What to hide young pear seedlings. In the middle lane of Russia

To obtain good harvest From pears, it is necessary to provide a competent care. At the same time, preparation for winter is the most important stage Growing fruit Garden. Below we will consider in detail how to prepare and how to strengthen the pear for the winter so that it pleases with large and sweet fruits annually.

How to prepare a pear for wintering

Pear preparing for winter includes a whole range of events. In order for this culture always pleased with a good harvest, the following steps should be performed with the onset of autumn:

  • remove the parisader;
  • perform autumn trimming;
  • moisten the soil;
  • to feed each tree;
  • to mediate rOCK And protect it from frosts.

In addition, it is worth taking care of protection against various rodents and pests. After completing a complex of such measures, the gardener thereby will protect and protect the pear, so that with the onset of spring, all the impositions will go into growth well and delight with a rich harvest.

Cleaning a palisade

Preparation of pears for the winter begins with garden cleaning. It should be immediately noted that the opinion of experienced gardeners in this matter has radically diverged. Some say that the foliage and other litter should not be removed from the ground. Such components are an excellent insulation for the soil and the root system, and they can get the soil with the useful substances.

If you compare all the benefits and harm from dry foliage and other elements, then the output is one: it will be better to clean. But at the same time, be sure to inspire the soil and make organic fertilizers. By doing so, you can competently prepare a pear towards the coming winter.

So, the first thing that will be needed to do is destroy all weeds. Then, it is necessary to collect all the fallen foliage and dry branches and take them out for the plot. At the same time, consider that during the cleaning of the palication, the soil repack is not produced. Perform such a procedure already at the final stage of the preparation of pear to winter.

Pruning pears

The second stage of pear care is in autumn sanitary trimming. Make such manipulation will not be difficult. As a rule, the purpose of autumn trimming is to deliver the tree from dry and non-pronomous branches.

Also excised those paps that grow incorrectly or twisted. When the trimming is performed, all locations are needed to carefully smear a garden boiler or clay bolt.

Cutting minimum three weeks before the onset of the first cold. The fact is if the sections of the sections do not have time to delay, then there is a high probability that they will join in winter. As a result, a tree with the onset of spring will begin to hurt or will die at all. So try not to delay with this procedure.

Autumn watering wood

Most gardeners ignore the autumn watering. But this procedure is also very important. The fact is that if you do not moisten the soil, then root system not get out of the ground all nutritional elements for recovery own forces After the fruitful season.

In addition, if you make feeding to a non-fatty soil, you can provoke a root system burn.

Watering is performed as follows: for each adult tree pour two buckets warm water. Try not to moisten the pear with ice water, so you can apply irreparable harm.

It is worth noting that many behable gardeners It is recommended to water the pear with a weak solution of manganese.

At the same time, if you decide to perform by watering in this way, make sure that the manganese can be completely dissolved and the water was gentle pink.

Making feeding and mulching

As soon as the soil moisturizing will be performed, you can start making feeding. The main thing is not to forget that fertilizers are brought only after abundant irrigation.

Making fertilizers in the soil will help strengthen the tree, and therefore it will be able to resist even the most tall frosts. And the result will be a good harvest in the next vegetative season.

Three weeks before the onset of the cold, the parisader is drunk and bring overwhelmed organic substances. In addition to them, mineral complexes can be deposited. The only thing, try to choose such drugs that were created specifically for seed crops.

As for young pears, their root is almost in top layer Soil, so the first winter will be the most dangerous for them. Given this feature, it is necessary to take care of the plant in advance.

For this, a young seedling should be thoroughly insulated. As a heater, a pine bark is raised, chopped into small parts. If there is no possibility to purchase such a material, then you can use sawdust, overwhelming or peat.

The mulch ball should be for a young car at least 10 cm, and for the older plant, it is enough to do at 5 cm. With the onset of spring, the mulch is removed, and the earth is fried to ensure oxygen root system.

We protect the tree from frost

When all preparatory work Will be made, with the approach of frosts, the pear must be inspired. For this, the trunk is whitening lime, and when the snaps are completely dry, it is covered with a piece of rubberoid or any other material that is in stock. Perform such manipulation to protect the trunk from the mouse attacks and hares.

