What makes paving slabs with their own hands. How to make paving slabs at home - several options

The pleasure is not cheap, but you want to make your yard clean and beautiful everyone, so I have such a huge desire.

I could not buy a blocking in the required quantity - I did not affect your pocket, but it was easy to make it - it's easily :) It is about how to make a paving slave, I will tell you in this article, completely illustrating the manufacturing process.

Required materials and adaptations

The technology of production of blocks, like her formulation, was found by me on the Internet, the benefit of information is more than enough, and I have done a business.

For the manufacture of such paving slabs you need to buy, superplasticizer and, if desired, dye.

In the store I acquired several bags of cement cement 500 and the superplasticizer: it will increase the strength of the pavement and increase its resistance to reduced temperatures.

Not a huge, of course, but quite a decent pile of sand, brought about a year ago from the local career, we had left after the completion of the house.

And I decided not to acquire a colorant-dye. Honestly, as for me, then the difference between the color and gray paving slave is small, the color still turns out with a shade of gray!

As vibrationtol, without which it is simply impossible to manufacture a high-quality pavement, it was decided to use the old washing machine Siemens, which has long served his time, but still very workers. If someone does not know why vibrationtol is needed, I explain - with its help, the maximum sealing of forms of any concrete elements is achieved, in our case a paving slaves that becomes more uniform and, respectively, strong.

I will tell you about the forms separately and in more detail :)

On forms for self-making paving

When I shared the idea independent manufacture Singles with acquaintances, some of them offered me and forms to make yourself. Some offered to put them out of the old boards, the second advised to use unnecessary tanks - trays, troughs, and so on, the third persuaded to produce them from a special polymer. I, of course, the girl "With Hands", but it did not dare, I decided to purchase ready forms . They are quite diverse, thanks to which you can choose a form with beautiful drawingwhich will be imprinted on the surface of the finished product, giving him special Charm and chic.

It is necessary to make a blocking with your own hands or not, everyone decides himself, and I can only say that it is exciting, it is easy and profitable. I hope my little master class on the manufacture of pavers will be useful for you, try and boast your results!

Deciding to equip the paths in the country, there is a desire to make comfortable elements of the landscape, attractive and useful. Can be used different material- wood, natural stonecrushed stone. In demand uses tile for sidewalks. Homemade tile Harmoniously complement appearance, successfully combined with the overall style of the yard. It remains to figure it out how to make it.

Advantages of homemade tile

The process of independent manufacture of tiles is quite difficult and a nodule, but very interesting. The result of the working cycle will be wonderful products, perfectly looking in the laid form. It should be added that the production of tiles for finishing the tracks by personnel will allow good to save money, not overpaying for the finished material. Maybe tiled material own manufacture does not mean the requirements for carrier abilityfor shipping sites or equipment is not recommended, but for simple tracks It is quite suitable. And if the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bprepared in compliance with all technological features and the proportions of raw materials, the finished product will serve a long time.

Applying successful colors and coloring compositions, it is possible to produce a tile of a variety of colors.

What is necessary for production, video

The tile is made from cement raw materials, into which sand and water is added in the necessary ratios depending on the quality of cement. It is recommended to use cement M 500. Sand mass and water must be filtered and sifted, the presence of small pebbles that do not affect the parameters concrete mix.

Plastic forms required for production can be purchased in special stores. They are various shapes And sizes, each withstands two hundred fills. In order for the production process is not delayed, it is recommended to have a dozen molds of each type. Some instead of forms use plastic grocery containers having suitable parameters on flexibility and strength. With their help, you can cast simple equilateral forms in the form of bricks.

From the tools you will need a container for the kneading concrete, a shovel, buckets, trowel.

Cooking mortar

Pretending everything you need, proceed to production activities. Sand and cement, can be done by hand or a perforator having a mixing nozzle. If it is planned to manufacture a large amount of tile, then you should think about the concrete mixer.

