Cessional plasterboard ceiling in the interior. Cessonic ceiling and its types

The ceiling in the design of interiors plays a huge role. Its height greatly affects the perception of volume - the ceiling above, the one, respectively, the room seems more and more spacious. Recently, the tendency to use conventional drywall docks is gradually leaving, giving way to more interesting solutions or even a simple concise white and even relief ceiling.

In realities modern standards This is very true, as it is operated by a height of less than 270 cm, it is unlikely to embody design fantasies on the ceiling to the detriment of the total perception of volume. Indoors where the ceiling level is more than 270 cm, one of interesting decisions It will be his decoration by caissons.

Caissons are recesses, niches in the ceiling, created natural way Docking beams or intentionally mounted. The shape of caissons can be any, but most often the square and rectangular options are common.

Designing the ceiling with caissons, expand in advance with a loss of 10 to 25 cm from the total height of the room (depending on the material used and the complexity of the future caisson profile).

Types of caisson ceilings

Let's look at which material can be reproduced from the caisson ceiling option.

Classic design of wood

The most natural and best option can be considered the execution of the caisson ceiling in the tree. In this case, in special design workshops (this may be an organization that are made under the order individual products from the massif - doors, stairs, etc.), the design of the caisson location can be developed specifically for you.

It must take into account the future placement of furniture, the number of light sources and wood color or paint, which will cover it. You will also need to check the desired height of the caisson profiles - ideally, order a trial sample at least one element to be sure to be confident in the correctness of your choice. After making a wizard from the same organization, the ceiling will be installed - it will be all consisting of wooden Bruschev, panels and beams located in a certain rhythm.

Combination tree + MDF

The technique of creating and mounting the ceiling is very similar to the previous model, for the exception only - instead of some elements from solid wood used plate MDF.. And although the material is less less valuable and not so natural, its specifications Even higher (MDF does not sneeze, it does not "twist" like a tree), but the price is much loyal. As for the appearance - when a quick look even an experienced master It is often not able to say for sure, the tree is on the ceiling or a mix of wood and MDF.


Caissons from drywall and moldings

This option is the most budget, but also the most difficult in execution - here in the design can be helped by a designer or architect. But for proper approach And the competent use of polyurethane moldings can be achieved excellent result and no less texture and sophistication than when using materials that are more expensive.


In fact, the principle of creating caissons here is to make a figured daving of the ceiling of plasterboard, in right places Leaving the "niche", which later should be around the perimeter are placed wide molding, and light sources in the center of future caissons are mounted. There is no particular complexity here, but the scrupulousness and clarity in the markup must be present.

Design solutions of caisson ceilings

What traditional caisson ceilings look like already known. Let's now consider several options more original execution. Looking through these ideas you may be inspired to create something like or even completely new, using interesting colors and unusual textures.

Clear edges

Try to focus on the caissons, highlighting some of their element. This may be an end painted in a contrasting color (as in the photo below) or a horizontal plane. The main goal here is to emphasize the geometry of the ceiling, its clear and competent distinction. Do not be afraid of dark flowers - if the ceiling itself and its layout are devoid of flaws, a sharp shade will only attract due attention to it, which is not bad.


Composite Center

Having pushed out of the planning features, in large rooms you can afford to create a composite center with caissons. So, the starting point can be a circle, from which rectangular caissons will diverge in different directions.

Ideal if another round item will be located in the center of the circle on the floor, which in turn will seem to "reflect" the ceiling. It may be a carpet, dining or coffee table. In the center of the main caisson will appropriate to hang a big pompous chandelier.

In the spirit of Chalet

Caissons are not always used in classic and traditional interiors. They can be used in the setting country houseDecorated in country style or chalet. Try here to use roughly processed beams as intersecting structures. And the naturally the tree looks like, the better. Try to combine the color of the beams with the color of wooden furniture or natural textiles so that they get visual support in the interior. For color, the ceiling itself can be covered with darker or bright paint in relation to the beams to play in contrast textures and levels.

Interpretation for modern styles

As we said, the classic style is not at all "Panacea" for use in such interiors of the caisson ceilings. The photo above is a bright example of how Loft and minimalism can adequately combine with figured ceiling. Chief Principle Here - to use as simple profile as possible and very laconic forms - the same verified, like all the rest of the furniture in the room.



Caissons in diagonal design

Another unexpected, although fairly simple, the location of the caissons diagonally will be in relation to the walls of the room. This technique is often using when laying a parquet board and tile, so they can be combined with similar reception in the upper horizontal plane.