If the pear seedlings were only planted and they would have to survive the first winter, then the experienced gardeners recommend to cover them to top with a layer of fabric or spruce branches. Such protection will not only help protect against frosts, but will also become an additional obstacle from rodent attacks.

At the same time, consider that for adult trees such protection will be superfluous. For them, it is enough to lay a layer of mulch and whiten the trunk.

Another point to pay attention to if you are a resident of Siberia or the Far North, then the pear will be very careful.

Sometimes it happens like this: even after careful shelter, with the onset of spring it turns out that the tree is still frozen. For this experienced gardeners Recommended to make the vaccination by the bridge, which will save the pear from death. This procedure is performed as follows:

  • if the tree jumped partially, then all damaged branches must be completely excised, and the slice of the slice is cooled to the garden harvest;
  • in the case when frozobyins are found on the tree, it is necessary to excisely exchem the damaged bore from these zones and part of the frozen wood, since such places will lead to a violation of the normal nutrition of the entire tree;
  • in the case when the location of frost is very large, the bark and wood also excine and perform the vaccination by the bridge.

If you fulfill such a procedure, then in the future all damaged places overgrow and the tree is completely restored.

It is worth emphasizing that the gardener is much easier to warn the partial friction of the tree than to fight the problem that appeared. To do this, it is quite good to whitewash the trunk and the lower branches of the gasharya lime or paint.

Separately, it is worth it to allocate that a pear can often join not only in the winter time, but also in the spring, when the frost is still free.

Therefore, in order to exclude the likelihood of the appearance of Morozoboin in the spring, as soon as the pear will wake up from the winter hibernation and the insulation will be removed, the trunk began to whitewash again. At the same time, do not forget that all damaged places are carefully embarrassed by garden ward or oil paint.


If you correctly prepare a pear to wintering, it can easily survive even the most tall frosts. And with the onset of spring to go into growth. The main thing is for each gardener to fulfill all the simplest rules of care, because they are quite simple and do not require certain knowledge and skills.

When we are talking about the insulation of seedlings, it meants the correct root from the frosts of their roots. Spring branches can be cut, in extreme cases they are cut. And to begin preparations for this should be long before the onset of frosts - preferably immediately after the leaf fall.

Plant insulation may depend on the climate in which it lives. If the winter is predominantly soft, temperatures do not fall below 10-15 degrees, many of the young trees and bushes do not need to be seriously wrapped. In the harsh conditions, the plants have to be seriously protected. Especially in insulation, the plants are needed, which were planted in the fall - they were still poorly rooted and could die without heat. Best to whip them.

It is necessary to correctly choose plants of different crops. You can pay attention to Michurinsky seedlings - they are well checked and well suited for landing right in open sad In the middle lane of Russia.

Landing young plants in an open ground should be held in time for the Earth enough to do enough. When the plant is already in the ground, for some time you need special care and care, and for the winter it should be particularly thoroughly covered.

Materials for insulation

For this use special means - agrofiber, mineral Wat. Great fabric fond of foliage, needles. Earth has ideal protective properties. Its large layer is covered by low plants.


It is impossible to use polyethylene for insulation - it does not let the air, the plant cannot breathe and dies.

Warm bushes

The most common and popular in our gardens of currants and raspberries. They are insulated for the winter approximately equally.

  1. Currant - frost-resistant culture. But at lower temperatures (from -25) may die. To this not happen, you need to do the following:
  • grind the bush to the ground and pushing the cargo. At the same time, the ends of the shoots should be pressed. As a cargo, use the tile - there are grooves on its surfaces in which you can put the escape. Do not use metal cargoes - due to its high thermal conductivity, they can freeze branches.
  • Under one ship can not be flexing all branches - it is better to distribute several pieces. After all, they grow in different directions, and if they are bumping into another - it can harm the shoots.
  • Pick up land shoots - She is the perfect insulation. The thickness of the cover of the Earth should be at least 10 cm, then even without snow, the bush will endure frost to -30 degrees.
  • If the landing of currant in the ground was in the fall, it must be worn completely from above.

Another good way - to bite the agricultural. The only drawback is draws a lot of time. It is necessary to wrap each branch separately, but between them insert the mineral wool. This method of insulation of currant is suitable for those bushes that were planted in autumn.