In the container to knead, the share of cement and three - sand is falling asleep. Water should be pouring gradually, constantly stirring raw materials. Remember that the quality of concrete can be deteriorated from excessive moisture. To prevent this negative phenomenon, water-repellent additives and fiber should be made for better reinforcement. The mass of its consistency should resemble a liquid-shaped dough, not rolling down from a trowel. If you want the tile to be different colors, add coloring pigments. After their introduction and active stirring, the solution acquires the homogeneity of the shade of minutes after seven.

Pour mortar

Forms should be lubricated by emulsion composition or spent machine oil so that it is easier to remove finished products. The solution is laid in forms, trambed a trowel. To increase the strength of the tile in the form, you can lay a mesh of metal, wire or rod. To seal concrete and squeezing out air from it, a vibrational effect should be created using vibrotol.

If there is no such design, use the rack or shelf, tapping on them in the image.

Dry and notch tile

The filled with concrete mass is covered with polyethylene and several days are kept in such a state. It is important to maintain the necessary humidity, periodically wasting products with water. Drying is performed in an unavailable place for the open sun. Rasoforming is performed by light movements of sides and shocking. To learn the tile will be in the shade, withsting it about a month. During this period, the material will type the necessary strength and becomes suitable for use.

In any case, making such beauty with your own hands, you can be sure - life lives not in vain!

The platform covered with paving slabs or the path laid out by this material look very presentable. However, the cost of such a coating causes owners of country sites three times to think about the choice of a method of finishing. Therefore, in this article we will consider the process of independent manufacture of such a coating. With this information you can save on the purchase of tiles.

How is the pavement tile?

In industrial conditions, the process of production of tiles is organized using two technologies:

  • Vibropressing - filling the matrix of the working mixture with simultaneous exposure to it pressure and vibration.
  • Vibration - filling the shape of the mixture with the subsequent vibrational effect.

In the first case, it turns out a particularly durable tile that can withstand any operational loads. In the second case, it turns out a tile of acceptable quality, but without extreme strength characteristics.

Moreover, the technology of vibropressing involves the use of such expensive tools as a vibration press and drying camera. TEchprocess vibration requires the use of only a vibration table that distributes a solution in a matrix and extruding air bubbles from the hardened mass.

Experienced house master It can collect vibrationtol from the primary means, saving on the equipment, and instead of the drying chamber you can apply a well-ventilated room. Therefore, in most cases, it is used to manufacture tiles at home that the process of vibration, which will be considered below text, along with a description of the design of the vibration table.

Choose the size and make a form

The production of paving slabs begins with the manufacture of a casting form. However, before making the base for casting, you need to decide on the sizes of the tile. Moreover, the optimal thickness of the finished product can be equal to both three and five centimeters.

With width and long to decide more difficult, because too small tile Complicates the styling process, and large and heavy elements suffer from deformation of the soil transfer and force the use of professional vibration tables that can withstand significant weight loads.

Dimensions and forms

However, optimal dimensions in width and length have long been known and are equal to 20 × 20 cm. Such tiles are easy to laid - only 25 elements are placed in a square meter, and its weight allows you to make all the work itself, without attracting people from the side. In addition, collect square formwork under casting is much easier than a triangle or hexagon.

For the manufacture of three formwork under the tile for us you will need nine meter segments wooden bar The cross section of 4 × 4 centimeters, the square meter of the galvanized sheet and the roll roll. Well, the process itself is as follows:

  1. 1. We take two meter segments as it is, and the third - we cut into five bars for 20 cm.
  2. 2. Know from two meter and two 20-centimeter segments of a 100 × 28 cm rectangle (short bars are invested between long and fasten with nails in the end)
  3. 3. We put the three remaining short bar inside the rectangle, placing them in increments of 20 centimeters.
  4. 4. Watch all the bars with scotch, forming three or four layers that areolating the tree from moisture in the cement.
  5. 5. Sut off from the sheet of galvanized by the band by the dimensions of 100 × 28 cm and click on it obtained from the "Laneke" bars. So you can make the bottom of the form and finally copold wooden bars.
  6. 6. We repeat all the above-described actions two more times, getting three forms.