Caissons in the form of honeycomb

The option is quite complicated for the designer, but its efforts will cost that. The construction and installation system is absolutely similar to the previous one. But here you need to clearly calculate the size of the cell in advance. The main goal will be the search right sizes and the ratio of the total floor area and one element, as well as thinking through the walls of the wall / ceiling, which in illiterate planning risk looks inactively. That is why for such a design of the ceiling, we recommend using rooms, the most correct ones are rectangular and square to minimize the risk of ugly joints.


Contrast colors

The caissional ceiling has the right to be a small depth - about 10-15 centimeters. At the same time, additional adequacy can be given, painting beams and surface original ceiling different colors - It will make the ceiling at times more interesting. The main rule here is to pay attention to the illumination of the room, choosing exactly which elements to paint dark paint (if the room is very bright - then any, and if the dark is, it is better not to limit it better in total mass beams).


Using clay

Caissons in the interior scandinavian style, Country and Provence can be made more characteristic, placing the ceiling area with clapboard. You can paint it in any color, but it is preferable to choose white. He looks very noble, does not "eat" the space and absolutely in one thing gives a look at the refinement of the lining, which many people have come in their "unpainted" form. Forget the old stereotypes and look at this way of designing the ceiling on the other side - practicality and excellent aesthetic qualities here is clearly evident.


As you can see, the caissons are a very multifaceted element of the design of the ceilings. And the palace and modern apartment, and a country house - absolutely in any interior there is a place for your fantasies, the main thing is to properly use materials, colors and processing methods. And do not forget about the height - no matter how it would not want, but the caissons are a decision not for low ceilings. Be prudent and successful to you repair!

Cable ceilings Nowadays received the second birth. It is impossible to say that the caissons in modern architecture Perform a function carrier designbut as a decor element in modern design The interior is actually used for a very long time. You can see in many historical films along with the luxurious old castles ceiling cassettes of a specific configuration and carved wooden beamsthat form peculiar cells and rectangular sections. Well, try to revive the caisson ceilings of extraordinary beauty at home?

Features of the caisson ceilkov

Caissional (lacuniary) ceiling is a special kind of ceiling, which consists of deepening, beams and cells ("Kesson" - a polygonal depression). More ceilings are called decorative. As for the caissons, they can be not only square, but also round. Among the caissons are known transverse and longitudinal beams with ornaments, stucco sockets, eaves, borders, profiled transitions to walls, painting on the surface of the ceiling.

Cable ceilings invented in ancient Greece. At that time, they performed a practical function rather than decorative, they reduced the mass of the plates, thereby allowing to remove the excess load from the beams. For beauty, they simply decorated with drawings and smearing. This technology is very ancient. This is evidenced by the finds of archaeologists, found during the excavations of the necropolis, when the ceilings of this type were detected dated to the 7th century BC. e. In times of Renaissance, wooden caisson ceilings were popular. Then they were separated by the palaces.

Cable ceilings are capable of no doubt to give an inspiring look to any room, be it a living room, bedroom, office, billiard room or library. This species The ceiling finishes are also appropriate in a prestigious office, because it expresses the power and status of the company. In addition, the caissional ceiling looks great in country house or cottage decorated in classic style. A similar ceiling allows you to make the design easier and create good acoustics.

Most often, this technique is used in rooms with high ceilings, where the impression of a huge space is created. Cable ceilings are made in the rooms whose height is at least 2.5 meters. In small rooms such a ceiling will not look quite effectively. It should also be considered architectural stylebut if you like to experiment and create something new, you can choose caissons different shapes and styles (but, of course, such styles like High-tech and pop art do not allow such a ceiling design).

Cable ceilings are an excellent solution for the buildings of the old type, the height of the walls of which is close to 3 meters. However, in this case, another problem arises: sometimes you want to shift, omit the ceiling so that the room gets the right proportions, and the person did not feel the locked in a huge box. Decorative such revenue will come wooden plates Brown color, as in the photo of the ceson ceilings.

Cable ceilings can be used not only to arrange the ceiling arch, but also to decorate the internal surfaces of the arches. The design of the caisson ceilings skillfully hides the irregularities of available carrier overlaps and eliminates the need to align the surface before finishing. With this design, the ceiling will be easy to hide ventilation boxes, air conditioning system tubes and electrical wiring to luminaires. The ceilings are ideal in terms of geometry and protected from various kinds of deformations.

