Wooden house covered with brick insulation. How to put a house brick

IN this material We will tell how to bind wooden house Brick, in what cases it is worth it to fold, how to insulate the house already covered with bricks, pros and cons of finishing of such a structure, and provide step-by-step instructions for finishing.

For construction wooden houses http://arhdom.com It is best to take natural and durable materials. Favorable microclimate for interior premises Perfectly creates a tree, but on the other hand, a brick house is more reliable. Therefore, many decide to simply use both material.

Is it worth running a wooden house brick

This option can be found not often, primarily due to the great cost of construction, but there are cases when cladding brick is the most optimal decision. And so, in what cases should it be a wooden house with bricks:

  • If low-quality material was used to build a house, for example, timber natural humidity. Such a material needs to be protected, as it flies quickly and loses an attractive appearance;
  • If additional thermal insulation is needed. In this case, the house is facing the brick, and the insulation is stacked between the places;
  • Brick facing is often used for frame houses.

How to insulate a wooden house covered with brick

Heat the wooden house, covered with bricks by two options. The first is from the inside using minvatu, foam or plasterboard. But there is a lot of minuses: eaten inner space At home, the big risk of what the tree will be cooked, the foam is not the most environmentally safe material for internal insulation. When laying basalt insulation From the inside, you need to lay vaporizolation on both sides. After bonding or imitation timber.

The second option is insulation outside. It is best to use mineral wool or basalt plates, but due to their ability to absorb moisture, on both sides of the insulation will need to be laid vapor insulation film. Alternatively, the extruded polystyrene can be used, it does not need vapor barrier and can be served for more than 50 years. After the insulation is facing decorative brick, siding or any other material.

But most perfect option, it is laying insulation, even before the wooden house is covered with bricks.

Finishing a wooden house brick: pros and cons

Before completing the finish wooden house Brick needs to know the pros and cons. And so, from positive moments You can allocate:

  • Additional insulation;
  • Improving the appearance, provided that the appearance of the tree is spoiled;
  • Brick is optimal optionwhen it is necessary to perform the exterior decoration of the shield house or built from a raw timber;
  • Reduced risk of fire;
  • Reliable protection for wood from weather factors.

Now let's talk about the minuses:

  • Under the brick layer, the tree will not "breathe normally", which means it will be necessary to ensure ventilation or lay a vaporiasis layer;
  • Additional funds for the foundation. Brick is much heavier than wood and needs reliable and strong foundation.

Finish wooden house brick. Step-by-step instruction

When facing the facade is usually used decorative brickIt has a more attractive appearance, but at the same time you can use silicate or clinker.

Brief step-by-step instruction The decoration of a wooden house brick:

  • Before chopping a wooden house facing brick The surface of the wall is purified from excess nails and other things, treated with an antiseptic against fungus and insects;
  • Parosolation film is stacked;
  • A doomle is performed, the distance between the rails is a little less than the width of the insulation (Minvata);
  • The insulation is placed and fixed with the help of dish dowels;
  • A vapor barrier film is again stacked on the insulation;
  • There is a gap of 2-4 cm between insulation and facing bricks, for ventilation;
  • Relaxes are thrown from the corners of the house, in this way it will be possible to control the correctness of the styling of the brick. The horizontal laying position is controlled using a level;
  • Between wooden wall And brick masonry need to be connected. For this you can use fittings or metal grid. Armature (grid) is attached to wooden surface and should not be for brickwork, the second end of the reinforcement is interpreted in brickwork;
  • Laying is made in Polkirpich;
  • In the lower and top row of the laying, we leave the gaps between the bricks for ventilation, width in 1-, 05 cm. The distance between production should be no more than 4 m. Often, such products are made from the hollow brick, laying on the edge. Holes are closed by a grid from rodents.

Based on Arhdom.com.

September 4, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outer decoration (plaster, shtclowing, tile, plasterboard, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrician, ordinary lining and expansion of balconies. That is, repairs in an apartment or house was turned "turnkey" with all necessary species work.

