How to draw a bookcase. Drawings of cabinets

Items are kept in closets. There are wardrobes in our houses. The dream is to keep things in such order so that you can create your wardrobe in three minutes. And he is responsible for saving time around the clock - a super-spacious, planned for 5-plus wardrobe of dreams.

A dream wardrobe is bought in a store or ordered in a workshop. But first, you must remember to carefully plan each shelf and hook. Draw a plan. And only after that, do not be afraid to spend money on a purchase.

Thinking of planning your closet is easy? I want to upset. It will be difficult for an unprepared person. If I move a stack of sweaters from place to place thirty times a year. If I can't find the skirt I want. This means one thing - the cabinet is not thought out. Drawing again!

And in order not to make mistakes anymore, and even more so not to throw money into the abyss, I wrote 1200 words about how to come up with each person's own dream closet. I drew many illustrations and is grateful for every “thank you” that I receive endlessly.

For work projects, I paint cabinets down to the last cubic centimeter. Together with our customers, we seriously discuss every storage system in their home. It doesn't matter if it is a wardrobe or a dressing room, a small pantry or built-in shelves in niches.

All cabinets are factory made. The algorithm is simple: I prepare sketch solutions, then the measurers go to the house or apartment. Further, the designer develops a storage system, in accordance with the selected materials and the filling of the cabinet. Then we agree again, sign the drawings, send them to work, wait, receive and rejoice at finding happiness.

But what if it is impossible to ask for help from professionals, and the manager in furniture showroom no hope. Or are you planning to buy Pax in Ikea, where everything is sold in parts (cases, shelves, hooks) and you have to put in a lot of effort to get your dream wardrobe?

There is only one answer: you need to prepare and draw the wardrobe yourself.

Photo of the cabinet. Completed project Oksana Panteleeva's studios

It doesn't matter what and where you plan to put the cabinet, the main thing is that it meets the tasks: convenient storage and a quick search for things

10 steps to draw the perfect wardrobe Pass each one and I guarantee success!

Step 1. Understand where the cabinet will stand, for what purposes it is intended and what things will be stored there.

I divide cabinets according to this principle:

  • The wardrobe is common for the husband and wife.
  • A closet just for him or just for her.
  • Children's wardrobe.
  • The wardrobe is common for the whole family.
  • Wardrobe for outerwear only.
  • Wardrobe for all clothes, excluding the top.
  • Wardrobe with or without mezzanines.

The first step is important - it is one thing if we are planning a wardrobe in the hallway for outerwear and quite another if it is located in the bedroom. The clear purpose of the cabinet is a 50% guarantee of success.

Step 2. Understand the actual size of the cabinet
that will fit in a specific space. You can think and dream about many things, but reality will offer other options.

An ill-conceived closet is a disaster. Especially if you try to fit everything and even more into it. In the same place, the same closet will hold 10 coats, but never 10 fur coats. Because the volume of fur coats and coats is different. And they occupy a different number of centimeters on the hangers. We avoid mistakes, read the article to the end and draw ideal system storage.

illustrations by Oksana Panteleeva

Step 3. Sort all items for storage.

Divide things into: which are stored on hangers and which are stored on the shelves. Dresses separately, T-shirts separately.

At first, the action may seem like nonsense, but this is the only way you will understand how many shelves you need for: sweaters, T-shirts and how many hangers you need to buy.

Advice from personal experience: divide your things into piles, piles, take a tailor's meter and measure them. In 2009, I painted a hundred sheets and it looked like this:

“My sweaters - 5 pieces, a stack of 20 cm.
husband's sweaters - 10 pcs., a stack of 34 cm.
husband suits 10 pieces - you need 50 cm for a coat hanger
my dresses - 20 pcs. - can throw out half? "

Step 4. Throw away all unnecessary.

Feel free to send everything that is outdated to a landfill. Approach the process of getting rid of old irrelevant things critically. Today there is a lot of talk about "suffering from materialism", so let's not suffer, but save space.

Haven't worn a thing for the last six months or a year? Give to friends, charity, or recycling. Old items will be accepted at the HM store and given a discount coupon in return. As Diana Balashova says in her article on asceticism: “I bought a package with new things, I threw out the same package at home”.

Read Diana's full article about love of space on the blog pages.