  1. In exactly the same way, insulating and raspberry.

But to start training the bushes for winter should be with their trimming. This should be done in early October.

At the same time, the shoots towards Earth should be bent. When they are still flexible, they will not break, and on next year Will be fruit. To bend to the ground, each stem is needed separately and they cannot be born.

It is important to follow, so that the leaves do not remain on Malina - they just take strength from her.

Wrapped in this way, currant and raspberry can withstand significant frosts. For a greater guarantee of them and in such a "fur", it is worth bothering and pouring a layer of land. And then they will successfully survive the cold.

How to touch seedlings

A touching "Young" will help the young plant without losses to survive the cold. But that everything went smoothly, you need to do the following:

  • Remove all the leaves so that they do not take a moisture saplings. Without them, the plant will be more frost-resistant.
  • On a small (up to meter), the elevation of digging the hollow in which the seedlings are placed.
  • Plants can not spread the "bugs", the distance between them should be no less than the length of the palm.
  • Near the roots, your young mans should be watered well, while you fall asleep the roots of the earth. Its layer should be about 15 cm. Earth must be slightly tumped.
  • With the onset of cold weather, supassed seedlings must be completely filled with loose land. All winter, after snowfalls, it is necessary to clean the snow near them within a radius of 2-3 meters.

Useful advice

  • In order not to confuse the young, to each of the trees it is worth attaching a plastic tag with the name of its view. The inscription is better to make a marker - it will not melt the precipitation.
  • To protect against rodents near the touch, it is worth decomposing branches spiny plants Type blackberry. In the straw mice will definitely arrange minks. "Buckles" will prevent rodents to get to seedlings.

Warming of fruit trees

If the fruit seedling is already "adult", then no special problems with his insulation can be - it is necessary to simply clue to the land near the trunk - how to fall asleep its root zone by sawdust and peat - by 5-10 cm. Sollar and just sawdust use It is worth - due to rodents.

Well protects the boots from the cold weather. He misses the air and does not allow to get to the trunk of rodents. They simply should clean the tree well.

Be sure to whiten the trunks - it will protect the trees from burns by the Sun.

In the autumn you should choose seedlings winter hardy grades Apple trees, pears and other fruit trees. They are easier to protect them from frost in the first year. The roots should be well covered with agrofiber and keep constantly under a large layer of snow.

Warming of coniferous saplings

So that young seedlings of coniferous plants are not frozen, they are covered with a sapper, bags with sawdust. For them, there is another danger - under the weight of snow they can break down the branches. It must be regularly shaken with them.

Coniferous trees are frost-resistant enough and need warming only in the strongest frosts.

Special attention can be paid to cedar. Among all coniferous trees It is highlighted by its extraordinary decorativeness and the benefit that he can bring health. Phytoncides that allocate essential oils Cedar, well affect the condition of the human respiratory system, they have high antibacterial properties, and this smell does not make mol. And if you grow a cedar in my site - with many diseases it will be possible to say goodbye. True, the usual cedar is a plant of significant sizes, it takes a lot of space. For suburban areas, the direction is laid - siberian cedar. Breeders have developed many different varieties. From the usual, it differs only by sizes.

You can grow it from seeds (nuts) or purchase Siberian cedar seedlings. Practice shows that those whose ships under the winter are better.

If the seedlings of the Siberian cedar grow in a pot, they need them completely, flush, burst into the earth.

A special danger to him can play the sun. It is reflected from snow and can burn badly. So in bright sunny winter days it is necessary to cover the cedar nonwoven canvas.

  • The preparation of pears to winter is starting with the harvest of fallen pitched fruits, which always turns out to be the end of the season under any fruit tree, and leaves. Support leaves and rotting fruits under the tree can not, as they are very good harmful insectsAnd the rot, rot and pass.
  • Over the summer, dried tips appeared on the branches - they need to cut off the sector. If some twigs got damage and dried, they should not be left either, like young sprouts coming from the root. Sections of sections do not forget to lubricate the garden harr.
  • Carefully inspect the bark. It appeared some damage, wounds, irregularities. All of them are thoroughly cleaning from dead particles until only healthy wood remains on the site of the wounds. These places we treat mortar copper Kaper And we smear the same garden harr.

