Wet facade facade finish. What is the finish with a wet facade

Wet method gained popularity due to the minimum amount of cold bridges, which can be found in other finishing methods. But this factor is not considered the main advantage of the method. Having preference to the wet facade, it can be forgotten that condensate, due to temperature fluctuations, will accumulate on the walls indoors. To understand how to perform a wet facade with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with phased technology Installation.

Preparatory work

First of all, it is very important to give the correct assessment of the ground to which technological layers will be applied.

  1. The walls are purified by contaminants and is tested for adhesive, as well as carrier properties and characteristics.
  2. If damaged areas are present on the surface of the old finish, they produce their replacement. Uneven areas are aligned with plaster composition.
  3. The facade, the material for finishing which serves absorbing material must be thoroughly projected.
  4. Remove the old plaster with doors and slopes.

The next step includes the installation and installation of the profile plank. As a result of the installation of this design, a uniform distribution of the load from the plates of thermal insulation, which are mounted after follows.

Another feature of the design consider protection against moisture of the lower row of plates of thermal insulation.

To perform profile fasteners, you need to follow the following nuances.

  • Profile installation is performed at an altitude of 0.4 m from the soil level. It is important to leave a small gap between the planks in 3 mm, located horizontally. This is necessary in case of temperature expansion.
  • Dowels and self-pressing are carried out fastening profile. The amount of heat insulating material used is affected by their amount. Often, one step accounts for no more than 20 cm. To set the profile on the joints of the corners, you can use the angular profile.

The insulation for the wet facade is the mineral wool or plate of polystyrene foam. Fixation of material is performed by a special adhesive composition. From the edge of the insulation (stove) you need to retreat about 3 cm and apply glue composition around the perimeter with a wide strip. The space in the middle of the plate is filled with glue point. The exception is the lamellast mats, the surface of which is covered with completely adhesive solution.

In the process of installing the wet facade, builders use the disintegrating slab laying method. Plates need to be pressed not only to the wall surface, but also to neighboring tiles. Glue, protruding, it is important to quickly delete. The insulation is located rows, ranging from the base profile, moving from the bottom row upwards.

A few days later, after the adhesive composition is dry, thermal insulation needs additional strengthening with the help of spacer dowels. It takes into account the length of the dowels, which depends on the thickness of the insulation, the adhesive solution and the coating that was earlier on the facade.

Also do not forget about the shower of the dowels in the wall.

  • Basically for solid Walls The magnitude of the rehabilitation can fluctuate in the range of 5-6 cm. Porous walls require a blowout of 9 cm.
  • Considering the mass of the insulating layer, its thickness, the height of laying the plates and the diameter of the insulation, the square meter of the surface will be needed from 5 to 15 pcs. Dowels. Before mounting a dowel under it drilled hole. Clamping sleeves need to be flush to the insulating layer.

How to make a reinforcing layer

After fastening the heat insulation, you can start the installation of the reinforcing layer only after a population expiration.

First of all, you pay attention to the corner deposits of windows and doors, as well as the joints of the vertical bevels, given the jumpers. Also treated exterior angles Constructions, after which they start processing a smooth wall surface.

To understand how to do an independently reinforcing layer, you can familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists.

  • On the heat insulating layer A glue composition is applied, in which the special reinforcing mesh from fiberglass is bleated.
  • It is identical to the surface of the reinforcing grid, the coolant layer is identical and composition.
  • The result should be a layer whose thickness does not exceed 6 mm. A layer grid should be from the surface at a distance of at least 3 mm.

We carry out plaster at home

It is necessary to wait until the reinforcing layer will dry well. Drying time depends on season and temperature. It is worth noting that the facade plaster has moisture resistance, vapor permeability, as well as high resistance to atmospheric differences and climatic conditions. But the quality of work is influenced by the conditions in which work was performed. It is best to install a wet facade at a temperature that ranges from + 6ºC to + 32ºC. It is also important to have a shadow. If work is performed on the sunny side, you can create it artificially.

Do not begin to install and with strong wind, and at atmospheric precipitation.

Nuances of arrangement of soccer

Regarding the ground floor it is necessary to note some of the installation features:

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing of the basement of the wall, as well as the territory of the site that is adjacent to it.
  • When choosing a heater, it is important to give preference to the material under which the percentage of moisture permeability is reduced.
  • Dowels strengthen thermal insulation plates only at a certain height, which is 0.3 m from the ground surface.
  • For basements, reinforcement is important to perform in two layers.
  • Won areas around the walls and the ground floor follows with ceramic or special facade plates, the basis of which is natural stone. An alternative can be a mosaic plaster or the facade can be simply painted.
  • The decoration is made after the work on the insulation of the facade was performed, the roof, windows and doors were installed, the electrocabolic wiring was performed, and the house was held a full shrinkage stage.


Check out the instruction on the installation of plastering (wet) facade:

In this video, it is shown how the angles of decorative elements of the wet facade are performed:


High-quality insulation and finishing of the facade part of the house guarantee a significant saving of thermal energy, which is particularly relevant in the conditions of a constant rise in price of energy resources. In addition, the complex work makes the house more attractive from aesthetic point of view. There are different methods of insulation and decorating buildings, but the most modern is considered a wet facade: the technology of this method of finishing is described in detail in this article.

Facade insulation with wet methodoutside or inside: Features of choice

Traditional construction Materialsused to build walls, such as brick, wall and concrete blocks, are distinguished by increased strength and enough long time Services. At the same time, they do not have a high level of thermal insulation, in connection with which a significant part of thermal energy simply disappears through the walls. In order to prevent this unwanted process, the walls are insulated.

Warming can be both internal and outdoor. In this case, the amount of material, the scope of work and the organization itself, the process within the house are more profitable and cost cheaper. At the same time, there are a number of serious arguments in favor of insulation of the house outside.

The external methods to which the insulation of the wet facade refers to the presence of a so-called dew point - this is a zone where condensate is highlighted in the conditions of temperature differences in the middle of the room and outside. In the case of fastening the insulation on the inside carrier wall There is a high probability of selection of condensate, which leads to high humidity in room. Therefore, this method of thermal insulation is less functional and even dangerous to health, as against the background of dampness, fungi and mold arise on the walls.

In case of external thermal insulation, the level of heat resistance or thermal inertia of walls increases significantly. In other words, the construction, insulated outside, retains warmly with a significant decrease in the temperature on the street and slowly heats up in the summer heat.

With the outer insulation of the house, the wet facade eliminates all sorts of cold bridges, through which in most cases the main heat loss occurs in the case of the arrangement of internal thermal insulation.

What is a wet facade:features of technology

The external method of insulation of facades has its own classification. Different dry and wet technology. The first option, in turn, includes prefabricated or hinged facades. The main material used in this technology is siding from vinyl or metal. A more practical, highly efficient, economical and attractive externally is considered the wet facade system.

Important!A distinctive feature of a wet facade - a multi-layered, where every individual layer plays his important role In the process of insulation and decorating. To fully implement functions, preference must be given only to high-quality materials.

The use of wet techniques allows you to get not only good quality insulation, but also beautiful decor at home. Important condition - The use of high-quality specialists. The final stage is the process of applying plaster and painting - these are key components of a beautiful appearance of the building.

