Third light in architecture. What is the second light in the house

in big and beautiful house everything should be on highest level. Especially the interior of the reception room. In order to create something truly unique, even at the stage of building an elite private house, a “double light” is laid into the project. And the result is something beautiful - a living room with a second light. This technique allows you to create a simply unimaginable entourage in the living room. Especially during the day, when your large living room is filled with affectionate sunlight.

Our article will be devoted to the design of a room for receiving guests with a second light. We will explain what the term "second light" in a room means. Let us denote the advantages and disadvantages of such living rooms. And also give some valuable tips on arranging such a specific room.

What is a room with a second light?

If we try to briefly define what a room with a second light is, then we can say that this large room with a very high ceiling and a second row of windows that are slightly higher than the first row. When you are in such a room, it seems that the ceiling (or part of it) has been removed. And it turned out that the premises of the first and second floors were combined.

Let's say right away that only owners of very spacious houses can afford this architectural solution. That is why such lighting has long been considered a sign of wealth and luxury. By the way, such a trick is very ancient invention. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the interior decoration of temples or palaces. In such buildings, a double row of windows has not only an interior, but also a practical function - lighting a huge space.

In modern big houses“double light” is made not so much for lighting, but for creating a unique entourage that cannot be recreated even with the help of the most advanced artificial light sources.

Advantages of a guest room with double light

To better understand the charm of the "double light" in the reception room, you need to consider the main advantages of this architectural element inherent in spacious houses.

  • When you are in the reception room with "double light", you do not leave the unique feeling of freedom and spaciousness. It is not and cannot be in cramped rooms with low ceilings.
  • The second light in the room, as it were, demonstrates the excess of living space and the wealth of the owners of such a house.
  • A large spacious living room with double light can receive a large number of guests, arrange noisy parties. Even if the people in such a living room will be, as they say, “crowded”, due to high ceilings and a large number windows will not feel cramped.
  • In such a large room with many windows there will always be "walking" Fresh air, even people with asthma will be quite comfortable in such a room.
  • A room with a second light in the daytime is always well lit. Even in cloudy weather, you can not use artificial light sources, as there is enough natural light.
  • The living room with double light is just very beautiful, and what is most interesting, no matter what style of interior you choose for such a room, it will look quite organic in it.

Disadvantages of a room with double light

Having noted the advantages of the second light in the room, it would be wrong not to pay attention to its shortcomings. It is the consideration of the advantages of this room, along with the disadvantages, that gives a holistic view of the essence of this phenomenon. What are the disadvantages of a living room with such lighting?

  1. The second light is expensive in every sense of the phrase. To have a room with double light, you need to invest a lot of money in the construction or purchase of an elite house, and by investing this money, you will need to donate large quantity useful square meters for the second row of windows. Whether this is justified is up to you.
  2. Whoever claims that, but the laws of physics cannot be repealed, before deciding on a large room with a double row of windows, think about heating it, because the heat from the source always tends upwards, so it will be warm under the ceiling and cool below. This option, to put it mildly, is not the best, especially for heat-loving owners.
  3. When planning a large living room with a double row of windows, think about how you will take care of these windows? Of course, if you have the funds to big house, perhaps you are planning to entrust window care to professionals, this good decision, however, everything must first be weighed and evaluated.

Professional builders and designers who are actively promoting the idea of ​​creating interiors with a double row of windows offer solutions that allow you to eliminate the disadvantages of a room with a second light. Let's take a quick look at these valuable tips that are aimed at combating heat loss in such rooms.

  • The problem of lack of heat in big room with two rows of windows can be solved by doing the following: insulating the roof well, installing radiant heaters that heat the surfaces, not the air.
  • You need to take care of installing high-quality windows that will keep heat well.
  • It is best if you combine two types of heating devices: radiant and classic.
  • A good solution for a large living room with a double row of windows seems to us to be the use of underfloor heating.

Summing up, we note that the double light guest room is an attribute of the most luxurious and rich interiors of houses. If you managed to become the owner of a house with a second light, then you are most likely a person who has taken place in life, who appreciates the most comfortable conditions residence. When decorating the interior of a living room with double light, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of such rooms.

During construction country house sometimes a second light is used. The opinion of people on such a layout is divided into three groups. The first want the second light to be present in their house, the second do not know if it is expedient, and the third simply refuse.

So what is the second light? This is the lack of overlap between floors in one or more rooms. This approach is used to increase the visual space. In other words, the second light combines two floors into one.

