Insulation for walls penoplex: we choose penoplex for the walls of the house, price, step-by-step installation instructions. Penoplex: technical characteristics Insulation penoplex types

If earlier the assortment of heat-insulating materials was not rich enough, today buyers are faced with wide choose heaters with different properties and performance characteristics. This means that a homeowner with any budget can find the right option. Today, penoplex is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular materials, which is in great demand and occupies a leading position in the market for thermal insulation coatings. Today we will figure out in detail what it is, find out where it is used and how this popular insulation is mounted.

What it is?

Surely everyone has heard about this at least once in their life. building material like penoplex. However, not every consumer knows what is hidden under this name.

Penoplex is a well-known trade name for high-quality extruded polystyrene. Today this material is the leader in the insulation market. They are often covered with walls, ceiling structures, roofing bases and even floors.

Features and production

Penoplex is a high quality expanded polystyrene. This type of material is obtained by extrusion.

A similar manufacturing process was developed over half a century ago in American laboratories. Thus, a completely new material appeared, the structure of which consisted of closed microscopic cells. From the very beginning, their dimensions did not exceed 0.2 mm. In a single structure, these components created a neat and uniform surface without potholes and drops.

The granules of this polymer contain a special additive that has a foaming effect. This component combines with the granules under pressure or under heating conditions to a certain temperature. The result is a mass that is then passed through the extruder.

The foaming components (as a rule, they are represented by carbon dioxide or a mixture of light freons) are non-toxic and absolutely safe from an environmental point of view. In addition, these components are not flammable.

When the manufacturing process is complete, all ancillary components are replaced with ambient air.

The result is high-tech heat insulating material, which has excellent performance characteristics. With its use, it becomes much warmer and more comfortable in the home - a comfortable microclimate is created that you do not want to leave.

The main distinctive features penoplex are:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • good strength characteristics;
  • the minimum level of moisture absorption.

As a rule, this insulation is packed in a film that protects it from aggressive sun rays... Thanks to such packaging, such material can be stored without problems while on outdoors... However, it should be borne in mind that even in the presence of plastic packaging, it is necessary to additionally protect the product from ultraviolet radiation.

Under the influence of UV rays, this insulation can lose the integrity of the top layer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Penoplex is a popular material that is in great demand. Its popularity is due to the many positive qualities:

  • Penoplex is a hydrophobic material.
  • It is lightweight, so it is quite easy to work with it. Moreover, you will not spend a lot of money transporting this material.
  • Penoplex is distinguished by excellent strength characteristics. It is not so easy to damage this material - it is not susceptible to mechanical defects.
  • The composition of this heat-insulating coating is anti-corrosion, so it can be safely laid on bases consisting of the most different materials.
  • You can start installing the penoplex in almost any conditions. You do not have to wait for the right moment to proceed with installing the plates.

  • This insulation does not attract the attention of insects and rodents, which are usually quite difficult to get rid of.
  • Penoplex is an environmentally friendly and safe material - it does not have negative impact on human health.
  • Penoplex is easy to install. With a minimal set of knowledge, you can install this insulation yourself.
  • Many buyers prefer this insulation, as it has an affordable price.
  • Penoplex is characterized by minimal water absorption.
  • Penoplex does not cause allergic reactions.

  • This material is sufficiently compressive strength.
  • Such insulation is universal - modern manufacturers produce high-quality coatings designed not only for walls, but also for floors and roofing "pie".
  • Penoplex is not subject to decay, which once again confirms its durability and resistance to wear.
  • This material is different long term service.
  • Such extruded polystyrene can be used both in the construction of new and in the restoration of old buildings.

Penoplex is not an ideal heat-insulating material. He has his own weak sides, which you should also be aware of if you decide to purchase such products for your home. Among them:

  • This material is flammable. It burns and actively supports combustion.
  • Penoplex does not withstand contact with solvents. Under their influence, polystyrene is destroyed and deformed.
  • Not all manufacturers offer penoplex at affordable prices. There are expensive products in many stores.

  • Another disadvantage of foam is its low vapor permeability (in certain situations). For example, if this material is incorrectly installed or exposed to unfavorable conditions, then condensation can accumulate in it (from the outside). That is why this material becomes susceptible to the formation of mold and mildew. To avoid such problems, the premises must be provided with good ventilation otherwise normal air exchange will be hopelessly disrupted.
  • This material for high-quality thermal insulation cannot boast of good adhesion. It has an absolutely smooth surface, so it is often not very convenient to glue it to walls and ceilings.

  • It is recommended to protect this thermal insulation material from direct sunlight. Under their influence, the penoplex can undergo deformation or damage to the top layer.
  • To make extruded polystyrene more resistant to fire, special substances are added to it during the production process - fire retardants. Materials with such additives become self-extinguishing, but when burning or smoldering, this insulation will emit black clouds of smoke with toxic compounds.

Of course, Penoplex has much more positive qualities than negative ones.

Many problems associated with this material can be avoided if it is installed correctly.


The main characteristics of penoplex include:

  • low level of vapor permeability, the coefficient of which is 0.03 W / mºK;
  • high strength characteristics (both for compression and bending);
  • low level of moisture absorption - no more than 0.2-0.4% by volume per day;
  • low degree of vapor permeability - the coefficient of this parameter is from 0.007 to 0.008 mg / mh · Pa);
  • service life exceeds 50 years;
  • combustion resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • big temperature Range application, which ranges from -50 to +75 degrees.

Due to its technical characteristics, penoplex has become a popular and demanded material. It is difficult to damage or break it. Unfortunately, however, it is flammable.

Different types of penoplex belong to different flammability classes:

  • materials for roof insulation - class G3;
  • for wall insulation - G3;
  • for foundations - G4;
  • universal heaters - G4;
  • road materials - G4.

In addition, all of the listed thermal insulation materials have various indicators compression density, for example:

  • for the roof - 0.25 MPa;
  • for walls - 0.2 MPa;
  • for the foundation - 0.25 MPa;
  • universal - 0.2 MPa;
  • road - 0.50 MPa.

Extruded polystyrene foam boasts good resistance to various chemical substances and materials. These include:

  • antiseptics designed to protect natural wood;
  • bitumen-based mixtures;
  • cement;
  • lime.

Penoplex can be destroyed by foreign materials, which contain a component such as a solvent. Such agents soften polystyrene, which then leads to significant shrinkage.

When working with penoplex, such mixtures should be avoided:

  • thinners for paints and varnishes;
  • coal tar (and any derivatives thereof);
  • solvents such as acetone and ethyl acetate.

