How to connect heating batteries. Possible Schemes for connecting heating radiators

Radiators are necessary elements of any heating system that perform their function by separating heat circulating in the heated coolant device. Modern radiators are unified devices having two lower and two upper technological holes (nozzle) for connecting pipes and air vent.

Choice optimal scheme Connecting the heating battery, installation sites and compliance with the rules of installation make it possible to achieve maximum efficiency in the operation of the heater for a long time.

In this article:

Main ways to connect

Regardless of the type of material (cast iron, steel, aluminum, bimetal) and the type of heating system used (with natural or forced circulation, single-tube or two-pipe), there are several basic schemes for connecting them. Each of these schemes has its own characteristics and can be applied depending on the specific conditions.

Types of heating radiators

  1. diagonal;
  2. lateral;
  3. lower.

Consider more detail their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Diagonal (transverse)

In the diagonal diagram, the feed pipe is connected to one of the upper radiator nozzles, and the discharge pipe is to one of the lower, located on the opposite side of the instrument. As a result, the incoming heated coolant is evenly distributed throughout the volume. internal surface Radiator, providing maximum heat transfer.

At the same time, heat loss does not exceed 2%.

Photo diagonal scheme Connections

It's believed that this scheme ensures the most efficient battery operation.. The rated power of the device specified by the manufacturer in the passport of the product is binding precisely to the diagonal type of connection.

The most claimed such a scheme when large quantities The radiator sections (more than 10-12), which ensures uniform heating of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe device.

The disadvantages include:

  • additional pipe consumption;
  • complexity and inconvenience of installation;
  • neesthetic appearance.

IN multi-storey houses This scheme is practically not used.

Side (unilateral)

The feed pipe is connected to the top nozzle of the device, and the discharge pipe is to the bottom nozzle on the same side, i.e. Both pipes are connected to one of the extreme sections of the radiator.

This provides a fairly efficient and uniform heating of all sections with low heat losses (up to 2-5%).

The lateral connection scheme is the most common, including in high-rise buildings with central system Heating, due to the minimum consumption of materials and ease of installation at a sufficiently high heat transfer of instruments.

The greatest effect is achieved when the batteries are connected with 10-15 sections, as well as in multi-unit residential buildings With parallel connected heaters.

With an increase in the number of sections, thermal efficiency is dramatically reduced by uneven warm-up of the other side of the radiator.

Side connection battery

The overcomes pipe will join one of the lower pipes, and the discharge pipe is to the second lower pipe from the opposite side.

With this embodiment, the upper and lower part of the device can warm up unevenly, and heat loss can be up to 15%. However, this is more often characteristic of systems in apartment houses With a large number of heating devices and large pipes. For autonomous Systems Private houses such heat loss are practically not noticeable.

Saddle scheme

Most often a saddle scheme used for private one-storey houses When the pipes are laid under the floor or hidden inside it.

This allows you to significantly improve exterior design Radiator, making pipes practically imperceptible.

A separate variety of the lower scheme is vertical connectionused for separate species Heating devices of special design (and radiators with lower liner).

Vertical scheme for radiators with lower eyeliner

In such radiators, the connections of the supply and discharge pipes are located nearby in the lower part of the device. The connection uses a special shut-off-connected node.

  • Advantages: Saving materials and improved design by imperceptibility of connected pipelines.
  • Disadvantages: uneven heating and decrease in heat transfer efficiency.

How to connect the battery with your own hands

All methods of connection

Regardless of the type of connection, it is desirable to install locking cranes on the supply and discharge pipe.

This will allow without problems to turn off and dismantle the radiator in case of its breakdown without stopping the work of the entire system for draining the coolant.

Instead of a shut-off crane on the submarine pipe You can install the thermostat with manual or automatic controlwhich will allow you to adjust the power of the heating device by changing the amount of supply of the heated coolant into it.

This will ensure automatic maintenance of the desired temperature mode in room.

How the wireless thermostat works read it.

According to many specialists engaged in the installation of heating systems, the thermostat is better to install not on the supply, but on the discharge pipe.

