery to replace it or repair.

The binding of the low-connected heating battery may not mean the installation of bypass and adjustment devices. The shut-off valve is provided for in most two-pipe systems with side or diagonal connections. Usually, the instruction requires always easy access to the locking and regulating elements, even if the radiators are closed.

Battery selection

it an important stage Building heating, because the material from which radiators are made directly depend on their heat transfer, and, accordingly, the temperature in the room. You must also correctly calculate the number of sections in the room.

According to the material from which the batteries are made can be divided into:

  • Cast-iron;
  • Bimetallic;
  • Aluminum;
  • Steel;
  • Copper aluminum.

Aluminum batteries have the power of one section of around 192 W, and the working pressure is 16 atm. They are distinguished by good heat transfer and fast heating. Used in the autonomous and central velocities of heat supply.

Their main disadvantage is that they are sensitive to the composition of water, so they very quickly displays internal corrosion. Also, these devices are subject to sharp pressure changes in the system.

Cast iron batteries have the power of the section from 79 to 160 W, and the pressure is from 10 to 15 atm. They can work with large temperatures Heat carrier - up to 150 degrees Celsius. Their minus is a big weight, and plus - normal installation and resistance to various pressure drops.

Bimetallic radiators have a power of about 200 W and a working pressure of about 35 atm. They have a core of steel and aluminum hull. Often such batteries are used in offices or apartments with the central type of heating.

Their advantages: lightness, practicality, resistance to the inner medium, high heat transfer. The minus can be a higher price compared to the rest.

Even if you choose the battery correctly and calculate the number of sections correctly, you should know one advice - the better heat insulation Your home, the higher the effectiveness of your system.


Installation of heating elements - a responsible step to the creation effective heat supply. To produce these works, you need to calculate everything to the smallest detail and consult with several specialists.

The maximum return from the heating system in a private house will be if the owner chooses the optimally suitable radiators suitable and other characteristics, connect them to the correctly compiled scheme, and will ensure the appropriate operation and maintenance of the entire system. Developed by specialists schemes in a private house are directed to the selection optimal option Installation for any architectural solutions housing. General scheme of pipe wiring and connecting heating devices, boilers and shock fittings for a single or two-storey building may look like this:

Features of the installation of heating radiators

Everyone a private house - the structure is individual and unique, therefore specific scheme Connecting heating batteries in a private house is compiled, based on the realities of housing and its architecture. Installation disorder can lead to the fact that radiators will warm up unevenly, will arise aerial traffic jamsThe movement of the coolant will be difficult, and the efficiency of the boiler and energy consumption will be minimized.

The scheme can be made on your own, having at least some experience of home and construction workBut easier and more efficient to contact the appropriate company, providing organizations to take responsibility for the quality work of heating in your home. Working out and implementing a pipe wiring and installation scheme of all communications, you need to pay attention to such items:

  1. Check the matching of theoretical installation of pipes and radiators to the real characteristics of purchased instruments and materials, using calculations of similar schemes;
  2. Provide the correct and consistent connection of the component systems - these are pipes, a shut-off, controlling and regulating reinforcement, heating boiler and pumps;
  3. Choose materials, nodes and parts, best suitable for the selected scheme.

The next step is the choice of placement location and radiators connection scheme according to the existing SNiP:

  1. Between the floor and the lower edge of the battery should be a distance of ≥ 10-12 cm;
  2. Between the windowsill and the upper edge of the heating battery should be a distance of ≥ 8-10 cm;
  3. There should be a distance of ≥ 2 cm between the rear wall of the radiator and the wall of the house;
  4. It is undesirable to have radiators in niches or close their decorative screens.

IMPORTANT: If neglected by these simple rulesThe coefficient of heat recovery radiator will significantly decrease significantly, causing disorders in the work of the entire heating system.

Optimal place To install radiators in any room - under the window, and if there is no window - next to the door. That is, the heat source must stop outgoing cold air flows. If there are several windows in the room, then, if possible, radiators are recommended to be located under each window, connecting them sequentially. If the angular room, then several radiators should also be installed several. Such a system for connecting heating in a private house will not be much more expensive, but will provide a warmth any, even unsuitable for heating the room.

Modern heating schemes imply that each radiator has the option manual or automatic heating adjustment - valve or valves, automatic thermostators. These mechanisms allow you to adjust the heat transfer separately with the radiator in manual or automatic mode.