Step 5. Measure all the lengths of things.

Do not be surprised at this step and do not skip, please! Dresses and coats, raincoats and men's suits - everything has its own length, which will tell you how much space to allocate inside the closet.

The difference between a long evening dress and a man's shirt reaches 100%. And if you are the lucky owner of a collection of floor-length dresses, then be sure to think about a separate compartment. The length of the dresses will become the main parameter, since in no case should the hemlines be allowed to lie at the bottom of the wardrobe.

Step 6. Think over how to store hats, small accessories

Review the options for storing ties, handkerchiefs, belts on the Internet and choose the most convenient one. On Pinterest, I advise you to create an account and put your favorite photos in separate folders.

For yourself, determine the main thing: in this closet you will start storing hats, hats, small accessories, or they will find another place in the house.

Step 7. Consider how the blankets will be stored, pillows, large off-season items.

Usually, in cabinets, mezzanines, the uppermost shelves, or deep drawers at the bottom are allocated for "large-sized", according to the principle of a chest of drawers. If there is no separate pantry for storing such things, then we are planning shelves in cabinets. Don't forget about guest pillows and winter blankets.

Remember that there are useful vacuum bags on sale in which it is convenient to store bulky items. They take up a lot less space on a shelf or inside a drawer, because your vacuum cleaner and a special valve will work wonders, remove excess volume, and with it save centimeters in the closet.

Step 8. Think over where we store suitcases, large bags

The suitcase also needs to be stored somewhere. If the wardrobe is the only one, then it is necessary to allocate space for a bag and a suitcase. And following the rule of “saving space” and respecting space, we remember that inside the suitcase we must keep something “sometimes necessary”.

I keep in my suitcases bags, backpacks that I use when traveling. Swimming mask, with a snorkel also live in a suitcase.

Step 9. Consider the storage of sports equipment.

Skis, boots, poles, skates - everything needs a place. In addition, you must take into account all the manufacturer's recommendations for the storage of sports equipment.

For example, I was faced with the fact that expensive alpine skis should be stored only in a certain way: either on special mounts, or strictly in a horizontal position. And I was solving the real problem: how to find a place in the customer's apartment to meet the manufacturer's requirements. Everything was thought out before buying a cabinet - this is important.

I have a storage room in my apartment where bicycles and skates are kept. And we always rent skis.

Step 10. Consider the storage of shoes.

Experience has shown that shoes are the most painful place in storage. When this article was first published (the first edition was in 2014), there were a lot of complaints about the main illustration. How dare I suggest storing shoes with dresses! No one noticed that this was just an illustration of a dimensional range of things, and not a guide to action.

We are different.

Someone keeps shoes in their own boxes and puts off-season sandals in the closet. Someone loves shoe beautiful boxes with transparent walls in a common closet, and does not change their places in spring and autumn.

Whenever possible, I prefer a separate shallow cabinet just for shoes over all options.

10 steps behind and now the finest hour has come!
Let's get to work: we take paper, a scale ruler and a pencil.

We draw the perimeter of the cabinet. Its length, height. We immediately decide on the opening system: swing doors or sliding.

An example of the "perimeter" of Emma's closet with 6 swing facades, which should fit into a niche 300 * 270 cm and 65 cm deep:


Depth of a standard cabinet with hinged doors - 60 cm. Or 600 mm.

If your closet is shallower in depth, pay attention to the fact that the hangers will be located differently.

Wardrobe with sliding doors - 70 cm. The exact depth depends on technical characteristics sliding system which you have selected. Please note that today there is a good choice among manufacturers, the “coupe” system is not the only one and not the best.

Standard shoulder size 50-55 cm.

example of a cabinet from the resource

The internal organization of the cabinet is good, and the doors open in such a way that it is inconvenient to use.

We distribute things according to your measurements, which we talked about above. Or turn to Ernst Neufert's textbook for the basics for cabinet design. ( * Ernst Neufert - German architect, architectural theorist. "Civil Engineering", one of his most important works, became a reference book for me and my colleagues.)

Since I cannot individually draw a wardrobe of dreams for each of you, the basics of E. Neufert and my article will help you do it yourself.