As practice shows, it allows you to improve heat transfer heating device and increase the efficiency of adjusting its operation by limiting the outflow from the radiator of the cooled coolant.

Video with connection examples

To remove from indoor space The air radiator on one of its upper pipes is installed by the air vent (crane Maevsky). The air vent will increase the efficiency of the device heat transfer.

What connection is better - resume.

For Systems autonomous heating Private houses are preferable to use the side or lower connection scheme, as this will reduce the cost of materials, simplifies the installation and will provide the best aesthetic appearance at enough efficient work Heating devices.

Required tools and materials

The kit for connecting the radiator includes:

  • brackets for mounting the device;
  • transition nuts;
  • plugs;
  • air vent (crane Maevsky);
  • quick-disconnecting compounds of the "American" type and locking cranes (in separate configurations).

If these items are missing, it is necessary to buy a universal kit for connecting or purchase these parts separately.

A more specific list of materials and tools depends on the type heating pipes. What pipes are better for heating we considered.

Most often use:

  • metal;
  • metal plastic;
  • polypropylene.

Metal pipe connections Can be implemented with:

  • welding - It turns out the most reliable connection having a fairly aesthetic appearance. However, this will require a gas welding machine and the skills of handling it;
  • on threaded connections - you need steel splits, couplings, tees or corners of the required diameter, plumbing flax, bollard or handwheel for metal, pipe and precipitated keys.

For connecting the battery to metal plastic pipes Special adapters, chrome or brass corners and tees are required.

From the tool you will need:

  • truboresis;
  • calibration;
  • press clamp;
  • cide or sliding wrench;
  • pipe bender.

When connected to polypropylene pipes We need transient clutches and / or fittings, a special machine welding machine, cutter or piperaza, precaste wrench.

Much better install radiator

Most. the best place It is considered the window opening, which is the main source of heat loss in the room. With this placement, the heating device creates heat vest, preventing the penetration of outer cold air inside the room.

You also need to find additional heating points in angular rooms with outdoor walls.

For good circulation of heated air and maximum battery heat transfer stick these rules:

  • the distance from the lower edge of the window opening to the battery is at least 8-10 cm;
  • the distance from the floor level to the battery is at least 10-12 cm;
  • the distance between the battery case and the wall is at least 2-5 cm;
  • the width of the surface of the battery must be at least 50% of the overall width of the window opening.

If you are just going to purchase a radiator, we recommend immediately selecting its width and height so as to ensure the required minimum distances when installing it in the selected place.

It should also be borne in mind that the use of decorative lattices can reduce heat transfer by 10-20%. Therefore, their use is justified if the radiator heats up too much. In this case, the grille will not only improve the appearance of the heater, but also reduce its excessive heat transfer.

Installation order

Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. When installing a new radiator, the polyethylene packaging film is not removed from it until all the work is completed, so that it is accidentally staining or not to scratch its surface.
  2. The heating highway overlaps and the old radiator is dismantled (if replaced).
  3. The walls are placed on the wall and drill holes for the battery mounting brackets in compliance with the minimum required distances from the windowsill, gender and walls. After that, the brackets themselves are fixed on the wall.
  4. Adapter nuts, plugs, air vent, locking cranes and / or thermostators are installed on the instrument, depending on the selected connection scheme. At the same time, to ensure tightness all threaded connections Before assembly are wrapped with plumbing flas and are additionally cooked with silicone sealant.
  5. The device is placed on the mounting brackets and is aligned strictly horizontally with a level.
  6. It is connected to the pipelines of the heating system using quick disconnect connections or adapters with their thorough sealing.
  7. Pressing system and trial flow of the coolant is performed. All compounds are checked for the lack of leaks of the working fluid.

The implementation of all the rules for placement and installation will provide reliable and efficient efficiency of both the radiator itself and the entire heating system.

Connecting heating radiators

During the construction of the house or just when overhaul Private estates or apartments Installing heating radiators should be made after such elements such as doors and windows are already installed. At the same time, you must determine in advance what kind of connection of heating radiators will be used, and besides, of course, to prepare necessary materials and tools.