Types of pipe wiring

Connect batteries or radiators It is recommended in one of two options - it is a single-circuit (single-tube) and a double-circuit (two-pipe) diagram of connecting radiators. Heating for one contour is common in high-rise buildings, since in them hot water is first fed up, and after bypassing all radiators, it is supplied to the boiler through the feed feed pipe (reverse). Such a solution does not oblige the use of the circulation pump, since the water when applying from above itself creates pressure to advance the coolant. If the boiler is below the top floor, then the circulation pump must be connected.

Advantages of the pipe wiring single-circuit scheme:

  1. Cheap parts and scheme nodes, low labor costs, a small amount of materials used;
  2. Simple installation and maintenance of the system;
  3. The ability to combine with other heating systems - "warm floor" and non-standard heating devices - registers or homemade batteries;
  4. Installation in rooms with any architecture and geometry;
  5. Aesthetic minimalism in design.


  1. Complex hydraulic and thermal calculations;
  2. Pressure and heat transfer on a separate radiator can be adjusted, but at the same time changes in the heat transfer will affect other heating devices;
  3. The need to create high pressure in pipes is natural or forced.

Important: When operating a single-circuit system, it sometimes appears difficulties with free with hot water or antifreeze circulation, which are completely solved by inclusion in the pump diagram for forced circulation of the coolant.

Connecting batteries for two pipes house is based on the principle of parallel connecting all batteries in the house. Thus, the feed tube is structurally not connected to the feed supply of cooled water into the system, and together the pipes are combined only at the end point.

The advantages of the two-circuit scheme:

  1. It is possible to install automatic thermostators for each radiator;
  2. Convenient maintenance and good maintainability of the system - any work can be carried out on the local area, without turning off all heating in the house;


  1. Installation of a two-pipe circuit is more expensive, the assembly time and setting of all elements and nodes is higher than that of the single-circuit of the heating.

Decisions on the connection of radiators

In addition to existing and tested solutions for pipe wiring options for heating, several working circuits are developed and implemented, how to properly turn on the radiators into the circuit. These are the following solutions:

Side or unilateral connection of radiators in the system: feed pipe with hot water And the reverse stroke tube of the coolant is connected on one side of the radiator. Such a connection solves the problem of the same heating of each section of the radiator, the cost of purchasing nodes and parts is minimal, the volume of the coolant in the system also strives to a minimum. Such a scheme is often used in high-rise buildings, where there is always a large number of batteries or radiators. If the radiator in the lateral diagram is multisective, then the long-range sections will warm up much weaker, therefore the optimal number of sections for any variant of the radiator or battery is 12. If such a solution is not suitable, it is better to turn on the device on a different scheme - with a lower or diagonal connection.

The diagonal or cross connection is suitable for the heating devices with the number of sections greater than 12. The diagonal scheme is called because the feed pipe is supplied from above, and the reverse feed pipe is from the bottom, and both pipes are located from the opposite ends of the battery. Here, the feed pipe is the same as in the previous connection scheme, it is connected from above, and the reverse tube is from the bottom, but they are summed up from opposite sides of the heating battery. When organizing such a connection, the device warms up in all sections evenly, which increases the return of heat throughout the system.

Lower connection or "Leningrad" is suitable for heating systems with hidden pipes - in the walls or under the floors. Both pipes - and undermining, and the return - connect to the radiator from below, to the opposite sections on the radiator. The disadvantage of such a scheme is one - high heat losses that can reach 12-14%. Minimize heat leakage can be included in the air valves scheme that will remove air from pipes, increasing thermal power Radiator. In order for the radiator with such a connection to be repaired and servicing, the feed and reverse is equipped with special valves, and for regulation, an automatic thermostat that is crashed into the coolant feed pipe.

Installation of radiators

The heating system in his home can be developed and connected on its own without spending the services of professionals. Moreover, the connection schemes are simple and do not require the use of special tools and expensive materials. It is just important to comply with technology and a sequence of operations. If all connections are hermetic and collected according to the scheme, there will be no problems with the launch and subsequent exploitation of heating, and the cost of materials and work will be minimal.

The procedure for installing a new radiator:

  1. Before dismantling the old radiator and installing a new device, it is necessary to overlap the heating of the main valve on the boiler;
  2. Place the attachment points of a new radiator. Usually the radiator is hanging on the brackets running in the kit, which are attached to a dowel to the wall;
  3. The radiator is collected - the mounting holes are screwed onto the Fum tape or pass adapters, which are supplied with the radiator.

Important: Adapters for connecting the radiator should be four: two with left-threads, and two - with the right.

  1. Threaded holes in radiators that will not be used to connect, close: one - the crane of Maevsky, the rest - stop caps. FUM or Pacle wounds: on the right - clockwise, on the left - counterclockwise;
  2. Ball valves are connected to the connecting places to the pipes;
  3. The radiator is attached to the place with the help of brackets, and connects with pipes - do not forget to use a winding for sealing;
  4. The system is pressed, commissioning work is carried out.