The basics. Part I. Human:

It is important to know how many people take up space on average when: trying to reach the top shelf of the cabinet, or looking for something on the lowest one, or if they stand on a stool. This has a lot to do with the cabinet design process. See illustration:

I redrawn pictures from E. Neufert's textbook so that they perfectly illustrate where the hand of a person of average height can reach.

It can be seen that dresses and coats can be placed at a height of 2 meters, and if higher, then you need to buy a furniture pantograph.

The basics. Part II. Clothing:

We measure all the clothes.

It is clearly seen that, for example, one dress can be from 140 to 165 cm.(I remind you that these are very average clothing sizes, so I advise you to try on your dresses), and 5 dresses on hangers in a row will take 30 cm. on the crossbar.

If the trousers are stored folded, they will take up 120 cm. And if in an extended state, then 140-150 cm.

We make the height of the space above the crossbar not less than 5 cm. to comfortably use the hanger.

The convenient height of the shelves for low shoes is 17-20 cm. if the shoes are stored in their normal position, and not on special stands.

Leave some space for tall boots up to 50 cm high. Average height boot makes up 40-41 cm.

Small items such as socks, handkerchiefs, linen are best kept in drawers or baskets. I love drawers with a good bottom and easy opening. I put drawers in the designed cabinets, which, instead of the usual handles, have a cutout under the arm.

Great and clever article turned out.

I think that there are no more questions why we recount all our dresses and measure the length of fur coats in order to draw a wardrobe.

Do not forget to leave room for a new dress, so that, even with the advice, do not clutter up the space. Dreams must come true, and if today the dream is a new dress, then you have to buy it!

Emma also counted the outfits, found a place for dresses and hats. As a result, she got the following drawing:

The figure is conditional, this is not a guide to action, but a basis for further work... Now it's time to go looking for a cabinet manufacturer.

Do full work not only on the wardrobe. Household requires attention too.

Customized cabinet. O. Panteleev's project. 2016.

Today we had a conversation on a super topic: how to independently plan and draw a wardrobe.

You learned:

  • 10 steps you need to go through to reach your goal - good, comfortable wardrobe for clothes.
  • Received a visual aid in the author's unique illustrations by Oksana Panteleeva
  • Inspired beautiful drawings and tips.

Therefore, no excuses can now be accepted - draw your wardrobes, send to the blog post “on the wave of decor, so that we fill the gallery of our readers' achievements!

I am in front of the new cabinet from Silver Home 2018


This article received its second revision in 2018. New illustrations and new tips. The first edition received hundreds of shares and was very popular on the Internet. I beg you do not steal articles and illustrations, do not erase my name and blog title from pictures. Those to whom I am addressing know what I am talking about. If you want to use the materials, I do not mind, but an active link indicating the resource and the author is required. This is not difficult. You will be respected.

Each article is written personally, illustrations for the articles - I draw myself. Each article is a lot of time and effort, I ask you again, respect the work. Let's live in peace! Thanks!

And thanks for your attention! Stay with me, be sure to share with your friends, wait for new interesting articles! AND…


The blog "On the wave of decor" is a non-commercial project and is created only by the author's efforts. If you appreciated the article and liked it, I would be grateful for a little financial support. Thanks!

Surely many had the idea of ​​making a wardrobe for their apartment or house on their own.

In fact, this process is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing in the whole process is finding good blueprints for the cabinets.

Drawings of wardrobes

For those who seriously decided to make a wardrobe with their own hands, first of all it is necessary to acquire the drawings of the wardrobe with dimensions and a list of necessary parts and accessories. You can use ready-made sketches, but you can do individual project... To do this, you need to measure the place where the future cabinet is planned to be installed. After receiving the required data, we transfer them to paper. This will allow you to determine the dimensions of the product. We sketch with our own hands, this will visually determine the thickness of the chipboard. In the resulting picture, it is necessary to apply all the dimensions, now the drawing has turned into a drawing of the cabinet.

The next thing to look out for is the doors. In this regard, you can also choose two ways:
1. Order a finished door. In this case, it will be sufficient to provide the manufacturer with the dimensions of the opening. All other difficulties in creating a sliding system will fall on the shoulders of the manufacturer.
2. Assemble the door and sliding system yourself. In this case, it is important to know the manufacturer of the profile. The calculation of the size of the doors will depend on this.