When planning a second light, panoramic glazing is often used, it looks spectacular.

Opinions on the layout of a house with a second light are divided.

  1. “The second light is power, showiness, strength and uniqueness!” - argue supporters of the arrangement of the unification of floors.
  2. “The second light is impractical! It eats up usable space. A simple hole appears, which can serve as a danger. This is how the skeptics explain their point of view.

So who is right? There is no single consensus. Everyone is different, everyone has their own tastes and preferences. Someone likes one, and the second another. But it is worth considering both sides of the opinion. Give arguments for the arrangement of the second world and against it.

Advantages of the second world

The arrangement of the second light will give the building solidity. It will have the feeling that the room is large in volume. This is lacking in typical apartments in which the ceilings are not very high. This approach will give effect, relative to other houses. In a house with a second light, there is no question that the owners do not have enough space, and they save every square meter.

The second light, in most cases, is equipped in the living room. This is one of the central rooms in the house, and guests will appreciate this layout. At the same time, from the second floor there is a beautiful view of the living room.

The second light looks aesthetically pleasing and gives additional beauty to the whole structure. There are various thoughts on the layout and use of the second light. Fantasy is played out, especially among creative people.

You can plan a fireplace, and gather the whole family around it in the evenings. On weekends, guests and friends will bask in the warmth of the fire. This gives a cozy atmosphere and tenderness.

At the second light glazing can be made panoramic. This will bring even more light into the room. Double-glazed windows can be replaced with stained-glass windows. At the same time, the living room will sparkle with various colors of the rainbow, and will constantly delight with new drawings.

At the second light, there is an opportunity, set tall trees or flowers. The height of the ceilings will allow this to be done, and the glazing will provide the necessary light.

Cons of second world

The main disadvantage is a loss usable area . When arranging a second light, you can lose one or two rooms. But at the same time get a large, spacious room.

If the house is planned to be several hundred square meters, then it is possible to equip the second light with minimal sacrifice, which will not affect necessary premises. When constructing a building with a minimum amount of space, but at the same time it should contain several rooms, it is unlikely that a second light will be made.

Minus also in heating. According to the laws of physics, all heated air tends to rise, while cool air sinks. In the cold season, when the room is heated with a second light, it will be warm upstairs and cool downstairs.

When designing a second light, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of replacing light bulbs in lighting fixtures. Determine how windows and ceilings will be washed.

If the walls are not decorated with decor, then there will be a feeling of discomfort and emptiness.

In the second light there is greater audibility. Sounds from a large room are carried throughout the building. This can create drafts.

When arranging a second light, it is necessary take care of heating. Such a problem should be approached comprehensively.

Consider the insulation of the shelf in a room with a second light. This will minimize heat loss.

Choose carefully heating appliances. Experts advise to install beam systems heating. They can be mounted on the ceiling and hidden under exterior trim. When heat is released, they will heat the floor of the room and the air below. This all-in-one solution with main heating will help make the room warmer.

  • Install underfloor heating on the ground floor. This will allow you to be in comfortable conditions, and not feel cool. Remember that warm air tends to rise.
  • Determine the number of heating systems you need. You can use specialists who will accurately say the power for heating.
  • To minimize heat loss, glazing should be responsibly approached. When arranging the second light, windows are installed on a large area. They are conductors of cold air and the loss of warm air.
  • When planning a house, second light and panoramic windows are best designed on the south side. This will provide auxiliary light, and will additionally heat the room with the help of sunlight.
  • If you provide for all the nuances in the insulation of the room, and the proper installation of appliances. That heating a house with a second light will cost the same as a house without it.
  • When considering the pros and cons of the second light, it is now easier to answer the question: “To equip the second light or not?”.
  • With the second light, usable space is lost, but is it very necessary? Most of the time, family and friends spend in the living room, which impresses with its size and scope. Nice to sit in a large room with a fireplace.
  • When building a country house, I want to move away from the stereotypes of city apartments, build a room with large areas and scope. For this, it is not necessary that the building be several thousand square meters, you just need to correctly design the second light.

Or panoramic windows, you should pay attention to the projects of houses with a second light, developed by our company. This architectural technique "migrated" to private construction from palaces, theater halls, and public buildings.

Its essence is to combine parts of the 1st and 2nd (and sometimes 3rd) floors into a single space due to the absence of interfloor ceilings. Sunlight penetrating from the windows of the walls, the attic gives the high room a special flavor, monumentality, gives rise to a feeling of spaciousness. Stained glass inserts are often used to enhance the effect.

