Purpose and features of the balancing valve. Balancing valve for adjusting the heating system Types of balancing valves

Whatever the heating system, it involves setting up, which can be done in a certain way. This is necessary so that the parameters in individual sections are close to the calculated ones. Thus, it is possible to achieve work efficiency. You can use to adjust different means, however, the most common and modern is the balancing valve, the principle of which is presented in the article.

The need to use

Heating systems suggest the need for balancing, which is a hydraulic adjustment. The purpose of these manipulations is to bring the individual branches of the circuit to the required value, only in this way will each radiator receive right amount heat. If it's about simple systems, the required flow rate of the coolant is ensured with the help of correctly selected pipe diameters.

Use in complex systems

Complex systems in their work provide for adjustment with special washers, the passage size of which ensures the flow of water in the required volume. The listed methods are obsolete, today it is used modern way, which is expressed in the installation of balancing valves. These devices are manual valves, with the help of which the flow of the coolant is regulated. The mechanism has an addition that blocks the flow, fittings are used for this.

Principle of operation

After you have learned what the principle of operation of which will be described below is used for, you can proceed to install the device. First you need to understand the principle. To do this, you can imagine a dead end branch that has several radiators, the latter act as energy consumers. A certain volume of coolant, heated to the design temperature, is supplied to them through pipes. It is determined depending on how much thermal energy will be needed to heat the premises.

It is used when there are no radiators and the water flow for each of them is constant. The mentioned device must be located on the return pipeline, in the place where it can be cut into a common line. This allows you to carry out the necessary measurements by setting the valve to the desired number of revolutions. Definite constant flow water in the regulated branch will be guaranteed. However, users quite often face the fact that the flow rate changes, this can happen when thermostatic regulators are installed on the radiators. They are designed to control the intensity of heating the room and create an obstacle in the way of water, reducing the volume of its flow. In this case, in the return common pipeline, the flow rate of the coolant volume will change.

For reference

A manual balancing valve will guarantee a certain volume of coolant, which will achieve the desired effect when the number of batteries is small and does not reach 5 pieces. If you limit the regulation limits of thermostats, then the existing circuit can be easily adjusted. If the number of radiators is more than mentioned, then they will go haywire. The thermostat installed on the first battery will block the flow of coolant, which will cause an increase in flow on the second radiator. The valve will close on it, the flow will go to the third radiator, and so on. Ultimately, such work will lead to the fact that some batteries will overheat unnecessarily, while others will remain cold, and the branch will be unbalanced. An automatic balancing valve must be installed on a riser or branch with a sufficiently large number of heaters, only then the system will work clearly.

The principle of operation of the valve on the riser with a large number of radiators

If an automatic balancing valve is used under the conditions described above, then the principle of operation is somewhat different. In this case, the valve is adjusted to the maximum calculated water flow. During operation, when the thermostat of any battery will reduce the consumption hot water, the pressure in the area will increase. The automatic regulator will receive a pulse through the capillary tube, this will allow the device to respond quickly by adjusting the water flow, then the other thermostats will not have time to work, the flow will not be blocked, and the system will remain hydraulically balanced.


The balancing valve, the principle of operation of which was described above, is offered for sale in a wide range. Before you make a purchase, you must understand the classification. Thus, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the design parameters of the system at the installation point. The master must pay attention to the maximum pressure of the working medium and the nominal parameter, and also take into account the pressure difference in the return and supply circuits.

The valve may belong to one or another class depending on the area of ​​use. Thus, the devices are used at the objects of individual construction, housing and communal services, in conditions industrial facilities and on sections of main pipelines. The balancing valve, the principle of which you should know before purchasing the device, can be selected according to the type of piping system that is designed for air conditioning, hot or cold water supply, cooling or heating. Among other things, the described devices differ in the type of coolant, such as steam, water or glycol solution. By type of installation, valves are divided into fixed and adjustable.

Main types of valves

If you are interested in the MSV balancing valve, then it is offered for sale in a wide variety, among other models you can see devices with manual adjustment, with which it is easy to adjust individual sections of the system and the entire pipeline, determining the pressure and flow of the medium at control points. With the help of manual balancing valves, it is possible to turn off individual sections, freeing them from the working coolant. The main advantage is low cost, but you should pay attention to some disadvantages. Among the main ones is the ability to set the balance only for the average design parameters of direct current. With fluctuations in flow, which occurs in plumbing systems, balancing can be disturbed.