Next, you need to make a list with the dimensions of all cabinet parts. And especially important point: the sides, floor and roof of the cabinet should be slightly deeper than the filling parts. Usually this difference is 100 mm. After installing the sliding system, the difference will not be noticeable. The doors will occupy all protruding parts.

Drawings of built-in wardrobes

Built-in wardrobes are a bit like the design of wardrobes. Drawings of this kind of cabinets are quite simple. It is enough to know the dimensions of the niche in which the contents of the cabinet are planned to be placed.

The drawing includes the system and all the contents of the future cabinet:
... Shelves;
... Boxes;
... Shelving.

In a word, everything that may be needed for a comfortable life for household members. It is also important to understand what the cabinet design will be. The amount of material for assembling the cabinet, as well as the required list of accessories, will depend on the nuance.

Having a sketch with dimensions, it is important to decide on the fittings. This process may be a little complicated by ignorance of the names and purpose of this or that subject, but it is not difficult to find out all this.

It is important to consider all dimensions when assembling the cabinet. This will create a stable structure that can last for many years. This will require good drawings of the cabinets, in which everything will be thought out to the smallest detail.

Drawings of corner cabinets

Corner cabinets- a very convenient solution, especially in those houses where there is not too much space. On the one hand, they take up little space, on the other, they are quite roomy.

Let's take a closer look at the cabinet diagram. It will not be superfluous to note that all such cabinets have a similar design and differ only in size and content. The front part is cut at 45 degrees, backside will be located directly in the corner of the room. Side walls allow you to create inner space, and allow you to easily implement the front part. It is possible to assemble the cabinet without side walls, but in this case, you will have to lose the space of the room, which we are trying to save by resorting to the design of the corner cabinet. Optimal dimensions can become 800 * 800 * 1100. Such dimensions will allow you to place a large enough wardrobe without taking up a lot of space in the room. Speaking about the filling of such a cabinet, I would like to note that it can be determined from personal needs. Therefore, do not pay special attention at this point. When manufacturing parts of a corner cabinet, it is important to observe all proportions. This is especially true for the top cover and bottom, which must be cut at a 45 degree angle.

Drawings of kitchen cabinets

For the manufacture of a kitchen set with my own hands it is necessary to measure the places where the cabinets are planned to be installed. Then, taking into account the quantity and functionality, draw a sketch of the future kitchen set.

When drawing up a drawing of a cabinet, it is important to make correct sizes, everything else is unimportant. You can even do a freehand drawing. Accuracy will also be needed when calculating cabinet parts. It is important to measure in millimeters to obtain the desired result. Only accurate calculations will allow you to make a high-quality headset.

Before you start making kitchen cabinets, you need to decide on their number and size and transfer everything to paper. In the future, the manufacturing process is rather monotonous. To obtain a high-quality headset, strict adherence to all dimensions that are indicated in the drawing is required. Moreover, it is important to observe not only external dimensions but also internal. Otherwise it will not work. kitchen set, but it is not clear what. The blueprint will be your main document when making kitchen furniture.

Cabinet diagrams

Drawings of cabinets, no matter what shape, size and where they will be installed, play very important role... They will be the basis on which you can rely in the manufacture of all components of the cabinet.

Regardless of the features, for all drawings, it is important to observe clear dimensions. The length, width and height of the outer parts and the dimensions of the inner part, transferred to the paper, must be strictly observed in the manufacture of cabinets. The product will not turn out the way it was conceived if the dimensions of at least one part are violated. This will lead to deformation of the entire structure and a poor-quality result.

How to make a drawing of a cabinet

The most important thing when creating a drawing for any cabinet is a clear vision of what the final result should be. The point is that it doesn't take a lot of time to create a sketch. The main costs of this resource will be required to measure the place where the cabinet is planned to be installed. It will also take a lot of time to list all the elements required to assemble the cabinet. Without this list, you shouldn't even start building. There is a very high probability that the process will go in the wrong direction.

When creating your own drawing for a cabinet, it is important to consider not only the dimensions of the external structural elements and internal parts, but also the thickness of the material from which it is planned to make the cabinet. This will help to make calculations more accurately, which will further contribute to the creation of a high-quality interior element.