If you are looking for ways how to insulate brick house Outside, it means you are on the right track, so this method is much better inner isolation. However, if suddenly you want to do it on both sides, then this option will be even better, more precisely, the best. I want to tell you about the difference in insulation, as well as about its design technique and also show the video in this article.

There are three main ways of insulation of walls for brick walls: insulation can be mounted outside, from the inside and in the middle (well-masonry).

3 methods of insulation and difference between them

Situation without insulation

  • if, for example, you have a red brick wall, and you do without insulation, then this means that you lose from 45% of the heat in the room;
  • in addition, the dew point is formed in the wall (SP 50 13330.2012 p. 24 - the temperature difference at which condensate begins to form), therefore, it is constant moisture in the wall;
  • the presence of moisture in the wall in aggregate with the temperature drop on the street will destroy the walls, and if we consider that the highest frost resistance of the brick does not exceed 50 cycles (F50), then this is a serious danger.

Internal isolation

What the insulation of the interior walls is foreshadowed:

  • but when insulating the walls from the inside with their own hands, the heat loss of the room will be from 30% and higher, that is, a little better than without isolation at all;
  • but again, there is such a concept as condensate and this malicious dew point will turn out between the wall and isolation, which can be called a huge minus for the whole house;
  • at this point, a fungus will inevitably appear or mold, which will contribute to the dampness. And this is not all minuses - the wall itself will constantly warm up, which will increase the number of cycles. Therefore, lead to the most rapid destruction of the brick;
  • moreover, this rule will work, if you are so insulating as an angular room and intermediate, that is, if your apartment is, for example, in the middle entrance, it will not save the position.

Outdoor isolation

The outer insulation of the walls will be the most optimal:

  • but the better outdoor isolation You probably have already guessed - first of all, there are minimal heat loss, which are within 10-15% and this is the main factor;
  • our ill-fated dew point moves behind the wall and is somewhere in the thickness of the insulation (this factor is very important when choosing a material when the facade is insulated outside, but below);
  • thanks to the displacement of the dew point in the insulation zone, you constantly have a dry wall, therefore, the operational resource of the masonry is significantly increased;
  • and more, it is excellent sound insulation - soft Material It absorbs a significant spectrum of noise that comes from the street, which makes your home more cozy and all these factors clearly indicate that it is better to carry out such works outside.

Intermediate heat insulation

As far as this method is:

  • the intermediate method simultaneously carries two sides of the medal, since the external and internal method of insulation is assembled at the same time;
  • that is, if inside the room is triggered outdoor way, then outside, on the contrary, triggers internal;
  • according to this principle, the boxes of all the Khrushchov are erected (well-masonry with filler (most often, it is slag) inside;
  • thus, the dew point is in the interval between the masonry and does not harm in any way, nor outdoor wall. However, as you understand, this method is possible only in the construction of the structure.

Materials used for insulation

On the picture - mineral wool

Mineral wool production is carried out according to GOST 31913-2011 and EN ISO 9229: 2007 and, in fact, it is insulation brick house outside modern methods, that is, affordable and effective. But here should be selective, since there are three types of minerals that are used for the manufacture of such products. She is divided into:

  • glass;
  • slag;
  • stone (basalt).

So, all this is done from the melts of the same names, which under certain conditions behave differently.

So, slag made from the melts of the domain slag contains particles of iron that can be corrosive from moisture (dew point) and the material sends, losing insulating properties. Therefore, the instruction does not recommend the use of slag wool in such cases.

Those who worked with glassware know how harmful to health (dust particles of glass) and how it annoys the skin - you need to work only in the respirator and in the clothes, which most closely close all parts of the body.

It is natural that the best option Here there will be a basalt wool, besides, it is enough to work with it enough gloves, although most installers are generally working with bare hands.

As you probably noticed, the photo at the top there is a foil and simple wool. The foil layer simultaneously serves as waterproofing and heat transferser (reflects infrared radiation), which significantly increases the power of isolation, however, its cost increases with it.