The technology of the wet facade involves creating a multilayer pie outside. The mounting of the layers to the wall occurs due to the application of special adhesive solutions, mastic and plaster, which is dissolved in ordinary water. Hence the name is the wet facade. The work implies observance of a clear order of sieutenness in the application of the layers: primer, adhesive mixture, heat-insulating plates, additional sizing, grid reinforcement, plastering and painting.

Each phase, involving the use of a wet method, whether it is a sizing, plaster or painting, should be performed at temperatures above +5 ° C. Not only the quality of the work and the degree of thermal insulation, but also the life of the decorative insulation, depend on the sequence of work, materials and compliance with conditions. Otherwise, the facade will soon begin lightering and collapse.

Wet facade: pros and consoutdoor insulation technology

Technology of insulation wet method has a number of indisputable advantages and a certain amount of flaws. Benefits should include:

  • high degree of decorativeness and attractiveness of the facade;
  • the ease of the heat insulating layer, which allows the use of technology on buildings with a weak foundation;
  • reliable thermal insulation that maintains heat in the house for a long time on the principle of the thermos and excluding the appearance of "wool bridges";
  • additional protection of the house from destructive atmospheric influences (moisture, freezing, wind);
  • reliable sound and vibration insulation;
  • durability (facade performed by wet technologymay stop up to 40 years old);

  • eliminates the appearance of condensate and, as a result, damp in the house, which is due to the "breathable" outdoor plaster;
  • the cost of the wet facade is acceptable, especially in comparison with other methods of insulation;
  • the technology does not "steal" the useful space indoors.

Speaking about the pros, the disadvantages of this methodology should be mentioned:

  • works should be performed under optimal temperature conditions on the street (if the temperature is below +5 ° C, then it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result);
  • each layer requires a certain time to dry, so unforeseen precipitates can negatively affect the quality of insulation as a result;
  • dust and dirt getting into operation also adversely affect the result, so the surface should be protected from wind.

Helpful advice! Works on the insulation of the building with a wet facade cannot be carried out during rains. Therefore, planning the installation is better for spring or summer, when precipitation falls much less.

Wet Technology Facade: Step-by-step instructions

Based on the above advantages and disadvantages, it suggests that this technology allows you to create high-quality thermal insulation under the condition of minimal financial investments. The main principle is a clear poetting in applying all the layers. Technology performing work includes three or four stages of the formation of a wet facade. Photo clearly demonstrate it. Each of the layers performs its functional destination.

Layer plaster Main works Function performed
Adhesive or preparatory Preparation of the foundation, installation of fasteners and primer glue Determines the degree of reliability of fastening the future design
Heat insulating Fastening thermal insulation plates with glue and dowels Provides the degree of insulation of the walls of the building
Reinforcing Includes installation of reinforcing grid Guarantees the strength and reliability of the design and serves as the basis for the final finishing layer
Decorative Application of decorative plaster with various ways and painting Protects thermal insulation plates from atmospheric influences and provides the external beauty of the walls

All stages perform a number of important functions that provide overall reliability, strength and durability of the design, so each of them requires a responsible approach and a detailed study.

Wet facade: Mounting technologypreparatory stage

Before the start of work on insulation should take care of the preparation of the base basis. To this end, the walls are carefully cleaned and eliminate all defects. It is necessary to shine cracks with a solution and align the surface. If strong contaminants are present on the surface, it is recommended to use detergents.

Next, the surface is tested for strength. For this, small pieces of insulation glue the wall. If they hold securely and do not break into pieces, then you can start mounting. If it is easy to cut down with the top layer of the wall, then it is necessary to spend the stripper.

After complete preparation of the wall, a primer is applied to it. And after drying - a layer of glue. If the surface of the house consists of a material with increased absorption, then the ground layer should be more solid. It is better to apply it twice. Old plaster with window and door slopes is recommended to remove in advance.

At the preparatory stage should take care of the installation of the profile plank. The base profile will contribute to the uniform distribution of the load from the plates of thermal insulation and protect the lower row of the insulation from humidity.

Helpful advice! The smooth course of the process can provide a special set for the insulation of the facade sold in construction stores. Well proven itself adhesive mixture for wet facade cerepes.

The profile is mounted at a level of approximately 35-40 cm from the ground with a three-millionx gap between the planks placed horizontally, in case there is an extension under the action of temperatures. The profile is attached directly to the dowel or self-tapping screw. Their amount depends on the density and weight of the selected material for thermal insulation. Most often, they are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Stage of thermal insulation for wet facade: sequence of work

Installation of the thermal insulation layer is one of the main steps, as it is a mounting of the insulation slabs. The process itself requires a clear sequence and execution of a number of rules.

Application of glue to the surface of the plate. The adhesive solution is distributed around the perimeter of the material with a wide strip, retreating from the edge of approximately 3 cm. In the middle of the glue distribute point. The main thing is that more than 40% of the plates area be covered in the adhesive mixture. If thermal mats serve as thermal insulation layer, the adhesive solution should be applied over the entire surface.

Plate laying. The insulation technology wet facade implies the installation of the insulation "in the divorce" by analogy of brickwork. In this case, the tiles should be tightly pressed to each other and to the wall. The glue that has sharpened outwards must be immediately removed. The laying process takes up from the bottom up, ranging from the base profile. It will be necessary to wait 3-4 days so that the glue is completely dry.

Fastening plate dowels. At the next stage, the heat insulating layer should additionally fix the dowels. Their length should be sealed at the calculation of the thickness of the layer of the insulation, the adhesive solution and the reserve for the recess in the wall. If the degree of density of the insulation for the wet facade is high, then for the recess in the recess is sufficiently 5 cm, for porous materials, this indicator should reach 8-9 cm. On 1 m² of the surface will be needed from 7 to 15 dowels. Their amount depends on the density of thermal insulation plates, the diameter of the fastenings and the height of the insulation.

Even before installing a dowel, a nest is prepared under it. Given that right fastening The clamping sleeves will be lowered close to the insulation.

Wet facade: technologystyling the reinforcing layer

The reinforced base is necessary to ensure a reliable level of adhesion of decorative plaster over the insulation. To this end, a special mesh is fixed on adhesive base, having to sleep in the middle. Installation of the reinforcing layer starts at least two days after applying the heat insulating layer.

Helpful advice! To strengthen it is recommended to use an alkaline-resistant mesh made on the basis of fiberglass having a reliable coating. Otherwise, after a year, the reinforcing layer will begin to collapse, and the plaster simply causals.

First, the grid is fixed on the angular slopes in the openings of windows and doors, as well as in the places of docking vertical slopes and jumpers. Next, go to the corners of the building outside, and at the end - to the rest of the plots.

Article on the topic:

Select the type of insulation. Features of materials, their advantages and disadvantages. The main stages of the insulation mounting.

The process itself is the application of a layer of special glue. Then the special reinforcing mesh of fiberglass gradually blends into it. It is laid by the mustache, which ensures the formation of a reliable reinforced base. Excess material Cropped. The total thickness of the strengthening layer should be a maximum of 6 mm, while the grid itself is located two millimeters from the surface of the insulation.

When creating a wet facade on buildings with an increased load or on the ground floors, an up-to-rate grid must be used, which is able to withstand higher loads. It is the reinforcing layer that plays a major role in the strength of the whole structure. It ensures the stability of the wall to atmospheric and mechanical influences. It is equally important that the mesh is constrained by alkaline effects of aggressive components contained in the stucco solution.

