Pineapple how to cut and grow. How to grow pineapple from the top at home

Homemade pineapple dilution is very simple. It is enough to buy this fruit in the store and correctly root his top. The plant looks very attractive, so even before the first fruits will appear, it will undoubtedly be an excellent decoration of the house.

Is it possible to grow it at home and how to grow pineapple at home from the tops step by step, how to properly root - we will tell in this article. Pineapple belongs to the plants of the Bromeliev family and has the same appearance and requirements, as well as other plants of this family. The size of the fruit depends on the method of cultivation and place of origin, as well as on the conditions prevailing there.

Fruits are on sale, the mass of which is about 1 to 2 kg, however, on plantations some samples reach weights of five or more kilograms. In Brazil, the plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, while in other conditions can be much more compact.

The biggest plantations are located in China, Mexico, in Hawaii and the Philippines.

The fruit grown in a pot usually reaches a small size (just over 50 cm in height). It forms a rosette of long leaves located on the helix. For proper growing You can get a rather large plant that can bloom and even bring the fruit.

At home and greenhouses, three forms of pineapple are grown.

  1. Variety A. ComoSus is characterized by green, narrow leaves, good fruit.
  2. A.comosus Variegatus variety has shorter and wide striped leaves. This plant looks very beautiful in the interior, decorating it, but rarely gives fruit.
  3. A variety A. Bracteatus Striatus is the largest plant compared to the above. It is characterized by green-yellow leaves.

Growing a pineapple - step by step, instruction with photos and video

To sprout it yourself beautiful plant With a delicious fruit, first of all, you should buy a fruit along with the rosette of the leaves located on the top of the fetus. This rosette is relatively easy to root. How to do it, we will tell below, starting with the purchase of a fruit.

Buying fruit

First you need to choose the right pineapple in the store. Attention should be paid if he has a complete outlet of the leaves along with the center. It is important to choose a fruit mature and healthy, with beautifully painted green leaves. The plant should not have a brown tip. Flower sprout should be a rosette - it will give us a guarantee that the plant will bloom.

How to root?

To germinate roots, it is important to properly prepare the tail to the landing so that the plant gives the roots. First, cut off the outlet of the leaves at the top, leaving 1-2 cm of the fetus near the socket, the photo of the correct cut is shown below.

Fruit fragment should be cleaned from the peel with a knife in the form of a slightly rounded heel. Then we cut the residue of the pulp, so that the fibrous part remains. It is important when preparing seedlings to remove the whole pulp, otherwise it starts rot. If white dots can be seen on the cut - these are root nodules, they should not be damaged when cleaning.

Growing the fruit of their tail, photo

From the bottom of the socket on the plot of about 2 cm should tear the leaves. To avoid damage to germinating from the roots of the roots, clean the barrel from the leaves, tearing them perpendicular to the trunk. On some pineapples, after removing the leaves, at this stage, we can see small sprouted roots.

Germination and landing

Obtained in this way planting material Machine in water up to half the fragment of the torn leaves. After about 1-2 weeks, they begin to start roots. When the roots reach a length of several centimeters, it is necessary to get a seedling from the water and put it on a paper towel. Let him dry for 2-3 hours. After drying, seedlings are planted into the ground, designed to grow palm trees. The land in the pot must not be too wet, but only slightly moistened. You need to dig in the ground. The entire section of the stem without leaves.

Pineapple cultivation - video

Of course, our little palm requires proper care.

Diseases and their symptoms

  • Pale leaves: This means that the plant does not receive a sufficient amount of light. It must be moved to a more illuminated position.
  • No blossom: It should be a little help the plant. Some pineapples bloom after 18 or even 30 months. Such a long period on an industrial scale is not economically justified. However, people learned how to speed up this process. Wise scientists noticed that pineapple blooms much faster if he was treated with ethylene gas. This gas is allocated, including some fruits. At home we can get it with apples. To do this, cut an apple in half, one half of the fetus put the plafhmy on the ground (cut to the soil), the second half is placed on a sheet outlet. All the plant cover with a polyethylene package and leave for 2 to 4 weeks. At this time, the apple will begin to highlight ethylene, which, entering the roots, will stimulate the appearance of colors. When we see the first colors, you should remove the package and remove the pieces of apple.
  • Bottom leaves dried, frozen and twist: This means usually that the plant is on draft. It should be moved to a more protected place.
  • Dust on leaves: Leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Leaves wrinkled and dying: It always happens after fruiting. Pineapple after fruiting is dying, but new plants can be grown with a socket.
  • Slow Rost.: may mean that there is a lack of trace elements in the soil. The plant should be filled with fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • Dropping leavesusually appear if the plant is in too hot and dry. You should pour and move it to a cooler place.
  • Yellow spots on the leavesusually related to the fact that by our exotic plant attacked the shields. This is manifested as follows - on the underside under the sheet begin to appear brown spots. Pests can be removed with a cotton swab or cotton wand for ears, closed in soap.