I crush all the rakes, knocking out those fruits that rotted on branches, and remove from the site. You can burn everything, you can simply drop in compost pit.

Autumn feeding of fruit trees and processing them from pests

Pear fertilizers are better to make spring. But some gardeners feed fruit trees And shrubs in the fall. It is not worth doing this, since, having received fertilizers, trees continue to grow. However, the feeding of pears in the fall may occur if fertilizers will not be selected for growth, and in order for the tree to be fully stocking with the useful substances for successful wintering.

  1. The autumn feeding of pears is made to increase the frost-resistant plants and consists of making potassium sulfate and superphosphate. To speed up the arrival of the necessary substances to the roots, it is better to dig a small deepening (about 20 cm deep into) and to make 1 table for each m2 of the rolling circle. Spoon of these fertilizers.
  2. What else to feed the punch in the fall? You can pour out overwhelmed manure together with peat (mulching). Just do it better in front of the most frosts so that the useful substances from the humoring fell to the roots not earlier than spring.

To protect the fruit trees from pests, we will prepare one of the following solutions:

  • in one liter ordinary water Add 0.25 kg wood ash, boil the solution for about an hour, after which we fill with water to two liters. Insist the day and spray trees;
  • on the bucket of the water, add 1 cup of the usual table salt. After spraying with these solutions, all harmful insects will be far a party to bypass your garden.

Protection against bright sun, rodents and frost

Do not forget about whitewash. It is necessary not only in spring, but in the fall, so that with the onset of the first sunny spring days, the rays did not burn the bark of trees.

  1. You can buy the finished whitewash in the store, but you can also do it yourself. To do this, we are divorced in a bucket of water a half kilogram of clay and two or two and a half kilograms of ordinary lime. Belim brush barrel from the lower branches to the Earth. Young seedlings can be blocked completely. It is better to use the usual painting brush.
  2. To protect the lower parts of the stems from rodents, they can be wrapped with a sweetheart (down needles) and tied with a beep.
  3. Next, there is a shallow corrosion. They pour them well, then the trees are easier to transfer the approaching frosts.
  4. After an abundant watering, these circles cover a mulch layer about 15-25 cm. It can be peat or sawdust. With such a coating, the roots have more chances to stay healthy.
  5. If the winter is minor - do not forget during the winter to raise the snow on the rolling circle.

Preparation for winter seedlings

The branches of the young pear can be neatly tied to the tree trunk, so that strong winter winds and wet adhesive snow could not break them. The tree itself will be tied to the pegs driven near the trunk. Some gardeners recommend the branches of young pears to tie to the pegs of the beggie (each branch to a separate peg). Just like mature trees, rather pour seedlings in front of the frosts. Prioric circles cover mulch (sawdust, peat) with a layer of up to 30 cm. Intrush on the roots of more snow. But watch this snow after thawed was covered with ice crust. If this happens, it is necessary to break it down so that air can pass to the stems of seedlings.

Cover the trunks of a spruce noodle and we are tied up with a beep (from rodents).

The transplant of seedlings is better to do in the spring, since the urgent plants can climb or will hurt for a long time until they can recover.

Many gardeners call the pear of the queen garden. But it requires and appropriate care. Especially important autumnal care. It is simple, but know some rules for care, processing, trimming pears in the fall you need to know. We will tell about how to insulate the pear for the winter so that in the summer she was able to please rich harvest.

Preparing pear to winter should begin with thorough cleaning pricework From old leaves, branches, garbage. Produce clearing around trees to remove the remains of fruits, rot. From the branches, it is also better to remove the remaining fruits and leaves. Otherwise, they can become a source of infectious diseases. All collected folds into the compost pit. It will be in a few years good fertilizerIf there are no signs of disease on the leaves. If they are, everything is burned.

An important stage in the preparation of pear to winter is the whims of trees. This procedure Allows you to eliminate burns on the core due to temperature fluctuations. How to spend your whitewash? For whitames are used mortar. He helps to fight the pathogens of the disease. Teaches are considered an excellent reflector sun ray. We can whiten the trunks of pears in a year after disembarking.