An automatic balancing valve, the price of which is 6,000 rubles, can also be automatic; it is installed on the return and inlet circuits. Another type of valve provides the ability to adjust the temperature of the working medium.

Installation Features

If you decide to purchase a Danfoss balancing valve, you should first familiarize yourself with the installation features. In order to guarantee measurement accuracy, there must be sections of pipe free of bends before and after the device. The length of the section will depend on the diameter. Before the valve, the length of the straight pipe should be equal to 5 pipe diameters, after the valve, the length should be two diameters or more. If these recommendations are not taken into account when a Danfoss balancing valve is installed, then the measurement error can reach 20%.

How often does the housing office receive questions regarding heating of residential premises? Constantly! Some residents in the house are constantly cold, others have heat, and others have annoying sounds from the pipes. But, unfortunately, utilities cannot please all residents at the same time. But there is a solution to this problem, and this is a balancing valve for the heating system.

Causes of uneven heat distribution in rooms

Modern high-rise buildings and private houses are heated by a heating system consisting of radiators and pipelines. Both elements form one structure, along which the flow of hot water is evenly distributed to heat the living space.

However, despite the fact that the water pipes are made of durable metal, and professionals are involved in the design of the heating system, problems often arise with uneven supply of hot water through the pipes. Additional reasons can also be low pressure, high water flow rate or a large amount of cold air inside the pipes.

Figure 1: Device for measuring pressure in pipes

What is a balancing valve for?

There are several ways to solve the problem of uneven distribution of heat in rooms. Because of their internal malfunction. In other cases such as self-adjustment hot water flow or decrease/increase in pressure inside the pipes, it is necessary to use a balancing valve for a two-pipe heating system.

It is made in the form of a small armature with a valve at the top. The balancer is built into the heating system and regulates the supply flow warm water through the pipes. At the same time, he also ensures that the pressure in the water supply remains within normal limits. Then the liquid inside the structure does not stagnate, gradually moves through the pipes and evenly distributes heat.

Figure 2: structure of the balancing valve

In addition, the installation of a balancing valve provides such advantages as:

  1. Saving money on heating bills.
  2. Creating the most comfortable air temperature in the room.
  3. Simplifies the start of the heating system.

Another not unimportant advantage of this device is the fact that it can extend the life of the batteries. Sooner or later, but any heating system has to be balanced, due to constant pressure surges and harsh operating conditions in the cold season. So old system heating may fail. V best case, it will stop heating one of the parts of the building, at worst, the pipes will not withstand the pressure, and their contents may begin to leak.

Figure 3: Benefits of installing a balancing valve (1 - cost savings, 2 - creating a comfortable room temperature, 3 - makes starting the heating system easier, 4 - extends battery life)

Types of balancing valves

You can install a balancing valve on any heating system. But besides the usual two-pipe room, there are other pipelines. For them, the designers invented other versions of the device, which can be classified according to different principles of operation.

  • According to their function, valves are divided into manual and automatic. Such a device can be placed on one of the segments of the battery, where you can easily reach. If a person plans to use the balancing valve constantly, then it is better to use manual version device. It has the form of a nozzle on a pipe with a valve, with which you can control the flow of hot water. If the room is hot enough, then just turn the valve, and the valve will create an obstacle inside the pipe. So the battery has less source heating and gradually cools down.

There are also options for manual balancers, which are designed to immediately adjust several radiators at the same time. This option The device helps a person to set the same air temperature in all rooms of his living space.

The automatic type of balancing valves performs this process independently without human intervention. Usually they are installed in pairs on one pipeline, then the minimum and maximum amount of heat that the batteries must generate is selected (the calculation is made by professionals). And the balancing valve regulates the heat supply in accordance with the schedule entered into the device.

Figure 4: manual balancing valves for different types batteries
  • By engineering system valves are divided into combined and specific. It is clear from the name that balancing of a particular type is intended for a narrow purpose. One type of valve provides only heating in the room, others deal with water supply, and still others provide air conditioning. Combined ones combine all three purposes, while having more complex structure and higher cost.
  • According to the method of the locking mechanism, valves and balls are isolated inside the pipe. Inside the device there is a part with the help of which the flow of water is regulated. Most often, buyers prefer mechanisms with valves. In their opinion, they are more accurate in the tuning process. But ball valves, on the contrary, are less accurate. But if not ordinary hot water flows through the pipes, but a viscous substance with good heat transfer, then the second type of valves will be more successful in use.

