Do-it-yourself rocket furnaces. Will it flare up and take off? Rocket furnace: what it is, its features, device drawings

Nowadays, many stoves have been created that use firewood as fuel. A special place among them is occupied by the so-called rocket (rocket) units, which have specific features that are indispensable in certain operating conditions. Let's talk about them.

The rocket is a real miracle unit!

The rocket stove is a heating and cooking system that operates on wood, is famous for its high technical performance and has a simple design. The principle of operation of such a long-term combustion unit is based on the fact that the gases formed during the combustion of fuel enter a special bell, in which they completely burn out. Due to this, the temperature indicators of the stove increase significantly, and the pressure value decreases. Moreover, the soot in the jet heating system is not formed.

The combustion cycles of heated gases are repeated constantly (while the furnace is fired). This leads to the transition of the system to the maximum thrust mode. Its specific value is determined by the features homemade unit... If the heating device is properly assembled, the temperature in its bell can reach 1200 ° C. In this case, all used fuel burns out without residue. It is also important that the heated hood can be used as a hob. On it you can dry fruits, heat water, cook food.

Initially, the stove of interest to us was designed for use in difficult (for example, field) conditions. Because of this, special requirements were put forward for its design. The result is a unique unit that:

  • makes it possible to cook food in areas where there is no gas and electricity;
  • heats the room with high quality;
  • conserves heat for 6-8 hours (minimum) after the firewood burns out;
  • has a high efficiency;
  • quite safe to use.

In addition, the rocket has a design that allows a new portion of firewood to be fed into the firebox without stopping the combustion process. The operation of a unit with similar capabilities, of course, pleases any person. This explains the high popularity of the described heating systems both among lovers of outdoor activities and among ordinary summer residents who need unpretentious and efficient stoves.

An important point. If you plan to create the simplest jet unit with your own hands, it can only be heated with dry wood. Wet wood can cause back draft. However, the kindling of more complex rockets is not recommended to be done with damp wood, since they will not be able to provide the high temperature required for burning heated gases.

The described heating devices must not be dropped without supervision. We melted the stove, wait until the fuel is completely burned out. Another drawback of rocket equipment is the impossibility of heating private baths with it (in particular, their steam rooms). This is due to the fact that the jet unit gives very little infrared heat, namely, it is required for the adoption of bath procedures. There are probably no other disadvantages to missiles.

Types of jet heating systems - what do you need?

The simplest rockets are made from almost any tin container. A portable stove can be made from a bucket, a can where the paint was stored, and so on. These systems are ideal for outdoor picnics and are often used on construction sites. Simple ovens are not suitable for space heating. They are used exclusively for cooking, heating water. A rocket made from a bucket can be drowned with a small torch, dry cones and foliage, bunches of branches. In such a stove, combustion products do not have time to form woody combustible gas. They immediately go into the chimney.

More complex heating structures are created from an old gas cylinder or from metal barrel and bricks. These stoves are necessarily equipped with a riser to increase the draft and a horizontal flue gas duct. There are also rockets made entirely of bricks. They can be equipped with several chimneys at once and used for heating large rooms and floor heating. And if you wish, you can actually build even a full-fledged stove stove.

We will tell you how to independently make all the indicated types of reactive heating devices. And let's start our master class with the simplest - with the manufacture of an elementary garden-camping stove from two tin containers (buckets, cans). In addition to them, we need steel clamps with a section of 10 cm, metal corners, a grinder, a stainless steel chimney pipe, scissors for metal, crushed stone. The scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. 1. We take two buckets. From a container of a smaller volume (diameter) we make a cover for our rocket. Cut a hole in the bucket. It is necessary for the organization of the chimney.
  2. 2. In the larger bucket, cut another hole at the bottom. We will connect the firebox to it. We carry out all operations with scissors for metal, bending the formed petals (pieces of tin) inward.
  3. 3. We construct a forward flow from the pipe and corners. We insert it into the bucket, and then, using a clamp, we connect it with the bent petals.
  4. 4. We fill up with gravel the space between the forward flow and the body heating device... This building material will play the role of a heat accumulator and at the same time a heat insulator.
  5. 5. We put the second bucket on the stove.
  6. 6. We bend a small burner out of the wire, on which it will be possible to place dishes with water and food.

It is advisable to paint the portable rocket with any paint with a high level of heat resistance. After drying, we can use elementary cooking stove... Note! The rocket is ignited through a branch pipe extending from the forward flow.

A stove made of a barrel and bricks - both cooks and heats!

The erection of a stationary rocket launcher requires a noticeably large investment of money and time. We prepare the following materials and tools: chimney metal pipe, red (necessarily heat-resistant) brick, shovel, old barbecue, metal brush, trowel, cement and sand (it is better to buy a ready-to-use mixture of these materials right away), reinforcing bars, a little perlite, adobe and expanded clay, heat-resistant paint, a barrel of 200 liters. We proceed to the construction of a brick oven and a metal barrel:

  1. 1. We dig a hole in the floor with a depth of 0.3–0.5 m. In it we will hide a horizontal chimney, without which the rocket system will not work.
  2. 2. We fire a 200-liter barrel, thoroughly clean it. We mount a flange in the tank, which will connect it to the chimney. After that, we apply several layers of heat-resistant paint to the container. We use the barrel prepared in this way as the hood of the heating unit.
  3. 3. We equip the foundation. We make a simple formwork of boards, deepen 2-3 bricks into the ground at the site of the furnace installation. Place reinforcing bars on top. Then we lay the bricks in the lower part of the combustion chamber (along the entire perimeter). We fill the structure with cement-sand mortar.

After the fill is dry, proceed to the laying. It is done with. We bring the first tier of masonry up. We only need to leave the hole for the firebox. On the second line, we form a channel (lower) of the heating structure. It should be closed on the third tier, and in such a way that we have two holes left. One of them is intended for the vertical channel, the second is directly for the combustion chamber.

Next, we mount a tee in the barrel for cleaning the chimney. It is not necessary to install it, but it is advisable if you plan to use the stove for a long time. After that we put in a vertical channel. The rising section of the structure (we take about 18 cm in diameter) is laid out using the "boot" technology. Then we put on the old water heater on the ascending part of the stove. All the voids that remain after this operation are filled with perlite.

Now we cover the base of the casing of the rocket unit with clay and surround the base of our structure with sandbags. Fill all the remaining free areas with expanded clay. We connect the chimney-pipe to the structure, turn over the barrel-casing and pull it over the ascending part of the stove. The end of the work - lining the chimney with sand in bags and filling them with expanded clay. Then we give the structure the required shape using clay (chamotte), mount a barbecue grill in the neck of a homemade rocket and cover it with a lid.

The last step is to seal the existing joints on the oven. In principle, we can already do a test run of our design. But experts advise to additionally bring a separate air duct from the street to the stove. It is important. The heating rocket requires a lot of air to function properly. It won't be enough indoors. And an outdoor duct is guaranteed to solve this problem.

Rocket heating from a cylinder - we will work with a welding machine

For the construction of the rocket, we choose a heat-resistant and non-explosive cylinder. An all-metal 50-liter tank in which propane is stored is optimal for these purposes. Such a balloon has standard dimensions: height - 85 cm and cross-section - 30 cm.

These parameters are ideal for making your own oven. The modest dimensions and low weight of the cylinder do not make it difficult to work with it. At the same time, it is allowed to burn any wood fuel in the finished rocket. You can also take propane cylinders for 27 or 12 liters. They produce compact portable stoves... But the power indicators of such devices are small. It is impractical to use them for heating rooms, country houses.

For the construction of a furnace, in addition to a cylinder, you will need:

  • steel pipes with a cross section of 15, 7 and 10 cm (the first two will go to the organization of a vertical internal channel, the third - to the chimney);
  • profile tubular product 15x15 cm (we will make a loading compartment and a firebox from it);
  • 3 mm thick sheet of metal;
  • dense (100 and more kg / cubic meters) fiber from basalt (it will perform the function thermal insulation material).

Various drawings for creating a stove from a cylinder are presented on the Internet. We propose to be guided by this scheme.

The algorithm for manufacturing a rocket balloon launcher is simple. First, we bleed all the gas from the container. Then we turn out the valve, fill the tank with water (to the top) and cut off its upper part along the seam. We cut out the windows on both sides of the gas cylinder, which are required for connecting the chimney and installing the fuel chamber.

After that, we insert the shaped tubular product into the container, connect it to the channel (vertical). The latter is taken out through the bottom of the tank. Next, we do everything necessary actions, focusing on the presented drawing, as well as on the video that we offer home craftsmen for review.