Autumn trimming of pears

As soon as all the leaves fall, it is necessary to trim. It will help ensure full-fledged fruiting. Many beginner gardeners are interested when it is better to cut a pear. The right autumn trim is capable of increasing the harvest for the next year. It also helps to form the right crown. Pear trees are high, with regular trimming, they will not grow too much up, which will eliminate the shading of small trees and shrubs in the garden.

Culture trimming can be carried out in the fall, and in the spring. In the fall, trimming is carried out in order to form the right crown, and in the spring to trim dry branches that have not moved frost. When is it better to spend the autumn pruning? Terms matter. Pruning is better to spend at the end of August, by mid-September it is necessary to finish it.

Rules of autumn trimming

  • Pruning must be made correctly. First, the tree is removed all the sick and old branches that grow at a right angle. All branches that grow in the wrong direction are shortened or deleted.
  • Pruning is produced in such a way that no hemp remains. The rings must serve as a heating of the branch.
  • Pruning is carried out only on those trees whose age is more than one year. Crop the trees twice a year. Four years later, it is necessary to form the second tier of skeletal branches. After five years, new branches are rarely appearing, so only selective trimming of pears is possible, otherwise the fruitful branches can be removed.
  • Cropped branches are burned to avoid the spread of diseases and reproduction of pests.

How to insulate a pear for the winter

To exclude the freezing of culture, it needs to be hidden for the winter accordingly. What and how to hide? Depends on the characteristics of the climate and the age of trees. Pear is quite thermalidious fruit plant. It needs careful shelter. Most often to cover trees for the winter are used:

  • boards;
  • sticks;
  • brushwood;
  • napnik.

Begin first insulation is necessary in October, as soon as the first frosts begin. First remove all coasters from the tree, the branches must be closer to the ground. You can use small cargoes in the form of vegetable tops or sand. Top of the branches are poured soil. Also, the shelter is carried out with the help of snow. The snow is poured under the trunk of the tree after falling out the first layer of precipitation.

Features of the shelter of old and young plants

Especially sensitive to low temperatures Young cultures. To their insulation, you need to come up with the most responsibility. It is recommended to think not only about the shelter of the near-break circle, but also the stem itself. You need to take white paper, which is winding the trunk in several layers. Ends are fixed with wire or rope. You can wrap the barrel with bags.

If the pear is old, you can only insulate the rolling circle. This uses a husknik, a trust and other materials. Some gardeners conduct mulching that not only helps to warm the root system, but also to focus the soil that then increase yield.

How to hide a pear for the winter in different fields

When choosing a way of hiding from frost trees, it is necessary to take into account the growing region.

In the middle lane of Russia

IN middle lane A rather warm climate. When growing pears, it is necessary to apply standard insulation. After cleaning the territory it is necessary to trim the pear. The rolling circle is closed with small branches. As soon as the first snow appears, it is necessary to make a mound around the tree.

In the Volga region

In this region, temperate climate. Strip the pear for the winter is simple. You can carry out the soil mulch to insulate the root system. After cleaning, the priority circle should be accurate, and then clicked.

In the Urals

In order for the tree to easily survive the winter, it is necessary to make fertilizers. Gardeners are recommended to carry out the insulation of the root system with a standard way. The trunk is necessarily covered with paper or burlap. It will protect it from frost and from the attack of hares and mice. The shelter of the trunk will help exclude burns that may appear with strong fluctuations in temperature in winter and autumn time.

In Siberia

In Siberia, a harsh climate. The shelter of pears for the winter should be maximum so that the culture does not die. It is necessary to carry out the mulching of the priority circle, then pour into a thick layer of small branches. Next must follow the snow layer. The insulation of the trunk is also necessarily to protect against pests and diseases.

Typical gardener errors in preparation for winter

Often, novice gardeners allow mistakes, preparing pears to wintering. The most common error is the wrong choice of means of insulation.

Do not leave the pruning of pears for spring. It is better to cut sick branches and trimming to form a crown. Autumn trimming Less trauma for garden plants.

Putting fertilizer will allow the plant to fully survive the strongest frosts. It is better to use potassium phosphate or superphosphate. They are brought when they are leaving the priority circle. You can make ditch around the tree and make a humus there. It is necessary to conduct a procedure late in autumnThen the beneficial substances will reach the plant only in spring.