Brands and sizes

Currently, on the market of building and finishing materials, the most popular and high quality products with the following markings are common:

  • 45 C;

Let's analyze each marking in detail:

  • Penoplex 31. This is a type of material that does not have the highest strength characteristics. Such coatings are not recommended for use in areas where there is a heavy load. As a rule, such penoplex is used to insulate containers and pipelines.
  • 31 C... Materials that have such markings also cannot boast of sufficient strength. They are most often used to insulate walls inside a home. Such a penoplex differs from raw materials of the 3rd class more high level flammability.
  • 35. Thermal insulating material with this marking has good strength characteristics. In addition, it has excellent insulating qualities. With the use of such coatings, foundations, floors and pipes passing underground are insulated.

  • 45. There is also a penoplex with marking 45. This type of material is used for insulating runways, arranging road surfaces. Moreover, such heaters are ideal for finishing floors in industrial areas and other similar premises.
  • 45 C. The material with this marking has almost the same parameters as Penoplex 45. It is quite reliable and durable. However, such insulation is often used for wall decoration in industrial areas.
  • 75. Such marking belongs to special materials, which have a density of 40-53 kg / m3. Such raw materials are most often used in the construction of runways located at airfields.

Penoplex, belonging to the "standard" class with a density of 25-31 kg / m3, has the following technical characteristics:

  • width - 600;
  • length - 1200;

Comfort-type material (28-33 kg / m3) has the following dimensional parameters:

  • width - 600;
  • length - 1200;
  • thickness - 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100.

Foundation material with a density of 29-33 kg / m3 has similar dimensions. As for the insulation "45" (35-47 kg / m3), its data are as follows:

  • width - 600;
  • length - 2400;
  • thickness - 40, 50, 60, 80, 100.

These parameters are indicative only. First of all, the dimensions of extruded polystyrene depend on the manufacturer who released them on the market.

Now you can find non-standard canvases in stores.

Types and properties

Penoplex is a popular and demanded material. It is presented in many modifications, each of which has its own marking and designation. Currently, there are several varieties of this thermal insulation coating.


The density of such extruded polystyrene can be from 25 to 32 kg / m3. This heat-insulating material is perfect for installation on external and internal ceilings. In addition, penoplex "wall" can be used in the design of partitions and basement bases. Thanks to this material, the sound insulation characteristics of the room are increased.


Such material as "foundation" penoplex is no less popular today. Its density varies from 29 to 33 kg / m3. You can safely turn to this coating if you want to insulate the foundation and the upper part. basements... This material is distinguished by its high density and water resistance. In addition, this insulation is often used for thermal insulation of septic tanks with a significant deepening.


Another widespread and demanded material is roofing penoplex. Similar products are produced directly for insulating rafter or flat roof types. Also, material from the "roofing" category can be used to insulate attic structures. The density of this grade, as a rule, ranges from 28 to 33 kg / m3. This material is lightweight and does not put a lot of stress on the roof sheathing.


"Comfort" products are in great demand today. Such materials have a density of 25-35 kg / m3. They are used to insulate walls in apartments. For example, it can be the territory of a balcony or loggia. It is permissible to use such a coating in baths and saunas.


Penoplex "geo" is an alternative to materials belonging to the class "foundation". Such coatings are more often used in industrial and civil construction works Oh. It is worth noting that the slabs of this insulation are often used for cladding floors, foundations and other similar

"The foundation"

Penoplex from this category has an optimal density that allows it to be used in a variety of construction works. Such insulation is laid on the floor, walls and roofing bases. Penoplex "base" is popular due to its durability and versatility of use - it is often referred to both in civil and industrial construction.

"Pitched roof"

Penoplex "pitched roof" was specially developed for roof insulation. Such a coating is ideal for laying on the foundations of low-rise buildings. As a rule, this thermal insulation material has a thickness of 10 and 15 cm.


The name of this type of penoplex speaks for itself. It is used to insulate plinths, facades, outer parts of ceilings and partitions. On such a material there is a special milled surface, on which the plaster is much easier and more reliable. The thickness of the "facade" foam is 20-100 mm.

Scope of application

Penoplex is recognized as one of the most popular and high-tech materials, therefore it is used in many cases:

  • A similar thermal insulation material is used to insulate walls, roof bases and floors.
  • Many buyers choose penoplex for basement insulation.
  • There are also materials that are used in road construction and the construction of runways.
  • Some types of insulation are installed in balconies, loggias, baths and saunas.

The main thing is to choose the material of the appropriate class and type.

What can be replaced?

There are times when penoplex is not available in stores for some reason. A little less often, consumers themselves refuse to purchase this material due to its high cost or flammability. Many people are wondering what can be used to replace this insulation in such situations.

A good alternative to penoplex is a domestic material called Technoplex. This insulation is in great demand today and is a strong competitor to the branded products of the Penoplex brand. It is good because it fits seamlessly on bases made of a variety of materials. In addition, it can be safely laid on the floor, since it is permissible to combine it with the "warm floor" system.

Currently, Technoplex is manufactured using a special nanotechnology. In this case, graphite is used, which significantly reduces the level of thermal conductivity of the insulation, but at the same time increases the rigidity and wear resistance of the plates.

This material has a silvery-gray color, which distinguishes it from penoplex. However, Technoplex has the same positive qualities as extruded polystyrene. That is why these materials are interchangeable.

Technoplex is manufactured in a tiled format. Such thermal insulation materials can have the following thicknesses:

  • 100 mm;
  • 50 mm;
  • 40 mm;
  • 30 mm;
  • 20 mm.

At the same time, plates of such insulation are produced with grooves and spikes, with the help of which they can be easily and quickly assembled, forming a neat seamless coating. Due to the absence of gaps on such an insulating layer, “cold bridges” do not appear on the bases.

After the installation is complete, a material such as Technoplex must be covered with decorative finishing materials.

This requirement is explained by the fact that aggressive ultra-violet rays can negatively affect the quality and integrity of the insulation, so it must be "hidden" behind other coatings.

One more popular counterpart penoplex - "Polispen". This insulation is also produced in Russia. It is currently available in three variations. having various technical characteristics, which include the thermal conductivity coefficient, strength, as well as the level of flammability and compression:

  • "Polispen 45";
  • "Polispen 35";
  • "Polispen universal".

As part of such an analogue of penoplex, there is a fire retardant. Thanks to this component, "Polispen" is less flammable. Similar materials are produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 200 mm. Thanks to this choice, it will be possible to choose a heater for a specific site.

Also, penoplex can be replaced with the following thermal insulation materials:

  • "Styrex". Such material is strong and durable enough. The level of its thermal conductivity is slightly less than that of penoplex.
  • Extrol. This is another polystyrene foam insulation that goes through extrusion during the manufacturing process. It has a lot in common with penoplex, but at the same time it is produced in the form of cylindrical elements that are convenient for insulating plumbing systems.
  • Styrofoam. Polyfoam (without extrusion) is often used instead of foam. It is much cheaper than extruded polystyrene, but at the same time it is less strong and durable.