Figure 5: Balancer Mechanism with Shutoff Valve (Sectional)
  • according to the adjustment parameter. Balancing valves are divided into four types: consumable - calculates the flow of fluid in pipes, temperature - monitors set temperature, to balance pressure and combined - combine all other types of adjustments.

However, it is worth remembering that the setting of the hot water flow in the heat pipe is not the only variable in this process. As the heat supply decreases, the pressure inside the pipes begins to rise. Therefore, it is not enough for an ordinary person to simply select the settings of his balancer. Before you start using it, the device must be connected to the heating system, and then set to it start settings minimum and maximum fluid flow. Only a professional can do this. After the installation process, a regular user can make their own adjustments to the operation of the device within the settings of the wizard.

Figure 6: balancer adjustment parameters (1 - consumables control the amount of water used with a meter, 2 - adjust the water flow, 3 - adjust the air temperature, 4 - regulate the pressure in the pipes, in the image there is a device for checking)

Balancing valve installation

The only classification that was not indicated in the previous paragraph concerns the installation of an apartment balancing valve in the heating system. They are divided into several types in accordance with the method of fastening the reinforcement:

  1. Threaded;
  2. Flanged;
  3. Welding.

Figure 7: The image shows a manual valve with threaded fittings for installation

The strength of the balancing valve does not depend on how it is attached to the main structure of the heating system. It already depends on the factory that was involved in the assembly and development of the device.

However, in order to general design hold firmly and securely, and has served its owner for more than one year, there are several tips.

Firstly, there is already a hint on the body of the balancing valve on how to install it correctly. At the junction of the fitting with the pipe there is an arrow, which during installation must coincide in direction with the fluid flow. Thus, the closing valve or ball itself will create resistance during temperature adjustment.

If there is no such arrow, then the manufacturer has made sure that the valve is installed regardless of the direction of flow.

Secondly, before you start installing the valve, you need to take care of its safety in case of possible mechanical damage. To do this, in front of the valve, you need to make a layer of a filter and a sump.

Thirdly, the mechanical impact on the valve may be due to turbulence. To reduce its impact on the structure, the valve should be installed only on straight sections of the pipe. The distance between the bend of the pipeline and the valve is indicated in the instructions for the device. For each model, this parameter may be different.

Balancing valve setting

After the valve has been installed, the process of setting the balancing valve begins. Of course, the heating system itself already has its own characteristics in which direction the liquid should flow through the pipes, at what speed and under what pressure. However, it fails over time. And therefore the balancers regulate this process instead of it.

Before starting the individual settings of the balancer, it is necessary to find out the characteristics of the pipeline itself, and adjust the device values ​​for them. But even this is not done by any formula from school curriculum and a calculator.

To do this, the installer of balancers must have a special table in which the main values ​​​​of all variables in the pipeline are selected and their compliance with the standards of the device itself. For finer adjustments, special tools such as a flow meter may be required.

Figure 8: the image shows a device for checking pressure in pipes and other parameters - a flow meter


The balancing valve is great alternative other heat sources, such as heaters, for several reasons. Firstly, they are introduced directly into the heating system. Secondly, they save money to pay utility bills. Thirdly, they extend the life of the pipeline in the room. Fourth, it does not take up much space. And not unimportant fifth plus, because of which it is worth buying this device is a simple control.

The device built into the balancing valve for the heating system is very easy to use when it comes to room appliances. To adjust the temperature in them, it is enough to turn the valve a little, and the device itself will make all the other settings for the person. The automatic type of device does not need human participation at all. It adjusts to the environment.

Therefore, the only thing that today depends on the buyer is to make his choice in favor of quality manufacturer, and not a cheap balancing valve, it is also necessary to find a suitable wizard to help with its installation.

The functioning of the heating system is often accompanied by an uneven distribution of the coolant along the circuit and connected devices. This can lead to pressure and temperature fluctuations that adversely affect heating efficiency and can damage equipment. The balancing valve, various models of which are sold by Forsterm, helps to prevent these consequences.

Manual balancing valve: principle of operation and purpose

This device is a type of pipeline fittings and is used for the calculated distribution of the coolant along the circuit and equalization of its pressure and temperature. Regardless of the design of the balancing valve, its principle of operation is based on changing the throughput of the pipeline by increasing or decreasing the flow area. This is achieved by gradually moving the spool relative to the inlet of the device, in connection with which the device provides the possibility of smooth adjustment.