Types of caisson ceilings

Making repairs in her apartment, few people think about the fact that technology and techniques widely used today have ancient history And were invented a long time ago. The caissional ceiling is one of these techniques. This interesting technique allows you to make a dwelling with original and cozy, in addition, it has a rich history. Cable ceilings in their essence are a type of favorite suspended ceilings, which have already been somewhat fed up and lost relevance.

Wooden caisson ceilings

Kembal ceilings made of wood are very practical and beautiful. It looks rich and unusual, creating the impression of luxury and comfort in your home. Tree - environmentally friendly natural materialwhich you can use, making repairs, and not worry about the health of people close to you. Basically, walnut, ash, oak, and sometimes materials, much more expensive are used for the manufacture of keyson ceilings. Unusual design It is also created due to the fact that the natural pattern of the tree itself is always very beautiful and unique in itself, its texture is unique.

Such a ceiling will hide the unevenness of the ceiling (or ventilation system) and serve unique decoration Rooms. But the price of the caisson ceilings from the tree is very high and depends on the tree of wood and the complexity of work. And if you chose inexpensive wood for the ceiling, then the texture is expressive and reveal its beauty can be even more by applying to cassettes, lining or panel of varnish or verse. It is such a processing that will give the most low-cost wood varieties an impressive and elite appearance.

Caissional MDF Ceiling

The caissional ceiling of MDF panels is the cheapest design, but at the same time and an excellent alternative to natural wood. If you competently handle the MDF panels, you will get an unsurpassed and chic result.

Another advantage is the ease of installation, which cannot be said about wooden cassettes. but mDF panels There are such negative qualities such as moisture exposure, high flammability and low resistance to mechanical damage and deformations.

Caissional ceiling of plasterboard

Plasterboard Cessonic Ceiling - option of cheaper, which will allow you to save your budget (do not confuse gypsum ceiling, because it implies a manual modeling on the surface). This kind of ceiling will suit you if your dwelling is decorated in ampir styles, baroque and has large windows and high ceilings. The kersion ceiling of plasterboard implies the fact that a frame will be made from drywall, which can be decorated with a gypsum eaves.

You can also provide sockets as an additional decor material. Also in such a ceiling it is convenient to sew the backlight system. There is another technique for creating a similar ceiling - the absence of a frame, but the caissons are made of drywall, all parts of the ceiling need to be poked in the type of puzzle so closely, so that the design looks whole and completed.

Cable ceilings from polyurethane

Cable polyurethane ceilings are used primarily in decorative purposes. They are very easy, which you can not say about the structures of the tree, but also a bit more expensive of them. You can make caissons under certain sizes to eliminate expensive cutting and accelerating the installation process.

Cable caissons from polyurethane will look very elegantly with a correctly selected and illuminated. Also these products were popular due to the symmetry of all cassettes, the ease of giving them the desired shade, high moisture and fire-resistant properties.

Cardboard cable ceilings

Cesson ceilings from construction cardboard are also widely used. The beams are taken to glue on the joinery glue, you can trim them self-adhesive filmwhich mimics some kind of texture (wooden, for example). But it is necessary to glue it when the ceiling is ready, that is, when all the beams are glued.

Cone ceiling with your own hands

If you do not want to charge such work by professionals, you can make a caissional ceiling with your own hands, carefully following the instructions and all instructions.

Preparatory stage

Recall once again that the caisson ceilings can not be done in all modern houses, After all, this design in low ceilings will be superfluous and even more - completely inappropriate. The height of the ceilings in the house should be at least 2.5 meters, then you will have a chance to experiment.

But if you have a great desire to create such a ceiling in your apartment, and the ceiling height causes the best, you can still take a chance, but choose thin panels and necessarily blonde flowers. When working on the caisson ceiling, observe general rule: The room is spacious, the more you must use the beams for its design. For work, standard strips are usually used, which have a height and width of 12-15 centimeters, although it is necessary to take the height of the ceilings and the overall dimensions of the room.

Beams in low ceilings apartments are located in doorways and windows, which creates a visual contrast with present recesses and "spreads" thereby space. Remember that it is not recommended to equip the caisson ceilings in rooms with dark furniture and weak lighting, as they can create an oppressive, unpleasant situation.