At the end of the work, we weld the cut-off part of the container in its place, we analyze all the obtained seams for permeability. Uncontrolled air should not be allowed to enter the structure made. If the seams are reliable, we connect the chimney to the homemade system. We weld the legs to the bottom of the rocket balloon. We install the stove on a steel sheet with parameters 1.5x1 m. The unit is ready for use!

Stove stove - for lovers of special comfort

The heating unit with a place to sleep and rest is equipped with a special heat exchanger. Its channels are interconnected. They are made from non-combustible materials. The heat exchanger is installed under the plane of the bed. The design of such a furnace is very sophisticated and relatively complex. The bed itself is a surface made of brick or stone and clay. When the stove is on, the heated gas moves through the heat exchange channels, gives off heat upward, and then is removed through the flue gas duct outside the house. The height of the chimney is within 3–3.5 m. The stove is mounted at the edge of the bed (on one side). In most cases it is equipped with a cooking surface. Detailed drawing this system is presented below.

Furnace elements in the diagram:

  • blower - 1a;
  • fuel bunker - 1b;
  • channel for secondary air - 1v;
  • fire tube - 1g;
  • riser (primary chimney) - 1d.

The fuel chamber is equipped with a blank cover, the blower is equipped with a special regulator for adjusting the amount of supplied air. The flame tube has a length of 15–20 cm. The secondary air channel is required for complete combustion of gases. The riser section is 7–10 cm. The 10 cm diameter chimney is recommended for cases when we want to get the maximum rocket power. A riser with a cross section of 7 cm provides an optimal indicator of the efficiency of the stove. The flue pipe and the primary chimney need high-quality thermal insulation.

We will make the rocket body from a gas cylinder, although a metal barrel can also be used. Under the housing cover (2a), the primary chimney supplies heated air, and the heated gases leaving the riser heat the cooking device (2b). Other body elements:

  • lower part (2d);
  • heat exchange channels (2d);
  • shell - metal insulation of the chimney (2v);
  • exit to the cleaning chamber (2e).

The flue gas line must be absolutely tight throughout its entire length. At a height of 1/3 of the upper end of the drum (body), the gases already have a low temperature. They have time to cool down. Approximately from the indicated height, the rocket-bed is footed (up to the floor). This process is understood as the thermal insulation of the furnace. special formulations... The second cleaning chamber in the diagram (3a) is needed to remove carbon deposits from the hog (4) - the heat exchanger. It must be equipped with a sealed door (3b). Now that we have figured out the design of the bench, we can proceed to its construction.

Building a rocket with a place to sleep - the first steps are the most important!

Before starting work, we knead all the necessary compositions:

  • Furnace clay (designation 5b in the diagram), which is combined with crushed stone. This composition plays the role of the main heat insulator.
  • Saman (5a). It is a composition of straw and any clay on hand, diluted with water to a relatively thick consistency.
  • Sown sand (5g).
  • Heat-resistant lining (5c). It is made from equal parts of chamotte sand and clay.
  • Clay of medium fat content (5d). It is used for laying the rocket.

Making a bed for our couch. In fact, we need to knock down high-strength shields under the bed and directly under the stove. We make the frame of the structures from wooden blocks 10x10 cm. We make the cells of the frame with dimensions of 60x120 cm (for the bed) and 60x90 cm (for the heating installation). Then we sew the resulting skeleton with a 4-cm one. And the front of the couch can be finished later with sheets of drywall.

Before installation, wood products should be treated with Biocide, after which two layers of water emulsion should be applied to them.

We will lay 4 mm thick basalt cardboard on the floor where we will place the heating rocket. In shape and geometric indicators, it must be similar to the characteristics of the bed. Place an iron roofing sheet on top of the basalt lining. In front of the firebox from under the unit, it will begin to go out by about 25 cm. We mount the bed made earlier in the place prepared for it. We punch a hole on the wall at a height of 13 cm above the level of the bench (at one of its ends). It is needed for the chimney device.

The next stage is the installation of the formwork around the perimeter of the bed and pouring installed structure adobe. We carefully level the surface of the mixture using the rule. We wait 14–20 days until the adobe hardens. During this time, it is possible to make the building of the heating structure from a gas cylinder according to the previously described scheme. The combustion parts of the rocket (blower, combustion channel, chamber) are welded into a single structure with a container from under the gas and coated with a heat-resistant lining. Important! The composition is applied in a continuous layer only at the bottom. We do not process the upper part and sides of the structure with a solution.

Next, we mount another formwork under the area where the rocket will stand. It will allow us to make a heat-resistant heat shield for the stove. The height of the formwork is about 10 cm. We fill it with a mixture of crushed stone and oven clay. Then we do one by one:

  1. 1. Shell. We bend it from a sheet of steel or use a ready-made pipe with a cross section of 15–20 cm.
  2. 2. Furnace structure.
  3. 3. Cleaning chamber. This element is made of 1.5 mm galvanized steel. On the side we cut an opening with a cross section of 16-18 cm. The chimney will subsequently enter into it.

Completion of work - a warm bed will turn out to be great!

We put a drum from a gas cylinder on the primary chimney. We spread the oven clay on the bottom of the installed body, forming an inclined surface (about 7 °) with a spatula, which is directed towards the window of the cleaning compartment. Then we put a metal round timber on the chimney. It should be pressed into the clay composition. Then we pull the shell over the riser and coat it with medium-fat clay. The next steps are as follows:

  1. 1. We lining the chimney from the inside. We use sand. It should be covered with separate layers. We moisten and ram each of them. Total number layers - 7. Put 5 cm of medium fat clay on top of the sand.
  2. 2. We put the cleaning box, covering its bottom and side surfaces with clay. We mount the opening of the transition channel into the hole of the drum, press it down as hard as possible. All remaining gaps are covered with clay. It is necessary to achieve complete tightness of this stove unit.
  3. 3. Along the contour of the (external) bed, we mount the next formwork. It should rise about 9 cm above the edge of the hog hole. Fill the formwork with adobe mixture.
  4. 4. We stretch the corrugated pipe along the entire length of the rocket-bed. We connect one end of the corrugated product to the cleaning compartment.
  5. 5. We lay the fixed corrugated pipe in a spiral and insert its other end into the chimney outlet opening, securing the junction with a clay compound.
  6. 6. We process the hog along the entire length with adobe solution, we compact this covering.
  7. 7. We fix the housing and cleaning chamber covers with bolts, under which we install rubber gaskets.
  8. 8. Coat the drum with adobe (do not touch only the upper part) with a layer of about 10 cm.

After about 17 days, the adobe will dry out. We can remove the formwork, apply a special enamel to the drum that can withstand heating up to 750 ° C. Then experts advise to treat the adobe surface with acrylic-based varnish (preferably in two layers). Such a coating will protect the structure from moisture and make the stove look very attractive.

The heated bed is done. We test our structure before starting its full-fledged operation. The check is carried out in an elementary way. We put some paper in the firebox, set it on fire, watch the behavior of the rocket. If everything is fine, there are no frightening sounds, we put firewood on. After a while, the unit will hum. At this moment, we close the furnace blower. We wait. When the hum turns into a gentle whisper ( soft sound working stove), open the blower. Next, we use the heating installation for its intended purpose.

A simple and cheap design of a rocket furnace began its march around the world from North America where it is still very popular in the countryside. They know her on all continents, including distant Australia. For amateur enthusiasts, the heating unit wins over with its simplicity and energy efficiency, which, combined with its low cost, makes it extremely attractive for making at home. Of course, a large house cannot be heated with a jet stove, but in a country house or in a small garden house it will be more than appropriate. Surprisingly, but a fact - only a few people know about this amazing design. And this is in a country where cold weather lasts longer than six months! Today we will fill this gap and tell you everything we know about the warm and cozy "rocket", including smallest details making it with your own hands and the subtleties of operation.

Reactive furnace - what is it

Household heat that comes from a jet oven will not be provided by any modern heater.

The jet, or, as it is also called, the rocket furnace, in fact, has nothing to do with modern technology. The only thing that makes this heating unit look like a space transport is an intense flow of flame and a hum associated with an incorrect operating mode. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that the rocket oven is a very technically backward device. Despite its simple design, it uses the most advanced solid fuel combustion methods:

  • pyrolytic combustion of gases released during dry distillation of solid fuel;
  • movement of gaseous products through the channels of the furnace, which does not require forced ejection due to thrust.

This is what the simplest jet-powered furnace looks like.