With the help of one such basis, you can make four products at once with a thickness of up to 4 cm. And on the square meter of the vibrotol tabletop, you can put all three forms made, receiving 12 tiles with a total area of \u200b\u200b0.48 "square". At home this performance will be more than enough.

Cooking the solution - the starting point of the manufacturer of the tile

For the preparation of a solution under the fill of the tile we will need not classical sand-cement mixture 4: 1, and a slightly different composition, which will include such components:

  • Cement grade 400 or 500 (the last one is preferable to the first) - 1 part.
  • Washing fine crushed stone with grain size 1.0-1.5 cm - 2 parts
  • River sidewged sand without clay and organic impurities - 1 part.
  • Reinforcing fiber from basalt or polypropylene Fiber or chopped fiberglass - 1/1000 part of the weight of cement.
  • Plasticizer (increasing tile strength substance) - up to 1/100 on cement weight.
  • Clean water is from a quarter to half the mass of cement.

All the above materials are shred into the concrete mixer and mixed. In addition, a barrel and a building mixer can be used to prepare a solution. In this case, water with a pre-divorced plasticizer in it is added last.

Stirring solution

The availability of the mixture is checked by a trowel - the solution should be stroke, but not drip.

Volumes of tile mortar are determined by the surface area or by the number of tiles. The dimensions of one finished product are 20 × 20 × 4 cm, so the volume of one pavement tiles made with their own hands is equal to 1600 cm3 or 1.6 liters. And on the manufacture of one square meter We will need at least 40 liters of finished concrete.

Moreover, the solution should be prepared last and immediately before the fill of the tile. After all, the homogeneity of the finished mixture is preserved for 10-15 minutes and the fill should be finished during this time.

Pouring and subsequent tile processing

The process of manufacture (fill) of paving slabs can be divided into five stages. At the first of them, the formation of a mold is carried out - her interior surface Lubricate special compositionfacilitating the extraction of the finished product. Moreover, such a composition will be easily replaced by any oil - from sunflower to machine (including workshop).

At the second stage, the solution is a solution, and the mixing tank or concrete mixer is better to place the vibration table. This will help reduce the time at the next stage, when a mixture of water, cement, sand, rubble and additives to move into the molds.

The third stage begins with the fact that the lubricated mold is put on the vibrationtol, covering at least 70 percent of its area. Otherwise, the manufacturing process will delay for a long time. Next, the trunk or a bucket is pulled out from a concrete mixer or container and overflows. And in the process of filling the mass you need to stack. To do this, use a trowel, immersing the tool nose into a flooded form.

Some masters advise to invest in a mold (before the fill) reinforcing grid of steel wire with a diameter of up to 2 mm. But if the reinforcing fiber was used when the solution was used, then the use of the grid can be refused.

After filling in the form, vibrotole is launched, which will squeeze all air bubbles from the mass and compact the fill. At the same time, the mass in the mold can settle, therefore, as shrinking, the master will have to add some concrete into each cell and continue vibration treatment.

The fourth stage is dedicated to the drying of products. Molds remove from the table, laid on a flat surface and turn around polyethylene film. In dry weather they will have to moisturize, compensating for moisture deficit in the hardening concrete. Moreover street temperatures At this time, it should not be descended below 10 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, the strength of the products will be clearly insufficient. In addition, the place for drying will have to be protected from direct sunlight and rain, so the best option In this case, there will be a horizontal platform under a canopy.

At the fifth stage, the product is removed from the form. Before this, the tile should fly in the film at least a week. After removing the product is folded under a canopy for another two weeks. However, the concrete casting is gaining 100 percent of the strength only on the thirtieth day. After this time, it can be used as finishing materialwhich make up the courts in the yard and in the house zone, as well as tracks in the garden.

Extraction itself implies the following actions: an old blanket is sent on a flat surface, the form turns the bottom up and gently shakes in the image. The dried tile easily leaves the nests and falls on a soft surface. At the end, free molds should be put in the sun and add during the day.