Beneficial features

This fruit is valued for its delicious, juicy and very fragrant fruits, which are eaten both in the raw form and after culinary processing. We can buy it in a canned form, in jams, compotes, juices and many other types. Highly an important feature It is that pineapple contains bromelain enzyme that facilitates digestion and helps to lose weight. Most of the vitamins contain fresh fruits. Fruits from cans during processing losing some of their useful properties.

  1. Pineapple is an excellent fruit for people who are on a diet, because it contains a lot of fiber. The fiber accelerates digestion and removes toxic metabolic products.
  2. Bromelaine contained in pineapples contributes to weight loss, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-vehicle and analgesics, prevents the formation of blood clots.
  3. Fruit is used as auxiliary in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  4. Fruits have disinfectants as part of the disinfectants, and also have the ability to remove dead fabrics without damaging new, so used for healing of wounds, the treatment of burns, bites, bruises and swelling.
  5. As an aid, they can be used in the treatment of allergies and respiratory diseases, as well as with digestive problems.
  6. Pineapples are also used in cosmetics. Vitamin C, which is contained in the fruits, removes pigment stains and brightens the skin.
  7. This fruit strengthens blood vessels. The fetal organic acids and bromeline gently exude a dead skin cells gently, and minerals feed it. Pineapples are especially recommended for people with skin pigmentation and acne.
  8. Pineapple is often used as aphrodisiac.

Assistant in the fight against snoring

If someone snores in the house, there is perfect solution. Peaceful dream will be provided by Pineapple in the pot. Statistics show that the problem of snoring concerns each fourth adult - usually men.

According to NASA research, pineapple plants produce oxygen and improve air quality throughout the night. So they help to sleep better and quieter. For everyone who had to escape from the bedroom to another room because of the snoring partner, this discovery could be a find.

Plants grow from 21 months to 2 years and eventually give a small fruit. If there are no problems with snoring in the house, they can simply bring a little exotic in the interior.

Pineapple is one of those exotic fruits that we can grow themselves. It is enough to cut the top sheet outlet and put it in a pot. It is very important that this part of Pineapple, which we put in the ground with leaves, was dry, without pulp, otherwise the plant will rot. In the end we will get decorative plantwhich improves air and can even bring fruit.

this is surprising tropical plant Right from the tropics of South America. In Europe, it began to grow in the oranges, creating the necessary conditions climate.

But putting a share of efforts, the cultivation of pineapple can be carried out even at home. And after a while it interesting plant will amaze us your external species and fruits.

Pineapple: Plant Description

this is a herbaceous plant, in the center of which the stem germinates. In the center of the stem, on the top of the inflorescence, which after fertilization turns into the nozzle.

Externally, it can be seen that individual parts of the berries of the nozzle grow together in one fruit - pineapple. The stem is surrounded by a socket - fleshy and thick leaves.

Pineapple fruit has an oval, cylindrical shape consists of separate numerous small parts that have grown together. On the top is formed a rosette of leaves.

The dense scaly envelope of the mature fetus has a dark green, yellow, brown or even a reddish hue. Inside the fetus - bright yellow flesh. It has a pleasant taste and good aroma. Ripe pineapple fruits reach weights 4-5 kg.

What conditions are needed by pineapple for successful growth?

Pineapple, when cultivating it at home is very demanding to the conditions that will be created for its successful maturation. Since this is a tropical plant, it is extremely important to support proper lighting, temperature and humidity.


Pineapple must at least 6 hours a day, regardless of the time of year, to be in a well-lit place. IN summer period The plant can be taken to the balcony or in the garden, in moderately lit place. In the cold season, pineapple must be kept on the south side for uniformly obtaining sunlight.

The plant should not be turned, as it can slow down growth, it is sufficient and one-sided lighting. If the time of year and weather conditions do not allow to ensure sun ray, then pineapple can be highlighted with additional lighting - luminescent lamps. It is worth considering that when using lamps, pineapple should receive lighting at least 8 hours a day.