Plaster wet facade: Decorative Layer Application Technology

The finishing layer plays a double role, as it is responsible for the external attractiveness of the walls and at the same time serves as protection of the heat-insulating layer from external negative impacts. At the same time, the plaster must have a certain porosity to skip excess condensate, providing "breathing" wall.

Decorative finish is the final phase in the process of installation made using a wet facade technology. The plaster is started to apply only after complete drying of the reinforcing layer. For this you have to wait about a week. At the same time, besides high decorative qualities, the plastered surface must correspond to a number of requirements:

  • have a high degree of vapor permeability;
  • be resistant to weathering in the form of rain, snow, fog and other precipitation, as well as to the influence of direct sun ray;
  • have high strength to mechanical damage.

To make the plaster easily lay on the insulation, the plates should fit tightly to each other. Permissible error - a maximum of 3 mm. Otherwise, the two subsequent layers will not be able to disguise the flaws, which will affect appearance all design. You will have to either apply a very thick layer of plaster, or come true with irregularities. This fact indicates that it is necessary to select high-quality materials, as well as use a special plastering mixture - for external work.

Helpful advice! The qualitative performance of the work and durability of the service of the plaster affects compliance with the temperature regime. As in the case of fastening the plates, the resulting mixture should be applied at a temperature of at least +5 ° C. The maximum indicator is +30 ° C, since the excessive exposure to sunlight can adversely affect the quality of plaster.

Species diversity of plastering wet facade

The finish stage in the complex of work on the creation of the facade was a wet method is to apply the plastering layer. For the organization of the heat-insulating layer use a variety of techniques decorative finish, the main of them will look below.

Mineral plaster. The material is a binding mixture, the basis of which is portland cement. The main advantage of this type of coating is to high levels of strength and vapor permeability. Finish this type Resistant to moisture impacts, will not raw and not destroy. The following advantage is at an affordable price. By minuses should include a narrow selection of colors.

Silicate plaster is a variety of mineral, as it contains. Well suited for decorating aerated concrete and foam block walls, as well as for use in the composition of the technology of wet facade, since it has high level Parium permeability. However, it should be noted that before it is applied, it will be necessary to cover the surface with a layer of special primer.

Acrylic plaster basically contains a resin in the form of water dispersion. The positive qualities of the material are elasticity and a high degree of adhesion against different surfaces. In order to avoid cracking, the acrylic is applied by a thin layer on a reinforced grid of fiberglass treated with a sealant.

Silicone plaster has a number of unique properties, it is very flexible and driving. Even in the case of a seating of a wall building, covered with a silicone layer is not cracking. This finish is presented in a wide color gamma and has the property of self-cleaning. Thus, the wall itself under the action of precipitation will be cleaned of dust and dirt.

The base of the wet facade: materials for work

Examined in detail all stages of work, a novice master will be able to evaluate his strength in terms of independent device Wet facade with insulation. If a positive solution is made, then you should take care of the presence of a complete arsenal of materials and tools. The list below will allow you to take into account all the details. So, this technology assumes the presence of basic materials:

  1. Thermal insulation plates as a base material require a special approach in the selection. It is necessary to calculate the thickness of the plates in advance, from which the degree of thermal insulation depends, and to explore the characteristics of different insulation.
  2. The base profile is selected taking into account the width and thickness of the selected heat insulating plates. The number is calculated based on the size of the building.
  3. Mesh for a wet facade that serves as a strengthening of the entire structure, most often is rolled material From fiberglass. For buildings with high load use more reliable grids.
  4. The glue for the wet facade is used to fix the plates. Pick it in accordance with the selected insulation.
  5. Decorative stucco is applied at the final stage. You can use ready-made compositions.

Helpful advice! In the choice of materials for the manufacture of a wet facade primarily guided by the qualities and features of the selected insulation. For example, glue for minvati is not suitable for fixing foam plates and vice versa.

Additional materials for creating a wet facade with their own hands

The above list of materials is considered the main, but far from comprehensive. If you do not take care of the acquisition complete set Before making a wet facade, there may be a number of inconveniences and difficulties in the project implementation process.

The primer is applied at the preparatory stage in order to ensure better clutch of plates and walls. The type of primer is selected in accordance with the type of decorative plaster.

The composition for plastering protective and reinforced layers They are applied directly to the insulation, although it is often confused with decorative plaster. These are different compositions - and it should be considered. One of the main differences is a higher price of plastering.

Paint is designed to decorate the walls and serves as a certain protection against atmospheric influences. Do not neglect this material and save on it.

The required component of the part of the mushroom shape is the part. It would seem a trifle, but without them there will be no reliable fixation of the plates. Therefore, their acquisition should be taken in advance.

Dowels for fastening the base - separate element, very important at the preparatory stage. The length of the dowel-nail depends on the material of the wall where the profile is attached. In the installation process, the base should also take care of the presence of special elements for connecting in places of bends and in the corners.

In order to acquire a full set, manufacturers offer complex systemswhere all necessary materials and tools for creating a wet facade. At the same time, not every set takes into account the individual needs of the owners, and therefore, when buying such sets, you need to be attentive.

Tools required for insulation of walls wet facade

The list of tools for performing work on the technology of the wet facade should include almost the entire arsenal an experienced builder and a number of special devices that will make great easier and accelerate the process. In particular, you will need:

  • the square required for the markup of straight angles and angles at 45 °;
  • construction level designed to determine the degree of deviations of parts from surfaces in a horizontal or vertical direction;
  • roulette for measuring the length and width of various materials;
  • flooring hammer, designed to work with different materials;
  • saw with small teeth to cut polyfoam materials;
  • construction mixer for kneading dry construction mixes from sand, plaster, glue, putty;
  • rollers to perform primer at different stages and for staining the finish layer of decorative plaster;
  • swiss ironers used to cover the surface with different mixtures and for their smoothing;
  • ironing with teeth, used for amplifying and fixing by the "insertion" by the reinforcing layer;

  • simple ironing of plastic for applying plaster and plaster compositions;
  • trowel for easy kneading solution;
  • spatulas and Kelma of various sizes;
  • milling cutter for deepening dowels when attaching plates to the wall;
  • pistol for sealant.

Helpful advice! The acquisition of tools should take care at the preparatory stage. This list is maximum and extensive, but it is possible that additional tools may be needed during the work.

Wet facade insulation: variety of materials and selection features

Facade insulation are divided into two large groups - polystyrene and mineral wool products. Foam materials are characterized by ease, fast installation and high levels of heat shields. The main disadvantage of the material is its flammability. Minvata for the wet facade is an order of magnitude more expensive, while being more reliable in its operational qualities. Plates from this material are not burning, have a high level of vapor permeability.

The density of mineral wool for the wet facade should be at least 150 kg / m³, and the strength limit is at least 15 kPa. Preference in the selection is recommended to give plates from basalt fiber. As for the foam, for insulating work It is necessary to choose a material for special purpose with weak flammability. Specialists do not advise in this field to use extrusion polystyrene foam, which has low vapor-permeable characteristics and having weak adhesion with adhesive solution.

In different conditions, various types of insulating plates are used. The choice is guided by the physical and chemical characteristics of the insulation, based on its specific destination. At the same time, each group of insulation has its own classification.

Minvat under the wet facade: Materials for the manufacture and their advantages

So, the plates from mineral wool are not suitable for finishing facades. This advantage is due to a number of specific positive characteristics:

  • durability;

  • fire resistance;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • high level of heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to the effects of chemical and biological substances;
  • ecology;
  • easy installation.