If the insulation will be constantly exposed to high temperatures, then it is better to give preference to mineral wool. This type of thermal insulation material is one of the most popular and demanded today.

By her own mineral wool Is a fiber insulation of inorganic origin. This insulation has many positive qualities, for example:

  • fairly high thermal insulation performance;
  • waterproofness;
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals;
  • good air exchange;
  • excellent sound insulation characteristics;
  • fire resistance;
  • long service life (25-50 years);
  • environmental friendliness.

Installation technology

You can do the styling of the foam on one or another base with your own hands. You don't need to have rich experience and cunning knowledge for this. The main thing is to adhere to a simple technology and use high quality materials.

It was previously mentioned that the installation of extruded polystyrene foam can be carried out both inside and outside the dwelling.

Let's consider step by step how to install this material in all of the above cases.

Inside the building

Penoplex can be installed in the interior of the house. All work is done as follows:

  • First you need to carefully prepare the base for laying the insulation. In this case, you need to remove the old materials from the walls (any wallpaper, paintwork, etc.), while not missing a single section.
  • Further, the bases must be protected from fungus and mold. If those have already appeared, then you should get rid of them. For this, it is recommended to use special antiseptic compositions. After that, it is worth sanitizing. To do this, you can use almost any agent that has an antibacterial effect.
  • Pay attention to the evenness of the bases. So, the walls should not have significant drops and potholes. You need to get rid of any defects - level the bases, and then prime them with a high-quality composition.

  • Then you can proceed to the assembly of the basement profile. Such structures are most often used to facilitate the installation of insulation. In addition, the profile parts will protect the thermal insulation coating from adverse external factors.
  • The plinth profile should be attached to the base with dowel-nails. To make the heaters more tightly adhered to the ceilings, they can be supplemented with spacers.
  • Be sure to make sure that the width of the profile matches the thickness of the foam.
  • With the use of docking plates, the final components of the structure must be docked with each other. Do not forget to leave a small gap between them (about 2 cm).
  • Now you can fix the expanded polystyrene plates. Apply a layer of glue to the penoplex (along the perimeter of the board and in its center).

  • Many masters recommend not to save at this stage and thoroughly smear the entire polystyrene foam board... After that, the insulation must be pressed against the profile. If protruding glue particles appear on the materials, they must be removed immediately.
  • If there are small gaps between the materials, then you can get rid of them by filling them with inserts made of polystyrene foam pieces. In this situation, polyurethane foam is not used by everyone, since such sealing can provoke the appearance of cracks.
  • After that, it remains to make the final fixing of the thermal material on the base. When the glue is completely dry (as a rule, it takes about 3 days), the work can be continued. Dowels-fungi need to fix the insulation. The hardware must be placed in the middle of the plates, as well as along their perimeter. However, here it is necessary to count that as a result all the sheets of the penoplex are connected.

It should be borne in mind that insulating a home from the inside is not always appropriate and expedient.

The main disadvantage of such work is the decrease in living and free space due to the thickness of the materials, as well as the profile structure.


According to experts, the external insulation of the house is more practical and convenient. At the same time, free space is not concealed, and dirt and dust that remains during work does not accumulate inside the premises.

For external insulation, penoplex is most often used, which has a thickness of 80-100 mm. The process of installing heat-insulating material in this case is in many ways similar to internal insulation.

First, the facade of the house needs to be leveled. If there are cracks or potholes on it, then it is imperative to get rid of them - to close up, and then prime.

Penoplex is glued to the facade base in the same way as with the internal insulation of the dwelling. The fastening on the dowels takes place in a similar way.

If you want to plaster the facade in the future, then as preparatory work you need to glue the reinforced mesh. If you want to decorate the house with siding or PVC panels, then you need to take care of the vertical guides in advance in order to secure them securely. In this case, an additional layer of vapor barrier material is not required.

On the roof

Penoplex is ideal for roof reinforcement. This insulation is used not only by beginners, but also by experienced craftsmen.

  • Insulation boards can only be laid after they have been prepared. frame structures roofs(crate). On the lower section of the rafters near the insulated zone, you need to nail a bar. Its thickness should be the same as the thickness of the insulation. This item will play the role of a starting rail. This element must be set at an equal distance from the edge (along all rafter supports).
  • Starting from the starter strip, you need to lay the boards of extruded polystyrene. This should be done in a checkerboard pattern. The thickness of the layer to be laid primarily depends on geographic location location of the facility under construction. However, experts always recommend laying the insulation not in 1, but in 2-3 layers. At the same time, it is very important to qualitatively cover all the joints.

  • In this case, the insulation can be fixed using self-tapping screws with mushroom caps, so that the design is more reliable. The seams should be additionally glued. After that, bars are stuffed over the insulation. They should be located from top to bottom. Thus, you will get a high-quality ventilated gap. It is needed for free air circulation.
  • After that, you should install the crate, intended directly for the installation of roofing material. For this, a structure assembled from bars fixed in compliance with a certain step is quite suitable.
  • Solid coatings made from OSB can also be used. Such bases are ideal for installing soft types of roofing. On the ridge, the heat-insulating material should be fastened tightly.

The gap should be left only when installing the roof itself.

Of modern heat insulators, penoplex is considered the most effective. This insulation material is made of extruded polystyrene, which automatically makes it cheap, but superior in technical characteristics, such as moisture absorption and sound insulation, and other heat insulators.

Penoplex production and types of material

Penoplex production is organized by next technology: small polystyrene granules in a sealed chamber are exposed to high temperature(130 0 С-140 0 С), as a result of which they melt, and after adding porophores they foamed. Porophores are synthetic additives that, during heating, emit nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which, after the foam cools down, turn into frozen air bubbles evenly distributed throughout the material.

Components of porophores for the production of extruded polystyrene foam (foam):

Cured foam may contain some synthetic fillers, the presence of which determines the direction of use of insulation - for walls, foundations, etc. The most common additives are flame retardants to increase fire safety (reduce the degree of flammability), antioxidants to protect the material from oxidation in the open air, antistatic agents to relieve static and dynamic stress during the operation of the insulation, light stabilizers (protection from the negative effects of UV radiation), modifying additives and etc.

Polystyrene foam is pressed under pressure from the extruder chamber onto the conveyor for final formation into plates or blocks. The percentage of gases in the insulation reaches 98% of the total volume of the finished foam, so the products are lightweight with impressive dimensions. Dimensions for each functional line of insulation are shown in the tables below.