It is also important to remember some secrets of the installation of the caisson ceiling. For example, if you chose white colorAnd the ceiling decided to shift a few centimeters down, you risk creating an unusual effect that the ceiling falls on the head. Be careful and attentive, choosing the color of the future ceiling. If you need to make a room less and cozy, stop on brown, it will help create warmth and harmony.

Think over the composition. You can buy a wallpaper with a beautiful ornament or create stucco decorations. You can use the applique and screen painting, stick flowers, architectural details. The center of the ceiling is better to make more elegant and bright.

Materials for work

To begin with, draw a sketch and decide on the composition of the future ceiling. Do not forget to take into account the height of the ceilings in your home and interior. Everything should be harmonious and neat. In order to determine how much material you need to create a caisson ceiling, find the center of the room and create a preliminary drawing by drawing plates location.

Going to the store for materials, take a drawing with you. Remember that it is necessary to carefully select wallpaper to carefully - they can be very simple, and you can stay on the wallpaper with a pattern, the main thing is that everything combined. But the most win-win version is light wallpapers that glue before the ceiling arrangement.

First of all, you need to buy blanks, of which you will create a construct of the caisson ceiling. The easiest option in the creation of the caisson ceiling will be the purchase of finished individual squares (modules that will play the role of caissons), which glue the ceiling. Over time, of course, they can come off, and this is a big drawback of this option. The step of the caissons should be about 80 to 100 centimeters for standard height Ceiling.

To create a caisson ceiling in the front rooms most often used pine or other natural wood, for ceilings residential apartments A chipboard is suitable, which is easier to use and processing. Such material that will additionally share a natural veneer from beech, ate or oak, will acquire a bright texture and an attractive look. Besides wood I. light wallpaperMake glue paint, high-quality adhesive for wood, nails, saw, kitchen and an accurate line.

Loose beam frame

For greater reliability of fixing materials, it is necessary to primed the surface of the ceiling. If the primer is absorbed very much, then the surface should be coated after drying by another layer. Under the cable ceilings are recommended to glue wallpaper. Pick the drawing with a small structure or monophonic. Glue the wallpaper is better together, smooth them with a special plastic spatula.

To start on the surface of the ceiling, create labels by which you will apply a lattice design. Decide first of all with the location of the central plank, which, depending on the configuration of the space, passes in the middle of the ceiling or slightly deviated to the side.

The main detail of the caisson ceiling is the support beams that have a complex box structure: they are naked to the ceiling in a certain order, creating an ornament. Deciding with the location of the main detail of the caisson ceiling of the tree, should begin to make a box of a box: cut down the ceiling length bar, on the sides of which are nourished small plank at an equal distance.

Then attach the collected frame with nails to the ceiling, carefully checking the design plan. After that, it is recommended to measure the dimensions and cut the strips that will close the sides of the structure. Finish work on the frame by closing it from the bottom of the board, which is exactly adjacent. For fastening the components of the design of the cable ceiling, most often nails are used, however, small fragments you can connect and glue for wood. The main thing is to choose reliable stamps and immaculately follow the instructions for its use.

Next, make boxed bars and place them to the central design in parallel, according to the designed sketch. When all the longitudinal planks are attached to the ceiling, you need to go to the installation of transverse structures, work on it requires much attention. Apply them strictly according to the applied marks, make special importance to process the angles that adjoin the longitudinal parts of the lattice. Wooden caisson ceilings only with careful processing of composite parts will look solid and festive.

For the processing of the gap, you can also apply thin profile rails that are used in different ways, but in any case, new expressive accents add to the design of housing. In addition, you have some more options for finishing the surface. You can fix the entire caissional ceiling to cover the paint. Coloring design can also be partly or several paints of different colors. In addition, for this purpose, it is possible to use a specially intended film.

Printing ready plates

If you work with finished plates so that the patterns and drawings come out beautiful and smooth, attach the first tile in the center of the room, so you will be easier to navigate. Print ceiling caissons needed using mounting glueAt this time it is important not to stain wallpaper. Check the proportion to the corners of your room. If some kind of angle is incorrect, fasten the caisson, retreating several centimeters. You can draw the lines on the ceiling on which the beams will be placed. Plates fix with a bracket, and their connection is inserted spikes.

Plug-in spikes will not be strong enough and reliable. For complete consolidation, purchase decorative rails. They need to be inserted into the slots between the plates. It is best to choose double rails. The thickness of the rails that will pass along the walls should close all indents and disadvantages. This will help the room to gain the necessary features. If you use in your work gypsum elements, fasten them with the help of self-samples, and for cardboard beams, use construction glue.