We collect homemade vibrotole - Primary funds help save budget

For the manufacture of a homemade vibration table framework, we will need 4 m. Corner with sides of 5 cm, 8 M profile handle with 25 × 25 millimeters sides, steel 5 mm plate length and 1.2 meters width.

As a source of vibration, we will use grinding machines for kitchen knives and other household cold weapons, on the shaft of which we put on grindstone With half a radius segment. Moreover, four shock absorber from the scooter will be used to enhance the oscillations.

The manufacture of the vibrating table begins with cutting blanks for assembling the base (frame). To do this, cut the corner for four meter racks. Next we cut eight meter segments profile pipe (four for top and bottom strapping).

The next step is the assembly of one frame segment. To do this, take two corners and breed between them two meter segments of the profile pipe. The first segment will be located at the end of the future legs (upper strapping), and the second - at a distance of 20 centimeters from the free end. The second segment is going in the same way. Then these segments are connected to each other by the lower and upper cross, forming the vibration table.

Next you need to prepare a worktop. To do this, a sharpening machine is fixed in the center of the steel plate using screws or bolts inserted into pre-dried holes. Then the plate is installed on the table of the table (sharpened machine down) and mark the location of the legs on it, using chalk (for this you need to outline the angular pairing in the zone upper strapping). After that, a 5-centimeter tube segment is screwed in the marked place, forming a cup of spring. The inner diameter of the pipe should be 2-3 millimeters more damage dimensions.

At the next stage, you need to fix four shock absorber from the scooter in the corners of the bed and put on them a tabletop, placing the upper coil springs in the support cups. In the finals on the shafts sharpening machine wear grinding circles With selected segments and fix the start button.

After the plug of the machine will be connected to the outlet, its shaft will start sprinkling the cropped circles, creating vibration, which will go to the worktop and intensify due to the springs (shock absorbers). The length of the latter can be selected, based on the operational load, at which the table top cups should not touch the upper strapping of the bed.

How to cut cement?

The standard set of components for paving slabs allows you to get products with high strength characteristics and zero aesthetic advantages. To eliminate such a skew, you will need a dye for cement, changing the cooler of the finished tile.

The process of coloring assumes two approaches. The first is the addition of pigment to concrete at the stage of the kneading solution. The second is a layered fill when 2/3 of the depth of the tile are made of gray mass, and the remaining volume is tested with a color composition.

Technically, they are implemented about the same - pigment is dissolved in hot water, in the mass part equal to five percent of the total weight of the solution. Only in the first case, we need to scroll all the concrete, and in the second - only a third of the composition. Accordingly, from this, all the advantages and disadvantages of the first and second methodology are floating.

The advantage of the first method lies in the uniform staining of the entire tile, so that it will not change the color as wear. But the stove painted in this way loses its strength characteristics. In addition, a limited color palette can be applied to a gray mass. And the scratched plates are significantly more common (gray) products.

Other business casting layers. In this case, the high strength of the base is preserved and the homeowner money is saved - only a third of the tile volume falls under staining. In addition, the color part of the fill can be kneaded on the basis of not gray, but a white concrete that takes any colors.

For many country real estate owners, the technology of making paving slabs remains with their own hands.

And indeed, if you purchase certain skills to work with a blocking, then pomerital territory You can proof by unrecognizable, make a solid coating in the yard or mount the garden tracks.

Methods of manufacture

In practice, two main ways are used. To begin with, you will get acquainted with the nuances of obtaining the material under consideration by the method of vibrolying. This method is distinguished by the comparative cheap and possibility of obtaining quality building materials Even inexperienced employees.

The material production technology is as follows. The prepared working solution is poured into the molded form. Next, they are installed on the vibropress and condensed until air bubbles come out. Next, the raw is placed on special racks for drying. About two days later, the forms are knocked out the tiles and use them again.

The blocking agent made by the method of vibropressing differs from the analogue with improved indicators of resistance to mechanical impacts and high strength indicators. Such materials are designed to lay the coating in responsible places, for example, on parking lots.