Small pore size (0.1-0.3 mm) and their complete isolation from each other guarantees high thermal insulation performance of any brands of foam. For different construction projects, it is necessary to select the appropriate series and brands of insulation, since structures can be operated in different conditions:

  1. Grade "K" is designed for insulation of pitched or flat roofs and roofs. Specific gravity(density) of the "K" series - 28-33 kg / m 3;
  2. Series "C" - insulation for internal and external walls with a substance density of 25-35 kg / m 3;
  3. Brand "F", basement and basement rooms. Material with high moisture resistance, biological resistance and specific gravity ≥37 kg / m 3;
  4. Penoplex of the Comfort brand is a universal series of insulation with a density of 25-35 kg / m 3. Direction of application - insulation of apartments, houses, basements, balconies and loggias;
  5. Brand "45" has the most high rates frost resistance and strength, specific gravity 35-47 kg / m 3. Designed for thermal insulation roadway, Runways, and other heavily loaded objects and structures.

A separate category is made of sandwich panels, which are an improved heat insulator for warming attics and attics, facades and foundations of buildings. The sandwich panel has 2-3 layers and a cement particle sheet as the bottom layer.

Operational and technical properties of penoplex, advantages and disadvantages

  1. Thermal conductivity - 0.03 Wm · 0 С, the indicator does not decrease even with strong moisture;
  2. Water resistance - 0.4-0.6% when immersed in water for 24 hours and for a month;
  3. The vapor permeability of the material can be compared with the same indicators of roofing material with a layer thickness of 20 mm;
  4. Chemical passivity: Penoplex does not react to contact with mortars and most aggressive substances. Substances with which the penoplex contact is contraindicated: kerosene, acetone, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, formalin, methyl ethyl ketone, ether, diesel fuel, gasoline, tar, paints and epoxy resins;
  5. High mechanical resistance to stretching, compression, tensile forces and multi-vector pressure. The index of compressive strength for penoplex is 0.2-0.5 MPa;
  6. Biological neutrality - penoplex does not get moldy, does not decompose or rot;
  7. A wide range of operating temperatures - from -50 to +75 0 С. The temperature range for each brand is indicated on the package;
  8. Flammability groups for different brands- different, from G1 to G4, depending on the operating conditions;
  9. Environmentally friendly material without the use in the production of phenols and freons;
  10. Guaranteed duration of operation ≥55 years without noticeable losses in properties.

Penoplex advantages:

  1. The properties of thermal conductivity allow the use of penoplex even in the Far North - multiple freezing / thawing cycles of the material do not affect its characteristics;
  2. The low weight makes it easier to transport, store, store and insulate the object, it allows you to lighten the foundation and not reinforce the ceiling;
  3. Simple installation without the help of specialists and special tools - Penoplex can be easily cut with an ordinary hacksaw or cutter;
  4. Safety and environmental friendliness - you can work with the material without personal protective equipment;
  5. Low cost of all brands of insulation. Even with a high consumption of a heat insulator, the cost of purchasing and installing it pays off in 2-3 seasons.

Disadvantages of Penoplex:

  1. Low fire safety - a material of any flammability group, even with flame retardant additives, can catch fire with the release of caustic toxic smoke;
  2. Low vapor permeability coefficient, and under certain weather conditions - negative. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out internal insulation of the walls of the house with penoplex. To save optimal conditions operation of the insulation, it is necessary to provide forced-air ventilation in the house and ventilation of the ducts in the walls insulated with penoplex;
  3. Destruction of material on contact ultraviolet radiation- sun rays. It is necessary to protect the insulation layer with plaster or in other ways;
  4. Due to the smooth surface, the adhesion of the foam to the solutions is rather low, therefore, it is necessary to fix the insulation only on dowels or special expensive glue, but not on mortars.

Thermal insulation material "Wall" - properties and characteristics

The Wall brand is a renamed Penoplex 31 insulation with flame retardant additives, which has been improved for use in insulating wet facades, building foundations, basements and basements, partitions and walls of houses outside and inside, roofs and attic spaces... Characteristics of Penoplex brand "Wall" - in the table below:

Insulation brand "Foundation" - parameters and properties

The Foundation brand is a renamed Penoplex 35 insulation without flame retardant additives, which can now be used to create thermal insulation for the bases and plinths of buildings, blind areas and basements. Strength, water resistance and thermal conductivity of the series ”are its main advantages. The characteristics of the "Foundation" are shown in the table below:

Penoplex "Roof" - properties and characteristics

Insulation from penoplex series "Roof" is a renamed material "Penoplex 35", which is recommended for use in the insulation of pitched and flat roofs any design. The use of the "Roof" series makes the further operation of the roof as simple as possible, since the reliability and long term the operation of the insulation minimizes the possibility of repairing the roof surface. The popularity of this innovative insulation material caused by the fact that on such a surface it is possible to arrange greenhouses and summer gardens - such currents are now in vogue. Penoplex can withstand such high loads that it does not care for a soil load of up to several tons. The characteristics of the roofing penoplex insulation brand are shown in the table below:

"Comfort" is a universal brand of heat insulator

Heat insulator brand "Comfort" - properties and characteristics

Penoplex "Comfort" is a modified and improved "Penoplex 31C" with universal characteristics. The material is actively used for insulating summer cottages, country houses and cottages. The high speed of installation and minimal labor costs popularize the insulation among private homeowners - it is used to insulate the subfloor, foundation and basement of a house, basement and roof, walls and partitions from the inside and outside of the building. Penoplex "Comfort" has high rates of moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. In the line of the Penoplex series, the Comfort brand is recognized as universal.

Penoplex protects the soil from heaving during freezing - when the soil is warmed with this material, the freezing point of the soil will rise. This series is optimal for thermal insulation of road and railway tracks, runways and technical areas of airfields. Plates "Comfort" retain their unique characteristics during the entire period of euspluatatsiya. Characteristics of the Comfort Penoplex insulation brand are shown in the table below:

It is a misconception to think that penoplex and polystyrene are brothers. Some properties of penoplex can be equated to the parameters of polystyrene, but not flammability and water absorption.

Manufacturers have long mastered the manufacture of both non-combustible polystyrene and well-burning polystyrene foam. But the truth is that penoplex cannot ignite spontaneously, and in an open fire zone it will only melt, releasing carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) gases. If the fire is extinguished, then the penoplex will not even smolder.

For comfortable stay in the cold season, when building a house, you need to take care of its high-quality thermal insulation. Presented on the market great amount insulation materials differing in characteristics and cost. The most effective of them is penoplex. Technical characteristics, types and cost of this material from different manufacturers are described in this article.

  • Penoplex 35. The most popular type of this material at the present time due to the presence in the composition of a flame retardant - a substance that improves. Therefore, in the construction of buildings, in most cases (for floors, walls, roofs, and so on) it is he who is used. For example, 50 mm class 35 penoplex is an excellent solution for insulation, the use of 30 mm foam is more rational for walls, etc.
  • Penoplex 45. The most durable of the types. Due to its high density, such insulation is able to withstand high loads, therefore it is used even in road construction to prevent swelling during freezing. Indeed, in the warm season, some types of soil under the road actively absorb water, while in winter this can cause the road surface to crack. And if you use a heater, freezing will be minimized or not at all.
  • Thus, during construction, it is necessary to choose the right type of material to avoid subsidence of the building and save money (if the load is small, you can choose Penoplex 31 Standard).