Now you know how to make a caissional ceiling! Having created such a design with your own hands, you will understand many subtleties of this fascinating process and learn how to create unique ornaments - the elements of the decor of your home. The presence of the created beams and the modeling is performed exclusively a decorative role, however, as the entire caissional ceiling, because in modern homes, its practical function goes into the background.

Fashion for the cable ceilings arose a few centuries ago, now their function has changed. Now wooden beams are designed rather for visual decoration than to strengthen the construction of the house. In addition, if only high-ranking officials could afford to afford a luxury, now everyone has the opportunity to make a caissional ceiling at home with their own hands.

Features of finishing

Decorative caissional ceiling is called because its design includes many recesses and cells, which are made in wooden beams. All this has a very attractive appearance, giving a luxury room. When installing the cable ceilings, eaves, borders, stucco sockets, painting, ornaments and transitions to walls using special profiles are used.

Make the cable ceilings are recommended in rooms with a height of at least 2.5 meters, as in small rooms They will be inappropriate. At the same time, it is also necessary to comply with a certain architectural style of the whole house. You can embody any designer thoughts: create caissons of certain forms, diverse styles and color shades.


If simple suspended ceilings are already starting to lose their relevance, the caisson remains are still the same in demand. With their help, you can easily give the room the correct proportions. This is especially true for old houses with ceilings about 3 meters. In addition, such ceilings can be equipped not only the ceiling arch, but also the inner surface interroom Arch. As well as caisson ceilings whose photos can look on, also hide all possible surface defects perfectly. The main thing is to determine the type of ceilings, given both the features of the room and your own preferences.


Before starting the installation of the caisson ceiling, you need to prepare all the materials. To do this, it is necessary to finally decide on the future composition. On the old ceiling you need to approximately make a drawing of plates of plates. So you can carry out the calculation of the desired material.

First of all, materials are bought to create a construct of the caisson ceiling. Alternatively, you can buy ready-made caissons in the form of individual squares that are simply glued to the ceiling. However, over time they can dug. When calculating, consider that the step between the keysons for the standard ceiling must be within 80-100 cm.

To achieve the desired result when creating a ceiling with your own hands, we advise you to fulfill our recommendations, as well as watch the video in which you yourself can see the installation process. Making the installation of the cable ceilings should be styled.


Recall that due to the caisson ceilings, the height of the room decreases, so if the room is not very spacious, it is better to choose a thinner panel of light shades. Typics are usually used, having a width of 12-15 cm. Their quantity depends on the size of the room. Than the room is spacious, the more beams can be used.

If the installation of caisson ceilings is carried out in an apartment where the height of the room is very small, you can arrange beams in the door and window Operm. This will create a contrast against the background of available recesses and visually increases the space. And so that such ceilings do not create a repulsive atmosphere, do not choose too dark tones, and also do not combine them with dark furniture and other elements of the decor. At the same time, be sure to take care of quality lighting.

Carefully costs to choose a color that plays a significant role. If, for example, choose a white color and several centimeters to shift the ceiling down, then a feeling of a falling ceiling can be created. If the room is dimming enough, use dark tones, they will make the situation more cozy. To add design, you can always make some kind of ornament or stucco decorations. It is possible to use screen painting, sticking colors and other architectural details. Attention should be shifted to the center of the ceiling, so it is worth making it brighter.

Frame from beam

First you need to progress the entire ceiling. If the first layer absorbed quickly, we repeat this step again. Now you can break the wallpaper. It is recommended to do it together with plastic spatulas.

Now I celebrate the mark on the ceiling in those places where the whole design will be. You need to start marking from the center. After that, you can start installing the support beams for the caisson ceiling. They are nailed alternately, building a certain ornament. After creating the frame, secure it to the ceiling according to the harvested plan. To close the side of the sides, the slats are cut out the same size.

Now proceed to the creation of boxed bars, which are placed in parallel to the central design. After that, the longitudinal planks are attached and the transverse elements are installed. Apply them need strictly by tags, special attention turning to the corners. For final processing, it is necessary to close all the gaps with profile rails.

Probably, everyone had to admire beautiful ceilings In the style of "Kesson". For example, in the vaults of domes or arches, in the ancient mansions and theatrical buildings. Translated the word "Kesson" indicates the "box", "cassette", "niche".