Pear along with an apple tree is the most popular fruit tree. This thermal-loving culture during growing in the middle lane requires insulation for the winter. Preliminary preparation The responsible event includes caring beyond the fall in the fall. From the article you will learn how to insulate a pear for the winter.

It is especially important to stream a young seedling tree in the autumn period, since its root system is still weak and defenseless before frost. As culture adults become more winter-resistant. The competent shelter of young pears for the winter, as well as the creation of protection for adult trees, will save them to the cold from the appearance of Morozoboin on the main stem, due to which the nutrition of culture occurs. It will only help the removal of the bark on damaged places, and if they are large, you will need a vaccination by a bridge for the salvation of a tree. Sheltered pears In the spring will begin to actively grow, and in the future will give a good and high-quality harvest.

Video "Preparation for the wintering of a pear seedling"

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare a pear seedling to the winter period.


You can prepare fruit trees for the upcoming wintering already in August, fertilizers are introduced into the soil. 1 tbsp. l. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are laying on a depth of 20 cm, after which the pits in the rolling circle should be buried.

In mid-October, harvesting dried fruits and fallen foliage. Pruning is recommended for cultures older than 1 year and is carried out twice a year. Waterproof watering is required in the amount of 50-100 liters of water under the tree. At the end of the autumn period, the trunks of crops whiten mixture water-emulsion paint With lime either chalk, wood sawdust is poured into the rolling circles.

How to warm

Next, we will tell you how to independently prepare a pear for the winter, using such materials such as a huskie, a twig, as well as the board and sticks to create a shelter. The first time the event is held in October, from the tree you need to remove the stands, and the branches are clinging closer to the surface of the earth. Make it help shipments from sand or vegetable tops. Next, the branches fall asleep Earth or dropped snow.

Shelter for roots

For age crops, the accumulation of the rolling circle with the help of twigs, fabric and other materials is relevant. Preference should be given to an organichea, namely: tumbling, humus, layers. Mulching is carried out with a layer of up to 5 cm. When spring comes, the material will be taken to remove, carry out loop. And when the tree becomes older, the need for mulch creation disappears.

Protection for trunk

Young trees in defense need a rolling circle, and the trunk itself. You can warm it with old bags or wrap paper. A more complex option is the use of rubberoid or similar to the properties of the protective material. But if you wrap the trunks of trees, you can count not only on the protection of the trunk from the frozen, but also from damage to rodents. As for Siberia and the Far North, where the average temperature indicator in the harsh winters can be up to -30 ° C and below, heat-insulating regularity and polyethylene will come to the aid of gardes, of which they create whole mini-greenhouses.

Features of preparation for winter in the regions

Protection of pears in the Moscow region, the Leningrad region or another area of \u200b\u200bthe country due to climatic features will be somewhat different.

In the nearby gardens of pears can be well overwhelmed, if after cleaning the place near the trees and trimming around the branch little sizeAnd from the dropped snow from all over the site to make a high embankment. The climate in this area is rather warm, such a protection of seedlings is enough.

In the Volga region, it will also be correct to remove the territory from false foliage and garbage, to dwell the rolling shovel and make a mulch for the insulation of the roots. Of particular effort is required, which is associated with the presence of a moderate climate.

Gardeners of the Urals in the autumn period should be filled with pear trees, further cover the roots of the sweetheart or other suitable materialAnd the trunk is wrapped with tight paper, securing it with a rope or wire. The procedure will still allow to protect the bore from burns that are not excluded in autumn and winter time Due to the strong temperature difference.

Stern Siberian climate dictates its own conditions. Create protection for trees is more complicated here than in other areas, but it will be able to protect cultures from death due to very strong frosts. In addition to mulching, small branches of trees must be poured into the rolling circle, and on top additionally insulate the snow layer. The barrel is insulated by rubberoid or other suitable store material.

Beginner gardeners should be particularly attentive: select the right way Wood protection, taking into account the climate of cultivation, carry out the autumn, and not spring trimming.

Competently prepare trees to wintering, you can save them from death and maintain high fertility.