The simplest "rocket" is a bent pipe segment large diameter... Firewood or other fuel is placed in a short horizontal section and set on fire. At first, the heater works like an ordinary potbelly stove, but this is only until the temperature of the longer vertical part, which acts as a chimney, rises. Red-hot metal contributes to the re-ignition of combustible substances and the appearance of a vacuum at the top of the chimney. Due to the increased traction, the air flow to the wood increases, which significantly increases the intensity of combustion. In order to achieve even greater efficiency from this original device, the furnace opening is equipped with a door. With a decrease in the cross-section of the air channel, the supply of oxygen to the wood stops and their pyrolytic decomposition into gaseous hydrocarbons begins. But they will not completely burn in such a simple installation - for this it will be necessary to equip a separate zone for afterburning the flue gases. By the way, this, as well as the thermal insulation of the chimney, allows more complex "rockets" to successfully compete with other solid-fuel units. As for the simplest design we are considering, it is often used for cooking or heating food. All that is required for this is to equip a convenient platform for a kettle or kettle on the vertical section of the stove.

Geography of application of rocket heating units

Being a simple and convenient heating and cooking unit, the rocket oven is widely used both in mobile and stationary versions. Most often it is used:

  • for heating living quarters;
  • as equipment for drying fruits;
  • for heating greenhouses;
  • to ensure normal working conditions in workshops or garages;
  • to maintain a positive temperature in warehouses, in utility blocks, etc.

Due to its simplicity, unpretentiousness and reliability, the jet heating device enjoys well-deserved respect among fishermen and hunters, fans of motor rallies and survivalists. There is even a special performance, the purpose of which is indicated by the name - "Robinson".

Advantages and disadvantages of the rocket furnace

Despite the uncomplicated design, the rocket furnace has a lot of advantages:

  • efficiency at the level of the best examples of modern solid fuel heating equipment;
  • profitability - to achieve the required temperature, the jet unit will consume four times less firewood than a traditional stove;
  • heating temperature above 1000 ° С;
  • the ability to use any type of solid fuel, including dry plant waste, cones, pine needles and shavings;
  • complete combustion and environmental friendliness - during operation, the flame temperature rises so much that soot ignites. The smoke of a rocket furnace is composed primarily of water vapor and carbon dioxide;
  • the possibility of additional loading of fuel for continuous operation of the heater;
  • simplicity and reliability;
  • availability of portable structures designed for mobile use.

The heating unit is not devoid of disadvantages. The use of the device is associated with the risk of entry into the home carbon monoxide... The stove cannot be used to heat a large house, and attempts to install a water heat exchanger in the combustion zone lead to a decrease in thermal power and disruption of normal operation. The disadvantages include the low aesthetic value of the structure, which, however, is a very ambiguous statement, since for fans of ethno-style, the design of the stove is a real find.

Types of jet heaters. Choosing a design for self-production

Craftsmen have developed several designs of rocket furnaces suitable for mobile or stationary use:

  • portable units made of metal pipes, cans or buckets;
  • jet heaters from a gas cylinder;
  • furnaces built of fireclay bricks and metal containers;
  • heating heat generators with a stove bench.

The most difficult to manufacture are structures, the construction of which requires the skills of a bricklayer. Nevertheless, in the presence of detailed schemes of ordinal layouts, even a novice home craftsman can cope with this work.

Portable rocket oven

Portable rocket furnaces are mass-produced by the industry

Camping options are represented by the simplest designs, which are based on the same pipe bent or welded from separate sections. The improvements concerned only the installation of a partition for arranging an ash pan, in which a slot is made for air suction. Often, the lower part of the loading chamber is equipped with a grate to supply air directly to the combustion zone. The opening for laying firewood is equipped with a door, which subsequently regulates the air supply.

The requirements for a mobile structure also apply to convenience during cooking, so the upper cut of the chimney must be equipped with a support for metal dishes.

Unit from a gas cylinder

The use of a gas cylinder is the next step in the development of jet heaters. More complex construction allows you to significantly increase heat output and the efficiency of the oven. All that is required for the manufacture of the installation is a household gas bottle or a barrel of fuels and lubricants, pieces of thick-walled steel pipes and a metal sheet 3-5 mm thick.

The rocket stove from a gas cylinder can be used to heat small utility rooms

If you have a piece of steel pipe with thick walls and a diameter of more than 30 cm, a rocket furnace can be made from it. This option will avoid time-consuming operations associated with disassembling the factory gas tank.

How this design works can be seen in the diagram below. The firewood loaded into the firebox burns out due to the air flow through the loading window. Afterburning of combustible gases occurs in a pipe installed inside the cylinder due to the supply of secondary air. To enhance the effect, the inner chamber is insulated, which makes it possible to raise the temperature inside above 1000 ° C. In the course of movement, hot gases hit the bell and enter the outer chamber, the walls of which act as a heat exchanger. Having given up their energy, the combustion products are removed through a chimney cut into the lower part on the back of the cylinder.

To create the thrust necessary for the stable operation of the rocket furnace, the top of the chimney is raised at least 4 m relative to the loading window.

Combined brick and metal barrel rocket kiln

The use of fireclay bricks for arranging a firebox and internal cameras a jet heater converts the "rocket" into the category of stationary structures. The high heat capacity of the materials used makes it possible to accumulate heat and give it away for several hours, therefore, such units are often installed in residential premises.

Furnace construction with refractory lining of the working area

Reactive stove with stove bench

Like other solid fuel stoves, the "rocket" has the disadvantage that most of the heat is emitted through the chimney. Despite this, some of the advantages of its design make it easy to get rid of this disadvantage. The thing is that the unit was called reactive for a reason, but because of the high rate of excision of burning gases. It is this feature of it that can be turned for good by significantly increasing the length of the smoke exhaust ducts.

Diagram of a jet furnace with a stove bench

This idea found its implementation in massive stationary structures with a couch or bed-shaped couch. It is successfully made from brick or rubble stone, decorated with a plastic mass of clay and sawdust. Due to the high heat capacity of the materials used, the stove can retain heat throughout the night, which, combined with high efficiency, makes the heating unit very attractive for installation in residential premises.

When choosing a structure for making at home, one must take into account the peculiarities of its operation. As a traveling option, a mobile unit is chosen - it will be enough to keep warm, dry clothes and cook dinner. In order to heat small Technical buildings use a portable design from a gas cylinder. If you need to heat a small country house or cottage, then there is simply no better option than a jet heating unit with a stove bench.

We build a rocket oven with our own hands

The design proposed for self-production is the elite of rocket heaters. After construction, it will delight the owner for a long time with comfort and cozy warmth even in the most severe frost. As you might have guessed, we are talking about a unit with a stove bench. Despite the fact that such a design is the most complex, the schemes, instructions and descriptions presented by us will allow you to build a furnace in just 2-3 days.

Device and principle of operation

The rocket furnace consists of several chambers and channels. The bunker for loading firewood is made of fireclay bricks and is supplied in the lower part with an opening for air supply. It has a refractory lining and a channel that connects the firebox with a vertical gas duct (flame tube or riser). A metal barrel is used as a casing for a rocket furnace, inside which an afterburner is laid out with magnesite or fireclay bricks. The heat exchanger of the heating unit is not only a steel container, but also long horizontal channels of the bed, made of galvanized steel pipes or bricks.

The processes taking place inside a stationary jet furnace resemble the work of pyrolysis heating units.

There is no need to use refractory materials for the arrangement of heat exchange channels. A well-fired red brick is enough.

The body of the stove and trestle bed are formed from sandbags, stone or brick debris and coated with a clay composition. The good heat storage capacity of finishing materials allows the structure to give off heat for several hours after the firewood has completely burned out. To remove combustion products, a high chimney is used, which can pass both indoors and outdoors.

The high performance of the "rocket" is explained by the method of fuel combustion, which tends not so much to direct-flow heating units as to pyrolysis boilers. The operation of the furnace is accompanied by the active release of gas components, which are burned out in the riser. The hood helps to reduce the flow rate of incandescent gases, otherwise they simply would not have time to oxidize. By the way, the heating of the upper part of the flame tube creates a vacuum at its end, due to which active combustion of the fuel occurs. This creates such a high temperature in the riser that even soot is ignited. Nevertheless, experts recommend installing an ash pan at the point of transition from a vertical channel to a horizontal heat exchanger, equipping its chamber with a small door for the possibility of periodic maintenance.

Calculation of basic parameters, drawing

To give exact dimensions there is no need for a rocket stove with a stove bench - its dimensions and configuration completely depend on the characteristics of the room. The presented method for calculating the parameters based on the use of the proportions of all parts of the rocket furnace will be quite enough to design a high-performance, efficient unit.