After taking measurements and transferring them to paper, it is necessary to decide on the constituent parts of the cabinet. These will be shelves drawers or all together. Whether there will be a rack or a vertical bar in the cabinet. It is necessary to indicate in the diagram all the details, even the most insignificant ones. Moreover, it is not enough to indicate the names, it is important to enter the exact number of elements.

Selection of furniture fittings

Your best bet is to buy quality items. It will not be cheap, but it will allow you to assemble a high-quality cabinet that will last long enough. The choice of fittings should not be difficult. The store manager will advise a particular manufacturer, and the quantity necessary accessories already indicated in the drawing. The main thing is to follow the pre-planned assembly plan that you have on paper.

An important and obligatory stage in the design and assembly of a sliding wardrobe in the hallway, corner cabinets, dressing rooms and other pieces of furniture - this is the creation of a drawing. Visual graphic image will supervise the entire manufacturing and installation process. Drawings, with the display of all the necessary dimensions and parts, their attachment points, greatly facilitate the process self assembly, without involving specialists and paying for their services. Figuring out how to draw a wardrobe is not at all difficult.

Before deciding on the dimensions of the future product (external dimensions), accurate measurements of the entire area of ​​the room are required, be it a corridor, a bedroom or a niche where the cabinet will be installed. At the same time, attention must be paid to details: baseboards, moldings, switches, window sills and radiators.

Sketching or freehand drawing on paper is an acceptable option for people with minimal artistic skills. Draw a piece to see how it will look in the interior.

Convenient and modern way, with the help of which wardrobes are depicted - the use of specialized programs. The most popular products among furniture makers: Pro100, Compass 3D, AutoCAD. With their help, you can construct several different options future designs and save each of them in a separate project. There are many online constructors for cabinets, some with 3D support.

The advantage of modern programs:

  • it is possible to create drawings and diagrams with their help without preliminary thorough study of them;
  • in the program interface, a full cycle of cabinet layout occurs: from the installation of sliding doors to the smallest shelf.

When creating a drawing of a future product, it is not necessary to turn to all the possibilities of the program. For a high-quality visual image, it is enough to use a limited set of functions. Working in graphic editors is not difficult, you need to try to understand it.

Drawing creation sequence

Having received accurate measurements from the installation site, it's time to start detailed design. When drawing a drawing, they initially depict the external dimensions of the cabinet - these are the dimensions of the box, indicating the width and height. The diagram must contain all the values ​​of the thickness of the parts (this is the thickness chipboard material). After drawing the "rectangle", they begin to work with its contents: shelves, cabinets. When the product is drawn in great detail, it will become obvious how it will look ready-made version, and it will be possible to calculate the amount necessary materials and accessories.

It should be remembered about the reliability and decorativeness of the wardrobe. Little things like high-quality fittings and stylish handles also need attention.

On the correct drawing, you need an image of two main types of products:

  • frontal view,
  • side and / or top

Frontal view

This image should contain measurements of the width and height of the wardrobe, the height of the base / plinth, the width of the sections and the distances between the shelves (the dimensions are set directly at the attachment points along the length of the side walls). This means that to provide a shelf or cabinet with partitions at a certain height from the floor or edge, you need to specify the size from the beginning of the part of the connection points. Initially, it is necessary to decide in what way these elements will be connected, at what distance and from which object to which, remembering the indication of the size.

Side and top view

Sketches of the side and top views: This figure shows the calculated depth of the cabinets and how deep the inner shelves will be.

The depth of the shelves must be at least 10 cm less than the depth of the cabinet. This important condition for the subsequent installation of a sliding door system.

Also, this sketch should contain the display of all rounds and radius shelves with the application of the value of their radius.

When completing a diagram or drawing for a sliding wardrobe in the hallway and for other rooms, you must remember to display the opening for mounting a sliding system, indicate measurements and attachment points to the body. This will help to order suitable door and the system.

Having in hand the finished image of the cabinet, it's time to start purchasing materials. The right decision would be to purchase quality raw materials, filling and accessories. This will allow you to build a reliable sliding wardrobe with a long service life. During the assembly process, you must be guided by a pre-planned plan, which is best printed on a sheet of paper.

A sliding wardrobe is more than just a wardrobe with shelves, almost a wardrobe. Sometimes sliding doors close the entrance to the pantry with numerous compartments for clothes, things, canned food warehouses.