How to connect the heating battery? The process of installing the radiator itself does not take a lot of time and effort. First of all, you need to install battery mounts. Their quantity and location directly depends on the number of radiator sections. Next - we bring the pipes, install the radiator itself and connect everything. Consider on the example how to connect the heating radiator using polypropylene pipes.

Options for heating systems

The most common and in demand are one-tube and two-pipe heating systems. Consider each of them more attentively and proper connection Heating batteries in each case.

A single-tube heating system is used today mainly for multi-storey houses.

The hot heat carrier spreads through the pipes from top to bottom, evenly distributed over all heating devices. Such a system is mounted quite easily, requires a relatively small amount of materials. But at the same time, she has a number of flaws:

  • there is no possibility to adjust the degree of heating of individual radiators;
  • on the lower floors, the battery temperature can be significantly lower than on the upper, since the coolant reaches them already cooled;
  • in the event of a breakdown on any floor, the entire riser is turned off;
  • it is enough difficult to disconnect from the system to install autonomous heating.

The two-pipe heating system is most often used to create heating in private homes, cottages. It implies connecting to the radiator at once of two pipes: one to the battery there is a hot heat carrier, and the outflow of already cooled water is performed. It is important to take into account - all radiators in a two-pipe system are connected only in parallel.

The two-pipe heating system has several weighty advantages. First of all, the temperature of all radiators will always be equal, regardless of how far from the boiler they are installed.

In addition, with this type of system, it is possible to adjust the degree of heating of each individual radiator - this allows you to create the most comfortable temperature in each room.

The heating system of this type includes the following elements:

  • radiator with valve at the top and plug in the bottom;
  • radiator corks;
  • valve with thermostat;
  • bypass;
  • shank;
  • stopcock;
  • couplings and locknuts;
  • heating pipes (metal, polypropylene).

It should be noted that the same set of components, with the exception of the valve with the thermostat and bypass, is suitable for mounting a single-tube heating system.

Types of connecting pipes and radiators

The connection of heating batteries happens:

  • side - Such a battery connection to the heating system is the most common. With this type of connection, the pipe with a hot heat carrier is supplied to the upper nozzle, and the reverse tube is connected to the bottom. That is, both pipes are located one side of the radiator. Such a connection of heating batteries is the most productive - with it there is a smallest heat loss. However, it is not necessary to use such an attachment of heating radiators, the number of sections of which are more than 15.
  • diagonal connection Heating batteries - applied to sufficiently long batteries. With this type, the pipe with a hot heat carrier is connected to the top nozzle of the radiator on one side, and the pipe outflow of the cooled coolant is to the lower nozzle on the other side. Such a connection of the heating radiator allows the coolant to spread across the radiator as evenly possible. It is important to take into account - if you choose a diagonal compound of heating radiators among themselves, but the supply of hot water is carried out through the bottom nozzle, and the outflow is through the upper, the efficiency of the system will decrease by about 10%.
  • lower connection Heating radiators. Used only when heating pipes are hidden under the floor. KPD radiatorsConnected in this way is about 10% lower than those that are connected by the side method.

Types of radiators for strapping

Before you start creating a heating system and before connecting the heating batteries, you need to determine which types of radiators you want to use. Today exists great amount species of batteries. They may vary by:

  • material;
  • the principle of how to connect the heating battery;
  • machine attachment to the wall.

Today, the most common types of radiators are the most common:

  • - are a relatively thin panel of flat steel plates. How to connect the heating radiator of this type? The radiators of this type are connected by the side or in the lower way.

Steel panel batteries

  • sectional radiators. Lightweight sectional model made of aluminum (there are also bimetallic radiators of this type). How to connect the heating batteries in this case? You can connect such batteries by several sections or one. For such radiators it is best to use polypropylene pipes, Connection type is lateral.

On the connection of the bimetal in the article: connecting bimetallic heating radiators.

It is noteworthy that recently in apartments with central heating are increasingly establishing bimetallic batteries, refusing cast iron. The reason for such a change is caused by a number of reasons. Primarily, cast iron radiators are heavier and cumbersome. In addition, due to the poor-quality water used as a heat carrier of the heating system, a precipitate appears quite quickly in such radiators, sand and rust appears - and these factors largely contribute to the decrease in radiators heat transfer. With bimetallic radiators there are no such problems.