To carry out the calculation, it is sufficient to know the diameter D and the height H of the external heat exchanger shell (drum).

  1. The flame tube height is at least 1.3H.
  2. The clearance between the riser and the bonnet is 0.1–0.15H.
  3. External clay coating is performed no higher than 1 / 3H.
  4. The thickness of the heat storage layer should be no more than 1 / 3D.
  5. The section of the flame tube is 0.25–0.3D.
  6. The height of the ash pan is up to 10% of the vertical dimension of the casing.
  7. The blower section should be 50% less area riser.
  8. The thickness of the adobe cushion above the heat exchanger is at least 1 / 4D.
  9. Chimney height - more than 4 m.
  10. The length of the horizontal heat exchanger is calculated based on the volume of the drum. In the case of using a standard barrel from under fuels and lubricants, it can reach 6–8 m.

As you can see, it is not difficult to determine the dimensions of all elements of the furnace, especially since its design allows some liberties in terms of dimensions and configuration.

For perfectionists and those who are afraid to experiment, here is a drawing of a heating unit, made to scale on a marked sheet of paper. If necessary, it will not be difficult to remove the exact dimensions from it.

Stationary reactive heating plant drawing

Materials and tools

The construction of a jet furnace does not require any specific fixtures. From a power tool in the process of work, you will only need welding machine and a grinder, and even then literally for a few minutes - to separate the barrel lid and configure the heat exchanger pipes. Everything else can also be found in any owner:

  • trowel (trowel);
  • bushhammer;
  • building level and plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • container for solution preparation;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • rammer;
  • buckets;
  • concrete trowel.

Although the design of the "rocket" and undemanding to materials, still some of them will have to be bought. Here is a list of what will be required during the construction process:

  • refractory bricks of any type;
  • metal barrel for the manufacture of the casing;
  • pipe Ø30–40 cm, which will hold the heat-insulating sprinkling of the vertical channel. You can use a case from an old water heater, a suitable capacity of an industrial receiver or hydraulic accumulator;
  • galvanized steel pipes with a diameter of more than 25 cm, which will be needed as a heat exchanger;
  • a steel pipe for arranging a chimney with a diameter of 150 mm and an elbow for its 90 ° outlet;
  • ash pan hatch;
  • blower door;
  • a special heat-resistant mixture for preparing a solution (can be replaced with sand and clay);
  • perlite for riser insulation;
  • Red brick;
  • rubble stone or brick waste;
  • sawdust or chaff.

Since the barrel will only be partially embedded in the oven, it will have to be painted to increase the aesthetic value of the unit. To do this, you will additionally need a metal brush, a solvent to degrease metal surface, primer and any heat-resistant paint.

Site selection and other preparatory activities

When determining the construction site, one should take into account the requirements that apply to all designs of solid fuel furnaces with an open flame:

  • the area of ​​the room in which it is planned to install a jet heater with a lounger must be at least 16 m 2;
  • the absence of lags (floor beams) under the furnace body will greatly simplify installation;
  • over the hearth should not be wooden rafters and overlap;
  • if part of the chimney passes through the ceiling, then the stove is installed closer to the central part of the house. In this case, the pipe can be fixed near the ridge;
  • you should not install a heating structure close to the outer contour of the building - precious heat will go out into the street. It is better to attach the unit to one of the inner walls;
  • it is not recommended to erect a jet device near wooden walls and partitions. In this case, a stand-alone placement is chosen.

It is also important how convenient it will be to light up the rocket stove and throw firewood into it. For this, the firebox is placed in the direction of the entrance, providing at least 1m of free space in front of it.

One of the many options for installing the stove in the middle of the room

In a small room, it is convenient to place the rocket oven in the corner, orienting the loading hopper to one side and the sunbed to the other.

Having chosen a place, they begin to prepare it for future construction. If the room has a wooden floor, then that part of it that will be located under the stove is removed. After that, a shallow pit is dug, the bottom of which is compacted with a rammer.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare a metal barrel for installation. To do this, cut off its cover along the contour. In this case, part of the thickening in the form of a metal hoop is left to ensure the rigidity of the base of the casing. Most likely, the container from under the fuels and lubricants will be dirty and rusty, so it is better to clean it before installation.

The last thing to do before starting construction is to prepare the mortar. It is best to use a special heat-resistant composition, which can be bought in hardware stores, but you can do with a simple mixture of sand and clay in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2, depending on the fat content of the latter. Water will be needed up to ¼ of the volume of dry components - the output should be a composition resembling thick sour cream.

Workflow instructions

As already mentioned, making a rocket stove with a stove bench will take much more effort and time than making a metal assembly. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations of all stages of construction will help to facilitate the task and reduce time.

  1. The place where the firebox will be formed is deepened by 10 cm and laid out with refractory bricks, after which formwork is installed along the contour of the furnace. To strengthen the foundation, it is necessary to install reinforcement made of construction mesh, reinforcement Ø10–20 mm or scrap metal pipes and corners.

    Formwork arrangement

  2. The base of the working chamber is laid out according to the level.

    The base of the loading chamber is laid out with refractory bricks

  3. The structure is poured with concrete. Further work can be started immediately after the mortar has set. As a rule, one day is enough for this.

    Pouring the foundation

  4. From refractory bricks, laid in a continuous order, form the base of the reactive furnace and the combustion chamber.

    Rocket furnace base

  5. The side walls of the structure are raised in several rows of masonry.

    The walls are formed using fireclay bricks installed on the edge

  6. Equip the lower channel of the heat-generating rocket.
  7. The combustion chamber is covered with a row of bricks, laid across in such a way as to leave open two openings - the firebox and the riser (vertical channel).

    Method of overlapping the horizontal part of the working chamber

  8. An old body from a storage-type boiler is prepared for installation. For this, the device is cut on both sides to obtain a large diameter pipe.

    Furnace parts prepared for installation

  9. The lower part of the tank from under the fuels and lubricants is equipped with a flange into which the horizontal heat exchanger pipe will enter. Weld seams must be continuous in order to ensure tightness and, accordingly, the safety of the structure.

    Installation of the lower branch pipe is carried out by welding

  10. After the outlet pipe is cut into the barrel, it is cleaned of rust, covered with a primer and several layers of heat-resistant paint.
  11. A side outlet is welded to the horizontal chimney, which acts as an ash pan. To clean it, the channel is equipped with a sealed flange.
  12. A fire tube is laid out of fireclay bricks. The shape of its inner channel is a square with a side of 18 cm. During operation, the vertical position of the structure must be controlled using a plumb line or a building level.

    The height of the vertical channel depends on the dimensions of the outer drum

  13. A casing is installed on the fire tube, after which the gaps between the metal container and the walls of the vertical channel are filled with perlite. To avoid spillage of thermal insulation on the floor, the lower part of the riser is carefully sealed with a clay mixture.

    Riser Insulation Method

  14. A firebox cap is made. It can be used as a cut-off part of the water heater, providing it with a convenient handle.
  15. With the help of brick or masonry, the body of the furnace is formed. For this purpose, you can also use sandbags placed at the base of the vertical channel.

    The furnace body can be laid out with sandbags

    An unassuming outdoor look is hidden with adobe coating. For its manufacture, up to 50% of large sawdust or chaff (chaff) is introduced into the clay solution.

    Furnace body coating

    The additives in the clay mixture perform the same role as the crushed stone in concrete. They are needed so that during drying and subsequent work with variable heat loads, the surface of the furnace does not crack.

  16. The perlite backfill on top must also be sealed with a coating.
  17. The front of the oven is formed. To do this, in any suitable way (brick or masonry, sandbags, adobe) lay out the outline of the furnace. The inside is filled with rubble, and the top is given the desired shape using an adobe mixture.
  18. An external casing made of a metal barrel is installed on the prepared base, orienting the container with the lower pipe towards the bed. The lower part of the container is sealed with clay.

    Installing the casing - metal drum

  19. Using a corrugated pipe, a channel is led to the firebox, which connects the firebox with the external atmosphere. If not installed, the oven will consume warm air from the room, which will be replaced by cold masses coming from outside. From the side of the firebox, the channel will need to be closed as soon as the firewood is completely burned out. This will prevent outside air from entering the heat exchange channels.

    Air duct outside the building

  20. To check the operation of the rocket furnace, the first kindling is carried out, during which they make sure that the gases freely escape into the horizontal chimney.
  21. Heat exchanger pipes are connected to the lower branch pipe, which are installed on a base formed of red brick.
  22. The chimney is being installed. All joints of the parts of the horizontal and vertical channels are sealed with an asbestos cord and refractory coating.
  23. Using the same method as in the manufacture of the furnace body, they give the required configuration to the stove bench.