Polyfoam is a common insulation, and it has a slightly large power than mineral wool. In addition, it is much more convenient to mount on the walls and.

This material is produced in the form of 1000 × 1000 mm panels with a thickness of 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm and 100 mm. But for household purposes, two types of density are used - 15kg / m3 and 25kg / m3, although 15-sheets with strollers are strongly scattered with granules, which you can not say about the 25th panels.

Very similar in appearance and on the structure on the foam extruded polystyrene foam. But this material has a density of 35kg / cm3 and 45kg / cm3 (the latter is used even for the insulation of the take-off stripes).

Panels extrusion polystyrene foam For such purposes, 1200 × 600 mm is usually chosen, and its thickness from 10 mm to 100 mm with all values, multiple 10. Of course, thermal insulation properties are better here, but the cost is naturally much higher.

There is still such insulation as foamizol or carbamide-formaldehyde foam. This is, in fact, the same foam, only in a liquid form, which is applied to the wall with the help of pouring through the fill.

Its density ranges from 6kg / m3 to 60 kg / m3, although it is usually 10-15kg / m3, in any case, these parameters are used in construction today. In private construction, such material is used very rarely, although he gradually began to conquer increasingly popularity. For example, insulation brous house - Cover brick can be produced in this way for intermediate isolation.

Ceramzite is produced by firing clay and / or clay slate, resulting in a light porous material in the form of oval granules of different fractions. By density, it happens different - 350kg / m3 to 600kg / m3.

But with a decrease in density, its thermal insulation properties increase. Ceramzite is usually used for intermediate warming of walls and for floors, like bulk material.

Of course, the better to insulate the brickwork at home, to solve you yourself, but looking at the diagram above, you can at least estimate the possibilities of different materials.

Installation of insulation during frame lining of walls

A method is very common when the insulation for walls outside and inside is mounted between profiles, laying it close to them (foam and extrusion) or pressing fungi dowels as on top photography. This is definitely very comfortable.

However, the problem is that the profile itself, especially if it is metallic, is an excellent conductor. That is, the whole thing is served by cold bridges for the main wall. In some cases, of course, gaskets are substituted under the brackets, but, nevertheless, certain areas (under the profile) still remain without proper protection.

But it is better to warm the wooden house with a brick or simply from bricks with a lining, then it is possible when the insulation is completely covered with the entire surface of the wall. It is easy to achieve this - simply the insulation is installed before installing profiles.

That is, first mounted brackets, they put heat insulation on them, then waterproofing and only after that they are mounted. These methods are used, both from the inside and outside the building - the location does not matter.

Installation of insulation under the plaster and putty

And now let's see how it is right outside and inside the foam and extruded polystyrene foam under the plaster and putty. The panel of the desired thickness in such cases is simply glued onto the wall.

And, although for this there is a special glue, in most cases builders (I including) use tile glue of any brand, although the street is best used universal compositions, for example, Ceresit CM 11. The panel here does not need to smear completely as a ceramic tile - It is enough to do it point, 10-15 places in a square meter.

After the panel of the foam or extrusion was glued onto the wall, it is pressed with fungi-dowels. For foam, it is optimally necessary for five points, and for extruded polystyrene foam three (along sheet).

To do this, a hole is made in the wall through the panel with a perforator, and then insert a dowel there, which should enter the wall at least 50 mm (otherwise it will not hold), and then they will drive the passing nail into it. By and large, it is necessary to cut down on each fungus with your own hands to drown a hat. But it takes too much time, so they are simply ridiculously pressed to the insulation, compensating to the convexity with putty and plaster.

And although wooden buildings They look very beautiful and rich, they should also be insulated outside. This will not just create reliable protection from moisture, but also from the cold. Mounting work They do not differ in particular difficulty, but if you do not have due experience in this matter, it is better to seek help from a specialist.


Wide selection thermal insulation materials Allows each owner of a wooden house to pick up its ideal option, taking into account the cost and operational qualities.

Stone Vata.