Features of a cottage with a second light

When choosing a house with overhead light, you need to understand that this will require a rather complex, professionally calculated project. Internal layout should take into account:

  • that the usable area of ​​the building is reduced, since part of the ceiling is missing;
  • necessary good insulation roofs so that the warm air rising up does not “disappear”;
  • engineering system heating often involves the arrangement of a "warm floor";
  • the choice of double-glazed windows is based on the calculation of the required parameters to create a comfortable microclimate;
  • thermal convectors are located in such a way as to make the most efficient use of electrical and natural energy.

The planning solution may be different. In a two-story building, large windows are usually provided - from floor to ceiling, illuminating the entire room at the same time. Sometimes the emphasis is on attic glazing, especially if they want to place winter Garden. Very often built on top large balcony, encircling gallery - they offer a view of the living room, and the surrounding landscape

In our catalog, you can choose a project for a one-story house up to 150, 200 m 2 with a second light, and for the construction of a large building. An example of the first is a European-style brick house - No. 57-68K (area 144 m 2), the second - a 4-storey cottage of 500 m 2. An interesting technique became effective design solution for modern premises in high-tech and minimalist styles.

Recently, in the construction of houses, the use of such an architectural technique as the arrangement of a second light is very popular. This layout option inner space buildings originated during the construction of the royal choir, palaces and estates of the medieval era.

Today, not many people know what a second light is in a house project, however, the first modern buildings of this type have already managed to cause heated debate about their relevance today. What are the differences between such projects and what features do they have?

Distinctive features of houses with a second light

To begin with, let's consider what the second light is in a house project. This architectural idea is based on the unification of the space of two or more floors in one or more rooms of the building. talking plain language, in such rooms are absent between adjacent levels of the house, due to which the room is more filled with natural sunlight, it becomes much more voluminous and airy.

In most cases, projects of houses with a second light are complemented by huge panoramic windows, two or three floors high. The interior is decorated with large front chandeliers, sconces and spotlights. On the second floor (in a small part of the room), a ledge is arranged in the form of a balcony, which provides a passage between the levels of the house and can be equipped as a place to relax.

What is attractive about such building projects

Most often, such architectural solutions attract people who know firsthand what a second light is in a house project, and have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of this layout. The key advantages of double-height rooms include:

  1. An opportunity to emphasize the high status of the owner of the house, to give the building luxury and solidity.
  2. Increasing the natural lighting of the room during daylight hours, airiness and spaciousness.
  3. The opportunity to realize the most daring design ideas installation of artificial lighting. The huge height of the ceilings allows you to focus on massive chandeliers made of glass, crystal or pendant lamps, decorated in a wide variety of styles.
  4. elegant staircase structures, providing movement between floors, serve as an excellent decoration for the interior of the whole house.

Unusual building layout stained glass, fireplaces and others decorative elements fill the room with notes of solemnity and sophistication, which is very appropriate for elite class houses.

What are the disadvantages of such plans?

Understanding the question regarding what is the second light in the design of the house, it is impossible not to notice that similar layout cannot be called economical. Due to the fact that the overlap of the second floor is practically absent, future owner loses at least 1-2 rooms at home, and this is the main argument of the opponents of these projects. Since the usable area of ​​the building is significantly reduced, it is not advisable to equip double-height rooms in houses where the area is less than 120 m².

The second disadvantage is usually called the complexity of the calculation heating system, which is associated with the need to create the same microclimate in rooms with different height ceiling. In these calculations important role play and thermal characteristics material from which the building is built.

Today, for these purposes, brick is actively used and gas silicate blocks, however, houses made of timber are the most popular. "Second Light" - the projects are not new, so experienced professionals will be able to correctly make calculations and achieve the optimal balance of temperatures in all rooms.

In what cases it is advisable to choose a layout with a second light

How to do in a room like wooden house, the second light? There are various projects, besides, you can make an individual one, for yourself. Architects recommend giving preference to such solutions only in cases where the area of ​​​​the open room is more than 7 times the height of the ceilings, therefore, we are talking about huge buildings.

So, let's sum up. What is a second light in a house project? First of all, this is an opportunity to get rid of boring standard layouts and make your home unusual and bright. And if you correctly approach the process of construction and planning of the heating system, then the erected building will delight its owners not only with beauty, but also with warmth and comfort.