A sliding wardrobe is more than just a wardrobe with shelves, almost a wardrobe.

The advantages of designing a wardrobe with your own hands become visible to the one who imagines what he needs from new unit furniture. Standard cabinets almost the same in stores, they are diverse, but they cannot take into account the nuances associated with your apartment, things and preferences. A niche in the wall that you want to completely close with a wardrobe, or use it to fence off a pantry. Or make a closet all over the wall so that there are no ugly cracks where dust will constantly clog. And the shelves? More or less, suitable specifically for standard boxes or banks.

The advantages of designing a wardrobe with your own hands become visible to the one who imagines what he needs from a new piece of furniture.

Cabinet doors must be of the same width to ensure the maximum width of the open opening.

School geometry alone, even with a good grade, will not be enough. If you have never done repairs, it will be difficult to imagine three-dimensional pictures of what the future interior looks like. This is fine. Drawing comes to the rescue. We take a piece of paper, a pen and draw with a pencil in a certain proportion our room, the corner where the cabinet should be, the shelves that you want to make there. We take a tape measure in our hands and see what a 30-centimeter shelf actually looks like, and draw conclusions.

Standard wardrobes are almost the same in stores, they are diverse, but they cannot take into account the nuances associated with your apartment, things and preferences.

Making a project is not as easy as it seems. How to calculate sawing chipboard for the cabinet so that all the doors open, all the drawers slide out so that the structure does not collapse under by my own strength gravity? Then you would have to start all over again. Designing a wardrobe with your own hands is not an easy task, you need to take into account the little things that can create big problems.

A niche in the wall that you want to completely close with a wardrobe, or use it to fence off a pantry.

  • The useful depth of the cabinet is less than the real one by 10 centimeters; this space is occupied by the doors.
  • 2- and 3-door wardrobes can only be opened by one compartment, 4-door - by two. That is, the number of compartments must match the number of doors, otherwise it will be impossible to get inside.
  • There are so-called dead zones in cabinets - places where drawers cannot be placed, it is there that either the right edge of the left door or the left edge of the right door is located. It is also worth considering the presence of guides.
  • Too long shelves (more than half a meter) can bend; it is better to install a rack under them.
  • For the same reason, when designing a wardrobe under a solid roof, it is worth installing partitions.
  • Cabinet doors must be of the same width to ensure the maximum width of the open opening. Exception: when the middle door in a 3-door wardrobe is twice as wide as the rest.
  • When designing drawers in a wardrobe, it is worth considering that the protruding handle can protrude and interfere with the movement of the door, which must be avoided.
  • For every sliding door installation of stoppers is mandatory - this is convenient during operation and prevents spontaneous opening or closing of doors.

Or make a closet all over the wall so that there are no ugly cracks where dust will constantly clog.

Built-in wardrobe or ordinary, what size, how many doors.

Stages of designing cabinet furniture

Preliminary work - we need to understand what we want. Built-in wardrobe or ordinary, what size, how many doors. For example, the optimal cabinet depth is 60 cm, if less, you will not be able to conveniently place the hangers.

School geometry alone, even with a good grade, will not be enough.

Draft design - calculating the dimensions, drawing the desired cabinet on paper in order to understand what exactly should be the result.

Draft design - calculating the dimensions, drawing the desired cabinet on paper in order to understand what exactly should be the result. The number of shelves and what sizes, what will be stored in this cabinet. How will things be stored - hung on hangers or folded on shelves? How to make the shelves narrower so that nothing falls out of there, or are you planning to use boxes?

Drawing comes to the rescue.

Preliminary work - we need to understand what we want.

A technical project in a special program, where all sizes and details are thoroughly indicated, down to the type and color of the fittings. Yes, you will have to download, install and master new software, find video tutorials on them and spend a few hours on training. However, the result will be worth it - you will be able to save time well in the future.

We take a tape measure in our hands and see what a 30-centimeter shelf actually looks like, and draw conclusions.

A technical project in a special program, where all sizes and details are thoroughly indicated, down to the type and color of the fittings.