Video, balancing system diagrams

Through the use of a flow meter, flow balancing operations are simplified as the flow rate can be read and adjusted at any time without resorting to differential pressure gauges and reference graphs.

Video: circuit balancing devices

Regulator differential pressure maintains constant, at a set value, the pressure difference existing between two points of the hydraulic circuit.

Video: balancing valve - principle of operation and diagram (flow stabilizer)

AUTOFLOW devices are able to automatically balance the hydraulic circuit, providing each terminal with the calculated flow. Even if the circuit is partially shut off due to actuation of the control valves, the flow rates in the open circuits remain constant for nominal values. The system always provides best comfort and provides the greatest energy savings.

Assortment of balancing valves for the heating system

In the catalog you can choose pipe fittings the following types:

  • manual balancing valve - such a device is regulated by a valve and is operated in systems with constant pressure indicators, for example home heating and water supply;
  • automatic balancing valve - such fittings are equipped with electric or electrothermal actuators and are suitable for installation in systems with dynamically changing pressure, requiring fast and accurate response.

The catalog also contains various accessories that optimize and expand the functionality of valves, in particular flow stabilizers and actuators.

The functionality of existing devices can significantly increase the efficiency of heating or water supply. Their use will extend the life of the equipment, reduce noise in the water supply and the likelihood of pressure surges. In our catalog you can find detailed technical description, which accompanies each balancing valve for the heating system, and Forsterm employees will instruct in detail on the selection, installation and operation of this valve.

Any heating system needs timely and high-quality adjustment; these manipulations can be carried out in a variety of ways.

Only if all the parameters in individual sections of the network are as close as possible to the calculated data, it will be possible to achieve high efficiency.

That is why a universal balancing valve for the heating system is used for high-quality adjustment.

An accurate superimposition of all data is required for maximum effective work

a brief description of

Every heating system needs professional hydraulic adjustment. The main task of such an adjustment is to regulate the fuel consumption to the original design indicator, so that for each installed battery required amount of heat. The system setting itself displays the final water consumption for a particular area, which was previously calculated.

It must be remembered that any water system requires initial setup.

Traditional schemes involve ensuring optimal flow rates with a special pipe diameter. If the heating system has more complex configurations, then the adjustment is carried out with universal washers.

Each of them has a certain diameter of the passage, due to which the required volume of water is supplied.

Of course, such tuning methods do not apply to innovative technologies, because in modern world It is customary to use an automatic balancing valve for the heating system. It is customary to add two fittings to this mechanism, which constantly test the pressure in different zones in relation to the main controlling device.

It is customary to use such parts also for mounting a specific capillary tube. Experts claim that modern fittings perfectly interact with various controls.

In this video you will learn how the balancing valve works:

Features and Benefits

Those who have already managed to work with control valves note that their characteristics are almost similar to other elements of the pipeline. For the manufacture of such parts, brass and bronze are used, but galvanized products can also be found. An interesting fact it is believed that more than 90% of the entire range on the world market is occupied by brass valves. This trend arose due to their reliability and durability.

Reliability and durability are the main factors when choosing a valve

Among the numerous positive characteristics balancing valves for heating systems, the following can be noted:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. Significantly simplified work that is associated with the planned configuration of the system.
  3. High degree of reliability.
  4. The master has an excellent opportunity to spend fine tuning temperature and pressure level.
  5. Long service life.

There are practically no negative characteristics of such products. In addition, in domestic applications, there is simply no alternative to balancing valves.

Types of valves and their design features

Today, there are two types of control valves, each of which has its own performance characteristics. Before buying a particular model, you need to carefully study their basic description. Most often, all specialists install such balancing valves:

  1. Universal unit with automatic system management. A feature of such products is that they completely control the heating system without human intervention. The functionality of the valve allows you to maintain a constant pressure difference between the return and supply to two-pipe system. Concerning single pipe heating, the device controls the continuous flow of the coolant. On sale there are multifunctional models that work great in tandem with each other. The use of such units leads to the fact that the flow rate and pressure difference in the pipeline changes. It is worth noting that the coordinated work of such valves is due to a special impulse tube. Inner part automatic device is more like a piston pressure reducer. But do not confuse them, because they perform completely different functions.
  2. Manual valve. This device occupies a leading position in demand due to its affordable price and durability.