The history of the origin of Kesson goes deep into antiquity, in the era of the Roman rule. They called constructive recesses are not otherwise like kalima (cover, overlap). Caissons appeared as a result of the fact that during construction the simplest roof Wooden beams crossed along and across.

As a result, the niches of a rectangular or other form were formed. A little later, a man began to deepen decorate and decorate, which became an integral part architectural solutions that time.

Description and features

* Caissional ceiling of cardboard. A similar solution is considered cheap and affordable. Building cardboard applies material. Prepared plywood beams are covered with any textured film (under the tree, under the modeling, under the mosaic). All work is carried out with a joiner.

* Caissional ceiling of plasterboardunusual solution For the ceiling surface. Immediately runs the base from the drywall, then complemented by a cornice from different materials (Gypsum, cardboard, MDF and so on). Such ceilings are used when it is necessary to create a "baroque" or "ampir" style, where a significant height of the room and massive windows prevail in the interior.

There are many techniques for creating caisson ceilings. For example, niches are made of, and the sockets are drawn up at will. Attention is given to the joints, it takes special skills here to hide the nodes, and the structure of the design was not broken.

* Caissional ceiling with using MDF.. Due to the fact that the MDF panels are available and inexpensive, it is possible to separate the ceiling. They act as an excellent alternative to wooden materials.

Another advantage is ease in the installation. However, the panels possess some negative factors: high flammability, deform under the action of moisture and under mechanical exposure.

* Polyurethane Caissional Ceiling - This is a new birth for such ceilings. Everyone knows that polyurethane has many useful properties. Another and undoubtedly, the main dignity is the simplicity of installation. Cassettes are made ideal from the point of view of sizes, forms and symmetry. As for the weight, they are light, if compared with the tree.

In the niches, the backlight can be placed at discretion. Color and shadow in any color, cutting techniques use the very diverse. Appearance This ceiling creates elite and expensive decoration. Also behind such a ceiling it is easy to care for, it can be washed and clean.

Installation of the caisson ceiling

If you creative person and workaholic, then create caissional ceiling can I. do it yourself. The only thing you need is time to prepare, tools, material and visual detailed instructions.

Before proceeding to design the ceiling, you need to think about what function it will perform: useful or decorative? It is impractical "weighty" the ceilings in too small rooms, completely different coatings will suit them.

If it allows space, then you can create a caissional ceiling, based on desire and capabilities. The performed personally will bring not only pleasure in the process of work, but will also become a real pride of any owner.

To begin with, draw sketch of the future caisson ceiling, taking into account the interior and the height of the room itself. Defined with the composition, do not forget about communications (perhaps they will need to be hidden). The location of the cassette starts from the center of the room. Are determined with color and with approximate material for work.

When the purchase time comes, the drawing takes with you. Consultant in the store must prompt you suitable option Material (modules). They are then glued to the ceiling, lightly placed under them natural veneer. Measure a step for each module from 80 to 100 cm for ceilings up to 3 meters. For ceilings from 3 meters, a step is used from 100 cm and more.

Do not forget that the caissional ceiling is effective when the room has big sizes. In small, he will simply act overwhelmingly, but here you can go to the cunning: use caissons not dark classic tones, and light.

Black beams in a pair with dark furniture Create an oppressive atmosphere. Indoors C. low ceilingThe beams are placed in windows and doors. Literate alternation of light and dark tones will help visually "push the space.

For a reliable connection of material with a ceiling, a double is allowed to dry well. Under the ceson niches are usually glued monophonic ceiling wallpaper, that is, not structured. Before performing direct Installation of the caisson ceilingMake marks (preferably from the center).

The main components of the ceiling - support (longitudinal) beams are fixed with nails in the planned strand, sticking to the selected composition. The transverse elements are measured and customized under each niche individually.

Fix with or joinery glue. The work is painstaking and monotonous, but when performing all accurate instructions, the ceiling will be perfect.

In order to hide small gaps and clearances use decorative profile rails. When the construction grille is ready on the ceiling, it can be painted in any color, or leave so for next mounting.

Finished modules Fasten with the help of glue (assembly) from the proven and reliable manufacturer. It should not damage and dump the basis of wallpaper.

The first trial section is fixed in the center, then carefully examine the ceiling in order to navigate. The locations of the junction of the beams and the plates are fixed with the help of a bracket or special spikes, then they are closed with ceiling slats. For example, for products from paper / cardboard, glue uses for gypsum - self-tapping screws.