In addition, individual types of wool, in particular products on phenolic binders, are distinguished by a high level of moisture resistance. Most preferred are plates from diabase or basalt wool for wet facade. The price of such a insulation is significantly higher than other analogues, but this is the case when paying precisely for quality.

Since the strength of Minva you must start from 15 kPa, and the material itself should not enter into a reaction with plaster, the use of fiberglass plates in this area is impractical. This is due to the fact that such minvat is easily destroyed in an alkaline medium and does not have sufficient breaking strength.

Fiberglass slabs will begin to crumble under the influence of alkalis, which are contained in the base reinforced layer and adhesive solution. The pH level of these materials on average is 12.5. The corresponding reaction begins not immediately, but after a couple of years. Destruction occurs especially intensively under the influence strong winds. Thus, a very fast wet facade of fiberglass plates will be unusable.

Additional qualities as the criteria for choosing a mineral insulation under the wet facade

An important indicator in the choice of heat-insulating plates is the coefficient of moisture absorption. It is desirable that its level is at a rate of 15%, since the moisture that has absorbed into the material will lead to its inevitable deformation and will negatively affect the thermal conductivity. Plates with a high degree of moisture absorption do not provide the required level of monolithic facade. As a result, this design will not serve for more than two years.

Helpful advice! The density density of the wet facade must vary from 150 to 180 kg / m³. Otherwise, the process of applying the finishing layer is complicated and the risk of separating the entire thermal insulation coating of the facade appears.

The technology of the wet facade on the Minvat involves the selection of the plates in such a way that the degree of vapor permeability from the first (preparatory) to the last (decorative) layer gradually increased. Compliance with this requirement will provide favorable prerequisites and prevent condensate falling in the middle of the structure. In the climatic conditions of Russia, most of the time, the temperature indicators inside the houses are significantly higher than outside. Such conditions significantly increase the likelihood of condensation.

Wet facade of foam: features of the material and requirements for its choice

Certain list positive qualities The other group of insulation, the main raw material in the production of which is served by polystyrene foam. It should be noted here:

  • low cost;
  • ease of material;
  • high thermo- and sound insulation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation.

The list of disadvantages of foam plates significantly exceeds similar characteristics of minvati. The most important minus is a flammability of the material. In order to exclude this shortcoming manufacturers handle the insulation special chemicals - Antipirens. Thus, even in the case of ignition, the spread of the fire will be suspended, that is, the flame can sink itself.

Fireproofing also provide special inserts from non-combustible materials, in particular from mineral wool. The use of such a method led to the appearance of a separate combined material.

Among other minuses of material is a low degree of biosis. In the foam can live insects and even rodents. Also, polystyrene plates are more fragile, which creates certain problems in the installation process, and less wear-resistant in operation.

Requirements for polystyrene foam plates for wet facade: price and quality

Before you buy a material for a wet facade of expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to study its characteristics and compliance with all requirements. It must have a strength to break the minimum of 100 kPa and have a density of 15 to 25 kg / m³.

Helpful advice! The choice of material in accordance with all the requirements for it and its correct installation With accurate observance of the technology of the device of the wet facade by insulation, it guarantees its service life for 20-30 years. Repair of the decorative layer will have to produce a little more often, but the costs will be significantly less.

Qualitative material can be defined even by external data. The insulation granules should most closely lie down to each other and have approximately the same size. Otherwise, such a foam will bring maximum problems starting from the installation process and ending with direct operation. Low-quality coarse-grained material absorbs an increased amount of moisture, which, in turn, entails its deformation and leads to the loss of thermal insulation qualities and early destruction of the facade

The form of thermal insulation plates from polystyrene foam should be the same as the right rectangle. The error is allowed not more than 2 mm per 1 m. The drops in the thickness of the insulation can be a maximum of 1 mm, and the deviation on the surface of the faceplane should not exceed 0.5%. Otherwise, it is impossible to produce without defects the insulation of the facade of the house. Wet facade outside will have low aesthetic characteristics, and its service life will be reduced several times.

Material consumption for wet facade arrangement: photo of private houses

As with other types of construction work, the consumption of materials is carried out approximately, based on the required amount of 1 m² of the finished wet facade. Warming at home outside suggests the following costs:

  • primers will need approximately 250 milliliters per 1 m²;
  • the adhesive solution for fixing the heat insulating plates is spent at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m²;
  • the consumption of the insulation itself with a thickness of the plate at least 5 cm corresponds to the insulated area;
  • dowels for fastening the plates will need about 5 pieces per 1 m²;
  • the mesh for the wet facade is consumed at the rate of 1.3 m² per 1 m²;
  • plasters for the leveling layer should be purchased based on the needs of 0.3 kg per 1 m²;

  • the separation consumption for the finishing layer is approximately 0.3 kg per 1m²;
  • a finished decorative plaster will need about 3 kg per 1 m².

In order to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, you need to be guided by the instructions on the packages of the material, and it is better to purchase ready-made sets. In this market segment, the wet facade of Cerezite has proven itself well. The technology of facade insulation using mineral wool plates involves the use of the Ceresit WM brand.

For insulation with the use of foam on technology, the wet facade Creste is marked with VWS. Plates for thermal insulation are treated with adhesive composition and fasten on the wall, a special protective layer with reinforced glass is applied on top. The system of the corresponding brand contains all the necessary materials.

The components of the price of a wet facade for m 2

The price of the finished wet facade includes the total cost of preparatory, assembly and decorative work. Main costs fall on materials based on the cost of 1 m² for a deaf wall.

Important! The main component of the total value of the wet facade is the price of the insulation, which depends on its type, density and mineral additives.

The total cost of the finished system is the total price of components components:

  • adhesive mixture for fastening the insulation;
  • plaster mortar for the base;
  • mixtures for decorative plaster;
  • fiberglass grids for the reinforced layer;
  • dowels and other fasteners;
  • two types of primer;
  • heat insulating plates.

Finished systems usually do not take into account the cost of additional and optional parts, various profiles and auxiliary fasteners. Also, not all manufacturers offer insulating materials in the complex. In this case, it should be borne in mind the average cost of the insulation. For example, the average price of minvati for a wet facade with a thickness of 10 cm is about 650 rubles. For 1 m². The cost of polystyrene foam in the same indicators about 250 rubles.

Thus, the price of a wet facade per m² with plates from Minvati will be about 1,200 rubles. The thermal insulation system from polystyrene foam will cost much cheaper - about 750 rubles. For 1 m².

Arrangement of the wet facade: the cost of work for to order

The total cost of installation of the insulation and its decoration includes payment of services of masters or contractors. This is if the work is not made independently. The total price ranges from 1000 to 2500 rubles per square meter. It all depends on the total work, the type of materials and the method decorative decoration finished Wall. The main components and the average price of mounting the wet facade are shown in the table below:

Type of work performed Cost, rub. / M²
Installation and disassembly of forests for construction 130 – 150
Surface primer taking into account deep penetration 60 – 90
Fastening insulation with adhesive makeup and wall leveling 370 – 450
Installation of the reinforcing reservoir with a base plastering layer and sealing flush 330 – 370
Grinding walls using quartz sand 65 – 75
Decorative shuttering of various types 240 – 350
Decoration of stone on the facade basement 870 – 920

A wide range of prices for wet plaster facade is justified by varying degrees of complexity of the decoration process. The list may also include additional work, for example, the installation of decorative elements. Their cost is calculated separately and depends on complexity.