Air temperature and humidity

Pineapple is very afraid of cold. If the summer is quite suitable in the summer ambientIn winter, it is worth providing ways to preserve heat in the placing and soil of the plant. It should not be kept on a cold floor or windowsill, in winter it is best to maintain the temperature of the soil 18 - 21 ° C, the maximum temperature for the winter period is 27 ° C.

The plant should not be kept next to batteries and heaters, it is also worth proving the absence of drafts. To maintain humidity, you need to use a pot with wet drainage. You can spray water around the plant, the leaves should not be sprayed, as water can accumulate inside the socket and cause their rotting. They should be wiped from dust with a wet cloth.

How to plant pineapple

Before planting pineapple at home, it is necessary to start buying mature, fresh and healthy fruit.

Good pineapple fruit should:

  1. Enjoy a light sweet aroma.
  2. Do not have external damage, the color should be homogeneous, golden brown.
  3. On the touch, pineapple should be elastic. If the fruit is soft, then it means that he has a living. If the fruit is solid, then, on the contrary, unworthy.
  4. The leaves on the top should be fresh, green with a bit angry edges are an important sign of the maturity of the fetus. If there gray spotsThis means that the leaves are damaged by clerks, and from using such a fetus it is necessary to refuse.

Observing the following rules, we will get to grow a good pineapple at home, which will delight us our unusual species and will give fruit in the future.

Department of Khokholkov from the Fetal

It is quite simple to separate the crown from the leaves from the pineapple. You need to grab all the leaves with your hand and very carefully turn, as if unscrewed the cover of the bottle. If everything turned out correctly, you have a crown of leaves in your hand with a small stem below.

If you are worried that it may not work out everything neat, it is worth using a knife. A knife must be cut off the top crown of pineapple and cut the entire pulp to prevent the posting.

Cooking crown to germination of roots

It is necessary to remove several lower leaves with a knife, for the debris, from which roots will grow. After trimming the leaves and cleaning the trunk, leave our future pineapple to dry out a couple of days to prevent the scars and leaves after trimming.

Then the dried crown must be placed in the transparent dishes with water so that it covers the bare trunk of our plant. Water should be room temperature. Place dishes in a bright place, on the windowsill. It is necessary to closely monitor the water level, periodically changing water. If everything is done correctly, Pineapple will let roots after 3 - 4 weeks.

Pineappa landing in soil

After the roots have grown 3-4 cm, the pineapple can be planted into the ground. For the primary landing, it is better to use a small pot with a hole for water drain, suitable in size to our crown. At the bottom of the pot lay the 3-centimeter layer of drainage, you can use clayzit.

Fill a pot need loose, nutrient land. After backfilling the Earth, it is recommended to pour into the ground hot water. After that, our plant can be planted. It is necessary to plant for 5-6 cm deep into, after landing well, pineapple warm water. Put the plant you need to a bright and warm place. Pineapple is rooted for 2-3 months.

Important! An important sign that Pineapple was accustomed - the appearance of new leaves.

In the future, the first leaves will be launched and dying, but in their place will begin to grow new green shoots. Old leaves need to trim and clean and clean. Stained pineapple should be watering once a week with warm water. After the year of growth, pineapple is repeatedly transplanted into a more spacious pot.

Everything should also be placed on the bottom drainage layer, this time you can use gravel. Soil should be used from a mixture of two parts of peat, one piece of river sand and three parts of natural soil. IN winter Rough Pineapple slows down, but it is not worth worrying: with the onset of the warm period, it will begin to develop abundantly, only for this you will need to feed the soil.

Did you know? If there is an opportunity, during the primary and secondary landing of pineapple, it can be placed under a polyethylene cap for 2-3 weeks to create the conditions of the tropical climate and the best survival of the plant.

Pineapple care rules

Watching how our pineapple grows at home we see that Pineapple is a very thermal-loving plant. It must be watered, but stagnation of water should be prevented. It also needs a periodic soil feeding.

Do I need to water Pineapple?

The soil in the pot with pineapple should not dry, but the water should not be stuffed. therefore adult plant It is necessary to abundantly water once a week with warm water.

If the plant is on open air, It is necessary to spray his leaves: they absorb moisture, and the rest will evaporate. In the period of active growth, watering pineapple can be changed: water twice a week, but reduce the amount of water flowing. It is best when water completely passes through drainage and flows out.

If a swamp smell is felt in a pot or a mold appears on the soil, it needs to be replaced as soon as possible, otherwise the plant can die.