For a private house you can choose panel radiators. They can be both aluminum and steel - it all depends on the desire of the customer.

The main thing is to comply with all the rules when installing. It is important to remember - if you are laid copper pipelinethen steel and steel can be connected to it, and aluminum radiators. And in case the pipeline is ordinary pipes - It is allowed to install only aluminum batteries.

What is needed to connect radiators

Creating a heating system is a rather complicated process. Meanwhile, observing all the rules and a clear sequence of work, a beginner can cope with it. How to connect the heating battery correctly? The main thing is attention. For high-quality mount And some components are needed to connect radiators. In particular:

  • adapters with right and left thread (Fortors);
  • tools for high-quality screwing adapters;
  • plugs, manual air vent, key for air booming, adapters;
  • shut-off reinforcement ball Valves, valves;
  • pipes.

Polypropylene pipes - Principle of implementation

Recently, polypropylene pipes are becoming increasingly popular. Of course, the correct connection of heating radiators and the strapping can be performed by any other pipes, but most professionals are recommended to still stop their choice on these.

For the strapping, the rational only use polypropylene angular ball valves - they are much easier to install, and their cost is relatively small.

The blockage of polypropylene pipes is performed as follows:

  • in the multiflex connecting with any output, the coupling with a cape nut is inserted;
  • through pre-attached brackets on the wall, pipes are fixed. It is important that they do not touch the walls, and were 2-3 cm from its surface.

The advantage of polypropylene pipes is that they can be laid in the wall itself, and the edge of the pipe needed to perform the strapping is removed in the immediate vicinity of the radiator. Fasteners for fixing batteries can be used in a variety of. Most often, professionals for this purpose use a pin compound, locking on the wall surface. If you want to suspend radiators - use ordinary brackets for this. Small refinement - panel batteries (mainly) are sold complete with fasteners. But for sectional radiators, the mount must be purchased separately

We already practically know how to connect the heating radiator. Connection of cranes is performed as follows:

  • initially, the crane must be disassembled;
  • the radiator screws up a fitting with a cape nut;
  • using a special key, tighten the nut.

For high-quality execution, such a simple, and at the same time, a fairly important action will need to use a special key - without it you cannot normally tighten the "American".

In addition to this key, during installation and strapping of radiators, as well as while connecting two heating batteries, you will also need:

  • seals;
  • a set of keys;
  • tow;
  • threaded paste;
  • thread threads.


When installing heating radiators and while connecting the heating radiator, the requirements indicated in SNiP should be clearly followed. In particular, this refers to the maintenance of the required distance between the radiator and the wall, floor and windowsill:

  • the distance from the top of the radiator to the windowsill should be at least 10 cm. If the specified gap will be lower, it may make it difficult heat flux - Thus, the room will warm up worse;
  • the distance from the bottom of the radiator to the floor should be at least 12 cm. If it is less - there is a risk of a significant increase in temperature difference on different height premises;
  • the distance from the rear wall of the radiator to the wall should be at least 2 cm. In otherwiseThe radiator heat transfer will be disturbed.

It is also important to consider the fact that the installation method and how to properly connect heating radiators also affects the quality of the heating of the room. So, options for installing radiators are possible:

  • in open video Under the windowson maximum efficiency heating systems - 96% -97%;
  • in open form in niche - efficiency just below - 93%;
  • in partially closed form - there is a decrease in efficiency up to 88%;
  • in a completely closed form, the efficiency of heating is only 75% -80%.

Recovering the heating radiator and how to properly connect the heating battery, can be performed using different types pipes. The main thing is to clearly comply with all the indicated requirements and rules. If the radiator connection is performed without errors - for many years, repairing the heating system will not need. Now we know how to better connect heating radiators - but it is even better to ask about this professionals.

Installation procedure itself heating battery comes down to two operations:

  • installation of radiators in the place specially selected for this;
  • connect the battery to the heating system.