Additional factors affecting the cost of wet facade

The above services and their cost are not constant. The list can be much more, and the price increases due to the advent of additional costs. The final price for m² of wet facade turnkey depends on a number of additional factors. In particular, it should be considered:

  • the initial appearance and structure of the facade;

  • the presence of flaws and damage;
  • the level of complexity of the work performed;
  • the total number of openings for doors and windows, as well as their location;
  • qualitative characteristics of materials and their number;
  • total work.

Helpful advice! Calculation calculation is made individually for each specific case. Sometimes, even with the identical list of works and the same area of \u200b\u200bprocessing, the price may differ significantly.

Thus, the final cost includes additional costs. For example, labor-intensive work at high altitude will require the installation of auxiliary mounting forests. The cost of their lease depends on the height and time limit. It should also be noted that high-altitude work is much more expensive, as they suggest the availability of special skills and organization of insurance. The formation of the price is influenced by the costs associated with the delivery and characteristics of individual facades.

Installation wet system It will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than the arrangement, but its further operation will cost more. The wet facade technology is usually used for insulation of private houses, and ventilated - for finishing larger buildings. What it is connected, Consider below.

Ventilated facades: Pricedictated by quality

Speaking about the scope of application of the Wet Facade method, it is worth mentioning such a feature as limited resistance to the effects of temperature differences. Based on perennial studies, the European Association of Plaster-type thermal insulation systems came to the conclusion that the technology of the wet facade is appropriate not in all climatic conditions.

Even the most reliable and expensive materials, installation in compliance with all requirements do not give a long-term guarantee of service in the conditions of an intra-engineering climate of moderate latitudes, which prevails on a significant part of Russia. For the starting permissible point of application of the system, the wet facade, the academic associations took grapes, or rather the plant itself, and the cycle of its ripening. That is, in the zone where climatic conditions allow ripening at least one of its varieties, the use of technology is appropriate.

In conditions of constant rains and high humidity, for example, in close proximity to the sea, the use of this technology is undesirable. This is due to the weak moisture resistance of this type of facade. If the wall is subject to frequent mechanical effects, the installation of the wet facade is also not recommended.

Based on the listed contraindications, the alternative technology of the facade of the plastering type in the form of a mounted thermal insulation system with an air gap was invented. Simply put - ventilated facade. What are similarities, differences and advantages of this type of buildings insulation - will figure it out further.

Helpful advice! Check the quality of thermal insulation under the ventilated and wet facade can be used using thermal imager. Warm tones in the photo show heat losses, and dark - heat resistance of walls.

Comparative characteristics of the ventilated and wet facade: photo of houses and buildings

The mounted system differs from plastering the fact that when installing the wet facade, the plaster is applied directly on the layer of thermal insulation. The ventilated facade involves the installation of the front panel from fibrcement at a certain distance from the insulation, which creates the necessary protection against atmospheric precipitation. In addition, thanks to the protective screen, excessive moisture, which appeared behind the facade panel, can evaporate through the air opening.

Thus, the ventilated facade has an additional, compared with the wet method, the number of functions and provides:

  • additional protection against moisture, as well as sound insulation;
  • the highest degree of inflammation protection;
  • cool in the room in the summer, which allows you to save on air conditioners;
  • eliminate flaws on the wall in the form of irregularities and curvatures;
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • a wide selection of design options;
  • additional thermal insulation, which contributes to the presence of an airbag.

In addition, the coating of fibrcement does not require auxiliary maintenance and repair of the decorative layer in several years. Attachment May serve without interventions of several decades.

Solving a dilemma, which facade to choose, can be guided by the following recommendations. The wet facade is appropriate in the case when it is necessary to minimize the cost of finishing the building and minimize the load on the walls. In this way, you can make an ideal smooth walls, without complying with the special requirements for the strength and wear resistance of the facade.

Attachment, in turn, compensates for the irregularities of the wall and helps hide any defects. The installation of the ventilating facade can be carried out at any time of the year, even at a negative temperature.

Scope of the wet facade and ventilated facade

The scope of applying ventilated facades is much wider. They are used to insulate private houses, finishing multi-storey new buildings and public buildings. The most widely used to decorate shops, cafes, shopping and entertainment centers and other socio-commercial institutions.

Important! Wet facades are used for thermal insulation of buildings with low storeys and utility rooms, as well as if necessary, saving on the insulation. how a budget option This method is applicable in the system of energy saving of state institutions and public buildings.

In the facing of ventilated facades, various materials are used, in particular:

  • porcelain plate;
  • aluminum and composite panels;
  • fibrocement;
  • plates of laminate produced under high pressure.

The main advantages of the porcelain facade are in its strength, a variety of coloring and high aesthetic characteristics. But there is such a material quite expensive. Aluminum price composite panels More democratic. The material itself is universal, and thanks to a wide range of colors and structures allows you to realize the most bold fantasies of the architect.

Fibrocement - material imitating stone, resistant to moisture and sun. It has simplicity of installation and an open type of fastening. Its more often used for lining of residential buildings. Laminate panels are a new material having different colors, texture, resistant to weathering and fire, it is lightweight, durable and environmentally friend. In addition, it is cheaper than porcelain stoneware.

Wet Facade Technology on Minvat: Instructions, useful tips and secrets of masters

If, after considering all sorts of insulation options, the choice was made in favor of the wet facade with the use of mineral wool slabs, and it was decided to make work independently, then a number of secrets of masters should be taken into account.

Start standing from the selection of the material. So, on the Internet and special pattern, you can meet a recommendation for the replacement of minvati on fiberglass. This is a misconception, since over time, fiberglass plates begin to see the vibrational effects, and the so-called cold paths are formed in the insulating layer.

To achieve the maximum heat-insulating effect, it is worth taking care of insulation not only the facade, but also gender, as well as the ceiling. In particular, it concerns apartments over unheated premises or on the upper floors.

Subject to the correct choice of material and strict compliance with the instructions, the warranty period of the facade can reach the half-century mark. Additional protection of the finishing layer of plaster will provide a special paint coating, which also will prolong its service life. For this purpose, it is worth using water dispersive paint with acrylic, silicone or silicate impurities. Her color variety Includes more than a thousand shades.

Helpful advice! During painting, look at the design and estimate documentation, where the original color of the construction is indicated, the new shade must match it.

Conditions for successful insulation using a wet facade installation technology: video recommendations

Wetting insulation should occur in full protection from frost and atmospheric precipitation. If the work does not require deposit and its completion occurs in adverse conditions, then take care of the construction of special forests and cover them with a dense film, which will ensure temporary protection against wind and moisture and create a small heat outline.

Before starting work on the installation of a wet facade, it is necessary to close all access to the inside of the room from the windows and doors. All internal black work In the house it is better to complete before the start of insulation. On the wall outside, it is necessary to place a row of fasteners and brackets in advance that will hold air conditioners, cameras, fits or drain pipes.

FROM adhesive solutions It is necessary to work in the shade or with an increased cloudiness, the maximum excluding the insertion of the sun's rays to the mixture. The distance between the heat-insulation plates and the reinforcing grid should be at least 2 mm, which ensures the fill of the adhesive.