    Fully formed stove with stove bench

  24. The barrel can be completely covered with adobe, leaving only a horizontal platform open, which is convenient for heating food.
  25. The chimney brought out to the outside is equipped with a condensate and tar trap, and the upper cut is protected from precipitation by means of a cap.

    The outer part of the chimney is supplied with a trap for liquid substances

Tests of the rocket furnace are carried out only after the adobe coating has completely dried. V otherwise cracking of the decorative coating is possible.

View of the finished rocket oven with a stove bench

For safe operation the rocket furnace must be equipped with carbon monoxide detectors.

Modernization of the rocket heat generator

To expand the scope of reactive heating furnaces, they are being finalized, increasing the convenience and versatility of the design. A platform for cooking food in mobile structures is often replaced with a full-fledged stove. It is convenient to use such a hob in your own backyard for household purposes - for preparing food for pets or during the preservation period of blanks for the winter. A feature of this type of rocket furnace is a wide and flat horizontal channel into which hot gases are directed from the nozzle. Passing under the surface of the stove, they heat it red-hot, after which they go into the vertical chimney. Comfortable legs give the structure stability, and the original shape allows the unit to be used as a stand or table when it is not being used for its intended purpose.

Reactive stove with a stove - a must-have item in a suburban area

A liquid heat exchanger cannot be installed in the flame tube of a jet furnace, but this does not mean that it cannot be used as a heat generator for a water heating system. To do this, the "rocket" is equipped with a kind of contour of radiator plates, which create a kind of labyrinth in the afterburning zone. Due to their heating, heat is removed from the afterburner to the water jacket. The efficiency of the unit depends on the area and heat capacity of the plates; therefore, they are made in the form of massive metal strips with an area of ​​up to ¾ of the section of the fire channel. I must say that such a heat exchanger is best used to obtain hot water using the rocket oven itself in the traditional way.

Diagram of a rocket unit equipped with a water circuit

The rocket oven with a convector has an original design. To increase heat transfer, vertical tubes are mounted on the surface of the outer casing, which perform the same role as the Buleryan air channels. Cold air is entrained at the bottom of the tubular heat exchangers and heats up as it travels up. This ensures forced convection, which further increases the thermal efficiency of the installation.

Rocket heat generator casing equipped with a convector

Features of the use of jet furnaces

Being a long burning system, the rocket furnace requires preliminary heating before starting operation. As a rule, no one observes this requirement in mobile installations - they consume a little fuel, and the stove itself is most often used according to the principle “it works, but okay”. In stationary structures, it is extremely important to warm up the furnace before starting it up, since with a cold flame tube, there can be no question of afterburning. The firewood will burn without giving off heat, and the chimney will very quickly be covered with soot, tar and creosote.

The furnace is heated with wood chips, paper or shavings, which are loaded into the firebox and ignited. The output to the operating mode is judged by the buzzing in the fire channel. A strong sound indicates that the unit is not operating efficiently. As soon as the hum starts to subside, you need to start laying the main fuel. The blower should be completely open for the first 10-15 minutes. Then the air supply is reduced, focusing on the sound of the furnace - it should "rustle" or "whisper". After the firewood burns out, the air channel of the firebox is covered to prevent heat leakage from the room. Ash is removed every 2-3 days, for which they use a metal scoop and a poker.

The reactive furnace is serviced no more than once a season. To do this, open the ash pan door, through which the soot residues are removed. Clean if necessary smoke channel using the hatch of its trap for this. I must say that the correct operation of a jet heater never leads to smoke in the room. All that is required of the owner for this is to follow the recommendations for using the "rocket" and not neglect the safety rules.

Do-it-yourself rocket furnace: the subtleties and nuances of construction (video)

Unique specifications, almost zero cost and availability of materials for construction cover all the disadvantages of a jet furnace. If you wish, you can build a full-fledged heater over the weekend, including arranging a comfortable couch. "Raketa" is also convenient in that it does not require high qualifications of a stove-maker, and in its external design it allows the realization of even the most unusual design idea.

The rocket or jet oven appeared as a result of a deviation from the tradition of manufacturing equipment for heating a room. It is considered an economical heat generator, the design of which is elementary. Therefore, many are thinking about building a jet furnace with their own hands.

Description, advantages and disadvantages of the rocket furnace

A heat generator for heating air in a room is called a rocket oven or a jet oven, since during operation, in the event of an excessive intake of air, it emits special sounds. This noise can be mistaken for the roar of a jet engine. In normal mode, the equipment operates with a barely audible rustling sound.

The rocket stove serves as a device for home heating and cooking. It takes about 6 hours to burn one batch of firewood in such equipment, more than in a standard metal stove. The reason for this is the creation of a heat generator based on an overhead combustion furnace.

The flame from the jet furnace may burst

The advantages of the rocket furnace include:

  • independence from fuel energy;
  • simplicity of design, consisting of available parts, connected in a matter of minutes;
  • the ability to provide a lot of heat, despite the quality of the loaded fuel.

The jet furnace also has some disadvantages:

  • manual control, which implies constant monitoring of equipment operation;
  • danger of getting burned, because the walls of the equipment become extremely hot;
  • inexpediency of using in a bath, since it will not be possible to warm it up.


The unit, which emits a rocket hum during operation, happens:

  • portable (a unit made of metal pipes, buckets or a gas cylinder);

    Portable rocket furnaces are mass-produced by the industry

  • stationary (made of fireclay bricks and metal containers);

    Such a unit is more difficult to build than a metal oven.

  • equipment for heating air with a couch.

    The bed is equipped behind the rear wall of the oven

Portable structures are made in large batches, because they are used for hiking. The basis of these heat generators is a pipe made up of several sections. True, such structures, in contrast to units based on fireclay bricks, are not reliable. The walls of the refractory blocks increase the heat transfer from the reactive furnace. If desired, you can add a couch or bed decorated with clay or sawdust to it.

Details and operation of a reactive heat generator

An elementary rocket furnace is a device of two pipe fragments connected by a 90-degree bend. The combustion chamber in this heat generator is usually a zone in the horizontal part of the structure. But sometimes the fuel is put into the vertical section of the apparatus, for which the rocket furnace is built from two pipes of different lengths, mounted vertically and connected by a common horizontal channel.

Primary and secondary air flows through the furnace

The operation of a jet furnace is based on two actions: the unimpeded passage of wood gases through the pipe and the afterburning of gases generated during the combustion of fuel. Chips and firewood are placed in the firebox of this heat generator after a highly flammable material like paper has ignited there. A container with water or other contents is placed on the open section of the pipe. In this case, between the structure and the installed capacity, they leave small space required to create thrust.

The processes taking place inside a stationary jet furnace resemble the work of pyrolysis heating units.

Calculation of parameters (tables)

The volume of the stove should be determined with knowledge of the matter, because it is he who affects the power and the amount of heat generated by the heating equipment. When calculating the dimensions of jet heating equipment, use the indicator of the inner diameter of the drum D, the value of which can fluctuate within 300-600 mm. You also need to know the cross-sectional area of ​​the drum. To determine this indicator of the rocket furnace, you should use the formula: S = 3.14 * D ^ 2/4.

The main dimensions of the jet furnace are shown in the table:

Parameter Meaning
Drum height H1.5D to 2D
The height of the heat-insulating coating of the drum2 / 3H
Drum insulation thickness1 / 3D
Cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimneyFrom 0.045S to 0.065S (optimal - from 0.05S to 0.06S). The higher the primary chimney, the better.
Minimum clearance between the top edge of the primary flue and the drum cover70 mm. At a lower value, the aerodynamic resistance of the gap for gases passing through it will be excessively large.
Flame tube length and areaLength and area of ​​the primary chimney
Blower sectional areaHalf of the cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimney
Cross-sectional area of ​​the external chimney1.5S to 2S
The thickness of the adobe cushion under the flue with a stove bench50–70 mm (if there are wooden planks under the bench - from 25 to 35 mm)
The height of the coating above the gas duct with a stove bench150 mm. It is not recommended to reduce it, otherwise the stove will accumulate less heat.
External chimney heightnot less than 4 m

Particular importance is attached to the length of the flue with the stove bench. The maximum permissible indicators are shown in the table:

The volume of the secondary ash chamber is also important indicator, depending on the volume of the drum and the primary chimney.