    Penoplex 35 for its intended purpose is divided into four types:

    • Penoplex Comfort.
    • Penoplex Foundation.
    • Peroplex Roofing.
    • Penoplex Wall.

    Each of them contains a flame retardant, however, some technical characteristics of Penoplex 35 different types diverge, so we will consider them in more detail.

    Penoplex Comfort: technical characteristics

    Penoplex Comfort is the most universal insulation of all the species presented. It is suitable for foundations, and for walls, and for. It was during the production of this type that L-shaped joints of plates were first tested, which reliably seal the joints and therefore are now used in most cases.

    This material has the following technical characteristics:

    • Thermal conductivity of this material is of the order of 0.03 W / m * ℃. The best thermal conductivity among all insulating materials is achieved due to the fine-mesh structure (0.1-0.2 mm).
    • Vapor permeability- 0.013 Mg / (m * h * Pa). This indicator is practically zero, therefore, water absorption of this erudite expanded polystyrene is almost completely excluded.
    • Flammability class- G4 (highly flammable). Despite the high degree of fire hazard, spontaneous combustion of this material is impossible, and its smoldering can be extinguished quickly.
    • High strength. The material is capable of withstanding a load of 20 tons per 1 m 2.
    • Density of Penoplex. Comfort is in the range of 25-35 kg / m 3. It depends on the thickness and purpose of the product.
    • Record durability- 60-90 years old even in harsh conditions ( high humidity and low temperatures).
    • Wide range of sizes. The size of a standard slab is 1200x600, but the thickness can vary from 20 to 100 mm. Each type is suitable for certain purposes, for example, the technical characteristics of Penoplex Comfort 50 mm allow it to be used for warming the foundation.
    • Wide operating temperature range-50 ÷ + 75 ℃.

    Important! Due to the high flammability of this material, it is not recommended to use it in industrial premises where open fire is possible.

    Penoplex Foundation: technical characteristics, features

    The main area of ​​application of Penoplex Foundation 50 mm - insulation and any buildings and structures. Due to its high resistance to moisture, heavy loads, as well as the ability long years do not change its original characteristics, this material reliably protects the building from groundwater and does not sink during long-term use.

    Installation of the foundation is a long and laborious process, the use of Penoplex Foundation allows it to be simplified and accelerated, since such slabs are mounted in a matter of minutes. In addition, the following technical characteristics of Penoplexageo stand out:

    • Density of material 29-33 kg / m³. For this type of foam, this indicator is quite important, since the compressive strength depends on it;
    • Compressive strength at 10% linear load, not less than 0.27 (2.7; 27) MPa (kgf / cm2; t / m2);
    • Static bending strength not less than 0.4 MPa;
    • Water absorption in 24 hours no more than 0.4% of the total;
    • Water absorption in 28 days- 0.5% of the volume;
    • Fire resistance- class G4;
    • Coefficient of thermal conductivity under normal conditions (25 ℃) - 0.030 W / (m * K);
    • under operating conditions "A" 0.031 W / (m * K);
    • Calculated thermal conductivity under operating conditions "B" 0.032 W / (m * ° K);
    • Operating temperature range- 50 ÷ + 75 ° C.

    Features of Penoplex Roofing: technical characteristics, operating conditions

    - part of the building that is constantly exposed to environmental influences. Therefore, all its layers, including insulation, must meet high requirements for strength and moisture resistance. Penoplex Roof - the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio.

    All technical characteristics of this material are identical to Penoplex Foundation. The only exception is the Compressive Strength Coefficient (0.25 MPa), it is slightly lower, because the roof does not experience such loads as the foundation. Therefore, by reducing this indicator, the cost of the material is somewhat reduced.

    The main feature of Penoplex Roofing is the ability not only to retain heat indoors during the cold season, but also to protect it from the sun's rays in summer. Thus, a comfortable microclimate in the house will be maintained. all year round.

    Another advantageous difference from other insulating materials is a high indicator, so that birds and branches hanging over the roof will not interfere with your comfortable living.

    Penoplex Wall: purpose and characteristics

    The best solution for is penoplex. The price of Penoplex Wall is lower than that of other types of this material, since its strength is slightly less - 0.2 ÷ 0.25 MPa. However, this does not prevent you from using it in following conditions:

    1. (including sandwich panels and enclosing structures of block houses).
    2. Insulation of the outer basement of the house.
    3. Thermal insulation of internal partitions (for example, in the basement).

    The main feature of this material is the possibility of its use in multilayer decorative finishing. Due to its special properties, it is able to withstand loads from, lining and so on. In addition, due to the minimal water absorption, any wet solution can be used.

    Extruded polystyrene foam: technical characteristics and price

    Extruded polystyrene foam has gained its popularity among builders all over the world due to the special quality achieved through a unique production process.

    Technoplex technical characteristics:

    • Steam and water tightness.
    • Environmental friendliness.
    • Durability.
    • High compressive strength due to an even cellular structure (for example, the technical characteristics of 50 mm foam allow to withstand maximum loads under almost any atmospheric conditions).
    • Low weight.
    • Low thermal conductivity.
    • Ease of installation.
    • Biological stability.
    • Almost complete absence of chemical reactions.
    • Flammability.

    Ability to repel moisture - important indicator for all thermal insulation materials. Extruded polystyrene foam has the highest water resistance. An experimental study was even carried out with this material: it was placed in water for 10 days. When the period came to an end, the water was only in the outer cells, which were damaged during transportation or cutting, not a drop got inside the material. In addition, the vapor permeability indicator is also high, it can be compared to the level of roofing material.

    Interesting! Many argue that the building envelope must breathe, that is, all layers of the walls, ceiling and floor must allow air (and therefore steam) to pass through. However, heat is also lost with air, which is unacceptable for heat-insulating material. For ventilation, you should equip a high-quality ventilation system, and not create air movement inside the walls.

    In the production of this material, freons act as a catalytic substance, which are absolutely safe for the environment and are completely displaced by air even during production. Therefore, the environmental safety of this material is at the highest level.

    Penoplex manufacturers claim that the service life of this product is at least 50 years. Moreover, experiments have revealed that extruded polystyrene foam is able to withstand temperature drops and multiple freezes without losing its original characteristics, therefore it can be used in any regions of the country.

    Thermal conductivity - main characteristic insulation. Penoplex has the lowest possible performance in comparison with other insulation materials. Moreover, depending on the percentage of moisture content in the material, it changes slightly. Therefore, extruded polystyrene foam is perfect for any surface, including the roof, the penetration of moisture under which is quite high.