For the overall strength of the multilayer design to dry out each layer, it is required to give a few days. Hurry in this case is unacceptable. The operational characteristics of decorative plaster depend on the conditions of work. Optimal prerequisites are temperatures over 5 ° C, elevated cloudiness, dry windless weather.

For plaster, it is necessary to select exclusively materials for external work, which will be able to fully resist negative impacts. The upper plaster layer should have a high level of thermal conductivity and moisture resistance, to be durable and resistant to mechanical, chemical and atmospheric influences.

House insulation wet facade: summarizing

The technology is wet facade, although inferior in a number of operational characteristics to the ventilated facade, is the leader among existing ways insulation. Its advantages are to apply modern high-quality thermal insulation materials, some of them can reach half a century. Special exterior decoration with high aesthetic characteristics not only guarantees the external beauty of modern residential buildings, but also makes this technology admissible in the restoration of architectural attractions.

To achieve the highest result, you need to trust the work of certified firms, as well as to use high-quality materials manufacturers who have proven themselves in the construction market. To prevent the occurrence of chemical reactions, it should be noted that individual components must be compatible with each other. Each subsequent layer should have elevated level Parry permeability in relation to the previous one. Do not forget about the strength and density of materials and their compliance with fire and environmental requirements.

The design is designed to ensure a high degree of sound protection in two directions (both from the inside and outside the house). The quality of the materials affects a longer life of not only the insulation layer, but also at home, protecting the walls from precipitation and mechanical damage. The facade closes the main construction from the effects of wind, frost, pollution, ultraviolet and humidity.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the application a variety of options decorative plaster in the wet facade system, finishing elements and color decoration Allows you to implement various style ideas on the outside of the building, which cannot be done using other methods of insulation, for example, the technology of the ventilated facade.

The insulation of the premises by the Wet Facade method is widely popular in the construction of private and multi-storey houses. The prevalence of the method is due to significant advantages compared to alternative ways Finishes. The wet facade system minimizes the number of cold bridges and warns the appearance of condensate on the interior walls of the house.

Features of the finishing "Wet facade"

"Wet" technology insulation facade implies aqueous solutions Plasters, paints and primer compositions. A multilayer fortified cake is created on the wall surface. For comparison, when installing the "dry facade", anhydrous attachment methods are used: the upholstery of the clapboard, the panel with frame fastening and siding.

House insulation system, buildings wet method Appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century in Germany and gained widespread in the 70s.

This technique involves applying in a certain sequence of the primer base, glue, thermal insulation and other materials. As a result, a single system is formed, characterized by a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Provides attractiveness and decorative facade. There are no salt spots on the outer walls.
  2. Small construction weight does not require a powerful foundation.
  3. Outdoor thermal insulation allows you to maintain and effectively accumulate heat in the room, blocking "cold bridges".
  4. Condensate is not formed on the inner surface of the walls. The "dew point" is carried out in the insulation material, and then evaporates through the outer "breathable" layer of plaster.
  5. The facade of the "wet" type gives the walls of sound and vibration insulation.
  6. The design of the house is reliably protected from moisture exposure. This eliminates corrosion of frame reinforcement and freezing in the microcracks of concrete.
  7. "Wet" technologies in the implementation cost cheaper.

The minuses of such systems include the need for compliance special conditions during installation:

  • the installation of the "wet" facade occurs at a temperature of at least +5 s °;
  • installation work is not performed in rainy and wet weather;
  • the contact of direct sunlight will provoke the drying of the solution - it will negatively affect the quality of insulation.

Device of wet facade

The wet facade is easy to manufacture. Impact design is based on the simultaneous use of mechanical and adhesive fasteners.

Wet facade: Mounting technology

The "Pie" facade includes the following layers:


  1. Heat insulation. The insulation is attached to the wall on the glue - usually it is a polymer-cement composition with high adhesion to the insulation and carrier surface. Polyfoam or mineral wool slabs are used as thermal insulation material.
  2. Reinforcing grid strengthens the design. Without metal grid no one plastering Or the other adhesive composition will not stick to the basalt plate or foam. A reinforcing mesh is suitable for the width of 1 meter - it is quite enough to create a solid plastering coating.
  3. Laying layers for reinforcing grid and insulation.
  4. Mechanical fastening of the insulation - "umbrella" (a plastic dowel is equipped with a wide hat). On one plate of the insulation is installed five dowels.
  5. Decorative coating. To finish a wet facade applied textured plasterWith significant advantages: simplicity of application, low weight and availability in price.

House, warmed by a "wet facade" system: video

Selection of materials for the arrangement of the wet facade system

Materials for the wet facade are sold by the "system". In essence, this is a complex of materials with similar physical characteristics: water absorption, vapor permeability, thermal expansion and frost resistance.

Comparative characteristics of foam and mineral wool properties

The composition of the adhesive is selected in accordance with the insulation used. For example, glue on a bitumen is used when installing polystyrene plates

When to perform the installation of "wet facade"

The arrangement of the "wet" facade is carried out after the following construction work:

  • installation of the roof;
  • the outer waterproofing of the foundation is fully fulfilled;
  • there was a shrinkage of the building;
  • mounted ventilation, air conditioning system, windows and other systems are installed;
  • the building sucked.

Facade work is better to perform in the late spring - early autumn. Before starting the installation, you need to see the weather forecast - for the next two or three weeks there should be no rain and minus temperature

Methods of mounting insulation

There are three technologies for fixing the fixation of thermal insulation material:

  1. Hard fastening - the insulation is fixed by dowels. In this method, the thickness of the layers of plaster does not exceed 8 mm.
  2. Fastening the insulation on mobile hinges. The plaster mix freely moves along the walls, compensating for shrinkage. The thickness of the applied layers of about 30 mm.
  3. Fixation of thermal insulation occurs with glue and dowels. In this case, disc dowels with large caps are applied.

Wet Facade Device: Installation Technology

Preparatory activities

Before proceeding with facade works, it is necessary to prepare some materials and components:

  1. Insulation - foam or mineral fibrous plates. Per 1 sq.m. It is necessary to take 1.05 sq.m. insulation (gap on trimming in corners). The thickness of the heat-insulating material depends on climatic zone Accommodation.
  2. Flusket with a density of 140-160 g / cubic meters.
  3. Dowels-umbrellas at the rate of 5-8 pieces per 1 sq.m.
  4. Corner and base profile. Corner elements Protect the wall from shuffling in mechanical exposure. The base elements are mounted horizontally from the bottom of the facade and are the basis for mounting the plates of the first row. The base profile protects the thermal insulation material from mechanical damage and performs the role of low tide.
  5. Primer for processing the base of the wall.
  6. Adhesive for fixing the insulation and reinforcing grid. The amount of adhesive composition depends on the relief of the wall.
  7. Stucco for finishing finish. The consumption of the material is calculated on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bthe surface coated. It is necessary to lay a stock of 10% on window / doorways.

Preparatory activities:

  1. The surface of the wall is thoroughly cleaned from the remains of the old coating and dirt.
  2. If it is necessary to level the wall, remove damage, plant cracks.
  3. Clear door / window slopes from the old plaster.
  4. Progress the walls to increase adhesion.

Installation of the base profile

Mandatory operation - setting the support plank. Lower edge The entire wet facade system relies on the P-shaped profile - the "support base". Works on insulation wet facade begin with marking / fastening around the perimeter of the building of the base profile.