D (diameter) Volume
300 mm0.1x (Vk - Vpd)Where Vk is the volume of the drum,
Vpd is the volume of the primary chimney.
600 mm0.05x (Vk - Vpd)

Construction raw materials for the construction of a custom kiln

The production of jet heating equipment will require:

  • barrels with a volume of 200 liters and a diameter of 0.6 meters, an empty bottle of liquefied gas or tin buckets to build a furnace drum;
  • square or round pipes made of steel with a thickness of 2-3 mm, which are needed to create a blower, combustion chamber and primary chimney;
  • fireclay crushed stone and kiln clay as heat-insulating materials;
  • adobe, which serves as an outer coating layer;
  • fireclay bricks;
  • sand from the bottom of the river;
  • cuts of zinc-coated steel or aluminum sheets for the manufacture of lids and doors;
  • asbestos or basalt cardboard, performing the tasks of a compactor.

Of the tools for the construction of a rocket furnace, you will need a welding machine. And if you plan to make heating equipment out of bricks, then you will have to take:

  • Master OK;
  • mortar blade;
  • hammer-pick;
  • jointing;
  • acute-angled sledgehammer;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • roulette.

Preparation for the assembly of heating equipment

When choosing a place for a rocket stove, they are guided by some rules:

  • reactive heating equipment is placed only in a room with an area of ​​at least 16 m²;
  • installation of equipment will be easier without floorboards under the oven;
  • it is forbidden to place wood beams over a structure that gives heat;
  • if it is assumed that the chimney will go through the ceiling, then the heating equipment is placed in the middle of the house;
  • the heat generator cannot be installed near the outer contour of the house, otherwise the room will lose heated air;
  • it is forbidden to place the jet device near the walls and partitions of their wooden materials.

To make it convenient to put fuel in jet heating equipment, it is wiser to put it face side opposite the entrance. It is important to leave at least a meter of unoccupied area around the rocket furnace.

In a small house, builders are advised to set aside a place for the stove in the corner. In this case, the firebox should be directed in one direction, and the stove bench (if made) - in the other.

The oven stands on a special platform that protects the floor from high temperatures.

Having found a suitable site for a rocket furnace, they begin to prepare it for construction work. If boards are laid on the floor in the house, then in the place where the equipment will be installed, they will need to be removed. Under the opened floor, they dig a hole, the bottom of which is necessarily pressed.

A special solution should be mixed before construction work. It consists of sand and clay, combined in a 1: 1 ratio. So much water will be required for the construction raw materials to acquire the consistency of sour cream, that is, ¼ part of the amount of dry ingredients.

Step-by-step instructions for making your own hands

If it is planned to make a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder, then you can not be afraid of difficulties. The steps to create equipment from such construction materials are quite simple:

  1. from a cylinder with a volume of 50 liters, the upper part is cut off in order to build a kind of cap;

    The balloon is cut from the top and bottom

  2. focusing on the instructions in the drawing, all parts of the product are welded to each other, that is, a gas cylinder, a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm (future chimney), a pipe with a diameter of 7 cm (inner channel) and another pipe with a diameter of 15 cm (firebox);

    Dimensions are in mm

  3. the space between the two pipes is filled with a material that retains heat, for example, sand, which has been thoroughly calcined, that is, cleaned of organic matter;
  4. to give the structure stability, the legs are welded.

To build a rocket stove with a stove bench, which implies the use of bricks, you need to act differently:

  1. The zone for arranging the firebox is deepened by removing 10 cm of soil. The combustion chamber is formed from fireclay bricks. Formwork is created along the contour of the structure being manufactured. In order for the foundation to be solid, it is recommended to lay in it reinforcing mesh or metal rods;

    The platform will harden in about two days

  2. The structure is poured with liquid concrete. Then they wait for the solution to solidify and finish the work. The bricks are laid in a solid line, creating a platform for the oven. After that, the walls of the structure are formed, exposing several rows of brick blocks;
  3. The lower channel of the structure is equipped, while one line of bricks is laid across to block the combustion chamber. The blocks are placed, leaving the vertical channel and the opening of the firebox open;

    The two sectors of the furnace at this stage of construction must be open

  4. They find a body from an old boiler and cut off the top and bottom covers on it. At the bottom of the resulting pipe, a flange is installed through which a horizontal heat exchanger will pass. Parts are required to be connected to each other with a continuous weld;

    Work requires accuracy

  5. An outlet pipe is inserted into the barrel, after which they take a brush for metal and scrape off rust from the walls of the container. The cleaned barrel is treated with a primer, and a little later - with a paint that is resistant to high temperatures;
  6. The horizontal chimney is welded to a side outlet - the future ash pan. To facilitate its cleaning, a sealed flange is mounted;
  7. Spread the flame tube out of refractory bricks... At the same time, a channel with a height and width of 18 cm is formed inside the structure.When doing this, they constantly use building level, which allows you to control the verticality of the product;

    The height of the pipe is determined in advance

  8. The flame tube is covered with a protective casing, and the resulting gaps are sealed with perlite. The lower area of ​​the vertical channel is sealed with wet clay, the function of which is to prevent the insulation material from spilling onto the floor;
  9. A fuel tank is formed from the boiler, on which the top and bottom have been cut. A handle must be welded to it;
  10. To improve the look, the structure is treated with adobe putty, consisting of sawdust and raw clay. The first component of the composition serves in the same way as crushed stone in concrete, that is, it prevents cracking of the furnace walls. It is recommended to apply adobe putty over the perlite backfill;
  11. They create the facade of the stove, for which the stove contour is laid out of stone, bricks, adobe and sand. The seamy side of the structure is filled with crushed stone, and the front side is filled with adobe mixture, which makes the surface perfectly flat;
  12. A casing made of a metal barrel is placed on the previously created base. The lower branch pipe of the container is directed towards the bed. The bottom of the structure is treated with raw clay, which will ensure its tightness;
  13. A channel from corrugated pipe... It will serve as a link between the firebox and the outside atmosphere;

    At this stage, the oven looks almost finished.

  14. Carry out a test kindling of the furnace, watching how the gases are removed from the horizontal chimney. After that, the pipes of the heat exchanger are connected to the lower branch pipe installed on a red brick platform;
  15. The stove is supplemented with a smoke exhaust pipe. The junction of the chimney and the heat generator is sealed with a refractory coating and an asbestos cord;
  16. Using clay and adobe, the couch is given the desired shape. Only the horizontal section of the structure is left unsealed, which will then be used during cooking.

    The oven functions as a whole system

Improvement of the design

A couch with a gas flue inside is not the only option for modernizing the rocket furnace. The design can be improved by a water jacket connected to a heating system in which water is circulated. It is desirable to give this part of the structure the appearance of a coil created from copper pipe swirling on the chimney.

This design gives even more warmth.

Another way to improve the reactive furnace is associated with the organization of the flow of heated secondary air into the fire tube. This will increase the efficiency of the heat generator, but will lead to deposition in the primary chimney a large number soot. Therefore, it is best to make sure that the drum cover can be removed if necessary.

Subtleties of operation of an unconventional furnace

The rocket furnace is heated by analogy with the upper combustion heat generator. It turns out that the kindling of equipment called a rocket should be carried out according to certain rules:

  • the main raw material for the furnace of the unit should be laid only after a good heating of the structure, for which, first, sawdust or paper is placed in the blowing sector and set on fire;
  • they must react to muffling the hum emanating from the furnace - they put a large batch of fuel into the combustion chamber, which will ignite on its own from the red-hot remnants of sawdust;
  • the process is closely monitored, that is, after laying the firewood, the damper is fully opened, and after a while, when the equipment makes a hum, it is covered to obtain a sound similar to rustling;
  • as necessary, the shutter is closed more and more, otherwise the firebox will begin to fill with an excess volume of air, which will disrupt pyrolysis inside the flame tube and lead to the creation of a strong hum.

Since the jet furnace was originally designed for use in field conditions, its construction is extremely simple. This allows an ordinary home craftsman to cope with the manufacture of the unit. But, despite the apparent lightness, the rocket furnace is supposed to be assembled, taking into account the correct ratio of parameters. Otherwise, the equipment will turn out to be unproductive.

Various stoves are still very often used to heat structures. They are suitable for baths or saunas, as well as a variety of outbuildings.

They can be designed to form a complete heating, which will highly efficient and reliable... As a rule, pipes are installed simultaneously with the stove, which allows the use of the structure for heating several rooms at once.

What is a rocket oven?

Enough interesting option for any room, a do-it-yourself rocket stove is considered. Its design is original, and it fits as for a private house, and for the bath, as well for other types of structures... When creating it with a contour, expensive materials are not required, the dimensions are selected depending on the dimensions of the heated room, however, it is important in advance make a correct drawing to get an efficient and durable device. If the correct and up-to-date scheme is applied, then you can do it yourself high-quality water heating in the room.