Before connecting a battery or heating radiator to a system, organized according to any diagram, you must select the type of pipe wiring and the diagram of connecting pipes and radiators. Works on pipe wiring, assembly of the circuit and connecting radiators can be made with your own hands, correlating your own requirements for construction standards and installation technology.

  1. Work in the opposite direction - the feed pipe is confused with a reverse location. The error is visible when commissioning works - radiators are badly warmed, air traffic jams are immediately formed;
  2. Radiators are closed with decorative lattices and screens that make access to the thermostat. Traffic warm air Limited, the regulator can turn off the boiler with poorly heated radiators, which leads to a total of 20% of the loss of heat transfer. Therefore, the screens must be as lattice as possible, and not deaf. Without battery valves will warm up unevenly;
  3. Installing the head of the thermostat in a vertical position will cause interruptions in its operation. It is easy to correct the situation - it is enough to change the position of the head.

Distinguish three diagrams of connecting heating radiators to heating system. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages and is applied depending on general scheme Heating.

Side diagram or lateral connection

For side Connection The feed and reverse tube are located on one side of the radiator. In this case, it is possible to supply the feed from above (at the top wiring) or below (at the bottom wiring).

It is believed that the lateral connection is less efficient compared to other schemes for connecting radiators. When it is realized, power loss is possible heating device from 5 to 15%.

The side schemes for connecting heating devices are successfully implemented in houses with a high movement of the coolant and high, more than 4 atm, pressure in the heating system. Due to the high pressure and high speed of the movement, the coolant completely fills the volume of the radiator. As a rule, these are multi-storey high-rise buildings.

In private houses with a relatively low speed of the coolant movement, the lateral connection is better not to use, but in houses with natural circulation This scheme of the strapping of the heating device is simply not acceptable.

Lower connection

With the lower connection of radiators, the feed pipe is connected to the lower side opening of the heating device, and the heat carrier is made from the lower opening located on the opposite side of the radiator. Due to the natural convection, the heat flowing from the bottom rises up and the heating device completely warms. However, in the upper corners of the radiator, with such a connection, congestion cold zones are formed, the presence of which reduces the efficiency of the heating device by an average of 5%.

Despite this disadvantage, the lower scheme of the radiator strapping is widespread in private homes, especially when using a single-tube heating system. As a rule, the main argument in its favor is a small material intensity - pipes for the lower connection scheme will be required slightly less than when the diagonal connection scheme is implemented.

With a diagonal connection of radiators, the feed pipe is suitable on one side of the heating device, and the coolant output occurs through a hole, located opposite the diagonal of the radiator. In this case, the feed can be connected to top corner, then the output will be the bottom hole from the opposite side.

If the feed is connected to the lower angle, then the output will be the upper hole located on the opposite side of the heating device.

The diagonal diagram of connecting radiators is considered the most efficient, and the most faithful connection option is the coolant supply to the upper angle, and its output across the opposite lower hole. With such a connection, radiators work with maximum heat transfer.

How to choose a radiators connection scheme?

What scheme for connecting radiators to give preference largely depends on the heating layout scheme.

Distinguish several heating schemes:

  • one-pipe
  • two-pipe
  • collector

The choice of heating scheme largely depends on the method of movement of the coolant: gravity or forcibly with circulating pump.

Self-sized heating system and its implementation scheme

Until a certain time, the soleculous heating system in private houses was the only possible. It is likely that it was its widespread a myth of the simplicity and cheapness of self-heating heating. In fact, the heating scheme based on the natural movement of the coolant is the most complex in sales and material intensity.

Moreover, the self-ethnic heating works only in single-storey houses. IN two-storey buildings Inevitably occurs overheating of the second floor, to eliminate which the installation of additional bypass is necessary, which will also lead to the rise in the heating system.

In the houses of greater floors, the samotone heating system is not used.

Another important conditions for the successful implementation of the samotane heating system is the presence of a attic where the expansion heating tank must be installed and feed collectors (shoulders) are laid.

If the attic is not, and the house with the attic, expansion tank You have to install in a residential room, connecting it to the sewage system to reset the excess coolant if necessary. It should be remembered that in the self-e-system, the expansion tank is open and its location inside the house is possible only when used as a coolant of water. If antifreeze is filled into the heating system, the pairs of which are dangerous for a person, an open expansion tank indoors cannot be installed.