Note: You can manufacture with your own hands only a vibrolite blocking that can be used for the device. garden tracks. Homemade materials Cannot be used for a long time as a coating in the locations or parking lots.

The technology of obtaining vibratory tiles with something resembles the work on the manufacture of tiles by vibrolying. The finished solution passes through a special press, so products have improved strength indicators. At the final stage of work, the material is dried in special passing chambers.

Which is better

According to the majority of consumers, approximately 80% of the total number of respondents, the best indicators have materials that were obtained in the factory conditions by the method of vibratingressing.

Such products are distinguished by a little more cost, by about 20%, but they are much more durable. The concrete mixture has a denser structure, in its composition less pores, which improves the frost resistance and surface abrasion.

It's important to know: An extruded pavement that is present in construction stores is limited in forms and shades, cast tile on the contrary, has a variety of forms and colors.

Maximum destructive impacts occur with a coating in winter time Year when water gets inside concrete, expands and destroys its structure. The surface of the materials made by the method of vibration can be protected by introducing into the base composition of special hydrophobic substances, but such elements will not make it eternal, and only increase the service life.

Special tools

To obtain the materials under consideration, the following tool is necessary:

  • Concrete mixer defined volume.
  • Factory, or made by your own vibrationtol.
  • Rack for laying forms of paving slabs (used as a dryer). In this place will dry drying raw materials. The initial process takes two or three days, then the pavement is knocked out of the form and laid on a bark for another month.

Good to know: A similar unit is used to remove air bubbles from a concrete mix during sealing.

  • Capacity for warm water. They are removed from formwork;
  • Matrix or shapes. They can be made of healthy materials or order on the pages of online stores.

Types of Forms

One of the most popular forms for pavers is considered silicone. Such products are used to create complex shapes. This formwork allows to obtain a drawing with a different textured surface.

The disadvantage of the product is considered limited use (no more than 50 cycles). In the future, the form loses its initial geometric dimensions.

The following variety, plastic formworks are used to obtain simple products. The main advantages of such structures are considered high rates Durability and strength. Such products can withstand up to 800 cycles of fill and frozen the working mixture.

Forms based on polyurethane, something similar to silicone formworks, but they are distinguished by a greater cost and long-term operation (up to 100 cycles).

Many private developers are interested in the question of how to make a form for a paving slave. The most popular option is considered wooden opalMade from plywood chocks or thin boards.

Take note: In the manufacture of the form take into account inner dimensionsthat will correspond to the dimensions of the finished product.

Such forms are performed in the form of a square or rectangle, as well as a hexagon. In the locations of the adjacent elements, metal corners are fixed.

Preparation of solution

In the basic composition of the mortar, the following components must be present:

  • 21% of the binder (cementm500);
  • 55% purified by large sand impurities;
  • 24% GROTSEV;
  • 0.7% of the plasticizer (you can take the C-3 brand);
  • 7% pigment dye
  • reinforcing fiber fiber 0.05%;
  • 5.5% water.

It is interesting: from one cubic meter The working solution can be made of 16m2 tiles, provided that its thickness is equal to 6 centimeters.

To obtain a high-quality mixture, it is necessary to mix all the specified raw materials in the concrete mixer. First you need to dissolve the plasticizer with a small amount of warm water and pour into the agitator. The rotation of the boraner of the unit occurs until the plasticizer is completely dissolved in the liquid.

Pigment dye is also stirred with warmed up to 80 degrees with water until complete dissolution, these components of the mixture are taken in the proportion of 1 to 3. after infusion need quantity Water in the concrete mixer alternately add sand and crushed stone, then the binder (cement). For efficient mixing, water is periodically added to the composition of raw components. The last time it is done at the end of the kneading.

Phased description of the process at home

First you need to properly prepare forms. To do this, their inner surface is deceived by working out or another type of lubricant.

At the stage of formation, it is necessary to pour the cooked solution in the form. If there is a need to make a material with a color surface, then 75% of the formwork is poured with conventional gray concrete, the remaining 25% color. At the same time, the decorative part of the product should be below.