The sequence of designing a wardrobe

  • We make the necessary measurements.
  • We take into account 10 cm from the depth on the door and 5 cm from the height to the basement - the distance between the floor of the room and the floor of the cabinet.
  • It is better to make cabinet doors to order - this is also due to big amount fittings, and with high precision work that needs to be done on their assembly.
  • We think over the filling of the wardrobe. It is important to look at standard models cabinets in order to understand their convenience, versatility and thoughtfulness, and only then, on the basis of this, think that better fit to you. More often, small shelves are made on the sides, a long mezzanine is on top, as well as shelves in the lower part of the cabinet. The middle is provided for hanging clothes.

Making a project is not as easy as it seems.

However, the result will be worth it - you will be able to save time well in the future.

Overview of computer software assistants in furniture production

The technical project is now practically not drawn on paper - it is long, difficult and carries a high risk of errors. Yes, mastering the program seems difficult, but it's worth it, and all specialists know how to work in the most optimal program in their opinion. And customers just need to draw the desired project together with the manager and wait until a new wardrobe appears in his apartment: beautiful, convenient and functional.

Designing a wardrobe with your own hands is not an easy task, you need to take into account the little things that can create big problems.

More often, small shelves are made on the sides, a long mezzanine is on top, as well as shelves in the lower part of the cabinet.

  • Pro100 is a simple and intuitive visual program for furniture design and interior design. Helps in design through volumetric rendering of the image. Contains a lot ready-made modules to compose them into a single whole, like a designer, but according to your sizes, combinations and colors. A sliding wardrobe in such a program will look very elegant and seductive.
  • Woody is more suitable for furniture design than interior design. A large catalog of parts and fittings helps to automate the process of creating furniture with your own hands, the name ("wood" translates as "wood") means that the furniture is planned to be made of wood or laminated chipboard, like a wardrobe.
  • Astra Furniture Constructor is relatively simple and straightforward to use, excellently helps manufacturers of custom-made furniture. There is no beautiful visualization here, but the program performs its function - assistance in design - perfectly. Well suited for designing a wardrobe.
  • The T-FLEX Furniture program designs furniture of any complexity. It includes two types of work: creating a room and drawing up wardrobes together with the customer, and a direct furniture designer to create a unique product according to an individual order.

The width of the doors - it is not necessary to make the drawers wider than the door opens, otherwise the drawer cannot be pulled out.

The technical project is now practically not drawn on paper - it is long, difficult and carries a high risk of errors.

Designing a wardrobe is not an easy task, however, if you get down to business wisely, then handmade furniture will be as convenient as possible for you and ideally suited to a particular room.

There are so-called dead zones in cabinets - places where drawers cannot be placed, it is there that either the right edge of the left door or the left edge of the right door is located.

The furniture is designed for semi-automatic design of models. It's not just a tool for a furniture manufacturer or professional assembler. In fact, any person who has decided to equip a house or apartment with his own hands can use this software create a project of any furniture, for example, draw a wardrobe the way you want, or design an entire kitchen.

Consider a few of the most popular similar programs, in which you can find detailed step by step instructions to create furniture.


A program for the design of cabinet furniture, which will allow you to create projects of various furniture in a semi-automatic mode. This editor will perform many routine operations for the user and create a model based on parametric initial dimensions. In this case, the user can change these dimensions of the product at any time. With the help of "Basis-Cabinet" you can easily draw a wardrobe on a computer, automatically design mezzanine sections, calculate the parameters of drawers and shelves, sliding and swing doors, corner cabinets, sealing profiles and much more. Arrangement of locks, fasteners, fixtures and latches is also available.

The program is one of the modules of the furniture software "Basis-Mebelshchik".

PRO100 application

It is one of the most popular design and drawing systems with which you can create a design project for a house or room, as well as design furniture of any configuration and complexity.

The first launch of the editor will ask you to create a new document and set the basic characteristics of the room. After adjusting the lighting parameters, you can start designing. The user-friendly interface is divided into several parts: the main toolbar, a library with various interior objects.

Design accommodation household appliances, doors, windows, tiles, beds, chairs, plumbing fixtures, draw with the PRO100 program - all this and much more is available by adding the editor directly to the project.

The program will be of interest primarily to architects, designers and furniture designers. In fact, it is a set of tools for professionals who have been involved in projects and interiors of residential premises for a long time. Many users interested in design opt for this program as an alternative to other editors. It contains:

  • the function of creating your own interior object;
  • a wide range of design tools and finished models;
  • the presence of a list of parts used in the project;
  • documentation in Russian.