    Extruded polystyrene foam is resistant not only to moisture, it does not react with most chemicals (for example, salts, alkalis, alcohols). However, there are also exceptions, some compounds are capable of destroying the structure of a given material and even completely dissolving it (for example, hydrocarbons, ethers, oil paints). In addition, due to the absence of a biological component, this material does not attract microorganisms, therefore, rotting is completely excluded. However, they are able to spoil it by making tunnels in it.

    Plates of this material are lightweight, so they can be easily assembled without the use of any special devices. In addition, they are easy to cut with a regular knife, so anyone can handle the installation.

    The only obvious drawback of this material is flammability. Depending on the type and presence of fire retardants in the composition, it belongs to different classes of fire hazard. But in general, we can say that resistance to open sources this material has no fire. However, penoplex does not burn, but only melts, and if the fire is extinguished immediately, there will not even be residual smoldering.

    Penoplex sheet dimensions

    The dimensions of the foam boards are standard - 1200x600 mm. They differ only in thickness, on which, for ease of use, depends on how many pieces are in the package. Penoplex can be from 20 to 100 mm thick. So the "Comfort" type slabs are completed from 4 (with a thickness of 20 mm) to 18 pieces per package (with a thickness of 100 mm).

    The most common sizes for Penoplex Foundation are 50 and 80 mm. They are completed with 8 and 5 pieces, respectively. It depends on how many m 2 are in the package (50 mm Penoplex Foundation, has a total area of ​​5.76 m 2).

    Review of prices for penoplex 50 mm, 30 mm, 100 mm

    How much does Penoplex cost? Depending on the purpose and characteristics, the sizes and prices per piece of penoplex vary significantly. First of all, the cost is influenced by: strength, resistance to moisture and thickness. Therefore, based on these indicators, below is a comparative table.

    Name Specifications Peculiarities

    Plates Penoplex Comfort 30
    0.12 MPaThe strength and thickness of this material is rather low, therefore it is recommended to use it only in places where an increased load is excluded. The main advantage is low price foam for the sheet and resistance to moisture.
    0.5% by volume
    Width600 mm
    Length1200 mm
    Thickness30 mm
    Price115 p. per sheet

    Plates Penoplex Foundation 50

    Minimum material strength0.27 MPaDue to their high compressive strength and bending strength, such slabs are perfect for insulating foundations in any region of our country.
    Water absorption in 24 hours, no more0.4% by volume
    Width0.25 MPaDue to the maximum possible board thickness, this material is suitable for use in the most northern regions.
    Water absorption in 24 hours, no more0.4% by volume
    Width600 mm
    Length1200 mm
    Thickness100 mm
    Price:365 p. per sheet

    Plates Penoplex Wall 50

    Minimum material strength0.12 MPaThe cheapest standard plate of the entire line is suitable for insulation both external and internal.
    Water absorption in 24 hours, no more0.5% by volume
    Width600 mm
    Length1200 mm
    Thickness50 mm
    Price:105 p. per sheet

    Slabs Penoplex Pitched roof 100

    Minimum material strength0.3 MPaThe ratio of the size and price of penoplex in this case is optimal for harsh conditions, when damage is possible, as well as frequent temperature changes.
    Water absorption in 24 hours, no more0.4% by volume
    Width600 mm
    Length1200 mm
    Thickness100 mm
    Price:143 p. per sheet


    We will send the material to you by e-mail

    While doing thermal insulation works are used . These materials can significantly reduce heat dissipation into the surrounding space. Penoplex is especially popular, the technical characteristics of which make it possible to use it in various regions. Having picked up slabs of suitable thickness, you can ensure a sufficient level of thermal insulation for walls, floors, ceilings. Let's talk about this insulation in more detail.

    Penoplex is a universal thermal insulation material

    Penoplex - extruded polystyrene foam, which got its name from the trademark of the same name. It belongs to the category of the most popular thermal insulation materials due to its unique technical characteristics and reasonable cost. It is actively used for insulation different surfaces in the construction and reconstruction of residential buildings and public buildings.

    During the production process, polystyrene granules are foamed under conditions high pressure and temperature. The process is catalyzed by carbon dioxide and light freon. The finished mass, similar to cream whipped with a mixer, is blown out through special nozzles of the extrusion unit. Here, freon evaporates, and the resulting voids are filled with air.

    This production technology makes it possible to obtain a finely porous material, inside which adjacent cells with air are isolated from each other. The diameter of the air pockets does not exceed 0.1-0.2 mm. Due to the uniform distribution over the entire volume of the material, the manufacturer provides the required level of properties. The material is highly durable and exhibits excellent thermal insulation characteristics... By selecting a material of sufficient thickness, the desired effect can be achieved.

    For your information! Penoplex 50 mm is used for thermal insulation of buildings, roads, runways.

    The manufacturer offers various types of thermal insulation material:

    • Foundation capable of withstanding significant loads during operation. Minimum thickness slabs 50 mm. If necessary, you can order a thicker heat insulator if the operation of the building will be carried out in the northern regions;
    • Roof with a special shape that facilitates the process of laying the slabs. With the help of heat-insulating material of this type, it can provide high-quality protection of the roof from external cold... In this case, it becomes possible to use the attic as a living space;
    • Comfort... Penoplex thickness of 30 mm, as a rule, is enough for high-quality thermal insulation of the walls of a residential building or loggia;
    • Wall... A suitable option for insulating walls inside and outside the assignment. The thickness of the material can be 20-50 mm. If the work will be performed from the inside, it is better to choose a thinner material. For the facade, it is worth ordering thicker slabs.

    Attention! Penoplex thickness of 10 mm is not enough for high-quality insulation the walls of the building, operated in the winter. Thicker slabs should be chosen, for example 70 mm.

    Related article:

    The main technical characteristics of foam for the foundation

    According to its technical characteristics, GEO penoplex corresponds to the old type of Penoplex 35, the production of which was carried out without a flame retardant. It is used for thermal insulation of surfaces, the fire resistance of which is not subject to increased requirements. The material belongs to the G4 group.

    The main area of ​​application of the heat insulator is the insulation of loaded structures with the subsequent application of a protective layer. The material is in demand when installing a cement-sand screed, thermal insulation of the foundation, floor, basement of a building or garden paths. The slabs become reliable protection for, ensuring drainage of groundwater and reducing their impact on underground structures of buildings.

    For your information! Biostable durable insulation is in demand when building a shallow foundation on heaving soils.

    The minimum thickness of the Penoplex Foundation is 50 mm. If necessary, it is also possible to purchase slabs with a thickness of 80 mm. Plates are capable of withstanding significant loads throughout their entire service life. Their strength at linear deformation of 10% is 0.25 MPa. Water absorption by volume for 4 weeks does not exceed 0.5%. The insulation is able to serve for more than half a century, including when used in the harsh climate of the northern regions.