Forms filled with a solution to the top, gently shaken and placed on the vibrationtol for about 5 minutes. Take the products from the table after the appearance of a white film on the surface. White usually indicates the release of air bubbles from concrete. In the manufacture of two-color paving, each layer is seal separately.

Specialist Council:with abundant oil applying on the surface of the tile, small depressions can form, but if the lubricants are not enough, the parallery will be problematic from the form.

The next stage of work, drying, implies laying products to racks for the period up to three days. Drying room should be equipped exhaust ventilation. In addition, the store's finished product store should not penetrate sun rays. To reduce the intensity of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the material, the shape with concrete is covered with a transparent polyethylene film.

The final stage is considered to extract tiles from the form. This process is carried out in special container With a warm up to 60 degrees with water. Under the influence of heat, the form is expanded, with the result that the tile is removed without any problems. The product is knocked on a soft litter and placed on drying for another month (for final hardening).

Calculation of the cost of manufacture

Pricing is required if this material will be used for subsequent sale, as well as to determine the savings between the paving, made by their own hands and factory products.

The main money will have to give for the raw materials components of the concrete mix and formwork. Here are approximate rates:

  • 50 kilogram bag of Portland cement brand 500 - 400 rubles;
  • Crushed stone small fraction - 1750 rubles per m3;
  • Peeled from harmful impurities sand - 600 rubles per m3;
  • Pigment dye - about 5000 rubles for 25 kilogram bag;
  • Plasticizer brand S-3 to 80 rubles per liter;
  • Lubrication within 100 rubles. Per liter;
  • The cost of forms depends on the dimensions and manufacturing material, ranges from 30 to 1500 rubles.

Price ordinary tile With a smooth surface begins with a 200 rub / m2, the textured is even more expensive - about 450 rubles. \\ m2. If you carefully calculate all expenses, then the pavement, manufactured at home, will cost 10-30% cheaper from factory products .

How to make color paving slabs

Make a color paving system at home can be in several ways. Let's describe the most popular of them:

  1. Add a pigment dye into the basic composition of the mixture. After stirring the raw materials, you can get a concrete of the desired color.
  2. The second variant of the staining of the tile is to apply a flaper on the inner surface of the form. The acquisition of the material of the selected color occurs after the direct contact of the concrete mixture with the pigment dye.
  3. Color ready-made materials It is carried out by painting.

Keep in mind: When mixing several colors, more interesting texture of products are obtained.

As we see, the process of manufacturing paving slabs at home is quite simple. When familiarizing with the technology of production and the availability of at least a small desire, it is possible to make a hard coating in the courtyard of a private house and even make money on the sale of blocks.

Detailed instructions for the manufacture of paving slabs with their own hands, see the following video:

  • Homemade tile from Kostya9.
  • Homemade vibration table and tile-homemade from Commander

Homemade tile from Kostya9.

Kostya9 Member Forumhouse

For the embodiment of the idea, specialized network resources were studied on the theme of the forms and forum of the portal, on the topic of the process itself - necessary equipment, raw material base, production technology. As it turned out, plastic and other forms in the presence of which you want, the main materials remained from construction, and the existing aggregates require a relatively simple, satisfaction. Unforeseen complications arose only with the acquisition of five hundred and cement - in view low demand Local merchants simply did not have it, I had to go to the next town.


So that the tile is the most durable, under the vibrationtol was redone a circular sawworking surface Replaced with a heavy slab (on the springs from the nine pens), under the stove - vibromotor. Typical concrete mixer for making a solution, ready-made polymeric forms, with imitation of sandstone surface, for drying - old refrigeratorsideways.

The ratio of concrete proportions was also selected on the forum.

In addition to the existing dropout, so river sand and acquired cement the desired brandThe plasticizer required for the tile, the choice fell on SP-1. This is a universal additive, improving the characteristics of the solution, its use increases mechanical strength Concrete, reduces the number of pores on the surface, gives smoothness and increases the efficiency of the vibration. Although dreamed of color tiles, the cost of the dye and white cement, to obtain saturated colorForced to do the natural, gray tint.