Installation of heating radiators

Choosing a place to accommodate radiators, proceed from the need to not just warm the room, but also create a peculiar "thermal veil", a kind of protective thermal screen from permeating draft or frosty air, which entrance door or windows. Therefore, the radiators are mounted either on the wall "hallways" or under the window.

The design of radiators on the legs are still very rarely (mainly it is the design radiators from cast iron), almost always batteries are fixed on the wall. So that the actual heat transfer was the maximum distance from interior Wall The sections are recommended to leave no more than 5 cm, and from the floor - up to 12 cm. The radiator should be set in such a way as to provide free access to the valves and cranes.

Modern radiators are unified for any type of connection with a riser, having two upper and lower end point connectivity.

It is important! When installing the radiator on the mounting brackets, it is necessary to monitor the level of correctness of the horizontalization to avoid subsequent appearance aerial traffic.

After installing the radiator, the diagram of connecting the heating batteries to the system is determined. central heating. However, it is necessary to consider that in high-rise buildings a single-tube sequential connection of heating batteries is used, so it cannot be spontaneously replaced by parallel without consultation with a specialist.

Before determined with the connection to the heating riser of the house, it is necessary to pay some attention to the type of heating system itself in the house. Currently there are a single-tube and two-pipe version of the organization of the heating of a residential building. From which system is applied depends on how to connect the heating battery.

One-tube heating system

In a single-tube system, the coolant is fed by vertical trumpet To successively connected heating radiators, Losing gradually its initial operating temperature. In such structures there are no pipelines of the reverse reception of the spent, that is, already cooled, coolant. At one time, Soviet builders were very satisfied because vertical system just with one pipe is easy to install, economical on the consumption of materials (there are no connecting pipes, jumpers and reverse risers) and easy to maintenance. But this simplicity served a bad service of the operational services and the residents themselves.

The sequential connection of heating batteries is doomed to the unequal temperature of the temperature on the upper and lower floors of the building and even within each apartment. Another minus one-pipe system is the need for injection high pressure Coolant to ensure uniform heating along the circulation circuit. This leads to frequent emergency leaks and wear heating equipment.

Here are two independent pipelines, one - for the supply of hot heat carrier, the other - to receive the cooled. They are connected by the final device instrument. With such a two-pipe system, the question of how to connect two heating batteries is solved by parallel connections. Two-pipe system Does not require such a high pressure of the coolant as one-tube.

Methods for connecting heating batteries

There are sequential and parallel batteries.

For sequential connection Radiators are built directly into the heating system, as it were, it would be an integral part. Hot water under pressure passes through them, not allowing you to adjust the temperature of the battery. Repair and replacement of the battery can be performed only when the water is disconnected and drained from the entire system. Emergency situation Forcing overlapping completely heating on all riser, only then start repairing.

To avoid strong cooling of the hot heat carrier in the system with consistent one-sided connection Radiators The input and exit nozzles are connected by the jumper on the closing area. Then part of the hot heat carrier with a temperature close to the initial will pass by the next heating device. Here it is impossible to miss with the definition of pipeline diameters on all areas. Such calculated strapping often in high-rise buildings violates spontaneous dismantling of the jumpers, which is absolutely not permissible.

With parallel connection, the radiators are powered by the coolant through the pipe embedded in the overall vertical riser. In the same way, water from the battery is given. Thanks to the ball cranes, you can overlap the movement of the coolant for conducting repair workwithout creating problems to yourself and neighbors. The inconvenience of this scheme consists in insufficient heating batteries in case of reduced pressure in the system, since the main flow of the coolant will flow through the trunk pipeline.

Battery connection options will depend on their type, for aluminum and bimetallic batteries Used parallel connectionAnd for cast iron and tubular optimal is a sequential connection.

Wiring of heating radiators

An unambiguous criterion, how to properly connect the heating battery, does not exist. The structure of the design of radiators allows the supply of pipes from the bottom, on the side and on both ends of the battery. Currently except metal pipes Metal-plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene tubes are widely used. The most optimal price / quality price / ease of installation is the connection of the heating battery with polypropylene.