Another condition for the normal operation of the samotane heating is to install the boiler below the level of the return, for which the boiler is placed in a special deepening or in ground floor. Finally, the installation of pipes of such a system should be made with a slope that provides free directional movement of the coolant to the boiler.

As you can see, the scheme of the samotane system of heating cannot be called simple. She has too many flaws, and the dignity is only one - uninterrupted work Heating systems in the absence of electricity.

One-tube heating system

For one-pipe system Heating The coolant enters the radiator, passes through it and returns again to the same pipe. In this case, the temperature of the coolant gradually decreases when driving from one heating device to another. As a result, the first radiator is heated and works with full heat transfer.
To ensure the calculated power of heating, the second radiator must be greater power, and the third heating device is even more powerful.

In private houses it is difficult to accurately calculate the required power of heating devices when they are connected to a single-tube system. As a rule, the selection of radiators occurs "on the eye", which leads to uneven warming of the room: in one room, close to the boiler will be hot, and in the other, on the contrary, cold.

It remains to add that real economy On the pipes when installing a single-pipe system, the heating system cannot be obtained.

For collector scheme Heating The coolant from the boiler comes first to the distribution manifold, and then from it to radiators. At the same time, the feed pipe and the pipe feed is underway to each instrument of heating.

For efficient operation of such a heating system important condition It is equal length of pipes to each radiator. You can achieve this only when the reservoir is located in the center of the heated house, which is not always possible.

If you create a heating system with equal pipe lengths to each instrument of heating, it is not possible to balance the system, creating artificially obstacles to the movement of the coolant (opening and pressed shut-off reinforcement), which leads to the need to use a more powerful circulation pump and can cause uneven wrapping of the premises.

With a backbone of heating scheme, the sum of the lengths of the supply pipes and the returns of each radiator are equal, and therefore the hydraulic resistance of each heating device is equal. For such a heating circuit, you do not need balancing.

Implemented backway scheme Heating is simple enough: the feed pipe is suitable for each instrument of heating, and the reverse is moving in a population direction to the boiler. As a result, the closer to the boiler is the radiator, the shorter its feed pipe, and the longer the pipe of the returns. And, on the contrary, at the most distant radiator, the longest feed pipe and the shortest pipe of the returns.

Let's summarize

Despite the variety of radiators connecting schemes for a private house, the maintenance of the heating diagram with a diagonal connection of radiators is the most efficient.

Heating batteries can be connected according to one of three schemes. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that each has its own pros and cons. As the basis of the choice, there is a diagram of pipe wiring. Diagonal is not used in urban apartments, as they usually have a side connection. However, some home masters and specialists when choosing effective system Prefer diagonal option.

Features of a diagonal connection scheme

If you also wondered about why the diagonal connection is most effective, this option should be considered in more detail. If we take into account the process where hot air or water is involved, the action will occur in one physical law, which involves the rise of the warm masses upstairs, while the cold go down.

To ensure a uniform heat distribution by volume of the radiator, the coolant across the battery should be distributed. As mentioned above, the lateral connection in urban apartments acts as the main scheme. After all, there is used forced circulation under high pressure. The diameter of the emerging and outgoing nozzles is only 20 mm. Through them, water enters the battery under high pressure, which allows you to evenly and quickly fill the device.

If we are talking about a private housekeeping, where the circulation is natural, the filling of radiators occurs under the influence of the aforementioned physical law. That is why hot streams penetrate through the upper nozzle, pushing cold water Through the bottom exit from the opposite side. Two nozzles are located diagonally, if we consider the device. From here and the connection is followed. The coolant fills the battery gradually, giving heat all over the volume. It is necessary to take into account not only the law of heat transfer, but also a physical law. That is why this scheme is the most efficient.

Features of the implementation of the diagonal scheme

Diagonal connection The heating radiator you can implement yourself. Works should be started with the preparation of the battery. For this you need to take care of availability:

  • heating devices themselves;
  • shut-off reinforcement;
  • pipes;
  • fittings;
  • other additional devices by the type of heat meter meters, crane of Maevsky and thermal heads.

At the first stage of the work, the radiator is installed. It is necessary to take into account the rules. This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of heat transfer will depend on them. When the diagonal connection of the heating radiator is used, part of the window opening must match the radiator axis. Up to the top collector from the windowsill, you must observe the distance within 15 cm. As for the floor from the floor to the bottom of the collector, it should be the same. From the wall to the battery it is necessary to put a distance of 5 cm. Error may have a place. If you are talking about the distance to the window sill or floor, the error can reach 4 cm, while the step between the battery and the wall can be increased or reduced by 1 cm.