Important! Root system Pineapple is very small, so the adult plant is enough and a 3-4 liter pot.

Undercalinking exotic plant

During the growing season, pineapple must be fed twice a month. Good fertilizer Speakers the usual cow humid. You can also make a complex mineral fertilizerwhich are sold in garden shops, but the dosage should be reduced twice as compared to other plants.

You also need to spray the plant once a month 0.01% solution iron Camp. Alkaline fertilizers, lime and wood ash are contraindicated for pineapple.

Secrets of successful pineapple flowering

In the natural environment, in order for pineapple to bloom, it will take 26 months. At home, flowering time may vary in different directions. When it takes 16 months, the height of the plant will be greater than 20 cm, you can count on the beginning of flowering. Pineapple flowers at the following description.

At the top of the trunk begins to form a bud, it gradually rises up on the growing fruit grown from the trunk. After a couple of months, bloom begins and literally lasts two weeks. Flowers have bright blue color. One flower opens only one day. After wondering, the last flower begins the period of development of the fetus.

Maturation period ranges from 3 to 7 months, it all depends on the conditions of cultivation and variety of pineapple.

It may happen that Pineapple reached the right age and developed normally, but the flowering does not occur; In this case, the beginning of flowering can be stimulated. This task will cope well water solution ethylene.

To prepare it, you need to take 1-2 teaspoons of calcium carbide and pour 0.5 liters of water. To withstand this solution in a closed vessel, then pour, filming from the sediment. This solution should be made at 50-55 ml during the week in the upper part of the plant leaves. After such stimulation, pineapple must give a bud after 4-6 weeks. If this did not happen, it means that it has not yet matured or sick.

Did you know? Pineapple is a herbaceous plant, so after fruiting he will die. But leaves behind several side shoots that can be used for further cultivation.

How to deal with pests and pineapple diseases

Growing a pineapple as a room plant, we must be prepared for the fact that pests can attack on it, like on other plants. Also, with incomplete compliance with the rules for pineapple, the plant can have certain problems.

If the leaves begin to dry out - this means that the plant is in a very hot or sunny place. It must be sprayed with water and rearrange in a cooler place. If the leaves begin to pale and turn out - the plant must be set on a lighter place.

If the plant is rotting - it's worth noticing watering and stop it until the plant comes to a normal state.

Panasters can attack such pests:

  • . Amazes the leaves of the plant, it can be removed by a cotton swab, moistened with ethyl alcohol. Also, the plant should be treated insecticide, which can be bought in garden shops.
  • Mucious worm. Covers the leaves with a solid film. You can remove with flushing leaves soapy solution, then handle the carboofos emulsion.
  • Root worm. Amazes the root system. When it is discovered, it is worth stopping watering and treat the soil insecticidal preparations.
  • Cobed tick. It forms a thin web on the leaves, it must be removed with soap solution, moisten them with soft water and handle with light insecticide.
  • Orchid solar. Little insectthat dwells on upper leaves Plants and feed on its juice. Finding the TRU, the plant needs to be treated with "accutelle".
  • Honeydew. This is a sticky plaque formed due to insects. When it is detected, the leaves need to rinse with soap solution.
  • Mushroom diseases. Mushrooms are formed due to fertilizers containing nitrogen. If they arose, the plant needs to be treated with fungicide.

How can the pineapple breeding

You can propagate pineapple with the help of child escapes that are formed after pineapple has fruiting. On average, from one plant is up to five shoots. Daughter shoots worth separating from the main part with a knife. They must achieve a height of 15-20 cm and have their own roots.

177 once already

Favorite Pineapple - a plant that can live in conditions of lack of moisture. The need for fluid it satisfies a kind of way - its thick leaves form a natural bowl where the dew flows, and then penetrates the plant. To think about how to plant pineapple at home, you can use this property. It is enough to root the top, and after a while at home will grow so unusual for Russian latitudes.

Since pineapple can grow only in the tropics, then in the climatic conditions of Russia such a plant can be grown:

  • in winter Garden or greenhouse;
  • in heated greenhouse;
  • in the apartment.

And before proceeding to breed pineapples, it is necessary to choose the right selection material.

Selecting planting material

Since it may take several years from the tip of the top to get a new fetus, it is necessary to carefully inspect the donor plant before deciding that it is from it that can be born.

  1. We choose only ripe pineapple.
  2. Fruit should be healthy, without spots or curvature on the peel.
  3. It is impossible to plant pineapples undergoing low temperatures.
  4. The selected instance should have thick leaves. saturated-green. Dried or remembered talk about the disease or non-fruit.
  5. The fruit must have a pleasant aroma. If there is a sharp sour or rotor smell, then the purchase of such a fruit is better to refuse.