Recently, in the construction of houses, the use of such an architectural technique as the arrangement of a second light is very popular. This version of the design of the internal space of the building originated during the construction of the royal choirs, palaces and estates of the medieval era.

Today, not many people know what a second light is in a house project, however, the first modern buildings of this type have already managed to cause heated debate about their relevance today. What are the differences between such projects and what features do they have?

Distinctive features of houses with a second light

To begin with, let's consider what the second light is in a house project. This architectural idea is based on the unification of the space of two or more floors in one or more rooms of the building. In simple terms, in such premises there are no interfloor ceilings between adjacent levels of the house, due to which the room is more filled with natural sunlight, it becomes much more voluminous and airy.

In most cases, projects of houses with a second light are complemented by huge panoramic windows, two or three floors high. The interior is decorated with large front chandeliers, sconces and spotlights. On the second floor (in a small part of the room), a ledge is arranged in the form of a balcony, which provides a passage between the levels of the house and can be equipped as a place to relax.

What is attractive about such building projects

Most often, such architectural solutions attract people who know firsthand what a second light is in a house project, and have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of this layout. The key advantages of double-height rooms include:

  1. An opportunity to emphasize the high status of the owner of the house, to give the building luxury and solidity.
  2. Increasing the natural lighting of the room during daylight hours, airiness and spaciousness.
  3. The ability to bring to life the most daring design ideas for installing artificial lighting. The huge height of the ceilings allows you to focus on massive chandeliers made of glass, crystal or pendant lamps, decorated in a wide variety of styles.
  4. Elegant stair structures that provide movement between floors serve as an excellent decoration for the interior of the whole house.

The unusual layout of the building, stained glass windows, fireplaces and other decorative elements fill the room with notes of solemnity and sophistication, which is very appropriate for elite class houses.

What are the disadvantages of such plans?

Understanding the question regarding what is the second light in the design of the house, it is impossible not to notice that such a layout cannot be called economical. Due to the fact that the overlap of the second floor is practically absent, the future owner of the house loses at least 1-2 rooms, and this is the main argument of the opponents of these projects. Since the usable area of ​​the building is significantly reduced, it is not advisable to equip double-height rooms in houses where the area is less than 120 m².

The second disadvantage is usually called the complexity of calculating the heating system, which is associated with the need to create the same microclimate in rooms with different ceiling heights. In these calculations, the thermal characteristics of the material from which the building is erected also play an important role.

Today, brick and gas silicate blocks are actively used for these purposes, but houses made of timber are the most popular. "Second Light" - the projects are not new, so experienced professionals will be able to correctly make calculations and achieve the optimal balance of temperatures in all rooms.

In what cases it is advisable to choose a layout with a second light

How to make a second light in a room like a wooden house? There are various projects, besides, you can make an individual one, for yourself. Architects recommend giving preference to such solutions only in cases where the area of ​​​​the open room is more than 7 times the height of the ceilings, therefore, we are talking about huge buildings.

So, let's sum up. What is a second light in a house project? First of all, this is an opportunity to get rid of boring standard layouts and make your home unusual and bright. And if you correctly approach the process of construction and planning of the heating system, then the erected building will delight its owners not only with beauty, but also with warmth and comfort.

The second light in the house is what a miracle?

The second light in the house - what is it? We can see it in all its splendor in historical films describing the brilliant life of kings in luxurious palaces. fashionable and effective reception, which is successful in Europe, is gradually gaining sympathy in the Russian expanses. This option will appeal to people with non-standard thinking, able to appreciate the wide possibilities that open up for design.

The second light in the house - what kind of know-how is this?

The meaning of this architectural technique is that the ceilings between the floors are eliminated inside the building. On the second floor, there is either no access at all, or there is a walk-through gallery along the perimeter of the room. Thus, a spacious room is formed, the area visually increases, it becomes possible to provide more efficient natural lighting.

As a rule, this room is used as a front living room, where it will be possible to organize a top-level reception of guests. In addition, the possibility of arranging a second light is provided in cottages. attic type. If the tenant does not plan to actively use attic space, it makes sense to open the living space to the sun's rays.

The architect in this case can provide for the installation of high stained-glass windows, panoramic windows, giving lightness and airiness to the structure. The lighting project may have various variations. In the literal sense of the word, a person has the opportunity to breathe deeply, since there is a lot of air in the large hall.

The second light in architecture has its limitations. In the event that the height exceeds the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, it will look unaesthetic. A person will begin to feel like in a well or a chimney.