Sculptris program

An interesting application that is designed for 3d modeling. This program is one of the simplest in the line of its kind. It does not require specialized knowledge from the user. The software does not force in the literal sense of the word to model. It kind of provides an opportunity for you to sculpt the future. computer model... For example, drawing a wardrobe with the Sculptris program is quite simple. At the beginning of work, the user is given a ball, which must be processed using a variety of tools: cut off unnecessary parts, make notches, getting the necessary shapes. After finishing work on the model, you can apply a texture to it.

The minimum amount of time it takes to create models compared to other applications is one of its benefits. Also, unlike many other programs, Sculptris is completely free. Her advantages:

  • very clear and simple interface;
  • undemanding to the gland;
  • well thought out dashboard.

Utility "Astra Furniture Constructor"

Allows you to design furniture efficiently and quickly using tools that make the job easier.

Mastering the program is not difficult, since it contains typical tools that you might have used while working in other similar products. With the help of this editor, it is easy to draw a wardrobe and other furniture elements from pre-prepared parts.

A prerequisite for a professional designer is the ability to view the project from different angles. The developers of the program have provided for the possibility of using three projections: plan, front and side view. It is also proposed to place fasteners at once to facilitate the creation of furniture. Fasteners can be taken from the library, which is replenished, or edited manually.

As a result, you will receive a rectangular projection of the product model and its drawings. The drawing can be further edited, dimensions and comments can be specified. The customer can be shown with an example how to draw a wardrobe or chair with the imposition of various textures. This will facilitate visual perception and will not require long explanations of how it will look in the end.

In addition, for the manufacturer, in addition to drawings, you can submit a list of parts, a list Supplies etc.


  • simple joining of panels, so cutting is convenient;
  • you can use template products;
  • exceeds the capabilities and convenience of Pro100;
  • it is possible to generate visual models of all drawings for the client at the end of the work.


  • The current version lacks the centering and zooming orientation of the mouse cursor.
  • Some other features are also missing.

How to draw a wardrobe with T-FLEX CAD

The automated design system T-FLEX CAD with quite extensive functionality is completely free when used for non-commercial purposes. Perfect for students, design enthusiasts and hobbyists to create 2D drawings and 3D models of parts. There is also a paid version of this program. It supports third party integration and more export formats.

The program provides for the expression of any parameter of the drawing as a variable, and the linking of objects to each other is possible by geometric relationships. As in other popular similar systems, construction is carried out using the main and additional lines.

The creation of a project consists in the principle of giving a model of a part of its original form and its subsequent refinement using a huge library of tools. The program supports solid and surface modeling. Both methods can be used in the same project.

In addition, the editor will offer tools for working with documentation, which should accompany any serious project.

Key features:

  • work with non-parametric and parametric drawings;
  • the ability to express the parameters of the drawing by variables;
  • creation of realistic 3d-models of parts and assemblies;
  • an automated engineering analysis tool to help identify errors;
  • support for custom libraries.

Soft "Astra Cutting"

Application for the production and printing of cutting cards from various sheet materials: plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, etc. Allows you to quickly generate cutting plans, take into account waste, print specifications, save order data and may well come in handy before drawing a cabinet or designing it.

Application for automation "Basis-Cutting"

The creation of cutting maps of blanks for furniture can be adapted to almost any conditions, taking into account the texture of the material of the parts, the presence of indents and allowances, etc. and the dimensions of the workpieces, as well as the percentage of material utilization. The cutting plans are optimized using several criteria at once. Alternatively, the size of the part can be entered manually. Data import and export is supported in XLS, DOC and TXT formats.

Draw a wardrobe with "Kitchen Constructor"

A program in which you can easily design the kitchen of the model you want yourself. For this, it will only be necessary to select the necessary parts and arrange them along the walls in places. You can, at your discretion, choose the type of kitchen furniture, its color, as well as the color of the facade and countertops. After you have made your choice, you just need to place the modules you like in the places convenient for you with the mouse. It is possible to print the entire bill of materials to the kitchen after creating a sketch. This will greatly facilitate the manufacturing process. The utility is very easy to use.