Tip! It is best for breeding to buy fruit at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn, because at this time the market comes completely ripened pineapples.

Preparation of the top of pineapple to rooting

From how to plant the top of the pineapple so that the plant is rooted, it depends so much. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the "Khokholok" from the leaves.

Remove the top from the fetus itself in two ways:

  • it can be removed from pineapple, firmly clasping the leaf beam;
  • and you can also cut off the fruit several centimeters of pulp along with the leaves, and then cut the excess with a knife.

If you use the first way, it will immediately be clear whether the fetus is ready to transplant. Did you manage to unscrew the leaf beam along with the base? It can be safely planted.

Tip! To accelerate the germination of the roots, pineapple can be suspended so that the cut portion is watched up.

Then the water is poured into the glass container and the beam is placed in it with a cut down.

  • The bank should be wrapped in dark tissue so that the roots did not fall on the roots.
  • Plants are located in a warm place without drafts.
  • It is best to place pineapple under the phytolampus.
  • Water must be refreamed every other day.

Soil preparation and selection of landing containers

The pot in which the fruit will grow in volume should be no more than 0.5 - 0.7 liters. And also it is necessary to make good drainage holes.

The soil for pineapple is done according to the following recipe:

  • peat - 1/4 parts;
  • sheet humus - 1/4 of part;
  • small grade sand - 1/4 of part;
  • perlite - 1 tablespoon;
  • osprey cow manure - 1/4 of part.

Or you can buy in the store special mix For bromelis.

It is important to remember that any soil must be previously defamiated by the sheds of it by biofungsides.

How to plant soil

Before Pineapple, who has already entered the roots, fall into the ground, you need to lower the roots into the biofungicide solution, and then hold them a few hours in the solution of growth stimulants. Then the roots are slightly dried in a darkened place within an hour.

  1. Next to the bottom of the pot stacked a thick layer of clay.
  2. A thin soil layer is poured on top to drainage.
  3. Earth moistened from the pulverizer.
  4. Pineapple is located in the middle of the pot.
  5. A soil is neatly embanked and the soil is hurt, but so that young roots are damaged.
  6. After that, a small groove is made around the future trunk and the plant is neatly watering.
  7. The groove must be filled with dry soil and transfer the pot to permanent residence.
  8. For better rooting, you can build a mini-greenhouse for the plant, covering it with a glass cap, or make a case from a special covering material.

Pineapple after landing must necessarily take the lightest and warm place.

How to plant pineapple seeds derived from mature fetus

Ananas from the bone can also grow, but for this it is necessary to buy a fruit at the beginning of autumn so that it is exactly ripe, with seeds, by appropriate force. But besides, how to independently produce seed material, it can be bought in any store serving gardeners.

  1. It does not matter how seeds were mined, in any case, to begin with, they must be soaked by 12-14 hours in biofungicide solution.
  2. Further, for 4 hours, the seeds are soaked in the growth stimulator.
  3. Then they germinate either in special compositionor on a wet marla. It is important that high humidity is kept constantly and the bone was warm. The higher the temperature in the room where the seeds ride, the faster they will turn around.
  4. The soil mixture should be exactly the same as for the extension of the top.
  5. Sustained seeds are plunged into it 2 cm and hide with greenhouse.
  6. Several times a day, the pot needs to be tired.

It is important to remember that germination of some seeds can delay half a year. And all this time you need to ensure that the soil remains wet, and there was warmth.

Plant care rules at home

Pretty pineapple at home is quite simple, but it will be possible to grow it, only if the flower descendant will follow the rules for the care of the plant.

  1. It is necessary to maintain a permanent humidity, but it is impossible to allow root.
  2. The leaf funnel must be filled with water as drying.
  3. Watering pineapple is needed warm, and even better, hot water.
  4. Leaves periodically need to wash.
  5. Several times a day, the plant can be sprayed with warm water, but it is necessary to trace so that there are no drafts.
  6. The ambient temperature should be no lower than + 20ºС.
  7. Several times a month must be made by irrigation overwhelming cow manure. Replace such a valuable organic fertilizer with something else difficult, so you should prepare in advance.
  8. At the same time, mineral fertilizers are made quite rarely, and in winter, they should not add them at all. For spring, summer and autumn superphosphates and potassium salts are made four times.