Chandeliers, sconces and other subtleties

The second light in the house - what kind of useful invention is this? The designer here can unfold to the full extent of his talent. In particular, the lighting project has more room for variation. It becomes possible to hang a large front chandelier, as in a theater or royal palaces. To ensure uniform illumination of the entire space, it makes sense to install Spotlights, bra.

In the complex, all devices will provide soft diffused light, which can be easily adjusted as desired.

Space planning

Before taking action decisively, one should carefully consider functional purpose the resulting premises. The vast space of the first floor should not be turned into an empty lifeless hall. This great option for the device of a drawing room, a hall for receptions. A room with high ceilings also has good acoustic properties. It is perfect for placing a piano or grand piano.

The remaining space on the second floor should also be used with maximum benefit.

Here you can arrange a bedroom, an office. If this is a palace-type mansion, then the option remains with stairs connecting at the top with protruding balconies or a gallery.


The advantages of the second light are immediately revealed to the naked eye. This option makes the room more spacious. The hall is full of sunlight, a wide view of the surrounding space opens up. The facade, decorated with high stained-glass windows or panoramic windows, no longer looks like a blank box with loopholes.

There is a possibility of numerous experiments with different lighting fixtures. You can arrange your own small version of the concert hall with a huge classical chandelier.


"The second light in the house is what an extra expense!" - this is how a person can exclaim, counting every penny with a calculator in his hands. First of all, this is a loss of usable space. A vast space where you can arrange a couple of rooms immediately becomes inaccessible.

There are also problems with heating. The inexorable laws of physics require warm air to rise and cold air to sink accordingly. With conventional radiators, the tenant will intensely heat the space under the ceiling. Wide panoramic windows, implied when installing a second light, will also let a lot of heat out.

Difficulties exist to be overcome...

The disadvantages associated with the device of the second light have been stated above. There is a legitimate question: "What to do?"

The problems associated with heating a living space are easy to solve with current technologies. Underfloor heating is the main solution to the problem of heating when installing a second light. A source warm air is constantly under the feet of residents, respectively, there should not be any problems with heating.

Large windows are a source of heat transfer to the outside. And there are solutions to these problems. First of all, it is necessary to arrange window openings on the south side of the building. So the room will receive the maximum amount of sunlight and in winter period. In addition, do not stand still and modern technologies glass manufacturing. In Europe, low-e glass has been gaining popularity for many years.

It has the unique ability to pass into the room solar radiation, while delaying the return of heat to the outside.

In any case, houses with a second light are mansions of an elite, luxury category. It is worth using this method only when there are enough square meters to satisfy purely aesthetic needs.

The second light is an architectural tradition inherited by us from time immemorial. The majestic Gothic churches of the Middle Ages, the palaces of kings, dukes successfully implemented a trend that is gaining a second wind in our days.

The second light

The second light in architecture - a room with missing ceilings on one or more floors. This design creates a feeling of large space, light and airy.

In the room where the 2nd light is made, there is no ceiling (the ceiling of the 1st floor and, accordingly, the floor of the 2nd floor), that is, it has a height along the ceiling of the 2nd floor compared to the rest of the rooms of the floor, where there are ceilings between floors. That is, for example, there are rooms (rooms) of the house that have a ceiling, while the room with the second light does not have a ceiling.

In general, the second (or third) light is precisely the missing ceilings on one or more floors, creating space (and a very high ceiling of the main floor). Most often, this architectural technique is used in theaters, cinemas, etc.


  • Russian architecture. - 1995.
  • Architectural Dictionary.

The second light design was originally conceived in order to illuminate those houses that, in the standard project, seemed gloomy and inhospitable. The absence of a ceiling makes the room appear larger and larger. And the view of the sun's rays that flood the room simultaneously from two levels of windows is incomparable with anything.

As a rule, living room interiors are created with a second light. Thus, even the most ordinary room turns into the quintessence of style, and the increase in free space allows you to breathe deeply, it begins to seem as if the air in the house itself has become cleaner and fresher.

Abroad, the design of houses with a second light is very common, almost none of the luxurious modern apartments can do without using this technique. In our country, the second light in the interior is treated with caution, as always, for fear that the builders will not cope and something will go wrong.

Unfortunately, these concerns are not unfounded. You need to be very careful when choosing a company that will work on the creation of your second light. However, if you think carefully, the interior of a house with a second light will only please you.