Any quality item must include o-rings, e.g.

But among the main design features experts note several nuances. The thing is that a quality part must necessarily consist of the following elements:

  1. Universal adjusting spindle. The main working part is presented in the form of a cone screwed into a special saddle. At the moment the spindle is activated, the coolant flow is completely blocked.
  2. Cap, which can be made from various materials but mostly made of plastic. It is worth noting that metal products are considered the most high-quality and durable.
  3. Robust brass body, which is equipped with all the necessary threaded fittings so that the user can connect the pipes. In the internal compartment of the device there is a special saddle in the form of a small vertical channel.
  4. O-rings made of high quality rubber.

But main feature Such a valve is that it is equipped with two fittings at once.

These units perform the following functions:

  1. Control the level of pressure inside the system both before and after the valve.
  2. Provides secure fixation of the capillary tube.

Each fitting necessarily measures the pressure level, and if during operation sudden drops in values ​​were detected on the control mechanism, then the water flow is calculated.

Three-way valve for heating systems:

The principle of operation according to the standard scheme

Novice craftsmen are often interested in why a balancing valve is needed in the heating system. But before getting to know functionality this unit, it is necessary to study the principle of system configuration. It is enough for the master to imagine a dead-end branch with several standard batteries, which act as a kind of source of energy consumption. They receive a certain amount of heated coolant.

It should be noted that the design temperature is selected based on the fact that it is enough to heat a certain room.

The exact figure of expenses will be known only after the master will carry out all the necessary calculations.

Difficulties arise when special thermostatic valves are not installed on the radiators. The point is that any hydraulic settings will be carried out using a manual balancing valve. Fix this part on the return pipeline. When all necessary calculations produced, the valve is set to a certain number of revolutions. As practice shows, a constant flow rate is always observed in the regulated branch.

During installation, it will save on radiators

Despite this, many owners of private houses are wondering how to properly adjust the valve when the flow changes periodically. Initially, it should be noted that this situation occurs when conventional radiators are equipped with universal thermostatic controllers responsible for heating the room. Such details can create an additional obstacle in the way of water, which will affect the intensity of the flow. In this case, the flow rates will change significantly in the return pipeline.

Timely installation of balancing devices will allow you to achieve the effect when you do not need to install too many radiators (mostly 5 pieces are enough). If the master decides to limit the regulation limits of the thermostat, then he will be able to quickly set up the heating circuit.

Of course, there can be more than five radiators, but they will definitely go haywire. If the coolant flow of the thermostat of the first radiator is blocked, then the master will face an increase in flow on the second battery. The valve will definitely close, and the flow will go to the next node. It is this principle of operation that will be considered relevant for all heat consumers. If the master does not take urgent measures, then some radiators will overheat very much, while others, on the contrary, will not have enough coolant.

Balancing valve with internal thread STAD:

Professional installation

Installing and adjusting a balancing valve is not considered difficult, since any man can handle these tasks. The main difficulty can arise only with the fact that it will be difficult for the master to achieve a certain position of the unit. The arrow on the body must necessarily be in the direction of water movement. Only in this case it is possible to obtain the optimal design resistance and correct consumption. Some modern manufacturers allow installation of the valve both in the direction and against the main flow. Depending on the selected model, the stem may occupy a different position.

A quality valve should provide for the need reliable protection working bodies of fittings: it is unacceptable to ingress of various mechanical contaminants. It is for this that a special mud collector or filter is mounted in front of the device. To avoid turbulent water flow, it is necessary to provide for the presence of straight pipe sections of sufficient length both before and after the valve.

It is worth noting that this requirement is included in the accompanying documentation of reliable manufacturers.

Network balancing

Most often, those masters who professionally install heating systems, determine the flow rate of the coolant on the batteries is very in a simple way : take the total number of revolutions of the balancing valve and divide by the number of heaters used. These simple steps will help you optimal step adjustments. Gradually moving from the last radiator to the first, carefully close the taps with the resulting difference in speed.

In addition to the main adjustment method, there is an additional, possibly more accurate

Of course, this method is approximate, since it does not provide for the option that the batteries can be of different capacities. That is why it is better to use it for presetting, which allows the introduction of certain amendments during active operation.