    Basic technical characteristics of Comfort Penoplex

    This type is universal. Technical characteristics of Penoplex Comfort 50 mm allow for thermal insulation of many surfaces. With its help, the roof, basement, floor and foundation of the building are simultaneously insulated. A low level of water absorption, not exceeding 0.5% for 4 weeks, makes it possible to use Comfort when insulating, swimming pool or. Thermal insulation of other objects is possible, the operation of which is carried out in conditions of high humidity.

    The tight joining of the elements to each other contributes to the increase in the stability of the enclosing structures. Not biodegradable. There is no need to be afraid that insects will appear inside the heat-insulating material, which will destroy the structure of the plates from the inside. Able to serve for more than 50 years, while maintaining its technical characteristics. It can be operated in various regions, including the northern ones.

    The material is quite dense, and therefore does not sag when attached to a vertical structure. It is necessary to correctly perform the installation and reliably protect all the plates. The density of Comfort foam is regulated by TU 5767-006-54349294-2014. When cut, it does not crack or crumble. Compressive strength depends on the thickness of the slabs: if less than 60 mm - 0.12 MPa, more than 70 mm - 0.18 MPa.

    Attention! Finishing must be done on the insulated surface.

    The application of the finishing layer allows:

    • Give the penoplex an aesthetically pleasing appearance appearance... The material itself does not allow you to form a beautiful surface that could be exploited without additional processing;
    • Prevent slab color changes;
    • Avoid material destruction.

    The main technical characteristics of the penoplex Roofing

    Plates Penoplex Roofing are in demand in the construction industry. The material with a characteristic orange color is produced with a density of 35 kg / m3. Allows to form hard and moisture resistant thermal insulation layer lightweight. Can be used for roofing of various types, thermal insulation of building facades, floors and walls of erected and reconstructed buildings, basements, laying of engineering communications.

    The material is classified as moderately flammable. During combustion, it releases a large number of smoke. This feature should be taken into account when choosing a heater for a dwelling.

    The special connection of the spike-groove elements allows to form a homogeneous layer without cold bridges. Due to the refusal to overlap adjacent elements during the installation process, it is possible to optimize the thickness of the heat-insulating layer to be arranged and more rationally dispose of the free space.

    The water absorption by volume of the slabs does not exceed 0.5%, and therefore the heat-insulating layer practically does not absorb moisture. The high strength allows it to withstand the significant load that the heat-insulating material can be subjected to during the installation of plates and the subsequent operation of the insulated object.

    If the facade of the building is to be insulated, instead of foam, the roof can be used special view heat insulator. Its characteristics were initially adapted for this type of work. The price of Penoplex insulation for walls outside the house is acceptable for many. It depends on the thickness of the slab. For you can purchase material with a thickness of 20 mm, for a residential building - 50 mm.

    Extruded polystyrene foam: technical characteristics and price of quality boards

    This type of thermal insulation material became available to users more than half a century ago. Extruded polystyrene foam, sometimes referred to as extruded polystyrene foam, immediately became a universal insulator, in demand when performing a variety of works. Manufacturers offer standard size sheets that can be transparent or colored. Due to its special structure and unique production technology, sheet plastic demonstrates high performance during operation.

    Attention! Before buying, it is worth finding out the required insulation characteristics. Penoplex must meet the requirements.

    Technical characteristics of 50 mm penoplex may differ slightly depending on the type of material. However, in most cases, they vary within a fairly narrow range.

    The technical characteristics of Penoplex 35 include:

    • Low water absorption capacity. The main advantage of this insulation. The heat insulator absorbs water molecules only in the sections, since air cells are open in these zones;
    • Low thermal conductivity. On average, this indicator is 0.03 W / m · C;
    • Versatility. The manufacturer offers material of various thicknesses, making it possible to insulate many surfaces. It is used for thermal insulation of walls, foundations, loggias and balconies;

    • Low vapor permeability coefficient;
    • Long period of operation. Penoplex is able to withstand repeated freezing / thawing without loss of basic performance characteristics. On average, such material can last about 50 years;
    • High strength. During operation, the insulation withstands significant load and pressure due to the presence of the smallest air bubbles in the material, which prevent the compression of the material;

    • Ease of installation. The material can be easily cut with a sharp knife, giving the elements the desired shape. The place of the cut does not crumble. Installation work can be performed all year round, since the heat insulator is not afraid of exposure to UV rays and high humidity. Plates can be fixed at any time of the year;

    • Environmental safety. During the production of insulation, freon is used, which does not have a negative effect on the atmosphere. During operation, the insulation does not emit substances that can provide negative impact on the human body;
    • Fire safety. The material is resistant to combustion;
    • Minimal chemical activity and biological inertness. When performing construction work, a large number of substances with increased surface activity are used. Only a few are able to interact with penoplex. The heat insulator does not rot or decompose.

    Penoplex is not the only extruded polystyrene foam that can be purchased for home insulation. Similar technologies are used by other manufacturers, they offer high-quality insulation.

    The technical characteristics of Technoplex are somewhat different from those of Penoplex. This is facilitated by a change in the composition of the raw materials used. A certain amount of graphite is added to the composition of the mass to be extruded. The result is a highly effective water-resistant insulation material.

    Technoplex absorbs noise well and has a long service life. At the same time, it is somewhat inferior in strength. It works well at fairly low temperatures typical of the far north and has a lower level of water absorption. Only 0.2%. However, when buying this type of thermal insulation material, you will have to pay more. Considering that a large amount of material is usually required for wall insulation, this factor can be decisive when choosing.

    Video review: extruded polystyrene foam

    Penoplex sheet sizes: how to choose the right one?

    A special technology for the production of extruded polystyrene makes it possible to form a material with a unique structure, which ensures high strength of the plates and guarantees a unique thermal conductivity. As a rule, a material of small thickness is used for thermal insulation of various surfaces. When choosing suitable option should be guided by the manufacturer's recommendations.

    If an object is to be insulated, the operation of which will be carried out in a temperate climate, plates with a thickness of 35-50 mm can be used. Their technical characteristics will ensure the required level of wall or roof insulation.

    For regions located in cold climatic zones, it is worth purchasing insulation with a thickness of 70 mm. Even if the frost is more than -30 ° C, a comfortable temperature will be maintained inside the building.

    For foam boards, the dimensions are standardized. The manufacturer offers boards with a length of 1.2 m and a width of 0.6 m in various thicknesses. The last dimension can be in the range of 20-150 mm. The choice of a suitable thickness should be made taking into account the operating conditions of the insulated surface.

    Before purchasing thermal insulation material, a calculation should be performed the required amount... To do this, you need to know the area of ​​the surface to be insulated. You should definitely find out, choosing 50 mm penoplex, how many m² are in the package. This will determine the number of packages that are worth purchasing. Sheets are also sold per piece, and therefore the missing quantity can be purchased additionally.