Tip! For pineapple stimulation during flowering period, an ordinary apple can be used. But it is important that it is natural, and not from the store shelf. Fruit should be cut in half and one part to bury into the soil closer to the roots. Another half is located in a sheet outlet. Further, the pineapple is covered by a n / e coat for several weeks. Ethylene who will highlight an apple will help pineapple blooming.

In the greenhouses, pineapples are cultivated for a very long time. But it turns out that they can be raised their own at home, if you know how to plant pineapple from his top. Unpretentious plant will grow even in northern regions When ensuring appropriate care. And decorate festive table The fruit grown with their own hands is the present pleasure for everyone.

How to choose the right pineapple?

In order to get a new one from the cut top of the pineapple at home, it is necessary to choose this product. That's right - it means to buy a mature, but not surpided.

There are rules to help make a choice true.

  1. Search in the store Fresh pineapple (Long on the counter, the goods may not give roots or from it will develop a weak plant).
  2. Khokholok should not be frozen.
  3. The top of the inspection should be solid, not swept, with elastic bright green leaves. Presence on them dark spots, damage, cuts or dry finishes are unacceptable.
  4. Pineapple himself should not be surpided and misappropriate. Ideally, he should have a golden green peel, and the fruit itself should be elastic.

The optimal time for the purchase of the "correct" product for the purpose of subsequent cultivation of the house is the period from the end of the summer until the middle of the autumn.

How to cook for landing

Before boarding, the purchased pineapple should separate the Khokholok. This can be done using one of the options.

  1. Twinking: to grab the leaves with one hand, and the second, holding the fruit, slowly unscrew the top of it.
  2. Cutting: a knife neatly cut up the top of the fetus, leaving the distance to the leaves of 4-5 cm, while the lower sheets are removed, and the pulp is cut to the root of 1.5-2 cm.

The resulting "sprout" for disinfection is lowered into a weak solution of furacin or manganese.

Instead of solutions can be used woodwood, crushed activated carbon. The root can be sprinkled by one of them or prepare their mixture.

An important point is the drier's dross. With a cord, rope or wire it turns around, and then hangs on 10-14 days. At the same time, its leaves should hang down.

Such a procedure will provide the outflow of all important substances for the plant in the root formation zone and heal the cut.


The cultivation of the plant at home occurs in a conventional flower pot of up to 0.5 l with drainage for draining water. A small layer on its bottom is laid out by pebbles, and the capacity is filled with soil (mix garden soil, humus, peat, sand in equal amounts). You can purchase the finished soil (the soil is suitable for growing plants from the Bromilye family).

In the soil in the center of the center, a slight recess of a depth of 3-5 cm is made, a width of up to 5-7 cm (depending on the magnitude of the plant's plant). To save the plant from rotting, it is possible to pour a crushed activated carbon into the recess. Turn the root can from the mooring of the soil or from its insufficient drying.

Planting plants is carried out according to the following rules.

  1. The root is located in the deepening vertically, the land is satisted and slightly tamper.
  2. The top is fixed to avoid tilt: on the edges of the container, sticks (plastic or wooden) are installed. Threads each wand connects with the top.
  3. The soil is slightly moistened (it can not be poured).
  4. The plant is covered with a transparent capacity or polyethylene package.
  5. The pot is put at home in a fairly warm and illuminated place without drafts.

After 1-1.5 months, the top will give roots. This can be determined by the new leaves that appeared. Package (capacity) can be removed only after their appearance.

Rules for growing and care

Pineapple - a noncain and unpretentious plant in growing. It does not require much care. But there are several conditions that are important to consider.

  • Temperature

Plant loves light and warm. The cultivation of pineapple from its top should pass at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. In the winter months, you can maintain the desired temperature. heating device or lamp.

If the pot with a plant is on the windowsill, it is necessary to protect it from draft and random frostbite.

  • Watering

Being a tropical plant, pineapple easily tolerates the heat and lack of moisture. The main mistake that flower makes is frequent and abundant watering. At home, it must be poured abundantly twice a week, and in the winter it is necessary to do it even less.

The overabundance of water will lead to the rotor and death of the plant. Watering should be carried out only with warm water and then when the soil in the pot is really dry!

Watering follows not only the soil under the culture. Water must also be poured into the leaves so that they can accumulate it in themselves.

  • Podkord

Growing a pineapple of the house, do not often need to feed it with fertilizers. It is enough 2 times a year to make any organic or complex fertilizer intended for room colors.