Cutting this material may occur even with the help of a conventional knife. Since the plates have low weight, they are very easy to transport even on the passenger car.

Stone Vata.

When laying stone wati It must be mounted in the space between the cutting racks, and after laying parosolation material From the inside and a layer of waterproofing outside. But how is the woodworking of a wooden house outside the ministerial under siding, will help to understand this


This material is characterized by its environmental clean. In its manufacture, cellulose fibers involved. Produced in packaging in pressed form. The process of insulation of the material under consideration can occur in several ways:


This material is considered one of the most inexpensive. It does not absorb moisture, so when it is installed, it is necessary to take care of the laying of a moisture-proof membrane. Working with foam, requires maximum accuracy, because it can crumble and break.


Its sale is carried out in the form of two-component substances. When applied, they are filled under the influence of air. The principle of application of this thermal insulator is similar to mounting foam. With it, all the voids in the wall occurs. Surplus material is cut.

Thus, it is possible to obtain a monolithic layer of insulation, which will not give out heat from the house. Also for polyurethane foam characterized water-repellent properties. It is worth paying their attention to how it happens

Natural insulation

In this category of thermal insulation materials, plates from straw and clay can be attributed, sawdust. They are distinguished by their environmental safety, cheap cost. The main disadvantage remains the complexity of manufacture. Linen fiber should also be attributed to natural heaters.

Sawdust for insulation

The material has excellent antiseptic properties, does not make fungus and mold. It is simple in cutting, installation and does not cause the development of allergies. But what happens, and how to do it right, it will help to understand and understand the link information.

Mounting work

The process of installing the insulation is poured taking into account the way the material was selected. If the thermal insulator is represented in the form of mats, the installation involves compliance with the following actions:

  1. Surface wooden wall Processing antiseptic compositions. Do it you need in two layers by paying special attention Corners I. lower vents. The ends of the logs more carefully process, as they are often subjected to rotting. Similar actions to carry out in warm weather. After that, you need to wait 1-2 days.
  2. Using brackets, on the walls to fix the stapler-hydrochloride film with a vapor-permeable coating. The joints of this material to attach the bracket and sample with the help of assembly scotch. To fasten the vertical frame from the boards, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the heat insulator. The shadow step must be 3-5 cm less than the width of thermal insulation mats.
  3. On the film between the boards to mount the thermal insulator, while it is a little pressing. The final fastening of the material is carried out using anchor nails. If laying of the insulation in several layers is required, then the subsequent layer must be put with the displacement of the seams. Then upper layer It will overlap the lesions of the lower.
  4. On top of the heat-insulator, fix with the help of a hydraulic zeper membrane film. Shakes to mount the flashes and fasten with scotch.
  5. From above to film to produce a ventilated framework. To create it, boards also involve the boards, ensuring the distance between the layer of thermal insulator and the decorative facade is at least 5 cm. But how is the insulation of the floor in a wooden house from below, and what materials are the best, indicated
  6. Fixation of boards K. lower Frame It is carried out using self-tapping screws. If the surface of the wall is uneven, then it is necessary to use perforated suspensions for the profile. Thanks to them, it is possible to adjust the distance to the crate. Under the finishing of metal siding or professional flooring it is worth using a profile for drywall instead of a board.
  7. The fastening of the sheath is carried out by technology that the manufacturer advises.

On the video, how to properly insulate a wooden house outside:

If the house is covered with brick outside

If the wooden house has a brick cladding, then it is possible to produce insulation from the outside using various thermal insulation materials. When choosing suitable option It is necessary to focus on the heat engineering calculation, due to which it is possible to understand the effectiveness of a thermal insulator, as well as its useful thickness.

It is also worth paying your attention to what the best materials are the best.


This material is most often involved when insulating a wooden house with brick facing. Its main advantage remains low price And excellent thermal insulation qualities. Before installing foam plastic wall, posted out of the brick, it is worth cleaning and align. But what is the technology of insulation of the facade of foam, and how difficult it is to perform, indicated

Foam for insulation

Fastenings are carried out using special bolts. They are screwed through the heat insulator in the masonry. Facade plaster is applied over the foam.