    For those who buy penoplex, how many pieces in a package matters. This indicator depends on the thickness and type of slabs. For a material with a thickness of 50 mm, the ratio is as follows:

    Insulation typeImageNumber of plates in a package, pieces

    Penoplex 50 mm price: the main factors affecting the cost

    For penoplex, the sizes and prices are in direct proportion. The thicker the plate, the more you will have to pay for it when buying insulation. In addition, the type of material has a significant impact. In the production process, certain components are introduced into the composition of the raw materials used. This inevitably affects the cost of the material produced.

    Advice! To find out how much penoplex costs, just tell the seller required thickness insulation and its type.

    If you are interested in the price for a sheet of foam of a certain type and thickness, you can focus on the following data:

    NameSheet thickness, mmNumber of sheets in a package, pcsSheet cost, rub.
    Comfort20 18 77
    30 12 115
    40 9 153
    50 7 187
    100 4 385

    Thermal insulation materials are construction products designed to protect the enclosing structures (walls, floors, roofs, foundations) of buildings and structures from heat loss, in other words, to reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient.

    Today we will talk about penoplex (penoplex) - one of the types of thermal insulation in modern construction.

    What is Penoplex insulation?

    Penoplex boards are extruded expanded polystyrene produced in the form of boards. The structure of penoplex is similar to the structure of conventional foam, however, penoplex has a number of advantages - primarily, higher density and strength.

    Penoplex technical characteristics:

    • low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.03 W / m · ºK);
    • high strength (both in compression and bending);
    • low water absorption (no more than 0.2 - 0.4% by volume in 24 hours);
    • low vapor permeability (vapor permeability coefficient 0.007-0.008 mg / m · h · Pa);
    • durability over 50 years;
    • combustion resistance;
    • environmentally friendly (non-toxic, not subject to decay);
    • wide operating temperature range (-50 ... + 75 ° С).

    Extruded polystyrene foam is available in several types (depending on density and field of application) in the form of plates standard sizes, which are not difficult to install, are easily cut to the desired size.

    The table shows the approximate cost PENOPLEXA COMFORT, suitable for insulation of foundations, walls, floors in cottages and apartments. The price depends on the amount of purchased material - the larger the volume, the lower the price, and of course from the region of residence.

    Name thickness area and volume in packing m 2 / m 3 number of sheets in a package price per package / rub. price per sheet / rub.
    PENOPLEX COMFORT 20 14,4/0,288 20 1 135 — 1 230 59-71
    30 10,08/0,30 14 1 135 — 1 285 89,6-109
    40 7,2/0,288 10 1 150 — 1 247 120-139
    50 5,76/0,288 8 1 060 — 1 210 149-186
    60 5,04/0,30 7 1 255 – 1 300 180-182
    80 3,6/0,288 5 1 195 – 1 350 239-241
    100 2,88/0,288 4 1 224 – 1 385 306-310

    "Penoplex WALL"(density 25-32 kg / m 3) - designed for insulation of external and interior walls, partitions, plinths to effectively save heat and save heating costs in buildings. These slabs are also used in the construction of buildings when erecting walls with "well masonry".

    In the case of insulation of external walls with penoplex, a plastering system can be performed on top of the insulation along a mesh, or revetted with any facing facade material(siding, tiles, lining).

    "Penoplex FOUNDATION"(density 29-33 kg / m 3) - used in the construction of basements, the construction of foundations, insulation of septic tanks. Plates penoplex FUNDAMENT have increased strength and almost zero water absorption coefficient.

    "Penoplex ROOF"(density 28-33 kg / m 3) specially produced plates for thermal insulation of flat and pitched roofs... Lightweight, tough, moisture resistant material with excellent thermal insulation properties.

    "Penoplex 45"(density 35-47 kg / m 3) - insulation of road surfaces, in particular of runways, to prevent them from frost heaving of the soil and destruction of the upper layer of the canvas. It is also widely used for insulating roofs in use, on which pedestrian zones and various sites are located, including parking lots.

    "Penoplex COMFORT"(density 25-35 kg / m 3) - a brand of thermal insulation boards used in housing construction (private residential buildings, insulation of walls of apartments, as well as loggias and balconies).

    Penoplex installation

    Penoplex insulation of outer walls is carried out in several stages.

    1. Preparatory work consist in preparing the walls for insulation, namely, cleaning them from dirt, dust, old finishing materials, paint and varnish coatings. It is recommended to level the walls with a plaster mixture (in the case of obvious irregularities in the walls) and treat with an antifungal compound.
    2. Bonding boards "Penoplex" carried out with the help of special adhesives on a dry wall surface. The adhesive is applied directly to the thermal insulation board.
    3. Mechanical fastening made with dowels, at the rate of 4 pcs. US 2 , after gluing the boards with glue. Along the perimeter of windows, doorways and at the corners of the building, the number of dowels increases - 6-8 pcs. US 2 .
    4. A plaster composition is applied on top of the insulation boards ... For better adhesion of the plaster to the insulation, it is recommended to create a roughness on the surface of the slabs using a carriage. First plaster layer The reinforcing polymer mesh is "recessed". Next, a second plaster layer is applied, after which the walls are painted in the desired color.
    5. Wall finishing is possible instead of plaster siding, wood, as well as the use of hinged systems for which the frame is pre-arranged.

    If it is impossible to insulate the outside, then, if necessary, insulate the walls from the inside. The work is carried out in the same way, but a foil-clad polyethylene film is installed on top of the penoplex as a vapor barrier, then sheets of gypsum board are attached, on which wallpaper can subsequently be glued. The lathing for hanging drywall is fixed with dowels to the wall through the insulation.

    Similarly, work is carried out on the insulation of balconies and loggias.... The joints between the slabs are glued with tape. After installing the vapor barrier with foil-clad PE film, we also glue the joints with adhesive tape - we create a kind of thermos.

    If for finishing if you decide to apply drywall, then you need to choose moisture-resistant sheets of gypsum plasterboard. In addition to the walls, it is also necessary to insulate the floor of the loggia.

    Thermal insulation of roofsproduced either at the construction stage or in the process of reconstruction, for example, when transferring a cold attic to a living room.

    1. roofing material
    2. lathing
    3. 3 vapor permeable moisture resistant membrane
    4. insulation penoplex
    5. inner lining
    6. roof structure

    In the first case, the insulation is laid on top of the rafters in a checkerboard pattern. A vapor-permeable membrane is spread over the penoplex. Expanded polystyrene is fixed with longitudinal slats with a thickness of at least 40 mm, to ensure ventilation between the insulation and the roofing material, with a step of 300 mm.

    Penoplex in comparison with its analogue - polystyrene - has a higher cost, but significantly exceeds it in strength. It is ideal for plastering systems.

    If you are still in doubt about which material to choose for insulating the structures of your home, then read consumer reviews, perhaps this will help you decide.