The principle of operation of the oven

The rocket furnace operates according to two specific principles. They are borrowed from other popular stoves that are supposed to be used for heating. These two principles include:

  • consisting in afterburning wood gases that arise during the combustion of fuel;
  • the principle of free passage of gases through various channels, available in equipment.

If the simplest design that will be used for cooking is assumed, then the second principle of operation is applied, since it does not have elements, suitable for pyrolysis.

The direct burning wood burning rocket stove, which is the simplest, is not used for heating, but is suitable for cooking, it has a small size, and pipes are used to form it. The unit structure consists of a short pipe, which is a firebox... It is in it that the fuel is put, and during its combustion, incandescent gases arise that rise up and go out.

Read also: Why does the potbelly stove smoke when the door is opened?

A special cut is made in the pipe, where you can cook food, and such a device is suitable for the house, which is used very rare in winter time ... A stove of this type is not suitable for heating, however, it is very easy to find old pipes for its creation, and if you watch a training video, work can be easily implemented by yourself.

For heating a house or bath, it is best to use improved equipment... It is usually made of bricks and sheet metal, and pipes are also used. "Robinson" is complemented by a heat exchanger and special channels for gas removal. Also, the oven is equipped with a suitable circuit, high quality and reliable shirt.

Such long-term equipment is usually used to form water and high-quality heating, which can be used for a home with a large number of rooms of different sizes. A video with the principle of operation of this equipment can be easy to find on the internet.

What are the pros and cons of the oven?

The rocket furnace is characterized by positive and negative parameters. The pluses include:

  • installation of equipment for home using bricks, pipe and metal is simple;
  • the cost of long-term equipment will be low;
  • the ability to do the work with your own hands, since there are no difficulties in the process of laying bricks, when working with a contour, when installing a pipe or other elements, as well rarely have to deal with improvements;
  • such an oven can be used to create full-fledged hot water heating;
  • the size of the equipment may vary depending on the heated room;
  • The efficiency is very high, and the water heater turns out to be durable and reliable:
  • loading fuel for heating rooms is quick and easy.

Wood fired rocket the oven also has disadvantages, which include:

  • for heating it is important to use high-quality and completely dry, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired combustion;
  • the Robinson oven requires constant human presence and control for safety of use.

Read also: Potbelly stoves for home

What should be done before the actual work?

Initially, all materials and equipment should be prepared, and also drawings... It is important to determine the size of the future equipment, as well as decide what will be its design and other parameters.

If the oven will be used to create hot water heating, then it is necessary to prepare pipes of the required quantity and quality. For masonry, you need to use heat-resistant red brick, because then you get a long-burning stove, which will not be dangerous to use, and will also last a long time.

The use of bricks is justified only for creating a stationary furnace. A metal barrel and pipes for a chimney, a water heater, fittings and some other consumables are also purchased, thanks to which a full-fledged stove for high-quality and uniform hot water heating of the building.

Since the rocket furnace will be with a water circuit, it is important to decide whether the heat exchanger will be purchased from an already created furnace or it will be created for the dimensions of an existing device.

Furnace creation process

The formation of a Robinson oven is considered a simple process, but it is best to preview a few videos in order to accurately understand all the nuances. The work is carried out in the following stages:

  • a pit of suitable depth and size is created in the floor, which is intended for installing a stove chimney with a circuit;
  • a metal barrel is laid, which protrudes into as a special hood, and it should be covered with heat-resistant paint in order to obtain a durable structure that does not deteriorate during fuel combustion;
  • installation of the foundation for the furnace from bricks with a water circuit, and for this, formwork is initially installed, and two or more bricks are deepened, then reinforcement is laid on the bottom and bricks are placed around the perimeter, after which the base is poured;
  • after preparing the foundation, you can start laying a furnace with a long-acting circuit, and for this it is important to constantly refer to having drawings;
  • during laying it is important to put a flange in the barrel, with the help of which the chimney will join, a tee of a suitable type is also mounted, thanks to which the pipes will be cleaned;
  • on the rising part a hot water element is installed with which pipes for hot water heating are connected;
  • the base of the resulting rocket furnace must be surrounded by sandbags, and all holes and the gaps are covered with clay;
  • connects chimney the right size , on the ascending part of which a metal barrel is mounted;
  • checking the performance of a rocket furnace with a circuit designed for long-term burning, and if any malfunctions are found, all problems are eliminated.

A simple heating device, which is not much inferior in popularity to a potbelly stove, is a rocket stove. It runs on wood, and the design scheme is so simple that manufacturing is possible on your own. The stove can also be made economical - many think that looking like a potbelly stove means the gluttony of the combustion chamber, but no. There are schemes that work on smoldering wood (pyrolysis), which means they are economical with the same efficiency.

Why a rocket and why a jet

Such a stove is often called a "rocket", but not because the wood burns in it at high speed, but because of the shape of the structure - traditional version a rocket stove is made from two pieces of iron pipes welded together. The unit resembles a rocket in a child's drawing. The use of a simplified form allows you to make it in less than a day. The adjective “reactive” is also used for the stove, but also not because of the rate of fuel combustion, but because of the peculiarities of combustion - at a certain stage of air supply to the firebox, it begins to hum strongly, as if the turbocharging of the injectors in the engine is turned on.

The humming of the furnace is an ineffective and wasteful combustion mode. During normal operation, it emits a quiet rustle.

Any owner of a country or country house has in the workshop at least a minimum set of carpentry, locksmith and automotive repair tools. So they will help in the manufacture of a miracle rocket, plus drawings and a minimum supply of materials: pipes or metal boxes, a sheet of iron and - during construction stationary option- brick and mortar on clay. Now it becomes clear that the jet furnace is made portable or stationary, for example, for heating a house or a bath.

If a stationary jet furnace will heat the house, then it is placed along outer wall... Correctly designed and equipped, it can heat a house up to 50m 2. Also, the stove is installed in an open area - on a personal plot, and is used as summer option for cooking food.

How a rocket-type stove works

The device is the simplest - two principles of fuel combustion, borrowed from other stoves:

  1. Natural circulation of hot gases and smoke through the channels of the stove is a standard solution, as in a stove.
  2. Afterburning of unburned gases (pyrolysis) with limited access of oxygen to the combustion chamber.

The scheme of the simplest jet stove, which is intended only for cooking, uses the natural combustion of wood - in an open chamber it is impossible to create conditions for maintaining the pyrolysis reaction and afterburning of unburned gases.

Let us consider a simple design of a direct combustion rocket-rocket furnace, which is traditionally installed in a courtyard in an open area. It can be used to quickly heat water or prepare dinner for a family on vacation. From the figure below, it becomes clear that such a sample will require two sections of a cylindrical or rectangular iron pipe, which are connected by welding at an angle of 90 0.

A horizontal section of a metal box acts as a combustion chamber - firewood is laid there. Also, fuel loading can be organized vertically - add on top horizontal pipe vertical iron cylinder for loading firewood. Thus, you get a structure of three pipes or boxes, the lowest of which (horizontal) will work as a firebox. In a stationary scheme, the simplest stove design often uses red brick, which is placed on a clay mortar.

The efficiency of the structure cannot be called satisfactory, so the craftsmen figured out how to increase the efficiency of its work. An additional element is another pipe of a larger diameter (as you can see, all materials are available and cheap), into which the main pipe of the riser stove (primary chimney) is installed. This increases the overall heating and the duration of the heat retention.

In the diagram:

  1. Outer casing.
  2. A pipe that serves as a firebox.
  3. A duct for air outlet to the combustion chamber.
  4. Insulated area between the body and the riser. The same ash can serve as a heater.

How to heat

The Robinson reactive furnace is heated according to the principle of kindling a fire - paper, hay, straw or other rapidly combustible material is laid first, then small chips or large shavings. The last logs are laid in the size of the firebox. Hot combustion products rise along the vertical pipe (2) and go out. A pot or water tank can be placed on the open end of the pipe (2).

In order for the fuel to burn continuously and actively, it is necessary to provide a gap between the outlet pipe (2) and the pan with water using a special lattice metal support.

The diagram below shows a simple device with a door on the fuel loading hole. Air draft is formed due to the presence of a special channel formed by the lower surface of the furnace and an iron plate welded 8-10 mm from the combustion chamber. Such a design will forcibly pump air, even if the door is closed completely. It can be seen from the diagram that the structure is also designed for operation in the pyrolysis mode, while a constant flow of a "secondary" air stream will burn the exhaust gases. But in order for the afterburning to be 100%, it is necessary to equip the thermal insulation of the secondary chamber in which the gas burns out in order to provide the required temperature indicators for pyrolysis.