You can not use alkaline feeding (lime, ash). Even a small amount will lead the plant to death.

In order for the culture to prepare for fruiting and strengthening vegetative growth, on the third year it should be picked up every 14 days organic fertilizer. Houses for this purpose, you can use the infusion of a cowboy containing all important trace elements. It is preparing an infusion simply bucket of water (10 liters) is filled with a third manure, poured with water and it is not 5-8 days with periodic stirring. When the fermentation fermentation is completed, the infusion is divorced with water in proportion of 1: 8.

To stimulate the fruiting and improving the quality of the future fetus, it is recommended to spend another feeding. Well manifested itself as a stimulator carbide. Its small piece (12-15 g) is lowered into the tank (1 l) with water - the drilling and isolation of acetylene will be observed. After sinking the reaction, the solution (30 ml) is poured into a leaf funnel, where the growth point is located. The procedure must be repeated again every other day. From the point is a simple 1.5 months will appear.

  • Lighting

Growing at home requires the favor of the plant in a fairly lit room. On cloudy days or in the autumn-winter season, it is necessary to include at 7-10 hours of the lamp, set 20-25 cm from it.

An indicator that the culture is enough light is large wide leaves and light raspberry color of the edges of young leaves.

  • Transfer

The growing plant should be transplanted in a timely manner in a new, more volumetric pot. Usually the transplant is carried out once a year in spring. For culture, it is necessary to select a low, but quite wide container. Similar to her form corresponds to the features of the roots of pineapple - they are in top layer Soil and do not deepen. Wide in the diameter of the dishes contributes to a good soil aeration - it is very important for the growth of a green pet.

Pineapple is an exotic culture that can be easily grown. But each flower can be patient to be patient to grow its fruit at home. Usually it appears on the fourth year after the landing of the top. Growing while complying with all rules of care allows you to get the fruit weighing up to 1.5 kg. Yes, and the fact that this tropical plant grows at home is an outstanding result, for which you can work hard!

If you want to grow in your apartment some exotic plant, then choose for growing pineapple. It is not difficult to grow pineapple at home. And the result will exceed all your expectations. After 3-4 years, you can get fragrant fruits.

Pineapple preparation to landing

For landing, you can use the top of the pineapple - Khokholok. If you buy pineapple specifically for landing, then pay attention to the fetus itself, and on the Khokholok. First of all, the Khokholok should not be frozen. Most often, winter pineapples have already visited the cold. Therefore, pineapples bought in summer or early autumn will be best for breeding. Choose a pineapple on the Khokholku. It should be intact. Internal leaves should be green, juicy.

Very neatly separate the sharp knife of the Khokholok from the nozzle in the place where they are connected. We try not to touch the flesh. We remove 3-4 rows of the lower leaves, so that the "Penunes" was released approximately with a height of 1 cm.

There are 2 ways to cut cuts:

1 way: Khokholok simply exhausted in a vertical position within 2-3 weeks. During this time, the cut is healing and the maximum nutrient amount of nutrients is moved into the root formation zone.

2 way: The chuffy section is processed by a pink solution of manganese, then slice is sprinkled with ashes and sucked in 5-6 hours.

Preparation of a substrate for pineapple growing

1 View:

We prepare the following mixture: we take 3 pieces of the turf, 2 parts of the leaf land, 2 parts of the rod peat, 2 pieces of birch sawdust, 1 part of coarse sand. All thoroughly mix. The mixture is crushed in the oven or steam.

2 View:

We prepare the main mixture of 1 piece of the turf, 2 parts of the sheet humor, 1 part of the sand, 1 part of the peat. Additionally, for the upper layer, 3 cm is prepare the mixture of sand and leaf humus in the same ratio.

3 View:

Take in equal parts large river sand and peat. A few days before the landing, this substrate should rush to shed steep boiling water. This procedure disinfects the substrate and gives it the necessary humidity.

4 View:

You can simply buy a substrate in a specialized store for Bromeliev, to which Pineapple applies. In general, the soil for planting pineapple should be well permeable for water and air, with an acidic reaction pH 4-5.

Preparation of container for landing pineapple

Capacity Select a small size. Its diameter should be a little more than size Khokholka. The capacity of the tank should be no more than 0.6 liters. You can choose the usual flower pot Suitable size. At the bottom of the pot lay the drainage layer in 2-3 cm. It is suitable pebbles or caramazit. Then we put the soil substrate, in touching 1.5-2 cm to the edges of the pot.