The proportions of the kneading were the following:

  • Opening (rubble fraction 0-5) - 38 kg (three declined buckets);
  • Sand (river, washed) - 18 kg (one declined bucket);
  • Cement (M-500) - 17 kg (bucket of fourteen liters);
  • Plasticizer - 80 grams on the ground (divorced by a liter warm water);
  • Water - 8.5 liters (if the weather is hot, another 0.7 liters).

Weathered technology:

  • The first in the concrete mixer is laid out (all);
  • Water flows;
  • A plasticizer is added;
  • The mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  • Cement is added;
  • Again thorough mixing;
  • Added sand;
  • Last mixing (if necessary, water is added).

According to the consistency, the solution is obtained sufficiently thick, resembling wet earth - this is a conscious choice, although many prefer to work with more fluid solutions.


Liquid concrete that liquid dirtno strength.

Pre-lubricated motor Oil Forms (in the corners, tassel) are exhibited on vibrationtole. Pouring with a solution should be uniform.

Treatment time - from three to seven minutes. Vibration should not only compact the mixture, but also drive out air bubbles from it. In the process of forming the form, it is changed in places and rotated around their axis - so that the impact is uniform. As the shrinkage, the solution is added until the form is filled to the end, you can lie with your hand to be guaranteed not to remain emptiness. From the vibrostol, the shapes go for a day with excess (25-30 hours) in the dryer. According to the advice of the participants of the branch, the old refrigerator, it is the drying chamber, it was inverted from the sides, on the "back", it significantly simplified the process of booking and removing the product.

After this period finished tile Easily comes out of the form due to lubrication, and due to the running hydrotation processes that support the raw in the hot condition. If you reap the tile, and it will cool, get it out of plastic will be more difficult - you have to water boiling water so that the plastic is expanded. However, if you disappear for a couple of hours, and a couple of days, and it will have time to cool down, it will be difficult to take out, even applying boiling water.

Hitching a hand on a square tile, Clevero moved to the curly and decided to use the chromium oxide as a dye.

The first test of the addition of the dye is normally, at the rate of 1% of the binder (170 grams per zacks), the result was practically prevented. It was not a color, but a light, almost imperceptible shade, so the dosage was doubled, which gave the desired greens. Like a plasticizer, the dye pre-divorced in water.

Homemade tile from Commander

Commander Member Forumhouse

The tile of its manufacture is shielded and shed, and the courtyard, the tracks to the greenhouses too. Very good and profitable!

And in this case, a homemade vibrationtol was used. Here is a "recipe" for all interested:

  • Motor - Ot washing machine (on rubber shock absorbers);
  • From it - pulley for belt transmission from the engine to eccentric;
  • Eccentric is a former rotor of the electric motor: cut 1/3 with a bacagoque, the clip is sharpened under bearings, holders are welded, the entire design is screwed to the iron sheet;
  • Over the sheet / table - wood flooring 60x60 cm (for tiles 50x50 cm);
  • High sides - so that you can make a tile of 6 cm thick.

For household purposes - tracks in the barn, in the garage, along the edges, the commander makes a big one square tile 50x50 cm size, and for decorative tracksreminiscent of sidewalks - curly. Forms, as in the first version, polymer, soft - unlike rigid plastic, they will not break for several years.

The composition of the solution and the proportion of the kneading:

  • Gravel - bucket;
  • Cement - bucket;
  • Screening - 3 buckets;
  • Plasticizer - 2/3 cup;
  • Water.

Water poured into the working stirrer, the plasticizer is added, the following - gravel, after gravel wetting - cement. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add-on. The commander does not add sand, because in the screening a large number of Dust that replaces it and prevents the formation of voids. Forms are lubricated before use palm oil, as the pollution is easily mixed with Karcher. But they are polluted, if you break the technology and not to withstand the tiles of the day, so it is better not to rush.