A completely different method deserves special attention, which is based on measuring the actual surface temperature of the batteries. You can correctly set the balancing valve as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to gradually open absolutely all valves and put the system into operation with a supply temperature of + 80 ° C.
  2. Use a contact thermometer to measure the temperature of each heater.
  3. All the difference in data must be eliminated by turning the valves of the middle and first batteries. The latter are not allowed to be touched. The near radiator should be slightly opened by 1.5 turns of the valve, but the middle ones by 2.5.
  4. The system needs to be given some time to adapt to completely new operating conditions. After 30 minutes, it is necessary to take measurements again. The main task of the master is to achieve the minimum temperature difference between the batteries nearest and farthest from the boiler.

Separately, it is worth considering that weather conditions and the temperature outside the window do not affect the performance at all, only the difference in heating of the radiators is important.

Disassembly of ASV series automatic balancing valves:

Experienced installers of heating systems note that any adjustment work should be carried out on the basis of calculated data, which are especially important in the preparation of project documentation. To avoid mistakes, you need to use a special valve diagram and measurements taken in advance. The adjustment process only starts when the handle is turned and the spindle is moving. If the master does not have all required measurements, then the adjustment process itself will be considered conditional. In this case, efficiency and accuracy cannot even be discussed.

With regard to straight pipe sections that prevent water turbulence, their length should be at least 10 cm. automatic device, then in the main node there must be a fitting that plays important role in the charging circuit with the inlet valve closed.

Ordinary ball valves cannot control the flow of water in pipes or radiators. But for the correct distribution of the coolant among the batteries, such an adjustment is necessary. The manual balancing valve (otherwise - the valve) just serves to adjust the water heating system. In the publication, we will tell you where the balance valve is placed and how to use it correctly when balancing the heating network of a private house.

Why are balancing valves needed?

Let's make a reservation right away that not every system requires balancing as such. For example, 2-3 short dead-end branches with 2 batteries on each are able to immediately turn on in the normal operating mode, provided that the pipe diameters are correctly selected and the distances between the devices are small. Now let's look at 2 situations:

  1. 2-4 heating branches of unequal length with the number of radiators from 4 to 10 are connected to the boiler.
  2. The same layout, but with batteries equipped with thermostatic valves (described in).
An example of a dead-end scheme with arms of unequal length and load. The last radiator of the short branch also needs a balance valve.

Since the bulk of the water always flows along the path of least hydraulic resistance, in situation No. 1 large quantity heat will be received by the first heating devices located close to the boiler. If the flow of coolant to these radiators is not limited, then the last batteries in the chain will heat up much weaker, the temperature difference between them can be 10 ° C or more.

In order to direct the required amount of coolant to distant batteries, radiator balancing valves, shown in the photo, are installed on the connections to nearby devices. They limit the flow of water, partially blocking the flow area of ​​the pipes and increasing the hydraulic resistance of the site.

In the same way, the coolant supply is regulated in systems with five or more dead-end branches. On the tie-ins close to the heat generator, manual balancing valves are installed for pipelines. Partially blocking the passage of water, they direct the main flow further along the highway.

Situation #2 is more complicated. The installation of radiator thermostats with heads allows you to change the coolant flow in automatic mode as needed. But imagine that a window opened in the room closest to the boiler, the air temperature dropped, and the thermostat opened completely. Then it will also become colder in the last room, because it will not have enough heat taken away by the first battery.

The task of the valves is to limit the coolant flow to the risers (or horizontal branches)

On long branches with a large number of heaters equipped with thermal heads, balancing valves are combined with automatic differential pressure regulators, as is done above in the diagram.

Regulators connected by capillary tubes to balance valves respond to a decrease / increase in water flow and maintain the return pressure at the same level. Then all consumers have enough coolant, despite the operation of thermal valves. The benefits of such control valves are described in detail in the video:

Where should the valve be placed?

Most private homes use only manual radiator valves. They are quite enough to set up the normal operation of water heating in cottages up to 500 m². Installation of balance cranes of the main type is carried out in such cases:

When we figured out the purpose of the balancing valves, we will indicate the specific places for their installation. Radiator valves must be installed at the outlet of the batteries, and main valves - on the return pipe with a cooled coolant. If the element is used in tandem with an automatic pressure regulator, then it can be installed both on the supply and return pipelines, depending on the designed scheme.

An example of a scheme with group balancing of risers

Reference. In aluminum and steel radiators with a bottom connection, the balancing cock is built into a special fitting designed to connect the connections to such devices.