Side connection of heating batteries

This method consists in connecting the supply branch (with a hot heat carrier) to the top nozzle of the radiator, the discharge branch - to the bottom. In this way, maximum heat transfer is ensured. In the case of using a side one-sided connection for the radiator with large quantity Sections, it is necessary to install the coolant duct extension, since the last sections are well warmed. The side connection is the most generally accepted scheme for high-rise buildings with a central hot heating system.

Lower connection

It is used in special cases when the heating system is placed in the floor. Pipe S. hot water And the pipe with cooled water is connected from the opposite sides of the radiator to its lower nozzles and leave vertically to the floor. This scheme loses the efficiency of lateral and diagonal connections.

Diagonal connection

The layout principle is concluded in connecting hot water to the upper nozzle on one side of the radiator and connecting the return to the bottom nozzle of the opposite side of the battery. The hot heat carrier is evenly distributed throughout the volume of the radiator. The scheme is perfect for multisective heating batteries and provides nominal heat transfer.

Select a set for connecting the radiator

In the event that there is a desire to make a junction with your own hands using polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes, it is necessary to remember that the standard thread (mainly half-wing) is used at the inlet to the radiator on both sides. Therefore, the pipes must be proportionate. In the connection sets there are gaskets made of silicone or pairs, so the special winding is not required when installing.

It is important! The abundance of information on the methods of connecting heating batteries often provokes consumers to spontaneously transfer and connect their own batteries, without thinking about the consequences for the neighbors on the riser. Without coordination with Housing and utilities specialists, you can create a lot of problems and yourself and neighbors.

Comfortable living conditions in a country cottage cannot be created without a high-quality heating system. It should be quite effective and economical to during the heating period in residential roomsah was warm, and energy expenses did not go too high. To achieve this, you need to choose the right view of the heating system, and then pick up the most suitable option Connecting heating radiators in a private house.

Types of heating systems

The heating system in a private house can be:



Aerial system

This option functions without coolant. Air in the house warms up directly from heating devices - furnaces or convectors. With such a system, heating radiators are not used. Air heating convenient for compact heating country houses. For large cottages, it is extremely rare.

Electrical system

In such a system, heat is transmitted through current conductors. There is an electric warm floor on this principle. Heated with electrical system May be comfortable enough. But its arrangement requires increased attention to safety rules, and during operation he is expensive to owners at home.

Water system

The type of heating system at which heat is transmitted by water (sometimes steam) as a coolant. The coolant comes from the heating device through pipes into heating radiators. This option is considered the most convenient and practical. Most often B. country houses Heating is shutd up in this way.

Types of heating boilers

The central element of the heating system is the boiler - heating devicein which the coolant reaches the desired temperature. The heating circuit in a private house depends largely on what kind of boiler is used in it.

By appointment, boilers are divided into two-circuit and one-connecting. The first option is the equipment, intended for heating, and for water heating. A single-mounted boiler warms only a heating coolant. By the installation method, they are divided into outdoor and wall.

The boilers differ and the type of fuel, with which the coolant is heated. There are boilers of the following types:

  • electrical;

    solid fuel;

    liquid fuel;


For the operation of solid fuel boilers, coal, firewood, less often peat and other variants of solid combustible materials are used. As liquid fuel For boilers of the appropriate type, diesel or waste oils are used.

Most country cottages heated gas boilers. In non-gasified localities, heating is often used using electricity. Completely independent of communication networks are solid fuel and liquid boilers. The first option is more attractive in that it needs traditional firewood and coal, and not dangerous combustible fluids.

The most prudent homeowners are installed in their homes combined boilersdesigned to work on different types Fuel. For example, you can install an electrocoon, complemented by the combustion chamber for solid fuelSo that in the event of damage to the power grid to the wood heating.

Double-circuit boilers that provide a dwelling with heat and warm waterThis is predominantly gas devices. They are universal, as they deliver homeowners from the need to buy and install a separate water heating boiler.

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Device of heating radiator

The heating radiator consists of several heat exchange sections. Than more sections, respectively, higher battery power. There are such models of radiators that can be "to grow" with new sections if necessary during operation.