How to plant pineapple

In the center of the pot dig up a hole with a diameter of a little more Khokholka, the depth of the hole - 2-2.5 cm. In the hole I smell a little wood coal. It will protect the edges of the outlet from bothering. Khokholok insert into the hole. At the edges, the pots are swinging a few sticks, 2-4, and tie a joke to them, for consolidation. Earth and tanks spray with water and cover with a cap from glass cans, plastic bottle or polyethylene package. Powder put in a warm, bright place, but not under the right sunny rays.

The optimal temperature for rooting 25-27 degrees. In winter, the pot can be put directly on the battery, putting a skid under it. Rooting occurs after 1.5-2 months. His sign is the emergence of new leaves. "Mini-greenhouse" can be removed in 2 months.

Pineapple care at home

Pineapple - the plant is light-chapter. therefore optimal temperature For the cultivation of pineapple in the summer - 28-30 degrees, at least 25 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be maintained at 22-24 degrees, minimum of 18 degrees. If this minimum is reached the plant will just perish. The perculsion of the root system can also lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, it is impossible to put a pot with pineapple on the cold window sill. Light day for the cultivation of pineapple should be 12 hours. Therefore B. winter time With the lack of pineapple of the house should be highlighted with a luminescent lamp.

Pineapple requires moderate watering. Water is used to be melted or rain, can be replaced with boiled or rescued water. Before irrigated, water should be acidified with oxal or citric acid to pH 5-6. Lemonic acid Can be replaced with lemon juice. Water acidity can be checked using universal indicator lactium paper. Watering the pineapple of the house should only be heated to 30 degrees with water. Water must be poured into the outlet. Watering should be moderate, since the convergence of the Earth can lead to reinforcement. The land between the irrigation should slightly push. It is also necessary to often spray the leaves with warm water. Useful for pineapple so that in the sneakers of the lower leaves there was water. Additional pineapple roots are perfectly absorbed.

Up. pineapple

During the growing season, which lasts from the end of February to September, it is necessary to feed the pineapple every 10-15 days. Best fertilizer - infusion cow or konsky Manuza. The complex of mineral fertilizers like "Azalei" is useful. It must be made in the amount of two times less than is required by other plants. Mandatory 1 or 2 times a month to water and spray the pineapple with a solution of iron vapor. It is prepared at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water. Also it is acidified. It is categorically not recommended to feed pineapple with alkaline fertilizers, such as lime or wood ash.

Transplanting Pineapple

Pineapple at home needs to transplant every year. The roots of the plant should not be given to grow strongly. Every year the size of the pot should increase slightly. Pineapple root system small. For an adult plant, a pot is quite enough, a volume of 3-4 liters. For transplanting use method of transshipment. Conduct it very carefully, trying not to destroy the land coma. The depth of the root cervix is \u200b\u200bincreased by 0.5 cm.

Stimulation of flowering

Pineapple at the house proper care It may be blooming after 3-4 years. By this time, the length of the leaf of pineapple reaches 80-90 cm, and the diameter of the socket is 10 cm. But sometimes pineapple must be forced to bloom. There are several ways to stimulate flowering.

1 way:

The easiest stimulant is ethylene. To obtain it, we dissolve 1 teaspoon of calcium carbide (it is used in a gas welding) in 0.5 liter of water. Close the jar and insist during the day. After that, we drag the resistant fluid, leaving the precipitate and impurities. 50 g of this solution is poured into the center of the socket daily during the week. After such stimulation, flowering is guaranteed in a month and a half.

2 way:

Fumigation. On the plant we dress a plastic bag. Near the pot for 10 minutes we put several lit cigarettes or smoking coal. Be careful, observe fire safety measures. The fusion is carried out 2-3 times after 7-10 days. After 2-2.5 months, pineapple blooms.

3 way:

Pot put in a large plastic bag. There are 3-4 mature apples or tomatoes. This method is simple, but does not always lead to flowering.

Pineapple flowering and fruiting

Flowering lasts about 2 weeks. As soon as the flowers appeared, replacing the organic to the organic acid with a complete complex of mineral fertilizers. Good "Kemira", "Agrikola" or other fertilizers for flower crops. The fruit matures in 5-7 months. The main indicator of maturity is a strong sweet smell and sufficient weight of the fetus. At home, pineapples can reach 0.3 - 1.5 kg.

At the base of an adult plant, side chains often appear - "kids". Such kids can be up to 20. They can be disassembled, in the same way as the Khokholok. Over time, you can get the real plantation of pineapple to yourself for joy and envy.