Maybe you can also be interested in information about how insulation is in the form

Mineral wool

This insulation material is in solid demand for many decades. Minvata has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties, provides decent ventilation and has a low flammability. The minuses of mineral wool should be attributed thermal insulation properties over time.

Mineral wool for insulation of a brick house outside


This modern material Allows you to achieve maximum heat saving inside the house. Release the heat insulator in the form of rolls or solutions. To carry out the insulation of a wooden house, it is necessary to use liquid composition. Its injection is made by special pumps into the space between the wall and the brick. Using rolled material There are a number of difficulties, so it is used not so often.

Use of Isolon

For isolon, excellent impact strength is characterized, which has a positive effect on its operation. The only minus of the thermal insulator is that it has an unattractive appearance. So you have to take care of additional finishes.

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Heated and closed brick house from a tree - an excellent solution for middle strip Russia: such a building can stand up much dozen years, it will be reliably protected from the cold. Brick facing perfectly transfers any natural negative factors, brick itself can serve for a very long time. In addition, it looks beautiful, which will allow the building a great look.

Selection of cladding material

As facing material For a wooden house, several types of bricks that differ in structure and characteristics can be used:

  • Silicate brick is made of a mixture of lime and sand that has passed special processing. This material has high resistant to moisture, in addition, it can be offered in the widest variety of colors. This is a democratic value option, but in strength it is still somewhat inferior to other varieties of bricks.
  • Ceramic. it traditional materialFor the manufacture of which the burned clay is used. It has high strength, and it is very important to choose the material to choose. It should not be inextricated, or checked, the brick is selected on the shades of color and other parameters.
  • The clinker is the most expensive and the most durable variety: such a brick is perfectly tolerated even multiple sharp temperature fluctuations, it will be very durable and frost-resistant. With its manufacture, high-temperature firing is used, providing him with an advantage over other species.

In addition to the brick and mortar for masonry, it is also necessary to choose the insulation. For the insulation of wooden buildings, it is recommended to choose materials of natural origin with maximum ecology. Better decision Mineral wool will be: she passes air, so the building will "breathe", moreover, this material increases fire safety.

For external insulation of the house you can also use penplex, polyurethane foam and other polymeric materials. At the same time, it is not recommended to apply such a premium previously used: it is extremely low air permeability rates, so the wooden house will lose one of the main advantages.

Outdoor insulation and brick facing

Warm wooden, covered with brick house in several ways. If we are talking about just built a building from a log or bar, it is better to choose outdoor insulation: it will protect the walls from rotting, in addition, the insulation will not occupy useful Square.

To install it, the vertical frame of the timber is stuffed onto the walls, after which the insulation plates are inserted into it. Sometimes insulation is made in two layers so that there are no cracks left, which can be "cold bridges" for home.

Between the insulation and brick masonry should remain a ventilation gap in a few centimeters wide. Before installing the insulation, it is necessary to resolve the issue with expansion and enhancement of the foundation: the brickwork has a lot of weight, so you need to prepare a solid base for it.

Usually, a monolithic reinforced concrete tape is used for this, which is stacked in the trench throughout the perimeter of the house. You need to wait for a complete drying of the foundation, in addition, it needs to be closed waterproofing materialFor example, rubberoid.

The procedure for laying bricks is based on several rules:

  1. The brick wall must be as smooth as possible. Each row of bricks is tested horizontally to the level, the vertical location of the wall is checked with a plumb. The thickness of the solution between the rows should not exceed 14 mm.
  2. Wood and brick walls are combined with metal galvanized pins, which are laid in the masonry. They need to be placed every 4-5 rows to ensure the strength of the wall and the monolithicness of the entire building.
  3. Mason must have ventilation holes (Production), which will not allow the insulation of the insulation. So that these holes do not penetrate the rodents, and did not get a large garbage, they are closed with special lattices.