Through all sections passes one collector at the top and one in the bottom. Each section has a vertical channel connecting the upper and lower collector. This applies to all sections, including extreme. Therefore, the radiator has 4 outputs, but only two of them are used. One connects to the pipe supply pipe, and the second serves to remove the cooled water back to the boiler. Unused outputs are closed with plugs. So the most radiators are arranged.

Types of pipe system

In the system of the heating system, a fundamental value of the supply of the coolant and the release of "returns" has a fundamental value. It depends on the direction of the coolant and from the type of pipe system.

Single pipe system

This is a simplified version of the recovery of heating in the cottage. This option is quite economical, as it requires less pipes for wiring and is carried out with less labor costs mounting work. The system is a chain of radiators connected by one pipe. The coolant heated in the boiler comes alternately into each radiator, flowing from one to another. That is, the "return" from one battery becomes the feed for the next, etc.

A single-pipe scheme for connecting heating radiators in a private house has one significant drawback - with it, radiators are heated unevenly. The hottest radiator will always be the hotter, and then the temperature will gradually decrease on the battery to the battery. Therefore, it is impossible to maintain the same temperature in all rooms by having one-tube heating.

Under certain planning features single pipe system May be quite suitable. So if in small house The chain of radiators will begin with residential rooms and end technical premisesThis option may be optimal. But in spacious cottages it is better to install two-pipe heating.

Two-pipe system

More expensive in arrangement, but simple and easy-to-use option. In this system, two pipe lines are functioning simultaneously. The first serves hot water to each battery. That is, there is one pipe with an approach to each radiator. The coolant before getting into the radiator, regardless of its location in the chain, does not enter the adjacent radiators, but there is directly. The second pipe collects a reverse from all radiators and delivers it to the heating manifold.

The advantages of the bottom type of wiring is that in all points of heat exchange, almost one temperature is achieved. Such a system is better adjustable and ensures uniform heating of the entire building.

Raewi (collector) system

Collector Scheme is an option two-pipe connectionsBut with a more complex layout. Applied in cases where you need to hide pipes, for example under outdoor coating. In this case, two collectors are equipped - under the feed and under the return, and one pipe is stretched from each radiator to the first collector, and another one in the second.

In some connection schemes, two types of system are used. The entire house can be heated on a two-pipe principle, but for a separate section, such as a veranda or large living room, a bunch of several radiators along a single-pipe principle is used. When developing two-pipe circuit Connecting heating batteries in a private house The main thing is not to get confused in the feed and return collectors.

Diagram of connecting radiators to the heating system

The coolant moves through the pipes and battery channels thanks to two factors. The first is the desire of fluid to fill the voids. In the absence of air traffic jams, a natural dynamic pressure of the coolant is created. The second factor is the flow of streams different temperatures. Hot water tends to upwards to the bottom stream cold.

Diagonal top connection

Diagonal connection of radiators with top feed allows you to equip the most effective heating premises. Hot water is supplied to the top input, inside it spreads across sections, and cooling down, lowers down, after which it is supplied to the bottom input to the repetition manifold, located on the other side of the radiator.

Bilateral lower connection

The feed is carried out in the lower entry on one side, and the reverse is from the bottom input from the other side of the battery. Efficiency in this case is lower than in the previous embodiment. But such a connection allows you to maximize the pipes.

One-sided lower top connection

Used mainly in high-rise buildings. In cottages in 2 or 3 floors with single-tube heating, is also sometimes used. The difference between the lower and the upper connection is that in the first case hot water It is fed to the bottom input, and is displayed under the pressure through the upper input, and in the second case, the opposite occurs. In both cases, the plant and the removal of the coolant is located on the one hand. It is worth noting that of all existing options The unilateral lower connection is the most ineffective.

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Which radiators connecting the radiators

Other options

Theoretically, you can also apply a diagonal connection with the feed from below or a two-way connection with the supply from above. These two options will also work if everything is done correctly. However, the functioning of the system will be very difficult due to the intersection of flows. Therefore, it is better not to experiment and take a diagonal top connection or two-way lower.