If you decide to use the diagonal connection of the heating radiator, then there must be some assumptions that affect the intensity of heat transfer. For example, if there is no windowsill, this indicator can be increased by a maximum of 20%. Approaching the battery to the floor will reduce the heat transfer by 7%. To improve the efficiency of heat recovery, professionals are recommended to complement the radiator with a reflective screen, which is installed on the wall. Use for this you can sheet dvp Or cardboard, each of which is covered with foil. In this case, the heat transfer will be able to increase by 25%.

If you want to achieve proper work Radiator, then go to the implementation and installation with maximum attention. It is important to correctly set the device horizontally. From the distortion you can get rid of using the level. At this stage, it will be important to put markup. As soon as the markup can be applied, you can install brackets.

The screw is used as a fastener, installed on plastic dowels. Today you can meet brackets that have a pine shape. They screw in a dowel of an impressive diameter. Now everything is ready to install the radiator and connect it to the pipeline system.

Complete set of radiator for diagonal scheme

The diagonal diagram of connecting heating radiators necessarily implies a battery package. To do this, it is complemented with which you can lower the air. You need to take care of the presence of metal couplings that are still known as American. They are installed in the nozzle, for this you need to apply threaded metal clutches. The latter are strengthened by the valves, one such an element should have to each pipe. This will allow you to cut off the battery from heating networkIf you encounter the need to repair. The system itself will work in normal mode.

For more information about the diagonal connection scheme

The diagonal diagram of connecting heating radiators in urban apartments is quite rare. However, according to experts, this technique can be used if the number of sections in one battery exceeds 12 pieces. With the bottom side connection, as well as when circulating water under pressure, the pressure will not be able to mask such a number of sections. The extreme will remain a little warm, and there will be no sense from them.

Such a scheme is used in a two-pipe layout system. The falling circuit must be connected to the upper nozzle, while the reverse is in the lower. If the circulation is forced, the connection can be carried out on the contrary, but in this case you will encounter a decrease in efficiency.

For reference

When the diagonal connection of heating radiators in a private house is used, heat losses Batteries make up 2%. Therefore, in the exercise of thermal calculations, the coefficient is taken in this case, which is 1.1.

Basic types of connection

There is still I. one-sided connectionIn which the hot water supply pipe and the breeding pipe will be connected on one side of the radiator. The use of this principle is rational for single-storey buildings. Fits a scheme if you want to connect a long radiator with the number of sections up to 15. But if this parameter is increased, the heating efficiency will decrease, because the last sections will be colder.

Considering the main options for connecting heating radiators, you should also pay attention to lower connectionwhich is suitable for those systems whose pipes are under the surface of the floor. In this case, over the surface there will be a small segment of a pipe that is supplied to the bottom nozzle. The supply tube is installed on one side of the battery, while the discharge - on the other. The disadvantage of this method is essential heat loss, which reach 15%. At the top of the battery can not be warmed completely.

Important to remember

A single-pipe diagonal connection of heating radiators is quite rare, because such a scheme has a significant drawback, expressed in the absence of the possibility of adjusting heat supply. Thus, the user will not be able to adjust the degree of heating of radiators, in some cases this feature is a significant minus. However, the heat transfer is calculated even when creating a heating project, and in the future it must correspond to the specified parameters.

The main advantages of a diagonal connection

A diagonal method is good in that it is possible to provide the highest heat transfer coefficient. This is true if you compare with the rest of the following schemes. In other words, in the case of a diagonal connection, you can provide room with a maximum amount of heat. The diagonal connection of heating radiators in the apartment should ensure the movement of the coolant inside the battery to form a gradient contour.

The effectiveness of this scheme may decrease what will happen when large quantities Sections. But even in this case, their limit number can be 24, whereas with a side scheme this parameter is only 12. This feature You can consider an important advantage, because you can use longer radiators. In the lateral connection, the increase in the number of sections will be accompanied by less effective work Located on the sides of the elements.

Basic Disadvantages

The diagonal connection of heating radiators, the pros and cons of which are described in the article, can also be used by you. An important disadvantage of this scheme is not too attractive design. After all, it is impossible to argue that the additional pipe looks not very aesthetic. It connects the inverse tube and the top nozzle of the radiator, the first of which passes from below. The minus can be considered that not in all city apartments it is possible to provide such a type of connection. After all, during the construction of Soviet high-rise buildings, they strove to minimal consumption of materials, and often not installed a separate bypass.


The diagonal connection of the heating radiator with a single-tube system is even undesirable, but still possible. But at the same time, you must take into account that in order to increase the level of heat transfer, it is important to take into account the increasing coefficient, which sometimes reaches 1.2. Thus, the passport heat transfer must be increased by 20%.