Internal insulation of the house with brick facing

How to equip the Wooden House insulation, covered with bricks? In old buildings insulation work Could not be held, while the brick cladding can be done on conscience, and it is very sorry to destroy.

In this case, it is necessary to solve the issue with internal insulation. For a wooden house, this option is undesirable due to the formation of condensate between the wall and insulation, but there is a solution here.

War down a brick house, covered with brick, can be using materials such as warm plasterEquodata, you can also use Penoplex and other types of insulation. In any case, the masonry must have ventilation holes that protect the timber from rotting. It is necessary to take care of the insulation of the foundation and the attic: through them most of the heat leaves, and the simple layer of ceramzit will significantly increase energy efficiency.

Internal insulation for the wooden house is extremely recommended, this option is used only in extreme cases. It is sometimes easier to disassemble the brick cladding and build a new wall than to reduce the room from the inside and risk wood rotting.

Compliance construction technologies Allows you to make the building as securely protected from the cold, the house will last long, and the walls will not be afraid of any weather cataclysms. Today is this option exterior decoration It is in great demand, it is also chosen for log and forbrus, and for frame buildings.

Brick durable and non-combustible material, it can withstand high loads and is used in the construction of buildings of various floors. The main disadvantage of such a house is a high thermal conductivity of walls. Solve the problem can be increased thick brick masonry Or insulated building outside.

The insulation of brick walls is divided into three types: external, internal and intrauterine. Last option It assumes the construction of the building with the well kept masonry and the placement of the heat insulator at the construction stage.

Internal insulation takes a useful area of \u200b\u200bpremises, it provokes the dampness of the walls and is not effective enough. Its plus is the ability to perform work at any convenient time and a small cost of materials. If you have a choice, it is worth a preference for external heat insulation.

Among her advantages:

  • Walls are protected from external influence, Therefore, last long time.
  • A significant reduction in heating costs.
  • The ability to create architectural design at home to your liking.
  • No moisture, mold and fungus on the surface of the walls.

The main characteristics of thermal insulation materials

In order for the protection of brick walls to be reliable and durable materials, the materials must have characteristics to resist precipitation, wind, frost and heating.

  • Water absorption coefficient is a product characteristic showing how much moisture it can absorb. It is better to choose a material with a low indicator.
  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity - chief Criteria When studying the insulation. It shows the amount of heated air leaving for 1 hour per square. M material having a thickness of 1 m. This indicator is focused when the thickness of the layer of insulation is selected. Best products According to this criterion, foam and minvat are considered.
  • Flavoring - determines how dangerous material in a fire. Products are divided into four tickets on this characteristic, preference is better to give G1, which are exhausted without open fire. Polystyrene foam plates Sounded by ignition using them during the trim, choose with the marking "C", meaning self-fighting.
  • The density determines the amount of additional weight on the structure - the smaller the indicator, the easier the material.
  • The soundproofing level reports the possibilities for reducing penetrating noise. All popular heat-insulators have this quality sufficiently.
  • Ecology - the criterion determines the safety of the health insulation. For outdoor decoration he does not have decisive, but natural materials Preferred synthetic.
  • Completeness of installation - if the work is performed with your own hands, it is necessary to choose a simple and understandable technology for laying thermal insulation.

The list of popular materials for the construction of the house outside includes some products:

  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • warm plaster.

They have different composition, Cost and features of installation. Consider each material in detail.

Polyfoam - plates of foamed polystyrene, which is a gas cell. Such a structure provides low thermal conductivity of 0.032-0.039, good sound insulation and a light weight. The density of foam 35-50 kg / m3, the recommended layer thickness is 10 cm. The material is able to absorb moisture, therefore it requires waterproofing. The disadvantage of the insulation is flammable, the steam resistance and sensitivity to the light.

Extruded expanded polystyrene - the product has the properties of foam, but in the improved version. The material does not absorb water, it is more durable and easily processed, its thermal conductivity is 0.028-0.032. The cost of plates of extruded polystyrene foam is higher than other materials for thermal insulation.