The profile is mounted as follows:

  • the height of the fastening of the base is 40 cm from the ground level;
  • there should be a gap of about 30 mm between horizontal planks - this distance is necessary for temperature expansion;
  • the profile is fixed with self-drawers and dowels, the mounting step is 10-20 cm;
  • the corners of the building must be separated by a special angular profile.

Fastening thermal insulation plates

The wet facade of foam or mineral wat is glued to the prepared surface outdoor Wall at home. The glue is applied with a wide band around the perimeter of the heat insulating plate. This method reduces the flow of glue and provides sufficient fastening strength.

There is a checked rule: glue should cover at least 40% of the insulation area

The high-quality installation of thermal insulation is ensured when performing a number of rules:

  • solid vertical seams are not allowed between several rows - stove seams in neighboring rows must be overlapped;
  • the back side of the slab under gluing is pressed to the base of the wall, and the head of the insulation is to the adjacent plate; seams between thermal insulation plates must be minimal;
  • glue speaking between seams, you must immediately delete.

After drying (about 3 days), the heat insulation layer must additionally strengthen the dowels. Fasteners deepen on 5-9 cm into the wall - depending on the porosity of the insulation.

The sequence of fastening dowels:

  1. Perform markup on the panel and drill holes to the desired depth.
  2. Make nests under a dowel and flush to set disc parts.
  3. Gently score plastic nails.

Installation of reinforcing layer

The installation of the reinforcing layer is embarking 3 days after fastening the insulation. The first thing is to install the reinforcing mesh on the slopes of the door / windows, vertical joints of the slopes and jumpers, as well as the outer corners of the building. A smooth surface of the walls is processed last.

Procedure for mounting the reinforcing layer:

  1. Glue apply to the insulation.
  2. Impose a grid of fiberglass.
  3. Re-apply the glue layer - it should cover the design completely.

Important! The total thickness of the reinforcing layer should turn out no more than 6 mm. The distance between the outer surface and layer of fiberglass - up to 1-2 mm

Finish finish facade

The final phase of the arrangement of the wet facade is plastering walls. This paper can be proceeding not earlier than 3-7 days after the installation of the reinforced grid. Finish finish The facade should be vapor-permeable and moisture-resistant. Exterior plaster must withstand temperature fluctuations and not deformed under the influence of mechanical loads.

The plaster can be applied at a temperature of 5-30 s °, the prerequisite is the lack of wind. When working in sunny and hot weather layer finish plaster We must periodically make water.

Wet facade shockting: Photo

Installation of the "wet facade" in the basement

When installing a wet facade on the base, there are some features:

  • before mounting the wet facade system, it is necessary to take care of the waterproofing of the cabin and the base;
  • it is better to use material with minimal moisture as a heat insulator;
  • for insulation, the base unit does not apply slag, dolomite, lime and basalt wool;
  • the heat insulating plates are strengthened by dowels at a distance of 30 cm from the ground level;
  • the reinforcing mesh is placed in two layers;
  • ceramic and facade plates are suitable for cladding;
  • walking the base can be performed by mosaic plaster.

Wet facade Creste: Montage Technology

February 26, 2018
Specialization: finishing of facades, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience and gardener and gardener experience. There is also experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: the game is not a guitar and a lot more, to which there is not enough time :)

The wall decoration on the "Wet facade" technology on one side is very simple, but on the other, it contains a lot of important subtleties. Therefore, I propose to get acquainted with all the nuances of his device. This information will help you to warm up the building.

What is a wet facade

The wet facade is the finish of the outer walls over the insulation. The name itself implies the use of liquid finishing materials to which wet stucco. The latter is a dry mix that requires water before using water.

The cake of the wet facade consists of several layers:

  • Insulation.It is glued to the walls, too, a wet way, i.e. With liquid glue. True, additionally plates are fixed with special plate dowels;
  • Reinforcement layer. It is a layer of glue with a thickness of several millimeters, which is reinforced with fiberglass mesh. Glue performs the function of roughing plaster;

  • Decorative layer. It is a decorative plaster that provides the surface of the walls with a specific texture and texture. Paint is applied on top of the plaster layer, if, of course, the plaster itself is not converted.

Insulation on this technology does not require large financial costs, as wet decoration Materials There are cheaper panels or, for example, facing bricks. At the same time, the installation is carried out simply and fast enough.

Choose thermal insulation

To mount the wet facade, it takes a dense and durable slab insulationSince he has to perform a carrier function - to withstand the wind load, as well as the load from the plastering layer. In addition, the insulation must resist the shock loads, as it is protected only by a thin layer of glue and reinforcement grid.

Therefore, it is possible to use only the following heat-insulating materials:

  • Polyfoam (polystyrene foam).This can be said classic Material For a wet facade, since it is inexpensive and efficient. True, only plates with a density of at least 25 kg / m3 are suitable for these purposes;

  • Mineral wool.Another popular material that is characterized by fire resistance, environmental friendly and vapor permeability. Minvat must have a density of at least 125 kg / m3

You can also use extruded polystyrene foam. It is stronger and durable foam, but it has bad adhesion. For a long time it was believed that this material should not be insulated with the walls under the wet trim.

However, to solve the problem of poor adhesion was invented by mechanical surface treatment with a skin or grater. Some manufacturers produce plates with an initially rough surface.

Montaja technology


In addition to the insulation, such materials should be prepared:

  • Glue for heat-insulating plates;
  • Double dowels - the length must be 4-5 cm more than the thickness of the insulation;
  • Primer;
  • Reinforcing fiberglass mesh;
  • Plastering corners;
  • Starting Plank;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Facade paint.

The thickness of the heat-insulating layer must be at least 5-7 centimeters. To achieve the best effect, it is desirable to glue a plate with a thickness of 10 cm.

Preparation of walls

Wet facade requires high-quality surface preparation. This operation is performed as follows:

Illustrations Actions
Dismantling attached parts.Remove all elements on the surface of the facade, which can interfere with the insulation mount - window sills, eaves, antennas, etc.

Remove plaster.If the walls are covered with plaster which began to flap and fall off, it must be deleted.

  • Shake the facade primer and break into a flat container;
  • Apply the ground on the surface of the wall with a thin layer of brush, roller or sprayer;
  • Wait for the surface drying and re-reuse.

Installation of insulation

Now you can proceed to the installation of the insulation. Step-by-step instruction To perform this operation, it looks like this:

Illustrations Actions
Installation of the starting plank.On the perimeter of the structure, it is necessary to secure the base profile from which the installation of the insulation begins. To fix the profile, use the dowels.

In the process of fastening the profile, be sure to follow so that it does not deviate from the horizontal.

Cooking glue:
  • Pour water temperature in bucket;
  • Gradually fall asleep the glue composition in the bucket and mix the mixer;
  • Bring glue to a tough consistency.
Printing plates of the first row:
  • Apply glue on the stove. If the wall quality allows, cover the entire surface of the insulation with a thin layer of glue using a tiled spatula. If the walls are uneven, apply glue with lumps;
  • Insert the stove into the starting bar, press the wall and align relative to the vertical using a level;
  • Apply glue onto the second plate, place it close to the first and stick it. Thus, take the entire first row.
Installation of subsequent rows.Start the installation of the second row from the meal of the plate to ensure the displacement of the vertical joints. Also, make a slab dressing in the corner. If the plane of the first row was located in the wall, then the slab of the second row should perform a distance equal to the thickness of the insulation.