If you consider carefully photo of the caisson ceiling In the main premises, concert or halls, it is preferably made of expensive wood or modeling, covered with gilding.

For ordinary residential rooms Use wood derivatives: pressed plates with water impurities, chips and PVC. It is useful for work joinery and paint glue, a leg, nails of different caliber, roulette, a ruler, a sharp knife, scissors, tassels or rollers.


Cable Ceiling Prices will be as follows:

* Caissional ceiling from expensive tree breeds costs from 17 thousand rubles per square meter;
* Caissional ceiling of plasterboard costs from 1800 to 2000 rubles per square meter;
* Caissional ceiling from polyurethane costs from 2800 rubles per sq. M and above.

Best manufacturers The ceiling cassettes is considered "Europlast" (Russia), Orak Luxus (Belgium), Decomaster (China), "Gaudi Decor" (Malaysia).

The caissional ceiling resembles a drawn design: wooden beams attached to a flat ceiling plate, crossed horizontally or diagonally by creating a grid. As a material for such a ceiling, a tree, polyurethane, drywall or wood-fiber boards are usually used. Cable and beams are decorated with moldings, gypsum sockets and other decorative elements. Such a ceiling is not only aesthetic targets, but also practical: you can hide under it pipes or wires, hide the imperfection of the existing ceiling.

Cable ceilings are usually installed in rooms with a large height. In rooms with high ceilings, caissons reduce the echo effect and help control the noise level propagating from other rooms. Small caissons will make the ceiling more textured, large panels will give the illusion of additional space. In rooms with a ceiling height below 2.5 meters, installation of caissons is not recommended.

Montage sequence

  • ceiling design on paper;
  • ceiling processing with plasterboard, paint, wallpaper or ceiling plates;
  • mesh marking for location of beams on the ceiling;
  • installation of the beam system;
  • installation of ceiling plinth;
  • decorative ceiling decoration.

Options are allowed: If for caissons it is planned to use individual ceiling plates of small size or ready-made caissions from polyurethane, these elements will be attached after installing the beam profile (step 4), i.e. Step 2 can be skipped under the condition that the ceiling pre-processing is not required .

One of the options for installing the caisson ceiling - it can be mounted on the principle suspended ceiling With a special type of ceiling cassettes in the form of already manufactured caisson. In this case, added functional advantage Suspended ceiling - spoiled caisson can be easily replaced with a new one.

Materials and tools

Although it will take time and certain skills to install the caisson ceiling, you can construct such a ceiling yourself. Take care of O. required tools For this project, before it started - you will save time and avoid disappointment.

Table. Use of materials and tools at each step of the installation process.

Stage 1. Ceiling design

In the simplest case, the caissional ceiling is formed by a series of beams with a plinth, when the crossed wooden beams directly create a grid on the ceiling, which is done fairly quickly. The main rule is here - than more premisesThe thicker should be ceiling beams. Square beams are usually used, but rectangular structures are possible. When you decide on the size and shape of the beams, select ceiling plinth corresponding height.

Think out how wooden beams will be located on the ceiling, with what step and what form to set the caisson is rectangular, square or something more complex. If you plan to install chandeliers, consider it accommodation relative to the beams - whether it will be located in the center of the caisson or on the crosshair of the beams, or provide a medallion for the chandelier.

Straighten the estimated sketch of the ceiling on paper, not forgetting to specify the size of the room and the planned location of the lamps. The desired placement of the built-in ceiling lights must be planned at the stage of development of the ceiling project. In the future, when installing the beams, it will be necessary to prepare holes through the middle of the beam or attach the cable on the side of the beam to obtain the desired placement of ceiling lamps.

For independent installation Cement Ceiling You can facilitate its installation if you comply with small tricks that will simplify the task.

  1. Make straight stakes on profile. Each end of the beam is cut at right angles. If you want more complicated form junks, it is easier to do in the form decorative elementattached to ready ceilingThan then to lure all the gaps and irregularities.
  2. Use the ceiling plinth, and not molding. Located at an angle of 45 degrees to the beams and ceiling plates The plinth will hide all the increhensive installation of the caisson box.

Stage 2. Preparation

Wood-fiber (MDF) panels or drywall can be used as ceiling panels. If the ceiling is smooth and in good condition, you can completely abandon the use of panels, just paint the ceiling or stick wallpaper on the ceiling, and then attach the beam grid to it.