Mineral wool - one of the best insulationIt does not burn, safe, has a small density - 35-125 kg / m3. Raw materials for material is glass, stone and slag. Between the fibers, air emptiness remains 10-15 cm, thanks to which the Ministry of Service has a thermal conductivity of 0.04-0.045, the noise absorbs well and passes the steam. For efficient protection, we need a layer of 10-15 cm.

The product is produced in the form of rolls, mats and stoves. Basalt wool in the slab version is characterized by stability to deformation and an increased density - 75-150 kg / m3. The material easily stacked in the frame and does not cause problems when installing. The only drawback of minvati is high water absorption requiring mandatory waterproofing. The insulation is available at a price that contributes to its popularity.

Warm plaster - a dry mixture of cement, lime, plasticizers and additives from the pellets of polystyrene foam, ceramzit, perlite. The material is somewhat inferior in thermal insulation indicators - 0.06-0.065, but has many advantages: it does not burn, possesses vapor permeability, resistant to moisture and microorganisms, isolate sound well. The plaster is distinguished by a significant density of 200-350 kg / m3, so it has an additional burden on the foundation. The maximum insulation thickness is 5 cm.

Talking about how to insulate the brick house outside, it is impossible to miss the possibility of trimming by thermopanels. This material is characterized by a low thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.025 with a small thickness of 60-100 mm. The basis of the product is polyurethane foam, the decorative part is made of ceramic tile. The material is resistant to frost and moisture, quickly mounted and does not require additional finishes.

Mineral Wool thermal insulation technology

The insulation of a brick house is performed in two ways:

  • creating a ventilated facade;
  • « wet facade", Glue the plates to the walls.

Minvat is optimally suitable for the first method, which provides for the creation of a crate and a multilayer pie with vapor and waterproofing.

  1. A barbell made of a timber treated with antiseptic composition, or a metal profile is stuck to the surface of the walls. Guides are placed in a step less than the width of the insulation by 2 cm. This will allow the material more densely.
  2. Mineral wool is stacked between the bars and is covered by the waterproofing.
  3. The film is attached to the grade stapler.
  4. Thin rails are stipulated over the protection against moisture, which will provide an air gap between insulation and cladding.
  5. Siding is fastened on the rail.

Basalt wool slabs are strong enough to mount them without a frame. Proper laying The insulation begins with screwing at the bottom of the horizontal metal profile, which will hold the material from the climb. Plates are fixed on a special glue and a dowel with a wide hat. Each row begins with a displacement. After decoration, all the surfaces of the facade, the mesh is stacked on the minvatu and the layer of plaster is applied.

Warming at home by foam on the principle of "wet facade"

The panels of the foam or extruded polystyrene foams are attached to the wall on simple technology, called "wet facade" due to the presence of processes requiring drying.

  1. Preparation is performed brick wall: Cleaning from dirt, elimination of defects, priming.
  2. At the ground level attached metallic profilewhich will be a beacon when laying the first row and a dropper for moisture.
    The glue is clearly applied to the insulation plate, and they are pressed against the wall.
  3. Additional fastening of dowels is performed - in the corners and in the center.
  4. Work begins from below from the angle, the ranks are stacked with displacement for the stability of the structure.
  5. Over ready insulation laid plastic grid for reinforcement and apply thin basic layer Plasters.
  6. After drying the solution, priming is performed and final finish Decorative plaster.

How to apply warm plaster on the walls?

Working with insulation stucco will require time, especially in the absence of painting skills. To properly prepare the solution, the mixture is bred according to the instructions.

  1. Brick walls are cleaned, protruding parts are removed. The surface is ground with penetrating composition.
  2. Attached plaster grid And lighthouses for creating a common plane.
  3. The cooked solution is applied to the walls. The thickness of the layer depends on climatic conditionsbut it should not exceed 5 cm.
  4. On the finished surface You can create a different decorative texture.

Considered insulation can be used in any region, the thickness of the effective thermal insulation is calculated on local climatic characteristics.