Thus, get all the walls with insulation.

Casting openings.Puck the opening of the insulation with a thickness of 1-2 cm.

Setting dowels:
  • Use the perforator and drill the hole through the insulation to the depth of the dowel plus 5-10 mm;
  • Insert a plate sleeve into the hole;
  • Drink a nail in the sleeve that is included. To seek it so that the sleeve hat enters a foam into a few millimeters. Install a dowel at the corners of each plate, as well as one dowel in the center. The plates located on the slopes are not needed to mount the dowels.

    Installation of dowels can be engaged only after the glue finally freezes.

Preparation for reinforcement

Before starting the finish, you must perform the following action:

Illustrations Actions

Alignment of the surface:
  • Attach to the surface of the walls level and rule;
  • Orthodox Speat a special grater.
Warming slots.Place the gap glue-foam or scrape the insulation.
Printing corners.Enclose aluminum perforated corners around the perimeter of openings and all outer angles. For gluing corners, a glue mixture is used, which gloves insulation slabs.

If the reinforcement can be reinforced without priming, then before reinforcement extrusion polystyrene foam The surface must be covered with adhesion and primer.


The roughing finish of the walls of the insulation of the walls is as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Reinforcement of openings:
  • Remove the reinforcement grid on the size of the slopes, taking into account the coal for the corners (about 10 cm);
  • Cover the surface of the slope with the help of a tiled spatula or celma;
  • Attach the grid;
  • Find the grid to the spatula so that it is completely covered with glue;
  • Thus, rein all the slopes;
  • After pouring the surface, apply another layer of glue with a thickness of about 2-3 mm.

    So that the glue is better to bed on the minor and did not roll, slightly moisten the surface with the sprayer.

Reinforcement of walls:
  • Reinforce the walls as well as the slopes - first apply glue, then glue the grid. Be sure to make the nest and break on the corners;
  • After the surface is frozen, apply another layer of glue.

Decorative shuttering

Now you can proceed to the final stage - decorative plaster:

Illustrations Actions

Padding.Cover the facade of the soil according to the scheme described above, i.e. Two sites.

Application of decorative plaster:
  • Mix the mixture with water according to the instructions on the package;
  • Apply the coating with a thin layer using cells;
  • When decorative plaster Starts to stick, set it to the cell.

Painting.If the plaster is not applied, paint it as follows:
  • Prepare paint - mix and break into a flat container;
  • Use the facade roller and apply the paint with a thin layer;
  • Wait for the coverage drying and apply the second layer of paint.

On this device of the wet facade completed.


Now you are familiar with the technology of mounting the wet facade and can independently warm the housing. And if there are difficulties, write comments, and I will gladly help the Council.

February 26, 2018.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

Finishing technology The wet facade allows you to minimize the formation of cold bridges, since the facing layer represents a uniform, monolithic coating. Facing the walls of the structure with a wet way allows to shift the dew point outside the building walls, therefore, prevents condensate accumulation and increases the service life of the structure.

Stages of the wet facade

Preparatory stage

Preparation of the surface to the device of the wet facade includes the cleaning of the walls of the building from pollution. If it is supposed to be separated to lay the wet facade over the existing finishes, then the existing finish must be checked on carrying ability And adhesive properties, that is, make sure that it will endure the weight of the wet facade and will provide its reliable coupling with the surface.

If a outdoor facing The buildings have strongly damaged areas, they will need to be replaced. Available irregularities are aligned using a rough plaster layer. If the walls are separated by a hygroscopic material, then in front of the wet facade device, they must be thoroughly projected.

Removing the available plaster with the slopes of door and window Operactions Also increase the cloudyness of the wet facade with the outer surface of the walls of the building.

Installation of the base profile

For fastening the heat insulating layer, and the base profile is mounted for its protection against moisture. In addition, the profile bar allows you to evenly distribute the load on the structure from heat insulation plates.

Mounted profile as follows:

  • The distance from the soil to the base profile must be equal to 40 cm. Between the base profile and the horizontal frames of the frame, it is necessary to leave a 3-millimeter temperature gap;
  • The profile is fixed using self-samples and dowels, which are located after 10-20 cm. If the mass of the heat-insulating layer is essential, then the fasteners should be placed more often;
  • A special corner profile is mounted on the corners of the building.

Laying insulation

As thermal insulation materials used for the wet facade device, apply or.

ma insulation wet facade implies compliance with some rules. The insulation is mounted on special adhesive compositions, which should be applied to a uniform layer around the perimeter of the thermoplit, departing from the edge of 2.5-3 cm.

On the empty space, the thermoplit adhesive composition is applied point. As a result, about 40% of the material should be covered with glue.

The heat insulating plates are mounted on the walls with a discerning method, which resembles a brickwork device. The heat insulating plates must be tightly pressed not only to the warmed surface, but also to neighboring plates. The insulation laying is carried out by rows.

After drying the heat insulating layer (about 3 days), it is necessary to further strengthen the heat insulating layer. Dowels are used for this, which, depending on the porosity of the wall material, are deepened into the wall by 5-9 cm.

Before installing the fasteners, nests should be pre-done, and the clamping sleeves must be cleaned about the surface of the heat insulating layer.

Installation of the reinforcing layer

The reinforcing layer must be mounted 1-3 days after installation

thermal insulation layer. First of all, windows and doors should be strengthened, the outer corners of the building and the vertical joints of the slopes with jumpers. Thereafter

strengthened smooth wall surfaces.

Reinforcement is carried out as follows:

  • A glue composition is applied to the heat insulating layer, which is mounted by a reinforcing mesh of fiberglass.
  • A uniform layer of glue is applied on top of the grid from the fiberglass, which must completely cover the structure.

As a result, it should be smooth surface. The thickness of the reinforcing layer should not exceed 6mm. In this case, the fiberglass mesh is located so that the distance between it and the outer surface does not exceed 1-2 mm.

Outdoor finish

The reinforcing layer must dry for 3-7 days. After this wall, the building is plastered with facade plaster mixtures.

To the outer decoration of buildings are fairly high demands. Plaster layer Must differ high moisture resistance, vapor permeability, resistant to the effects of external destructive factors. The facade of the building should be withstanding not only temperature drops and precipitation, but also to perceive mechanical loads.

The quality and properties of plastered surfaces directly depends on the conditions for holding plastering. Apply the plaster is necessary at a temperature of from 5 to 30 degrees above zero. At the same time, if plaster works are carried out into dry and sufficiently hot weather, then the plaster surface must be additionally sauated with water.

To preserve the qualities of the facade plaster plastering the walls are necessary in the windless and cloud weather, as the wind and ultraviolet radiation Negatively affect the cloudyness and strength of the plastering layer.

Installation of a wet facade on the base of the construction

When a wet facade device, there are some features to be taken into account during the installation process.

Before the device of the wet facade on the base of the building, it is necessary to provide high-quality waterproofing both the entire base and the scene. For insulation, the base should be used heat insulator having a minimal degree of moisture absorption. Gigroscopic insulation such as mineral. Basalt, lime, dolomite and slag wool are not used to insulate the base.

The insulation plates are additionally strengthened with dowels only at a height of 30 cm from the soil.

Reinforce the base is necessary in two layers.

For cladding of the basement, facade or ceramic plates are used. Plastering the base of the constructions can be a facade mosaic plastering mixture.

Video lesson on the installation of the technology "Wet facade" ..