In the diagram:

  1. Forced duct for blowing air with the combustion door closed.
  2. Active combustion area.
  3. Burnt gases.

The improved scheme provides not only the possibility of heating the surrounding space, but also cooking, for which the upper hob... Total: to the simplest version of the "rocket", you can add an outer casing, which will additionally heat the room, the furnace door, blowing air to maintain the pyrolysis mode and a stove for cooking food. This scheme can already be implemented in the house itself, and not in the yard, since the chimney pipe is brought out. This minor upgrade greatly improves the performance of the model. So, a do-it-yourself rocket furnace, the drawings of which are presented below, has the following capabilities:

  1. Due to the embedding of the outer casing from a pipe of a larger diameter and its insulation, which creates a heat-insulating layer for the riser, and also due to the possibility of hermetically closing the upper pipe, hot air cools down much longer.
  2. In the lower section of the stove, a separate blowing channel has been added, which makes it possible to organize pyrolysis combustion.
  3. The chimney in such a scheme is recommended to be placed not vertically at the top, but at the bottom behind on the body, which will allow organizing additional circulation of hot streams through the internal channels of the stove, providing fast heating hob and the entire insulated building.

In the firebox (1), the fuel does not burn completely (2), since the air supply is not carried out in full, this is the "A" mode, which can be controlled using the damper (3). Hot, but not burned out from pyrolysis gases are supplied to the end section of the firing channel (5), in which they are burned out. Afterburning provides high-quality thermal insulation and a constant flow of "secondary" air in the "B" mode through channel (4).

The hot stream then enters the inner riser (7), rises up to the cooking plate (10) and heats it up. Further, hot air enters the volume (6) between the outer and inner pipes, insulated with a layer of ash (4, 9), heats the furnace body, which gives off heat to the room. Finally, the cooled air goes down to enter the chimney (11) and out.

A consistently high temperature in the riser (7) maximizes heat output and creates conditions for complete combustion of gases by placing the riser in the pipe bigger size- the shell (8). The free space is filled with ash or other refractory substance (9) for lining - this can also be a solution of ordinary clay with sand in a ratio of 1: 3.

The palm of popularity belongs to the industrial model "Robinson" - it is a simple but reliable design. Having such a mobile stove, you can quickly cook food or heat water in the country or on a hike. Structurally, this is an inverted L-shaped pipe, as shown in the diagrams below.

Firewood is laid in the horizontal section of the fuel receiver, and ignition is carried out from the side from which the vertical pipe enters. In the L-shaped pipe, due to the pressure difference between hot and cold air, thrust arises, and the combustion intensity will only increase as the furnace body heats up. The air supply is regulated by a slide damper.

The furnace works on the principle of energy consumption of the natural flow of hot gases. It turns out a closed cycle: as the temperature rises, the fuel starts to burn more actively and the chamber and the hob heat up faster. As a result, "Robinson" is able to heat 10 liters of water in 10 minutes, if you put the tank on an already warm surface. The diagram shows that the hob in "Robinson" has a thick thermal insulation layer, which allows you to put large diameter chocks in the firebox.

Stationary oven

Stationary models have a hood to keep the heat in the room longer. In such a stove, fuel combustion occurs according to a different scenario. The beginning of the firewood combustion process is the same - the air supply is limited. This causes the release of pyrolysis gases, which are afterburned in the lower section of a vertical pipe or duct, where the secondary air is supplied separately.

The hot gas, once at the top, begins to cool down and sinks into the free interchamber volume, and then into the chimney. It goes like this:

  1. The forces of gravity cause colder, and therefore, heavier burnt gases to rush down, where they enter the chimney.
  2. This is facilitated by the constantly maintained pressure from the placed firewood and the consistently high temperature of the gases.
  3. Natural draft in the chimney.

It all creates effective conditions for burning firewood and it becomes possible to attach a smoke channel with arbitrary geometry to the "rocket". Basically, long and complex chimneys are needed in order to better heat the room.

The main disadvantage of all solid fuel stoves is the inability to retain most of the heat in the house. But positive traits allow you to neutralize negative moments - the high speed of the gas outlet allows you to organize complex vertical or horizontal chimneys with several channels. The implementation of this principle in practice is the Russian stove. In a jet furnace with a horizontal multi-channel chimney, you can also equip a warm stove bench, as shown in the diagram below.

A rocket-rocket stove is an option for home heating, cheaper than which is only a gift. A person familiar with the basics of construction can fold a combined brick oven in a design suitable for any home interior... The main task of upgrading appearance there will be decoration of the iron cap and the firebox lid - everything else will not be in sight.

Combined brick-metal barrel oven

It is stationary, because the structure cannot be moved. The fuel chamber and chimney are laid out of fireclay bricks, valves and doors are made of metal. Brick gives off heat very slowly, so the room will be warm for a long time.

High efficiency is not the strong point of such models, but good heat transfer can be achieved by adjusting the air supply to the chamber, without seeking to enter the combustion mode, in which the stove begins to "roar" and "hum".

To somehow minimize heat losses when operating this simplest design, many craftsmen build a water circuit into the stove and connect a hot water tank. Also, the construction of a bed with a multi-channel horizontal chimney contributes to the preservation of heat in the room. Negative qualities of "missile" models that cannot be minimized or removed:

  1. Constant monitoring and adjustment of traction is necessary - no automation devices are provided.
  2. Every 2-3 hours you need to load a new batch of firewood.
  3. The iron hood is heated to dangerous temperatures.

The simplest and cheapest option is the Robinson model, which is shown in the drawing below. To make it, you need pipe cuttings or a rectangular profile box, metal corners for legs, a welding machine. Its dimensions are selected based on the dimensions of the workpieces. The main thing is to adhere to the observance of the principle of action, and not the size.

For homemade construction often take gas cylinders or barrels of 200 liters - thick walls and suitable size as much as possible correspond to the conceived. Both are used for the manufacture of the outer case, and the internal elements are made from pipes of a smaller diameter or brought out in bricks - halves, quarters or whole.

There is no general formula for calculating heat transfer for all models of a rocket stove, so the option of using ready-made calculations based on the principle of similarity of schemes is quite suitable. The main thing is that the size of the future "rocket" should at least approximately correspond to the volume of the heated room. For example, a gas cylinder will do for a garage, a two-hundred-liter barrel for a country house. An approximate selection of internal elements is shown in the diagram below.

Iron cylinder furnace

  1. Cylinder - gas, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
  2. Pipe ≥ 150 mm for fuel and loading chambers.
  3. Pipes 70 and 150 mm - for an internal vertical chimney.
  4. Pipes 150 mm - for the outlet chimney.
  5. Insulation of any type, necessarily non-combustible.
  6. Blanks sheet metal H = 3 mm.

The top of the cylinder is cut by welding. For safety reasons, it is best to open the stopcock on it and fill it with water before cutting. On the sides, you need to cut openings for the fuel chamber and chimney. The firebox pipe is connected to vertical pipe chimney from the bottom of the cylinder.

After installing the internal elements, the cut top is welded back. The seams are checked visually, the main chimney is connected. If there is a water circuit, it also joins. After that, the rocket furnace can be tested.

Sufficient draft is ensured by the height of the chimney - it must be raised above the firebox by at least 4 meters.

How to lay out a brick firebox

Such a model requires the use of only fireclay (clay) bricks - ceramic or silicate bricks will immediately crack. The laying is carried out on clay mortar, the proportions of the composition are indicated above. A pit is dug under the base of the stove, the soil at the bottom is rammed and poured concrete mortar... The size of the foundation is 1200x400x100 mm.

After the base has hardened, it is protected with a sheet of basalt cardboard, then they begin to lay out the firebox, vertical chimney and loading chamber. From the front of the firebox, a door for ash removal is attached. After dry clay solution the trench is filled up, a pipe of the required diameter is inserted into the vertical chimney. The cavities between the brick and the pipe should be filled with insulation - basalt wool, ash or other non-combustible material, for example, asbestos.

Now a Ø 600 mm cap is placed on the masonry - a cut-out cover from a metal barrel will do. Before installation, a hole is cut in it, into which a branch pipe is inserted under the chimney. Putting on this cap, the barrel should be turned over, and the branch pipe will be where it is needed. Then the chimney is brought out - either directly to the street, or through the arrangement of a lounger with horizontal chimney channels. The lounger can be laid out with ordinary silicate bricks, since the temperature of the gases will already be low.