Location of radiators

For high-quality cottage heating, it is necessary not only to competently choose a heating scheme, but also correctly position the batteries in the premises. Installation of heating batteries in a private house is carried out on the basis of calculations made by experts. The number of radiators and sections for each radiator is determined taking into account various factors:

    the volume of rooms;

    level of heat loss of the building;

    radiator ripple circuit;

    which height will be installed batteries, and much more.

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Usually radiators are located under the windows. This creates a cold flow barrier to the window. In addition, the air coming from the window opening is "dried" with heat from the radiator, as a result, condensate is not going to the surfaces in the room. The battery should be a bit already the window, and it is necessary to have it in the center relative to the window opening.

The radiator should not adjust the upper part to the windowsill, since the process of heat distribution is complicated. From the floor to the lower level of the battery should be about 100 mm. Higher location will lead to the fact that the air directly above the floor will warmly warm. If installing radiators too low, they will be difficult to remove the accumulative dust.

When planning the installation of the batteries, it is necessary to take into account the features of the wall. Modern batteries are not very heavy, but in some cases the characteristics of the wall require an increase in the surface to be mounted bracket for heating elements.

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Installation of heating radiators

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The process of calculating, designing and installing the heating system can be trusted only by qualified specialists. But the very simple rules Connections of radiators should know every home owner. The effective principle of connecting and the location of heating equipment is a guarantee that the house will always reign a favorable and comfortable microclimate.

First you need to decide which steel radiator must be connected - with side or lower connections.

Steel panel heating radiator is connected similarly to aluminum and bimetallic radiators. The steel radiator with the lower connection has two outputs in the lower part - the feed and returns, which cannot be confused.

Schemes of lateral radiators

There are three main circuits for connecting pipes to the radiator:

1. Diagonal connection - most preferred option for maximum heat transfer. In this diagram, the feed pipe must be connected to the upper nozzle of one side, and the discharge - to the lower nozzle of the other side of the radiator. In this case thermal power The radiator is the maximum. With reverse connection - the feed pipe is from below, and the opposite - from above, the heat transfer of the radiator will decrease by 10%.

This scheme is preferable for long radiators and radiators with the number of sections of more than 12. Best option From an aesthetic point of view, there will be a laying option of suitable pipelines in the wall (in the stroke, or for false).

2. Side unilateral connection - The most common case in apartments. IN this variant The feed pipe is connected to the upper nozzle, and the reverse - to the lower, the same side of the radiator. At the same time, the maximum power is less than in the case of diagonal connection on 2%. When connecting a suitable and return pipeline, the power decreases by another 7%.

3. Lower connection. This option of connecting the radiator is most often used when laying the main pipelines in the floor or wall, when there is no possibility to hide the pipes in the stroke.

The maximum heat transfer of the radiator is 7% less than when diagonal connections.

Connecting a steel panel radiator with lower connections

Steel radiators with lower connections, must be attributed to a single-sided circuit diagram, because All wiring (upper and lower nozzle) is made inside it.

It should also be remembered that when removing the steel radiator with the lower connection, it is impossible to change the submission and reverse. Reverse nozzle - always the first from the near corner (see Figure).

All steel radiators with lower connections are universal, that is, they can be connected via the bottom nozzles or the second option, drown out the lower nozzles and unscrew the upper integrated thermostatic valve. To connect the feed pipe to the valve, and connect the return pipeline to one of the lower side nozzles.

How to connect a steel heating radiator

The steel heating radiator with side connections is also mounted as any sectional radiator. In most cases, he has a 1/2 inches's internal thread, in which: plug, crane Maevsky and adjusting valves.

Steel radiators with lower connections in most cases are tied with copper, metal-plastic pipes or crosslinked polyethylene. To connect pipes to the radiator, as well as to cut off the radiator from the system, nodes are used lower connection (corner or straight).

Nut spinning on 3/4 outer threads of the radiator, the pipe to the bottom connection node is connected via Euroconus 3/4.

In some steel radiators Entrance fittings are internal thread By 1/2 inches, to connect such a radiator to the bottom connection node, it is necessary to use special nipples 1/2 x 3/4 under the Euroconus.

In addition, such radiators can be connected using conventional thermostatic valves.