If you want to use ceiling panelswhich are directly inserted into the space between the beams, cut them on 1 cm less size Each caisson in order to make them easier to put there. The gaps will continue to be closed with ceiling plinth. When using ready-made caissons, their size determines the size of the ceiling space between the beams.

How to fix PVC panels to the ceiling?

Stage 3. Matching Mesh

Use color chalk, roulette and a square to mark the grid to install the beams on the ceiling. Focus on a schematic sketch made by ceiling design.

Step 1. Measure the length of each side of the room, divide each value in half to determine the center of the room. Mark with chalk central points and connect the line the opposite sides of the room.

Step 2. Determine, in which direction the main ceiling beams will be located, mark the position of the terminals of the beams on the opposite walls and spend on the ceiling of the line connecting these points. Extend the lines on the walls of several centimeters below than the final ceiling height.

Step 3. Make marking for the location of the main and transverse beams. Mark full width ceiling beamsTo know exactly the size of the panels and butt nodes of the beams. Selecting the size of the panels, their shape and quantity depends on you.

Stage 4. Installing the beam system

This is the most responsible step in the installation, since the general view of the ceiling will ultimately depend on its accuracy. The beams can be made hollow, with such a design, it is convenient to hide the electrical wiring for lamps, pipes and other engineering communications. If the beam is made of solid wood, make a chute in it for laying the wires.

If you work individually, make yourself help T-shaped support from wooden Reques To the height of the ceiling less the beam. It will keep one end of the beam at the ceiling during your work at the other end of the beam.

Step 1. Install the beams around the perimeter of the room. The longest beam is installed first. If the room has a square or wrong shapeStart from the beam, which passes perpendicular to the supporting beams to create a solid connection.

Step 2. Apply glue through the length of the beam and stick it at the seat of the ceiling and floor.

Step 3. The pneumatic nail to the bake of the two nails on both sides every 30 cm, starting from one of the ends of the beam. Do the same with the opposite perimeter beam.

Step 4. Measure the distance between the beams on each side of the room and prepare the beams for the transverse sides of the perimeter. Similarly, attach them to the ceiling.

Step 5. After installing the perimeter, set the main longitudinal beams according to the markup in the same way as the perimeter beams.

Step 6. Measure the distance between the main beams and cut the transverse beams. Set them similarly in the marked positions.

Step 7. Strengthen the design - keep the novelter at an angle of 45 degrees close to the cross and main beams and score a nail into cross beam at an angle.

In the event that you use ready-made caissons or sliced \u200b\u200bpanels for space between beams, insert the panels and bring them to the beams.

Alternative - Caissional ceiling of plasterboard

Stage 5. Installation of the ceiling plinth

While the shape of the caisson and its valid depth are created by the height and placement of the beam profile, the boundary and the visual depth of the caisson are formed by the ceiling plinth.

Step 1. Measure the internal dimensions of all sides of one of the caissons. If there is a gap between the ceiling and beam due to the irregularity of the ceiling, consider this height in the size of the plinth.

Step 2. Cut the ceiling plinth of the corresponding length. On the machine to cut an angle at 45 degrees on each side of the plinth.

Step 3. Install the sliced \u200b\u200bplinth can be directly one by one. To do this, apply glue to each part and secure at the beams.

Step 4. Sometimes it is easier to collect each box from the plinth separately, and then install it entirely in the caisson. In this case, use the glue to assemble the plinth box. Make sure it is well suited in the size of the caisson and glue the plinth.

Step 5. Secure the ceiling plinth with nails at the beams in each corner of the plinth box.

Stage 6. Ceiling Finish

The last stage to give the ceiling is finished and hide all working irregularities, if any.

Step 1. Latex sealant Fill all the joints and slots between beams, plinth and ceiling panels.

Step 2. Use wood smelting and spatula to shock nail hats.

Step 3. Apply two coatings water-emulsion paint. Semi-man paint and a brush width of 5-7 cm Paint molding. Then painting roller Paint beams.

Step 4. Install ceiling lamps. If you were covered with a ceiling with plasterboard panels, you just need to cut holes in the drywall under the luminaires. Stick plastic rings to the hole for the lamp. When you install new lamps, they must be on the same level with the surface of the finished ceiling.

Decorative elements of the caisson ceiling

Standard caissional ceiling will look more interesting if add decorative and functional elements.

Video - installation of the caisson on the ceiling with your own hands