Let's highlight the moments when it is not necessary to install control valves:

  • in dead-end systems of small length with hydraulically equal "shoulders";
  • if all batteries are equipped with thermostatic valves with presetting;
  • on the last (dead-end) radiator;
  • in collector type heating systems.

Special fittings for bottom connection equipped with built-in balancing valves

Temperature controllers with presetting, standing on the water supply to the battery, simultaneously play the role of a balance valve, so it is enough to install a shut-off ball valve at the outlet of the heater. The same fittings are mounted on the connections of the last radiator in the chain, since it is pointless to regulate it, it must be completely open.

Design and principle of operation

The radiator valve, designed for manual balancing of heating, consists of the following parts:

  1. Brass body with threaded pipes for connecting pipes. Inside, a saddle is made by casting - a vertical round channel, slightly expanding upwards.
  2. Locking and regulating spindle with a working part in the form of a cone, which enters the saddle when twisting and restricts the flow of water.
  3. O-rings made of EPDM rubber.
  4. Protective plastic or metal cap.

The figure shows a Caleffi valve (website - https://www.caleffi.com)

Note. Everything well-known manufacturers– Danfoss, Herz, Caleffi and others offer 2 types of valves – straight and angle. The principle of operation is the same, only the form changes.

The balancing valve device is shown in more detail in the diagram above. It can be seen from it that the rotation of the spindle leads to an increase or decrease in the flow area, and this is how the adjustment is performed. Number of revolutions from closed to maximum open position– from 3 to 5 depending on the crane manufacturer. To turn the stem, you need to use a regular or special key in the form of a hex.

Main valves differ from radiator valves in size, inclined position of the spindle and fittings designed for:

  • coolant drain;
  • connection of measuring devices;
  • connecting the capillary tube from the pressure regulator.

Main valve device for balancing heating branches

For reference. The drain pipe is also equipped with radiator valve models, for example, from the Oventrop brand.

The range of balance cranes is constantly expanding due to the emergence of new high-tech products. An example is an Italian-made Caleffi vertical valve equipped with a flow meter.

Caleffi valve with flow meter can be mounted in 2 positions - horizontal and vertical

How to balance the radiator network

Usually, installers of heating systems set the flow rate of the coolant on the batteries in a simple way: they divide the number of revolutions of the balancing valve by the number of heaters and in this way calculate the adjustment step. Moving from the last radiator to the first, they close the taps with the resulting difference in speed.

Example. We have on one "shoulder" of the dead-end system 5 radiators with Oventrop manual valves for 4.5 turns of the spindle. We divide 4.5 by 5, we get an adjustment step of about 0.9 turns. So penultimate heater we open 3.6 turns, the third - 2.7, the second - 1.8, the first - 0.9 turns.

The method is quite approximate and does not take into account the different power of the batteries, and therefore can be used as a preliminary setting with adjustments during operation.

A contact thermometer that measures the surface temperature of pipes and batteries will help to more accurately balance the heating.

Our experienced one offers another method based on measuring the actual surface temperature of the heaters. Step by step instructions for balancing looks like this:

  1. Open all balancing valves to the maximum and bring the system into operation with a flow temperature of 80 °C.
  2. Use a contact thermometer to measure the temperature of all heating appliances.
  3. Eliminate the resulting difference by turning the taps of the first and middle radiators, do not touch the final ones. Open the nearest battery by 1-1.5 turns of the valve, the middle ones - by 2-2.5.
  4. Allow the system to adapt to the new settings for 20 minutes and repeat the measurements. Your task is to achieve a minimum temperature difference between the battery farthest and closest to the boiler.

Note. Weather and temperature on the street does not play a role, only the difference in heating of radiators is important. By the way, in the normal operating mode at 50-70 ° C at the supply, the temperature delta will become even less. How the system is hydraulically balanced using balancing valves, watch the video from the expert:

Final Conclusion

If you yourself are engaged in the installation of heating, then you will surely encounter balancing. When all radiators except the last one have balancing valves, the procedure will not cause much trouble. It is better to take valves, key adjustable or a screwdriver, not a plastic handle, so that children cannot reach them. It is possible that in winter the position of the spindles will have to be adjusted, because the rooms are different. The only caveat: do not make sudden movements and open the taps in cold rooms slowly, ¼ of a turn.